FLOOD IN viz Misaissierh—Tho NotPZ On - leans papers, contain accounts of, a flood in the. • Alissiesil;pi,' and the inurniation of the country. From Nateliex i tO Mild, it le estinia! ted that at least tsb,ooo. acres of lend, ivliieh had Won idnhted in cotton, are nowunder wet. cr, uu Ir ndrvde of : fincit phintittionu entirely ruined, win river now extends front Natchezto the Hills of Ouachita, a 'distance, of over 40 miles, and every tiling has been swept away: • tit7"The Wheal crop in . Maryland, Virginia, -Ohio, and GieOitia, in generaii pfomiserivell-.—So-of-the-fruit The suns .for 'seduction and adultery commenced against thi, Bilckeye Bliiclismith, it is said, have heed tvlilidrawn at the instance or the prosecutor, who admits that he acted under improper toliice. • The Emperor of China has forbidden any of his subjects to go Co Calilornin. , The pig-tail Celesti4le priest hereafter stay al home and rap goldenitarsests from their industry. ' b other Matthew - IRLO admininietered the pledge in New Orleans to thirteen thousand peraone..,,,, _ /::CFA son of Dr. William A. Irvine of War. ieVootity,"Pu., was killed last week by the accidental discharge of hie put,,Q.azt.laatzulam. An .blechaniestiurg, on Tuesday last, by the Roy . John C. Fritchey Mr. ISsvin Mrors, of Newport, Perry county, to 11lia_Ebstins. TAYLOR, of Cumber. land county. • ,gelii Mcchankti l irg on Sunday morning last, by the Rev.. John C.. Fit y,, Mr. andhreth Whitcomb, of. • Clnikohtown, to Mee Martha Re'etl, of York go . niity. / On Thuredity net, by the Rev. Mr. Simneoh;Mr WILLIAM M, MONTER, Of tills borough,to Miss JANE, daughter of Col. Henry Logan, of York county. / On Tuesday the 21st loot., by the Bee. J. N. Hoff man, Mr. 'JoIIN A. dr./041,1Na, to Tlll/01CANOLINE A. daughter of George Ileetem,.Escr. of rule bolough. PIED, Al Marion City, Missouri, on Saturday night, the 27th of April, Mrs. JANE M. D. Corabirt, of Pneu monia, in her 37th year, wife of Mr. John It•Copelin and daughter of the late Mr. John Wilson; of Car lisle, Fa. Mrs. C.'ivns a lady highly respected by hsr 'acquaintances for her amiable and,gcnerous quali ties. She leaves an affectionate husband and ;eve rat small children. in thiirworiti she suffered rrnuch bodily affliction, but she now enjoys rest In that place where pain is unknown. For many eara the de- , - crave. 'w - satintlintbritriirfrileiiiiNd'ilieeliffe Christ: and Inltqr last moments she was enableifte rejoice in the full it • urance of a bleated immortality• New - / a bucrtioentritts. NOTICE; • ALL perspna,kum76inethemeelvee indebted to the subscriber by note or book account, ere requesteeto settle without delay. or their an. Counts will be lefi in the handy of a magistrate for collection. , •J. G. CARLIIONY. 371.0122 .D' - GS ! DRUGS ! DRUGS ! Fresh Spring Supply !. IHAVE just received a fresh stock of Med icines, Paints, Glass, • Oil,. &c., which having been purchased with great care at the beat city houses, I can confidently. recommend to Families, Physicians, Country Merchants and Dealers, as being fresh and,pure. BUGS. Ileitis and Extracts, Spices;grolind and whole Essences, I Perfumery, &c. Warranted Gaptine. STUFFS. D Patent. Medicines, Fine hemi eels; _lstrumonts, P ire Essen': Oils Cod Liver Oil • DYE Log and Corn Woods, Oil Vitriol Copporas,- Indigoes, Madders, Sumac-, Alum, Lpe Dye PAINTS. • - Wethorill & Brother's Pere Lead, Chrome Green anil Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey Window Glass, Linseed Oil, Turpen tine, Copal arid coach Varnish, and Red Lead. All of which - will be sold at the very lowest market price, Also, a from and, splendid. 'ea sortment or \81 1 :1. FANCY GO DS, FRUITS, Confectionary, and inn erable other articles calculated for se and or ent, all of. wl.,ich are offered at he lowest 11 prices, at the clic ri a.f. Drug Bmk and Fancy aof the sub-' ).1 so- on N 9 th Hanover street. S. W. HA VERSTICK. Ilit; ' ;‘76 " . - 1 - 850. ' FARM FOR. SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale a valuable 1: FARM. Situate In Mifflin township, Cum berland corerny, about two miles north-west of Newville . ,_bountletbby lands of Win M Scout ler on the west, and Thomas C.Scouller on the east, containing 160 acres of good Slate Land. The buildings are-a large two story ...••111 Log DWELLING HOUSE, a t , large Fratne BARN. newly built, ats . with Corn Cribs and Wagon Shed:. There is a good well of water under roof, and a stream of meter near the barn. Also a good ORCHARD of choice fruit. Persons wishing to purchase or examine the propel - iv are re „guested to call on the subscriber °rattle prem. Ts' . • PHILIP RAMP: ihrty22-2mOd •• A NEW ASSORTMENT OF FRESH GROCERIES LIA.I' RECEIVED by the' subscriber, mo --- nmw,nieli is a selection of 17 - ,RIO. COFFEES, from-strictly prima to coalmen, at 10, II and 12 eonts cents per pound. Also BROWN SUGARS, at 5, 6;'7 and 8 cents_Rer pound: Also, a gen eral assortinont • • • • - FRESH TEAS,. Greens and blacks, selected at the Tot house' of the wall known firm of. Jenkinc& Co. Phil edelphia, whiCh togethe'r With — a 'kite assort ni,eo. of the other articles usnally kept by us, is offered to the public in the confidant belief tint-for quantity and prices -on 'examination wjll . prove 'equal and probably superior to any othbr assortment in this place. , J. W. EST . ,. Carlisle, May. 22. 850. Notice to Tas-Xayers. " - rq-v - DER the provisions of the Act of 1844, V upy county paying into the State Tronsti ry the, State Tax Ivied on such county, prior to the.lsth of July in ,any year, is• entailed to an abatement of 5 per cent on the amount- so paid.. . • . The undersigned, Commissioners of Cum. Leyland county. in view of the Above provisions consider inequitable and proper that those. who by thcii prompt payment of theittaxes prior to the above date, enable .the Treasurer to pay over the State Tax, soete to receive the above ' abatement of 5 per cent., the benefit of lihich has hitherto been enjoyed by ihe citizens of ',the county generally ehooid be allowed a de 'duction of that amount by the collector—have authorized the different eollectotore ake said abatement fro the, State. Tax, k ill II cases tvhere the'State ana County taxiit. aid to the Collector before the, 1.5111 day of. tily, 1850. when said,abatement shall amount to one.per cent or tnoro,•no fralitione do cent to lie credt; led. • , Since the act, of '44, the Commissioners have paid the State tax of this county. ahmthily to the State Treasurer, within the time Prescri bed by the act, and the . county hes_receiyod 'the benefit of an abatement of five per ant. thereon,' but to meet said payment- they have found it necessary heretofore to appropriate a part of_tho county funds to meet the deficiency occasioned by. delinquents, until the ligiance of .the Stato Tax was collected. It thorefore be. 1 1 comes necessary to requtrirthwrip, Ment`of both State anti county taste ontitlKth payer to' the aforesaid abatement, upon, dm a oresaid State Tax. . •• - The undersigned therefore notifidently antic iPate that the aboVe arrangement, and the fur ther indyelmant of cnabliag,atfmberland.coun.' ty to makotain .the eliatneter for. promptness and fidelity-which she has naquired'in.the,dis clingo of her obligations - to the Coriimonnyplth;. will induce evary, citizen' to ?charge his State and County TaX,prior to the ' sth day of JOY. JAIiY . _ .. . JOHN./ PROFIT' • • JAMES KE-LSO, ' ~- -. _. • Cotinty Commissioners. _. Attest—WM; RILEY. Clerk. ' Commissioners' ()film? . , .., ''' 'Carlisle, May SS. 