Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 30, 1850, Image 4

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    4114 s.,goacvatstioc,
Correeiondenc,":qtha,DkAmqricap . :& U. S. Gazetto.
Gen. Taylor's ,
essage—Mr. Cass' Speech—
Di,sutiton Speech in the House.
. WASHINGTON; Jan. 22, 1850.
The President's message in answer to
the call'of the House, has been received'i
with general approbation, and has pro
duced a decided impression in both bran-.
Wins of Congress. It does not comport
with the extreme policy of either of„the
opposing interests, while it maintains a
highly conservative, safe and patriotic
ground, to which the North and South
may rally with equal honor and advan
tage. If there is any disposition to ad
just the slavery question i upon equitable
and pacific principles, the recommenda
tions of this message afford the easiest
and best mode of settlement. It does
not propose to deprive either section of
any right, or to disturb any constitutional
guaranty. It only asks that Congress
will not rashly and unnecessarily precip•
itate a dangerous issue upon the country,
and allow time to work a cure, which
legislation may not be able to effect. If
these suggestions are adopted, agitation
may be easily composed, and the danger
which now menaces may be permanently
averted. But it requires courage and
independence to meet the issue boldly
and to throw aside the merely local con
siderations which have been permitted to
distract the public mind. The territory
lying east of the western limits of the
•proposed state of California is now free
under the municipal law of Mexico, and
must remain so until Congress revokes
it, by the adoption of,a statute imposing
slavery. So far as the practical question
pi slavery is cooterned, the territory will
remairiunder - this restriction, whether-a
territorial bill containinproiriso be
passed or not.. If theroMfhing is to
• - . •tempnt-and-eeetional , .
cerct.hy tfie agitfitififf of such a measure,
and the territory is not to suffer from the
chance of slavery being carried within
its jurisdiction, why should
. it be perti
naciously urged, when no good result
can possibly follow, and when the most
serious consequences may be entangled..
Gen. Cass has at length concluded his
constitutional speech—as h's waggish
friends insist upon calling it—on the
Wilmot proviso. It was characteristic
of its author, and ponderous, orosy and
prolix. Two days were required to get
rid of what finally proved to be an abor
tion—a child of many fathers ; made up
of extracts, shreds and patchwork. It
bore hard upon the General's physical
energies to go through the last hour and
a half of delivery. He was evidently
fatigued and worn with the subject, and
came near exhibiting the same symptoms
of ennui and exhaustion that the sleep
ing galleries and empty benches display
ed. If the General from Michigan de
signed this speech as his bid for a second
nomination„he has succeeded in demol
ishing his own prospects even more deci
dedly than the people didmt--the ballot
in Noveraber. He concluded by infor
ming the ,public of what it had been pre
viossly•apptized through this correspon-.
dente, t ; _lktit in the event of the Proviso
being biought to the Senate, he would
return his commission as Senator into the
hands of the Legislature. He cannot
perform this part too soon for his own
fame, since no public man has played
the demagogue with Alvaro 000uennoo cad
with less effect. The House went into
Committee of the Whole on the Presi
dent's message,, and Mr. Clingman took
the floor, nominally on that subject, but
particularly with reference to thp question
of slavery. His speech was characteri
zed by reflection and ability, but exhibi
ted a degree of ultraism which the course
of thdt gentleman on the memorable oc
casion when the 21st rule was adopted,
if separated from his recent correspon
dence with Mr. Foote, would have hardly
warranted one in anticipating. He pic
tured the advantages that . would accrue
to the South from dissolution '
and seem
ed to cherish it as a political blessing to
be sought by that section, rather than de
precated. Mr, Howard, Of Texas, a
Northern renegade, lollowed with a vio
lent denunciation f the North.
'VW discussion is likely to occupy the
House a long time, and it would not sur
prise me if a month was squandered in
speech-making: INDEPENDENT.
Taxables of Pennsy/ilania—The Slavery Reso
lultons—Message from the Governor.
HARRISBURG, Jan. 22, 1850.
The Governor communicated to both
branches of the 'Legislature the list of
taxables of those counties which had not
been transmitted by him. Pike county
has not yet made any return. The num
ber of taxables in the year 1835 in the
whole State was 317,300; in 1842, 3870
417; and giving Pike county—which in
1842 had a taxable list of 889—a list now
of 1078; the • number of voters in the
State now is 487,417—showing an in
crease of 100,000 taxables during the last
seven years. The ratio for a Senator
will be 1 . 4,770; for a representative 4874.
The Apportionment Committee of the
House have commenced the labor of dis
tricting the State.
The resolutions offered in the House
some days since on the subject of slavery,
were matte the order of the day for Fri.:
. day last, and on that doy.n, motion was
made by AI r. David, (Whig) of Crawford,
to proceed to their consideration. Upon
this motum the yeas and nays were call
ed, and it was voted,down, the ,Loaos,
almost to a `man, `'voting against it: If
Mr. David, or any other whig, by any
means, can bring the `piker party to show
their hands' ou this deeply interesting
question, he will deserve the thanks not
only of thawhole Whig pOty, but of the
whole. North.' ,The':Locefoco,party have
- already.-betrayed the'confidence' reposed
is theinelk the , people otr the subject of
the ;aria; and they 'now stand ready to
'betray:them again when the lanais be
:tiveeri eleiery. ; 4aanifreerienuei',. ,
,-111 0,0**;i 4 Yer:e:saispitted,teA s ny by
the devernoroAfai , Legistarure•-,lt
P i r l **;**s. o o4 4 4 , , , ,k . N ., o*,EfriO'i
Fel ltir**4lo4 l 44ani.Aliasainsi
. rhac ef o and,'An
, been 'crinviCteteoo 7 :::Wilutfeil t *Aii,
tinie siege.Tritrret4inihyr,Oint eglis
i 4.
Jatnre t 'i
le#4o",i,he, facts, ,as ,coliected •trom -, the
'evidehee,:jwould: seem • tn-render' it, e*;
treinely' J da‘ibtial, achether the pentiltY'Of
the law:, , attaatted 7 to . the-erirads of which
they •: platy .
-"of'Brid6l'..ffamient,ll,,kesalifir. c rlslo;
dairbt 7 e*lstif in, die the'Maaani
that she :Iciliedlez!,#hild,Ahn had,
`';b`oon; married :. some years:. provioua t'o the
ihei , .,offencei ara , witi:det
; , ;`r4Ortir4iiiie,,VilAu.4 6 r4 4o 4, l i . W,her i4t4bigid;
.I?f , 4 4 Kialk 7 44';`:s4;;;;S#9,g OildreS , .:4111)0Y.
aged threeleare and agirl aged nine inogths,,
loor , aritl. estittile.'q - Oli:
gust, 18 46; . and : .nbout c hrilf peat ~six:dn the.
morning; she Went out With-her 'daughter in
the directien of a secluded- weed, - surround
ed by? tails. attouthill northeatit'from
Manayunk, volumed without her child, and.
