Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 27, 1850, Image 4

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.• t DiiboverY,.l
rl lie ts'worSe than criminal If its a
poor weak invention. When it proves a
ready wit, there. is 'a redeeming' feature
in it. -A.Seatchman defined (Hie to be
"the misrepesentation of a fact, wi' in
tent to ,deceive." The definitlsin will
" hardly apply to the foll Owing narrative of
an "extraordinary discovery : 77 " .
Prof'essor Von Grosselback, of Stock
holm, has very lately brought• to a state
'7!•,;gf perfection the art of producing a tor-
Lpor in a whole system by the application
of cold of different , degrees of intensity,
producing from a lessor or a greater, so us
to cause the human body to become per.:
fectly torpid without premature injury to
any urgdn or tissue of the frame. In this
state they remain one hundred or a thous
and years, and again, after a sleep of a
ges, be awakened to existence as fresh
and blooming as they were when they
first sue lc into this frigoric slumber. The
attention of tire learned Professor was
fir. - >t led 40 the subject by finding a toad
enclosed, in a solid fragment of calcarous
rock en feta in diamatei, which, when
take'h'out, showed unequivocal 'signs of
life; but It is sukose'd that the concus•
sien caused by blitaang the rock' occasion
ed its dcatli in a rely hours after. The
. .opinton of Baron Gruithizen, who is •at
present geologist to the King of Sweden,
was, that it must have been in that situ•
• ation for at least seven thousand years—
and his Calculations. were drawn from the
different layeii Of strata by which it was
surrounded. . From this hint the Picift:.s
sor proceeded to make experiments. and
after a painful and r- gborious course for
the last twenty years of his life, he at last
succeedod in perfecting the great diiiCc/-
ery.. Not less than sixty thousand rep•
tiles, shell-fish, &c., were experimented
. on before he tried a huinan subject. The
process is not laid entirely before the
public us yet, but I had the honor, in
company with a friend, of visiting the
Professor. 1 shall give a slight desCrip.
tion of one of the outer rooms, 'containing
some . of his preparations, Previous to
entering we were furnished with ari In
dian rubber bag, to\ which waa.aitached a
mask with glass eyes. This was put on
toinevent the temperature of the room
from being raised in the slightest degree
by our 'Jreittliiiit, It was a circular room,
lighted from the top by the sun's rays,
from which the heat *as entirely disen
gaged IT its passage through glass, &c.,
colored h) the oxide-of copper, (a late
discovery, and.very valuable to the Pro
fessor.) The room is shelved all round,
and contains nearly one thduaand spec—
imens of animals. One was a Swedish
girl, from appearance about nineteen
years. She was consigned to the Pro•
fessor by order of the government to ex
permit nt upon, having been guilty of
rnurdering her child. With the excep
tion of a slight paleness, ehe appears as
if asleep, although she has been in a state
of complete torpor two years. He intends
to resuscitate her in five years, and con
vince the world of the soundness of his
wonderful discovery. The Professor, to
gratify us, took a small snake out of his
cabinet into another room, and although
it appeared to us to be perfectly dead,
and rigid us marble, by application of a
mixture of Cayenne pepper and brtindy,
it showed immediate signs of life, and
was apparently as active as ever it was,
in a minute, although the Professor as
sured us it had been in a state of torpor
for six years
From "The Literary American."
As li,te as the close of the 16th centu
ry, the English nobility were entirely in
nocent of forks, substituting therefor their
fingers, with which they helped them
selves and their neighbors in a style that
would do honor to the noblest born Turk
of the present generation. Indeed, to a
well. bred person of our civilized age,-
their habits at table would seem hardly
to' comport with decency. Fhe bones
and fragments were scatered indiscrimi
nately over the'board; 'and were removed
by servants who several times during the
meal went the rounds with a wooden in-
sstrUment samewhaeirt the shape of a
`knife, wherewith they'scraped the rem
nants into a large basket known as " a
voider." The fingers and hands of the
banqueters, were, it may be supposed, in
no very enviable condition at the close of
the feam. Nevertheless, the English
stdmitch is somewhat strong, and it did
r . u.:t t s t e i ciu necessary to English - Ingenuity
o e rto remedy this evil. The Ital
ian., however, are blessed with finer and
more delicate perceptions of decency y ,
which led them to the invention of the
fork. The new instrument ; and the im,
provements in enting which it introduced,
•soon found their way into England ; but
our sturdy forefathers ridiculed the inno
vation as the result of foreign affectntlOn ;
and-forks did not.come into general
in the United Kingdom until the begin
ning of the IBthcentury.
In Germany the invention was even
more vigorously opposed, some saints
whese•godliness seetnu to have been fully
•equalled by their filthiness actually matn
tamed that the fork was contrary to na—
ture said religion, that it was an insult to
the Deity not to use the fingers and that
had Providence' intended us to use such
instruments, it would have produced
them ready for the.hand.of Man.
The Greeks, the most refined race of
antiquity, seem to have been entirely un
acquainted with, the fork.' Horner descri
bing a banquet of heroes, says that' they
divided it with their daggers, but kinves
us to infer that 'they carried it- to their
mouths with they unassisted digits. Eas
tern naiioes,;,even it,the 'present day, are.
• harbarons.; anii,travelers
that there are'few sights;iitre diverting
'Plan to see a Tarkieli belleofysotnfithirty
atone; devouring theleg '024 pretty topg4:
wgciilittr use of th'elork:forins
• t,ingnisbingi,morltvig
D' rchenholtz,. is eptertasni
th 4.
19110w19i 1)94,4' ii:::,1 , 1-44:gfi,04411.
truithe mgcoierec vihereatllttible
.. / kiaßkilr ;140 11 )41.10 0 'n'' - iheleft, '
'• side of hie'phite • Pieffircqhilin'by psi '
t 4°‘ l f a rli aiWiii 3 VithaiAo
. -
by!planti'perpend mularl yl:frith
11 1 0,041 4;; , ; : „ a i ) ,9.. ` c i a 6 #'1.009g"fiP,
43 - 101 : 41 70 :3 A.Ver+1-. 4 "-P , lll^'4l.'lii
446'1+ 11,110 t: iScri* `it)
ii*t r iii4ijw: ,,, E o :efite9in_icoll)V.Y l llo.filnit 4 a
le4 l •''ctaittP4incer
s"coiriffrimitied, 1t
.ri!.,tho ,igg n? agreeing.
y, TO • •
4,, ~;`PI,4,
• ' s• ,
1 ;‘,
wYTlut• following beautiful lions ore from ELIZA..
"Loved-at iiiloanc.r • 4 4 0,"? . ,0,-";, •• •
I never litdtitcti;pbotid note,. I care, not who_inay
Nut golden broocl44lOW7iegiliriid,riidt4i4ltt ttat's
• I've barrieti ‘ e72 . lr u te r e B ll l 4 v d ; illid fur yoara hy; honest'
daily toil, • •• ,
Yet letv'haVe had a 'twirlerw
henri or ern.ti gladder
• seDdle.
For 1 have hod a blessed home, haneuth whose hunt.
'tile roof ,
A Tontloir'S-ipigittly 'prayers for toe wdro - breathed
•":.tViitirtist reltreoll •'
And -where my-sisters' clustering hive grew round,
-my friendli Stein;
And looked Into wipe eyes with hope as I looked Jny
.to them:
Ye who have giventoy,
,lips delight, nod ye whose
• Ilan' ever held toil i t ' a r n:r in
bless ;
Oh, ye have ever heard
timr6's noerd; 0Jo0ymo0t.).
at home„
If pride could see !try scanty room, some twelve feet
six by ton,
And take down all the chattels-there, would seam.
ly Soil a pen t
But there are yearn or mother's hive—in letters week
by week,
A wealth that helfris can hatter weigh than tongues
can aptly speak.
And . Judging hence front What whene'er I
see a face
Nellie-lighted on the path of life, I'm certain I can
The root [hence tint sweet Influence min oily truly
The ,inward Joy that fills the soul when we are
"linvED AT 11031 C."
