Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 06, 1850, Image 1

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7 '
. .
' • • '
B E. BE ii. l l"lir Y.
.1 Card.
1hR..1.\ g. NIeGIiI,IO:JCIE will giti his
y at t,..l,l,tneti iii the various liratteltes of Itis
proles:do 1, in !own , Or contitty, to nil that may twit whlt a 'ill. I) l' l' IC Pi opposite the
2.1. l`r,..i',yi,c, - hitt C•liiirch and NVert's Hotel
lately iwitaiiiiiil by 1)r. Foull.c.
Carlisle, seht f'
:Doctor Ad, Lippe,
ONIDEOPATIIfC l'ilysician Office
"" \lain street, in the Itousgiortnerly,ocett•
Piot' by I'. Leehler. rip 9 ' , lt;
Dr, L 0. Loomis,
WILL. perform al
operations upon the
" Tenth that are requi
red for their proservation. , aril as Srhling,'l•'iliug,
or 1..5: ,, r0 the loss of them,
by tusericq Artittcial Teeth, from n single tooth
ton full sett. gfr.)trtte on Pitt street, a few
do. to smolt of Ike Railt.lad Hotel. Or. L. let&
'the la.t ,rtli days of every month.
.1 Ca rd.
DR. J• \V. II 1 , ,N I, Surgeon Dentist
informs hiA Fortner patrons that lie has re
turned to Carlisle, and will he glad to attend to
all rally in the line ~I no profession. Inet3l
John B. Parker,
Ihnovor i 4 trL•et. in the room for ,
mdrly or• • loiwtir. tltu Ilan. F \Vous.
• 1F•19.
Carson C. Dloore,
.‘-'• tip- roe nt lately occupied by Dr. Poster,
deaonsml 111111 31 'l7
Wm. M. Pemvasxiiie
A It AT LAW. 4 ill pfneftee in
,vural Courts of Cumberland county.
C) rteicr..iii :-Itrue , , in the room former
ly ommiiieil byl,. G. llrnndrhury, Fail.
James R. Smith,
4:Ii'ORNEY A'l' LAW. Has RE
\lO v 1.',1) his office to Ileetom's Row, two
doors from Ilorkholder's II mei. Ispr
me M
" I . :R.I.:II his residence, corner of Main NireCt
aid the Square, opposite lltirlthulder's
H etri. I i titiditkm to the duties of Justi••o of
the l'o,teo, trill attend to all kinds of writing,
sii•ilt as •levik, bands, motagag,fie, indentures,
artiol4,s of agreement, notes, &e.•
Carlisle, np:B'4o.
Plainfield Classical Academy,
$l2l V I!: NTH SESSIO , N._.
MITI': Seventh . 1 4 e8S1011 will coiliirtejaZin
)111N1).\.y, Nov. fith. Itll9. The number
st❑ lents is4innted, and they are carefully pre.
pared for College, counting house, &c.. Sc.
The.. 91' 1,a , .i..)11 precludes the possibility of mit.
dews ri.4.ociating.with.tho vicious or depraved,
Arcing remote from town or Village, though easily
leecs4i' , le by 'Rate Road or Cumberland Valley
Railroad. both or which pass through tunas at•
ached to 0c: institution.
Boarding, washing, tuition, &c., (per,
session.) $50,00
Latin.or Creak 5,00
InstrUmvitral Music 10,00
French or (;crinan 5,00
Circol trs wiilt referoneeß. &c. furnished by
Snp. K. 1317 it Ni. Principal.
.Veivville ✓lcaademy.
'VT IS confidently believed that few Institutions
oiler grouter inducements to students than
the abovo. Icteated in the midst of a commu
nity proverbial for theirintelligim,e, morality
and retard for the interests of religion, this.
Academy can effectually guard its members
from evil .trul immoral influences. Advantages
are also offered to thoSe desiring to pursue the
study of the physical sciences, surpassing those
of most sinitlar institutions.
Those having sons or winds and wishing to
send them to a seminary id learning, are re.
, do ctfully solicited to visit New ville, oral judge
or the advantages for theniselvest or, at least,
procure It circular, contatni,l , , fall partienlara,
by addressing J A M STO N ,
sv g s , '22 ly • Principal.
John P. byne
I,IfrIOLES'ALE and Retail Dealer in
Fureiguand Domestic Hardware, Paint,
Oil, Varnish, Ste, to the eld stand in N
livmver street, arlisle, has is received trom
York aa.l Philadelphia a large•addition to
his foravr ~,tock, to which It attention of hay-
s is requested, as he is determined to poll
r :It yiv 41111n'r house in town. ,atiritt
Look this Way.
; sitlimrPier world 1-o:l)N:tinily inform
et, .ds and the public tr,morally that he has
,"• a new LUMBER. AND COAL
~ West High street. a few doors cant
D Rhoads's Warehouse, whero
ho now hus raid will keop constarrtly on
Nand a liiat rate assortment M. all kinds ul sea
sonod pine boards and plank and all other kinds
of stuff, of which p lank
will sell low for cash.
John Wallower. and Son,
(Successors In Fun/c and Miller.) •
Forwarding and Commission Nlerchants, and
agent's fur the Central Rail Road, Wholevulc
\ Dealers in Groceries, Produce, Coal, Plaster,
• Salt, Fish, Nails, Bacon, Powder, &c, Harris•
burg Pa.
Jun.•l 1850. "
! - BOOTS AND 131-10 E $ a
WM. M. i'OILTE R. has just meowed u
largo and elegant assortment of lfoois
and Shoes, suited to tho present season, among
which ore Man and Buy. 'Thick Bouts,. Kip
anti Calf do., Oulu Shoes, Buffalo Over Shoos,
&o. Lidins' Gaiters, Buskins, Slippers mod
Ties, of Loather, Morocco and made in
rho latest style. Also, n largo supply of Misses
ondighildrens Gaiters. Boots and Buskins.
Bvery description of work rondo to Order as
Gall at _Porter's Shoe Store, Main street, oppo
site the Methodist Church. (deci2,4l
•• Notice:: •
TfiP .
Ootmoissienors of: Cumberland county
doom it,proper Minform Mot th e 8 14
led moottngs of the: Board ofVonimissumers
On . the second and fourth Mondays of
each month, at which time any persons' having
business with sial Board, will moot . .them ;at
imoii'ciffico in Carfi,sle.
Attest „ WM. , '
• L'_
A. VirOTIOn. • '" r IC 44 c.
PLICTtO Di' will — he made;
~'Session of Alio Legislature,ol ve
nia, ler an; alteration in thu eiturter 01 'o' to An
•" - .14.31•G D EPDSITE-BANK., BO 'MAO Corder JlllOll the
Ingitiltion the rights and privileges of a Bank; of
„13y order of the Board of Directors.
