Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 06, 1850, Image 3

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County of. Cumborland,front - the Ist day of January to the
31st day of December,- A 849, inclusive.
Made by the ° Commissioners in compliance with the, reglisitionS contained in the twenty-second
and twenty-third sections of en act of Assembly or this Commonwealth. passed on the fifteenth
day of April, A. D. 1834. And also in conformity with , the 37111 seeta,m of the same aet,
which.requires the County Treasurer, once to every year to state his account and produce
vouchers to the Commissioners, which after exam Ination by the said Commissioners shall be
by them laid before the County Auditors for settlement according to hue
In nechrtinnce with which It bert Moore, EN., Treasurer of Cumberland county, iubrnits the
following as a correct exhibit of the Receipts and Expenditaes for the past year, ending' the
31st ay of December, A• D. 1849.
TO halanco,in lianas of Treasurer at last settlement as per Auditors statement,
To 11/11 01 1 11 i of outstanding tamp§ at.lost settlement do do
do of County tax assessed for 1849,
- • - - -
do of State abatement int payment 01 09359 62•- ' 1176 82
duo received or James Hoffer, Esq., Sheriff, fines and verdict fees in Qr. Sessions, 115 521
do .. do do do .i in Commoolleas 20 00
do . do . do for use of Atbitration Room, 5 po
do received of Carlisle Deposit Bank at two several Naas obtained, 4719 12
do do of Dr. Jacob Baughman loan for 90 days, 1200 00
do do ofJohn 'Dyer, Esq., verdict fees in Quarter Sugiura, . 12 00
do do- oflames 8.. Smith, EN., verdict fee received by him, 400
do do of mism Ilaneous receipts Iron various persons, 124 821
t of Duplicates of
exonerations allow
Exhibiting the
Amount of Amount re- Amount 0 Collecthrs Amount
1. "'""il'" "0 Y'rs. Collectors Nantes' Duplicates cetved. Exun'tlons fees Ontstand'g
. .
. ..
Carlisle. 1847 John Harder, 931 59 337-64 34 82 175 36 383 77
Allen, 1848 Jacob Coovcr, 1344 47 1162 64 43 28 138 55
Carlisle, J Postlethwaite, 1860 57 1000 60
Dickinson Frs Hutchison,- 739 88 511 80 81 88 146 20
EnstpennsOro, J Longueeker: 327 60 250 10 11 71 65 79
Frankfort!, John MlDowell, 82 24' 50 02 142 30 80
Hampden, D Shupp, 216- 27 120 13 23 '33 •72 81
Mechanicsburg Isaac Kinsey, 81 68 59 5(1 • 22 18
Monroe, - ,S. Bricker, 1690 25 1300 00 . 390 25
N. ClimberPrid Charles Oyster, 36 06 28 23 41 832 •..
N. Middleton, Johna than Lelin 1008'44 979 35 16 60 102 49
.Silver Spring - J .1.3 - kight, 1009 54 tqia 29 27 39 118 86
Shippeihb'rg 13 George Butts, 398 45 210 00 158 45
ShippenslOrg T D Kenower, 111 15 . 912 23 136 13 54
S. Middleton H Stuart, 1070 51 911 73 10 81 .118 04
Southampton David Mower, '778 40 , 624 82 21 44 82 24
Westpennsbro, .W N Davidson, 714 14 567 73 30 82 115 59
Allen, 1849 Samuel Bitner, 2821 06 1466 75 1354 31
Carlisle, Charles Bell, 3616 41 1067 65 1648 76
Dickitrion, Jacob Cloudy, 2987 55 1263 (10 1724 55
Eastpcnnshoro, John Fireovid, - 1352 ()I 1255 95 29 96, 66 10
.. George Koslit, 636 13 148 00 , 488 13
Ilopewell, J M Means, 691 89 - 417 15 277 74
1 lampl6n, G W Fesler, - 1.138 91 . 1031 30 407 61
11 D Dalhousen 791 18 726 72 26 22 38 24
Ilkehanicsb'rg, John I-louver, ,
47)1 63 315 11(1 15,5 65
Monroe, A Williams, • 2208 05 2411 60 - 1968 05
N. Cumberland Joseph Musser.' 172 57 145 011 27 87
Newt, n, Jacob Weaver, • 141.1 71 1266 1)5 548 06
N. Middleton, John Miller,
2081 011 11111 45 970 64
Newville, John Moore, 337 20 317 .60 298 16 71
Shippensb'rg 11 Wm McClure, - ' - •; -. 775 65 143 70 631 95
.2 I - -
Shippensblrg T Hugh Craig, •':1... 274 3'2' 174 67 99 65
Silver Spring, Georgit Keller, 2449 23 685 81 • 1763 42
Southampton J G Cressler, . 1657 65 445 90 - 1212 65
S. Middleton, John Peters ;
2.156 1.19 758 63 .. 1677 76
Westpcnnsboro G G Davidson, - 2362 091 913 97 1448 12
-...-.. --. _____
$43',8„(70 3r j $23,976 26 `364X43,
_______________ ..
Total amount received on Duplicates,
do of Exoneratious allowed collectors
do of Collectors fees at 5 per cent.
do Outstanding on Duplicates
Total amount of Duplicates,
• Courts
Grand Jorm , ,for 1849,
Ti ztvrrst, Jurors for 1899
A. B. Sharp, 1?, , q for copy , of Dun
laps Pot
J IV Ely for candles, oil, &e.
W Andergois fur services us court en
Ill•inbar I r services as tip stave,
J IL Smith, Dept'y Att'y Gett'l
fees, 12i 00
clA'Atie,ses,fees in Commonwealth cases 250 941
Justice; fees in do do 14 92
Con,tulde fees in do " • do 17 s'
Auditor - , pay for auditing public ac
coon I.;
Itif , y for services as clerk to Au
ditor., ' -
l'rotlwnotary's 01lice
James I.'noloti fur Appedranee docket, 10 00
Recopicti, and Clerks Office.
John Goodyear clerk of courts fees in
Gintionnirtialili cases, 24 9 . 51
Joint 1 - ber for 1 super royal d ,cket, 9 On
John 11)er for riteording officers elect, 41 25
John. Ilyer fur fees in Cominunnoulth
cases,, 109 62i
Andrew decker for mendinl, office key 37 . i
W 13reese for repairing press, 1 5U
Register' Office.
J W Ile titivl for wahine seal,
Commissioner's Office
Robert Irvine for &hada! oil,
Jaine 4 Looduii for stationary, dupli-
catno, Sc
Daniel Coble, Esq. in full as Commis. ,
siunur, 57 dpys,
John Me 11,17,41. pay as Commissioner,
177 thyl, 265 50
James Kslto), 6.lsq pay as Commission
er, 122 bys,
John Sprout, El. pay as Commission
er, 21 day s, •
William lsili•y 1 year's salary as clerk
to Commissioners, 900 00
Jan 11 Graham, Esq. salary • as att'y to
Cum ~ i s-doners
Win ltiley for tieliverh.g duplicates,
ac. 75 00
J fnr public printing,
Buyer Sr. Mincer fur do
E Bunty fur • do
Fei,tern Penitentiary for support of
cony iets fur 1848, 301 45
Jail and County Penitentiary.