'sllt, S r . • ..• 1 'burglar Sale .. ia q light raid dont 'dflitir,tind in 'good ordw I,ngitire"of:_,. N It 0 F3M: acCilattco4 - Xl UT a 0 (1)). - .• • • • • - t r . • , "B NE 'f4•32:;171 F+ . 4 ",,, -- . 7 1 . ,•..., 11,A. • • . ALL persons desirous of seeing =the newest'' and. beat Goods :of ilte. season, lot_ then call at Bee'llivii in North flahover Street. The . subscriber 'has just returned from .643 city and has not opened a very large and hand , — some stock of• , • • SPRING-d,t;SU-M-ATER-GqODP, of every Style and Saritty. Such as Barages. and Tissues, Lawns from 10 Cents to•anys price you want, Linon Lustrpp, trim-12 to 3 . 1,-Liben Lustre Mirages, a now article, Foulard Silks, Cor'n; , Blue, Pink and Filed-Delaines, Calicoes -from to 25 cents per yard, Bonnets, Ribbons; Hosiery, Gloves, and many more articles for Ladies which I btive not room to insert. . I have also for Gentlemen all kinds of goods; such as CLOTHS,"CASSIMURES & V,CS• TINOS, and all kinds of Goode for Gentle men's use, 'amp - will - take this opportunity of saying to my friends that I keep constantly on hnnd tOl kinds of READY-MADE CLOTH ING. Mr. T. Raeder having his shop in my store. enables me to have made to order, on the shortest notice, any garment ,that maybe wanted. I also. keep .COFFEE & SUGAR nf all kinds, together..with every othk article necessary for Family use.- Please call and ex amine soon Where all attention will be given to please. , nil S A•COYI.E. ROI FOR HE HOLIDAYS Eingle s Head-Quarters, Carlisle, Penn I S the place where Country Merchants and the public in general, will find - the largest and best assortment of CONFECTIOi IBS, ever offer 'offered ip this Ceti y, manufactured. of the be - gi material expressly for the Holidays. , and will be sold' wholesale or retail' at. the Old _Stand of the subscriber, North Hanov.r street, rife - w dobfs mirth of the - Brink, where all are invited to call and examine fort' iemselves, as it would be impossiblp-rd mention l the vari eties. He would alsb call attention Ix-a-largo assortment of Friths - find Nuts, consisting of ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS, ' Pigs, Pruens, Grapes, Citron, Dates, Almonds, 'English- Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Filberts, Pea 'Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, &c. In connection with the above belies just received a largo assort• mom of English, French and American TOYS:AND • FANCY GOODS, consisting in part of finellrencluOard and Sew ing Baskets', of entirely. new patteins, Fancy: Boxes, of Wood, paper and glass, Wax and other Doll•heads, Kid and Jointed Dolls, Bas ket, bell, ibone and Gillet Rattles, Games and Puzzles of the latest style, Furniture tea 'sets, nine in boxes., fiddles, guitars, pianos,. accorde ons , harmoni cans; d rants; twatt;iVgiVtnilrier'rriiri cies of war, Glass and China toys,-mantle or. naments, Tools in boxes, woolly dogs, wagons anksvhcelbarrewsTtubs7tradles;Nimih'e—ATlrs— imarask:,,iiiiiiii-bilessog all kinds t fasey_sottp, Cll-. togrieT'ttritil - dYrovir blia - v - rng ire:int:llldt• and clothes . Brushes, &c. He has also on Nand a prime lot of . - F Itlall---GROCERI ES, consisting of Coffecs,?Teas, Sugars, Molasbes, Crackers„Cheese, Spices of all kinds, and in' fact all articles in the Grocery line, which will be disposed of at the lowest rates. Orders froin a distance thankfully received and prdmpllyntiended to . Carlisle, dec 12,'49 Great. liar giiins .4rlAN_ be expected EOrn iIM - suliscribi,t, as he V has just received L new and splendid as sortment of ;WINTER, GOODS, which he offers to his customers and others 'who miiy favor him with a call at great Bargains! t CLOTHS AND CAVSIN BRES, satinets, velvet cords. Ky.jetn SZerlet, yel low, white end Crintsp Flannels, ichings , mos lins, calico, cashm'eres, de lanes, alpacas; Co bvrg cloths, gloves; .hosiery; ri ) linen, com forts, &e, - •`'. SHAWLS! SHA LS?! ' • A large and- splendid assortment of Long and Square Shawls, at all i pmes to suit the times. BOOTS ANDOSHOES. Also, Boots and Shoes" which ho is determ ined to sell low, at liis - qtd, in North Hano first store below Haversti 's Drug Store: ver street, Carlisle. J. G. CARMONY. Newville Female Seminary. THIS Institution, under the care of Miss M. Baru, will commence its fifth session on the first MONDAY'in May. Thankftirfor the liberal patronago-4wroiofore ..iterilmyet the Principal and these aisoCiafedin the control aTheibliool still hope to discharge their duties to the gziktis action of those - who may commit young ladies to their cfro. A hunted number of pupils from, a distance can be seem - moat. d. ;Perms per session of five months For Warding, lodging, washing, and lights per term Tuition in Juvenile Department, com prising Reading, 'Writing, Arithme tic lull Geography Primary Class—comprising, Grammar, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and Botany ' • 9 .00 Higher English Branches ' 11 00 Music on Piano 15 00 Use of Instrument , 4 00 Drawing 10 00 Payable one-half in advanern- - --The session commences May Ist, end ends Sept. 30th. References Rev.,.A. Sharp, Newville. Dr: J: Hannon,' do. David Sterrett, Esq. , Newville. ' Scott Coyle, Esq., do. Win. Bair, Esq.. do. Col. IL Logan, Dillsburgh.. Rev. James Shields, Juniata county . April 10, 1850, POPULAR MELODY. BY THE FIRM of TR OUTMAN •&., MAY MCI Dear Gentlemen oake our advice, . To every ono we make our call,. If you would have a coat dint's nice. Look at Weinman & May's Chenp Clo thine-Inn. Here are-Dresses of all kinds . Fine and coarse, and aTho kinds, ; Please ntamino•nnd you'll find,. • ' For your Tppe,y quite a heap. Here aro goods for every season, : --- Thick andlitout,nent and thin; . / All that you can wish in reason, , ' you doubt it just drop in. Hero nre.Froelennd - Body Coats, Both with low and standing collars ; Home that button round the throat,' To be had for. a few dollars. Here is every style of Veit, And all. sorts of Ponta You can choose what suits you best, „Eve, or morn, or afternoon. , • Here arc sacks and•Roundiiboufs, • - Overalls and Jackets green„ Plonso - tolook and you Here the obetfpest.over soon.