Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 26, 1850, Image 1

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BY E. BEArrrit.
• . John Williamson,
kY house of Miss McGinnis, nehr the store of
A & W Bentz, Solidi Hanover street, Carlisle,
up 10.50
Doct. H. Hinkley.*
OFFICE on Main Street, near the_Post
flee, Dr. H. is prepared to use Galvanism
as a remedial agent in the treatment of Purely
silt, Neuralgia and Rheumatic affections, but
does not guarantee suCces - front its applicationto
all or even any Of these discuses. Rebel hue
been given and cures effected in a number of
instances, and may be in others.,
Mareh.27, 1850, ly.
II R. JAS.6 , McCULLOUGII will give his
313 'attendance itf the various brandies of his
profession, in town st country, to all that may
favor him with a call. OFFICE opposite the
2d Presbyterian Church tind Wort's Hotel
lately_ecoupied by Di•-.Foullt.e
Carlisle, sept
• Doctor Ad. Lippe,
•11OMOEO PATHIG P hysician Office
iu i‘lain street, in the house formerly occu
pied by P. B. Lechler. au 9 '45
Dr.. Loomis,
7. , 7: WILL perform al
operations upon the
. " Teeth that are requi
red for their preservation, such as Sealing, Filing,
&c, or will restore the .loss of them,
by inserting Artificial Teeth, from n single tooth
a - full -Sett. i Uliice on Pin street, a few
nuns soyth of the Railroad Hotel. Dr. L. is ah•
eat the last ten flays of evert , month.
.1 Carol.
.1 • W. 111 NI)IiL, Bargoon Dentist
intbrin9 his former patrons that he has re
tiradd. to Carlisle, and will be glad to attend to
the line ',?t: his koression. , luct3l
Carsop. C. 'Moore,
the room lately occupied hl DE. Fester,
"deceased. mar 31-'47
Wm.- PI. Penrose,
A TTORNEY ,AT LAW., ill practice in
CdurtEof - Cumlierlarid county.
OFFICE. in Ntain.Street, in the ioont former
y occupied byL. G. Brandobury, Esq.
James R. Smith; ,
MOVED his office to ticetem's Row, two
oors - Tfoin BorkhOlder's Hotel. , [ape I
FICE at his residence, corner of - lain street
and the Public Square, omosite Burkholder's
Hotel. In addition to the duties of „Justice of
the Peace, will attend to all kinds of writing,
such as deeds, Innds,'lnert . gages, indentures,
articles of agreement, notes ;
Carlisle,.ap B'l9.
Plainfield Classical Academy,
The Eighth Stwiop will COMIIICMCI: 010.. h
DAY, .Aftly 6th, 1850. ' .
gN consequence of increasing patronage a
large and commodious brick edifice has
been erected, rentrering. this one of the most
desirable instil at Vila in the slam. The various
departments are' under, the caw of competent ,
and faithfal instructors, and_
every,endeavot will
be made. to promote the Moral and intellectual
improvement of students. The surrounding
country is' beautiful and healthful, and the in
stitution sufficiently distant Ir'om town or village
to prevent evil associations.
Terms—Sal per Session (Five Months.)
For circulars with full information address
It K BURNS, Prinefpol
Plainfield P, 0., Cumberland County, Pa.
• aplo, '5O
;Vete v Ile academy.
IT is confidently bblieved that few Institutions
ofrer greater inducements to students titan
the almye. Located in the midst of a contain
---rrity-f)roverbial for their intelligenee, timralitY
and regard for the interests of religio'n, this
—Academy_ can. effectually_ guard its members
front evil and - immoral influences. Advantages
arc also offered' to those desiring to pursue the
study of the physical sciences, surpassing those
of most similar institutions.
Th.'s° having sons or wards and wishing to
send them to a seminary of learning, are ro
epectfullyv solicited to visit Nowville, and judge
- of the •advantages for themselves, o r . et least,
procure, a circular, Coataillinr full particulars,
by addressing JAMES' it USTON,
Newville, Mfg 22 ly Principal.
Extensive Furniture Rooms
- T MES R.wrAvrtat would . 1 7 espectiuliy.
ti call the intention of [lease Keepers alid the
publio , to his extensive stock of ELEGANT
FURNITURE.. including Sofas, Wardrobes,
Centro and other Tables, Dressing and plain.
Bureaus and every °Him article in his.branch of
business. Also, now on hand the largest as
sortment of D ailtS in Carlisle, at the lowest
prices. KrUollins made at the shortest notice
-and ,rt Hearse provided for funerals. Ho solic
its a call at his establislonent on North Hano•
ver street, near Glass's HOTEL. N. B.—Eur-
Mune hired out by the month or year.
Carlisle, March 20. MO.—, ly
,Tohn P. Lyne
WHOLESAL 4 D and Retail Dealer in
• Foreiguand•Domoslic.liqrdware,
Oil; Glass, Varnish, Ntc, at the old stand in N
annoyer street, arlislo, IniU just received from
New York end P . hilsOlphia a large addition'to
his former stock, to which 'the attentiop of buy
ers is requested, us he is deterinined to sell
lower tl6n any other house in town:- aRrI9
THE subscriber would respectfully inform
his frfends and . the.public generally that he hen
just opened a now LUMBER AND COAL
YARD iu West High street, a few doors east
of Messrs J St•D Rhoads's Warehouse, where
be now has and will keep constantly - on
hand a last rate assortment of all kinds.ol sea
sinned pine boards and plank mid all kinds
distaff, all of which ho will sell low for cash
April. 3, 1850. :JOHN N. ARMSTRONG
THE Commissioners of Cumberland county
deem it proper to inform thepublic, that the sto
od Meetings of the Board of Commissioners will
be held on the second and fourth Mondays of
each month, at
,which time 'any persons-having
business with said Board, will 'meet them at
their officp in Carlisle.
A.tteat.! : • IVM. RILEY. Cl'k.
