. ' , . • >- • ' J• , C. , ,,.' ' t i 01; : 'fi -,- \,•', •... 1 , '‘. , -4 1 ' .. '''' ,l . ,4 s ‘;.' ~ , ;',.[,t i , A,, r4•,4/ 1 , : , 1 4 1 - 7 - 4 ..,.. ,•4 "' .rc." .11'.'"' , .3.' , `t , .:,?... 1, N' t: .1:,':-.:, , , , ;' 9d: .10'Z'Aa• ° .-z.: 't..9 , , ir 1 i ,' • , - " . , , ~ :- -, c ,!h) 1 I'.•;:.'llii . .' , !'1i , ' ,, 1. %,o , , „•• , • , A Y.,' ''.l. , • 4, 4 , ... 1-,- . ; ,;1, • n . ' 1 ' ''' ' ' '• - 0 Y . " ' tir, f r ' ' .s , ' % '. ...; 11, , ', :I"; ''',' '`, ' 4 it , „F,.,1;de 6. 0,‘• , ' 4 .., ~. ; , \ te.,..T ,-,--. ; , i I' . ♦te't.- (..",, "t , 15:5 , ;; r'- :l'4— - ith , , ~,- • _, ' • •1••,:• ,, ,- .. 4 ,..n. , - : - ,71 ..\... - , .441 ..t ~. , • P '""••• .I : I ' --tz ,-,?..; -. 4 0 , " -, -.. ' c i. ,:.•`-, .14.1 . ~ A - ~ , Ihrivg .-- . ‘, / - .5:' , .' -- • , • .0„:„.......„-- . . . . ... BY E. BEANTIir. darbs. .31 Cant. DR. JAS. McCIII,LOUGII will give hie attendance in the various branches of his prolession, in town or country, to all that may favor him with a call. OFFICE opposite the tbl Presbyterian Church and Wert's Hotel lately occupied by Dr. FOUDie. - Garlislm-sept 5 -- - Doctor Ad. Lippe,. HOMOEOPATHIC Physician Office aL in Main street, in the house formerly occu pied by P. B. Leehler. lip 9 '46 Dr. I. ii, Loomis, , perform al "'Cr operations upon the 'Teeth that are ream red for their preservation, such as Sealing. Filing, Plugging, &c, or will restore the loss of them, byinserting Artificial Teeth, from a single tooth a full sett. 07 - Office on Pitt street, a few oars south of the RailrAd Hotel. Dr. L. lent). nit the last .en days of every month. • .1 Card. J• W. HENDEL, Surgeon Dentist rAformi t;, r me,,c patrons that he has re turned to Carlisle, and will he glad to attend to all nalls in the line. or his profession. Inet3l kt John B, Parker, - ,* TTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE E-s- in North Itanover :.hroett . in the room for. randy necupintl by thu lion. F, Watts. March 21, 15,19, Carson C. Moore, A • FI'ORNE Y AT LAW. Office in • the rdent lately occupied by Di. Foster, deceased. mar 31 417 Win. DI, Penrose, A T TORN EY AT LAW, ill practice in the se v eral Courts of Cumberland county. 0 I , PIC E. iu NiairiStreco, in the room former ly occupied byL. G. Brandebury, Esq. James R, Smith, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Has RE _ MOVED his office to Beetem's Row, two doors from Burkholder's hotel. [upr 1 GEORGE .. EOM TusTrcE OF THE PEACE. OF " FICB nt his residenke v ,gortier c.f Aininirect and the Public SiniliViltmositc flerklit or's Hotel. In addition to die ditties of Justice of the Peace, will attend to all kinch . L2j,writing, such as deeds, bonds,;mortgages7, indentures, articles of agreement, notes, &c. • np:ll',l9. Plainfield Classical Academy, FOUR AIII,ES WEST OF CARLISLE, BETWEEN T,IIE NEWVILLE STATE ROAD AND CUMBERLAND VAL RAIL ROAD. sr.vmwrn sEssioN tIG Seventh Session will commence on MON DAY, Nov. sth, 1549. The number of stu lefts is limited, and they are carefully pro. pared for College, counting house, &e.. &c. The situation prof:hides the . possibility of stu dents assocriting with the vicious or depraved, being remote from town or village, though easily accessible by State Road or Cumberland Valley. Railroad, litofli of which icisErthrough aelted.to 11th institution. Boarding, washing, tuition, &e., (per P".