. ~..,1 - e rr 4::•;' • ----- - IJIMMIIMP .. . . ... , .__.— .. . . . , . . f • - ' • T - . • ' • ' ' -: ••. . . " . . • . -. . . • • ' . . . . • <,, .. . . . , . ~. . • .. %;".: • •". ' . . ~.;., „ - . .1, ; ;,:,';' . .. , y z ,,....: (1 .1. : ) '''' :•73, :::4:.;...1•r1.7----:11(0..*'1.1,1,11"-4.--Ir":::, ' ) ";!•• . . .. . ' L 1 1" 4 i ' . , . i . .. •—"IVII . . , . . ' , • ' ' , - . • . , ?, --' 'N.' .. ,4 ~ • ....•-e. ,, .:..'•..t ~ - . .1 .4 - ~... v .>.c ; • -'" '. -.' ' • ' ' ' '.4l / 6 .- ' ' . • . imvilv A.m... , - , c ..,-, qr. -,4 , .-- • • . , . • . .. ... . • . . , , . . •':"-• .. . . , .-'- . • . . • ......., ~,,,. , . . . BY E. BE TTY. OLar6s. John Williamson, A TTO RNEY AT LAW.—Oretcs, in' the • ,±l_ house of Miss illeGinnis, near the store of A & W Bentz, South lieuover street, Cat lisle, Penn' a. - Juploso VIEIVSZCIAN AND vc,raGr.orz Doet- H. Hinkley. - FFICE on Main Street, near the Post Of ILY lieu. Dr. H. is prepared to use Go/cut:is,/ as a min:dial agent inthe treatment of Puraly' -sis, Neuralgia and Rheumatic afli:ctions, ha does not guarantee succes from its application', all or even sty of these diseases. Rel.et ha been given and cures effected- in a nonther o mistanees, and may he in others.), March 27; 1850, !y. . 1 .1 Card. J~ft.,JAS. McCULLOUCII give his / attendance in.tho various branches of his prolession, in imp] or country, to all that may favor him with a call. OFFICE opposite the 2,1 Presbyteriin Church and 15'ert's Hotel lately occupied by Dr. Foulke. Carlisle, s'e - Pt 5 Doctor Ad. Lippe, 140AWEOPAIPHIC P hysician Office -4 - in Mille street, in the house formerly Or. Loomis, %V I LI, perform a operations' upon di , Teeth that are' mint red for theirpreservtition, such as Sealing, Filing Plugging, Sc, or will resoire the loss of them by inserting Nrtiticial Teeth, from a single bowl 0. 0 full arts. on Pitt street, a felt °ors south of the Railroad Hotel. Dr. L. is oh eta the last ten gays of eters' month. Card. R. J . • \V. 11EN DEL, tiorgean Dentist his former patrons that he has re ur,ml to, Carlisle, and will he glad to attend to I .• illyin the dins of his profession. Carson C. Moore, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in the rocin lately occupied by Dr. Fosier, .deceased. mar 31 '47 Wm_ ACFTORNEY AT LAW, vill practice it 111.. the several Courts of Cumberland county Olt FICC. hi :\ fain Street, in the room former occupied byL. G. 13randebury. Esq. James R. Smith, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Has RE JIG VED his office to Beetem , s Row, two nors from Burkholder's-Hotel. fapr GEORGE EGE - truTicE OF THE PEACE. OF . ricc at his resilience, corner or street and the Public Square. opposite Burl holder's If net. Is addition to the duties of .I.ntitir-e of t Pes,e, will attend to all kinds of writing, such as dueds,)nnds, mortgages, indentures, articles 'of agreement, notes, C.c. Carlisle, up 8'49, • Naiadsld Classical Academy, =I The Eig4th Session will commence on .1/0-Ad DAY, ;Hay oth, 1850. • IN consequence of increasing patronage a large, and s commodious brick edthee_bas been erected, rendering !his one of ilie most desirable institutions in the state. The various departments are under the eate of competent and faithful in - strut:tots, and ever) endeavor will be made to promote. the moral and intellectual improvement of students. The silfroutuittig country is beautiful and healthful, and the I ution sufficient Irdistant trout town or village to prevent evil associations. hrms—sso per Session (Fire Monills•) I'm — circulars witb full information address it K Principal Plainfield P, 0., Cunsherlond County, Ps. aplo,-'5O ativeille, f rilieadenty. •• SELECT CLASSIt7,II. AND NCIESTITC I IO , 1.-NEW I=l3 —* r-is•conlidently_nelic that Luothations X dlrcr greater inducements to students than toe above. Lo._,:ite.l in the midst. at n voinnia• my proverbial lir their intelligence, morality -rcgord -for the interest.--of—religion, • this Academy can eire.ctually guard its members Irmo evil mid immoral intrhetices. Advantages arc also offered,to those desiring to plastic the study of the physical sciences, surpassing those most siinilar institutions. 'I Use having „sons' or wards and wishing to send them - to a seminary of learning, are re spectfully solicited to visit Newville, alid judge of the advantages for themselves, or, at least, procure a circular, bontaining.full_paticulars, y a.ldressing -J A :',ll - .7S iiUSTON, Neweille, avg y • Principal, Extensive Furniture Rooms R.WEIVF.:II .would respectfully ft.P call the attemion of House Keepers and the publi.: to his extensive . stock 'of ELEGANT G KNIT ORE. including Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre mot other Tables, Dressing and plain Bureaus and every other article in his branch of business. Also., now on hand the largest-as s..irtment of CII aRS in Carlible, at the lowest prices. KirGoilins made at the shortest notice and a Hearse provided for funerals. Ile solic, its a call at his establishment on North Hano• ver street, ts ar GISs s HOTEL. N. B.TlTur niture hire a by the month or year. Carlisle, March '2O. 1850.