1 W.'right & Saxton for liardwaro for
repairs, 12 77
N Munch for clothing fur prisoners, 3.25
3 050 pit Ebright for cleaning wells, 4 191
1)r Geo W Foulke 9 months salary an
Physician to Jail,
.1 Hoar, Rig., for support of prison
rrs, fees, &o. • 719 77
Asl'effer for 3 cords of hickory wood, 990
S Keepers for 'making stovepipe, &c, 3 471'
Robert Irvine for 10 cords of hickory ••
Wood, - , - 30 00
A Becker repairing lock, and key, 2 00
J:,lin'ond PklllirrAlspatigh for•glat glazing
Ales Sarah Riley for making. shlrt9 for
RolterfNoliki, for 2 loads, of Sand 53i 4
. ,
repairei - • .,
- i3ant I 8 iprfor 40kftlet common boards,, 6 u 5 i•
J gallaglier 'Agt for clothing Tor pris- ~ • -
011015, ° ,
~ 'U . 00
Sittinn Kline for mason . wark and sink- •
. . ,
Henry MeGot'd fur, J4B bushels of Hind
• for repairki,• ~,,, • , • . -- .
W110(11011 6/r:27,306 ,
brick and`. bank ; • -:, '
' . : - ifig, clay . andcliniq- '• :,"' ,4, , .- ' ' 159.,.15' ,
yßfilit Mceartneylor ankyri and. Ripf',..!• , - .-• , o' 00 I•
•`..;•, ; 4lrs' Rit. litimitt; fur • riMknig . , , Sh_it is ' and ;,• -.., ;
'' ' ,I , L'li' fur ,p'rksoriea,. : ..,•, -, '.. ', , • ': y: ' .3 ., 10 -
”,k3iil) ! lii' a a lqi: i iii ' iron, .typrlC done, at— • :.•' ',: ~
*jail,[ .
• . -L. - :l'.' 7 ' . •", •':•
./.-.' •''' • '..'''-`,- '.', 4 651.,
~ ,_;totti $1.041:141 fur lilankots:for',.priss;;,? ' •--* ;'
' ' . i)llo‘1 11 , '•• ''•!•'''• ~- :' (•' •••-'''.;.'^.•..,...:.....,' .-' :5' tie ,
el '',Ec D:lttidkidi‘foi , tkiintitir'..rdlifiilittiikei , Nll; - 64i, •
-/'Lowis"RiikinsOn , for ' filling 'chaff t' ; bedif :,-,—•;' .:•-,'.
fOr'PriShilloss''',••:ll , •-• ,, ',:•, , ,' ';'•"],..,i;',•:•,661'
11 , 1,flArrupt for sationil haniflial:3c . itfpvl;;,l , 23 . , .
'' ll4sli:lollol64 ". ll:6 l4df'''' ) °o l l 6l s9rYT . - ,,,, t:.•
:: : •,W60d),,,• ~, , - .l , ..i:tVq , X , .:ri; ::, , iigs4.4, , r! : i.tisp,,„: : ;jB i .licr,
', 2 'lti.l64ifOle.CaritiittWY,yelliNtifiitlort:eig , .s4y..,t . ,
, JOl;Kel.'l3r•PpliltVll,ii4l.Y7'.- J'i.,,!"''13'73:2111-007f
'. % . 01.0 6- Ydr.P. l- ylitalie.NrlM , llq , i; ' ,P;4'!' j'W . Ae!' , 4l .
' •• • '-, , ~ f , ,- c'..•7 :- • •,, -, ••„;
.• ,
.r , :• ; pirtr,';:•.,, -.4 44 . , ' ---",," ,'-f 6 •' , '... ..,?.
;:put , ii;c,illo -1 1ctilfort ... :ikl'ulid:.Puittli.:i.....: - Q..11 - ';'
if , ' - .' - i - i i ,,, - 1, ~ ! „4';l. . , ,t Vek. i fi. . ,t,',;feiti!, ; %,'Wilqii'ep
P ,- -;.- .
's'•!:. - r•,'•:•,: 4 =-:'.4;:••, , r - ,' , ... , .,:,,,F. , ';:,,,,.•:Z-', ,, ..,,5,,,,,,,z,..,...,,,,:;A;„;;,,,.:31,
• Receipts.
Total reed
,ts for 1899
itstamliny. on the 14 of Januayy, 1899, with the amount re
d Collectors, and Collectors fees, for 1847-8-9. .
Wright and Saxton for Hardware for
Dr J isilrenlinch for medical services
at Jail, ;3 months,
SAnue I Sipe for 416 oak shingles for
intro II D Irr for 7 cords of hickory
21 00
$ 406 37,,
1502 57
ss 00
II 00
Poor Muse.
Squier, Treasurer amount in
luil ore,lonate 5000 00
J :rob Ilr.o be, Wm tier and Thomas
E. firs., salary as Direr
to, s,
.90 00
Jacull lliwy,Samtnal Woods and D.N.
Maiiim, pay as Visitors, 30 00
Pourers of Roads and Damages Awarded.
Wm M ;11ieley damages awarded to
raisin of J Mialy, deceased, 21 09
Jdeot, Btlidler and Samuel Kulz, Su
pervi,:urs of North Middleton town.
slii,p; in lull of Mountain road, 1699 39
Elizabeth and Hannah stoner d ima
ges awari'ed,• 10 00
It miters paid on certificates of
Um; is of court, 77 93
VOtioris persoro for work and materi•
ale in repairing bridges, 3,18 72
43 50
Appropriation to Cumberland and
Colon FiCC Companies, 25 00
Asses-ors for services in making sap.
tcniel enumeration of taxables, ma
king assessments, posting list of tax-,
ab;es, 6QB 01/
5 00
85 50
- •
Officers of the General sod Township •
Elections pay far holding this same
fur (ho jeur 1849, 778 49
Public Building.
183 00
Alex S Lyne fur fenders, frames, Bte.
arid recuiring slate roof, 9 021
H A Doty for work done at privies
and la) log garret. floor, • 108 50
A P Erb repairing lock and key, 1 00
1 0 G.mlner .castin,r, spout troughs, 17 98'
P Gutshall for repairing doors at
Court lions° and clock case, . 6 40
S EiliOtt lor grass seed for yard, '1 00
Jos Dunh,,,- 1 year'e salary as keeper
Of public bull libg,} 65 00
J Worthington, Eq. far painting and
gincuir, 4 57
. .
Androw Hecker for repairing lock, • 37i
at 50
50 00
205 50
220 50
155 871
Win Irvin, I;sq. and others amount -
,of bond:.
.804 f 67
.13 1 . ink amount of loan
'obtained and digo , ,um. .4791 39
• „barged.
. ,
1.1 Wirt, Esq; and 'othere, amount, of
iaterubt on County bonds,' 124035'
Ilbseelicaneous. •
I) f6r making ballot boxes, 4 50
Juhit liorkinan for shoveling snow, 2 50 •
A P Erh l'or repairing lock, 75
A T Groom (or locals furnished jurors
' per older of courts - A . 3'25
A 1' Itrb for winding town , plonk, -
Nirs tI, Diintiar for cleaning.of(ices,) - _3 up
sll,ll,E+q.Sheriff of Dauphin ‘ (*.mum.
ty musts; &c+ . , tv.gui
.11. bk' fur rnakinc box-
G Sanderson and ll—Wunderlich,
gtlrca posta46for'eminty, 3 68
Jacob' Weary.and David Wolf, reward •
dri3pprelictiding lairsO thief, 20,00
•JiitlichLanitiortim and others,ataisiing to - • "4
preparc ildplieu fes, •-. •
flngleCaniphell,..P.sq.‘Stieriff of Perry .', •.•
f." , `• •;. : 'l'.B3j :
W rithiduloiviid- , lo6 . 6usl*lti , of eliar.. ~
eon: 'ler ()Mut 6 00
;John . Starril load Or nostriiid.,pn!iis . s foi
'riveirs at irill;
j o b s for_rimxiiipg "
ling hammer,
A S Lyno for repairin g
&0., : „SG.,
Jamin'...ftneonn lona of stone . ego; - . 3 . 3 00;
'Ofiristion 111116[1.1pr 814;,,f0r
a 7 511
It lxtflttt, ~E q, Coroner,' amount of,,
on:ql ; ql4sikipo
14;.*ii(koli ,, .kivopy. , dootypti oc ,s,-, : y.,,,.1 n , 04k
91581 593
12492 21
31378 16
652820 25
EARS 1847-48-4'6
41331 . 7218197/36
364 43
1,331 72
18,197 96
X 43,870 37
143,870 37
13 18
M 3
IC:Craighead, tsif.arnount'of coati:and.
