Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 19, 1850, Image 3

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ltil4 is —7'uro DoUnrs a year, or Ono Dollgr and
Fifty Cell6,if . intnetuallm paid in advance.
, $1,75 tzpaid within the -
Local Notings:
The. Committee of the Directors of
oar Public Schools give n otica.'in this
week's paper, that - the public Examine
tion'S' of the 'Schools;.thar era of. excite! ,
Meat to ambitious -little AtTionts, will
commend* on Monday morning the 24th
inst. — The various committees and the
public &brad manifest their interest by a
general attendance.
We notice that there is a good deal of
mistinderstandrag,bY the way. aS - to 'what
changed were made in the School Law
by:the last Legislature. To correctitll
wrong impressions we publish the "fol
lowing extract of a letter from A. L.
RUSSELL, Esq. Superiatemlent of Coin
mon Schools, as follows t •
"The only changes in the &heel Law of
1849 made by the Legislature at its last sea
sion, are the repeal of so much of the 16th
section sa prohibits the admission : of scholar , .
over 21 years of ago and reducing the mini- '
mum period, fixed-by the 22d section, for_koe
inng sellools , in operation, to three Months."
—Division Order, NO . : 1, issued
by Major General HENRY JITTER, will
be lonnd in our advertising columns,
Malting ktioivn his staff appointritents.--
Wo congratulate 14hijor ittrat, -- of - this .ho;
rough, on the•honorhe has received, and
feel confident he-will wear it with credit.
The other appointments in Cumberland
county - are.of gentle Men. well known to
the - military, andk,will doubtless givo
fire satisfaction to Limn:
The Mat)sion blouse Hotel has
been taken byMr..folit S. Wood, whose
card will be found in our dvertlsing eel
umns,. Mr. Wood is°a man of energy
and' taste. and these chdracteristics aflerd
the hest security that „ti his charge
the Rouse will be kept 'in good style,
satisfactory to his patrons and befitting
the character of.the place. , '
• Me first fruits of !.Ite,.soa,son ap,
poared 91idp,15 grLPiorday,ropr
line in a good degree of abundance.
Strawberries, cherries, peas, new pota
--toes,'&c: of art excellent quality 'Were Of
, feted, and for the first- of the - season at
moderate prices.
- --On all-hands-We - hear joyful an
demotions .of tl-season.'of abundance.
The wheat'Orop, unless some unforseen
calamity mars the prospect, ,will be the
It'ex.iiest and finest that has been known
for years: • Thee mien has been especi
ally favorable to wheat. Corn does not
.so 'far present as fine a prospect, owing
to the dry weather of the last two weeks,
ballet plenty - of - time-to- makel ts
growtl. We hear of several farmers in.
this vicinity who have already commen
ced cutting grass, and many more will
begin the latter part of this week. The
appearance of the 'country in our flour,
ishing valley is rich and luxuriant, in the
highest degree. .
--To the list of summer resorts ad
vertu; in our Paper,is added to-day the
card Ir. Carman of the Carlisle Sul
pher Springs. Our citizens fully tesiify
by the frequency of thef r.visits that there
is no plaCe more pleasant -for a day's ex
. cuision.oran afternoon's drive', ari this
quiet arid comfortable retreat.
-officers.ottlie Nation al Monument: now
erecting at Washington City, in memory
of Gen. Geo. Washington; desirous that
ample means be provided to complete
the Great Work as soon as posible—re-
commend that subscriptions be taken up
for that object throughout, the United
States, on' the 4th of July. next. It
ought be, attended to. It - is a sacred duty
- on the this people to furnish the,
means for so noble an Acct.,. Funds
♦ collected may be sent to F.lisha Whittle
. say, President of the society.
10" The Evansville (r.d.) Journa
says, there is a young man named. Mas
terson awaiting his trial at Rockport, in
that State, who possesses the remarkable
faculty . .ofheing able to throw a atoneH
P--with almost the precision a man. can send
a - bullet• from a good rifle: fie-
~c an- go
'--into the woods and .many squir
rels with stones • as toe experienced
hunter can with his gun. A drunken
man was pursuing a brother of his with
a knife in his ,hand when Masterson
direw and struck the fellow upon the
back of his head; killing him.. instantly;
He says he intended to -strike the arm
of the drunken man, to.knock the knife
from his -hand, but his . own arm was
caught and the object frustrated.
AlsznicAti Bnannsrugss AND' BRITISTI
CALICOES.-4t is sO.ed, on 'the most reli
able authority, says the Lawrence (Mass),
Courier, that the ,entira exports of bread
stuffs.froin United-States to England in
1849, will not' be sufficient to pay for
over one-hidf the Calicoes imported from
that , conntry during' the same,period:
1848, we imported from Great, Britain
alone, over $12,000,000 worth . of Cali
coeil ' .Meantime the • heaviest calico
manufactu'rers in the United States have
• CATIII)pC)L, 314 Rontait
Catholic, parish Prie,st, connected with
ihe canny of Limerie, stated lately, that
at least one, half the Roman 'Catholic
population had diminishek in. , ilrelan~i
within the. last six years,--whilst the .
Protestants. have increased in number.
, -gr - j..A. man may.ltake' n; bath at the
Burnet House, Cincinnati, and. have
,hia .
shirt ttiasfied
through... I; ) tudigioug country th!ay.
• _
P:0"fT110 \Wi r e of "Alk . h y count
have notninateernopas: N. Ho
for 'Congress. HON.. thEIKErt DENNY
fads al6'n-been nonnnated t o urnixl "•
pircd term , of NON. MOSES ADIPTON,,-
resigne3. Dr. JAMES CAROTHERS has
been aminnted for State SOnate.
PnorA.Nrr.v.AT TILE WNST.—Rev, Dr.
Ci s ric remarked in 'Oho of his , discourses
in Buffalo lately,- that during the five'
weeks he had been traveling at the
West, he had heard moreprofane smith ,
ing than he Thad ever dreamed of before ,
from his infancy up to that time.
-r,f7•There" is a man in this state,
-whose early education has been most sad
ly neglected; With the view of over
coming tho disability, he takes a ride
every day on the IiVIADII4O Railroad.
to London tailor has produced a
novel summer coat, weighing only six
ounces, and which can be rolled up to fit
a small telescope case, and carried in the
. pcjmThey are Complaining in Ohio of
dry weather.—The Columbus Journal
of the 7th nays there has been nosain
that neighborhood for five weeks.
irrGen Lopez has been held , to. bail
n New Orleans in $13,000.
The Examincitions for the year 1850, loathe held
as follows, Tiz :
1. Schools No: 4, 5 and 6; taught by Mils
Edmond, Aliso ' McClellan and Miss Dell, wilt
be examined on Monday morning, Juno:24, at
2. Schools No, 1, 2 and 3, taught by Ms-
Caufinan, :Miss Wightman and Miss Reaeltim
in the afternoon of the same day; &win cluing
sit 9. o'clock.
3. Schools No. 9 and 10,iindor the' care of
Tripncr and Mr. Quigley,. on I...'ilenday
morning, June 25, at 8 o'clock.
