_ ig II alvltiAr,9 lvoups'ron lIHUSIIC. DI REV. DD. EETRDNE I love to Bing when I am glad, . . Song la Ott cello army gladness ; I love tg;sing when I am sad, Tot song makes SWECt my vary sadness ; Th, yleasani Ohne, IVhen volces,chime , • o some eisvect rhyme In dbriget.LOnly . And song to me ' ~.,, , Is company,— i ("odd company when'l am loriely. ' ' __ .Whiine'crlgrect the morning light, My song goes forth in Thankful numbers,' • And 'told the shadows of tilt:night, . .. ,I sing me tp my welcome slumbers.' • • . ' My heart le stirred fly each glad bird ' • . -Whose notes are heard In sutnnier's bowers; it And sung give. birth X TU friendly mirth , ... Around the hearth in wintry hours,. ~. Mau first learnesriong intFaradise, Prow the bright:angels o'er him singing ; our. home above the skies,' , . , theme arc forever ringing. ' sod lends his ear • . Well pledged to hear' . to that cheer his people's sorrow; fill tiny shall break And we shall wake Where love will make unfinllng morrow. Then- letane rinlruntila - yet IlnaY, ' - . Like hint God toyed, the sweet tongued Psalmist, Who found In help, and holy toy, . The charm that keeps the spirit calmest : .. • . , - For sadly here I need the cheer, 'While sinful fear Withpcc_a_nlse 111efidetK—...,-....„7:.- !rejoin the throng, Who sing the song that never endeth Duration of Eternity. Various illustrations have been sugge ;• fed to convey to the 'mind seine idea r illimitable duration. It has been sai ~ suppose one drop.of the ocean should lie dried up every thousand years, how long -would it be before-the last drop would • dlsappear, and the oceans bed be left dry and dusty? Far onward as that would, be in coming ages, eternity _wotdd'hay but cornm i e - nee - d - r — lt - WMild - Still"litiTirits eaffßist hours of Infancy. • -.lt has been said, supose this vast globe ilon Which we tread were composed of .particles-of the finest sand, -and that one Particle should disapear at the termination of Well million of pars, oh, how irccon ceivably immense must be th-d — period which would elapse before the last Par ticle would be gone.! And, yet eternity would then be in its morning twilight; the immortal spirit would then have just entered -upon its interminable deer. It has been said,suppose some little In sect,.so_small -as to—be—imperceptible-to the human eye,were to carry this world; by its tiny mouthfuls to the most distant star the hand. of God ..... ._. heavens. Hundreds. of millions of years are required- for the .performance of a 'single journey. After millions and mill ionscyof 'pars have . rolled ,away it arives back again to take its second load Oh, what interminable ages must - pds before the of e leaf would be removed. In' what teriodof coming time would. tse whole tree be borne' away? when, would the forest be gone? And.when would the in sect take the, last article of -this globe, and bear it away in its long,long jouriley? Even, then, eternity would' but have commenced! • one of the (hills / of Heaven, Mr navel atone time On a journey, set himself to improve his time by 'meditation; when his mind grew intent, till' atletig,th hp ~ifieuvenly joy, and such assurance of his interest --../ . tlierein, that he ufterly lost. the sight of, and sense or this world and all of its con-1 cerns, „so that halnow not where he was. At last, perceiiiing himself Mint through tigreat loss of bload-from. his - nose, hel alighted from. his. horse.and sat down at a spring:, where he `washed and refreshed_ himself, • earestly-desiring ; if it war the-will of God, that he-might there & : ‘ , : , e the world. His spirits reviving, to fin ished hisjourncy in .the same delightful frame.. ,He passed that night without any sleep, tho joy of the Lord still over flowing him; so that he seemed an inhab itant of the other world.—After this, heavenly serenity and sweet° peace long continued with him, and for many yours ho called that day "one of the days of heaven!" and professed that he )under `stood more of the life of heaven' by it, shun by all the discourses he had, heard, or the hooks he aver„read. ' How THE WORLD LOSER; . TIME .-- An arithmetical friend of ours, believing after Leveiiiers discovery,. that there are no new planets to be 'mind, !las lib dertaken ci,series of economical ealcula . showing.. how t i the wdild , s. time is wasted. •He estimrdeS that 7 manlond, in. the Eiggre,gata;.iiiinuglly repeat iheques ions;."Hotw•are. your.' !'How- do you do?" at. least 130,000,000,000 . time's, thereby wasting, about -2,166,000,00 p houtt, or 210,666,666 woilting days, counting ten ,hours as .the measure of each day. But this is - not the Only loss. The . most polite man yawns at least ten times in a social company; allowing 500 yawns for each company (of -- which our friend reelcons that 104,000,000 are held every year)and two seconds time for each _ yawn ; the loss in--working days will a mount to p;oibil I. Counting• a daps iiragieS at.the: low rtiteof, 50 _cents, ,the human race spends 'every year, in yaw . nitig and Sayitig . 1 1-loiv do you ao fleW are you?"., the -sum, of. $110,188,888. Our friend is now engaged upon calcule ring the tinne.and .tnoney lost in talking about , tho Avelither, and expects, to, attain the grand :result Slit :Months. The de velepMents; sO Ett., t ere Meat asifturtding, a.--.Father.FATJI 'word with me,. wondrously . influential nor can.l. think of it without• mingled reference,' and filial aireCtlah: father vinoh . - Ins chit says,baivia, and:we, feel the pity he describes. ,fillgat:4rii';Ohildrenthe'in struetion:or. a filtherf! says §nlenton,... and We tichnciwiedge the autherity with reverence.:. "I• will tirkie and go' te:My ,father,":said the peer prodigal-4d his _words thrill; throughl:tke „heart.: fiAly mired:ter, the chariots of and the horseman therpol;',' cried Tt wpen Etijalt . ..by into'Heaven; and the exclamation. arests our very souls.'q Few who: have felt the correcting and fostering infltience , or a'father,: but must feel:at the 1 - n .some.what intlieway I ;have described. And yet the greatest ntility.of, a fatlidr, lives-i n-wh l - "the — preVen ,- , ,tine service"—not letting the son have his own'coupe; - • t n . • I)iscONTVNTI.--Discontent :16 a sin that is its own punishment, and.' nrkei men Torment themselves; it makes the spirit sad‘--the body 9iCk=---and all the eniOyMents sour; it arises not from the condition but from the mind. Pap] was.contented in priscid—Ahah was dis contented. in a palace: .He the de. , lights of carman., that pleasant land,''the wealth of a kingdom; the-pleasure. of 6 court, the-honors and powers of a throne; yet all anslifigs'hirri nothing, Ivithout Nabotlys vineyard. In ordinate desire exposes men to continual :vckation, and -keing-disposed - to - fre ;-thar - willnliways find something 6 rift hoot. s. Gadlen Morse Kota' ADJOINING THE COURT HOUSE, CARLISLE,. PA. .., _:_......._ nu: ,subscriber Navin.. lensed 'tie above .„) 1 . arge and comufedions 110A'liksituated otittzti corner of lie Poblie Square and South Ilano -ver-street. nt d lately occupied by 13etti-.-L - Esh ,- leman, beg . leave to annonitce to his friends. and the p the that he is prepared to entertain them in a manner which cannot fail to meet their a iroblition. , .. TI .3 IIOUSE has the most pleasant' loca tint ni the borough—hag been • newly lurniihed and of herwi.t , e improved, and, no pains 1, 3 / 1 11 . be spared to make those who may sojourn-with Mtn, comfortable during• their stay.. Ibis par lors are large and well furnished, and his chain hers supplied with new and comfortable bed ding. MS TA I3LE will be supplied wi hahe host the market ens afford, and all who are conneet• eNith his house tall be found attentive care qul and obliging. o , . . • THE 13AR will contain the best - liquors the city can produce. lIIS STAB LINt; is entirety pew and eigen• sive, capable of areornmplittring from 50, fo Go hltsr!,—making it a 'desirable stoppin g place for DROVERS, and will be at waded by a skit - fill-o.stierr -- in-short, nothing' will . be - ..vantin - g calc,plated to add to the comfort- and conveni ence of those who may favor hint with their Patronage. BOARD EPS . tnken by the week, month. or year _ - _r MODERATE. Tr' ... .. , I9 166'49-11 - 1" TWO - VALUABLg-FARIAS - For Sale. . Rubscriber offers at private sale _the lot IL lowing described Real Estate. No I.