E --414 7 -- , : ,- . ,,iT.-: . -,. - ' ,;‘j , ,',.; ; ~.• :',..•• --414 - .4 1 4 - . -AVilait'ai:3o4 i -!___ ..,. .. , :,;•:::- ,,.-, , ti..4'.: 8 THE SLANE4I( QUESTION. Dlr. CLAY'S IDompromise Reso ititions..l.4:llVnyrnit Debate. ~, WASHINGTON, Jan. 29t h. SENATE.—Mr. er.wit submitted a 'pro position to settle the whole question of slavery, and. spoke in substance , as fol lows : Mr. President—l hold in my hand a series of resolutions which - I desire to present to the consideration of the Sen ate; Taken together they propose au, amicable ,arringemerit of all the questions_ in controversy between the free and slave states, growing out of the subject of the Insfitiitii — m — Elf - SICVW. -- It it — tormy - in- -, tention, at this time, e,O enter into a full and elaborate discussion of.,snoh of the resolutions as proposing ''ti. system of measures, but I desire to present a few observations upon each resolution, for the purpose of placing them fairly and fully before the Smite and the country ; and; I may add, with the indulgence of the Senate, towards the conclusion of my re marks, to make some general observe . tions about the state of the cotintrp and, late questions to which - the resolNons'fo 2 ''late, whether - they' shall, or - sh - all not, meet with the 'approbation and 'concur rence Of the Senine, as I mpst earnestly hope they may—as I sincerely trust they will. I trust that at least some portion of that time which I have 'directed with careful deliberation to the preparation of these resolutions, and to the preS4ntation -of this - great - nationalschemeti6inational compromise and harmony—l hope, I say, that Some portion of that time will be employed by each senator before he pro nounces dgainat the proposition. Mr. flay here introduced the prem.-, ble and first resolution, as follows : Whereas, it being desirable for the peace, concord, and harmony of the union of these states, to settle and adjust amicably, all ques tions of controvorsy between thern—ri-ing out of the institution of slavery—upon a fair equal ity and just basis. Therefore, 1. Resolved, That California, with suitable boundaries, ought, upon her application, to be admitted es one of the States of this Union, without dic imposition, by Congress, of any re striction in respect to the exclusion or intro. duction of slavery within those boundaries. It- must be . acknowledged that there has been some irregidarity in the move ments in California, which have'resulted in the formation of her -constitution. It was not preceded .by any action of Con gress anthorising a.convention, and des ignating the boundaries of the proposed State, according to all the cases of the ad mission of new states into the union, which were admitted prior to that of Michigan—if -I am not mistaken, which, unauthorized by Congress, undertook to form for herself a constitution, and to knock at the door of Congress for admis sion into the union. , I was, myself, at the time, I recollect, when Michigan nre .septed herself, opposed in consequence of tilt deviation from the early practice of thvernment; to her admission. The mai° ity determined otherwise, and, it mils .b e in candor owned by all men, that e•c i Cal iforniao has much more reason to do what she has done, unsanctioned and un authorized by a previous act of Congress, than Michigan had to do what she did. Sir, notwithstanding.the irregularity of the admission of Michigan into the union, 'it has been a happy event. She forms now one of the bright stars of this glori ous confederacy. She has sent here, to mingle in her councils, senators and rep resentatives so distinguished that we may all assemble with them with pride, with pleasure, and with satisfaction, and I trust that if California—irregular as her previous action may have been in the a doption of a constitution, but more justifi able than was the action of Michigan— if she also shall be admitted as proposed by the first resolution, with suitable lim its, she, too, •may make her contribution • of wisdom, patriotism and good feeling to this body, to conduct the affairs of this great and boundless republic. . The resolution (said Mr. C.) proposes her admission when-she applies. There is no intention on my part to anticipate such an apPlibation—but I thought it right to present this -resolution as a part of the general plan which I propose -for the adjustment of this unhappy question. The second resolution is as follbws : Resolved, That as slavery does not exist by law, and is not likely to be introduced Into any of the territories acquired by the United States from the republic of Mexico, it is expedient for Congress to provide by law, either for its introduction .intoor Its exclusion from any part of the said territory, and that appropriate territorial governments ought 4p be established by Congress In all the , said territories not as - algned as the boundaries of the 'prop:died State of California, without the introduction of any restriction or condition on the subject of ela very. . The resolution, sir, proposes the dec laration of two truths--one of law and the other of fact. The truth of law which it declares is, that there does not exist at this time slavery within any portion of the territory acquired 'from Mexico.— When Nay what that truth is. I speak my own deliberate and, solemn conviction. I am aware that home gentlemen 'hate held a different doctrine, . but I. persuade myself that they themselves, when they come to review the whole grOund will see sufficient reasons for n . change or modification : of their opinion, and it they adhere to it, they Will bu found to com pose a very small, minority. of, the whole mass Of , the people of the United States. The - next triith • which* the resolution asserts is, that, slavery is not likely, d be introduced into any portion of. that terri tory. That is a' matter of fact. c • With all the evidenCei: upon, which the • fact rests—whiehii - sUppose, is as - accessible •te 'other senators .as myself--i -- must- say that froni all I hatie;heard.ot ,read—frorn ali the ': witnesses,. that I finve,seen and voniersed'with—frorn all that' has trans 'lritatt and isitintiPyingfilp believe that not 'within One,' foot ;.of the , territory ac quired from slattery ever be • pltinted;,and I believe itcotild notbe dorie •Ity the•forco,e4.pewpref ,public author . • ity.- ' tabiti•drl - dtnijr traiispirink-te jos „. binlitis'oCanqed Ati ' AC;• lB :o3e , c l, l•:- , Plinviee 'imiatc 4 s , ' .IfroinOefieefritateiaapSchillYi• to carisid ''bir•:**)iiuVo'o4i#o ainOil:the ''leitt';Ce•cL, asi6pi aikileiertaAiice.tivi,finii3W6nr::o. itipaenve constitnencietrivithout,itur,iikiori • : unity aotnlliing" . ;#4h that great.and',:netrentous The etictic that Paliforniailteiselfalthotigh it , was iiiirted'itlid'lir , that edicted'' she •,‘ never would` estiablish slave r y, when si t e;:came” RS :itole-nistate—has;lin. a convention , by • hinaiiinitniti,VOtW4fc,lat*igaPNWthe • • .1 ''T; !nib ' contitifiraitoiri•With Abo:'Ciideneti.:.sibich ' • baplett'eltial• - in'e,l,;yres , ivatthanid ttie:minn °Oat' te's the;secoiid `. rush +-•that;l-Aate stated injthiciOolotio - rqthiii eke. hapl to beiotroduced-iine "M itleqiiiyedirorn MexicO r .:fTh e' '• • ' •-• ;:.••••.. , C , ,, • • ' • • • n,~~ ar:s , :~cr~,~:::_yrd ,. +~a'~e~ixr~.z:~r.+~i' .