Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 13, 1850, Image 3
U AND` 'EXPOSITOR CARLISLE; PE.N'A . THE LARGEST"AND - 'CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN CUMBERLAND einni'ry Ternts—Tioo Dollars a yea!, or Otte Aollar an l fifty Ochts,. f 'punctual/ T riad in Adtianci::: $1,75 if paid within the sear. BOROUGH - -ELECTION. • Whigsour Posts: .. - We.give below th ticltets whiCh have -- tss been put in nominati n for borough and Election Officers, by the Whigs of each IVartL. These tickets have been fairly nominated, according to the usages of the party, and.we are glad to learn have met with general-approval. They are cold-- posed of good mon, to whom the affairs of the borough can be 'safely entrusted, and we hope, therefore, that there will be a united and enthusiastic rally at the election on Friday in support of ourcan didates. . The Whigs of the East Ward have a particularly good ticket, and one that• deserves a powerful effbrt for suc cess, although the chances are against them. i In the good - old Whig West Ward, we hope our friends will lend their strongest exertions to securing the largest possible majority. Let us show to our opponents that the Whig supre— macy of per ancient borough is still un— terrified and unshaken ! Let every good . and true Whig RALLY TO THE POLLS! BOROUGH TICKBT Chief Burgess. Joseph H. Blair. Assistant Bin g&s. George A. Leidig. Town Clerk, Alfred S. Sener. Acsessor. Wm. Bemz. EAST WARD. sown William Osborne, John Gutsball, Christian Stayman, Franklin Gardner. School Directors. Samuel Elliott, James S. Colwell, Judge, Richard l'arker. ' Inspector. Wlllium Miles. Justice of Uec Peace, Stephen. Keepers WEST WARD. • Town Cottn6l, fohn Rhort,tls, Thomas B." Thompson, William Cart, • George 13. Murray, Jacob Bretz. School Director. Andrew Blair. Jutlge, Nathan Hanteh: • Intpector, George W. Crop. Justice of the Peace, Alfred W. Sponsler Constable. William H. Harn. Our Whig friends in the townships wo hope kill be active on Friday. It is very important that whigi officers of the general election shall be eleCted in every township where we have the slightest hope of carrying them. Chambersburg Sentinel, of Monday, says, "wp regret that we were prevented, from hearing the Lecture de livered by the Rev. John N. Hoffman before the Northern Engine company, on Thursday evening last, but from what we have been told of it by persons who tare present, and in whose judgements we have every confidence, it must have been an able and an interesting one. Islin& P. o.—Among the new Post Ofnces established within the last week is "Big Spring Post Office" in Cumber.. land county, of which. Philip Brown has been appointed post Master. r&-strong, desire having been ex pressed,to see it, we have published on our fourth page the 'entire speech of Mr. Bissell, of Illinois. ll° is a locofoco, but has the true spirit of a northern man. tc7:Hon. Thaddeus•Stovens, of Cori grass, and Mr. Church, of our State Leg islature, will acee'pt our '' thanks for fa vors. Or reol. Fremont has arrived at Wash ington. 107 The California fever is rife in Ohio, and'hundreds are daily emigrating. NEWVILLE PACKAGE.. , -011! SUbSedi tiers in Newviile apct vicinity mill here alter receive their papers at the Hard ware Store of Messrs. WILLIAMS, o r a such placers any of themmay dime their papers to be•sent. For the Herald Mr. Boutty—A paragraph in a late number of your poor .aeka how !fumy of your. reader Caitpoint to the chapter and versa containing the 'phrefie,"hold your tongue," which ia of Bt. foliFcrigru. .1 give you the verse, the I , which is us folio ye : "Then shall'he stLy.hOld thy tongue; few we not may ,make mentitin of the name of the Lord. l ' The book - andcliapter tallitenvo 06mo of your other readers to smirch House and, Lot tot Sale. • • THE "subscriber offers for said ..i.the Nouse.and Lot lie , now on - aupiee, on West etreet, between Louther and North street in ihe borough of Carlisle. ' ,The hoese. .'is iwdehtiriei,;high,,,..rough•cadt, with. a„ back, .. building one:and.a half. stories' high,-.and ' sOn , taini seven good rooms: On the end of, theloi Aerate a uorkehdp andlioodhouse, fronting on an ulley ton feet widailionning tri Loonef There is a variety -of Choice' Fruit trees on the lot, arid a Nell of gond watetrnearly In • front of he house...l.For., terms. and' other information ' apply oFtlid „ - • f: - The on: undersigned , hatialso' an 50 Ve= nation it linds; of.various colara and sizes, for sale low for cash. i i ;'„, 7 - 00=8 ;CORNS. : .; I keePeetfully.rrecomnieneit. ; to.' the.n (Meted, ZACHARIAWS PORK ERALgOA.TOk - T w if - oh will'oriectually extirlraineto:theee goal l~ reoele • ieeee neap,. by a, f ew .. np im eat ia n , w pOiw • . . , • UDe• • On the V.Btli Kremer;•Mr. - Adam . Gllnotigh, of Frank fad ,township; Phobe, ltauOlitnnn; tit North'ltliddlotoo ' °Wain 7th Init. 14 the4time., , Mr.Vkierlpitt,ititillt‘,. Birk to: formerly of.lcutztOnin. nonitty t 'Ati.Mlttel:'..... C 'thalami Seidel, of thle.cotinty.,.:4AtAktt . ',A,../.3[v: In Meitiontesbursii John G. Frilchey, r.Ma Wit A.' liro*Ofpfj,A.lleit l ig:!. I ,Mlse Martha Ann, Jones, of OnThormiey lnil,tiy thq of mien township:to:Altai Cathrtrlho Ilimotor • "Neer Mechanleebitre, on the 14th ult., bit,. A. Babb, Mr. Samuel Nouteonier, to . Slim Wilt, „... . .., . . - DIED. • . /;udde,ily In this borough, on Monday last, Mr. '„ht.. cob Stambaugh, Inn-keeper, aged about 95 years. / /0 rSaturday morning, the ' nth' Inst. Mary Fulton. of ewton township, at an advanced age In Harrisburg, on the 25th of February, Annie Zon— ing, daughter of .1. H.