Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 19, 1850, Image 2

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ara - A t .S.llipci)p-ac.
.?-- 7 6
/-Wc, arc Indebted to the Hon.-.Tae. X.
Lannhan for a. copy , , t iirono of Mr. Clay's
recant speccho.*:
education in the Ignited States aro to hold their'
convention`in Philadelphia,on the fourth Wed
nesday-an August next, pureuaot to adjourn
ment in• October laet. The Ilon.Horaoo Mann
has issued an addross, urging the attendance
of the delegates Kbd the Importance of the ob
jects designed by the Convention. -The high'
purpose of - psse conyintiOni cannot ho too fa.
Torahly received. Our ena is distinguishad
progress in all notvraril .things. With this pro.
grass the mind should heap pads. If it doss
not, ultimate decline and fall is inevitable.
•'Stand by eur,Chief
The Erie Gazette eloquently 'remarks that
the vindictive spirit which le manifested to
ward Gem TIi , 7LOB, bylile unscrupulous politi
cal °pimento; calls loudly for counter efforts
on the part of the Whig fbrces. Whigs would
bo, recreant not' only to their principles, but
common 'h'cinor, if they permitted the Chief
Magistrate Oftheir own'choosing to fall sac
rifice to the hifuriato madness'of party opposi
tion while - engaged in the manly discharge of
----- Ott. Oh ! yes, they will, they must "stand by
him,"—must defead'him against the attacks
who.determinsd,_iii_advnece, upon_ a
• course of 'unscrupulous opposition. Ho has
_thus far been true to-his Counyy as the needle
to the pole. He has been Olher sectional nor
selfish..; - Lofty, firm and 'lame, ho has stood
high above the warring elements. of narrow
souls, With his eye cast over the diversified in
terests of the entire masses, and all the pOwers
of a mind formed for great" occasions directed
to,that part of the field where the nation's des
tinies wore trembling in too balance. Who'
doUbt the disposition of Whigs—nyo, of
c",.r...en0:_mm.,0f.•-Are,..7ly-c•-party-name--oS-all -friends of
concord and pence—of all foci- to distinction,
turbulence and . anarchy:-to "stand by" this no
ble old patriot 7 A-Southera man who is no
• advocate of slavery—a soldier who protects
• firmly the rights
.of the. citizen in peace—a
Whig who forgets the title only in that of Pa.
triot—a man who in danger has alweys stood
-- by his country- 7 when wo stand not by hiin,_
we deserve to fall. As the assaults of his ene
mies increase in bitterness' end magnitude--
as the envenomed arrows of slander and malice
-.nremimcd.with_zrowing determination. at _hie
devoted head—let us-rally in our might to re
sist-these heartless attempts to injure the char
acter and destroy-the, adminietration'of
fly TAYLOR. Yos, yes, let us "STAND. BY
HUI:" _ ;
J. Poster •Bravirley.
The laconic notice Which the Volunteer gam
- of the nomination of J. Porter Brawley, for sur
vOyor General, was well calculated to maketho
impression that it did not come front a heart
overflowing with good feeling toward the said
Xtrawloy._ It ifigtrui-irfuntli — thet'OUr neighbor
has very good reason to be sparing in hie praise,
-the.cause whereof - is - revealed by !be-Hating
don-Journa/. We may therefore look in the
course of the campaign for some very affection •
ate romerobrandes of "Brawley; at the hands of
our amiable neighbor. . - '
Pas, says the Journal, the editor of the Vol
unteer "knows 'Brawley very wall." lilie knows
that ho wadi ono of the Porter faction who, in
the spring of 1843, defeated him for State Prin
ter, when ho was the regular candidate of his
party;' and hot satisfied with that, personally
abused him in'tho Housd, in a speech which
wintecinsidered at the time exceedingly coarse
and vulgar. The editor of the Volunteer also
knows that this same Bewley turned Tyler
man, Mid received - as-his price, a- fat-govern
ment contract.. And if he would only tell the .
Domacracy of old Cumberland all Ito knows
about Brawley, we rventure the prediction that
they would speedily bolt from their candidate
-for SurveyoriGivieral.- - -----,-- •
Ovenshinit -vs. - GalOhin.
Wo see that the Washington Union'and its
satellites through the country propose with ir
resistible wit; to dub.the Whigs with the r name
of Ga/phins. lUpon this the York RepubliCan
aptly remake, we really do not know how we
_ could baiter return the compliment of our-Bind
Lecofocofriande than by bestowing upon them
• the name,'etylo and title of 0 3 1EkSH1NES,
--- memento of the moutoralrle tiansaetione at
De - 31
- etlve nee.
i(r . A. fire ' brokout in ' Columbia, me:
ter county, on' unday night last, which
Copmatelda Argo „amount of proper t'y and
threatened for a time the .destruction Of the
town.' a Cooper shoP,:on
Front etreot:and speedily extended to 'tlio ed.
joinibg buildings- and .lumber yards,' The
Bridge over.the Susquehanna wan on fire eav- -
eraltites and saved with diffieulty.7.l4lne
iced, tenanted by twenty.threa poor families,
were, consumed. The °Me . ° of the 'Columbia .
Spy watiburned, but a large portion-of the ma
terials was wed. A young man named Au.
goatee Myers was killed by the felling of a
-, chimney. The total loss by the fire is affirm
tedettil3o,ooo, only a small portion of which
was insured. The fire is supposed to have
been the irork of .an incendiary.
T9E MUMMY ,. AT' BefiTol4.-74 now appears
that this curious reli . of a Very distant age,
which every indication when it, was first ex
posed; represented as the remains of a primates',
has been discovered, upon ,medical -examinl the body of a man . In rot - atone
to Ihe'subjact, the Buxton Transcripts mays—
Mr. Gliddun remarked that Mistakes %would
*emir in the belt-regulated families; hut in
.thle Case lie was eery @wean - that the mistake
occurred3oott years are rit l'hobon, and wee
not 'in hie reading (tribe hieroglyphical Ineorit.l,
Lion. .4e explained how naturally, in an es
tabhehment where hundreds ofhodlerwere un
dergoing the proem ntymbalment, the •ticket,
might have got ellpphd,wnd It mummified man
found hinnielf in th u dribtriiiinterided for • priest
eau. explanation was ao.ingenious and
eatiefeotory that thiseudienae,xamdrod ieWith
a burst cifimplause. , . • ,
Wurci.Saamulawr.—Tho-Whig candidatehr.-
Governor of Ohle, in the lipeeoli at Cinbinnati,
with which he, opened the campaign' in that,i
State,deolaiotd hinted( ' to in favor of:thii";"
• • e '
immediate and , untramtealled• admitelon
California, and opposed to . tho compromise bill.,n(the application of throffer-'
stinian Provigo 14 the territoriii ; • ellit••itycitee . '
that cannot pase; then holidepla the rreeldenVer
plan, no by far, the beat of • thoseceninnitted to
Congrese;•;:*lie"Whiifirele'of ChM apierirato
speak 'tho same' eentirneer almtiet
• -
Za.11.10 Wkig.. State, c'o4vonition tneetriln .
