Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 20, 1850, Image 4

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,t;o44lV,;r*VPlZ4Mt.?'ll;qriA.tsS-44,P14',.11P.'",4f‘.: VrA5}37)4.-4'.'V!,41*444"4"--'67.4","*.r34i44.,Wt.A1ti41,47,7'Ank,t50.04'.4,iq
• 4 1y,
414 - GM' 31M, Wtoa4 .
0 .1 10 'I6ALWOVEINV
, •
Plqiiii iticscongliesifio:llo
On the 13th inst..,ahoMernorialocif the
Senators and. Representativeiliect ,
California was presented in [wench
es of Congress, praying for the immedi—
ate admission of 'California as a State of
, the The memorialists lay be-.
fore those bodies certified copies...of the
constitution of California, 'togeth4 nrith
.their credentials, and they requeSi l On the
name of the people of their Sirite;4ier ad-
mission into the Union. They expreOf
“deeptioonishment and sincere regret at
havitig learned, since their arrival in
WaShington, of the existence of an or
ganized, respectable, and talented - opposi•
tion to the admission of the new State."
They add :
"This oppAtina is so unexpected, - so
important in numbeksdLability, and so
.decided in itsteldrial character, that
they feel the, sholi d digihiustice . to their
.constituents, to the cause of good gotr'erit, 7 ;
ment, and to the progreeeive advaifce
treedorn alid-eivilla i tion, did ther%ot at
least attempt to a aver the many argu
ments urged against the admission of
Then follows, at length, a history of
the territory and of the organization of a
State. As regards slavery; the memo-
rial says : i
Much misapprehension appears to have
obtained in the Atlant;o States relative to
the question of Slavery in California.—
The undersigned have no hesitancy in
saying that the provision in the Constitu
tion excluding that institution meets with
the almost unanimous approval of that
people. This unanimity is believed to
result not so much from the prejudices
against the system which are quite gen—
eral in the northern portion of the United
States, as from a universal conviction
that in no portion of California-is the cli-
mate"and, soil •of a character adapted to
slave labor. Since the discovery/of the
mines, the feeling in opposition to the
introduction of Slavery is bolieied to have
become, if possible, more unanimous than
heretofore. The .relation of master and
slave has never existed in the country,
and is there generally believed to be pro
hibited by Mexican law, consequently
the original California population is ut
terly opposed to it. ' Slavery is a ques
tion little discussed in California, so set
tled appears the public mind relative
thereto. Public meetings have scarcely
ever considered It. The opinion put for
ward that the debision (4. this question
has been forestalled, has no foundation in
truth. And no more conclusive proof Of
this can be found than the simple facts
that fifteen of the forty eight members
composing the convention which unani—
mously inserted the prohibitory clause in
the Constitution, were from slaveholding
states, while twelve were California prop
er, an,d twenty one northern men. Fur
' Alter than this, there is no doubt. that two
fifths of those who voted- in favor of the
<ionstitul.. n were recent emigrants from
slaveing states, while it is known that
.ett r
mapy of the votes given against t the in
stilment were so given in consequence
of the failure of the messengers to dis,
, tribtite the printed copies irieveral mi
' iiiii'ir, localities, Na debate upon the sub
ject \vies had in the convention, though
•-•-soimet•conversation" ensued upon a prop
osition to submit the provision to the peo
ple for a seperatesitne. . This was
gested by nolthern. men and did not pre
vail. ::i'''
The memorialists lay down the follow
ing important points :
i. That a territorial Gov n l n li p under the
revisory power of Congress, % •• rt q far from
promoting the interests of a i orate, so cir
cumscribe its energies, prevent the develop
ment of its capacitietyand impede ifs general
advancement, as to be a source of discontent,
difficulty and ultimate ruin, either to the gov
ernment or governed.
2. That the wonderful increase of the coun
try in population, in wealth, and consequently
in commercial, social and political importance,
renders imperatively necessary the adoption of
such a system of .messurds as can only be en
acted by a State Legislature, end enforced by
a State Government. •
3. That tile= and oppression of the
United States - Is forced California to
form a State Government, if olio desired to a
, void civil strife and anarchy.
And, 4. That the people of that country did
not adopt such form of govornment in obedi
ence to dictation from the executive here.•theo
Gen. Riley there; but, on the contrary, actual,
ly took the iniative in the movement, and only
concurred in the suggestion of the de facto Gov
ernor as a matter of course, to Bate time, and
with a patriotic resolution to merge all minor
differences of opinion in one unanimous effort .
to avert impending ills and remedy existing c.
As regards •the boundaries of the State,
the memorial says .that they were adop
ted by way of compromise, the debates
on the subject in the constitutional con
vention having been of a very angry des
cription. The memorial urges that, !al
though. the area of the State, 155,550
square miles, seems very large, yet one
half of it is covered by mountains, and.
half the residue is a desert waste, so 'that,
only one fourth is .useful for ,agriOultural
purposes, that is, 801371 square miles,
or. 24,888,000 square acres of arable and,
productive land. This estimate is fully
borne out by the topographical surveys
of the country; but, anxious as the memo
rialists are to avoid misstatement, they do
not hesitate±tO_ Asiairetheir_ belief that
three-fifths of the whole territory embia:
ced. in the , State of California will never
be:Susceptibie of cultivation, or usefql to
man. Thiii Would give, as the remain
inglWo fifthtq62,32o square miles,which
would constitute the sum total 'of wane
ble amble and and,graking , land ,:embra
ced ;within .the boundary, and. distributed .
dt intervaletiverthe whole ; surfuctiof the
~,:,„. ~ !, • ... .. 4, . . . . ~
.They estimate the population of, -.dli
fornia' on the.lst of January las4';,'to have
anihnnted.',.to 40740(30;,iOf,,Which.',Uunibit
.7009 were Americans, ‘13060 Califer,
niAna'.,M , o9,999::fereigf!eraw , ' , '„,
, : ! ,,- ; • , i
;;. i fri b W rakivcrilllrigiitt44lVlia tiii;'';'' ' s'inili‘i:
of bete :÷'•,.;, -.!,', "1: , :;'.;!. , "' - '',.,;-•.': ;3z*,,'•l l ),_' l ,'
igriiiis noi 11'00' R.i*! 40,010,,'t.d'o'i'itii41
' Bah- a State pover#paSnt in ofilitniitioh - ,M
orregedleisofiilfAviiheir•and rights of
t'4'. p e ei3 le et : the'T4itea' Sicifee;,;thtit'tge
people of , baliforniA,PuisiindlhiiaiMriii:,
No improper motiyes, mo ; Ambitious im:
ri4lsiip,;',po mcutir9r.inffue*e:prOmpte'd
their, acgork.n,TheY &die* ' that, their
brethreiN,OalheAtlailo Appreciated their
~011eiiniga/atil4itiiosir.patriotisni, and
.:. wPP4l,4ll#lfiractW IvAtiq° ' 04 'he'sr
# i
ilik 0 0 1 ,4,111!" `E) , M9B.O"' 9,1 ,e, t l Phitiid',
'. 'l44Atef r 414 1 3 S tyA/Orell ,do t ers ,to
- "t l gOirtite,K,, eik.fs RfOuputorgilt4tifit,
.the,,stkee iiatilug e)i-onmodat*pian4;
'-elcultif;ficikittid , 'T' ,l 4i4ipliiiiiye A titoksji o ,
;! . ; , oni) - oft l opAbflairesa'tlielilespiitiiliiiii of
:,. - •!..;-, . , •,.;,, ' - .1 , :. :,
-• '::'4, ~-;; ' , ''; ' '..,,t,";; - ' :, , ;,'`',-,;;;,,•, ,, ,-,,c .'..,,,,,,,„
'...:, ;,,' . ' -, ..v. • -., -.; ,-:,;,',, ;.-.-,,,!.,J2,,,,,,,-;,:-st
•• '' ' ';141 - r" ' ' '
executive ' officers, •itn ,
,e`i sifeeohos • of
distinguished statesme n in Congress had!
coriiiibuled in tilteiryAgrett*'tlegkee, and;
•.ris n othing Of, aj,contrary clttirttcter F had`
,ever reached' theTadfic , ahoresoit' , itil - `l5
surPrisitik,'thot 'tlie . sentirrient'Vecato. .:
. 1
gencra,op p ,„ ~, z
~.„„ ~ „„
~,, , ~:
' +% .1 ilf I t i, Is. I . 1,, 1,, .:. ~ ~11,1,-
rhii,peopl e request indynissioninto Ate.