§1 ( 11_ 1 • ) team or (Arnow' Instrimarntal guile French' or German 5,00 Circalarn with refer-m(l9, &c. rurnisherl San. Pa. Ut. K. BII ItNS, Principal. :Yewvitle SELECT CLASSICAL AND SCIENTIFIC ScIIMOL—NEW , VILI.E, CUMBERLAND COUNTY, PA. is confidently believed that few I natitutiona IL raor greater inducements to students than the above. Ifocated in the midst of a commu nity proverbial fur their intelligence, morality and regard for the interests of religion, this Academy can effectually guard its members from evil and Minim-di influeftes. Advantages arc also offered to those desiring to pursue the Andy of the,physiold sciences, surpassing those of most fdinilar tnstittitions. . . hoer; having sous or wards ;tad wishing to s•nut th'em to a sominary Of learning, are ro fidect fully solicited to visit Newville, told judge of dm advantages for themselves, or, at least, procure a circular, containing full particulars, by midi-a-sing IA :d PIS it U s'roN. Neweillv, tivst 22 I y Principal. John P. Lyne -ATILOI A E , SALE and Retail Dealer in r Forcignand Dometotellardware, Paint, GI .14,4, Varnish, Ece. at the old stand in N Hanover street, arlisle, has just received Irom New York and Philadelphia a largo addition to his former stock; to which the attention of,lty ors is requested, as he is determined to eel' lower than.tinv other hous'e-in ulna, aprl9 Look this Way. THE sultieriber would respectfully inform his fridnds and the public generally that he has Just opened ia,new LUMBER AND COAL YARD in West High street, a few doors cant of Messrs J D Rhoads's Warehouse, where ho now has and will keep constantly on hand a first rate assoftment of all kinds of sea soned pine boards andlank and all other kinds 'of stu ff , all of which lie will sell lttiv fOr cash. July 18 SAMUEL SIPE. John Wallower and Son. • (Successors to Funk and . Miller.) Forwarding and Commission Merchants, and agents for the Central ,11.rtiVRoad, Wholesale Dealers in Groceries, Produce, Goal, Plaster, Salt, Fish, Nails, Bacon, Powdet, burg Pa. lan. 1 1850. BOOTS AND SHOES ;, • WK. K, PORTER has just roomed a largo and elugant assortment of,/toota add"Sliocs, suited to the present sonspri„among whidi Mon and Boys' Thick" Beats,,Kip arid gall' do., Gum *loos, Buffalo'Civer-Shoes, &c. Ladies' Gaiters, Rttekins; Slippers and Tips, u; Loather, Morocco and Kid made in the latest style. Also, a la'yge supply of Maims and Child runs Gaitors: - Bolus and Buskins. Every description of wotlk.tnatie to order es usual. . - • Collat. Porier' a Sloe Store, Mai!) streeqoppo• she the 0.1-119,di§A,P.4,ureh. „ [dOef2;49 Notice.; THE Commiesioners of Cumberland county deem it proper to inform the public, that the sts., ted:meotings - olthddloard of Commissioners will, to hold on . the second:and fourthAilondeys.ef SSA month, 'at whioh time any persons: having ; husinoss.withAnSid 43,oardi.,wkiktineet, them: at, pieir taco in.Cerlisle. • • "", • ,Al.;ttest: • ,'t•- ~ . . „ ,:'' ', . tea r,/(0111_ -!:. ~.,..,,' , i ,:•, n 4 i. -: •-.V-ZLIC-ATION--will4belnade , at - Alte next. Bossion 'of gig oLegielitdre; of tPonitoylvas 'a; for an akoration in Otto Charter of thp.Cari.i i ttat.E'DerosiTep A N4'130 ' Os td - confer . upon the' Ind,titution the rights add privileges ofd Bank of 'liana.'By order of thd.BoardrofDifentore..-;; .1 ~. 4. W S'' C 0 B IL.A.N; , ,Cdshier.l4 f) „ 1 '11arlielo• 06608 i to Bali li, ?, • ' • ~,, ,1 1, ' :.1- i ';':,,V , 'l'l .' ,l _July 4 '1849-6rn ": - !,, ' " ,-,'?.,'-' ""-:'‘i . ..,Stocking and' Carpet 11. l s übeleribor,heii . for imle s .a::greet4tritihtti, .; cif throe' ply IWO C NG, ancIJCATLPFie Ati„N, nf eoldrii".(hii" Pim eelorfegr; , _ Mid :1411 sate:.. der l iete made frpm Woiitibk and , t:oliirin:g. rihne4M , Ueeef:: A"aItrIIEJskit.VIINILKNpI3I3., I „iiiior,ikkt4ll4o;, • .rnotatlletPllskr.qtliikPoiorth Ind'wairliihtipApor .i,, hpAot re ry,,i'lprdors;!n his lineltutpeetfliW Bev 2'46 in 1 IL.,Vriie r ftfAi,:it, , aided, 4, f 1 1 . 