4. Schools No. 7 and 8, under the care of,
Miss Wilson and Miss Webber, on Tuesday
alternoon, at-2 o'clock.
The classes for transfer in the Prip3a fy De
partment, will be finally examined at'tb.b con
clusion.of the other exercises, ifi,Xneir. several
• 11.113.11 solo oLs.
5, The Male Ilmli" School taught by Mr.
Bait, on Wednesday morning, June -'2B, at 8 •
o'clock. ..- .
6. School No. 11, under the care of :Mr. Sea
-right-renlho-alternoon of-the -same- %day ; at.-%:-
~- ; ,- -. //:- T he Female High School under the care
of Miss Handel, on Thursday morning, June
27, at /I o'clock.
8.. School No: 13, taught by Miss Um derwood ,1
hi the afternoon - of the same day, at 2 .6 3 eletek. ,
9. School No. 11, taught by Mr. Ee Ides, on
Friday waling, Juno 28, at 8 o'clock.
10. School No, 'l2, taught by Miss N. lain, on .
Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock.
- On .Friday - eVening - at 7 o'clak, th.ore will
be an exhibition Ity the -two high Selo tole,. in. •
Education Hall, of Declamation, Comp ()shim',
and other interesting exercises and e: <amine.
lions, accompanied by a Select Choir a f Vocal
NI ustc.
' On Saturday looming, the-, 29th of Jr Inc, the
.examinations for transfer from the Set :ondary
Department, will who place in Educath to Ball,
ei 7 o'clock, A• M., where all tffe silt( dam re.
commended for transfer front the Secondary -
Department, and all the Teachers are -.required%
to attend, at the close of which, the schools
will Ito dismissed for the vacation_.-
- Parents and the public generally are invited
-to attendthe-examinationtrand' eXhibitit ins.
The gentlemen twined in tile followins T saw&
ale, are respectfully invited to attend th, o exatn-
Mations as a visiting committee, with. the Di•
rectors, na folhAs;
Ser,ilP. - Messrs, Blair anti Goodyear ; . to visit
finstie'xamitie the following schools, together
iilt thegentlemen herewith named, 1. a wit :-
\V II Miller, Esq.,,Rev Mr. Hoffman, Rev Mr
Johnson, Rev J Brown; I 1 S Ritter, Joseph
Wilson, J 11 Boyer, Charles Bell, P If Smith, ,
Robert Lamberlon and John D Gorges .
Schools to be visited :-NO 2. Miss Wight
malt--5, Miss McClellan-B. Miss 1 .,V either
9. Mr. Tripper-lt. Mr. Scaright-1 2. Miss
unin-13. Miss Underwood-14. Mr. Eckela
-15. Miss lielidel---15. Alf. Batt. ..
See. '2. Messrs. Davidson and McFe ely, to
'visit,and examine with the following get itlemen
.the schools herewith named t, Rev A 11 renter,
Rev Mr Thorne, Ephraim Corninan,'',„,lneob
Shrum, Dr S Elliott, Joseph W Patton „Benj.
F. 1181lbterm, L. Todd, Esq., .1. C. Not ton, J.
13 Bretton, David Sipe, Dr. W W Dale and J
Schools to be visited-No. 1. Mrs. Ca Mown,
---3. Miss Reichter-7. Miss Wilson- 9. Mr.
-Tripner-11.- Sir.- Searight-12.--Miss-4-'llain
-13. Miss Underwood--14. Mr. Eckle s-15.
Miss Bendel-16...W. Batt:
Sec. 3 Messrs. Hamilton and Skiles, :to visit,
and examine the 'loth:4;11g .schools, to ;
with the gentlemen herewith named, viz t Rev.-
My Wing, Rev J H Deviancy, .1 Colwa ',Esq.
Dr .1 McCullough. G W Hitner, • E M B iddle,
'l' C Stevenson,'Dr. A. W. Lobach, It B catty,
W NI Porter, Dr I Loomis, Jacob S'Enut it and
John 11 Weaver.
Schdols to be visited-.-No 4. Mies Ulm ono--
G. Arms Bell 10 . Mr. Quigley--7. Miss Wil
sonll. Mr earight- Mainl2. Miss Main
Mis 4 Undetwoo -Mr. Eckles--15. r Miss floo
d6l-16. Mr Batt.
. T lusKrixs. . •
. . 3 GOODYEAR, Sr ..
• .1 HAMWroN,
• Committee of .arrangemel it. '1
Carlisle,lune 19, 1850.
r Zhtl-Ia.L32.32IILIEEIZIE)
In Landiekurz , Periy county, on tho 13t.h of
auno, , inei.,by pie Rey. Sohn Dickey, mez
J. WEAVER, of Now Y.M.k formerly OfCIWIL , eIk,
to Min MARY WRIAR,fOYRIerIy Of CAlikki.
4, o ‘ n 4 Sabbath, the IGth .inat.,'Mrs. Atom Mudge,
%vire of Mr. Andrew Holmes, of Carlisle, aged 71i
The deceased sank suddenly but avreetly'to rest
ne the traveller overcome by 11lejourney.
. .
She ; was kinalf spared the pangs of dying, and
the bitter ceremony/of the last farewell. Not an In-
Mont did she linger at the gate of death, but quickly
diarobed.oLber.mor tat -Test, entered-her - charlot-of—
Truly thou bast all season,' for thy own, 0 Death!
We know when moons 0101 wane, •
When summer birds from far shall erase the lea,
When Autumn's bite shell tinge the golden grain.
Dot who shall teach us when to look for thorn
eft') ,itlarketo.
FLOUR—continues very 'mkt. About POO ba telt t
mostly Wright brands, mold at - 0, 25 which is the
general Raking price. The home( demand Is limited : ,
without any alteration in prices.
CORN MEAL , and Rye Flour— no ,
sales, and hal- ,
dere firm at 03 per barrel:
WIIELT—In moderate demand, with light recelpts,,
and about 3,000 bushels sold at 1180 for inferior reds,
and 128 a 1300 for good and prime Pepn'a white, r -
CORN—with light receipts, Is In email demand r •
and further Attica of Southern' yellow are reported ric
• OATl3—Searce and wantedo and sales of POrkOSY/
Vara are making at 431 C
. .', Carlifsle Sulphur Springs. - ' '
_ :.THESHcolahrated Springs, situated:
L 1054 . in ono of tßemoSt beautiful, healthy lit,
" t. 32 gl l romantic:parts of Cumberland county;
have cooly boon nilitted, and .. are now toady .
foe the accommodation of any nutnbei of board:. •
cis and visitors. Thoy non four. reilcs north of ' •
sarlitle, and within ono mile-of the north motto- ,
milt, whom at, all seasons game can, be found.
in einuniance. 'Tho Conodognintt Creek runs •
within two miles of the establishmolit, afford
ing a Ono:eppertunily •for pleasute and.excreiso
to those. wit.: aro fond of• angling: '
The proPrionir deentwit altogether unnooes-' •
atoll to say anything in regard to lho modicinak
virtues of the water, as the numerous par sons ~
Who have regained health from its use renders , '
such •n conrse entirely, auperlitious.; , Mod .
