Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 30, 1850, Image 3

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    Ei&IMO • .aD EZPOSITO:fi.
.Terms — Two nollarS a year, or One Dollar and
Fifty Cents, if punctually raid in . :Moines.
'J 1,75. if paid within the year.
.. . . -
~. EVV.3 have not yet betn furnished with
the report of the KidnapiSing trial which was
promised to us, but it may be ready fur our
next. TN
frrWe aro rchues:ed to say that the Lec
ture a nnoun,led to be delivered b) Rev. 7. N.
HOFFMAig, to-morrow eventag, has baan — i - a) a -
The loot lectuie. by Dr. Iliniercinir, , wan it'
glowing Inhute te the ehrivitdte'r of women. Al-
though it was an exceedingly had evening a
" ... fondly number of the fair creatures were in
attendance, enjoying the pretty tekmpliments
that were showered upon the sex, it; prose and
poetry, and we hope, alho, treasuring up the
grave catmint' which the lecturer added to his
Chainbershurg Sentinel, of Monday Ins., says,
the lecture delivered by Professor Wing. of
Cailisle for the benefit of the Northern Fire
Company, before a numerous audttery of this
place, on Tuesday ciening last, was truly a
most brtllirnd affair. It was logical, chaste ,
and eloquent, and was nut and out one of the
ablest lectures, to which it was ever our privi
lege to listen. From the high literary reputa
tion of ProfessoK Wing, we expected much, but
we are free to confess, that his address more
than wet our expectations. 'l'ha subject...of his
lecture was, the "Poi-motion of Character."
Bceides the subjoiued communication
we have unuther`from Kingstown,iintl if it is
thought that Allen is not enough for Newville.
Nye' will publish it. We could not spare room
for butt, at once„
For Ilia Harald.
Mr. Beatty—ln looking over the, columns of
your paper of January 10th, our eye rested on
an article entitled ,"Vocal Music," which at
tracted our attention considerably. The author
of that article advances some knock down argu
ments, against the use of round notes. What
astonished us' most, was the audacity 'vtth
which he condemned the opinions of the must
scientific and experienced vocalists of the day ;
and the tenacity with which he holds to a Sys
tem which in on the,ctecline, wherever intelli_
genco, refinement, and 'civilization, keeps puce
with the improvement s l of the age, is really a-
He says, that ha "has experienced great in.
convenience in the use of the round notes."—
New we would like to knew in what particu
lar, it id incie inconvenient to ...„iebtaln a thorn'
knowledge of music by using the round notes ,
than by using ihekurkwheat notes._ This we
are free in saying, that we demo• rt errenicly
doubtful, whether an individual who melees use,
of the patent notes exclusively, will ever bc i
coma a yractical off-hand vocalist:-' , 'We do not
say that it is impossible to learn to sing,' by
using the patent notes ; but we say there are
improbabilities connected with it; and this not
oxpbrienced musician will attempt to deny.
Without a knowledge of the rudiments of
mnsici, is Imposailfte • to' cutest in Ilia pi aches
of the art. It would be just as rational to ex.
pect a person to become a fluent and, graceful
reader, without attending to the orthography
and pronunciation of the different words; as to
expect a person to sing, without attending tot
the rudiments of the science. The patent notes
are calculated'we say, to beget an Idea in the
mind of the learner, that it is not necessary to
trouble his mind and waste his time, in learn
ing the position of the letters on the staff, or
the numerals and syllables on the different keys
when they know the notes, and can sing with.
out it. The consequence is this: they go to
singing, and spend six months a year, or five
years, if you choose; and at the expiration of
the term have made no more progress than
when they began. Is this no waste of time
It is true they may have learned by note, to
sing a few of the most common tunes, but turn
their attention to a new piece, and the muoic
Ceased. The use of, the round - notes entirely
obviates this difficulty, inasmuch as it is out of
, -the question to sing without first Allowing e
nough of
,the rudiments to enable them to do
termine the position of the letters on. the stuff.—
It is tree there are changes in the round not,
system as regards the pesitiorimf the key note
but do you not find precisely the same changes
in the patent note system, with the addition of
• constantly keeping In mind the different shapes
of the notes 1
Again—without 'being acquainted with the
relative position of the letters and numerals,
we find it almost impossible to apply the right
sound to the different degrees of the octave,—
So here we find another proof of the incompe
tency of a person singing correctly, without a
knowledge of the first princfplea of music.
