, Staiktoato Tito Little .Girl's Good Harming'. BY MARY tavixa I am an happy!' ti!e)lllle.girteniq! A. .n. .Prang, Illio'nlark from her tr undle-hutl; "Tie morning,-bright morning! Good morning papa! ' Oh ! give me (Mt Won for good morning, Mama I Only just, look at my pretty Canary, , ------Chirpingidruweet—Condmorning-to-Alsev• , The sunehine is pueping etraight into my eyes— Good morning to - mu, tdr.''Sun—lonyou rise' Early, to wake u my birdie and me,' And make ds ail! ppy as happy can hs I. • ' - 'Happy as yon m y be, my dear little And the mother troked softly - ii - Ultudering curl— . •'Happy as eon think of the One Who wakened his morning both you and the sun!' The little *no :turned her bright- eyes with a nod 'Mania, may I say, then, 'Goad morning' to God 1' 'Yes, Milo darling one, surely you MeV— Kneeing you kneel every morning to pray V. Mary knelt solemnly down, Nvith her eyes Looking up earnestly into the ekies ; 'And two little hands that were folded together, .. Softly she laid on the lap of.her mother. 'Good morning, dear Father lit:I/eaveft.' shi "id '1 thank thee for watching my snug little bed For taking goad care of-ine all the.dark For waking me up with the beautiful Oh, keep me (rein naughtiness the long Blest Jesus, who taught ilttle.children to plight, An angel looked down in the euneliine and . erniled, lint she saw not the angel, that beautiful child ! The Floiver that Looks Upwcadse A group of .young and light-hearted girls sat together in the• twilight, busily arranging the 'flowers they had been gathering in the pleasant Woods and fields: ° "What beautiful things flowers are !" said. one,. "And what a pleasant amuse ment it would be, now that we are all sitting here so quietly, if each were to choose what flower she would rather be like." ' "Just as if:there - Could be any choice."' ' Lau holding up a. moss rose as she spoke."Ameng -all the Rowers, that grow, there is -none to vie in beauty with the rose. Let me be the queen of flow ers or none:" ' "For my Part," ohserved - her 'sister Helen, "I should like to, resemble, the luxuriant rhododendron, so beadtifully described in'our book of flowers. When anfbne, in passing, shakes -it roughly, it scatters, as, we are' told, a "shower of honey-dew from its roseate cups,and im mediately begins to fill its chalices anew with transparent ambrosia;" teaching us -to-shower sweetness — e veiryWn — thelfand.s that disturb -us, and to fill again with pure honey drops the chalices of our in ward thoughts. .-Oh-!--who would not wish to be meek and forgiving like the rhodedendron, if they could ? But 'tis very - difficult," addedd — poor Helen, *th tears in 'hcrefes. - - "It iwindeedr 'aid Lucy Neville, en fly, "if we trust only to our strength.— It is only when my father looks-at me in his grave, kind mariner, 041 have.the the slightest-control over n4self. What a pity it is;" said Lucy simply, "that we cannot always - remember that the eye of our Heavenly Father is upon us I" \. 4 wish I Could;' replied Helen. \- "-"I have head My mother say," obser ved Lucy, "that prayipg is better than wishing." "Now Clara," interrapted•Lqura Ben net, turning impatiently toward a fair, gentle looking girl by her side, "we are waiting for you." Clara smiled, and immediately chose the pale convoivulus, or bindnieed, wind ing soi carelessly in and out among flit, .the bushes, flinging over them a grace ful covering, an emblem of meek beauty and loving tenderneis. "Tice' only pity is," said she, "that it should so soon close up and fade." "But what s y • - .. ~ , Or dear Lucy," ex claimed Hele . • "I think t at I can guess," said Clara '• Seymour, "either a violet, or,heart's ease \ --aml Jiihtl" so N.. ! , ;v4ic i uit c ,", rhplied i Lucy With a ticep* ' Wish, " although both the &were that you have mentioned are great favorites of mine. But I . shouldlike to*.resemble the daisy most, because it is always Looltugo UPWARDS.". . , . . . , • . A.po tell me," said Helen, es they wal e ked home together, carrying the flowers which they had gathered to. adorn their several dwelling's i, do tell me why. you wished, just now, tb be . always looking upward like thitisy:" d. ' ( ,• 'Kl,,Helen e an you ask? 'What more do We require for happiness then to be able, let the eland be' ever so dark, to to look upward with the eye of faith, - -- and say, It - ia the Lord's will and there(- ' fore : it it best 1".. , . . •, ' .. ' "Do "you always think thus ?" - asked INI Helen.' 44Alas no!" replied poor Lucy, while the• Ware fell fast, "but I - am trying' and praying to God to tettCh me. Good *York.. -movement of the soul, along the path, of duty; under tke influence of holy lore to God r censtittites what are calldd good ...works'. Good Works are works which .proceed from good, principles...