again went hi the iniMe~direutien with a
shovel ie-ter hand. During the morning,
her contradictory tale's as to her child indu
ced suspicion that she had killed it, and She
was arrested for the murder. In the evening
of the same day eke was taken to the wood
belore mentioned, and immediately pointed
out the spot in a, stream of water where she
had drowned the child, ond,:alse the plade
where it was buried. On the foregoing facts
site was convicted and sentenced to be han
ged by the r.eck until she was dead.' The
prisoner is a woman of a weak intellect,
scarcely reaching above imbecility. It ie
very doubtful whether she was conscious of
the magnitude of the offence committed, or
even aware that it involved the guilt of mo
ral deprucity. Her accountabily-is seriously
doubted. Under these circumstances, the
tnfliction of the extreme penalty of the law
upon her would be unwise, impolitic and
inhuman and should be avoided; and yet for
these reasons, it would seem unsafe to give
her liberty which mighl l again be abused.—
The lactr in the, other 'cases are presented,
and the Governor concludes. "Feeling the
importance of the questions involved in the
foregoing cases, solicitous tor the public
security, and dreading the results which par
-dons might produce on the community by
the liberation of convicts who have been
found gpilty of the• highest crimes known
to the law, I have deemed it proper to refer
to the Legislatute a briel abstract of the tes
timony in the several cases mentioned,
together with such documents in relation
thereto as have since reached the Executivs
department, under the hope that some mode
may be devised by which the lives of these
criminals may be' saved, while at the same
time the security of society may not he haz
arded by their liberation."
The message was relerred to the Judiciary
committee. CON.
Pure Fresh Cod Liver Oil.
HIS new and valuable Medicine, now
used b tho medical •rofessio ith
euc mama nng el racy in the cure of Pul
monary Consumption, Scrofula, Chronic Rheu
matism, Gout, General Debility, Complaints
of the Kidneys, &c,81.c., is prepared frowthe
liver of the COD FISH for medicinal use,
expressly for our sales.
(Extract from the Lcindon Medical Jonrnaf.)
"C. J. R. Williams, M. D., F. R. S., Profes
sor of Medicine in University College, Lon
don, Consulting Physician to the Hospital for
consumption, says : I have prescribed
the Oil in above four hundred cases of tuber
culous disease of the Lnngs, in different stages,
which have been under my care the last two
years and a half: In the large number of
cases, 206 out of 234, Its use was followed by
marked and unequivocal improvement, vary
ing in degree in different easei, from a tempo
rary retardation of Hie Aggress of the disease
and a m;ligation of distressing symptoms, up
to a more or less complete restoration to appa
rent health..
"The eflect of the Cod Liver Oil in moat of
these cases was very remarkable. Even in a
few days the cough was mitigated, the expec
toration diminished in quanty and_., opacity,
the night sweats ceased, the pulse became
slower, and of better volume, and the appetite,
flesh and strength were. gradually improved.
”In conclusion I repeat that the pure fresh
oil from the liver of the Cod is more beneficial
in the treatment of Puhnostary Consumption
than any agent, medieinah dietetic or regime
nal,lhat has yet been employed."
As we have made arrangements to procure
the Cod Liver Oil, fresh from head qurrters, it
can now be had chemically pure by the single
bottle, or in, boxes of one dozen each.
Its wonderful efficacy has induced nnrnerous
spurious imitations. As its sticceste`tie.pends
entirely on its purity, too much cure cannot be
usediin procuring it genuine.
Every bottle having on it our written signs;
ture, may be depended upcn as genuine.
Pamphlets containing an analysis of the
rm. vuith nntineß of it frnnn
will bo sent to those who address us free of
postage. JOHN C. BAKER & CO.,
Wholesale Druggists and Chemists,
octlO—ly lOU North Third at., Phila.
liliE Cheap Family Grocery Store of Jo.
* eph D. Halbert, West Mnin street, Car
lisle, hasjuist received a large and fresh supply
of the best FAMILY GROCERIES that the
Philadelphia markets can afford. The subscri
ber has just returned from the city and would
respectfully invite his friends and the public
generally,, both in town and country, to call
and examine for themselves hie large and in
creased stock, which embraces all the articles
usually kept in his line of business. Such as
Rid; Java and St Domingo and Legume Coffee;
Imperial, Young Hyson, and Black Teas, of
very superior quality and flavor • Levering's
Crushed, loaf, falling loaf, and loaf sugars, or
ange grove, clarified Now Orleans and brown
Sugars of every grade amLquality,'Avith price to
suit. Honey, sugar house, Orleans and syrup
Molasses. Spices of all kinds, which he will
warrant pure and fresh ground. Brooms, Ce
dar and painted buckets, churns, tubs, ..half
bushel measures, butter bowls, butter prints,
butter ladles, welsh rubbers, &c Clothes,
fancy sewing, traveling and market baskets of
all kinds. Castile, fancy, rosin , and country
SOAPS. Also, a general assortment of chewing
and smoking TOBACCO, spanish half spanish
and common CIGARS. Ropes twines, and
Brushes of all kinds. Prime CHEESE always
on hand. Sperm, Winter, strained Elephant
and Common
added to my already large stock, a number of
new patterns of White Granite and fancy tea
sets. with CROCKERY WARE of .overyde
scription, which I will sell at the lowest prices
for cash.
• Feeling grateful for the liberal patronage here
tofore bestowed upon him by a geneVous public,
the subscriber tenders them hie hearty & sint.•ere
thanks, and hopes that in his efforts to please
and particular attention to business, to merit a
continuance of their support. Ike
Oct 3, 1849. JOS. D.sHALBERT.
THE,subscrAheralrivs "just returned 'from
Phlfadcdphifi. with a blindid assortment of
goods for gebtlemens wear, with which they
intend offering great inducements to the chi.
zone of Carlisle and the surrounding, country.
They have on hand an assortment'of
CO QlEs Ftl:fe EU DT. Mt CDEI.
such as dress coats, cloaks, over coats vests,
pants, shirts, boioms, ciders, under' shirts,
drawers, gloves, stogkings, silk and other cra
vats, pocket handkerchiefs, suspenders, hats
and Caps, trunks, travelinibaga and umbrellas
all' of which articles tliny Intend selling at a
very smalt advance on. city cost, having for
their motto "small profits and quick
They wish it to he rublerstood that their cloth
ing, is all manufactured under their own super
intendence, and hotin the city, hence they are
enabled to, warrant every article they sell.
Having' an experienced cutter engaged in
'their establishment, they are prepared to make
to order, any article of elothing„in a noat;lash
tenable and substantial:mtinner and at short no;
North ;Hanover . street directly , opposite. P.