American .'Union-'_ ad tc-statir.-, Thpy •un;•
derStand and estimate the . adyLtnAngeir
winch will accrue.*ihern froth V& . ;
Connection, While.tliey. trust they do n ,
too highly tomputo , those which will . ; ,
conferred upon • their brethren. Tlm„,dt , '• li
not present t hernsel ves - :os su ppliaMrit ,
dolthey bear'themselves with , arrokanc“ '
or presumption. They como l ag, OK. -,
merican cititeris—citizeria by treaty,-i
adoption and by birth—and ask that they
may be permitted to reap the
benefits, share the common ills; end pko
mote the common welfare, as one of the
United States of America I' , • ..
1441 estat
• Tan Yard .Property For Sale,
rwlEksubscrlber offers at private sole the
.12 property , on which he lives, situate in Cen
-4,4vi110, Dickinson township, Cumberland coun
ty, containing 2 acres ol ground, tinder good cul
tivation, on which is erected a TWO STORY
BRICK HOUSE; and brick back
.'buildings, also a 'PAN YARBI.
,;• with eighteen vats out of Adelif
1; two leaches, two limes, a pool
running water and icor hantlers
in the shop. The whole is in good order.—
There is also.n large Bark shed and shop, and
good ambles attached; with every other conve—
ilium 'l'llo lot is well suppliedfwith fruit
trs of every hind. It is n most desirable prop
erty'for any one wishing to commence the Tan
ning business. It will be sold on accommoda—
ting terms, and possesion given immediately.—
Any one wishing to see the property can do so
by applying to the subscriber.
Agent for Elizabeth and Hannah Stoner
Feb. 27, I F.:so9ra.
Valuable Farm for Sale,
bo sold at Public Salo on the prom-
I' bios, On Saturday tho 23 of Nlarch. 1850,
at 12 o'clock, at noon o. said day, the following
described real estate, viz:
A tract of land situate in Wostpennsborough
Township, Cumb. county, bounded by lands of
Win. Dunlap, George Rea,Doct. Alex. Russel,
Jabez Huston and Thomas Duffy, containing
about one hundred and twenty acres of lime
stone land, of which about 90 acres are cleared
and in a good slate of Cultivation. and the reel
. due excellent_timlier land, having
thereon erected a two story Ltag
IN& HOUSE and double frame Barn,
,44%.. with a never failing well of water
convenient to the house
The terms of sale are, one hall of the purchase
money to be paid on ie nth of April next,
when a deed will be made to the purchaser, and
the residue in two equal annual payments there.
after without inlet est, to lie secured by judire
meets or bonds with approved security. The
same will be sold subject to the lease or Samuel
Allen, which will terminate on the Ist April 1850
and the purchaser receive the rent under said
lease, the gram now growing is reserved.
Admmi , trator of Jane MeKinstry, decd
Feb 12, 1850-41,
N. B.—lf the whole of the abtroe tract is not
sold, the undersigned in pursuance of .an .order
of the Orphans Court of said county will offer
at the time and place and upon the terms above
stated, the one fourth and the fifth of n fourth of
the above described land, ut, public sale, being
the interest of Jane MeKinstry, deed• is the
Sr me.
For Sale
nnuE Subscriber offers at privatcsale""tria' r6t
1. lowing described Real Estate.
No I.—Situated in Northmiddleton township,
4imiles East of Carlisle, about outs mile North
of the Cat'islo and Harrisburg turnpike road,
coutaieinge2s acres, more or less, about j lime
stone and the residue black Slate and Meadow
land, all cleared and in a high state of cultiva
Lion except 60 acres well covered with heavy
Timber. The buildings are a very fine two
story STUN E 110 USE, and a
1 ! 1' good frame barn partly new, with
;Nib, Corn cribs, Wagon sheds, c. a fi ne
11 1 11 I,: spring house and a never !idling
spring of water near the door of the
house, also, a good orchard of (Auntie fruit.
No 2.—Ts situated one and a half miles North
of Carlisle, on the mad leading from Sterretts
Gap to Carlisle, containing 165 acres of &morale
Slate land, thoroughly & well limed, except 35
acres which is well covered with 'limber, the
improvements are a two Story dram dwelling
house and a largo frame barn, all necessary nut
buildings in good condition, also, a good orchard
of choice fruit, this farm is well supplied with
water for stock in all the fields. Also, 2 wells of
water near the house that never fail. Persons
wishing to purchase or to examine the property
will please call on the subscriber residing in Car
Possession will be given on the Ist of April
if required, Payments be made to suit the pm.
For Sale or Rent.
1 known as the Petersburo Mill, situate at
the mouth of the Little Juniata Creek, Perry
County, Pa. 15 miles Iron) Harrisburg. A
square, with two overshot water
II.: wheel s,, 4 run of French Burrs,. t' , 4 ;c 1 ,,„',1L and a Smut mat:lliac, with all the
• - - • apparatus complete for mantilla:.
luring Flour—also a dwelling house for ;the
Duncannou Iron Works adjoin the above and
allbrds a good home market.
The Coniral Rail Road runs past the mill af
fording ovary facility for getting grain and son
ding the products of the mill to the Eastern ci
The above property will be sold or rented for
term of years from the tet of April next. Ap
plication to be made to
surviving Ex' trx of Amos A Jones, Decd
Petersburg, January 7th, 11150,--50'
For further info moronapply to 1 R Egbert
Carlisle,, Pa.
House and Lot for Sale.
• THE subscriber otters for'sale
zi; "
co the lfes, ous
on e
West street, nnd Lot he nowbetween
' pi
74-: I Lpulhar and,Notta street in the
"`' botrittilt 'of Ea'rlible. The house
sl2l'two• Stories rough -cast; with a bock
building one and aalf stories • 'high, .and "con
'taine sevcimgood rooms:' _ Oj thmenil l nfthOot
is' `workshop and : woodhciuseAanil , d'g obi
an alloy ten feet wide:• running fo LoatistillbSy,
There is a variety of choice Fruit • trees •orri4he
lot, and a well of good water nearly - 41'10W eit
he house. For terms- and other information'
apply to the subscriber. ' •
try - The undersigned heti, alsp.o4atit o re
notion 13Iieds,
_of various colirakAd for
sale lovifoicash.....
feb.l3•sotf. • •'•••••"' t•TV
Valuable Farnifbr Sale,
, NTA 1 NINC,r 130 n'etilia;, situato;in , ,Soutji
, Cl' Middleton `tOuriiihip; 'C mberlatid*tititp,
,fv,o, Sontlfofailriteld, ;big Tartn;..ii Of su
, fitirtor Limestone offAr;:con:Seni.
".ent'fiolde, ibp . Abilditign good, with on
. exeblltint spring 'efraimlng,wateptit,the
door.of thofi iwollng. IThis propenk
'woll46ithy' the attention of aloha, who, want to'
+buy, witl bo sold low if appli,aition iriado' to
;the subscriber _betweerrtlus ,and,, tha first of
;April neit,'nfteewhich heintonds - to titan for the
thoso Who: wait' to Sib* the prOperty may
Kloprifer, adjoining or to.tbe undor
leigned,in NortlClVliddleton, possession giveifOn
thp lit* of April ; 1864 : ~,J11K044:4
I March .4, "
' '
Dr. Wileltiq oo#o. Candy.
OW istet4 fa5,..65130(iS and
Q LC $. pu b NV asseinblica' are,
. F ao re9tAntly diiittirbe'd by the Codgli,:of @Mho
reoffering individual. wo- deem it rather an act
of, charity 'to ',adyert to , enyralleviatidn of the
evil, and would eonfideritly recommend 1)0C .TOIL W.l.l.iblr'B"agreeiktold remedy "dedealett
the heat new',,lrefere the iniblie,'ae trptelavith'
icuroOve tmorm;fir . 4 order, tuidltiatwith
ahloty,¢o W 4 401 fr
' deolV6W ' ' A.9l,j(prW )9 0 1,)4 , 404/4.111,,D
' 4 T A l C !,? ieett #6 e / d e ; - A l tt 4l n:o ll44/ 1 100 01 41.f
16 .euFfdfitldlbf lfps
'4 c r i , 4 'wharriPOaYeOra;lrßllooBoT l T l (a4
'443,,: , (9 P,/e'•G' r Y 7 4 l/ TX , IP
'` •
.. „ ..
NO TI 0 EI.c,'# ) ,, RETAILE Elft..?;, - .,.
... / ~,,----:`,..,,,....-,.'.-'.-
T IST.-ot Retaildri4odilidiPW4iMitilD4Vier
'l.4 igliandisei.Nßtin.lic Count's , . :of:;‘DiAlmber:..
iftihd, Atha raturned4and clasisified , i 4offersori
19.4 2tOililitottilEsg rlllercantiloi A rptai t ser,,la sei.,
!6druppco' with.theisaverabdiebiof, Assseably as
follows,Ws': • ~.i,.,.. ~ (i ~. • . .... - - -
f.,. , • ' l' Carhilqt.c;‘Y)-' !