— The internal form of an action cannot 'alone determine whether it'be good or not: - Its., usefulness to others. may be determined_ by its internal,:form, but its moral mirth depends on the Moral spring. front:whiCli.floW..:" Good Willis are holineitson _action; , and this is a chief element , -heaven.' Some, ` moralis ts have thought that, the :hope / of heaven . taints the ,ot virtue,hy, destroying ~....itsAlisinterestedness.._ kis the'L, sense , of hie spiritual corrupt ion, rather than the sense of sorrowwhich Maltvi- the bhriti.; tian long after' ; Heaven : holiness cif heaven is•atill-mitie' attritetive , ~....than ite happiness: `ln heaven, also, the aifccttnns m eet' andnre forever - uniteli,to iheir prOpti• ;object.-, They, fi ani lled and eatisfiekivith the pretierice, of God. ,'':lt is this;. that , thitY,' Adak after. -They desire His -ifevorable preeencie:as their • chief good. It is an ` iiitereat undogbted ly the highest intetegt; bat 'is it aselfisit ' • interest ? Shall the desire of tt, .son to behold Once the face of . his father, after few yeats' absence, be esteemed .d. pure and. generous desire'; and shall the desire of a , spirit, long exiled from its native sphere, to return to its Father and Its God, the xentre pf its being, the foun tain of light atuflifertnd love, be. culled ase s and interested desire ? No, it is a' pure desire, which, is sent down l unto thei sprit limn the heart of God, and which remains unsatisfied, until ha& again mingled with its source. No; it is a noble desire, and speaks a noble oitigin = and the fear connected with the idea of missing this object is not a base fear,—it is the horror which a pure spirit fee 4 at the thought of remaining with pollution and being tainted by it.. The desire of doing right for its own sake, is. :in truth . a part of the chriSfian's desire after heaven.—ERSKTNE. SUPERIOR - FRESH C-ROOEOMS Latest sarriverL rogt, Cheap Family Grocery Siore'tof Jo -11. - feld]. D. Halbert, West thin street, Car ' lisle, has just received a large and fresh supply of the best FAMILY G,R.OOERIES that the Philadelphia markets can afford. The subscri ber has just returned froM - the city. and )would respectful)) , invite his friend antr the public generallyl, l bout,, in town and country, ,to and exurninFor theinseWeS his large and in-- creased stock, which embraces all.the urtidev usually kept in his line of business. Such as Rio, Java and St Domingo and Lagaira.Collee; Imperial, Young Hyson and Black Teas, of very superior - quality - and - flavor Lavering'S crushed, loaf, falling loaf, and loaf sugars, or ange grove, clarified -New Orleanajarid brown Sugars of every grade and tpiality, with price to suit. Honey ' sugar house, Orleans and. syrup, Molasses. Spices of all kinds, which lie will warrant pure and fresh ground.. Brooms,, Ce dar and. Tainted buckets, churns, tubs, half piints; butter ladles, wash rubbers, &c Clothes, fancy sewing, traveling and market baskets of all , hinds. Castile, limey, rosin and country SOAPS. Also, a general assortment of chewing and omitting TOBACCO, spanish half spanish and common CIGARS.. Ropes twines ' and Brushes of all kinds. Prime-CIIEESE-always on_ ltandL_Sperm,_Winter, _strained Eiephant anti Common GLASS, _QUEENSWARE.—I have also added to my already large stock,. a number of sew patterns of White Granite and fancy . tea sets. with CROP: ERY WARE of every de fcriptionr4hich 110 -cll at the lowest prices nor cash. Feeling grateful for the liberal patronage here tofore bestowed upon hint by a generous public, the subscriber tenders thein his hedrty sincere rhank - s, and hopes that in his efforts to please and particular attention to business, to merit a continuance of their support. March 20, 1850. JOS. D. 'HALBERT. ~ot'~ctt - ~loi~se7~'otct; -- ADJOINING THE WM HOUSE, CARLISLE, TA Tim subscriber. having leased . the above T large and commodious HO EL, situated on dm cornet of the - Public - Square and - South - Hano ver street; and lately occupied by Ben!. L Esh leman, begs leave to announce to his friends and the public that he is prepared to entertain them in a manner which cannot fail to meet their approbation. THE ItO USE has the most •pleasant loca tion in the borough—has been newly furnished and otherwise improved, and no .pains will be alined to make those who 'may sojourn with him, comfortable during their stay. His par lors are large and well furnished, and his chant. hers - supplied with new and comfortable hod ding. HIS TABLE will be supplied Wi h the best the market can afford, and all who are eonnect ed with his house will be' bind attentive'eare ful and obliging. THE nArt will,cpntain the best liquors the city can produce. HIS STABLING is entirely new and esten sive, capable of acconunodating, from stl to GO horses—malting it a - desirable , stopping place for DROVERS, and trill be a , tended by a skil ful Ostler. in shori;pothing will be, wanting calculated to add to the comfort and cotiveni- enee of tho3e who ntev favor him with their patronage. BOARDERS taken by She week, month, or ye r iitnr TERMS lODCRATE. febti'd 9• t , JOHN HAN-NAN TW , VALUABLE FARMS • For. Sale." Subscriber offers at private sale the fol A. lowing described-Real Estate, " No I.