nominal° oin fall tiokit.;
k The Aseistent Menthola will ehortly . corn-.
menu, stye the Litneaster Examiner,taking an
enumeration of- the "in habitante, •Oropeety end
product* of thoirroppdetive districts. The in
formation they obtained--ir IT no"contrcr—
will be of the greatest vaino to our law-makere
end political ceonothiste r in "enabling them . , to
,so shape the laws and policy of the government
ae o .es Vance o intoreeta o l 0 wo o
sotintry; And unless it is correct' it will prove
an injury rather than a benefit, tveryi 'gond
citizen, therefore, willTeol it to .ho-his duty to
givo 'rang and' noaksx answois to every ques
tion put by perionst employed in taking the
Thu information obtained of each individual
will not be made public—the aggregate popu
lation rind products, only, of thq different towns
and townships, will bo 'published. No one,
therefore, needle under any appi•olielision of
having tho extent of his business 'operations
laid open to public gaze,—nor need anj one
four that the information sought for is to be
used for the purpose of increasing taxation.—
In some benighted districts wo know such
ideas prevail, but .vre hope no citizen of, Cum
berland county will be -influenced by silchii
dicidous notions. For the Credit of tho county,
moreover, we hope a full and fair statement of
its population and industrial products will be
In order that the citizens of the county May
know what information they are expected to
give, we annox'tho questions that will be naked
of them by the Marshals. Each head :of a
family should take the first leieuro moment to
net - down unaware to every question,applicable
. to him. By ao doing hie animas will bo more
likely to be correct than if prepared on the
spur of the moment, alai the Marshal has'
,called; and in case of absence, also, it will
prevent the -necessity of the Marshal calling
iikain or of obtaining correct information from
'some other member of the family.
e, Schedules lo census f ill.
, .SCHEDULE 1. -Free Inhabitants.
Name, ago, sea and color of every person
whose usual place of abode on the first day of
June, 1850;was in this family. White, black,
or mulatto.
occupation, or trade of each male
person crier 15 years of ago. '
Value of real estate owned.
- Place of birth, naming the State, Territory,
or country:
Married within' the year.
Attended school within the year.
Persons over '2O years of ago who cannot
raid and write.
Whether deaf Raid dumb, blind, insane,• idi
otic, pauper. or afinvict. -
Name of owner, agent or -Manager of the
Acres of land—improved—unithprovod , cash
value 'of the farm ; value of farming imple
ments and "machinory.
Live stock, June '1,1860;--Iltirses, mules
and asses,-working--oxon,milch -cowerother
cattle, sheep, swine; the value of live stock.
P.,roduce during the year ending Juno 1,1860
—TAD value of animals slaughtered during the
'year. Wheat, bushels of; rye, bushels of;
dian corn, 'bushels .of; oats, - bushels of; rice,
Imelda of; tobacco, pounds of; ginned cotton,
bales of 400 lbs. each ; wool, pounds of; beans
and peas, bushels of; buckwheat, bushels of;
barley, bushels of; potatoes—lrtsh, bushels Of;
SWeet, bushels of; value of orchard products
in dollars ; wine, gallons, of; value of produco
'nf'diaket garden; butter, pounds of; cheese,
pounds Of; hay, tons of; clover seed, bushels
of; other - grass - seeds:bush - els of; hops, bush
els of; hump—water rotted, tons of—Ldeti - rot
rotted, tons of; flax, Pounds of; flex seed, bush
els of; silk cocoons; pounds of; honey - - and
beeswax, pounds of; value of home-mudo man
Name .of Corporation, Company,-or
producine-arttelos to the annual mane of
five hundred dollars. aaMo of business man
ufacture or products.
Capital invested id-real and immortal estate
in the business.
Raw material used, including fuel—quinti
time, kinds, values.
Kind of motive power, machinery, structure
or resource.
Averaeo number of -hands employed—male,
female:. •
Wages—Average reumthly cost of male luber,
average monthly coat of female labor.
Annual product—Qualitica, kinds, value.
Name, age; . sex 'and color, of every porson
who died during the year ending 1 Juno, 1850,
whose usual .Placo of abode_ at the time of his
death was In this family. .White; black, or
mulatto. Fran. or slave. Married or widowed:
- ,
Placo of birth, naming tho Statc; Territory,
or country,
The month to whiCh the person
Proforma occupation ortrade.,
Diroaeo or came of death:
The following, two 'sections ore 'part of the
law directing the taking of the census. 'lt
will bo emnithat any person refusink to answer
the.questions put by the Marshal renders him.•
self liable to a Ana of;thlity dollars. • .
' Sec. 14. And be it furtherCtlactea, That any
assistant — vvbe,"havink accepted . the appoint
ment, shall, without justifiable cause, neglect,
or refuse, to perform the dtitietkenjoined on him
by this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction be liable to d forfeiture of
five'-'h'undred dollars; or If ho shall wilfully
'make a false oath, it shall berdesrnacl perjury;;
or if he shall vaulty make a false certificate,
it shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and If con
rioted or found guilty of either of the last 'na-.
mad offences, he shall forfeit and pay not ex
ceedink.five thousand dollars, and be irnpris
'6ned not less than two „years. And cock mar
shal shall be alike phnishable for tho two last
named olleneSalithen .Coinmittad , by hlm.
dee: 15. And be it further enacted, That
each and eyery free portion more than, twenty
lairs of age, belonging to any family residing
in any.stibdiiiition, and In case of the absence
of- the heads and other. members -of.-any-such
family, them any agent of such fkmily, shall
be, and - each of them horebyle required, ifthere
to requested by the marshal or his assistant, to
render a true account to-the heat of , hie Or her
knowledge, of every pereoribelonging to such
femiil iathe„yarious particulars required in
and by this act, and thatablei theretosubjolned
on pain of forfeiting thirty dollars, to be
for and recovered'in an action of debt by the
assistant, ts the use oftht United States.
No PLEASING Team l—Spme limo, since the
Washington phio6, tlnil the ather presses of ate
party, found fault with ,dini.Taylor bemuse;
lie avowed no opinions questions of public
.polloy. pines his California mimeos however,
in Which he laid doWn' the plan of non action
In - reference to the ierritoriea, these-time con
eistent paper's assert that lid is foroing his , pltin
of • soilleniant u'pon" Congress! They quota
;against Mari • the paragraph' in one one of his
latters„thirt "the lierional opinthne of
'tie individual who may happen to occupy the
txecutive chair; ought not td control the action
Or Congress uribri questioni of domestic policy "
'Hovrare'lliose fellow to be altisfied
. .
f - . Anothek - titilatintboittnisnattr
1),,a daapitteh,Ovia . ,PufFalo, of thellth inst.
we lenen.thattiiiiisteatnsi' driffitliOonk fird'ad
Lake Erienbont tiventy indee kelow'Cloveland;
snd wits bained to the Water ' : Tke
'porin set down the numbet ot,ltiesloat tit
hundred end , sixty!