-- Here aro ligecoats fdt.tho - Spring, Fancy-goods for Stuntrio wear, . You ill find them just the'tltiug.• -Nothing butter anywhere. r‘- , Shirts and Bosoms-may be found, Pocket Handkerchiefs and Gloves, Scnrfs to do your neck around, ~ When you took your lady loves. Hero aro Caps, Suspenders, Stocks, Collars, very nice indeed, Clean and nine, in, paper bi;x, Just the thing that you will need. tF we talked a day about them, I,Ve_could scarcely toll you all, Gentlemen can't do withoUt them— Then, de friends , give us Freon. ✓ • NEW 411 TD. OHEAP -STORE, . HE undersigned - most - respectfully" ia..•• informs his friends and the publicgene rally, that he has Lust returned from Philadel phia and Baltimoreono is'how opening at the ~. nOrner - ht.NO - rili - Hanover. and Douthep ) street, at Ine stand 'formerly occupied by - .N: Woods, a well selected assortment of ; ' • : NEW . SPRIG.GOODS,:...,:.. • N . putelmaed nt the lowest prices, and which I am determined to sell at...small profits—Among. -• them may be found LOTHS , CASSIMERS, VESTINGS, Twee a and, Pantaloon Stuffs nt andprices. D .SS GOODS, - new styles , loiv prices. Also, GROCERIES in all them .vitriety,: ;..—Sugar,, Colfee,_ Tea r -Mo.-- lasses, Spices i k winch . sold,for Please give , • • Carlisle, nolo' .!, • C PETTPII. -••• • • • NOTIOZ. ' Carlish Depoiite .4aak May 7,185 i I4E Board, of Dirpctora this toptit; l hove tdede:3 frielicieltiihvidond of / free Per Cent., Or the Iron six months del.l oapi tal*.atoelt,hoW paid - inwhich will ifelvoid to the Sloelcholdere or theirlogol' repr eentativeo,' on or niter . the 17thinet. - • myls , - - -1V7VV , 13: COBEIA '; Cashier. . ..rC#are =PORTANT ARRIVAL., • OF FRESII SPRIIVG7 GOODSI\ tlAS,conixnenced arid. will be . receiving for sonic days a brilliant and vdry- , exiensive nesortrnont of days,' Goods and ,prwriculerly, invites all that wish td purchase cheap goods and satisfy their good taste to give before purchasing ~as ha is*ftlicormined Ito cut goods thin spring nt small profits; end 'pletteo all that will favor hirti with -- their patronne ; : Stack coisiit a. in part of niircsksupply_of CL ,QTHS,'CASSEVIERES & SATINETTS, grail colors and prices, well. worth'examining. A fall assortment of , COLORED FLANNELS, from the fin9st shrouding to, the lowest prices; , • TWEEDS,• • in great variety and colors, 3-4 to G-4. Also, Kentucky JEANS & CASSIMERES; color and prim , . A Large and complete assortment of Mons and Boys SPRING & SUMMER-WEAR, -- many of them entirely new styles. LADIES DRESS_ GOODS, . such ns new style Silks and Satins, Linen Los. tree, Moos de Lanes, Lawns. end many more entirely new styles too numerous to notice. A larfe stock of / CALICOES, GINGITAMS;. Tickings, Bleached and , untdeached 111ifslina, and Shootings, &c. Thc largest and moat ex tensive stock of CARP TS, • that has been btought t Carlisle for years,, to: gather 'Mal 10 - ,ooo ' Q ' lER - A - 21`ICLES- in the Dry Goods line, thia' would fill columns pf this paper but re entirely. too numerous •to mention. ,Also,/rilarge as•Trt mem oi—Mens, Boys and thildrens Bo:Yrs AND SHOES, caprices, Ladies-Slippers ; Tres, : ;reut variety of prices. A large ah - c(wellselec• tad stock of Fresh Spices, &c. Cavendish, .Congress. Hand, Cut and Dry of the, best brands: Mole nand look for your -elves at the old and well, established stand, • where you will find a large and well selected Meek of Goods and on the most 'favorable terms., Carlisle, MarCh 20, 1850, - Ahead of all competition yffilLl3_stibacjibere have returned from •delphiti - , - with a large assortment of CHEAP SPRING GOODS,', consisting partly of Mons de ',eines, LevVne' r - DuriTea, Diweu — Lostres, at 11171 and 25 cis _paryard,_Alpachas, Ging - hat - 11s,, Calicoes, add u vareity of other dress goods; Cloths, Unpsi , Vestings,,Sommer stuffs. for men and boys wear in endleas \ viirlf‘tr, tnuslins at old prices, flannels, hosiery, gloves, 'pees and edgings, insertingk - and some very cheap CARP ETS , ,..„groceries, queensWarrl, Also, a large assortMeut ill very i' , CHEAP tIONNETS Faith leaf and - braid hats. bonylet ribbons at a prices and very cheap, a few pieces wide high lustre, black,Silks, together with n general as sortment including. nearly every cuticle in our line of business, all.orwhich have been bought ! for C,rah, and will be sold-toour - customers - and ' the whole country at considerably lower prices than they can be . b,stight in Cvlisle. Give us a call and judge for yourselves. March 20, 18.50 P MONYER SECOND supply of Imperial, ingrain, Cotton and Gtrthing which tvill ii t e sold cheaper than eon be bought aruny oilier establishment in, the Borough. LADIES ; ',SS, CHILD II EN Juameeeived another lot of Ladies' IVialkinp, Shoes, Slipperg, Buskins nod (;niters,-of ,tho latest--sfiapes and beSt ture. Also, a beautiful assortment of Chil dren's Shoes. Boots and Slippers. ---•- .• • , . C RPET TrAGF; AN() I'i?AVECLING A large j lo Of Trunks nod Travelling Bo feliulierio . r quality, just reccivPd: ' c„,...,:„.. „i,,,,TAA3,Nics. BON NEI'S r , BONN ETS ! . The attention of the badieu is particil4lY vied to my large and spletidtd assr'irtinent.9 . l 110.NNETS of all kinds, prices and oitalitiee. Ayro_y_ery 'arge and. beautiful, lot of Bonnet- Rthbons, selling very low nt thevlienit store of rilryl,so\ 4 CHAS. 0(r1LBY• kEnEIVIiD- 7 At the Clurip Siore a feY great vn iLly of all colors Woolen Yarn. Long and Ssplare Slam 1 , , tram $1 to .SlO, very cheap indeysl; 'Onus do Lames, linighams, Steel Bea . dil and Tassels, purse twist„ e la b p s , and variety of Woolen Marc. ncti,l A & W 13EN Tz. $5O Oe 6 00 Foram Cure .of „ : ' • ' 'COUGHS, COLDS, '- HOARSENESS, BRON- • ataTzs.,. CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. - Tim uniform success which has attended the use of this„preparation—its s,:ilutaiy effect—it power to relieve [initialer Am:tines or the LOngs have gilined for it a taiiebri.y equel'ell by to 'other medicine. We oiler it to the afflicted with entire confidence in its virtues, anti the hill lie• lief that it will subdue atid.rentnve he severest attkcks of disease upon-tile utmost a id Lands. These results, as they heettille 1.11, 'cly known, irerry naturally attract the attentiani Of inealimd men tuidphilanthopists every IS here. s Whittis their opinion of CIII.IiIIV plicToliAL may be seen in the sollowieg: VALENTIN LI MOTT, M. D. Syigery. filed. C'cdle4.e, Neut. York, sa ..It gives me pleasure to 