~wv:~z;ry~y;niier~ • _latter 'part of tb.r. sialuticinLass'erfs'lti t Is. • the 'duty Congress-to eitabliskipilreptiete territorial gov,e,rrirrfents ' terii tory, e?rclusive of 'California,. not: '''''''''''''' in the acts by which„ those governm e n t s` shalt' be constituted, with out ertir(4a prottibition an admission of. slavery.: , -•.' Much as I •am disposed to defer to high, authority—anxious, as I really mu, to:find self in a position which Would enable me , co-operate heartily with other departth e intir , f the goriernment in, conducting iv, o_ , lairs of this great people, I cannot concur, iii; the propriety of a dereliction of these t err ier_ tones--ol an abandonment of them—way.. iag therti without government, tb all those scenes of disorder, confusion and anarchy; which 1 regret to say, with respect to some of them', there is too much yeason to antic,- pate will arise. It is the duty, the solemn, .1 was going to add—almost sacred, duty of Congteas to legislature for that people, it they can; and, at events, to attempt to legislate for them, and to give Piero the henetits of aw, order and security. The next resolutions, sir, ;tie the third and ourth, which, having an immediate connee• ion with each, should be read together. 3. Resolved, That the western boundary of ho state of Texas ought to be fixed on the Rio dcl Norte, commencing one marine league from its mouth, and running up that river to the southern line' of New Mexico ; -thence with that line as established be. twain the-United States and Spain, extending to any portion of New Mpico, whether lying in the east or west of that river. 4. Resolved, That it be proposed to the state of Texas, that the payment of all that portion of the legitimate and bona fide public debts of that state, contracted prior to lb. an nexation to the United States, and for which the duties of foreign imports were pledged by the said state to its creditors, not, exceed ing tho sum of -- dollars, in consideration of the duties as pledged having been no lon ger. applicable to that object after the said aniceication, brit having - become payable to the United States, and upon the condition, also that the said state shall, by some solemn and authentic net of her legis lature'' or of a convention, relinquish to'the United States any claim Which it has to any part of New Mexico. r." Clay did not intend to go into the corn leg question as to what were the-due limits of Texas. His opinion - was that Tex as has not a good title to any portion of what is callec!.New Mexico. But ho was tree to admit that, looking at the ground which her senators assume, the Jew of Texas of 1836, the treaty with Santa Anna and so on.— Looking to all these facts, but not yielding to them all the force which the gentlemen elm- med for them, he must say that there was a plausibility in the claim which he had set up. He proceeded then, that whether the Nueces or the Bravo is or is not the bonnda- ry of Texas, that her western limit shall be on the Del None, from its mouth to the mouth of the Sabine. He proposed, also, in connection with this cession of the ouestion of boundary, that Congress shall pay the debts of Texas, for the liquidation of which the duties on foreign goods imported into Texas were pledged prior to the annexation. After some remarks relative tothe circum stances connected with the contraction o these debts' by Texas, Mr. Clay said, in his humble opinion, he thoughtiftheie was hon or, justice or truth, we owe Co the creditors of Texas the duty of reimbursing them kir money loaned upon the pledge of those rev enues, which were cut oil by annexation.— He proposed, also : that Texas should, for the considerations mentioned, relinquish any claim she may have to any portion of New Mexico. He was willing to give something for even an imperfect claim at this kind, for. the sake of peace. Mr. Clay then submitted the 6th and 6th reschitions, as lollqws: 5 Resolved, That it it inexpedient to abol ish slavery in the District of Columbia, whilst that institution continues to exist in the state of Maryland, without the consent of that state—without the consent of the peo ple of the district, and without just compen sation to the owners of slaves within the district. 6 Resolved, That it is expedient to prohib it within the district the slave trade, and slaves brought into it from tastes or places beyond the limits of the district, either to be sold therein as merchandise or to be trans ported to other markets, without the District . of Columbia. The first of these resolutions, continued Mrs Clay : simply asserted that slavery ought. : nate be abolished in the federal district, except on the cooditions•named. The sixth resolution expressed the expediency of pro hibiting the slave trade in the district. He did not mean& interfere with the sale of slaves fimille - larnily to another, in the District of Columbia. The slave trade which lie proposed to prohibit, wasthat which Ran dolph, forty years ago, pronounced an abom ination. It was a mistalce i ,en the part of the north, if they supposed that; The. people of the south generally lobked upon the regu lar slave trader or his occupation with corn placency. fhe slave dealer was frequently excluded from association with the respec table.and worthy in the south. He [imposed that the slave trader should go to other pits to pursue his calling—that he should not be permitted to erect his prisons here and put on his chains, and sometimes shock the feelings by their train of manacled beings through our streets and avenues. Neither should they bring them 'hem. There was no necessity for it, and it ought to be pro hibited. The 7th resolution (said Mr. C.,) related to a matter now under discussion in the Sen ate, and he would retrain from any general remarks upon il. it was as follows: 7 Resolved, That more effectual provislorr ought to be made by law, according to the re quirement of the constitution, for the restitu tion and delivery of persons bound to service or labor in any state, who may escape into any other state or territory of this union. • The Bih and last resolution, Mr. Clay re marked, proitided, that Congress has no power to prohibit the trade in slaves between the states. It was se follows' 8. Resolved, That Congress has no power to prohibit or obstruct the trade in slaves .between the slave holding states,end that the admission or exclasion of slaVes brought from one into. another of them 'depends exclusively upon their own particular law. .. It was obvious, said Mr. Clay, that tfb leg.. islation was Intended as • a consequence of, the resolution, it merely.assered a truth.—: He had .thought, .thist looking at. this whole . subject, it was ht and proper to resort to , great and fundamental principles—keep , t hem before the mind—that they might not, ' violate them:: These resolutions involved no' sacrifice of shy principle=they Werefounded. • upon a basis of mutual.foibearance and con.' cession—concessiMmiot el Inatfers ' , Of prin.. ci p le, but matters el.feernig,. merely. He thought, in view of all the circumstan . ces;-o more liberalecincession 'might .be•ex-, , 'peeled from the freeetated' than could be as-' I ked.ol.the south i.. and,itruly, ,wifh,gentlenien: :WM 'the north, this' question was an 'atialrao tiols--w h ife ,with ..the pecple. of she south, ,JO ~ was a principleinvolving, their property; Midi as a large ortion'el them believed; of ,theill prosperity add peace: . The horth; loci,' was, ? numerically . more powerful; and ..grentnessl I did magnanim ity.'shoulA always go together.! i. .. Mr. Clay . concltided With a most . alogueilf . eptieeljn . .behalf of hat mony, peace, mutual!., I enneassitina and- forbearance; Jor .the sake•-el' of.the.. ' :ilie . iinßin.7. .'..• i'• •• ' • ' •: . ~. , ... 1 . :,," . In itlicropuree ol; his rematka, mr:day ex,; hibiteo-a.'.ekre4,-:•relic,-a,pliece.cletlint O LVV.sielitegton*lfich.:Ms,sijd.W . Stis;presemi ;.' led he him thiefirierning,und.Submitled some. i tlifillinfrobservetienkreletiVeli..lolheLdistin't f..gaishert 0.0"; ;iiity,iluiisi4.3 - Alah;,hia-f. 1 - uminAtikstage,efesltioniefdtirgajn'the; , i settlementof the..vsicimentima , siteitiorl,tinderi rdtscussurn.. 4! - ItV ., militett,fltitt.4he.:,,TeitalatiOn li , .'.'tie l intidii t flifil.apeeiikOtdeil.4!iiereaSakiiirr* Mr.r'R.Ostetzelglexiiisi'VreOettelK.thiti,ill tiefftalifienilp!nfilolik ' had.rf,ltifiaithqrope idiger44.ll94so.V.ol;fiterighteiWTexa ;-• 1 a.Veire'ioffetttfi,( tp,Tho'fliPiiit':fol . 