Conleationery Store,, : loct3 3m
• rill() the citizens olCarlisle and surroundin g
• JL 'coittitcy.!: hat arrived tiTarge and. splenge
did assortment of • fashionable ready-made
C LOTHIN G I for the. fall and winter! traclo,‘at•
, ,
tho store of S. ttoidman, soupwast .dornor_el
Main street • and, Market Square, Carlisle.--, t
The undersigned ;' respectfully Informs the chi.
zens.or Carlisle and adjoining country, . that.he
bas just arrived' from' P hiladelphia, with a large.
assarttriont.of Tashitinable Ready Male, Ciotti-
which for Cheapeese 'and quality 'never
been ..witnessed in this
,place,, such as
Pretfolt‘, Germap,andAmerictin Clot h :DRESS
iJk.IsTO aa.'rs,-.. Over ' Coats, • and
•, - AuSilneatt:. Qints,', of all , descriptions, Cloths ;' . .,Paesimeres,"and,LiattirietSitelt , Coate; finb bl'k'
.satin and striped; bilk:yeti* clbth'.apd; sattinet
Also;; tt, large fancy
:i liitridkerehlefsiiine',; white, Lithe;-Striped 'end
; red flannel tEihtrts,`,COttan and ` Woollen. ni~l~C
Shirts, DraWere,
,Beautifur.fall- stylai/OI',:fHATI3.,-.4ioAl*
'Avillibe sold pricetr : nhy where
Sttinb:htleig9 o .o l ;., hiVMOnne,ithiit
•*Meltlal and Pine
vedrot -
Didg' a t ; poi-- 0 - 11 ! , Dic• RA
tV! . „;7,, , , „p0t , . , 04 , 41
as P'' AP; alc:
Inourance-, , datitlimtico‘.-4
,iznizrztrsOuLtier.- -- .
The • Girhrd • Life-leenquiee Annuity
and-, Trust Arkimpany
Office...Nati 59 Chestnut Street, Capilcit 830 1
000. Charter Perpetual.
C ONTINUE to; make Insurances on Lives;
on the most favourable , ternia. receive and
execute Trusts, and receive' DCDOiliti3'on Inte
The Capital being paid up and invested, to
geffter with accumulated premium fund, affords
tt,PSRFECT SECURITY to the insured. • The pre.
minty) may he paid in yearly, hall yearly, or
quarterli payments.•
The • Company add a BONUS at stated pe
riods to theinsurances for life. 'This plan o
naurance is the moat approved of Mid is more
generally in use, than afiy other in Great Bri
tain, (where the subject is best understood by
the peonle. and where they have hod the long
est experience,) as appears from the fact, that
out of 117 Life Insurance Companies there, of
all kinds, 87. are on this plan.
The first BONUS vi as apprOpriated in-De
cember, 1844, amounting to• 10 per cent. on the
sum insured under the oldest polices; to 81 per
cent., 7i per cent., &c,"&c., on others, in pro
portion to the time of standing, making an ad
dition of $100; $87.50; $75, &c., Edc. to every
$l,OOO, originally insured, which Is an average
of more thnn 50 per cent on the premiums paid,
and without increasing the annual payment to
the Company. - •
Tho operation of the BONUS will be seen
by the following examples from the Life jean
ranee Register of the Company, thus
Polley. Sum Bonus or Amount of Policy St
Insured Addition Bonus payable a
the party's decease
No 5A $l,OOO $lOO.OO $l,lOOOO •
88 2,500 250.00 2,75000
205 4,500 400'00 . 4,400'00
276 2,500 175.00 2'175.00
333 5,000 437.50 5'437.00
°ambling the table of rates,
is of the subject ; forms of ap
'alter information can be had at
), in person„nsaby letter, ad
resident of Actuary. -
AT RICHARDS, President.
3, Actuary.
Pamphlets e
and explanations
plication, and furl
the office, gratis
dressed to the Pr(
_ .
THE Allen and East Penneborough Mutual
Fire I tt pan.y_ittf_Cambcriand_connty
incorporated by an act of Assembly, is now fully
organized, and in operation under the manage
ment of the following commissioners, viz:
Jacob Shelly, Wm . It Giorgi's, Mpthael Cock
lin, Melchoir Brenneman, Christian Stayman,
Simon Oyster, Jacob H Coover, Lewis Hver,
Henry Logan, Benjamin It Musser, Jacob
Kirk., Samuel Prowell, Joseph Wickersham.
The rates of insurance are as low and favora
ble as any . Company of the kind in the State.—
Persons wtshing . to become members are invited
to make application to the agents of the compa
ny, who are willing to wait upon them at any
HENRY LOGAN, Vice President.
LEWIS lIYER, Secretary
Ithousut. COCKLZN, Treasurer..
octlT49. —
, „,
Cumberland county.—Rudolph Martin, Now
Cumberland. C B Herman, KingstoWn, Henry
Zearingi.-Shimmanstowm,;ktoliert Moore and
Charles BelhWirtiale, Isaac'llitfillbyi Meehan
icsbur.g. Dr. J. Ahl, Churchtown.
York county.—John Sherrick, Lisburn; John
BoWman, Dillsburg, Peter-Wolford, Franklin,
John Smith, Esq., Washington, W S Picking,
Dover, Daniel Ratibilsberpr, Craft.
Harrisburg.—Flouser & Lochman.
Members of the Company having Policies
bout to expire can have them renewed by mak
ng application to any of the agents.
Are the tongue often white and loaded; the
brerith heavy and foetid; a disagreeable
or Sweetish taste in the mouth; occasionally
thirst; the appetite extremely variable, some.
times remarkably deficient, and at others vo
racious. -There is sometimes a sickish feeling
with vumiting of—muteus; flatulence of the
stomach and intestines; pain in the abdomen;
swelling- and hardness, of the abdomen;-the
bowels are irregular; tab stools are slimy; and
there is an occasional appearance of worms
in the evacuations; the' urine is often' milky
sun wane; snore is trequently itchiness of the
fundament and nose, which is often swollen;
these is occasionally disturbed sleep, with
grinding of the teeth, and sudden awaking in
a fright.. There are, at times, headache or
giddiness, ringing in the -cars, or even deaf
ness, faintness, convulsions,
,drowsiness, indo
lence of manner, ill temper. In some cases
epilepsy and cholera, and even •:.apopleetio and
paralytic symptoms, and several of the signs of
dropsy of the brain and catalepsy appear con.
netted with worms. Frequently there is a
short dry cough, and pleuritic pains; some
times feeble and irregular pulse, palpitations
and an irregular fever; the countenance is
generally pallid or sallow, and somewhat bloat =
ed, and there is occasional flushing of one or
both cheeks. Any one of these signs id indi
cative of Worms, and the most.effectual bes
and cheapest remedy is John J. Myerst
Wolin Tea, prepared by Dr: J. W. RAW'
LINE, at his Wholesale and rletall Drug Store
Carlisle, Pa., and none genuine without „his
written signature. The Proprietor •of this
medicine is to confident of its superiority to
any other Worm Medicine now in use, that be
will cheerfully as THE Mossy in any
casd in which his Preparation fella to give
equal satisfaction. This Worm Tea when
made according to the directions, is pleasant
and will be taken by the most fastidious child.