W J COLMAN, Cashier.
Carlisle Deposita Tiank, '
'„, -Stocking and: Carpet Yarn.
stibtpriboiliaw:fOi Bale ; .a"groat
• ' ortlifea'pli,STCC,KlNG and , CA It PET
• YARII,, , of:OE:paints, "chis4% . owif'eoliiririg); and
elta; ;f:Cqnafe.m'adti frnin 3 t 110 1,371:
e coloring ;Winn): y,
6 11 6k0) dida
and warrants nil y wo'•rk
qo b 9 r ,* lolll .(o:r.kZ Orders his
. •
ags " ante
.. • iTfis:;iikiii3st:A . Oriisie .vvii'b,iyofithilifuto3t.ttin
7 , 04per);1if,t1o,q:itipbegtiibcii . r,
rad ,: rri ill No t o"pperjljirlillq.
- I illit'Yaariiiie4lie,iiVitifo',-MrarehOtlabOrMii
1,-,, , ‘.`.?4 , ,E41,
1 . 3 'tf , - ,- i -, Y;' , ',4-"),'ls'i'- '4,W,vzi.W.e.10,0,1,/li-LEVN,D.O
(critga i l
C A'S LI l'Of RAGS ,aa ry c ql s e k r A V IN tI N 4 V'
liio,Ocore in
al Family eVigespaper,---Wroted to iiiitei•atures 646941c.04:**09 Business and GeneraC'.
. 6 1 1)*(4 7 2.
Storc9 L ,s'l)op9.
Foreign and Domestic Hardware
J ACOI3 SEN ER has just roceived;from tho
eastern cities, and is now opening at the Cheap
Hardware. on North ll:mover street, next doe
to Glass' Hotel, a now assortment in his line
such as
Class and Paints
Copal, Japan,and Black Varnishes, or extra
Nails and Spikes,
Witis' best Bar Iron,
Cast, Shear, Blister and Spring Steels,
Locks, Hinges and Screws,
Places, Saws, Chisels, Augurs, Axes, c,
Knives and Forks, Shoe Findings, &c.
To which he would cull the attention' of the
Persima wishing to buy will do well to
oall. as we aro dStermined to sell at loss rates
for cash.. te.rThe highest price paidorer Scrap
Iran, and for Flax Seed. J SENER.
nos , 1.4
rr,HE subscribers Intro just received at their
east High street, opposite C)gilcy's' Dry Good
Store, u large crock of goods in their line, to
which they would call the attention of purcha
sers, their arrangeinent in the city, besng such;
as to citable 111011 to sell their goods - at the
lowest city prices.
Their stork comprises a full assortment of
Leeks and imches of every stile and size,—
Ilingeq, Screws, Bolts, and every article used
for Buildings, Augurs and augur Thus,- chisels,
bread and ha, d axes, hatchets, drawing knives,
planes, and plane bibs, hand, panel, and Rip.
ping saws. mill, crosscut and 'circular saws,
trace and halter chains, hamea, shovels, spades,
ealPhoes, hay 'Lod manure forks. Also, a large
assortinent of Packet and Table Cutlery,—
spoons, shovel and lungs. Walters and Trays,
l o llow wale ; Brass and enameled' Preserving
Nettles, Iran Furunets, Cedar Ware,' anvils
and views, Files and Rasps of every !dm!. Bar
Bard and Hoop tree, Cast, Shear Spring and
Blister Steel, &c. Also,
inn BoXer, Window Glass.
ton Keg's Wetherill's Pao White Lead.
5 Barrels Linseed Oil.
':1 Barrels Sp. Turpeffiine.
Vot) KfTS
111111 , 9%0 IC:111' & SAXTON
I HAS' F. just received the largest rind Cheap
cot stock ot HA ROW ARE, :hss-, Paints, WS
Varnishes,- .S'addlery, Carpenter's and , Gabinct
Maker's'Pools, Mahogany Vet and all kinds
id Building Matt:Timis tver brought to Carlisle
consisting of Locks, Hinges. tScrelst, Nukts—
and Spikes. Persons about to build will find i
gr,atly to their advntage' to look at my stock
before purtlnneett4chiewlie . co.' Come and see
the GoodS and hear 'Hie pike and you will be a.
Cllll\ illeed that thiS is really the Cheap Ilard'
ware Stoic. Alec, in store tnvils vices, files
and rasps, and a Complete assortmtint of Watts'
Boat Bar Iran, elect hulled and Hoop 'Troll of all
sizes. I have also the Thermometer Churn
made by Mr George Spangler,, the best article
now im use.
hnve just received my Spring
stock of Grain and Wass Scythes, maim! actmcd
expressly for Tay own safes. nod Mai rnr.ted to
be a superior article. idle makers and
others will find these sleythek to be he best ar
title its the,market anchl.tat the lowest price
wholesale and retail at the old stand in North
Hanover street. JOHN r LYNE.
. Fresh Drugs, Medicines, &c. &c.
d. I have just received Iron, Philndel.
raw-- phia
. and New Y uric very extensive
additions to my former stock, cinbra
. c4ng n early every article of 'Nledieine
now iii use, together with Paints,
00, Varnishes, Tin ['minim, Perfumery, Soaps,
Sit.,Tinery, Feerutiery, Visiting Tackle,—
es every seiipii,m, Nil) an
endle-s varimy r .irtieles, which I am de
termined 111, 11.1:V 1;1 lc,.
MI y 111crelinnis, Pedlars
and others, are rr speethillv remicsied nut to pass
the S'FA N I), as they way rest aSsurcd
;hid every article wi!l lie sold of a good quality,
and upon rcasonalile terms.
May 10
Extensive rurniture Rooms.
.74.00: 1 0 rETTEIR.,
W1.,11.1) reiTeettully call the attention o
llouse-keepera_and the public:, to the ex•
ensive stock of :ttend:ll FUR IT r induct
dim!Wardrobes, Centre
and - uther Tables, Dressing and
- _ Phlin Bureaus, and every varie
ty ni Cabinet-ware and Chairs,
which he has now on hand at his N E W
ti OMS, ,011 Emit her street, near the comer of
North Ilanuver street, in the rear of l'trA ell &,
Cu.'s stn. e.