4fifeStdatl. l TP. 0 041 3 0,0104 0 0,490. 4 00.1.14APt1MAt0e' 1 7 ,1 0.4 1 6P . Z . : -", 4 7 •;';' , 'i;t .` , %ic 7 .•:.;:c,' '''''''' *:.l-:,,,;- ( . : 4 1 e , 'Nir*Ict*Iii.: 1 4.1':# ) :0; s :Iliat f !tiPhilii',.ili ,ci Atiptitipp"p;Ofeis,,uly7,lo3: , vioulti undertake': Col =EMMMM prove that.the.bOuntlpt'y;Oi•No?tetr,,ii•the:. Rio ' and,gittk.eritatterigpAl!ork;,th`e.,,patt Congress icrialtegrarirlieiuoy4iOt e tbif : ,territti. SY.tlliskf l joo:4! !het' f,itniti•mouldl3eJi6,tlia i t p ,hod-, E•.; .. ree &Myr -, rintiarke; 'said that itherOierd,Celteln•4ii;iiiiofcenititu tional law,'.exPediciney.'of certain ,00tioe, arid te which* • lie' could not atria:it., ,p6i - `9'n 'Whialtberforts that•it,is not expedient •to • abOliiiii:Sliy,er,i?..••in the District olCelumbia; believed it to be more than inexpedient,--that, it would be a, gross fraud upon the peeplooftlio entire south. As rreornpromise, however,•he would agree to the proposition to receive Califorrita'into* the union us a state. Tie protested; alio; againit the asumptiOn, that there is any doubt of the title of Texas to all the ,territory:whieli she 4- , Mr. Clay said his proposition teas not to take absolutely from Texas the territory which she claimed. It made a proposition to Texas for consideration only. lie hid so me pressed. It was true,, in his own opinion, that the title.ef Texas was not good to the Cerrito-• ry in qdestion, and at the proper time, ho would be happy to discuss that question. In the causes of a conversation which en sued between Messrs. Clay and Foote,' Mr. Foote asserted that the faith of Congress was pledged to all the southern states, and not to Maryland alone, for the preservation of slave ry in the district. Mr, Clay—Suppose slavery he a - Wished in Maryland to tr arrow, have we n o power to abolish it here? Mr. Mason could not allow the resolution of the Hon. Senator to pass unnoticed on his part. De regretted that the senator had felt himself authorized to offer such a scheme of compro- Mise. The propositidn to organize territorial governments at once, was the only. 'one to Which he could lend his countenance. He de nied that slavery is now abolished in the new ly acquired territory—that proposition woe _submitted-hero-at-the last. congress, and so far from being conceded, was denied, and, as he thought, proved - to ha untenable. The doctrine had never before been conceded by any sena tor from a southern state. On the contrary, so confident were they that this legal proposition was not true, that they voted in favor of a compromise bill, leaving tine whole question to legal decision. To. assent to SM. proposition - wetuld - concedtrtha — whahrenntroveray.' -- - Mr. Davis, of Miss., in the conclusion of a few remarks, said he would never consent to any compromise, except that which extends the Missouri compromise line to the Pacific ocean. He also threw out a reflection updn the course of Mr. Clay, as a senator from a slave state. Mr. (lay replied briefly—premieing, by say leg, in answer to the reflections cast by the senators from Virginia, (Mason,) and Missis sippi, [Davis,] I tell those gentlemen that I know my duties, and I tnean to express my opinions fearless of all mankind. He also said —coming from a slave state. as I do, no earth ly power can ever compel mu to vote for the positive introduction of slavery, either north or south of the Missouri compromise. No, sir ! no! [Great applause.] Mr. 'Davis, of Mississippi. submitted, a few words in reply, stating his readiness at any and all times to meet Mr. Clay in argument on the question under discussion, , Mr. King .complimeaed the motives which had induced the submission of the resolutions by the senator from Kentucky. He depreca ted agitation, and exhorted senators to main. lain a spirit of courtesy and kindness in the debate. Ho also submitted a few remarks a gainst the general tenor of a paten of the res olutions, but in favor of the proposition to es tablish territorial governments. Mr. Rusk arose to some further remarks., in which he spoke of the agitation of measurcifoi' the purpose of making political capital. Mr. Clay—does the honorable senator impute to me such motives? My. Rusk—No, sir Mr. U. proceeded with a row words, to show that the title of Texas to the .Rio Grande' was recognised, by the treaty widi-Mexieo. Mr. Downs rose to enter his protest against 1.110 - WVOrittions of thb — rewelutramfr — fie — iibie ted, especially, to the assertion that the slave trade should be abolished in the district. He considered the whole proposition a compromise : entirely on one side. Mr. Clay desired to say that these worn not abstract propositions, but designedhr positive action .by their reference to appropriate com mittees, who &lull report bills in relation to the several subjects requiring legislative action. Mr. Bxaai®N yielded every consideration of respect to the spirit of patriotism and concilia tion, in which ho knew the resolutions had been conceived—but ho could not have it for'a mo • ent supposed that he could acquiesce in ' myopositions which they contain. r. Itirriza also expressed his objections to the resolutions. He said that they proposed no compromise. Mr. CAse made a few suggestions, compara tive of the circumstances of the admission of Michigan, and the proposition to admit Califor nia Into the union. After some farther conversation, the motion to make the resolutions the special order for Tuesday next was adopted, and soon after the Senate adjourned. Ve: r %1) •11.6 =NI f of of N, r o rola, Caner,. ,", • dhow.e..lll, l'hgn)—anet Ilb IHI SM A LI. vrrry v;•”.1 rf n Mairi ell,: env' es orlf 14 arm proqf Ihr pvrifvsno mivirn:J poet . , en which lean rehd vett eoirtercd ,uatt distaros— ra're 1.11 unwrealionable raltler, BRANT'S INDIAN PURRINti EXTRACT f. :”..15 a 117clietne, fn rrrrp rnprcl and thorn in einiedniii .er, it. gnat roma Milt ONE BOTTLE of Il con. win , cm.. •pinifyine, Loaliuc cirinc, 11111 i medic»! power, lb , . 'Lam Ix contained in FOUR BOTTLES of any Sena. taa (Pa, or any other medicine 1111:1 line ever been offered Thorn in lieliollined proof in .110 to. • ito no. of thin error .Indian Purifier, they that Were vE—they Mot were LAME tmd CIUPPLED rue now WALK--tler Rod wore SICK, SCROFULOUS, and .'ther wtan iiineiWtri, bilVe been 11CM.:DO and CURED. Hundreds—Thousands— kgr4 nigg, hove need BRANT'S' PURIFIER, after low . tined owl 'vend All. the Sapeoporilloe nod olller reetildibi MC. I:1111 , Ildrilltl cure blood disences, town decided flit : Brant's is the Cheapest ;31, !ernes° one bottle of It loot genre medical, cundive motto. in it, and, In coneequence, COMP 111000 (WNW, 111 touch Ins time, thou one bottle of any other tnedicine. If then, one batik of BRANT'S PURIFIER will cure FOUR TIAIES more Wettest, duel one bottle of Same:Aril fog—" BRANT'S PURIFIER' , would ho no, rh'eap gat At dollars II hurtle, no toreoporilin nt one dollar: But MUNl'''. PUR I Fl ER is cold for only ONE DOLLAR a bottle t • and no e.bottlo of it him cured, end In orpabk of curing, FOUR '11:11FIS on notch disease no one bottle of Sarropordirt, there fore, Soreeparille, in cattempunico of Its lea power sod len on ellgcncy, should lm sold et no rnoro limn Randy. /11rOcenn r, per bottle, to Igo es el}elp es Ulu PURIFIER at one dono ' ,g One Dollar's „Worth ! • HowmuclOCANCEß—hoW much SYPHILIS—how much SORDICHLA.--will one dollar's Worth of BRANT'S bIItIFIF.II cif Rood the ibilcrveing' statement, which Pawerf— , • C EROtTa : ,SC1101911,11! Title is the caso•ora dying odes Who yet lion. He tow tcored of o.vorse•caso of sonoroLA; by only twelve hot. ies elf Pront's Purifier, than srror.was, cored by the two of ItadaaoA at.o NS of the beat SaraaMaa. Pint tviustsvpr mode. Sarsaparilla has not nWidentm 6 • pincertgabet the cure of bun a woo:tingly hopekes Caao4:.. • hlr..T. B.HASICIN,qf Rome, Oneida Ce.