.1 .- NV 'Eby ' .i ‘'''',.. , -..,
obit' G•Darmony ' '
, . ... , . h D Halbert
......: mil Elliott. •
ID . les Ogilby
• .'harles Dau , nts .(144).
aorge W Ilitner
&V Bentz
; ' :=LEcklei(lico
ohn Faller (lig.) , '
Jacob S Faust (11g.)
„I &13 Rhoads
W 13 ,Nlurray Agt,
W Daverstick (NO
ltober,t Snodgrass
S A ifelbert Jr; t • .
Thopas fionly.n
,hdifiry Sltxton
Jac6l). R boom
John Rumor (lig)
Peter 'Monger , •
t kii._
Jolt 1' 1) Lyne
J,aco Wolf (lig)
S 4 oyle
Saco Senor
Jacob eiby (hg)
4 \
,aco S
Jacob t.._, ,
Georg O land 'dig) . - 14
C Inholl . gt. (lig) 13
S M Hoover 14
T H Skiloi .14
I J W Rawlins 14
Akr M Porter 14
Art told•WlA,Angat on .14
Thoirks -, WAThrtin 14
Natlon,Hatife:ll 14
John Keeney" 14
Arno leF Levi .11
•NAViVoods Agt 13
Samuel ,Goldman 14
Haller & Connor .' 14
Lowislitinar 14
Shippensbmx Borough
Robert Snodgrass 12 12 50
Edward &Mull l4 . . 7 00
Jithn Gish: 14' 7 00
James Gjlliard • .14 700
S Kunklos l3 10 00
John Stambough 14 7 00
Philip Koontz 13 10 00
Peter S Artz Agt ' 14 7 00
Joseph P Nevin 11 .15 00
Mr D E Hays `----.14 700
.1 C & G 13 Altick 14 700
John 11 Duncan 14 7 00
G 'Prone & Son 13 10 00
Samuel Siders (liq) 14 .10 50
S D Wonderliek 14 7 00
Jacob Pogue (liq) .14 10 50
John Fulwiler Agt 13 10 00
John 'l' Owen 44 ' 700
Jacob Stnyley (liq) 44 10 50
Andrew G Miller 13 10 00
Russel & Dice ••lt,s, , - 13 10 00
W M Waite -,..:. -- 14 7 00
D L'Boolman ~,"""'i 13 10 00
Isaac 1) Cassell o r S 14 7 00
W A \Vesicle, (liti) •-, .i 4 10 50
Charles Barnitz
.1 \V D Gilleland
John 13 Perry
!leery Snyder
Jahn W Clever (lig) 14 10 50
Schoch, Sons& Co 14 7 00
Jacob Heffelbougher 14 7 00
J . B Lackey & ,:o (liq) It 10 50
J Sterner Agt 14 7 . 00
West Pennsbonough. •
Christian teas (lin) 13 - 15 00
Josiah hood & Son ' 'l3 'lO 00
Dunatdson & Green 14 7 00
.lanies G reason L$ Co . A 4 7 00
C Henninger - 14 7 00
Kyle & Wiley • 14 700
Joseph Smith 14 7 00
Robert Elliott (lig) 13 15 00
Wherry & Rhoads (liq) 13 15 00
Gilmore & Stough 13 10 00
William Barr Agt , I 3 10 00
hunter Herron ----- 14' 7 00
emison Hannon (,liq) 13 15 00
Till'Candli‘sh 13 10 00
Jacob Swoyer 14 i 7 00
John Diller Jr' 13 10 00
Williams & Brother - 14 7 00
SilW Sharp 14 7 00
. . Mechanwsburs.
J Alellii,on & Co (lig) 13 15 00
Simond Arnold (lig) 13 15 00
Ephraim Zug 12 12 so
J L Reigle . 13 10 00
Henry Lena a 14 7 00
Ira Dayl4 7 00
J E Spahr 14 7 00
Swiler & Fella 13 10 00
George Webber 14 - 7 00
Miller & Myers (liq) 14 10 50
East Penszsbarough
Jacob Ileninget (lig) 14 10 5i9
Adam Eslinger 14 7 uu
Joseph 0 Banks • . 14 700
Flei,herkl , 74enbour ' l4 ' 700
W 0 Banks 11 .....,•''' 7 00
Thomas C Rheem (liq)
G W Fester (liq)
J & W H Eckles
. .
. h
G W Singiscr 13 10 00
strock & Brandt 14 7 00
Al & S Manna 14 7 00
North Middleton.
Elias Light • 14 7 00
Neon Cutxberksnd
J K Bunk WO
NV i Prowell (liq)
John Miller
South Middleton
r junatlian Young
A' M-Loidich
W Alexander
Rider & Wen'cloy
A L Cathcart
Isaac Barton (fig)
Mathias Bitner (lig)
Jacob £play
Michael Burp
K Bonk, (lig)
Silver Spring. '
JON Meteor & Brother ' 13 , 10 00
John Reed • 13 10 00
Coyle & Spongier 13 10 00
Jacob Simtnone • 14 i 700
Distillers, .
Edward Showers, Carlislo 8 12 50
William'Harkness,. Allen 9 • 800
Joliii.lwinim • " 9 800
notion • :Ann, Dickinson . 10 5OO
Wm 51 Henderson,N Middleton 7 ' 20 00
Robert Givoo, South Middleton 8 12 50
'John M Good e Agt " 10 500
Al Beltzhoovor,Monroo . , 8 12 50
CW& P A Ahl " ' 9 800
•Mr,,Cuover, Southampton 10 5. 00
'Robert Quigley, Hollowell 9 8 00
Jacob Au 10 10 00
David Oyster, East Pennohpro 10 800
;Henry , BarnitziZarlisle
"Williamegklexander, " •
Andrew; err •
' Meei,'Oysternnd-Mciiittelloinies;
/ Georget' ftighter Lawns]; 8 5 00
'facetr.Low ,100
,Samuel SpeciiShippiinebtag • al 8. !".. 5 00
• Japes Maley lieelianicskurg 8 500
- Melailers of:Patent Medicines. •
; A L Cathcart Allen. -. 4 5 00
William , Bratton Now.ville 4 • 5 00
,G WSingiser Monroe , 4 5-00
'Joseph 0 Banks E Pennsboro:, 4. 5 00
t,A, C,Notttni,Carlislo • e 500
`ElijahrSwitzer, • " 500
Daniel Rife 4 ' 5 00
I Levi Snell, . ". , 4 ,5 00
!John Craig,: ' 5"00
:John Deemer, " 4 5. 00
COVZITT, S8 t , • • '• '' hereby certify , that the foregoing is a:cor-,
rem list of the' dealers,in, Merchandiee; Patent
Madicines;:&e:: in.COtherlanii eountyttoCrO4.!
turned to me - by Itfilerson .Wiariliington; ? .peq4
Mereanfile'ApFraisor.'`All, persone, returned
and 'classified under'tlie,',A4pllB4.9,'.ielating , to
D Ititilleriee,43reWeriets; Patent Medleinni;:Eat ,
ing Hottace;ke.i, are "notified.,to, atilt 'enil 4 take
Mit their respect.tve Licehseken or 4 ketfore . ., fits
first 'et Aka, and,ell Albrolnatte. arid' °there:re
ttirntid•tiful sinsiifisiti . nO itkesp,
out d i the' ."day -of
4; . • , County Pensurst;
Trehltuiveli Office Carlisle 'lluirell'l3; 1850 ~
N . .---,?-•,/ tiV). l ,:li_oll rs 4 ' evoitii. lw , 4„.
viii,Avia...i.i1'i114,71 4 {1.3 ,, ,,,,..y , 44, “,, - , , , .4 P'' .#, f).' .;:- ,-,
'''...11;4‘ 71 1' 7 ,f.1 4 .. 1 :! . ... -- ; Y , J.Y g1Y11.,,q : krPP I FAtOrl l 4 3 u#'
,•.' .i,','.',.`'-'.(!'c° l i l (4.Y4l9.Ay.ttillOtfi'',oii ,:yiiiiiiiiiiiii) '
Vittviede l l / dli t,ft Sf!li Pa b ßefS)lc l l4Pi9l.ll.9'l°Fat
iilciii;findlliefen Ana t illoinj,' # if'''rf. t
ma l'i*Pilih"i ,
cei,Ve , INg i 0 7 Iclirea, lipkllVOllt i jkliOra4l. 4 ;%-, '•
, I:.ollriieln, - Fpb; 24; . ,1re5tC•v: 4 9. - . , WA1grp , ... , f ,
Class e•cis
43 10 00
13' 10 00
14 7 00
110 20 00
13 15 00
13 lu 00
12 12 50
14 10 50
rl4 10 50
Ml 4 10 50
14 •700
14 7 00
14 10 50
14 7,00
1110 in
14 /0 5e
14 • 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 ip 50
14 70 40
14 7.00
14 10 50
14 10 50
14' 7 00
14 10 50
13 'lO 00
.I 5 700
13 10 00
12 12 50
14 10 50
13 Ir/ 0,1
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 10 .50
9 .'8 00
5 00
5 00
tkViEr• e;,i,V1)043"1"-
Second ,, : • Lval•pqail poßdl.,
- . 11
-,,„z -, t Ass, (i.Store e d -4 . - I
Corner qtHa: , geh 'dliti. , JAP 400'4 $ 1 q 41 , 8 /: °PP°
site a. Leonard's old And. .-„,
,under igned respectfully informs ;hie'
friends and the public, that hellos just returned
from Philadelphia, with a ••ltirge and carefully
selected assortmentoPe ut, u.. i. • • , ! i .. , r7...