There . is such a thing as being almost
Christian ; an looking back unto perditiont;-as.
being not far front the kingdom of heaven, and,
falling short at last. Bowers, lest thou 104,
the retvard. The promise is made to him llt
holiieth last, holdall out to the end and over
commit. Lohor to forget the things which are
behind, and reach unto the things which are
before. lie who tecontented with just enough
grace to escape Hell and get to Heaven, and
desires no More, itin'yrWiture - he heti, none at
'alt, and is fur front tlio kingdom of God. La
hor to enjoy converse with God:- Strive to do
everything es in his presence and cur his glory:
Act as in„the sight of the grave and eternity.
Let us awake and fall to work in.good ear
nest. Heaven and hell are 'before us. Why
do we sleep ? Dulness in the serviim of God
is very uncomfortable, and let best will cost us
deer ; but 'to be contented in such a frame is
the certain sign of a hypocrite. Oh how will
such tremble I:vlicti God shall call them to give
an account of their stewardship, and tell them
that they be—no longer stewards l Oh, live
no more upon the invisible realities of heaven,
and let a sense of their excellencies put life in
to your parte' manses I For your preciseness
and singulaiity, you must be contents to be
laughed at. A Christian's walking is not with
men, but with God.. Ho bath great cause to
suspect his love to God. tvho does not delight
more in conversing with God, and being con.
feinted to him thou in conversing with men,
and being conformed to theta.. How can
the love of God dwell in that 'man who liveth
without God in the world 7—Rev. John Jane
When this eminent prelate lay on his dying
bed, lie called for his chaplain, and said, `•Thq'
have.endeavored to avvid sin and plead') God
to the utmost of my power, yet, from the Con
aciousuese of perpetual infirmities, 1 ern still
afraid to die."
"My lord," said the chaplain, "you have for
gotten that Jesus Christ is a Saviiir."
"True,"_ was his answer, "but how ■hall I
know that he is the Savior for me 7"
"MylOrq, it is written," Ilim that cometh to
me I no wise cast out."
"True," said the bishop. "and I am surprised
that though I have mid the scriptures a thou
sand times over, I never felt its virtue till this
moment; and now I die happy !"
THE BEST EMU T/ ON.—• A youth
seeking employment came to the city, and on
ingdirieg at a certain counting room, i 1 they
wished a clerk, was told they did not. On
mentioning the recommendations he had, one
of which was from a highly respected citizen,
the merchant desired to sea them. In turning
over his carptt bag to find his letters, a book
rolled out on the floor. "What book is that ?"
said the merchant. "It is the Bible, sir," was
the reply. "And what are you going to do
with that book in Istew York ?" The lad look
ed seriously into the mercliant'slit, and re
plied, "I promised my mother. that I would
read it every day, and I shall do it," and burst
into tears. The merchant immediately enga.
ged his services, and in due time he became
a partner in , thi-firm, ono of the tho.moat rex.
44 a,
pectablo city.
CoNDENBED ARGUIIIENA very celebrated
Scotch divine says ; "T he , world wo inhabit
must have Idyl • ann'Otgin that: origin' must
have been intelligence ; fiat lateDivine° must
have been ultimate . ; that ultimate newer, oust
have been supremo; and that which always
was, and is supreme, we know by the name of
xltlr Goon* ..-
THU subscribers havb just returned, from
Philadelyhia wiih a splendid assortment of
goods for gentlemens .wear, with which they
intend Offeting'great indticemenis to the citi
zens of Carlisle and the surrounding country.
They have on hand tin assortment of •
(niJ Cta 13F-1 LT. a:4' :CM. a
such as dress costs, cloaks, over coats, vests,
pews, shirts, tiosoms, collars, under Shirts,
drawers, gloves, stockings, silk and other cra
vats, packet handkerchtels ' suspenden, hats
and Caps, trunks, traveling bags and umbrellas'
all of which articles they intend selling at a
very smell advance on city coat, having for
their motto "small profits and quick sales."—
They wish it to be te.curstood that their clog/.
ing is a'l manteacturecl under their own super.;
intendetico, and not in the city, hence they arc
enabled to warrant every article they sell,
Having an experienced butter engaged in
their establishment, they are prepared to, make
to order any article of clothing in neat, .faah
tenable and substantial unannor:and ht.short no r
tics ' A gNoLp,..&• LIPIsiGHTON,
• North Hanover street 'tlirectly . .opposite:P.
iVionybr's Confectionciy Store. •.robt.3 gin,
Tito, - gitbspriber, G gfilitiOn' the 'ritentillicturei'.
11', di .CASTINGVat' Ina 'Foundry in High 'street,
nitt,V:p ti;linntl - altill''assorttofstntlnl
" ? rPtitfeenar putt fed' to' furnish ol'
best: ptyte-end; and_ at the shortest notice; He
.t has now On hand, alerge asiortnitini 'of Cast
-.{ ings, such as,ChrtiLcrusliere;llill , Gearings end
Gudgennovllengh casttngevPointe s . Shearett9d,
!C utters.' Wagon and•Cioach Boxes Seller grates
,'f 0 yen . ' D ocirit,n'etin k • Weight 6,,f Cooking
'.‘l,,Tongintp Atilt! ,g g al,,S t ovos. flab Antilds,
and rOptiliVCAßS, , l'hieslitiii:Alit,
rebinds and HOisa•Powifrs; wit h , every
" '" othericind.eftlflachirioir, at the Ain
laumf,lfoliny,4 p0.!6 texpe; pettipns,vy,i4lijng
to Imo I,tign; te9ll.l,lndir,t.hent Bitnnt_H— 4 .
' ` '" * .dt id') Stray •stger,, u.
, m.t
I . rlA:ME . R.ile,sXPral'lP.ti t .o.ttc e . su,boor!•
• I(at,lier,-itvpouililMi 14IotpP I' ceWile)l* OD Ut
b"" , , i , 4 ' i the lat, of Dep4 eitifil,:is - 444,vc
' il? 1 .411(«, ,- • RT.,k , Eitri b,91 1 (1114, 1 ',W ) , El? liriAli
comma i ',,f/ 4 * lnt ° tiPol 3 1 4'' q° ol l9l' 7 :tatig,
4 77_, .z tho.r.n.ip,,ano, ~. ..tsiLrtrfs,
wi erd i'llAßl4 o ' ,7 ProP# ll 9,l 3 Pay t c7get t iV i cl," , (I ,‘O
Wilk, til,vitY $ 4,4' ' -, Will bdzclispotO pf, 4 IL, Qcorlng 7
,ta Inivkipsu7 'l , , TIPI - i156.0, JON V491P., gi,".44 ,
' Jan ,2 * ill! -,,,. ,„,, , ~ S , : , to7lfsofb ifrl4
- ;
.., , '„, 4, ' 'iv , ', , , , :)..1" . 4' ,', c • ,; ~ -
~‘ t . , ./ 7 , •:, 1.11 '•:a r t , ic , ' , 4 ,- 14ti t S '' ,
tiro to wercome orld to
t;t guy, ."%yluitever elm!
rth fur waif, ne bding 'loved
r.' tug
Case of Bishop Battler.
• firklugoltqkbiertil For,rfittli4;lr
•THE •subscriber ofrers-at- private sale,
rho propi‘arty.lity'SvlDelf,theritiAlliYAMlXfllg,
itr trunkford,township,.lo,inilesdveef ,
inglakeit4 00eVesasi at e and 'graVal,land;:a4jiggl
'lli acres, clearedliiid,,M,,a good x 1.111114 Dinh
VI) with a propoetionate.share• -grebe; land,. thie‘iialatice ortha jet is in There itPle
thriving yueng orcburti of choice fruit on the
• premises. The buildings are a
'dctod LOG HOUSE and - 1)0UB -
#` y, L LOG DARN, q smith shut.,
H't• 42.Teet by IS, wills emit shed, and
other out buildings, .41eu a ne,vor
failing spring near the house. Thisis nn,excel
lent stand 'tor. a Blacksmith, being at - ,the junc
tion of two public roads, and irLa settlement lor
Persons wishing to see the properly,
Will cull on fhe subscriber residing on the prow
ives, Poitseision begiven an y . limo after
purchase and payment made, An indisPulable
title will be given
March 20, 1850-34 , , . •
. .