UNIRRELLAS/Parasois and tirisbades
ratide, covered and'repairecj, by the subscriber
at Ina Shop, in East Loather street, Car
lisle. Tents c4eli, buLpriecis low.
• • WM. P'RIDLSY.'
Carlisle January, 29,' 50. • -
-Iron. Iron. •
• 10 Tons Hammered and Rolled Iron, just re =
waived at the cheap Hardware atom or the sub.
eSiiltar, in Itlast,High Street-. For solo low by
,Fab. 13, MO'. HENRY. SAXTON.
, .
Dyeing And Scouing,', '
J.4IAM BLAIR, in Loutiter,StOet,
near the College, dyes Ladies' end Gentle
men's apliariel, all colors, and warrants all work
she eatisfaatary. :Orders'in his lino'respoetfully
stineito d.' ',.. , '.. - son 2'46
. __.
OlAirnney Board Papers.
. .
m. ,
. ~,, •
Jr US,.' aponalL v
a arioty. Pntier'for cover:
i ing chin - wax lantrds.-.-Alsa, for Window
Birritli, An alnico.) , .now, ,NVhcalborrow : fa
010, , [nDl7) ,
..._,A a W :HI TN Elt.
,;,11 IFainilj OreivkimP ere-- Pelroted - Business aisd General Zn elliq Wince.
- - . • .
- . - -
. , •
"store ,68& Z1)0p,5.
AMUEL A. HU BHARD, havingpurches
-17 ed of Mr Henry A - Sturgeon, his stock of
Drags, Medicincs..&c, would respectfully so
licit a share ol.tho public patronage, t'it the•old
stand, corner of Pitt and High Streets, opposite:
the Rail Rend depot. '
Ile will keep donstantly ' hand,, an
ruent of fresh Drugs.''Nedicines, Paints, Oils,
Dye Stull's, Perfumery, and a variety of fancy ,
articles, which he determined to sell low.--
He will give his personal attention to the-busi
ness, and pat titularly Mputting, up prescriptiora.
A liberal deduction made for Physicians cotui.-
try Merchants, and Pedlcrs.
Feb.l3, 1850. •
Fresh Drugs, Medicines, &c• c.
. e ,.._.—.:/ I have just received front Philadel
- phia and New York very extensive
4. 1 1; . addititms to my former stoc k , eunbra
__ / mg dug nearly every article of Medicine
- - I' now in use, together. with Paints,
Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine; Perfumery, Soaps,
Stationery-,---Fine --Cutlery-, -—Tucklec-,
llruhcs of almost every description, with an
endless variety of 'other tefele , which Pant'de
termined to sell at the Psitv Lo VEST prices..
All Physicians, Country lifer mats, Pedlars
and others, are vispectfully requeSted not to pass
the OLD STAND, as they In rest assured
hat eveLr article will be sold . pf a good quality,,
smiiipon reasonable terms.-
Mdin street. Carlisle.
May 30
Foreign and Domestic—Htfrdurare
• JACOB SENER has just received, from the
eastern cities, and i now opening at the Cheap
Hardware. on. North Ifanover street, nex t doer
to Glass' hlatel, a new assortment in 1119 line,
such its
0 IFS, Glays_ruLllnim.s,
Copal, Japan and Black Varnishes, of extra
quality,. '
Nails and Spikes,
\Vests' best Bar Iron,
Cosi, Shear, Blister and Spring Steels,
Locks, Hinges and Screws,
Planes, Sake, Chisels, Augurs, Axes, ,
Knives and Forks, Shoe Findings, &c.
To which would call the attention of the
public. Persons wishine. to buy will do well to
oall. as we a - re determined to sell nt low rates
lei-TEAL Keno highest price paid for Scrap
Irdn, -and for FINN -.TzSENER.
cleesp Cothiikg Store.
roIIE subscriber would respectfully inform
his friends and the public ia general, that
he line removed his inrge and egiensive assort
ment of ItEADY -- M - ADE — CLOTHING to
the room recently occupied as a store by . Gee.
W. linnet. on_Eust Main street. directly opp.o-..
site Elliutt's'Drug Store, and within two doors
of Ogilby's tore, where he will keep constant
ly on hand, a II kinds of Ready Made Clothia„,..,
and everything pertaining to gentlemen's ward
robes. Tito, clothing he oilers forsalo is mOe`'.
up in his own shop, by experienced wort en,
and tinder his own supervision.. Ho feels pm
enrol to offer great bargains in .he Clothing
line, and to lost this fact he could earnestly in
vite the citizens of this county to give him a
cull. and examine the quality of his stock. and
his prices, before - purchasing - elsewhere.
He will also, as heretofore, continue to make
up all kinds of Clothing according to order,.
and those who piefor it can have their measures
taken, nod- their garments made up to their
pleasment. Abe ays on hand's lame assortment -
-of -Cletlrtr, Cassim errs, Satinets,- P . :stings, dr.e.
'Don't forget the place directly oppcisite El
liott's store, and within two' doors of Ogilby's;
deb 12,3 m NATHA N I!ANTCII.
.Penn'a. •
7111 E supscri'oer respectfully informs
the citizens of Cumberland and Perry
counties; mid the public generally, that he hos
faken_thut large, new nod commodious Hotel,,
on4MMI street, Carlisle, known no'
the Curnbirland .and Perry Betel, and recently
kept by II W Ort.h. The house is n new and el
egantly finished _establishment, is pleasantly
situated omit is furnished with good bedding
and other furniture., and' his accommodations.
are such us to make. it a convenient and desira
ble slopping place. 11 is TA ISLE will be fur
nished with the best the market canal - ford, and.