IKwers pay ok,',lnrinisitienLef,ll l :4yH •
runcr, deem:Wed,. . 16 121
I Farmer, ,psq.
~ Justice;,aniotit'nfoosta,
itid . jiirote*Eq' ingtniotiOn of Geo
' ' Abuiternelit. .'..--
4.. mount paid colleetors for allowance ,
Cf)s per cent, .to tax payers for
• prompt payment
Refunded Taxes.
Amount paid John Stewart and oth
ers, refunded loxes erroneously as
Fox Orders
Amount paid various porsons premi
ums on Fox, Wild Cat end Mink
Scalps, per certificates of Justices, 59 621
Constable's Petui•ns
Amount paid Constables making quar
lorly returns; - - -- - -
By amount paid On C missioners
orders, . ' $29,738 85
By amountof • commission allowed
Treasurer at 1i per cent,
By amount of outstanding taxes duo
by collectors, < - , . 18,197 96
By amount of exonerations allowed
By amount of collectors fees at 5
per et.
By amount of counterfeit and bro.
--- tt - Mrtsanks money - dest - royed=bor--
, der of Auditor , ,
j By =bunt of balance, in hands of
\Treasurer and due county,*
Total antOrmt of credits, 52,829 251
Total, amount of receipts, 52,1322 251,
•Since paid ovtr in full.
tv,r- We the Commissioners of Cunt
' berland county, do certify and sub
e‘,t/ mit the foregoing as it- correct
j( statement of the Ittieeipts and Ex..
' - poulitures of ate county aforesaid,
from the first day of January to the'
thirty first day of December, A. O. 1849, inclu
' siv,e,ns also the amount of the connty tax for
each of the respective Borotighs and Townships
within the county, levied ami..mssessed upon
real and personal estate, as shown by the books
on the 31st day of „December, 1849, together
with a statement of the expenditures tinder
each head of appropriation itiadmhy, the Com
missioners in compliance with the tec o si tt elts
contained in the 2:1(1 and 93 sections of an act
of Assembly of this Commonwealth, passed the
15th day of April, A. D. 1834.
-Witness our hands and seal of office at Car-
H a l e, t h e 7 t h d ay 01 January, A. D. ono -thou--
nod eight hundred amt filly'
JOHN Nif- 1 1A , ,
JAMES KEL.O,_ Commes
■ JOHN smoRT, •
Attest -Iv. RILEY, C l k• toCOMMOS.
i.tx.r,r We the undersigned Auditors of
e l, P,.. Cumberland ennnty, met according
tV•--• • to law, and having examined the
-7.0., 1 i'l accounts and vouchers of Robert
`_ r Mame, E'sq., Treasurer of said
county, fro.n the first day of Janu.
say to the thirty firnt day of I.),,cember ' A. 1).
1849, inclusive, do certify that we. find tic stun
Of two thousand seven hundred and sixty two
dollars and seventy-eight note.-.eue-liall cents,
due by said Treasurer t , , die county aforesaid,
as will appear by the foregoing exhibition of
said account. .
.10 testimony whereof we have hereunto set
our hands at C.lrlisle, tills tenth day of January,
.A.: 'D. 1850.
.INO. P. 1410ttDi", — .Audi :. .
county, in conformity to the 4th section of an
act of Assembly pass. d the 931 day of April,
A. 1). 1846,` requires the Cominission
era to publish the CICCEPIIIiS of the Register
for Collateral Inheritance lax, submit the fol
lowing, viz :
WILLIAM GOULD, Eq., Register of
county oT Cumberland, in account wit
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for
ral Inheritance tax, from the Ist
bet, 184131 to the 31st of Dace
1848 Dec 9, to cash float estate of
Elizabeth McClelland, v 27 50
1849 March IG, to cash from estate
• of Margaret Mellon
March 16, th cash from estate
of Alargarm
March 19. to cash from estate of
John H Wallace,
April 2, to cash from estate of
Margaret McDonald. 2 50
it 9, to cash from estate of
Elizabeth Weise,
25, to cash from estate of
William ?flaunt,
May 22, to cash from estate of
Saran Harper,
June 23, to cash from estate of
Abraham Waggoner,
July 2, to cash from estate of
Dotty Adams,
" 2, to cash from estate of
Richard Craighead,
" S 5, to cash from estate of
.. Peter Bricker,
Aug. 4, to cash from estate 'of
if 29, to cash from estate of
Robert Laird,
29, to cash from o s t a io o f
William Martin, "GO 75
Supt. 6, to cash (ruin es t a t e o r
Samuel Neidig,
II 7, to - cash trout estate of
William Martin,
11, to cash front estate of
Dr A 1' Linn,
11, to Cash from estata of
John H. Wallace,
Oct. 26, to caSh front estate of
Martha Butler;
Nov. 1. to cash °from estate of
„Misses Story, 04 69
14, to cash Irons estate of
Sidney King,
0 15, to cash from estate of
Joel Kell,
0 16, to cash from estate of
Samuel I)ysert,
" 26, to cash from estate of
A W. Sinitit,'
27, to cash from estate of
John McFarland,
Dec. 13, to cash front estate of
Thomas Ur le, .
" 18. to cash (rein estate of
John Harper, t
27, to cash !ruin-estate of
1849 Jan 11 By cash paid Auditors as
per receipt, 4 50
" 15, By cash,ptad ft •Amicisson,
Aisessor,- ' • '3 . 00
March 17, By cash paid A Nuttier
State Trcasurur; • 50 00
" 21, By'cash paid A Plumar ? ..
State Treasurer, • • 50: 00
" April 15, , 8y cast; paid A Pluvaer, .(
crreasurer, .` 'l5 00
cash. paid 1) Lecitity . '
' Assettsor,' . 1 00
cash paid'B Johne ' As.
. ••',ooo ool .'t • •
Nay 23,13 y cash paid 3' Moore, As
. Neseer, • •
May 23 By cash „paid. G, J r
• -- t-Stara 565'.00Traasutor,
t"'" Jund 22 . By cosh paid , J . ,Loudon •,• ';•i,
t • t for docket,- , ' 2.00
.July .9 By cash -.paid G J,
• Stairs Treasurer,.
"July.l4 By 'ash patti J •Good Yea r,
' and J Armstrong' Asses; '•
1‘i1y,117,13j , cash paid
• • . rk
cash - paid 01
. • ~, •
01 , •••i• 01 V Slate
cash ''''''' w)gac
1 ti: AlpsOsor; • :SO;
‘,; ,§tatts'„Tret)surer4 l - 4 - f-,KO , :•P
,A u .PP l3). . '- '141 1 : 4111 PO 4 i19,!!!IM! 1 14.,411
. 0 4 1.1 1 ,a 9 11 1 1114-#.?ii` . 4i , .94
;0' OanitiriWtosiloit , :%,_ , :•2o.
ipsTPAN , lz,tlL l cs: 'st l i" ! '' r
,Iptir,•tt.;•.,./., .41,11. 1 . 1 m,.. A
tialll A rmsirting
Fleig9rtAssilssors ? 2. , Q0
•g‘ Oct
. l aitali"`'C 112' .