WARM and COLD BATHS in icadiness at
all ninon. ~The table 'will be furnished with the
Gpht ilia' soason end market affords; end. the
;Bar supplied witli, ths choidest lignors.' , Con- .
Neyances from Carlisle, to tho . Springs can ho
Ihad at all: . times by applying nt ti's different
livery esiablishinonts. , ' '• '.'' ' ' '' ' •
j019,6w • lID. - CONMAN.
North flariovor Sliver, Carlislo, Pa..
WNldte subscriber would respectfully invite.
11 . . the 'attention of Country Merchants and
hapublib genurrirtoliialarge assortmontor,
manfactured of- the best- material.fresh every
day—and warranted tostand any climate, which
Ito will sell wholesale or retail at the old stand
in North Hanover street, d few doors north of
tho Bank. Having just returned front the city,
he wouLd'olso call attention to a largo assort
'rnont of Fruits and Nuts of the latdst importa
tions, consisting in part of
Figs, Pruens, Dates, Citron, Almonds, N. Walb
Creani-Cocoa, Poa Nuts, Filberts &e.—
Ito has also mado a large addition to his stock
comprising in part, Fine French Card visiting
and other Baskets, Paper,Glass and Wociden
Fancy Boxes. Dolls Dol Heads, Tops, Data,
and Pallor Balls, Raitees "Games and Puza,len,
Wheelbarrows, Wagons, ' Furniture, Tea Setts
and. Nine Pins in Bo x es, and German
Aceordeotta, Fancy Soaps, Hair Oils, Cologne,'
Brushes &c. In connection with the above ho
has just received a large assortment of
such as Coffees, Teas. Sugars, Molasses, Spices
of all kinds, Water, Soda, Butter and Sugar
Crackers, and all other articles in the Greedy
line, which will be Soldat low rates.
FINE CAKES, always on hand and baked
to order, Parties supplied with all articles to
his Ville: at low prices. . •
All orders from a distance'thankfplly received
and attended to with despatch. Nl3. no charge
for packing at this csiabliehinent.
Carlisle June 5,'50. P. MONYER.
JVIE undersigned would respectfully inform_
their friends and the public generally that
they - have just °paled a - new. -and fashientible
assoftment.of BOOTS AND SHOES; in the
store room formerly-occupied-by Wrri;Osborn, -
in North'. Hanover street, a few doors above.
Wm. Leonard's-old Stand, andlrom thgir expe
rience in the business,they2Teel — Ciftifithint they .
thave supplied ilicnisolvca with SIB good and cheap
a stock as can be show,n in Carlisle, and which"
hey 'arc dcterminectto sell lowor for Cash than
hey can be haufht elsewhere.
Dif.nnufacturing and Repairing, one in the best
manner,,at the shortest notice. They have on
hand ,a very heavy stock of all kinds of LrArn-
ER,4IIICiI they sell at a small advitne3 to
.Shoemakers and others, who will find it to their
advantage to call and examine. .
Carlisle, innes-31u
_ . _
1.76 Greenwich Street New York,
T"' proprietors beg-leave to call the atten
-,,tion of contioisours in Ten, and the heads
of families to the choice , and' rare selection of
TF,As imported by thent,and hitherto unknown
in this country, which, by their fragranc. and
delicacy, comMned with virgin purity :
strength, produce an infusion of surpassing
richness and flavor.
-ING :
'rho Jed% Bloom, a Black Tea, at $l,OO pr lb
Niphon . do ' 0,75
Mari' -
.do- ; 0,50
°seem, a Greet; Tea, 1,00
Toojsiaa, do„ 0,75
Tichi-taiaa, du c 0,.10
ILld-li Mixture, a compound of
- the most rare - and choice teas
grown on the fertile and.genial .
soil of Assam, 1,00
With zuview to encourage the introduction 0
these matchless Teas, it is the jutention of the
proprietors to distribute by lot, among the pur
chasers, a quantity of Tens equal to the FIRST
YEARS' PROFITS on the sales effected.—
Each purchaser will receive .oticloscil in the
Package, a numbered certificate, emit linr. him
TION! ! ! for every fifty cents laid out, and
on the receipts amounting to $20,000, * the un
dermantioned parcels of Tea, to the- value of
ton per cent., or Two thousand dollars will he
-given away .11's Bonuses!!! according to.,the
' following scale
5 Prices 501 b. Tea each et *l,OO pr lb 2501 be 0r412.50
20 " 25 5OO " 500
50 •• 'lO • 0 " 500 ." 506
100 " 5. 500 - 500
-250 " 1 250 " 250
925 Prizes In all 20001 be $ 2 ,0 00
Thosocrsons who p fee-lower priced Teas
can reeeive their prtz o in proportion, or
CASH, al.a reduction of 10 per cent.
R7 -Country agents required. 'Applr cations
to be addressed (post patch) to the Company's
Depot as above [ Jel2,';;)o,3in
DVAHister's Oliitment,
' • Or the World's Salve.
' Coniails 729 Mercury or other Mineral
-- ' From thOr Heading &IOC."
+THERE was never,.perhaPs, a medi
.24 .vine brought hefty° the public, that has i
to shaft 11 ti me won such a reputation as " Nit.k
luster's _A.II-Healing Ointment, or the World's
Salve." Almost Mery person that kits made
trial of it, speaks warmly in its praise.
,One has
been, cured by - it ; -of- the-- must painful Rhenium.
tism ; another of the Piles; a third of a trouble
some pain in the side, a fourth of a swelling In
He'limbs, fee. If it tines not givb immediate
relief in every case, it eau never tleinjury, being
applied outwardly, As another evidence of the.
Iwontrerful healing power possessed by this salve
we subjoin the following certificates front a re-.
spectable citizen of Maulencreek township, ip
this county. , . .
Muldencreek,Berks co., Pa., March 30,18 V.
Messrs. Ritter ft Co.—l desire- to inform you
that I was entirely cured of a pain the back, by
theme of McAllister's All-Healing Salve, which
I purchased from ylifv: I suffered with it about
20 years, and at night was unable to sleep. :Bur-
ing that time I tried, various remedies, which , ,,
were prescribed for me-by physicians and other
persons, without receiving nay relief, and at last
made trinVOT this Salve with n result favorable'
cyond expectation. Veirin ,now entirely - Tree
i , n the pain;rainl enjoy at oigift o sweet and
pea cful sleep, I have WO used the Salve since
for oothionclieand otheneomplaints, with similar
happy results. Your friend. ',,,'
The following is front a rc-'ular physician of
extensive practice in Philadelphia.
James IticAllistert--Sirs I 'have roi , the two
hat years been' in the habit of using moor Oint
ment in CllllOB of RheumatismLCh ;Minim, and
iii Tenia Capites, (Scald Henn,) and thus far
with the happiest effect. I think, from the Mt
periments I have made within that it richly de
scries to be adopted es, - an article of every day
uke by the profession at'large. Yours,See.'