1 , 1 , . 1 ~rtl liiiiickllctr o rpo4 , ll7 gito7lo *rel o l iYyr," l bt: l i i i i tli i k4g it tl le agViti w t t , - miiis l :: .rrnilfje/ft iiiPP lll4 . l6lB :*pati r th" ) , Wit.h,dirtek t olp i ' hicob Rbeorat In 'Canit"'w. B mg Li,g•N ' t a 034 ' • *,-' ' • , „ - - el Family e irewspaper,— , Devoted. to .p,terqtzfre, agriculture, 1 Pol t cs. ButOness and (general Intellip ence. . . THERE ARE TWO THINGS, SAITH LORD BACON, WHICH Marl A' NATION GREAT AND PROSPEROUS-A FERTILE SOIL AND BUSY A VORKSHOPS,-TO WHICK - LET ME ADD, KNOWLEDGE •ND FREEDOM:- Ztareo & 01)ops, Fresh Drugs, Medicines, &c. &c. j. I have just received from Philadel phia and Now York very extensive additions to my former stock, °mitre g nearly every article of Medicine c n i o n i , in use, together with Pain 13, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Sot) s, Stationery, Fine Cutlery, Fishing Tackle., Bridles of almost every, description, with endless variety of otherAtieles, which I am de termined to sell at the ittay LOWEST prices. All Physicians, Country.Merchnnts, Pedlars and others, are respectfully requested not to pass the OLD STAND, as they may rest assured 'that every article will he sold of a good quality, and upon reasonable tern's. _ _ _ Mav 90 NEW ARRIVAL CIF Foreign and Domestic Hardwar e JACOB SENER. has just received, from th eastern cities, and is now opening at the Chca Hardware. on North Hanover street, next doo-i to Glass' Hotel, a new assortment in his line such as Oils, Glass and Pninis, Copal, Japan and Black Varnishes, of extra quality, • Nails and Spikes, Wa`ts' best Bar Iron, • . Cast, Shear, Blit ter and' Spring Steels, Locks, Hinges and Screws. Planes, Saws, Chisels, Augurs, Axes, Knives and Forks, Shoe Findings, &c. To which ho would call the attention of the public. Persons 'Wishing 10 buy will do well to mill. as we ne'tie determined . to' et loss rates for cash. to , The highest price paid for Scrap Tree, and for Flax Seed. J SENER. • novl4 EXTRA ORDINARY REDUCTION IN THE • Priao of Hardntare. 1 HAVE just received the largest and Cheap dst stock of HARDWARE, Glass, Points, Oils Varnishes,,Vaddlery, Carpenter's and Cabinet Maker's Tools, Mahogany Venicrs and all kinds of Building Materials ever brought to Carlisle consisting of Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails and Spikes. Persdns about to build will find i greatly to their advantage to look at my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Come and see the Goods and hear the price and you will be convinced that - this - is rosily the 'Cheap Hard ware Store. Also, in store anvils, vices, files and rasps, rind a complete assortment of Wattte Best Bar Iron, alit Rolled and Hoop4ron of all sizes. I have also the Thermometer Churn made by Mr George Spangler, the beet article now in use. SC YTTIES.—I have just received my Spring stock of Grain tind Grass Scythes, nuumfacnired expressly for my own sides, slid warranted to be a superior snide. Ctad.le rushers and others will find these Scythes to be the best nr tide in the market and at the lowest price wholesale and retail - MI 6 Ohl stand in North Hanover street; JOHN P LYNE: Entensive, Furniture Roomsr SACOII WOULD respectfully call the attention o House-keepers and the public, to the ex ensive stock of splendid VC R N ITU RE, inchto e . ding :Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre and other Tables, Dressing and Plain Bureaus, and every vane end