—Situated in•Nort htmddleton township, 43 miles East of Carlisle, about one mile North' 61 the Carli,lo and HatrisbUrg turnpike rood, u contaipin nerbs, Mord Or less, aboul3 lime stone and ' t he residue black Slaje and' Meadow .land, all cleared and in a high "state of cultiva tion except GO acres well covered with heavy Timber. The buildings- are a very foe tnb • story STONE HOUSE, and n D i, good frame barn ..partly new, with en: Qom cribs, W agon sheds, tice..a fi ne spiitig house and a never failing ' snringolivaler near the ,door of the noose, also, a good orchard of choice fruit. No 2.—gs sit inted one and a half miles North of Carlisle, on the fond leading from Sterretts Gap to Carlisle, containing IGS acres of first rate Slate land, thornuidify & well lured, except, 35 acres which is well covered with Timber, the improvements nre Story frame dwelling house and a large frame barn, all necessary 0111 building,. in , good tins farm a good orchard of choice frnit, tins farm is well supplied with ....kre for stock in all the fields. Also, 2 wells of water near thellimise That never fail. Persons whrhing to purchase or to examine the property will phas.ecall'on the subscriber residing in Car lisle. AEMSTRONG NOBLE. Possession will be given on the lst of April if required. Payments be made to suit the pur- Ohaher. , feb.l3 56-sm. • - Tan Yard Prope4y For Sale, rrIIIE subscriber offers at private sale the property on which he lives, situate in Cen treville, Dickinson township, Cumberland coun ty, containing 3 acres ol ground, under good cul tivation, on which is erected n TWO STOItY -. 111110 K 110 DSO,' and brick back 44 buildings, also a TAN YARD, t" , with eighteen vats our of doors, two leaches, two limes, a pool of rimning, water and ‘'bur handlers n the shop. The whole" is in good order.— There.is also a large Bark shed and shop, .and good 6 tables attached, with every other conve nience. The lot is well supplied with littit trees of every kind. It is a most desirable prop erty for any one .wishing'to commence the Tan ning business. It will be sold on accommoda ting terms, and possesion given Mumediately,— Any . ,one wishing to see the property can do so by applying to . the subscriber. JOHN MI 2 , 1N1C 'Agent for Eli z abeth and Hannah Stoner Feb. 27, 1830-3 m. Pure Fresh Cod LiVer 'Oil. THlS — new and valuable Medicine, now used by the medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in the.cure Of Pul monary Consumption, Scrofula, chronic Rheu matism Gout, General Debility, Complaints 01 the kidneys, &c. &c., is prepared froni the liver of the COD FISH for medicinal use, exprsssly for our sales. (16:tract from the London Medical Jonrnal.) "C. J. B.ElVillinms, M. D., F. R. S., Profes sor of Medicine •in .University College,.Lon don, Consulting Physician to the Hospital for conslu &d.,says I have prescribed the Oil in above our hundred cases of tuber culous disease of the Lnkgs; in different stages, Which have. keen, under,my cara•theArist two rears and a half. In ..j.he large number of cases, 20fi out of 234, Its use was followed by marked dud u.rlchnivvenl inwovenumtv v&TY ingrin-irdeli4iiidifrerent cases, /rani a tempo rary retardation of the progress of •tho disease and a m:tigation of distressing Symptom, up to n morn or less complete reMoration to nppa rent health. "The ellect of the Cod Liver Oil in. most o Brea 'their° cases was very remarkable. ; ,in a few days the cough was Mitigated, the oxpee: tonition diminished in"qudniy and opacity, the night sweats ceased, the pulse bedame slower, and•of better volume, and the app etite, flesh and strength w ere gradually improved. "In conclusion I repeat that the pure ftettil oil horn the 'liver otilmCinkis more beneficial in the treatment of Puh»oriery Consumption than cny agent, medicinal, dietetic er regime nal, that has .yet been employed." • As; wc • lntire made arrangements to procure (be Cud Liver Oil, fresh from head 'quarters, it Can now be had chemically pure by the" single battle, or in boxes of onedozen each.; - Its wonderful efficacy - has induced - numorou, spurious imitations. As its succisit depends entirely on its purity, too much care cenrielhe usedin procuring it genuine. • • . . Every , bottle having on it our written linty bigna- t . tore, nty be dcponded upo 'as genuine, • Pamphlets containing n analye's, of the. ...oil, with notifies of •• it fro Medical °drools, xvill bolient lci ' those who eihirose uslree- of • postage.„ '. , JOHN C. BAKER & CO.;- -.1 . Wholeselo Druggiete end Chemi9ni, oetlo-Iy, . : .100 North Th Ira ear, Phila. • ilo: ;rpr Cofif9iwiti.. • WE udyire; eveiy Dotson ryltO desires io.gu to the Gold ltegion, to .propare'thernt 1366C8 with CLOTIIING minable for that Country ond , clininte,.and'itOutlvilltlftd'lttoid of RA/cry depeription, - and also to, your tulvanuige pt ',..j • I'it.OIITMAN .dr.i.MAY,'S CliOrtir:diodumg..Ptoro, north , ,Houoyrpr • .lap?d. !oar Pape g. - ,. ,• r UST, oppO4',,q of Piper .tOr oovorr ing chunnoS, , -Loads.. *Aldo, for 'Wipdow, 1ti108. 4 An eptkrely:llow — Whpoltiarrow for • ale. capl73 ' , G =A ,ffn .111)i-tableIplyin • `. • • Piano Fortes,- THE lar.ge - st, cheapest, best raid' irt6sl . elegantmesortment . of rOIVVES in ,ilf~~SsUnuteil ?itates, can alwily a be found et the_ iviiidhottact,of the sabseriher, 171 Clietinit Street, abide Fifth At•tlic: Stand . occupied more than Add_ of a centuvhy Mr.-George Willig,, music 171.5 h, Oitnne, ;./ .4 1 11- la na,_&e,,loash_from_this-most-celetwat c lecturers in New .Ydrk,.',Boston, Baltimore, l'hiladelp - Mti, and elsewhere.. Sold, whoresale and, retail;ut the maker's cash-prices. . OSCARC B CARTER. •171,Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. Feb. 13, 1350. TiinREAT CHINA STORE OF POILADELPIIIA. UL ta tho citizens or Carlisle Jll.. and its vicinity fir their. increased custom, we again request their company to our largo and splendid assortment of . China, Cilass & Quennsware, Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and single pieces, either of Glass, Chitin or Stone Were, ' sold in ellJllllittea tO spit purchasers,.fiir Ices than thgy char be had elsewhere. l —ln tact at Peas'. than Winder:Tic Prices. ,AAIEIZICA. N AND EN GLISII I 3 RITA. N NIA M ETAL G 01:4D S in gritier liarietyrhan ever helifuo: offered in eptY..__EA.:N.O ClllN.:V•in—gratth.variety very ch eap. . I* — We would invite any persoll city to call and sea us—they will at least be pleased to - walk around our beautiful stone, and to vial' the finest China ska Very respectfully. TYNDA7LE & MITCHELL, sept 2 ASTROLOGY, ,'~ ~ prolesst)k , (C :,'V .11E6bacli , • , - . [shoe swc.D4N.I . ,. Office, No. 71 - Itocust St., abbve Bth, op: posite the 1.11,6,,,ical Fund Hall, Phil'a. 's'2s,oo_o4lA.Vl NG 13CEN WON. V icy rdunerEms friends oil the late Ilresi den tial election, slionlil convintm - those skepti, ca u.isons alto tall; of triitrim , ,, that lin 'snob iliii 1.., . '.E,114. 1....114.4as been known by the emi- Mem 811E1 disinigin shed Ast ;moonier and-Astr6l- Ner, C. \V. lit )11ACK, during Isis :experience otover a imarter of a eetitilry. .1)0 yon doubt predestination ? • Then why not Lary man gain a celebrity of General Taylor, a DMilel Webster or a I.lituryClay_ . ? And 3e 1 there are some who ate rO(111:41 etninglito .loubt: t hl a Man may he born wi li the power 'to sec into future events How-ca -it-he possible that the deStiify.ofhllM should leigoverned by -the mere shuffling' of n 'lures f cards? and yet ther . u'are thousands, who ills v heniselves, with open mouths, to swallow the greasy words of some old woniaa, whose trite skill consists in MIME .' , uliein with ',senders that are must difficult for tile Mgeation of others, who arc in ife credulous, yLli.t more' seientifie. It is such that ',ruled la:mill( on 0 profeFoitin that has been aektioivledired to his a science nl theliigliest - I r • ' ?