• and Sarah Zearing, aged 0 year., 11 months and 23 days. . . mar . , ditu Alarlieto. FIIII.AELPHIA, Monday, March 11, 1850 FLOVR—there. is some little ineniry for export, bu t only 3n400 bbls standard brands folind buyers at $475, which is 'the general asking price better brands are held - at 84,81, and choice at $4,87 per bbl. with limit ed pales. • RYE FLOUR—No change ; about 360 bbl, sold at 2,87 CORN NEAL—is steady, and 250 bbl, Pennsilia ran sold at $2.62. WIIE6T—No Ales. c ßY or ray . e rm ry i st e r c ileYnand, and .soine 6a700 bushels Southern yellow bold at 53 ennui. • New '2thucetioefitstito. For the Care of COUGHS, COLDS, NOARSENESSf BROW. OHITIS, CROUP, AST3II 2TA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. The uniform success which has attended the tilb of this preparatiOn—its salutary effect—its powerto relieve and mire affections of the Lungs; have gained for kt a celebrity equalled by no oilier medicine We oiler it to the afflicted with entire confidence iSt its virtues, and the ,full lief that it will stibthie iuid remove the severest attacks of disease upon the throat and Lungs These results, as they become publicly known, verry naturally attract the attention of medical men and philtuithopists even* , Where. What is their opinion of CHERRY PECTORAL (nay he seen in the soil owing VALENTINE. MOTT, M. D. Prof Surgery Med. College, New York, says "It gives me plea tune to certify the value and efficacy or Ayev's CM:RUN Plie which I . l3ollShilr peculiarly adapted to cure dis- uses of the Throat Mid 1.41111 p." turAtEv. Lula) Bistiop FIELD - - - - writes in a letter to his friend, who was fast sink. • lag under an alfection of the Lungs ;..—" Fry W, : cherry pectoral sod of any Inetqine can give yet a relict. with the blessing of God that will." GUILIF JUSTICE. EUS - 1 IS, of Louisiamv, writes "That a young daughtbr -o, f his was cured or several severe attacks of croup by the 'Cherry Pectoral." AST)) MA AND BRONCHITIS. The Canadian Journal of Medical &tene t . states, "That Asthma and Bronchitis so preva - lent in this inclement climate, has yielded witl surprising rapidity to Ayro's Cherr y Pectoral, and we cannot tdo strongly recommend this skil ful preparation to the Profession and the public. generally." Let the relieved suirerer speak foe' hiritself:— ilAurroan,Jan.26,lB47. Dr.J . C. AYER—Dear Sir t—Having been rescued from a painful and dangerous disease by your medicint, gratitude prompts me to send you lid ackniA,ledgentent, not wily in justice to you, but fur the information or others in like at- a, slight coldupon the lungs, neglected at first became so severe that spitting of blood. a violent imugh out' profuse night sweats followed' and his. tenet' upon me. I became emaciated, could not sleep, was ,l tressed by My cough, and a pain through my chest, and in short had all the alarm ing s . )mploms of quick consumption. No medi cine seemed at all to reach my ctise, until I prov.. Mentally tried your Cheery 'Pectoral, which soon relieved and now has cured me. Yours with respect, E. A,. STEWART. ALBANY, N. Y , April 17,1848. Dr. Ayer; Lowell—Dear Sir have fo r yeau•s been afflicted with Asthma in thu won at form; so that I have 'men obliged to sleep is to y chair for a larger part of the tiine, being iambi le to breathe iu my bed. 1 had tried a great man.y medic - lilt:a, to no purpose, unill my physieis prescribed, as an expel imeut, your Dimity I' s toral• At first it seemed to make me worse, but its lens titan a week I began to experience the mo st gratif)ing, relief from its use; and now, in fot tr weeks, thedisease is entirely removed. I CS sleerr in my bed with comfort, and enjoy a sta,te of health which I had never expected to enjoy. GEORCE S. ,FERRANT. ' PFIEPARED BY I. C. ATM% CHEMIST, LOWEC MEMACHUSETTS. Sold by Dr. 'tali'tins, S. A.. Hubbard, Dr. S. Elliott, Casl laic; Dr. lrs Day, Mechanicsburg; .1. 11. Herrin), Newville; J. C. ISt J. B. Altick,Shi p— pensburg; and druggists generally. Tavern License. %To rick; is harem given that I intend to up -1.11 ply at the next Court of Common Pletu tof Cumberland county, for a license to keep at as ern or public hones in the house now occup led as such by Christian Huffman: on the Wal nut Bottom Road 7 miles West of Carlisle, Fob. 11th 1850. VICTOR SHANNON . We the undersigned citizens of Diekint ton township, Cumberland county, do certify t: hat we are well acquainted with the above nate red Victo; Shannon, that he is of good repute for honesty,and temperance, and is well provid ed with house room and conveniences fur the t .c -ecimmodation of strangers and •travellers a nd that such bin or Taveruis necessary to amen n• tr odate the public and entertain strangers a nd travellers. Henry Sheairer, Jacob Neiman, Willie m Galbraithl Robert. Lind, Jacob . Hemmings, .rt Francis Hutchison, George Martin, Mattlu , w Lynch, John Moore, 'l' C Miller, George Re is singer, Thomas Lee jr. Matthew Galbrail h, John 'l' Green, Furniture Sale. ON Friday the 22d March, 1850, will . be a. ild at public stile, at the residence of the at tb. scriber in North Middleton township, a gent 1— al variety ef furniture; consisting of beds a nd bedding, tables, chairs, Bureaus, carpeting, c no Hathaway cooking move, with pipe, 3 ten ph etc stoves with pipe, drum for sleeping : remit, hat go copper kettle, brake kettle, ono Iron kettle, looking glasses, one new ward robe,O beauti Cul specimen of stuffed peafowl, entail size 1: ron sele,twoclooks,latly's side saddle i butter chit no, tubs; mem stand, 2 barrels of vinegar, ant I a groat variety of other articles too numerous to mention. Also at the same time ono almostm eiv ono horse carriage, a one horselwagon, 2 hen MB, `Sz 5 cows.. Sale to commence at 9.0 clock A. 