S. BIvLL, M. D .,
Philadelphia, Deo. 30,1114
To James McAllister—Dear Sirs I take plat
-have reenived by using your Vegetable Oiotment
or the World's Salve. I had an ulcer, or runt
miug sore on my Cars of many
. years standing,'
had applied to several physicians but all - to no
piipose; but by using your Ointmenvi few days,
, was..coMpletely dried up imd I have
also used it for burns,for which I ex
cellent article; also, in all cases of inflamtnatiot
I certify the tiboye statement is true,
No. 90 Mat ket Street, Philadelphia
.TETTERt—There is nothing better for the
:cure-of Totter.
'BURNS—It is one of the best things in the
world for Burns. (See' directions for using-it.)
PlLES—Thousands are yearly cured by this
Ointment. It never tails in giving relief liar the
• fr7Aroutitl.the boxes are directions for using ,
'McAllister's Ointment for Scrofula; Erysipelas
Totter,' CliiHAMA:Scald , Read, Quinsy, Sure
Throat, Ilreneltitie; Nervous Affections, Pains,
Disease of the •Spitee,Head Aolte,Astlima,Dear
ness,.Ear Aube, Burns, GOI4IEIOO Diseases Of
the Skin, Sore Lips, Pimples, Ito. Bridling of
the Limbs, Sores, Riwomatiissii.Piles, Cold Peet
Croup, Swelled or Broken, Breast, Tooth Ache,
Agate is the Face. , . i :,
• ;CORNS—Oeinialonar use: oil this Ointment
will 'dway's keep Corns from growing, People
need neyetihe troubled.with, them if they use it
frequently. ' . ,
Irl-The Ointment is good for - any part" of the
body or limbs when inflamed. knoome cases it
should be applied often,
C AUTIGN—No Ointment will be genuine
unless the mine of .fAMES Mr:ALLISTER is
Weitteti with a pen , on Every ,label.. '.' .
- FOR, SALE by my agents in till of the Prin..
cipal towns iu the United States...• •
Bole Protir.etor Of the 'Move Medicine: ''
' PRINCIPAL OPPICP. No. 28 North..`third
Street Philadelphja: ' 1 :: . ' 2 -,' ' •
.• PRICE '25 CP,'N'I'S PER -130X.:0) .
A ' iNTS:•-8.; Elliott soul' S. W. Itaiferstsck,
Carlisle i .1 FL, L., Reigle, Mciihanicsburk; (I
W. Sintlier; Churelitown i Rlioad & -Wherry;
,Newhorg 1 JosepliJl. Herron; Newillle ; J. M.
Lutz and C W Del Harrisburg. ' 1.10 9 ,1 Y
-. . •
• ~ .
tote Sr,'Olicgio.
~. . g
. ~Vresh,Sprin-Supply ! i -
1 HAVE just raccived i fresh stock of Mod
. icinos, Paints, Glass, . Oil, &c., which
baying boon piachascd "with groat caro at the
host city houses, L psn'confidetlY_ros.cutrinend__
tans, Country
. i. fresh and pore.
Herbs and Extracts;
Spices, greund and whole
• E ssence s ;
P r fuerdi
1 1
oilintridam Woods,
Lac Dye*
PAINTS. • . •
Wetherill & Brother's Puro Lead, 'Chrome
Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish 'Brushes,
Jersey Window Glass, Linseed Oil, Turpen
tine, Copal and conch Varnish, and Bed Lead.
'All of which. will be sold nettle very lowest
market price, Also, a frosts aniMplendid as.
mamma of .
1 Confectionary, and innuincrable other articles
calculated for use and ornament,.all of wl.ich
are offered at the lowest -cash prices, at the
cheap Drug Book and Fancy Store of the sub- ,
scriber on .North.lianover ~.--.
May 22. 1850. - /''' •
c - 7 7 "any we, lyinci
and D',
. _ . IDU
P F ato n n i t ie M
Puro Essen' ()its
Cod /door Oil
- I) YE
JUS l' RECEIVED by - The - subdcribcr, a
mong welch is a selection of
from strictly prima to COIII7IOII, at 10, 11 and
12 cents c'Bent s ßO - perWN pound. Also
at 5, p,,7 and 8 cents per pound. Also, a gen
treenwancl Blacks, selected at the Tea houseu
of this' well-known firm of Jenkins & Co. Phil
adelphia, which together with a largo assort
ment of the Other articles usually_kept.by_us.
is offered to the public in the confident belief
I that for quantity and prices on examination will
prove-equal and-probably superior to any other
assortment in this place.. J. W. EBY.
Carlisle, May 22, 8.5 a -
THE undersig ne d most - respectfully
harms his Irian - 8 and the:public gene-. i
rally, that he has just i eturned from Philadel- i
phia and Baltimore, and is now opening at the !
corner of North Hanover and Louthor street,
at Ftnpastand formerly occupied by N. .W. !
Woods, a well selected assortment of
purchased at the lowest prices, and Which I am 'I
determined to sell at small profits. Among
them may be found CLOTHS, CASSIMERS,..... I
VESTINGS, Tweeds and Pantaloon Stuffs at r,
various prices, DRESS GOODS, new styles r
and at low prices. Iso, GROCERIES in all
their variety, viz:—Sugar, Coffee. Tea, Mo
lasses,Spices,-Ste., which will be sold fur cash,
Ph:asp give me a call.
_ _Carlisle, oplo._.
. Q 0
7.t - o •
° :41;
" BEE - HIVE.,
A-LLpersons-dosmous - of - seetng the newest
./1,. and best Goods of the--season,-let . thank
call at the Bee HiVe itt Ncirth HanoVer street.
The subscriber has just returned from the
city and has now opened a very large and hand
some stock of
of every style antlyariety. Such as flanges. 1'
and Tissues, Lawns from 10 cents to any mice
you want, Li p Lustros., from 12 to Linen
[lustre Ba reses, a new article, Foulard
' Corn, Blu , Pink and Fig'd Delaines, Calicoes
I from 3 to 25 cents per yard, Bonnets, Ribbons,
Nosie'ry, Gloves, and many more articles for
tadiee which I Italie not room to insert.
I have also for Gentleman all kinds of goods,
'PINGS, and all kinds' of Goods for Gentle
men's use, and I will take this opportunity of
saying to my friends that I .kcop constantly on
hand all kinds 4,f-READY-MADE CLOTH- _
ING. Mr. 7'. Reighter having his shop in my
store, enables Inc to have made to order', on j
the -shortest nnlicc, any garment that may be
wanted. I also keep COFFEE & SUGAR
of all kinds, tegether with every other officio
necessary for Family use. P eato call and ex
amine soon where all atton on wtfl be given to
Price of Hardwako.