~ NEW IittiLL:•,GO,ODS, .
purchased wtho lowest prices,: and .which, lie,is
determined to sell at.small profits. .4
large as,
sortmont of Clothsat from 75 cents to
.$6 .por
yard, Gassinteres, Dassinetts Una' Yeetinga, ,at
various prices. • ' •.
Ladies Dress Goods, such as Dclaine4 CaSht
mesa, Cobtirg. Liciiiese 'Twills, Thibol ' cloth
and n splendid assortrtfaiti. el Silks. An orogen
assottmanthiCalico and Ginghains, suitable for
the aopreaching season.. Ghecicsi Tlekingiss
bleftchekAcid unblesiliedfiluslinS. • ' . ' •
.k,sh fi'g BOOTS AND SHOES.
omo ,
$ l O 4)ed ß assurttn ( e i n c tof Men's
good W and hannde
soitic..--a.Wand°lWearlis L do o4 t 3 l s t'und Hungarian
Catis. -• • ••• •
GROCEMPA: in all their: variety, viz : „Su
gar, Ceffee, Miilltisses, Pekin Tea Company's
. celebrated Teas, Seices, &c., and the best
quality of carpet Chain. I
N. W. WOODS t.
December 20,1820.
N. B. All orders front the equal ry Fair
attended to. Rags, Eggs, Butter; apd,e finds
apt-mince taken aynarkmprices.
. .
THE subscribers have just completed
their purchases of FALL & W..).NTE,R
GOODS. Our stock consists in part of cloths,
cassirneres, vestings, cussinets, of all colors and
prices ; white, yellow and red, all wool Flan
nels ; Kentuckyleans velvet cords and Ben
verteens, Calicoes by the cart load, Ginghatz
Mous do Laines, Merinees, Paraninita's,
burg Cloths, Alpacas, Fancy Mehnirs, Lustros.
&c., Checks, l'ickiegs, Pornestic (Arighttms,
Canton Flannels, white and coloured, Linsey.
Plain, Pink, Brown, Maroon, Green and IThk
de Lantos, for 124 cis per yard; Mous de Lain,
Thibot and Telteri HA WLS; Long Shawls
at 3, 3,50, 4,5, 0, 7,50, 8 and 10 dollars: Silk
and Linen Handkerchiefs., Cotton, Woolen and
Cashmere Stockings, Irish Linens, Gloves,
Cloth, Glazed nod FUT. iCAPS, Gimps and
Fringes, in variety, Ctimbs ' Woolen Yarn, all
colors, from fine to coarse, Steel 'Bends, Twist
DIM Clasps, Purses, Scarfs, Waist Ribbons,
Slides, Green Barego. !Slue Beteg°, Table Co
vers of Linen and Cloth, Carpet Chain, Table
Crash, Linen Diapers.. Edging, Limes,
GUM SHOES, all sizes and prices, Umbrel
las, Carpets, Groceries, Queensware, Hard
ware, &c. All the above goods Were bought
for Cash, gold and silver, and at ,a savipg of 15
to per bent. below those who-bought on, credit.
'llion wishing to save mtillAnd O'pr goods
cheaper than they can buy, (hem elsewhere.
oet 10' & W BENTZ.
DAVE just pelted
4 l ii.:l,s t
direct from the city,
*et.° a large. beautiful and
• brilliant assortment of
'FL E:l4 'S Dil ES,:
, GOODS. for Fall and
Winter I ear, to wlnen 1 would invite the
special attention of old and new friends and
customers. My
. stock now comprises every
conceivable colour, style, pattern and figure of
Dress Goods, from the plainest and cheapest
to the most brilliant and costly. Call and see
them while they are new and novel, as it al
ways gives Jts pleasure to show our goods at
he Bee Hive." acip2 p . S A
JMIZIJ offe red at die CHEAP STORE of
Charles Ogilby.
FOIE customers of. this large establishment',
JL and the public in general, are respectfully
Maturated that am now seeciving an 'immense
stock ot the..handsomest and cheapest good§
ever brought to Carlisle,
of every shade at greatly reduced prices. •
A large lot of Long Plaid Shawls front 3 to $ll
do Sp are do $1 to sti
Also, Broche, Terkeri, Crepe, Thibet and Da.
mask Shawls of every style an quality.
A splendid assortment new sty Ribbons which
willibo sold very ow.
A beautiful stock of Cashmeres and De Lantos
at very low figures.
A very large assortment of Black . nod Colored
Alpachas, Figured, Plain and Satin Stripes.
A largo lot of Sack Flannels, very cheap.
A splendid-Issortment of Figured. Plain and
Striped StlirS, front 37i to 1,25.. Black Silks, IA
'very largo and cheap stock.
Very superior large size Twilled,
104-12-4-13-4 ditto Ribbon Bound.
do • do do Whitaey• at all prices.
A large assortment of very superior French
. Mori nous. , All colours and prices.
A beautiful assortment of changeable Satino do
, Chains for dresses and tiacks.
A tremendous lot of bleached and unbleached
!Unsling from 3 to 12 conic.
Jraving, purchased Ip,gely of this article be
fore the advance, I will continue to sell at old
A full assortment of Imperial, Ingrain, Vcni
tian and Stair , Carpets. Selling very low.
Prints and Gingham from 3 to 12,1.
A very Large Assortment of • •
Tickings, Cheeits,•.Diapors, Floor Oil Cloth,
Borkings Volyets,
,Boaverteens, Stockings,
Gloves, Suspenders, Carpet Bags, Cembrickt,'
Dimityg, 11nreens, Linens, Linen and
Cloth 'Pablo Covers,Oil Cloth Ditto, Irish Li
In the article of Boots and Shoes, we go far
ahead of elf competition, both in ,price and
quality. A trig stuck now on hand and cheaper
titan over. -) •
GROCE . RIES,i ~• e - • 1:
-Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rico, Tea, &c.,
Fresh, Prime and Cheap.
Recollect the old stand, East Main Street,
where there is a large room, n largo stock to
select from, -and decidedly the cheapest lot of
Goods oqt of -Philadelphia or Now York. •
Como one and all, secure bargains, at the
'heap attire of CHAS. OGfLBY.
.114,4F1 IF' GOODS.
cLonnisan - CLOTHING! !
THE subscribers have just returned from
splendid' assoitinent•'ol
tootle fciNgOntlfityiens :wear,! whit r which obey!
ntend.oiformg,great dacennents Jo. ; the chi-.
~ otie' of Calrlittle'and` Jri tlnY"surrounding country.