*bent, tkree;hundred IreeindrrieniireditS
The scenes, on•ikskurninistifek'itieleitirltied
as.'havint , lisen agonizini eitrine:' The
caws) dlisniteimie :in' yet' "
Nt.; i•
i :
— sOFTEDULE 11L ---
ProductionB of Agriculture
Products of Adusery
Persona who Died.
Who Tariff QuestLoa.
'We 'give place I'D! the views of our cor- ,
rospondotit mho writes oti tho subject ofa mod
ification of the Tariff, in another column, but
wis,lay no means agree with his opinions/ We
Still think that the friends of Home, InClustri
ought . to use every exertion fn their power to
Toieiire'n mydiffanitort of this Tariff of 1846, at
the present • seniors of Congress, The policy
the antagonistic position it has assumed against
'Protection, - mightleep us waiting a long time.
If the: locofoco liarty mains to ctintinue ile
opposition to, Protection, while the Coal and
Iron interest of Periiisiliallin nre going bo ruin,
we must lake issue with them and ampaal to
the People at largg to sustain American inter '
rests. But if the locofoco leaders arc oippgsed
to Protection, we have sufficient evidence to
showldhat -members of that party everywhere
are awakening' to the folly and wiekedn ass or
fighting, for British intereste d '" Last win ter we
saw one of our locofooo flopresentatittes, in
the Legislature urge in his 4alaco the 'passage
of resolutions in favor of Increased Pre election
to'Coal and Iron, and, it was well known that a
number of his political friends in the „house.
were ready to back him. The Washingtc in pa
pers of the last week also bring us evil lance
that the ruin which is now sweeping ovate the
Iron interests of this Slate is beginning 'to be
fell, not only by Whig but locofoco nimbi trs of
Congress. The Hon. Jas. Thompson, the loco
foco member of Congress from the Brie t dis
trict, recently paid a visit to his family, a: nd on
his return to Washington the Union arisen limed
the fact, and represented him as bringing the
intelligence that 'the tart, guano,' had Jslouon
away in Pennsylvania." Mr. Thompson pals:,
lishas a card in reply, from which we nuke
tho following extract: , cl ,
"I did not,and could net, burn made-the 're
mark that - .1 - he 1 - 4011' question hail h10w77, a7way'
in Pennsylvania. I know that is regard to ono
groat interest much depression is expcuio need al
this time. In those sections of fha - Stairs where.-
the iron interests prevail, much anxiety is felt
Mot soma change o.t the present duties ion iron,
as well in form as ill iimoont, shall Ia ke place. '
Many establishmems,lierelofore giv ing employ
ment to a e'eat :lumber of uperall , sea, have _
within the lost few months suspentle it, and I
fear nut soon to he resuscitated, tint ess under
some, temporary duninution ul imps nation of
the foreign article, or a change iu lb. a present '
duties upoiril. A greater deproltintiT arifyier.
evaded, is yet destined to ousue, ess
hing soon be donetsp.Cungreislr-r-It: rte. liortsaz'
liove that any other of the great inters .sts of the
country suffer in comparison with th. e iron in-
Lambs, if, indeed-they suffer stall and or the ex
isting revenue system. Certain it is that the
evidence of it is not so unmistakable, as there
seems little, if any, dimintition of troth re opera
-lions amongst them. .1 feel it my dul ty, there
fore, to say that it would not ha Just t o impute
to me, as some have done, the remark referred
to - in *lfii paragraph I have quoted. feel that
-it-is-of-great-importance to the—iron --interest -
that an amendment of the revenue fat re in re
gard to them should be made, and ma 4 at Me
present session of Congress."
•We have here a fair and candid adi
frvi leading and influefilialloctifoioxteinh - er
of Congress, thrq.thelcon interests o f Penn
sylvania-ore-sdilering, and sufferifig ru irniusly.
-And-Mr. -Thomson-- is :honest enough t 4) admit,
too, that this suffering comes from the. Wyatt cif
that Proleclion which his- party- has- withd-ra wn
from our great interests. If our lucofoco a aem
'bers.are beginning to see and acknowledge this,'
shall the people ho' inactive? Shall the y do
nothing to secure relief? We repeat out call
upon them,, therefore, to pour in their peti tiona .
to Congress for a modificithe Tari
However. discouraging- may be the prospet A of
relief, let the - voice of the people be liard,T. L rind .
kit , our Represerdillves disobey at their pitril I
1L The Volunteer ) and Democrat of ;this
town aro exceedingly distressed, ad might' nat
urally have been expected (L) et what tlhey
represent as our "attack" upon Mr. Clay. .911,
yes, kind souls, who beslimed their colustuas
in 1844 with the foulest libels pn the vinertr;blei: .
patriot', as a 'murderer,' a 'libertine.' a 'ram
bler,' , profane swoarer,'' and 'Sabbath bra akar;
how their beetle are torn with anguish a ow if,
a Whig. Paper ventures in respectful tern is to
;Wren Its dissent ,from Mr. Clay's . couri es on
ono particular subjoci;and . `caPries aPinfei onecs
for that of Gen. Taylor! ! The VolLentecr ,
which- as probably applied each and all tho
above epithets to Mr. Clay Hines without :num
her, end with a ferocity of hate which no Prat'.
lcienticil canvass ever boforii exhibited, now 're
ally feels a disposition to defend him !' How
vory generous and magnanimous! How the
heart of every true friend' M Henry Clay must
swell • with pleasure and gratitude over Chili
generous disposition of the Voluntter: Ai nd
when the Yelunteevcbmmenceirits defence; are
should like to fiftnishit some poetical oxtrac Ls
for the proper einbellishment of its eulogy, for
which. .wo aro indebted to the talented gooie
quill of Col. Wallace of the Philadelphia San.
Ile *rota them we believe for the. use of the.:
Pennsylvanian, whose heart like that of the.
Volunteer has suddenly kindled with a •strange•
tiro" of affection for Henry Clay. All wileuc--
knowledge after reading thorn that the
:esr can use the subjcanciA stanzas with tho ut-.
most propriety .
-"We love you, how we !dire you,
Olt,gullant Henry Clay;
And ours is no Judas 'kiss,
To fldtter and betray.
• We never have abused you.
Nor blackened your great name--
. But during almost thrice ten years,
Hire gloried in your fame.
