- - , • • . A A . X l' nr ) m _ • •.<•. ?„ 1.0 44 . 4G1 .. - .•;. ••••:. • - •••,- N s s• • -••••••,. oo• • . , t / ti ' 5..7 . ., 1 . 6 lit ISM =!! - Zarbs. John Williamson, ' • A.T..oaNcv AT LAW,—aimer.:-,-invtlio /IL house of Miss McGinnis, near did store of A & W Bentz, §`iiutli Hanover street, Carlisle, Penn'a. saki) 50 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Met H. Hinkley, grIFFICE on Main Street, neur lie Post Di— ll! lice; Dr. IL Is prepared to uso•Gatrahisrn as a remedial agent in the treatment of Paraly sis, Neuralgia and Rheumatic affection:, out dons not guarantee succes fronOts application to all or even any of these7 s discuses. If-chef has been given and , cures effected in a number of instances, and may be in wham. • March 27, 1850, ly. el Card. lit It. JAS . . ine.CULLOUGH. will give his - attendance in the various branches of his prolession, in town or country, to all that may filmy bun with a call. OFFICE opposite the 2d Presbyterian Church and Wert's Hotel lately occupied by Dr. Foulke. sept Doctor 'Ad. Lippe, HOMOEOPATHIC Physician Office • in dlaiu street, in the house 'bribery 'occu -Frall-tiy-P7137-ED,"dhler. Dr, I, 0, Loomis, • Teeth that , .are. requi red for their preservation, such as Sealing:, Filing, Plugging, '&e, or will restore , the loss of them, by inserting Artificial Teeth, from a single tooth o n 101 l sou. -Kr t,lfrice on Pitt street, a few onto south of the Itailraad Hotel. Dr. L. is ab• eat the last ten dtlys of every . month. .4 Curd. •J • W. 11E'N I) EL, Stxrgeon :Dentist 31_, informs his former patrons that he has re. tir.ted 1., Garlisle, and will be glad to attend tt 111; in the Eno of hie profession. 10et.3 Carson C. Moore, A UTORNEY AT LAW. Office in 211 • the room lately _occupied by br. rosier, deceased'. ' mar 31 '47 Wm. Dl. Penrose, A : :1."1 . () jtN Y Al LA NV, uif l_praCtice- -it __the_oeveral Gourts - otCiaii - erland county OFFICE. in Main Streci, in the room former -yr-occupied byti. - 0: - Braudetury - , • I Jame's R. Smith, TTO RN EY AT LAN. Has RE MO VED his office to Beetem's Row, two oors from Burkholder's Hotel. rnpr GEOBNIVEI MGM ILISTICE OF THE PEACE. 01 , - ' rics at his iesidence, corner of Main street nod the Foblic Square. opposite ' l3lltkhOhler ' S Iltdi. In addition to the duffles of itistim of the Peace, will attend to all - hinds of writing, such as deeds, bands, mortgages, indenwres, articles of agreement, notes, &c.. np 8'49. Plainh • eld Classical Academy, POLE JI ILES WEST UP _ CA:l3lp G. The Eighth Session will commence do .310.74 • DAY:, .4Jiy GM, 1850. W.N con:Ayone° of increasing patronage a 1 large and •comtnodious brick edifice has been erected, rendering this one of the most desirable institutions in the state. The various departments are under the care of competent and faithful instructors, and ever) endeavor will be made to promote the moraT anti hifellectit al itnprovetnent of, students. The surrounding country is beautiful and healthful, nail the ti ntitution sultidiently distant .front town ur village to prevent evil associations. erms—sso per Session (Fire Months.) For circulars with full infurtnatiun adtheS9 It li BURNS, Principal Plailyield'P, 0., Cnnzberland Coniail, J'a. Rp It' 50 .7'retv .Ilicadenty. SELECT CLASSICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SCIIOOI,-NEw CUMBERLAND COUNTY, lA. ICis Coliliantlirlielieved that few Institutions offer greater inducements to students than the shove. 'Located in the midst of a commu nity proverbial -for their intelligence, morality and regard for the interests of reAgion, this, Academy. can effectually guard its members twin evil and immoral influences. Advantages are also offered to those desiring to pursue the study of the physical sciences, surpassing those of most similar institutions. - Those having sorts or wards mid wishing-to send them to a seminary el burping, ore re spectfully solicited to visit Nowville,.aml judge of the advantages for themselves, or, at Mast, procure a circular, containing full particulars, by addressing ' JAMES husToN, N ewvilld,-tiv , . 22 ly Principal, Extensive Furniture Rooms TA AI N 7 Ell would respectfully rel 41 the attention of Muse Keepers and the public to his extensive stiiek. of BLEGAN'F including Sofas, Wardrobes, Contr* and oilier Tatilbs, Dressing and plain Bureaus and every othviarticle in his branch of busittess.• Also, now on hand the hugest us: twin-tont of CI-Li.MS in Carlisle, at the lowest „.pyr,c,ollitp made at the shortest notice and a hoarse provided 'funerals. He Belie, - its a.call at his cstahlisluneni on North Hano• ver strecx-Twear.Glass's_lloTELi, N. B.—Fur niture hired out by the MOkltil or-4ear,-- Carlisle, 111nrelr'20, 1850.—ty John P. Lyne WI -101:,E 5 SALE and Retail Dealer in Foreignand Domestic Hardware, Vella, Oil, Glass, Varnisli,'&4, at the old stand in N Itaxibver street, arlisle, has:lust received from Nanr York and Philadelphia a large addition to his runner 'stock, to which the attcntion.of buy ers is requested; Ss he is desertained to sell lower than any other house in town. -- aprl9 Lumber-Yard. THE• hubseriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally that he hus just opened a new LUMBER AND GOAL YARD in West 'High street, a few doors cant- Of Messrs J,& D Rhoads's Warehouse, where he 'now has - ard „will keep constantly on ---,:nand-a:lirst-rate assortment .of all hinds at sea ironed pine boardand plank and all other kinds of atuff all of . which he will sail low for cash April 3, 1853. JOHN N. ARMSTRONG Wotice. , ustiE Contmiasioners of Cumberland county damn it proper to , inform the ptiblic, that the sta. 