.his BAR with die choicest liquors. Ile has al
ways on hand a large supply or PEED, suitable
for till hinds of Cattle, and good FEEDING
LOTS, with other accommodations which emu. -
not fnil to render t a desirable stopuing place
for DROVERS. His STABLING is - omen.
sive; capable dfaccomm (Mating about 76 head.
of horses. He has also about 200 acres of good
pasture laud for Cattle ? which can be Mid on
reasonable terms. In short no pains will bo
spared to render the ,satisfaction to all
his guests, HENRY CLASS.
.-Feb. 17.1850.-6 m-
Farmers !. Save Vour .
g'.ol' IRON lIORSF. POWERS for two
Itj three and four horses, made . entirdly of
run, so that you, can. Icave it in the weather
without :be leak. danger' of Also,
Threshing Machines - , W ion owing Mills, Plows
Plough Mould-boards, elate rs, Points & Shears
constantly on hand. You will save money, by
callingi„belorc juirchasing elsewhere; .at then
Foundry in East High Street, Carlisle Pa.
aiugB3mos • F GARDNER.
U. , T received at the Chepp'..Family Grocery
of Ihe subscriber, u lot of N0..1, 2 and 3
Mackerel, in whole, half or quarter barrels.—•
Also; 50 saces of Ground Alum Salt, which h 4,
is determined to sell at the lowest priceS_ lox
cash. rom3l J D HALBERT.
rpHE subscriber, (talc iof the "Stone Tali
.- ern," Walnut Bottom Road,) respectfully
informs his friends and the public generally
that ho has tqlcon that welt known Tavern.
stand, hi East High street, formerly kept by -•
Mrs Wunderlich, and that ho is now prepared.
to accommodate Farmers, Pedlars. Traveller's,
and all others who may favor him, with n call,
in the most accommodating manner.
Hiustabling, which is largeland convenient,
will be in charge of a careful Ostler.
Ile flatters himself that from his experience
as an lnkeeper, ho will be able to render gene-
ral satisfaction. . ,•
JUST received a general assortment of
handsome•Buffalo.llack Combs, also, lrnitatiom
Buffalo Combs, 'of beautiful patterns and in
great' variety.
Barnslef - ShOotings, also, 12-4 Muslin Sheet— .
ings, Pillow Case -Linens and Muslim, also
Towelling in great variety just opened
Pure Cider Vinegar of excellent (polity juut
received by
Adams fic'Cots., Express,
--"PH-E-substriher-ie-ggont for this Companyi
and all packages that are left nt his store wilt
tittendod to with cure.'and dispatch. The
Express:leaves every morning - Id 4 o'clock, and
arrives at 4.P.
• octl7
• Queensware Glass.: •
A LARGt and"generalseleciion.orthees ar,
titles in every variety has been added to our as•
sortment. Also, a lot of. Cedar Ware., embrac.
ing Tube Churns, Bucke.zi, ustia
low _priCes, at the Grocery Store of 7 .•
' March 14, J AV EBY.
OVT Saturday morning somewherelast, soeWbere in
this boiough, a pair of Rayon. spectacles,
in a, steel caeoone of the ginada erneked.--
The finder.,yvill,l4" liberally rewarded by leay.
ing.ihem at thia ,
firie lot . jua riceived And- for
ode, bY box or rotted nt 1 - 11..i13BARD' .
feb.I3OAMES , o,,Dtu 6 & Variety Store.
Fish, Fis
From the New York Observer
Mewl. Pali:tore—The' following narrative,
relating a fine, not to say a sublime scene, In
the Couvontion.tharframed the Constitution of
the United Staten, was originally derived froth
Gen.•Jonalhnn Dayton, of New Jersey. He
nap the 'Junior member' that moved the 're
-cmisideretion,' mentioned below. The account
is full of interest and instruction at the present
time, when the spirit of discord and selfishness
is so Hr . ° in our. national . couheils. Would that
a copy of it could be sent every member of our
National Legislature, and that it could be read ,
by every Christian and patriet•throughoUt the
I was, (said 'Gan. Dayton.) n.delegate from
Now Jersey in the General COnvention which
assembled - in - Philadelphia; - fie - the - purpose — of
digesting a Constitution for- the United States,
and I believe I was tho youngest 'tmber of
that body. The great and good Washington
was then, oar President, and Dr. Franklin, a
Pennsylvania. A disposition was aeon disoor
eied in come members to display themselves in
oraterical_flounalme—but the good sense and
discretion of the majority put down all'eueb at
tempts. We had convened to deliberate upon',
and if possible effect, a great national object—
to search toripolitical, wisdom arid truth ; these
we maont - t pursue witlusimplicity, and to a-.
void every thing whichwould .have a tendency
to divert our attention, or perplex our scheme.
A great ,Yari - Oty, of = n!ojects were proposed—
all Fe - pi - Miceli in their general outline, but dif
iering.idtheir 'details. It was therefore deter-
Mined That certain elementary principles should
at first be . established, in each branch of the la.
tended Constitution,—anA, aftErwards the-do - -
tails should be debated - and filled up.
Diem o:au little oi no difficulty in determi
ning upon the elementary principles—such as'
for instance that the government should bo
repulecan reprementative governinent—that it
should be divided Into three branches, i. o. Leg
islative, Executive,-Judicial, &c. But when the
organization Of the Legislative branch 'coiner
under consideration, it was easy to be nuclei's;
cd that the Eastern and Southern States had
distinct interests, which it was difficiat o.roc
oncile,—and that the larger Statv wore die
-posed to form a constitution, in vrlt.h the smal
ler States would be more apporidageo_and eat-.
ollites to the larger ones. On'tko.firat of these
eubjecte much animated and atirrinFdebate
had takin place, when the ratio of representa
tion- In - the - lower hntrof of emigrant . - wou - beforrr
us—the Southern .States elalming !or them.
solves the whole number of .black population . ;
while the Eastern' States were for Cenfining the
_ -
spoqt to color.