'M: terms made known by J HERSHI 3 Marsh 4, 1850—ts Estate .or John draft; decd. LETTERS testamentary upon thii wilt ofJolm Graff, lattrof Allen towns Chip Cumber's*Connly, doted, have boon , gra: tied te .. th'e subscriber residing in the same .towns hip, those who haioe:elainis agajnst the estate "0f. , " the iiistiner will Present them, arid those. lard ted ivill makii , " LEVI MARKLI E eMareli 6, , Executo- r. -!. ~ Auditorlo..Nstice; •' • TmHI inidersigned.heving been appointed by. 1;' the Orphans;COurt of Cumberland coin try, •an Auditor to distriinite the assets, ar,surpld reef the.estafe of BSsionzai; Antrunwe; deo'd, id the bends Of. John CetArer.'jr;. his administrator .Ito' 'arid. amongst the "creditors of said debedent,: vi veit said creditors for; said purpose at., his in' (floe in tbe' beret Of Carlisle, on SA TUltl.h Che 3 • • kW Gil GAULLAGHEI at-Instated, ~ ~F.. .';' fi . g . "higliesfktriet price , ! , in ,'xct ~,i h., . wiii be paid:for: WHEAT;atAbe Geod.! ".mui...Tornolyocoupi o „,-.p. r c )avi t l. wesiponn.bor oownsOßQE •ItRIE ST ; ', hip GE .'ll'eb.i.:g9;,:ppo-1 rpP4. , ,- .)...•.,...'„.!-`7'Lf rlol! . ' , ,.;,.,,1 1 ` ; ';;1 ~'..7. ,, ,;;- !:- ',:':,.' '' • c•,''' "1 } ;1.!'...r:-: • r • ROOR- , ....H0,U5E:., ,, 5T4TWNT.:,.?.;Y0A: , :j':840 . . . IAZIL' ''' ' ' - -••• BRADLEY;and; • tf 'r the Colin -14kM1.,.;.C1i,1rt C. Sil.. po : rtitidof ti ' le t,' 4 _ . .lVl - 0 1 u U s i - i tro A c hL m ' 1 ? - 1 ;ib t ; Id2 E tei t , •2 ''1 . . 0 .7 3, 11 3,:ati . 1 7 a 7. r_ ._.. , 7 6. , ‘. ,'°i Esquires, ~Directors of .the .' •of Cumberland, In - • account' with_ ~ t t ty,•sabl County, fror,ntr, ,7.,,„,,Y,.:. , .-: ? . . ' Y . , , '• the 31st 4:14 of Dee - ember: 1?49, me T o ~ „ • To amount drawn from County Tree- „ • ' :I',sctier.f..... . .. , .., .. $5,000 00 :Cask received . for utte,of Mary.Knet-...>.. _ . 1 do. • - ~ ' . 167,33 Of U. S. Government for use of illii... -. .... cothy Homikood, - .. 125 OG Of Jacob Shrom for HideS and skins ..109 071 Or Perry county for support of pau-. , ~ pen; . 51 07 Of Delaware county for support of . • J. Powell, colored, 17 00 Of R. Snodgrass, Epq for use, 65 00 Of J. W Eby, for uso^of T. Robin son, colored, (dead) :, - 47 95 Of A S L)ne, for old coppei, 10 00 For TII i idW , 21 40 0(3 G oryler and others, (tlecous'a . F i's.) 18 181 Fortlank Indeetures, 3,50 s ' Hershu, Esq. for hauling, 2 00 Of C B tauter, constable fine, 1 33 For stqldrtts, 26 • 05,640 093 1!:1 , • • 1/11 1013 &WIER, Esq., Treasurer of the Poor House and House of Employment of Cumberland e ounty, in account toith the Directors of said Institutionarom the Isf day of January to the 31st day if December, 1849, 'inclusive, viz. T , cash . ree'd from County Treas'r. $5OOO 00 ' " from Joseph Lobach, Stew ard, from different sources; as exhibited in the forego sng statement, Stock on the Farm Ist January, 7 head of Hones, 24 head 'Of Horned Cattle, 32 heed of Hoge, 24 Shoats and 9 •Pigs, 26 he ad of Sheep, 1 Calf. Beef,Pork,Mutton,and Veal,fattened killed on thefarrn, in 1849 26 Beeves, average weight 498 pounds, (12,948 lbs.) 34 Hogs, avemge weight 216 pounds, 7,344 lbs.) 63 Sheep, average weight 41 pounds, (2,503 lbs.) 14 Calves, average weight 73. , ounds, (1,022 lbs.) making in all 23,897 lbs, Farming Utensils on the Farm, Ist January, 1849. 1 Broad wheeled arid' Neriow wheeled wagon, 1 wagon bed, 1 pair eradotl-ladders, 2 part' of hay-ladders, 1 cart & cart-gears, 1 sleigh & harness, 3 ploughs, 4 parr 'we'; 3 double shovel ploughs, 3 single shovel ploughs, 1 stone wagon, 1 thrashing machine, unt. horse power, 1 fan ning mill, I rolling screen, 1 corn 'holler, 1 ground roller, 2 cutting boxes, T flax brake, 2 grind stones, 2 log chains, 34 cow chains, 6 sett of wagon grate, 6 sett of plough 'gears, 2 sell of car-- penter's tools, 1 sett of blacksmih's tools, 2 sett..orbutchering tools, 4 wbeelbarrows,:l.cabbage. knife, and a variety of axes, mattocks, picks, shovels, crowbars, corn hoes, forks, rakes, grain cra— dles, sickles, scythes, single and double trees, &c. Schedule showing the Proceeds of the Farm for 1800 1000 bushels of wheat, 27 of rye, 532 of oats, 445 of corn, 470 of potatoes, 2 of timothy seed, 18 of onions, 2 of little onions, 25 of parsnip., 40 of heels J of beans and peat', 2009 head of Cabbage, 47 loads t f bay, 9 of corn fodder, ono wagon load of pumpkins, 2000 cucumbers Manufactured and made in the House and Shop 122 shirts and chimise 32 sheets, 20 caps, 15 chaff beds, 5 bolsters, 38 calico frocks. 37 cot- ton frocks, 59 aprons, 27 petticoats, .20 pair of stockings knitted, 40 pair of stockings footed, 59 pillow slips, 26 comforts, 10 sun bonnets, 3 pair of drawers, 12 flannel frocks, 48 pounds of soft soap, 130 of hard soap. JOSEPH LOBACH, Steward. ELIZA JANE DAUGHERTY, Matron. The Directore &c , of said Instit u tion, annex the following exhibit of extra labor, &c., performed: by the Stewar . Matron, and Paupers, from the let day of January to the 91st &tog De-- ' cember, 1849, 'gravities. viz Made 40 carte, ono double shovel plough, 8 bushel baskets, 10 handle baskets, 8 new benches for dining room, 1 cot bedstead, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 large dough tray for bakery, 1 large gate, 1 small gale, 700 rails P cut 125 cords of wood, qunrried stone for and niade 30 rod of stone fence, done about $4O worth of blacksmithing, burned 500 bushels of lime. Number of Paupers in the Institution let of January, 1849, of which 26 were colored, Number admitted up to 81st December, 1849, of which 25 weregieolored and 2 born ill the house, 276 Making the whole number through ~ the year, 396; Of which 20 died,B children bound out, 19 eloped, and. 209 were discharged, 256. Leaving the number of paupers in the house,Jan,l,lBso,of which 28 are col'd Oct door paupers, supported at public expense through the year. 10, of • which 4 havp been admitted and 2 died, • Whole number supported Ist January, 1850, Of those remaining in the Poor House, 31st December, 1899, there are— Males 02, of which 12'are colored, • Females 48, of which 16 are. colored, . And 8 out door paupers, of which l is colored, Average number per day through the year, • 148 • There are, as near as can be ascertained under 1 year 4 ; 6 from Ito b; 9 from 5 to 10 ; 7 from 10 to 20 ; 20 from 20 to 30 ; 12 from 30 to 40 ; 12 from 40 to 50; 21 from 50 to 60 ; 20 from 60 to 70 ; 18 from 70 to 80; 8 from 80 to 90 ; 2 