—1 y • John P. Lliie WHOLESALE and Retail_Dealer in " Foreignand Domestic Hardware, Paint, Oil, Glass, garnish, lc. at the old stand in N Hanover street, arlisle, has just received trail Ice , / INgtk and Philadelphia a large addition to his former stock, to which the attention of buy ers in requested, as he is determined to sell than-any,other house in Town. aprl9 Lumber-Ifttrd. TUE subscriber would reipeetfully inform hisTriends and the public generally that Ile film just opened a now LUMBER AND COAL YARD in West High street, a few doors east of Messrs J Sc D Rhoads's Warehouse, where he . now has and will , keep constantly on hand a first rate assortment of all kinds 'el sea uoneil pine boards and plank and all other kinds of staff, all, of which - he will sell low Mr cash April 3, 1850. JOHN N2ARMSTRONO. Notice. •rif4 Commissioners a Cumberland comity deem it proper to inform the public, that the sto od meetings of tlie.liloard of Commissioners will he held on the second and fourth Mondays of each Month, at which time any persons having business with said Board, will meet them at tow ollioe la Carlisle. Arias, BILBY. NOTICE. IJ NIB It EL LAS. Parnsois Enid S unslindqs ,4 made, coVered 4 find repaired, by Ilia subscriber' . nt.his Tin Sliop, in Post Lontlier s 4 reee, Car lisle.._,T,cein s on'SV, lui, prices low. ' ' W.ll. 144 )C.E,Y. Carlisle Janunry,.'2V 50. : -'` Iron iron.. - , • 10 Tons Mannered and Rolled Iron, just' re= ilnived at the cheun Hardware store of the sub seaiher in cast High Street. For sale low by lAib. 13, 1850.. - - - lIENItY SAXTON. • Dyolng. and Scatting. • • wILLIAM BLAIR, in Loutlier *rein; near the College, dyes Ladled' and Centiv- . mono apparrel,, all colors, and warranta - all work abo sltifitacto6 , . Orders in his line reaiteetfully ynaited:Sep 2'46, , • • -• s Chimney Voard Paper?. i - ti, - 3 l' o wood - u vuriety 01 rimer far cover. ing chimney boiiilis... Alga, for Window. 12,0113, ,A I. entlialy . flab .leViieelb arrow - fo .-' [017,1 - ,Cr W -.1-11.Trigit.' =II art caR emu's Pdpe•*,--- ,rtero o ;pc• • . !THERE ARE TWO THINGS, SAITH LORD BACON. WHICH MAKE A NATION GREAT AND PROSPEROUS—A FERTILE SOIL AND susl, WORKSHOPS,—TO WHICH; LET ME ADD, KNOWLEDGE AND FREEbOn.-=Bishop,ifal/ Ztorcs & ,sl)pps, DRUGS! DRUGS! DRUGS I Fresh Spring Supply ! 11 - .I.IAVE just received n fresh stock of Med icines, Paints, Glass,' Oil, &c., which having been purchased with great care at the Lest city houses, I cam.cublidently 'recommend to 'Families, Physicians, Country Merchants and Dealers, as being fresh and pure. ; .1) Patent Medicines, Fine hetni eala, ==l Pure Esseu'l Oils "Cod Liver Oil DYE Indigoes Madders, EIMEI BEM ' — Wetherill & Brother's Pure Lend, Chrome itreen and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey Window Glass, Linseed Oil, Turpen tine, Copal and coach Varnish, and Red Lead. AU of which will he sold at the very lOwest market price, Also, a fresn and a jilenaid as sortment Or, • . FANCY GOODS; FRUITS, Confectionary, and innumerablOother articles' calculated for use and ornament, all of wl.ich are offered at the lowest casts prices t at the rug 136.5Trriii=m - ey sub ' scriber on North Harrover street. S. W. HAVEItSTICK. May 22; 1650 A NEW ASSORTMENT OF FRESH GROCERIES US I' RECEIVED by Alm subscriber, a mon g, which is a selccubn of RIO COFFEES, front strictly prime, to common, at 10, II and I:2 eons cents. per pound. Also SUGARS, per pound. Also ; a gen— BROWN at 5, 66 7 and 8 cents oral assortment ' • FRESH TEAS, Greens and Llaclis, selected at the Te-t house Of the Well known firm of Jrlekir, S. Co. Phil \ adelphia, which togoiher with a lam' assort ment of the other articles usually Rep by us. is offered to the puldic - in the confides belief that for quaality and prices on examinat n will prove equal and probably superior io on other assortment in this place. - J. W. EB Carltsle, iliay 22. 850. . NEW GOODS _ • " • TfIE , rn „ l s HIVE." BE JLL persons desirous ul seeing the newest and best Goods of the season, let them call at the flee"lfive in North Hanover street. Ihe gtibscriber has just returned from the city-nnd-has-now-opened a-very-Inrge-nod-hund some stock of . SPRiNG & SUMMItIt GoODS, of every style .and variety. Such as Barages. and Tissues Lawns from 10 rents to any price you want; Linen Lustros; frog 12 to 31.*; - Lineti Lustre Baraues, a new article, Foulard Silks, Corn, Blue, Pink and Fig'd Delaines, Calicoes front 3 to 25 cents, per yard, Bonnets ; Ribbons, Hosiery, Gloves, and many more articles for Ladies which I have not roam to idsert. I have also for Gentlemen all kinds of goods, such as CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & VFjS• TIMIS, and all kinds of Goods for Gentle men's use, nod Twill take this opportunity of saying to my friends that I keep coastantly on hand tol"kirids of READY-MA DE CLOTH ING. ill r. T. .Reighter having his shop in my store. enables me..to. Imre made to order, on the shortest notice, any garment ihat may be wanted, I also keep COFFEE & SUGAR of ;ill kinds, together with every other article necessary for Family use. Please call and ex amine soon where all attention will be given to plrase m EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION IN THE Price'of Hardware. I HAVE jest received the largest iind Cheap es t stock ot lIA RD WARN Gloss, Paints, Oils litrol,-Iles, Saddlerye'Curpenter's and Cabinet ' Maker's Tools, Mahogany Veniers and nil kinds 01 Building Materials cart brought to Carlis:e consistind . 0r.1,,,,-lis, -Hinges', - Screws.- -N nils and Spikes. ' Persons about to build will find i greatly to their ads stage to look at my stock before purchasing ' gewhere. - Conte and see the Goods-and-luiar le- price and - you - will be convinced that this is - really the Cheap Hard ware Suirh. Also, in store anvils vies,liles and rasps, and a complete assortment of Watts' Best Bar Iron, also Rolled and Hoop Iron ()full sizes. I have alto the Thermometer Churn made by Mr George Spangler, the best article' now in-use. SC YIPHES.