„N. ' luid,Rdretf. fdd four years—was .comintol Ins litfddlieiost year s —he was•eo macitdietnotod and debilitated -an to be unable to, raise hia hand to his head. He hid the, big medical (aloha —bad used ALI. of rho bat &sampan:lW to 'no good aired,: gat aurae and worse, and was consideradclo ho In a dldag stale, add could...not 1100 ltornlyloar hours louver, rhott Ito commoncod using BRANT'S PIIRIP/ER, His no* toss eaten nearly off, fronr.ear.to -.• hoteltorm'elfas through his adapts's, under.bialchin,bo. thin he: brealluxi through Mg hotel ids:ear was streaWn nr,ound,that itcould be if us,out salts oily bolding byla nnaltpfeofej the tufo qr one one was destroyed by, two 'ulcers pltlrotticor. under ornloon large as Ault/Ws/rand:bad nbarlfeatentherough his shisTista hi. body. Thus 110' WAS alllictedlyilit twenty such putrhi, avid, remake ulcers; un various, pans of Ilds fenunt. Pqr , Sather and IbiDpartipuittra, 800 our PAM. Ur n s uomAs LISI AMS, One, of fint . tnitat. phy 'sicluttof ..Rotue, was called to see 'Hoskin do day Wore. 'dean s uslng;Braure:Purilicr, Dr. SW exonsined blot, nod then told .him that o n stalkines in.thfs soorkl an(iti not ettr4 cloto woe " • Worse r "thanlllopelesS I -• . • ' . Now lick "Ur NAFININ , I3 statement of elicit eald • "Aft'ivlfopractiral me lioille of nilei fiV N PUMP Yin; , F,xlvedirr, of Bissell 4.,.l.ronarrii alit gen lawf Bourn.' I , cerunienceituelmi thot. andbegzn to ga Thu bottle t madded lee' to -gel ?ilf toy bet, where 1 MO beenspuilned, one Burr, the rowed battle enelikal mu to pet obt of pelt/ace fp tba reird..botile enabled mu Co goat* tea etikb to Nome Cell.: ..tre; where I practical viz bottkiewerarand wheit i l bed tailZTiz ib s . otientxgtitglitirAtiAcigit ;o% — t;l:is n „plca and torea c nie. ;;,„ nivt-tilObeti -s . ,tr'nvllLAlV i c: l - 0 ;T:Ip4 - 113:4L=A;1211 , 724 . 1 tiLr .4 i y A nn r vhou: ' 4,retull lin E liEt%Ptot tieipi4Oble ginC2et. 4•V Fov sale VAR.' tc. iIAVERSTICI4:CarIiiK ,I 3I, Szaii:oo:l;;•Altioki frastisalijoik - Oilitiiiyo7l 4 /0'411_91;d1 ran, Now6lllt +e VflßlooinfloldleV, verlindliiooB;' , llllll66tolivir.,A:4loii•'&-.C* tiendisbofgrhlillikani'lesjie,sbitti&S];Lovt: • • it=BEIEZMI3 ..11pouratite tEompauico 0 'mum xtsrstradiager,.. The Giraiii -Lire Insurance:Aiinuity • • . ',aid Trust gompany...or,Phil i alvo ',o, A rce.';NO. 159 Chat ntit $3OO. . '6 [ F. ( [ U E to make Insurantosfon . Li V,P.9 Ai on the Most favouritble'tdrinS. • roe'oftwittid , :xocuit Trusts, and rewsive-Dimosite on Into 'iost. The;Canital being paid up and invested, w hether with accumulated prethium funcl.mtfoids it pnaglite? sEcontTv to the insured. The pre !nium may be paid .in ,yearly, hall yearly, ,er fluarterly payments. The Company add a BONUS at.statcd,Re viods:to the insurances for life. This 'plan o nsurance, is the most approved of; end is worn 'generally in use, than any other in Great ilrt ;sin, (where the subject is best understood 4y, ilia people, and where they have had OW t•st experience,) as appears front the fact, that ut 0f..117 Life Insurance Companies there, of II kinds, 87•nre on this plan. 'Flue first BONUS vi as appropriated in Do ember, 1844. amounting to 10.-per cent. on the . urn insuro4 under the oldest polices; to 81 per 7i'pOr;welit.,-5.Ce•;-bcc.,an-others, in pro ocirtion to the time of standing, multlifg - Diet ad ittion of .$1014;88 . 7.50; $75, &c., Va. to every ,31,000, originally insured, which is en average if more titan 50 per cent on the premiums paid, ind without increasing The annual paynientio .Ito Cr/Money. The operation of-The BONUS will be seen by the following examples from the-Life luau. ,•ance Register of the Company, thus : VolieY. Sum Bonus or Amount of Policy Ist Insured Addition Bonus payable a ,he party's decease ',lslo 58 81;000 $lOO.OO sl,loo'o o j— 88 2,500 250'00 2,750'00' • 205 4,500 400.00 4,400'00 270 • 2,500 175'00 2'175'00 ;',! I- 333 5,000 437.50 5'437 . 00 • Pamphlets containing the table ot rates, and explanations ot the subject ; forms ot ap• petition; and further. information 'eati be had at the office, gratis. in person or liMetter, ad dressed to the President or Actuary. B W RICHARDS, President JNO F JAMES, Actuar cn2'49ly 3'1R313 'NM:MANCE:. 4; 1 1; EVIIE Allen and East. Pennsborough Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Culitberland county incorporated by an act of Assembly , is now tally organized , organized, and in operation under the manage ment of the following couiniissioners viz: Jacob Shelly, Wm R Gorges, Michael Cock lin, Melchoir Brenneman, Christian Stayman, Simon Oyster, Jacob H Coover, Low4l liver, Henry Logan, Benjamin II Musser Jacob Kirk, Samuel Prowoll, Joseph Wickersham. The rates of insurance are as low and favora ble as any Company of the kind in the State.— Persons wishing to become members are inviied to make application to the agents of the compa ny, who are willing to wait upon. theta at any time. JACOB SHELLY, President. HENRY LOGAN, Vice President. r 4 ? 7 t Lewis liven, Secriary. Mu wiser. Cocur..lN, Treasurer. octl7'4fkow • • ' . AGENTS. - C wzbdrland county.—Rudolph Martin, New Cumberland, C 13 Herman, Kingstown, Henry Zearing, Shiremanstown, Robert Moore and Charles Bell, Carlisle, Isaac Kinsey, Mechan icsburg. Dr. J. Ahl, Churchtqwn. York coutay.—kohn Sherrick, Lisburn, John Bowman,. Dillsburg, Poker Wolford, Franklin, John t3mult, Esq., Washington, W S Picking, Dover,,Daniel Raffeneberger, J W Craft. Harrisburg.—Houser & Lochman. • Members of the Company having iPolicies bout to expire can have them renewed by mak ng-application to any:orthe agents. '' THE SYMPTOMS OF WORMS A ro the tongue often white and loaded; the La breath heavy . and foetid; a- disagreeable or sweetish taste to the mouth; Ocener9nally thirst; the appetite extremely. variable, some. times remarkably deficient, and at others vo ___xacious. There is sometimes a sickish feeling with vomiting of mucous; &tole:lice of the I 1 ..-sturnach.rind-a-pain-in.lbe_alidornon L 1 swelling - rird hardness of the abdomen; the . bowels ate irregular; the stools are slimy; and there is an occasional appearance of worms in the evacuations; the urine is often milky and turbid; there is frequently itchiness of the fundament and nose, which is often swollen; these is occasionally disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth, and sudden awaking in a fright. There are, at times, headache 'or giddiness, ringing in the curs, or even deaf .. fleas, faintness, convulsions, drowsiness, indo lence of manner, ill temper. In seine cases epilepsy and cholera, and oven apoplectic and paralytic symptoms, and several of the signs of dropsy of the brain and catalepsy appear con. fleeted with worms. Frequently there is a short dry cough, and pleuritic pains; some times feeble 'and irregular puled, palpitations and an irregular fever the countenance is generally pallid or sallow, and somewhat bloat ed, and there is occasional flushing of one or both cheeks. Any one of these signii is indi cativo of Vyorms,`and the must effectual bee and cheapest remedy is Dr. John J. Myers'. Worm Tea, prograd by Dr. J. W. RAW' TANS, at his Wholesale and Retail Drug Store Carlisle, Pa., and none genuine without his written signature. The Proprietor of this medicine ie so confident of its superiority to any other Worm Medicine now in use, that lie will cheerfully RETURN THE MONEY in any case in which his Preparation fails to give °quill satisfaction. This Worm Tea when made according to the directions, is pleasant and will be taken by the most fastidious child. Each package contains sufficient medicine for the cure of the meet obstinate case. Price only 25 cents a paper. Druggists and Store keepers supplied on the most reasonable terms. may23'49ly. = A Purely'Vegetttble Medicine. ViLf ORSDELL'S VEGETABLE RESTO- Y RATIVE PILLS nave boon gradually but surely comeing into favor, among the fami lies of this Country for some years past. They have done this entirely tnrough their greetworth as a FAMILY MEDICINE. Agencies have been appointed but no puffing and hurt:bug-such as Is resorted to by quacks to sell their medicine lies been done. The pills are oflered for sale , and have and wlll continue to be sold byall tie - principal storekeepers. The proprietors claim for their Medicine the following advantages over all others—viz; They are PURELY VEGE TABLE. They aro CERTAIN TO OPE RA. l'E. Thew operation is FREE. from all PAIN. They con be used with EQUAL BEN• EFIT by the YOUNGEST INFANT end the STRONGEST MAN—Their efficiency; in Fe . . ra, Ague. Headaches., Habitual. Costiveness, 'Dyspepsia, Cholera Moin* &c, hes been pro ved upon thousands. They,arti s Cartein Cure for Worms. The proprietors possess a ptirtifl' cato from a gentleman in St. Lottiswho was au red of &TAPE WORM by the use of them. TRY THEM THEY WILL NOT •F,AIL. 