Each package contains sufficient tnedicine for
the cure of the must obstinate case. Price
only 25 cents a paper. Druggists and Store
keepers supplied on the - most reasonable
tonna. . may23'49ly. •
A Purely Vegetable Nedlda&
• ,
RATIVEsPILLS nave. been gradually
but surely comeing into favor, among the fatni
pes of this Country for some 'years past: They
have done this entirely tnrough their greatworth
as a FAMILY MEDICINE. Agencies have
been appointed but no puffing and burcbug such
as is resorted to by quacks fusel their medicine
btu; been done. The pills ate oßered fur sale
and have and'willeontinue to be sold' by all t
principal storekeepers. The proprietors claim
for their Medicine the following advantages over
all others—viz; They are PURELY VEGE
RAPE. Their• operation, is FREE from all
PAIN. They can bound with EQUAL BFN
S PRONGEST MA N:--Their efficiency in Fe-
Vora, Ague. Headaches:- Habitual Costiveness,
Dyspepsia, Cholera Morbus, &c. has been pro
vedupon thousands. They, are a Certain Cure
for Worms. . The proprietors possess a card&
cata from,trgentleman in St. Louiswho was en
red'of, a TAPE WORM by the use of them.
Traielling agent for the State of Pennsylia
niti—Cuartus r. AMET. For, sale, price 25cts
abox containing FIFTY PILItS, with full di
rections by the. following. agents in Cumberland
For sale by DR ItAWLlN'S'Oarlisle, Ps.
.10!IEPII H. fleanosi--Newvile„. • - •
W,D S ILma,—Shippensbnrit:
Proprietors"; Vahoratoiry,"N . o 141 Chestnutatreet
- I -
'Januiry;:24thi 1242,
: ' ' - , :ntrrrtium. conwria.,'
' 't:TUST't , received a general . ; azniortment of
handsome Buffalo hack Celnbe,.arao,'lmitation
Buffalo - qomit;- , of beautiful, Patterns and ;in
. .
Eiarnsley - ShestinusTalso; li.l.MaslinoSheet
inge:,Pillow Case 'Linens and. Mastitis; also
TotVelling in greatvarieiy . just opened
VINEGAR. • : :
SPitie Cider Yinegar.cif;excellein. qualitYjust
received by
nov2B G. W'IEMNER.
- ~TH, a uli s etiibor conttnues t he m a nu f actur e
of CASTINGS; ot his Foundry in High street
and having . now. ott'hitad ii' full assortment or
Patterns, as:. propared'to furnitih' all. kinds of
IRON - , AND.'-' , ..BRASS CASTINGS in.. the
k e
bait a yle.and and at the shortoiat noticei,,;He
Imam w on hartd.,a large .aeacirtmeni,. of Cast-
Angs, , uckatiCorif-aruetteraeMpllGearinga and
'l24udg ,Oltif LPlangli'ertatinga;lNititto,:phanre and
,ante .:..Ws4oll-10 Cdacti. I.lmtii,i cellar grates
~ 4, P r nattr,*(etiek 7. (W:i4ihtp,-, , &c9 -, ; Cooking
MO,A4P t qn'Adp'.,C,o4ll,Stortfti.'.'Heoilao lands
*, ntlfPrOpetieVAßky'Thyashitig : 3llll;
`l. , chlaboandllvireleyPrirrertrivult-every:
Otherdtind Of 'llptollinery. , tit"thi eller,
!, test.potioeNtiGl4 hansc.Prlin.annt.coPyer.taked
in: e xe i r l itergeivoilKi , i.Plrairintl49.4eutesi
:. elf of: eeny troCo.liTattermi, pfranneWlabing
I,'. (Ohm , tlidatiwill , #nd . thenv"ii! , my.eltep , '" .-.-
-1, ~ z, irgliapioic.i , i ;V. '.4,1:-.,;.,13'.. 2.r,GARHN.ER;;,f;-
.',.!,...,-..''' ;,.• V;q . ' , V-I 'l4 , k' i. );'l ' .! ' : ' ':' '...':" fi l,' '' ' ..'" ''''' ''''' '';'
• •
Ilancous -
Cupkt VallY Tit" " E e
quit - 4 and' WlRO.iitainejcir Phihkdel;
phia, - ,l3dltimOr6;Tttsburgclod:
W. KERR, FOrWarding and Commission
yuf4 Merchant, HARRISBURG, Pa. informs his
friends and the - public; thatfrom the liberal pat
ronage extended to him during the pest year he
has been encouraged titmake more extensive ar
rangements for the present season,
and has ad
ded two 'new, large and splendid Beals to his
LINE, and will be fully , prepared after .the op
ening of the Canal, to forward PRODUCE and
MERCHANDIZE' of all kinds to and from
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, &c., at the
lowest rates of freight and with the utmost des
Agents for Boats,
Race street 'Wharf, Philadelphia.
No. 48 Commerce st. Wharf, Baltimore.
J. McFADDEN .Bt. C 0.5 Pitis'i
Agents - for Cars,
I No. 272 Market st., Philadelphia.
No. 423 Market st., Philadelphia.
Broad street, Philadelphia. .
North street, Baltimore.
Harrisburg, March 29.
J. P. .11.1#4..ER,
4 #II I ,4WAR
General Corniinision and Forwarding
Merchant; N 0.79 Bowly's Wharf,
FOR the sale of Flour, Grain, Cloverseed
Whiskey, Lumber, &c. &c.. Also, for
warding Goods, via Tide Water Canal and
Pennsylvania Improvements. Orders for fish
Salt, Plaster, &c. &c. Supplied at lowest
'Having been engaged in the above business
-during the last five years, a continuation of the
patronage of his friends and the public is re.-
spectfully solicited. -
FUNK k Miami,l a.
EJ & E Euir, Harrisburg
JACOB Ruses, Carlisle, Pa..
A. CATHCART, Shepherdstown, Pa. •
GEnucte Siiscism, Mechanicsburg, Pa
Feb. 14—Iv. I
Heofs,,EMbrocation for Horses.
THIS valuable EMBRo
-04. '
CATION will cure Sprains.
fed Bruises, Cuts, Galls, Swell
ing": ing, Rheumatism . and all
complaints which require an
.external remedy. It gives immediate relief to
the Scratches. and the incident to Horses having
white feet and noses, produced by the St. John
Wvrt. It is also highly useful in relaxing stiff
ness of the Tendons and Joints and r nradueee
Krineficial effects in cracked heels, brought on
by high feeding, splints,sprains. This EDIEIRO
osriox is •recomended to Farmers, Farriers,
Keepers of Livery Stables, and private gentle
men owning Horses, and should bo constantly
kept in their stables.. The GENUINE arti
cle is prepared only Menial/ILL, No 302
Race st• Philadelphia. And for sale wholesale
and retail at D R. RAWLINS' Drug Store W
Main street, Carlisle.
March 14-Iy.
MEG Allist er' s all Sealing Ointment.
OR THE WORLD'S SALVE, contains no
Mercury,—The following Certificate is
from a regular Physician, of extensive prae.
tics in Philadelphia:
hams MeAtaism—Sir : I have for the
last two years been inthe habit of using your
Ointment in cases of Rheumatism Chilblains,
and in TEM.& CA:9ms, Heads,) and
thus far with the happiest effect. I - think
Pram the• experiments I have made with its
that it richly deserves to be adopted as an are
tide ()revery day use by the profession at large
Yours truly, S. Btu., . D. Phila.
Philadelphia, Doc. 29, 1847
T James McAllister—Dear Sir: I take
—tang known so you t h e great
benefit I have received by using your Vegeta
ble Ointment, or the World's Salve, I had an
ulcer, or running snare, on the ear, of many
years standing; L have .applied. to several
physicians, but all to no purpose; but by using
your Ointment a few dais it was completely
dried up and well. I have used it for burns,
for which I find it an excellentarticl 2 e. also in
all cases infatuation. En. THORN.