—Situated in Nerthmiddleton township, East of Carlisle, about one mile North , 'ot the Carlisle and Harrisburg turnpike.road, containing 225 acres, rnomor less, about-4 lime stone and the reeiditefilack Slate and Meadow ' land, all cleared and in n high state •of cultiva., than- x eßt_6o acres well covered with heavy T , • .r. The buildinVs - ,are a very fine two story STONE HOUSE, and goodframe barn* partly new, with, x ••• - i ;I . .Et Cern cribs, Wages sheds, c. a fine gm '517; spring house and a — never failing —, spring of:wider near the door of the house, also; a good orchard of choice fruit. . No situated.one Mid a half miles North of Carlisle, oil the road leading from Sterretts Gap to Carlisle„ . edntaining 165 acres of first rate Slate. land, thoroughly & well limed, except 35 acres which is well 'covered with Timber., the improvements are a two "Story frame dwelling house and alarge &pine barn, all necessary out buildings iu gdod condition, also, a good orchard of choice..fruit, this Tarm is well' supplied with Warier stock in all the ,fields. Also, 2 virago( water near the,house that never fail: Forsook :wishing to purchase or to examine ilia properly • will please calron the subscriber residing in Car: 'lisle. ' • • ARMSTRONG NOBLE. . - - - Possedsien.will be given on the Ist - - of "April Umpired. Payments be made to suit the per chaser. feb.l3 50-sm. • Pure Frei .Cod Liver OIL THlS:new .and valuable Medieine,•,now used by- the medical profession wit'q Such astonishing efßeacy, in the Caro of Pied nionary Consumption; Scrota's, Chronic Rheu matism, Gout, General, Debility, Complaints of the Hidneys, &c. &c., is prepared from the liver lof the coo FISH for medicinal use, lxpriaisly fen' Oniesles, • (Extract . froin'trie London Medical Journal.) M. D., F. R. S., Profcs 7 sor of Medicinei University College, Lon don, Consulting Physician to the Hospital for consumption,' Sic.,. says . : I have prescribed the Oil in above - four hundred cases of tuber culouadieeasepf the Lnngs, in ditlbrent stages,, which have been andeir'iny' core the last two years and a. half. lin the largo number of, cases, 206 out of 234,4 is usowas - followed: by maidked and unequivocal Improvement, vary ing iii degree in different cases, from a tempo rary retardation of the progress of the disease and a mitigation of distressing symptoms, op to a more or less complete restoration to iippa_ rcht • "The °fleet of the Cial Liver Oil in tuna: therm cases was very remarkable. Even in a few days the cough was mitigated, the expec toration diminished in quanty and Opacity, The night. sweats , 'ceased, the pulse became slower, and of better volume, and, the appetite, flesh and strength were , gradnally Improved. ': "lii eonclusion rrepeat that the pure fresh oil from the liverof the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment. of 'rulnionery•.Conaumption .than cny - agent, medicinal, dietetic or . regime : . nal, That has yet beertempleyed."• tAs wo.have made errangemerits to '.procure the Cod Liver Oil; fresh from head quarters; it an now had cheMically pure by the single hottliii or in boxes of oniAlozen each. Its wonderFul efficacy has induced numoron epurious imitations.. As; its success . depends quaretYnn its polity, top muck care cannot be' ~ usedtupmeuring It genuine.' • ;. Every hot , l 3 l ,3p ba eild vlrr e g d 7c4. o i o nir our writtenign cure, may iti Pamp lets, containing: :••analyairi..of the Oil, with notices of 'fiiin' c ideffical /darnels; Will be Sent to; those who add Mes •us tree' of :postage:""-. JOON EAKEEfir. - • . •• Wholesslellruggistiand 92 .„ '.-100 ; North Third r•'. . • • , 'Obiznney , Board Tapers.' -•-• FUST °piffled a variotk .Paper ing :chimney' boards.' Aleo, foi - WindOw Beagle. An entirely new . Wbeelbarreir 010. Lapin : G W ' ,filioccllcmcog. t _Piano r9rtes., THE largeSt, - CheopeSt, beSt `and most elegant assortment of PON otrowrEs , in the 'United States, can alWays be•found at the warehouse of the sultscriker, • 171 Chesnut Street, atone Fifth, At the Old Smut! occupied more than a third of a century by Illr•George Willig; music publish. zr r ianosataps._argana,_Sarafthiarq fiesh from the most celtbratcd Menu lecturers in New York;•l3oston flhlthitore, Philadelphia, and, elsewhere. Sulk' wholesale and retail,ut the maker's cash prices. - • 'OSCAR C B CARTER, 171 Chesnut Street, Philadctpltia Feb. 13, 1856. ' THE' GREAT I AINA STORE OF PHILADELPHIA. ITIHAPiKFUL to the citizens of Carlisle and its vicinity for their increased custom, wg again request their company to ticw our late and splendid r.lsortinosit of • • - Cnina, Glass Queensware, Dinner Sets. Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and• single pieces; either of Glass,. China or Stone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for less than .they than be had elsewhere—ln fact at less than Wholesale Prices. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH BRITANNIA METAL GOODS in greater variety than ever before oll'ered in the city. FANCY CHINA in great variety very cheap, t k _ wont, invite any person visiting the city to call and flee us—they will at least be pleased to walk around our beautiful store, and to view the finest China and 'the .cheapest the world produces. Very respectfully, TYNDALE, & MITCHELL, No. 219 Chesnut Street. Phila.sent26'49ly ASTROLOGY, ASTRONOMY, TRENOLOGY AND GEOINRNCIC Professor C ly:Roback, - [cno3l SWEDEN.] Office; No. 71 Locust St.; above Bth, op posite the Musical Fund Hall, Phtl'a. $25,000 HAN G BEEN WON. iopY my numerous friends on the late l'residen SLR alai election, should convince those skepti cal peisons who talk of FAILURES, that no. such niing as FAIL is or has been knownt bv_the end inentand-d i siingui sheil—Ast rooomer and—Astrol— oger, C. \V. IIDBACK., during hi> "experience of over a. quarter of a- century,—Doryop doubt predestioation ? Then why not every man pun a celebrity of CeneralTaylor, a Daniel Webster or a Henry Clay ?" And yet there are some who are foolish enough`to doubt t a man may be bora p lilt the power :o see into future intents. WOW can it be possible that the destiny of man should be governed by the "mere shuffling of a pack cif earth . ? and yet there are thousands' ho allow themselves, with open mouths, to swallow the greasy words of some old_woman,.wliose true skill consists iu filling them with wonders that are most difficult fOr the digestion of - others, whp arc mare eredulous;:yet more scientific. It is - suchthatliringAilercilitmi a profession that hai beedacknostledged to be a seienitc of the highest orderfrom aloe immemorial and is the only pro , fessimi that has any authority to sustain it. The high respect which (;,leneral Taylor, and Charles Bet nadOtte, hate . Ktitg of Sweden had for A strol— gy, is shown by their letters for their Nativi ties to the'subscribm:, which it will give hula -great..-Measure i,showing_to_tbo,c,ho_th,r, him with a call. Itt 'addition to his power, to foresee future e vents,- he has the power togive such -- information as will effectually- redeem such as are given to the too free use.lof the bottle. - lle.is also eapa bleof curing disiliel heretofore consider[ d - in_ curable in tl is country In..the ordinary meth eilles, and wit:ln:sal] to g ive hint a call. who have heed given up 14-physicians and with, hi he cur ed- lir will warruni in cure in all 10,SeS,1111111 will make no dvtrge except for the conjurations he pall make use olio his oflice. tic is often asked what a Nativity isq lie - ansmicrs'.dcerrding to Xe'emnaney, one of the seven poildS science of Astrology, that it is a Iforroseope of the future events of 4 person's life, carefully calculated - and transcribed on paper, containing an account of all tic lucky and unlucky daye in the months and years of the persons life foe whom it is cast ; by which menus - thousands in this country and elss where have been prevented rum misforomes that h a d liceolliddea in' the wirlub.of futurity , by re- [erring to their Nativity before entering on - any speculation of business or pleasure.. It should be 'tithe. Itands.of cverY one as their A111:111:0 for tile. A Nativity ofan individuate:ln . only tore ward the possessor of troubles that are in (tame for him; those alio arc involved In pre sent cables of any kiud Must way orealic subscriber is': persoO or by letter, is prepared to evert his secret hillucnce.for thelimmediate be refit. lIE ' hi ready to See his influeria to forestal the results of lawsnits,and ell undertakings in which there is a . risk involved, Ire also makes ause of his povier for the restoration or stolen or lost property, which he hat used for the mly,anilige of thousands in this city and elsewhere. %Vito can doubt a gradleinan's abilities, who has had the honor to be called on mid consulted with bvall the crown: Cal heads of Europe. and e ujeys a higher reputa tion as an astcologet , than any one ecklic caw bt consulted with ty. his Mike, or by fetter, if pre-paid, and he is ,prepaierl to make use of his power on any Oahe tollowingtopies Business of all deicriptions;travelling by land ori sea;,courishipsjadVice given for their successful. accomplishment; speculating ins stocks, meiellan• disc, or real, estate: the recovering -..nf dispute; the purchasing:of tickets; and the safety of ships at 66-, Healso offers his respec tingsetvices. health, wealth . , anal marriage, lovzu . (Fairs, joutubys, m ets,dillicultir• in basilic , fraud, and in all the concern's afire, uud Inviteaali to. call who are - alllisteal, ceirPorealfimM9otalli, TERMS. Ladies, 50-eants; Gentlemen, $l. tivities calculated and raid in lull, according to the Or acres OEMaSculine - Signs—Lailies. Ge dlemen $1,50. Nativities calculated iccotaling to eouian ey,for L4rie;'lsl,2 7 llt. ..