'Phoiliave on, hand an assortment of
LIIEZ la, pr. cla 0 , • -
. 11 01,14? qraYl Tonitki , 4 o PiEs,•over„ coats, vests,
tants. tins,: bottoms,.under _ shirts,
iinwors, glovosVstOl.tkinfOr,. tintrOlkir - da•
vats pocket handkerchiefs, suspendm's, hats
ad Cormi . .trtinlts; tiavelingbagslailinambrellitii
all of which artlelas,thoy,iotood A
,cry small..edVanep
. on city cost, halm* for
their mOtio"sarriall!priiiite and Outelesillas ,
They wielrit to t ha firicieratood !That; their oldtb4l
ntr le aq,.dituiutactured under thoirikWpfstitiori
attentlencej,aoUat in the eity,Atenle .tbely,o,
enablaWfd warrant every' article ; f '
Hali.ind an experioneed4.blicirengarfed .iri
i heir establishment, they ore prepared to make.
ra+ottd . 11 : PPM
.ottabl an aubrifaMitilitnanner and:tuShort no=
deal` ARNO deIIirINGST aN;',O
.ieNiirtkrillatioverOttreefi , direetlyzbppdaite4)i
1 / 9 0 P I I " PO.* qi"IOM lr , k9 • J.l4llY`ri:foil.q stn
cAlll.lpgfp l4 NtirIY* — ,'MA9HINCOIOK
.!,,141.• '',
--7. 4 f2 Mifilifforiboi the' nianufhoturo ,
• 'or ansTrNo , q;!,ttifio.lgou,otltylingliglit PfrOet
and' lutving; odin- 0 ne.,liariffm oosort tinny of
Pattersid,'..ti' , ,t)roparbd'.tofu6lidt hitly of
hoot .aty lo the ehortoot , . tico. -iifi
: 'hos now'on.hant4irhirtro, aloortm , of of
such !to Coirfloruolfero,_Milt Gonrincot "and' ,
• OudgodosalOtiglf caathigo, Phihts '•,lihetirs' and
-Cutteroi , NtigOn atid'Odach - Boxotii:oellai grtitcl,
Doo, {enole:WeightO,
Ton•'Cohl , Stovote.- , jle;„oliid'hullds
• ~. nod , -,reffairo 4;1 ARS, i'Phroohing: MO; -
. • Li.•.4.;;-6 . chinos end Ilorad•Pow,ors,,with on,py
other 'Moohinoinlkt.tlio stfor
in , 'oxdifithgoc,fpr,Vork.' terklaying, parMfand
all of It'oonr,';',../Coi;Pottorno, pohons *felling
to hovittlioutltill
At4 , 4%.4 .
11111L'04011Te Oato , ontolling;. boot..:'brofidog for
toot' :3},,"
f'.ll,4ii' OtiiiriSitiilii,ll',Fll7,lk:;
APPl.l:fq.,'•!' 17,
qiHE - itlTd4Bl, 'o,l3oaikeit; 66.§1.' hd
,`Aderint orTIAN 0 i'diti'A'S` l
in-tholliiit&PS,tirt . di.,:esn'alwn,'s be F001(1-13:1 tho 7
warOhouse: of;t1to tinbsorihor i • : 1:•.)
171 CheBiipt Street, above Fifth,
At the Qld SIAIL&Ice, 'pied more theila third of
a century. by — Allo3 .Willig,of psie pub liei'-
Pianosillarriil,: rgithe, 11er
tts, dde.', fresh fro Ito in Orirtelchrbiet. Jana-
fact nrers in Now• 'York,
Philadelphia, and elsewhere.. ..t. , .hrti idesale
and retail,nt the ins Iter'S cash „: •
•; •8(,3,1 Cl 3 CA W.U111.. •
• , 'O7l Ches t ut Shrew; Philtidulphia.
Feb': 13, 1850. • .„
rgIDANNA , UI.,. to the citizens of C. rhere
'and its vicinity fur their increased vu torn,.
we again request. their Company to rich Per
largo and splendid assortment
China, CNZIES e?. Queensware,
Dinner Sets,Tel Sets, Toilet Sets, and singe
pieces, either of Glasn, t:hinn or Stone 'Ware,
sold in.quantitie.". to suit parch:l:ors, for less than
they °llan he 111.1 eliewliore—ln fact nt loss
than Who've:tile Pri.,R. AMERICAN AND
in greater varietv'than ever 1.1.1.,ie offered in
the city. FA WC V CHIN Aat great variety
very cheap.
{Cr NV, would invite any in-rson %is:elm; the
city to call and $lO us will at leuist be
pleased to walk ::tint I our anil
to view tlie flora Cities and die clicapust rbe
world produci,.
T Nl).\ & 111 . 1:(.11E1
IN'o. '219 Clie,nat Strect.F
Phila. scpt2ii'il9ly
PTotiempior C .R.oback,
[Fizom sweor.s.]
Officti, No. '7 I Locust St. , ,above'B th, op
posite the Alusidal Fond
$25,00,1) 11:11 . 'NG 1311 EN \VON. '
RDy my numerous tricot's on the bite l'residen_
lad eleetioa, should coils thee the s e skepti•
cal pet setts aho talk of 'At tatilat, that no such
thing as FAIL is or has been kilo, a by the mai
itientlatal disiiitgoisheal Astroltomer mid Astrol.
C. iti)BACK , during hi, :experience
of overti quarter of a century. lye - yen doubt
predestination ? Then why not _very gain
a celebrity of (it:aural Tut lor, a amicl I:eitster
or a Henry Clay ? c t there tire some who
are foolish enough to Anita t at a num . may he'
bore with the power it bee iiini littime events.
How con it be tinsmithe that the destiny of man
should 4i` gtivetted b, the mire slitalliag of a
puck of ciirds ? to t there are tlintistialls who.
allow Liiglosiii‘L,, with npiu mouths, to swallow
the greasy words id:l,mm old woman, a hose true •
still consists in filling them a ith a millers that
are most difficult toe the nigestion e,l i th e a. e ., w h o
are nn ire credulous, yi t more tel utilic. It is
Muth that hrtng di:credit on a pi ofession that lets
been acknowledged to lie a science id the highest
order,from lilac immemorial and is the only pro ,
fession that has ally authority to sustain it. • The
high respect which General Tityloroind Charles
.11minitiotte, late Is mg ors , . cdet,t had for Astrol
ogy, is shown by them letters for their Nativi
ties to the subscriber; which it will give him
.great pleasure in shaming to tho.e tale favor
him with a c.. 11.
In addition to his powee to foresee future
vents, lie has the ;kiwi, togive stunt iiihirmaticin
as will effectually redeem stirli as are given to
the too free use of the bottle. Ile is also naps
bleof miring diseased heretofore cuusidercil in
curable in ti is country by the ntalin.try metli
eines, 11111 i at isles till to gate 111111 a call who hove
heed giver; tip by play smitwj and wish to be cur
ell• lie will warrant at Wire ill all casesmtul will
make no charge except for the coit.jurations he
shall makese . of in hi s office. lie is often naked
what a Nativity is ? lie mist+ ers at:culling to
Geomancy, one of the ae\Cti pOlaiS ill the science
of Astrology, that it is a llorrotatope of the future
events of a person's life:carefully calculated and
transcribed on paper, comaiiiing iii account of
all the lucky and unlucky days in the months and
years of the persons life for whore it is cast; by
which means thousands in this country mid else
where have been prevented hunt misfurniites that
land beenhidden in the comb of futurity , by re
ferring to their Nativity before mitering on neny
speculation of business 01' pleasure. It should'
lie in the hands Oreo:l'y hire as (he ' ll' alto:man for
tile. A Nativity uf au individual ;ma only lore_
warn the possessor of troubles that are in future
for him; those a Ito are ;malted ill pre sent difil
eulties of any kind must malt on the subscriber ill
person or liy letlrer, who is prepared to exert his
secret influence for their itutnediute beaellt. Ito
i ready Jo use Ills ittillll.llVe to forestal the results
o nti iihn,uud till untleata :lags ill which there is
a risk iuvolvud t y : am of his power
for the restoration of • 4t i , lost property,.
which he has used for the ge of thousands
in this city and elsewhere. 'd i at eau doubt a
gentleman's abilities, who ha 41.1 the Immo r t o
he called on and consulted with lir all the crown•
cd beads of Europe. and enjoys a higher reputa
tion as an astrologer (lout any one living ?
call he consulted with at his office, or by
letter, if pre paid, and he is prepared to make
use of his ;timer on any of the following topics:—
Business °fall descriptiounti its clin; by laud or
see; courtships; advice given lbr their successful
accomplishineal; sp;cul a tiug in stocks, mercliam
. dise, or real estates the recovering- of legaciesiits,
dispute; the purchasing, of tirketh; and the butety
of ships at sea. Ile also offers-Ids set vices respec
ting health, wealth and marriage, love ;Whirs,
journeys, la wsuitsolitticultv in business, fraud,.
and in all the concerns or lite, and Invites all to
call why are afflicted, corporeally' or mentally.
' TER-111S.
Ladies, 50 nettle; Gentletnen, $1..• Nntivitiez
calculated and rend in full, according to the, do
sides of Niwsuitille Signs—Ladies. $1; Getitl4mee
$1,50. Nativities calculated actSord Mg to (iceman
cy,for Ladies, $2, in full, $3; Gentlemen, $3„ .
in full,„$11.
Blind alatinfactory.
KRCLARK, Venitian Blind Alanaiacturer:
sign of the GOLDEN EAGL E, No.
