Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 26, 1850, Image 4

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    t( ii gf345.
4ot:um Qv , compl3NsAlmoNs
I here been impressed by a remark of
• Professor Wilsor, in Mill's nultorY of
, •-• India, that people Who declaim, agaanst
the tyranny of4cate, should recoiled
its Catnpensations. The 'caution need
"not be limited - to the Indus. , Whatever
be the-varieties-of huniancstates tincl,for
tunes, some delicate tur,n,of the balance
_makes them equal. The scale is in the
hand of God. The thrush sings in the
• cottager's garden, and the skeleton hangs
behind the gold tapestry. Eves the mute
-creation clears .up-dart passages in the
economy of the intellectual. For one
gift bestowed, another is taken away.—
The bird of paradise has coarse
The eye of the too wealc.for the
gloom it inhabits ; therefore the sense of
touch is quickened; it sees with its feet,
and easily and safely guides itself in the
swiftest flight. „The sloth has a similar
provision. Look- at it on the ground,
and you wonder at the 'grotesque freaks
of Nature ; but followy up a tree ; watch
it suspending -its body, by the hooked
toes, and swinging from bough to bough,
and you perceive its organization to be
exactly.suited'to its Wants, Paley noti
ces the same principle of compensation
in the elephant and -crane. The short
unbending neck of the first receives a re
medy in ..the_ilexibto_ trunk; the long
legs of the second enable it-tip -wade
w here 'the strueture - af - its feet prevents
-.-.--The-changes-of light .and__shade are
for insect sensibility. In the deserts of
the torrid zone, the setting sun calls
up myriads of little creatures that would
'parish in its - full brightness; while, in
the wintry solitudes of the North, sunset
is the signal for repose. The Ipson of
•componsation is taught by the humming
.Of flies along- the hedges: The flutterer.
.of a day hadnoireason_to complain,of the
shortnesi - of life. It was a thought of
Malebranche, that the ephemera may re
gard a minute as we look upon the year.
The delusion is in its recompense.'
- And if we turn to the history and for
tunes oLmere v a Jong_.series_of_balances_
keeps open the eye. The ear alone
might be amotto for an essay. In South
America a cicada_ ia heard a mile; a man
.only a - a few yards. Kirby has calcu
lated that if the voice increased in vol
ume proportionably to the size Of the bo
dy, would resound- all over the world.
Every .inch must deepen the thunder;
'and two giants might converse with ease
from the Nor 0. Pole and the Ganges.--
The hest enlargement of stature
ould be watched with apprehension;
and an island With one man of seven feet
in it would be 'altogether uninhabitable.
Pope - did not forgetihis provtdental adap
tation of r
lf Nature thundered in ids opening emu,
And stunned him with the music of the spheres,
Flow would he wish that Heaven had made him s t ill
The whlep'rlng zephyr and the purling nll.
Who will complain that he is mere inau-
Man- has another compensation in the
fineness of his ear. Dugald Stewart rth
marked in the warbling of birds, that it
gives pleasure to none of the quadrupeds;
nor is it even certain if the Music of one
species gratifies another. —
heard a sparrow pause in hia impertinent
, becauseli lark sprang wavering
into song s above his head ? There is no.
reason to suppose that the owl cousiders
his-hooting--in-any degree less agreeable
than the chant of the nightingale. If,.
therefore, we have a fainter tangne, fet
us look forand'find our balance in a more
sensitive hearing.
The immense beds of bituminous coal,
found in the:xtiffel of - the Ohio, fills the
mind with wend° . Age after age, srue
cesoive growths of plants, springing
in the same region, were entombed be
neath thick'strata of shale, to the depth,
of more than 1,000 feet ; while beneath
the whole lay the bed of an oeen,.floor-,
ed with fossil salt. Indications of coal
are found at intervals, across the groat
valley, from the Allegheny,to the Rocky
Mountains. It is found near the zurface
in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois.aral
Missouri, and without doubt, may be
- fourfd beneaththe extensive territory,
depositea which form the substratum of
the great praries in the central and nor
thern parts of the Western States. As
low down as Madrid, en the Mississippi,
- coal was thrown up from beneath the
bed-of_the_riv_er,_hy_ thereitrthitii aka
'of 1812—a'sufficient proof of its contin
uation in the most depressed part of the
great-yalley.• That tho coal is of vege-
table origin, no one whb has ever read
much on the subject or personally exam
ined" the aid beds, will deny. Time
was, when it was considered a peculiar
mineral. product, • formed in the -same
man er and at the same time, with the
rock that surround it. - The - produeraf
its chemical analysis being altogether
vegetable, and .the artificial formation of
coal'from wood by Sir James Hall, hail)
eilenced,all doubts on the subject. The
Only 'mystery now is, s how such vast
*quantities of vegetable matte!'' could be
accumalated . and grown on 'the siot
where they, were that they
grow - n-leneral l bas the:. surface'c now
ocettpied by the coalaPPertis Certain from
the perfect'state in winch the - Most - dell'
cafe leaves and stems.are pr'eserved.'-'-
. Had any been - transported by currents of
water and especially from any distance,
itia':bardly'possible That they should not
hare received; more damage. Tho cli
mate et .thittimiiod must have been" more
humid" an' at;:prosent,'es *by of the
plants are oflhose'familios whiChneW
"grow only in tropical climei7,'and as the
laws of nature never change, this may
,be deemed a correct jottference..—Siim
So long as lightning. is .otcffiioncii
_merely, by the action of two clouds, not
the slightest dangeris to be apprehended.
sun, or, only a reporris-perradlf
harmless at all nines, - But when-thee-lectrieity comes within the attraction of
' the earth, either by a cloud croising over
,a lofty mountain' or sinking near the
surface, it passes down from the
cloud to the earth, sometimes rolling a
long like a large ball,:clearing out of
its way everything that offer resistance
to it ; thus it will tear up trees, set hous
es on fire, and even destroy animal life,
should it impede its progress. This hall
is a liquid in a state of fusion, and not (as
has been supposed-by' some persons un
acquairited with the science) a metallic
Substance called a thunderbolt: There
are'metallic substances sometimes prectro.
itated from the air; these are termed
terolites, and have nothing to do Ivith
the electricity of storms. As soon as - the"
clouff.i - disp • eise; which - is usually-after-a
vivid flash of lightning and very loud_
clap of thunder, the rain descends, the
electrical power is destroyed, and ) the
storm ceases. __ Although storms/ arise
from what. may be called the accidents of
nature, they are of great importance as
an effort of nature, by which the atmos
phere is cleared of all those impurities it •
imbibes from the earth and notwith
standing their danger-ens tendencies and
are productive of much advaniage.---
subscriber otters for sale a valuable,
FARM. situate in Mifflin township, Cuml
berlanctcounty, about two miles north-west of
Newville, bounded by lands of Win M Seoul
ler on the west, and Thomas C.Scouller on the
east, containing 160 acres 'of good Slate Land. H
_ 4. 41 4, --the-buildinmraie - trlargo — roitrs
11}. Log BWELLIN,G 11 OVS 13,:itt
"" zt • lame Frame BARN. newly built,
^-• With Zorn Cribs and Wagon.Shcds.
There is a good well of water under roof, and
a stream of water near the barn. Also a good
ORCHARDIof choice fruit. Persians wishing
to purchase or examine the property are re
quested to call on the subscriber on the prem
6piden, Morse Motel,
THE subscriber having leased, the above
large and commodious HOTEL, situated on the
corner of the Public Square and South Hano
ver street, and lately occupied by Bets. L Esh
leman, begs leave to announce to his friends
and.the public that he is prepared to entertain
theca in a manner which- cannot tail to meet
-their approbation.
THE HOUSE has the most: pleasant loca
tion in the hofough—has been newly furnished
and otherwise improved, and no pains will be
spared to make thoseAyho may sojourn with
arerr,froeqdr . - daring their stay. His par
hers supplied with note and' -bed-
HIS - TABLE will lie supplied wilt - the - beat
the market can afford, and all who are connect
ed with his house will'-be found attentive care
ful and obliging. • to
TIIE BAR will contain Ott best liquors the
city can produce.