'eitinietings OF Comniissioners will be hold on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, at which . time any persons having business with said Board, - will meet them at tnoir Wilco in'Carlisle. Atten, tIVM. WILEY,'Cl'it. NOTICE, UNIORLELLAS, Parasols and Sunshades made, covered and repaired, by the subscriber at hie ,Tio Shop, in' East ',outlier ' , street' Gar lisle.. ' , Forms cull, but prices 5 1V . 111. FRIDLEY. Cairlisle January . , 29,' 0 ~• • . ,l . Iron Iron. • . , 10 'ons Hammered and Rolled Iron, just ;13- /et:dyed at the cheap Hardware store of- the__Sub -1 scriber in East High Street. For. sale law by - 'Fob. 13,,1850.• HENRY SAXTON. • Dyeing : and Scouing. • wILLI AM BLAIR, in Louther Street; naps tho Gollogp, dyes Ladies' and Gornto mon's upward, all cam, and warrants all work obo sattsladtory.- Orders in his Imo iospoctiully ooited. ' ' • Ben 2.'4a - . .13himiugr. Bpard , Paperp. ust ouned g variety . oi: Paper fer7eover , ing!eliimne4boards. Alca for Winilovr nitride. An entirely new ~ heelbarrow fo ' W Lapt7,l . . IMS --- , - . , -, 07 Fatuity alete.4paper„-.lsoevotell to Literature griculture, , . - . ,_ , THERE ARE TWO, THINGS, SA ITH LORD BACON, WHICH MAKE A NATION GREAT AND PROSPEROUS,-7A FERTILE SOIL AND 1311SY WORKSHOPS,-TO MaADD,.KNowLgDGE AND nEE D Om . h H DRUGS! DRUGS : Y DRUGS! IHAVE just received a Fresh stock of Med icines, Paints, Class, Oil, &c., which 'Awing been purchased with great care_at the best city houses Fenn confidently recommend to Families, P hysicians, Coun:ry Merchants end Dealers, nu bate fresh and pure. _ . . Patew Fine beini- eals, Instruments, Pure-Essen': Oils Cod Liver Oil DYE Indigoes, Madders, Sumac Alum, Wetherill & Brother's Pure - Lead, Chrome Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey Window Glass, Lihseed Oil, Turpen tine, Copal and coach Varnish, and Red Lend. All of which _will he sold _aLthe-very -lowest tuarlcat - p - riee, — Ais - o,a hen and splendid ns sortpnent or • FANCY GOODS, FRUITS, Confectionary, and innumerable other articles cilculaied for use and orninnent, all of wl.ich .nru: offcred:dt_ the_loweat_cash--prices, -at- the cheap Drng Book and Fancy Store of the sub scriber en North Hanover street. S. W. IfAVERSTICK. May 22. 1550. WILL perform al operation . B upon the A NEW ASSORTNLENT OF FRESH GROCERIES US RECEIVED by the subscriber, a mong, NVtlieh is a selection of . 4,10 COFFEES, - from strictly prime to common, at 10, It and 12 emits cents per pound. Also 'BROWN SUGARS, at 5,6, 7 and 8 cents per pound. Also, a gen eral assortment FRESH TEAS, Greens snd.blacks, selected at the Tea house of the well known firm of Jenkins & Co, Phil adelphia, which together with n large assort ment of the other articles usually kept by ps. is offered to the public in the 'obidideht that for (motility and prices on examination will prove equaLaud prOhably.superioy to-any other assortment in this place. J. W. EBY. • Carlisle; May 22. 650. AT "BEE 4 LL persons desirous of seeing the newest and best Goods of the season, let , them call It the Belt Hive in North Hanover street. The subscriber has just returned from the city and has now opened a very hirgejand hand seine stork of SPRING & SLIMMER GOODS, of every style and variety. Such as Baragen. and Tissues, Lawns front 10 cents to any price you want, Linen'Lustres, from 12 to 31, Linen Lustre Bareffes, a, new article, Foulard Silks, Corn, Blue, l'ink and Fig'd Delaines, Calicoes from 3 to Ti cents Per yard, Bonnets, Ribbons, Hosiery. Gloves, and many more articles for Ladies which 1 hive not room insert -- _ have.niso for Gentlemen all kinds of goods,' 'such as CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & ,rES• 'PINGS, end all kinds of Goods for Gentle men's use, and I will take this opportunity, of saying to my friends that I keep' constantly on hand all kinds of READY-MADE CLOTH- !NG. Mr. Reighter having his shop in my store, enables me to have made to order, on the shortest notice, any garment that may he wanted. I also keep COFFEE & StIGAI2. 01 all kinds, together with every other article necesshry, hoc Family use. Please call and ex amine soon where all attention will he given to please. m 1 S A COYL,E. EXTRAORDINARY RED UCTION IN THE rrice of Hardware. I HAVE just received the largest and Cheap est, stock of HARD WA,RE, Glass, Paints, Oils Varnishes, Saddlery, Chrpenter's and Cabinet Maker's Tools, Mahogany, Venders and all kinds eh-Building-Materials ever,,brought to Carlisle consisting of Locks; Hinges, Sefews, Nails nod Spikes. Pelsons about to build will find i , greatly to their , advantage to Molt at my stock before, purchasing elsewhere. Come and see the Goods and hear the :price and you will be convinced that this is reallk the Cheap hard ware Sthra. Also, in store anvils, vices, files and rasps, and a complete assortment of Watts' Best Bar Irotr, alseltolled and Hoop Iron of all sizes. I have also the Thermometer Churn made by Mr, George Spangler, the best article now ill Use. SCYTHES.