6 00
• t. , . sop(j 43i` ‘.1 Oot-4
, •
~! Oct 13 Broaah,paid.anvklicil-der. ?•101)
. A.sapaaor, . :1 00
ts• Nov 2By 'caph,pa id Coiaman dal •
. Spahvt.Aasoasora, '3 00
• a• Nov 2 By cash - paid G J Ball,
Biala l'consiivor .75 00
, 4, Nov 9By cash paid J 'Lintz, As
sessor. • • •
" Nov 16 By 'cash paid G 3 Ball
State• Treasurer, • 100 OD•
Nov 28 By cash - paid G J Ball
Sta[c Trcasuirr, , 125 00-
• " Goo 19 By ca,slC,..wid G J Ball,
• State TR.Tratifer, , 42:
1950 Jan 9 By cash paid G J Ball
Sune Treasurer—a, a - per-ve------
ceipt Jan'9, 185 . 1, on no
• count of 1849; B2 67'
kegistor'a aonuttission- ou
• • payment of 5R,543 25 127 16,
537 55
$29,738 85
• '
We thnundersigned A s U 2 dsit 4 o 3 rs 2 o s r
0 .6 . . ~, Cumberland county, elected and
K wt ,
V; ' sworn according to law, in ne
~ , itc
~' dance with the -act of' Assembly
.• ••I'.-,''-' — ' passed the 22d day of April, A. 11,.
1846, having examined the above
account of William Gould. Esq., for the coun
ty aforesaid; In the matter of collateral tax,
and,fipd_the _earnuArrectoivAbojq,i644___
In testimony whereof we hiwe hereunto set
our hands.nt Carlisle, thte 12th day ofJanua.-
ry, A. D. 1850.
364 43
1,331 72
37 00
2,762 783
JOHN P. 1 H Auditors
I 1 I►A a M A a I , 1
To Travel as Agents for ;heilintory of the
THE subscriber is nqw publishing
WAR, including Ilidgraithicsl Sketches of •the
lives of General I'nylor, Scott, Worth, Wool,.
Twiggs, Quitman, and several others of the
most distinguished officers. Illustrated by nu
merous Engravings and Portraits.
A. number of enterprising and intelligent mon
Of good character are offered profitable employ
ment, in circulating by subscription the above
work in Cumberland county, and other counties
in the State of Pennsylvania. The terms which
are very liberal, will be given on application to
the subscriber, post paid:, ,
This Work will never be sold in Bookstores,
but exclusively by agents 0t a reasonable and
uniform price,
Bookseller and Publisher, 134 York at. New
Raven, Connecticut,
Other for Rent.
ric:IAT desirable office on Main 4treet, n few
doors from lie public square and formerly
oc pied,by Dr. John Creigh, ollered for rent
from thelst of April next. 'Perms moderate.
llrs, ELLEN C ki
Carlisle, January 36, 1850.
~. TWO I , I',ICES for rent, from
^Pt • tit the Ist of April next,t., on Pitt
street, adjoining the Drug Store of
• Denry' ; A. Sturgeon—one on the
first story. the other on the second
story of said building. For parti. ...hire enquire
of the subscriber. ROBERT NOTILN.
Jan. 23, 1850.
THE dwelling house , now oceu
pica ny3tr. Siardn, adiolniTrirtiry
store. Also, two comtortable dwel
1, ling houses in Pitt Streo , , rent Ski,
FUR RENT, and possession
, given on tho i st of April next,
4" .
i: I 1111 . tho two story Brick Duiclitug
Ho", south of tho E Church,
4 442 nt present necnpiod by Dr. Raw
~or terms npplv to
A 'gt fur Trustees.
, 1849, in
THE store room o,n Wtst High street
now occup ie d by (:eo, It. Crooks, adjoin..
ing I)rug Siore, is Mktfor_rent
from the first of April. Apply to -"-
Jan. 9th 1850. W.M. D. I' OX.
5 70
55 91,
. .' • THE Store-room and cellar now.
•N in the ocenpancy of the subscriber,
m west Main street, is offered for
rent. This is a desirable stand
for business. Possession given
mmedintely, or on the lot. Of April next, and
tlto stock of goods now in the store will be dis
posed of at the same time, on reasonable terms
Apply to (jan2) L wortmLgy.
588 90
12 04
y respectfully renommened to the afflicted,
which will effectually extirminate those trouble
some excrescences, by a low application with
out pain. S. Ef.LIO TT.
400 00
223 00
193 68
JUST received at the cheap Hardware store
of the subscriber in East High Street, a
complete assortment of T übs , Buckets. Churns,
&c., &c. Also Buponts Rifle and Blasting
Powder, which will be sold very.elidap by
Jan. 23d 1850, HENRY SAXTON.
19 89
Brushes! Brushes!
, A great - yariety of these useful articles is of
fered for sale, consisting of Whitewasle; Sweep
ing, Scrubbing, Painters, loth, Shaving. Haw,
Tooth and Nail, Flesh and Graining... Brushes in
groat variiity, all of which are of the boat yual•
tty and will be sold at the lowest prices
Juno 6. 6. ELLIOTT.-
VIM undersigned having purchased
1 the interest of tonner, partner, takes this
,methed infOrtning his numerous customers
'Ad the pul?lic'onnerally, that ho will continue
at the well hnown stand in blast Alain Intent di ,
roctly ciiipositelhe stare of Mt. ,Cbun, Ogi l by,
whore will be friundlbolargotadidceheanest as
sortment'of goods , in his Harcvarc,
Cedar ware, Glaiisevery,sizo: Paints, Oils,
DyeatutTs,_&,q r: attnratettliAt_tha (mis t y, •
The subscriber'returna , hivaincere thanks to
his customers tisti'lliq edmmithity,gettertilly, for
the liberal patrorineolgiVen to tholate firm, and
hopes byntriet attention to business, to merit
end receive a continuance 'the steno;
Jan. 7,1850-3 t, ' "ITENRY SAX-TON,
36 8
37 69
10 00
12 90
$2,543 ,9.5
Tobacqo and.
yusT roceitiod and rOr oale'.wholoiale and ro
e) tail' the'boin'and Cheinitiat'Solection of CI
GARS to bo found. any whore cull of the oily:
The selection cOnsistp or • • " •
Castellos, • 'Ln Prythavera,
,Plantation, . Loon'D'oro Regalia
Principo,',, La Grata,
'Venus aid Figiticis`• . 41Yrolimiatlara, '&0.;
All of the finest Cuba andllairaii:d Tobacco.
and, put op'in .tlle..neatest - .Mantic'e,'bosidoti ,
havoexadldiatiisee.and;thoJ3iiitikletees. Also
tho,best Congromattd„qavoildielt .T ORA C C
b o h T hor, ortuihebeterted,.at .red ed.pricee. for
cash:l.'s:Vali and: pgainine.; my.stock. before-put:
chasing.' I will sell by,t he box as,iloWunartlici y .
can be had in the pityFL. Dot* ferglt.i place
opposite thiiTaiirotid °Mao.. ' • , .
1 o 0
3 00
WE have jut t ocinve ,an entire new soled.
den pPoheied:Liind fresh; GREEN • AND
B 1 4 4,C K 'l' MS; iembraelng Yotrns
Intrattitil Giinikirviler , teas, of various glom.