'Prevailing agent for the State of Pennsylva nia-04/21mila NAteirr.- For sale,:price 25cts a box containing FIFTY PILLS, with full di rections by thelolloWing agents in Cumberland County • For sale by DR RAWLIN'S parlielo, Pa. JOSEPH H. W D.F. Ilevas,- - -Shippensbnrg. • S-L SztameN,—Newburg. • A WEEKS'& Co, Proprietors, Laboratory, No 141 Chestnut street Pnilodelphia,: ; •- , Itinuary;.24th;,lo49, . BUFFALO, COMM ,0 JUST, reecilied' a "general assortment: of handsothe !Buffalo Back , Combai also, irrigation Buffalo; Combs,',of beautiful., patterns 'and. in grents.#riety.,;•.;”:;;; ' 4 • Barnsley Sliaetinie, -Inge; Pillow. Case , TLinons •and •Towelling in great;ioriaty'just opened •• • P4re; Cider -Vinegar of. exeellont:gualitylust received „ 445.!:' ' :40.• t noVs6•; r; q14,r1- I.qTaiPt!!.) ',CARLISLE FOUNDRY,,&.MACHINE'SHOP., ~ t .:•.>,,, ~ - ..THE;'..aubacriliaiLiOnt inues r ;fie . maputafijara: .of.CASTINGS,.. , .aC hie Fonniri'kiliigii."o 4 ' 4- e - t' ,land , h 101 l pg . ripw, a n ; hood IL :..full:;aaainiimilnt,'O,l l ,Patterne,,. la : lira pared fo'farnialf 'nil; , 15,Inda oji IRON - AND , pßßASS,:.cAsjitprq,,,p; the tbaaj stylp. and and' at , the,' ehot,tait:,?iajlaco :`, HA ,41a# ,now, on hand : a large aatioitynotii,.;dl;‘,daiiti Ingjicafio),l as Gospiniushars; Mill.Goark4 . o: o l ;pifilgaonjji_Plooglj casiniga.Point.6'ShCfiCt! RJ - Jf 1 Cut‘eraewilgowand Coach Boxes, oallpt : g.rato 1 0Y.P11. , ' oorop ,, lcaak. 2 4 4 4llllifsi . 60 .•01P 0 Ortitl •':'. l r,g(tPilljO!and-',Coal'• Stovap.. He. ,alac.,iiild fi , , ~. ....' lindti•OpoitiOAHH,.sliroshind , ; ' , ll , lB • 1 , .-''''""" .ohingi and -Hfirad:7ol4l4,' with oiaryl. ~' '44 - " "Otlieekint dl .fileabinOr34:fit , l)Jd , rfJhrirf_ ‘ - :tejlepotjaarl .,7 oldltoti;7BtasoraplV,'.ociiiii§ertikel in•Ocahtinge .. ,l6eiwork`:rj';OCrtfittaioil%..kurchaear Toll otHeapy , & , (36. , sl Pal tame; .P o 4l9 ll A , Wietti , (. : j . toliitylialljajn,l*llllfind•AOfir,fi? ni3kiihcipf:% , ,r'o, ' , l '-','tfifigfitiloa . :•': '.l ,:v,..-,..•;,,FiGA1LDNER2.1',..1 MEM • . • pe el lame° • .041 b. ValtUrgulspooo;Apii . 11400* 1.72.." F"- anal and Rail Road Line;' ' for Philaddl , Ona,,Baltimore,Pitisburg, &d: KERR t Forwarding and Commission Merchant, HAititisnona, Pa. informs his friends and the public, that from the liberal pat renege extended to use during the past year he has been encouraged to make more extensive ar tangernents fur the present season, and has ad ded two new, huge and splendid boats to Iris LINE, and will be fully prepared after the op ening of the Canal, to forward PRODUGEand MBIACHA.NDIZE of all kinds to and , front Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pititbdrgh, &c., at 'tlie fewest rates of freight and with the utmost des patch. Agents fog Boats, • CARLISLE 4 uAsKELL, it nee street Wharf, Philadelphia: UEISE & SON, - No. 48 Commerce st. Wharf, Baltimore. CLARK & SHAW, J. MeFADDEN & C 0.5 Pitteg Agents' for*Cars, W NDERLICH & CRIER,' No. 272 Market CIEALORIat & REYNOLDS, A.larltct at.. Philadelphia. sprEit. JAMES & CO., Broad street, Philadelphia. PENN'A. 11 OHIO LINE, Norill street, Baltimore; Harrisburg, March 29, 1848.—tf. J. E. O.II:IGLIE.R, 8 . ..4 . 11r3D tiR General Commision and Forwarding Merchant, No. 79 Bowly's Wharf, 13 ALTIAI OR E, FOR the solo of Flour, Grain, Cloverseed Whiskey, Lumber, &c. &c. Also, for warding goods, vie Tide Water Canal and Pennsylvania Improftments. Orders for fish Salt, Plaster, &c. &c. Supplied at lowest prices. Having been engaged in the above business during the last five years, a continuation of the patronage of his friends and the public is re spectfully solicited. Refer to First & & E EBY, • Harr4urg BRAN:r & ZEIGLER, J Jacolt Rum', Carliole, Pa. • A. CATHGART, SheßhCrilEtOWß, Pa. "...r 4. • GEORGE SEIGISER, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Feb. 14-Iv. Nevis Embrocation for Horses. rt THIS valuable, EMBRO " 1; CAION will cure Sprains. -4. .Bruises, Cute, Galls,.SWell mg, Rheumatism. and all complaints which re - quire an external remedy. It gives inunediate4elief to the Scratches, and the incident to Horses havin_. white feet and noses, produced by the St. John, Wort. It is also highly useful in relaxing stiff. ness of the Tendons mid Joints and produces beneficial effects in cracked heels 'brought on by high feeding, splinis,sprains. Phis Emmet) DATION is rccomended to Farmers, Furriers, (Coopers of Livery Stables, and private gentle men owning Horses, upd should be com , tantly kept in then. stables. The GENUINE arti cle is prepared only by W. NARSIIAI.I., No 302 Race st. Philadelphia. And for sale wholesale and retail at DR. RAWLINS' Drug Store W Main street, Carlisle. March 11-Iy. ' .11E - IcAllister's all Itealing Ointment THE WORLD'S SALVE, contains no Mercury,—The following Certificate is from a regular Physician, of extensive pram. time in Philadelphia: JAMES MCALLISTER—Sir : 1 have • for the last two years heen-inNv., habit of using .your Ointment in cases of Intwnatisni and in TENIA Canries.;reald lleads,) and thus tar with the happiest effect. I think from the experiments 1 havemade with ito that It ri chly desertres_to be adopted us an are otovory day use by the profession at largo lours truly, • S. BELL, . D. Phila. READ THIS Plikindelphia, Dec. 2.), 1.847 T James McAllister—Dear Sir: I take pleasure in ,0 tilting known to you the. great benefit I have reeeivefq&uring your Vegeta-, blo Ointment, or the Worlil'lTST.Nre; I had an ulcer, or running sore, on the cur, of many years standing; I have applied to several physicians, but ail to nn purpose; but by using your Ointment a few days it woe completely dried up and well. I have used it for burns, for which I find it.an excellent article; also in all cases inflamation. ED. THORN. I certify the above statement is true. T. C. CA DMUS. • • N 0.90 Market street. Phila. CERTIFICATE I do certify that I have used McAllister's all Healing Vegetable Ointment for coldness of' my feet; also for Rheumatism in my limbs and Corns on my, Met; and have been entirely relieved. Belielvink it to be a good Medicine, I•do not hesitate to recommend it In the above complaints. • LEONARD VAILE, Norris tp. Washington Pa. Aug. 21 ; 1847. I certify than{have used NlcAllister's all Healing Vegetable Ointment, or the World's Salve, fnr a boating in my wife's breast, which has given her incalculable benefit; also on one of my children, for sore eyes, which give im mediate relief. I, therefore, recommend it as a good medicine. PARKER REED, Hopewell tp. Wribliington Co. Pa. Aug. 21,'47. Around the box are directions for using Mc. Allister's Ointment, for Scrofula, Liver Com plaint, Ryresipelas, Miter, Chilblain, Scald Head, Sore eyes, Quincy, Sore throat, Bronchi. las Nervous affections, Pains, Head ache, Asthma, Deafness, Ear ache, Burns, Corns, all diseases of the skin, Sore Lips, Pimples, 4rc. Swilling of the Limbs, Sores, Rheumatism, Piles, Cold feet, Croup, Smelled or Broken Breast, Tooth