$3; Gentlem in fill1;451. g . waircires I .-VITATCICEIS ! Great indizte Mead to per- inG2e 'aorat'in want of •a good WATCH! r. , VADVING received additional' .supplies :o 1...1L-Gold and Silver WATCHES of every . description, from London, Liverpool and Swit-:' =laud importations, is now prepared ten turn , ish the very best article at a price fnr below any ever ollered, Of the same quality, and Which cannot:be •undersold by an' other store in PhiladelPhia- or elsewhere: Everfwatcli - sold will be perfectly' regulated, and warranted to be•as goodies represented. • •• - Watches at thefollowing low pl-ices: Gold Lovers, full jewel'e,lB carateascs, $2B 00 Silver do do • 12 00 Gold Lepinei, jeweled, 18 carafeasest 22 00 Silver do do • • ••• - 8 - 00 .The L. R. Bunnell' Gold - Pen;•a' superior article in silver casdovith pencil,and warranted 51,50 Gold Pencils for Si , and upwards, Gold Medallions, and Locket for DagurrreOtyPe Like nesses; Gold Chains and Hair bracelets. Brenta Pins, Ear Rings, Finger tinge, and nlgeneral assortment of every description .of, ~Jewelt* at unusual low prices. ) • . No. 110 North 2d street, 2cl door' fidow :Rae' street, Philadelphia. LEWI9 - a..BIIOOMALL. . 0ct3141849;6m (Pierce, .agent;) . • • • CARLISLE FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOP • ..TIIE subscriber co ntinues, rho manufacture' of- CASTINGS, at hie Foundry in High street and having now on :hand qq full assortmencol Flatmate prepared. to all kinds of IRON -AIM.. BRASS 'CASTINGS in the , best style and and at, the has now on hand large assortintlni" of ings, such asHorn-crashers, Mill and Gudgeons, - .Plough castings; Points*, Shears and Cutters, Wagon and Coach Boxes;'cellar grates Oyen Boors, ,cask --Weights, die:- Conking Tenlylato and Coal Stoics." , He‘ also' builds ..etrul, _repairs CARS; Threshinir hlct.` " . chines andHoirte•Potverst with oyory other kind of:Machinery, write sher leslaollwr....ohlrilin;Broas and, copyisr taken in'eichingu. for , Wark - -rillrenving-parehiated 411 of Kenny Co.'s Patterns, persons wishing tohave thein. will-fied-thetn nty.shop, - IF GARDNER: A 4NO4Ds writing fluid,w-voric4o4 . paariar tat. tor male at , ' "41,1pDARD.1. `sltoiti:ance IMSIMMEM! VZIELZI INSlTiftill4V3l TIIE Allen and East Pennsborough Mutual I ire Insurance Company, of Cumberland colinty I torporatod•bynn'acltti~fi'A`ssentbly,.isatow ljdly c gimized, and in um:alien-under the manage :l eat of the following Commissionorru viz Jacob Shelly, Wm It GurgrisiMichael Cock. i , 51olehoir Brenneman, Christian Staynian, 1. mry Logan, — Benjamin H Musser, Jacob I ,:rk, Samuel, Joseph Wickersham. The rates of insurance' me l ee low and favors.: 'o 'as.itny Company of the kind in the State.— : erson's wishing, to become members are invited make application to the agents of tite coMpa z. f; who are willing to wait upon ihein at ally no. • ;JACOB SHE ,LY, President. I ENRY LOCIA.N,Nice resident. Mfr.:TT/IEL COCK Lin, T LI: ;E V O IS su i r T C Y T E . n' Secretary. AGENTS. Cumberland Alnrtin, Vow Cumber:land, C 13 Herman, Kingstown, Henry Shironintistoy.'n, Robert Moore and ( navies Reif, Carlisle, Isaac Hinpey,, Alechan, iburg. Ahl, Churclifown. ^ York count p..rohn Slicrrick, Lisburn, John 1 owman, Dillsburg, Peter Wolford, Franklin 2 din Smith, Eoq., Washington, W S Picking, 1 over, Daniol Raffensberar, J ,W Craft. Ilarrisbure',.-11ouser & jtoehMon• •Mernhers to( the company having policies aSt b -Jut to expro can haye,thent renewed by nick:. i g application to city of the agents. x4rmi INsraiumicr. !:'he Girard Life Insurance Annuity and. Trust Company of Phil'a. ( ffice Aro, 159. Chestnut &act ; Capital . $3OO. 000. (Urfa Pcrpcttta 1 ! "lONTIN OE to make Insurarrees en Lives J on the roost favourable terms. receive and ze - cute.Triksts, and receive Deposits on Inte -1 st. Tim Capital being paid' tip and invested, to latherwith accurnulated premium fund.;alorda a rEar'r.ei stimarry to the insured. The pre• innt..may be paid in yearly, hall yearly, or quarterly payments.,, - - The Comprmy ad it BONUS at stated pa-, ails to the insurances - fir life. .This plan o r - iurancels'the most approved of, and is more t in use, than any other in Great h e"subiect - it bes t- understood—try - , people, and where they have had the ,long• ✓ t experience,) as appears front the fact, that I c it of 117 Life Insurance Companies there, of ' •r. ; kinds, 87 arc on this plan. . The first BONUS nits appropriated. in De g inber, 1.844, amounting to 10 per cent. on the . a• RI insured under the oldest polices; to 84 per' nt., . per cent., &c, Szc.,on others, in pro. 1 . -pion to the time of stantlinCrpalcin,g. en ad c ,ion of $100; ',987.50; $375, Sz,c.,'Vc. to every $ I ,000,,,priginally insured, which iS an average e inure thanso per cent on the premiums paid, a d witheut increasing the . annual payment to t c Company : The'operation of the BC) b • the following examples ✓ ice Register of the Comt ME Sum Bonus OT Insured Addition I o 58 __51..000.3.10P . 