'certif . ). flu. value efficacy. of fly'er's blltltY -- -RI4C l'Olt AL, Which 1 consider peculiarly adopted to cure dis eases of the Throat and Lungs.,'' , THE RT. REV. Lath) 15151,10,1 1 ' FIELD. writes in a 'fetter to' his' Irieml, who was hit sink ing under an alrection of the Lungs t--" Try the cherry pectorel.and if any medicine can give 3 on relict, with the blessing id tind'iliat ' • ' CHIEF:JUSTICE EUS'i TS,' of Louisiana, writes "That a young daueliter of his was curettof several ser_ere attaeks,,of,Mrotip by - the 'Cherry 1'01ov:it." ASTHMA S AND 1111pNCI IITIB, The Catiadian Journal of Medical Science . states, "That Asthma and Bronchitis so prem. lent in thisialeinent climate, has yielded wj,th surprising rapidity to"Ayre's Cheri y Pectoral, _and we cannot too strongly recommend this skil ful preparation to the Profession _and the public generally." Let-the relieved sulferer stcak fur rimerronn „lan. 2a r 1847. Pr. J. C. AYERDear Sir;—having been rescued from a painful and l!pigerous disease Icy your medicine, gratitude prompts me to send you this acknowledgement only inj Mire to you, but for the information of others , ju like al.' A slight cold upon_thc lungs, ocgiccted first henna° sn severe that spitting of blood, a violent cough and profuse Right swentsiollovied and ran , tennd upOn r.ne. I became emaciated, ,could,ika 'sleep, was distressed ti my congh, and• a pain through my crest, and in short had-RH theAiirm ing„nymptoniaorquick consumption. No edi oine secared-M.4 ... 111,t0 reach niymase;until m p O. Menially tried,. your (Vary Pectoral, wli h sooin rellei , ed and now . . . Y.Onra with V . C7Plitt., ..' F. ,A. sTEw /o'er: • 1 f • - _.,-- AtivigeF,N; Y, April I T, 1,13411; Pr..Ayer.,...Lo '6ll,—Ditar Sir :—I bare for rears been Milk ed with Asthma bt thy . worst form; so atoll b re boitn f olor ---11 t o s t e ,pl ii . m y, chair for a large .port OP the 't,iits,bein,, ,,- intable to brentho_in my bed. , finitl.triad a great : Mini). Medicines,' to no fmrpose;, (Intl 'my Itbystelan ifilitirlfreiliiitratroxpetitriOnt, your t.titet ry Vim ., , :At first it Nomed to roulie rap . Wot se ' hut :in lase thaw sto;week 1 began to e x ert et te e tfie Mott gratifying relierfimpt its ttses and nos 4 in tofu weeks; thotliseaso. is emUcly removed. I can' irr My bed - WA] eprofort. stud enjoy a state'l of health witi4lo Hail never exp.6ated.to"MOY. GEORGE S:PERRAtsrr. • • I . . ra.troz . o;l.7 o. 0,11,C1116T-T.OWLL I xavaecttcsergn. - Sold by 1 r. itmOilis:S, A.. littlAart), S Elliott Cit6ll sl e; vg ; . , IL, lierrop,,Neiviillo;J:C.-1.4 J.' H. A Welt Snip penshergtand drtiggists•geaerallY: • MIN .-; Ckailes gilby GROBERIES, TOBABCOS NEW SPRING GOODS! A.& W BEN TZ Carpets, Carpets. 'ORAL Allot elliiiitotto. Spring acwds. THD subscriber has just returne d from the *city with It large and varied assortment-, of . .Fancy and Staple Dry Gobde, - such - as Mewl - dellatnes, Bereges, Alpachns, Canton Cloths; French, and Ginghams. Lawns;'Calicoes, Figured and Dotted Swiss' Mullins, with a variety of other Drese Methyl : , nls to width he invites the attention of the pub. • lie generally,' ' . CHEAP CHINTZES . • The subscriber would call the titionljon of tlit? community, a lot of 4:5 Chintzes - the low pike of• 10 cis per_yariyoljejiihoappeclot.of goods everoiTM — •edio • LINEN LUSTRES. . • for ladies drosses and socks; Ittst,oponoil MILITARY CAPS. Just opened one doz. 11 , littity Cloth Caps, with oil cloth covers, also . , SilkJil Cloth Caps 'orsatne style• for se/. by 4G, W. lIITNER. April 3, 1850• selling off at Cod.. 1 SHE subscribers intending to change. their 1, business, will sell off their whole stook Of READY, .MADE'.CLOTHING, at veil , reduced prices. 'Their stock consists of,Contsn Vests and Pants, of almost every de scription nod. quality, alsii Shirtg, collars, ho• sours, stocks, neck and pcoket handkerchiefs, gloves, stockings, ottspo.!ulers, hals,A.sps, boots, shoes, umbrellas, leather and hair trunks, ear 'et bags, and in short.every nriicle*.that is no. c asary to complete, a gOntlomso's wardrobe.-- ley will also sell .goods by tho yard, such. as clo:hs, caslimeres; vestinus, cussinetts, sum— mer stripes in great variety, muslins, flannels, &c. ARNOLD & LIVINGSTON. ap2 , l 3m, . -.N:13. All petainrs knowing themselves in lichted to the Mtn will please make payment immediorely. P A & T. ..; Haar, Road, Listen and Reflect, . TROUT-MAN .A 14D MAY'S; NEW, ,CHEAP •A N D FASHIONABLE ~t:LOTIIING STORE, On North Hanauer street, in the roomST merly occupied by Mrs. Wise as a grocery. run E attention of the citizens el Carlisle, and J_ Cumberland and Perry Counties is invited to this newly established Clothing and • : . . GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and lice tho well clected and most elegantly got up el/idling ever oared 41 this place, It would be well for every man tv know _that a larger assortment,, better styles and more desirable. clothing can he bought tor - less money at - this new 'establishment ihan,at :any other store in theplace without any other exception. The assortment is well selected amhthe cut and make of the [melt 'spring and sum mer..inshions, which are'lai,superilie to all others lot ease and etc.. - gene°. All who wish to purchase will Mid tfiey cart save front twenty live to fifty per cent by buying at the new stand ot. - TROUTMAN S. MAY. Coats, Pants and Vests we sell remarkably low as the following list of prices will' COATS, . Superfine black (loth Dress Cono...dit6 to 18,00 4 ' Frocile- --- " 6 16,00 Fine French Habit Cloth coins of different styles, 3 10,00 New style of Caslnln cows, — 2,50 'F,O_O. Ferenek Coats at all.colors,: • 1,50 7-,00 Rough & Ready Tweed, new style 4,01) 11,00 California Lustre, '75 5,00 Linea Coats, „. ~i,go 13,50 Business coats, 4 :- 'PANTALOONS. New Si),le, of American and French ^ Cassimer plain, - 1,50' 7,00 New style of American and Vrench xi ... - Cassmers, superior in quality and variety of colors • - 5,00 10,00 Fine black case, and doeskins 2,50 4,00 Striped and cross haired cass,Panta 1,50 , 5.00 I New style Napoleon striped pants ' 1,25 3,00 spring case. pants . 