HIS STABLING is entirely 'new and exten
sive, capable of accommodating from .50 to 60,
horses—inakinz it a desirable stopping place
for DROVERS, and wilite attended by a skil
ful Ostler. In short, nothing will be wanting
calculated to add to the comfort and conveni
ence of those who may' favor him with their
latranagx-_IMARDERS taken by_ the week,
-nth, or v---
month, or year
In - TEems Atop MUTE,
For Sole.
rinHE - niiscriber ors at private attle-therio
:lowing described Real Estate.
No I.—Situated in Northmiddleton township,
4A miles East of Carlisle, about one mile North
oot the Carlisle 'and Harrisburg turnpike road,.
containing 225 acres,7more or less; about A lime
stone and the residue black Slate and Meadow
land, nll cleared and in a high state of eultiva•
tion.except..6o acres Well coverbd with heavy
Timber. The buildings are a very fine two
l . story STONE HOUSE, and a
i t,good frame barn partly new, with
;;;; PI ... - Conn cribs, Wagon sheds, &c. a line
igll 2 C.;• : .' spring .house and a never failing
--- = -------41- ' spring of water near the door of the
house, also, a good Orchard of choice fruit. ,
No 2.—ls situat'bd one and a half miles North
of Carlisle, on the road leading_from Sterretts
Gap to Carlisle, containing 165 acres of first rate
Slate land; thoroughly & well limed, except 35
acres which is well covered -with Timber, the
improvements area two Story frame &Veiling
house and a lame framo.barn„ all necessary out
buildings in ;mid condition, also, a good orchard
of choice fruit, this farm is well supplied with
waterfor stock in all the fields. Also,; 2 wells of
water near the house that never fail. Persons
wislfing to purchase or to examine the property
will please call on the subscriber residing in Car
lisle. , ' • ARMSTRONG NOBLE:
Possessien. will be given on the Ist - of April
if required. Paythents be made to suit the pur
feb.l3 50—n1
5, -:----.---------- -------.
_ -
6() Fresh Cod Liver 011. - -
His new and Valuable •Medicine, now
used by the medic - al profession wilt/
a ch astonishing efficacy in the cure of Pul
limitary Consumption, Scrofula, Chronic Rheu
matism, Gotri. General Debility; Complaints
of the Kidndy ' 4 &c. &c., is prepared from the
liver of the • D. FISH for medicinal use,
- exprinisly_foucsalea.._____,.....______ .i.._
(Extract from the .London Medjeal - Tonrnal.)
ii C. ./.11. Williams, M. D.F. R. S., Profes
sor of Medicine in University College, Lon
don, Consulting Physician to the Hospital for
consumption, &c.,, eaya r.' I have prescribed
the Oil In above four hundred cases of tuber
culous disease of the [Anis, in different stages,
which have been under. my Caro the last two
years and is • half. In the large nullifier of
cases, 206 out of 234, its nse was followed by
marked and unequivocal improvement, vary,
ing in degree in different cases, from a tempo
rary retardation of the progress of the disease
snit i n%ttgation of distressing symptoms, up
to a more or less complete restoration to appa
rent health.
• "Ths eflect of the Ciai L LlfferiDil in most - o
these cases was very renArtrable. Even in a
few days the cough was mitigated; the , expec
toration diminished in' quanty and opacity,
the night . sweats ceased, the pile° became
slower,.and of better volume, and the appetite,
flesh and strength were gradually improved.. •
"Imeonelusion I repeat that the. pure fresh
oil front the liver of the Cod is more beneficial
in the treatriteni of Pulmonary Consumption
than-any agent, medicinal, dietetig or regime
teal; that has yet been employed."
• have made utrangements to :procure
the-Cod Liver Oil, fresh from lad quarterif,lf =
can how tie bad chemically pure by. the single
bottle, or in. boxes of one dozen each. -----
- Its wrinderful efficacy, has induced.nnmerou '
spurious . imitstione. • As its lames° depends
entirely on its purity, too, much care cannot be
used in procuring It genuine...
- Every bottle having on it our writieniaigna,
lure, may be depended upon as genuine,: .
' Pamphlets containing'en analysiii Of the
Oil; with notices of Ai -from Medical Journals, '!
ivili be lent to - those whip addriess us free of
pkistago:• ~. JOHN C. BAKER do CO„ r,- .
, . . . Wholesale Druggists and Chemists,'
*cie : tlo7ly . 100 North Third ot., Philp,:'
yzaAto. Fortes,
lafgAt;'cheapes4-best and ,niost
elegant assortment of -PIANO FORTE
in the United States; can alwaya ho'fpund at the
warehouse of the MiliSeriber,
171 Chesnut Street, above' Fifth,
At:theit Old Siand occupied more than a third of
a century by Mr.Georgo Willig, music publigh
cr. Pianos: Harps', Organs, Seraphines, Molt
Incturers in New York, Boston, Baltimore;
Philadelphia, and elsewhere. Fold, wholesale
and retail, at the maker's cash prices!"
171:Chesnut Street, Philadelphia.
Feb. 13,1850.
FIIIIANKFUL to the citizens of tUrlisle
I_ and its, vicinity for their•incransed custom,
we again request their company to view our
large and splendid_ assOrtment of
- _
China, %lass Queen,sware,'
Dinner Sets, Tea:Sets, Toilet Sets, and single
Tienes, either of - Glass, China or Stone Ware,
sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for less than
they clan be Led elsewhere—ln faith at less
than Wholeenle I'rices. AMERICAN AND
in greater variety than over before offered in
the city. FANCY CHINA in great variety.
very cheap. •
It We would invite any person visiting the
city lo call and see us—they will at least be
pleased to walk around our beautifurstore, apd
to iliew the finest Chinn and' the cheapest the
world produces. Very respectfully,
No. 219 Chesnut 'Street.
Gr E.O al A N C •
Professor C W Robaelic
Office, No. 71 Locust St., tibOve"Sth, op
posite the Musical Fund Hall, Phil'a.
1 ; my numerous friemis ollthelnle l'resi den
tint election, 'should Convince those skepti
a - F•e ir ts who talk of FAILURES, Oita no such
thugsFAlL . ls,or has LEER known by the erni-
inert and diiiirguislied Astronomer and Astrol
oger, C. W. ItOBACK, during his :experience
of ()Neva [planer of a—century. Illo_you__ &KILL
Tredestination Then,whyiot tvery man gain
a celebrity of Itenerai Taylor, a Daniel Webste:F
or a Henry Clay l And yet there are some who
are foolish enough to doubt t _nt a man may he
born with . the power to see into future events.
How con it be possible that the -destiny of man
-should be-governed-by--the inere - 7 shulllinf.;----of -s
-peck of cards 1 and yet there are thousands who
allow themselves, with open mouths, to swallow
the gretisy Osordsplsomepld wournuy,av hose.true
skill consists in filling Theirt with, W011(1(21'8 that
are most-ditlicutt foe the digbistion orothers, who
arc namc - credulutis, yet more scientific. It is
such that bring discredit nn a profession that has
been acknowledged to be a science of the highest
order,from time immemorial,and is the only pro
Cession that -leis any authority to sustain it. The
high respect m Mai- General Taylor, and Charles
Bernadotte, late Knig of Sweden had for Astrol
ogy, is shown by their letters lot their Nativi
4ies to the siiscriber, which it Will give him
great pleasure in -shou,ing to those who favor
.hint with a call.