Chairs, which he has now on hand at - his N E W , RTHYMB, on Lonelier insect, near the corner of Northlianover street, in the rear of Powell & Co.'s store. He is confident that the superior finish of the I workmanship, and elegance of style, in which his urticlek arc got up, together with their eifF.APNESS, will recommend them to every per. son wanting Furniture. He has also made ar rangements fOr manufacturing and keeping a constant supply of every article in his line, both plain and ornamental, elegant and useful, at prices which cannot fail to suit purchasers. He would earnestly invite persons who are about to commence house-keeping, to call and examine his present elegant stuck, to which he will con stantly make Mlditions of the newest and most modern stylus. COFFINS made to order at the shortest no• ice, for town and country. Carlisle: June 13, 1848. - 'Ol - The late firm of JacOb Fetter Ey' Son having been dissolve d, Jacob Ifetjer, sr., wi I carry on the business as above. $50,00 5,00 10;00 A Word to Horsemen. LP R. R. BARBER'S EMBIOROCATNrjs de• eidedi the best preparation thnt can be used for the cure of Sprains, Bra -- , sus, Cuts, Galls, Splint, Curb. Ringbone, Spnvin' Stiffness of the qv Joints, &c. It is an article which should be in the hands of every Horseman, and no stable 'should bo without a bottile of it. Nice ouly 25 nnd 50 rents per bot tles, premed only by, S M Pson, M D., and for sale wholesale and retail, at No. 106 North Second street, PVlndelphia, and DR. RAW. LIN'S wholesale and retail agent, Carlisle, Po. Jan. 21. • • Farmers ! Save - Tout Honey. iiioN DORSI. POWERS for two rJ three and four horses, made entirely of ron, so that you can leave it in the weather without the least danger of mjnry. Also, , Threshing Machines, Winnowing Mills, Plows .Plough Mould-boards. cutters, Points & Shears constantly on hand. You will save money, by calling .before purchasing' elsewhere, et the Foundry in East High Street, Carlisle Pit.. sugB3mos F GARDNER. Elastic Doll Meads. new and beautiful Article, , IDDELIEVED to be superior to anything . of .the kind over before manufactured. Beinf Elastic, will not break by falling. 'Painted in oil, when soiled may be washed with soap and water, and readily restored to , their original batitity. Their durability and cheapness will be fully. demonstrated when duly tested. A largd lot of the above-received by express, at Kress Innate's head Quarters, in North Hano. ver street. • P. MO N Y ER, Propiielor Carlisle, December 19,'49. Latest Metvs. EIRESII GREEN. AND BLACK TEAS, in• paokagee or in bulk —of now croft, oleo a now lot of firoWn; . .White'and CRUSIIED SU. GARS, at .the old'and usual.' • ' 1' • ' • LOW PRICES, :together with' a seleetian of the beef , — RIO AND JAVA COFFEES, , and a general variety of pure and fresh' drou,nd'or . ungro u nd, and. all 'the other' articlea ,ueually Irene connexion with'iroderide, , have lust been - added to. the,' fernier etOck=to- see - is tribe auregiVe.ue a Call; incraa over We shall 'be thankful, at the old stand -, —netirlV'.oPtioeite the Post Office. r Ceirile ; Jah. 7,1850, 11UST rtideived at the Cheapl amily (hocery I, ot.,tlie sttltscriberpn:, lot' ,oI,No. 1, 2 ittj3 llaokoKel; itAtritolo, , half ;oh qttarter sae or!Gretttill•Alum Salt,. whiok-ho to . selkat , the,: lowest ptices fqr Vs/Ibl+, '',&',.,.(6013) UST:. , iEop l .1 7 1pfA ,• t , `iliO''C "- - , io ti .8,&h.,: O j i groat. variety oii.9oors.,whhllo, ysn' , :Li4gAnd:Square EhaNl3,.ro ry,ex,toemt'cheriplindooliiM;Pl 94la.ies.,w l n galoorß9 o o:ala 111,111016,14 Ia; clasps, *da trout variety, of 40etlChi: ici:l4ll•' ' : opt 31:: • • , ;4 '' Queensware , ik . Glasp, •• ' 4 don'eralaa cc ; .oalatin.evciy.va!tely:li)ia ,l 79o..added,!ci Out 'oat apftraetit, , A a 'lcotal , qadar.....VVar9 ? "arribrac-,, , , t b knaroo.44. 