- - -
He is confident that the superior finish of the
workmanship, and elegance of stylq, in which
his articles me got up, together with their
jtiIItAPPESS, will ',commend them to every per
son wanting Furniture. lie has al4o tondo ar
rangements for manuf . acturing and keeping a'
constant supply of every_ article in his hue, hods
plaits stud ornamental, (tiepin' and useful, ut
prit es which cannot fall to suit purchasers. Ho
would earnestly invite persons who aro about to
commence house-keeping, to call and examine
his present elegant stuck. to which he will con
stantly make additions 01 the newest and most
modern styles.
COFFINS mode to order at the shortest no
ice; for 10%111 and'emmtry.
Carlisle. ,lone . 13, 18,18.
Kr-The late firm" of Jacob Fetter Son
laving been dis6olved, Jacob Fetter, sr., wil
•arry on the buAinees OR above.
A Word to Horsemen
eideill the best pm nraliun that can be
used la ilw cure of Sprnins,
„,,stis, Cute, Otitis. Splint, Curb,
Spuvin' Stiffness of the
4 J &e. It is an article which
t•'=" l should. be in the hands of every
Horseman, rind- no stable should be without, a
butttle of it. Price oily 05 and 50 cents per bct6 6 ;
ties, prepared only by S Al Pearson, 111 D. and,
for sale' wholesale and retail, at No. 106 North
Second street, Philadelphia, and- MI RAW
LIN'S wholesale and retail'agont, Carlisle, Pa.
Jan. 21.
. .
Paimers:l Save -: Yo u r Money..
gri . A sq .- TOON" PO WERS foliw — col
.11J throe and' four horses, made entirely l efo.
rem, uo that yoli can leave it in
without the least. danger of injury. Also;
Threshing,Muchincs,,Witinowing,Mllls, PloWs
Plough 11 , 1Mild•boards, Mature Points & Shears
constantly un,band.: You will save' money,
calling before purchasitig„,elsewhere,' at
Foundry in East. High Street, Carlisle Pa. • "
augB3Most • : , • ' h GARDNER.
rieh rriehi tln
reeeWed at the Cheap Family Grocery
sulmicAli9r, -lot z of No. L, 2.-and 3
Mackerel, imwhole half or'quarter' barrels.—'t
Also, 50 newel* dround Alum Salt; which ho „ „
is , detertnlned io self at,, the .lowest prices for
cash, 0'691 • J D. HALBEICT.
111.1Ptl; t ED—,At the Cheap Store a
ejl t ,;gl37l f.,t • 'M., ' colors Woolen-'Yarn,,
lahg an: 'lll, Ay i s f rom 'Bl , 0, $l9 ,very
OtIOOP , ,118 tlfs - Lninefk 'OineittinlE4
s tee l Ben, gaol,. purse twist, olußatit
and 'p grey 1.7121,1 WeeleinHose., .4 , I.
oet2r, W iIIDNTZ:
ast3.i - , ;tt , c • •‘ii;
QII9e/ 18r .P: 8C P!TT,:= '' ', 4,„- ,
.-.‘ A Lpit.GE'and..ii.tV,ijetnr:°,lbBol'eltPakihnelfpg:l,o9utll,,arqiu;,
io3llllPnt' ' s9 ' fltOlc.i.i':Pailli.. k*,P.t!tl,tola,
ilig ; TAI4• C rtl i P' t. t!, 3 ü b' t 'y I3Voil oil: '',' ~' ..1
.tigins in
'evn ' r "'' ' ' v' ' , l6( of Codoe.-Wari3, emnac r
losii„tplOoP. l; at t qg ' '..7 •'.':.` ,-;';'. J 41144 g.8AL• ":1';.1
:.. 4 14forohJ 4, 1 4 . " , ' ~,
LA. 1.1•P;',9,/Y'„77i4Vii'iid;i36;A:,tr,,ll-fi!!1"
s.opto!:9( 1, 0 -4 4 - 4 4'804, 1 0w, . 1- P . ' - 1f ".. '
1411"':811"!,,!:',1!.;,,!fh'1.,;5,:,E14L/0 '..u2.1.k'
n " ; a n
E ,0F4,141ME j Ma t '. ' - .F, 1, 1 9 , 5 7 '. 1 , , 1i I i'll' ) 4
" C)ll4; 9 ,tEtiCv 1 i n'e'',' P i.Ud - .S„ii i, 0 ,:: 1 - ,,- '..,,.
'lW4gfit..4l. l ,ptinri,lottprjmporietl,C t
,';;: 0 1004,0414011i4 0 .4".414:17,t9,L4!t9V,
I :lCrAt v itATAi r r;',4iPA'!)itgN'k l; 1 2:'41
~ ' L yitAtokqeo3oo;,oithllifg;best:, b ratd, , S9r
iaid;at;c6o6,lA, Y S.
rice of Hardware
Alain street, Cm lists..
.k!CtlfabTuin.'7frogr+~ w,: t~vrii :' !+:"3f.Ji?:~^!.'
XVI 4 4 il -4 .k , t.“14
- •
ZtOref.l COO 81)13136.
V IIE Cheap .Fat ily Grocery Sten.° of Jo
soph llalbert, West ]Lin Street,
husjust received a large end fresh supply
of the best FAMILY tlt CEltiEi th a t, t h e
Philadelphia markets can afford. The sabseri
berhasjmit rettTrrd - Trom The city and would
respectfully invite his friends and rho public
generally, both in town and country, to call
and examine for theneselvcs his jarge and in
creased stock, which embraces. all the articlel
usually kept in his If* of . business. Such us
lib), Java and St Domingo and Legume Collee ;
Imperial, Young klyson and Black Teas, of
vary superior quality and fle.vor; .Lavering's
crushed, loaf, falling. loaf, and loaf sugars, or
ange grove, clarified New Orleans and brown
Sugars of every grade mad quality, with price td
suit. Honey, sugar house, Orleans and syrup
Mulasscs. Spices of all kinds, which ho will
warrant pure and fresh ground. Brooms, Ce
dar and painted buckets, churns, 'tubs, half
bushel measures, butter bowls, butter prints,
butter ladles, wash rubbers, &n Clothes,
Fahey sowing, traveling •and market baskets of
all kinds. Castile, fancy, rosin nod country
SOAPS. Also, a general a,sort mem or chewing
and smoking TOBACCO, spanish hair spanish
and common CIGARS. Ropes t wines,. and
Brushes of all kinds- Prime CIiEbISE always
on hand.. Sperm, Winter, strained Elephant
and Common 011.5.
GLASS, Q EENSWA RE.—I have also
added to my already large sleek, a number of
sew pollen's or \viol, “rriniu, and finley.tea
sots.-wish CROCKERY WARE of every de
feriptiimphlOi 1 will soil at the lowest prices
nor eas'h.