from 90 to 100 ; 1 above 100 Exclusive of the above, the registry contains a list of the names of 175 transien-t paupers, who have been received without regular orders from and of the Peace, and who have been supported pt the institution fo r one, two and three days. -We, the Directors of the Poor and of the House of Employment for the county of Cumberland, do certify that the above and fOregoing stateinent . .contains a just and true exhibit of the InstitutioNduringttlie period above stated; according to the hest of our knowledge, Given under our hands this tat ,day of, Ji m ary, A. D. 1850. WILLIAM ,KEFC THOMAS BRADLEY'. ,:• • Directors. M. G..BELTZHOOVER, j We the undersigned, Auditors of Cumberland' county, elected and sworn accord ing to law, haying exammed-the accouno and ''sconcliere'of, the Directors of 'Au Poor , 1 and',l - lonse, - af Ent playmant'ofiaid County, front, theist ;,dayAntiary the ; 81qt ! day of ,December 1849, faClusivii,dO certify, that w*,fintl• a balance ,duct.sattl.county, by.the Director aforessid,:,ot four hundredt and fifty-seven 'dollars 'and twenty-two , cents, in pte-hands of 'Jacob Treesaar'Of said Poor'House, and, klduse,, Of E mployment. (liven • under Our, ,the „11th' daY of January, 1 880., • '•',..• '•.' , • PEtEIt , I,IILiNt.'EFC , . 4 JOHN. P..R.HOADB,-; • duilitorai -.14, 'lB6O . , . „- „ , .,jr aft - ce , ~, , „ ~ , . ~.., 0 ::4-NtilliableFatii- f oiS010.-.., . - ''''': > ' . ' ''', °, ~ AIN ONTAININ6,I9O riorasr situate In South ~ T HE'undpra jg ned . - lictring , parc4ased ;ci , th i s;, , t 4,o „ m al u i ci d a d 4 le ci to u n ,h .to o w f c ne a h r in u i ci o , u t r as be fo rl r a m nd ii 'ep a u f n a t ii.7 y,' ,;i the 'interest el loriner partner,v takee rifi l lAl'" , Pailor Limestono)and, diyeded•off,in';,conyeni!! i method. orinformiqg hie numerobs: ouato end the , publia generally,.ffrat he -will,tioutiniin .. 'i• ant fields, the bulldhige.kiiod,„'wlth all,a,i authe well knowiist and In-Kest lldniartitreet; di-:,.;' ~,,Q, . . . excellent;spring oh running ; at ilte;‘,„% ready oppoaliti the stare of Mr.i Chas , : OgilbM-'• "' ' door 'of thq, dyellirig. ..i where will be, found' the Inrgest end cheapest liii ,, sortment xg00 . 16 .. „ . in his hile,,:y.i . , Hardware, ...te / Il i., Werth i y 'the, itterition'pl tlitts° who',want.,4o,: n i _ n it,wn 'be'soldieW if ar4illeation' is ritede'Xic,i Cedar wnre. Glass 39t ever Y , 6 : 1 ' 79 ,* ; .111 :•.. 44- —l '!. , :lhe Subireriber .boiween.'‘thie - aiidllie , firselOf ~ 1 . pyemiiirs,'&6„,of any. etere p't , ,,loo,ceii,piY % O• --- . April neXt; °fair which hhifilende 1iie1e4.f004' . , !,) The sebtioribor.ilituTris hie, apron? Jeen K 1 S t° !, Wostiihose whlWantle'vieW.the firopertymiityl - N 'filficuitomete arid thecoilirntinity generel y,ifot .-..hir on...Me:Xi° pferVadfoining,cirto4hir.underr., 110.libeyelpetronakie,givee to ,the fele firrn, pn . 4 - erni, eignedittiNorthilitiddlbtonipossiesion,sivelioiX , , i h n o d pe i s eae by i ' v e e tT ii iet' o h i t i i t o b t i ti a p i, it c ,', o to r t! i tr e lil e te4i* e ..t?; 111 . the firsrof APri1i , 185 . 1:11., 2 :t , a1,; t, 4. ilpß - SHWI , ,;i., ' ~ . Maroh4,'lllso:( .i ,spAt '.;: , ,1,.., - 4,,, , . , ,,,,4,,, c :,: f 1-- , m; ,: '1 .I:67i: , 'n'isl.pery,,l.: - HEAR,Ar SAXT p N,:, ,,.. ,:4,; -,.? ..„),.- -. , , , , ,4i-4 n , m ,-, ; ,,,,, ,.; :g '',1:).C‘,!..''). ,- ; ' 1: : {4.“''')..;:: , ". i) , ...),)':' '"I '-.: ~',. g....• '.• ." ..' -..V: . '':'. '.. :; '.. '', ..' :'', 'i, • . . . , 011. •• = • By-payment ot interest owdowerin favor of Mrs O'Brien c .im the land z. • -21 • probated of A McDowell in 1842 ~ 438 91 Cash for 'Groceries, Merohandlza ._. - , clothing and bedding included; , . Cash advanceil brJ Squitie,,Eici., • do. for stook, do. for grain, flour and grinding, do for support of out door, paup're„ do for lumber, do for tailoring, •, 4,, do for, shbemaking arid .beillng, do for stone,coal, ‘ do for leather, • do for blacks'mithing; do for freight on coal & granaries dolor out door funeral expanses, 'do for Constable's fees for remov— log paupers, • do for hardware, cutlery, Brc , do for materials, improventils, &o - on the farm, do for tin, copper, and sheet iron, ware, and tinkering, ,‘" do for farming utensils, tools, /cc., ---dw-forvirum—stovoTstovw-pipc—antt— repairing coal stoves, do for tinning house roof, do (or costings,. do ,, fcr Manulacturing satlinett, do_fot phister, do for to work, . . do Borough of Mutiny in Lycoming. • county; Pa., for support of a pauper do for out door medical aid, do for sadlery, do for printing and stationery, • do for traveling and incidental ex, , — pa - Was, ' • do Blind Institution fot use of Sa- rah McGlaughltn, do for postage, . -do for sundries, • do J, Lobach, salary.for one year,' .lhirelings wages included,) do Dr J Baughman salary for one ry ear, .4. do J Squier, El., Treasurer, sal ary for one year, do L Toddy Esq,, attorney fisr e year, 20 00 do J Hershe, Esq., extra services as Director, 7 50 do Wm ICer. Esq., extra'services as Director, .18 00 do -Thomas 13, adley, Esq., extra services as Director, 65,19 2 137 i Cash due by J Squier, Treaa , r 947'22 $5,640 09; Oil By cash p'd orders as above stated, $5,192 87; Balance due by Treasurer, ‘447 22 640 09 $5,640 09.; '~~~:~ Mii=i '.g:P,:O4 - * , ..0',..,Pbi.r . 10.0.;-,.,.. • . -" eiztliarga -• • ‘7l.AN,bc,expected from : . - the enbricriber,ze hi .V .es just.' received i. new, and' apleadid . laa- - SOrtinant :GOODS, 413, list ensign - 18m and May; 'favorlitif with a'call at groat Bargains CLOTIIS .AN CASMJEKES, 'satinets; velvet' cords. Ky.' jeans, saarlin, Ye!. ictWi:white and Canton Flannels, tiehirigs,'nitis, dine; calicci,. cashmeres, do lanes, alpacas; Co bvrg cloths,. gloves; - hosiery, Irish • linen, com forts,. &c - • . ' - . ariAyvi4 , !. SHAWL! ! A large:tind , splendid assortment of Long and Sillier° Shawls, at .all prices to suit the times. 