I NAVE just received the largest and Cheap
est.stOckef HARDWARE, Glass, Paints, Oils
Varnishes, Saddlery, Carpenter's and Cabinet
Maker's Tools, Mahogany Venioni and all kinds
of Building Materials over brought to Carlitle
consisting , of Locks, Hinges,. Screws, Nail - 6 --
and'Spikes. .yersons about to build will find i
greatly to their . advantage to look'at my steel;
before purchaimg elsewhere. Conte and see
the Goods and hear, tho -price and .you will be
convinced that this is really the Cheap :Hard
warn - Store.-- Alee, hi store-anvils, vicia, files •
and rasps, and a complete assortment of Watts'
'Best Bar Iron, also Rolled and Hoop Iron of all
sizes. I have also the Thermometer Churn
made by Mr George Spangler, the best article
now in use.
• SCYTIIES.—I have just reeeived . my Spring
stock of 'Grain and Grass Scythes, manufactured
expressly for my own sales, and warranted to
be a; superior article. Cradle makers and
others will find these Scythes to be the best ar
tick in the market and at the lowestlprice
wholesale and retail at the old 'stand in North
Hnbover street. , JOHN P LYNE
May 29, 1850,
THE subscriber offers for sale a valuable
FARM situate In Mifflin township, Cum=
becloud cduuty, about two miles north-west of
Nowvillo, bounded by lands of Wm M Seoul
ler on the west, and Thomas C.Scoullor op the
cast, containing 160 acres of ood Slate Land.
The buildings or' rage two story
largo Frame BARN. newly built,
• with Corn Cribs and Wagon Sheds.
Them is egOod Well of Water undetroof, and
a Stream of water near the barn. Also a good
ORCHATUnof choice fruit. Persons wishing
to purchase or examine the property are re;
quested to call on tlikaubacriber on the:pram
may22-2mod . •
Great Bargains:
CN be expected from the subscriber, as ho
has just, received c now and 'splendid as
sortment of . aVINTER GOODS, which ho
offers to his• customers and others who mayj,
favor Gim ‘vitha
, •
satinets, velvet cords, Ky. jdans, , scarlet, yel
low, wbito and Canton Flannels, wirings, nius
line, calico, cashmeres, de lanes, alpacas, Col ;
bvrg cloths, gloves; hosiery, Irish Ilan, com
forts, &cc,
A largo and Splendid -assortment of Long_
and Square Shawls, at n prices to suit the
Also, Boots aneShoes, which he is determ
ined to soil low, at his stand, in North Map
first storo below Haversack's Drug Store.
vor street, Carlisle. J. o'. CARMONY.
White-washing O ut-Done.
Vho woittd Whitetbaska room wheti they can buy
Paper at 9 mita a faerer .
FIFA VIN G m ado arrangomonts with tho man
alLufacturera with ,tho manufacturers, at tho
East for ficonstant,ounplY hf ,Wall Paper', Bor
ders, Prints for Flea Bourde, and Window
Blinds, I an sell them as Pow as they,
bought in rhiladolphitt. Persons wanting Pa- •
por aro requested to call and examine mystook-,
'whore that' can ho suited with any , patterri,o(
Room or Hall Paper and Bordors in the great
oat variety at !coat 20 per cant; loss :than MIA&
•other *coin town. •
• •
-- . YOHIsT.P.
Carlisle, Juno 5,-1850. .•
. THG THEsubscriber, by an'ordor (litho Orphans
Court of Cumberland county, . will expose to
public sate, o n fltopretniece, on;SterldILDAT,
the Gth day o f July, 18r, at 2, • o'clock, P. M.
• ; -•- that desirable w); L LING
• l andhit of GROUND,,
i ft situate on the North-West
;ter Of Louther and West streets,
- • Carlisle', cantalitiog dO. loot in
rant, on. author street ,'and 240 foot in.depth,
' on - West street; beine tho privity of the , late
losdph lialhert,deo r d. Tornio made known
the day of sale.' , • ' ' •
. . rA -- con SHROM, Trustie.
Cli'arles Ogilby
. -
11(AS contmanend and will hp receiving for
YH some dant,/fiant_and_loary_oxtensitte-:
assortment o Spying Goods, and particularly
invites all that wish to purchase cheap goods
and satisfy-their good tam to gyve. him a eull.
before purchasing ,as he is dteorminedlio cut
goads this spring at small . profits, and please
all that will favor him' with their patronage.
his Stodc consists in part of afresh. supply of
SATINETTS:Of all colors and prices, weir
worth.examining. 4 full ass.prtment of 4 .
.-- - -
from 'tho finest shrouding to the lowest prices,
hi great variety and colors, - 3=•l to - 64. Also,
of all color and pricer. A Largo and complete
esSortmetit of Melts and Boys
many;orillrem entirely new styles. • •
-Mich as' eW style - Silks and Satins, bind Lus
tros, Mous tie Lanes, Lawns, and-many . „more
entirely new styles too numerous to notteo.. A
large stook' of aP
Tickings, Bleached and unbleached Muslins,
and Shootings, - &e. The largest and most ex
tenstvo stock of .
I [lint has been brought to Carlisle for years, to-
I gather with
in the Dry Goods line, that would fill columns
of- this paper but are entirely too. 11111110I0Os to
mention. Also, a large assortment of Mous,
Boys and Childrens
all prices, Ladies, Slippers, Ties, - Buskins, -in
great variety of prices. A large and well solos•
ted stock of Fresh - . •
Spices, &c. 'Cavendish Co»gress Hand •Cut
and Dry
of the boat brands.t Como and look for your
selves-at the old_ and well established stand,
where you will find a large -_ and 'wolf selected
stock of Goods and -on the most favorable
Carlisle, March 20, 1850.
Ahead of all Competition
THE edbeeritsers.luive returned from
delphis, witlia largo assortment of
consisting partly of 'Mein de Laines, LaWns,
Baines, Linen Lustres, at 121 1 , 1.81 and 25 cts
per yard, Alpachas, Ginghams, Calicoes, and a
variety dottier dress goods ' Cloths, Cassi•
mares, Vcstings.Summer stulle. for men and
boys wear in endless variety checks , tieltjuge
st — obtfillaii,lia - Fatiels - ,.. Iti - ifory,- graves,-
'l a 6js and edgings, insertings, and some xery
cheap CARlT,lFS,_grecerios, qucenswarc,_ c.
Also, a large assortment of very.
- -
2.) ,
Palm leaf and braid hats ' b net riblientf at iii i ,
pricks and very cheap, afe pieces wide hig
lustre black silks, together ith a general as
sortment including' nearly e cry article in onr
line of business, all of whOl have been bought
for Cash, and - will behold to our customers and
the whale country nt considerably lower prices
thanlhey can be bought in eradiate. Give us
a call and judge for yourselves.
- A St. W BENTZ:
March In, 1850.
___. o _For she Core of -
clotrans, COLDS,
The uniform success which has attended the
use of this preoaration—its salutary effect—it
oo wer to relieve and cure affections of the Lungs
have gained fur it a celebrity equalled by no
other medicine. We oiler it to the afflicted with
entire confidence in its virtues, nod the full be
lief that it will subdue and remove the severest
attacks of disease upon the throat and Lungs.'
These results, as they become publicly klibwn,
verry naturally attract the 'attention of medical ,
men and philauthooists every where. What Is
heir opinion of CHERRY PECTORAL may
c SQCtlin the sollowing:
Su gory Med. College, New lork,a,
- , .