Feeling grateful for the liberal patronage here
torero Iwslowed tip on Into by a generoys pubtie,
the subseriber tenders [ham his !warty & sincere
thanks, :tint hopes that in his Worts to please
and particular ai tent too to husineas, to merit a
yontiountiec of their suppers.
Oct 3, 1 , .19. JOS. D. TI:NT,TIER'I'.
G 0 0.1) S.
cLerrinNo! .cLirriiiNr(;!!
THE enbterribers It just returned front
Phoiadelphia with a splendid tteeortunitt of
goody for gentletnens wear, with MOH] they
intend &Prime great intlitedinents to the citi
zens of Carlisle and the surrounding. 1 , /111.1try.
They have nit hand an assortinetwor,
LE 1-2
such as dress coats. cloak's., over • co.its, vests,
pants. shirts, bosoms, collars, under shirts,
drawers, gloves, stockings, silk and 1)i her cra
vats-, pocket hand kerebient, lutes
and Caps, trunks, traveller. bans and umbrellas
all of which article"; dirty bowel selling at a
very sinnil advance on "icy rust, having for
their motto "smull pellfitc and quick sales."—
They wish it to ho Hint their cloth
inv indnitiainured undue their own super.
pitentlenee, did not in !lin e ay, lience dlic) are
enabled to warrant every artiste. they sell.
Having an experienced ciiiier..,engaged in
their establishment., they ti . re te.epared to make
to erderiinv ticle or eloihili v io is neat, Fash
ionable and substantial maininr and at short no-'
tied! ARNOLD & 1,1 VINGSTON.
North Hanover street directly opposite I'.
Menyer!s Coulectidnery taro, toet3
roil) the citizens of Carlisle and surrounding
IL country ! Just arrived a large nod eplon.
did assortment of fashionable rendy-made
°LOT-RING; fat' the fall andwinter. trade, at
tbo store of S. Goldman, south-enst ccirndr of
Main street and Market &Mare, Carlisle.—
The undersigned, respectfully inforMs the citi
zens of Carlisle nod adjoining, ro'nittry, hot he
has just :wised from Philatlelphin, with a large
essextment of Fashion:lli Ready Mink Cloth
lug, which for cheapness add quality never
has been witnessed in this Hare, stil t ns
French. (:crinan and A tnet.ican Cloth lilt. 1.:S8
AN!) FROCK C'tt A US. ( leer noel
Business Guilts, of ell de.writtlitnei, Cltttlett,
ett:sinterett, and r 4 att inet Sark Ca I,l'k
and Valley eassintere Pan'alo.itis, suite) ior
Sa . lll and != rived silk vel‘c: smelt and sattinet
EsTt..l. Alo 1. it lart.T it".ti "lit . lll et la/41) ,
Ilantlkt rattier... fine sure I.ieen.Striped d
red Ilannel ettittbi and woollen night
6ltirt., Drawers, nos ntnt, &a.
licautiltil tall itylo of IHA'I•S S.:. CAPS,
will he sold at Khios eleiniior than any-whore
else. Gem Memo 1 - tre Mimed to r ill and exa
mine his goods, ns he is a iro, that. those who
buy will go away with a good l'l'l' and cheap
Sept 2G. ',19.-6m.
Pure Fresh Cod Liver OM
Tills new and valuable Mi.dicine, now
used by the medical profession with
such astonishing eilicaeyin the cure of Pul
monary Consumption, Seridula, Chronic Riled
'autism, Gout, General, Debility, Complaints
of the Kidneys, &c. &c., is prepared from the
liver of the COD }lSt!. for medicinal use,
exprsssly for our salso.
(Extract from the London Medical Journal.)
"C. J. B. Willrms, M. D., F. it. S., Profes
sor of Mullein° in University,
.College, Lon- ,
don, Consultin Physiclatt to the Hospital for
consumption, it e., nays: I have prescribed
the Oil In alaive four hundred cases of tuber
culous disease of the Longs, in different stages,
which have been under my care the last two
years and a half. In the large number of
Cases, 206 out of 231, its use was followed by
marked and unequivocal Mimi - it/uncut, vary
ing 4n degree in different cases, from a tempo
rary retardation of the progress or.the disease
and a idtigation of distressing symptoMs, up'
to u more or less complete restoration to appa
rent health.
"Thy afoot of the'cnd Liven Oil in most of
these cases was very remarkable. Even iu
few days the cough was mitigated, the expec
toration diminished in (panty and opacity,
the night sweats ceased, the. puts{" became
slower, and of better volume, and the, appetite,
flesh and strength were gradually unproved.
"In conclusion I repeat that the pure fresh
uil.lrom the liver of the Con is more beneficial
'in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption
than any agent, medicinal, dietetic or riegime
nal, that has yet been employed,"
As we ituvolnado arrangements to proem,
the Cod Liver Oil, fresh from head waters, 'lt
.can now be littd..cliontically - pure ,tho 'singly
bottle, or in boxes of onndezen each. ;
It's wonderful' efficacy has induced nninarops
- iptirrons" "imitations. • As - its Success 'do Minds
entirely' omits purity, too much .earo.cannot
used in procuring it genuine,
Every bottle hating on it our written signa
ture, may be depended upon . fit!.genuino. •
,Pamphlets' containing, ant analysis ~,of,tlin
.oil, with notions•of frani . l4lo.llcal
itiffitho dark those' who addrdss',us'; free id
postage. C, BAKER. Si.) t*:
W Ifolesule;Druggipts Chemists,
octlf-ly'_:,lbU:.North Third
- -To all vihomit - nlay,Coneera
••':: ,`,U LI
GEOR OP .15r,
MANION./ L pai,lia genaratlY fOi 'pas
fitvore and'thair natronngoi.Fitilleen,
times to carry on the. BADDLE,TRDNIC,
'and BARNE,9§. , inaking„ business; at his told
; stand. in;Nanciver.a.fraelt, iwo,cleors north °Olio
Carlisle • a, tat', Op ,nIgn : oltlio! IVldinmott
He in noW ; bett euiretinfoil:Atini'dVoi to
adeonunOcitito eitstontera;t
Made great alterations in , ltia'estpblisluiatint.:, so
'45 .. t9;011010 11191,10 400p. ‘ a
• better'inssert;'
D ragb op Sedop,_ tub, , 011 fat,. d -
E S C ARP. G E li*KN EBB, :plate d hind;
teorifinen (:Per Ole 6 1 1.'41611re; of:alU It In de; . i
vollii*Tt*liii!.gehliP.Oificxiotion.:- On di.? 'niacin.
Centel. patisirlfritllesT: Mitt WO!