84414.68 t .451 84i , .463.34 ..414 79i ' -198%0 ' .188 01 .104 021 183 99i ' 133 OU _l3l 711, 76 ,46 61 244 80 75 HOOTS AND SHOES. Alen, Hoot's and Shoes, which he is determ• fined to sell low, at his stand, in . North Hano first store below Haverstich'e - Drag Store. ver street, Carlisle. J. G. CARMONY. Bargains, Bargains.- I AM . now,pelling ofilny stook of Win • ter goods at greatly reduced prices, to make room for a big assortment'a Spring goods. Be ing to eat doWn the stock, p_urcha ears will find it decidedly to their advantage to call and got the cheapest goods to be had in the town or ..county, at the old stand East Main street, Carlisle, CHAS. OGILBY. Feb. 13, 1850. 51 811 82 881 44 GM 44 9.5 33 79i Superior Groceries, -T II E subscriber---begs-leive-to--infortn- his friends and the public in general, that° he has: just returned, front the city, with a large and general -assortment of Flt ESH G HOGE RIES, all of which he is prepared to sell at a very smajl advance. stook - is - composed - of -a-general-assortment-of-everyihing-in-the-Gro-- eery - line, embracing in part Peas. Coffees, Su gars, Molasses, Spices, Tobacco and Cigars, Queensware and Glassware, :Fish and Salt, Crackers and Cheese, Fruits, Nuts and Can,' dies, Pine and Etlterial Oils, Fluid Lamps, Hants and Dried Beet, Beana, White Corn, Vinegar, Toys, Matches. Brushes, &e Persons will find it to their advantage to give uHrivall; -- 01 - Tant - dttrermirred - ro - sell - at - ve M Soo t , Moderate profits Don't forget the stand, Sout : Hanover street next door to Hannan's (late Esh- alman's Hotel,•end within two doors of the Vo lunteer Prinnting Office dec26 '99 . C. IN.H.OFF, A'gt 32 711 25 00 36 31 26 661 28 00 10 IV 57 57i 6 50 9 (10 sae; EIS 25 00 1 71 3 70 SOO 00 ANOTHER REVOLUTION, SAMUEL A. HUBBARD, having parches ed of Mr. Henry A Sturgeon; his stock of Drugs, Medicines. &c.. would respectfully so licit a share of the public patronage; at the old stand, corner of Pitt and High Streets, opposite the Rnil Road depot. Ho will keep constantly on hand, .a& assort ment .of fresh •Drugs. Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, and a variety of fancy articles, which he is determined to sell low.— Ho will give his personal attention to the busi ness, and pa• tivularly to putting up prescriptions, A liberal deduction minis for Physicians coun try Merchants, and Pedlers. _ 1••••• • rob. 13, 1550. 100 00 40 00 _12,00 Ho, For California ! SELLING OFF AT• COST $5,64.0 (J 9 A S I have determined to go to California in A the Spring, I will offer until about theilsth of April, coy mock of GOODS, which is' en tirely new and well assorted; AT COST.— Those in want of good‘will do well to call} im mediately us lam determined to close out my entire stock of goods at this place, a rare chance for bargains is offered, call soon. Any person wishing to embark in business will find this a rare chance, apply to the subscriber. F COOPER. Newville, Feb. 19, 1950: Cheap Corking Store. , GREAT BARGAINS ! 65,640 09; Iill?, subscriber would respectfully inform his frienklnd the public in general, that helms removed his.large and exteniive.assort. Mem of READY• MADE CLOTHING' to (ho room recently occupied as n stare by Geo. W. Flit ne.t. on float Main street. directly oppo site Elliott's Drug Siam., nod within two doors of Orzilby's store, whole he will keep constant ly on hand. all kinds of Ready Made Clothing', and everything permitting to gentlemen's Avoid - robes. The clothing Ile offers for sale is made up in his own shop, by experienced workmen, and under his own supervision. Ile feels pre. parei to offer great bargains in . h e Clothing lino, and to test this fact he could earnestly in vite the citizens of this county to give ..him a call and examine the quality of his stock and his pricCs, before purchasing elsewhere. He will also, as heretofore, continue to make up all kinds of Clothing according to order, nod thosottrlk.prefer it can byre theirmoasures taken, and their garments, made up to their pleasmettt. Alwnys on ham] a liggo assortment of Cloths, Cassionses, Stainets,t7ostings, &c. Don't forget the place direelly opposite El liott's store, and within two dooppf 'Dainty's. dabl2,3m N A T HA N•AiANT CH. Large and Splendid Arrival of FALL .IND WINTER C.LO 7 PIII.7PG: TILE undersigned respectfully announces to the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that he has just l u t ii a stock of Fashionable. Clothing, cut and mat -.ln excellent style, which for cheap ness an " 1 nunfity was never before equalled in this place:" Such as—splendid new. style black French t lath dress Coats, large and handsome circle cloth Cloaks, 'black and brown sack Coats, business coats in the latest styles, Mon• key coats, tweed sank coats, superior fine bl'k French cassimare Pants, new styles of fancy cassimere Pants, over 200 pairs of stripe,, plain fall and winter pants, £ 5O Elega, e.w vests, excellent Black satin vests, also,as sortment of fine white Liden, red flannel and striped Shirts, collars, bosoms, storks, suspen ders, cravats , handkerchiefs and other articles in his line. flays' Mildly , and oil clothing suitable for fishermen and others constantly on hand. Fine cloth caps trom £5 to 87 cents.— Glazed Caps lq cents. In fact the above Is the largest and beet assortment ever offered in this place, and as cheap as can be purchased in the city of Philadelphia. Persons who prefer having their clothing made to order can be ac commodated at the shortest notice. WI Ire therefore respectfully invites. hie custom ers and the public generally to call and see him at the Clothing Store, corner of Main Street and the Centre Square. Idecl2 Reading for the million. 141) A LARGE and well selected assortment o BOOKS of all kinds constantly kept on hand to suit the times, the following have•just been received. llama's history of hi upland, two first Nos. occived. Shakspeare's Works, 4 different editions. Byron 's Works, Burns' Works. 