Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 13, 1850, Image 1
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McCUIA.O UGH will give his .11,11 attendance in the various branches of his prolession, in town or country, to all that'may favor him with a call. OFFICE oppositd the 2d Presbyterian Church and NVert's•.Hotel lately occupied by pr. Feulkef Carlisle, sept Doctor Ad. Lippe, liomozoPATHlC Physician Officq, A ' hi Main street, in tile house formerly occu wed by I'. 13. Leahlor. ap 9 '46 Dr. 1, U. Loomis, _,„ s • _ WILL perform al Immo 0. • -•-•••• operations upon the • " Teeth that are requi red fur theirpreservation, such as Scaling, Filing, Plugging, &e, or will restore the loss of, thorn, by inserting Artificial Teeth; from a single tooth o a lull sett. ii....7•Pflice on 'Pitt street, a few t.) rs south of the Railrozul Hotel. Dr. L. isab• ent the taut ten days of' every month. .1 Card. wiR. J: W. II EA 1)1.11, Surgeon Dent.icit 51_,F inlorin3 his former pluons thnt•he has're Carlisle. and will be glad to attend to a ll ecyl,l4 . in the line of hiA profession. • John B. Parker, • TTORNEy AT LAN. OFFICE in .Northmover Street, in the room for mpieti lir the lion. F Wntte. --,lllnrch '2l. 1819 ' Carson C. Moore, . A TTORNEY AT LAW. Office in .• the room lately occupied by Dr. Foster, ilet , ensed. ninr - 31. '47 • Win. M. Penrose, T r RNEY AT LAW, mill practice in the vaveral Courts of Cumberland comuy. OFFICE. in Nttin Strew, in the room former ly occupied by.L. C. Brandebury. Esq. James R. Smith, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Has RE- At 0 V ED his office to [lectern's Row, two doors from liorithohlor;s Hotel, [spr 1 GEORGE EGE JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. OF- T FICE at his residence, e'orner oI Main street and the Public Square, opposite 13itrkholder's Ifatel. In addition to-the duties of Jt Hoe of Lan 'cam WI ' utten to a int s O writing, much as deeds, bands, inortgag e es, indentures, articles of agreement, tunics, &c. Carlisle, ap 8'49. Plainfield Classical Academy, ToEIi MILES wEzr OF ti , :pLISLE, IiErWEEN THE NEWVILLE STATE ROAD AN - 11-EIisEELAND VAL LEV RAIL ROAD. SEVENTH SESSION Iill , : Seventh Session will commence on MON DAY. Nov. sth. 1849. The number of stulents is limited, end they aro carefully pre pared Mr Colkge, counting house, &e.. &c. The situation precludes the possibility of stu dents assocrning with the vicious or depraved, tieing remote from tom' or village, though easily scoessible by State Road or Cumberland Valley Railroad, both of which pass through lands at• ached to the institution. TERNIti. washing, tuition, &c., (per session.) $50,00 Latin or Creek 5,00 Instrumental Music 1(1,00 French or German 5,00 Gircul-trs with refer:mom &e. furnished by - Sep lg.. R. K. 1111 It NS, I'vinciptil. = SELECT CLASSICAL AYII SCIENTIFIC SCIIOOI.-NEW VILLE, cumBEr.LANu COUNTY, PA. l' is confidently believed that few Institutions 1. Ain. greater inducements to students than the above. Im.faidil in the midst of a commu nity proverbial for their intelligence, morality and regard for the intervins of religion, this Academy can effectually guard its members front evil and immoral influences. Advantages are also offered to those desiring to pursue the study of the physical 5e1,111,8, surpassing those of roost similar institutions. '!'hose having sons or wards and wishing to send them to a seminary ol learnitig,.are re. spectftilly selietted . to visit Newellle, oral judge of the advantages for themselves, or, at'least, procure a circular, containing full particulars, by addressing JAMES iIUSTON, avg 22 I y Principal. John P. Lyne WTI-10LESALE and Retail Dealer in Foreign:l.nd 19a tic Hardware, Paint, Oil, Varnish, old stand in N Its ,yer street, arlisleU,A just received Iron Now York and Philadelphia a large addition to his l'oroter stock, to which the attention of Itity• em is requested, as he is determined to sell I.) var than any other house in town. aprl9 John Wallower and Son. (Successors to Funk nrid •Forwarding and Commission Nlerchants, and agents for the Central Rail Road, Wholesale Dealers in Groceries, Produce, Coal, Plaster, Salt, Fish, Nails, Bacon, Powder, &c, Hartis burg Po. Jan. 1 1850. • BOOTS AND SIEZOES, Itl. M. PORTER has just received a large and elegant assortment • of Bees and Shoes, suited in the present season, among whirl t are Men and Boys' fhiek Boots, Kip and Call do., Gain Shoes, Buffalo Over Shoes, L idles' Gtiiers, Built ins, Slippers and Tics, u, fpiather, Morocco and Kid made in the latest style. Also, a large supply of Misses and Childrens Gaiters. j.luots.plid Buskins. Every description of work made to order as usual. Callru Portrr's Shoe Store, Main street,orrpo site t h e Mediu(list Church. [c1i3c12,'49 Notice. - - THE: Commissioners or Cumberland county doom it proper to inform the public, that the sta ted meetings of the Board of Commissioners will tio hold on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, at which time any persona having bueiness with said Board, will meet them at 'noir office in Carlisle. Attest' WM.12.1-LEY, NOTIOE, UMBRELLAS: Primate and Sunstmdes, made, covered and repaired, by the animal - 16r, at his Tin i Shop,in East Loather street, CM. lisle. Tarns cash, bat prices low. WM. FRIDLEY Darnel° January, 29,' 50. Iron Iron. )0 Tons Hammers(' and Rolled Irin, just re• ceivnd at thacheap Hardware 'store of the sub• scriber in Easi High Street. For sale 10w.,b Feb..l3, 18,50. • • •, HENRY smcroN. Dyeing : and. peening!! , . . WILLIAM BLAIR,in Lbuther Stieet, nuar.i he Oullogii,tlyeatadies' and Gentle. apparrol, all , colors, and warrants allmork to'aa'sansractory. Orders itrhis line.respeetfullt rollaited. . • sop - V46 - . . ••• • , PrFll:3highest 'price Or in byrthOeubeeriber Fir good. It..AGS: 'The .