4,75 0,00 Great variety ,d Corduroy' pants 1,9.5 3,0 Pipe linen drilling stripcd and plain 75 2,50 New style el Gainbroirn - • 1,50 4,00 _lyith nn excellent assortment of wor- - king/pants which-Will out Waved any oilier to this place k. VESTS, Sutierfine I.ilnek , etitin vests i,75 5,00 New Style if liguered arid stidpetl do 1,00 7,00 Pjain & stidped valentine 50,.4,0Q,1 I , lll , flight summer Marstdilesovests 75 3,00 All kinds of working ve,sas at verylow prices. ' • We will also keep a good aSsorvthent of BOYS O c LOTHING, • 'consisting coats, pants- and wets and soil them at very low urices. In we our Mock olCie - tidy mode clothing we will keep on hand an assortment of. .TURNISIIING ARTICLES, such ns shirts, s^nrls, c, ovals, suspenders,- drawq, „ rs, collars, caps, umbrellas, gloves.hatid ilteireluels, kiacks,(&c, &,e", xdfich it al Make the int ores , of the purchaser to examine . , betere buyttigdqcwhere. II goods sold at this store, warranted to give satisfaction, and defy conme sition, in quality, elegance and Foyle of the eat and durability, and we hope by close attention te'business to merit it share, of public pnirbm age. Don't forget theilace, North liatiover Stieet;iorem doors atm e ',pother Street West aide. • N. B. CI ithing, mide to ord i nL I L IO shortest notic . . - Lea her Trunks. • TIIE subscri aims - just received another lot of Lehthur Trunks of different sizes 'und prices. Also, nn assortment of Carpet Ross pndA+a llses;.for side on reasonnble terms. "--1 el==l Just opened a small loi,pf Music for Piano, Fltue and Violinoilsn,•Jeannette rind Juana/in, and a few oilier new and popular songs for sale BONNETS A - ND LEGHORN HATS A groat variety of Ladies'. Straw Bonnets, also, Pamela Bonnets 'and Omitlemen's Leg. horti.liata in variety, Bonnet Frames, Crowns and Tips, &e. " ' • 'EMBROIDERIES, A great variety . of Paris Collars, 'Brussels Lace Collars, Swiss and Cambric insertings and Edgings, Thread Lace and-Bobbitl'Edg'gs, Ldotn Laces and •Cotton Edgings,, Lace Capes St,e„ just opotteALlty ' G \V- lIITN mt. • PA,ELASOL3I subscriber has just received a large lot of Parneolq„ of beautiful •styl63 embracing every quality. fo'ivhiclithe special attention of the I mdies is invited:. BONNETS-44AIONNET AtIBB.QNs Call and purelmso your Bonnets nod Ribbon's from the undersigned, .who has just received, n large and varied assortment, nod you will save money DRESS SILKS Just opened nil extensive stock of Dress Silks,,, of the twit styles, which he offers set unueunl ly low p.ices, , The specie( attention of the Ladies is a Welted. ila 1) , GINGLIAAIS. , • . . ~The s tscliber has still a larr , e stock of those l'i. - coin Ginghams, for which he has huctsucli all extraordinary run—call end see then!. • __MUSLIMS—AND:CALICOES. - . - - - Just opened kluge , stock •of Muslins and Calicoes, in the sale of which ho offers unusual inducements to purchaser's.- Public patronago is solicited. ^ ' ntoTs A:ND.stions. Boots and Shoes of every description have been opened in large quantities by the subscri ber. which arc offered — at prices that must glye satisfaction. N W. WOODS, Ag't.. To. Farmers and Men of Business,, OILS, CANDLES 'Sr,. GUANO ; . t• TIE subscriber offers,* the lowest Innis; any-quantity to suit pureliasers, Genuine-. Peruvian Guano, snd every variety of Sperin, Whale, -Ltit•d, nod 'rimmed Oils. Manufac turers, 'reline - re, Farmers, Genders and Constr. - niers, ere, invited liPcpll at ,No. 37 North thelirst Oil Wore below Race street, _. GEO. W. RIDGWAY, 3,18507-2 m. " • ' •t• r-AltiViEdiSi' HOTEL. • EAsT*I94.OTREET, CARLISLE, PA. TUE aui;seriber" , (late or, the "Stolid Tav ern." Walton Bottom Rood,) respectfully infei•ms his frionde and the public .gonerally that he haw taken that well known Tavern stand, in East High strdet, formerly kept by Ws — Wunderlich, and that he i 3 now prepared .to\nccOntmodate Farmers; Pedlars. ,Travel lers, and k all othdra who' ikay;favoihmi with a'call, in the Most accommodating manner. . ' ~' is siabling, - whielt as- largolattd convenient, 5. ; l'he In a m ptge of a eeriti Ostler: Il 0 flattprs himself Chet from his experience • , ian'lnkeoper, ho will be able to,render gene-. MI satisfecttom - ~•- • . ~' , 4 - \ ' inyl-flyw :EFIRISTIAN. IIOPPIVIAN.-:-• • , . •, - • • Summer .pootri ••` • • AA t fe,AROB, misortinont of Gedtlemon!e,liiilit .I)Rff,SS BOOTS, just- received: which nro offered cheaper thnn over hoots o( the. sanno'. gitiaily )m10,110(1'11 mild in CitrlintO. Inyls-It 'AV31..,51-PORTER, , • . - Estate • of . .Frelibriek,Hoexer, de c 'd. lr" ETTERS testamentary on the last willend .14Aceinmente FREDERICK Irn °San. ate orSonth .Middloton tp., deed, have been issued to the undersigned 'executors.ol said Es tate. 'All persons knowing themselves indebted to. said Estate are requested to triake•intnit diate' payment, and those having claims against the sonic, to present them to either of the undersign ed, duly authenticated for settlement, :BENJAMIN Ito OVER; . - 'BAWL. M. HOOVER. Carlisle, May 1, 1850. " • . • . Brigade Ifispectoros Order. nrwEits No. L—ln • cAnformity with the 4evised. Militia—Law,-of April-17th, 184%, tho several Battalions of the . First Brigade, 15tH Div.. will meet 'for Review and Inspection.— The ;First Battalion will• meet in Mechanics u rg..on the nth day at May. ' The Socogd Ba.talion will meet in Shipper's burg on the 17th day of May, and the 3d Bat talion will meet in Carlisle on the 14th of May. • The First Regiment will meet' in Newvilo on the 18th-day of May. 9 Capt. Samuel. Stuart's Troop, net. Attached to any Battalion, will meet at the Stont Tavern on the Walnut Bottom Road, on the 20th day of May, The above commands will meet pre cisely at ten o'clock, A. IA ~_of = each day. Of seers in command of corrlpanics i wilf bp held responsible for the good condition of. thp rein • ap24 tp SAM'I. CROP, Brig. Ins. Estate of John Culbertson, dee' d. xToTrcE is hereby given that letters of ad. IN ministration on the estate of Jon01:111)ml son, late of Saver Spring township, Cumber land county, dee'd, have this day leen. issued by the Regiitei in and for said county, to the subscnibers,"Who reside in-the said township Silver Spring. All person§ having claims or demands a7atnst the estate of stud - deoede»t are' requestdd to make knomn the same without de• lay, and those indebted to make payment :kVA'. CULBERTSON ; - WM. KELLER, atlq4,6t pd Admr's. Estate cif,Elizabeth KiSsinger, dec'd, ETTERS- testamentary on — the estate of 11 A Elizabelh Kisaleger,late of 'West Penns 'borough township deed., kayo been granted to the sabseriber residing-in thesamo townehiP.— , All pets no having claims again,st estate of said decedent will present them for settlement, and those indebred will make immediate payment to ap.2.1,'50;Gt I LEFEVDR, Ad'mr. To the Public! •TtiOTICU is herehy.gbien, that we the As sighees of•Wtri C. Houser, likve legal -se against all notes held by Getni. , ,EV Sailor a gainst said Houser, and all persons-are hereby cautioned not to buy ' , aid paper as we will riot hold ourselves responsible for 'the payment of tin. same— 10.11.N.,...110.1.15.V,12.,-- PB BARNHART, Assignees of W C Houser. • af I 7 Estate of David Strickler, dec4l. LETTERS of Administration on the estate of Davi& Strickler, 'late of Hopewell tpt, Cumberland county, deceased, have been-grant ed to 1110 subscribers residing in the some township. Ali persons having claims :against hc-ostate of said decedent 'will. pre=ens them fur settlement, and those indebted to, make im mediate payment to 1,00 6,00 _III I lipd Assignee's Notice. I%TO'I'ICESis - hereby given thaj . JAI C 0 B ,BATE.