Tan Yard-Property For Sale.'
rirlHE subscriber offers at private sale -the
I_ property on which he lives, situate in Cen•
trevillo, Dickinson township, Cumberland coon
ty, containing 3 acres of ground, under good cul
nvation, on which is erected a Two STORY
. - BRICK HOUSE, and brick back
gq' Ig i buildings, also a 'FAN YARD,
'.7.,',."4 a o o ~., with eighteen vats out of doors,
. 7 jal, two leaches, two limes, a pool of
9 `' -- running water and Pour handlers
in the
.shop. The whole.' is in good order.—
There is also a large Bark shed and shop, and
good ..tables winched, whh overy other conve—
nience. The lot is well supplied!welt fruit
trees of every kind. it is a most dcsirable'prop•
, rty for any one wishing to ciimmenee the Tan
ping3winess. It will be sold on accoMmoda—
tnig terms, and po,sesion given immediately.—
4ny,one wishing ro see the property can tip so
, applying to.the subscriber.
Agent for Elizabeth and Hnnnalt . Stoner
Feb. 27,1850-3111. .
For Sate.
rvvrE , -zubscribur offers et private sale the fol
L lowing described Real EMato.
No I.—Situated in NortlimAdleten township,
, q miles Nast 'of Carlisle, about one mile North
of the Carlisle and llarrisburg tutnpike road,
containing 22; acres, more or less, about j lime
stone and the residue black Slate and Meadow
land: all cleared and in a (sigh slate of cultiva
lion except 60 acres well covered with heavy
Timber. The buildings are a very fine ten
story STUN IS HOUSE, and a
I frame barn partly new, with
. ;in Cora erilis, Wagon sheds &c. a fine
1111 apt house ale(' u never 'failing
sprind of waternear the door of the
-house, - also, agoodorchard .01 choice fruit.
No 2 —ls situated one and a half miles North,
of Carli , le, 017 the road leading from Sterretta
Gap to Carlisle, containing 165 acres of first noel
Slate land, thoroughly & woll limed, except 75l
acre ',which is well covered with 'l'lollier,„kbe'
improvements are a two Story frame_ dwelling
house and a large frame barn, all necessary mit
buildings is good.condition, also, n good orchard
of choice fruit, this farm is well supplied all
water for stock in all the fields: Also, 2 wells ol
wet. r item- the house that never fail. Persons
wishing to purchase or to examine the property
will pleue cull on the subset l'aer residing in Car
lisle. A ilMSTitt iNG NOBLE.
Possessien will he given on tl,e Ist of A pri
it required. Payments lib made to suit
1e1i.13 50-sm.
For Sale or Neut.
MITI.: 111118 T AND .111.111C11A:\ M ILI
I. 'WWII a 9 the Petersburg Mill, situare to
the mouth of the Little. Jllllllllll Creek, Perry
County, Pa., - 15 miles Irmo littrrialiorg. A
,4 STONE illll.l, 11110>L•' - 40 leet
- square, with two or, shot water
a a tc hculs. 4 ran of Preach purrs,
and a Swot machine. with all the
apitaratas emliplete hir maoulae
twring 'Flour—elm, a dwellieg house lur the
Duncannon Iron Works adjoin the above an,
affords a good home market.
The Central Itail Road runs past the mill of
lording every facility for gutting grain and sent
ding the products of the null to the Eastern cit
Tito above property will be sold or rented fur
a term off y..atre Iron] the Ist at April next. AP
pli,:ation to be made to
surviving Ex'trx of Antos A Jones, Decd,
Petersburg, J unitary 7111, 1850,-50;
Fur further infornlat•on apply to 1 Egbert,
Carlisle, Pa.
House and Lot for Sale.
4 ,4 THE subscriber elrers for sale
• • the flouSo and Lot he now oc
?!..10 U I copies, or West street, bpi wean
Loather and North street in the
borough of Carlisle. The house
is two stories high, rough-east, with a back
building one and a half stories high, arid con
tains seven good rooms.. On the end of the lot
there is a workshop and woodhouso, fronting on
an alley ten,feet wide, runiong to Locust alley.
There is a variety of choice Fruit trees on the
lot, and a Nell of good water nearly. in front of
the house. ' For terms and other information
apply to the subscriber.
undersigned has also on hand 50 Ve•
nutlet) Blinds, of various colours and sizes, fir
sale low fur cash
fah 1:1-501f.
Valuable Farm for Sale.
irl ONT A I NIN (I 130 acres, situate in South
vt) Middleton township, Cumberland county,
t.-to miles South of Carlisle, this farm is of su
perior Limestone land, divided off in conveni
1 .
S--, ent fields, the buildings good, with an
1.,:cl , excellent spring of running water at the
±= l -1,- - .. door of the dwelling. This property is
well worthy the attention of those who want to
buy, it soul be sold loWif application is made to
the subscriber between this and the first of
Aptd next, after which he intends to start fertile
liee,..q, those who want to view the property may
call on .it. Kluppror, adjoining or to the mulct" ,
,signed in'North Middleton, possession given ott
the first of April, 1851. J 1-4:13.811E,
_ '' March . 4, .850.
Superior Groceries,
TUE subscriber begs leave to' infiirni his
&lents and the public in. general, that ho• bun
just returned from the city, with a large all\l
general assortment of F It G ROCL
LIES, all of which• he is prepared to sell at a
, very smajl advance. Ills stock is coMposed of
a general assortment, of-everything in the Gro•
cery dine, embracing in pairlVas. Cofii , es, Su
gars. Molasses, Spices,. Tebtieco and Cigars,
Queettsware and Glassware, Fish and Salt,
Crackers and Cheese,. Fruits, Nuts and Can•
dies. Pius and Etheruil Oils, Fink( Lamps,
Hams and Dried Beef, Beans, White Corn,
Vinegar, treys, Matches. Drushos,&c
!'arsons will find it to their advantage to give
me a call, as I ant determined to sell at
modems v cprofits Don't forget the stand, S t
Hanover street next door to Hannan's (Into Esti
elman's Hotel, and within two doors of the VII
Itin.teer Prinnting Office
- „11ee96 '49
C INHOFF, A'ffe*,
0„ A MUEL A. HUBBARD, having purcluts.
od of Mr Henry A Sturgeon, his stock of
Drugs, Medicines would respectfully sq.
lick a share of tbe public patronage, at the old
stand,.corner of Pitt anti High Strome, opposite
fho RAU Road depot.
will•keep constantly on hand, an assort
niOnt 'nf fresh Drugs. Iliedicines t Paints, Oils,
Dyo Stulls, Perfumery, and a, variety of fancy
- articles; which he is determined o sell low.—
He will give his personal attention to the- busi
ness, and pai tichlarlY:to puking up proscriptions,
A liberol.deduction made for Physicians coon
try Morehants i •andPedlirsii.'t)
Feht-,13 ~ • ,
7 1i2r
tr. %It,
ititalic,aisbinhilas' ate
so. kiignOdisturbed ,t Cough!lOMs
trig',liiilk/idtial, decik tin' act
:df 'eliatity2.,tO - advert tit ,any-alloyitiliiiVeT:the
would rticOtrirnond:DOC:
.tieinkibla:SeniedY ae `onaticis
tife'boat nOW;_tie,rBr . o . th?s,public!;;!tti 10)94 'with
dually() poimrs'cif a high ardOr e `,and
entire safety be Oven to 'childiiih:•''Akily
Stray lifetfer.' ',,:.- '
CiilviEld , thollienlioes of VioioutieniibOtoiln
..Southi.gtddlekon towpalup,katiouti the lint .
...:1,,,' , . , of.Docntinbeticun ) ;ll.olilzipLE
:'.7 /0 ' \ .91110IFEltn,t0outi a i0nr,..,01d,
',..__" l in , t witln,whitolsOad Allithiatiskr4l:lo ,
4"1414 " "40001 1 1 requested to . ,nomeifor 7 .