•4., or, ~,, r onmtnie ini\fi s oriiil 411,001114 only 111'0 reS51011111:11 bas any in horny tyrinstain it. 'rile high respect which A• ii ral Taylor ;Mud Charles Ilia natiotte, late Kiln,. f-.1.i.x0.1E.-it had tor Astrol ngy,,is-shown by qii s trir letters tor their Nattvi• tica to the stiliserLer, 'which it Wilt give him Weal plc . :4Bllre in shoeing to these who favor , iiiia.svith a call. .' I Z? ' - 4. . 11l addition to Ills poWei . :,to foresee Future e vents, lie has the 1,011'el• 10gIVI. such. 111( . 01'111:Aim , an will effectually redeem st h as ore given in fr the too co use of the both. Ile is nisi - A . 0- ( bleof miring diseased I.eret bre considerial , ~- curable.. iii 0 is 4oinitrY liv ale ortliii.iry inelli eimisomil wishes:lll to gi;eltbri it call who have, bred given up by physieitins Mid wish 10 be env -1 eil• Ile will warrant a cute in all eases,and will make no charge except for the 'conjurations he shall make use of in Ill'abllice. .Ile is often asked what a Nativity is 1' .4 . 1 c 1111pV( . 1 . 5 aeet riling to Ciconiancy, one of the seven points in the science of A serology, that it is o,llorthscape of the future events of a person's life, carefully raltalltifed nod trinseribed on paper, containing an account of all the lucky and unlucky - days in the months and years of the persons life for whom it is east ; by which means thousands in this country aiiiraie wh'ere have been prevented trout misfortunes thats bail beenhidden in the womb of liiturity, by re ferring to thew Nativity lielbre entering on tiny. speculatiot.of Intsittess or pleasure-It should be in the habits °revery one as doh , almanac for I de. A Nativity of an individual ran only lore ; warn the possessor of troubles tbal are in future for him; those wit° sire ills 015011 111 Ill's Held: diiii. collies of:my - kind must wait on the subscriber in, .11C1,011 or by letter, who is prepared to e‘ert his secret influence for their immediate be .efit. lie is tacitly to use his influence totorestal the results. otlitWsuits,and all undertakings iii which thereisi a risk involved, he also makes tisemf his Rot:ver for the restoration. or stolen or .lost property, which he has used for the advantage or thotliaiiiii ill this city and elsewhere. !Vim can doubt a gentleinal * r's abilities, alio has had the 1101101. 16 be called on and consulted with bv all the ca-own. eillieads of rmilme, and enjeys , a limber repilla tiOti VA till IAI,II . OII.IgCP than any one living 1 • 85'...11e can he consulted with at his office, or by letter, if 111'0-pail, Muddle is prepared to make use otitis power on any of the follobingrlEprcs;— Business of Eill'ilescriptions;tl avelhog Ii) land or sea; court shipstadviee given Ihr their successful` accomplisliment;spreulating in stocks, merelitin; disc, or real estate: the ricovering of legacieslin &smite; the purchasing of tickets; and the safety 'of fillips at sett. lie also offers his services respec ting health, wealth mid tnarpinge,love affairs, journeys, lawsuitsolillicultv in lbusiness, fraud, and in all the concerns or life, and invites al IJo call who are afflicted, emifilreallyer Mentally. JOHI% HANNAN .. ~ : ~ L Timms. • .. • , Ladies, sit cents; Centlmen,_sl.,.Nativities e nle t uritait titikl read in hill, according to lire be miles of Meectiline Signs—Ladies $l - ; Gentlemen $1,50, Nativities ealimlated according to Genui n e ev,ret; Ladies, $ll, in full,' $3; Gentlemen $3 in full, •A 5.• . .-...- 1 ,' W 2 . II,TGEEES 1 WA:VOI3M F-- ' a. 4 .......;. Grnrit injure . p'" • - ~ I T ' VIS 1 .. ? melds to per; •'-,. 1 is , :. .lii 0 OA/ 007.1.5 i7l. W,111.t f' . , . 2 ~....5 „ 2,,, .4L ~ 1K of a igo a dN: 9 ' . . 'N,2:-;':; 1(0 Nord. ..=...) if 'ATC 7III 0 , , .\ ; l 7 '.4 . ? . Scrawl Si. Hirvr . t 1 o received additioU til : supplies o • Gold and Silver WATC4IES of every desd.iption, from (iondon, Liverpool and Sivit• zorltrad'importations, is now prepared., to turn. inh tho'very best article, at a price far below any ever °flared, of the same quality, rand which cannot be undersold by any other 'store in Philadelphia or elsewhere. livery-watch •s - old Will be perfectly .regalatocf, and warranted to be as good as represented. • ' Watches at the following loev.priiva ,•,--, Gold Lovers, full jewel's', 18 centralises, 's‘2B 00 Silver 'do • do 12 00 Gold Lepines, jeweled, 18 coral cased 22 00 'Silver do do • ~ 800 • The L. R. Proinall Gold' Pen, a Superior article in silver case, with penci Land warranted $11 1 ,54.,Ga1d Pencils for $l, and tipwitrds, Gold Medallions,iind Locliet for Dagorrreotypetili - et. norms, Gold'Ultains,and twill:elute, Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, and a general astfortinent of every description of Jowelry .nt unusual low prices. —.VOA 0- - North—V,street ;:2(1 rtoor bctour - Rae street, Philadelphia. • LIMN - R B ItO °MALT, 0c01,1619,Grn .• CARLISLE FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOP _ TIES subscriber mitilinuoff OM manufacture of CASTINGS; at hisToutplry.in High street and having'now on hand a full assortment of 'Patterns, hi prepared tofurnish all kinds of IRON? AND BRASS, CASTINGS in 'the best style rourrind ut tho shertost .notice. lla has, now on hind , a largo ussortindij - i7M — uaii in g ., Buell/a Corn-crushers, Mill Gonrings and . Gudgeons, Plough'eastins, Points, Shears end 'Ctittors, Wagon and Conch Boxes, collar grata Oyen Poore,. cask :Weights, &je, Cooking Toilltinf9 and :Coal :Stoves.. Ho • also :builds Ogri t and repairs CARS, Thy:oohing , Ma. . ;chines find Horse,Powets, with•every , Other kind of Machinety.,at, tho shot toSt:netioe, Old 'lran. Braeu'and, copper taken info ob ago for'\vQrlc:2o:s•Having purchased all of •Koopy,,Se flo.'yl.l,4ttcitua,Plitsons niolling jo3iiiallhora. field Thoth M. WY :aaaaGmas : V GARDITHIt All OLDS writing 'fail, a vetsu -77 .ppOtior lor sale at U,111M11.014' Nu. -el!) Chesnut Stu:et '4oly STROiVOMY, TRENOLOGY AND 4gr E 0 11 A.aktp nouttnic ; (IL cnitp attic. E"~SBEa EI~SYTEi,AI?3C~7. . , . THE Men iand East Ponfisherough Mtnuirl Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland county ne'o . rpnrated by rin net of'Assentbly, is nOw ! itilly organized, and in operation_under the manage, mont of Tlrti fohowind-commistiloners, Via Win R Gorges, ,Pelincl C00k... in,Thielehoir Brenneman, Christian _la.ynintb 2, SitnutLOyster r -jadely-H—Gotiver - 1 -, Olde l- flyer , libitry Logan; Bnuiriniiii .11 Musser, 'Jntid. Kirk, ftarrincilvirowell, Joseph,Wielterebrim. ,- - Thirrates of insurance arc tis lowdottl favor ble - as atry•Coilinany of the hind in the State,— Persons wishing to becomipmembers are inTited to Make application td the ne , ente of the comp.t• ny, who are willing to unit' upon' then: at nn; time • JACOB SHELLY, President HENB.Y LOGAN, V ice. President. Lrwis Hyiit, Secretary, MionAiu,' Coen - Lin, 2'reasurer:" . oetri'•l9. • AGF:NTS. . Cumberland i'mort . V.—ltudolph Martin, New. Cumberland, C B hernial], Kingstown, Henry Zearing, Shirenia , :stewn, Robert Monre and Charles Bell, Carlisle, Isaac linsey, Meehan idsbirk Alil, Churchtown , • ' Itnrenornty.-=-John Sherrick. I,isborm'John °Bowman, Dillsburg, Peter Wcanrd, Franklin John Smith, Ego:, Worthington, W S.Picking, Dovcr,- - Daniel - RalfaTialiergel7.Tll.:Trafr; --- Ifarrisburg.-11ouer, Dle - mbers lof the company having policies rig bout to.exprecan kayo them renewed by mak ing application to nor of the agents. .1 INSI.7II.IIICMIV. The Girard Life-Insurance Annuity .