—I have 'just received my Spring stock of Grait and Grass Scythes, manufactured expressly for my own sales, and 'warranted to be a superior article. Cradle makers and others will find these Scythes to be the best ar tide ip the market and at the lowest ;price wholesale and retail at the old stand in North :anover inreet, JOHN P LYNE. Nlay •29„1850. The People's ibin'e, THE undersigned, by the particular request of thousands of their friends, hereby announce to a11,..wh0 seek and love pleasure, that it Grand Excursion, will take place this and every day throughotit the season in the beautiful safety cm' "Clictimide, propelled' by the low pressitre engine "1 it-sure,' and in which all, both old and young, are invited to participate. The ex• cursion will bo conducted upon a plan entirely different from any before got up in this neigh borhood, both for cheapness and dispatch ; and the pleat use it will afford -those who join in it can scarcely, be emir - mica. Tickets will• be furnished aC.half the atonal price, and the public can start from any point they ' , tense, stopping o nly itt the CHEAP AND IMPROVED , Clothing Emporium, • next door to Burkhohler's Hotel on West Main street, where the cheapest and most fashionable assortment or C„0TIIIN can be found—all our own manufa cture—and which we can tell ns cheap'as the; out be bought at any of the large city establishments, and 20. per cent. lower than at any other house in this Borough. We respectfully invite tile public to take this pleas.c,,, - ant trip to our store, and examine our as sortment of • CLOTH, DRESS, FROCK AND SACK COATS of various colors and'Styles, Pante Veste and Roundabome, Pen Jackets, HATS and CAPS., ,phints and .9toel6ings, Suspenders, Cravats, and all the clifForent alleles necessary to constitute qentloman's Wardrobe. Don't forget the .plitee—next — iloOr - to Burkholder's notel,. to where we have just removed. Having a large assortment' of Cloths, Caseimeres and Vestings on hmd, we aro prepared 'to make _pp to order all kinds of Clothing nt.thd shortagt,nolice and on the most reagonable , Jernia. . •-' • ePle M & L STEINER. • Great: Bargains! ‘l4'.N be expected froM the subscriber, as ho lJ has just received 1. now and splendid ns sorimon.t. of WINTER. GOODS, Which ho offers to his customers' and otliera -whn May favor him with a call at great Bargains! . . CLOTHS AND -CASSIMERES, • satinets,„yolvet cords. Ky. jeans, gcntlot, low, white and Canton Flannels, Unhinge, 1111118 lins f talico:, cashmeres, de lance, alpacas, Co burg cloths,•glov,os; hosiery, Irish linen, coin &c, • , ' SHAWLS: SHAWLS !I • • • A largo and splendid aSsortment of Long and Square, Shawls, at , all prices to .suit tl limos.• . • . • BOOTS AND SHOES. - - - - - Also, Boots and Shoos, which ho is &norm inod to sell low, at his , stand, in North Hano first: worn' below Havorstick's Drug Store. vor stpet, Carlislo.—. .3. G. CARMONY. EGARB.---A finb lotjuLt riceived lor S Bale, by box or retail nt HUBBARD' feb.l3-,5e - - -Drug & Vara! v Store tor es Sz, ,ei)ops, Fresh Spring Supply I R LI Gl3. Herbs and Extracts, • Spices, ground and whole Essences, Perfumery, &c. Wai'ennted Gelatine., •ST Li H.S. Log aml Cam Woods, Oil Vitriol Copperas, Lac Dye PAINTS. w - gr 0 OD S r if • *rte.' TIIE Clear the Track! lEEE lEEE BY 'MISS JANE ROSCOE now oft henenth Ilia bleat and healing wings Ile would have gathered me,— slid I would not -Like a wenk - bird, all heedless of my lot, - Perverse and idle in my wanderings. N,ow would my soul return, and trembling bring The wearied pinion to its wonted rent : And feint with Its short flights and flutterings Wcrtild seek a refuge in its phrenenest. Oh Father 1 in Thy mercy shelter me, For I am worn with mortal miseries: My dark and earth-entangled spirit, free, And plume it, to ascend its native skies t , With loosened wing, to Thy high rest to soar. And never In desert its mansion more From the Dublin University Magazine. ADVENTURE WITIf A GHOST. 112= About four-end-thirty Years ago I Vas tray citing through Denbighshire upon a mission which aic;etied despatch. I had, in fact, in my ch_jorgossorimpapers_whick._were-required--for legal preliminaries to a marriage, which, was about to take place in a family of consideration , upon the bordeis of that county. The season was winter, but' the weather de ligbtfulthat is to say, clear and freely; and, even without foliage, the country through which 1 posted was beautiful. Thu subject of my journey was a pleasum. one. , I anticipated an agreeable ,visit, and a cordial welcome ; and the weather and scenery were precisely of the sort to second the cheerful associations with which my excursion bad been undertaken Let no one, therefbre, suggest that I wad pre disposed ter the reception of gloomy,or horrible impressione.. When the sun set, we lied a splendid moon, at once soft 'and brilliant ; and 1 ,pleand mys - elf wills-watching the altered, and,, if possible, more beautiful effects of the scenery through - svhielrwe were smoothly - rolling, I was to put up for the night at the little town --; and - on teaching ,the hill;;-over I which the approach to it is conducted, about 'a short mile from its quaint little street—l dis mounted, and directing the postillion to Walk his jaded horses leisurely up the _3vinding rad, I trod on before bins in the pleasant moonlight, and sharp, bracing air. A little by-path led di rectly up the steep acclivity, while the carriage road more gradually ascended by a wide sweep - j f - Nis little path, leading through fields and hedgerows, I followed, intending to anticipate the arrival of my conveyance at the summit of the 'hill. HIVE" ' 1 had not proceeded very far when I found myself close to a pretty old church, whose ivied tower, and 'conntlend vrtsmitm wero - glittering in The moonbeams—a high, ir regular hedge, overtopped by tall and ancient trees enclosed it:; and rows of funereal yews. showed hluok and mournful among-the wen or raynT:headstenes that kept watch over the vil lage dead. I was so 60 Unit With the glimpse I had cahght of the old churchyard, that I could not forbear mounting the little stile that corn. mended it—nn scoine could be imagined more still and solitary. Not a human habitation was ricer—every sign and sound of life was rever ently remote; and this old church, with its si lent congregation of the dead marshaled under lie' walls, seemed