I certify the above statement is true. '
N 0.90 Market street, Phila.
I do certifythat I have used McAllister's
[lr - 211111tuilitr#' egetable Ointmeht for coldness
my feet; iso for Rheumatistn in my limbs
add Ccrna on my feet, and have been entirely
relieved. Believing, it to be a good Medicine,
I do not hesitate to recommend it in the above
complaints. LEONARD VAILE,
Norris tp. Washington Pa. Aug. 21, 1847.
I certify that I have used McAllister's all
Healing Vegetable Ointment, or ihe - World's
Salve, for a beefing in 'my wife's breast, which
has given her incalculable benefit; also on one
of my children, for sore eyes, which give im
mediate relief. • I, therefore, recommend it as
a good medicine. PARKER REED,
Hopewell% tO. Washington Co. Pa. Aug. 21,'47.
Around the box are directions for using Mc-
Allister's Ointment, for Scrofula, Liver Com
plaint, Eyresipelas, Tetter, Chilblain, Scald
.Head, Sore eyes, _Quincy, Sore throat, Bronchi
tail Nervous ajfections, Pains, Brad ache,)
Asthma, Deafness, Bar ache, Burns, corm,
all diseases of the kin, Sore Lips, Pimples, 4.c.
SWelfing of the Limbs, Sores, Hheumatiarn,
Pile*, Cold feet, Croup, Swelled or Broken
Breast, Tooth ache, Ague in the face, 4-c., c.
If MOTHERS and NURSES knewits waled
in - cases of "swollen" or Sore Breast., they
would always apply It. In such cases, if free.
ly used, and-according to the directions around
each box, it gives relief in a very few hours.
BURNS—It is one of the beet things in the
world for Burns. (See directions fot using
PlLES—Thousands are yearly cured, by
ihis Ointment.. It 'savir fails in giving relief
for the - Piles.;
In- This Ointment is good for any part of
the body or limbs when inflamed. In some
eases it should be applied often.
CAUTION-...N0 Ointment will be genuine
unless the name of JAMES, MeALISTER
written with a pen on every label.
For sale by my agents in all the, principa.
•icities and towns in the United Stites.
Solo Pronriator of the above Medicinee.
Principal Office alam= to 28 N. Tnnto Sr
B. Elliott. and 43, W. Hav,eratiek;
J. &L. Reigel, Mechanicsburg.
W.llingieer; Cliorehionw.
Rhoad do Wherry; Nevolturg. .
Joeoph H. Herron, Newville.- -, '
J.M. Lutz, & Geo.; W. Bell, Haembarg.
• View-and Important!'
(iE 0 FIVE :*..RHEEM having recenily
purchased theiounty right:of Havlionrif
COLLAII STOIVEIG'WOIIid reapectffilly:
, call the '
attention °Ohs trade to that impOriast
I. invention.. It is certainly tine th'e' greatest
! improvements of ;thet,age. - This machine
tjtif Collar croaked around the block, faced with
hair; wool, or other materials, back attifkit with
lopg straw and also makes oftha.straw
1- with less t han half . the' labor and time of the old
way ) . of ;atuAing,' This. machine :mill at uff. all
and every kind of :home collars, from thrpbest
Patent leather - down to the commonest ;kindle .
utte,..and with but one. Man steadily at work
stuff, and shape fifty : cellars per.,day in.a. neater
and hotter etyleihan tiny . otber way known, ,,, -
,Saddlere.the ,e,ountyure invited to call at
:the n inbacriber's "establishment cin.North Halm?
ver street;Carlisle: md examine themachine.-
4 Township 'or ehdp-frights will be: tiold. • To'
those . who do not_wssh to buy a right the eub
. scritier Offers lte,tmr MADR COLL/1118'M whole
, sale inuch. cheaper ; than tneyean be manufae.
raced Marty Othec WitY. Orderii;.for Collar* in
.;;ItelY4uttertty,sre retrpectfully solicited:;
Cniangi•-441 , asitIonr•• :••••
r' THE . enbacrtber :. halßEMOVEDbie aloek
citti* and'
ige at0 4 .40 .1 11. - / t, (. ." 14 „,,'- fr ea P . - . hitely received-. .
great on --vreIIEW,FALLTOOOKM
neilliall " run "" )- • kefur i lrikillatiltpgr
'-1 . 4,: t0, which ItC 11.4.111,11,P.-!pov•
l l....7„:0,1)40,(14.) . 1
- -
' . O.Fi'fiILADELPRIA. •
ANKFIJI ! -10 the citizens of Carlisle
and its vicinity for their increased custom,
;vve again request their company to view our -
largo end splendid assortment of
• 7 Mina, Glass dc Queenaware,
Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and single
pieces, either of Glass, China - or Stone Ware,
sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for less than
/hey than be had elsewhere—ln lam at less
than I , ll , ltOlesale Prices: AMERICAN AND
in greater variety than ever before bfforeel in
the'city. FANCYCHINA in great variety
very cheap,
IXTWe would invite any person yisiting the
city to call and see us—they will at least be
pleased to Walk around our beautiful store, and
to view the finest China and the cheapest the
world produces. Very respectfully,
No. 219 Chesnut Street.
Phila. sept26'49l y
Fancy Furs, Min a., Boas & Tippets
11 - IAVIDI, H. SOLIS, (successor to Solis,
Brothers,) Importer and Manufacrurer of
every description of FURS, having just re.
turned from Europe with a SELECT STOCK
OF FURS, is now manufacturing them in very
superior style. and trimming them in the most
elegant manner, and would invite the attention
of MERCHANTS and OTHERS, to his su
pperiot✓and extensive assortment, which as he
is enabled to offer at suck. prices as few houses
in the United States can compete
86 Arch (Mulberry) Street,6 doors below 3d at.
i 1 Next to Louden & Co's. Family Medi.
tine Store.
Philadelpl ia, aug 15 6m.
Store alw ys closed on Saturdays. ,The
highest Cash price paid for Shipping Furs.
Mannfac Iry of Pocket Poolo,
No. 52 Chesnut Street, above Second,
THE subscriber respectfully solicits public at
tention to his superior and tasteful stilt
I Pocket Books, Banker's Cases, BillThoct
Dresting Cases, Card Cases, Port
naies,_.Purses, _Pocket. Knives, and_
other fine Cutlery, Gold Pons, and
Pencils, Seger Cases, Chess •
Men, Back Gammon,
Boards, Dominos, Rte.
&His assortment, consists of the most (billions
ble and modern itYles, of the finest quality and
excellent workmanship, embracing every desir
able fancy Osumi', which he will at all times
be prepared to exhibit and furnish wholesale or
retail on the Ynost reasonable terms.
IrrPurchasers whe desire to supply them
selves with articles of the best quality will con
sult their own interests by calling at this es
tablishment. H SMITH,
Pocket Book Manulacturer,
Phila., seps dm 52 1 Chesnut Street.
9 8 < • aLL, 0.