In addition to his power to foresee future e
vents, he has the power togive such information
as will effectually racem such as - are given to
Ctlettig . di n ,s a r4lte AntAt.._jio s :also calm- .
curalkle in this country try the ordinary Medi.
cines,and wistmsnil to give him a call-who have
beed.given up by physicians and Sr I Sil to he cur
ed• lie will warrant a cure in all'eases,and will
make no charge except for the conjurations Ike
shall make use of in his office. Ile is often asked
int a Nativity is ? He answers fteec rtiiiit; to
(ieomancy, one of the seven points in the science
Of Astrology, that it is a.lforroscope of the future
events of person's life, carefully ealculhted and
transcribed on paper, containing 11 account of
all the lucky and unlucky days in the months and
years of the persons life t'or whom it is cast; by
which means thousands in this country and else
where have been prevented from misfortunes that
had heenlfillifeicifftlre - womb of futurity, by-re
ferring to their Nativity before entering on any
speculation. of business or pleasure, It should
'be in the bands of every one as their Affiiitniie for
life. ° A Nativity of an individual can only fore
warn the poiseisor of troubles that are. in future
for him; thoselwoo arc invoiced in pre sent, ‘nri•
cultics of any kind Must wait on the
- person or — by iverinifo - i s-prepared- to exert- his
secret influence for their immediate benefit, He
is ready to use his influence to forestal the results
of lawsuits,and all undertakings in which there is
a risk involved; e also makes use of his. power
for -the restoration or stolen or lost property,
which he has used, for.the advantage of thonsands
in this city and elsewhere. Who can doubt a
gentletrni's abilities, who has had the honor to
he called on and consulted With by MI the crown:
cilheads'of Europe, and enjoys a higher reptita.
' astrologer than anyone living _?_
Or.S—Htt can be consulted with at his &lice; or by
letter, if pro.paid; and be is prepared to ,make
use•of his power on any of' the following topicsr=
Business of all desemptipasitrayelling by land or
sea; courtships; advice given for their successful
accomplishment; speculating in stocks, merchim.
tqse,or real estate:the recoverikg of legacies in
,:dislinte; the purchasing of ticket Ff—and the safety
'of ships at. sea: !le also offershis selvibes respee
' ting health, wealth and marriage, love allows,
journeys, la wsuitsoliffictiltv in bo shim, frand,
and in all the concerns oflife, and invileti'nll to
call w ho arc afflicted, corporolly or mentally.
Ladies, 50 ernts; Gentlemen, $l. Nntivities
calculated and read in full, accordisto. ' to Th e Or
acles orMitsculine'Signsz—Ladies. $1; Gentlemen
$1,50. Nati v Wei calculated according toGroman.
cy,ror Ladies, $2, in lull, $3; Gentlemen, $3
in lull, $5.
Great induce
ments to per
9 •
sons in want ,
of a ao
inrHVIN G received "additional supplies o
IA Gold and Silver IVATEHES of every
description, from London, Liverpool nod Swit
zerland importations, is now prepared to turn
the very best article nt a price fitr below
any ever offered, of the same quality, nod which
cannot be undersold by any other store in
'Philadelphia or elsewhere. Every watch sold
will be perfectly regulated, sod warranted to
be as good ria'reißegentellr" '''''
Iratches at the following low prices :
Gold Levers; full jewelY,lB caretcases, $2B 00
Silver do do 12 00
Gold Lepines, joweled„3B carat eases 22 00
Silver do . do' • 800
The L. It. Brontall Gold Pen, a superior
article in silver - mile, ivitli prdicil,und %vamp/led
$1,50 Gold Pen,cils for $l, and upwards, 0 -old
Medallions, end Locket for Dagurrreotype Like
11116SCS, Gold Chains and /(air bracelets, Breast
Pins, Enr Rings, Finger Rings, mid n general
assortment of every deticrfption of. Jewelry
nt unusual low prices., .
No. 110 North Oil street, 202 door tam fiat
street, Philadelphia.
0et31,1849,Gin • (Pierce, 41,1 cat.)
TIIE subscribei continuos the manufacture
of CASTINGS;•at his Foundry in High Street
and haVing . now on hand. a' lullassortment of
Patterns, ts...projiaredAtlifurnish-• all--kidds•ot
beat style and and at' the shortest notice. lie
,hasmow.ominind...a.largo assortment of Cast
ings, such-as Corn-crushers, Mill Genrings and
Gudgeons; Plough castings, lioints, Shears and
Cutters, Wagon and Conch Boxes; cellar grates
Oven - ,Doors, cask Weights, sr.e. Cooking
Ten-plate • and Coal Stoves. Ho also builds
& 0:1*:,,, and :repairs CARS, Threshing Mn.
. chines and liorso•Powers, with every
other kind of Machinery. at:tho shor
ts* notice- Old Iron, -13 rass.and -cPPper.iiiken
in exchungti —, for'iveik.' ,- 10 , 11aving
•Atrot iroony dr , .Co.'s,Pattarrfs, p,orsons wishing
to havens ihem .will tlicm• a! my shop
augsnmos ..
, . G . A it•D NtR.
RNOLDS . writink fluid; very. ; su
pclerjnr 1 nli: toiiiale ¢t . ItIP3BARDS
THE Allan and
1 . , Fire Insurance Qom'
neorporateu by an a.
ordanjzod, and in op
Mont of rho foliowin I
Jacob :Shelly, Wu
in, Molehoir Brenn
. Henry Logan ' Be I
Kirk, Samuel Prow I
The rates of insur'
_bla as any . . Company
Persons...wishing to b
i , to make ihnliention
ny, who nib willing
Cumberland Count
Cumberland, C
Zearing, .
Charles Bell, Carlinl
leshorg.tDr. J. Ahl
York county-701 1
Bowman, Dillabur
,John Smith, Esq.,
Dovor, Daniel Matte
Members iof the
boat to expro can Ii
ifG application to all
. Farm x suRANcI I / 2 .
Tife,Girard Lif Insurance Annuity
and Trust Co pa.ny ' of Phil'a.
OfficeiVi). 159 Chest ut Slreet; Capital fi3oo
- Chu? er Perpetual.
CONTINUE to tuake Insurances no . Lives
on the most favlrable terms, receive and
execute Trusts, and eceive Deposits on -Inte
The Capital beingpald up and-invested, to
gether with accumulated premium fund. alTdrds
a PERFECT SECURITY ID the insured. The pre
mium may be. paid st yearly, hall yearly, or
quarterly payments.
The Company riddle BONUS at stated pe ,
..riods to the insuranebs for life. This plan o
..assurance is the most npproved of, and Ts more
generally in nee, that any other in Cleat'. Brij
rain, (where the subject is - best understood by
lm pewit°, and whert they have had !lid long-.
--- 0 -- sT - Texperionce,) as appeartrfEß — n 1:1511 - 11 - ri77 - thi
:::out of 117 Life Irisinance CoirMailiat there, of
all kinds, 87 are on this plan.
Chen first BONUS i; as appropriated in De,
comber, 1,844, amounting to 10 per cont. of the"
sum insured under the oldest polices; to 8f per
,pent., 73 per Cent., Sze, &e.,on o&hers, in pro
portion to the time of standing, making as ad
dition of $100; $87.59; $75, 81,c. - , Eec. to every
$l,OOO, originally insnred, which is an average
of more than 50 per cent on the premiums paid,
and without increasing the annual payment to
the - Conititiny." - •
The operation of' the BONUS will 'be seen
by the following examples from the Life. Insu
rance Register of the r ompanyi thus
PoHsi --Sum Bo Ins or Amount of Policy tz
Insured Addition Bonus payable
• the party's decease.
No 58 $1,01)(1 $ 00 - 00 $1,100 . 00
88 2,500 250 . 00 2,750'00
205 4,500 400 . 00 4,400 . 00
270 2,500 175 . 00 0'175 . 00
- - 333 -- - 5,0.60 • 37.50
Pamphlets containing the table et rates
and explanations of the subject ; forms of ap
plication, and further information can be had at
the office, gratis . , in
_person or by letter, ad
---a-t-sossed to the President or Actuary.
• 13 W RICLIARPS, President.
' JNO 13' - JAN,F,S, Actuary.
Restoration & Preservation of the
Bp NE Wise & Son, of Virginia.