1 . 4 forsuminibedea-xfor 'sal° low .by gtOIV/i '"'',', F,._/.LiiikX .;..,t 1 ''' atisktAtitiosi;46CC . .., i. dl • Ave , ~ r ,- , D, ,, il ,l iii , e t;mr!nC ! iiiifiitiidatt:::, i ":0 - 6Vi :4'g 4"ELL107170, , 0 .1 S. ELLIOTT, Main street. Cnrlisle. WEI = =I liago4cialaltmaz34 TUE CARELESS COUPLE Jenny le poor and I nm poor, Yet we will wed and say no more t And should the bairns you mention come, As fee/ that marry but have some, No doubt but heaven will stand our friend, And bread as well as children send. So Wes the hen In farmer's yard: To-live alone she finds it hard; I've known her weary every claw, In search of cotton"mongst the straw. But when in search ofnicer food, She clucks amid her chirping breed. With joy I've seen this self-same hen, That scratched for one could scratch for tens .These are the thoughts that'make me willing To take my girl ivithout a shilling: • • And for the self-same cause, d'ye see, Jenny's resolved to marry me. From Peterson's MagaMne, - THE TIFF. OR Jeremy Short giving .in his Ex perience. "As Minim, wear the softest, down, To hide their prickles till they're grown, And then declare themselves, and tear Whatever venturer' to come near." Budibras 'How are you, my dear good fellow 7-- John, a chair for Mr. Graham—eximse my rising for you see I'm gouty—beefsteaks and helpers have done it at last, and, though only eighty seven, I'm really beginning to feel old.' • . 'Sorry •to hear it, Jeremy! Mi.! what atm you therel 'Shirley,' I vowed good ovet, isn't it?' 'Passable, my young friend, but inferior to 'Jane Eyre.' Caroline Holston°, the principal heroine, is a little angel ; but in Shirley her self there's a cross of the devil, I'm afraid. 'Her husband led a dog's lile of it, the truth was but known. She reminds me of the he roine of that picture—the one overgan lel-piece. 'The Till,' I call it' 'I have often heard . you ray, Jeremy, that there was a story connected with it. Tell us t he tale.' 'Well--stir up the fire—take a cheroot. „John, retire till you're called, and now, my dear lad, we'll be as cosy for the rest of the evening, as if we had just eaten a thanks giving dinner, and had Itadm hit of boiled turkey and oyster Knee. 'Blessed be the mare as Sancho Parma says of sleep, that first invented turkeys, though to my taste, it would be better ffibey rat about, ready boil. ed, swimming in gravy and oyster. B,ut to My tale.' Wen I was about twenty, that was in year 4783—cotemporaneous, I !relieve, with your grandfather'antarriage-1. knew as pret ty•a girl as ever sewed a sampler en week days, or carried her prayer book on Sundays to church. (Bella Belgrave was the beauty of the din. aict. Her step was like a &Iliad's might be supposed to be; ben eyes were as dazzling as the sun at noonday ; her lips were fra grant as strawberries, and twice as sweet, and her voice—sir, it you could have heard it, you would have fancied that a nightin• gale had nestled in her'throat, or Mat St. Ce.. mills herself had come down from Heaven. At twenty a man falls in love, as naturally -as he takes to smoking; and he does : both, 1 suppose, to prove Mansell full-grown.' Well I soon lost my heart to Bella, Nor was my suit hopeless. 