- A's the different parties adhered pertlmMions
ly to their' different positions, it wan feared
that-this ..would •prove an insurmountable obsta
cle ; but os the members wore already goner
ally satisfied that no constitution-eau k: be form
ed, which would meet the 'views and outman)
the interests of ouch individual Stale, i.t was ev
ident that it must be a matter of compromise
and mutual - coneension. Under these impres
sions, and with those views, it was agreed at
length that each State should be entitled to one
delegate in the House of representatives for
every 30,000 of its inhabitants—in which num
ber should be included three fifths of the whule
nil nber of their slaves.
,Vat the cicalla ofthepoiase of Represen
tativea were disposed of, a more knotty point
presented Raiff in the orgenizatieM of the Sen
ate. The larger Slates (=tended that the earns
ratio as to States should be epnanion to both
branches of the Legielature, or, in other words, 4 ,
that each State should be entitled to a ropfe;
sentation in the Senate, (whatever might be
the number fixed on,) in proportion to its pop
ulation as in the House of • Representatives.—
'The smaller States on the other hand contend
ed that the House of Representatives might' be
Considered as the guardian'of the liberties of
the people, and therefore ought to have a 'just
proportion to their numbers ;. but thkt the /Sen
ate represented the sovereignly of the States,
and that as each State; whether great or eaten
was eqUally an independent and sovereign State
it ought in this branch of the Legislature, to
have equal Weight and authority. Wittiout thin,
they said, there wouldbe no security for- their
equal rights, and they would, by such a distrt
, but ion of power, be merged' and lost fti the lar
ger States..—
Tide reasoning, however plain rind powerful,
had btit little influence on the minds of the del
egatealromthe larger Stator; and as they form
ed a. large majority of- the Convention, th o
questidn, after passing ihrotigh thO forme ado.
hate, was decided 'that 'each Slate sliould be
represented in the Senate in prOportion to its .
When iho Convention had adjourned over to
the next day, the 'delegates of the four smallest
States, viz: Rhode Island, Connecticut, New
Jersey and Delaware, eon:ens:3lo consult what
course was to ha pursued in the important mi•
siiiat which we had arrived. After serious in
vestigation, it'vras solemnly determined to MA
fur a reconsideration the next morning;, end if
it was not granted—or if when granted, that
offensive feature of the constitution eould, i net
be expunged. and the smaller States put upon
an equal footing with the largest, ivo would ac
cede from the Convention ; and returning to our
constituents, inlorm Ahem - that- no • compact
cuuld be-formed with tholarge States; but one . .
Which would sacrifide our sovereignly and
I was driputedto he the organ through which
tliiicornnuinicution.sliould be made. • I know
not why, unless it be that' yOuiig men are
nerally chosen to perforin reels actions.. At,'
curdingly, when , the .Convention assem
bled--and as, soon as the minutes of the' list sit
ting were read, rose and:- stated the view -we
had taken o the , organization - of the :Senate,
Our doeire:tcr' highs a reconxidera'tion and
ritedificat on of that article' and in - failure
theraof,:our. determinatitimto secede:ltem. the
Convention; and return - to -ourcdriatittiont
This dieelciatirei'l•t,Mey . Auippthuidi
rptleOml n.fumi r egiiiii — and - filit
-in-every' part- ei the hatiem — Saveral - memberli a
wore ininediately'on the fluor, to express their.
46ARLIS,I(A . JUNIN 26 • IS 50.
eurprine or' indignation. They represented
that the question had received a full , and fair,
investigation, and had boon 'definitely settled
by a very large majority.- -That it tree tattoo- 7
ther unpirliamentaryand unreasonable' for ono
of the minority to liroliosee reconsideration at
the moment their a& had become a matter of
record, and without Pretending that any new
light could bo thrown•on the subject. 'Tlibt if
such a precedent should be established, it
nmtild tifiisey•TWlialCiffly -
one 'point was decidedly settled, as a small sof--
nority might at any moment, again and again,
move and obtain a reconsideration.'' They
therefore hoped-the Convention Would express
its decided disapprobation .by pausing 'silently"
to the business before them.
There was much warm and some acrimoni—
ous feeling exhibited by a number:-of the
speakers; a rupture appeared almost inevitable,
and the boioin of Washington seemed to labor
- witlifibe - most anxious-solieitudes_fee___;is i<pme.
Happily ter the United Stolen, Om Convention •
contained some individuals - possessed of talents
and virtue Of the highest order, whose hearts
-wars deeply interested in the establishment of
-Ln eta, au dfsefac ie n t_formaT_ go_yernmem,_asd,_,,
whose penetrating minds heti already deplored
the evils which Would spring- up iu our newly
established republic, should Alm present- at•
tempt to consolidate it prove abortive. A
ruong these personages rho moil prominent Was
Dr. Frankly]. - Ile was esteemed' the Mentor
of our body: To a mintinaiurally strong and
capacious, enriched by much reading Mid expe
rience of many ye'drs, lie added a- manner of
communicating his (houghs peculiarly his own,
in which simplicity, beauty, and strength were
equally conspicuous. As soon as -the angry
orators who had preceded him had left him an
opening, the Doctor rose, evidently impressed
with the weight of the subject before them,
aed the difficulty of managing it successfully.