We love you: how we love you—
Indeed yeti do not knoW
Wcwould have made you ?resident,
' Full thirty yearn ageit—
But over) , time w& tried it, •
. It was ,a futile game;.
The "federal whigs" defeated us
By slandering your name.
"And in your glorious winter,
Of three score years and ton.- ,
We think - in spite of past Mishaps,
We ought to try again.
And if you will oblige us, „
By running but once more,
You may, be sure we'll serve you still,
. Just as we have before!".
• Feta. Ant IN Weti.s, &o.—The great don—
getroften-sUstained in consequence of descen—
ding a sink, should prompt all potions in the.
pursuit of business, by which their lives may
be similarly pulled, to us - a ovary nheessary
precaution.' It. is with this spirit that we in—
sort the folloinf articles from tho London Buil
dor for Juno 21, 1845: ' • -'• •
"Foul Mr; in Wells and Cess Pools.—John
Green;ofSudbory, has boon rewarded by the
Society of Arts and Science, for • a method of
parifying Wells:tie., troth the foul air which;
so often accumulates in them 'when long. do
sod, and has not unfrequontly. boon destructive
to life. The, plan le , eioipty, to throw into
the well a iitiontity of unslackod limo, which,
Boon, as it-comes in contact" with the water,
throws - .up a volume of; vapor, • driving before
tt all the deleterious gasps, . and , rendering it
perfectly safe' far' the • iVorktubn descond
immediately." ' • _
City Journalcahoot, in the nature of
satiety the mint to which A' country '
'paper iniiitetere."--N., Tributtg.. • ,
;• ; Nothitig the' •worr plainer, nod, pooplo
ition6i or lahir, find It out..--
This 'fro *lrgo,
nonahltalits hien hilardste;.
the appointinent of Unilid.latatiii
Soutla .
-lb 161
. ' . For the Herald
• Mr.Boatii—Wo observe in at 8010 in b your
paper Of May: calling on the people
Cumberland, county to petition etmiress for a
ehange:cf the existing revenue laws of the
country,.th ycnt :pay - .. - 7 !Novr „is the_ time_
for action—pour in your petition's, friends of
American Industry.'" &c. We. desire to offer
- 41,1Fav yyords — orithe subyett.
That the ,present system oflow—duties is
most ruinously' injdrioue to
v all tlio great intor
osta of the country we have npAisposition to
deny. But in view of the history of past iog
ialation on the Tariff, and the subsequent -ap
proval of the same by the Democratic party,
which:cornposse a moiety of "Um pcoplO of the
United State., would it not be bolter to suspend
action on the measure until men of both parties
see the'necessity of a change, until they aro
thoroughly convinced that something must be
done to save the country- from ruin ; This
elate of affairs it seems is not sufficionqy app.
, ront at the present time to arrest the attention
of Democrats, and engage them in the support
of some measure of relief band on the princi
ples of the Tariff of 1842. But as thingi aro
now fast approximating to an end that will re•
salvo all doubt as to the poir) - 11; -- ' - 'dyof • proteeting
of protecting our great American .interests
by naystern of specific duties, discriminating
in favor of home labour, it would ho well, wo
think, to let the downward progress continuo
until we hire an argument in favor of the pro
tective policy that will convince all of its wis
dom. The force of reasun•has long since boon
exhausted to no purpose on the • Democyacy,
tolvarcomelkeir soneoless apposition - to it.—
Wads make no impreseion—arguments are
vain and-useless Nothing except the irresist
ible evidence whichwhit soon be furnished
the languishing condition• of the country can
canna them .to give this. question,(str. strong
are - party ties) an - impartial investigation.—
When they see the ruinous affects of their own
m easureand feel the pressure of the times be
lond'endurance,•then will be the time for ac
tion. •••
-It is a fact -about which there can ho no dis
pute, that tho-Demcernts. were once in favor of
the tariff of %S. But their leaders-;told them .
A t ....7- 1 ;irP.1 1 4;•.:
ffi - riliem, and speedily without much_ usterm". ,
a groat eliange_crune' over thei " spirit of their
dreams. Aid it is 'equally true that a - voice
did go up from the people to 'Congress; in Is.
46,aigainetthe . repeal of that Tariff, without
having exerted an overruling. "influence" on
-the mind, of uur pablics servants. Thousands
of petitions were presented against repeal, but
their_ prayer_was. not granted. Stiehl _
prebend will bo the fate of all pelitions sent to
the presenk,Congress •praylng for..niodification
or repeal. -Theis exists at thcs ti d ° on the
part of-the .Democrate-an indisposition to ac
knowledge that the revenue aystein paralyses .
industry. Some of the farmers are still charm
ed with the itlea,,pf having "two markets,": and
free trade theorists aro yet sanguitinerf success.
Under, those circumstances is it not- evident
that a modification, if possible at this tints,.
would-fall , far short of satisfying the politic
mind to the permanent ascendancy of the pro
tective principle. How long it might bb sus
taind in spite of opposition is not determina
ble, yet it is easy to see that sooner .or later a
return to theses-sawoyetem oflegislating would
be Made to tho groat injury of thy Vital inter
ests of the country: This wo do not want.—
We need eamothilug,,p_armanent. Of ups and
downs mre bevelled enough already. VV• must
ho taught kr experience. The lesson is but
half finished now—lot us learn it to' the "bitter
end." When the fitrinCre hays no home mar.
Itet— When the fogs fifes dip out, and the sound
of manufacturing comma to be hoard through
:out the land, Derneeints will up fronitheir
dreams,. ablutdoh- their present notions, and
cheerfully- net,ir , itit us for repeal. -Until this
be so-no measure that will afford effectual pre
tcetion to the Jaburqtf :our own People can be.
'come the settled policy of the country. N.
The Ovaush Inc Platform !
The looofoco papers aro parading vary con
spicuously in their column...hat they call-the
"Galphin Platform." A. an offset to this. we
would direct the attention of the public to the
"OvenahinoTlitforin," bas lately been•
am up by Josue Millar, editor of the Harrisburg
Keyetone, and which is officially rinnouncod by
thossid .Jesse, and circulated in handbill. al
follows ;
Bribery au ) (1. Corruption •
Proceedings, Speeckes,'ALL the testimony
in relation to the attempt to BRIBE two of the
Delegate., RICIIAND RACY Ten Thou
sand copies ordered to he printed in pamphlet
form ! ! To he published next •week at $1 00
for twelve copies, in. $5 00 ier one . Hundred
Orders Solicited immediately!,
Address W. E. DRAKE, qffice of the Key
stoneafarriaburg, Pa. ,
Harrisburg, June $, 1850
Air the report ofthe'proceedinis will be sold
nearly las cheap a 6 the delegates wore, we hope
the edition will - he , purchased - by the people so
that-they may have a. full understanding of the
I .seven principlrieVinte at the heels of the
. oosrishme Platform
pears to have ri strong auti-slayery turn. pie
St.. Louis Union, which was recently roma-Men
tied at the St. Louis Denton county.COnyention
as the true Democratic' organ "ol.the state,
talks ih the follbwing strain:
"And for what!purpose this sacrtfice to
be made? Alas, we blush with shame 'to say
it, that the institution of slavery shall be more
firmly established. That is to say, some "500,-
000 traffickers in human flesh mid: Wood threa
ten the perpetuity of this Union, except they
are permitted to have their own way, and era.