•,,,.ol.,Shiremanstown, has adsigned all properly, rent and personal to the spb• scriber, for the benefit of his crbditors, by deed dated 2d April, 1850. All peraonsindebted to said Jacob" Bates will make payment, and those having chums agniitst him,wll,l : preseifi-them for settlement. to the subscriber. residing in Hump deli township. JOHN It UP Pi ft p 0, A • Estate of Joseph Cra decd. ErrEits of administration on the e4tuto of I_4 Joseph grail, late of tipper Allen town. ship, Cumberland county, decd., have peen granted tothe,subseriber, residing in the some townshim,,t'All• persons knowing themselves indebted :Ili-said-estate are required - tomialterim -- medinte Payment; and thile, having claims io preseni-them to JOHN 13' Co OYER, Adoi'm A mil - 1800 . - - - - - 50 2,00 Better than the Goldmines of Cali . fornia A note Suit of Clothes al 81,75 ! /VIM undersigned thankful forth° 'patronage _H. of the Citizens of Carlisle and adjoining country, informs his numerous friends and:the public in general, that he has just laid in on entitely WWI Stock of fashionable Spring. and ,Summer r . lotking, made up in 11. e liens style and particular.y calculated for this place, His 5161,11 .consivas of line Dress and Voick coats, Gabbs, Gas.nmer, and Chinn coats, Tiverid 'Linen and Cheek coals, Bussincsa cams of 01l deveriptions, griperior Blank Cm:Ai-6 0 r , 0nd fiTh ey Pantaloons, ri gt eat unruly of Vests from 75,:is In S . / Ou, a large assortment of lathy articies of Gentlemen's wear, whita linenc-striped and red flannel shirts. Gentlemen are requested ' ro-Cllll, fitted examine the goods, and he is sure- those who buy will be well tted and nt low prices. . A &rent nl4trortment of Boys clothing, also Caps and Gatti, from 123 to 83 00 constantlr du, hand nt S. J/,01.DM ~; South rust corlieref Mir !valid Market square, Carlisle, March '211,_1 850. • 11*. eoples` i'n e. Clear the, Track I , THE undersigned, by the particular Toncest of thousands of their friends, hereby announce to all who seek (lad love pleasthmthat a Grand .41xcursion will take ,place this andicyday throughout the,senson in the beinnitt satiny ,cur "Chcapside," propelled by the law] ressure engine ;`Fit-sure,"'and in Which all, both old and young, are invited to 'participate. -The ex cursion will be conducted upon a plan entirely different froM any before got .up in this neigh' bothood, both,for, cheapness end disPatdli t. and_ the pleat are it will afford. those;wbo join In it 'can seareely be estimated. Tickets will he furnished in half the usual price, andtt e public can Mart from any point they ploose ioppitig only at the CHEAP AND IMPROA ED Clothing Ethporium, next door to Burkholder's,llotel bn IVCaf Wain street, where the cheapest and most faahionable. a'ssortmerit ul• CLOTHING can lie found—all our own matinfactureand . which we can sell as cheap as •the ••can be bought at any of the Itlgo oily establishments, and 20 per Cont. lower, than at an? other house inithitilorough. Wo respectfully invite. the public t&take thisiploas, 'ant trip•to oUr.store, and Otamine our large as• aortanent of • _ CLOTH, DRESS, FROCK AND SACK COATS, of various colors and Styles, Pants. Vests and Roundabows, Pea Jackets, HATS , and CAPS,. Shirts and 'Stockings, Suspenders, Cravats., an. all the different articles necessary to_constituto , 11 . • Oct:Oman's -Wardrobe. Do,n't forget the plac&—next door to Iltirltholder'S,. Hotel, to ' where we have, ust reinpved. - •Having a large assortment of Cloths, Cossinieres and ‘Tei,tings on It .11'd, we ore propared..to make up to order all hinds of Clothing at the shortest notice and j on the most reasonable terms. aplo M & 1./ STEINER. House and Sign Painting. .. ..... ..., - -- • • THE. subscriber respectfullycp t forms the citi-: zens.of Carlisle and vicinity ilia , lie 'has coin. tnonced the above business in this borough. and respectfully solicits the 'public ptronage. lie ii also preparctl,to do Parlor or trap wall painting, plain or in sconMand Widget' e designe"imito. lions of weed and stone. Ho 't 111 also attend lo Pang flungipg, and evei.y oil er branch of his busiglistrillit, li , p_beit. style.. lII t, shop is in Lou. p a i ther striterVf, liiimirpentef shhp formerly occu pied by John R'rurner, where he respectfully invites the public tcimall.lieving had consider able ef mimeo in wary d pariment of, his art, lia feels confidonl.of being able to - renner 'satis faction to ail wlio may employ him. It,' aplo s:rinivEL AHOlvri,y! Brushes,! Brushes A gratt varietyof these useftti articles is of. fond for, salo, consisting of Whitewash, Swoop , irig, Pifintorp, loth, Shavin, Hair, Tooth aild:Nalli Flesh and Grinning Brushoolo great varie t y, all of which' are of the bolt got , ity-intd, will tio'sold at the,loweat prices ;Junes. • • • S - ontgont Board Papers. UM' onancni a variaty al:Paper- for cover:, • 11 lug chimney Waards..- Aloo, for Window Blinds, An entiroly..noW_Whnoinarr.w smile.?:law] ..1 - • - UORIII: ? CORNd? -11[ icapectfully recomtnened in the afThrted ZAC lIA RIA lI'S CORN ERADICATOR w lal will effectually extirtuntotn ikon) tant A bl a quannexeresecnras T by u tow uppbcanoti with, ut pout S. ELLIOTT. \otties J. FOGLESONGER, J. STRICKLER, mi aisiraMd. _ Aesunie . • • SA OF' UNSEATED LANDS. . :By the Trey, tire)* if Cumberland County, -BY VIRTUE of Warr6nt trout-under-the -_ . hands and seal.orollice - cif• . the _Commis." sioners of Cumberland county,!qi ted, t e n lowing Tracts and ,Lot% of Unseat qd situate in Cumberland coin y„ of Perfrisv lean ia, will be exposed to Side by Public Vendtie,,Oft Monday the tenth day June 1850; at Hui Court_Uouse in the Borough of Carlisle, county aforesaid, and continued thy adj urnment] front timejp,time, until they aro al is Id, or us , much 'Ol'eacji tract or lot, as will be s cient to defray the arrearages of the Statejunti,_ll,nadand_Behool-laxes,-dho--- thereon and . costs. • - V,VM. M. PO,itTER. Caliph, April 3. 1853.- County Treasurer ( . . • Rcs'r • and 1 6 re,: Warrantee and owncrs. Tax due Lots. - . South Xiddielon 27 • 1839 Jacob Weaver, . 1 22 100 1845, John Harper, _ 2 59, '4 1848. John Horper's heirs, , - 1,72 5 1846 Jacob Morrett, - 30 •lot 1846 John Walker, ...--- -28 14 18478 . James Gtistin's heirs 1 16 ,I, 1847 Jonathan Gustwirie, —q, Neavion: 150 1840' '' Wm. 51oulder, 406 1840 ' John Cooper', --.. 