"\Ve have arrived, Mr. President,"said he, Stet
a very momentous and interesting oriiis in our
-deliberations— Hitherto. outfleHii - views been -
as harmonious, and our progress as great as
could reasonably have been expected.—
But now an unlocked for and formidable ob
stacle is thrown in ourwas, which threatens
to arrest our course, und-rif not skilfully remo- .
ied, to render all our fond hopes of a, Constitu
lion abortive. The. ground which has been
taken b x , the delegates of the four smallest
States was as tioexpeeled by me earl as repug
nant to soy feelings, as it could he -to-any other
member of this Collection. After What I
thought a - full and impartial invetigation of
the subject, I recorded my vote on the affirm
ative side of the question, and I have nut yet
hems] anything which induces me to 'change my
Builswillsout conelua it is irupossie
bleTor use to 'be wrong. •I issits say that
-those gentledienwho'differ froin 'me aro under
a delusion—Mud!' 101111 will .! charge them with
an intention 4: needlessly embarrassing our de
liberations.—Vis possible some change in our
late proceedinga - ought to takeplace upon prin
ciples of politiCal justice; or that, all things
considered. the majority may see cause to re
cede from some of their just pretensions, as .a
matter of prudence and Amino:lice. For my
own part, there is nothing I no much dread as
a failure to devise and establish sense efficient,
and equabfbrin of government for our infant
republic. 'The - present effort has been made
under the 'happiest auspices, and has promised
the must favorable resulla ; hul,eb c
ouhl this ef
fort prove vaio,•lit will be long em another can
be made with
, any prospect of success. Our
strength.and our prosperity will depend on our
unity ; 'and the secession of_ even -Tour of the
smallest Bpitesi,iiiter4erted as they &re p would
in my pai•alszu and render eselPss any
plan which the majority could devise, 1 should
therefore be grieved, Mr. President; to see mat
ters brought to the test which has heen,perhaps
too rashly, th'reatened on the one basil, amt
which !moo of honorable colleagues have .
'treated too lightlylin the other. I win - convinced
Ural it is a subject which should he approached
with caution. treated with tenderness, and de
cided on with candor end liberality. It is,
however, to be feared,that the members of this
convention are not in a'temper, at this dement,
to approach the subject on which we direr in
a proper spirit.
I would therefore lle, Ir. President,
that, without proceeding further an this
.bus i
ntim now, the Convention should adjourn for
three days, in order to - let the Presc s ot ferment
! •
pass off, and to afford time for a more, lull and
dispansionate investigation of the subject ; and
I would earnestly recommend to the members
of this Convention that they spend the time of
this recess, not-in associating with their 'own
party, and devising new argumenti to fo'ltlfy
themselves in their etvn opinions, but:thut they
mix with mombera of opposite sentiment., lend
in patient par to their reasoning,-and candidly
allow them ell the weight to which they — may
ha entitled; and when we assemble again, I
hope it will be with a determinlition to form a
Conititution—if not such it one no we can in
dig-IF—illy, and in. all.respecto, approve, yet the
best which, under existing oircumetances can
be obtained.' Hero the 'countenance* of Wash
ington brightened, and a 'enacting My deemed
to break , imupon the gloom which had recently
covered r our political horizon. The DOctor
tinuod I sit down, ilr. President, I
will suggest another matter; and I am really
surprised that it has net been 'proposed by some
Other mcinibef, - tfaii aarliermied of our de
liberations. I will euggeal, Mr. President, ths
..riety of nom inating'.and appointing i before
we ,separate, a. chaplain to this ,Convention,
whose duty it shall lip 'uniformly ,to
with us, and introduce time business of each day
by an address to, the Creator of. the Universe,
and the Governor of ail, beseeching
Win preside- in our counellsOrilighten our
minds with a porticm.of heavenly wiidom, in
finance our hearts with a
.loVe.ol trutlizind jus.
tics, and eromanur labor, with ,complete and
abundant success I'.
The Doetor sat down; and never • did I lbe
' hold a aountenalace at•once eti dignified and de
lighted, as was thatoPMiihington at the °limo'
of hie 'tiddresei Nor were the inambers of-,
this_cOnventioii generally leas affected._ Tim
words of Ithe iienerable'yraiiklin fell upon"uur
oaie with .a weight and authot Hy; isven'greater„
„than we may eutitioiii,ah;Oi4ole to .
had' lit'
the Roru . an
lreedo,,lT: - .r a 111.01nent, the ,oxpreesion'Of . that
tient andapprolaion, which was etrotikly
mocked on Mound every countenance; 1 flay
almost--for ono man wee found in Ylie Conven
tio (dr. -, of rope and paid
w th regard to the fins . motion of the honOra
o gentleman, for adjournment be would yield
assent; but ho Protested agirnstthe second
Motion for the appointment of - s1 Chaplain; -He
thencomrnanced a high•etrained 'eulogium on
the tieseinblage of - wisdom, talent, and experi
ence, which tim ConVentfun embraced—declar
ed the high sense he entertained of the honor
which big constituents-had-conferrod - upon him,
in making him a member el- that. respectable,
body ; said ha tine confidently of opinion that
they were competent to Marmot the business
which bud been entrusted to, their care; that
dig) , Vern equal to every exigence which might
occur; and concluded by saying, that; there
fore, ho had not aeon the necoseity of calling in
foreign aid !
Washington fixed his oyes uion the spe i nker
with a mixturo of surmise and indignation,
while lie uttered this irmiortinent and Impious
speech!.-and then looked.around to ascertain
in whht manner it affected others. , They did
nut fesvo him a moment to doubt; no one deig
ed.tojeply, or take the smallest notice of the
speaker, but the motion . for appointing a Chap-
lair Twas instantly seconded, and carried; whe
ther Under the silent disapprobation of Mr. -
or hie solitary negative, I do not recollect.
The motion for are"adjournment wits then
put end carried unanimously ; and the COhysin
tipc adjourned accordingly.
The three days of rocesa were spent in this
manner adv,ised by Dr. Franklin, the opposite
phrties mixed with each other, and a free and
hank interchange of sentiments took place.—
On the fourth day wo aseembled again; tiiiirfT
groat additional light lied not been thrown on
the subject, every Unfriendly feeling had been
expelled and a spirit of conciliation had been
dultivated,which promised at least a cairn and
dispassionate reconsideration of this subject.