4 -4vard,Provo.prooortv,
4A anaM.!9P4 1 9 4 0 , 44 - 1 0- dloPpsed
at (4 4' 4l '
, ceordingtojaw.; • ~ . -.... i 2 . ..',..:L n , '- ;,., - '
, I. ~ ?:'I, ' ,IT. 1 4 4)0.4' (rv:GEOttr* VOL#Blik'
Itiri;2B' 1i960:•'itt.6);•;;41,4 l';v'k.. l +;k l o llV, ' l ': 4, m
.. ,
, t
if rianUPAC-'i-ti,-14,
1ijpa..;•761.' Gr-' , geortra9P".4. ulTi
-: osrri.ile4eiie:a.,tilnilitithi'et,,,4o3l/Vl:kf3Slsy
lii.jeil44lll4l " l l,l Gr e l i, * r 1/iii-iIT,Nr
,48(TIPIP'Par,ii°!qii1)56V131-AlR,coi Akff
13111,i 4.314°tt, M e:,
.. ) :,-, ;' 1;i1:dr,1't14!.,41,•„i;,:,w1:21
likt4+,;,:rei,s. iv, /
,' ‘, , l ' 1 ~
.vA ',; Ft `,.T'',",,,,' ",, - • '
. . .
.RETAlLERS:..:Arlyrioriro • •,...
, A 7, . ,. ~ .y .......-----.•-,, ,
Li §' • toil itotailer.!;n4r , krrls, are ,iiiiill4ol,!,
ght(h•dio, within #4, Co ty q( Cuidhlirv.
land . , 11114ottirneilhinUEllissified , - Uy.L kleffielion v
• Worthington, Esq:Mereantile Appraiser, in AC ,
cordutice with the several acts of 'Assembly as
•-•• • 'IIoW"Si Vi l igli - V . .."1 . X.°1: 1 ..1il trq ..1'1f.,11 - ii
1:0;',. • . ,Carltstt,ii ) ~.. i t ,,,,,,-,., t,.0,4158„, ~ APP
YJOhn . 0
t"tifinOhy . ;
'3...k Y • 411) .Y 1'. 4 . : • ' 13 ~..10' ' OU
.. ..'•'-, • , - 1 ' , “13 , •: . i ,DP 001
7 .I,uopli 1) Hattie -1 ' 13 10 0111
'' skidinuel Elko • 14 • 7 OU
. Charles U My ' 10 20 00
• Char.e arnitz (liq.) ' ''''' • •13 15 00
George W Ulmer • : • . 13 • ' 10 . 001
A&. W Bentz; . . : 12 12 .50,
llama( liekles (liq.) . 14 • ,10, 40
John railer (lig.) .., ~. .. 14 . . 10. 5 9
Jacob:S FausEi(lig.) • .14 ~ 1 0 . 5 , ( P
.J &: DeltheAra. \• • 14 •7 '
W /3114qr4 Agt,' •l4 ~ 7
. S \V, fliii , erstichoo.), 14 10 50
Robat Snodgrass . • ' ' 14 ".y 700
r. , A Herbert Je ~
--,.,.._,• .14 "'• - 7 Oil
Thuitinak:Onlyn '' 14 700
Delay Saxton n - is '6O.
'Jacob klidem - /4 - ~7 00
John flutnet (lie-
l'etch.)dopyer , . 14 700
J olio 1? Lyon • 'l3 10 00
J go,b Wolf . (lR)) . 14 10 50
S 'A Coylb• 13 10 (l
J acub Seiler . 13 10 00
Jacob Leioy (liq) 14 10 50
Georgel'uland WO 14 10 .50
C lutioff Agt. (luo 13 15 00
S Al Iluover 14 7 00
'l' li sidles 14 7 001
J \V Rawlins 14 7 00
\V M Porter 14 7 00
Arnold 6:. Livingston 14 . 7 00 '
Thomas W Martin 14 7 00'
Natlnnollautch 14 7 00
John Keeney 14 '7 00
Arnold & Levi • 11 1.5 00
N W Woods Agt • 43 lo po
b!innuel Goldman 14 7 OU
Haller & Conner .. 14 7 00
Lewis Slitter 14 7 . 00
Shirpensburg Boivugh
Robert Snodgrabs 12 12 50
Edward &hull 14 7 00
John Gish 14 "7 00
James Gilliurd 14 *7 00
Kunkle - 13 10 00
John Stionbough 14 7 00
Philip Koontz 13 10 JO
Peter S Ariz Agt 14 7 00
Joseph "'Nevin ' 11 15 00
W•D li Hays ' . . 14 ' 7 GO
J C & U li Muck' • 14" 7 00.
John 13 Duncan 14- 7 00
U 'Prone & Son ' 13 10 00
Bantuel Siders (lig) 14 10 50
b D Wonderliek ' 14 7 00
Jacob Pogue (fig) • , . 14 111 50
John Fillwiles Agt II 10 00
John 'l' Owen 14 . 700
Jacob Stityley (liq) 14 10 50
Andrew G Miller
Russel & thee
111 Watts •
L Beeline!'
Naue D Cassell
1 11/ A Weakle, (lig)
Charles 13arnilz (liq)
W D Gilleland
.lobo B Perry
I loiry 16nyder
3 %V ("ever (liq)
:-cnoch, eons & Co
Jacob lieffelbunglier
• Frankford.
D Luckey & Co (liq)
J l - iterner Agt
- Nest Pcnnsiorough.
Christian Leas (IN) 13 15 140
Josiun flood & Son 13 10 00
DonalJson & Green 14 7 00
James treason & Co 14 7 00
ltenninger 14- 1 7 ;10
hylci & Wiley
J useph Smith
Hubert Elliutt
WITy & Rhoads (liq)
New mile.
thhilore & Stough
William Barr Agt
Hunter Herron
Jezinsbn Hannon (liq)
'l' Al'eauillish
Jacob Swoyer
John Diller Jr
‘Vilhanis & Brother
S W Shutt)
J :Venison & Co (liq)
Swiond . Arnold (liq)
Ephraim Zug
J L Reiglo -
llenry Len.
Ira Day
Jib: Spuhr
I.73wiler & Fella
George Webber
Miller &,.Miyers (liq)
East Peansborough
Jacob Reningec (liq) a 14
Adam Ealinger -14
Joseph 0 Banks 14
Flei,Mer & Edsenbour 14
V 0 Ranks 14
'1'110111(1E1 C Itheern (lig)
G W Feeler (liq) ..
J & W H Eulicles
G W Singiscr
itrucic & Brandt
M & 6 Murrett
Elias Light
J K Book aio
ltoliort Ltnn. Dickinson
Wrn M liondervon,N Middleton 7
Robert Given, South Middleton 8
John M Good,, Agt
M Bolizhoovor, Monroe
Mr ()peer, Southampton
Pollen Quigley, Hopawall
Jacob Au
David Oyster, East Pannsboro 10
-• Brewers
1 .nry Barnitz, Carlisle 9
Wi am Alexander, " 10
Andr w Hair • " 10
Beer; Oyster '
and Eating Hourqa
deoite L Righter Carlisle 8 - 5 00
Jacob Low • t• •". , a • 5.00 ,
Burnout Spate Sliippensburg 8 5 00
James Maley, Mechanicsburg 8 500
'• • ! Retailer. of Patent Medichiet
A L Cathcart Allen' '• '• 4 • s'oo
William Bretton liewville • •• • . 5.00
G W Singiser Monroe 4 5 Q 0
•Josepl2.l) Bunke E Penneboro 4. 5 , 00
C Norton'Carliale''• " '• ' 4' '' 00"
Elijah Switzer, ." '4 • '5OO
Daniel Rife ' ". .• 4 .4 !aoo
Levi Snell, , ." 4 , • 500
John Craig: ' 4 . 500';
John Deemer " • • •4" 1' G 15001 i
Cusinraifame COUr.rl6 E; e,
do hereby cektil'iiihitiCheefdri4olng ;l en cor•
rect list.of the dealer', in Merchandise, }latent
Modicines;,&§:i Ou'inberland,nonnty, d 0.,,
tariiiid'ii? me by Jefferirrily,ci,lhingtoit4co,,,
Merevintire !Atipridier; :All
_perianth.° reed
AndlblassAqd wider thb 21V9f•1 84% relating? tb
Oirciv,eries,,Reinrit Medicine.,
rni.ookwqB 4 , ar..p. ‘ are. notified, to , cnd f, take
bhtiheirirdlibeetkieliCiiiilies`dii" or liefdre"thrt
flrenorApri laruPall and , 'Otheritlriz,
orld ilinseifiedtairoiboveiwilVcidt-and lake:
out their-License prtn i r t heforel, the 11
May, 1850 ; ^....f'.' konTft
Count), Tr r.