'I am handsome yet, you sea, don't laugh at me, you young scapegrace, and, of course, I was handsome at twenty I wrote poetrY, too, which won -girl's hearts just as a Moustache does now, and 1 had it pretty little fortune; so was Boor. the aceep• ted lover of Bella.' • , Bela possessed but one !. She had a deuce of a temper. Now, a little sharpness in a 'wile,,occasionally, may be very excel lent, just to spice the° monotony of maul molly, as mustard spices beef ; but too much of it is as bad as spilling the whole contents al a pepperbox in your plate, when you had. just taken the last bite of what was nice on the table. Not that Bella was what is 'cal lid quick tempered—l often wished she had been--for it's better to blow off superabum dent steam now and then; than to keep it screwed down, MI some day a great explo- sion takes place, that sends every -thing to kingdom come. thifoilunately, Bella both took offence easily, Wand then r.utsed her wrath to keep it warm'. -She had been so much petted that,nothing short of abject ' sla very on the part of a lover would' suit her ; and, i'laith, Igrewikd2l tt• at last, as you shall hear.' ' "'"'‘...,.(;" .!Cone day I had, bean singing to here bal. lad she had asked me to write ,to some. of .., , some_ of music,•when one of her friands,carne in :-.-it (lashing little"oreaufre,ebe wa r ifi 7 sjima, a greet grand (nether, my ,lad,.with tit ree s bin, dred and fifty lineal descondants,,egad...lad I ai in ' duty bound,did 'my belt to .be,agtele 7 able. Scarcely, however,,, hod't:the- visitor gone, when Bella; with a face like a Ilttic" •der-cloud', began.:-'- ", •i.. i w ••. i . 1 •'• :; ..., ''ll4Pity, sociable yan'ead Aii...Grein are,' she said ;,.:1 supposa,youlm pill" in love with ber, - yet f ittivayo IMit`rd - Yob!.viare tier '..il ' POt AP ' ',r,i_iiid!‘o_iniilr.! .' l* i : .,' '' Y': . ',,'"' ' : „• , tll.Now, Bella,',l Said, dent",be jeutour.,-,+.' '. lsl fYieildus!vithe exciaimeA 4 stain ping; ll'r' little foot„whilo bei,exes-flaihed fire; 'ills; time.to be' 'jcirif&ith' sir," ',4feli-%Viry" Natty: Iti ' F ' d'3 , i'ifi'illFß l oil 3 l ) * 's 6 , l' " - lii ' lliiife.. lll. o f. tot ' I'm not jealops--Pari Only', ashaumd of-you, ( . ....,,,,,, , ,,,,t t , .:,, - ..,. ,::,.; ....,-;•: A• , ... , , , .; 1, ,, ii: oir.., ~.,11.;1,' 41 111 y dont lovely or v ir ,ll. g ,ii i , fig ai n ; trying tO take helititi(l.• •;13ut etia:jacked it -- , :'- - P- . '1 .'4, 014. 4 T...M g ' t", :•1,1 4 :, 0 . ... \ .. ; Pel li g il Y : l9 l *! ,' ;l). 'd:.Z4 . : l" o " r ''''' t L O , : i l 7 , c ,i4 kDOVlMeeit. 'mei- As ;biol4i :=Io th--•!yed i ~,,... ~,, ~•-•., , i 4. 4 t' , ts .1 4 . , . 4 '. 4 4, 4 L . 4 .-, , . ,!5p9,W,,, 3 31 , ) ,i0,51! J2,1111 3 . 11 1.YR1P.1PP,r,,,F.P.M_ 6 het P: tnOre- !4o'oq uil : l • oli i r fM ,4 - i19 "' l l. 4 1; 51 -1 yille,'Whipi'il tkin'fiiiii"Air.foi,! r y(M4lilitiiiilcia 1 Wat , l 7 7+Ne!4, tibei;heretliMaiti.rnes,,,4,* ii n kiiiiiii"aitiiir - w*uvir*4.4oittligia : ,l l • Pq l s: l llieiti!) itiltil44tVe4l l i-Ao:ifiiii l ofitiliMil .*4 l ,oo###. l; iikk;4,W'' , E: l: ::* ;r-,-. yu•kimirf .. itrn. U .- meek, rnan;:,it'a 2',tiefattter', '• - t•ll#. ll "..,!f!"Po l l; i my o oo i, o, i o!'ol ' 'Fa ti Pti ,dtMlati4takaatil taaek44„.'..K.6'..i.'i1,i?,:,..,, :` 3 ''.f, t ,:lPiOkirdeikei:Asireplopia,4ligfpn;,i , k , l446 YoiY• l ?oq ,r :Aii ' ll ' 'ol; i kili, Y l f4Al;(iPW:l4: l l4 togeiberkiitiriblitiettt'eiPect me ;id; 4seof . ~,:.;. . , ;., ~ „ , :, , ,,, ,, ,, , , , ...I' ,)-- „,:;`••;.;.'•'.',..'"il'". '"--•;:'.. .';':::,';',',..:-''' ~,'-':'''-' - ,..':','“:',':"..4"' - :;•'0. --, ,t.':1g 1 :1'.: '•/,,,..,••• CARLISLE, FEBRUARY 13, 1450. leot, nay, insult by my 'Waned's, every oth:- er woman I meet,. One, tor all, let this be understood between us.' •