WIS & SON, finding it eltegether
impossible tri attend perfionally to the
great number of daily applications, from all
sections of the Union, for their remedy for
Baldness, and for their celebrated HAIR To-
NIC, have found it necessary to appoint a
Groeral Travelling .9vott, to visit different
cities and towns throughout tho United States,
vesting him with• authority to appoint sub-a
gents, use and vend the Hair Tonic, and to
ply-the-RESTORAXIVE„ put them
into the hands of those he Ibity appoint to ope
in any town ornei‘dilO r ri;riod - Sill:11 r oGrtiiriA!
_Capt. = LEO lICE CALVIiIRT, or Fnuquier
county, Vn., is alone authorized to net as Oa=
oral Travelling.Agcnt, with the powers aboye
ntlica ted.
Capt. - C. may be expected to visit, as speed
it y as practicable the principal c.lies and town
of the Union.
N. R: Capt.. Calvert will always have on
hand it full supply of the HAIR TONIC
(which cleans s the head of dandruff, strength-,
ens and invig rates the hair, and prevents it;
also,, from falls ig off,) for the region of country
most contiguous to ,his operations, or it may
always be Obtained at wholesale, and forwarded
to any part of the Union, by addressing the
proprietors, M. \VISE, &: SON, Richmond,
fPrice $9 per dozen cash. Six bottles for
$5 6r one dollar single bottle. fnov2B,iy
For sale in Carlisle by S NV II A V UR
STICK . - • 9
‘4l k--01-A7*”.•fr - •
ff thousands J estrus af Scrofula, t',urel Suphili.e. nd
h , Impure di.. of the Wood—and if the VEI th" SM A a
QUA which fnai rued of a Medicine ta 1f et ant
soh diseases, an proof of the purifying medical pour , sn
the Medicine phi,* h. inloducd .d conuuenul such
then th r. is statist eationnble *Wawa that—
is ..ah a Medicine, in rral: ro:nael : and thorn ta abundant
pof, In great mires effected, that ONE BOTTLE of It coa
t lON Rtf /re pulifylne, hording virtue. and medic./ Power,
than there is contained In FOUR BOTTLES of nay Sarsa
parilla, or tiny other medicine that has ever been Offered
for sale. There is undoubtod proof in our pamphieln, that
by tho use of this groat hulino , Pnritler, the, that were DY
INu yet LIVE-they that were LANK, awl CII I ITUKT)
eau now WALK—,they that worn SICK, SCIIONOT,Otis,
and otherwise dlseasell, have been INEALIA. and et.l.ll):D.
who have miryil 'BUNT'S rl7ll W17:17, crier lowing
and tented ♦id, tho•Sormpnrftlnr nod otlwr noutionies roc
ounnonded to curo blood di.erisesOmvo docidod Ihnh
Brant's is the Cheapest ,
bemuse one bottle of it has-more medical, aurally° mane.
in It, and, in commune°, cures more &tame, in much Law
lime, than one
one bottle u( anpothei medicine.
if, flan', 11,111, of BRANT'S PURIF/Elt will core
FOUR T/MES more disease dom..)ne loidlie7lrSaksaparii
ta—"llll.ANl"S be as eheip nt time
dollars n hold°, as sarsaparilla at onellollor. hot Ilwr.
- PURIFIER. to sold for only ONE DOLLAR. a booth; and
as a bottle of it has.curod, and is enpnWe ors:urine, FOUR
rt.w.:s as much disown, as' one baffle of Sarsaparilla, thorn.
fore, Sarsaparilla, Mconsequonco of ten power and tell
medical officacy. should ho sold at no mord' than twenty.
Ave emit per bottle, to as chow as the_,,rIIIITFIER
one dollar.
J3Il 00 AI
A L. 1.,, .h. a
110 .iYorS
Second St.
One Dollar's Worth !
now much CANCER—how much SYPHILIS—hp*
nmeh SCROFULA—NriIi_ow dollar , . north or BRANT'S
curol Read thoftillowing cawment, which
is et specimun or 118 power:—
This Is the case of a dying man wlfo yet lines. Ito lase
rur«l of n worse cane of SCROFULA, by only Weise lot.
Iles or Bruin's Purifier, than over WIN cured by the use of
Invite GALLONS of tlrq bust Sareaparilla that was over mode.
Sataaparilla lots not sueleielt medical power to effect the Cane
orencli a retailinq hopeless cue.
Mr..J. B. HAS' N, of Bow, Omuta Co., N t bad Senna
alit four years—went confined to hls bed tho jilt yearhlte
Well no touch Maenad and debilitated as to be unable to
raise hheltand to his head. Ile bad the best owdicai fukies
—had used AL,. of Um best Sarsaperillas to nu good tffect—
. got sorer and Worm and was considered to be lu, a dyint,
stale, and could not live tteenty.fen, /tours lenteeer, wlten
• contnipneed nal? BRANT'S PURIFIER. His 'trek sass
eaten nearly Of, ow ;car to Par ; hale tame elk& Merv,.
Ais trindpipe, 11111 or lON chin, so that he breathed through
the hole ;, his rat. NMI so mom, orotund that it could be knot
.P outbf.its.rime, It only holding by a enadi,,i.c.i the late
of one arty was dialtroyod by two Wears; an ulcer uuiCer
The arm, its largo as a ntart's hand, had nearly &den throat/.
kill rids into his body. Thus Ito was afflicted with toasty
such pail, rterid,VOlllitl_ ulcers, on Various porn of Ida
ortn. or Author soul full particulars, see nur
Dr. THOMAS WIT:MMUS, ono of thn most skilful pity.
alchuis of Rot., wax coiled to see Baskin Om day bifore
ho cononlaneed tieing Strant's Puriller—Dr. ozatnaleel
ban, and then told him that all the otedipina In As taerkl
. could nal awe hiss—that his cut, was
Worse than Hopeless!
Nov hoar Mr. YI.SSCIN'S atatnmont of cure! Ile said •
My wife procured ono 1.0010 of MLA N'P' 8 PUMP YING
E X7'144 (I 'l`, of 4- Leonard, kuggletn of Homo. I
commenced using that, tool began to pa better. Tim! bottle
tunhi o d me to pet off my bed, where I had 'bean confined
no year; thu StCO9lll bottle enabled mo to pet auto' the holm
...thuthird bultkenabled mom walk boo Nile!, to Roma Cen•
be, where Iprocutedraif Wale. more;" when had fin•
labial using thorn, errant.» out of twenty ulcer. had hooted
aro Collin inore - effe2ted a 1'1 , 1[11:CT Gl/1U: of
oh tho ulcer', and reignited mo to ggral Wilke
- • . . ,
. , .
Mr. BASKIN hna sworn to ill° nbovo tact., and MO Nati
aro Millll3loll and earth - 14 to 1.1) , Dr. 'P. WILLIAMS-41r.
G. R. BItOWN, proprlotor of Ad WM- Var. lota—Mow'
' 4115 SELL di. LEONARD, wholoaale and retail drugglas
aLd ELEVEN otltur teuNlable cdtnreae.
- -
For sale by L W. RA.WL . DISA•S. W
HAVERSTICK, Carlisle,.J C& G Altluk
and W D E Hays, Sbippensbuyd—rWm Lloyd,
Lisburn—.l F Spahr, Maelianlcnburg,a, ger
ren, .Nowyille—A C Klink, Illocmfiold-,Boa
wer and ,Haines Millorstown—J.A. Linn dr:Co
Newport'- - - - J-W . l4ouglass;Chamborsburg- , -J,I.