{jay, r4nitteg,frinn T 3Ti:tft Al.',2s,lfer.found,.fronjt . .
the tee. store of Ihe , ..sleiate:.•'Sii itini,fpr bile- •
dolOhia, neatly, eoiiiialrniul freality'peelted in:
Xo'l4l'oolll% arnlttednif titetaliennti Over; peak:
'Well. es' in' tho.'ltillltt . ."ll4 inflections '
: ai l iy4 a oa: 7irnd jtif phr neka; , who;' , hati "had
ex vi r ja,": i yv . pAsi ti9l3B;' attici rig: the , Chinese': ,
theinatityeetcetabouit'oet'efi Add:, this •ed.'
it i o t ag:: : kabioetiftitided. toils in 'the' ;telling:l
fiffrith 'eatiti'fcifrtntite )11 . 101: t vit.. yehriv.patiti
.reeeitintitttlik:them :1
1 1 1 ).901# 1 0, 1 ('W' 00 ,1 bt!l9r. ifilbtttOtt f Tees
Oft ortrkeit=fOr`Jettlii;tit,'llftf:ciiqeifrsest,te . :oV • 3
, 17 o; AS.4*Prgft ,, S):t'N'l'.,!:'
431E44 . itiotliitinusi;relichit'd:Y;a:Atii3ly 4
t.i.ll'q 0141 :Ctiplitheiris,; A1ciugt;,46:144168, ',Me., i
rind 0 B'S'A tionsi7mltt'llthor , :. , Fall'..llropec; G bbil a; , 1
yi.ssit,i'clii telotefitiaii f l 4l , thttlanditin.icinviied,,;
t9lptg6ll, 'l , :i:, ~r : , tsp 6 P., 13!' G:W , :IjfTiN4II,.. t
;:f . '1, 1 ).'4.:', -,f... :":- :-1 ...': ; :: - ' , ; ..-', ,:'::: ' .• . 7. l'l.z.''''tiP`P', - ..-1
„• . ,....;:,:',Y. , :,',- • ;,..,..„. ,: o .'; \ ; ',' , , , , , i ,',...:',, ,, , , ,,,,:,. '_..,,..".., ;: :,''.. 1C , 1;; , r - ',. Zi
i 50
1 50
lor Rent
roe• Rent.
- Notiecs,
APPEALS FOR".lBs9;':'' ' 1 ;
MIHE boriimisitioners of Cumberlan
! ,("Jinixty !
:have fixed upon the .Mlloimingliihe iiiiifflile
ectsrifor holding the Appeals on the: Trieniki
Assessment for years 1850-51-524:kirthe sev
eral 'Townships and. Boroughs in vajd, - ; County,
For Meciianiceberg . :BM February;; 1850, at
the public hots°. of.J. Black, Mechanicsburg
. For Allen 91h.Februmy; 1850; M thp puDho
house of D. Sheiffer;Shephordstywn.'
For Dickenson, Ilth Fobrtiary, 1850 at the
public house C.'flotTman; Stone Tavern.
For North Middleton; 12th February,••lBso, :
at thaLommissioners Office, Carlisle. .
'For South Middleton, 13th February, 1850,
at the Commissioners 011ice,Carlisle.
4,For East Ward, Carlisle,llh February, 1850
at 'he Commitsionars Office, Carlisle.
For West Ward, Carlisle,lsth February,
1850, at the Commissioners fide, Carlisle,
State Kates—Dollar Rate, 3 mills. -
The return - to be mad by the-respective As
sessors, at the. times and places, determined
1 upon for holding Appeals for their respective
respective Township or Borough, - at which time
the assessors will return the names of two res
pectable citizens of their Borough or Township
tbr Os appointment of a Collector.
By order of the Commissioners,
Atte - st, WM. RILEY, enc.
Commissioners Offlee• tl4
Carlisle, 24th Dec, 1840. 5
. .
I N oTicE harebygiren to,tho members of
the• Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection
i_Cogany of Dtekin.on tOwnship. Cumberland
has this day been laid is the premium notes of
said Company by the Board; which amount is
directqd t 9 lin paid to the 'Preasurer of said
Company. according to tho'cliarter and bylaws.
I By order of the Board)
A. G. MlLLE,lt,'.Sec'y
January 10, 1850
"persons indelned to the subscriber, are
hereby notified that their accounts are pos
ted up to the let inst., and ore requested to all
and settle up. The books of Warren 13. Par
kinson, Agent, up to October I, 1849, are in my
hands fur settlement. Ou the let of February
next, they will be left with a Squire to
CIIA. 0G1.1,8Y. j
Carlisle, Jan 3, 1850
Estate of Mary U. Duncan, decd.
pir ETTERS of Administration on the Estate
L A of Mary H. Duncan, decd., late ()film Ow
rough of Carlisle, Cumberland County, have
issued in due form of law to the subscriber re
siding in said Borough. All persona indebted
to said estate will melte immediate payment.
and those having, claims against it will present
the same for settlement to
Administratrix with the Will annexeda
January 10th, 1850.—fit .
Estate of John Snavely, Deed.
ETTERS Testamentary on the F;slato of
11. A Sohn Snavely, deed. late of Hampden
toWnship, Cumberland County, have issued in
due form, of law to the stibsrriber residing in
said township: All persons indebted to said es•
late will make immediate payment, and those
hiving claims against it will present the same
for settlement to JOHN RUPP,
Executor of John Snively, deed
Dec. gl..—fit
Estate of James Irvin, dec'd.
LErI'ERS of Administration on the Estate
Jamep Irvin, late of East Ponnshorough
twxnsh'y,..Cnnatorland ~ounty, doce.twd, have
been:framed to the snht , criber, residing in the
sante township. All perions having claims or
- against the estate of said decedent
are re,moted to make known the same without
tlelay, and those indebted to make pay ment im
tt.diately. ;A 81V:11. COBLE,
1 41192441EL
,t r.
state. of Fxed'k Goodyear, dec'd.
ILETTERs Testamentary on the estate o
Fred' k Goodyear, late of Monroe township,
:Cumberland county, deceased, have beer-grant
t-o the subscribers, residing in the same town
ship. All persons knowing themselvee indelit
od,ro the said estate are required to make imme
bat o payinkint,'aro,Vhose having claims to pre
sent them for settlement to
D G4)4.1)Y-E,-.Aft,
NI ne ./..Iceenters.
Estate of:Peter Whitmer, dee'd.
ETTERS Testamentary on' the Estate of
.11_41 Peter Whitmer, late of South Middleton
-township, Cumberland county, deceased, hare
been granted to the subscriber, residing in
Ifuntington township, Adam's county. All
persons indebted to said estate aro hereby no.
't;licd to make immediam payment, !Mil those
having clAims to present them for settlement to
decl2 . WM It tiADLER,
Estate of Mary Harlan, doe'd,
f It s e TERS Testamentary on the Estate of
T,l It t ry Hitrittn„litte Stoughstown, Cum
berland county, dec'd , have been granted to
the subscriber, residing in the same place. All
persons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims to present them for settlement to
decl2dit Executor.
Estate of Isaac . Lloyd, deOd
FITTERS of Administration on the
fsaac Mort, fete olAllontownship, dee'd.
have been granted to the subscriber residing in
same,township. All "persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate to make payment
immediately, and those having claims to pre.
sent them for settlement to
nov2B REU DEN STAR, .l'lm'r.
Estate of Michael I3e,ar, dec'd.
en tate of Michael Boar, Into of West Pennsbo
to ugh township, Cumberland counry, deceased,
have boon issued in due tbrm of law to the sub
ictiber, residing in Rio said township, All per
set•s indebted to said estate will make immedi
nio payment, and those having claimst against
the same will present them for settlement to
7!5' HENRY BEAR, Executor. GA,
4J of Michael Bear, de'edlE
Jan. 2 18.50,—5t.