-an Trust Company of Phil'a. - ice V 159 6heytnut Street,Capitats3oo - Ciinkfcr Perpetual:. • Insurances on- Lives NIL) on the mo: lc terins, receive and execute Trust we Deposits on Inte rest. The Capitat up find invested, to- I gether with ae , _ premium fund, affords 8 - TERrEef Si.TURITY to the insured. The pro- I nil= may be paid in yearly,. ball yearly, or .quarterly payments. The (..lempany odd a BONUS at stated pek nods 16 the insuranoes far life. This plan o nsormine is the most •approved or, a n d is mole genera fly in use r stban any other in (Ireat•Eri __taim_ovhere-lho -:subjoot -is best understood by 1),(141991de, and avhere they have had the long..' eti iloperience,) as appears front the fact, that out of 117 Life Insurance Companies there, of S 7 are on this plan. first BONUS %cap approrrinteL in Dc= amber, 1P44. almotmting to 10 per cvnt. on the' until insured under the oldest.poliyest to oi'per . cent., 73 per cent., &e, Ste.,on others, in pro portion to the time of standing, leaking an ad dnion of $ . 190; $87.50; $75, ate„to every $l,OOO, originally insured, wine!' is no lIVOMEra Of more than sil per cent on the premittnis paid, and without increasing the annual payment to the Company. The operalion of the BONUS will be seen by the following examples from the .Life Insu ranee Registor of the Company, thus : . 1 Sum Bonus m A tumult of Polley Sc Insured Addition Bonus payable a the party's dormse -Policy .51,000 - $l - 01) - 00 -- - $l - 000 - 00 - :2,500 250.00 2,150 CO 4 , Stlo 400-0 q 4,400 no 2)500 r'N 0 2'175 - 0 5,000 • ;17-, 5'4'37.00 I\o . ti ~..y - 2,1 nvl l'amplrlas — cOntaftiiiig the - rabic' or rotes and explanations - of the subject ; forms of np. itlient ion, and-further intbrinntion - can - hr.lrad - n't : the-office, gratis, in person -or by letter, ad • dressed to the l'residiatt or Actuary,. If \V IIICITATZDS Presidr-OCZ . JNO F JAMES, Actuary. • In2'lolv ' Restoration Sr. Preservation, -of the - . Hair, ~ By DX Wise'd,,. . Son, or Virginia. -- lk i AVI-S 6::SbN, finding it' allogetlicr itixpos.ilile to attend personally to the great number of daily applie.itions, from all Seellallo of the IThion. -IL'i their remedy for Baldness, and for thei celebrated HAlicl:o,- .NIC, have found i necessary to, appottit n • ' Co nerat Tr - eve/Un- . , .71 : , ent. In - Visiit - diffotent chins and towris throughout lire 1' inied States, • , vesting him with authority to appoint sub.u. gents, use rind vend the Nair Tonic, and to op. ply rho 1.4 7 .`-',TIO; ATIVE, ai,d to.plit them into the Lands 'of 'hone he may appoint to olio. Yale wherever a sufficient untidier of patients in any •town ortheialiborliond :11 , 11lie elimitied. ;• Capt..(ll.lo - Po - tE C\ t,v1,;11:1', of I'lllolloer county, Va., is alone authorizoil to ant as I;I'll. Cerlii.TrllVeliillg Agent, with the powers above ndicated. • C'apt. - C. May be expected to virie as ,speed ily as practicable the principal ciies'auff town -. of tho,Union. NA'S.. Capt., Orilvcrt will always-have en hand' ti full supply of ..the HAIR To rs'lc (wl}icli cleanses the brad at dandruff, strength ens and itivigorates the hair, and prevents it, nlso, front falling off,) for the region ofs.orrarry most contiguous to lila operation it Duly always be obtained at wider:ale, and forwarded tt any part of the Union, by addressing the k p oprietors, M. t 8:,•Q WISE SN, Richmond, ;Pried $1 per dozen cash. Six bottles for f 5 or one dollar single - bottle. [novr2B,ly For sale in Carlisle by S W jr A V.E R STICK . - ' . SCl'i (11 ,11114 A -U thousands of own of Scro fula, Cancer., nod ofher'imourt disease. if the lilvidiLia f the VERY tOIA - 1.1. QUA NT ITV ,ohich lea s need of Mrdioine to enest cures each disease., be any priof of the tniviti.ind medical the hiedieive Witch has subdued ezntl ronquo s.l such diaeases— then there it unimeatianable evidence that— BRANT'S INDI-AN PURIFYING EXTRACT 2 " z • wane. a cme, at' may roamer nod diem abundant procif, Ot pr eat cures effected,titat ONE BOTTLE of it - con• talus more piifylbg,,bohling virtue, and limn thes, Is contained in FOUR BOTTI,ESof any Soy 4'l- peril/a, or any other medicine that hos ever bosh, of There is undoubted proof in our pamphlets, tint • bv..e use, of this great Indian Purifier. they that ere • lota LlVE—they that were LAME tot CRIPPLED WAbßl—they that wore SICK, SCR OF ULnITS, and otherwise diseased, have been iscsi.tas and CURED. Hundred.§,--Thousnandg— velto have BRA C T'S PrII2IFIF.M, after linvllieVe,d • and tested Al.l. the Sr eraparillal nod .othertordletnes .I"CM outmoded to titre 10 od I . lsnases,llinve decided Mat— Brant,'B 1 tli C4eape' t, because one bottle of It b more medical, Ora ire•tuana , In it, 10111. In Collfeellellet moreif/A time, than one tattle of an other medicine - lf,then,-one W P bottle of ANT'S Ultlirl IR will cum FOUR TIMES more r r e thou one bottle or Sat eaparil ler—"BßANT'S PURI JIM , would hr ns.rfteayi nt for dollar. a bottle, as larsaparilla at One dollar. lint BRANT'S PURIFIER is sold for only ONE DOLLAR a bottle; and as n bottle of It has cured, and is capable of coring, FOUR T.UIWS an moll dim/mous of Stamps rilla,there fore Sarsaparilla, in consequence of Its lest power and 'TM medical eiGcney.'abould • be Auld - at to\ nor° tlio"twenty. /Eve tents per bottle, to Ins as cheap as t • PURIFIER 01 one dtißerr. . . . '.. One . Dollar's Worth ! - 1 ' unw ....I CANCEIV-how much SYPHILIS—how . ' much SCIMFIMA—wiII one dollar's worth of BRANT'S PUR/F/ER'efirti'l 'Lead dm following statement, which id a spocinion of Its power:— . .. CADTCEROUS -SC.11.01"1:1 .- LA ! rid 6 iiiho case of e. dying son who yet lime. lie it.. cur.( of a Worse case of SCROYUL4, by only twice lot ties of Brant's Purifier, than over was cured by the one of twelve CLLLONI of - tbe Lest Sarsaparilla that was over made, - Sarsaparilla los not sod:nava medical power teeth:et the 'pa of such a rmaltin ply hopeless cue. : Idr. T. B. BASKIN, of Nome, Omuta Co, N, Y. hod 9 ' ' via four_ years—was confined to his bed u La s t year—hewas so much diseased and debilitated .as to be nimble to . raise his band to his bead . He had the bett i ansdical minis. —had toed art. 01)10 beat Sawparilia , tan° gotitlegde't—; 4 got worn ',indoor's. and was co sidered to ho In a dying -state, and could not live Meaty. our hottri lover, when he commenced usl BRANT'S RIFIER. Bis neck On eaters nearly off, f r om ear to ear, a lie UM oaten throoy, M. w indpipe, wa ter his chin, so .tbat be breathed through I ..the hole ; Ida swarm so eaten around that it could be kfteslL Wel out of its plade, It only holding by a mad piece; the use of one ores was deby two ulcers t ulcer unCer I the arm, as largo as a eatro Man's hoed. had nearly an eaten Aron.; Ais tide into Ma body. Thus ho was afflicted with. Henry ' such yttllli, avid, qtreneive edema, ou'variona marl. person. .; further and fell particular., see our PAM PHLETS. . . - '... Br. THOMAS. WILLIAMS, one of dui most skilful phi- • sicians of Rome, was called to see nankin the day bijors Le commenced using Brant'a Purifier. Dr. W. examined hint, and then mid him that MI .the ,atedichist in the world wmatugjwre Aix —that his case was . • - • Worse than Hopeless ! . ... Now hens Aft . : gatomenrof sure!—llerriehF Afylvito procured ono MAIM of BRANT'S PURIFYING 11.X1'RACT, of llissalt 4 14orterei, druggiata of Rome. .comrtmocrul wing that, and levee to get bete, That bottle enabled me to vet off arar hot wboro 1 had boon confined am year; the mood bottle enabled um to ge(cnitql Iluelkow; Um, third eottle enabled me to walk tre, gaiter, to RomoCoo. trn. whom I procures,' ar bottles room; nod reboot Imd fin= tidied ming OHM invented= out of ttreettl elem. had heatict 'lup—tual thr6, bottles more effected a rEitvEGT ptinr, of all Um ulcera, and.restored to glo ! pdhenlPlP . • " • • FOURTEEN .. WITNESSES: - Mr.-HASEIN ties SYMIII. O the %Uwe factn,anit the racis m) wltneued and certified to by Dr. T.AVILLIAW......y , o.ll..llltOWN,proprldt ir-of the it'di./teme/Jetd—Moaara.• It3.4ELL St. LEONARD Wholesale Bran:dell drogrlia • .and..ELEV,FN other au? table tonneaux. 