09 2,500 250'00 1 1, ,50_0 - 4_o_oloo 2,500 17 - 'OO 5,000 477'50 •-._ 205 - 276 - 333 ..—Pamphlets ..containing-__the—table_ ot_rates a, d explanations of the subject ; forms of ap t) -icakion, and further information spn be had at t' c office, gratis, in person- or letter, ad d essed to the President or*cruttry; -- B W RICIIARDS, President.' J NO F JAMBS, Actuary. ^-, . • estoration 8c Preservation of the Hair.. 3y IVZ Wise ilk Son,. of Ifirgini. 45;.: SON, finding it 'altogethei VI impossible .to attend personally to the g' eat number of daily applications, frotia all s ctions of the .Union, for their remedy for I .11d&ss, and for their celebrated HAIR TO -1 10, have found it necessary to appoint a (.eneril .Trovelling—Jgent, -40 Visit different ✓ .ies and towns throe ghout.,the United Statet, • sting him with antbority . to appoint sub-a mis, use and vend the Hair Ttinie, and io ap y the RESTORATIVE, nod to put them to the hands of those he may appoint to • ope r •te wherever a sufEciMit number of patient i ally town orneighborhood shall he obtained. Capt. GEORGE CALVERT, of Fauquier .unty, Va., is alone authorized Jo net as Gen. ✓ nt Travelling Agent, with the powers above aiented. 4:apt, C. may bc.cxpected .to visit, as speed v as pructicabre the prineipal c.ties and town the Union. N. 13. Capt. Calvert will always have on hand a full supply of the HAIR TONIC eletinses the head 01 dandruff, Strength c.is and invigorates the hair, and prevents it, s Ise, from falling off,) for the region of country pst contiguous to his orrerations, or it may ~Ways be obtained at wholesale, Mal forwarded any part of the Union .by addressing the oprietors, Sz . ; SON. Richmond, 3:KI - Price ,V 1 per dozen cash. Six bottles fur or one dollar single bottle. [novi2B,ly For sale ih Carlisle by S \v II A V. E R- I yicK. _ . ___.......,_ .....______,........_, ....... - CONS i, l ,:it. Ivlg'l* . :) . - tiOt Ir-a. ..... , a all Chtiatlanlmad and i zed countries; has calmed a c a fl .--'. :agar proportion of d the than nnv other malady that at. lints tho bumtm (mull ; and, until within a few yours, - ' aerobes not beep any: tain remedy to atop the devasta• eon of thataleatroyer, -B taw— ' _ .:BRANTs'S Ip.DiAN 'PULMONARY' ~IIALSAM . urea very many of Lid finnt efranuly marked and developed . tom or .1 1 1.71.111044.1.141 4 CONSUME . rion--real, atulaubted moan .r. ulcerated and dinned lklNOtl.--Fucl; 4101011.1,5.444.110.4 US were neeei before cored he any (Wad . medicine. ;:u utter ' '1 'wades, worn some of the afflicted ;:rating, an to ham, men proaothtee ' d by pity.fr:k.. nod fr11,114:0 10 Ito ACM.: . .14 4401 4 40. Pomp. Who had limit - buriahclothea made, have .con curd, tout i• et live: others, who it veal Ald w„„1.1 401. hive 10101110, 4 fly, aru•ale:W 101W01.1 natal 110011)4101.they I I ;mantl. all the cleansing and pa rlfylue virnien nearly a:a powerful tuttliactivo nadhe preparation Which we call .)R ANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING 'EXTRACT. tialnant differs fronuthoExtract, becaue s o pm:Waren , I.o..afiratioas,,schieh are 'pren/intip adapted to, and arc r t iwy neirsrtrylvr, 14,e afire , • • .COUGHS AND CONSUAIPTIONS 1. • . no hlt dine anon n pulmonary naiad—mob disop.add as usultlly'provo no fatal under ordinary treatment, tvlion tho uiack the • • 11 Throolunga, and Hera , • This 11A LSANI nnaLs AND eurtnAli.cran in the r.frsas, anal elsowhom Miernally, an errtality andorisiiy, as the Po. air ring .EncruAqr carer nod heats ulcer. erfrrnailin This •Iralsam cure. NINE DMA of Conylt and Coasimption uut cif TEN, after nll other romodlea have Im7cd.to dolrood, , LEMMA. 11E00 .31 JILL; 110 ..North Second St." • . , - Thousands of ' Mnsanipt - ions -.. mid WArtinie ou.iha abundantly prove itetatfailine eljustrg in each diseases, and its. undoubted - dun:else power, end soothing, healing properties, in the roll Swing complaints wl.distases, oit,c ,Apittiail of ]blood, 'deeding at Ms Lew. Taira in th,s /Irma and yotc, Night ovate, Nervous Cora. aaiste, Palpitation of the Emrt, Cholera !uranium, Dv.. Inv .1 Sumner Complaints ie/Chil4rets and Adollf.,.and. all FEMALE WEAKNESSES -& COMPLAINTS: Ng rcireedte offered to the public has rer been half BA ',tam unit effectual in featuring ALT, Ike incidental wearenes. mm /URI irreglibtrifies 5r the sex, as BRANT'S,PULMONARY BALSAM. It makes nod illitrence whether the de rangenemt ly'ppres.ion, ,Rue , Or other went es.