Dissolution of Partnership.
THE partnership.between the subseri
hers under the iirni of Wright and Saxton
was dissolved on the let inst., by mutual con.
Tim books and papers of the late.firm, are in
'the hands of H. Wright and allpersonsindelit+-
ed will p ease call acd softie as surly as possi
ble, and all claims against them will ha paid by
Carlisle, Jan, 7,1850-3 t.
Auditor's Notice.
1110 matter of the final Administration ac
'.:ll 'glad Tohn Peters, Executor ofJacob Ear
n' ,gdocd. The undersigned Auditor, appoin
t by the - Orpfihna' Court of Cumberland
Co. nty, to make distribUtion pro mist among
rho creditors, will attend,' for that purpose at
Ibis ofilre in Carlisle, Monday the 4th day of
February next, • : t JAS. 8 COLWELL,.
• Carlisle, Jan. Milt, 1850.•
Take .7Vbrice.
ALL persons (''that know themselves
' indobted to the subscribct, itre. rennested
to call and settle their accounts forthwith, 'and
all who have claims to present them, as ho is
doslious to settle up all his business by the 29d
of February Thorofare all accounts that
arnlinpaid up to thardato:will be left with a
Justice of the 'Matte:lfni collection,:" , ". •
; •
f •
; 6 •
• Illeiret • •
iln.AVA`tii 'the Preruieee of the; subscriber,
ymnship,' , about!the
•," ' tilDecembey last - a.BII.INPLE4
'}llN.E4ll,: , aboul " :kat' .01 (rol
head', and belly, The
owners requested to . ccaci , for.'
wardvproye preporty; - pay, char.!
gos a,td to r co . l ler away, er she w ill bo„diopooOt1
oMicuordktig 4 :
.Tan' 28,.1850 -= 2t*
Stray Steer - v , 'l'Ow
Vey; toit;ol4, abbot
tat 0ft . .DifW,1tipt;•.:11,.',131.40.11:
, ,) fg,, k ST bglt;. abna t yoar,ol d ;
•_ , !v;,‘AthiV;l:atioa 00, .the and
troPtiPil into p i *,nrd;a,. bnlly. Thq
• , - 7,Otvhar itt:rairetdod •to cow for.'
o,rtird; , 'lttovd , -okiporty; ' pay' - crintna 'and take,
. 1 1tItn ,atmaitOilta bb disposed or, according
300.- 1 . 3 fg, 8 .;d1P40. 1.5 ,:::°, 1 kb AN?' R G . 1
- ,NNphabictilyurg/lii - hiThf.; ' ••••
, itagu:. , ,wante4
;1. 1 14 lON hiCarlielo:VmAlltl3AftppliZa,
ty6l:- ; 71 , i
.. , il-' ,, :btcy,:cs, , Sz,,,,bl) - 4136.,
..'"Great Ita rtegingl- to;
fr‘cui; the, sMis4rilmr, its hp
V has Jim. recetv&tf 'attesilendilk as.
imitmenti efWINTER' GOODS; .which' ht,
offers to his customers and otherst, who may
favor him With tvitha call at •gred•Bargains.!,:
satinets, velvet cords. Ky. jeans, scarlet, yell.
low', white and Canton Flannels, tickings, mus.
sins, entice, cashmeres, de lanes, alpacas; Co.
Byrg cloths, glovos; hosiery,. Irith linen, COM
fot;ts;;Sco, •
- 'A largo and splendid assortment of Long
and, Squaro Shawls, at all prices to suit the
Mots and Shoes, which he is determ
ined to sell IoW, at his stand, in North Nano
first Snore below 1-kitverstick's Drug Store.
var street, Carlin e. J. G. CAIIMONY.
Now offered al the affEaP STORE of
Charles Ogilby.
customers of this largo establishment;
.l and the public in general, ere respectfully
informed that I am now receiving an immense
stock ot the handsotitest and cheapest goods
over brought to Carlisle.
of every shade at greatly reduced prices.
A large lot of Long Plaid Shawls from 3 to $ll
do Square . do $1 to $6
Also, Rrocho, Torkeri,grapo, Thibet and Da
ents leS !yawls-of -I-we ry-st-Oe=and-q
A splendid assortment now styleßibbons which
will be sold very low.
A beautiful stock of-Caslinterres and Do baMes
at very low figures.
A very large assortment of Black and Colored
Alpachas, Figured, Plain and Satin Stripes.
to largo lot of Sack Flannels very cheap.
A splendid .assortment of Figured, Plain and
Striped Silks, from 373 to 1,25. Black Silks, a
very largo and cheap stock.d • ,
Very superior large size Twilled,
10-4-124-13-1 ditto Ribbon Bound.
do do do Whitney. at all prices.
A largo assortment of very superior Fronch
Merinoes. All colours. and prices.
A beautiful assortment of changeable Satin° de
Chains fur dresses and sacks.
A tremendous lot of bleached and unbleached
Muslins from 3 to 121., cents.
'laving purchased Imgely . of this article be-.
fore the advance, I will continue to sell at old
A full assortment of Imperial. Ingrain, Veni
tian and Stair Carpets. Selling very low.
Prints and Ginghams from 3 to 124.
✓1 very Larvr assortotrof of
Ticking:4, Cheeks, Diapersffloorinl Cloth,
Borkin,gs, Velvets, Boaverteens, Stockings,
Moves, StOpenders, Carpet Bags, Cambrickt.'
Dimity's, Laces, Morrow', Linens, Linen and
Cloth Table Covers,Oil Cloth Ditto, Irish Li.
notts:&c., &e.
In tho article of Boots and Shoes, we go far
ahead of all competition, both in price and
quality. big stock now on hand and cheaper
tits., ever.
Sugar, Coffee. Molasses, Rice, Tea, &c., &c.
Fresh, Prime and Cheap.
Recollect the old stand, East Main Street,
select front, rind decidedly the cheapest lot, of
Goods tint of Philadelphia or New York.
Come one find all, secure bargains', fit the
cheep stare of CIIAS. OGILBY.
Cheap Clothing Store,
IMRE subscriber would respectfully inform
1 his friends and the public in general, that
he has removed his large and extensive assort
lho room recently ocropied as n store by Geo.
W. Ilitnea. on Mast Alain street: directly oppo
site Elliott's Drug Store, and within two doors
of Ogilby's store, where Ito will keep constant
ly on hand, all kinds of Ready Abide Clothing.,
and everything pertaining In gent lemeres ward
robes. The clothing he offers fur sale is made
up in his own shop, by experienced workmen,
and under his own supervision. Ho feels pre
pare] to offer great barßeins in .he Clothing
line, and to test this fart he s-nahl earnestly in
vite the torsos of this county to give him n
call and examine' the fitialitl , of his stock and
his priers, before purrhasing elsewhere. •
He will also, as heretofore, continue to make
,up all kinds of Clothing according to order,
nod those who pretbr it can have their measures
taken, and- their garments made up to their
plensment. A I ways on hand a large assortment
id Mats. Cassinwreg. Satineix, rest hip. &e.
Don't forgo the place directly olipositc El
liott's store., and within two doors of Ogilby's.
debl2,:tm NATHA N HA MTH.