Yen hearted politicians succumb to Abair de
mands, for the sake, not of pbace and harm o
ny, but, of ephemeral popularity. • Come wha t
will, We aro opposed to such a compromise;
it is unrighteous—it is unwise—it is, imprac
From Cuba
New Oneeme, Juno 15
We hare received inteligeoce from liarma
as lito as the 10th lost„ and .are happy ,to
tato that the Spanish government_ had „AO ? .
dad to the representations of our: Consul, aichltl
by other American Authorities, and - after pass
ni through , the forms of a trial, had liberated
'the American prisoners, who were free kt, Fa
turn to the United States; .
pEATII of MIBB JANE Ponran.. 7 --Papeirs by the
Atlantic anomie° • the death, on 'the 23d 'ult.
of this lady, -at ' he' residenc . of :her
Dr. W. 0. Porter:in .Briatol. The lady was
in her 74th year. Der name Is : familliar to
all'as - the autlier.of the 4 . Scottish Chlefi,".and
other romances. - iminedidie cause of her
„ . ,
deatti 'was " •
PREOIDENT ' ALLEN, of We Wren.' College
for Orpleitia, li'tdveiiver the addressnt , ;ilie.
druid eointheneeriiiihy of the' 'Wesleyan .Fethelo
Conti(); at Wlfinlitiou'eliarliii the' third wdek
In July &if:-
0,: T .,... h . 0 0n 1r g
r ; n .
7 '
MOW& aged , n
, Ipe adjou r n
11 ' 6 7 41 t
~',~~ ~. ~101t~1~C~~;
,Tuanait, June II
Senate,—The proceedings in the Sedate 'ivory:, '
or considerable Interest. A message was re- -
, cowed from he President ralstive to the Round
Iblantl!eipedition,.in answer toe eall-frOtr; that -.-..
hay. Afterwards Mr. Cass proceeded to - iitis:'
lain the Compromise and eulogizer INI r. Ulay.-- ten -of lk-ttL.lorsay r tlien-followed-ja-o--
.maniy, spirited and vigorous defence of - the
Northern view-of this question, in which, ever. ,
atcording to
,the meagre report .r the 'Pete._
graph, ho vindicated his high character es a
statesman and orator; and prdved conclusively
that the so.calleil compromise was a surrender
of right niul justice, especially in regard to the ,p
Totaii„purchase, He • demonstrated that
the plan of the President was the wisest, the
safest, and - the hest, that under existing clam..
staticei could be proposed. - . Without conclu- .
ding, he gave way to a motion fur adjournment.
In the House thel l exanibonaary was under
discussion, until it wan utjiged to make way
fOr the California Bill, in to CI ace to which a
scene of confusion ensued, growing out of the
the efforts of, the Southern members to slava
off the vote on the :Win ission of Califdrnia.—
Mr. McDowell, of Vu. Was cut short in an du.
queut speech in favor of concession- and com
promise, by the arrival of the hour of one, the
time fixed to close the ildhato nod =commence
voting.• The question (hen cante_ up on the
addption of Mr. Duty's bill fur the admission
6(California as a State. A motion• that Oil
Committee rise was negatived by a vote of 85
to HI. A number of amendnients were then
°Eked frmn the Southern division of the House
for the purpose of staving (dr a vote upon thii
and thus with nothing, accomplished but
the decision of numerous pints of order, and
appeals -from the decision of thc_Dlittir, _the
Housa adjouneil after op cuit tug and boister
-0113 session.
%V.EI2NEVD&T, Juno 12
Senate.—Mr. Dayton resumed slid concluded
his very able speech against the Compromise
bill. His views .. were strong and sensible,
and were put witli,a directness and force that
carry along with them conviction of their wis
dom and truth. When he closed, Mr—Renton
withdrew Ins motion to postpone.the Compro- .
, 7n*.cdOWNlsidirdlidAllitd:Vdt2:l4 , lBsl, in order
of the amendments which had been offered.—
arr. Tierney, of "Penn. moved Ulm the entire
section in relation to the boundary'of Texas be
stricken out. lle was for action on the pein•
ciple tlint "a bird in the'hand ivas w orth two
in the bush," and believed that the cession of
thii territory, for the purposo of erecting it
into a _territory, was equivalent to passing the
Wilmot Proviso. This motion rather took the
friends of the compromise, abuek, and an .ad
journment was aimed without aVote.
In the House, the absurdities Of - the. prece
ding day were re-enacted, and all sorts of pun
rile expedients'adopted by Southern members
to prevent' a direct vote on the admission of
Tuirnspair, Juno 13
Senate.—Mr. Webster avowed his readiness
to vote for the measures embraced in the omni
bus bill, either separately or connectedly ; and
insisted upon the necessity of settling the Tex
an bbundnry. In reply, Mr. Seward argued
that the proposed adjustment of that question
wfiswithout any shatlow of justice, though ho
admitted Texas - was - entitled to indemnity, and
that if a bill to that effect was prosecuted, ho
would give it his sapport,
lie insisted also that California should be at
once admitted. Subsequently a most exciting
pOssage took place betsfien Mr. Benicia and
Mr. Clay, which was checked by the interpo
sition of the V ice President, though not before
harsh and violent epithets had been employed
by both the Senators. Mr. Webster protested'
against such scenes; and Mr. Hale wittily con
trived, by getting up a laugh al his own ex
pense, to restore partial good humor, when the
body •adjourned. The telegraphic report fur
nishes the following account of the matter:
Mr. Benton made some observations, deny
ing, as had hecn suggested by Mr. Clay, that
(luring the past summer in Missouri, he had
eXpressed.hhisself against the admission of Cal
11r. Clay, in apology for having made , the
suggestion, read a letter, written by a gentle
man named Reed, at In dependence Missouri; - Mr. Foote, in which the writer
states. that-Mr. Benton in conversation with
him in relation le the admission of. California,
said she was not fit to be admitted, and that the
Executive course looking to that end was a
cowardly policy, and that California should be
treated as other new States had been' in times
past. Ho only read this letter its vindication of
himself; he did, not know the writer, nor did
he vouch for his accuracy. The Senator would
know, however, whether it was train hot.