Shearer, Dillsburg! Mardn_Lulg; Harriebui•g
letters arid • orddrs must be addressed - to
Null - ace& Ca., 10d Bro*Vo.Y, Now . York. 4: f•
!:t Ponnsborough Mutual
I ny of Cumberland County
of Asaonibly, is now 'billy
adult under the manage-,
commissioners, viz:
t Gorgas,:Aftehnel Cook
s an, Christian Stayman,
ff_.Coover.,_,l4mk firer,
min II !Onager, Jana
osonli 'Wickersham!
ce nre'as low and &Vera
13f the kinfd in the State.—
:ems- members era invited
the agents of/the compa
wait upon them at any
, .•
f ' SIIELLI; PrePident
ice Preshfrat. ,
IV,IS HMI, Secreiary
Treasurer. •
ENTS; - '
—Rudolph Martin, New
3rman, Kingstown, Henry
iown - , Robert Moore and
3.), Nene Kinsey, Meehan
_ _ '
Dhureltiown., -
11 Sherria, I;isburn, John
Peter Wolford, Franklin
Vashington, W S Picking,
'Borger, J WCraft.
lier &. Loehman. '
onipany having , polibiee n :
, e Ihent renewed by tank
of the:agenta.
ate,iiiT 11 . ; """
edit, irrz lotion, , I Vroi tilrft., r ,”. rims' D.btw,
_Rtcoinstlig, I..7),:rphr Yits, 470,:thvot,s,
It Clean9c, th exettes heolthy4ectinri,
tone,. the 4hce4.11. and cites n ud 111 4 1,11 0. i relit l ire- 111 the
borvols Si hopor veer.. illation, nil pu.
rifles the chic, roe Ames, tine rlvell l .cirie 01 the blood, pro.
lertet: h• ouri:ly ever the hotly, and the
..„ the retire tiervotet
14 net :lie tie e
while the other 1./()I.:S• souraw. /cellar:ling, and blowing
the cantoinin, it into lovanenta the sour, acj.l
'Lounging other annals , Mutt not thin
h ut - , to epippeund b ,, i.niannoun to the' aystein l—lr r hat!
put Won( low is syslo 'II already dioeueed with eicid lV hat
eanaf,„lll)asialooa hat eel I wit,all kntav that when
foal saute to our ash, troachtai it proiluei,
thatilattuf:, hearth:a,. 111 C the. heart, liver Coin.
diarrho.a. .tv•ona vat ic, aw: corruption 01 the
filnodi What it qer.ofila l , nt n avid humor in.the body
What product , ai Iron .0, wo n, an Eraptiann ol
the ' Shin, -11.-nd.-aa'aft- It hottow-Kryalpelaa,--11Ila te
Smut . nut 1: , 11111' , r1111.111. Infernal :11111 en.
01.1111 11 1:1'11,011in, II Oar heaven Ina an aro' tuba:man,
which 141111...111. • till 1111 111111 , 1111111, 11111.111. mote
\\'t: • cot I:! .11111 , 4 , 1, 1. n eonn and and
1.. !f bei:vven i t laid:font-
ITII)11:NTINi: ••Ct)111•1Ii ND" O'
S TOI`."`,<END
\el In , 1,1110.1 1., in hnn,Llt).!,•• that IT! Dr Ja•
ITATION at lit,,parats. , n , '
Ilraven ftlil,l.l that ta ,, 010111 ii to an ardi.l"wLvh
(Yollid Sear lin' 111. - 4 drii,t,t te2.1,111i1:.1111 , to S 'Luau,
,11.1'6 or !lac!
lVe vei4ll it herons.: it In the o.sNotoir truth.
that S. I' Townont.i' I article 4.1.1 old I, .latoirrow,r:ill's
Sarsaparilla are /4r:riven 'ride upnr t, and I . 7lfinii , 'y fii3:11111•
170/; 11110 they ale n0ti1...• 111 O 0111
en 111 1 .1.111,, having nor
one single thou: in conntn , l. •
As P ToWIO , OIIII - 14 110 110e01r. none,
(1110M131, 110 110:010.0 . e101 , i--1,11 , ;, , 110 111111 . 0 of nic.ho”,. or
disease than any di:lici•copin...ti, ulloriel.tifte.‘tot,olc , ooll3l
matt. Mutt guarantee call the intloic have that lluv at - e. 4,
.-eiving a cenoine.cioattile medicine, rontaisino: nil line utr.
lass of thr articles nom! in well:lnk it. and which tn.
capable nichot,gr, which mock rooolrr theta the At:EN'IS
nfl)iseme .if Ith , s
ibo not 0 . 1011 01.0 1 1 110111111 1 1 e V.0(0 1 11,1 from 'one who innlY3
nothing COllYllllrlOl, l lll, l of 1110111eIlle or diernxei It Foniren
Pc.rAlln exP , rnnice , to cook and servo np corro a
canuntin Ilrerot !low much more important is it
that th e tilan,Warttire
. .
tetanal know.v.ell the n n •dir'.vt peopernee of plants, the beet
manner an,lrlinitv. and coneentreting their healing
also an know leilite, of the various dieensen which
all the human eyeteol, turd how. to adapt remedies to
It in to arrest 11,111.41uporril , notortunane, to poor befit
into wounded itannitity, to Ondle hope in tine derairme
boson;, In • restore health, and !doom, sad,xiner trito the
• erneltell nut btoken, mid ni t•vnwh inthattd )et .01.!) Dr..
JACOB T0WN:41 , ,N11411, , r; :El ; 0 131.11`,41) the op.
partway and lawn, to briny h.,
Grand Univcratij Cott Le itl rated named . ?
within the reech. pal In the, known-I , e of ell rrho need
that they may loam and htyfal ex le noddle, Ile
Tenymnoitttlitt,ll leovve, to
For sale in Carlisle by DR. J. W.
RAWLINS, Solo Agent.
fllE 'Cheap Family Grocery Store of Jo
-1 mph D. Outlier', West Miiin street; Car
lisle, has just received a large and fresh supply
of. the best FAMILY GROCERIES that the
Phialciphia markets can aflord. The subvert
her hatijust returnotarom the city. and would
respectfully invite his friends and the, public,
generally, both in town and country, to cull
and examine for themselves his larei and- in
creased stock, which embraces all the tirticleti
usually kept in hia line of business. Such as
Rio, Java ancLatpomindo and , Laguira Coffee
Imperial,. Young - LI - 41'3cm and Black Teas, of .
vory ,auperior quality and flavor; Lavorines
crushed; loaf, falling loaf, Mid loaf 'sugars, or
:lnge grove, clarified New Orleans and brown
Sugars of every grade pad quality, with price to
suit. Honey, sugar house, Orleans and, syrup
Molasses. Spices of nll kinds, which-lie -will
warrant pure and fresh ground. Brooms; Co- s '
dar and painted buckets, churns, tubs, half •
bushel measures, - butter bowls, butter prints,
hater ladles, wash rubbers, &c Clothes, .
fancy sewing, traveling_ and market baskets of
all ;hinds.-Gentile, - -country—
SOAPS., Also_;,n_genornlassorttrient of chewing
and - smokingd.LOl&C CO, spaniel' half swinish
anti cusnmon CIGARS. Hopes twines, mid -
Bruslicq of all kinds. Prime CllFlESE•always'
on htind Sperth, Winter, strained Elephant
'and Cott\ mon .OILS:
GLASS, QUEENSWARE.-rI have also •
added to my already large stock, a number of
sew pattlirns of White ••Granito fancy tea
sets. with CI3.OcIIERY.WARE of
feription, which I will sell at the, lowest,-prlCos
nor cash. : .
Feeling, graJoal fur the liberal patronage here;
toforo bestowed upon him by a generous
ihosubscriber tenders tlrem Mali - early Ith - sin - cern':
thanks, and hopes that' Mtts. efforts to please
and TiTirtlettlar attention to business, to ntnrit a
gpnttpun4co of their support. ,• -
March '2O, 1850; JOS. B.
..TINIS: ri. , 7, OP itilAC.K!i... . .
. .
LILT 'WI:m..IW 1ti.....T1 iS—CAllSPUth.r.—Tilete is 4
Sarsaparilla for sale in - the ditTerent towns rollihi S. P.
Townsend'a S.ars*aparilla. It Is adver...sq an Ilia •012101.