Tieasuier's,9irice Carlisle.; Mar'elt:1111'1.1150,
, . „
rPOWIre,-.49. 1 n4L.„,,; 4
TAMES" ,A, wpnild
,rg9peatlu I ly
a/ till'thiVattention of Honda Keepers and ilia
'Ohne. to Ihtil eattadoive'atook•lpfo N,LEGA NT
Elorav , Vardtobini,
'Cen9.4 and fotherllTables,t; , Diessingyandtillldin
`,fireabriluid'everrothlraidela in hia'bra_nek;pf
buldilhai.ei A I h an d 4 the' , " large:o4l ,
nortinent:ilf4OHAlßldrittOdrlielo; lii"°"°
'Pylnak ilidr,Crifrilialdlido - at , the shortens notice
andlteliolo9 provided fotqune ra
iinV , s 4ll Eohle.ntitahllislitilentodnlifordil; , Haiici!
ver etre troarlolilassett':
month or year;
Carlisle March'. 20'4850.i.rartf '
10 00
10 00
7 UU
10 00
7 00
10 50
10 50
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 50
7 00
7 00
IU 50
7 Ou
15 00
15 Uu
10 00
10 00
7 00.
15 00
10 00
7 00
19 00
7= 00
7 00
15 00
15 00
12 50
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
10 50
/0 50
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 50
10 60
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
Notth Middleton
New •Ckne,berkiwiL
10 50
7 00
10 50
10 oU
7 OU
IU 00
12 50
10 50
15 0,/
7 00
7 00
10 JO
~, 12
r Spring%
her . 13
I G 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
. 9
8 00
5 00
.5 00
• lk
.~ iS:.S~'r::
—• . • :
e..4.;41.1t.4).41,iii 6 i
-11 Fit ‘lti'rdest,' Wed fm's 'beit and; m ost`
olegant assortment of PIANO FORTES
in flip:United Staies,,oun.alwayp he foomt at filo
qi , ar,difotise, ' • i
:171 , Chkout 'Slreekabare Fifth s • og: .
At the Old.Suind,occupitid Moro than n third of
aysntury bkiVir r Georgo - Wittig, music puldishi
or: riattbs.'lltirp.Vbitarle, SerAphines, &ch
arm, &c., fresh from the, most celebrated Menu ,
lecturers in New York,• Boston Baltimore,
Philedr l Phie, end elsewhere. wholCsele'
and retail, at the maker's cash prices. 1
0,51.;41t. C 1.1 CARTER,
171 Cliesnnt Street,rbilndelphin.
rob. 13, 1F. , 50.,,
rIVIHANKEHL 'ln Ihe citizens of -Carbide
L ...,end its vicinity for their ittereaSCd cuato - fii7
we ti t cnin request their company to view our
,largound splendid as:or:mem of
China, Wass al. gleenswarn,
Dinner Sets, Tcta Sets, Tdilet single
pieces, either of (Hass, China or Steno Ware,
sold in nuantiticilit suit purchasers, for Icsa titan
they than lie had• elsewhere—ln tact Tit less
than Wholenalo Priem AMERICAN AND
in greater variety than ever 'before ofFered in
the city. ' , ANC Y GHANA in great Varicty
very cheap.
itlr We would invite any person the
city tweet! and see us—they will at least be
pleasmPfo walk around our CeautWil sore, and
to view the lines! China and the cheapest the
'world produces. Very respectfully,
No. '219 Chesnut Street.
Phila. sept26',l9ly
i? C 4I010:1C ii t
Office, Ni. 11 LocuA :;t., above rith, op
posite the AI usical Find 11;111, Phil'a.
*125,1.m0 HAN' tNG 13_.IS' WON.
BY my unmet oils friends nit the late Presiden
tial election, should convince those skepti•
cud persons snit" talk or FAI nines, that no such
thing al: tAt I, is Or has been known by the cini
inent and disiinknished Astronomer and Astro!.
it&er, C. NV. itoll.lGli, Miring his :experieince
01 over a quarter iif a century. Ito you doubt
outlestination ? Theo in by not ...very . man gain
fi celebrity or Cetieral Tay.lor. Ibuliel Webster
or a I leery Clay 1 And yet there ire some who
nee fooliffi enough to lento t at in man nifty be
!men intin tine power :n see into future events
lions can it be possible that the tlei,tinv of man
should he governed by the tin, run annulling of a
pack or cards ? and yet three :ire tliCalsaiiiiti wino
allow liwiliwd‘ea, with Open mouths, to swallow
tine gi.eits'y ii tita's of seine 0111 woman, whose true
skill consist; in lulling them sn y itit wonders that
are most difficult for nlie tiigei , t ton tiTothers; whim
are Inure credulous, Yvt more scientific. It is
such that bring discredit on a pt oression that has
been acknowledged to be a science et the highest
°Het-from time immetunrial.and is tine only pro
linssion that lots any authorits to sUstnin it. The
high respect which fletteral Taylor, anti Charles
Bet nadotte, late King; of Sixeden had tor Astrol
ogy, is shown by their letters for Omit. Nativi;
ties to tine subscriber, which it will giVe him
great pleasure in showing to those who finvor
him with a eill.
In addition to his power to foresee future e• .
vents, lie has the power togivc suck information
as will effectually reticent such as are given to•
the too free use (tithe bottle. Ile is also caps
bleof curing diseased heretofore consitica4 in
curable in ti is eounley by the orditnnry edi
eines,and wishes all to give him a cull who have
beed given up by physician., nod wink to be cur
ed' Ile will watmatit a cure in all cuses,and still
make no charge ex et•pt FIJI• the ecuijornitions he
shall make tine el in btsofiee. Ile is often asked
Oat a Nativity is? Ile answers neccruling to
Geonutiley, one 01 the seven points in the science
of Astrology, that it is'a Hot roscope oldie future
events of a person's life, carefully calculated and
transcribed on paper, contaitsing au account of
all the lucky aml unlucky days in the months and
years of the persons life for whom it is east; by
which meang theinsands in this country and else
where have been preVented Morn misforttmes that
had beetthitillen in the womb of futurity , by re
ferringio their Nr.tivity before entering.Mn any
speculation. of lousiness or pleasure., It should
be in the hands °revery one as their Almanac for
Isle. A Nativity of an individual can only- fore.
warn the possessor ortroubles flint are in future
for him; those who tire involved in present difli.
&itles of any kind must watt on the subscriber in
persomor by letter, who is'prepared to exert his
secrenulluence for their'imniediate tie cli t. Ile
is ready to use tin ilinUellee lO 11111,51illthe results
of lawsuits.tund all undernikinks lu u Wein there is
a risk involved, heplso makes use of his power
fon the reelotution of stolen oe lust property,
which he has used for the advantage of thousands
in this city and elsewhere. \P lie can doubt a
gentleman's abilities, who hag had tlye honor to
be called on and consulted with be till the crow
eti.healls ol Europe. and etkiniy a In ;,het t eputa
lion as tilt astrologet titles any one liting ?
Orj lie eats Le constilleil with al his Mike, or by
letter, if prespaia, and he is prepared tin intake
use or his putter tinmaty ?film [(Mowing topics:—
Business anti deseriptionsita unveiling by land or
sea; colirtAllllB;ad.Oce given lin• their, successf u l
accomplishmentisp,ettlating in sleeks, MC11:11111.
dise, on real estatet the reeoverieg of legacies in
dispute; the purchasing of tickets; mod ;;IC saict)
of ships at sett. lie also offitrs his sett ices respec
ting henilth, wealth nod marriage, love affairs,
jeuramys, la w suits, difficulty in business, fraud,
atill in all the concerns or life, and Invites all to
all who aro-afflicted; corporeally or mentally.