Mr. Benton denied b tlie right of the Senator
to arraign him thus lb the Senate, by reading a
letter and calling upon him to say whether it
was true or not ; but the Senator should not
get off in thaeway—ho had nothing to do with
the Sonator'sinforrnant., As he had produced
the letterhere and published it, s and dies made
it a.pare of the parliamentary history of the
country, he held him responsible as its author.
He pronounced It his (Clay')' letter, and-it‘his
letter, Ito branded it as an itifttinuaitilumny
from bieginhink to end. (Loud calls tp order.)
Mr. Clay.—As to the Senator's imputations,
I hurl theni back with unutterable scorn and
indignation, and suggest to hint to put iu his
casket of oilier caluinuic4; which—
(Here cries of order, and the rapping of the
Vice President's hammer, interrupted the re
mark •
}ill.: Webster expressed his regret ,at such
Hoccurrences in the Senate, and'administered a
well worded rebuke to both the Senators. For
himislf, lie would'hot sit in the senate and lis
ten to such seetics..
Mr. Ilahr said; if the rebuke just given was
to beepusidered as just and its suggestions wer6
to be followed in the' terautice of tho fitting he
must beg that some rule be established by
wit tell it might bu understood how old a Sena
tor must be to entitle him to exemption from
having Jotters read against him—(laughter.)
other day a letter of such a character was,
road against ono of the youngest members of,
tho Senate, himself, and the Senator ~ f ronr^
Maassehusetts and others seemed to _enjoy it
very much. (Renewed laughter - .)
Mr. Underwood took the door, and the Sen
ate adjourned: .
In the mouse, several piquant controversies
occurred. Mr. Stanton,. of Ky., rather flatly
charged Mr: Canter, of Ohio, with filselMod.
Mr. Venable, off. C., -tiv itted Ilakar, of
.Illinois, ..with bit foreign birth;, and Mr.
Tooiri6s.44ccusod Mr. Winthrop of a fraud,
which the latter gentleman dignift4'repulled,
lri addition to those, epistles, .thcre Was a C a n."
rat rambling discussion, full. of "tunnel and
fary". signifying mid lesultipg• in Atrintiiing.",
Finally 'the House adieurnedna renew tho , saine
seance neat day and, as the mercury is rapid
ly rising, With hotter 14°4 and probabla':the
same !vault.
FRIDAY, Juno 13
Sena motion to adjourn o s tror to Monday
was rejected. Tltet — tOlion
.to' striko-uut the
entire icction relating to , the Texan boundary,
Mit ot the omMbui hilt vrror therk,,didcussed . at :
atinsiderablii length, and finally rejected by the
r folloWing vote t '• ; ; ,
Xona—Meaara.. Baldwin, ,Bonlon. Butler*,
Dlinsb,.olarla, CorWin, Dawn'," of Masa., Davie,
',of Mills., Dayton, Dodie; Wis., Oroon. Halo,
:Hain Honte,r •WI .Saward,
Soule, Bpruance, Turoey, Upham,
-- • , ,
Nayn—Aldfilsoni Badger, Tall, Berrinn,
B right,. Cali, Cloy, Cooper, Drivaon,.Diclt
!sod * .lllooge, of.,turra, Downa k Funte r Houstda,
papoo, B4ng,„.plorton,.Morria, koarce,
. . . ,
Ittnk, Shields, Sturgeon, Udderwood,-Witiker
Webster, Whiteonlb.- r 2l. -.,..'-
Sceik then adjourned to Saturday. In
this Housec netwithstanding the pertuilsed elate
of feeling there,'Mair digit/el:Jun - was - shown
to. attend to-pressing public bueinese,:and favor
able action. ivas had 'upon a„bill'frci:m the Com
mlttee On - Foreign - lit/Kitineniling Aliefict of
1849, in rota lion to the trial aud'pnniehment of
Atnerieuti eitii6le in the Chinese Empire, and
Aleatin, nialang - further tieeepeary appropria
tion!, for the pull:mini expenses of the coming
year.:The [lduw refused to adjourn over to
SATUCInki, JUnO 15
Sennta- 7 -Tlie omnibus bill was . again .dalcen
up. Mi. llmde mused to emend the 13th sec
tion so a s to provide thut the constitutional
quesliOn of the right, to hold a slave in time neet
territories may be brought before the, Supreme'
Court by appeal, which after debate as to the
form of the amendment, was
. edupted. Ms..
Soule moved an amendment , providing that
when Utah and New ° Nlesico shall be ready to
come in as States, that they shall'coMe in as
free or slave States, as 'their people may desig
nate in their Constitution. Considerable de
bate fol'roweml. Mr. Clay thought the amend
ment useless. Mr.
.Hale thought it was idle
for this Congress to nay in 'abut forma future-
Congress shall adroit new Slates:, The, Senate
adjourned until Monday witho L--a vote on time
Time Homo took up the Cal ornia bill, and
debated a proposition similar t
that of Air.
Soule imm the Sunni°. A host o fire minute
speeches were made, as members showed their
hands for or against the propbsition. Mr:
,Casey of Pa. spoke in favor of the President's
plan. Mr. Stevens of Pa. 'declared that the
universal sentiment of the North was that no
more Siave'StuteS:should coma imfrotn territo 7 ,
ry now tree. The Ilouen adjourned without a
Ittenthly, June 17.,
A ( rin feature of the Senate's proceedings
ti to Rowel, of idr. Webster, reaffirming- all
hiS former views in regard to the Comprornise
bill anddeclaring his conviction of the.irripor 7
tunes of secur Mg its passage. - A — Massage was)
also cecoived from the President, in reply to a
resolution of the Senate;.asking what orders
-had been Issued by him to the military 'officers i
of the United States in Ncw Mexico, direqing
thorn to hold possession of that territory against
Texas, &.c; the President, whilo stating that no
such orders had ,been given, declaring, very
distinctly, that. -New Mexico was acquired by
the United ' Staten from,.
by the United States ever sines, and--oughtttait
. 1111114111 in possession of-the-United- Statcs„until
the boundary question shall have been decided
by the competent authority. 'The President
- "I state that no such -orders - have been giv
en: I herewith present to the Senate copies o f
all the correspondence referred to in the xesolu,
firm. All the other orders relating to theAub
ject matter of the resolution , have boon berme
fore communicated to the Senate. I have al
ready in-a former message, referred to the'fact
that the boundary between Texas and N., Mei,
ieo is disputed. I have now to stain thatinfor. -
motion tins been recently resolved that a cer
tain Rebel t S Neighbours, styling Inniself Com
missioner of the State of Texas, has proceeded
to Santa Fe, with the view of organizing corm
tics in that district, under the authority of Tex.-
as. While I have no power to decide the ques
tion of boundary;and no desire to interfere with
tt, as a question of title I have to dile that
the position of-the territory into wide it-ap
pears that Mr. Neighbors hag thus gone, was
betuatty acquired by the United 'Stoles irony
Mexico, and has since been held by the United
States. and in my opinion ought so to remain
until the question of boundary !Intl' hale been
determined by some competent authority.—
Meanwhile, I think there is no reason for se
riously apprehending that Texas will practical
ly interfere with the possession of the United
Stews. Z. TAYLOR.