ache, Ague in the face, If MOTHERS and NURSES know its value in cases of "swollen" or Sore Breast, they would always apply it. In such cases, if free. ly used, and according to the directions around each box, it gives relief in a very few hours. BURNS—It is one of the best things in the world for Burns. (See directions for using PlLES—Thousands are yearly cured by this Ointment. It never falls in giving relief for the Piles. pi- This Ointment is good for any; part of the body or limbo when inflamed. In some melee it should be appliod'often. CAUTION—So Ointment will be genuine tiniest' the name of JAMES MeALISTER,is written with kpon on every label. TRICE TWENT•PIVE CENTS A BOX. ,For salo 'my agents In all tho principa. cities and towns in the United States. MS. McALISTER, Solo Proprietor oldie above Medicines. Principal Office REMOVED to 28 N. TIIIRD,ST Philadelphia. AGENTS. S. Elliott, and S. W. Haverstielt, Car Halo J. & L. Rolgol, Moolianiosburg. G. W. Singlsor, Churchtown. Rimed & Wherry, Newburg. • Joao& H. Horron,Nowvillo., S Ma.."utz, & Goo. W. 8011, Ilarrisburg. Neiff and Imp ortantE E012.G.r, NV/ IMEEI4I having recently pirChttadd the county right oillisirWentin's PATENT, COLT•AR, &METER, ~VCllild'i'elElp,OCtfUlly call ,tho attention . of the . trade to' that libporiant Invention.,, - It is certainly 0ne,..0f the greatest improvements - of the ago. r This machine malt the:Cellar crooked at ound the block, faced With hair,' wool, or other materials, hack stuffs.it with long straw, and also makes collars of the straw ith less than half the labor and, tiroo , of;tlie:old way of stuffing., machine will attfE all and every kind'of, horse" collars, from the best. patent leather down', to the corninendel' kind in use; and wit h tedo .ni an - sto iftmork • will stuff-and'shape fifty eollaranor &yin a 'moot . 4_4 bettor style than untidier flay known. or; l 6'adtireie in'the.eOunty.are 'lnAted `to' carrot the'suitscriber's.estabilshinent On - IsTritth }fano vot.streat, Carlisle,and Mtatnitio theMitehttie.— Towinthip , or be 501 d,,. To thoseA'HO Ills not:wish:to , buy.'o riihrthe sub scriber offers Wasnir.ll%/kria',Co4Art t s awhole sale than;.they , ,can4 . -be . &martin turedin'anY o a thoo.way4'."Orders for , eollars in ,citiantay.gro . respeatfullreolicite,do Change ,OU,Position. , , , THE - 's"u"b)lipiihort.litißEMiiyEo.lllB 800 k, of Store,' dirgotly D ,oppori ).° l"J 9 4 :lsllll uhi S ta f §t t i ll d ° ''a C n 9 d rll l 9 ,Qr`m' erly holligt*f. 4 .ll , Ao f 9 occupied pored 'ftTlSFd*-01,1:11EiKiad custallors'ond„ 1 'lle has 11M3 °calved . k it tiat, of iFAGODS rt a b l ett ri leo a ll , : .. j a :, no feV " 1 1 8 ! ' MWRWM IBM r'A l ft Vitt ligeS . 'l' ILI C IT ft oi' O,IIACKS. Lex Mu:or:tun it IL, it cling CAnrspul.i.v. — Titers to a Soriaporilla tar aide in tho different towns coned S. P. Towimenilio 6.nisaiiirlll4:.llt. lienadviitiised nes tho 010101 NAL, GENUINE, old ell tcat. This Townsend is no doctor ,fiiiif 'lover Wit.; hot woo criniptorly,iiiNoricor oil reifirtido, ea. iinalO, and the like—yet !le rislitirima tho'lltia ar 'Doctor for did purpose of gaining credit for what he isnot. lie oaya ti ha kin attendeditwo i linidical 'schools, met practiced for fifteen. yours 1 !" _Pip, the truth is, ho nover.practiced medicine a day. in ' hie lif t ! Eitchl'utlyltt, infeked'misrograsentntion lecke bad 'ollie (theme:ohne] Veracity of the man. Lwish 'i, mosteincerelp, let hail liever.medit those statements of him. seller eine, ', When will men learn ro be honeetand truth. ful in all their dealinfrli AM litterdllirlig with their fellow men ! Ile applieil to one Reel Clapp to assist him in mon. tifucturing lee. mixture, stating the /ergo sums he would melte, as an inducement to embark in the business. Those men hove beet, insulting and libelling me in all possible -forme, In order to impress the public with the belief that the Old. litip's Sarsaparilla wen riot the genuine, glleggl Sarsoporill made from the Old Doctor's Original Rad icle,. 'Phis . . P. Townsend says I have Reid the use of myk name for fa a week. I will give him 8500 if ho will pro , ' duce one single sionory proof of this. His inatemenui of Thompson, Skillman A: Co., are nethinebut a tissue of falsehoods, simply made to decetve the public, and keep ' the truth down to regard no his souring, fermenting cont. pettnrl.This Is to melon the public to purchase none but Old DE • JAlCOlLTowtsiond's Sarsaparilla, having on it the Old Doctorle, II mess, of ess, his fancily Cant Arms, and his idgnattgoacrowl o t le Coat of A rmn. Principal:o ee, 101 Nassau.street, N. V. City. JAcOll TOWNSEND. THE ORIGINAL DISCOVERER Or TILE Genuine• Townsend Sarsaparilla. Old Dr. Townsend it now about 70 yearn of nee, and has long been known as the A U7'11012 and DISCOVERER of the GENUINE ORIGINAL "TOWNSEND S'AUSAP AR /LTA." Bring poor, he was compelled to limit ua manufacture, by which means it hew been kept out .of market, and the salt, etrennincribed to those only who had proven its worthd, and k ilown Its value. It had reached the ears of many, on vurthriess, no those persons who had been healed of rote di end Paved from death, pra• v!alinotl ,In:derrul ' I'MVER That ( - MANI) AND 1 , :.1.411.11,1.1iD PRIMA ItATICN is manufaetured no the largest scale, and is called lor through out the length and brreolth of the land. especially as it is found incapable or aeaenerrirlt)ll or deterioration. Unlike young S. P. 'l' iwitsen , l's, it unmet co with age, and never Changes but fir die better; because it is prepared on scientific principles by a scientific mon. The highest knowledge of Cheii-try, and the latest thwoveries of the art, have ell been brought into requisition in die manufac ture of the Ohl Dr's Kitsaparilla. The Sarsaparilla root, it is well known to medical men, contains many medicinal properties, and sonic propertius which are inert or useless, I anti others, which if rani bed in preparing it for use, pro ' ducefermentufion and 'rent, which in injurious to the aye. tern. Some of lhe I.r,i , ,•rt tell of Sarsaparilla are so refatils that they entirely ova is,rate endure net in the preparation, f they urn not preserved by a scientific prorrss,, known on. yin those experienced in its manufacture. Moreover, these volatile prntriples, which fly off Mvapor, or as an ex halation, under heat, ore the very essential medical prop. ernes of root, which give to it all its value. ' Any person can boil nr Mew the root till they get a dark colored liquid, which is more frotn the coloring matter in the root than from anvtliiii.2. 0100,i...they can then strain title , imipid or vapid liquid, sweeten with sour molasses, and t then call it " SARSAPARILLA. EXTRACT or SYRUP." ' 11th such to 110 l the recede known as the GENUINE OLD DR. JAt.lOl3 'COWNSEND'S ,SA 11. F; A PA itty_,L.A. This is so prepared that all did'inert properties of the Sarsaparilla root are ii rat removed, everything capable of becoming acid or fertnentation is extracted and rejected ; then every particle of medical virtue is secured in it pure and concentrated torn,; and thus it ih rendered incapable , of losing any of its valuable and healing properties. Pre. ) pa ted in this way, it is made the most power! ill agent in the Cure of i bin Diseases. . Hence the reason why we hear,conimentlations on army side in its favor by men, women, arubchildreu. Wo find it doing wonders in the cure or - CON'SUM'PTION. DYSPEPSIA, and LIVER COMPLAINT, and in RHEUMATISM, SCROF. ULA, PILES, COST( VE. 