6 As satin \its the Chaplain had closed his pray
or, and the minutes of the last sitting wore
- read - , all eyes - were turned - te — the:Doctor.,
rose, And in few words stated, that during the
_recess.htdiad listened Attentively to all_ergli f ,,
ments, pro and con, which had been urged on
both sides of the House that he had himself
said much, and thought more on tho subject ;
ho saw difficulties and Mbjections which might
bo urged by individual States -against-ever
-scheme which had been proposed ;-and he was
now more than ever convinced that the Consti
tution which they were about to form,'ln order
to be just and equal, must be founded on the
basis of compromise and mutual concession.—
With such views and feelings, he would now
move a reconsideration of Alio %nit°. last taken
on organization of the. Senate. The motion
was seconded—the vote carried—,the former
vote rescinded—and' by . successive motion
and reaolution, the Soriatozas_ organized on
the present plan.
, - , 'Mizu.tastfttrailw,
The Washington correspondent of 'the Pitts
burg Gawtte thus notices the prominent mem
bers of eU. S. Senate, now, in session :
09 Oaring the Chamber, the presiding sal.
,f e
Vice President Fillmore, ar once. attracts
attention. Ile is a large noble looking man,
with grey hair and fresh complexion. His
manners ore easy and dignified, his voice fires,
and his whole bearing is such as to command
the respect and confidence of sll parties. ' He
is withal a man of pure character and blame
less life. To the . extreme left of .the Chair
sits Hery Clay. He Is now more than ever
Si th ob.srved of all ob.,ervers."
1 . I is
(. 2
amusing to hear strangers as they enter
tl ry.5 ....... natr5 -- (.4aTiery, enquire, which is Mr.
Clay ? Ito s (he first man they wish to see.,-
After loooking at him for a time in sliende,
they begin to matte remarks abbut hisappear
once ; What they think of him, Sr.c . > All seeds
to feel the most unbounded admiration for the
man. Ile is a good deal changed in appear.
ante from what he was a few years since. His
hair is quite gray and thin—his form 'someyvhat
bowed with years,'atril the' painful impression
is mask that he must-soon pass away. When'
Ire rises to speak every eye is turned towards
him—papers, letters and pone EITC dropped, and
each. &linter assurnes.x..listening and attentive
posture. • As he proceeds his head begins to
move, his hands to wave, his form bocomen
erect, and the rich tones of 'his melodious
voice fall .with enchanting poWer tipon the au
ditory.' It is perfectly wonderful to . witness
the versatility of his powerit.. He can be logi
cal, grave, humorous, fanciful—he 'con -soar
aloft and roans al. large, over the fields of•imag-
Wallop, or he can cope down to the, every-day
life, the 'common sense of the most practical
man. He can indulge the fancy, or grapple
with figures and facts; and in each and every
place show himself a master. 'Truly he is a
wonderful men. He is, unquestionably, person•
ally, the most popular man Its the Senate, as
well as in the country. .. -
Byliit aide alts,Mr. Sewaird. He-i,s4l slew•
der man, with...a large.head and ploasalirebuk
tenunce. lie ails quietly and seldom speaks.
-But he is a man of mark, rind when he speaks
he is listened to 'with great attention., His
'lima upon Slavery . ore such-as to array most
of the Southerly Senators against him. 'At
times they indulge in the most bitter and per
sonal.abUse, but he pays little or no attention to
it. Ho is repeated, feared and hated.,
41.1litio to the loft of Mr.. filay, is the sent of
Berrien. H u . i s a plaiwbenevolent lorrk4 -
ing pbrson. As a, debater lie stands very high,
arid,:hls -great poisons' worth secures hinillre
confidence of Senators, and gives- him-a 'cons.
mandingt infiuence.•ille takes rather Lillie
grounds upop,the'Slavery question.: ~' ,
Near Mr, Berrien sits "honest John Davie.t ,
Hie hair has hcccome perfectly whi,te:which
gives him - I(*ttiliTela appearance.'
greatly respected, though 'he seldom Speaks
. ,
now. • , . • ,
In front of Mr; Berrien is to beacon thollie-;
tingulehed Elmuitor from Onid,hlr. corwin. Flo
la a man of kood size, fair proportiona l and ban
become, qnito'portly, For aomo moon or oth
or IM takes no pait in tho;,.oxoliihg-de‘ales that
aro going If Ate would butopen'.his mouth
there would bo no lack of lielenero,_for na on or
ator ho is unrivalled.. .11 it to be hoped, that he
ailanca'before , •
. .
In the naighnornood of Mr Conwin'is . Mr;
Ela)e. Ho is u largo fine looking inn', and
neure the tuarki of groat good n'atUra.'"lllogli
hisiYieivi'are greatly abhorred, Yet; he never
Speaks without coMManding -the attention- of
Senatorer. In a skirmishing debate he is equal
to any man: in -the Senate. lle; speaks' with
, eq,pe, and abounds in' witticisms, At 'ono' ino -
fitent ho wiH'lash Senators into a stbrm of pas
sion, andtho next convulse them with laughter.
I was. 'amused the other day „while listening
to him, to son the excitement which was pro
duced. Some ,Senators loft their seats, and
paced the chamber. Judge Butler sat in his
seal, but trembled like a leaf ream head to foot.
ft was really painful to look at him ; but when
ho seemed ready to burst withi rago, and 'es- •
pressions of otter were hoard all over the
Senate, Mr.'. Hale - gave a playful and witty turri
'to'his remarks -and set the house in a roar of ,
laughter. power, which he possesses in
an Mninent . degrce, enables him to_ keep on the
the beat possible terinvViththe Senators.
On the same side of the Senate, sits the
great Bonator of Alasssehusetts, Daniel Web
ster. His' broad expansive forehead, ,black
steady eyes, marks him as, an intellectual gi
ant. Ile takes but little part in deb*, except
when dent questions are
~brought forward.—
For the `most part he sits quietly and
_calm ly .
11sretrtttgioavvhat — othors -- haver - fo-ssaye—Oeca—
sionally 'he walks across the chamber. Hid mo
tions are slow, and steps ,measured. In man ,
ner he is cold and distant --no person takes any
liberties with liim, but all treat him with pro
found dc. ercneh. He is pot popular in the
sanmsense t atMr. Clay is, yet every body is
proud of him as a follow eitizen.and as a cotin-
On"the seine side of 11to-Chamber v~r[h, Mr.