1341 e . .R.A.WLINS W DAVERSTICIC , CtirIisIo; J C & G BAltick and--W D E nays SitipPensbuyg — Wm Loyd, ..Lisburti!--.I F. Spitki‘,--Afechaiocsburg—B Her- . ' •;xt3n, New4llle—A C Dlocnitiold4Bea • "vor and Tininan,..Millcro,Wo-4 'A' Lion k On .rcitooburg—S 'Low, L 81totireri Dillsburg . --J - Mirtio.Lutz;l ll nrrisbnig ' AU letters tind ortleest must be addrocod lu Co.,.lo6,Brbutlway, New Yor.4. ;.: MS:3 ;~' ~,Ctlt!hirs. quA e I Gar, 110 inc Sarsaparilla (or silo iu rho 111,11;wint towns "tined. S. P. TownecntPA Sarpanarilla. It yi atlverti , eirris NAL, 11,ENIIIN aild tuat. Towit7end tit no doctor .and never wa ; hot 'lO (brine rlk worker on roll roach, cc on.l the lin e - y d, hn ii..11;;111,S the - title of Doctorfor_the - purpose of palitti! Ceel 101.. What lm saVs "Ito has attende d twa'tnedical rclitiola, and pi Iran years! Nnw the truth is, Inn' 'lover practiced medicine a ..looks bad to the clrauris_wwii,l_verac.ii ti ,v-pr -the ~,,,,- c inonn m y, he trill noVer solo than,, et t o nr hn. sailor, or tee. hylten In ro mhe 101111,1 NO troll,. In! in all their glenlinas and 1,11,1;011,0 with their .1e111144, nidn I lie ap s pill,fl to 011/I . it 110 i 013 p, r 0 aßgici !um utheturing hw 1111;l111.e, mole. no. an illl.lllColllellt to eni ha rlc in the loodia,e. 'Pier, !non 11.1(11114 null JilicHnitrolo in 111/.1100Mb:a !brim, in order to how , " the piddle with the belief that the Old Doctor', SalTllmilla. was tint ties gton ** ttt t nrisinal Milsaparille, made limn tlie .obl Darter's Original leel• pie. 'This S. V. Tewocial soy,. I have sold the lee of top • nano, for 87 a week. I will sir's era) it' ha w:11 pu dime one minaln snihrtry p 40441 11,144. the n111.1,11011,i of - Tloonpeth,, Co., nre °Whine toll nti,site of lareelionds' made to deceive the public, and keep the troihrtiown in roparil to his Slat/ 1, jerntroHn.tr con, Pound. ..This ratniowthe public in intrelnt.e 110110 blll. Old Dr. 4 - 1(5011 it the 'Old Doctor's likrnroe. 111 , 4 frothy Coal I'll.; hod the vimoutteenerticß the Coot 4 , 1 :Irma. Prinqpra frWiee;lo2 Sit.-,on.fareerl City. JAL - 011 TOWNSEND. • ~70.4, . of the 1.1 NtIIN (11710,1 N L' 7'011:N SII.ND l'A I? I LI:A." 11 , hic poor, lin %vim compelled to 'Hulk o fnautlfocture, hr %Odell pieltni-n La. 9 Imen 6rpt out ill market', nod the .1, Op - on,. Petit co ilcoucyndy who lad proved worth. orel licown itd value. It boil Numbed the eat, of ipt Mo. lu.r.ne who had c onic honi e d nt Le p , nod nicer It ton depth. prin V011 , 1,(1I1 „ 111",11,INC; POIVI TZ T 111.; (MASI) AND ltSl,t/ItAI,I.EI) 011111'..\ itAl'ieNta inantifacturea on the is rue, crate. uua pt ral(t,1101011 , 1110, out thn Iruclh MO brew Ith of libt I.uul, 0. , p0r1.1110 as it is found iorapahle of &sew,, on tr Unlike yottng S. P. Tiovtowars, a improve!) 'with nge, and never eh:onion leo h. Ms better; ',pared on avicatifiv itrincipa, ,Icutitb: man, highest .knowletlge M (Thetpistry, aml the 1;10,1 t heeovertee of the art, have nil been 11110 resit.) Pion ill Ito platitane• Luse of the Of I Dr's hisrettirilla. •Tlin S trenpal 111.1 root, It its well know" to megiraF men, coots los many 010111einel propel..., awl roll! , :110itrrII/IS I 1011 , 11 OP! Or oveless t anti others, r whielt if its)) pest ill pre'. in, It for We!, pro• ducefeententa tom and iteelsWilkeil blue a yn. tun.. Siunt• oi the 1,,; ites S.ittispa I'll II no volatile that they morale to atonal, anti are 'O,l 111 it they or: not mete:ft !).1 hy a seientifit•rors'ess. known on• ly to illove expel osore.l these rolatito ittotitlts,,larfl fly tel th.v5..... or wtno ex. widet heat_ are i - r very eeeti!ti vaalicat prop; rites ui 11 . . font. Av ! . ..•rt all r,.' Lt. Any p•r4..,1 lir, dtt• iool (h.,' crt dark th , ` i4dnrm, ril:ffirr in the Tlllll Sisal. limn .1.).1.1, e. 11, 'V ran %Iwo +11 . ,.. inripid 01 V. 11•111 I ILIO/.l7Sw. sod host rail it SIIIS 11' 11:11.1..1 rICA("I' nr tl' "T • • GENI,I.gE(/.1,1).1/1: k(•(,):ITONA'NSI:ND'S • SA RSA PAR I IJ.A. • r.l I rep. ,•.l th.it :01 Ow lii.•rt tbr , ,pPruen of the SArsuraffl!.l n ,`Sa I thil, Capable 0r 1a...C.011,ra! .111 or tYlloWatatiain la i.l.ll.tritai ;1,1 It.jtVirl; tluut evvry pard , i , , .:fill' 1.. ar'ari .1 Ilia pure anti tOurrutrzyullurin., , :ho: IT incupUble -0110,,h,,n0v of rral.r.l'llea. p r e. rued oi f ig; p 131..01144,. liCaCella,, ,, a. Why 10t. bear laalaWrla , all 4 .oa `.ll7eVery .lllo Jo Ito favor bywomen, ao , I cluldrvo. IVe Soil it wouderill t !t) P.C1.1. and I.ll' k:7.!- c w r i, „ n d in /( /11;1 .VOlll7 I , an f;t 7 7'...INR. ()us t:l Cry' In 111.()TCIIEe4. and arr,lo,T . I.l\ t(rr B11.1)011. Pnsr :~ morn Sous emiiitey in all e Imp! nit- Lr, tram fmh; , , , ,,ti.5a. Aridity4T siowneh, from ac•11 , 11111:1 , 1 , 1 ,1 of tlw void Ilito[ls. cold chilli+ and r l l it.,,t.tiea over 111,11011 v. It 1.30 eti.liti in Folds and car:: it . ialtailtitir i li gt i lltle Pe , 01 11)1 . 0at nhol every alter I ithiworiv inure tintoilentiv • seen end Tic:410,10.1,c.. Oleo I din. , 71.1,. Or P :.li,l LE r IbWot ev.-ce, of I 'oor. A f.../fa'ver Whites Paul r.rg tAc I ei.ocrodevt. rrg , rll, Vollyisi .Ifroncseirreirli ,' nf ;iv n 1 II,'" 41,1 the Ake; and iv effectual Co ei ' lll,.l l l fit° E;,ta,y olfooving oieand A-co:wino Cite palsied uctriii, it eon , 00, 4,, • londiti ii,e h.oly, and lino rine , ell ionns L.. NVVVOII. Diov Asa, aka y, and e cloot 10/o'er:as or o oroat . ..fiefy of other met. as Spinal Nru• Deere, • /Virooning, LipflentfJ (*.meta:deo, a., /It , clintio.f. the blood. excion the t liver to health> action, itniten the `Ltionftoll, and dicoittoti• relieves the bowels Ron par ati I eL.,aSpn pawn,. ithavvinii.oninetiail, the slain, Poi cu ctootion 01 the Wood. pr ducing gentile oelinth O,VI 11..' may. and the idoevp.v, • loloker 00 , petoes, ie. moven oh et...truer iffu•nfanv tie clone neivritio system. Iv oca ' 'Pisa Alted folltr, you pre-ease: oessel y need.: can :toy s, inlet tor a:7101,11 Tilt. ynifito non's Ilnitidik not Cr has Cd)MltAlll'.l)wl't'it'l'7{l OLD DR'S, heronry of one ' oll,\ ND FACT, t hot ill& one is INCAPAz, 111.1 . : 01 DE'l'hiltlOliaTlON, and 7 , / Ist E white the rafter D(51;9 • SWII . Ing, .ferMenting. and ItiOilling Cht /mike . I . ofitarning it into •iwigridenta,-eihe-soae,vieid lifitii.l d okher gootin . !Mut not this rorepottwl be polv * Lifoor u.-the twatern 1-111 inti oast f,clif-ifit.f, ,allhaaid 7 What_ baits , D ra a l aaa D a ,we n ot a ll toan. that when iood ...ne in nat . vinini, he, wind mischief it produceslo-. hearthein, palpitation of PIP heart. liver com• plaint, di:Arlin,. dr...vinery, colic, aidl roil - option, of the blond I What Scre f ilia Out on arid limner in the hotly %That pro.locoe .O 1 TO' ili Ir...optimum tile Sion. Sea! , Ile ..!, 0.01 Itheinn. lii While Swop/Are, All 111..erannn1111VITAI ..11111.Vo. ternai I le L 101111,4 lace % ell fill'. nn arid' sulotailee, which .0111, .01,1 All II r nithe body, moth .0 I\lint vinare Ilhounidtifon lon a -nut and acid fluid which in. m , oo' c w a - hetoco the ' ;Loots and else, where. Irritating nestllle 11[111-11:0" hit h. ;a.0.7 F.L. of ' g O l lOlll dicifoov. ofifin.nrity rif Ills in ....tonged drettlation. and need/' all whielt atllrt 1,01,1 e. NiikV is Ii 1),11 II t....1:1 . .de 10 make sod sell, and iLyinifety r/d.ve tic Po i Sill:111ND, VI; lINTINn. ADD) 0 COAT POI. NI)" OF S 'l'lll', - .N5i1. , ;1 1 . in.! L. et he would !.1 I It, •• 11111iR,, , .1.4 1101 Did Dr. In. "11 , 1 (g 'II., it, :ninnt Narsai.t. ilia, is alilid• ITATION 4!f Inv inf . ...ow preporution !I. Heaven or o dos 1 ill All artielso which 00111,1 f bid nant re , eniblance io S. I`. Town- frod , t al lido! , 11'1 N\ l l.llll 1.11111,i,111101.11,1:70.1,. If It the ffavala/t,frath, that S. II Tow wral,l' pi 'anal ift.l 1/I..lamolTawto ,,,, i f, Sort-npari,la are lira pr.: teitle,/tattoi, and I!l, , iniirltt di.o.tint• liar; that they ale Intl Om mot cry 11,111,01 , , harm_ 1131 , MC F . llll.fle 1111111! ill , 0011`1. 1 11. I, he S. P Townwtal i , no Mato, tool never ;wa s. is no 01telmot, no tOtartum.outot-- know , 110 more of lot:limit, or Ilieease than an: other common, une,ienlitie.unproleramool men. what grin . rrinfre ran dot Inflate have that thov ate re. ,eivine a :Mtmine sale mile mt....beim,. offm,,,,,fne .dl th,l/jr. tura of the arfjelo, hitt! in. 'weltai tol it. owl `a !dell are to• oftbable 111-C1111.111,111‘1111-111111t1111 fender 1Ill:41111 11 A lti:N'l'S of nittente hi ttetel of ie.:0110 t.. Ilut.what oleo nhottlff he ovneefed r, ,,,, , our, wt.l riffWe, nnthine 'eftft bet lati l veir or 1 - ottbel:se" of dream 1 ' ' lf ' t Mill Vie' A .1 , 011a , 11 01 8111111. 1,41t : 111.41 . 01 . 1 . 1 1 COl4llllO mi`1,1,1111 . 1` , •11 15 C.lllllllll/11 derma (oral. ll,tfw much more ino;,rl.illa in It that (holler:no who mannoveture Inelltrine .It , tent . ll/ ., Nr WRA Is sTomAciN ANI) ENFITIII.EO Sl' Fir E MS, 4 .. 1,1 know well ti, Ittylitml properttes of .ftlants; the beet niaoner otytertirine awl eon...noting Met, boatine,.v,trttielf, CO 30 ,Ytejll l ll'o kllllslllo ll go of ilte.vttriono tlis&vnee which . ? al.,h—t e human' eyatyin, awl Iwo 10 iltillpt 1.101011,4 14 thean din . ,eli l • , iCitl 1 ar1 . 112.11 1111108 upon the unfortunate. to pour bairn into wad oiled ltomoily , to Finite ' hope is the tiemeairjpg hogint, to remote health, and Illoorm ntt\'l Vil .ll'l ' lola lime - ertinhefl nu I broke, a,' 411 tomialt-vollottita. -flat (ILD DR. JACOII TOWNSEND luta .5 ! .. 4 ' 11 .0...', 1 11UNJ )1 / 1 111 . 0 1 ,. ,pOI . IIIOIY Anti 10.10+ 10 hrinv. lit• ".- Griivaill litahixtertt a Cone nlstrMeif rt o.lllrdy within the read, nod t the krlw!feke of rat who need If that they tbey itatil lIIP know. Itv joyful ex ton I,IVC, Ito T1,11111`1,11 ;11111 l'lVikr.l . Ell it ^3 l • —,--• INTatches and aowely ! •. ' t. - CHEAPER THAN EVER — Whotemtlo ;ma Hold—At the Piiihulelphitt IVliii.ll and J ew• A F! ~tore,"' No. 9ti North 8E- L:f t ., ..z, COI 1) street, corner of .Quar i4iPtilri:l : .rV sEree t• • s !Gold Levers, lfrlc. eases; full jewelled, *3O and upwards - • .'iluar—Lovers, full jewelled, $l5 and upwards. Gold Lupine, 18 k. eases, jewelled, $O5 and upward s , . . Silver Lepines, jewelled, $lO-and upwards Silvevgattrtior Watches, $4 to 10 •- - Silver Spoons. equal to coin, per sett—'L'ea, $5, Desert $lO, Table slf.,„mber articles in pro. portion. A 1 I goods warranted -to be whin the.• ure•sold- for.- ~• Constnntly o I band a large assartinent of fine G 01,1) .TEWEDRY and-SILVEIt WARE • Albo, an rissortinerk of 111 „I Tobias - & - . -- ,Cm,' S Simpsno, Samuel V . l)rothers, 11)-8 Vines. & '. - (..1d; jolitt Illirrisnn, (4 & IL Beesley. and oilier superior' Patent Lever ..Alevenlents, which will a..eased.hi:litt.y_st.y It:4IOE4.OAL_ ..........._, .....-----. Arrangements liars been. made with all the above minted most 00i:1:witted manufacturers - 01 England, to furnish' nt alien notice Any required style of Wateli, for Wbielt.pitlers'Will be taken,. anti the name and hitibblitee 'of the person'or. 4 7 loving put On if requested. ' 0. C 0 N.ll-AD',. . Importer of Hutches -China ik Glass-Ware,— 11131XTRA. rich Chinn and, %HP in great vnri 'ety, Ffenth China Dinner Tea and Toil°. Sets'," Splendid Orrinmen ts, also a vanity o StOnti, Cinintiaivenpool and Common.Dishcis ' LIGE-1T 1' -LIGHT ! ! . . Fluid, Camphine,'Lard 'jut& Oik junits; in grata variety. Also Oils of overy. deseriptioji. • • STIPERU.,R TEAS: Fine .oolong • and Breakfast Tans, also extra } Otto. Ye nod Imperial.just received from 'NOW •York j 'aud' for sale the Clican Cli.oeory sun ,of (11taroll.20) . .• O. , INTIOFV. • I . ll.tic:iip:.:: 4.7-m--rby - iffi -, - -- - ---,- -- , -... - - .024 _•‘,, ,, .. - Y , _ .4,-i.--- - - - --- - -- - • 1 _:•_,•---,,,,,_„,-_-„,_..-„,‘„,....„:_,....--.„ ,_ • ___ .--•..,,,,-,.. r .--,._ , „.„. „ .. „, .._.- - •----,,, -L-4':----,g,T.6, ; ~,..,1,7*-&-X4-e-,,,,;,''''.,t . • 1 , , , 1'i,7: 1_ : . , :: 4A: , i 1-,' • ', N C .. 4 . IVI,Isi - Z:r- - ' --11-2;:1` . :: ..s;* i ' Kv..lYe.-,----;.:-,.--,Ef , q ,f___•:,- 7 -,,,..„:„-\,...-..,_, , .......1:e.....‘4.\_ , 4.7 • 'l,Gtiviiiii-el --2z - ,, i, -- i - . if,'A ': }P 7 -1.-1-\:ci 4 - 6 4 ,, cQ,t4 / 4 1 E.s . E , • ~4 a3 0,F4144%t oD) VS ,_ ,__,A Ai"' For the Removal am! PermanenrCure-of all NERVOUS 'DISEASES, And ;of thine Complaints which _are canted by no iut paired, weakened or unhealthy condition of tho NERVOUS SySTEIII:- This beautiful and Conmiliient application of the my.. -teriouirpowers'ornALVANlS:ll been pi onnunced by distinguished physiciano, both in Europe and the United Statcs,.,to be the most vulvas., medicinal discovery of the age. pr,,_,CNRISTMS_GALVANIO ,BELTJ MAGNETIC FLUID a used with the most perfect end certain success in all cases of GENERAL Diralpr i vlTYoc — • Xengthening the weakened boily; - - - kiling tone Yo the various ocipits, and invigorating the entwo system. 'Also in FITS, CRAMP, PARALYSIS and PALSY, DYSPEP SIA or INDIGESTION, RHEUMATISM; ACUTE and CHRONIC, GOUT, EPILEPSY, LUMBAGO, DEAF NESS NERVOUS TREMORS PALPITALtION OF TUE REAUT, APOPLEXY, NEUItALGfA, PAINS in the SIDE - and CREST, - LIVER COMPLAINT, SPINAL COMPLAINT, and,e,tnyArunr. of the SPINE, HIP .COMPLAANT, DISEASES of the KIDNEYS, DEFI CIENCY OF NERVOUS nod PHYSICAL ENERGY, and , nll NERVOUS 'DISEASES, which complaints arise (min one simple cause—namely, A Derangement of the Nervous System. OC! - • In NI , IIIVOUS COMIII,AINTS, Drugs and ltfedi• clue q+e the iliteuee, for they weaken the vital over gig pf the already proutiated system; while under the stilingthening e life-givingrvitaliving influence of Galvan ism, us niiplied L , y this weniititful diviegvery, tire a xhatiqtett patient and weakened sufferer in restored to [heed, health, strength, elasticity and vigor. . . The great peelliarity and excelloncaof • Dr. Chrrfitio's Galvanic Chiratives, ognsista, in the fact that they arrest and cure disease by ouch , ar .1 application. in place of the usual mode of drug• ginettail physteking the patient, till exhausted Nature tanks hopcioNly hnder the infliction. , They strength,n the whole system, equalize the circulation of the ',load, primate the secretions, and never do the slight. at itijm y told, any dreams/awls. Since their intro duction in the United Stator. fully three years since; inure than 60,000 Persons Winding nil ages, clas:serqd -conditions, among welch were • large nuinhce of la les,N, , ho aro pliculiarly subject to Nerriniss Complaints in ve been 21.11TIRELY AND PeRMANENTLY OURED.. when all hope of !chit 'had been given up, and every thing else been trirn rni villa ! 'Po illurtiate the ii, of the Ci ALIT AMC 111CVIC, sinirpnoe the untie Of a person afflicted wall that Lane of c i a ini,ath j o uyspEp.i.‘,, o r env other Chronic or Nerionis oidinciS7;rare, elimiiiuiits aro t•ken, whieli, lip tl,4o.artion.on the nerves and muscles Of the stonineln, AM' t e.oloo or y relief, hut which leave the patient no in Bywor stele, 'and with injured faculties, attar the action thus exeieed has ceased. NOw compare O. with the onion resulting from the application of 010 (IA_L YAN IC_ BKI.T. _Take .a _Dyspeptic. inifferer, even in the worse sviriptonis of an attack, and sininply tie the Belt around tire body', using the :%laguelicAlpid of diiWted. In a ihurt pod - aline - Fi - einsible perspiration will act on tutee_ ant of. the , Belt„ thereby causing a traltanie diet) Mien w tics ',lt puss on to the negstive,inaLtb,ence I tick age, to the' n. • 'ire,-.thus keeping up a contillunt IkdVIIIIie • col • ,1 ighout the systole. Thins the nt ew sev r 'on.QYSP IPSIA ore PERNA NI•:NTL I VIII , D. 1 I , 'NV 'D. '5 IS OFTEN AMPLY 5f . :V.1 , 11 , .N' • TO int: TUE DISEASK OF _ EIITIF NAT ES AND EIIIIOIIIALS Of the tuotttinfla It rtediahhalletet, Friuli ell parts of n Conintry could be give - n, sufficient to fill every col Inn in Buis paper:" . Alll X.T . If.A.ORDIETARIT .0',1,.1,-,,•'cl‘la/vely pro' e: thi; " uth is .Sii,tairge than Fiction?' , pl , " BRONEIIITIS AND DISPEPSIA Rev. Dr. Landis, a Clergyman , 'of New Jersey; of 1.1146;g1ii . .11.1 littaintnenta void exiilt,l reotatfon:— ,strisi v, , New !envy, July 11, 'ilB Id. 