03 " • — , -MatheAv-Dunean, ',, -.Robert. Lusk, Hugh Nicholson, John - Nicholson, • Jane Nicholsbn, Northinidd/eton. 415 " 401 "1 403 " 2.1 1840 . Col. Win. Chambers,. 50 _._ t 3 t 134 1839.41 isiliew Irwin's heirs, 1 56 16 1839 . 40 , - Use's heirs, . 24 800, 1843-8 11 llshback's heirs, 12 55 16 1843 ~ Samuel (i.lioatis, 25 .- Southampton. - - ' . • 102 1840 6 • lierron's hely, r , 210 _ 439 1849 James Reesida & co. 135 ~102 .1899-0 ° - • John-Herron's' heirs, 1 . BD 900 1844-5 William Seolt's heirs 581 400 1844.5 • " 581 1 lot 1845.9 William liancoek, 1 30 300 1845-9 Fdk. '1 89' 25 1845 • Elizabeth Miller, I 'o4 403 1847.9 William Duncan, , 2 .86 403 1847-8-9 2 John Nicholson, 5 30 901 1847.8-9,, John Nicholson, 5 30 . 438' 1847-8-9' John M. Woodburn 5 79 100' 1848 B. Reynolds for Her ton's heirs, GO 437 ..384,7:2, John Horron's heirs, 3 12" Car/isle. - Solonian Gorgaeheirs AT - % Henry NawCuiner;' 66 — ` • Si/ver Siring: • . A ildrewSileeley% heirs, 15 Jgseph 'Shrti 11, 66 East Poirisborattglt.--7-I'-”,'",a:..: • Ne ich, &- . Altl,ler'a heirs, enough. . • lot 1846 lot 1847 1.0 1840 37 1847 1 lot 1840,- 1 lot 18 1 lot 1848• Martha 014..iniej, •1 06 - 1 lot 1848 - heirs, : 1.20 .lrenroe. \ • • „. • 200 1844 . Henry Sidle, • -3 60 1 1849, r Mariin Diller's heirs, 15 -30 . 1849 *Melciion Breneman, • 26 3 1849 Michdcl Ege's heirs, 24 'Hopewell: 2511 1841 2 11„,rper & Underivo6d, .2 - 95 ~. 11.11, 1892 'Samuel S,' Smith 17 400 1843 6 • John Harper, 23 25 1841 John McGlone, ' 44 -1841 Richard -Wood's lieirs— 6 18 - 300 1847-9 George Mines, - 1 06 -.200 • 1847-9 John tlarpei'g'heirs," "4 29 1 - 4 1848.9 'Dr. W. S. Sharp's heirs 37 FranVerd " 31 1840 Jacob Wagncr's heirs 47 15 1843. Christian Failour, 27 - 5 1845-6 Perry's heirs, (..awd) 58 ..._l2 1846 • Henry Rine's heirs, . 28 13' 1846 Henry Shank, 31 153 18447 John Maginnis, (Hollen . bacles.heirs, 1- 47.: 232 1844 7 James IVlCarLllle r y leoback's heirs, • I'l2 .. 229 1844 7 Robert Fanlers [Vol, 2 10 116 '1844-8,, Williams, [Hol ' lcnback's • beirs,. • 136 900 1844.8 -Samuelll,ilollen ha-deg I s cirs, 4 - 25 186 1844 8- - Thomas 3aiisey, Hollen- - buck's heirs, 1 92 150 - 1844 8 James Parke, :Holten ,jbark's'heirs,,, 1 60 100 1844 7 George Mageehan, -- Jeithark's . 93 William Sanders, [Col'd] 12 Mifflin. 12 1840 W. Craig McCune, -25 18 1841 Frederick Iloorcr, ' 4 184 J William Myers; heirs, 19 200 "1843Iliam Parker, 22. 247 1846 8 George Fumes, 395 500 1847-8 Daniel Fickle., 60 40' 1847-9 PeterF. Ede, ' 27' 105 1847.8" John Ensining , r, 427 25- 1847 8 Andrew J. North,, ~l 92 r 100 • 1847 Thome, Marlin, (John John Harper & 1 6 100 1844 ' SSmnei Gardner, [John IlarperA 16 100 1847 11...isannah Marlin, [John Harper& col 16 Charles Bryan,-, [John • 16 30 1847 8 James • 2 1848 „ . JyLilleS Ellion's heirs, It ' - 238 1848-9 Ilarper , s heirs, 1 28' 200 1848 John M. Woodb nn, '6O 200 1845-9 , Isaac 13. Parker, 60 _2OO 1848-9 'l,iiac .13: Parker, 61.1 ,25, .1848 9 Ilk:laid Sierit,son. 92 PickiilBo?4 • 120, 1841, Wm. Craighead 420 9, 18414, John Jacobs 81 . 0, 18 , 11-6,-George Jacobs '1 81 4, 1841-6, Peter Myers 1 21 • ' 6, 1.811-5, Mustine 51 5, 19,41.6, ]tei;jaiiihri'Malone _ 57 120, 1841 A6Tahani Pilkorton 28 4. 1841.8, Peter Stahlamith 2 19 . 5, 1840 Daniel Bowers . 23 6, 1840-6, Peter Miller's heirs 68 236, 1840 William &L. Moore: 55 10, 1840 William Moore 1,0 104 or 5, 1840-7, Samuel hlorliladd 17i 5, 1840 Pemgo Pencil 19 • 6, 1640 Jacob trump 12 6, 1840 ,Solomon Werne'i 12 . * 6, 1840 - C.-I artler and Baker 12 4. 1845-8,,M. „ 53 11, 1843 Andrew Runs., 74 9,1844 6, James Grayson 0 0 iEa 32, 1844.6, Jacob B. Lyon, . 1 84 ~"• 60 1844- 6, James Neely . 4 86 200,1814-6, Samuel 3YooJe h'rs 3-12 22, 1845" Geti. Bellzhoover 46 19, 1815 ' Frank Smith, cord 55 1 Lot, 1846 Rebecca Weise 77 93, 1845 6, William Banded ' 5 66 5;1845 B', John Brough 81, 18, L,45 6, Daniel Brown 6,-18 42 -David Gripe, . 1845 6, Ludwick Croop ' 49 24, 1940; . John Davis 12, 1845 6, George Deardorff ; 24 210, 1846, Michael Bge's heirs 902 . 10, 1845 8, Moses Funk . 37 • 65, 18.15 8, Funk's hpifiv - 6 24 6, 1845 6, Arehibtylei GarreJ, - • 19- -7, 1845 6, John Lereitii . . 40,1846 8, Henry Myers 1 1 75 • 2B. 1846 8, John Myers . ' 179 1846,8, Philip Myers•.. 2 84 '6, 1896 Gilbert Searight • 40 • 6, 1845 B,John Wiramtini Hag. 60 82, 1846 Thos M'Clune's ht's 62 , 5, 1848 .°' Adam Yengy • 16 5, 1847 8. Morsden's heirs 36 . .1 Lot, lan John'Oshoine's heirs 20' • - 10,1844 8, N. 13. Wireinan's h're 61 , - 400848 . 'Thomas BroWn 1 68 • 1 Lot, 1848 Israel Griffey s. 99 1 Let, 1818 !--Jadab-Lißle's heir* 90 - .". I Lot, 1848 M. F,Myeis • • 1 60. ' 60; 1848 William -.Meals _.• . 1 . 40,4848 Jae. Nosly's heirs 240 i L5t,1648, Joseph Hockey - 75 P7i3 1 L0t,.1848 etio.,,Reckey h'ra 16 0, 1846;.VV(gne.. a . r 04, 12 .' • 50, 1846.6: ederick Cluth • , 38 8, 18d5 6, Ja ob Gip° . 24 • , Neth timber/m:1d: ot,No 51,1842.8,W: Chambers' heirs' 49 • do. ' 50, 1842 7, , oJ .dric 73, 1843.8, George Buehler - 3 66- do. 114,1841 4, John Plough, .2 76 • ' do: '129, 1841. - B, , Wm. M'l.aoo',,,Wra 2 12 do, 2314,1842 6, Zingotimd , 1 69 94, 1849 5, J. M., r55;1841.8 ; •111a r tin t h a ir -1 27 ' do: 157, 1941. 7, Paler Tiineaki • 1 74 , 116. 161, 1843 7, - ,Dr. - Agnow's keirs • l 'IV_ ' do. 1q0,, , -1341 . 7, Owner Unknown ';1. , „ . 65 ' 1 4, 6 1841 do.. C, 65' • am 212, 1842 13;',.id0: , do: • 1,80: dM,. 211, 1.1341:8", Ab'rti . ..Hurah's WWI 00 'do; 4171,186 8, Henry -48' 1 lot 1848 .do.• 31, 1845 6, Jacob Zeigler. di,. ' 78; . do'' ''do. . . do 1'46, ~do •,,. do.• A.. . 41. , -do 177, do - ...' ' -do. , • '-. . 41 ''' do 12, 1843 8, MichaoLKeller----94,- ---- a ----- 24T8'41 - 2 - 77Vilillianx Allison 11 29 do .. 72, 1843 d,' J. M. Halderman ' 68 V do .132,1842 s, • Christ. Halderraii '1 39 Th.) -do 156,A842 8, John Spitler s',.. 79 do - 202, .1842 8, ,John Roberin - . 93 - ,;:do 204, 1842 1, Jennes McGinnis 1' 4.....-- ... do 27. 1842 8, A Cirothers' heirs 1- 2 do 35, 1843 8, .' 'do .'' do' ,64 do 84, 4812 5,..1 M.'llahTermen 112 --1 10 ---- 31 - 111 - 6 --- b: -- FiFilinei — ifeick. 7 lllls l 7 -29--- • do- -4, 1846 do do ,30 do 13, 1845 7, Ahem Harsh heirs 6& do 38, 1842 6, Philip Smyser. - - 'Bs' ' 1. Let, 1843 Ah'in Hunt's heirs of • • Lancaster ' ' 25 do 1843 7, Wi'Rani Wallace 1 1 .. do 111,-1844..8, Woody'r & Robinen 1 . 507 do 60, 1816-7, Owner Unknown ' - 50 do 139, 1842 - 6, - John Foster , 30 do 488, 1843 'Hogan's heirs - - '73 ' do 116, 1842 3, Henry Miller 15 do 150, 1841 Shriner's heirs 15 do 115, 1841 Conrod Rening r h'rs ,15 do 141,1841 Ab'm Feitrow II hairs 15 do ,37, 1841 3, Owner; Unknown' 1 15 do. 60, 18 11 ~ do do -15 do 172, 1841 3, do do 15 do- -179, 7 1841-6, - --do-- do-,--15 - do 123, 1841- do dd - 60 do 165,184 t do do . • 15 do 183, 1841 -4, 7 , 9" do 1 47 do '..210,1841 , . do do 15 do 174, 1841 do do r , 15 do 175,184' 4, do( do 90 do 152, 1841 , do.:------dcr''----qt do 154, 1841' do do' 55 do 85,1842 3, do do - 05 do 148, 1842 . 