to have spread round it a cif , •elelof stillness and desertion that plerMed, while it thrilled me. __No.suund ryas-hero-.audible-but-the-softened rush of watemand that sweet note of hoine and safety, the distant baying of the watch dog, now and then broken by the sharper,,raitle of the carriago.whocis upon the dry road. But while 1 looked upon the sad and solemn scone before me, these ,sounds were interrupted by ono which WNW, and, indeed, for a inoMent, froze ino with horror. The sound was a cry, or rather a hotel of despairing terror, such as I have never heard heferc or since uttered by human voice, It broke from the • stillness of the eh urch yard ; .but 1 saw no figure front which it proceeded—though this circumstance, indeed, was scarcely wonderful, ¢s the broken ground, the trees, tall weeds, and tomb stones alTorded abundant coior for • any person who :night have b sought concealment. Tho. cry , of , unspeakable age)) , was succeeded by a silence:. and, I confess, my heart throbbed strangely, when the same voice articulated, in the same tone of agony : `Why. will you trouble the dead ? Who con tonneaus hefore tho time 7 L Will Mali to you'in my fl csh, though after ,my skin worms destroy this body—and you shall speak to 'mo face tofaco,' Thikettringe addrceswas followed by anal er cry.of dospotr, which died away an tuiddonly as it was raised. I never could toll why it was 1 was not moro horror-stricken than I really was by this mys terious, and, all things considered, even terrible inlorpellation. It was not until Ike silence had again returned, and the faint rustling ,'of the frosty breeze among the wisp weeds crept tow ard ern; like the stealthy approach of some un- frilly influence, that felt a auporatitioos tor rtts, gradually inagiro ino, which_hurried me at 'an accelerated Paco from the place. A fe4 minutes, and I heard the friendly voice of my uriotcet hallooing to me from this summit of the hill. RSassurod, as I approached 'him : , I abated my ME .1 saw you standing on • the otile, sir, by the church-yard,' he said, as drew hear, ,''and I ask your pardon fur not giving you the hint be fore, but they say it is not luckyl end I called to you loud . and lusty to come away, sir; but'l see you are nothing Ilio worao of it.' . 'Why; what is thoro.to be afraid of there, my good follow 1' I diked, affecting as much in difference as ,I nos able. 'Why; said, the man, Or owing an unoa-' sy look in the dit cetion,..they do say. there's a bad:Spirit haunts it; :and nobody in these, parts .you'd 'go near it atter dark for love or monety.l. .11auntOn' I repeated . ; , 'and how duos the spirit shoW *Ralf 'asked. ' - 'Oh' ;hawk, all /Moo of stepeti 7 somo• times like an old 'woman sinost doubled in two with.you,rs,' ho answored; sometimes like tt lit tie child'agolagr along a full foot high abovo the grass of the gravoe; and somellines liko a big black rem,strutting on his hind legs, and with pair of eyes like live coals; and some have scan him!) in the shop of a Lusa, with his arm raise up toward the sky, and his 11010.1ning.1 iiiiliii Vratno SONNET.. 1 CARLISLE, -JULY 24, 1850.• frig dpwn,lis If his nook wus broke. I can't thiuk of half the ehapcs ho has took at different times; but thoy'ro all bad: the,i , ory child, they say, when he comae in that shape, has the face of Satan—God bleep tie! over the same that sees hint once.' By this limo I was agein.imatcd in mj vc- hiclo, and some six or eight .minutes' quick driving whirled us into the old fashioned street, and brought the chaise. to a fdil atop before the, open , door and well lighted hall of the Bell Inn. To me them has alivays been an air of-indescribable cheer and comfort about a substantial country hostelry, especially when one arrives,' es I did, upon a keen winter's night, with an appetite assharp, and something of thatconse of adventure and'excitement which before the dais of down'trains and tickets, al ways in a' reater or.jefs degree, gave a zest to traveling. Greeted with that warmest of wel-• comes for which inns, alas I aro celebrated, I had soon satisfied the importunities of c keen appetite ; and having . for some hours taken mine ease in a comfortable parlor befrip a blazing fire, Negan to feel sleepy, and betoc ilLTyself to mymy no less comfortable bed-chamber. Jr is not to be suppcised that the adventure of the church-yard had been obliterated from my recollection by the suppressed hustle and good , _cheer of One On the contrary, it had oc cupied mo.almost incessantly during any solita ry ruminations ; and as the night advanced, and the stillness of repose anti desertion stole over the old mansion, the sensations with which thia train of remembrance and speculation was aa companied become anything but purely rilcas- ant. .1 felt, I confess, fidgety and rior=rseareli cd the corners and recesses of the oddly-shaped • and roomy old'apariment-14urned the face of' the looting glass to the wall—l poked the fire ri to a rearing blaze-1 looked bebindtheyrip, dow curtains, with a vague `anxiety, to assure myself that could be lurking there.— The shutter was a littlp oaten, and the ivied lower ofille little church, and the_. tufted tops of the trees that surrounded it, Were visible o ver the elope of the intervening hill. hastily shut obt the unwelco - me object, and in a mood of mind, finest confess, favorable enough tO• any freak my nerves might please to play . me, I hurried through my dispositions.for.the night, humming a gay air all the time, to re-assure myself, and plunged into bed, extinguishing the candle, and :-shall I acknowledge the weak ness 7 nearly burying My head under the blank. I lay awake some time, as men will do un der such circumstances, but at length fatigue ovretime me, and I fell intom.prefound sleep.