7 00
7 00
7 00
Ladies, 50 eetitai Gentlemen, Ell. Nativities
calculated and read in 11111,..aecording to the Or•
steles iltassuline Signs—Ladies. $1; GI otb•nteu
$1,50. Nativitiesualoulated according to Uetnnali
ey,l'or Ladies, $.2., in full,. $3; Gentlemen, $3
in full, $4.,
hiotcl sPilitot or lactok y
H, Venillan 111.nd alattutacturer.
• sign ol the 'GOLDEN EAGL E, No.
139 and 143, Seat h Second Street, below Dock.
Street, ILADEIOIII.A.., Keeps always on
hand, a largo and fashionable assortment of
BLINDS, natinfttetured in the best manner, of
the best materials, and at the lowest cash prices
Having refitted and enlarged his establishment
ho is prepared to complete orders to tiny alllolllll
'tithe shortast 'notice.. • Constantly nit hand ah
assortment of MAHOGANY 1' URN 'TIME
pf ovoty variety menufuetured expresslyi for hie.
own sales, and Purchuserl may therelere . reli
on a good article.
• * * *Orders from a distance pecked carefully
and seht free of porterage to any, part of the
Nag 15 ly] fl.„ C 1, Alt
...., : .§ -4 . --,...,...,
..r....': 0 ~-.:----,
..q.4 i . ' ,'//r
.... • ... •
pr,cal induce
47101i3 ' t0 '
sons in Wang ;
of sa L'CLO di
yoceived :additional oupplics o
ILA .Gold and Silver WATCIIDS: of every
Aeacriptioaqklot London, Liverpool andAvvit•
izerland importations, is now prepared'
•ielt the very best articlo al n price far below
lany 'oven ofiereN re
(lie-sonic qttnlityy
ettnnp,t, bo„und,orso pny„o,thor, ; store.,,in
Phitntletphin'fir Nvary watqh d
4111 1 liti pliffeal yl•itbilulniodyl and' watinPreed" to
:lie 'ea kopd . datClttesentedl 'L!' r, • it)
."- atticerm thpfoltirkilittgytu.priffs.4l.•
y ~0 o p
.11 !LIMN
6 . 1;1 it to 'itika; 1 . 11 , 061'4.1 , 1n • 'or 0,28 on
SilVeto &VP' O's ." •"'". 'OO
, ,
Gold LBplllloBViONVOledoio entlitetlaoll , (iVP22 00
Silver' 'do • do , • .0!:,OP
:The L, l - R. - Sri:J=ll Gold Pen, a superior,
arOrile in silver ease, with Reneikap )varranied •
01,50'; 'Gold Penaile fOr - illil•And Wardfi; Gold;
Medallions; and Loaliet for DagitrrrootypeLllceo
i1ea 15 8 ;9,P 1 4.A0A , 11ditig0)00140)9.14, 0 440/0
Merger 4,lngs, - F,lngeT,:,.4l:inge,' and, w,genorali
,assortmdat teftleliterypdesariPrittifiatil , X.llliyolry,l
unusnal , :•. i• '
, Jy'a, 110 .N d e' rill 2d 40,er,,R(1,10,p1i
• -.1
'6el if 'if
rus_e`Sl . Shes
theisiiii fu I tirticies
fored=roilehlizij l emilsioitlPO'cf"Willte'gehi
II; 11.1 i civi
Teeth:a tid , ),Nal h fi
Freati:i,niet yi011 , 00,0filo'h) ate t ; (iagN
tran VI o'iol'dfni? hie,:ltiweist pric'e&h , •l, '.0'1,1
044;6; ' 0 1`.•1, , `,41 .t 7l l-,41t'. 1 ",;,14• , k8 ',until 0 TTI• .I ` . ll
1 Iln - rn
4 4 •
~ a :: ~~; „I'a~l3C~~llltLoU~.,m;,,:w,
. . .
• • -
c-I Cumb., VOly Tkansport,Eition. House.
.°-- ItA•: , f• . .., -
*.- .
.--...ra z a 1 .51r
anal 'and Rail Road:Liuis, for Philadel
phia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, &c. .
x W, trilltlitti., Forwarding and Coirunissinti
Cift Merchant, HARRISBURG, Pa. informs his
friends pod the public, that from theliheral pat
ronage extended to him during the past year he
,has been encouraged to make more extensive ar
rangements for the present season, and has ad
ded Iwo new, large and splendid Boats to Os
• LINE, and will be fully prepared after the op-1
eniag of the Canal, to forward PRODUC Eandi
' MERCHANDIZE of all kinds to and,Tiorn
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, &c.; M th'e;
' lowest rates of freight and with the utmosl•des,
'- patch. ,
• • :
Agents for Boats, . :. 4
liner street Wharf, Philadelphia,
. NO. 48 Commerce at. Wharf, Baltimore.
, - 'CLARK & 'SHAW,
J. AIt:FADDEN & CO. Pitts'g
A gents;for Cars,
No. 272 Markri at., Philadelphia.
No. 423 Ma,Nlot ilt. Philadelphia..
SITER, JAMES St: , ,30.,
Breads w4;l ladolpl4.
PENN'A.& ' '''INE,
'Ndril "rt taltimore.
Harrisburg, March 29, 1848i—tf4
*Heel's Embrocation for' Horses..;
THIS valuable EMBIta
-6,,, CATION will cure Sprairrs,
cfa k ,., : : 7, Bruises, Cuts, Galls, Swell-
V ing, Rheumatism. and all
complaints which require un
external remedy. It gives immediate relief to
the Scratches, and the incident to Horses Laving
white feet and 'cases, produced by the St. John
Wvrt. It is - also highly useful in relaxing stiff
ness of the Tendons and Joints and produces
beneficial efferas in cracked heels, brought on
by high feeding, splints,sprains. This Emile()
DATION is recomended to Farmers, Farriers,
Keepers or Livery Stables, mid private gentle
men owning horses, and should he constantly
- kept hi their stables. The GENUINE arti
cle is prepared only by \V. MARSHALL, No 302
Waco at Philfulf‘lPllM. And for sale wholesale
and retail at D IL RAWLINS' Drug Store'W
Main street, Carlisle. '; .
March 11-Iy. f•N.
Restoration SE Preservation of the
Hair. ~ • . • '
i@/3 Wise dr. Son, oritirginia.
& HON, ill Mg it altogether
imposbible to attend personally to the
great number of daily applications, front all
PCOIOII3 of tile
,Union, for their .remedy for
Baldneon, and for their celebrated HAIR TO
NIC, have found it necessary to appoint a
General Travelling !a, to visit different
cities and towns throughout the United States,
vdsting him with authority to appoint sub-a
gents, use and vend the Hair Tome, and to nit
ply the REMl'othvfl and to put them
into the hands of those he may appoint to ope
rate wherever a siillieient mmther of patients
in any town ornet , ditoohond s hall be obtained.
Capt. GEORGE C PAT, of Fatiquier
county, Va . ¶o aline ant horizmrtp net us. Gen
eral Travelling Agent, with thOpiwera above
('apt. C. may he expected to visit, ait.'speed
ily nn practic,ple the principal c ties and town
of the•l'ninn.
N. 1.1. Cnpt. Calvert will alwayslalk on
hand it lull supply of the HAIIIIVIC
(which cleanses the head of dandrUff, strens
re th
ens and invigorates the stair, and pvenra it,
also, from tilling off,) for the region of eofintry
most contiguous io - his operations, or it may
always be obtained at wholesale, and forwarded
to any part of tho Union, by addressing the
pr.m.totors, iII. WISE & SON, Richmond,
fttr Price $9 per dozen cash. Six bottles for
ss—or ono dollar single bottle.. 4 .oo , [nov2B,ly
For sale in Carlisle by S Wrl A V E
Watches and F Tewely I
- -, 4, , . , t•bIIFF.A i'Eli 'TIIAN EVER
,* 4-- 2 'A . Wholesale and Retail—At the
..''s '4o\ ' f '; "Ppadelphia IVatch and , Jew,:
,• 4 • ~.:••plt. 'tore, ' No. 96 North
-'), 4 -:. 1•::1‘F ND street, corner of Qpar- 1
40. c o;:fithi..:', yl3 trect..