139'und 1 , 13, Sonth'Sdeelid'Streot, below Deck
Street. PHILADELPHIA. Keeps always on
hand a large and fashionable assortment of
BLINDS, Maniac:lured in the best manner, of
thd best mliterials,und nt the lowest cash prices
Having runnel:land enlarged his establishment*
he is prepared to complete orders to any amount
at the shortest notiee. Constantly on banal tin
assortment of :AI AH 0 GAN Y FURNITURE
of every variety manufactured expressly fat.his
. own sales, and purchasers mhy therefore, rely
un good article.
",`* - Orders from a distance pitelicd care ftilly
and sent free of portorage to any part of tile
iy.' icing 15 lyi 'CLAY. K.
' , WATCIES.I ~ wampum, 1 • •
,_ ~!) • ,_i: .• ,,- , , "7-.'1,, :( . .',.•.` f ,
,Greafindysf , v i, 20, , . ~, ,I.;EirslS R.
'flirt's" ta'PO - !•!' IPI . ::''''','. ' BleovAr
ions in want ~....: g . c. • ,f. ,:r - ,-, - A LL; A o.
br a goo d s. 9 • 2 ::,-',': 110:. !North
gr.T.I'CII: ~.--" "•• '!.e . '.' ' , ?//1.• Second St.
7 2 . • • • „.
JII.VIN G received addition •
al ' supplivi . 0 i
r Gild '' - tiiidQSilVeil'W . ATC MIS , . tif'Aeyory i
1 1
descriptiop;l'Voia London,: Liverpe,ope pd , w.4i !
zerland hapertatione, ic apa: , ..prepard:cl t 9 ., urn. .:
'lab • o;9' Very, bilk Yarticle„' al tcpribe 'tar. li ;AV:
iiireVer (Mihail; 'a
-the . 'sifilign italitY;:dailligl (eh
cannot choqundereeld', , by/:an y; otherCatiße liti !.
Philadelphia or oleewhere. !,yiverylyvatall.;ii?.l4 !
•wi 11 ; ue. vevfootiy - Ce,oliitect, -and , Warrtilaeil .tp
he' as good lair rePresenled, -45 " .2 W ., 1, ,4 '.1 ,1 "•- 1 'f
' i
Watches of the following low prices t. 1,10 , 6; I
Gold IJOvert/I full jam/01'0,1S enratcuses;' $2B
.00. i
,Silver do 'do. -.,... •,, 12 00;
Gold Upham; jewelcd;'•lB itilitteitice'. ""0, 00 /
Silver - do -- .. 2.`do '', '.- '• '' ''''" '— 7 - - 11.0 oo , .
The,..L.MAB itimEll i :' Gold NW,' taeup crier I
attic:lege 'el bier case, ivitli-peaciltand, waileated 4
e 1,50; '.Sold,Poneile for-sl;'and , aovartitivnoidl
Medallions; aitg. Locket for DagurrootYpediike.',
nessoe,'. Gold•Maine,arul+l fair'braceleta,:Breast !.
Pine, Ear 13,inga r .fiager. Itin4egind a:generali
atiebrtaient.tof 'overY • description of ' Jewelry,7'.
'at ulitietial.low,prieceivr a A •, '.i , l , 'i• - ‘ ,., '
~.7,rp. , gip Noilh: 4 ,2,tivrAfp2i/ mir,„l?4/(no ;;Racfl' n
IfOl.fluide/p/ii '. ;- 1 4 .',:?:•'-,` . . t 4 " ~
'''.' '...''. • • ~;'- . r. Lpo Is ':li . : , 'p
rf o '9 m,: l 4i i , 'f' l'
''• 'lVolal . 1.91 - §'priri ' '''l.Pier4i;' , 7.olo '. ' :" M i l ,
- - •
~,,owo r (tm e 44o447 lil P ti,rlisit'A
G E 0 i7d A
"rFk4;l~i}:r{ 'A'. ^ `l:::;'.:.: •i:Strn N',r~rY~lsct.~,.,..,
Cut4:lronir • Tra i rispoitattitt ' House
4 •
10 - 1 =SW •
()anal and Rail lthid' Limo, forThiladel•
phia, BaltimoVe,. Pittsburg; &c. •
WW. KERR, Forwarding and ponni l ission
,ItyMerchant, IlAnitialiutto, Pa. informs his
friends aid the . public, that from the liberal pat
ronage extended to him during the past year he
has been bncouraged to make morn extensive dr
rangoments for the pressorson, and has 'ad
ded :two new, large and l'endid Boats to his
LIPEi mid will be fully prepared after the op
billng,of the Canal, to forward'PRODUCE and
MERCHANDIZE of all Wilda to and from
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, &c., at the
lowest rates of freight and with the utmost des
. .
Agents fur Boats,
Rave street—W-herfrPhiludelphia.
No, 98 Commerce et. Wharf, Baltimore.
• CLARK & SII&W, ?
J. MeFADDEN & CO.S Pitts'g
Agents:for Cars,
No. 272 Market et., Philadelphia.
No. •i 23 Market st.,Philadelphia.
Broad street, Philadelphia.
PENN'A. k 01110 LINE,'
.., P" - 'lNorth street. Baltimore.
Harrisburg, March 29, 1848.—tf.• 11 •
• Hevl's Embrocation for Horses,
THIS valuable EMBRO
PT .CA'l'l tiN will cure Sprains.'
1;5 61 ,4 4 Bruises, Cuts, Galls, Swell
, ing, Rheumatism.- and. all
~.„'!. ~,. - ...,. complaint's which require, an
.externs remedy. It g, see immediate relief to
the Scratches, and the incident to Iforses Laving
t e,
whi r feet mid noses, produced by the St. John
W . ,T, Ant is also [highly useful MITI:I:King stiff-,
nes; dile Tendons and joints nod produces
bone dal effects in cracked heels, brought on
by high feeding, splints.sprains. his Emelt°
(tATtos is reeumentled to Fannori, Fterriers,
Keepers of Livery Stables, and private gentle
men owning Horses, and should be constantly
kept in their stables. The GENUINE arti
cle is prepared only by \V. MA ItSllhr.),, No 302
Race st. Philadelphia. And for sale wholesale
and 1)11. RAWLINS' Drug Store \V
'Main street, Carlisle.
March I -1-.1 y .
Restoration & Preservation of the
Illy NI Wise fii son, of Virginia.
8()N, tio t tug it altogether
jo inip.,,sibld 10 attend personally to the
great number of daily applications, front all
sections of the hot- their remedy fur
Baldness, and for their celebrated HAIR To-
NIC, have found it necessary to appoint a
General 7'ravellin:f nl, 10 Visit differ" (
cities and towns throughout the I nited States,
vesting hint\thurityto appod.t suba
gents, use and vend the Flair Tonic, untl_.l9_4 -
ply the fiIriTOR;NTTVT7., tTar to put them
into the hands of those he may appoint to ope
rate wherever a sitlieient anther of patients
in any town ornelt:lthorlitattl shell he obl a in, : d.
Capt. ItCA; C \ 1,V1:11T, or Fainpikr
county, Va., is itutlioriz, , ,l id, w i t a s Gen.
t rat Traveding Agent, s ilt the 110, Lin above
Capt. C. may be expo,tod to visit, as spred
ily as prac . ticalllc theoihcipalc.ttos and town
of the ,mon.
N. 13. Capt. Calvert will always have en
hand n lull supply of the HAIR 'I',ONIC
(which cleanses the head ci dandruff. strength
ens:Mil invigorate, the halt, and prevents it,
also, from calling 011 -1!or the region of country
most contiguous to libt operations, or ff may
always he obtained at wholesale, and forwarded
to any part of the Onion, by addressing the
proprietors, :11. WISE - & SON, Richmond,
i." - Prl;;e $9 per dozen cosh. Six hot Iles fur
ss—or one dollar single Li Atie. ltinv2 o ,ly
For sale in Carlisle , by SW HAVE R
Watches and Newely I
~." Wholesale and Retail—At the
\ , - "Philadelphia Watch and few
, elry Store
,;, No. 911 North SE
'..a.. ... COND . eft ' rect, eurner of Quer
%+o:ems:n:67 ry street..
Gold Levers, 18 k. cases, WI jewelled, $3O and
Silver Levers, full jewelled, $l5 and upwards.
Gold Lupine, 18 k. eases, jewelled, $25 and
Silver Lepines, jewelled, $lO and upwards 0
Silver Quartier Watches, $4 to 10
Silver Spoons. equal to coin, per sett—Tea,
'ss, I)esert.slo, 'Fable $l5, other articles in pro
portion. All goods warranted to be what the
arc sold for.
Constantly on hand a large assortment of fine
Also, an assortment of M J Tobias & Co.,
E Simpson, Samuel & Brothers, E S Yates &
Co, John Harrison, G & R Beesley. and other
superior Patent Lever Movements, which will
be cased in nny style desired
Arrangements have been made with all the
above named most celebrated manufacturers of
England, to furnish at short notice any required
style of Watch, for which orders will be taken,
and the name and residence of the person or•
daring put on if requested. _ _ _
F I !A
• G.„
fl wands of.cures of .ticrqfnla, Cancers, SvphßiA. and
g... o••• nf Mond— rnd kl the VERY SMA
LNTIT V Inhia% v . :as Its.wi of a Medicine to effect mires eif
vrl 4 To on” ~ f the jg, trying niedical pave,- sn
:1 ,I , l.dned and r..l,plerrd 111 Ch diseases—
Mrn fileve i. nivp.rstv.noide evidence Oa—
and there Is abundant
tio In fro Pliveto!.l6l ON F. BOTTLE of it con-
• .
♦ 1 , ••• r Virl.le. modicul power,
.i•••n• in Pol' It BOTTLES of tiny Sam:-
Wit. or rio that tino over been ofiVred
.• • • • • •
./1 T! .:111 •
1111.11111Wd pro. 4 unr pamphlets, that
.•..• .• Indian Prorj,f NT. they that were
.1 I INT—N..I thm were 1..131E and CRIPPLED
nu.L••• , V. A 1,1:-.-11wp that were SICK, SCROFULOUS,
1 ...... , • tilben ad, /MVO been mAi.t.wand CURED.
:Etuncirocis—Tho us ands—
L:n,•u.. 4I III? INT'S after having used
.1 t •••••••.1 I II4• Slornpa. Wets real ether medicines lea
rtsnivz..lcki t.. cork! Wand thdertses, have decided that—
Brunt's is the Cheapest ,
~/.• has more Medield, curative mane. , Mires more itpease, in much i
•• • • me /wet, of any other medicine.
Witte or 1111 ANT'S PURIFIER will cure
. .
. .
. .
dleenso dual one bottle of Sonaporib
,•••• , -,IIIIAN't"S bo atop at finsr
:,dl •, a 1..0111. gatsapariatt iti . h)te lliit R 1 11414'11
I !:I Sir only ONE DOLLAR abo o; and
, .
tut o t ottio or kn.. cured, hodis enpaUe of curing, FOUR
T.l.tif:S 1,4 11111Vit tiIACILSV us one battle of Socotra-Ws, there.
in consequence of Its ins power and kW
sq.esey, should .ho cold et no more than twenty
/Ir, rent', per bottle, to ho no chum as the PURIFIER at
One Dollar'e Wort
}tow much CANCER—how inuoh.6Y,PßlLlB—how.
or•It one dollar's worth ,of BRANT'S
. 11:11' Wit rui e I Itenifilot following statement, which
a a rpl,;1110O Or Ita powat:— '
This ii dm once ,of o dyini men who yd . lino. Ile hat
rsts./ he worse rose disIIOPULA,' by only &elm boa
tliv VI If raliVaikliritler; than:ever was cured by the use of
r,ssiroi 6.oid,rsi et:the best Siirsisparillo that wen ever made.
!.tett has not sgQidatt Ifialiellipowegtoptruct the cps
of .ttelt it recoliinolu hopeless rage.
.111,0.41 i ur inens,,,Qnside Ce.,N. V. bad &rout
ha/ lour ruittintid: ihrithflted the ital. par—he
wins no oeuch olisonsed aud debilitated an, to be patois, ,to•
raise ids hiond lo his handl i.llO had the ; hest medical advise
s r li owed alal, 111,111 . 1.1 best psseaporillesa to he good (disco—,
oasirs•and worse, nlnl' woe; considered to be In a dying
stois,,fia geeld nig lire firetary:four "1.0111, honors, whom ha
`rillatitueed' suitor ciutANl":, ruitiFtEn.: tns lift*Aaal
i out.,Ts• to Tr 1. it kilt hes oaten throssA ,
ni win•lmp ,ce
,; 141 i dila.- nolluit ilia breathed through
thkrjul; ! .t.his 'sei•wrs se tutlett around Aust it could be Wissi
tot onot,er rhir,otmuly holding by a mall 11_1(4 . 11 the 1160
of on ,wren to de/Strayedby two 111Ceriii 'an , ulcer tinder
Os! rpol:nAlut:e no tun man's )ustut lid hourly main hinny.% •
hl. Jura Ms isubt.,'„,'L'lms hei wea s el:dialed whit Sweetly
Of7al4 , lafellatai alter;: Oh asorlious parts or lag
aersou. , 'or,Yiwolotir awl 11,11 particulars,•coo tour PAM,.
• "lo •• • • •
WII,LIAStS, tone of t . hb /not sk
tr r y
ialesmos.cor cnilool to rtli.,lit,l4l:ll)lll6'dey bejoh .
lot sulthitionnind' btrigoir. .11 Kr AN', exinninedr
11101 that oil the medicines, in the:s.:wrld
sad:MAW coity_hMs.74l4al iitc eateNola • •
• '
; : tiiiio . tit
ii.!o r. 1 S 'lN'ti ft OlotliciTi kit' et; r 1.11 ,, Ito Anfiff i
.t•ty 'sr fro trobfiroti one moon nr.l2/?...11V , T,',$ If U/1/4 0 l'iNt't ;
.1X To ..4 efT, el , liigull er..l.loffnra, thrOttrirl4, or Union., 1:
..fipiff,f,vll4.:llft liuff..llfol tr,,loi'la.urt laltrr. 'That bottle'
.11,1111(41 pie' fi ';irf .:4,-,, , ,ti Ilvd, , ,wlogro , l , lirl Itettn.courmod '
qu: (..te i tt,i , firotit bottle .011:4fled.1110 lavetptifot 041111f.f. a •
41 , 111 i , Li. k.aeo eifulflud inn to to4lle t;i7o,Nalles; to Itbnio Coo.
rr, , 1,10 o 1 firoojthot tir , bolltrrloortt,(atigl , NWWli . i, boll fin , .
;4.1 ft. 1.f.: ilfdin, ...even 1 e'vei 'tilt t . A ( . 1 1 , ill i 1 iv otOttt , hod h , ' , / , J . l.
ii , , tit I . l} rro , L.41/rt atom: egrc,ttol A rnitieFF.r,puri.t,4o,. , ;
.1.,. , cie tr,vyr., .iti t rrtps k i.1 ! y....1' 2 , k i1 ? ;10'0,4 ! 1/:. 9 .0d):,.!...,,.1.1.. 4 , -,..4„, , , , ,1 , ~ t .-,
:;ri ' ' ' . ,./..41..1 . 1 1 ,1T14;k - ii'i',4•11 . 1t45ti4_1......, -... j,•' , :, 1 ;
1,,M r. I i S..iii:l . .lt 4i4'.i(i , ;ttrij f iti ii'litaliqit itttitO4iliiifthialreti 1
Ott''Attot/r, l O toOl, SS, iWO to try',1),.,:j . 1.14',11 , 1.1A* 3- ,..ltir.
t t, k; hllt), aolio It ott•mor . /(ol4—.lltooars ..1
;i t Sti I. I. k. 1.1,11: 4 A li 0. W)1 , ,001 1 , , tAitrtti , ,1t,! 1 .1 1 ! . 4110 14 °.' ,* -1
1 ° M' i *: ).141 :?! y44,112:1.._- , Ey.,t0tvq!?. , prpre' ,, ,..) . : , ,.. E41-i:;5:,Li
;__ - ..l,Pi,r" . .:Riltillalitiotit 10:&w,t,t , DT.s,.!s.::•Ny!
. 414vERsal. IC;; ; Okrii:plot:.,4:g* G:' , ..8 ',...Altick
. ..tind,'W.t.D,Pll4:fiii , Skijiipppi;b:44Wir,i'lloidi
4i(llkiltir:OrkM,P4Vi;',vividliflAtliblilii;ik - " 1- Illeil•
y.9,4;„iy.aw_yiliq r ...,iitiki:pl;
veritill#Atneitt: - Atilleqiitfto-L 1 ,1"; ) /C.Lidii'di:ICO.
r .Z. 1:01 . 01,41.?urg+,II-Mill[goiri rjeicelibutgs;'4Sl.T.i6*
- k;!. -',.' , ' , ":::.F.:::':','77.?)';':e'•'. 5 1.''‘....' 1 .::!:::"':,' , . , ' ::::',.-. '..,' .: '.. , ~:•-", ', ~.,. .:4.- - .' , ''.. , *, - '
. . ...