"It gives Inc plettsktre to certify the-value'
efficacy of Ayer's: , CHERRY rEcyort
wtilo 14 onsider tioeitliarty adapt - a - 6 cure
eases of the Throat {tad Lungs."
writes in a letter to.his frietul m utlio was fast sink
ing under an affection of thungst--"Try the
cherry pectoral and if any medicine can giveyon
relief, with the blessing of God that wi11..;.;;;y4.
of Louisiana, writes "That a'yousg (laughter of
his was cured of several severe - attacks; off croup
by 'the 'Cherry Pectoral."
-!The Canadian Journal of Medical Science
states, "That ASthma and Bronchitis so preva
lent in this inclement climate, has yielded with
surpriiing rapidity to Ayres Cheery Pectoral,
and Ave cannot tocvstrongly recommend this skil
ful preparation to the Profession and the publitt
generally... • .. ..
Let the relieved sufferer speak for himself:—,
I - , 71, HAILTFORD;JaII. 211, iB4t,
i Dr..l . C.. AYER—Dear Sir v-...lhaving been
rescuevl from o,,painitil and dangerous disease by
your medicine, gratitude prompts me to send
you this acknowledgedent, not only in justice to
you, but Wale - information of others in like,at.
fl iction. • . •
A slight cold upon the lungs, neglected at first
mama sesesere that spitting of blood, a violent
.ough and profuse night sweatsfollowed- and fan.
tened upon me. 1 Imitable' emaciated, could , not
Sleep, was distresied' iy my cough, and a .pain
through my cliest„and in short had all the alarra
ing symptottitiorquics. consumption. No. medi
cine seemed at all to reach my case, until I pros. tried your Cheery Pector.dovhich
soon relieved and now has cured me. • .
.Yours with respect, •• . E. A. STEWART;
," Armarw,N. Y,, April 17,184.8.
;---Di...-A-yerbowell—Dear - SirEc-. 4-- have -- for
,years been afflicted • with Asthma\ in Diu worst
form; so that I have Ewen obliged to sleep in my,
chair for a larger part of the time, being unable
to breathe in my bed. I haddried a great many
medicines, to no purpose, onto my physician
s prescrihed, as an experiment, your Cherry Pea:
At first it Acemed to make one , worse ' but in
less than a week. began to experieneo . -most
gratifying raw from its .use; and now, in four
weeks, thedirase is entirely removed. Incas
sleep in my lied with comfort, and. enjoy a state,
of health which Iliad norcr expected to enjoy.
PAY.PARED lY J. 0. IMES, 011.01118 T, LOINII.I.
MilSACJillatrf B .
Sold by M. Rsnlino, S. A. Hubbard, S
Caeliele; Dr. Ira Daralleeheniceburg; .1
11, Herron ; N ewyllle; J .C. & J. B. Altick snip
pb aburg; and drnggiele generally. -
Bo — ota, Slioes- Euid gaiters.
WWI \Juan stnikr orrimtz Tar..pis:Known
Ver.k. M. PORTER invites the attention or
V V . • the - public to his largo and complete ,no.
sortmont of BOOTS, SHOES & EALTERS,
just recciirod front Philadelphia.
L tititlr anew styles. , His o:pantiles in the-Shoo
businass,,onables him tolseloet .ikork•ol tho best
materials and workmanshipi which' will,ho Bold
at tlio • lowest cash pries and warranted.
ittrO . ustemerwork attended to as, usual;
• School, Focaminttlorui
Ito • to improve' the um.
&zooid' t ol of their children, preparatory
to tho examinations of the Public Schools can
410 80 by_ calling PORTE R ES SHOE
STORE; where they will find a largo assort-
Merit of Boy% Misses and Childrons Shoes;.of
tile - twat bountiful finish and best quality.
Juno. • .1;
- 0 imney Board Paperrn
, ... , •
ir 11,.5T o end wvariety et •Poper -Eli' cower.
I mg el iinney ' hoards.. Also, for Windhiyi
,fttini)s. An entirely now Wheelberfow fti
ale.. . leprn
....;....,:.„ .G W ITITNPL ,
.totio'. si,....Zl)c_ip4',
...Creak dieritival,
Jit the new add cheap IMRDWARE
,S 71:12E/
East High street, opposite °gayly (foot',
HE subscriber has ittstiCiiiehed — a
largo assortment ofx6otls in his
iv iclr - tfolvatt atToti - ElFm@Tiurers,
as he is delermined to-sell tit prices to suit 66 7
tunes. His Stock,eiimpri:es a full .nssertMent
of Locks and Iditclies of every description,
Hinges and."'Serows, Window Springs and •
Bolts, Mpeross-cut and circular Saws, Hand,
panned/lipping and back Saws, broad,: hand do
chopping Axes,k Hatchets ' Chisels, Augurs,
Mines and Plane Bins, Braces and Brace
'Bitty, steel and iron Squares, Plumb & Levels,
'Waiters and Tralte, Table and Pocket, Cutlery
'Pablo and Tea Spoons, brans, hell-metal and.
enameled preserving Kettles, Hollow Ware, -
&e.' Also, a full assortment of Saddlery and
Carriage Trimmings, Patent Leather, Morocco
and binding Skins, Saddletrees, Cairiages Mid"
Wagon Whips, Curled-Hair;Moss, Deer
Militia Springs. Sliovols and Spades, Garden
and Corn Hods, Grain anti Grass Scythes,
Snails and Scythe . Sfones, Hay and Manure
Forks, Witrdow Glass, Putty, Points and Dye
Stuffs, Oil, Tnrpentine and Varnish, Mahogany
and Mule Veneerer and mouldings, Sofa Sprg's
Also, Bar, Band, Hoop and Sheet Iron, Cast,
Shear, Spring and Blister Steel, Tin Plate,
'Zinc, - ,Spoltre, Bar Load, Bar Tin, Iron, Brass
and Copper hire, &c.
5 Barrels Patent Fire end Water Proof Paint,
assorted colors. • HENRY SAXTON.
mytteGO . .
Selling off at Cost
THE subscribers .intending to change their
business, will sell off their whole stock of
at very seduced prices.' Their stock consists
of Coats, Vests and Pants, of almost every de:
saription and quality. also, shirts, collars, bo•
Soma, stocks, nook and pcokot handltereltiefs,
gloves, stockings, suspenders, hate, caps, boots,
shoes, umbrellas, leather and hair trunks, car•
pot bags, and in short every article that is ne
cessary to complete a gentleman's wardrobe.—
They will also sell goods .by the yard, such
as-cloths; cassintores, yeatinus,'casittnetts, sum-
Mei' stripes in great variety, muslins,.flannels,
_._ap24 3m _
B. N.
B MI persons knowing themselves in.
debted to the firm will please make payment
itnmediately. , A SE. L.
flea" . Read Listen and Re i set..