—it REGULATES ALL, by arARBIAtErnyMA SYSTEM, amoUsing tha 011151/I,A. T::,Y,Tnrvt .nothing nod atayinc - NERVOUS IRRITABILITY rir See pamphlets.' • ' . ' , . • CONSTPTON A,I3YiNCI WQMAN - CURED We anti, thin cure to ,pi . orn din POWER TO say e Lira whon this B i (BALSAM s used, °von niter the person in con. tidered by physician. aadfriende 0, 1,0 'lll Pm last gauge, of -,thou—urcunily -Driuu—euid, in fhlucass, so .sall cone., • that the slißol2l, and 11UltiApel.oTHr.S lone bouplul For- the particular; of this case, and the resprelable and undo:db prolf of alLtlits OiretOnslonees nit,-facts, wo ruler to our PA fOrIiLETS. ' •'' • - • ' cure iivan'elreceed an Mrs. MBA DYN,EMAN, of 5i44,3a,9017a County, N. Y. We cab prove, Id , ' :thud a doubtinsany others, almost equally hothker, nod in. numerate canes of Coughs and Consoolplions CURED, wkieb.worOpeoneOproiineeroddebv sniCrut. sit v minus. . • • .• • • FITS PITS - FITS. - k. LIPPINOOTT k PON, respeconbleauer.' ' ' chants aciritirrues,Solliran Bantsyleania, wrote to en, May 12.1319, atalllth, Oolong otßor BEN ' • heed derived Item the.unkof BRANT'SPUL MO NARY . BALSAM, that ere of tholroustomers had Just' infbemed 'chain that her child, which bad been subject - to FITS AT !warred too rit,wttn cured ity:tlin hut of BR•HT'S 1.141,8,111 f: , e . • . See (no. rantpitlets for tin cuten,afrontod hy - IMIANt •..'• 'ilYMO'NTEttic; `•'• and' !Amman Court.stalt, claildriin or' meal powr. .coroittriaour anyJullont wheierar. • • 00 . 014 RA IIV FA N'T'UIVV. • nesidtierintotnt Me . ..death of her child by. ;that child-destroy g zumplairar,• I,vheq teething Weather—Cadens Inlantain, or what Ikeedied SUMMER COMPLAMIT=if 01111./iNVIS ruiziolutax, BALBSTI" 'be administered to the It sistaild, howolfer, in ruck 'Nam, be used in [Wrier large potion. as the directiorut on each bottlerprescribel' WWI inecomylaint is checked. - • For; site W., 1 • RAWLIN S'A, S. 'W., RAYERSTICK,.CarIiaIa,,3 fr, 1 . 4 `end' W. fI,E fray°, hiprionablirg-,--Wm 'Litibarn- 7 4F, Spahr, Meahanicabuig-41•Hor• . ; tany.Prowville-,-A C glittlt,' Slocmfiold-rßoa ,Yorttld'Hohlaa, laillerat9 . tvoU'A Valnidc,„qo Lanbilieurg-4 Tak'osburie—S,'lLosir. , Shahrar,.Dilie.buto-q Morita LiklipHatrisldrk, ' All lotter t s'an'd'ardara ,addroaoo, , t . c. Waillace&Ci;'lo . 6 gioadway''lVaiv rirki komAtra° • - .4 1p 111. • For the,Renioval and Permanent Cure of all And of those Complainla which are caused by nn im paired, weakened or unhealthy condition of • the NERVOUS SYSTEM. This beautiful and convenient application of the mys• lesions powers of GALVANISM and MAGNETISM, has been pronounced by distinguished physicians, both in Europe and the Muted States, to. be the moll eviude medicine/ discovery of the .Ige. Dr, CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC BELT and . MAGNETI . MLUID is used with the most perle • an certain Bunsen in all vas ; • • • GENERAL DEBILITY, Strengthening the weakened body, giving, tone to the various organs, and invigibuting tho entire system. Also in FITS, CRAMP, PARALYSIS dind PALSY, DYSPEP SIA or INDIGESTION, RHEUMATISM, ACUTE and CHRONIC,' Gou'r, EPILEPSY, LUMBAGO, DEAF NESS? NERVOUS TREMORS, PALPITATION OF Tilt: hIEART, APOPLEXY, NEURALGIA, PAINS dm the SIDE and CHEST, WEIL COMPLAINT, SPINAL COMPLAINT, amt. CURVATURE of the SPINE, HIP COMPLAINT, DISEASES of the KIDNEYS+ DEFI CIENCY OF NERVOUS 'aid - PHYSICAL ENERGY,' and Mr NERVOUS DISEASES, which complaints arise from ono simple cause—namely, A Derangement of the Nervoia System. ely— . In NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Drugs and Medi cines encreose the disease, for they weaken the-vital entire glee of the already prostrated system while under the strengthening, life-giving, vitalising influence of Calms- PrinTlivappliettlirthtsiniautlfurand - Wonderfht - dleOovety," the exhausted patient and weakened sufferer is restored to former health, strength, elasticity and vigor. - The groat peculiarity and iexcellegce'nf Dr. Chrfstie's Galvanic Curative consists, in the fumt that they arrest and cure dismatin by ailtuan d apidication, in place of the usual mode of drug. ging nnd phynimiting the patient, till_exheupted Nature sink. hopelessly under the infliction. • ". They etrengthen the whole system,e - OidtreelVeirettlation of thi Alood,"prosnole the seeretinwand - never do the slight est injury wider any 'cif cumrionces.. Since their intro duction in the United States. onto three yours since, more than 60,000 _ P erson-s Including all ages, elutes and colnlitions, tnong.wnich were a large number of ladies, who are peculiarly subject to Nervous Complaints, Imvo bells INITIRELY AND PERMANENTLY CURED. )NAIS - will be seen : from the Life ]nsu• pithy, thus : when all hope of t taw( hd , l Oren gene hut ever, thing else boon tried to a nitt ! illuatrate the use al the Q ALVARIiC LIELT, Anlount of Policy & Bonus payable a the party's decease suppose the ease of n person afflicted with that. bens of rissliention, DYSPEPSIA, or any other S. lam. or N4rYOll6 Disorder. In ordinary