• e C' cond ° S; l . h
.'" Second
•• _ .. •
Great ituluce
nients to per
fo .a o o
HIIVING received additional supplies of
Gold and fiver WATCHES of every
description, from London, Liverpool and Swit
zerland importations, is now preptred to furn
ish the veryrbest article at a price far below
any ever offered, of the same quality, and which
cannot be undersold by any , other store, in'
Philadelphia or elsewhere. Every watch. Sold
will be perfectly regulated, and warranted to
be as good as represented.
Watches at the following low prices :
Gold Levers, fulljewel'o, 18 carat cases, pa 00
Silver do do 12 00
Gold Lepines, jeweled, 18carat cases 22 00
Silver do do 800
The L. IL Bromall Gold Pen, a superior
article in silvercase, with pencil;and warranted
$1;50 ; Gold Pencils for $l, and upwards, Gold
Medallions, and Locket for Dagurrreotype Like
nesses, Gold Chains and flair bracelets. Breast
Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, and a general
assortment of every description of Jewelry
at antigun! low prices.
No. 110 North 2d street, 2d door below Race
street, Philadelphia.
0ct31.1849,6m (Pierce, ... eat.)
Watches n and Xesvely
Wholesale and •___4li, Wholesale and Retail—At the
. ~ , "Philadelphia Watch and Jew
t* '
elry Store ,"
N 0.86 North SE
\ • -,: COGIND street, corner of Quer
---.67•T iiS."'fi.6 - ry street..
Gold Devote, 18 k. cases, full jewellod, $3O and
Silver 'Levers, lull jewelled, $l5 and upwards.
Gold Lopink 18 k. ewes, jewelled, $25 and
Silver Levities, jewelled, $lO and upwards
Silver Quartier Watches, 84 to 10 .
Silver Spoons, equal to coin, per sett—Tea,
ss,Desert $lO, Table $l5, other articles in pro
portion. All goods warranted to be what the
arc sold for.l
- Constantly on hand a large assorttnaft of fine
Also, an assortment of M J Tobias & Co,
E Simpson, Samuel & Brothers, E S Yates &
Co, John Harrison, &It Beesley, and other
superior Patent Lever Movements, which will
be cased in any style desired
Arrangements have been made with ell the
abave - named most celebrated manufacturers of
England, to furnish at short notice any required
style of Watch, for which orders will be taken,
and the name and residence of the potion or
dering.put on if reguested.w _ _
0. CONRAD, '
Importer of Watcher
lrtlintrl Olaniefairoiy.
ix CLARK, Venitian Blind Manufacturer.
LA sign of the GOLDEN EAGL E, No.
139 and 143, South Second Street, below Dock
Street. PH ILADELPHIA. Keeps always on
hand a large and fashionable .assortment of
BLINDS, manfactured in the best manner, of
the best materials, and at the lowest cash prices
Having refitted.and enlarged his establishment
ho is prepared to complete orders to any amount
at the shortist notice. Constantly Mn hand an
of every variety manufactured expressly for his
own sales, and purchasers may therefore rely
on a good officio.
•,'Orders from a distance packed carefully
and sent free of porterage to any part of the
tie., fang 15 ty] H. 'C 42 K.
• No. 208' Chestnut St. Philadelphia.
TyAVE now on hand.just received direct
front the manufacturers, a full assortment
SILItOt- ;'
SHAWLS, &o.,&o.
The colors and designs being of their own
selecting, and entirely theirs.
and all the different rankest:of Domestic Goods
constantly on hand, wholesale and retail.
L. T. & Co., uever deviate,from, first price.
;Kr We are daily receiving &oils from the
Now York Auctions , [Philo : ept26,2m
• ' MME •
Agent for the sale of Southworth'llfanufixituring
Co's.. Writing Papers.' , ' Warehouspi_ No. 3
Minor St.
10'ASES, Of the.above superior Pa..,
© ; pars now ieatere, and,for sale to the
rude et the Joiner maritet :priCkep,,eensipting in
rine thick Plat 'Caps; 1 . 2,,i4;45.enif 16
blue and white. - ; - • •
Superfine Mediurn afid.Derni Writings,!h 4 lue,:,
Extra sneer and `superfine FOP
and white, plain and. uled, -
"'Superfine' Comntereial ,PoSteihltie :and white
plain and rebid: .;
Extra' super" , Linen Note! Papers, 'Plain and':
Superfine and fine Bill Papers:long and Bread:,
Superfine and fine CotintnigifousaCans,
Poets blue and White,.
~ 'Extra super ; Congress Caps tind,Letters,
andiruled, blue anti-white.
;,::Extra Duper, COllgli3lll3,Cips and Letters,
Superfine Sermon Cain; and ; Poste:,. ,; ; .;
Superfine' bide Linen thin Leiters.
Extra super-Bath petits, blue end white,-plaitC,
and ruledY'
Erahreideriut Noterapers
,Ag 4 Envelopes,
3 urapiryer'n":Striar,,Peppis.
:Superfine' and line Caps and 'rill - ni t ruled' and,'
piaip,;blue,, and r - .
miaptitit. and
prices; 4 ,
zv..Alse;',,tono.repies white ' nra„e,leorieft Shoe
Pepere; 'l3opnet Bear& '
' White and :assort ed;:, '
Tissue. WreppirriArtyqupe, , ,genarrOd
Men Medipme, can - WrtinpersHardWire"rei.
IV. first Of4Anuary;fiirgoa: Mick
. Ap'Jtfoit/(frrst;; \ 14i#11); ., TIalitilelf:Fintndfi s Nts0
whom mlntheiWork;ead;fiderikl.
epril be onrem";,i-•: , - - i.
, '.;
For the Renroval and Permanent Cure of all
And of those Complaints which are caused by on im
paired, weakened or unhealthy condition of the
ii k,
This beautiful and convenient dication of the mye.
terlous powers of GALVANISM MAGNETISM, has
been pronounced by distinguish hysic6ane, both in
Europe and'ilie-Gnited States, to the Whist vainat.
medicinal discord/ye/ the Jlge. -- 461.44:tv:
is used with the most perfect and certain success in all
cases of •
Strengthening the weakened body, giving tone to the
various organs, and invigorating the entire system. Also
and all NERVOUS DISEASES, which complaints arise
from one simple cause—namely,
A Derangement of the Nervous System.
03— In NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Drugs and Medi.
eines increase the disease, for they weaken the vital ener
gies of the already prostrated system ; while under the
strengthening, life•giving, vitalizing influence of Galvin.
Ism, as applied by this beautiful and wonderful discovery,
the exhausted patient and weakened sufferer le restored
to former health, strength, elasticity and vigor.
The greet peculiarity and excellence of
Dr. Chrittie's Galvanic Curatives,
connote, in the fact that they arrest and cure dieeaee by
outward app/ication, in place of the usual mode of drug.
ging and, physicking ontePritnt, till exhausted' Nature
sinks hopelessly under the infliction.