‘Vebster, is Mr. Badger, of NortK Carolina.== -
Ilaiis a man of common size, 06 bald, find of
active habits. Besides being
,vi 6, able lawyer
and statesman, he is quite a Theol'Ogian. Ho
hos felt'it necessary to oppose ltie views of
I3ishivp Ives, and has shown n 6 little learnin g
in his opposition. ^.
"s Near Mr. Badger site Truman Smitti_nn old
_codger 100/;ing man. Moat_of the time he is
wa I rand iS 5I-
ways looking down, as though ho was hunting
something, • .
2 0n the other side-of the chamber,'-at-the-ex
treme right is M r. Benton. He is a large port
ly man, nair somewhat gray, It is seldom he
is .absenl- from his seal, and is always at work.
When lie firstrises to spealc'he is :clull, - theasu.
red and uninteristing—but by deiress he kin
II is voice hetet - nes. full and powerfu 1.
and he soon satisfies his !wares that ha under
stand. perfectly. what he is talking about. He
is a man of great inilbsiry and, of groat acquire
In the same part of the Chamber, is •Mr.
Clemens. • Ho is a young manrrz-rashi impetu
ous and unmannerly.. Ho site gritirhis feet on
the top of his desk, and in many ways mani
fests a for the common 'proprieties -
of the has. talents, and would be
, but for two miserable Ilk-,
an etre
take ajl,r(pkpf.,sysktor eve-
Arid ho wears his hair Bo
ry mini
:cd to be continually poking
it be tin,. Both of those habits give
him leaferish appearance Which detracts
much rem Senatorial dignity.
Col Drrii is a spare man, without anything
in pa• ieular to distinguish him. His celleaguo,
Mr. Foote, is a famous man ; he is 'short,
E.oallTtiml vita ydid, resembling Mr. Van Bu
rro somewhat; to is an aetivo, uneasy being,
moving about continually. lie spoake more
than any' other Senator; ho is fluent, energetic;
and sometimes eloquent; his faillts, , ,whatever
they may' be, all stand out; and it is his for- .
tune alivays, to be in hot water with somebo
dy, yet he is undoubtedly.a kind and generous
Man 'with many redeeming qualities.. Near
him is M'r. King, O most dignified and useful
Senator ;ho never indulges. in''Personalities,
nor does he consume the time of the Senate In
useless taßring ; he is universally respected.—
A few lent .froin him, is Mr. Cass, n ahbrt, fat,
good natured gentleman ;he is great talker,
yet ha is an able man.
1111:. Soule is a very accomplished man, and a
mcst elOquent'. — speaker be is a Frenchman by
birth, but speaks our language well.
Judi,,e Butler is a man of common size, with.
hair as white as snow, and extremely ttervouN
he is considered an aisle man,yet very ultra in
his notions.
1 must defer a further description till airatll 7
or time. lam happy to say that the Senate is
still ais able .. and dignified.b sly.
A PRUDENT YANKEE.— . Can't you talcp off
ol y'Laird hewer said a grays, tall, slab.sicled
Yankee to an Albany blither, fooling at the
same time his chin with a noise like a, grater ;
it's, a light bairst•; what d'you lazy Theo
csnts,for a light baiastin't it 7' 'Yes.' ' , Wanl.
-go . alleitarthen.' Wh' the barber watzasping .
Ntaciaccnts TWO.' .. fr ni .111 a -. chin, linysitter •
saw an assistant Pettit; cologne upon rOleusto •
0 i...
mor's heir, through.a. the cork okh, t-
tle. 'Look Where, sq iit,' said the Yanked
'can't'can't you squirt some o'thnt peppeykiarse• int
my head tow 7 pay, can't you throw a.tootle ~,,
o'thn tin for tho throe cents I'—Knickerbocker
OUR COUNTRY.-4riing thou npoika of our
country—truthfully nniyieirifully i—On .00,
country more 'than our o
,have the charms
of nature boon prodigally lavished f her mighty
lukes, like oceans of liquid silver-Libor moun
tains with 'their bright aerial-tinter-her valleys
.teeming with fertility-,her tremendous cata
ract! thundering in their solitude=-her. bound
, less plain. waving •with spontaneous verdfiro—: .
her broad, deep rime; rolling in Imicron-silence
to the oCKlll—hor trackless forests, whore veg
•otation' puts forth all. her ningnilicenne—bar
skies kindling with the angina summer clouds
and glorious sunehins 7 ,no, never; need •an A.
,inortc,a look heYond his own eountry, for•tim
p~oat sublyne, beautiful and natural scenery. •
•MV-A. Jet'seyMen was very sink, and, he was
'not expeCted to recover. His *lends „got a
round his bed, and one of them says;
do you f,eal willing to die Pi .
,lehn " made on effort" to give his . riowarm
the subject, and answered with his feeble. voice ;
"'l—think-4'd rather. stay...where—Prn--.
tiotter: acquainted." •
Tho le , :e!teran•Eia . pot:B,.giato'thi# tilts
I.rais'eu..tha fool.;", if . . i.o . l!..'ircibabry
! , r "
1l" Thin Hilo fine out oolutpn..
VOLUME U-- - N6 .43 a-
It was a slimmer morning. wee awakened
by the rushing of a 'distant engine, bearing
long a tide of mon to their busy day in 'a great
city. Coiil sea-broszei stole thiougli the' pine
trees embowering my dwelling ; - the - riromatic
pines breathed out their reedy music ; the hum•
ming-bird was fluttering over tho honey-duckle
at my window; the gross—glittered-w-ith dew'
drops. A olden was coining from the dairy
across the la itle a inlver mug of new milk
in her hand ;,by the other hand oho led a child..