'ESS. all CUTANE OUS ERUPTION.S. PIM ES, BLOTCHES, and all affections arising from IMPURI'I'Y - OFT . LOOl5. ' 4 4 rty3 - ,.alt possesses a ma@ ere eene all complaints_ all sing from Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach, from 'unequal droll:Hien, determination of blond to tho head, palpitation of the heart, cold feet and hands, cold chills and : hot flashes over dm body. It has not its equal in Colds and ; Coughs promotes easy expectoration and ghouls per- spiratlon, relaxing strictures of die lungs, throat and every , ether part. lint in nothing is its execllence more manifestly Bean and acknowledged than in all kinds and stages of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. a it works wonders in cases of Fluor Allnts or Whites, Putting of the Aunt,, ohstructed,,Supmvssect, or Painfu l I Illeases,'lmgularity 4,1 dio toenstcual period . , and the Nikkei and is effectual in curing all the forms of Kidney Diseases. ' By removing „ohstriwtionit, and madonna the,general syntetn, it given tone end strength to the whole body, and thus cures ail thrum of Norvowo 131sonses and Dyblllty, and thno intivonts or ielloves great vitrieiy of other mat. adios, ns Spina/ irritation, Ne uralgia, uralgic., St. rite& Donee, Swooning, Ppileptir Pit:, Conittisians, lyc. It cleanses the blood. excites the here to healthy action, tones the stomh. an elves good digestion. reeves the bowels of cellar tu,ta em d lullrpat tun, ellery inflamma li tion, pa rifle,. the sl.tti, .iliail.,i the circulation of the Mood, pro. ducing gentle wartrolt ~orally all over tho body, and the insenetlar 1,00 .. • . - • ,•• ii • in, ... ' 1 Ihiness. la. move , all ,•:• , a. , I . ~,, 1,, I ~ l.llet the , 'lle nervoussysiem. 14 ooe 1i0 , .. th. The Medicine ;vow pre -eminent I y need"! Illit can any tit i i,e, , ;leo:- I. said of S I"rownsend'e Inferior ardele I 'l'ii. ~,0 0. , 0 ,„„.,,1,,,„,,i mu , on , to b e COM l' AIIED W 1111 Tl - 1E 01,1) DR'S, ber,,,,,, , ,, of ono GRAN il PArr. that the into is INCAPA. 61. E at DETIMIIOII , II ifiN. and N 1.A . 12.1: Sl'ol LS„ while the other DOI'S • sou ring, . t rrinenting and filming the bottles roma nomi it mt. fragments : the sour, acid liquid exploding, and ,latinig me oil°, goods' Mira not this horrible compound N. f0n...11004 to the ey-teiti 1— What! put acid into a system already dtscased with acid 1 IV lint causes Dyepepaut but eeel i Dri INC not all know that when food sours In Otlf .lont.triot. what int:wive( it prothices 1— flatulence, heartburn. tali rittaion of the heart. liver COM. plaint, dumdum, dysentery, colic, anti corruption of the blood'? What is Sr etifulo but tin acid limn, in the holy' 1 What prothiCes all the humors which bring oil Eruptions at the Skin, Scald limit, Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, White Swellings Fever Son a, and all ulceration, internal and ex lethal 1 it is nothing under heaven but nll tit.l.l mbstance, which FOUrS, and thus ApOii4 all the fluids of the body. triune or less. What causes RilOlllllntl,lll but a !Off and acid fluid which insinuates itf,lf between the 1.111,10 nod else. where, Irritating and palomino the &bone 11a000 upon which it nets I So at lien,uu dimtses, of impurity of the blood, of deranged eirenlat ion, ,end nearly all the ailments which afflict human nature. Now ie It not horrible to make and sell, and infinitely worse to use title SOURING, FERMENTING. ACID If CO:11 POUND' . OF S. P. TONVSEND. end yet lie would thin have it l'lndersto . rel that Old Dr. is. Coo T0W11801111 . 9 Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, io an %N. ITATION of his infernr preparation" Heaven forbid that we eliould deal in. on article which would hear the moat distant resemblance ti ' s P. TOW 1 1• sonil's article I i". We wish it understood because it is the absolute truth, (hat S. P. Townsend's article and old Dr. Jacob Towneend'e Sansaparilln are hcaren•lcide ups, t, and in finitely dining. liar; that they are unl Ike in every particular, having not ono single thing in common. As S. P. Townsend is no doctor. and never wan is no chenille, no phartnacetnist—knows no •more of medicine or disown than ally other common, unscientific. unprofessional man, what guarantee can the public hove that they are re• coining a genuine FektlitiflC medic)ne, containing all the via toes of the articles heed In preparing it; rind which are 10. capable of chimp. which might tender them the AGENTS of:Meow instead of !Irian]) 1 C. • But What. else ehould he expected from one who snows ,nothing comparativelylof medicine or disease 1 It require. a persona( some experience to cook and servo up even • 'commop decent meal. Dow much more important is it that the minions who maniffecture medicine designed/1m WEAK STOMAOIIS. AND ENFEEBLED SYSTEMS, should know.well tho medical properties of Manta, the beet manner of securing and concentrating their healing virtneet, ialeinfan extensive knowledgevarious dsees which affect the human system, end how of the va to adapt i Om as ahas to them diseases I • It is to arrest ()Midi Upon the unfortunate, to pour balm into Mounded humanity, to kindle hope in the despairing ,bosom, to nature As:milli, and Meow end 'vigor Into the ;crushed touldirokon, rind to banish Merton%.flat 01,D DR. 'JACOB TOWNSEN I) has .1 vO 11 ans. 2011 ND the op, portunity and means to bring his . , 1 Grand Universal Concentrated Remed , y . within the reach, anti to the knowleilon of ail %vivo need if that they Trr y nift learn anti know. by Joyful ext.. , e f omerittrim W it PO. , to 1 I at ence, iill . ' Sold in Carlisle by 11)r., 1. W. RAW LINS...SoIe Agent. ~ ,••;,' . =' GOUGH , - D . . _ _ _ _ Dr. Wilers,Cough Candy, pi -ow is tha , i'ileason for xouGns and LC OLDS.. , When ,public assemblies are so • reationtly; disturbed by the,Cough of some suffering iityldual.ive ,de e m it rather an act of .charity 'to hdrort to ' any, alleviation of the MAL mid utoultlifidentlk, rettommeed DOC• TO4"wiLt,y , agreeable remedy as one of tAO'bost neiv'litYl re the public, as it.possesses enratiyo pd‘Veis"of ii high &der, and may whit onlite safety ho given to children . Apply to d' ottlit,thv . ' ''• S "ELI,,IpTT,'SqI• Agent: • . . , •••,12414r,stie , 'Doll ' Heads. • . • now -a4 pep - T4IEVED • toliet auperior to anything of ~i•lio,kindlev.or. before nianuftiatured. Beipg will'not break, ,by, fall ling. • Tainfed in wheiveoitack,roay,be waslied4ith soap end water,. and readily redfored , original ('!!illy 49.ltOility,a ll 4 — ohePpnees' %WI ho uilt wheP,dtily,Joated." . A Ilgti'lot of Or nboyo' raso!vOcl by expreas.at Quierters(iii North 'llretrec t,a':~t•'• ',.'= ~ ".-''i ' 111 0 N'S.'l9ll.4'.4r4riitor: - .. December , . „ A SOCSAL•CZSSMS: . itk •,Orciljaii"Volive'rea rjliObitiP.tha - ,Ganeral .Upton Socipik ;or Dwic inson 061- lege, Tthinsylvania, .1,u1T...1 I 15.191 410 i " bitizon of our 13 . oronglfahould he 'Oillout a oopr wboil itt anhi o , Viana ;at T W MAATINP hoop ook•sSipro AT - - 0643Eiireifi' auto e , onaik il acksigps-ihat elle' left , et, 'atore will b e ett 43 o ( fitittrwittr . e,tiok,AnA The Expioee al 4 eolbek;ned W ' , 'Meb4 MOFFAT'S Life Pills. and Plio3nh,' Bitters. ; Those-awilieiues have now hnen before the ro t h.• lie for a period 61 FIFTEEN ArEARs, daring that timehavo maintained a high character in almost ovary part of the globe for their extraor dinary and. immediate power of restoring perm, health to persons suffering under nearly evi•ry kind of diaottso to which the Itu:natt frame is lid le. • IN MANY THOUSANDS of certifiehied instance*, they here even re'neoNl Fluifrorom from the very verge of an untimely gra vn, after all the deceptive nostrums of the day hwl terly failed; and tn. many thousands they hive permanently secured that naiferni enjoy M-at of health, .withnot which lire itself iii but a pnrual blessing. So arettt, indeed. has their etre:arty iir-d -riably and infalhidy proved. that it Imo tipnii..••l scarcely less tutu ittireetthiiit to those 55;11 l . 