77.0 y of, 'ilisfO,n the whole system, equaUze the arm/alien
of the blood, promote the secretions, espd never do the slight.
eel it under any circumstances. Since their Intro
duction in the United States, only three years since, more
than '
60,000 Persons
Including all ages, classes and conditions, among watch
were a large number of Indies, who are peculiarly subject
to Nervous Complaints, hive been
when all hope of 'ellel boo been gutty tip,ono es or)
thing else !wen tried in am
To Illustrate the use of the GALVANIC BELT,
suppose the ease of a person afflicted with that bane of
eivilitatom, 1)1 or any other Chronic or
Norton. Disorder. In ordinary cases, stimulants ore
token, Winch, by their fiction on the nerves and ',lnsoles
of the stomach, afford temporary relief, but which leave
the patient in a lower, .state, and with injured faculties,
after the action thus excited has ceased Now compare
this with the etrect resulting from the applicotion of the
GALVANIC BELT, Take a ,Dyspeptic sufferer, even
in the worse symptoms of an attack, and simply, tie the
Belt around • the body, using the Magnetic Fluid as
directed. In a short period the insensible perspiiation
will act on the positive element of the Belt,. thereby
causing a Galvanic circulation which will pass on to the
negative, and thence back again to the positive, thus
keeping up 'a c . d.Urinous Galvanic eirdulullou throughout
the system. Thus the moat severe cases of D 1 SPEPSI A.
Or the moat Undoubted Character,
From•all parts of the Country could be given, sufficient
to 1111 every column in this paper! .
which conclusively proves that
"Truth is stranger-than Fidtion."
Rev. Dr. Landis, a,Clergyman
of New Jersey, of distinguished attainments and exalted
reputation :
Stingy, ' New Jersey, July ta,
De. A. 11. lIIIIIDITIR D ery Sir You wish to know of
me what has been the result in my own ease, of the appli•
My reply is as follows:
For about twenty years I had been suffering from Dye.
pepaia. Every year the symptoms became worse, .nor
could I obtain permanent relict from any coulpe 01 meth.
cal treatment whatever. About fourteen years since, Sr
consequence of frequent exposure to the weather, in the
discharge of my pastoral duties, I became sub)ect to
severe Chronic Rheumatism, which• for year atter year
caused me indescribable anguish. Farther : in the wintei
of 40 and '45, in consequence of preaching a groat dea.
in my own end various other churches in this region, I
was attacked by the Bronchitis, which soon became so
severe as to require an Immediate suspension of my pas
toral labor.. Ale nervous system wee nom thoroughly pros.
Crated, and as my Bronchitis became worse, so also did my
Dyspepsia and Rheumatic affection—thus evincing that
these disorders were connected with each other through
the medium of the Nervous System. In the av hole pilot.-
maciipmia there seemed to be no remedial agent which
could repch and recuperate my Nervous System ; every
thing that I had tried for this purpose had completely
felled. At last I was led by my friends to examine your
inventions, and (though with no very easiguine hopes of
their eflicioney,) I determined to try the effect of the
application of the GALVANIC DELT AND NECKLACE,
with the MAGNETIC FLUID. This was in June, lUD
Such Is the wonderful and happy results of ter experiment.
I hove recommended the DEI.T and FLUID to many
who havq been likewise suffering from Neuralgic affec.-
11ons. They have tried them, WITH HAPPY RERULTI, I
I tun, dear sir, very respectfully yours,
norsEnT W. LANDIS.
Is used for nil complaints affecting the Throat or flead,
melees Bronchitis Inflammation of the Throat, Nervous
and Sick Ilea/Lich°, Dizziness of the Need, Neuralgia in
the Face, Duzzin,e, or Roaring In the,Mars, Deafness. which
ha gener a lly Nory one, and that dlstressetl, complaint, called
Tie DOloreux.
Palsy and Paralysis..
All physicians acknowledge that these terrible diseases
ere caused by a deficiency of Nervous Energy in the
effected limbs. Ds. CIIIII. 4 TIE ' s Galvanic Articles wilt
supply this delicreht you ell and a complete and entire
cure is thus effected.
1000 Cases of Palay and Paralysis
nave bean reported to Dc. Chats TIE and his Agents within
the last two years, which have boon entirely restored.
eig- CA, Aerittrw J. F.iTosnis uf Brooklyn, N. Y., had
not been able to' walk a stop for near four years, and was
so helpless that ho had to be fed. The most celebrated
physicians gave him up. In are days after he commenced
he walked across the room, omit in three weeks he had per
teeny recovered his health—Jeaptaln Tomos Is seventy
years of age.
Severe Deafness Cured.
The following is en extract from a letter lately received
from a distinguished physician in the State of Virginia:
A. H. Cuaurie, H. 8.--Dear Ono of my patients,
unknown to me, obtained your Galsaeic Belt mid Neck.
lace, with the. Magnetic Maid, for a serions affection of
Deafness. The case was that of a lady whose Nervous
system was much disordered, and her general health
poor. Much was done previously to the application of the
Belt, but with .very little success, and I feel It only right
to tall you, that since else commenced wearing the.Delt
and using the Fluid, but a few, weeks- egg, 1)110 has
general health is better than for scrotal years: ,
. • Off- Every ease - of Deafness, - If it be 'Nervous, os it
generally Is, can be cured hydthis wonderful remedy. -
' Are:foetal Of Vast service In ratios of Consulsiorut or Fits,
Spasmodic Complaints, and general Nervous Affections of
the fiend and lipperpxtremitles. Also it Pally and Purely
'As; nod , ' all diseases' canoed by it deficiency of ,power
or Nerrouti , knorgy 'in 1 the-limbs or other orgattcof the
Ofdl. bilinr. hundred Certificates from all ' arts of. .the'
,Oeuntr f of the most extraordinary character can hejlven,
If re ,
NiflrOuhlki or ineonvertienne . etiendn the nee of
"D,B.,...ounzavirs '-'o.ez.v.azfrc ARTICLES,. and
.theytmaribe worn by the most feeble and delleide with
perfaot waif 'endisafeti. :In many cases the sensation
attending Iliolt...uge.le Uglily pleasant and . ags:etable. They
..gan be•sent to any' part of the, nountry..,
• ,
Three hellfire;
,Giavionl4l , 74:io#lacoii;J,VvrxDollitrei.
The Galvanio . Brgoeleteii
. Pits. , hollar.haea!"•'
P 4144 Mil* ' 440 1 . Oki): . ,
Oti".The;'article, are' eccom pilled' li 141 G sad plain
dlrsollonc. Pamphlets;wlth'ftill"particulats mar,be
authorl4o4 Ageppi
' i' . . COOC'HS - IN2) - '''OLDS : .z . :
'` '.'; ,. 'Di . 'lVllesifiiio6iigkCiul ..
.; a w As':ft6 ., :i4siio ,, airo 6 u 0 tig , ;.!%sd.