- Prrw fl i i.,. - Mpoarre — 'wrny t - rwrrevcrrafilllFlCO Iti the manner lem about to describe. A very considerable interval must have inter There was a cold air in the room very unlike the comfortable atmosphere i'n which I had composed myself ,to sleep. The fire, though much lower than when I had gone to bed, wan still omitting flame enough to throW , a Bicker ing light over the chamber. My curtains, were, however, closely drawn, and I could not eco beyond the narrow tent In which I lay. .There had been as I itsvakcd, a clanking a-. mong the fire-irons, us if a mask hand -was striving to arrange tho fire, and tl a rather un accountable noise continued for ome seconds after I had become completely u ake. Under the impression that I was eitbjt cted to an.accidental intrusion, I called out, first in a gentle and - afterward i n a sharper tone : - ,'Who's there 7' At the second sumtnons the sound ceasod,and • I hoard instead the tread of naked . ' feet, as it. scorned to me, upon the floor, Facing to and fro, between the hearth and the bed in which Hay. A superititieus terror, which could nut cum' bat, stole over me; with an effort I repeated my munition, and drawing myself upright in the bed, expected the answer with a 'strange sort of trepidation. It came in terms and Imo° wattled,' withaccossaries which I shall not soon forgot. The very ranurtenee which had so startled mein _the church:yard ilia 'evening before, the very sounds which I had hoard' then and•th . ere; were now filling my' ears, and spoken in the chamber where I lay. 'Why will-you trouble the dead? Who can torment us before the time 7 I will come to you in my flash, 'though aftermiy 'skin worms 'de stroy .this bady; and you shall speak with me face to face."" As swear thatthe words and 1... v. voice were the very Bailie I had heard on the oc casion I had mentioned, but (and Mark this) re peated to no one.' With' feelings which I shall -not attempt to describe, heard the Speaker ap. pond) the bed —a hand parted the iood.our tainaapd drew-them -upon, reySalied a - form mere horrible than my fancy had ever seen-‘an almost gigantic figure—naked, except, for/what might well have beet; the rotted remnant shroud-stoacluso beside my bcd—livid and cadaverous—grimed as it seemed with the dust of tho grave, and staring on me with a gaze of despair, malignity, and fury, tot intense almost for human endurance. • • -‘ '1 cannot soy whether I spoke or not, but this infernal spectre answered me nail I had. dead • and,yet Olive,' It Said, 'tha 'child of perdition Lin the grave I am murderer, brit litre lam Arou.vox. Fall down and worship me.' • • flaying thus spoken, it stood Or timoment at the bedkidn,and then turned away with a spud• dering moan, and I boat sight or it, hut, after a few seconds itcathetigain to the bedside as be fore. When I died they put me under Mervyn's, tombstone, and they did not bury me. 'My foot lie towards the sinsl-L-turn theni towards the epel and 1 will rest.-:..maybe I will rest—l will rest—restretft.' . - Again ilte.figure . was gone,,and once again it retnrned‘ and said, . • .1 am your master-1 am , your resurrection and your life, and therefore, fall down and wor ship inn:. . „ made a motion to. mount upon the bed, but. what further passed I know, notfor fainted.. 1 must hare lainin thisstatefor a long limo, for whon I imcarae , conscious the, tire ,Was at moel' ,seoraod almoA interminable I lay, sburcely daring tO !goalie, andafraiif,to got up lost I should encounter the •Iddeens apparition, for aught t knew, lurking close. , beside me. .1 lay, therefore, In an agony of expectation such as I will not aibimpi to, de scribe, atyalting ,lhu appearance el ,tho day light. insiness and General Gradually it came, and wiih it the cheerful and reassuring sounds of life and occupation,' At length I mustered courage to reach the bell rope, and hay rung lustlly, I plunged again into bed.. • --- iDr - artho - witidow curtains—.open--the shut tere,' I exclaimed us the man entered, and, these of dors executed, 'look about the mord,' I added, 'and see whether a cat or any otherani- al has got in.' There was nothing of the sort; and satisfied that my visitant was no longer in the chamber, I.dismissed the man and hurrieil through my toilet with breathless precipitation,. Ilasteipng'from,the hated scene of lily ter rors, I escaped to the parlor, whither I instant ly summoned the:. proprietor of 'the Bell' in propria persona. I suppose 1 belied scared and haggard enough, for my hcist looked upon ma with an ppression of surprise and inquiry 'Shut the - door,' said G. It It was done. 'I have had an uneasy night in the room you assigned me, sir ; I may soy indeed, &miserable nigh I said. —Prey;' - resumediJiiterrupirnOis apologetic. expression of surpise, 'has any, person but my , self ever complained of- - --of being disturbed in lhat•room 'Never,' be assured me. I had suspected the ghostly old practical joke, to often played off by landlords in story books, and fancied f might have 'been deliber ately exposed to the chances of a 'haunted chamber.' But there was no acting in the •auk look and honest denial of mine host 'lt is a very strange thing,' said I hesitating; and I do not see why I Mould not tell you what has oceyrred. 4nd asl - could swear, if neces sary the perfect reality of the entire scene, it behooves you, I think, to sift the matter care fully. For-myself, I cannot entertain a doubt as-to the nature of-thedruly terrible visitation to which I have been subjected; and, were 1 in your position, I should transfer .my establish ment at once to some other house as well sui ted. to- the purpose, and free from the-dreadful liabilities.of this.' I proceeded to detail the particulars of the occurrence of the past night, to which he lis tened with nearly'as much horror as 1 recited them. 