0.1•• acquainted with the bettutifolly philosophic ti !pi:l - upon which they ore eitotpoottilrod and epee which they conserptently nett' it wit. to their manifest and sensible action in purifying. the epritigv and channels of life, and l•adnitig them with re newed tone and vigor, that they worn indebted for their name. e rF te E rte mE sitel p il;l . l -- - boost of vegetahlo ingredients, the erns ere purely and solely 'vegetal& ; and eon tain neither meroury, nor Antimony, nor Arse nic, nor any other mineral, in any form whatever. Theymre entirely composed of ox Inuits from rare and powerful plants, the virtues of %Odell, though Jong known to several Indian tribes, and recently to - Some erifinent - phartuneeutical chemists, are alto gether unknown to"the ignorant pretenders to mtabeal science; and worn never before ationnis tate(' ift-lo happily efficacious a combination. The first operation is to Itseett from the coats of the stomach and bowels the various impurities and crudities constantly settling round them ; and to remove the hardened faces whichvolleet in the convolutions of the smell intestines. Oilier medi cines only partially cleanse these, and lenve such collected masses behind to produce ljnbitual Costive ness, with all its train or evils, or sudden Diarrhea with its imminent dangers. Thin fact is well known to all muter-anatomists who examine the human bowels after death ; and hence the preju dice of these well-informed torn against the quack medicines of the age. The second effect of the VEGETABLE LIM MEDICINES in to cleanse the kidneys and the bladd.n-; and, by this means, the liver and rungs, the healthful action of which entirely depends upon the, regularity of the urinary organs. The blood, which takes its red color from the agency of the liver and lungs, tiefore it passes into the heart, being thus purified bythem, and nourished by food coming from a clean'stotnael4 — courses freely through the veins, renews every.plivt of the system, and triumphantly mounts the banner of health in the blooming cheek. The following are among the distressing variety of human diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIRE MEDICINES are well knowntto be infal lible DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure healthy bile instead of the slide and acrid kind ; FLATMANCY, Loss of Appetite, I frarthurn, headache, Restlessness, 111-temper, Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural consequence of its cure. Costiveness, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without violence : all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days Diarrhaia and Cholera, by removing the sharp acrid fluids by which those complaints aro occasioned, and by promoting the lubricative secre tion of the mucous membrane. Fevers of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the process of penrpi ration in such 071SeM, and the thorough solutha alLintestinal obstruction in others. Tho Lirc Maim:lsms have been known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently in three weeks, tunWfAtir in half that time, by removing local inflamniractrfrom the muscles 'tad ligaments of the joints.. • Dropsies of all kinds, by freeing and strength ening the kidneys and bladdeni they operate most delightfully on these important organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst cases of jt. A V El,. ,t* Also Worms, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy. matter to which these creatures itilliere. Asthma and Consumption, by relieving the air- vessets of flu, tangs (roe, which 01/011 slight colds will occasion, and which, if uot re moved, becomes hardened, zuld produces thtao dreadful diseases. Scurvy,,lncers, and Inveterate Sores by the perfect purity winch them, LIFE DEDI CINES vivo to ti blood % uud all the humors. Scorbutic EruptiOns and Bad Complex ions, by-their alterative arnica upon the fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occa sions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagreeable complexions. The use of these Pills lor a very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT imEtim, dad a striking improvement in the elearnemi of rho skin. COMMON COLDS nod INFLUENZA will always be cured by ono dose, or by two even in the worst cases. PILES. AB a rmnedy for this most distressMg and olistinitio malady, the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES desorvo a distinct and emphatic VCOTtlllielllialloll, it to well known to hundreds in .his city, that the former proprietor of those valu. able Medicines woo Mini-cif afflicted with this complaint for upwards of liiiRTY • FIN I; YEARS ; and that ha tried in vain every remedy proscribed within the whole compass of the Materio Medsca. He however• at Jength tried the Medicine which is now olFored to the public, and he was cured hra very short tune, after his recovery had been pro nounced not only improbable, but absolutely lin possible, by any human ti lbs. FEVER AND AGUE. For this scourge of the western country these Medicines will be found a saCe, speedy, and cerfein remedy. ,Other ittedAties leave the sykeni sub lea to a return of the disease—a cure by these medicines is perntanent—TitYTllEM, BE SA TISFIED, AND BE CURED; Bilious Fevers and Liver Complaints. • G enera l Debility, Loss or Areaym, ANL DISEASES Or PEMALES—the..' , illOdjoisps have b ee n used.with the most beneficial results in cases of this description :—KiNti's GYn., and . Seaorm.A, in its worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medicines. Mune SWEATS, NERVOUS DESILITY, NOVOLIS COMPLAINTS of all kinds, PALPITATION Or THE HEART, PAINTER'S COLIC, pre speedily cured. MERCURIAL DISEASES. • Persons whose constitutions hove become paired by the injudicious use of Mt:acuity, will find these Medicines a perfect cure, us they never fail to eradicate .from the system all tho effects of Mercury infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparations Of ,Stusuparilla. A single trial pill place thorn beyond the reach of competition, in the estimation of every patient. BE OAREFU L OF COUNTERFEITS. Several have lately been discovered, and their nefarious authors arrested, both in the city of New York and abroad. • • Buy of no ono who is not an AUTHORIIIIIO Amore.. Etexitred and sold by Dr. W. B. MDFFAT,33B Broakrivay, Now-York. FOR SALE BY J• W. RA \V LINS. Carlisle, Pa SAMUEL E, BUTS'S GROAT 1100 K. rI6IODICAL ADD CIIEAD Publication Establishments. Sun Buildings, No. 57 Baltimore streets, S. E.' corner bf 'Gay, and 2.iti 'Baltimore et„ "rner''Okr•Clugleil I.l.t.t.trlotene, MD. 11 S. is•COnstaatly reciring the greatest 0 'variety oT putilicane a romd• ts ,prepared to execute all ordolrs jnericairsuul Foreign Nowspanerti. and VW,' and. all Now , Books and .!Clectun' Pablications . "Blank Bdoks' and Stationery; Annuals Boolte for prenatal. A. 'barns; .Pertfuliesi,Sarng. , Books,, and Note - Pagert, Fain*. and Pocket • Bibleet. .Songß emits , .'ró Y lloolte;..f.nyentlaffr;flielki kroNg - erTra, ' PolOpoi - C bunt tr - Merchbilts;Padlbre, One Weike l infd nll miters supplied at Pnbi,iklier's lowe'sv . ; (I,ASIf;?,P licns. . • - '.::.All . erdere are faithfully attended to,,ond the ;geode, fortkaided• bywreturn of mail, express, railkoad, stage or steamboat, ns may -be direct. ed.' - Persons desiring. to'.parchaso.liooks. r,an .have.their orders tittonded,;to, by writing and partieulars, , tba seam nail they wore. prosentd„7.VALENVINAS„I:74The ,subacriber ,also,imporid end maim frietares Valentines, Note Paperso.EnyelopoN„Alatto 'Wafers, &c. ,Wbelosele and retell. Address all orders to SAMUEL 'Sun I Thildine'S:Rnititnnin. MO. oct.lo Aconographio, Encycloptedia TlllS:otaltiiblo 4 NOrk;sditodliy . Sperieet,:l 7 . :Baird, Of ' ,10.• 'be be comiOlototl:ln Zuent,t'YP*Olotelity , Nuokrir; ifiustrafictby ,FipA:!tovidred. .904 Engraempi.. The First`, NurrUr 09q9;:0t W.avirili•BOok,Store' ylglo,;,oobseripticins NY:1101?ti-,:-T?tki•i?,(1::roellic • - ~.. ..., f'• i ' s 4-.., •: 'WARRANTED I'.•:,•:-••••:,:li • n i tto`;'faili•:::alajt.-;qr-,;•,! •:y,fgc,-ta.:.i,,•0,', -..•: lttit;- atDi.: Rawlfia"Prao;§taro.•„,• : •-Oq-f oataiii;24-1801• , oi„ , , , .;;,.';',,',,,,:-.,...,..7,. WM 221 Eng