148 02 48 . Scott's ,yne,B P; :xled eti,calitt, to o rlts. . the Jordan and Dead Sea.. Montegue's ditto. Scott's Military Tactics, 3 vole. Women of the Revolution, by Mrs. Eliot. Philosophy of Religion, by Morcoll. ~ Earnest Ministry, by James: Bravo's Daughter, by Duganne. Dowager.or Now-School for Scandal, by Mrs Gore. • Thgenxton's ' by Bulwor. The Queen of Gipsies. Cruise in n Whale Boat. liiii -And all the now novels resolved as soon as published. AU orders for Books attended with dispatch. After all your disputes about Cheap Books , call around and examine for yourselves. octl7 a T .W MARTIN. .wATcrigs,, JEWELRY, kó . - THE subscribe; respectfully informs his friends and the pulite: generally, that he has just returned front Philadelphta with the largest and most aplendod assortment of Watchea,Jew , iiry, over beioro offered to the citizens of this place. , '• Its stock consists in part of a splendid lot of Gold and Silver Lever Watches, Gold.and ' , ter Lepine 'do, with 'a variety .01 Watches of lower prices,'• Gold guard -. 4hains, Gold ,and Silver'Penelle, a splendid assortment of 'gold pens .cif most - .approved,''Manufacture, Silver nutter • Knives;;Stiver and plated Spoils, fine Silvr platettForke„a•lerge and:splendid - lot of ,Gold' and Silver ,Stutel,nolea4(htt; invites paitiett .tor.n.ltention tOi4 Dwelt) Of, sPeotaclee,,es he can:l. erran(thern Vet fie beiikort this aide of Philarialphiaj:Cornmen'Opectables Of all Prices ,o lrrge'endbeitutiftkasiortrittint , `,, 'ger ,and'sEer Ringo; all.'prlcest':loo4stlen, retit_Vritiety,Watch ittiOyest, '" 4 Chains, Sliver and' shell 'Card cases; very ri l s_ "parlor ~artielei, i 3ibrei combs, ionise Stiskete; , with'O great variety' of ether stri. tieloe•in hie ' lino; nei'rteerissery; to meMlon;`•,-' ~ 1 10' invite!) 'lt It ,to anD and i ekamitio:ls ,Dienr¢d It at •", MA Pat s , 11?) :to 101 0 Dad bot oOd.titif CAW . . u GAR , - 8 yio INI - ol . iunieo of •thO beavotoxlitieB- - ; . tOt! or,PW 2. find No. ?;.4PktiOlrier.l4orele. l also SAIMON. AIM 0 N.. silo at `.' •,-.' 4 . ; . - o,,jirliel6;;(iitc. 7,1850; A i AT G(LI)MANS! EBYIS WM 1 , 1. 11=11E1152111 ~T~#iec:;.. , '..PRObtAItATION WHEREAS, , tho Honorable • Fiume= WiTri;Traiiitent Judge or theaeveral ',O,oortsif Ccimmorf Pleas lrif the' "corintieri . of Dainbe;laial, Perry arid Juniete,ip,Yennaylva eia, and Justice of the *sore ral•Court it of Oyer, and Terminer, and., Oeneral , .: Jail Delivery'in saittcoontiel,:and-Hon. John:Stuart and Johh Clondenin, Jadge3 of the • CoMI otOyer and Terridner and qthaeral , Jail 'Delivery for the trial of all capital arid' Other' ' offierilers, in' the said eOuntY *of Cu rr; berlitMl, by:their precepts to isloarm medireoted, d tad ilia Jan., 1850, havo ordered ;t ourt 1:1411:51rid Terminer and GeneralJal Deliver 'be holden at Car lisle on 441, . (being the 8111 - 11 Kat 1 „ clock .in the.fiae noon, to continueltivb we s. ... NOTICE is t,11085y. ." by given; to the Coroner, Justice of the. Pence and Constables ofthe said county ofeurnberland4hatthey are by the said precept.commanded4roe then and there in their proper porsonith their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and all other remembtances; todo thee things which to thei r offices appertain to be dde,und all those that are bound by reeognizanoos, to prosecute (against the prisonerstriat are or then shall be in the Jail of said county. are to be there to prosecute them as shall he just, DAVID SMITH, Sheriff. Carlisle, Dec. 13, 1849. • . . Estate Of E. Bosserman, deed • L.ETTERS of Administration, de bonis non, .1-A with the will annexed, on the estate of E., BOBBERIitAN, late of Carlisle ! Cumberland coon-. - ry: M364;1106 been issuerl tn due form of law to-thc-anbacriberi-living . in-Newporti-Perry - county, Pa. All persona Indebted to said, es tote are required to 'Make immediate payment,. and those having claims to pyetWat settlement to .1 W B 0 SSERMA tirAd m' r FeL. 26, 1850. xsta_te_Jzro_iim,_ 44LETTERS of Administiation on the ' estate of Margaretta Piper, late of West Ponnsboro township, Cumberland county Po. deceased, have been granted by the 'Register of said county, ~o the subscriber residing in Newyille in said county, Allpersons indebted, to said estate will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated' for - settlement to JAMES R IRVINE, Adm'r. Feb. 25, 1850. °lice. LETTERS Testamentary upon the will of the Hon JOHN REED, clee'd., lately of Car• lisle, have been granted to •Mrs. Sarah A. Reed, the Executrix, residing in the same place, those who have dative against the estate fo ,the Testator, will present thefn, and those indebted will make payment to her. fobs-fit SARAH A REED, Ex'trx. t Estate of Jacob Wise, peceased. • ' LETTERS testamentary on `the estate of Jacob Wise; late of Shiremanstown, Allow township, Cumberland county, decd. have been granted to the subscriber, residing in the inane place. All persons indebterfoo said estate are requested to make payment, nd those having claims to present them forset.lement to fe h.13-50-6w ELIZABETH WISE. . Executrix. Estate of WILLIAM KUTZ dee'd. ALL persons are hereby notified that let.tors testamentary on the last will and, testament of William Kw z, late of South Middleton town. ship, Cumberland county deceased, have this day been issued by the Register in and for said county, to the subscriber who resides in North Middleton township, in the county aforesaid.— All persons having claims or demands against tbaiistate of the said decased, are requested to make Itnc.en t same without delay, and those indebted to make pnyment to DAVID KUTZ, Executor Feb G, Gt Estate of George Bobb, decd. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration on the Estate of George Bobb, late of the Borough of Mechanicsburg, in the county of Cumberland, decd. have this day been issued by the Register in and for the sthid county, to the subscriber who resides in Monroe township, in the said county. All persons hav ing claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent are'resmeated to make known the same without delay, and those indebted to make payment to JOHN HOUSER. Feb. 12, 50,.6t Administrator of G Bobb lor Rent TWO OpFICES fth 4 rent, froth 7 ,11,1 - #1 tho let of April next, on Pitt adjoiningstreet, the Drug Store of, enr. e .S a onnonti first sy, tTher the second story of said building. For parti....lers enquire of the subsetiber. '8 ROBERT NOBLE. Jan. 23, 1850. • . FOR RENT. • THE dwelling house, now men ••, pied by Mr. Saxton, adjoining my •• store. Also, two comfortable dwel r —, tog houses in Pitt.Stree , , rent 850. Possession given April let. 1850 CHAS. OGILBY. Carlisle, Jan. 9, 1850 • For Rent. • THE house now occupied by Jo— .." 0" seph Arnold, above and in the rear of the Stare of ihe subscriber, also 1111 I several smaller Dwellings, for fur• ther'partieulars call with the subscri. bar. JACOB SENEH. Tavern License To the Honorable the Judges of the 'Court of Quarter sesstons of the'Peace of Cumberland county, at April sessions, A. D. 1850. The petition of WM. P. HUGHS, Respect. fully represents, That your petitioner is provi ded with the nebessary . requidites for keeping a house of Public Eniertamment, in the house now occupied by him as such, your Petitioner, there fore, prays your Honors to grant him a License fur the same, the ensuing year, commencing on the 2d Monday of April 1850 as in duty bound ho will ever pray, &c. Feb. 19, 1850, , WM, P. HUGHS, We the hndersigned citizens of the township of East Pennsborough„ in the county of Cum berland, do certify that wo are well acquainted with the above named William.P. Hughes, that he is of good repute for honesty andtemporance, and is well provided with house.rdom, and con veniences for the accommodation of strangers and travellers, and that such Inn or Tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and enter ! tain strangers and travellers. Simon Oyster, A P Erb,: Henry Carlin, Thomas Flowers, ft Wilson, Samuel 'Himmel ' rich, 0 W Lovelace, Jno. Wolf, Christian Him raellribh, Samuel Sadler, H. Church, Valentine Xenzol. , Stray heifer. LAMB to the promises of the subscriber, in South Middleton township, about the let • of December last, a BRINDLE HEIFER, about a year old, with white head and belly. The . •—ige 111111.110 4 ; owner is requested to come for • warm prove property, pay char ges a,td take hoc away, or she will be disposed of law. GEORGE BREND,IER . Jan 28; 1850-2 t.. Stray Steer. CAME to the premutee oldie subeeri bar, in South Middleton townshini ahem. . the )st of Dec. - last, a , ,HLACK . ) STEER,.abont'a year With white spots on . the. shoulder' and •.• the rump, and a white belly: The oryneryi requested .•to-, some for,' . ward, 'prove .4i:rosily/ pay, chargei3ltiod thke him 'away,or, he Nita) be,diericised of s'atieording law. • • • JOHN, 'IcAT.II.,FMAN...'...' •jan 43 lisoL•-a*'• ,"' ~.Elerchant Zill •,. ; • THE Valuible Mill at. Hi] the Cerliele-Iron WerketWilkbe oflbrod rent .at vendeo • _ the piere,,,bi •on SR n or putary, rday -----=--re " I ',, L PEI 7 . ,., the % n th d¢ of at in r a . . 11 : 3 1 A49. ' , 'C r". ii : iii : l6 l :iio'n : -:Woricii;. F,l' b t p, ~ tipp. , r? Minted:: • B 0 Y in a'GrOceri' whe r will •en &law& te.iniikalimeellactivb and liaaftil. 'One froth Ilia eoantry..wciuld be prefirred; Enqnire . Brushes+ Brishei 1. i A groat •iratiety of •tlfeini'neeful''ailichni fared for salo, conaisting,ol Paintera; lot.iii Shivingi MAO dmi, Nail, Eliii*k(pq.:Gitillhing , Biloillea . in orait. , iariety; all of„aibinly,iixa (1 11 01 , - , !ty and no.aold:a(tApionroationViiii • •A A " V!. l , ~„ , „ • tavexitt-Kistusto• License •NICE is . heixibS, give'n that I intend Asiapyly ate the next; Court or Counters PlealMC ' Cuinbnilend county, for a license to Isciep.a' tavern. or public house in the house now. occupied byme as such, (formerly.kept by Mr. Orthj' in the West Ward, tarliile • Mocir6 • ,"ITENIty 'GLASS: %Ve the undersignedeltizens of the west ward, Carlisle, in the county of Cumberland, do cord ly that we are well acquainted with the above named Henry Glass, that'he it of repute for, hone's!". and temperance, and is well provided with' house- room, and conveniences for the ac commodation of strangers and travellers, and that such an Inn or Tavern is necersaty to no cornodate the public'and entertain strangers and travellers. C. InhofT, Henry W Ignnaga, William Cnrt, -Armstrong Noble, Jacob...Leibey, Chns Bar l nitz Jacob Leibey, Peter Weibley, William Baker, George W. Hilton, George Bendel, John Noble, H. L. Burkholder, James Davis, S. W. Haverstick. Henry W. Orih. Tavern License NOTICE is hereby given that we intend to 11 apply at the next court' or Cdmmokt Pleas of Cumberland county, for a license to keep a tavern or public liouNe In the house built by them in Fran hided township. isi Pei. - 4,J B lB5O. D &LACKEY We the undersig citizens of the township of Frankfort), in the county of Cumberland, do certify that we are well acquainted with the above named M D & J B Lackey, that they are' of good repute for honesty and temperance, and well provided with house room, and conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and travellers, and - that - such Inn or Tavern is necessary to ac commodate the public and entertain strangers and travellers. .