—I have just received my Spring stock of Grain and Grass Scythes, manufactured expressly for my own sales, and warranted to 'he a superior. article. Cradle makers and others will find these Scythes to he the best nr tide in the market and ut .the lowest Sprice wholesale and retail nt the old stand in North Hanover strcel. . JOHN P LYNN. p May 29, 1850. The .Peopie , s• Line:; Clear the Track l• THE undersigned, by the particular request of thousands of their friends, hereby announce to all who sock and love pleasure, that a Grand Excursion will take place this and every day throughout the season in the- beautiful safety car "Cheae . side," propelled by the low pressure engine "1. it-sure,"'and in which all, both old • and young, arc invited to participate. The ex cursion'will be conducted upon a'plan entirely different from may before .got up in this neigh: • berhood, both for cheapness and dispatch; and the pleat tire it will afford those who join la it can scarcely be estimated. Tickets will be ftirniblied at half the usual priccoand'ilie public can start from any point they please, stopping only at the / CHEAP AND IMPROVED Clothing Emporium, next door to Burkholder's Rotel me West :Unit' street, where the cheapest and most fashionable . assortment of CLOTIIING can be found-41 our own manufacture—and which we can sell as cheap as they can be bought at any Of the large city establishments,and 20 per cent. lbwer_..' tlian,at'any ether house in this Borough. We respectfully invite the public to take this pleas ant trip to our store, and examine our largena sortinent of CLOTH, DRESS, FROCK AND SACK COATS of various_colurs and Pants Vesta and Reundaboigs, Pea TaCkets, HATS 'and CAPS, Shirts and Stockings .Suspenders,Vavats,.and all the difiertint articles necessary to constitute a Gentleman's Wardrobe. Pont forget the place—next door to Burkholder's Hotel,- to where we h a ve just - removed; Having a largo nesoftment of Cloths, Cassi Meres and Vestinga .on hand, we nro prepared to make up to order all kinds Of Clothing at the shortest notice and on , the tnost rehsonalile.ternis,' , _ - • nplo MI& L STEINER. : Great .113argains 4JAN be oxeted from, the...auhscriber, as ho r has just receivini r .ehaw and splendid as sortment Of -WINTER GOODS, which he offers to, his customers told others who may laver him with tz call at great Bargains ! , .CLOTIIS L AN D CASSIMERES, sstinots; velvet cords. Ky. jeans, scarlet, yel low; white and Canton Flannels, tieltings, inns lins, calico, cashmeres, de Armes, slanctis,• Co, bvrg cloths, glovem - hosiery, Irish linen, com forts, &c, SHAWLS! SHAWLS! • A large and splendid assortment of Long and Sqnaro Shawls, 'at nil Ninon to bait tha... tithes, v gOO;PS AND SHOES 'Alpo, Boots and She.os, 1401 ie:doterin ined to sell low, at Ititiwataritivio' , Nortirlfano . .;. first store below Ilaierefiek's Drug Stem- ver street, Carlisle. J. 0. CARMONY. OEG;III6.t , rA fine lotjuLt rireiyed and' for able', by bp3c or retail at HUBBARD! febt.l3:so ' D.ug & Veriety Storo ME 2U GS. Herbs and Extracts, Spices, ground and whole EZEiI Pcyfumery, &c. Mirrunted Genuine STUFFS. _ . ILog nod gen{_Woods ' Oil Vitriol . - Copperas, Lae. Dye* PAINTS. . , S A COYLE Ur4tttt o PENITENCE. = Art thou a wreTch to whom the past Speaks of dire deedsl O'erwhoni the blest Of guilt bath ewept n pe•tilenee Destroying to the soul and :tense, Whose heart that rankling steel ha. worn Which goads the feting. It has torn, ,And gashas in its dark profound , The deep immedicnble wound 1 Over whose dint and festering hue A eickenlng shadow'rnemory threw, And brought to light forgotten things But to add keenness to its etingsl le Siete written on lily brein In Bina Indentures, sin and paint And in there nought on earth to t h e. But thy own secret agony 1 • Yet rance thy burning eye above To the high henven—for-Gon to Local And SW the clouds obectire,thy sight Yet fearless Gaze—for Con to italic And - snuff - shall bitter struggles count In that blest trust: for Con is PEACIS Yet dark and sinful thin] net Some brunt of Heaven .hull touch thy heart, In year. to come, shall blOOlll for thee ‘' A - purer. happier destiny ; When thou shalt meekly gannwithln - On.iity-own•soul - redeemed front tin, Shalt calmly .mile on each post sigh And every chastening agony, And feel tLro' thine expanding spirit The nobler hopes thou dust inherit. Yee ! sanctified by blood and fire - Th3-lreart - sha I P sTritrn - errthlowareslre77 ---- linck upon the !Mining. path', See Mercy's Imml that poured the wrath Still kind, while o'cr,jl4 shrink ing forrn It flung the darkness of the norm ; And taught thee, even by despair, To pour thy fainting soul in prayer And lowly bend to tries the rod Which leads thee back"to peace and God! c ) c' iparliman 11 tnilcr CONFESSION OF_XROF WEBSTER OF THE HULLING OF OH. FEREMAN BOSTON, Tuesday, July 2 Al a meeting of oche Council this morning, the case of Professor Webster was referred to 1=31!21 Before tlMCiiiritniitee lit - 12 o'clock, appeared Rev.. Dr. Putnam, the Spiritual adviser of the condembed, with a petition for a commutation of punishment, together with a confession that he killed Dr. Parkman, Tim Rer. gentleman prefaced the statement by a few remarks relative to the manner in which the eb'nfeseion was mode to him. Flo stated that he had.no personal acquaintance With Professor Webster before being called to um in the capacity of his spiritual adviser. In the first few weeks of his visit ho sought no ac -krieriredgiii ----------------------------- At — length - , • on - ihe 3d of May, ho visited him In his cell and demanded of him, for his own well being. that he should tell , the truth in regard .to the matter, rind ho acceded to tip, request by ma king. u statement which was now submitted for the consideration of the Council. It triter am (allows c , THI CONtESSION . . I eentithe note to Dr. Parkmart, which . it op peare was Carried by the boy IVlaiWell. 1 hand ed it to Littlefield unsealed. - It wail to aiitfi Dr. Parkilin to cull at my Looms on Friday the 23d afte \ r my lecture. He had becomo'cf late S., very hems tunute fiiiiiiii pay. He hod threat- . ened me % ith - it suit, to put an officer into my house, anto drive are from my Professorahip ill did no pay him. The purport of my note c.,, was simply to ash the conference. I did not Leh hint in it what I could do or what I had to say 'shout the payment. - I wished to gain. for those. few flays a relief from.:lis solicita tions, to which I was liable every day, on (3E:- cosines and in tt manner very disagraeable,und also to avert for so long u tube at least the ful filment of recent threats of severe measurea. 