NA 1., CP.S I/ IN F., and all oral Thin T,Aqnselill ill tio doctor
and never was ; hut seas (brine ly a worker on railroads, rat
olds, an.l the like—yet her nisei: ICS Ilse title of Doctor for Ma
porta., or gaining credit for what lin iii, not. MI earn "he
hen attended two owilical sclitilo, and practiced for fifteen
. yearn !I" Now this tenth in, he neeor practiced intalicinti-a
day in his life t!, Stfillifftif, ricked inwretnesentatlen
lOokn battle tlarellaractinThd r,'ftity bf. the wan, I wish
- 1110 „al:iiiiicrnlY•dLkalLn,ekermitile-tlilzifetahunolitn-of-liim
sell or of hie. When, will teen leafil te be honest and truth•
Intl in all their 11,•itliniis and intercnim, wilt their fellow:
linen! IF, applied to OIST: hoof ClopV to njiSiqi him in mint
ofaciuring 111,, razture,.studitir the lenge' sift, he „would
make, as :tit. indnrentelit let entha rk . in the bunineen. These
mete have low, inciilling siel libelling me in all .posmbla
krona, in order to iiiiiirei the ".pliblic with the belief that
the old I hu,tor'ii Sarsaprilla was not the gra otine, 'original
B.,...>"nortrilla, mark, "from the Ohl Doclor'or Original iteori•
plc.. TitICS. P. Tr.wii,olil sans I have cull the Use of My
110100 for hi a week': ' I will grit o •Illm 8500 if ho . will pro.
duce one rinitie ~ ,i titni. y prom of tine , . Ws ataiemonte of
"Thompson, Skill rim, ?e es:. ere' lielliing bet e keens of
fah:dwells, simply indile hi deceive the public., nod keep
the truth dove. In regfitil to lii' soaring, le, meaning Con, o
rOUnd. This is in rad°. the public in retreliSso Wile het
0111 1)r. I AC:011 Townseter,f.%scualeirilfe, Laving . it Ilia
Old Iloro,r'H lilAtro.n, hit family Owl of Arian, and his
rgnatifreiterox, the Coat ol Arms- . _ -
Principat (Wite,tlo2.l.ViLystol:;irret,..V: T City.
Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla.
Old Dr. Towmend is now aliont 70 years of age, and has
lan{_bean known .tA the A 7 / 7 7fOR and DISCOVERER
of the GR NUJ NE • 017IG INA 1. '‘ '.I'OII'NSEND
SA RSA PAIt I I, 1.. A." Ileinc poor, he wan compelled to
limit 11111.iinfacturv, by Which notion it Inotieett kept out
el market, atal the sales circuntsrailied to those. only who
died provettite worth. flirt {MOM! il'i Value. it End reached
the oars of man, u n bole, an prisons who had
been heitlinl - or .hiri , rll.rases. -11 . 0111 death. Ft).
111',A1,ING I . I()SVEit. a
--- Thrralt - A - Nlvitti..lll“ . !tittt IIfrIVI - rlils - t s ftliPA-114000N4A ,
nonufarturrtini the tar throngh•
nut the length and al ihr tired.e'TheciallY - to it' IS
found iurayrahlr. ill risen. ninon or deterioration.
Unlike pottier I: P. Towohlare, it vinlllronis with age,
and never chausee tribe (suer; is prepared
on scientific prittoph, I, a sr' 'rho holiest
knowletlce thrititsry.anit ism lii,", tiltiroVOttlei of the
art, have all been 101111:ill Milli the inanufac•
tees alike OM Dr's She:Tariffs. Thr 'S.trietpartifit root,
it is well known to medical loon, cantatas - 1.1111,00 . 1100ns!
properties, and sapn propret wlach arty Hall or iiveless,
arq others • whirl, if p.m mot HI preparin, it for IMO, pr.
dtteefernientritialt Mud arid, which in Inlurinun to the ays.
(sm. 'Santo al the pr.pertirii Saisaperilla are an volatile
that they entirely ei•apurate ;He 'Oil 111 lire preparation.
If they are not presrVved by a :cirnrifir pr,css, on.
tO those experienord in Ile nianntacturii. Moreover,
winch try all * in vapor, or titan sa
lmi:mon, under hr.., itle Hie Very etsseptiat medical prop.
(olioa of the nes. wl.teli to It;vahu,
Any penes, lie w e w the rent they get a dark
colored liquid, which r; mute from the coloring loaner in,
the root than Itani they can then terms this
Insipitk l or vapid 11,tielt•II WWI flour 1110111,12,1,and
011'11 tall it •• SA RSA PARI lA, A EXTRACT or SYRUP."
Mt r.orli in net the :mirk, known as the r ,
Thts in no prepared that all iiiii met nrtnuien or th.
Sarsaparilla moat are lii ii removed, etievt thing capable of
.lieualtang_acid_uhiertnata.aUtaaatt_exaractet _atid. reject 14
then every I lor , Plo of medical virtue iikgetitirOil in a p r•
atttl conrentratvil Ion.; and 11111 , 1 it is renderod pienpn •
of Inning any ofha • .;liialile told healing properties. Pr.
paled in ilits - way. ii i - wade the 111051 powuctill agent in lb&
Cure of inure mernble_llisennes.
Hence the tea , loil ts Ity ten hear rentniendatiatta'en ovary
:W.4n itsfavorby_ mcn,womcn, and _children._—.Wo_find4t
doin:c won, 'rain the cure ~r •
CONSUMPTI( 01, Dl' ST I.: PS 1.1. nail LIVER
-00.111'1..11.\"/', nivl in law 1.'.11,1 TIS.II, SCR OF.
(171 A, 1 , 11,11,V. (:.'f7'll7.;.\' RS'S. all CLrTANE
<O 11. S. ' f': I?. UP 7'lo MN. P I :111 , L.E.:6', 4140TOILES,
_lnd all titleetiolei note; float
l&I i l Olt IT 1: - BLOOD:----:'CIF—TTIE
it possesses n marvellous ellivaev nil compfaims nri•
VW: from Fir dirs.:7l'os, hum .1. idiiy; ni thr Stomach, from
unequal earoulatem, datartatoatum of blond to the head,
palpitation of tlo , livart, cold feet ntat hands, cold chills and
hotllashei over the body. luta ma ue eq u a l in at* and
Coughs; :ind'protitotes crilecturation and gentle per.
spration, ruTr”.l,l:: strlstatre . t . 4l the luaus, throat and every
other taut.
But is natlue is its erecileurr more manifestly seen and
acknowledged than m all It of
It work. , wonder• in r u Fluor :Mu. or wnir”,
pnuin4 of (be Womb, yb,trurf,/, Nurprevlnt, m Painful
lifenTeg:lrrewulality of the mewl. oat reriod,, and the like;
and in enuctind wcumin tin dui lorltl.l of Kidney ni,e.".
Hy tcmor hlo obonnotni:—. :ori regulating the general
unitern, it elve s tone and so talgdim the whole hui l y,lloll
rats our:.flui,
~,,, and Dchllttya
• .
'tite ;hie diet etc yott..pre snilartaltly'lwed
nu, can an. of thotsc thin, hn ' t tt I'. 'l'nwnYcattl's
(2(tNIPA It I , :n f 'PI IF, (11,1) DR'S,
ra,,se of 'rule (MA NII FACT. !hat the une,is INCAPA
N L.:11 SPOU,S,
.Latest tirilvat
altl,oljilab e,lp
f DI; pn"ti
THE 4 sE,A.E.F.s_possess4.4..„ 0,
ilication to render them proof against the
action of lire or thieves, nod of sufficient saength
toiandure • a fall !fent any story of a burning
building. They sit: - etude of wrought iron,
being kneed, riveted and welded together, and
lined with a perfect,non.conductitYg lire . 'prdof
mineral composition. no wood being used in
their' construction no in the majority of safes
sold by other makers. The doers of GAY
LER'S Safes ate secured with his TniEF
LOGIC, which precludes the possibility of pick
ing or blowing then, open with gunpowder.—
Over r 111.9. UNDRED of these Safes have
_exposedin-iteeidentaldire to - the -most- in,:
tense heat, in many intantilis remaining in the
burning ruins for several days, and at nu time
have they ever been known to 110 in preserving
their contents. " .
fl,e nubile are invited to call at the Branch
Depot-. No. 10, EXCHANGE PLACE, PHIL ,
ADELPHIA near. DOck street, and examine
the numerous testimonials in laver of GAY
LE R'S SAFES, also - the forge assortment on
hand for sale at manufacturers priceS, by
P. S. Also for sale low, new and second
hand Safes of other makers, which have been
taken in part payment for Gayler's Salaman•
. faplo,'oo,3m
To Farmers and Men of Business
TfIE subsCriber offers, at the 'lowest rates.
in any quantity to suit purchasers Genuine
Peruvian Guano, and every variety ofi Sperm,
Whale, Lard, and Tanner's Oils. Manufac
turers, Tanners, Farmers, Dealers and Consu
mers, are invited to call at No. 37 North
Wharves the first Oil Store lidloc. Race street,
April 3,1850.-2 m.