09llare;k4010:,T4.0ail*,PAd'.RoWlit07 1110,
Ibilollitty; :01 tor, and ,Worsu:d etS,.and,At I,
1 9tlotifirit 16)04.1irrhie:Iigill•orAv*h
I9inillitfd',lotoltrrkill'oyeikloWietleiailf , :pAlesti:'
;TiOtral/Awi;a ll , llr :iillTild,o4. 'oft tililialiste„,,lNPyylltgo
4 4°14 00 4 VIdit , el40.i(• ,fr t 3441
SVAASO6SUPPW °I)';C°T4,I/411.1*1131,1?
ov 1 4 ut6riania genl42" l , i gt s ,l gaiiiodq.,l4
;. ; , 4,- zit r,3 , 01 , 1 4 ;
_ „
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„rT ' ~'-'• ''> -- 4- -11!') .40:::0(1,-1,
, „ ~.) •,,, ~Aiie . '" er , .1 . ; 4` :4‘ , `
:( 4 0 • 4 7 1 6 1 ....A:c4 ) ,, q "* 1 1 ' r ,t, 4 • , 4,., ~ !, t ;
~ , . , 4 .'-
V.2.tE :'
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'C,.) ~.t..4:'....' .7,,42 2) ' 'AC4'l'k,-7,
..:-it .A ,
1 ,'
'''!",,-. ~ : ••
tl -Plyilaoil4):.l)ja
1 iIANICFUL -to the, citiF.erus. of Carlisle.
and its vicinity for their itierdSsed custom,
We again request their" detiltan't•to view our
largo and splendid assOrtinciul, , .
China, Glass di, Qagghsware,
Dinner BSts,.Tea.Ssts, Toiltic - §Th; hilt] singlo
pieces, either of Miss, Chins' dr `Storni Ware,
sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for , less than
they clam be had elsewherclit tact at less
than Wholesale l'rices. AMERICAN AND
in greater variety titan over,
,llefore o ff ered in
the city. FAN C CH1N . ..A..11i great variety
very cheap.
I,o'Wo would invite any poreiin visiting the
city to cull and see us—they will at least be
pleased to Neat arotSrld 'oar' licetitiful store, and
to view the finest China ant' the cheapest the
world produces. Very respectfully,
No. elf), Chesnut Street.
Phila. sept26',l9ly
_ .
Fancy Furs, Fluffs, Bpg..ik Tippets
AV,ID 11. SOLIS, (succ,oor to Solis,
_Ey Brothers,) importer and Manufacrurer of
every description of FURS,
,hoeing just re•
turned front Europe with a SELECT ...TUCK
OF FURS is now manufacturing them in very
superior style. and tiittiming them itt the most
elegant trimmer, and would invite the attention'
Of MERCHANTS and OTHERS, In his su
perior and exit naive assortment, which tutu he
MAN 1.7 FACT L RES as well IMP( IRTS, ho
is euabled to Miser at such puce:, sfi low houses
in the United St a: es can coMpete with.
86 Arch (Mulberr.o Srrcct,6 doors below ad et
• KrNext to Loudv:i & Co's. Family Mcdi
eine Sturo.
- .
Philodelnhin, nag 15 Gm.
Storo always cl..sed on Smordays. Tho
highest Cash price paid for Shipping Furs,
Ilanufactoty of rocket; 0.. it.z;
No. 52 l'he•ho( Street, S'cromi.
11111L.11),ELI'11.1.4. •
milk: subscriber respect sMicits public at
tention to lit., superior and tasteful stuck u
Pocket Books, It:tiiker's Cases, Bill Books,
Dressing lases, Card Cases, I'ort
naies, ' Purses, Pocket Knivoi, and .
other tine Cutlery, Gold Pens, and
p coc it g , r 2 ,ar Civics, Chess
Alen, Lack Gammon,
Board., Dominos, t'ce.
47.: ills assortment consists of the west ICI:11101111-
bleild modern styles, of the linos( quality and
excellent workmanship, embrechm, every desir
able fancy patient which he ,vt ill at all tunes
be prepared to exhibit and Itirnish wholesale or
retail on the Swot t nub e trans.
irrP.lll , llllSerS win desire to supply them
selves with articles ei the bc , , - . ,tt mit by will con
sult their own interests by mi;:mg at this es
Pocket Book . Manulacturer,
P seps 4m Chesnut f,;irref.
wAircnils! WATCHES
Great induceLEIIIS
meals to per• '" t „ Imo 0.111
sow in Want
4/'0 F 0 0
••• 6 .iirdrth
If./.1?,G111 •• &fund 434..
I'vrNa' recoivrid - addiffone4 seminar of
Gold and Silveri' WATCHES of every
description, from London, Liverp.iol and Swit
zerland now prepared to furn
ish the very best tirtiele at a„ price •Mr below
any ever ol)ered, ul the same quality, sod which
Cannot be undersold by any ..titer store iii
Philadelphia or elsewhere. Every notch sold
will be perfectly regulated, turd warranted to
he as good as rein eaented.
'riddles of Ihcjoilowinr too, prices :
Gold Levers, full jewel'd, lasuratcases, $2B 00
Silver do do Id 00
Gold Lepines, jeweled, If' truer bares 211 U 0
Silver do do 800
The L. IL prontall Gold Pcti, a . stotcrtor
article in silver cti,t, with peileil,and warranted
$1,50; Cola Pencils 1 - ,,r $l. and tittwards.,(lbld
Medallions, and 'Locket lor Dagiorrt olyite Lire
ceases, Uttld Chains and I lain bracelets .I.lreast
Pins, Fur Rings, Finger Wags, and it general
assortmonLel every dCFCripllbi: ol .Ir'elly
at unusatt! iu(v in ices.
• ~/Vo, 1 10 North t d streql, 2cl door below Rare
sired, Philadelphia.
0f:C.11,10.19.6w (Pierre, agent •>
Watches and .7euroly 1 •
ii;to Wholesale and Retail—At the
"Philadelphia Watch and Jew
A . (dry Store," No. 00 North SE
)t;'!ti- ... ' ....s. CO ND street, corner of Quar
tibTiliiViinft ry street..
Gold Lovers, 18 k. cases, full jewelled, 850 and
Silver Levers, full jewelled, $l5 and upwards.