- ..„-_, C 0L D Ec , , , ,,,A5.,,v004 libile . , s ssetibls: b .sr!,
.., - so , fisi4s.ssordtaititb. o.o .b, l l:,. , „„,ii(! ',Fr.,i,,,:rg,. i in . , ::
~'' 0 ff ri. n at i "' l M Pll4 " 4° :' ''' . ii . 814f - 0 , 6i:61 1
co'it;,,, e prityri:itir.tid:ttertlflo Any a cog , ~,..._ _.,,,
'i,','ne' il 'andiWoilld,icopfidently , tedommona wci!),
s„:o,Tico'R . ,,,witbyrs)aftrieable Trzin:ledrati 0ne,14
:', - i , rAtie;btiisztuivii!Xiefo:the p4bligq,o;ll;pdpoto?!il,
'fr'e.iirifttivlk'vkbw"cior of )44.::ilyderi,,p,T14.:PaYY,MP . ,,
.%-; : l e t t Wsiiforbeleivoiltu• children. , Appqr ttk, 6
~ ,lici:!,, ibi01yttea0.7., ,, , , ,.5! , EpLt9,1T,',/et,4getted
,"•."'"it:t.' , ..::? ~ .,./. : '- . ,t, -, .., - ~".•:,-.'.. . .
Life• .Pifis and Phoenix . Bitteig:
Tgese'Medicines have now been before the pub
Ho for. a period of. FIFTEEN YEARS, and
during that time have maintained a high character
in almost every, pad of the gletul for their extraor
dinary and immediate power of restoring perfect
health to persona suffering under nearly every kind
of disease to which the'human frame Is liable. ,
of certificated , instanceo, they have even res Cued
sufferers from the very verge of an untimely, grave,
after all the deceptive nestrums of the day had ut
terly failed ; and to makty., thousands they have
permanently secured that uniform enjoyment of
health, without which life itself is but a partial
blaming. So great, indeed, hes theivailleacyinva
riably and infallibly : proved, that it has appeared
scarcely !Kai than miraculous to those who wero
acquainted with the beautifully philosophibal prin
ciples upon which they are compounded, and epon
which they consequently act. ft 'was to their
manifest and sensible action in purifying the springs
and channels of life, and enduing them with re
newed tone and vigor, that they were indebted for
their name. •
Unlike the host of pernicious quackeries which
boast of vegetable ingredients, the LU'E BEEDI
cogs are purely and solely vegetable ; and con
tain neither MtinUry, nor Antimony, nor MOO—
nio, nor any other mineral, in any form whatever.
They are entirely composed of extracts from rare
and powerful plants, the virtues of which; though
long known' several Indian tribes, and recently
to some eminent pharmaceutical chemists, are alto
gether unknown to the ignorant pretenders to
medical science ; and were never before adminis
tered in so happily efficacious a combination.
The first operation is to loosen from the coated
the stomach and bowels , the, various impurities and
crudities constantly settling round them ; and to
remove the hardened fences which collect in the
convolutions of the small intestines. Other medi
cines only partially cleanse these, and leave such
collected masses behind to produce habitual Costive
with all its train of evils, or sudden Diarrhiva
with its imminent dangers. This fuel is well
known to all regular anatomists who examine the
human bowels after death ; and hence the preju
dice of these well•informed men against the quack
medicines of the age. The second effect of the
is to
cleanse the kidneys and the bladder; and, by this
means, the liver and lungs, the healthful action of
which entirely depends upon the regularity of the
urinary organs. The blood, Which takes its red
color from the agency of the liver and lungs, before
it passes into the heart, being thus purified by them,
and nourished by food coming from a clean stomach,
courses freely through the veins, renews every part
of the system, and triumphantly mounts the banner
of health in the blooming 6heek.
The following are among the distressing variety
of human diseases' in which the VEGETABLE
LIFE MEDICINES are well known tcebe infal
DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first
and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure
healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind ;
FLATULENCY, Lou of Appetite, Heartburn,
J-feadache, Restlessness, RI-temper, Anxiety,
Languor, and Melancholy, which are the general
symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural
consequence of its cure.
Coikivenesg, :by cleansing the whole length of
the in,tAtines with a solvent .process, and without
violence: all violent purges leave the bowels costive
within two daya.
Diarrhoea and Cholera, by runoving the
sharp- acrid fluids by which thee° gmplaints are
occasioned, and by promoting the lubricative secre
tion of the mucous membrane.
Fevers of all kinds, by restoring the blood to •
regular circulation, through the process of perspi
ration in such cases, and the thorough solution Of
all intestinal obstruction In others.
The Liss MEDICINES 'have been known to
tore agEUMATISM- Toe,m!anently time
weeks, and GOUT in half that time, by removing
local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments •
of the joints.
D ro psies of all kinds, by freeing and strength
ening dm kidneys and bladder: they operate moot
delightfully on these important organs, and hence
have, ever been found a certain 'remedy for the
worst cases of GRAVEL
Also Worms, by dislodging from the turnings
of the bowels the slimy matter to whibh these
creatures adhere.
&OMR. and Conuunption, by relieving the
air-versals of the lunge from the mucous which even
slight colds will occasion, and which, if not re
moved, becomes hardened, and prodimes three
dreadful diseases.
Scurvy, 'Ulcers, and Inveterate Sores_, by
t i l i sifigect purity which. these LIFE Nem
give to the blood, and all the humors.
Scorbutic Eruptions and Bad Complex
ionis, by their alterative effect upon the fluids that
feed the skip, and the morbid state of which occa
sions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and
other disagreeable complexions.
The use of these Pills for a very short time will
effect an entire cure of SALT filiEUlf % and a
striking improvement in the clearness of'
the skin.
always be cured_by one dose, or by two oven in
the worst cases.
PILES, As a rermtejor this most distressing
and obstinate malaak, I E 6 'VEGETABLE LIFE
IDIDICINEE4 deserve a distinct and emphatic
%commendation. It is well known to hundredsin
..his city, that the former proprietor of these valu
able Medicines was himself afflicted with this'
complaint for upwards of TRIRTY• FIVE 'YEARS ; and
that he tried in vain every remedy prescribed
within the whole compass of the Materia Medias.
He however at length tried the Medicine which is
now offered to the public, and .he wee cured in a
very short time, after his recovery had been pro
nounced not only improbable, but absolutely im
possible, by any human means.
For this scourge of the western country these
Medicines Will be,found a safe, speedy, and certain
remedy. Other medicines leave the system sub
ject to a return of the disease—a cure by these
medicines is permanent—TßY THEM, BE SA
Bilious Fevers and Liver Complaints.
' General Debility LOBS Ow APPETITE, ANF,
DISEASES OF reau.Lasr—tbese medicines have been
used with the most beneficial results in cases of this
description t— r Kiria's EVIL, and SCROFULA, in its
worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerful action of
these . remarkable MediCilleS. NIGHT Swatare !
COL/C, are speedily cured.
Personewlicee constitutions have become int,-
',aired by the injudicious use of MERCuii.y, will feud
these. Medicines a perfect cure, as they' never fail
to eradicate from the system all the effects of
Mercury infinitely sooner than the Most powerful
preparations of, Sarsaparilla. A single trial will
place them beyond the reach of competition, in the
estimation of every patient,
Several have lately boon discovered, and their
nefarious authors arrested, both in the city of New
York and abroad.
Buy, of no, ono who, is. not 1111 AUT/10111114D
Prepared and sold by Dr. W. B. MOrPAT,3SO
Broadway, New-York.
3. W. RA.,NV LINS. Carlisle, Pa
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