Nanufactory of Pocket 130.4 e),
No. .52i Chesnut Street, aliove Scroll.
rintl E sitbscriber respectfully solicits public
.I.,_temi2p_t_o_bi2,9t/P.crior andiastefuLstock-o
Pocket Books, Banker's' Cases, Bill BOoks,
Dressing . Cases - , Card Cases, Port 'Mp•
• naies, Purses, Pocket Knives, and -
other fine Cutlery, Gold Pens, and .
Pencils, Segar Cases, Chess
Men, Bark Gammon,
Boards, Dominos, &tr
His assortment consists of the• most fashiona
ble and modern styles, of the finest quality and
excellent workmanship, embracing every desir
ablrl fancy pattern, which he will at ill times
be prepared is exhibit and furnish wholesale or
retail on the .most reasonable terms...
iKs Purehasers whe desire to, supply them
selves with articles of the best quality will con
sult their own interests by calling in this es
taulishment. . Tr' ff SMITH,
Pocket Book MarMlneturer,
- seps Am 52,1"Chesnut Street. ,
THE subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and the puldtc gowcyrally, - that its hub
just returned from Philadelphia with the largest
and - most - splended-assortment Of Wrarhes,Jewrz
dry, &e., ever before oared to the citizens of
this placel
His stock consists in part of a splendid lot of
_Gehl and_ Silver_Le ver—Watehes, Go Id.and Sil
ver Lep* do. with a variety_ ol Watche.s_of
lower prices, Gold guard Chains, Gold and
Silver Pencils, a splendid assortment of gold
pens of most approved manufacture, Silver
-Butter Knives, Silver and plated Spoons', fine
Silver plated Forks, a large and splendid lot of
Gartland — Silver Specfaclos,the invites particu
lar attention to this article of spectacles, as lie
can warrant them to be the best on tblis side of
Pltiladelphito Common Spectacles of all prices
a Irrgc and beautiful assortment of Gold,fin
ger and Flar Rings, all prices., Breastpins, a
great variety, NVatch" Keys, Fob and Vest
Chains, Silver and shell Card cases, a very sit
perior article, Silver thimbles,' Silver combs',
finite Baskets, with a great variety of ether ar:
tides in his line, net necessary to minion.
Ile incites all to call and examine his stock
assured that it cannot fail to please,Thuth in
finality and price. T CONLYN.
.71n13 111 , " S !Ir 012 L.' !
_THE undersigned respectfully- informs his
friends and numerous{ customers, that he has
removed his,store to-Humerieh's corner direct
ly opposite Wm. Leonard's old stand, in North
Ilanover,strea. Ile has recently returned.from
Philadelphia, with a large and carefully se
lected assortment of
IV ow Spring Goads, '
purchased at the lowest prices, and
determined dispose of at very small profits. A
,arg,e assortment of .74".,,A GYM
at from 75 coots to $6 per yard... Also, Cassi
mores, Cassinots add Vokings, at various
such as Delaincs, Bareges, and a splendid ns
sortment of Silk's. Also, a very extensive as
sortment of Calicoes and Citeghams, suilable
for tho approaching season. Also, Checks,
Table - - Diapers - , — TiCkings, bleacheir mid . un
bleached AlUslins, Bonnets, lists, &e.'.
A welll'selected assortment of Men, Women.
and Children's Boots and Shoes . , of superior"
quality, and-very cheap. Also, boys nod men s
Cloth and Hungarian Gaps.
of nil Ithids, viz Snuar,,Ceffee,,Molasses, Pe
kin Tea Company's'eelebrated Teas,' &c., all
fresh and !good. Also, constantly on • hand,
the - beSt quality of Carpet Chain.
The subscriber respectfully ashy his custom
ers antlZ ‘ f":.ll who wish good bargains, toigive
him-an early call. Don't forget the stand, cor
ner opposite Leonard's old, stand, North Han
over street.
aplo • N W WOODS, Ag't.
N. P. Butter, Eggs, Rags'and,.Soap, take,
at market prices.
Carpels, Carpets.
A ,SECOND supply. of Impctial, Ingrain,
.1 - 1 Cott on and Garbing Carpets, which will
ho sold chchper than can. be bought at any other
establishment imthe Borough,
Just received another lot of _Lull( s' Walking
Shoes, Slippers, Buskins and Gni era, of the
latest shapes nod • hest rihilittielpl n inanufae z
ture. Also, a liettutitUr assortin nt of Chil
dren's Shoes. floots'and Slippers. ,
A large supply of Trunks d TraVelling
Bags of a superior quality, just r ceiveci,
The attention of the Ladies is particularly in
vited to my large and splendid assortineakof
BONNETS of all kinds, prices and qunlitiFs.
Also, 'a very 'ergo and• beautiful lot of Bonnet
Ribbons, selling very low at the cheap store of
niy l , sl) CHAS, OGILI3Y.
Cheap Groceries.
Sa&r4Collec, Molasses, Macy, Cheese, Wash
Spikes, Yeast Powders,MaccaronF, Farina, Ma!
Fiour, Baker's Chocolate, Baker's Cocoa,
Brown's Bomcopathic Chocolate, Oranges, Co
coa Nuts, Raisins, and Currants, for sale at
,March 20.• .
JUST received at the cheap Hardware store
of the subscriber in East High Street,_
complete asaortmcnt of Tubs; Buckets, Churns,
&e. Also Duponts Rifle and Blasting
Powder, which will be sold very cheap by
— 7:Jan. 23d 1850.. HENRY SAXTON.
John Wallower and Son, • •
(Successors to. Funk mid Miller.)
Forwarding and Commission Airchants; and
agents for the Control Rail Road, Wholesale
Uoalers in Groceries, Produce, Coal, .Plasier,
salt, Fish, Naile,`Bacon, Powder, &c, Horde
burg Pa.
, •
Jan. 1.1850.
• • .
, • -110
advise overy person who
desires to go
tec't ha Gold Rettioti, ‘ to l prepitre thorn
selves With — CLOTTIMG suitnbla for dint
Country, and climate, and you will find thcm
every description, and also to your advantage
Cheap Clothing Store; in North: Hanover st.
above' Lowlier.
• pip 24
. _
cod, ILiicif',. 010
FRESH supply of Cod Liver Oil
ivarralated`4Tepume, jaartecotied at
novl4 . --S. ELLIC/TT'S.
Prime, sugar's; '
..• .
-'A him!, lot of Jo' most. Approved bronds ju.4
- ecolved Al IVIPNY Iranover
ill ebir in t 5 .
• Northers •
Life, Pills and -rinenix
These Medicines have now heeni,of4e the pub I,
He for it period of FrjartEEN
.yEARB and
during thattime..have maintained abigh character
in almost every port of the globe for their calmer
.dinary and immediate power - of 'motoring pePleot
health-to-persons_suffering_under-nearly-every-l t i u d
of disoarre-ta:whielt - the human frame is liable.
of certikeated instances, they hate . even rescued
sufferers from the very verge of an untimely grave,.
after all the deceptive noetrums of the day-had ut
terly failed; and to many thousanda_ they have
permanently secured that uniform er,joyment of
health, without which life itself is-but a partial
blowing. So giant, indeed, has their efficacy inva
riably and infallibly proved, that it hab appeared
scar/3431y less than miraculous to those Who were
acquainted with the beautifully philosophical.prin
eiples upon which they are compounded, and sipon•
which they einfserMently act. it was to= their,
.manifest and sensible action in purifying the springs
and channels of life, 'and enduing them with re
newed tone and vigor,.that they werebidebted for
their name.