{hay be ,deliverei lit' the Itejr,4r: Mill,livO me lee frotn•Cailidle, or at, the Ware,,,oueo ollVlro laeob Ithedny in r ,Carliele. ,ul3,u :., 14FurN i 4.1.0,' , 0974.1113...'• "roacivinlr IV:inners!. aSsortniOnk -- ot, handsome P ufrsio .13S Combs,:yleo , •imitati on tati Buffalo .Psnlbs; ,. ,'sof,beautlyt -, pactprns. And ,)n liaridslakilibeetings ,. :alsn', , ..l2.4lin',Sh'est,'; frovilol g',l it;gitsn v xdriotyjnpt,iponoo ' vire Cider Yinogar exdplient . 'quality just' roppivicl , ,',• . " .'• A"~ 1 - - - • .Irewspaper, Devoted to Literature, , eigrieulture: Politics. Business and General intelliy ence. THERE ARE TWO THINGS, SAITH LORD BACON, WHICH MAKE A NATION GREAT AND PROSPEROUS • FERTILE SOIL AND BUSY' WORKSHOPS,—TO WHICH, LET ME ADD, KNOWLEDGE AND FREEDOM.—Bishop atilt Stores & Sl)ops, Fresh Drugs, Medicines, Bc!.. gr.e. / I have just received from IF.hiladel phis and New York very e xtensive additions to my former stock, embra• r cing nearly every article of Medicine now in use, together with Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Soaps, Stationery, Fine Cutlery, Fishing liackle,- 1313ihos of almost every description, with an cillepsariety of other articles, which I am de efirtialt lemon at the VF.111( LOW EST prices. ..All Physicians, Country Merchants , Pedlars and others, are respectfully requested, not to posit the OLD STAND, us they may rust assured that every article will be sold of a good quality, and upon reasonable terms. S. ELLIOTT, • May 30 • Main street. Carlisle. NEW ARRIVAL OF • Foreign and ,Domestic Hardware JACOB SEWER has just received, from the eastern cities, and is now opening at the Chenp Hardware, on North ,Ilanover strei it, next door to Glass' Hotel, a new assortment. in his line, .such as this, Glass and Paints,. Coattapan and Black Venue hen, of extra qurdity, Nails and Spikes, Wets' best Bar Iron, Cast, Sheer, Blister and Spring Steels, ,r Locks, Hinges and Screws. Planes, Saws, Chisels, Augurs.,Vixes, Knives and Forks, Shoe Findings, &c. To which he would call the attention of the public Persona wishing to buy will'do'well to Dill. as we are determined to se4l at low rates for cash. in - The highest price paid for Scrap Iron, and for Flax Seed. .1' SENER. nnvl4 EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION IN THE • Price of Ilardwi ire. • I HAVE' just receind the larg eat and Cheap est stock of HARDWARE, Gln se, Paints, Oifs Vntriislles, Saddlery, Carpenter's and Cabinet Maker's Toovs, Mahogany Veuiers mien kinds of Building Materials ever brdt rght to Carlisle consisting of Locks, Hinges, Screws,. Nails and Spikes. Persons about to build will find i greatly to their advantage to look at my stock before purchasing elsewhere. *Come and see the Goods attil hear : the price, an d you will be convinced that this is really the Cheap Hard ware Store. Also, in store anvils vices, files and rasps, tinda complete assortment of Watts' Best Bar-km), also Rolled nod Iroh of all sires. I have also the Thermon toter Churn mnde by Mr George Spangler, the best article now in usi.. SCY . TUF.S.—I hdye just reeeiye4my Spring stock of Grain and Grass Scythes, m anufnetured expressly for my own sales, and warranted to be it superior article. Cradle makers and others will lind these Scythes to be t he best sr iticle in the market and at the lowest price Wholesale and retail ut the old stand in North Hanover street. JOHN P TYNE. Extensive Furhiture Rooms. JACOB psnail'im, wOULD respectfully cqll the'iit.tention o House-keepers and the,public, to' the es ensive stock of splendid FURNITURR, incluo ding Sofas, Wardrobes, Cchtre and other Tables, Dressing and '•= 7 . Plain Bureaus, and eve:ry vatic ty'oi Gabinot•ware and Chairs, which' he has now on hand at his Dr E %V ROOMS, on Louther street, near the co,rner of North Hanover street ,in the rear of Pow ell & Co.'s sto:e. He is confident that the superior finish 0.1 the' workmanship,land .elegance of style, in which his articles are got up, together with their CHEA PNESS, will recommend them to every per son wanting Furniture. lie has also mails ar rangements for manufacturing and keeping a constant supply of every article in his iine , both plain and ornamental, elegant and use fill, at prices which cannot Mil to suit purchasers ; no would earnestly invite persons who arc eh out to commence house-keeping, to mild and examine his present elegant stock, to which he wil I con. stonily make additions of the newest am I most modern styles. COFFINS made to order at the short. est no ice, tar town and"countty. Carlisle, lone 13, ISIS. iKrThe lute firm of Jacob Fetter &f Son having been dissolved, Jacob Fetter, a r., wil carry or the business as above. A Word to Itorsemen. DR. BARBER'S EMBIOROCATN is de cidedl the 'best preparation that can be used for the cure of Sprains, Bra - atz., sus, Cuts, Galls, Splint, Curb, 4,111045.4 Ringbone,'Spnvin' Stiffness of the &c.'"' • , Joints, It is tut article which 04 • should be in the bonds of every Horseman, and no stable should 'be without a botttle of it. Price only 25 and 50 cents per bat tles, prepared only by S M Pearson, M D., and for sale wholesale and retail, nt No. 106 North Second street, Philadelphin, and, DR. RAW LIN'S wholesale and 'retail agent, Carlisle, Pe. Jan. 21. - • Farmers I Save Your Money. ri AST IRON HORSE POWERS for two Wc.) three and four horses, made entirely of ron, so that you can • leave it in the weather, without the least danger of injury. Also, Threshing Machines, Winnowing Mills, Plows SPlough Mould•boards, cutters, Points do Shears. constantly on hand. You will save money, by calling before purchasing elsewhere, at the Foundry in East Right Street, Carlisle Pa. augB3mos F GARDNER. Elastic Doll Heads. new and beautiful Article, noELIEVED to be superior to anything . o DIP the kind over before manufactured. Hord Elastic, will not break by falling. Painted in oil,, when soiled may be washed with soap and water, and readily restored to their original beauty. Their durability and cheapness will be fully demonstrated when duly tested. A largd lot of the above received by express, at. Knee Jangle's Ilegd: Quarters, in North Hano ver street. P. MONYBR, Proprietor Carlisle, Decpubor • Latest Xews. EIRESII GREEN AND BLACK.TEAS, in paskages or in bulk —of now crop also a. new lot of Brown, Whito and CRUSHED SU GA R S;At the old and usual LOW PRICES, together with a selection of the best RIO AND JAVA COFFEES, and a general variety of pure and fresh spices. 