'Mervyn's tomb repeated after me; why that's down there in 1 1 —r: the church yard you cut see from the window of the room you dept in.' 'Let us go there instalitly,' I exclaimed with an almost feverish anxiety to ascertain whether we shotild discover in the niece indicated any thing corrobointivo of the authenticity of my vision. • shan't say no,' said he .+t vinnatc - braeing , himself fur an of 'courage g 'but we'll take Faukcs, and James the helper, with us; and please, sir, :you'd 'not mention the circumstance as has occurred to either on MEI gave bini the a i ssuranee he asked for, and in a few minutes our little party were in full march upon the point of intelest. There had been an intense black frost, and the ground, reverberating to our trend wish the hollow sound of a vault, emitted the only, noise that accompanied .our rapid.. advance. • i and my host were' too 1111101 preoccupied for eon• vctiation, and our attendants maintained a res. pectful silence. A few minutes brought us,,to the low, gray walls and bleak hedgerows that Surrounded the pretty old, church, nod all its melancholy and its picturesge memorials.' 'Mervin's tomb lies the r m, I think, sir,' he said pointing to a corner of the Church yard, in which piles of rubbiSl), withered weeds, and brambles were thickly accumulated under 010 solemn, though imperfect shelter of the wintry He exchanged some senteimes with our at endants in Welsh. 'Yes, air, that's UM place,Oin added, turning 0 ma . . And as we all approached it I. bethoughi• me dint the direction in which, as 1 stood upon the stile, 1 had heard the voice on the night prece ding, corresponded accurately with that indi cated by my. guides. The tomb in. question was a huge slab Mf bliglinarblo, supported, as was made apparent when the surrounding , brambles were rumored; upon six pillars, little more than two feet high each. There was ample room-for tibumait body tulle insult: this funeral poet-house ; and, on stopping to look beneath, 1 was unspeakably &hocked to sea that, something like 'a Uttennw lige re was actually extended there.- • , it wi3s indeed, a corpse; and +AO is more, corresponded in everi trait'with the internel phantom whibbi be. the preceding night, had visited and appalled - me: -7." rhebogy, though miserably . omacia led, was that of a large•boned athletic man, Of fully six feet four in hnight3 and it was, therefore, no easy task. to withdraw it 'from the receptacle where it had been deposited, and lay it, as our assistants did, uLfili • the toinbstonp which had covered it. SNioge to say, moreover, the feet of the body, as -- We found it, had been planed toward the west. . As I looked upon this corpse, and recegui- ad but too surely, initaproportiona and lima uferde, every trait of the apparition that had btoo i.k ...... al. my heMsida, with a ocientenatice aiii mate 4 11Y Ilia deiMair and malignity of the dank nal; !Mart fluttered and sank withinma and I re collect from the effigy oCthe diiiiicit with l ' 6rtor - ,- - iiecond - only to that' whiCh hat thrilled me on 'the night-preceding. .. Now; render—honest render—l:appeal to your Own 'appreciation! of - testimony, and ask you, having those facts in evidcnco, the deposition Or titicya Mid car witness; whole viirneiti, through a long life,'ltaS once been compromised or questioned, have, you; or have you, not, in the foregoing story, a well authenticated Mary. Before you answer the abort) spostion, how ever:Of niay be convenient to let you know car-' tain , other facts'wleli u.ere clearly established upon the irquest that was .vory prOperly held ypon the body /Odell in io,:strange. a inanner we had diseevere& • • • i purposely. avoid (Wails,' and witlio • ut as 'eigning thddepoiitions.rospectively . to the wit nesses who inadethcinGshall restrict myself to a naked outline of the' evidence an it appeared: 'The body 1 have de'seribed, watt Identified as that of Abrahant ‘ Sanilb, an unfortunate' tic s who had; like the day{ but one 'preceding; made lie escape from the neighbbring• potlatt workhouse, where ho had been for many years confined. His hallucination tvlaitrstrantge, but not by any means an unprecedented one. Ho fancied that-he had died, and was condemned ; and, as peso ideas alternately predoMinated, sometimes spoke of himself as an 'evil spirit,' and sometimes Importuned his keepei to 'bury him-;' using habitually certain phrases, which .1 had no difficulty in recognizing as among those which he had addressed to inc. He had teen traced LO the neighborhood where'„his body was fountl,,and had been se,farid retie• .. 