Unlike the host of pernicious quackeries which
boast of vegetable ingredients, the LIFE Now
;{ aro purely and Solel4vegetable ; and con
tain neither mercury, moony, nor Arse
nic" nor any othermineral; is any form whatever.
They aro entirely Composed of extracts from rare
and powerful plants, the virtues of which, though
long known to several Indian tribes, and recently
to some eminent pharmaceutical chemists, aro alto
gether unknown to the ignorant pretenders
. to
medical scieurn ; and were never before adminis
tered in so happily eflicaciaus a combination.
The first o_poration is to loosen from the coats of,
the stomach and bowels the various impurities and
ciuditiee cenathntly settling 'round them; rind to
remove the hardened frees whielc collect in the
convolittions of the small intestines. Other Medi
cines only - partially cleanse thole, and leave such
collected masses behind to produce habitual Costive
noes, with all it:strain ef ovils,'orsudden Diarrhma
with its imminent 'dangers. This fact is well
known to all regular anatomists - 'who examine the
human bowels after death; and hence the preju
dice of these well-informedmen against the quack
Medicines of the age. , The second . offset - of the
;gleams., the kidneys arid the bladder; and, by this
means, the liver and lumps, lhe Makin - al action of
owhicllmaitelyalepends,upea_the_xegularity.of—th e
urinary organs. The blood, which lakes its red
color - froth-the - agency of the liver and lungs, before
it - passes into the heart, being thus purified by them;
and nourished by food corning -from a clean stomach,
ernirees,freely through tho veins, renews every part
of the Smatem, and triumphantly mounts the banner
of I cal tli , the blooming cheek.
The following are among the 'distressiiig variety
of human diseases in which the VEGETABLE
LIFE KEDICINES aro well known to be infal
lible • .
DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly clohnsing the first
and second stomeelfs, and creating a flow•of pure
healthy bile, instead of tho - atale and acrid.kind;
FLATULENCY, Loss of Appetite, Heartburn,
Headache,, Restlessness, 111-temper, Anxiety,
Languor, and Melancholy, which tire the general
symptoms of Dyspepsia, will venial,, as a natiffel
consequence of its cure.
Cocleansing the whole length of
then s t ia te v et e li n ie e s Sa liitl b l y -a solvent process, and without
rash:ace : AillotoTit pititeirlanfoTthebeffili - aiiiiiii
within twddaye, ,
and Cholera, by removing the
sharp acrid 'fluids by which those coo - dainty ere
occasioned, and by promoting the lubricative secre
tion of the mucous membrane , .
Fevers of ell kinds - , by restoring the blood ten
- regularcirculation, thtdagitithickociiiii of -perspi
' ration in such cases, and the thorough sollitioa el
all intestinal obstruction tit others.
- The Lie Manicures have been known ts
_cure ELTIMMTISM_? Permanently in three
weeks,-and GOUT in half that time,.by removing
local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments
of the joints.
.Draigieg of all kinds, by freeing and strength
ening the kidneys 41151 bladder: they operate. most
• delightfully on titese: importantwrgans, and hence
have ever been found a coratiff remedy for the
worst cases of GRAVEL.
Also Worms, by dislodging front the turnings
of the bowels 'the slimy mutter to which these
creatures adhere. -,
Asthma - mud Coneunipticin,sby relieving the
air-vessolsof the lungs from the mucous which even
slight colds will occasion, and which, if not ro
moved, beenues hardoned, and produces those
dreadful 0ka,..----- , -
. Soilrvy, Mears, and Inveterate Sores by
the perfect-purity .which- thee° EHE mm.
OENEs give lo the blood, and all the humors.
Scorbutic Eruptions ohd Bad Complex
. ions, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that
feed the skin, and the morbid state of which. occa
sions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and
-othe r r disagreeable complexions..
The use of these Pills for a very short timo will
- elect nu entire cure of SALT RHEUM,,,,entla
striking improvement in the clerum 4ffie skin.
r‘ t
always be cured by , one doss by by wo °Veit in
the worst cases.
PILES, As a remedy for this most distressing
and obstinate . malady, the vEGETAILE Lin
/113311ICIIVEs deserve a„ distinct and emphatic
incommendation. It is well known to hundreds in
.his city, that the foriner proprietor of these, valu
able Medicines was himself afflicted with this
complaint for- upwards of tmarr-rws - vaiss - ; and
that he tried in vain every rented} - pencribed
within the wholi3 compass of the Materia 'Medic..
fle however at length tried the Medicine which is
;now offbrod to the public, and he was cnrodrin a
very short time, after his reedvery had been pro
nounced not only iiiiprobable,:but absolutely im
possible, by any humfin moans. . ...
For this il - courge of the western country theme
Medicines will be found a safe,, speedy, and certain
remedy. Other medicines 'leave the system sub ,
ject to a return' of the disease—U . cure by these
medicines is permanent—TßY THEM, BE SA
Bilious Fevers and' Liver. Clomplaltits.
General Debility, Laos oF A
'DIM:ACES or FIIMALES—theNO medicines have been
USA with the most beneficial results in canes of this
description :-Irt:at's Evil., and Scaoretk, in its
worst folms, yields to the mild yet powerful action of
these remarkable Medicines. Nmii Swit,cre,
Nertvous Dmat.rrr,,.NEllVO4 CoIIPLAINTa of, all
COLIC, aro speedily cured.
Persons whose constitutions have become im
paired by the injudicious into of Alanbuitv, will find
these Medicines , a perfect cure, as they never fail
to eradicate from the system all the ea." .d..
Mercury - infinitely sootier than the mom, powerful
preparations of Sarsaparilla. A' single trial will
place them beyond.the reach of competition r in the
estimation of.overy pationt.''
Several" have lately been discovered, and their
nefarious authors arrested, both in the city of New
York and abroad. 5 ,
Buy of uo one who is not en etrrnoetwis
Acntrer.' .
Prepared and sold by Dr. WEB. lOFFATI 3 / 1
Brondwiy, New-York.
l'•• W. RAWLINS, Carlisle, Pa:
535 CENTS !!
—lly means of the pocket
nSenillplus, or,'Every One
is own Physician ! Twen
(-fourth edition, with
?Reds of a hundred engra-,
ings, chairing prisato d i
1900 In' every, shape and
. aud nmirovmationg
the generative system,
The time 11119 now nt,
, „lug frinn secret disease,
need no more become.the TaCTIDI OP ntlitextu T ;
as by diepresCripiions contained in this honk any
use may cure himself, without hibdrance to bu
siness, or the knowledge of the most intimate
friend, and with ono' tenth the usual expense, ln,
addition to the general minim of private disease,
it fully explains the cause of manhood's early de
wtih observations on marriage—besides
many otlipv.devaugements which it wmild not he
proper to enumerate-in the public prints' ,
sending - , rwr,NTg-rt em4Ts, ---
enclosed itt a letter, will receive one copy of this ,
by mail, or five copies will be sent formic
dollar. A thlresn, _'9)11.. W. YOUNG, No, .14
: oint. YOUNG ean he consulted on any of
' lite Diseases prescribed in his different 'pnblion.
dons, nt'his Offices', 152 SPRUCE, sirectievary
! day between 9 and .1 ( t unduys exerpted
-May- I, I bO,
Brushes Brushes!
A 'great . variety of these useful artieleals of.
forodlfor sale, gonsieting,of Whitewash, Swoop-
Serubbing,'Painters; loth, Shavilia•vilaw,
,and Nail, Flesh and Gratoing.lll4ldies in
greatvailefy, all of viiiOlt'clie of tha lAN goal.
It!, and sold-at the lowest
Julieti.— TO. BLLIOTTII,_I