On Xorth Hanovir seiee't,in: the' roam formerly
occupie' by Wise as a eaTery. •
HE attention-ofthe citizens of Carlisle, add
CumbOrlono and Perry Cogutits is invited
to this newly established Clo dim and'
and see the.well selected 44nd y go
up clothing over offered in tl 'oultf
be wall for every man to ltt irger
assortment, better styles a: ruble'
clothing can be bought for 1. this
_now cstaklittliment_llmn_at_any -other— store, in
the-place without-any 'other execiptioif. — Tlia"
assortment is well selected and the cut andmake
of the latest spring and summerfaellionsiwhich
are far superior to all others for ease and ele
gance. All who wish to purchase will find they.
can save_ from twenty_ five_to_fifty- , per- -cent - by--
buying at the new stand of.
Coats, Pants and Yams we sell remarkably low
as the following list of .
price's will show: .
Superfine black Cloth Dress Colits $6 to 18,00
" 1 - I 14 Frock " 6 18,00
Fine French Habit Cloth coats of
different styles, 3 10,00
Now style of Cashmcrett coats, 2,50 9,00
French Coale of all colors 1,50 7,00
Rough &' Ready Tweed, new style 4,00 11,00
California Lustre, • • 75 5,011
Linen Coats., 1,00 2,50
Business coats, 1,00 6,00
New Style of American and French
Cassimor plain,
Now style of American and French
Casehners, superior in quality and
variety,ol colors ' 5,00 10,00
Fine black Pass. and doeskins 2,50 9,00
Strip - ed and'eross barred case: Pants 1,50 5,00
New style Napoleon stried pants 125, 3,00
spring case. pants 4 ,75 6,00
Great variety of Corduroy pants 1,25 3,0
Fine linemdrilling striped and plain 75 2,50
Now, style of Cambroon 1,50 4,00
With an excellent assortment of war
kingyants which will out-travel any
other in tltis place •-•. 50 2,00
Superfine black Satin vests 1,75 5,00
New style of liguercd and striPed do 1;00' 7,00
Plain & striped valentine 50 4,00
Fine light suitundr Marseilles vests 75 3,00
All kinds of working vests at very low prices.
We will also keep a assortment of
consisting of coats, pants and vests and sell •
them at very low nrices. In addition to our
stock of ready made clothing wo will keep on_
l 'hand an assortment of
B uell. as shirts, scarfs, ci•aVats, suspenders,
drawers, collars, caps, timbrulles, gloves,tand
kerchiefs,. socks, &o.—drip wfireh will rnalte it_
ihe interest of the purchaser to examine before
buying elsewhere. 111 goodd sold at thi,s store.
warranted to giv,e satisfaction, and defy eompa
--titiou, in quality, elegance and style of the cut
and durability, and we hope by close attention
to business to nterit a share -orpublic patron
age. Don't forget the place, North Hanover
Street, a few doors shove Louthor Street West
N. Clothing made to order atllie shortest
notice. .
The P cop Le's Line.
Clear the Track!
• THE undersigned, by the purticulat request
of thousands of their friends, hereby announce
to all who peek and love pleasure, that a Grand
Ercur - sion will take place this arid every day
throughout the sPason,in the beautiful safety
cat el , Ch topside," propelled by , the low 'vesture
engine "Fit-Aare,' and in whielt , all; both old
and young, are invited to participate. The ex
cursion NN 1 1 bo conducted upon 1' plan entirely
different from any before got up in this neigh•
borhood, both for chewiest , and dispatch ; and
the pldatnie it will afford those:who join In it
can scarcely, be estimated. Tickets will bo
furnished at 'hail the seertat'price, and the public
can start from any point they please, stopping ,
only et the CHEAP 'AND' IMPROVED
clothing Emporium,.
next door to Burkholder's Hotel on West Main
street, Nvhore the cheapest and most fashionable
assortment ut CLOTHING can be found—all
our own manufacture -- end which •we can sell
as cheap us th ey eart,be b ought at any of the
large pity establtehmentst and 20per cent. lower'
than at any other house in this Borough. Wo
espectfully invite_ the publicto_take this pleas
ant trip to our store; - and examine our large as
sortment of _
of various colors end Styles Pants. Vests and
Roundaboues, Pea Jackets, MATS and CAPS,
Shirts and Stockings, Suspenders, Cravats, ant
all the different-articles necessary to constitute
a Gentlemads Wardrobe. Don't forget the
place—next door to•Burkholder's Hotel, to
where we have lust removed.- Having a large
assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres endVeotings
on hand, we aro ; prepared to make up to order
all kinds hf Clothmg et the shortest notice and
On the Most reasonable terms. ,
apt° • M& L STEINER.
VI R 4
THIS subscriber ".has pat received a large lot
of Parasols,. ors : beautiful -•st yids, embraoing
every quality. to which the special attention of.
the Ladica is • •
Call and purein4e your Bonnetaand Ribbons •
from tko undersigned, who ,hati just received a,•
largo And varied assortment* and you will save
• money.
Jail- opened an extensive stook of Dross Silks
of;the latest styles., which he We're arunusual."
ly' low prices. The spectra atiention of-the
Ladios is
solicited. . • ' •
The subscriber has still It largo stock of those
I.2i•cont Ginghams, for which ho has had such
an extraordinary run .call and see thorn.
miisLxxs .011) CALICOES.
• 'ilia toned a largo stock of Wltislins. and,
Calicoes , in the solo of •tilhich ho offers urniinial
inducein nt.Pto.Purehascra.. Public . patronage,
•is solicited. `•
, .
Boots'and Shealy or evote,doecriptiett have
holm oponad in large rytmutittee by the aubscri
hor,*.hksit. ttya`efroted at. prices .that must ,giv o
A RNOLDS writing 'fluid, a sou au
vrtinrr Ink..tor wily at ' WOBBARDS
,Virotico to Tax-Payers.
UNDER tho provisions'ol the 'Act of 1844.;
any county payymioto the State Treaer.
ry,the State Tax - levied on such , county, prior
to the 15th of. July in any year, is entitled to ,
an abatement of 5 per cent on "the amount so , .
Tho undersigned, Commissioners of Cum.
berland county, in view of the ahovd provisions
consider it equitable and proper.that those who•
by their prompt payment of their taxes .prior to•
the ''above date, enable the Treasurer. to pay
over the State Tax, so as to= receive the above
abatement - of 5 per cent., the benefit of which
had hitherto been enjoyed by, the citizens of
the county generally, should be allowed a , diti•
duction of that amount;by the collector—have
authorized the different collectoters main said '
abatement from the State--Thu; in all cases'.
where the State and County trix•is - paid the'
collector before the 15th day of. July, 11150:
when said abatement shall amount' to 'one ,per
cent or more, no fractions of a cent to..becredi.