'in. Cli A. If ki.int n:—Dear Sir: You wish to know at me w hat hoc been the insult in my own eise...l the oppli. cattiot ..1 'fill , . t; a I.V.INIe ItEiLT AND NECKLACE' lily teply is a, iollow ~ ..: . • . n For l'itaint twenty oar.s I had line m en ring front Dy • )2. / iiepain. F.'•er' year the s' Topton in ,: heroine croree , or could I oldoin permanent tchel front Orly rourpe of mil. cal treatment a 1,..t. er. About Joni lent) earl; 311 e, to con.ollitetton of keg:le:it e‘inienre to the weather, in the discharge of. ny - pito/al duties, I:been:no till iert to I Pierre Chronic Ithi;ninuti,o, which for year utter year mused me indenelitiable angith.h. het thee: in, the white!, of `4.', and .41i, ik,cooletilleneu or preaching a great den: in my own nod vikr.olls other churches in thin regio 1 P.M attacked , liy. the Bronchitis, Which soon became so severe . to require an immediate suspension of my post tont labors. My nervens systrat.teor now thoratte/dy I ,res. It d!ed, and as 'My Bronchitis become worse, lid also did my •D)spepsia and - Rheumatic alfectien—thus_ceincilig that the. disorders were connected with each other .through the medium of the Nervous System. In the•whele phar. maceprcia theeCseeined to he no remedial agent which 2 could reach and ri•ctipiimte my Ner - is System ; seedy thing that I hod tried for this pti po. , had completely . failed. , At last I Was I it by my m eta to examine your' inlentions, mid (thong with no yet. sanguine:hopes of their eniciency,) 1 tluOrlnillo , l /0 y the effect of the applichtioh of the (IA I, VANIC BELL' AND NECKLACE, with'the MAGNE'I'IC FIMID. c This was in June, ISO. To MP .RE•T •810. , 10,11 , 1111 1 i, in TATO DATA is, DYSPEPAU. HAD arms; ii Pi., trues I WAS ExAnt,re TO 5150511 UT PASTOR.. ratio ev i.OU.S 11AVE I PONCE (MITT./ A'4lPlbt.l stones; Ore recouOT or T.: 13110,01.1 els ; Atratlrr RtirtO lIATIO , APPTcTION 1.5 r.,,,inEr.e - ce/SKO• la 741.111. i.. U!. Such is the wonderful nod If py results of AK onporitnent I have recommended the ELT ,and FMII 11l to 'Ai who have been likewise mitre; i fora Neurnlgic-affec tions. They have tried them, lurrii 11A1,1,, I *lamer, IN K,EIiV 4,314. . . . , / ant, dear sir, very rommetfully yolm. .. RODEB:I' W. , LANDIS. -. _ . . „ R. OHRIsTIE'S !, ------- GAL! Nip !p1EC11.LACn,..,..:,.,, !!I..used for ell's mplamts , nffeettag the Threat or Head, -such ea Bronchitis, Lollnmrdation or ti o .Thront, Nervous and Welt Ilemlacife, DizzinessoLthe Lead, Neuralgia in the Ettoo,•Duazintt oi/floating io the Enra, Deafness, which is generally Nervous, and that distressed comiilalitt, called Tic Dolorous. ' . , . • Palsy ,and , Paralysis. All physiciahs acknowledge tlyit ticese terrible '. diseases aro caused lir a deficiency - of Nervous Enri,gP WS...the affected •Du. Cams-tie. Galvanic Articles' Will, supply. this deficient power, 'and a completitlland entire curs is thus - • ... • 1000 Cases of Palsy and Paralysis , auto bee iereported to Dn. Cimot I and his Agents within the last two 3 ears, which Inv/been entirely restated. CAP: Art r. anw J.T. Toms of Brooklyn, N. Y., hod ol?;12.11 ablO to wallc a step for near four years, and Wt. so helpless that'll° 'bad to be fed ...rho most celebrated physicians gave hint up. 1/I ileednys after be commeneetr wearing fhe tit are llifri - , - Nceat.Acc, •on Busermers, he nvalkeil 'aerie., the room. and in three weeks be kad pen foctly recovered his health, Captain Tomes ii . keventy years of age. • Sevefe Deafness Cured. ' The folimvirrg - sconextract from a letter lately received from o ilintinguichetl slam in the State of Virginia " A. 11. Cununr, Mt I):—arm' Sir: One of my patients, unknown to me, obtained your Galvanic dint and Arrelt hire. with the Maoletie Phiid, for n serious Mketion of Deafness. The case tins that of n lady whose Nervous system was much disordertA aft her general health poor. Moell War lane previotislyWthrapplication of the Dell, but with very success, owl I feel it only right to tell yen:, lint since she cominenced wearing the Belt end using the Fluid, but a few week' ago, she Las B EGOVEB NI) , EAltllitl, and bee general health Is better than foe several feats (Kt- Every case of Deafness, if it be Nervous, as it generally is, can be cured by this we:ale:fill remedy. DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC BRACELETS - - Are found of vast service in cases of Convulsions or Fits, Spasmodic Complaints, nod general Nervous Athollona of the !lend and tipper extremities Also in l'alsynn.l-,rarely. , iind all 'diseased caused by a-deficiency of power or Nervous Energy in thu liinb hr other ingrate of the body. • • 4 Many hundred Certificates from all parts of the country of.the most extraordinary cliaractercan be given. if required. ' • Oa- N. trouble or. inconvenience attend. the Use et. DE. O.IIVANIC Alt7'lol,CS, soil tlloy may be worn by the mcvitleolile nuilAlellouto with perfect ease nod safety. - In many cases the sonsrvllos attending their two is hvgalvy.ferisoill ond.egivioNs, 7119 i cau be sent to aurparl of tho qoUntry. „ _ - •• '' • ' Pr/COS 6 Th• Galvanic )61 pit,. ThP reeolle The Galvanic isTecklace i Two roollare, , The Galvanic Ono Mollar Each: The Magnotici Fluld, , Oga Dollar. • allitiles are oricontininled by Sill and plain' directlints. voitli pertlatildts may be had • ' of the enillorivod Agent. So Id .in Caili - slo — by 11111GAOTT" Summar Bocits. A LAll(Mbmiortmotti of flontlein . ores:linltt Al DRESS: WAITS; pet texcival, Which tiro offitred elloolio• that) vvoriniots of .the eatne (polity buy(' twooilold io'CIII IIOO . ' tnyl9.;lt' ' ' '' NVIII N. PORTER,''' • "' VlP' s /teat 111Mitted. FE1111?,' highes , Market, price, cash Ea. will bo tint ( _loud Mills, tPristorly - ,ntibitplijiy — Sr.7CTlTl, %Yost Ponisborb totvnyhip. GEORGE PRIEST.. • f0b.20,,1851f-tt3n I pd. raIIIBIE METATS Life Mis t and Phrenix • Thtters. - • - ... :Those Medicinon Itavnnow been Wore the pub' , __ — Tic fora period of ' _ BEN—YEARS iii ,n r i nt -t- • mo mve maintained a 13111,ft. ,charnetor 'inz &moo eery part of tho globe- for thei4straor-- diffril• — a -- 4 . : 1, - . - iintimdinte potter of riming 'perfdet health tope. ntanfrering under n nrly every kind of_disoano to whiejt the•buninn frn pis liable. ' .• • ' .IN MA TZ ,TIIOI7SANDS ', - , . . of certificated instances, they have even rescued sufferers from the very verge of an untimely gravo,'_: j after all the deceptive uastrurris of the day bad ut terly failed an& to many thousands they have permanehtl scoured that,. uniform ei,joymeat of health, Without 'which life itself is but a partial Hewing. So great, indeed, has their efficacy inva riably and infallibly proved; that it has appeared scarcely less than miraculous to those'who' were . acquainted with the beautifully philosophiCal prin 7 ~ .cjples upon which they era compounded, and upon which they consequently dd. It was to their manifest and sensible action in purifying the iipringv , ...and cliannbls of life, anil enduing them with re- • neWeo tape and vigor, that they were indebted for e their name.. - - ---- • :Unlike dm host of pernicious quacicories which boast of vegetable ingrodiettle(lhe.LIREITEDI CENES aro mural) , and solely vegetable; and min. Lain neither ilerowly, nor Anti mon y, nor A rde . th e , 'nor any other nu form whatever. They Are entirely composed of extracts front rare _autLpowerful ..plantsrtho - virtues - of - WhieliTtliFfigli - 7 - long known to several Indian tribes, sad recently . to corns eminent pharmaceutical chemists, are alto- ._ gether unknown to the ignorant 'pretenders to medical ssitace ; and worn never before adminis tered;iireo happily officoriens a eornbiention: 'lfin firet °potation is to loosen from tho coats of. the tonstach and bowels the ..various inuturitiesand erne (~t 'tits constantly settling round them ; and to remo e the hardened Daces Which collect in. the conioli ,kons of the small intestines. Other inedi- . e cinee only partially cleanse these, and leave, such collected Masses belitildlo - Prednce hrthiVaTClisti - ve- nese, with all its train of evils, or sudden 15ierrlicre with its imminent dangers. Thin fact is well known to all regular anatomists who examine tho. human bowels after death ; and hence the proja dice of these well.informed men igeinst the snack, medicines of the age.