4, do do - ' 1 10 - .., do 176, 1842 3, do do 40 do - 74, 1843 8, do do 41 ~ do 132, 184 T -8,. John Bucher' - heirs - '7s' do 164, 1847 Owner Unknown 51 do .412 , 1847 - do do -,- ' - •61 do 1 22 , 18 1 7 8, do do • 18 do 68, 1848 George Atektke 18 ' 1 Lot, 1842 4 C. Hershey's,holrr 69' do 109, 1848 Thlnns Warren •88 do 145, 1647 Owner Unknown 12 do - 200, 1847 • do do 12 do 153, 1847 ' do do . •12 •do 69, 1847 - do do • 12 do 91, 1840; do do . 90' 5. , 5 - -25 52 26 ' 25 25 • I -A C. J. G A YLER'S • FIRE AND 'iIIIE,F.PR9OE, AND. FREE mud DA MPNESS PrHESE. SAFES_p_ossess. every _ iliention - to render thenTWo"of against'the action of tire or thieves, and of sufficient saength . to endure a full from any story ,cif a burning building. They_ arc made of wrought iron. :” ,being.kneed, riveted and welded. together, and lined with a perfect non-conducting fire proof mineral composition, no wood , b mg used in their construction as in the maj t •ity of !area, sold by other makers. The do of GAY- \ te -IiER'S -Safes . are secured ',. i his THIEF .DE'PECTO If - and -ANTI-GUNPOWDER LOCK, Which preclndes the possibility of piek ing or blowing - their open with gunpowder.— ' Over rw o HUNDRED , Of these Safes have bean exposed in accidental fire to the most in tonsaleat,...in_many_inatances_remaining_inAhe __ burning ruins for several days, and at no time_ have they ever been known uphill in presejving their contents. " . •.. , Ile public arc invited to call at the Branch ' Depot, No. 10, EXCHANGE PLACE, PHIL ADELPHIA, near Dock street, and examine the iitimerous testimonials ill lavor of GAY LER'S SAFES,. also the late assortment on hand for sale at manufacturers prices, by ° . , .. JOHN L PIPER, Agent. P. s: Also for sale low, new and second hand_Safes.of.other•makers , which. have. telten‘in part payment for Gaylcr's Salaman der's.- laplo,'so;3in " - FIRE - INSITR./4.111' CM. THE Allen and East Pennsboraugh 'Mutual' Fire Insurance Cori - many of Cumberland county incorporated by an act of. Assembly, idnow fully organized, and in operation under the Manage ment of the following "cominissioners, viz R Porgas, Michael Cook— in; Metehoir Brenneman', Christian Stayintin,- inion Oyster,. Jacob H Coover, Lewis Biter, Ailenk , y r L mu ogan Benjamin II Musser cob iCir Sael 'Pr we l l; Joseph Wickgrs h a m, 'rho rates of insurance are as low and favora ' ble as any Company of the kind in the State.— Persons wishing to become members are invited` to make application to the agents of the compa ny, who uro willing to wait 11110111. them at any . time. • JACOB 'SHELLY, President. HENRY LOGAN,' Vice President. Levu HYER, Secretary. COCRI4N, Treasurer. actl7'49, A GE N TS Cumberllind cooed y.—Rudolph Martin, New' Cumberland. C. 13 Herman, Kingstown, Henry, Zearing, Shiretnansto..vp, Robert Moore and Charles Bell, Carlisle; Isaac Hinsey, Mechan icsburg. Dr. J. Ahl,"Churchtown. York count y.—John Shefrick, Lisburn, John Bowman, Dillsburg; Peter Wo'coral. Franklin' John Smith, Esq., '3Vashingtbn, •,n, A ver t .Banialßaffensber g er, J 'W,,Craf & - 'Members of the compani - h g - a aving policies bout to expire can•haire them renewed by fink ing application to any of the agents. Gottlen"lloese hotel, ADJOINING THE ,COUR 7 I --- HUSE, CARLISLE, PA;• THE subscriber haying leased the above large and commodious HOTEL, situated ori the. corner of (Ile Public SquaM and South Hano ver street, and lately(occupied by Hen!. L Esh— leman, begs leave to announce to his friends and the public that lie is prepared to entertain them in a manner which. cahnot trait to meet 'theirapprobation. _ THE HO USE has the most. pleasant. loca tion in the borough—has been newly furnished and otherwise improved; and no pains will be: spared -to make those who, may' ojourn with' him, coin - humble during their stay., His par lors aro large tind l well furnished, and his chant- ' 0 bers supplied 'witlynewand coMfortable bed• ding. • HIS TABLE will be supplied Wi li the, best , the market can 'afford, and 'all wlitfiro connect ed with hishouSe will.be found' attentive care. THE BAR will contain the best tiquors the city can produce. • HIS STALING is entirely new - an 6 extort.. sive, capable of accommodating from 50 to .60, horses—making it a desirable stopping.place for-DROVERS, and - will - be attended by a ski!. ful Ostler. in shorvi-nothing will:be wanting calculated to add to the camforCiind conveni ence or - those who may favor• him with theit patronage.,_ BOARDERS taken by the wcck r month, or year. tr7 - TEIII , IB MonER ATE. . 1'014'49-1G ' JOlll% HANNAN. rlocrron YOURSELF' Air—Fon 25 CENT'S ! ! ._,. - .7 18y means of the . pocket - ..sculapius,or, Every one lie own Physieitin !' Twen- . y-fonrlll edition, with up !girds of a- hundred engra- .' ingir, showing privat e dia.. r ..,, was+) every shape and • wee . and malforinations• f die generative systemy. 1Y WhI.YOT_ING, M.D. -. ' The time has now ar iing from secret disease, .4e 'VICTIM Or lUTACIIEII7,. . . ~s contained in this book any .. one - may cure lihrutelf, withobtAindrunce to bu siness, or the-knowledge_ of the most intimate' - 5 friend, mid with Mic tenth the tist(al - 2exponse i In .; -, .addition to tbe general routine of titivate diisease, it fully explains the cause tif maithooll'is earryAle• ''• dine, wttlt observations on' marriage—besides'—besides'' ~ • ninny other derangementa which it-. would not he• .jaiiber , to,eriumerate. hi the public, rints., • . , ?•., ft•frAtiY• person Sending TWENTY-Tlre CENTB, encloicil'in a letter, will receive one Copy'of this ' / • bunk, by Mail;_oat five copies will, be sent for ono ' dollar. Address, "DR. W., Y(IUNG, - No. 152'. $ l'ft UC EN. t reet,.PIIILADLkYIIIA" Po st-ini id. ' . ti - -1111. YOUN q can be.`copsulted oti guy' of ilio - Diseascs-pt;su !hell iit his different publiol- • ,tiong,ut his Wilco 4)2 ,9pRUCFI street, every' i , ility betnieen 9so 3,d501cak., (§'uficl43l . e.xcepted.) I - ;May I,• 1 4 , 0. ! rt -- L ',"-'''' -•: Icono OphiiEiCyclopollC , - ~. •, . . THIR• v !noble wbrk, edited by.StienCar F . c 17taird, , of ' i Aizieoir Collqil, is noWLin ' tlig ' ' , course of pu Haitian. It itl to 40 colywfoed is- • . , gUentip•Fiva Jthintlily''jVittnkrs,. illastrated. by:.. Ave . llandeed Steel ..Eneavisigs, f .I'he-Firs - • liutratole4n, holiben ot,,Ajortinie,Book Store ~ ,f, Acre' ;subscript hilt a! will rhei ‘i t lceived; for Ai:. .• .1 1.,.• , - _'".", -. •, . !amis.-' IN IM II II !ID
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers