Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 20, 1850, Image 3

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Terms--Two Palace a yeas t or OniaDollar and
Fifty Cents, if punctually . paid in Advance.
81,75 frpaid witian the yehr.
The Borough tick:glom
The staunch and true Whigs of Car
lisle achieved a noble triumph in the elec
tion for Borough officers, on Friday last.
Although our ever active opponents put
forth every effort which they have usu
ally employed, the majorities for parts of
OUP alio: are larger than'they have been
for years. Major Blair, our efficient
Chief Burgess,is re-elected by a majority
.41f ever seventy, our candidate for Asses
sor, Mr. Bentz, has a majority of 58, and
for uutticliet throughout the majorities are
=lily sufficient to show that our ancient
borough knows no wavering in her devo
tion to Whig principles and men. Had
the full vote of our party been polled the
result-would have been still more grati
fying. As it is we congratulate our
friends on their noble triumph. The gov
ernment of the borough is again in Whig
hands, and under the control of men who
we are sure will not abuse the confidence
reposed in them. We subjoin the re
turns of the election:
Chief Burgess.
Maj. Jos. 11 Blair 248 Sam'l Ensminger .. 170,
assizeant Burgess
,Goorge Leidich 217
269 John Common 211
Town Clerk.
William Beiitz
250 James Spottswood 215
Alfred S. Senor
Town Council
George L Murray 148 Andrew Roberts 70
Jacob Bretz 143 Win. Spottswood 72
John Rhoads 139 John Faller 62
T. B. Thompson • 131; G. E. Sehuchman 66
Wiiliam.Cart 133 H. L. Burkholder 69
Judge of ,Election.
Nathan Hamel! 1551 Robert Allison 86
George W. Crop 157 Win. Ale.Pherson 84
Wm. H. Ham 154 James Grey 86
0, - Andrew . l3lair, Esq. was elected School
Director, and Allred S. Spoilsler, Justice of the
Peace, for the west ward,,without opposition.
Town Council.
Christian Stayman 88 John 11. Bratton 161
Frrnkht Gardner 81 Andrew Kerr 136
Wm. Osb ne 66 C. MeGlaughlin 133
John Gutsh 68 Wt. Breese 131
o'e of Elect on.
llichar'd Parker o toil. Gregg 197
91 A Gallagher 146
School Dinstors.
James Haskeit
Samuel Elliott 85 P. Davideon 148
James S. Colwell 89 John Goodyear 149
Justice of the Peace.
Stephen Keel:tors 91 James sN B oy 69
." Constable
Robe. t McOarttkey 208
Through the couhty, as far as we can
learn, our friends have in some places
achieved unexpected triumphs, and gen•
erallyAlone as well as could be expected.
,the first time in many years the
Whigs have eleCted the Judges in Up
per and Lower Dickinson townships.—
Hopewell township has also been revo
lutionized, and our staunch Whig friend,
Mr. Fogelsonger, elected Judge, and Mr.
Runshaw Justice of the Peace. In Snip
pensburg the Whigs elected their Judge,
as usual, and the whig candidate for J us
lice of the Peace, after a warm contest.—
In the Netvville district our opponents
have 'generally succeeded, as usual, but
in the borough of Newville the Whigs
elected several of their candidates.—
James R. Irvine, elected Justice of the
Peace in opposition to John Moore. In
Frankford although our opponents elec
ted their Judge, our old friend Esq. Lac
key has been re-elected Justice of the
Peace. 7 In Hampden township the whig
Judge is elected by an increased majori.
ty over formeryears. Our intrepid whig
friends in Silver Spring run a ticket, but
although we have not heard the result
we are "rather inclined' to suspect" they
have been defeated I In. Mechanicsburg
our Whig friends we understand have not
done as well as usual, ?tving probably to
a want' of organization. In North and
South Middleton our opponents have suc
ceeded as usual, while the whiga have of
cotirsii carried Monroe, Allen and West
Pennsboto. We have not heard from the
yiver districts. The result on the whole
Is highly gratifying to the Whigs, and
should 'encourage our friends to perfect
their organization and renew their exer
tions for future triumphs.
We aro authorized to announce that a
Lecture will be delivered by the Rev. J.
V. E. Turmas, in Education Hall, to
morrow evening, the 21st., at 7 "o'clock.
Subject—" The World we live In."—
'rickets for gentlemen 121 cents—Ladies
free. Mr. Thorne'l lectures have usu
ally prqved so•entertaining to hitaudieri.
ces, that we martatfely predict for him
• a crowded , house on the ecoming occa-
• li'nom:paiaroarna.—We are indebted
to Mr. WM. .11. BRIt3DANB ? who , 144019
Worho'nqopths since for Californiti •oi -a'
copy of the Alta Californinn, ' publiiihed
at San ,Francisco.:, I#e hope our friend;
realiit';* his 'expectations.
•• • .
1-I.Ornme To Tun' •Pottrs..—Qur neighh
of.the,VolnntCci; , :aki.wilt he' seen by e
ta le refor . ns ; hoe the honor i ot nn election
tO thit dignifie&body•tho,lToivn Councili
'• a t the hariai.of:thCAttii. Weider's.
for $
making ri,iithotit*ast;,±o79,q!7
~r , b iaitr a - Ben 9inf'`)PPT°Yer.
cl 'DT
t 3
(4 '
• '
• DI. E. Contere,neet — -
The Baltimore Confeirerice
Mclhodkst • Episcopal Chtirch met Al
exandria (D. C.) last week. We find
its proceedings the 'following list of ap
pointments for the Carlisle District M.
Brown, of this borough, it will be seen
is continued in hi& charge: ,• .
CARLISLE 111 STRICT.-C, B. Tippett. \ .P. -
Carlisle Staikin, Jas. H. Brown; - Carlisle
cuit James Stinks, Wm. Butler, sup.; York
Springs, F. Dyson, P. S. CassadY; York. Wm.
Wickes; 'Wrightsville, F.thart; Gettysburg,
Ton. Monroe, Wm. Horde I hippensburg, Jos.
Watts, L. J. Etcltison; Chambersburg, R. M
Lipscomb; Greoncaotle, H. Halland; 13oonabo•
ro', James Brands, H. A. Paulson; Fredrick
Circuit, G, Brooke, G. W. Cooper; Berlin, J.
R. Durborow; Frederick City, S S Bosse),
Samuel Sn - Atli. Dickinson College—J 1' Peck,
President; 0 11 Tifiliny, Adjunct Prof.
CADETO:AMOIIg the late appoint
ments of Cadets to the West Point -Mili
tary Academy, ten of which are 'in his
gift, we notice that President i raylor has
designated Join? R. Smead, son of the late
Capt. R. C. Smead, whose family resides
in-this borough, and Wm. F. Drum, so
of Capt. Drum of Westmoreland county,.
who was killed in front of the gates of the
city of. Mexico. A son of Col. McKee,
who was killed at Buena Vista, is also
among the number.
"Trii litiatinteFikriaii: i '—This is
one of the best monthly Agricultural puh
hcations in the country. The articles
are well written, plain, practical- and in
teresting to all who take interest in the
noble Air of farming. The March
number before us is printed on new type,
and' contains 24 very large pages, in
quarto form. Publishhed by KikabrAil
GROSS & Co., New York, at $l,OO, per
annum; Or $5,00 for six copies; 610,00
for twelve, and $20,00 for twenty.five ,
comprehensive and very appropriate title
of a new quarto of sixteen pages, devoted
to American and European Literatuye,
News, &c. It is published weekly, at
$2 per year, by L. Lockwood & - Co.,
New York, and edited by JOHN BAILEY
and WILLIAM Ross WALLACE, Esqrs.;
both gentlemen of decided ability and
SPRINU GOODS !-Mr. Ogilby and the
Messrs. Bentz invite attention, thro' our
advertising columns, to their extensivit
openings of new and elegant spririg goods.
Ott ro•morrow the day and night
will ba of the same length—twelve houis
trY"The trial of Dr. Webster for the?—
tnurder Dr. Parkman, was to have
comm. ced at Boston yesterday.
~'@tit!.). Jillarkct~.
FLOUR-Is knactive, and etandard brands are gen
ernliy beid at $1)61; per barrel, without sales, except
in a a retail way, Including choice at 14,871, and ex.
tra al 85.121 a *5,26.
Corn Meal and Rye Flour—No sales and prim' un
IlEkT—No sales have come unties our notice.
RYE—is scarce.
CORN— But little arriving, and the demand good at
further advance; some 5000 bushels, Including
Penna. nod Delaware yellow, sold at 59 cis.
OATS—No arrivals nr
1- -audz.Lrauauimu:D,
/in Mechanicsburg, on the sth Mot , by the Rev. J.
G. Fritchey, Mr. John Baker to Mien Lucinda Cal
both of York county.
if On the ith inst by the same, Mr. Jacob Lantz, to
5 ne Elizabeth Killieffer, both of Fairview.
On Friday the 22d ult., by the Rev. J. N. Hoffman,
Mr. Joseph Jump to Miss Eliza Bowers, bolls of this
/t /At Cheatet, Delaware county, on the morning of
the 14th Init., CATHARINE ELIZADETH4 wife of Y. B.
Carter, Esq., and daughter of Charles Ball, Esq., of
r note.
r On Runday the 12th Inst., at the residence of her
brother In this bbrouoh, Miss Sarah Leonard.
New Mvcrtiseintnts.
Tavern License.
Ivo Fmk.: is hereus given that I intend to aP
.OII ply at the next Coto of Quarter Sessions of
Cumberland county, for a license to keep a tav
ern or public house in the house now occupied
as such by Christian Huffman, on the Walnut
Bottom Road 7 miles West of Carlisle,
Feb. hilt 1550. VICTOR SHANNON.
We' the undersigned citizens of Dickinson
township, Cumberland county, do cortily that
we are wall acquainted with the above named
Victo± Shannon, that he is of good repute for
honesty and temperance., and is well provided
with house room and conveniences for the ac
commodation of strangers and travellers and
that such Inn or Tavern hi necessary to at:com
a °date the public and entertain strangers and
Henry Sheaffer, Jadob Neiman, William
Galbraith Robert Lind, Jacob. Hemminger,
Francis Hutchison, George Martin, Matthew
Lynch, John Moore, 1' C Miller , George Reis:
singer. Thomas Lee jr. Matthew Galbraith,
John T Green,
iNurniture Salo.
ON Friday the 22d March, 1850, will be sold
at public sale, at the residence of lie sub.
scriber 111 North Middleton township, a gener—
al variety of furniture, consisting of beds and
bedding, tables, chairs, Bureaus , carpeting, one
Hathaway cooking stove, with pipe, 3 ten plate
stoves with pipe, drum for sleeping room, large
copper kettle, brass kettle, ono iron 'kettle,
looking glasses, one'new ward robe, a beautiful
specimen of stuffed peafowl, small size Iron
safe,twoclDOks,lady's aide saddle,hutter churn,
tubs, moat stand, 2 barrels of vinegar, and a
great variety of oilier articles ,too numerous to '
mention: Also at the same time one almost new
'one horse carriage, a anoNaisaiwagon, 2 home,
cows. Sale to cotralienpe at 9 o clock A.
•M. terms made known by" • .1 HERSHE
March 4, 1850—Is . •
Estate or John Graf; decd.
tHETTERS teetanientary '.upon the
will OfJohn, Groff, litte.of Allen township
Cnmberlancr County, dined, have been granted
to the subscriber reeiding int he same township,
those who have claims ugainstilto estate of the
testator Will present them, and:those indebted
will mike payment to LEVI MARKLE
Marche, 1850.—rie ," 'Executor.;
• - • Andftorla Notice.. •
HE undersigned having been appoint°
the.Orninuni,Court of,Cumberland county,
an• Auditor to distribute the assets or burOus of
the estate.of EtAmont,H, At.innitwe,deis'don the
bonds of John Cooveri jr. his administrator. to
and amongst the creditors of, said decedent, u ill
meet said creditors for said purpose nt• Wei:Alice
An the binough ofCarlisle, 'on . SATIJIMPAYiii'
tho 29d of Marel4lllso,
, .
. March 4,1990. -.; ,
,• ;'. • .Wheat Tranted.' ' •
THE - fifghest . Nlatket ceisil
will be paid:for ,WHEAT,"at Our- Good ,
Hope Mille; forolorly. occupied byim;p. Aaviy
Pponsbory towiiihin. • • • • -•
_y.lnc_om mooed 10,;
4 eIRiMIiii;f 9 C II.N Ct RAPICAIr°Rt:
hick 71 011 „. 104,:ti'tkoUblef , "
la ,upplicht ion *riot
i' ,- 004:::, : :.:.'sTATT;mFN-x;;*0 . :;849 , .
WILLIAM . ICER, TH93. HiADLE,Y,and CMICHAEL 13,014'Zittic/VER . ,
; Esquirea, Directors'Of Che.Poorand Of the House.of Employment for the Coun
ty of Cumberland, in accinint with said Comity, from the of January, to
the 31st day of December 1849, inclusive, viz:
:To amount drawntom County Tree
surer , $5,000 00
Cash received for use of Mary Knot
tle., 167 33
Of U. S. Government for use Do.
rotby Homwood, 125 06
Of Jacob Shrom for Hides and skins 109 07}
Of Perry county for support of pail-
pers, • . ' 51 07
Of Delaware county for support of
J. Powell, colored, 17 00
Of R. Snodgrass, Esq. for use, 65 00
Of J.. W Eby,'for •uso of. T. Robin
son,'lo)pred, (dead) 47 95
Of A S Line, fur old copper, ' 10 00
For Tallow,2l. 40
Of .113 t Gruer and others, (tleceued 1
Paupers.) . . 18 18 ) )
For Blank Indentures, 3,50
01' J Hershe, Eq. fur hauling, • 200
Of C B Guier, constable fine, 1 33
For sundries, . ' 226
- -
J.IIDOD SQUIEII Esq., Tredsurcr of the Poor House and House of Emp/oyment of Cumberland
county, in accoavith the Directors of .said histitution, from the 14 day of January to the 31st day
W December, 1849, inclusive, viz. :
• DR. blt.
Co cash rec'd from County Treas'r 45000 00 By,cash p'd orders as above stated, 0,192 87;
'. from Joseph Lobaeh, Stew- Balance due by Treasurer, 447 22
ard, from different sources, .
as exhibited in the forego
ing statement,
Stock on the Farm Ist January, -1-850
:hied of Home, 24 head of Horned CanlE4.32 head ofiloge r 24 Shoats and 9 Pip, 26 head
of !Sheep, 1 Calf. •
Beef,Pork,Mutton,and Veal,fattened 4- killed on the farm, in 1849.
26 B , average weight 498 pounds, (12,948 IND 34 Hogs, average weight 216 pounds,
(7,944 lbs.) 63 Sheep, average weight 41 pounds, (2,508 1b..) 14 Calves, average Weight 73
pounds, (1,022 lba.) making in all 23,897 lbor
Farming Utensils on the Farm, I st, January, 1849
1 Broad wheeled and 1 Narrow wheeled wagon, 1 wagon bed, I pair of wood-ladders, 2 pair
nt hay-ladders, 1 cart & cart gears, 1. sleigh & harness, 8 ploughs, 4 harrows, 5 double shovel
ploughs, 3 single shovel ploughs,.l stone wagon, 1 thrashing machine, and horse power, I fan
ning mill', i rolling screen, 1 corn sheller, I ground roller, '2 cutting boxes, 1 flax brake, 2 grind
stones, 2 log chains, 34 cow chains, 6 sett of wagon gears, 6 sell of plough gears, 2 sett of car
penter's toola, I. sett, of blackstnih's tools, 2 sett of butchering tools, 4 wheelbarrows, 1 cabbage
knife; and a variety of a see r mattocks, picks, shovels, crowbars, corn hoos, forks, rakes, grain cra
dles, sickles, scythes, single and double trees, &c.
Schedule showing the Proceeds of the Farm for 1850
1000 bushels of wheat, 27 of rye. 532 of oats, 445 of corn, 470 of potatoes, 2 of timothy
seed, 18 of onions, 2 of little onions, 25 of parsnips, 40 of beets, 3 of beans and peas, 2009 heads
of Cabbage, 47 loads cf hay, 9 of corn fodder, one wagon load of pumpkins, 2000 cucumbers'
Manufactured and made in the House and Shop
122'shitta and chimisa, 32 sheets, 20 peps, 15 chaff beds, 5 bolsters, 38 calico frocks. 37 cot
ton' frocks, 58 aprons, 27 petticoats, 20 pair of stockings knitted;4o-'p'ai'r of stockings footed, 59
pillowslips, 26 comforts, 10 sun bonnets, 3 pair. of drawers, 12 flannel frocks,,4B pounds of soft
soap, ISO of hard soap: JOSEPH LOBACH, Steward.
, .
The Directors &c., of said Institution, annex the following exhibit Of extra labor, &c.,perfoimed
by the Steward. Matron, and Paupers, from Me lat day of January to the Mit day of De—
ember, 1849, inclusive, viz
Made 40 codouble shovel plough, 2 bushel baskets, 10 handle baskets, $ new benches
for dining roo of bedstead, l wheelbarrow , 1 large dough tray for bakery, 1 large gate, 1
small gate, 700 cut 125 cords of wood, quarried stone for and made SO rod of, ktone fenck
done about IMO rth blacksmithing, burned 500 bushels of lime.
Number of Paupers in the Institution Ist of January. 1849, of which 20
were colored,
Number admitted up to 81st December, 1849, of which 20 were colored
and 3 born in the house,
Making the whole number through the year, 396
Of which 20 died,B children bound out, 19 elopeil, and 209 were discharged, . 256
Leaving the number of paupers in thhouse,.Tan,l,lBoo,of which 28 are col'd
Oct door paupers, supported at p ublic expense through the year 10, of
which 4,have been admitted and 2 died, ,
Whole number supported rlstlanuar,y,,.lBso,
Of those remaining in the Poor Holielftet - December, 1849, there A--
Males 92, of which 12 are tlolotsd, - 92
Females 48, of which 18 arp colored, 48
And 8 out door paupers,'of whicilf - 1 is colored, 8
Average number per day through the year, 148
x There are, as near as =vim ascertained under 1 year 4 ; 8 from 1 to 5 ; 9 from
sfolo ; 7 rom 10 to 201.20 . fr0m 20 to 30 ;12 from 39 to 40 ; 111 - from 40 to 00;
21 from 50 to 60 ; 20 from 60 to 70 ; 18 from 70 to 80; 8 from 80' to 90; 2 from
90 to 100; 1 above 100 f
Exclusive of the above,ille regialry)leuntaing a list of the names of 175 transient
paupers, who have beenileceivtd without regular orders from Justices of the Peace,
and who have been supportettirtlie institution`for one, two grid three days.
We, the Directors of the Poor and of the House of Employment for the county of
()timberland, do certify" that the above and foregoing statement contains a just and
true exhibit of thejnatitmion, during the period above stated, according to the beat of
our knowledge, Giveilunde*our hands this Ist day, of January,' A. D. 1850.
• THOMAS BRADLEY, Directors.
• , • , , G. BELTZHOOVER• ' •
..,We' the undersigned, Auditors of Climberland
,eounty, elected and accord
ing to law, having examined. the accountsandrquithers-of the Directors of the Poor
and House of Employment of said'Connt„W fro m the ; lst Iday ,of,Janbary to the., 31st
day of December 1849; inclusive, do certify that. We find a balabce'due said county,
by the Director aforesaid, of four hundred, and fifty-nit:lb :dollarivand : .tweatkAwo
cents; in the hands of:Jacob Squier,'Eeq,,:Treastirar ofsaid'Poor',llMise and - Hbuse
of EmPloyment: given under our hands at :Carlisle;•the the:. day, of January,
18150.: .-->,. ,
, . ': ' : 1.. ti*,r-- -•
:., • • - :' ' • JOHN, P."11110,4,D8- ' Aitilitois
-,!,..,1). QUIGLEY,,-....4.:•1- .- . L •
;:' March .140850
Adameilk OWs., Bores% =
, aithseriblisr is' agent forihis , Company il
THt Adininietralorst4seatitif.Ltelt,'deci'd
and all.packages that, ard at I ) 6 ' 81"!,.19 'have placed the notee c dsc;;'of,ssid mote the
be;attended. to with. care and tbspatch.
e: t or jolt* Xag. ilte,Aoselet, for , collection
Expreei leaves evprvoiorning at ,4 o'cleek;.s treri orders to, ring suite on All not,paid;becore'
ammo 41P.;,b1-`7'',,,'*'.' • fthepid , or March 'next; without ,respect. to per.
a. AN Oration ...delivered • bolorti: Ike ; General : 306 13 liikth Cja 0 Eit•
Union•Pitiiooopitical Booltity . or'lliokinaon Cot.: 4 fOr, ..ADANUIEIOLE.
lee; I..en`naiiveniao:Attly,: 9t a v ncrir „
linsion ofourlßoroui;'J.
Our Jortiogh . ehonid !iis:yilOqut a . copy',
Monti' Oart. hadloi;Aoi conic of Lard Oil anti 1"
I , l,wmAßTlCheap Book Store 100177 ) 14
,T*ile B olo l o . o o hediirip;iiplOndid ort . r:
i l A 4 aN,C).LADS".weting'll4id; r a'',v,ery ,, Au. ; fit' piwpiper:tyivrot#lc, , ,f low. by
stile , ,i1EL14r0,7.1",
By parent of interest oh-dower in •
favor of Mrs &Brien, In 'the land •
purchased of 41.-McDowell in 1842 $3B 91
Cash fur Groceries, Merchandize
clothing and beddingincluded, • 1,414 al
Cash advanced by J Squier, Esq., 451 .8114
do. for stock, 483 24
do. for grain, flour and grinding, 414 244 -, '
do for support of out door paupers; 1913 ififi
do for lumber,' . 188.01
. do for tailoring, I , „ . 1 04 521
do for shoemaking and 'hafting, 183 119 i
do for stone coal, • 139.101
do for leather, , .131 711
do 'for blackemithing, . • .76 464'
do for freight or. coal & groceries _ f 6.1 251 ,
du, for out Soar funeral expenses, au 75
do for Coltedibtfileoe t e for remov
ing pau pers, ' XII 84
do fur burdwaro, cutlery, &c., at 88
do for materials, imprOveuets, &a •
on the farm, 44 671
do fur tin, copper, and sheet iron,
ware, and tinkering, ' .44 95
do for'farming utensils, toolsokm, -33 741-
do- for drum - stovei stove-pipe-and- - -
repairing coal stoves, 32 711
do fOr tinning house root, - '25 00
' do for castings, : . 36 31
do for mantnacturing sattlnott, :96 661
do for plaster, . - 28 00
do for carpenter work, ,
.10 18 '
_ do Borough of
• MuncyMl.,yeoheing -
- Cifunty,PT;for support of a
pauper -57 87
do for out dour medical aid, 6 501
do for sadlery, 9 .00
do for printing and stationery, 3 38/
do for traveling and, incidental ex
penses, 9 951
do Blind Institution • for use of Sa
rah MeGlaughlio, .. 25 00
do for postage, ' ' 1 71
• do •for sundries, . . 3.70}
do J, Lobach, salary for one Year,
(hirelings wages included;) 50b 00
do Dr J Baughman, salary for one
year, . 100 00
do J Slider, Eq., Treasurer, sal
ary for one year,, 40 00
do L Todd,'Esq., attor ney for one •
ear, 20 00
do J Liershe, Esq., extra services
es Director, 7 50
do Wan Ker, Esq., extra services
• as Director, 18 00
do Thomas Bradley, Eiq., extra
services as Director, 12 00'
$5,640 09i
$5,192 872
Caeb_due I2y J Squier, Trener
447 22,
$5,640 091
640 09;
05,640 09i
#area: Jra~;~"tjo~ ~~
Great Bargains!
CAN be'expected froni 'the. sphscriber; as le
has jinn' , received It- litho 'and splendid • as
oorolloont 'of -.WINTER.••GOODS, which he
offers to his customers and others who may
favor him with•a call at great Bargains !
satinets, . velvet cords. Ky. jeans, scarlet, yel
low, white and Canton Flannels„.tickings, inns
lins, calico, cashmeres, do alpacas, Co
hvrg'cloths, gloves. hoster Krum, com
forts, &o,
- - - _
A large and splendid assortmeott„ot Long
end Square Shawls, at all prices to suit the
. -
Also, Boots and Shoes, which he is determ
ined to sell low, at his stand, in North nano
first store below Haverstick's Drug Store.
vor street, Carlisle. J. G. CARMONY.
Bargains, Bargains.
I AM now selling off my stock of Win -
torigoods at greatly reduced prices, to Mar
room for a big assortment of Spring goods. Be
ing determined to cut down the stock, purcha
sers will find it decidedly to their advantage to
call and get the cheapest goods to be had in the
town or county,. at the old stand gnat Main
street, Carlisle. CHAS. OGILBY.
Feb. 13. 1850.
Superior Groceries,
THE subscriber bogs leave to inform his
frierfils and the public in general; that he; has
just returned from the city, with a large and
general assortment of FRE S H G ROCS•
RIES, all of which' hails prepared to sell at a
,very smog advance: His smelt is composed of
a general assortment of everrhing in the Gro
cery line d embracing in part Peas, Coffees, Su=
gars, litcilasamOSpices, Tobacco and Cigars,
Queensware. 4bil Glassware, Fish and Salt,
Crackers anS Cheese, Fruits, Nuts and Can
dies. Pine and Etherial Oils, Fluid Lamps,
Hams and Dried Beck, Beans, White Corn,
Vinegar, Toys, Matches. Brushes, &c
Persons will find it to their advantage to give
me a call, as lam determined to sell at very
moderate profits Don't lort t the stand, South
Hanover street next door to Hannan's (late Esh
elman'a Hotel, and within two doors of the Vo
lunteer Prinnting Office
dec26 ''49 , C INHOFF, A'gt
A MUEL A. HUBBARD., having Mirelias
ed of Mr Henry A Sturgeon, his stock of
Drugs, Medicines .&c.. would respectfully so
licit a sharp of themtblie patronage, at the old
stand, corner of Pitt and High Streets, opposite
the Rail Road , depol.
- He will kisep constantly on hand, an assort
ment of fresh Drugs. Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, and a variety of fancy
articles, which he ie determined to sell low.—
He will give his personal-attention to the busi
ness, and pat tieularly to putting up prescriptions,
A liberal deduction made for Physicians coun
try Merchants, and Pedlers.
Feb.l3, 18.50. • •
Bo ' For California !
65,40 09/
AS I have determined to go to California in
the Spring, 1 will offer until about the 15th
of April, my stock of GO.ODS, , which is en
tirely new and well amortcd, AT,OST.
Those in want of goods will do-well t ' call im
mediately as I antqletermined to cloy out m y .
entire stock of, goods at this place, a r re chance
for bargiilns is o ff ered, call soon. A y person
wishing' o embark in business will fi d this a
rare chance, apply to the subscriber.
Ne ,ville, Feb. 19, 1850.
Cheap Cothing Store.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform
his friends and the public in general, that
he has removed his large and extensive'assort
the room recently occupied as a store by Geo.
W. Hitnez. on East Main street. directly oppo
site Elliott's Drug Store, and within two doors
of Ogilby's store, where he will keep constant
ly on hand, all kinds of Ready Made Clothing.,
and everything pertaining to gentlemen's ward
robes. The clothing he offers for sale is made
up in his own shop, by experienced workmen,
and-under his' own supervision. Ho feels pre
lim-el to offer great bargains in .he Clothing
line, and to test this fact he rould earnestly in
vite the citizens of this county to give him a
call and examine the quality of his stock and
hie prices, before purchasing elsewherb.
He will also, as,Appretofore; continue to make
up all kinds of Clothing according to order,
and those who prefer it can have their measures
taken, and their garments. reade:up to their
pleasment. Always on hand trlarge assortment
of Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, ratings, &c.
Don't forget the pines directly opposite El
lion's store, and within two doors of Ogilby's.
debl2,3m N ATHA N ILVNTC H.
$5,6 09;
Large and Splendid Arrival of
C.LO 7P 144"-G:
THE undersigned respectfully announces to
the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that he has
just laid in a stock of Fashionable Clothing, cut
and made in excellent style, which for cl and quality was never before equalled in
this place. Such as—splendid new style black
French Omit dress Coats, large an 4 handsome
circle cloth Cloaks, black and brown sack
Coate. business coats in the latest styles, Mon
key coats, tweed sack coats, superior fine bl'k
French cassimere Pants, new• style of fancy
cassimere Pants, over 200 pairs of striped and
plain fall and winter pants, 250 Elegant new
vests, excellent Black satin vests, also, an as
sortment of fine white Linen, red flannel and
striped Shirts, collars, bosoms, stocks, suspen
ders, cravats, handkerehiels and other articles
in his' lino. !toys' Clothing and oil clothing
suitable for fishermen and others constantly on
hand. Fine cloth caps front 25 td 87 cents.—
Glazed Capa 12} cents. In fact the above is
the largest and hest assortment ever offered in
this place, and as cheap as can be purchased in
the city of Philadelphia. Persons who prefer
having their clothing made to order can be ac
commodated at the shortest notice.
Ho therefore respectfully invites his custom
ers and the public gederally to call and see him
at the Clothing Store, corner of Main Street
and the Centro Square. Piecl2
Reading for the Million,
LARGE and well selected assortment o
ROOKS of all kind's constantly kept . on
and to suit the times, the following have just
been received. • . .
. .
Hume's History of England, two first, Noe._
Shakspeare's Works, 4 different editions.
Byron a Works, Burns' Works.
Scott's Poetical Works.
Lynch's Expedition to the Jordan and Dead
Sen. Montegue's ditto.
Scott's Military Tactics, 3 vole.
Women of the Revolution, by Mrs. Ellett.
Philosophy of Religion, by Morrell.
Earnest Ministry, br.latries.
Bravo's Daughter, by Duganne.
Dowager,or New School Mr Scandal, by Mrs
,The Caxton's, by Bulwer.
The Queen of Gipsies.
Cruise in a Whale Boat.
And all the new novels received as soon as
published. All orders for Books attended with
dispatch. After all your disputes about Cheap
Baas , Call around had examine foryourselves.
oott7 T NY, MARTIN.
THE subscriber respectfully,- informs • hie
friends and the public generally,: that he has
just. returned from Pftiladolphta with the largest
and most splonded assortment of Watelses,.jew.
dry, &c., ever Wore offere&, ' teimille„citisens of
this place. • , ,'. ~.,•. ~ ; ... ~ .
flis . steck consists in part.of esp lendid lot ol
Gold and Silver : ever Watelies.' old and Sit=
ver Lupine So. With' a' variety - o - Matches of
lower prices; Gold 'guard 'Chides; Gold,' end
Silver,Peaoils, a splendid. assortment of gold
pens 'of fhciat- approved montfiketure, Silver
Sutter Knives, Silver and Itlatell.Spoons, fine
Silver, plated Forks, a terge.and splendid , lot of
Gold antESher',Speetueles;thOnyttee portico-,
ler 'attentiOn to this irttele , oraPeatatai' as he
can werianfthem_lo', t is_ side_of
rhiltidelPhitt,) PorrimeiVSpectecles'Of all prices
a•lrrge and beatitiful , OssOrtment of Gold t "F r ig4,
ger-, and'.'Ettr , Airi e r); . all: 'nicest" ltirestitpins ri
great:,Varialy, .Watch'. Koye, ;Fob' and ...Vest
vitaine;Silver and,skell :Card 'cases, 0 've ry au
()drier' article;,,Silver.'thimblesi , :Silver' combo;
,cake .88004 with:o :;grtiatartety'or Other W,
tide', ja.liid ;line, not'neceesaryrti - ,Meniion,„ -,
"lie Nikes ell,to. Celt `and exaMind his. stock
sured' , .litat:' ir'eannot fail' to. bath in
q , litv;und price.-.. , , . ' ; -.,.T.CONLYN.
— (bakin#
OliePTI • ,
„Ar01."1,, hiNtOolitiacit,iPr
';` - • 1 ,. • ••••'s.rr
! ; 1
F9r loan
X otieco
WHEREAS , the , Honorable. FIIEDIL MC
.y . V , WArrs,.President:Judge Or3the.sev Nal
Course of Common . Pleas orthe counties of
durabe-land, erry and Juniati,ln Perinsyl se-
nia, and Judi e of the Several bonne of _Oyer
and Tormine and General Jail Delivery in
mild oountie le .
aid Hon.lohn Stuart and John
Clendenin, Judges of the
.Court of Oyer and
Terminer aria General Jail .Delivery for the
trial of all capital and other offenders, in he
said county, of Cumberland, by theirprecepts to
mo directed, dated the 14th day.of Jan., 1850,
have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer
and GeneralJall Delivery, to be holden at Car
lisle on the 2d Monday of April n t
(bping the Bth day) at 10 o'clock in the fine
no n, to continue two weeks.
NOTICE is therefore hereby given, to the
Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Constables
ofthe — iiaid county ofeumberland, that they are
by Age said precept.commanded tube then and
there in their proper persons,with their rolls,
records, inquisitions, examinations, and all
other remembrances, todo those things which
to theiroincei appettuinto be done t and all those
that are bound by reeognizanoes, to prosecute
(against the prisonersthat are orthen shall be
in the Jail of said county, are to be there to
prosecute them as shall be just
DAVID smrrii, Sheriff.
Carlisle, P ec. 13, 1849.
Estate of E. Bosserman, dec'd
LETTERS of Administration, de bonis non,
with the will annexed, on the estate of E.
Boesmuturt, fate of Carlisle, Cumberland coun
ty. decd, have been idsued in duo form of law
to the subeeriber, lifting . in Newport, Perry
county, Pa. All persons indebted to said es
tateare required to make immediate payment,
and those having claims to present them for
settlement to
Feb. 26, 1850
Estate Xotiee.
LETTERS of Administmtidn' on the
estate of Margaretta Piper, late of West
Ponnsboro township, Cumberland county . Pa.
deceased, have beoc granted by the .Register
of said county, :o thb subscriber residing
in Nowville in said' county, All persons
indebted to said estate Will make immediate
payment, and those having claims will present
them properly authenticated for settlement to
Feb. 25, 1950.
office. ,
LETTERS Testamentary upon the will of
the Hon JOHN REED, dec'd., lately of Ear•
lisle, have been granted to Mrs. Sarah A.
Reed, the Executrix, residing in the same
place, those who have claims against the estate
fo the Testator, will present them, and those
indebted will make payment to her.
. state of Jacob Wise, Deceased.
ETTEES testamentary ., on the estate of
township, Cumberland county, decd. have been
granted to. the subscriber, ltsiding in 'the .slime
place. All persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make payment, and those having
claims to present them for Bodement to •
feb.l3-50-6w" ELIZABETH WISE.
Estate of ,WILLIAM Ktrrz dec'd. -
ALL persons aro hereby notified that lettere
testamentary on the last will and testament of
IV)Main Kutz, late of South Middleton town•
ship, Cumberland county deceased, have this
day been issued by the Register in and for said
county, to the subscriber who, resides in -North
Middleton township, in thecounty aforesaid.—
All persons having- claims or demands -igainat
the estate of the said decased, are requenred to
make known the same without delay, and those
indebted to make payment to
Feb 6,6 t Executor.
Estate of George Bobb, decd.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad
ministration on the Estate of George Bobb,
late of the Borough of Mechanicsburg, in the
county of Cumberland, decd. have this day
been issued by the Register in and for the said
countyoo the subscriber who resides in Monroe.
township, in the said county. All persons hew
ing claims or demands against the estate of thu
stud decedent are requested to make known thel
same without delay, and those indebted to make
payment to . JOHN HOUSER.
Feb. 12, 50, Gt Administrator lof Cr Bab.
lor Rent
TWO OFFICES for reni, from
tho let of April next, on Pitt
street, adjoining the Drug Store of
• apry"A. Sturgeon—one on the
r , t story, the other nn the second
story of said building. For parti. ulnrs enquire
of the subscriber. ''z "f ROBERT NOBLE.
Jan. 23, 1850. • .
THLdwelling house, now occu
' pied by Mr. Saxton, adjoining my
store. Also, two comfortable dwel•
81_1 -• ling houses in Pitt Street, rent $5O.
Possession given April let 1850
Carlisle, Jan. 9, 1850
For Rent.
THE house now occupied by Jo.
eeph Arnold, above and In the rear
itr; II of the Store of the subscriber, also
1 1, .." several smaller Dwellings, for fur
titer particulars call with the subseri.
Tavern License.
To the Honorable the Judges of the
Court of Quarter sessions of the Peace of
Cumberland county, at April sessions,
A. D. 1850.
The petition of WM. P. HUGHS, Respect
fully represents, That your petitioner is prpvi•
ded with the necessary requisnes for keeping a
house of Public En.erta inment, in the house now
occupied by him as such, your Petitioner, there
fore; prays your Honors to grant him a License
for the same, , the ensuing year, comniencing on
the 2d Monay of April 1850 as in duty bound
he will ever pray, &c. •
Feb. 19,1850. WM, P. HUGHS,
We the undersigned citizens of the township
of East Pennsborough, in the county of Cum
berland, de certify that we ere well acquainted
who the above named William P. Hughes, that
he is of goodreput forbonesty andtemperanee,
and jet wellprovided with house room, and con
veniences for the accommodation of strangers
and travellers:and. that - such inn or Tavern. is
necessary to accommodate tho public and enter
tain strangers and travellers.
Simon Oyster, A P Erb,. Honry Carlin,
Thomas Flowers, It Wilson, Samuel Himmel.
rich, G W Lovelace, Jno. Wolf, Christian Him
mellrich; Samuel Sadler, H. Church, Valentine
• Stray Heifer.
CAME to the premises of the eubseriber, in
South 3liddlettin township, about the let
of December last, a BRINDLE
• - 7 HEIFER, anent a year old,
with white head and belly, The
4 "IR owner is requested to come for•
ward, prove property, pay char.
gas add take her away, or she tale disposed
of according to law.-. -
Jan 28, 1850.-4 e • .
' • Stray Steer.,
fIANIE to the premises °Hie subseri
gli . bar, in South AliddletOn • townehip,about
the ]et of Dec. lam, a BLACK
4 11 v„ 'STEER, about a year, old, with
white spots on the shoulder and
ems ; ' the rump, and a white billy. The
owner, as requested 'to, come for.
ward;*live property, pay, charges and take
hlm . away, or he will be disposed of according.
to law ' JOHN KAUtfiVIAN.
Jan 23; 1850-3* , . - • • •
Dlerehant lrilll 'For Aent,
. ,
"THE Valuable ' Merchant Mill at
' the Cerlialelron. 'Works, will be
offerod for rent/ at •nublio endue
or outcry, on the premisea, On Ea
` turd
e y thelth day:of Marchl 850,
'I . P*TER ECM.'
;:' Wated:
. ... .
Ar BOY i n Grocery . Store,. who will en-.
deavor to make himself active and, ueeful. One
'from the.conntry would'be Ip - referred;Enquire
at thiin ffi ce: ' ' • ... .... ' .
Brusheal Brushes 1
A grOat variety Rrtbese useful articlep le of.
ferod for, sale, consisting of Whltevyasb;Sweep,
ing, Scrubbing, Piiintare, Loth Shaving, Hair,
Teeth' and *di, Flesh and Graining Brusbide
arest:mariety,all Of vOish'iteof , - the best'rrikal:
rty an& mill be..tiblil;t4ilie:fOyiest prices
June 6: ! • Eipt,taorri
, 11.1 , ,Maokarek• 10:oarebiugibeat'ibiraildie, for
Tavein License.
NOTICE is .herehygiven , that I attend
to' iirti at tbe.; next .Court of Quarter
Headn timberland county; forti license to
keep a tavern or public hinne in the house now
occupied by me as such, (formerly kept by air:
Orth,) inlhe West Ward, Carlisle.'"
March - 6
We the undWned citizens' of the west ward,
Carlisle, in the county of Cumberland, do certi
fy that we are well acquainted with the above
named Henry Glass, that he is of good repute
for honesty and temperance r and iewell provided
with house room, and conveniences for the ac
commodation of strangers and travellers, and
that such an Inn or Tavern is necessary to ac
omodate the public and entertain strangers and
C Inhofr, Henry W Rama, William Cart,
Arinstrong Noble, Jaeol Leibey, ir., Chas. Bar
nitz'Jacob Leibey , Peter Weibley, William
Baker, George"W. Hilton, George Hendel, John
Noble, H. L. Burkholder, James Davis, S. W.
Haverstiek. Henry W. Orib.
Tavern License
VoTICE is hereby given that we intend to
apply at the neat courrot Quaker Sessions.
of Cumberland county, for a license to keep a
tavern or public house in the house built by them
in Fran kford township.
Feb. 4, 1856. M D Ic. J B LACKEY
We the undersigned eldiens , of the township
of Frankford, in the county of , Cumberland, do
certify that we are wellacguainted with the above
named M D /ls .1 B Lackey, that' tfiey are °Wood
repute for honesty and tempera ne -and well
provided with house room, and conveniences for
the accommodation of strangers and travellers,
and that such Inn or Tavern IS necessary to in.
commodate the public and entertain strangers
and travellers.
' Daniel Lackey. Andrew Oiler, Peter Myers,
William Blossur, Frederick Mentzer, John Lo
gan, James Graham W F Swiger, Michael Min
soh, Peter Minich, William Strome, John Snyder
Jacob Ensminger, Henry Mentzer. Abraham
Burkholder. Wm Campbell,'George W olf, Peter
Maybnry, Jacob Nickey.
Tavern License
NrOTICE is hereby given that I intend to ap-
AA ply at the next-Court of Quarter Sessions of
Cumberland county, for a license to keep a tali.;
ern or public house in the house I now occupy
as such in North . Mid stow township.
EMarch 4,1850" GEORGE SWIGERT.
We the andersigned citizens of North Mid
dleton township in the county of Cumberland, do
certify that we are well acquainted with • the a-•
hove earned Gecrge Swigert,that he is of good
repute for honesty and temperance, and is well
provided with house room, and conveniences for
theaccommodation of strangers and travellers,
and that eueh inn or tavern is necetisar3 toe err
roOdate the public and entertain strangeii. and
travellers. • • .
Samuel Geissiuger ; George Thomas, , Abra
ham Mondorf, Jacob 'Waggoner, Samuel M iller,
Levi Mordorf, John Butner, John Thomas,
Joseph Mnckey, Christian Binert, John *itch
George N H °rich, Jacob Seidler, George Brin
dle, Jaco b Gotshall.
Tavern License.
XTOTICE is hereby given that I intend apply
-11 lug at the next Court of Quarter Sessions of
Cumberland county for a License to keep a tav
ern or public house in the house I now occupy
as such in South 'Middleton township.
March 4, 1850,
We the undersigned citizens of 'the township
of South Middleton, in the county of Cumber
land,do certify that we are , well acquainted with
the above named Samuel' Morrett, that 'he is of
—good - repute for honesty sud leimperanee, wad is
well provided with house reom, and convenien
ces for the accommodation of strangers and trav
ellers, and that such Inn or Tart rn is necessary
to accommodate the public and entertain stran
gers and travellers.
• Wm Ward,G D Craighesid f M W Moore, 9,
Zug, Jacob Burkholder, John Boyer, Samuel
Given, Wm. Mullin, Jacob Hatz, C Mactisrlane,
Alfred Moore, Win R Moore, Jesse Myers.
Tavern License.
MICE is hereby. given that I intend to ap
ply at the next court of Quarter Sessions of
t II
e county of Cumberland, for a License to keep
a public house in the , house now occupied as Mich
by John Paul, in Churchtown, etimberlaud
county. ' . GEO. GOODYEAR.
Feb. 28, 1850. .
WE the undersigned citizens of Churchtown,
Cumberland county, do certify that we are well
acquainted with the above named George Good
year, that he is of good repute forlionesty and
temperance, and is well provided with Muse
room and conveniences for the accommodation
of strangers and travellers, and that such Inn oi
Tavern as necessary to accommodate the pliblic
and entertain strangers and travellers.
Adam Gensler, Vi illiam C Brandt, John Padl,
Moses Bricker, Peter Livinger, Cary W Ahl,
George Stroch, John Nipple, Geo. N. Baish,
Jacob Bum, Daniel Krysher, John Lutz, , C,onrad
Taverit License.
- IVO'FICE is hereby given that I in-
I' tend to apply at the next Court of Quarter
Sessions of Cnmberland county, for a license;to
keep a tavern or public house in the house now
Occupied by hie as such, in the township of Mon
Match 5.
We the'undersigned citizens of the township
of Monroe, in the county of Cumberland, do
certify that we ore wall acquainted with the.
above named George Morreß, that he in oi good
repute for honesty and iempbratice, and is well
provided with house reitnn,.artd conveniences for
the accomodation of strangers and travellers,
and that such an Inn or Tavern is necessary to
to accomodate the public and entertain strangers
and trave lora.
Samuel Gensler. George Sheller, Jacob West.
fall, Michael Mishler, Daniel Speller, Isaac.,
Kuhn, Carey W. Ahl. A. Smith, Thomas
Moore, Robert Young, M. G. Brandt Samuel
Brandt, Levi Hoffman, Christian Lqhmen.
Tavern License.
N7OTICE is hereby given that I intend apply
-1.11 ing at the ensuing term of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of thc county or Cumberland,
..for a License to keep a public house in the stand
now occupied by me as such,. in Silver Spring
township, in said county, beiag_an old stand.
Feb 37, '1.350-0 •
WE the subscribers, inhabitants of the town.
fillip of Sliver Spring, being personally and well
acquinted with George,Coover the above named
poi:loner and also. having a knowledge of the
house for which the IMense is prayed, do herphy
certify, that he is a person of good remit for
honesty and temperance,. and that he is well
provided with house room and conveniences for
the accommodations of strangent and travellers,
we therefore beg leave to recommend him for I
license, agreeable to his petition..
Benjam Hallman, Simon Crownewell,
John,Hin if
oover, - Benry Epera,. John Bobb, Dan'l.
Comfort, George V Coerce, • Simnel Cocklin,
John G Rupp, - Daniel Brownewell, Levi Mean
Jacob Kuhn, Seer. William M Melly, Charles
o.r.icE is hereby given that r intend ap•
plying at the ansaffig term. of tfie Come of
,Quarter Sl3/38101113 of tho county ofCutoberlend,
fore License to keeps public house in the stan
no w occupied by tne as such, in' the . township
of Dickinson, in said county: • •
Feb 27.1800.
WE the indersignerilitliens of the township
of Dickinson ht the county 'of Cumberland, do
certify'that we are wellacquaintwiwith !Amebae
,named Wm W Hamiltom thetlio.,fs of good
repute, for honesty and temperance; andis , well
provided: with house amt. cenVenienees
:for the accommodation of strangets. and travel
lers, and that suoli In or tavern le PecesSarY 'to
'aceorinnodatethe`public vitpzigili:kitriingeret
and travellers...:: (;'.. • , .
James Wonkier, A G. Mehoffie,,
:John Hooker, 'Samuel Beetem, John Kip
singe r,'lncob flensmingeri,Samuei Longin,lohn
Green, Jos.-A Weikley, Benjamin Smith,
John Moore John Chesney. GW• Gilbort, W
son liubley,Jacob Chienelt.
. •
, • Library once. I •
ALL pereopa , having:tiooks, belonginutoljli
Bellos - Ilettreit the% Union P.
Society,' ere reiluested‘tc return them to the li—
braries, • ,There. are about 1/00,-Nblumes or our ,
Books seMiered thraugh.the to - wn ana country,
'the; names of many ; persons,',hiriring` books-, are
known; ond ,, ae hope', they; will 'retain them
tlelity...lh7 order orthe
ititiV a ii 408501;1.
AND ntlrealiciF 'CA'
d- " 4 4
matili—?l •
Bre,ft Omikepi:"lte
11,0kady,ior IhrankbPt as- :IP.
40k7,,, 14' 7
ma" the Ilftriktri..V.Z:l-',V
hY, the,l4"