'ground or ungiound, and all the other articles usually, Icopt in connexion with groceries. have just been added to the former Stock—to see is to bo aura—give us a call, and as over we shalt ho thankfuil, at the old stand—nearly apposite tho,Post ()Rico. J. ,W. EBY. Cejj s 7, 1850. . , • • •Fish, • •Fish,• Fish. '' JUST receive at th e heap lamily Grocery -at ,the, subeCriber,a' lot of No. 1, 2 'end: 3 Mackerel; ip , m,h010,." half or atiorter.lairels. A150,,50 sacsa of Grohnd Alum Salt, whiel, he is . doterreiried to solr - at ',the lowest.' prides. for 60:11 • '3 D,IIALBERiT. - • . • JivntJus r. 12:te IN/Bp .Cll opLbilorse;tl . var oiiitY' of - till colors - Wirw44Fdrii,7. LOng and SrionFo Shawl , frotri'ertVeo,'*cry, cheap indeed ;;.'ll , lotiti:; LnioOs;'..Ginghams, Steol.Beads otitl. Tiseals, 'purse; twilit; 'clisps, suds great iiitriqyOcynOlon'Hote.-. • '.'001311 & W::B.F.IsiTZ.. ./,''Qiiec**4o::*':;OlEtStif.',....!: A LARGE and general Se lenjinn of thaee tir;' tidos in every Variety line been fliltieiLt.aour , .ner sirtment: , • lot of, Cedar -W aro, etnbrac6, I g,Tubs,Churns Punkas,. Pollee ha, at ant' l yr prices; at the'Gronery Store • Marah 14. • 1 , •- EBy. - V, .s.,4ltri.. OIL A''aask;of:,Laid ,. oili'ohtirel~' ...-tb0 6 , 1 1 0 1 3 q1 j ll O Oti9ncd; (.6plan4it l :orpt• ole i fininniftr.usdrjur e anle;ley , hy .lirt A.. i tC . FßPEitit',.ll;iiii . ti!).4 , ;....pod ., biTot p!i.;' pinr(aritedgeiirµin . ;,..,~et►ecetTod ~ , ~7 ..,..; iovl 4 ' !!..':-..;.: • r!! : , A, , ,iFlj , „ til',.:-.EILIC,/.TIT'S,.':: ,'‘l'.'•:',:::‘:',r":!: . ', 7 .7 - .. , ;;' . ,..::...: , .',. '; ':'•1 PEZZI Stores sr; Zliops.- Second Arrival of Fall Goods. At the /New Score, Corner of Hanover and Loather Streets, oppo site Wm. Leonard's old stand 'FITE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has just returned from Philadelphia, with a large and carefully selected assortment of NEW FALL GOODS, purchased at the lowest prices, and which he is determined to sell at small profits. A large as, sortment of Cloths nt from 75 cents to $6 per yard, Cassimeres, Cassinetts and Vestings, at various prices. Ladies Dress Goods, such as. De!eines, Cash meres, Coburg. Lionese Twills, 'Tibet cloth and a splendid assortment ol Silks. An elegan asset uncut of Calico and Ginghams, suitable for the approaching season. Checks, Tickingsa bleached and unbleached Muslins. BOOTS AND SHOES. A well selected assortment of Men's Womon'e and Children's Boots and Shoes, good and hand some.—Eloy's and Men's Cloth and Hungarian Cabs, GROCERIES in nll their variety. viz : Su gar,Coffee, !Molasses, Pekin Ten Company's celebrated Teas, Spices, &c. an & the best ; quality of Carpet Chain. N. W. WOODS. Agt. December 20,1820. N: li All orders front tilt country promptly' attended to. • Rags, Eggs, Butter, and all kinds of produce taken at mulct prices. • NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS 1 1111 HE subscribers have just completed their purchases of FALL & WINTER Go ODS. Our stock consists ip port of cloths, cassimeres, vestings, cassinets, of all colors and prices ; white,. yellow and red, all wool Fhtn nels ; Kentucky Jeans velvet cords hed"l3en velteens, Calicoes by-ther etkload, Ginghams, Mous de Laines, MerinQkrsl'tlr`niiii~tt's; Co, Wing Cloths, Alpacas, FaticlytMohnirs,Lustres. &c., Checks, 'Pickings, Domestic Gin hams, Canton Flannel t s, white and coloured, Linsey. Plain, Pink. Biown,. Maroon, Green and 11Pk de Lantos, for 1:26 cts per yard; Mous de Lain, Thibot and 'l'ekeri SHAWLS; Long Shawls at 3, 3,50, 4,5, 6, 7,50, 8 and ro dollars: Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Cotton, Wdolcn and Cashmere Stockings, Irish Linens, Gloves, Cloth, Glazed and Fur CAPS, Gimps and .Fringes, in variety; Combs, Woolnn Yarn; all colors. from fine, to coarse, Steel ;ends, Twist not Clasps, Purses, Scarfs. Waist Ribbonp,' Slides, Green Barege. Blue Barege, 'l'nble Co vers of Lindn and Cloth. Carpet Chain, Table Diaper, Crash, Linen Dlaws. Edging, Laces, GUM SHOES, all sizes and, Umbrel las, Carpets, Grdceries, Queensware, Hurd ware, &c. All (he above gnods were bought for Citsh, gold and silver. and nt n saving of 15 toper cent.. below those who bought on credit. Those wishing to save will find our, goods cheaper than they can buy them elsewhere. oct 10 A & W BENTZ. FALL _AND WINTER GOODS BEE HIVE. T HAVE just posed et. direct front the cit "J. b eaut if u ly • a large, and brilliant assortment of LADIES AS& G E N. -1 . 