Large and. Splendid Arrival of
,0 II .1 .71P G
TUE undersigned respectfully announces to
the citizens of Carlisle and vjcinity, that ho has
just laid inn stock of Fashionable Clothing cut
and made In excellent style, which for Salti
ness and quality was never before equalled in
this place. Such as—splendid now style black
French t lath dress Coats, largo and handsome
circle cloth Cloaks, black and brown snck
Coats, business coats in the latest styles, Mon
key coats, tweed sack coats, superior fine bl'k
French eassiimare Pants, new style of fancy
cnssimere Pants, over 200 pairs of striped and
plain tall and winter pants, 050 Elegant now
vests, excellent Black satin vests, also, an as
sortment of fine white Linen, red flannel and
striped Shirts, collars, bosoms, stocks, suspen
ders, cravats, handlcorehiefs and oilier articles
in his line. Boys' Clothing and oil clothing
suitable for fishermen and others constantly on
hand. Fine cloth caps from 25 to (i 7: Is.—
Glazed Caps 12i coots: In fact thireffeveqs
the largest and hest assortment ever offered in
this4fliale, andoio chimp as can be purchased in
the city of Philadelphia. Persons who prefer
having their clothing made to order can be tic.
commodatod nt . tho shortest notice.
ffe shorefore'respeelfully invites his custom
ers and the public generally to call and see him
at the• Clotting Stare, corner of Main Street
and the Centro-Stupid. fdeel2
- 11eadine for the Million,
fitLARGE'. and wall soleetad assortment n
- ' 1300[{S of all Math; constantly kept on
land to suit the times, the following have just
been received. ,
Flume's Ilistory, of England, two first Nos.
SlMlcepeare's Works, 4 diflarent editions.
Birdn'ti Works, Burns' Works.
Scott's Poetical Works.'
Lyn Ch's Expedition to the Jordan and Dead
Son: Montegue . s.ditto:
-Scott's MilitarY. TuntieN 3 voj.
Women of the Revelution,, by Mre. Eliot. .
'Philosophy ofitolidion
Earnest Ministry, by4atitee.•
Bravo's'Datighter, byDogrinne.
Dowagerior.No.w SehOol-tor'Soandal,by Mrs
• . •
Ilho,Dnxton!s, by. Bulwor. , — .
C4deterVof, Gipsies., . , • „., .
.: - Crinse,th:4::Whale Boat;
V' Antral! the now novels receiired 'as sdori'ai
ordereilor Books. attended With
!ilispatth,g'Afier'all your:disputes ',about Cheap
Illoo4t; eallaronndointkexamindefbr;yourselves.
. - ,,Sniall Pai4i rott.Sala. '''' 7 ' .
h % . / . 1 - JA,Mtheerilier;bei i ng disirous, io roMoiro. to .
Aid' Nrost, nwill'olter., t 'Pnblic O h'; on. SAY:'
.I.IIMAY, tho l .29thio December, 1119, en' the '.
promises in , Munro° ,tciwnebiri...Cee?beleeo
connt.y.i.on tho regVesding frpm.Dorl,toio ton
- Works to 13riclitik. s Milt, iho ',' follOmiiig6lito
'lhoriPovii'ez-,0, EitritilrFAlLMlteonioir l ijk.Ai
• A 0 1418. eml4 ilg: 'jP Val, CRE fi 4 1 .4 i twit 6, , in.:-.„oeid
,township,,ndloining,ito;tiii„el Ifilip.,ouitz4ol,Vet,
"llnli Mtituy,`liinke iraniirodato' erni - thd 'abOVe
public intui. ' Four itOi'lis of it' , io frn ,tlnitleiS%iind .
,the Keiii,itindor inr„Like iihigheOitittitti:WihilliVel ';
i . ..,,, .., .
~. iton ! t, , j hei,imriromornenifi,pre
, a ~ ..
...,,, a - •" t vicf‘ !Amy(' 'and it. Milt 1\ \l",itliL-
1 ' 'lll - 1 - INC '' 'l',lo . oS , ElTFonio l lliii - tiOini .„
11 1.i.,-'.:. . .'. othoit no eiissary; opOiuddings,4l,
Qt:. *.hicir we' n:Atild :I,flTWIt .
/: i . eri - ' ftiVlrliti?every''.cle'siiiibie. coniMnibnc - '. II
;..;, riiiiris fittiorioOmilt..:Diolliiip, .F.lAllipOvoii. ,
„...,,,,i..,,a..,..i1g.,...0.4.6riwid00011.,1ivi V.: (1 Y a ' . f
(' '10:"" 10 , )Ai $94 l l°94PlCl4l O 'cA4) . ii ' • 1 1S 6 .'''''''.
'stns . 4 . '"l3 1 ' --.. .I.• ' ' 4: ' 4i 'l° 3 tq b i l i' cn loi l o l 7;;l l % •' gli • qm. ,•.'
:.e..,t;A•awo'•,l aleyTe) ~ or, ale 1 . 4 . eitig',.in 'S ebrilf.iiiiigil ,oth Ohl & ' tin inlitc.. ,
. ;,i - WO.. -,'. ifit - if V egiiigi ili litiiiditiriii - fali;' It :WO ird i i,tdii ei-,,,-0-.o,,,tilivo,Oive,Noith,*ll--f-,
6,4,....i.4.4-61.dir, ,, „i,a4 1 6,ii. , ..t..,0 1 ., , ,1..'A i ip1k1yit 1 , , ,t :d' ropitotiabbfit**slod*.rktiitimiliiitiq,9qioA,•
,140illfilip4I i ;,1 14 ,gio4v , ,,m),Fitivin c i10, 118 , 11 W t 9 l' 7 l'; l 2",,° Th 'l ll ,,,bt , iirklY. lll s. q . i.eli. v .tfie" i iii,O l iiiasil.? 3 ';.:ql4 , . , .:.:,
:ais, 4 : l - cl ,,k,si4.3..4V 4 4,44. t k . .‘trmit l y i liY : f t rd oM- pq r: ‘,. - 5 gtt ,,,.. 1, 0 ir , i 1 1 24 ,' '1 , 1Q 1 -1.17. YA..tAW 14 4- I P I 4 ;...'„
`' ' ; 1 1 1 % .55 41kV .; ' ';':;` l "j : ''' ' ,, `"- 4 ;'' ' ' '" : ' ' ''-...' '''' ' '' '( t l : '.., :qja ,,,..7 .•Gt . ": , . .;' ', :c' " ::r ' l. • '..
,'.,, 9 ,,,;',
'I4Y i ' t , :•%ii ,';' , . , , ,, c,..,:e. 4 , ,,, , ne, , ', ,, ftV,-.:,A, , 't '., , ,/ , 'ijo' , j4),: ,
41 ' fa', t.... iA. , tto..4";NOk;iitt.iis;f:ACKAl.4;-,1•1/4.`4,1:',tAIZk"AN-11:4.7.';:iAtir,UlkiRii140411ta•ti.'„g‘gfEa:zift0i.I'deM
*More .71Va,
/2 . 13 oisTABT,
;,,tRiNEft:AL. t
o . 3 o ool P3ent'c o t , Bor!Pet Rib;
f a leo_fl6li. 11.3.1)b0ne,
Silver an dSo6,l3 - irolt.."Blldaa,'Scaita,:Seli:.l , ast
Ti•' . 7I,IIcOO; , ;`,c'A:PER , AND - C.OLIJARS:' , '
andCollara 6f ilifd
, fdteriadylcia. - Alan; , Linon Cattdniallandketd
61nelsi.61,,v9ioue qualities:
. •
'', - .Grooyftind Black 'Potts , of it so eiiot q'anlily
jiiiit'opehed liy.