• Daniel Lackey, Andrew Oiler, Peter Myers, William Blossur, Frederick Mentzer,• John Lo ph, James Graham W F Swiger,.Michael Min— ich, Peter Minich, William Strome, John Snyder Jacob Ensminger, Henry Mentzer. Abraham Burkholder, Wm Campbell, Geome_W_olt;_Peter. -- MUybnry, Jacob—Macy. Tavern License. NOTICE is hereby given that. I intend to ap ply at the next Court of Common L'leas 01 Cumberland county, for a license to keep a tav ern or public house in the house t now occupy as such in North Middleton township. , March 4,1850.. GEORGE S WIG . We the undersigned citizens of North Mid dleton township in the county of Cumtierland, do. certify that we are well acquainted with the a bove named Gecrge Swigert,that he is of good repute for honesty and temperance, And is well provided with hisuse room, and coot eniences for the acchinmodation, of strangers and travellers, and that such inn or tavern Is necessary to accom modate the public and entertain strangers and travellers. Samuel Geissinger, George Thomas, Abra ham M ondorf, Jacob Waggoner, Samuel Miller, Levi Mordorf, John Beidler, John Thomas, Joseph Mackey; Christian Kinert, John Kitch, George N Hoach r Jarob Beidler, George Brin dle, Jacob Gotshall, Tavern License, NOTICE is hereby_ given that I intend apply ing at the next Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county for a License to'keep a tale, ern or public house in the house r now occupy as such in South Middleton township. • SAMUEL MORRETT. March 4,1850. We the undersigned citizens of the township of South Middleton, in the county of Curnber land,do certify that we are well.acquainted with the above named Samuel Morrett, that •he is of good reptile for ones y and temperance, and is yell provided w th ho se room; and convenien ces for the ace . tion of strangers tind y ellers, and that tic t nn or Taw rn is necessary to accommodate the public .and entertain stran gers and travellers. Wm IVard,G D Craighead, M W Moore, S, Zug, Jacob Burkholder, John Boyer, Samuel Givin,-Wm. Mullin, Jacob Hatz, C .Macfarlane, Alfred Moore, 'iVni It Moore, Jesse Myers. Tavthm License. . N,OTICE is hereby given that I intend to ap ply at the next coprt of , Common 'Pleas of the county Of Cumberland, NI. a License to keep. a public house in the house now occupied as such by John -Pattle..-in Churchtown, Cumberland. county. Feb. 28, 1850 WE the undersigned citizens of Churchtown, Cumberland county, do certifiy that we are well acquainted with the above named Gem Good year, that he is of good repute for lion sty and temperance', and is well provided wit t house room and com eniences for the aeeommodatiptt of strangers and travellers, and that such Inn o r Tavern is necessary to acsommottate the public and entertain straitgers.and travellers. Adam Gensler, I'V illiam C Brandt, John Paul, Moses Bricker, Peter Livinger„ Cary W A hi, George Stroch, John Hippie., Geo. N. Baish ' Jacob Bum, Daniel Krysher, John Lutz, Conrad Westfall. Tavern License- J . OTICE is hereby gwen - -that I in tend to apply at the next C urt of Cothmon Pleas of Cumberland county, I license to keep a tavern or public house in the muse now occupied hype us such. in the township 01 M on roe, GEORGE MURL&ETT. Minch 5. We the undersigned citizens of the township of Monroe, in the bounty of Cumberland, do certify that we are well acquainted with the above named George Mprrett that he ie of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room, and conveniences For the accomodation of strangers and travellers, and that such en Inn or Tavern is necessary to to accomodate the public-and entertain stranger& and {rave lers. Samuel Gensler. George Sheller, Jacob West fall, Michael Mishler, Kuhn, Carey W. Ahl. smith, Thomas Moore, Robert Young, M. G. Brandt Samuel, Brandt, Levi Hoffman, Christian Liftmen. Tavern License. NroTICE ie hereby, given that I intend apply ing at the ensuing term of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the county of Cumberland, for a License to keep a public house in the stand now occupied by me as such, in Silver Spring township, in said county. bei3g on old stand. GEORGE COVER. Feb 27, 1850—pd WE the subscribers, inhabitants of the town ship of Silver Spring, being personally and well tweninted with George Coover the above named widener and also having a knowledge of the house for which the license isprayed, do hereby certify, that he is a person of good repute for honesty and temperance, and that he is well provided with house room and, onveniences for the accommodations ofetrangers and travellers, we therefore beg leave to vecommend.him for a license, agreeable to his petition- Benjamm ti Heilman, Simon CrovVnewell„ John Hoover, Henry Fpere,John Robb, Den'l. Comfort, George V Coover, Samuel Cocklin, John G Rupp, Daniel Brownawell, Levi Meily Jacob Kuhn, Senr. William M Meily, Charles Shreiner. Tavern License. . OTICE is hereby given that I intend op plyingnt the entitling term of the Com; of Quarter Sessions ofthe county of Cumberland. for a License to keep a" public house in the stand now occupied by me as l b in the townshill of Dickinecin, in said count W/YL.. HAMILTON .r6b 27,1850 WE the undersigned citisens of the township of Dickinson iu the sonny of Cumberland, do certify that we aro wellnequainted with °nit above mned.WwW.Lbunilton,'.that he is of goal rennte' for haiminpnid•ternnertince, and is well feroyided with 'hewn,. room and conveniences.' or, the abddraincdatfon'orstringars and travel rel.and that suel Inn' or. tavern is necessary to ncoommod ate- the 'public and, enter! ain strangers neditroltillerat ' „ 4SO'VPakleitiA. G,Milder,..Tahn tehaffie, '7Ultit Beaker, Samuel" Beetem, sr. John Kis. singer,'Jecob flemniinger; Samuel Longin,Jolin TA Green, Jos.'' . Wittikleyi Benjothin Smith,. John Moore -John , Ehesiiell, - G W Gilbert, Wil soullubley; Jacob Chisnell.. . . . Library .Nolice I ! • , • LV p otsons having beeke belongi n g •t: the ABelles Lewd Society,'dnd : the Uttiora. Society„ are reeneated to return , theatre the li-• braries. , There are alien( 500 volumes of :Our . .Books scattered :through . the, town ,eryteountry, the ;merles of. matar,personat,:having books ere known,.and thent , without delay. by erder - oriho . socdetfue.. • • - ISRAELI S!DIEEII:,' • r: . ,karch t,A - ,t. , :'3l.l7,..*; Librarians., . r ' Cod' V Off . . ,•.. 4pitEs_Eveupor:ouCod !Liver :Oil, warraytt4gTistne,,jget.rvelitved dF A l L4i/ ° TT! • : ' ; GEO. GOODYEAR