Life 'Plil§ J 'aittl' Piteenix Bitters.
.These Medicines hove now been before the pub
ha for a . period of PEEN yEadts, and
during that time have maintained a high endractor
in ahnost every part of the globe for their extranr
dirntry and: immediate poworof ,restoring perfect
health to Persons suffering under nearly every kind
of disease tirivlstich theliutnin•frinno in liable.
of certificated instannes, they ; have even rescued
eullbrons from the very verge of an untimely grave,
after all the deceptive nostrums of the day had ut
terly failed; and to many thousands they hare
permanently secured that uniform enjoyment of
health,' without which life itself is but a perdu
blessing. So great, indeed, has their efficacy i t • -
fifthly and infallibly 'proved, that it lIILi appeared
scarcel i y lees than miraculous to thane who were
aconali,,swith the beautifully philosophical prin
cipl: t ton which they are compounded, and apon
whig ey consequently act. It wiui to their
mast and sensible action in purifying the springs
and chi - Minds of life, and enduing them with re
newed tone and vigor, that they wore indebted for
their name.
Until& tho host ofpernicious quackerie s witirdi
boast of vegetable ingredients, the LIFE MEDI
CINES are purely and solely vegetable ; and con
tam neither mercu r y, nor Antimo n y, nor Arse
nic, ator any other mineral, in any fern, whatever.
They are entirely composed of 'extracts from rare
all powerful plants, the virtues of which, though
long known to several Indian :tribes, mid recently
to some eininent pharmaceutical chemists, are alto
gether unknown to the ignorant pretendots to
i»ndical science ; and warp never before adminis
tered in so happily efficacious a combination.
The first operation is to loosen from the coats of
the stomach and bowels the various impurities and
crudities constantly settling rotted them ; end D.
remove the hardened (laces which collect in the
convolittions of the small Intestines. Other menu
eines only partially cleanse these, and leave-such
collected masses behind to produce habitual Costive
nem, with all its train of evils, or sudden Martha%
with its imminent dangers. Tills fact is well
known to all regular anatomists who exurnine the
human bowels after death ; and hence the preju
dice of these well•inforined men against the quark
medicines of the age. The second stoat of the
cleanse the.kidneys and the bladder ; and, the,
means, the liver and lunge, the healthful action of
which entirely depends upon the regularity of the
urinary organs. Tim blood, which takes its rsd
color from the agency of the liver and lunge micro
it passes into the heart, being thus purified by Elw i n,
and nourished by food corning from a clean stomach,
courses freely through the veins, renews every pint
of the systeini, and triumphantly mounts the ban anr
of health in the blooming cheek.
The following are among the distressing vortety
of human diseases in which the VEGETABLE
MEDICINES aro well be snfah
DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first
nut second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure
healthy bile, instead of tlittltnig,.AnLncritLkitui;
— FLAVETENC, Y, Lim* of Appetite, Heartburn,
Headache, Restlessness, 111-temper, Anxiety,
Languor, and Melancholy, which are'4lto general
:symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, en a natural
eensequence of its cure.
costivene ss , by cleansing the wholeleingtli of
the intestines with a solvent process, and without
T10:011Cil : all violent ptttges bowls the bowsls costive
within two days
. .
Diarrhoea and Cholera, by removing the
sharp acrid fluids by which these eimpl aims are
occasioned, and by promoting, the lubrmati art aecre
lion of tile morons membrane. - ;0.
Feve rs of all kinds, by r , storing 6 the blood to a
rezidsrclreillatintiolirough the process of pirapi=
ration in snob eases, -and the thorough solution al
all intestinal olmtruction in others
The LIPP, Memosses have beets known to
cure nirEinunsm permanently in three
weeks, and,Gou7 its half that Ants, by removing
local inflammation from the munches mid ligaments
of the joints. _ . .
_ .
Dropsies or all kinds, by freeing 'nod strength
ening the kidneys and. bladder: they operate most
delightfully on these important organs, and hone°
have. ever been found a certain remedy for the .
worst cases of GRAVEL.
Also Worms, by dislodging (torn the (urology
of the bowels the whiny matter .to which these
creatures :Where. 3,
. Astluna and Conisuj ption. by relieving the
air- vca4ols of the lungs train the IrtUCOUN which even
alight colds will occitaitai, and which, if not re
move.d, br , cotnoa huort.boued, and produce. these
dreadful disease..
Scurvy, Ulcers, find Inveterate Sores, bY
the porfoct purity whinli three LIFE KED'.
arNEs 211:11 to tho blood, and all tho huoiont.
Scorbutic, Eruptions and Bad Complex
ions, by their alterative etibct upon the fluids that
td the skin; and the morbid state of whirl, occa
sions all eruptive complaints,. sallow, cloudy, and
other disagreeable complexions.
The use.of these Pulls for a very short time will
‘ effect an entire cure of SALT ituELT \t, "and a
improvdment in the clearness of the skim
Always be cured by one dose, or by two even in
elm worst cases.
.' PILES, As a remedy for this moot distrcssing
slid obstinate malady, the VEGETABLE LOSS
DIEDIGINEs deserve a distinct and emphatic
tecommendation. It is well known to hundreds in
.his city, that the former 'proprietor of these value
.ble Medicines was himself afflicted with this
complaint for upwards of TIURTY•FIVE Yeses; and
that he tried in vain every remedy prescribed
‘within the whole compass of the Materin Medlca.
He however at length tried the Medicine which is
now offered to the public, and he was cured in a
very short time, after his recovery had beeu pro
nounced not only improbable, but absolutely im
possible, by any human means
Itnportv of Watches
For this scoarge of the western country thane
Medicines wilt be found a safe, speedy, and certain
remedy. Other medicines leave the system sub
ject to a returif of the disease—a cure by these
medicines is permanent—TßY THEM, BE SA
Bilious Fevers and Liver Complaints.
General Debility, LOBS OF APPETITE, •ND
DISEASES or FEMALES—these modidines have been
used with the most beneficial results in cases of this
description ;—Kma's EVIL, and ScaorULA iii its
worst forms, yields to'llie mild yet powNpliction of
these remarkable Medicines. Nicurr`"SwErers,
Como, are speedily cured.
Persons whose constitutions havo become im
paired by the injudicious use of Mencuar, will find
these Medicines a perfect cure, as they, never fail
to eradicate from the system till the abets of
Mercury infinitely goober than the most pnwOrful
preparations of Sarsaparilla. A single trial will
place them beyond the roach of competition, iu the
animation of every patient i •
Several have lately been dis vered, bud their
nefarious authors arrested, both in the city of New
York and abroad. .
• Buy uf uo ono who is tag au AtTiIIORDIRD
Prepared and sold by Dr. W. B. MOFFAT, 330
Broadway, New-York: '
J. W. RAWLINS, rlisle, Pa.
WV:ll•WkriTttr4G„EatToAbßare - Til tl irE1 1 1:113;
but suroly coming into favor, tfineng the Mtn*.
haveOf this Country for some years past. They
have done this entirely turough,their greativorth.
as a FAMILY MEDLOlNE,'••Atendios hove'
boon appointed but, no pulling and Immlytte each
Its Is resortod to by quacks to sell thetr thedielim
has &Can' dofie. °tiered', tor +sale
• and have and with:antique to b e
principal storekeepers: . 'TIM proinfoto-fitsim
foe•theirMediainot Ito .followillgtlimOtages over
all others—viz; . Th ey aro P.U ItELY VEGE
RAVE.. Thetr•operation is FREE .from all
• , P.AlNt;:'Tliereiin be usedt with EQeUA L_I3Ij N•
' b - fr. tho YO UNUTBTTITPATTrand the
TWO N GES T•11•1ANT heir o RIM eti cy In ,Ec,
V 13111., AKA, Headaches: Habitual Costiveness
Uyspepsta; Sie.' hair bedn , pit..
Tod.upor thousandi.,:••;Theysig o.;(3ertain:gure
, or.'w,Mins ; . TIM proprietors . podsess a pertift•
'cote from' a peht le Mail mS. west eu
rod'of tho..nso.of,them,
Y 14.F.NT ,T Y L 'N Or 'FA IL.
'Travelling moat `for'tho State olPenatiylva
rectiene bY: thO•Mllowini iti Clithberlalnd
' ; tancierti t aL Ennicox;Llsio .
!Alb ti,,
W. r,).
S It
nriu'arr ..1.849?- 1- iT
. .
. • - WrillW
‘fil.•idi, a 4 Vyly
~, , , ,•••rk4i.-1;,, 1
. 7 . i OV!tli vt/rD5;1•,...• •
,l~tciciiir~;~ ,~,
A • Purely Vogeta.ble Medicine.