IlanAflPp - ,v.,1,, , ,:‘0'
s_ u
Vlmps; -
Second f Fall. . Goo
Atlbe;-New Store; 1:4
Corner of Hanovek and Louther- Streets { 6 2)P0•
Wrd. , Leonard'a,old ;1 •
THE' undersigned. respectfully,. informs hie
frlo'rias tin& the publie; ilia( he has jtcsi returned
from' Philadelphia; witik,ailargo 'and carefully
selected nssortmeatuf . ,
- „
purchased at the lowest prices, and which he is
determined to sell at small profits. A large as
sortment of Cleats at from 75 cents to $5 per
yard, Gassi6eyee, Caut..inetts and Vestings, at
Carious prices: . . .
Ladies Dross (foods, such as Helaine'', Caidi
mares,. C 0
4 7. Lioness Twills, Thibet cloth,
and n tutsortmont of Silks. An elegant
ussOttlis plicolind'Ginghanra, suitable for
the' oPProacinng season. Checks,. Tickings,
bleached and Unbleached Muslim.
A well seleeted_aseurtmeet of Men's
and Children's Bouts and Shoes, good and hand,
some.—Boy's and Men's
,cloth and Hungarian
Caps. - -
GROCERIES in rill their variety, Niz t Bu
gar,Coiree, Molasses, Pekin Ten Company's
celebrated Tens, Spices, &c., and the best
guality'bf Carpet Chain. 1
N.. W. WOODS. Agt.
DecoMber 20,1820.
N. 11 'All orders from the country promptly
attended. to. Rags, Eggs; Butter, and all kmds.,
of produce taken at market prices.
THE subscribers have just completed
---. thcirpur cluitteirat - FA'LL — & — WfN TDB:
GOODS. Our stock consists in part of cloths,
cassimeres, vostings, cassinots, of all colors and
Prices ;.whito, yellow and red, all wool Man
. nols ; Kentucky Jenne velvet cordand Bea
vorteens, Calicoes by the cart lonGingham,
Mous (le Laines, Merinoes,' Parnun's, Co
bitil Cloths, Alpacas, Fancy Mohairs, Lustros,
&c., Chocks, Tickings, Domestic' Ginghams.
Canton Flannels, white and coloured, Linsey,
Plain, PinitViown, Maroon, Green and I.ll'k.
do Lainos,loi4Bi 09 per yard; Mous de Laino
'Tibet and 'Tekori SHAWLS; Long' Shawls
at 3, 3,50, 4,5, 5, 7,50, 8 and 10 dollars: Silk
and Linen Handkerchiefs, Cotton, Woolen anti
Cashmere Stockings, Irish Linen s , Gloves
Cloth, Glazed arnr Fur CAPS, Gimps nsa
Fringes, in variety, Combs, Woolon Turn, all
colors, from lino to coarse, Steel Beads, Twist
and Clamps, Purses. Scarfs. Waist Ribbons,
Slides, Green Barege. Blue 13arege, Table Co
vers of Linen, and Cloth, Carpet Chain, Table
Diaper, Crash, Linen Diapers, Eking. Laces,
GUM SHOES, all sizes and prices, Umbrel
las, Carpets, Groceries, Queeneware, Hard
ware, &c. All the above goods were bought
for Cash, gold and silver, and at a saving of 15
to per cent. below those who bought on credit.
Those wishing to save will find our goods
cheaper than they can buy them elsewhere.
obt 10 A & W BENTZ.
t iffs HAVE last opened
;,,e, A. direct from the city,
t ht , " a large, beautiful and
brilliant assortment of
- GOODS, for Fall and "
Winter Wear, to- whien I L .-would invite the
special attention of old atffinew friends and
.customers. My atdck now comprises v; , cry
imiteeivnble colour, style, pattern and figure of
Dress Goods, from the plainest and cheapest
to the most brilliant and costly._ gilt and see
them while they are new and, noVEI, as it al
ways gives us pleasure to show our goods at
he Pee Hive. sep26) S A COYLE ,
LOOK AT irmis:
lIARLES OGILBY respectfully informs
the public that he, has commenced, anewill
be opcnurg for several days, his second 'par
chug,' of
which comprise a:very extensive and splendid
assortment of nll k ads of
very largo assortment cf Shawls,Fronch Me
rinoes, CObargs, Alpachas and pow Other arti
aids TM - CM' Ladtes' l 4Venr:
ruin complete assortment of
together with n heavy stock of BOOTS AND
SHOES. of Mt the various prices nod quali
ties. A1.,0, a large stock of GB OCERI
Come one; come all ; nod look for ydarselves
before purchasing elsewhere' ' ,as the order of
the day is, "live by tradt and small profits."
rgluiE subscriber has just opened a general
.assortment of Plaid Long Shawls, Bay
State Long Shawls, of superior quality. Also,
Splendid ftrecha Shawls, (all wool). Black
Thibet Long Shawls, together with Terkeri,
Cashmere, and other Shawls; at moderato
pi ices. _ _
Just received n variety of Lynx Muffs, of
different qualities, also an assortment of low
mined Mars, for sale low.
Tito subscriber is now opening a tknutiful
rissov mem of L)ross goods, among wtlVlr.-rnat
be found Cashmeres, Mous. Do Lantos, Mohair
Lustros, Alpaeltas, Alerinoes, Black, and Cul.
°rod Silks, and other varieties of Dress Goods.
Just received a few pieces of bronze Cessi.
meros, latest style. Also, 13lue and Black
Cloths, Merino Cassinieres and Sattinetts,
stile cheap.
The Milliners throughout the county are
informed that 0 general assortment of Millinery
Goods, orMirneing Bonnet, Frames, Crowns,
and Tubs, Artificial Flowers: Face Tabs, Ru
ches, Illusions of bll colors, Bonnet Wires, &c.
have just been opened by
novri GEO' W MTNER.
neat (Estate.
Fai , Sale or Rent.
known as the Peteralntrif' 11E11, (41.11010 at
the month of the Little Jumeta Creek, Perry
County, Pa. 15 miles troni Harrisburg. A
t. 41 a square, with two overshot water
wheelrun'of French Burrs,
• • and a`g 4
mut machine, with all the
apparatus complete for manufac
turing Flour+-also a dwelling house for the
• Dutyannon Iron Works adjoin the above and
aflbrds a good home market.
The Central Rail Read runs poet, the milt af
fording every facility for getting grain and son
ding 't he products oldie mill. to the Eastern ci•
The ahovtrproperty'will be sold or rented for
a term of years from tbo latelApril next. Ap•
plieation to be made 16 ,
surviving Ex'trx of Amos A• Jones, Deed,
Petersburg, January, 7th, lapo,
For further information apply . to I It E'gbert,
Carlisle, Pd. ' • •
' Property' for Sale or Reid. •
THE ,Sullserliier, ' ,intending ta ienve
':the County,. will, sell Or rant the folloiving
projier,y, situate the village of • Spritigfieid;
Cumberland , county; viz A liot
Qrountl, on. which l ;erected
' i good two „stori.,hriek DW,Epg
,'itm m If OUS.p . ; 'end iwo•aterk '
, brick'Kitchen,iboth (now, - Akio,
- 11 4 cone • atory.„and, a, hal t
alitindontly aupplied"With'eholce fruit 'and hos
never failing Well of Varier ar - the doom The
lootian;io,o yery good; one for,it person wirdibME
to angegq in; theonersatible business or, gonna
zneeliabical'oecupatlen. Postiession - given on'tHe
let of Aprif-riektiir For ' termsi"apply to• Mrs
'Margaret Key, on ,the,prernises; or, to the'ouli
scriber,. her agent, ~ • .1 - r COXEL.'"
'Jen. 15'; 11150:=•tt;'" " • '-