Gold Lupine, 18 It. eases, jowolled, $25" and
Silver Lepines,,jowelled, $lll and upwards
Silver Qum - tier Watches, $1 to 10
Silver Spoons: equal to coin, per soil—'Tea,
$5, Desert $lO, Table $l5, other articles in pro
portion. All goods warranted ,to lid what the
tire soldforil ' '
Constantly on hand if, largo assortment of fine
Also, an assortment of M J•Togifts & Co.,
E Simpson, Samuel & Brotherso E S Yates &
Co, John Harrison, 0 & II Beesley. nod other
superior,,,Pment Lever Movements, which will
be ensedin any styl6 desired
Arrangements have been made with all the
obove named must celebrated ,manufacturers of
England, to furtifsli'at short notice any required
style of Watch, for whiali orders will be taken,
and the name and residence, of the pereon or
deringiput on if requested. '
. --- a. CONRAD,
novBl ' ;', '_lnitiiirter of Wutche
Rlintl . alansgra' ctory. -
CLARK, Venitieneßiald' Manittacturer.
S sign,.of GOLDEN EAGL , Vd.
139 and 143; South Second Street, below Dock'
Street.' PH i LADELPHIA. Keeps always on
hand large' trti,cl. fashionable tissortnient of,
BLlNDS;'irtanlitaltiredin Abe best manner, of
;the boat materials, and at the loot ousltpricee
Haying refitted end enlarged hie eatablisbnient
ho th prepared to complete &dap idniiy amount
at the short:at notice. Constaptly. on, hand an
of every variety menufactitrod oxpretialy-for hie
own sales, and purohoabYs 'turty,tberoforo rely
tuna good •
"-;,'Ordure from a.,distance •paeltedi carnfull.i
and sent free of porterage 'to any, part of the
tatidti ry] OVA% K,
• '
NEW: YORK,:'ffiltitooo:,,STOßEi'
filo/daelii ail.
- 'l'4YliOlt,WOCS' I '%, r
,y i tAyn. now MI ,
.1 - 1; from .9to malrmfamartr,e, t ß i foljomionnter4
of • ' ' • • r
IyIPINOES;.-;--, - DE LAMES', •
SF i W
Tho cqlorik.„4l .4.4tiong,.of,,il?li ' own..
ealecting,:nrid of • ,•,
'.LIN : ENS'iI-10814 I,t.II4:O3bRPASHERYf,
ndoll , fheldiffereMlM ki/e4:o4lXineotio,pooak,.
oonatantly. fm,4and, pnf). retail. ;1;
kewi York - Auctions.: sOnt26l2Yrt
1.. i M it/84 , - * • 1 ,
,:it, , ) n , ` lP i ,:'• 0 ‘ t ICTEA iii,
' tEiIiGRI3EO')AINOBL ...° '.. a i s ',) ti - ‘ , , ,
VT!' 1 ,„ mil or ift,iluit,,,,,coligrin si,..',
,ALAA.,patl 1 1 1 ,-- %; -- wi t rn • I
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The?'OWE( a wee little thing In this world of ours,
And it moveth and moyeth the Iwo-long day,
And On' the gun shines, and tho' the storm low're,
It chatteretit on with Its ceaselesslay;
Over pennant-and fling, "
Its spell It hattrflung,
That dear little thing,
A lady'slongue
There's tt woo little thing In this world of ours,
And it throbbeth and lhrobbeth the live-long day,
And in palace balls, and'in leafy bowers,
It huldeth alike its potent sway;
Bright Joy can It bring,
Or deep sorrow Impart,
That deer little thing,
A lady's heart
There's a wee little thing in.this world of ours, ,
And It aparkleth and sparAntil the, live -long day;
No dew drop that littngetlipt.: , th tf lp urtilng flowers
Is ao-beaming and brightNikitsheautous ray;
. No skill ran we brlng"t,,,„
Thal its shnfttareclony,!
That dear Illlke
• A lady's ityak
There ere many chafing In this world.of mire,
That duster and shine overtlfe's king day:
Tile wealth of the mine, and the statesman's powers,
And the laurels won in the bloody fray,,
No spell catithey fling
That iny•bosom con move,
Like that witching thing,
A lady's love!
TITO act of dying is technically termed
'the agony :" but the pain of dying must be
distinguished from the pain of the pieyious
disease, for when lile ebbs sensibility . de
clines. As death is the final extinction of
corporeal feeling, so numbness increases aS
death comes on. The prostration of disea'Se,
like healthful fatigue, engenders a growing
stupor—a sensation of subsiding softly into a
covered repose. The mountains, whose sides
exhibiting evety climate in regular gradation,
vegetation luxuriates at the base and dwtn.
dies in the approach the_regions of snow
till its feeblest manifestation is repressed' by
the cold. The so-called agony can never be
totmtdable but whet; the him is the last to
I go, and the mind preserves to the end a -na
tural cognizance of the state of the body.—
%et persons thus situated commonly allest
that there are few things in tile lesp painful
than the close. I had strength enough
to hold a pen," said William Hunter, fl
would write how easy and delightful it is to
die." "11 this be dying," said the niece of
Newton of Olney, "it is a pleasant thing to
die." "the very expression," adds her un
cle, which another friend ei mine made use ,
of on hoi death bed a few years ago."' The
same words have often been used under
similar circumstances.
A becouil-and a common condition of the
r!ymg is to be lost to themselves and all a
round them in utter unconsciousness. Conn
tenancre'l-nd gestures might in litany cases
suggest that however dead to the external
world, an internal sensibility still temente&
But we have the evidence of those whom
disease has lett at the eleventh hour, and
that while their supposed sufferings were pi
ned by their frientls, existence was a blank.
Wgrever there is sensibility, virtual death
precedes death itself, and to die is to awake
m anothet world.
The faculties survive, though averse to
even The huffiest Whitt, and they badly tea.
lily in languii) and broken plusses that the
torpor of the body mote than keeps pace
with, the inertness of the mind. The same
report is given by those who have advanced
to the very border of the commy from
o hence no traveller returns. Montaigne
Mier his accident passSd for a corpse, and
the first feeble indications of returning life
resembled some o t the coni m °neer s 3 mp-
Innis of death. But his own feelings were
those of a man who is drooping into the
so eels of slumber, and his longing was to
w aids blank rest, and' not for recovery.—
"Methought," he says, "my life only hung
upon my lips; and I shut my help
to thrust it nut, and look a pleasure in lan
guishing rind letting myself go." In many
of these instabees, as in the cases of stupe
faction, there are appearances which• we
have learnt to associate with suffering, be.
cause constantly conjoined with it, A cold
perspiration bedews the skin, the breathing
is harsh and labored, and sometimes, espe
cially in denude frames, death is ushered in
by convulsive movements which look like
the wrestling with an' oppressive enemy.—
But they are sign S -of debility and a failing
system, which have no relation to pain.