Gold Levers, 1:..k. cases, full jewelled, $3O and
upwards ~
Silver Ley.erh,lhll jewelled, $l5 and upwards.
Gold Lepinasnittt eases, jewelled, $25 and
Silver Lupines., jewelled, 010 and upwards
- Silver Quitytido Watches, 8.1 to 10 •
Silver Spoons, equal to coin, per sett—Tea,
$5, Desert $lO l Table sls,4ither articles in pro
portion. All goodg'warl-anted to be what the
are sold for.
Constantly on hand a largOa"Ssortment . of fine
Also, an assortfnent 'of M J Tobias & Co:,
E.Simpson, Samuel & Brothers, E S Yates &
CO, John Harrison, U & R Beesley. and other
superior Patent Lever Movements, which will
be cased in any style desired
Arrangements have been made with all the
above named most celebrated' manufacturers of
England, to furnish at short notice any required
style of Watch, for which orders will be taken,
and the name and residence of the person or
dering put on if requested
0 1 " I
q p . i 1 '1 ta iv i p
....___.. ... ~,.. .......,.-4......„.........
In all Chriatinnizod and civilized countries, has canzed a
larger proportion of doodle than ono other malady flint nrii
fillets the human fondly; and. 1111t11 within it few pairs,
theln hoe not Leen any certain remedy to awn We oiWittlAttl.
tin or lid destroyer. Ilia now—
rover rrt maul, ho the in., 41thaply notrArtf tired 11....ctered
nv (!nv .vst 1-I . loN—revd, widanbte4C.o.l
Ur Werral. 41 and ituvt.htlan t :64 . $ rr
W...• nu, or 1•••forc• C 1 , ,..! I v nny alvti.otott.
hoprlr ti Well , 5c,,,.' of lilt. PM/m.ll i t ernoita un to isovo
v v 't . t t• n • •••• •i Olotottott tot fronuln to he actual.-
0 , • rit toe. 'S It.. hall eir Lm lithalothrta tooth . , It , vo
•• . •I tt I v.t I,';: ,• tt Ito it trap Haiti tvottl
tot . .. • t•r by.. us well cod hearty as they
It p•... r•• the c'enow uud'pur:fl lug virtue. litany
SR patv.•6C 161.1 net 6 . 1. Its thel preimne Jim wDrch.ce call
'P••e It.t on 1y1••..n front a• 6 E.crtnrt. beennno II por.oru•a
ul.• ~,I1 01, h;::h a.e greelorlarill adapted to, and are
r, the our .if
\NX II il~ l \ DiNSI I MP . TIONS t
n,.1 stl I wt• LOWS Ot n putrruntury nntuts.--sitch diseases us
u t .lo.y I •0 4111 . 100 mule, urtlutury truattuent, whou they
Itrralt; Throat, bllllf.S, .nild
\ 1.3 A :11 Ise No Cl,lt:b .' (a the LUNGS,
nn I rlxo•wln•IO intesnally, nn certainly and unity al, the Pu.
r.t EN, ti.T cruel, and heals Werra rxternally. Tills
It c era N I ,•m ..1,44-4701/0 mnl Consumption out 6(
TnN, nun till other 1:1110/1i0d Lure failed to do good.
Thousands of Corxsurnptions
and ('Ho csk rou t des ulmndinatlyprovo Ito entraablo rpfoacv
In mielt illoonova t anti 11.1 uudouhud curattivu InoverOuld
enalhhl✓, brallng prioivrtleo, in fin li,lloa•ing entnplulllio
end 11140:1/.1 , 11, VIZ.: Apittinprf Bland, Medina at the I.un•v
lain in the !treat! and Nide, A'ight•Swealo, Nervous CUM.
plaink, Palpitation' el the Mal,. Cholsra Jqlnnhaa, I>psen.
tent awl ,Vtanyttr. Oupiptatintr.lti•Chifdrenlitul Abaft, nod all
Ni. 11. MO y 011 ' Ored tie thu politic hni beer beon hull' in.
'revioin nod ciflrlual. 10 rughoring of flip incidental tonamso•.
sI, and i5 ,, , ,, ,a/upities of thu sox, NA :314A CM'S Y
• 11.,,. tlq. II notices no ditilitcnct, wilutimr.thu thmoimunettt
hc.u.pla owl., mar, or trtbur It/Tibias-it ttEGur„vrEs
. I reuatlyniou thc,.hOorhea, , mauti,sitty cinCVI.A.
/ 84othing
no vittrying IsortSbuo 011tITA1111.111.•
:ANC pultillllloB. ;; . , •
• CONStriV/l ir inCiN ''',4 P '' A
" d r \ bYII-4,o::tifp MAN C-) St ED'f,
' wt, C(IICI.CI: .I iV SAVP i,irc
thleli A .fIAM to used; totort'ullur'llus pursuit to etak
rhin ed hy. /tlofrfani Aychts ( , 45.. to , 1,0 .. 1 0140 I , i+i *thy4tver..:
• , diteq,e—orkuully Oils mum; oil con none,
_ • Mist' the( Fli It OCID , toCI,UTII Sacco kW/ Il , •
Aitu.rortkolari bri;lgs , l%4 o ..lnui Ito • 01 ,, C414k god- un.l...fibh
at prat/ or nl4lituscocuntottettoss [nal Mato. 4' o rofur fu our,
I , lll.lCCii: • .•.c. , , '
Tide cure weeSlTuctull'ott Aro/4111A 1/VT,E!tI.IN, 4.1
linflaton Spit, SOra top; •Cniinlii; Wa Cull provelie.
'aka wc#,:prapaancol,insartib/sloy,sial.rja.!lic!iciANs...
aL•toteii . esPiletnbleiMr;'
,chinas nvilfilsertrre,'Noillfran Minty, PchasylsoOnk,wrtau to , .
May Ala)ll,,statio,filtmong other Depot:D*lTc which had
Mum ,Froth the uto .1, PULAIONARY
AI.SAM, ihnt t0rn,.111% thult cuelonietclidd
Shout Mntt bur child, which hid Leon subject jo vies ,faa•:
~assal yes rt,lvell , Curfid try Mu boo' of MIA ST.S 1t.A1. 5.{41.
• .
—See ur r il'ainrhlyislihr curecCeireched by .11.11AN ' 'k'N•
o N.A . d' Y lc lA . ltP',' , " ll
• ' cAlicfccitf:utilP'o44
4.14r.vd . ,0ci0091 nay . failucd.cOnwen;,..,l4..ll}?rry, i. 2.•
, . •,* ,
ev*lt ,, C P . LERAI, IN LIAVAJ'voi ,
• 14eivr:inoiirn. the: ei - kit.". brchir
that ihiltiulustroying complaint, .whulf,tecUihcct,laiWcrw...
weather—Cholera /titanium, • or what "ta celled 8111.11MIC/C,
'',AIIANT,'B,I . III , 4I9I ,I AnY
Ito administered iolltethlttl.,'lVlshoOld,'-holvevor,;ln ouch ,
, s *cut, h'e ucett,luf PI rd. , OAT al lgair.") )4 •
/a ' ! 1? , n 1P411 1 / 1 i . . illll3l
repopirtchv 7r l i)hoit
ifotpricOn ,ig(l7-13io
,'l9lO 0 al
no North.
Second 'V(
Importer of Nyttchos
'‘. • t.
AT'S' '.- •
Life Pifis . aud . h ten i x .hitters.
Those Medicines have now been bef.xe the pet, •
EC for. a „period of FIFTEEN 1
during that time have Maintained a high character'
in almost every prat of thetlebe for their extraor
dinary and hitmediate power of restoring perfect
health to personsauffering under nearly every kind
of disease to which the human frame is liable.
of c er tifi ca ted instance', they 'have even rescued
autrerera from the very verge of an untimely grave,
Mier all the deceptive nostrums of the day had ut
terlyn failed ; and to many thousands they have
perdianeutly secured that uniform enjoyment of
Ansalth,- without which Wei- itself is but a. partial
, blgssing. So great, indeed, has their efficacy Mrs
riably,and infallibly proved; that it has appeared
namely lees than miraculous to these who were
.acquainted with the beautifully philosophical prin
ciples upon,' which they are compounded , and laden
which thisr consequently act. It was to their
manifest and sensible action in purifying the springs
and channels of life, and enduing them with re
newed tone and vigpr, that they wore indebted for
their name.