1 did not expect to to able to pay,ltirn when Fri. day should arrive. My purpose watt,, if ,he should accede to the proposed interview, to state to hint my embarrassments, and utter, inability to pay him ut present, to •pologise for those things things in my conduct which had offended him, to throw myself upon his merry, and to bog for further time and indulgence for the sake of I my fumily c if not for toy own, and to make as good Promises to him nu l'could hail; any hope of keeping., • I did not'ioar from him on that day, nor the next, (Wedneaduy) but I found on Thuinday he had been abroad in pursuit of me without find ing me. I imagined lie had forgotton ,the np pointinentot elan did not mean to wait for it.= I feared he would come In upon me at my lec ture roam, or while I was preparing my ex perimenter for —therefbra I c f tlled at hi: house en that morning (Friday) between 8 and 9 o'clock, to blm_of.- my wish to see hint at - the college at o'clock—my lecture closing at I o'cluelc. I did not stop to talk .with him, for I expected the conversation would Ito a long one, and I had my lecture to prepare for it was nedeeisaiy for Me to have my Litho. and also to' keep my mind hen from' other exciting =alone.. Dr. Parkinitn - agKeed posed. Ho came - aecor and .2 o'clock, entering ut the lecture room door. It WWI engage..d in removing some glass ;es from mrlSeture room, table into the room in the rear' called the upper- laboratory; ho sumo rapidly down tho step;.and 'fol:owed me into the laboratory ; he immediately addressed mowith groat energy, 'Are you ready for me air—have you got the money 1' I replied, ':IsTo Di . .. Perlman,' and‘was then bdginning. to state my cendition and appeal to him, but he wind not listen to me, and interrupted me with inui vehemence ; he culled me scoundrel and lin . dnd Went on heaping on me the most bitte ( taunts and opprobrious epithets;' while he was speaking, he drew a handful of pattern from his pocket, and took fruni among thorn My two notes, and also on. old i' letter from Dr. Houck,: congratulating him on his success in getting me appointed Professor of Chemistry. 'You see, he said, 'I got you into ,your ollice;arid now I will get-you out of It.' 'He put hack in- to his pocket all the papers' except the letter and the-notes ; ' l'eaunot toil how long the tor rent of threats and inveCtives continued; and 1 cannot' recall to memory but a small portion of what he wad: • , • . - '. _ At first-I kept , Interpooing, trying to paogy B 0 that 1 might obtain the objdet for which I sought the intorviimi,Mit 1 couldnfit stop him, and soon my own tomprr Iva up; I Orgot„oy orithing; and . 141 filifliifigtut the—sling of iIJII words.. I was excited to 'the hlghoet degree of passiuti, and whili ho was epeahing and gistlo .ulatiria in Vie nufst andnhonaofi4 man. nor, thriiiifin . gtlM' , letter and lila fist into my fitc - O - ,ln my firy I seized whatdsier thing Was MIMI toot, (it Wu a atiolt of wood) and dealt him CARLISLE, JULY 10,, -1850. an Inotanta'neous .- blow with ull tho force that .passion could give it. • I did not know, or thirik, or care where I should hit hini, nor how hard, nor what the of feet would be ;- it MO on the side of the head, and there was nothing to break the force ofthe blow; he fell instantly upon the pavement; Ahem was no second blow I -lie did not move stooped down Over him, and ho seemed to be lifeless, blood flowed from his mouth, and I got a sponge and wiped it away ; I got some ammonia and'applied-it to .his Hose, but with out effect ; perhaps I spent ten minutes .in at- - tempts to resuscitate him, but I found he was absolutely dead ; in my horror and conaterna •tion Ivan instinctively to the doors and bolted them—the dooie'ofthe lectureri! -- lom and oftho laboratory below; and then what was Ito do 7 It never occurred to me-to go out and declare what lied been done, and obtain assistanee ; OEM nothing but the alternative of a successful movement and concealment pfthe body on the one hand, and of infamy and destruction on the other. The first thingi did us poen us I could do anything, was to draw the body into the 4t.tiv.ate_teem__ adjoining,Aerisl ...took_off—th o clothes and began putting theirs into the fire, which rim' burning. in the upper laboratory; they were all. consumed there that afternoon, with papers, pocket book and whatever they contained. I did not examine the-pockets nor remove anything except the witch; I saw that or the chain of it, hanging out. took it and ' threw it over the bridge as I went to Cam bridge. lily next move was to got the body in to the sink which stands in the small private room, by setting the body partially erect against the corner, turd by getting up into the sink my-. self. I succeeded in drawiag it up' there ; it was entirely-dismembered,it was quickly done, rie a work of terrible and desperate necessity.