Your Newville correspondent says, that' "if
every note had its own form, and the time now
unprofitably spent in learning to name the notes
was employed-in singing, our schools would
possess fur more intermit, and yield tenfold the
improvement they do." Now lot any sensible
and unbiassed mind examine the above exprrs
eion, and see what an iiiinaZt of absurd and
complieated•nonsense is contained in it; and
he may judge of the amount of experience the
author has in the practice of any system. Wiiy,
it is absolutely making them walk before they
can creep,' tie sayiojask eight tenths of the
singers to name the notes , of any tuna.—ezeept
Old Hundred .-and the first hiquiry, is, Air the
key note," .‘, NOW it,is plain all, that these
who doe? , ere only, , those who ttlii?Mpt, to Jot
over il , elpiinilimite.aysteni in , the'
gling.manner,lliey hese boon atteddi4,t )•the
patent notes. granting It to, be' al Ito says*
Wit net infinitely:better; riot „to. keels the;%kay
note, ever( if 143 , do dirkforli, thin: to'gO oil as
nineteen tiYbptietlis of "the:Milent note. singera
• tio,„ witheut Frey ,tote, eitiordi time; or anything,
butchering and 'the. piece ':they
inlet* tii.einglthne iequiitit, all: the• skill
andingenedt 4 y.ef the: omit* doetar restore
',atiYthing :like *an env lahlo.
reputat • ;-
Having bean for 'a ' number l
yf'-years c an f ob=
sortr* , of:the,Firogrose: . o::SonalL under
ihree' , 4 ll rerCn t ei#nmei*ahnii4inciiki4 the
.4t lac titeTnite
using,,,' the Etiiiiidjii:Olail!itOipintyl.ihif l tiOditiji
Gajley's Lady's Biiok far• Fel:lusty does not
fill behind the lust number.. The literary con
ients are excellent. The articles are by Mrs.
Neal, FL T. Thekerman, W. G. Shims,. T.S.
Arthur, Mrs. Hall, and others: ThO . .story Of
..T!.e visit of Misaßramer to gamier's landing,'.
a capital.sffnir. The plates are legion. First
we have a good ?ort•iiit of God. y, ing twice
us natural us nature Itself. 'Our pest at Horns.'
limend etipplci . engraviiii,ls a firm piefffe of
a domestic scene. The "Post Mistress," an
excellent mezzotint, is amusing. Theta is a
beautiful pa irkted Valentine plate el !!Ctipid a
mong the Ituses"-another one of the "Valen
tine Messengers," 'The Elopement," cottages,
music and oilier illustrations, too numerous to
muntiun. It is a .fine number, and keeps up
Godty's well earned .-reputation. It can be
ught et , Martin's Booli Stern."
No. Sof The Pinnsylvania Teacheri' Mag
azine and Family Monitor has been received.—
It is published by the Rev. J. J. Buchanan,
Pittsburg, Pa, of $l,OO per nnnum, In advance,.
and is tho only magazine of the kind in the
State. It Is useful in its design. and objects,
and merits the support of every friend of edu
cation. %VII Hu our systom'of eduention'is good,
there aro many defy is in it, and anything cal
culated to point alit, and, if possible, correct
those defects, should bo supported. This, tVe
believe, is one of the objects of the Teachers'
Mega zinc.
The Medical Examiner and Record of lifedi
cal Science, published monthly by• Lindsay &
Blakiston, Philadelphia, and edited by Francis
Gurney Smith, M. D., is also upon our table.—
The object of this work is eufliciently indica
ted by its title—on object which, judging from
its character, and the fact of its having reached
its sixth volume, is fully . ,earried out'. To the
practitioner and the student of madmine it is
an invaluable publication. Price $3,00 par an
Cumberland Fire Company.