In the House leave was refused - to Mr. Bay
to introduce a.rosolution calling up on Mon
day'next, thovarionn pension bills, and hills for
meeting the expenses of the army and navy,
the post Mike, Indian departments, &c.
WAsiuNGT,m, June 11, 1850
Arcording, to previous arrangement, -- the
friends of a modification oh the RGI7OIIIIO Laws,
from several Stales, held a meeting last e'en•
ing, fur thopurposo of Consultation. The ina•
mediate oepusion of this meeting was the (fe
el:oration-Made by Mr..ll4ly;Cftairtnan of the
tommittoe. of Ways and Means, whoa Sir
L. 13ulivet's letter - Was under diectissiali it, the
House, that he would Interpose no objection to
to the minority' of his Cumuidleo bringin,,in
a bill tu,testfite sense of Congress ioty,tfiii im
portant subject of the Tariff. Titis , d'eularation,
coupled with private , :13S1;y7:CCS to the same
etiliet, has led to u cletepf...tien., to prepare a
Bill providing for syeditie ditties, which will in
all probability y b‘st.tbinitted tvithiu a fertnig,ht,
accompatjjeciby a report from Mr. Vinton.
fit atl~ Lilt. Boyluliarigo his opinions, and
anl6,t a different cutirse of adios from titer hi
d le? led, the attempt to introduce the bill will'
be made notwithstanding, and it may believed .
will result in favorable imams! In any event,
this movement of the friends of American
industry cannot but exercise a salutary hillu•
cites ; and it may be hoped will be persisted in
until it accomplishes some positivo`end. It is
the first real effoil at important business which
the session so far has produced.
_New '2tbinictisttittnts.
Vir00:0 1 5
tcorot. of nigh and tin st. at iji
Waili•oafl Liepot, Carlisle; by tt
John S. Wood. • •
I 1 HS Hotel is being completely claimed and
renovated, and will Iterualter_ollet utermis-,
cd accommodations to 11w training public, for
which its convenient fact lion is admirably cal
To those ptirsone who wish to puss the warm
season iii the:country, fow'plitcos will be,found
which possess superior attractions to Carlisle,
'being surrounded" by a beautiful bountry, and
haying the best Sulphur Springa in the State in
its immediate vicinity. (j019,'59
Division Ordpi. No. I.
li ca d-Q uar (ers , Division - LT:la.? s
formed - militia or Penoylvania. .
diutp 15th4 . 1850 4
undersigned having been elected and.
COW ussionod MAJOR' GENBRAL 'of. the
15111 DivisionPniforined Militia of Pennsylva
nia, do horetik assume command of the ,sarne
and make thil following. Stull appointments,
viz ;
A ID- D r.- 511%
Major George AV. Brewai, Franklin county.
Major Samos ir. Weise, Perry county. •
i' ll.
iota John Clondonin , jr. Cumberl'd county
Major Johirillesvcr..porry county. ......t, .
Major Joseph !foliar, Franklin county 4
Mary 11. A. Lino, Cumberland county.
Motor James Menu-Ingo, Parry county, °-
. _
thi . , .
AlikiPr.Joitil Itood,.taborland couaty.
All of Whom will Ls kespoatod ,aral obeyed as
laoli Division 'Officers. givon'undor infliond
itLnndisburg, day and daio abovo .written. ' F
.1 •-•-• ITIeSILY ETT,
...jolg ', • AL - G. 1.6t1i Div. U. Af. ERPa.
Pure. Older. Vinegar..
TUST recebrod Raw Alto country ono barrel
of OLDER VINEGAR, warranted. lido
ind.unndlinterated.• . •
, 4 1,rdARS.—A tot t riceivod and for
v, sale, by box,or rctail nt HUBBARD'
'hug & Val:l43ly Store.
New /Ithinttbeitte:
W',41.47NZ s.TenztiTGS.,
. - • .
THE undersigned begs leave to inform, did
public; that Ito has recently . nrehtesetl the_
WARM-SPRINGS;in - Percy Cofinty, Penn ,
hylvania, and•hatt improved and refurnished the ,
imildingg for the entertainment of visitors, in a
5 , 3 ,1 e cal c ulated to,, insure - comfort and conveni
el.lCo to all who, may feel disposed to patrottiv,
the arratlightliOnt. .
These ,Rprings are. situated on the bank of,'
and empty Imo Sherman's Creek, a stream as.
seCinted_with the thrilling scenes between. tho
early Settlers of, that part of Pennsylvania tied
the aborigines,. whoic huating groonde lay on
us margin.. They arc eleven miles front Car
lisle, .(through which the Cumberland Valley
Railroad passes Worn Chambershurg to Harris
burg,) from which place visitorrrean at all timed
Obtain excellent convey:l'nm. Those' also hem
the cast, wi. , .hing to reach the Spring by the
Contral , Railreal , an do so by hiking passage
to the - Duncanno.. trio Works, (thirteen miles
distant ft.ont the Springs,) where coaches are
constantly' in readiness to convoy them thither;
and those Collllllg from tho West on the sumo
road, ut all times, obtain east , conveyances at
the Railroad Hotel at Newport, which is but a
few miles dibtant from the Springs.
The qualities of the water of these Springs
aticimom extraordinary indeed. for the speedy
and perffiiinent core of Scrotulas, Eruptirrns of
the Skin, and every species of Cutaneous dis•
oases. lie has hundred.; of certificates, Ellow.
Mg the wonderful cures eflected - by using this.
ivatm. internally, nod by hulking in it; obhdocd
as well from sirangere as from those residing ill
he immediate neighborhood of the 411 ms,
who hays not only experamcid the
effionev of the writer themselves, but have wit
nr.sitd the salmi npon others. Prof. 3aines C.
Booth has analyzed the Waters, mid found them
to contain 9 . 9. grains of solid nuttier in the gsl
len, which is composed as follows:
Carbonate of lime
of magnesia
Alkaline salts, chiefly chlorides, with
a portion of sulphate
Orgtink: matter
-There-nro Oiso at the sumo pliteo , half u dozen
of other tiprins, of dillerent deocriptious, n.
roortg is 0110 of sulphur and uite of cola'
It may be proper to sane why il" knOlVietrge
I of the extraordinary Medical qualities of thice
l Springs ins 1.101 been more extensively known
time is iedicated by tlib certilieates of those
mule who have res.& d in I heir imunditne '
I,eiLithorhood. X ears ago - the property fell
iota the hands of a ninubpr of heirs, who were
indispo.ed to undertake the responsibility of
Intel, mg it a place of public entertainment, asa
bu9ittess,—prott.,bly, becatu , e the mitrunase of
the public would 1101 have justified 'the mhtr
taking, as at that time, (before the spirit of
rotten improvements by Canals and Railroads
I had rendered distant and difficult 14 - tints of
speedy tied cheap ;., cess,) its kention w as out
; o f the wdy, and the reads to it rough end almost
I impassable. AI the death el Mr. Rettnedy it
I tell into the IE - linkt of heirs, neither of w,t4
o ,
' , loomed disped to take hold el it, but lea.
nit to 'clients, tome" fin- the vultivatien of the
I Lad, than a regard to the use of Me water.—.
t.R..w.ast, (now pro.