— • The only instrument was the -knife found by the oflicets-in the tea cheat, which I - kbpt,for cutting corks. I,mode no use of the Turkisl - knife; as it wee calledat the w trial ; that had lOng been kept on my parlor mcbtel-piece in Cambridge, as a curious ornament:Ally - dough. term frequently cleaned it, hence the marke'of oil and polishing found on it. I had lately brought - it into Boston to gettho Biker sheath repaired. Whiludlamembering the body a stream of Cdchituato water was: running through the sink. _cuter ing off—the-blood-in—u--pipe—that—passed : down through the lower laboratory. There must hare been a lank in the pipe, for . the ceil ing below wee stained immediately around it. There was a five burning in the furnace of the lower laboraficri; Littlefield:yes mistaken in thinking there had never been a fire there ; he had probably never kindlett one, but I had done it myself, several times ; I had l done it that dayliir the pdrpose of making oxygen gas; the heed add viscera wero put Into that furnace that day, and fuel heaped on ; did not examine at night to ,eoe to what degree they were consented ; some 'of the extremities were put in.there, I - believe, on that day. the.ppl vie, and some of the limbs, perhaps, were all put under time lid of the lectiii'e'reinii table, in what is called the well, a deep ;ink lined with lead; a stream of Ctichittiate was turned into it and kept running through if all Friday night; the thorax was pot into a' similar well in the lower lab Oratory, which I filled with water-and threw quantity of .potash which I found there. Tlus disposition of the remains was net changed till after the visit of the officers on Monday. When the body had been thus die. posed of, I cleared away ull.tracOs of what had bten done. I think the stick with which the fetal blow lend been struck proved to l o a piece. of the \ stump of a huge grape 'vino—say "two inches in uhaneter and two feet long. ono of revere: pieces which had married an from Cam bridge long Wore; for the purpose of showing the effect of certain chemical Acids in colo . iing woods by being absorbed in age pores; the grope vino being a vet . ), porous wood wee well wisp toil to this purpose. Another longer stick had been used as intdaded, and exhibited to the stu dents ; this one had not bean used-1 put it in to the fare. I took up the two notes either from the to lo or the 11,360 think the table, close by whom f?.P, hod fallen ; 1 seizaid an old metallic pen . ying on thertablc, dashed it !moss the foes and through the signatures, and pattem• in nay packet ; 1 do not know why I did this, rather than put them an the fire, for I had not consid erAd for a mornmif what effect eillicr.mo,do . of,. disposing them 'would have on -the Mortgdgei, or my indebtoduess to Dr. P. and the other portions interested, and I had not' yet given _single thought to the 'question as to what ac count 1 should give of the objects or result of, my interview with Dr. Parkmati; nov,prietiy . tho:' elodgo spolion of by I.;ittlefiehintivor knew of its existence—at least i have no rec. ollection of it; I loft the college to go home as 4, lots as six o'clock ; . I collected myself as well as I could, that I might, meet my family nod , others with composure. On Saturday I visited my rooms at the Collegir, but made no change in the disposition-of the remains,-and laid no plans as to my future course ; on Saturday ova 'ulng read the notice in tho-Tranacript respect ing the disappearance; I wail; then deeply im pressed with the necessity of immediately la kiog.some ground as to the oharaotor of my Interview with Parkman, for I law that it ‘thuet become known that I had had Buell an ,-----,_ - interview, as I hati_apPuissted it first by an un -sealed note on 'Pueaday, and'On Friday I had myself called at his house in open day, and rat. ified the arrangement, and bad titer° been seen and had probably been overboard by the pan . sertitnit, and I knew not by how many means inight have been seen ordering my room,- or how thapyr,persons he might have told by way where ho Was going ; the interview'mould, in all probability be knoviT, and I must he ready .to explain it. rho question exercised meinuch,_ . but on Sunday,my course was taken. 1 would go into Boston and be 'the first tri declare 'nip. self the parson an yet Unknown with whom Dr. P. had niade'the 'appointment ; I viotild lake' the ground that I had imiAtod him to the Cul lego to'ply him 'money, and that I Ijed p,aidit accordingly. I fixed upon- dm sum by taking the email note and adding Interest, whieh it • • . op - Pears, I east erroneously. If I tad, thought of this course earliar,l should not hove deposit ed Pollee . % cheek fur S9O in the eliarriurktiviir 14ink on Saturday, but ahould haiis suilPressed. ®lilies, _u~ness-ds~~tt-~~araea•ait—l~t~tti~q il,'as going to make the sum which I was to have professed to hate paid the day be fore, and which Petted knew I had by me at the hour of interview. It had not occurred to me that 1 ; should ever ehow the boleti cancelled tn-proof of it, or I should have destroyed the large note and let it be inferred that it wee gone with the missing man, and I tibould only have kept the email ono which was all that I could pretend to have paid. My single thought was conecalmdnt and safety—every thing eke wee incidthital to that. I was 'in no state to cunsider my ulterior pecuniary interest—man ay; though I needod it so much•it was of•ho account with me in that condition of mind. _lf_Lhad_designed-and-Premeditated-the hoot . - icicle of Dr. Parkman in order to get the pos session of the notes and cancel my disk, I not only should not have deposited Pettee's check the next day; but I should have made some show of getting and having the namiey 'the orninrbefore. I should have drawn mi money from the bank, and taken occasion -to mention to the cshier that I ;did a sum to make up on that day for Dr. P., and the seine Tc - r 1 Tii i Tel iman whin L borrowed the fib. I. should have remarked that I was so much . short of a large sum that I was to pay Turk men. I borrowed the -money of Henchman ea mere pocket money for the 'day. If I had intended the homicide of Dri I': I should not , • have made the appointment With himtlwice, / and each time in so open n manner the other persons would almost certainly know of t, and I should not have invited him_ to my rthi,:me at an hour when the College would be full of students and others, and an hour when I woe most likely to reeeiy_e_calls from others; for that was the hour just after the lecture,' at which persons having biisiness with me pr in, my roomy, were alw aye directed to call. I looked into my MIDIS on Sunday afternoon, but ../ did oiling. .After the first visit of tho officers took the pelvis and some of the. limbo from the upper well and threw them into-the vault under the privy. I took thorax from the well below, and packed it in the tea chest as found. • Aly own imPreasion has been that this was not done CH after the recond visit of the officers which was on Tuesday; but Kingsly's testi many- shows that it must have been done sooner. The perforation of the thorax had been made by the knife at the'time of removing .the_iiicera._On_Wednearlay.