There is not any situation in which steady
minds and sweet dispositions evince a great.
er superiority over dip hasty and sensual
part of mankind but seltnorttiOl adapts
itseli to time ordinary exigencies - of life, and.
if' Surprised by evils with which it has not
been accustomed to measure its strength,
the firmest nerve and 'Sunniest temper are
overcome by the sudde6 violence of the as.
scull. Unless the understanding is affected,.
irritability and ,waywardness constantly 'di
when, expertenee,,llita shown a the
-wisdom and Lduly patience, and thdi : e,
I soonsprings upiwith-well-ordered militia, a
generous'riVaTy between Submission or: one
1 ,1i 1 "4 1 t!to: l 9 ll #n r Finn , nn. t,ll nl. ° o l ' l.
tpe hour thteie t epil"cltiullrer)teru4tiritg,tbe
w O ll l , l , it Nyas mercy piseriati , deany
1" ' 'I I
um enter g 8 0 100 M 18 810 0
virtue, whether , ep are spee4mco;(244)
modality 'our deritest connentrns or
f ire
fl , l , I, , ve ,
expftrielrlng our Prs4
T 6. * P ae, Tf it' iT a( l l,3 l: o3r
111 * ^
leisure feel , ;-Sita-llin
'dEcwllirtlift the E 4448 1 9 5 i ikitet..4 l3 et !iit 3
, Pritillicia , 6 Y-inir.nrrnP i Niin t j n: in the; ma=
a Plent 3 in 'languor's/11'c
aq sense Oh suffocation, ,
to be Itnz.op 1o l deall), 4 Tusk, frilxtrui
- •
IT ' in, r 4 n An s, TrY4 , 7lTl l, -, l, r° ,° MlP r
ihmk9r9 sivren . sB l, l l 4 -240;f ) 'P
9,9,i , : , , , ,e111 , 00:40.490 9 4 1 ,,ML^Mtatet?A',
' P° Blll ,ff tt n t , II In,'VP. II,I 4 O )ZINAIRATPII II ” . '
Ill° e nergy
rr.WW,4,54 ',* . '" , A - 7'a• AY. 4,viv4,
t ..,,•.
the case ,if sensibility remarried, the
Intense cold brings, on speedy sleep, Wlnch
fascinates, the Senses, and fairly beguiles.
men out of tiic;rdives.
The most curious example of the seduc
ibe of cold is to be,l_o_und in the ad
ventuics of the botanical parly, who, in
Cook's, were caught in a snow
.storrmon-Ter ra Solander,- by_
birth a SWede, and well acquainted with the
destructive deceits of a rigorous climate ad
monished the company, in defiance of lassi
tute, to keep moving on. "Whoever," said
he, "sits down will sleep—and whoever
sleeps will perish," The doctor spoke as a
sage, but he fell as a man. la spite el, the
remonstrances of those whom he had instruc
ted and alarmed, he was the first to lay
The same was repeated a thousand times
in the retreat from Moscow. Alison, the
historian, to try the experiment, sal..d.own in
his garden at night when thOiliernibmeter
had fallen four degrees below zero, and so
quickly did the drowsiness come Stealing on,
that he wondered how a soul of Napoleon's
_band had been able to resist the
treacherous influence.
The pain of burning, if instantaneous, is
believed to be but slight —but a momentary
shock to the nervous system ; but as a- pro
tracted method of execution it must be ex
ceedingly distressing.
Woi - se than the halter, axe or wheel, was
the fire Which as typical of the flames of
hell, was employed in the blindness of the
oltmical..tury.to_consume the foremoSt of the
pilgrims to heaven. The legs of Bishop
Hooper Were charred, and his body scorched,
before he was fully enveloped in the fire,
which a wind blew aside; nor was it till the
pile had been twice replenished that he
bowed his head and gave up the ghost. A
similar misfortune attended Ridley.,__An ex
cess of fagots hindred the flames ascending,
and his extremities were in ashes when hi s
body was unsinged. Ridley yielded slightly
o the dictates of nature, and struggled at - the
heighth of his protracted anguish. Hooper
remained immovable as the stake to which
he was chained. For three quarters of an
hour his-patiinec was proof against-the fury
of the flames; and he died at length as
etly as a child in its bed. But the pain of
hurtling is el tearful intensity, and the meek
endurance of these heroes at the stake was
the triumph of mind over the tortures of the
th 9 Head, the Hope, the supporter of
those 'Who gava" their bodies to be burnt,
drank himself of a bitterer cup. Of all the
devices of cruel imagination, crucifixtjon is
the master-piece. Other pins are,shasper
for a time, but none are at onasitagonliille
anti so long. One aggravation, however,
was wanting, which owing to the want of
knowledge in painters, is still we believe,
commonly supposed to have belonged to the
punishment. The weight of the body was
borne by a ledge which prOjected from the
middle ol the upright beam, and not by the
bands and legit, which were probably Jound
unequal to the strain. The frailly of man'.
haute comes at last to be its own defence ;
but enough remained to preserve the pre
eminence of torture to the cross. The pro
ceSs 'of palling was exquisite torment, and
yet worse in what ensued than in the actual
Tho spikes rankled, the wounds
inflamed, the local injury produced a general
lever, the fever a most intolerable thirst; but
the misery of miseries to the sufferer was
while racked with agony, to be fastened in
a phsition which did nut penult him even to
wiithe. Every attempt to relieve the mus
cles, every instinctive movement of an
guish, only nerved to drag the lacerated
flesh, arid wake up new and acuter pangs;
and this torture, which must have been con
tinually aggravate‘', until advancing death
began to lay it to sleep, lasted 'on an average
two or. three .daYs,—Loinion Quarterly Re
Juicy QUALIFICATION.- The Right Doctrine.
—ln the empannelling of dill jury in the 'case
of Drury, at New York, on Tuesday, Judge
Minolta laid down the rule that the test must
not be that the juror has reed an account In the
case, but whether he can go into the jury box,
weigh without bias the testimony, and give an,
impartial verdict. The counsel fur the delence
seemed to coincide in the view, and the output_
felling rapidly proceeded. This is sensible ;
and it is incomprehensible that any other doc
trine should have ever prevailed to our courts;
uselessly wasting time, and putting it almost
out of the pale of possibility to get a jury to
try a man at all—at least ono that the public
can have confidence in.
=r-Old mother Partington Buys that when
she was a dal, She u sed
• to go to . Oarties, and
always had it` Dean' to extort her home.--
itßat now-a-days," says she."ithe gals — uni .
dergo all such deelixines; tita of axiort;.
tug them loafs now ;db¢elops on theft' deaf;
salve's." The old` lady dram) do*n her specs,.
andthintiOdhUr slays that she *a 'Hied'
oN ..-tiFor
TYlPar t ' r
• „MniIt, , P4RTING .