1 m7,74WW. : TLEM EN'S DRESS ' GOODS, for Follnnd Winter Wear,' to whim, I would invite the special, attention of old and new triends and customers. My stock now comprises every coince)veble colour, style, pattern and figure of .Drestf, GOOds, from the plainest and cheapest To , the most brilliant and costly. Call and see thee. while they aro new and novel, as it al wile, gives tie pleasure to show our goods at he Bee Hive. ,vep'2(i) S A COYLE GREAT INDUCEMENTS Now offered at (/e CHEAP STORE of Charles Ogilby. you E customers of this large establishment, and the public in general, are respectfully inlormed that I am now receiving an Immense stock of the handsomest , and cheapest goods ever brought' to Carlisle. CLOTHS & CASSINIERES of evertshade at greatly reduced prices. SHAWLS A largo lot of Long Plaid Shawls from 3 to $ll do Square do 81 to $6 Also, Brodie, Terkeri, Crape, Thibet end Da mask Shawls of every style and quality. RIBBONS, RIBBONS. A splendid assortment new style Ribbons which will be sold very low. DE LAINES & CASHMERES, A beautiful stock of Cashmeres and De Laines at-very low figures. ALPACHAS, A very large esortinent of Black and Colored Alpachas;' igAired, Plain and Satin Stripes. ' SACK FLANNELS, A large lot of Sack Flannels very cheap. SILKS, SILKS, A splendid assortment of Figured, Plain and Striped Silks, from 37 to 1,25. Black Silks, a very large and cheap stock. BLANKETS. • Very superior large size Twilled, 104-12.4-13-4 ditto Ribbon Bound. do do do Whitney. at all ,prices. FRENCH & ENGLISH MERINOES A large All colours and prices. SATINE DE CHAINS, A beautiful assortment of eltangeable.Satine de • , Chains for dresses and sacks. MUSLINS, A tremendous lot of bleached and unbleached Aloeline from 3 to 121 cents. Having purchased largely of this article be fore the advance, I will continue to sell at old prices. CARPETS, CARPETS, A full assortment of Imporial,-Ingrain, Voni tian and Stair Carpets.s Selling very low. PRINTS & GINGHAMS, Prints and Ginghains from 3 to 12,1. A very Large Assortment of Tickings, Chocks,' Diapers, Floor Oil_Oloth, Dorking% Velvets, Benverieen% Stockings, Gloves, Suspenders, Carpet Bags, Cantbricaa' Laces, Moreens, Linens, Linen and Cloth Table Covers,Oil Cloth Ditto; Irish Li- lions, &c., &c, BOOTS AND SHOES. in th 9, article of Boots and Shoes, wo go far lLogia,gf_a_ll .competition, both in price and c7511119': - tk big stock now on hand and cheaper than over. - • GROCERIES, • , Sugar, Coffee,. 'Molasses; Rice,. Tea, &e., Fresh, Prime and. Cheap, ' • ' ' Rouellect ..the old stand, East Main Street,' whore there is a .iargd room,: a: largo stock •to select front, and decidedly the cheapest' lai;of Goods out of Philadelphia or New ,York. Como one and, all, secure hargaino-at,the cheap store of ' AS. 0 GILBY/:, • 0011 l 49' CARLISLE FOUNDRY &MACHINE SHOP,' enntinues"the - iiidniftiettiiii - Of,DASTINGS',„aehis Fontairi. in' High street 'and hand'nAull • tisamtment of Pattorns, , l rs.ltirepared;-. to, furidsli; kinds IRCN 6, AND- , . -BRASS 'CASTINGS • in. the hest styla andind nt tho'shortest-Tntitico. htia-new , on hitod' a larna'assortntetn,..'.4 Cast 'inge;-suph;int Corn•drushers;;Milt,Cparingsktind Citlgtions,.Plough, OEM ings Pointc,Sliehrs and Cattere„ , Wagon and Coach tioxesveolkir grate!, 'Oven .DOors,.4tislt'' Weights, &a.. Cooking Te n , ,nlPin'nnd' Coal Staves:" Ho, idea' Wilda '')Attaiind';reptiiricC ARS, Threahing - ;Ma 7 andlioree;PoWers, with every' 2 1 - Edther-kind'of - Maohinery:at•ihe shop. , test notice- .Old Iron i llrass and copper -taken. ft;tiiphark I'o ,wprie ;, 1l Having;:'purchased? . 1 4Y 0 1:14 iy ` • augeqmae pl aI ) PA. .ItitACIKA R1 , 114: . :7,41.'. lot ; : v !,l, 2 , do:3 lv„1 .- .1Vtackkral,'Inio onto; I' , . fdr •sikle , (qat: 3); . •,•,„7 ; IMMITEMENI CARLISLE, MARCH 13. 1850. _3ll Pl)ilabelpliia En Piano Tortes. riNHE4Vrge' . st, cheapest, best and most eleghnt assortment of PIANO TORTES' in the United States, can always be found at the, warehouse of the subscriber, 171 Chesnut Street, obese Fifth, At the Old Stand occupied more than a third of a century by Atr.George Willig, music publish er. Pianos. Harps, Organs, Seraphines, Aleli ana, &c., fresh from the\ most celebrated Main lecturers in New York, Boston, Baltimere, Philadelphia, and elsewhere. Sold, wholesale and retail, at the maker's cash prices. OSCAR C B CARTER, 171 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. Feb. 13, 1850. THE GREAT CHINA STORE OF PHILADELPHIA.. j to htt their t i iN r n e s as o e f d Cc cost raAndNiCFliL itsyidiniiy for We again r6quest their company to view aim— large and splendid assoriniont of • China, Glass & Queenswarn, - Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and mad pieces, either of Glass, China or Stone Were, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for less than they than be had elsewhere—ln fact at leas than Wholesale Prices. AMERICAN - AND ENGLISH BRITANNIA Arp,TAL_Qo_oms in greater variety than ever before offered in the city. FANCY CHINA in great variety very cheap. M." We would invite any person visiting the city to call and see us—they will at last be Pleased to walk around our beautiful store, and to View the finest China and the cheapest the world produces. Very respectfully, TYNDALE & 'MITCHELL, 9N . 21.9 Chesnut.Street4i Phila. sept26',l9ly Manufactory ofPocket 800/ri; Vhestita Street, abcnte - Serond:' - • PIIILADELPHIA. • .