-.l_put-on-kind lingo and made' a fire in-the furnace below,. having first pbkcd down . the 011i108. 50010 of the limbs—F - cannot remember i which or how manywori'consumed at-that firm This. is the last I had to do with the remains. The tin box was designed to receive the thorax, thilugh I hod nut concluded where I should finally put the box. . Tho fish hooke,.tied up as grapples, wet e to he used for drawing up thenarts in the vault whenever I should delermine how to dis lbrise of thorn and get strains enough. I-bad a confused double object in ordering the box mill making the grapples. I had before intended to gut such thinge Co send to Fayal-the box to hold the plants and other articles which I wish ed to protect from the atilt water and the Sea air, and the hooks to be used there in obtaining derralllner plarits from the sea. It was this previously intended use of them that mixed itself el; with the idea of the other application. I doubt even now to which use they would have been -applied ; I had not used the _hooks at the time of the discovery. The tan put into the tea cheat woo taken from a barrel of it that bad been in the laboratory for some time; the bag of tan, brought 'in on Monday, was not used, nor _ii4erided to be used ; .it belonged to a quantity obtained : by mo a long time ago, for experiments in tanning, and was sent in by the family to get it out of the way.- Its being lent in just at that time was accidental. I was not aware that I had pot tlt knife in the chest ; the stick found in the saucer of ink was for . marking coarse diagrams on cloth ; the hunch of filed keys had bean used long ago by me in Front street, und chrown core leasly into a drawer; I never eiumined them, and do not know whether they wriilltl- fit any of the locks of the College or mot;. if there were other keys fitting doo're with which I had nothing toVo, I suppose they must have been all duplicates:* kepi ,of farmer locks,,left there by the mechanics or janitor; I know ; nothing about them, and should never be likely to notice them among the moftitude of articles, large and amalliof all kinds; collected io nly rooms ; the Janitor had furnished me sv,io a i key to the disSeeting room,lOri` the tultnlsiiiori of mcill'ia( friends visiting. the policgo—p!,uci had riev r used it.. . • The ni ate acid on the ittairs was net used thremeve s "pis of blood, but was dropped by. i\v. ) accident. %Viten the (Allure called for rito on Friday, the 30th, I was in doubt whether I was under afraid, or whether amire strict search of my rootns was to bo had, the latter hypothesis being hardly leas appalling than the former.- -When I found- that- we went over Cragio's lirblgrVl thought the arrest most probable; when I found that4the carriage was stopping at the jail, 1 was sure of. iny fate. .13efore leaving the'carriage I took a dose .of sleychnine from my pocket and- swallowed it. I had prepared it in the situp; of it . pill before I loft my labo ratory on the ?Ad. I thought Lcould.'±not bear to survive detection. I thought It was a large dose. The state of my nervous system proba bly defeated Rd action. partially: The effecte of theq\oiaun were terrible- beyond description;- - it was in operation at the College. and - before I ' went there, but meat severely afterward. 1 wtoto but ono of rho anonymous letters pro. duced.at the trial—the one mailed at East Cam bridge. The little bundle referred to in the letter detaluod by the jailor, contained only a bottle of nitric acid for durnestin Oh. I „bad seen it elated' in a newspaper that I had pur- . . olateed a iranlitfor oplicneld, which it wa s presumed was %to bo used in removing blood i stains, I wieh the parcel to be kopruntouehod, I that'it May ,altOWitAf t there be occasion, what it z t,Seally was 1611 had purchased. . , . '2 4 l'.- ' - ' t 1 have drawn, up in separate 'papers on planation of-the use I.irdended to make of the blood sent for on Thursday, ther - 22d,and:of the: conversation wititl. l ittlefield alniut the disseet• ing- vault. I think.that- - Pettee, in his tea.,iwo• ny mistook my words obout having . settled with Dr. P. Whatever 1 did say of, the kind was in the hope -that 1 should be able to pacify . Dr. P. and make sown arrangement with hint, 'thud'Wee saltrid'order tAitiet- Puttee; whe'vrati becoming restive, under the solicitation of Dr. Parktuan. After Dr. Webster had stated most of the facts recorded above on the 23d of May, , this queition, with all the earnestness, solemn i ty and authority of tone that. Dr. Putnam was was master of was addressed him : Dr. Web- . slur, in all P robability yitur days are numbered; you cannot, you dare not speak falsely to me now ;Jou . , must not die with a lie in your', Mouth—so prove-to yourself that your repen , .tence for this sins of your Past life is sincere.i. telt.me lite truth then, in confidence, to be kept secret during your lifetime, and as much lon ger as' my regard for the happiness of your family shall seem to ma to require,' and the in terests of truth and justice permit ; search to the bottom of your heart for the history of motives, and tell me, before God, did it never occur to you 'before the decease of Dr, P. 