'red scarcely half a mile from it, hours before my visit to the clii,rch-yard There were, further unmistakeable' evidences . ol some person's having eljnbed up the trellis work to my window on the previous night, the shutter of which had been left unbarred, and as the window might have: been easily opened with a push, the cold which I had esperienced, as an accompanimenl. of Elie nocturnal visit, was casilyAgeounted fur, 'llter_o was kmark of blood upon the window-stool, arid a scrape upon the knee of the body corr wooded with it. A. multiplicity of other slight circumstances, and the positive assertion of the chambermaid that the window had been opened, and %lie but s imperfectly — Clindd again, came in support a-, the conclusion, which was,to my mind satisfac-' torily settled by the concurrent eviderteis — g - ii; medical men, to the effect that the unhappy man could not. have been many hours dead when the body was found, ' Taken in the inass, the evidence convinced and; and though 1 might still have clung to the preternatural theory, which, in the opinion of some persons, Lhd facts of the case: might. still have sustained, I candidly decided with the weight of evidence, 'gave up the ghost,' and accepted the natural, but still somewhat horri ble explanation of the occurrence. For his candor I take credit to myself. I might have stopped'short al the discovery of the corpse, but I am nu -friend to 'spurious gospels L' let our-faith, whatever it - banes( fact.', For my part, 1 steadfastly - believe — in -- ghosts, and have dozens of stories to support that belief; but this is not among them. 7-- §hould - 1 - evereoine;therefore,„to tell you one, Kay relnoniber that you have to deal with L. candid...narrator. • METH SET ON roD,Og.—All acid foods, drinks, medicines, and. tooth ivaelies and powders, are very injurious to the teeth: If a tooth is put in cider, vinegar, lemon juice, or tartaric acid* In a few hours the enamel will be completely destroyed, so that it eon be removed with the finger nail as easily att if it were chalk. Most have experienced what is called' Betting the teeth on edge.. The explanation of it is, the acid of the fruit that has been eaten has so fur softened the - enamel of-the tooth that the least cmlum - vuo -- 1•••vo••••••••6 0••• , ••• - ••••• -, which pervade the thin membrane which con nects the enamel and the bony part of the tooth. Such an effect cannot he produced without in juring the enamel.,. True, it will .becorn e hard again when the acid has been removed by the fluids Of the mouth, just as an egg shell that been softened in this; way becomes hardened by being put in water.. When the effect_ of sour fruit upon the leitli - Anis _subsided, they feel as well as over ; Mit they aro not.as well.— And the oftener it is repeated, the.souner will the disastrous consequences be manifested.— Family V6it-or. illiams, a 'Welshman, employed in straigh mg rails at the iron Works on the Co .toga y Lancaster - county, - uses for the - liu - c: pose a sledge weighing 'ninety pounds.' 'Every rail made, requirOs 'at !chat 'seven' blown w ith this humour; hammer to straighten it, and ' as all the rails arc straightened, by him,. he is Com pelled to give nearly 'one thousand blows with it every day.' It would seem as though the bunion frame was not capable of such . tronion- • dons exertion, yet Mr. William's enjoin' ' lent health, and apparently grows stronger with every day's exorcise. [This John • William s must be 'O. decided 'bloWer,' as every seven blows' ho 'a trikes,' he raises 630 lbs; and if ho 'compelled! to strike 'ono thousand blows l per day, he raises 90,000 lbs. a day, or 559,000 pounds a week—Sampson was. a strong man, but Mr. Williams must be a-stronger.] ECuicATIoN , AO' CRinis.- , 14r J. J; Randall, of New York, states that an stxtt motion of the officialreturns made to thO SOMMary of State by the Shpiifrs of the several counties,. -of the convictions had in thoaeveralbourts of Record throughout the State,and in tho Year 1840 to 1848, both inclusive, 'comir - isini period of nine years, giving the following result:—The• whole number of persons returned, as having lieen convicted:of:crimes in the several coun ties and cities ofsthofitute,- during_ _the...period. referred to, was 27, 940 ; of these, 18 2 . wero returned as having received a "common educa tion," 414 as having a "Coldrahly good educa tion," and 128 only as "well educated." Of the remaining 26, 225, alkut half Were able Merely to road and write. 'The residue were destitute of any education whatevor. A pious African at imitievllle .atainbled while . Walking, ono very dark night, ,a\ wae pitched head fortmont, down a cellar, 4hiclt afforded him an , "open enhance,' Springing to hle,fect, ha nitelaimed,.."Brese de Lord' dat 1 lit on my head If die, nigerlied scraped hho shine no hard, I epee he broke hie leg," • opinion, of the utility of periodical publication. ,• I con aiderench easy ohic.kles of krionlo'clgo more happily euleeleted thin any 'other to preeerVd_ the liberty, stimulate •the unlearn , and melio ,rate the morale tif an enlightened and, free pea plc.—Washington, .From Oregart,,weloato that the Indi iinstnive giveil'np to' day. Lane the murder ers of the missionary, Dr. Whitman, and hie 'family., Among them, aro two Catholic pricits. A now Indian war is runiored .In:the territory. oonoequanco of the *war of some emi ts. •. • . • I Tim, rivalry .out wog. among , noivapa- Poo le.qo great (list oae journal aae pimulaod tylivoiblisli accounts of "teFriblo,imaitiorita7 flyolva hpura in itilianoo of, their oomi,roo,Ml. :trZek {Nakuru paper aaya , , • j*T9yordia guilty, to'povorty . So' far de thi s' woril t earned, iou hotter admitthat ,„ , ,!Afarnal'rasall. • • • Ma VOLUME L.