• 111 HE subscriber respectfully solicits public at tention to his superior end tasteful stock o Pocket Books, Banker's Cases, Bill Books, Dressing Cases, Card Cases, Port \lo. sales, Purses, Pocket . Knives, and other fine Cutlery, Gold Pens, and Pencils, Seger Cass, Chess Men, Back Gammon, • Boards,Dominos, tee. Hie assortment consists or the most fashiona ble and modern styles, of the finest quality and excellent Nvorktnenship, embracing every desir able fancy pattern. which he will at all times be prepared to exhibit and furnish wholesale of retail on the most -reasonable terms. Kr [ c urt:Misers s to a supply them selves with articles t e . I)est quality will con sult their own interests by falling at this es tablishment. F H SiurrH, Pocket Book Manslabturer, Phila., sep3 4m 52 Chesnut Street. STROLOGY, ASTRONOMY, TRfNOLOGY AND GEOBIANCY • Professor C W Roback, [FROM SWEDEN.] Office, No. '7l Locust St., above Sth, op posite theilitualb - al Fund Hall; Phil'a. $25,000 4,14 1 -ING BEEN WON. 6 BY toy •ritimerbusTriends on,the late Presiden tint eleetion, should convince those .skepti cal persons who talk of FAILURES, that no such thing as FAIL is or has been known by the call inert and disiingui shed Astronomer and Astrol oger, C. W. 110BACK,'Auring his :experience 01 °veva quarter of a century. Do you' doubt predestination 1 Then why pot every man gain a celebrity of General Taylor, a Daniel Webster or a Henry Clay ? And yet there are some who are foolish enough to doubt Lot a man may be born with the power to see into future events. plow can it be possible,that the destiny of ono should be governed by the mere shuttling of a pack of cards ? and yet there are thousands who allow themselves, with open moutlis,„tosswallow the greasy words of some old woman, whose true skill consists in filling them with- wonders that are most difficult for the digestion of others, who are mirebreilulons, yet more scientific: It is such that bring discredit on n profession diet has been acknowledged to be a science of the highest ; order,from time immemorialmitil is the duly pA5l *- fession that has any authority to sustain it. The high respect which General Taylor, and Charles Bet undone, late King of Sweden hail tor Astrol ogy, is shown by their letters_ for their Nativi ties to the subsdriber, which it will give him great pleasure in showing to those who favor I him with a c.,11. In addition to his power to forciee future e vents, lie has the power togive suck information RS will effectually redeem such as are' given to the too free use of the bottle. He. ii also cepa bleof curing diseased heretofore considered in curable in ti is country •by the ordinal's- medi cines,and wishes all to give him a call Who have heed given uR, by physicians and wish to be cur- t , ed• He will warrant a cure in all casea,and will make no charge except for the conjurations lie shall Make use din his office. Ile is often asked whale Nativity is I Ile answers accenting to Geomaney, one of the seven points in the science of Astrology, that it is a,Horroscope of the future events of a person's life, carefully calculated and transcribed on paper, containing an account of all the lucky and unlucky days, in the months and years of the persons life ton whom it is east t by which means thousands in this country and else where have been prevented prom misfortunes that had been hiddeii ui the wuMb of futurity , by re ferring to their Nativity belbre entering on any speculatier, of business or pleasure. H should be in the hands of every one as their .almanac for . Isle. A Nativity of ati individual can only fore warn the possessor of troubles that are in future for him; those who areinvolved in present diffi culties of any kind must wait on the subscriber in person or by letter, who is prepared to exertkis secret influence fur thelt• immediate benefit. He is ready to use his lanoline to' forestal the results of lawsuits and all Miderfakings w bleb therein , a risk involved,lienlso makes use of 'his miwer Mr the restoration , Of, stolen or lost liropertyi which ho beamed for the tidy:mine of.tliousands in this city Mid elsewhere. Who Can doubt 'a gentleman's abilities, who has had the honor to by l be called oti and consulted withll tle . crowp. cd.hiefflkot Europe; mid enjoys wigglier "re - Puta Lion ae an iistrologer.than,any one living 1 `4o7lleiltlit be consulted with at hisellice, Or by 'letter, it pre paid, and. kali prepared to mike use of his power on any of.thelollowing to ;•, Odeliiese ofall desnriptioiisitrdvellidg us hind' or Beni courtships; litiViOS.glYSTaor_their2SUCatißrUl accotnplishment; speculating in steels, meridian, disco* real estatetjhe. recovering. of legseles ilisputm;the putrclinsipidl,fifflints; and thelsidcty Of sliiplat'lea?"Hii alpo offere his ietvinitir rdspeo ting health wealth and AduarFingo,',.love. affairs, . journeys, lawsuits;ffliliquitv its 4usnless, .Ersud, ' and all thdetincereabflife, r anif call who ar,o afflicted; corPorcalli!ornaelitilly'i Ladles; 50 :Gehtlenten ; Netiiithis ,calculated and read ldjulloecordingl,to the Orr. soled oflgaschliiiin'Signstidios4l; Genkleinen?' 131Alhqslativltici ealtudidiid according to GccimaW ey,ter Wady", "firi''' '''Criii '. ' - , ' 'r' - '"'" ag' -,: ' , '' ' • '.' THMAdniihisitiatc re of Ginnici; LINE deed httiie'pleced,,the,:noloadzo.;ofeeirl .eaettiArtAlie t., iiiii,,d..lustleb EGE,',of Cailiele, for 'collection with cg ere to bring, write 'on' all hot paid befcire Ilin:l i et, Fml4 - ckaut, without' ; respect .to per sona. 1 ''' ..,i': :- .lthotift•- , -*'71.,....:;, , :[ 1 : 06 . ~ , , . , 4 Mtal Stores aui Sliop 6. GROCERIES I GROCERIES I LATEST ARRIVAI, 'N'T THE STEAMER CUMBERLAND rifillE Cheap Family Grocery Store of Jo t seplj D. Halbert, ‘Vest Mnin street, Car lisle, has just received a large and fresh supply of the best FAMILY GROCERIES that the Philadelphia markets can afford. The subscri ber has just returned from the city, and would respectfully invite his friends and the public generally, both in town and country, to call and examine for themselves his large and in creased stock, which embraces all the article , ' usually kept in his line of business. Such as Rio, Java and St Domingo and Lagutra Coffee ; Imperial, Young Hyson and Black Teas, of Very superior quality and flavor; Lavering's crushed, loaf, falling loaf; and loaf sugars, or ange grove, elarifilld New Orleans and brown Sugars of every, grade and quality, with price to salt. Honey, sugar house, Orleans and syrup Molasses. Spices of all kinds, which he will 'warm") pure and . fresh_ gramitti..A.recoms,_._Ce,- ifar, -and painted buckets, •ehurns, tubs, hal bushel measures, butter bowls, butter prints, Inittef „ladles, wash rubbers, &e Clothes, fancy sewing, traveling and market baskets of all kinds. Castile, fancy, rosin and country SOAPS. Also, a general assortment of chewing and. smoking TOBACCO, spanish half spanish and common CIGARS: Ropes twines, and Brushes of all kinds. Prime CHEESE always •on hand. Sperm, Winter, strained Elephant and Common OILS. • GLASS, QUEENSWARE.