Tho young woman was in the full beauty of
ripened and perfect womanhood. - liar step
was elastic arid vigorous; moderato labor had
deveioped without impairing her fine person.—
Her face boomed with intelligent life, conscious
power, calm dignity, and sweet temper. "How
sweet is life to this girl:" I thought, es. re•
spected and respecting, sholmotains herself in
domptic life, distilling her pure influence into
the creature she holds by the lird!' And
how avioot then was life to that child: Her
little form was so.orect and strong—so firmly
-ink to-outward-life—her-step so-free—andloy.-- .
nue '
—her fair hair, so bright that .it seemed
as if a sunbeam came from it, as it lay parted
on that brow where an infuntine capacity, had
sot its goal.. And that spiritual eye—au quick
ly perceived, so eagerly exploring ; and those
s•veet lips—rove, and laughter. and beauty aro
there. Now she matches a tuft of flowele from
p la y'
naut A Aß4s4l l 4o . Klig 4a et lo,o *. '11 . 19 "
Bhuuting pla'y'fully; be has knocked her over,
and they are rolling on the turf together!
Before three months had passed , away, she
had lain down the beautiful girments of her
mortality ; aho had entered the gates of immor.
tal life; and thoSe who followed her to its
threshold, felt that, to the end, and in the 'end ,
her ministry had beitn:ni•Oet iLife is
ewoeC to-tho-young,4ith-lheri—unfathomles
hopes end their unlimited imaginations. It is
'tweeter still with the varied realization Heaven
has provided the ever-changino lovelineos and
mysterious precede of tho outward world, in
the inspiration of art—in the excitement
magnanimous deeds-'—in the joys of the moth
er—the toils and harvest of the, father—ia
counthiss bletssinge of hall Owed demetstic life.
'Lilo in tweet' to the seeker of wisdom,'and.
to the lover 61 science, and all prOgreoe, and
and each discovery, is a joy to them.
I 'Life is moot' 'to the true lover' of theft race;
and the unknown and unpraisocl iood:they do
by word, or look, or deed; iY joy ineffable.
. But not alone to the wine, to the learned, to
the young, to the healthful, totheiittadto - the
happy, to the /rigorous doer of good, is 'life
eweet e for the ppor and patient sufferer it, has ,
divino owelitneos. r •
. r •
, What,' I asked a Iriondovho had been on a
delicious country excursion, 'did you ace that
best pleased you P
Sho replied, .My cousin took coo to see 'a
man why had keen a clergyman in the Metho
dist connection. Ile had suffered from a ner
vous Rheumatism, and from a complication of
diseases aggravatedby ignorant druggi tig.—
Every muscle in his body, excepting those
which move his oyes and tongue, is pomalyzed.
his limbs have lost tha human form. Ho hoe
not laid on a bed for seven year.. He suffer.
acute-pain. Ho has inverited_a_cliair.which af
fords him some alleviation. :His feelings era
fresh and kindly, and his mind is unimpaired.
Ho roads coneiantly., 4 lljo book is fixed in R
franie before bim,iand ho manages to turn the
leaves by amitriiment which ho moves with
his tongue. kas. an income of thirty dol.
Into, This pittan o, by the vigilant economy
41,,f his wile, and sore aid from kind rustic
! neighbors, brings thn 'round. his wile in
the most gentle, patient, and devoted of loving
nurses. She never hail too much to do, to do
all welt .; no wish or thought goes, beyond the
unvarying circle of her YonjuderruTP..-lier
love is abounding as his wants—her cheerful.
nese as sure as the rising sun ! She has not
for years slaps two hours consecutively,
I did not know which ttfoat to ioveranco, hii
or lien. ! and so I said to thim. '.Ah mad tho
good 'man, with a 'Ws iiweot to
ma; how can it but be au with such a• wife!'
o,'yewho lirettmitfet alternate' sunshine and
'showers of' plenty, to whom night twins sleep
and daylight froshnesi—ye murmurers' and
coMplainera who Fret in the harness 'oflifc till it
galls you to the bone—who recoil -at tho light
eorburden,.and shrink from a' peeping cleml.
consider the magnanimous sufrerer my friend
described, and loarri - the divine art that . = die
til aweetnces from the bitterest cop.!
rc . .`Mr Willie speaks of. handsome girl
whom ho met in an omnibus in New York, AS
ono the "dimples nt - the cornors of whosoinouth
wore so doop, and ao turned in like inverted
Commas, that— her lip, looked , like a quota
tion ."
FOUND. —The man . who stares at the ladies.
lle wears a pith; et • bright yellow pants, a
' , painfully shiniott,"tind,eartlost email yel
low cone which, lias.p. delidato ivory head in
the shape Of a lady's toot."
ItiecaricitoLv.—The: Republic leitrits. with
deup rograt, that two 61 tho daughters. - the
Hon. John P. Gaines, Governor of Orognn, died
Atha passage. ! Ono expired on tho 18th, and
tho other on ilia 20th of March Ind, at St.
-Ax ODD—A duel wart°. off - ia - Pcho- --
neetady recently, betwoon two gentlemen of
color, in utho lumbor buoinole," (Woodontwing.)
Cauae—jealousy and three pinta. of rum. They
fought with a: pair of eaves and Niche—ono of:
the helligorenta loot an oar, and th other the
basement of hie corduroy. Noinsurance
Alholit . the year 1684, tho I,pgislature of
'ennsylvania landed u resolution tint 'no !map•
her thereof sliouln-oonte to the House barefoot,
eat hid bread and daces on the.adeps. •
, • ...BAD Nir. : wel7itond,.Tunes proßikra_ i9urnalf
to. hear , bad, novel' _ ..'sl,vgraelouq-4peak—
what is 'lt , !Your, ,p/ifo, jczOpiuly ,ckh, dear
how yot Trighteneepii; ilk thought, ',any( houio
. The Cont, Railroad, was' opened to
Huntingdon on tho Gth