-NO Correspondence or -the Lowell Courier I . VOPIAN'S RIGHTS. Mn. alma—Hero I am In the midst of Mayi cleaning (deferred on account of the.wealher) and with the baby.. almost sick and Very-01°8s - with the "teeth Milling," and yet I feel obliged bl the urgency of the matter, to steal a few moments from all other cares, to c'ali`jour at. tendon to, and solicit you aid In averting, a great.evil that seems to threaten us Ladies of Creation. Last Wednesday evening, I was preSent at a meeting of the "Senate,l' to hear what the gun- Omen could have to say about the rights of woman, and . ' must confess, while listening to the very eloquent remarks of the 'gentleman who opened the discussion, and portrayed with so much earnestness the wrongeof woman—l felt very much like a rogue who was defended in a suit at law by. talented counsel ; Inever realized until then what an injured innocent I was„ His closing inquiry, "Why should, riot women vote i" has been ringing in my ears ever since, and I feel_ condemned_, because_ - liSVe never iiven the subject a thought before. however, I hav&now looked at it all over all its bearings, and as we pro not invited to de , fend our "rights" the "Senate,"' will you please grant me permission to answer his ques tion through the columned' your valuable pa- PerP My answer is simply this—" They hava•enough else to do.' That woman is, or can be, well qualified to voto.or fill with -g , iacti and•wisdom any office, no matter how high , be 'it that of minister to the Court of St. limes, member of the Presidelit's qdrinet, or even that of Presi dont itself—there can be no doubt. But can man, with any amount of teaching, over be- - come quakfied to preside with equal grace and ivigdmiroverthe morn - important affairs of "the nursery, kitchen and drawirit room? For would-not-be-so-barbarous - sis - tcrbur- ------ den us with new duties, witholit aiiniining our old ones. Suppose for instance, these, our friends (T) - should obtain,for us therigii9o-iiir frage and the . piivila', t t thereunto belonging', end we should feel • duty "For our dear country's sake . To travel round and speeches make"— —to incite our sisters to avail themselves of their privileges and -elevate the condition of . of the country—what assurances can we have that a cheerful home, with . all its dear delights, would be awaiting ourreturn7 We, as wives mothers and home•keepers, occupy very impor tant posts in the great battle of life, and 1, for one, feel unwilling jo . tube pjesEin the matter of resigning or eitehanging. Our•motto that which is worth doing at all is worth doing well, until would suggest to the gentlemen who' political arena, that they commence with ear nestness and apply themselves with assiduity tir acquire khnotviedge of, and ability to perform the te'd thousand and Ono honorable and usefu I acts that ,make up our daily routine, There, possibly, we may commence the study of the government driteSoil and give our time to the preparation necessary to make intelligent vo ters. While wo are the dispensers of so many of c necessaries, comforts mrei Ituriei for man, seems the. veriest nonsense to say that Na do not possess. our full half of influence in the world, and really, sir, this acorns the .only rea sonable view of the subjectthat Lean find. I certainly think if women will only exorcise, to . the best of their knowledge,lhe power they - now possess, particularly. in the training of Ins- - - bands and sons, ihe country cannot get very far obi of the way or women be slighted with And while teaching our boy's, we will remember that, as .theri is a possibility that they may becomeProsidents, it is still higher honor to be PRESIDENT liitikiftS, Yours for - Women' i s Righu. • • ' P: P. S. Two lonves'of bread, Indian pudding, and pork and beans, for -to-morrow, have alt scorched In the oven *tile I have been 'Crib , tiling this. Therefore I have learned, that. scribbling about woman's rights and Conking Sunday dinners, are incompatible. Small Sweet Courtesies of Life: "1 want to tell you a secret. The clay for make yourself pleasing to 'others, is to. shim that'you care Tor them. The whole world is like tholmiller at Pdannsfield, 'who cared for nobody—no not he—became nobody L eared for ' And the whole world will ierve yoal3De ifYou' - glve — them the same caur..,LAALeyery One, therefore, see that you do care for them, by showing them what Sterne no happily calls, 'the small• sweet courtesies of courtesies in which there it no parade; whose' voice to still, not teiteaso,.and..svhich..-manifest themselv9,l by tender and, affectionate• leeks, and little 160 acts of attention—giving others preference in every little enjqyment at the ble, in the field , walking, sitting or standing.— This is the spirit that gives to your time dr life; and to' your see, its sweetest 'charm. ltconsti.; Jules the suin total of the witchcraft of "woman. Let (he world see that your first' care • is for yourself, and you will spriairthe solitude of the Upus tree around you; in the 'sarne - way, by the emanation of a . poison which kilki • all the' joices atruction• irilVittiltighborhoOd . . 'Buch.a. 'girt may bo adMired for her Undorotandini and' accomplishments, but she will. never be' halo ,ved. ' _ Tho Beetle of• love can never grow but under the warm and genial kind feciinge and . offectionate moaners. Vivacity . goes great way in .young, persons:-, It calls attention to her ,iytio displays it ; and if it then be'.found Visoelated with a generous sensibility, its exe cution is irresistible. , On the contrary,•if it be found in alliance with a cold, haughty, selfish heart, it produces no further effect, but itemisers° one: Attend to this, my daughter. It flows-from 'a `bearr s that feels for you all the anxiety a parent can feel, and not 'Without the hope whicti'conati tutee theTurentie htgluset happiness.' May God bites and. protect you..•, Your:affectionate. fath• - or.—. Extract from ei,Litter y the late Win. t Ii it daughter. , , • Loma Pies.—itmaykle; dealtablo to know , that a good.plo aan,be . tondo simply of lemon and molneoes. riser, ont tlnejutoe:of o'; lemon . intotwo ten enpafull,of tooleinee. grateitt tho dried poet ofenother, ,corer 'a plata with, &day r plArupt, epread another layer of ilia miituro. and oreethat lay a topernat ;lake, thoroughly. and you will . hare AO eanolont Ono lemon "in Tikl ilO. pi i Ist; En , ;.:•: , ,',i - i.':;': , ,'-';:'',..'.'. ,,