—I have also added-to my.alrendy large stock, a number of sew patterns of White Granite and fancy lea sets. with CROCKERY wAnr, of every do fcription, which I will sell at the lowest prices nor cash. Feelinggrateful for the liberaldidtionage here tofore bestowed upon him by a generous the slibscriber tenders them his hearty & sincere .thanks, atuLhopes_thaLimhis .efibrts-to--please end particular attention to business, to . 1 - Tivit, s a c - ontinuanut of - tlietrstippatT.77 - ' -` Oct 3, 1849. JOS. D. HALBERT. )%"E I3'' GOOD,S. CLOTHING! THE. subscribers, have just returned frOm Philadelphia with a splendid assortment or goods for gentlemens wear, with which they intend offering groat inducements to the eiti• zees of Carlisle and the surrounding country. They have on hand an assortment of - CCP Ca) UCC Lt ►a. c• such as dress coats, cloaks,.over coats, vests, pants, shirts, bosoms, collars, under shirts, drawers,-gloves,. stookings,siikand other era• vain, pocket handkerchiefs, suspenders, hats and Caps, trunks, traveling bags and umbrellas al ef, which articles thny intend selling at a veFy small advance on city cost, having for ti.etrmotto "small profits and'quick sales."— They wish it in be unnerstood that their cloth ins, isn't inattutactured under their own .super intendence, and not in the city, hence they are enabled to warrant every article they sell. Having an experienced cutter engaged — in their establishment, thee are prepared to make order nny article of clothing in n neat, fash ionable and substantial minima and at short no tice ARNOLD 3. LIVINGSTON, 'North Hanover street directly opposite P. Menyer's Confectionery Store. [oct3 3m A Purely Vegetable Medicine. WE ORSDLL'S VEGETABLE RESTO. RATIVE PILLS nave been gradually but surely coming into favor, among the faun lies of this Country for some years past. They have Jone this entirely inrough their greatworth as a FAMILY MEDICINE. Agencies have been appointed but no puffing and humbug such as is resorted to by quacks to sell their medicine has liceirdone.. , The pills are offered . fur sale and have and willeontinue to be sold byall t principal storekeepers. The proprietors claim for their Medicine the following advantages over all others—viz; They are PURELY NIEOE•• TABLE. They are CERTAIN TO OPE RA l'E. Their operation is FR EE Iron, all PAIN. They can be useti with EQU A L BEN 'EFI;I' by the YOUNtaosT INFANT and the S FRO N OEST MAN—Their efficiency in Fe vers, Ague. Headaches. Habitual Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Cholera Morbus, &c. has been pro ved upon thousands. They are a Certain Cure for Worms. The proprietors possess a certifi cate from n gentleman in St. Loniswho was cu red of a TAPE WORM by the use of them, TRY THEM THEY WILL NOT FAIL. Travelling agent for the State of Penneylva nia—Cunni.Ea P. Aurr. For sale, price 25cts a box containing FIFTY PILLS, with fell di rections by the following agents in Cumberland County For sale by DR RAWLIN'S Carlisle, Pa. JOSEPH IL HERRON,—Newvile. - \V D F. HAvts,—Shippensbnrg. S L SENTMAN,—Nowburg. A WEEKS & Co, Proprietors. I.4borntory. No 141 Ehest.nutoreel *lode IW - 4 0 24th, 1849. .711 Ore Mete Goods. BONNET RIBBONS. A GENERAL assortment of Bonnet Rib. L - 1. bons, Neck Ribbons, also Belt Ribbons, Silver and Steel Belt. Slides, Scarfs, &c. just opened. LACE CAPES AND COLLARS. . Just received Lace Capes and Collars of dif ferent styles. Also, Linen Cumbria Handker. chiefs, of various qualities. GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. Green and Black Tens of a superior quality jut t opened by nov2l GW pe exander AlcKetisteg, William McKeusteg. • Blind Manufactory. ET CLARK, Venitian Blind MenulUcturer. KA sign of the GOLDEN EAGL E, No. 139 and 143, Sonth Second Street, below Dock, Street. PH ILADELPHIA. Keeps always'on hand it largo and fashionable assortment of WIDE and NARROW SLAT WINDOW BLINDS, manfactured in tho hest manner, of the best materials, and at the lowest cash prices Having refitted and enlarged his establishment Ike is prepared to complete orders to any amount at the shortest notice. Constantly .on hand an assortment of MAHOGANY FURNITURE of every variety manufactured expressly for his own sales, and purchasers may therefore rely on a good article. .*Ordors from n distance pocked carefully and * sont froe of porterage 'to nay part of the tiy.. [aug 15 14,, _ H. CLARK. 2 -!,CiQU::O4 - 71-S , * .OLDS?: Dr: Wiley% CouglrOtiridsr. ;8 NOW is the season for' COUGHS and COLDS. When public assemblies are so frequently disturbed by , the•Cotigh of some suffering individuel we deem it, rather an act Of charity to advert tir any•allevintion of.the 'evil, and would confidently , recommend DOC. TOR' WILLVS agreeable rembdy as oesses Abe best now Were the publie; , as it pose with curative powers of .a ltigh• order, unit may with. entire safety be given tti children. Apply to , de012,6 w. 'S,EL IA Agt. • • & cbA., : xpress. . ,THFc eublicribei ia' *agora: for thieCompany,, and all packaged •thafarciely at ` storehie wil l be attended to with 'caret/ and' diepatch.'