'that his death, if you could bring it to pass, would be of great 'ed6antage to you, or at least that personal injury to him might possibly bo the result,of your expected conference With him? _ As a_dying mob, I (charge you .10 answer ;no truly and exactly, or else be eilent.• Hedlou riot such a though r"No never 1" said lie with energy and feelini "As I live, and as God is my witnese, never l I was no more capable of such a thought than one of my innocedt dren ; 1 never had the remotest idea of inju ring Dr. P. until the moment the blow was struck. Dr., P. was extremely "severe and sharp, the most provoking of men; and I am irritable and p.isaionate. A quick handed and brief violeneb of temper has beqn a besetting, sin of my life. I was-an only child ; . tnuch in dulged, and I have never^acquired the control over my passions that I ought to have acquired early; and the conseplience is all this." But you notified Dr. Parkman to meet you at a corr . lain hour, and told-him you would,payjain,-- when you knew you had not the means? "No," tic replie,d, 'id did not tell him I would pay him, and there is no evidence I told him so, except my own words spoken after his disappearance, and after I had determined to take the ground ,thall hod paid him ; those words were of the miserable tissue.' of falsehood to which I was committed from the - moment - I - had - begun - -to conceal the homicide. I hey& had a thought of injuring Di. Parkman." This wits accompanied . by tho :statement' in which Profossur Webster attempts to explain as to his seeing Littlefield, sending for blood, and of inquiring for gases from the vault• _ _ ) After_ reading the statement Dr. Putnalnpro ceeded to argue as to its truthfulness, saying that it was made when the writ of error was pending ; also, that Professor Webster's estate was worth - several thousand - dollars, and that he was not in sucli a strait as to commit such a crime deliberately. , • The previous petition from Prof. Webster, protesting his innocence and praying fur absp lute-pardob, he said was got up by hit family, who were, wavering in their belief in his inno cence, until his,conCession was communicated to them about a week since. Ho concluded in asserting.his belief that the confession was true. Members of the Council have retained a copy of the petition previously presented, and withdrawn by the advice of Dr. Putnam, which will probably be ponlished. It asserts his innocence, and also asserts that Lit tlefield, or some some other p :anon placed the remains in his room to compass his ruin. BEIIOI.O How great a fire a little spark IC:ndleth.—'lUrs. Smith,' said Mrs. Brown , to her next door neighbor, yesterday, 'your Sal make a common practice of throwin' her slops right down in front of my door, and I don't like it. • Mill. Brown, eine° you have.'spoke a bout. it, I must say that your Bill doom snore than that; he chucke \ c!irty .water in our Sala face, and even tore her dress a few days ago.'. 'ell, doar , knuwa, !qrs. Smith, you needn't oily nothing about my Bill, for your Sal is tho wont child in•lhe neighborhood; all the neigh borhood says so, and what aIL say. must be so.' t(s neighbors say eo, does tlpy 7 And what does they say about your Bill, l'd like to know 7 Take cart', Mrs: Brown—don't Put me in a passion, or 1 may say more, than you'd like to hear. People that live in glass houses oughn't to throw stones.' 'Say what you plena)), M e re. Smith, but take care and don't violate tlui law, or I'll put you whore the dogs won'thfle you. Tou . will, will you ? You dirty inizzyl you put a decent woman in prison, will you 1 7 :: Better fake bare you don't get there youraelf . ; it's where you ought to have long .ago, if What evpry bay - siiya is true. 'make you prove that—yce, 1 will. Sal, getrnyr bonnet and shawl. I'll ace Wpm() he no plaice for me;' and Mrs. Smith haetened off to a imagistrate to got'a wariant for' Mrs. Brown. ne magistrate and the constable were the ohly persona who mails anything by the operation. • HAD will hot you dbottle of wino hal you shall &mond from that chair before I ask you twice✓ 'Done 1 1 ' said the gentleman,' who seeined determined not to obey. the 51111 . 11110119 do spee dily. 'Como down l' • 'I will, not,' was the reply. 'Then atop until I ask yod a second-time.' The gentleman, having no desire to retain iis position till that period, came down from he chair, laud paid the wager. . Mr"Ma," said a littlo girl to her.mother,. 'do the men want to get married as much as the voman dot" "Petitt ! what aro you talking about ?" "Why, ma, 110 women, who wine' hero aro ulwayti talking about•gottlng married, (lei moo don't do no." ' . . put the cart into tho hallo o , and drive over Ihe . aleamboals-till ybu got stopped against Iho dock, for do people hove comp and do railroad starts an hour ago." "Yaw." LlZr'quhn, why is that umbrella-of. yours," pointing to ono full of holes, "like the ,one .1 -lust the other day P' "I don't know., Wby je it P Yeast's° it ought lobe rc-coiired." , ,DZSC.`hero I am between t cried a beau at a publio table, whore a' couple. of young tailors were seated, who -had just be sun basilicas kw themselves: - ''True,' was the reply, 'we are l 'onlY beginners, and can only atford'to keep one goose between us.' • Jake,'you scoundrel, what are An; 'lmbibing the liqUid contained In thin • one oylinder.dad.', • ••, •., 'What . lEiuckittsjoidir• out Ude ere bar.' to live and not live to cat. • '1 rol ence. VOLUME L..