• The second efroet - of- the . VEGETABLE LINE ranDimEs is.. to. eleansethe kidneys and the libithler,;_and, by ibis memos, the hvor and lungs, the healthful action or which entirely depends upon the regularity of the :urinary_ organs,".- The blood, which takes its red color front the atoticy,of the liver and lungs, before_ _ • it passes into the heart, bring thus purified by them, and nourished by food coming front Nclept stomach, • courses fr4iely through tho coins, mums every part of the system, and triumphantly Mounts the banner of health in the blooming cheek. The following are among the distressing.: variety ' of human dieensei in-iivhigit. the VEGETABLE - 7 LIEE MEDICINES aro well known to bo irifial-' Jible , DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and senond stoinschs, and creating a fide of pure healthy bile., instead of the stale . and acrid kind; FLATuLtNcv, Loss-of Appetite, Heartburn, Headache, Restlessness, 111-temper, Anxiety, - Lantrunr, and Mc/um:holy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural ,wonscrinence of its cure. COStiVelleSS, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines vi:iltra ‘ solvent process,. end without violence: all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. Diarrhcea - -and Cholera, by removing the - Sharp ,acrid - fluids - by WhiCh three eorefilaints are occasioned, end by promoting the lubricative secre.„- lien of the mucous membrane. - Fevers Itinils; - by' restoring the Wed to a regular circulation, through- tko z process-of-perapi ration in such cases, 'and ough solution at all intestinal, obstruction in others. The Lire Mcincisse have be n krama__tei dare it lEUMATISTff permanently in three weeks, end GOUT in half thattime,..by_tomosipg local inflammation from theniuscleintia ligaments • at list. - Drosies joints. • or all kinds, by freeing and strength eningp the kidneys and bladder they operate most delightfully on Chase impartaltt organs, and hence have ever been found .a coraln remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEIIs Also Wortus, hp3islotigin , A. from the turnings or tho bowels the slimy - matter to which thole creatu . ics adhere. - - , Asthma and Consumption, ,by of the lungs from the 'Aby relieving the eons which even Slightcolds will be e re..i.s, end whieh, if not re their tl , becomes hardened, and produces these I rest fur disenses. Scurvy, Ulcers, nit ,1 Inveterate Bores, bv the perfeet purity which th...st LIFEEIDI COES ' 6 ,6 , to the bleed; and all the humors. Scorbutic Eruptions cud Bad—Complez ions, by their alterative effect:Amu the thuds that feed the sain,...unti the morbid stet(' of which ocen 111011s all eruptive complaints, / / Whew, cloudy, and otl,,ei- disagreeable complexions. . . 'lie use of these Pills for a vpry Went time will efrect an entire euro.of SAL'I RIIE UM, and a strilcing, improvement in the clearness of the skin. COMMON, COLDS and INFLUENZA will eltvays be curp.l-47 - ohe dose, or by two oven in, the worst,peolos. - - 'Plugs. Asa remedy for this Moat distressing and olliete malady, the VEGETABLE LIM LODI INts , XleEierve - 11 - distinct end emphatic' Secommendatien. It is well known to hundreds in .his city, that the former proprietor of these vela--; Shia Medicines was himself afflicted with this complaint for upwards of Tithyrr'etvg waits; mud that lie tried in vain-every remedy proscribed within the whole uompatis of the Materitt lifediea : Lie howeiee It length tried the IfletPeine whichis new offel : ed to the public, and he WON (Aired in a very short time, after his recovery' had been pro nounced not only inimitable, but, absolutely im possible; by any heinen lite:ins. • FEVER AND AGU]. Far this FFoll= Of western country these Medicine,W,illl/0 idillsafe, speedy, and certain reniedv.- -- OLN , medicines are the system sub jeCt to 4.r.0.1.3u .a..the disease—a eitrO by these 'medicines is perinaiieur,---TRY THEM, DE SA.- Mk( ED, AND 13E CURED. Biltats Fevers and hirer Complaints.. Galiekal Debility, _oss OF 'Arkle'CITE, •IN*, PIRZASI:ti OF FgmALES-I.lleSO medicines tiara been used with the Mast beneficial rolls in cases of thin description :—Kinoss EvIL, and SCROFULA, , in its worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerful action of 'these remarkable medicines. Nftirr SWEATS, NrILVOUF DERILITY, NIMFOLIS COMPLAINTF of nit kinds, • PALPITATION OF 'TOO HEART, PAINTSn'II COLIC, are yipeedily cured. MERCURIAL DISEASES. Persons whew constitutions have become. Ant paired by the injudicious use of AIRILCURY, will 11114 these MedicincO 'a perfect cure, es they never fail to eradicate front the llystent all the, elfew.: Mercury infinitely Kronor than the man. powerful preparations 'of Sarsaparilla. A single trial will place them beyond the roach of competition; in the, estiniation of every patient. ,CAREFUL COU.tfaRFETTS.. Several' hdve lately been discovered, and iheie nefarious authors arrested, both in the city of New York and abroad. Buy. of no ono who is not on aurnosusair AGENT. , Prepared and sold* Dr. Mr: B. MOFFAT, 330 Broadway, New-York. .FOR SALE BY J• W. EA MANS, Carlisle; pt, • !:, - • „.,,,,..., , p k, 00 1 ;1 0 1ttlO c I E JV I lf ,, :l.. , 1": J .. ,p7 --- -el -, •°-"„ A -, i• :. ,F. 7 ~. , -- . -I.s au:a, u the pocket i ~ • hsculajous,nr;bvery nun .., 4 7/ ' 4 r . \ '. IIISOWI Phi's' •bui 1 Te , olo , , ...., . . 4 1 1 , `'. .1 1 1 I' ' ' " •• 4 va... , , ..,,, . q•- enet let t tion,,•nithup-. Ls, •, . '.' I' 14 - i i, 17' *nllllolo istinst..ell esito.n.. I\ ~,..,, i t - /.. ;i i t s it s ts, i c n bo e k , i . . c i: r n.; Is s t t l: , ' l ss ,, t . e . . .. ,,,, I ,l i i s i i siqi, , , , , turns, anti nuiltssi . untltun - ". 's; •/ - • of the g1...1.1110- 8 :tSielll - ,' ~ i 1 / 4. 4 4. - :' :' • "'"'L • -a -, BY WM.YOUNG;• NI,D; \\,... • ' ,liitiZ''''',•l:l•,' ,• The that: has now At'-_. , t. L , riv,4l, that pt•rsous tifrerieg (Rile srevot tysessr, .. 1 •Ol't 11 110 11101 T 110'01110 the clertm or tt' Av.:HT, sss by ttle)stetwettst inns contained in this hoist, :my ( w o e us ss y , einso, himself, Without bindraucein list nintusts, oe the knew ledge of „the nisitt India:Ate 'blend, stud with one tenth the y usual exisetsse, lit addition' to the generubentitinV4 to cut e disease, it fully expiaius the cause or manhood's vnrl 3 do eline, *tilt ohs, , evalieits.Ow.maroisge--,betl‘les • • 00 , hiy other tlet.4l/gell.lCllt a %Old. It ft °old trot 1,,,,. .111.01/Cl . to eaumrl:lc in 111.110111 le. 11611•1 1 „,, , r,. , , , ,,,y pe r ,,,,, s,,,hug: •ess e:s - re•rt VIZ rr.st•rn s ,..,,, -clu•' ,100,1 in . 0 letter, will i''''lve our ''tits.Y_'o7. lll7 tx.. h oo k, by unt il, ne, five eoplets %sill he scut tilt' 000 • 110 lb r. Address; . vli,',. MLIOUN_CL,..,NO,_-1-5.2 , Sint i.for.l Swat. 14111.4MiraP•Pi if .\".p.,w-paio, alint. Ygifigt: Call 110 il,•6.ttaolleti on 100, - s it' ilieliissenes 111.es:tilted in his slat:rent pillsiiink , lions; t,l his 0(1100s., I :V.1.5021.101'. street, PVCI . V . 'dill between 0 nissi Si o'silueb s (Sitii_ilaya ezteeptett) ;111&'t& 1, I,s " '5O Iccinograpltle - EncycliiPEedia 7 TILIS valuable Work, etlitsuf by Spencer 1," ' littinr, or DiAii,,,,,, Col loge in ttp* •itt .I it soot si. 01' poldivstioo. ' It is to L s .o4llj)isied.i..'.. ~ -4044-tti---h ,, ive ..11,:ntld y - ,7V tiviVrs•;', t'111:!st redid 1 ,. .0 lit i . , •• 11,u n• 1 crd 8•!rel Vs•qtraving.i, ',' .T.he •17 ‘,.. • IN . illitho,r 'et‘li ht emelt •ut Alaight`H Omit , k•• • •• , '%• , ' witetv•k.th,tet•iiittoini, vill -I* , , received fin Ili - . ,[Doi I