{.p e ta;, 05:4'..f-MqtafteV.l.*Wil==;)-4-;irr,-..":4,'
trit-malrtv its mat a - atrial:mie/its - to accommo
date the-pubic-;--end-during his red - A:Mari:yin --
availed Wentselves of tins spec{ lenity o
visit and test its medical qualities. I r, ip
ple, hownyer, retired ie a short tim hi'M the
property agent fell into tne hands of the heirs,
and remained to, until proceedings wore " inert- ~.
, tined in the Orphans' Court . , by the heirs, for
1 . its sale. It was then solA, `and the subscriber .
' tenants the purchaser. ;With the exception of
/the short.rime it was held by Mr., nipple, it re
mained in the haunts or lhe heirs without any
- friar's to bring it into notice.
The country round the - Springs and neigh-'
borhood is diversified by Cultivation, and' is
beautifully wild and picturesque in scenery, a
bounding in game, while the 'stream passing
throuit the property affords fatelishing. livery
lineation will be paid to the einnfortand conVe•
nience of guests, and the charges so moderate.. '
that oil may avail themselves of - the benefits-of
din. Water. li. .11.- ETTER, ,
. .. _ . . . .
Sign of the Mammoth Boot r
CORN MAN respectfully in.
' - pea 6). hie friends sod the public
... that he hue •tulacn that well known •
kt . stand lately occupied by :11 r.Win holtv
'—' '' - on - North Hanover street ,'where he is
prepared to manufacture at the shortest notice
and in the most Workenanlihrt nianner, Ladies
nod Gentlemen's ' GAITERS; HOOTS and
SHOES, _hisses and Children's Gaiters, Iloy:s
and Vouth's line and course Bouts and §hoes,
also themew Jenny Linditylo of tallies shoes,
and everyother desirable patient, all of which
he will sell at the very lowest prices, as he has
adopted for Ida motto, ."a nimble sixpence is
!totter than a slow shikling." From the Ladies
he would respectfully solicit a call, as ho is LI•
duced to behove he can suit them with wool:
both as to quality and price. Ile would avail
himself of the opportunity to tender his since e
thanks 16 a liberal, public for their patro ,
heretofore extended, and hopes to. MC rivrcon
,tiotompcof it_ by_ care anti atteution,-TiM 't-fur
got tho sign of the Mammoth mitt; he at doer,.
to Lyno's hardware Store. ;,oountry Produce
taken at all times io exchanie for wont.
-- juncl2 , =.4l .'' "'"'"2;'''"'"'""""'"'""“""'
IFIHN subscriber, feeling highly
, 1 X. gratified with the success whirls
va • ts r boo attended his manageMent of the
. above establishindin during the past
season, has imitensed his efforts'to
renderthe place and acconunotlations still more
inviting and comfortable.
Ample provision has been made for the va
rious modes of Bathing, with either' Warm,
Cold, or Sulphur Wale: ; also for Gymnastic
exorcise and pastime amusement.
'the salubrity of the situation, the highly
Medical quality of the Spring, he splendid
Mountain Scenery, with obligtug and competent
Servants, and'a strong desire on the part of the
Proprietor to maim his friends comfortable and
happy, rtro seine of the inducements offered/to
Visitors, both valid and invalid, who desire ei
ther an occasion for innocent enjoyment, or 'rm.
peso and restoration to health.
"Fite Spring is situated in CEIVIBEIIIA ND
COUNTY, PA., aluakypd teen miles North-
West of Carlisle. It - by Railr oad front Plidadelphiadn_No villecA hence eight
miles by stage to the Spritl 'll',*assefigers leas
ing Philadelphia in the morning arrive tit the
Spring early the sainuovening. Thehouse will
hempen. for visitors on and after the lblli day of
mane. •
Tl;aseient Visiiors,
Thesub'scribev has the pielisu're of referring,
itiv numerous patrons who favoured hint wiili
their company during the lust nenson,ainei .
whom are—
Samuel Gillespie, W. T. Snodgrass, C, M.
Revnoldii, rer. 131aii, ,Alciounler Kosicr,
Rev. Dr. Do Witt; Iron, Win. Dock, A. J.
Jones, Esq, Harrisburg. ,
Dr. Holster, W. G. Reed, Eq., Chambers
burg, •
J)oi hliag Gap, Tune, MO. - • • -
June fi. 2m. SC orr.coYL F., Proprietor,
4UST 4ECEIVED—At thrt Meng Store a
great 'variety of all colors Woolen Yarn,
Lot„ and Square Shawia, (tom. 61. tp Co, very
elle: , inde - ed ;, Mous de !Anse, Ginghams,
Stec Roads and Tassels, purse twist, clasps,
at.d t great variety of Woolen liose ' . •
' netfit A & W 1.1.ENT.7;„ •
Estate of Charles Garber; deed
„ .
LETTERS Testamentary on the
.estate of
.0 trauLas Gann se,. late of Newton. township;
Cumberland county, deceased, have been gran
ted to theaubscribers, tint first intrilcd living in`
Nevrion4ownship, end tho latter in-Dickinson
township. All persons Indebted to said estate
arc reqtlested tort - take imtnediato payment; and
those having, claims to present them for settle:-
Mont, properly Authenticated, to
jun9l2—dtpd FP . Executors..
•. •
140 SACKS Liverpool Ground Aluni
Salt, in store and for sale veil , low.
150 ! paeltages
.of very 'superior Ground
Rock Fino Salt, in small and Ittkiidson/ w•
Family mid pairy (180, forerile by . ' '
• iLinel2
O J. \V. EBY
Bread • Viithput
. . ,
ANT) tho best • rAmitY. gor.r.soAr can
he niacin ready far Dabail. and'use in a few,
inmates by the uainn of "iliatibits" Pnivdorn.rn• - •
Vol.. Wade wio' inorsLoi ' .-' '• J. W. EBX.•
Mar* 6. ' . . .
_ .
•• A Tilbury' fir Sale;
yr iu a light and itoat ailnir,onci in good o'Oor.
Finryairo'or* -`' WM. M' PCNR('`,Piti...
2(67 -
193 a
$6 00 'per week
5 00 ",
1 00 per clify.