Since tIM act of '44, the Cornmissionerti
have paid the State tax of this county annually'
to the State Treasurer, within the time presep.
bed by the act, and county has received
the benefit of an abatement of five Per cent.-
thereon, - but to meet said payment they . have
found it necessary heretofore to appropriate a
part of the couirty funds to meet the deficiency
occasioned by,delinquents ' until the balance ,of
the. State Tax was collectodr—lt-therefore be
comes necessary to require the payment:Of both
State and county tar to-entitle - the payer to the
aforesaid abatement, upon the aforesaid State
The undersigned therefore confidently ontic
ipate that the above arrangement, and the, fur
ther inducement of enabling Cumberland cond=
ty to maintain the character for promptness
and fidelity which she has acquired in the die.
chage of her obligations to the Commonwealth,
will induce every citizen to discharge his State
and County Tax prior to the nth day of July)
4OHN ,
County Commissioners;
Attest—Whi. RILEY, Clerk'.
Commissioners' °film?: -
Carlisle, Ditty,22, ':po. s.
To the Tax - Collectors of Carib. co
IFAXTRACT froma circular issued by the
State Treasurer to the Commissioners and
censurer of this 'county :
"it may be well for me to draw your atten— •
lion to the, fact, that afterthe 21st day of An. ,.
gust next, the circulation of any Mink' notes df '
a less denomination than five' dollars, (except
the notes issued by aid , flanks of this .Stine,
under the act of 4th May, .18410 4s'-prohibited
by law, and, punishable by civil and 'crimina l
prosecution: No note ofany deScription ex-'
tept as aforesaid, of a less denominatien than•
rive dollars, can therefore bo received in pay
ment; at this department, after thirfirst day of" .
June next." SOHN M. BICKEL.• '
Slite 7'roarturer.
• Collectors - are hereby notified not to receive
in payment of taxes, any notes of a less, do.
nomination ' lhan FIVE I:1011Am except the ."Re
lief" notes of this State issued under the act ' '
o MayAth 1841. Wit. N. PORTER. _
"' -- -='"Tieaft - fefrif - CiiiiiteniiiireTzitiiy: 7 " ----
-,:-May_2B, :4858.------------.-----:._.
• l'Ortfluali istumo:_
Dear Gentlonien,.salto crunhdviee
To every 011 C we mage
would have a coat that'inie -
Look at Troutman & Illay's,Cheap Clo
Ifere - aro - Dreaseajif all kinds, ,
Fula and coarse. and also Cheap •^
Please ex - amine and - yeu'll - find, .1-
For your money quite a heap.
'fore are goods for every saaaon, •
Thick and stout, neat and thin; •
All that you can wish in reason,
It your doubt it lust drop ini -
Hero are Frock and Body Coats,'
Both with low and standing collars;
Some that button ro nd the throat,
To be_had for a dollars.
Here is every sty e of Vest,
t t d all so is of Pantaloons,
-Vow can choose what suits you best,
Eve., or morn, or afternoon
1,50 7,00
Here are sacks and Roundabouts,
Overalls and Jacketti Green,
Please to look and you will find,
Here the
s eliegeet ever Bean:-
Here aro light coats for the Spying,
Palmy goods for Summer wear,
You will find thorn just the thing;
Nothing butter anywhere.
Shirts and Bosoms m be found,
Pocket liandlierchrels and Gloves,
Semis to tie your vitck around,
henyou seek your lady loves.
Better than the GoMarines of Call-:
'2 Whole Suit of Clothes of 51,75
TM.!: undersigned thankful for the mitronage- •
of tho' Citizens of 'Carlisle and adjoining•
country, informs his numerous frionds
and bo
public in general, that ho n an
entirely new Stock of Arabia) pring and.'
Summer clothing, made up ithe beet etylo and
particularly calculated_for this place, His stock
consists of lino Drees and Frock coats, Habits; .:,›
Cassimer, Drop', Sze.,an /Wt coats, Tweed
-Linen and Check Coo izTi'sol,ess coals of all
deserip tiona; - sunorlor Black Cassimer and fancy
Pantaloons, a great variety of Vests frbm 75cts •
to $4 00, a.largo assortment of fancy articles of
Gentlemen's wear, whits linen, etttped and red
flannel shirts. Gentlemen are requested to call
and examine the goods, and ho is --sure. those..
who buy will be well fitted and at low prim..
A great assortment of Boys clothing,
Caps and Bats, from 153 to SS 00 conotantly on •
hand at • • S.' GOLDMAN'S"
Soutll,.East cornerof Main and Market square,
Gorlialo, March 26, 1850.
Webb's Washing Powder,
A groat saying or labor, soap and time, with
out any RUBBING by •waishing beards, Msr
chines, or with the hands, and. preventing all
-wear and tear of clothes. Warranted not to
injure the finest fabrics. Price, IA comfit. •
.Sold wholesale and retail
Car sa w
Drug and Variety Store,e,
at his Medical Ball, North Queen at. Lancas
N. B. All orders filled at Manufacturer'w
prices. ,
Juno 5-1 y. ' •
Carlisle Deposits Bank Afay 7, 1850.
. .
THE Board. of Directors of this 'lnstitution.
have this day declared a dividend of Three •
Per Cent., for the last six months on - tlit.eapi—
tal stock now, paid in—Which will be paid to ,
the Stockholders or their legal representatives, -
nt or after the 17th inst.
rnyls WPC S. GORDAN, Cashier.
'-' . NOTIOZI. ..,, •
! ' ‘
ALL •persons knowitirthemkelyse indebted.:
to the aubscriber, by note or book account, are
requested to settle -- wltbont - dsliik; olthear RC
.ottitta will begot"' in the bonds of a magistrate
for collootion. • ' J. 0. VARMONY, .
may 9.2 ..
vldeather. Tkunkt4
THE subscriber has just received another lot
of Loather Trunks of different-sizes and prices.--
Also, an assortment of Carpet. Bags ,afid Va- ,
tines, for sale on reasonable terms. •
• - •
Just opened a entail lot of Music- for. Piano,:
Flute and Violin, also, Jeannette and Jeanno t,
and a few outer now and popular songs for la__
BONNETS AND f.F.1311011:N.. S.,
A groat variety- of-Ladied- Straw—Bo eto,__
Paniola . Bonnote :and Gentlimen's or'
horn Ilate in variety,..Boanot.Ftamov, Crowns ;
and Tips, - .30. r .
• ..
A .great i!arioty of .Paria , Collars,..: B r ussels.
Laos - Collar' , Batted '.and ' Cambria' nutertinga,
and Edglo4o; 'Pltread Lane andlltibbip Rthege, • 1 -:,
.room Laos and Cotton Edgloil, Jeu i ce Pape*
dteslust-opaned by - • • •
taptd , •
'..--TORK:and 1/1311.' , '..' 4 ' - r:. :,
LAXmACItERI3I., ShAtodlish,)Salintin',fler,';'f
. rings, Pork, Ilama and Sidcs, Shoulders,
' and Choinnn constantly bn hand Conti t.,
Bale 11Y - PALMER &
Markot Street 'Wharf, Philathilphist ,
- March 20, 1850—irn .. ' ' -. , ,..: --
Here are Caps, Suspenders, Stocks,
Collars, very nice indeed,
Clean and nice, in paper box,
- Just the thing will need.
If wo talked a day about thorn, 1
We could scarcely toll you all,
Gentlemen can't do withoutthom -
Then,_dear friends, give us n call.
O_% I ZOE.