eases, stimulnats are taken which, by their action en the nerves and muscles the - stoinriariafferd reasporroi relief,, - hut which - Move the - patient in a lower state, and with injured faculties, -alter the - action thus excited has ceased,. _Now compare this with the etrect resulting from the application ot the OALVANIC, BELT. Take a Dygpaptic sufferer, even to the worse' symptoms of on attack, and sumdy tie the ItolL aresund...tite._body,_using_the Aloft - natio_ Fluid as directed. is a short period the insensible perspiration will act on the positive clement of the Belt, thereby causing a tialvanic circulation which will pie on to the negative, and thence , heck again to thapositive, thus Tears - mg upa continuous Galvanic circulation throughout the system. Thus the most severe cases of DYSPEPSIA ore PERMANENTLY CURED. A FEW DAYS is OFTEN A.MPLY.SOFFcCIENT.TO F.RADICATP: TILE DISEASE OF YEARS. 41,1U0•00_ 2,750 00 4,400'00 _ 2'175'00 5'437.00 - CERTIFICA.TES AND TESTIMONIALS thel'lrliost Ureytoubtediliraett , r, prom all parts of tho Contiiricoulil to given, ',liniment to fill every column in this paper! AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE, which conclacivoly proves that, "Truth is stranger than Fiction," RIBUIIIATO3VIIRONCIIITIS - IND DYSPEPSIA Rev. Dr. Landis,-o._Clergyman of New - Jersey, of distinguialied nttainmonts and exaltad reputation : SIONT.V. New Jersey, July 12, 11 , 15. Dn. A. ii. Cliaisric,-Dear Sir: Tots wish to know of in what has been the'rbhult in my own case, of the appli _ation of THE GALVANIC DELI AND NECHLACE My reply is as•follovie For about twenty yearsi had been statnng from Dyr-- pepsin. year the symptoms became worse, nor could I obtain permanent relict from nay conue of medi cal treatment whatever, About. fourteen yenrs since, in consequence of frequent exposure to the weather, in the discharge of my pastoral duties, I became subject to a severe Chronic Rheumatism, which for-year idler year, Caused No indescribable anguish. Farther in the wintel of'4s and '45, in consequence of preschim; a great clan, in my own end various other churches in this region, I was attacked by the Bronchitis, which soon became so severe as to require on immediate suspension of my pas toral labors. My cements system was cow thoroughly pros trated, and as my Bronchitis became Worso, so also did my llyipepsia and Rheuniatic offection—tlme evincing that these disorders were connectell with each other through the medium of the Nervous System. In the whole Oar. macoprela there - seemed to be mr,yemedial agent which could reach and recuperate my Npreus System ; every thing that I' bad tried for tide purpose had completely faired. At last I woe led by my friends to examine your inventions, and (though with no very sanguine hopes of their officiency): I determined to try the effect of the application of the GALVANIC BELT AND NECKLACE, with the MAGNETIC FLUID. This was iu June, ISM To MT anent ASTONISHMENT, IN TV7O DAYS HT DTSVETAIA DUO aorta; IN EIQIIT VATS I Will EN•I3I.[II TO arsons= MT rsaveasr. LABORS; non HATE. I SINCE ONSITTICO,SINOLS 'ARRTICE ON !CCM, Or THE BRONCHITIS ; AND MT' MATlC.issrcrtorr HAS armor:LT esseau To TROUBLE Mi. ofEleisthevoerftirgapLetuta tlTP°rrut i t ay.recon t e estiLdFL to any flikanive been likewise tottering from Neuralgic iffec. liana. They. have tried them, 'WITH tram nraur.s.s, pcusvr, in EVERT CASE. I arn, dear sir, very reepectfully yours, ROBERT W. LANDIS. • __DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC NECKLACE la peed for oil complointi affecting' the :flatlet or Mad. 'welt ea Bronchitia, Inflammation of the Throat, Nervou. and Hick lloodaclie, Dizziness" of the Head, Neuralgia in the Face, llwrzinger Hexing lathe Eare, Deafness, which is generally Norroor; and that distressed complaint, called Deloreux. • -• - Palay and I nlysin; All physicians achnowlmlg sc terrible diseases are caused by - 1 deficienc'y . f Nervous Energy in the affected limb ::. Dit Galvanic Articles will stipply this delkeien ' t power, and a complete and entire cure Is thus dratted. 1000. Cases of Palsy and ..PainlYsis nu • 0 been reported to De. Cu:rums:and his Agents within e last two years, which haws been entirely restored. fise. Annenw J. F. Toms of Brooklyn, pr. Y. bad not !teen able to walk a Mei, for near four yell's, :Indwell so helpless that he had toireil,.Tlinjtifiit nelebral d physicians give him up. I vo days rifler he comment e -wearing the IiiLTAMIC Br , NECILLACZ, ion lin•cr.t.e s, he Walked acme the roorNand in three weeks he bad pe redly recovered his health. Captain Tome. ii coven yeirs,of age. • Severe Deafness Cured. The following is one:treed from ieletter lately received from a distinguished physician in the State of yirginin: quavrrni;;lW. D.—Dear Sir : One of my, patients, Unkriown lo me; oldnined your Otshianie Belt and Neck. Lace, with the Magnetic .11