-'rhe' Expreesleavee - everyinornintlit 4 - o'clockt-and arrives at-4 - ' LT, iki,,MARTI SOCZILL . !I AN, OrtitYoh', Philosophical 'Soda '- lege, Pl3iiiigylvirsia; tlf,r4 849i' at :; a citizen oI oließorcingh;should be vitli'ouit'a_cop,* crlieri it con' be had for ^12.1r-'aents hrtalling - at rr. TIN' S NW:MAR Cheap Adak Storo -, . • root • ' 111 S- ' , itooortrnent of La r "'diei•Secikle . dr ietioue'ecilcirs;e LICh thierlet,.Cherty, , Gthy,' Naz," Blue, Sky •Ble,e :Bleak; &o. Ilep50) I.G• HITN OntkBUSHEI,.43 , OF ,‘ CLO ell/17 1 7 for , oft,lo; r noir'r - (.A., S.—A fine lotjti.t• z - 4 and for 1.7 mile; by bort or,rotail at - ItUBBARDII, Thvg:4-Vdriaty Store ' : !VALLEY CLOTHING !! lUtiotaaasatatnaio THE SEMtET. Y a. COB, I told my wife a secret— " And did she keep iti" say you. Ahi therein lies the moral, man, To which give heed, I pray you She kept it but an hour or two— She then put on her bonnet, And called upon her Cousin Sue, — That - bottfmighttomment on it Aloe 1 era half the day was o'er, Most dearly did I rue it-t She told it to a dozen more, And theV to others talked it o'er ; I Mend an coming from my store That all ;he village knew It. Holiness of Heaven. How vain meal-be our hope of entering into Heaven, if we have no present delight in what are said to be its joys. A Christian - iTt . liThTs -- hapirmtirils in holintlisa. • When he looks forward to Heaven, it is the hoboes oil the scene and association, on which he faa. 1 tens as affording its happiness. He is not in love with an Arcadian paradise, with the green pastures, the flowing waters and dirt minstrelsy of many harpers., He is no! I dreaming of a bright island, where he shall meat Iris buried kindred, renew demand charities, and again live human Itle, in all but its cares, and, tears and partings. "Be,l ye holy, for I am holy"—thia le the pikepl attempted-contormity_to which_ is the, bOsif ness of a Christian's life on earth—perfec conformity to which shall be the blessednerel Hof - Heavem - -Let - urtickerheed that - We de4 ceive not ourselves. • The apostle speaks of "tasting the powers of the world to come,' , as though Heaven were to begin on this 810 the grave. We may be enamored of Hear von, because we think that "there the wick-, ed cease from troubling, and the weary ern ate at rest." We may be enchanted with , ,the poetry of its descriptions and faseinuterf by the brilliancy of its colorings, as the even, gelist John, relates his visions, and sketelie.l the scenery, on which he was privileged ttt gaze. But all this does not prove' lista . ' that high road to Heaven. if it, be Heaven ward' which we journey, it will be harms,' in which we delight; for if we cannot nowt, rejoice in having God for our portion, wherm is our rneetness fur the world, in which Goci is to be all in all, forever rind forever?—Melp rifle's Bible Thoughts. 01::FA gelatine Arkansas patriot, MI the high ptessuroMrder s has bpen to Wirshi ington City, and writes home to. the For , l Smith (Ark.) Herald. His views ot personu and thingi,are thus expressed : " Clay, Webster, Cathode and others, min . gled with and received the warm-hearted congratulations of the multitude.—Clay, calm, dignified, affable to all, surroUticied by a halt. of intellectudl grandeur and statemariship 4 towering high to the imagination like soMet gigantic light house, while the waves ot the; a orld broke at its feet. Webster, to dui mind's eye, is like the Irowning battlement' and bulwarks of a nation's strong hold, o! like some dark old engine- of a thousanti horse power, which stands ready to rush lik4 a whirlwind into collision with any power earth that dare lilt a finger on this republic,. 'Calhoun is like a fiery comet that come] blazing fiontthe south, and wheeling alolj leaves undying coruscations in its pathway, lighting up the past and beaconing th.) future. 11 there is a greater ten miler square upon the habitable globe, and even ni remote, and yet. undiscovered, tha, this, upon which stands the federal city 01l these United States, it is not laid down oil the chart of Ihe,,nritverse, or do papers at all speak ot it." ORIGIN OF SLAVERY.—The Bahl.t , Cominervitil observed that the Spaniards, iu the first settlement of America, governed b! , a spirit of rapacious avarice, seized upon unoflending natives, 6ObjeClOa them to alai very, and compelled them to perform labo' in gold and silver mines, to which their he, bits and constitutions were unsuited. Thil suffering caused by this treatment is said til have exceeded that of any system of slaVery which ever existed; and many of :he phils anthropists of that time engaged themseivet in plans for Its amelioration. Among them, LAB CAPAS was particularly distinguished fol his zealous eflorts. Prompted by the moss benevolent motives, lie proposed the plan of purchasing persons already enslaved in AM, ca, who ware better fitted, by constitution, Itl endure the' labor of mining. His plan Jval adopted, and, 'for the 'object in view, wal found successful, but it fastened upon thiq country the greatest evil of modem times. KrTito expreSsion of Mi. Calhoun ilia: we aro now_ living under a despotism an absolute as that of the Autociat of Russia, re mintlaos of a story we once - heard. A yan.t. lieu was conversing with un Englishman, and anavvermg the vat ious questions put 'to -- hint' about tlijs country. Vitally the Ettglishinaii : 4clainied, attar obtaining all the infol:ma•C non, he could about our goVeinmenty ,"Well I you Yankees, unisibe a very miserable pet-,1 plis." This - was a new ides to the Yankee,). 'Who.after rioitaideting the natittiiri'sh'ort‘titnefil. kaotr) it" ',So it.iswiiitb.US poor :oniUtilsni./. 1 -!ill , , we are living unuer a' , itespotism,, , we, ri'large; .umbellilerous.plaint;to Persia . The , root re of ti 'ki transversely - tliit .aialastide:,vixtufint;;in.."iho, form ot ,white tricokidicit;like ':'Ot . “BOy .why .;don't you go ,tophootti! .'