Unlike the host of.,„pernictous quackeries which
. boast of vegetable, ingredients, the LIFE MEDI
CENES are'purely and eolely ydgettible ; and con
tain neither Megengyaor Antimony, nor Ante
ma, nor,any °MIS-mineral, in any form whatever.
They are entirely composed of extracts from rare
and powerful...algae, the virtue! of which, though
loupltnown'to several Indian tribes, and recently
Op melee eminent pharmaceutical chemists, are alto-'
y - geth,r unknown to the ignorant pretenders to
medical science ; and wore never before adminis
tered in so happily efficacious a combination.
The first operation is to loosen from the coats of
the stomach and bowels the various impurities and
crudities constantly - settling round them ; and to
remove the hardened forces which collect in the
convolutions of the small intestines. Other medi
cines only partially cleanse these, mid leave such
collected messes behind to produce habitual Costive
ness, with all its train Of evils, or sudden Diarrhea
with its imminent dangers. This fact is well
known to all regular anatomists who examine the
human bowels after death ; and hence the preju
' dice of these well.infortned men against the (pack
medicine/16f the ago. The second' effect of the
cleanse the kidneys and the bladder ; and, by this
means, the liver and lunge, the healthful action of
which entirely depends upon the regularity of the
urinary organs. The blood, which takes its red
color from the agency of the liver and lungs, boforp
it passes into the heart, being thus purified by them,
and nourished by food coming from a clean stomach,
courses freely through4.he veins, renews °rev part
of the system, and triumphantly mounts the-banner
, -
of health in the blooming cheek.
•The following are among the stressing variety
of human diseases in which the VEGETABLE
LIFE MEDICINES aro well own to be infal
and second
t a h n o d ro c u r g e l a i t ly ing ole a an fl e o tg
healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind ;
FLATULENCY, Lou of Appetite, Heartburn,
:Headache, Restlessness, Ill,temper, Anxiety,
Latiguor, and Melancholy, which are the general
symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural
consequence of its cure.
the whole length of
the intestines with a solvent process, and without
violence: all violent purges leave the bowels costive
within two days.
Diarrhces and Cholera, by removing the
obarp acrid fluids by which these complaints are
occasioned, and by promoting the lubricative Beare...,
lion of the mucous membrane., :,
Fever' of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a
regular circulation, through the process' of pentpi
ration in such caeca, and the thorouglisolution el
all intestinal obstruction in others •
The LIFE Menzel:see have been known be
cure BREumaTism permanentlY in three
weeks, and BOUT in htif that time, by removing
local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments
of the joints.
Dropsie,B of all kinds, by freeing and strength
ening ale kidneys and bladder: they operate most
delightfully on these important organs, and hence
have ever been found a certain remedy for the
woret cases of GRAVEL.
All3O worms, by dislodging from the turnings
of the bowels the slimy matter to which thews
creatures adhere.
• - • • . • -.
Asthma and Consumption, by relieving the'
air-vessels of the lungs from the mucous which ovals
slight colds will' occasion, and which, if not re
moved, becomes hardened, and produces these
dreadful diseases.
pe c r m c , U
rciy s
w hainch
Itnhvet erlaasS em a dby
cENEg give to rho blood, and all the humors.
Scorbutic Eruptions and Bad Complex-'
ions, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that
feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occa
sions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and,
other disagreeable complexions.
The use of these Pills for a very short time will
erect. an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a
striking improvement iu the clearness of the skin.
always be cured by one dose, or , by two even in
the worst cases.
PILES, Asa remedy for this moot distressing
and obstinate malady, the 'VEGETABLE LIFE
=DIMES deserve a distinct and emphatic
Secommendation. It is well known to hundreds in
.his city, that the former, proprietor of these valu
able Medicines was himself afflicted with this
complaint for upwards of TIUKTY•VIVit YEARS; and
that lie tried in vain every remedy proscribed
within the whole compass of the Materia illedica.
ue however at length tried the Medicine which is
tufty offered •to the public, and he was cured in a
very short time, after his recovery bad been pro
nounced not only improbable, but absolutely im
possible, by any bui»sii means.
For this scourge of the western country these '
Medicines will lie found a safe, speedy, and certain
remedy. Oilier medicines leave the system sub
ject to a return of the disease—a cure by these
medicines is portminent—TßY THEM, BE SA
Bilious Fevers and Liver Complaints;
General Debility, Lose or A
DISEASES OF FitmaLcs—these medicines have been
used with the most beneficial results,in cases of this
description :—Kmo's Eva., and SCROFULA, in its
worst forms,vields to the mild yet powerful action of
these remarkable Medicines. NICHT SWEATS,
Couc, are speedily cured.
Perstins Whose constitutions have become im
paired by the injudicious use of Mcaborty, will find
these Medicines u perfect cute, lie they never fail
to eradicate from the system all the effects of
Mercury infinitely sooner than the most powerful
preparations of Sarsaparilla. A single trial will
place tlitmt-boyond the reach of competition, in the
estimittion of every patient.
Several have lately been discovered, and their
ncfarioue authors arrested, both iu the city of New
York and abroad
Huy of 110 0110 W/i0 /8 not 811 AUT/10111811/
Prepared and sold by Dr. W. D. AIOFFAT, 336
Brondway, New-York.
J. W. RAW 7
A Purely Vegetable Ze"ll l. ' , o- , .
," 1 61?`
RATIVE PILLS nave been gradually
but surely mooing into favi Natoong forni• '
lies of thls•Country for sotne'yoars past. Titer !.
have done this entirely tnrouult their
as a FAMILY ".11.1.1i1DIC TYE: • "ifitcP ..cis,. have
been appoinuni hut. no, pallidg'.axid nag:hug such ,
,'axis resorted •to ,by.quaOks to sell their ~ rninliciaci • ,
his been.dons:•.. , oileied ,
and A nye, and ‘iillenn thine td bo'sold,byytl!•li= . 6
jjj 'Aitor . ccekn „ i The nrop:rictors,.elafin
lot' ihatriAladmitia 4.llo" , follOWing advania6O - o c ver •
oll•othars,- 4 vizi. -I . lltov.ara. , P 1111:ELY. V Et.n.!
Tikutx. are PE- f
R A,l3..kL* , FREE ',lrani. all
PAIN. ,TiniYeen tt/Oo• EQUAL - 111 , N •
EDIT by tlial.Y.l4O
UNPSTtWANT and the
S Mt 0 N bitMrlVl.A . N . Thoir•Oftietaney i n •Fe.
vdrei , Aguo. Hontioallea.-Babitual Coatlvene4,
Cholera >lodine; &a. line boon pro.
„troll tcpan,llionsan„elhoy aro a ; Cortain
Tor W orth s , into lirov,iatora p,oroaa a eartili-,
.c 10.00 (11 , gentlomnt) At•:.'Loutswlio %via ceu..
ji TAPE W 0 RAI' hirtha 'tiod•6r AVM.'
IVY THIN :V/IFY 4 'W,IL 4 4 ' NOT FAIL.. •
Staid of Pdnntiylvd=
nittairit nllO P; ,, Alvtaiv , q,b`dr. sold; priad.,2scta
bdx ; :poptainink:FlFirr , ttl LI ;S, with full , di
rectiona OgonlOLCumborlvd •
Conntp. Y '
09-hy , 'DIVR,A,WLIN'S•ICarII4IO“ PO
JIIP4 II ',F 4 I 7 S II IPPRPRIHIrg• •o• . %
~ , AlotgPugAsemt`.Tinvlork;-,t „ •
• ' • '
Proprietors, Lalioiator34.lsro 141 Cimino Wog •
lan ty.
• I : ,•
lan vary' .24113, 1435(0.q .4 - , !*---_
'! . :4 1 ,c0 KO. #:44-2Vitoar.'lrri 1
I 1