-N045 kv i abi MY, MellohlitaNiMM "God sends upon the w•lngs of Spring, Fresh thoughts Into the breasts of flowers." blue BREMER Tho young and innocentTlo;resa had passed the most beautiful part of the spring upon a bed of sickness ;- and as soon as ever she began to regain her strength, ebe spoke of flowers, asking continually if her favorites were again' ee hrialy as they had been the year before,whon she had been able to seek for and admire tyiem herself. ~ .E rick, the sick. girrs little brother, took a ballet, and showing it to his mat' ina, ■aid, in a whisper, .Mamma,k will run outtand. • got poor Theme& the prettiest I can Find in the fields. So out he ran, for the first time for your many a long day, and he thought that spring had never been so beautiful' before; for he look ed upon. it witlr a gentle and loving heart, and enjoy cd a run in the fresh ay, after having been I a prisoner by hie sister's count), whom ho had never loft during - her Minim. - Theliap - p - Y - eblla . rambled about,-up T hill-and.down.lllll. Night ingales sang, bees hummed, and butterflies' flitted ground himit, and the moat lovely flowers Warr lilOWfifg 7— tit — hiiTticitt — He jumped — itinfir; ho danced, he sang, - and- wandered about from hedge to hedge, aid from flower to flower, with a soul aa. pure as the blue sky a. hove him, and eyes that sparkled like a little. brook bubbling from a rock. At lest he had . filled his basket Anita.. full of the prettiest flow-' era; and,.to crown all, he had made a wreath. of field strawberry flowors,which' he laid on. the top of it, neatly arranged on Borne grime,. and one might fancy them a string of pearle r they looked so pure and fresh.: The happy .horlooked.with delight at hie full basket, and putting it down by his side, reeled himself in the shade of an oak, on a carpet of soft grad MOBS. Here he eat, looking at' the beautiful' prospect that lay spread out before him in all the freshness of tiering, 'and listened to the ever-changing songs of- the birds. But he had , really tired himself out with joy ; and the iner, ty sounds of the fields, the buzifng of the in Bona', and,_Alio : births' song all - helped to Bend. him to aide. And peaceffilly the fair child slumbered, his rimy cheek- reeling on the hands that still held his trcasuredbasket. - But while he slept, a sudden change came on. A storm arose in the heavens, but u. few moments before so blue and beautiful. Heavy . ' -mastics of-clouds-gathered-darkly-and-omirious ly together; the lightning flashed, and the .thunder rolled louder and nearer. Suddenly a gust of winthroired in the boughs of the ouk, and startled the boy out of hie quiet deep. He saw the whole heavenii-veiled id - black; not a• sunbeam gleams& over the fields, and a heavy clap of thunder followed bla waking. Thsi child stood up, bewildered at the sudden change; and now the rain began t• iiattor through the leaves of the culk, - en hovinatehed up his basket and ran towards home as tastes his legs could carry him. The storm seemed to burst. over We head. - Rain, hail, and theriderourivirtg for the mastery, almost deafened him, and made him more bewildered • cry minute. Water streamed from his oor Boakeurls dowp hid shoulders, - and he could scareely'kee to find his,/ way homeward. All on a - sudden a more vio - .0 lent gust of wind'than usual, caught the treas ured helot, and scattered all' his carefully corn lotted flowers far away over the field. His pa.- 7 . tienco could endure no longei, for his face grow distorted with rage, and he flung the empty basket from him, with a 11,04 of linger.- Crying bitterly, and thoroughly wet,he reached at lost his Parents' housalln a pitiful plight. But soon another-dhange appeared; the storm passed away, and the sky grew clear again.— The birds began - their songs anew, and the countryman his labor. The air- bad become cooler and purer, and a bright calm seemed to lie lovingly in every valley and on every hill. What a delicious odor rose from the freshened fields ! and their cultivators looked with grate ful joy at'the deplirting clouds which had pou red fertalizing rain upon. them. Tlfe sight of the blue sky spun tempted the _frightened boy out again, and being by this time ashamed of his ill•temper, ho went very quietly to look for his di - herded -basket, and to try and fill it 'again. Ho seemed to feel a`hlaw life-within him.— The cool breath of the air—the smell of the fields—the leafy Crees-r-the warbling birds, all appeared doubly•beatitiful after the storm, and the'hemiliating consciousness of his foolish and unjust ill-temper softened 'and chastened his joy. Aftena long search he *sled - thssluss- - kat lying - an the slope of a bill, fora bram ble.bush had caught it, and sheltered it from the violence.of.the wind. The child felt quite thankful to the ugly-looking bush, as he disen tangled the baskets -• But how great was his delfght, on looking • around him, to see the fields. spangled with flowers; as numerous aillse stars of heaven for the rain had nourished into blossom thou.' sands of daisies,"-openedthowiands'of buds,. nod -- scattered pearly drops on every leaf. Brick flitted .about like a busy bee, and gathisred away to his heart's content. The sun was now -near his setting, and the happy child hastened , .hoiporvith - las, basket full once more. How delighted be was with his flowery treasnraowd„ with the pearly-garland - of fresh strawberry' flowers! But his eyes sparkled much more joyously when he received the kisses and thanks • of his geiffirlditer. "Is. it not true, dear," said his mother, "that the pleasures we pro. pare far others are the best bf all I" Tns Box.--" Mother, this•bread Is very hard ,; why don't we have cake and,, dico things as we used to when we lived in the great house? 0, that was such a pretty house, mamma, and such 'a planet garden-4all filled, , with flowers and you made such sweet muslo with.your.fingeys, and Pa would sing. Pa used to laugh then', and tell me pretty stories, and • take, ine'tin_ his knee, and say I was his own boy. Mamma, what makes Pa so slat and , ' look go bad ? It' ,makes me afraid when stamps on the floor and saya_So laud, 'George, . • go off to bed P Mamma, what makes you cry Didl make you pry ?—lt makes, me worry to see you sad and unhappy. Won't 'you -wipe ' away -- your tears , and 1141110 again ? " son—oh my Goorgemy child t your tallier, A is a drmikard