TST 'ON , : E PUPA" ~
' '.whei ow girth .eddi- '
-cant d ec ei ve - If
cation itccomin ) , toi .::Whon_ ',was young, .
-a - gall ;onIT - understodd - the - tujqs - of - Malmo= -
tion;. , provision, .. multleyingt, replan isht ng,
and the common dominator ; and.-:knew .all
about,the' rivers • • and - their. ?)Vltteriefl ) the
( covennia' and dont iioriee, tite.Prii!irices and '
'l' h'eltMp . iins;:they )0
~eddieatiOn. f fiough. , .-..-
But now .thoy t .hrqe.,to atudybettont)i, 41gter-,
`bay, 'ardhaVii' l ,4):„ . de,eitatrate .. ,:atiOe?litiorts
about . sycoPitanta-ol.ointeca, tangents, and .
1 • athiptitio . Oxiiidittifitisheitil4:tiCwatick - Vand
1 "ibeiriCa l atiniles: l ,... ,inethel'Oiallakwas
_. ,
iir.i'lnebiTicitti,iiiith tins technical !At mina that, ,
444 ~ - • ......,....u. ,F ~..z.: ‘....: ~o , t- ve - ,, ,,-, ,"."' •
lirraddlo.sicp- ,.... ' ~; ...;
4 .,'''-';' 7l ` '.;'• ''' ' . . ' 1 &“ ,: , • ~,, ,'.',. ' ' Z''' ' .
411 ' } itititihiiiitii4i , r,iiiiirqsvi4?p t
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Or-The lollawintiiiplk toff tliat everlasting
ikaf,,iiy;:ii El o vil ii 6 - y it i ty doll? :was 'Maly 2 .l:iir tz
iii `iiiiginalL.':4o ,l o6W'd#, 7 :: . ` "Riithe'r ilinif .1
tlitintei,l'ieVdt"...ili‘Wrnatisin' in -. one leg,'
iiid'a%viiiieltvVrilliri, l o'n Vother knee, beslci4s , 1
'haiiiiiit'a'iiiilti toildh)at 'the *sentry; and ,I'.'`, l
ain't' Very wellinysell:neillilir.” . . . i
''ikki'.`i. : 'SAiia : It liie * .tohiiilerfain the
4psiii:4(fle'iiirand:liiilli ' iki''iiiii'lfmp at '
the yea'r, - d6‘4o ibe , :t , iyie pi . th . e' i,'! l ,llllSiri , ,; , :„'
Which gives the lentti. 91, 3 i t)Woii4l,,all4 , ,
dquble the, dine ol.,tlie setlingi.: which' giS s,V f
.theqenitli.ofiiitia - dny:?:,t ~,; it : .. ,Ci, a l i;fil r. ,‘' , v . ; ,,
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: 4 -1 1 ; 1 11 14:4160 .. N 1 P- 1 -
v A Crod~ ,, ; Exai Idatlon.
A man.su4tl another person for the keep
ing of "a stray" which had died while in his
possession, and which on a subsequent suit,
he was obliged to pay the value of, on ac
count of carelessness and negligence in the
keeping. An Irishman, a yr. Patrick Dunn,
was examined on the part of the delenclont,, ,
and - the folloWing cross-examination ensued:
• Attorney for the Plaintifi—You say you•
saw this mate after She. was dead ?
Witness—Yis, T saw her, an' she was did.
Alt.—What did you say she died of?
drownin', acre.
Att.—What kind of a mare was she?
Wit.—She had a gong colt, sir.
Alt.—Ah, she had a colt, did shei
it.-1 is.
Att.—What kind of a colt was it
Wit.—lt was a very respectable colt, sir
Att.—Who did you say this mare belong
ed to?
Wit —To Mrs. Slatthery who to noiv de
Slatthery was the mother Of the
Att.—Now, sir, I want you to tell me how
do you know that mare was dead ?'
Wit—How do 1 know she was did?_
Did'nt I see her, sir.
Alt.—l don't want you to aslime queAtions,
but answer mine. Now, hour do you know
that 'mare was drowned?
Wit.--:She was lyin' %;/here the water was,
..Att.-IVhere the water tyas? So she was
not in the water, then \-/
Wit.—The water had retired in evusly he
Att.—How dwyou know that?
Wit,-4 didn't know that, sir. •
Att.—Well, what are you stating that
which you dint know for?
Wit—But Slatthery bold me, sir.
Att.'—l don't want to know what Mr. Slat
thery told you. I want to know what you,.
Att.—Then you'll know very little about
the matter, nt all : at all.
- Alt.—How long have you known the de
fandani ?
Wit.—lt's been two yams since I cunt to`
this. country, an' since that lime I've been
tannin' for me lit in', but prevusly before 1
was married to Mary—
Att.—Oh, well, I don't wan't to kr.ow all
that—how long, I ask you, have you known
the plaintiff I
Wit.—Ever since I saw him the first time,
Att.—When was . that? • ' '
Wits—When Mrs. Dolan had her tay par-
Att.—When did Mrs. Dolan have her "hay
parry ?"
'Wit.—lt is the one she had prevusly be-
lore the last one.
Au.—l want to know when she had the
toy party,-as you call it, at which you became
acquatnte4 with the defendant, Mr. Slatthe-
Wit.-1 could never charge my memory
with that tay party, for before I started i was
100 drunk to go, and alter I got there, I rec
collect that me memory escaped me entire
Att.—(turning triumphantly to the jury)--
And you say, sir, that you recollect nothing
that occurred ut the party, and yet from that
time you date your acquaintance with Mrs,
Wit—Because, sir, an' I rayther think that
if Mister Statihery had broken your head
and kilt you entirely, the same as he did for
me, you'd be after remembering him, too.
Alt.—You may go, sir.
O :::r During the summer of 1846 corn be
scare in the upper c ountry, and one of
the citizens being hard pressed for bread,
having worn thread-bare the hospitalities of
his generous neighbors by his extreme lazi
ness, they thought it an act Of charity to
bury him. Accordingly he was carried to
wards the place of interment, and being met
by one of the , citizens the following (waver :
sation took place:
"Hallo! what have you there ?"
"Poor old Mr. S,"
"What are you going to do with him?"
"Bury him .°
"What! is he dead? I hadn't beard of
his death."
"No he is not dead,,l?ut he.ntight as real
be)fc has no corn and is too lazy to work
That is toe cruel for civilised poppies. .Pll
give him two hushels of nern myself rather
than son hiyith t buried
"Mr.,S..raieed the';ciiiiir and asked in his
usual dragging tone:
4Nci p , . •
f ie . .