.Bekaee, eir, daddy'ts thing, now, Lehatet:.hztvi3lAn,ilitY,)l(,jc,4aPq . when yearned In gel F 'd . F r ' Otr:WhP r i , a . : lna ttirO a rq l t°,li'e.9ollcent F. what ho ha ~;thetq lOttio*,iih O N . leep ;', • tri3:432,p:'44 , except when , pleases (n aright torrh.ep ea =‘;' ' . .VOLIIME Adinfssiois of St ates. ° The moeit by which States have been ,admitted into the Union have been so vari• otis, says the Saltniore American, that there seems to be no specific rule upon the sub-. ject. The Constitution prescribes no formu la. It simply says that "new States may he admitted by the Congress into this Union, but no new State shall be - formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any -other State ; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more States ur parts of States without the consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress."— Thertls an implied condition that , the form of government of every State shalthe'repub lican—animplication which grovis out of the provision of the fourth section of Article Fourth, which. declares that "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government." • . We find in the New Orleans Picayune a particular account of the admission of each new State, since the establishMent of our national independence. -- Vormorit was --- the first. She was received in 1791. NO con stitution was submitted . to Congress or in quired for by that body. In fact the 'pertna cent constitution of the new State was not made until 1793. Kentucky come aext fler territory once belonged to Virginia, but web detached 133 act of the Legislatu e of Virginia in 1789. In 1791 an act of 'on- items directed that Kentucky should o first day of June, 1792, "be received a milted into the Union as a new and member of the United States of Ammii The State constitution was not framed hen the act ef admission was passed. ' The third State was Tennessee, formed out of territory ceded by North Carolina to . the United States on condition that it should l?ecenie a State. The people of the Territo ry framed a Constitution in 1796, submitted it to Congress,and the State was admitted.— This was the first State Constitution ever submitted to Congress with an application for admission. Ohio- was/the lohrth of the new States— "the first" says the Picayune, "formed of ten itory to which boundaries were affixed and previous governments assigned by the `exclusive authority of the Unitid State's." If constituted the Eastern District of the North %Western Territory, to all of which the ordi nance of 1787 applied. The act of admis sion, which was passed in 1803', recited that the people of the Eastern District of the North West Territory had formed for them selves a Constitution and State GoVernment, "whereby the said State has become one of the United States." The phraseology is no ted as peculiar. Louisiana, Indiana, Missiisippi, Illinois, and Alabama were admitted severally in the order named, and in the case of each Mare was a previous act of Congress authorizing the calling 01 a convention to organize a State government. , Maine, originally a part of Massachusetts,' came in as the tenth New State. It appears that there mas no action of Congress previointly in her case; but the Legislature of Massachusetts gave consent in 1819 that the people of the District of Maine should an m a State Constitution. This was done and the State of Maine was admitted in 1820. Misseuri;•the eleventh in order, formed out of the Louisiana territory, applied for leave to form a State Constitution; and it was upon this application that the restrictive clause &morning slavery was attempted to be applied. This gavb rise to the Missouri comprbmise, and upon the adjustment of all conflicting matters the State was declared a State of the Union in 1821 by the President's Proclamation. Arkansas and Michigan were admitted by one act of Congress in 1836—the former without condition, the latter prospectively— there being some questions of boundary in volved. • The constitutions of both Status were made by conventions of the people without any previous action of Congress.— The same was the case with Florida, which, was a condition relative to boundary applied o lowa which she did not comply with in form, but did sbbstanthilly. by presenting a new Constitution, which being accepted by Congress she cattle into the Union in 1846. The mode of the admission of Texas is fa miliarly known. Wisconsin, the last of the new States, went through the regular form of Tsrrhorial organization - and formed its State Constitution under authority of an act of Congress. We taco conden'sed these particulars from the Picayune and doubt of their hc. Curacy. It will be seen that the. application of California, under the Circumstances other Cape, is not without' precedents. Congress has generally been,, very,.jiherally, disposed towards new States;applying lot admission., showing'illingness le recognize and rat tf deings:oi lhe . !people in the 'territM, EXPENBIVE Georgia - paper makes the,iblioiing , extrind'and comment:- - the KenitiokyiCintiantieri one man spoke .;op ;tirrois another,,lBo, and another There 'were, a few members in the Georgia Legislature who beat the above 1)0°4. 7 :it ie estiMatiiiihaVene gentleman made on, an average ifteo . en.spepolkeiinik,cirtir for eightyaven days, ,being „six. hundred and nine speeches-daring the einnilon . l:,' : =The . coat 01, these istieintei'te . ',iiipeisery,;ehnld . not havh'been dollars.:, :7 4!". girlanly nine: years of age, inA- ' •• explain i th 9 .13 1 C , 4 9, 1 ,9 4 9 t 4 1 ,' A Y4 4 #4. 1 . 1 .• i n l j jß . ,Vartiv—mA soft ' answer tarnatli'away and'altar a Milo hasilation; made.,lntr.follovr ' IP/1 en ii* . dr: plaiire'rnalaiii, when bady well jaws a w. body EitlT'yoiLitotisn'frining ai )ern SEWS MEMO =EU