At a meeting of the Clumberlacd Fire ; Cam_
pony, held' January 19th, IBSU, the folloWing
gentlemen were elected officers of said compa
ny for the yea'r 1850 .
President —RonitnT MCCARTI4IEY.
Secretary—Philip Quigley.
Treasurer—Henry S. Ritter.
Directors-1. James Postlethwaite. 2.. Ste
phen Keepers.
C. mmittee rf Accounts—Nuthaniel
Jncnb Leiliy, jr. Godlcib Wunderlich.
Commilte of Repairs— Marti.* tCornmnin;
WilliuniSpahr, Solomon Stouffer.
Ladder Committee— James Poatlethwaite,
Thomas Dwen,, John Kramar.
"The morn of Valentine,
When birds begin to male—
Is rapidly approaching;and already we see
manifestationh of that "exciloiniint which has of
late years seticd our very susceptible young
gentleman and ladies on the : recurrence of St.
Valentine's day. At the various stores in the
fancy line—flaverwick's, Martin's, Hitner's
and probably others—we ace they ate fully pro.
vidcd forthe greatesViemand, of every kind of
appropriate missives, from the cheapest to the
.most costly, which taste or fancy could desire.
cw" aburrtiEicincutg,
To 7ravel as Agents for the Metal y of U
]MEXICAN. WA R. - " 7 "7
pl-1E subseribe - r is now publishing )
WAIL including Biographical Sketches of the
lives of General Inylor, Scott, Worth, Wool,
Twiggs, Quitman, and several others of the
moat distinguished °Moors. Illustrmed by nu
merous 'Engrevings.and Portraits.
A number of enterprising and intelligent men
of good character are offered profitable employ
ment, in circulating by subscription the above
work in Cumberland county, and other counties
in the Staten' . Pennsylvania. The terms which
are very liberal, will be . given on application to
the subscriber, post paid. . .
This Work will never be sold in Bookstores,
but exclusively by agents at a reasonable and.
uniform price. _ _ _
Bookseller and Publisher, 134 York at. New
Haven, Connecticut:
lor Rent
..„' . TWO OFFICES for rant, from
•ii:'.-4 the let of April. next, on Pitt
.74.k.v. street, adjoining the, Drug Store of
s• ; t, •
:: 4 1,„;:i, .
~, ' llenry 'A. Sturgeon—one on the,
,72 :-" ', first story. the oilier nn the second
story of said building. For particulars enquire
of the subscriber. ROBERT NOBLE.
Jan. 23, 1850. ' ,
THE two story Dwelling House
k t
IN on North Hanover street, now oc
v• cupiod oy John Gunman, Fag ,
g„ , with all the uppurtenences thereto
attached, except the Store Room
occupied by Mr. Carmony. The house is.laige
and well finished, and has a good garden and
stable., with several other large out.buildings.--7
For tsrms apply to
Carlisle, Jan.l, 1850.
TIM; dwelling house, now occu
' pied by r, co mfor table adjoining my
store. A M lso, Iwo t
I ling houses in Pitt Street, rent $5O.
Possession given April Ist 1850
A TWlrstory Stone HOUSE, on the south
corner of High and East streets, occupied
by Wm./Reilly, Possession given on the Ist
of It M HENDERSON, .dg's.
ON - E,aniong the best stands in th bo:ough, •
a largo and commodious HOU E, situate
ILlion High strcetoeur tkecontre square,
i-C;' nearly ogpiiiiie 'Burkholder's Hotel
qg i " foimarly occupied by Mr..Carmony
as n tdtoro, and now in the occupancy - of Wm.
T. Philter. There flare thirteen apartments in
the Hpuso, and a collar undor.all.
Also, a Fraine Muse with Stone Kitchen, hav
ing 6 rooms andlwo collars, si uate on Church
Alloy. Possession' given on the let of April
next. For terms apply to.
decl2,6w ~-; ISAAC TODD.
Tim Reni
IrVHE store room on_ IVest fligh street;
..-tinw.occupted I;yDen,ll Crooke,ladjoin
ing: Dr. Rnwlin's Drug Store, is offered for rent
f rom the first of , ApptOci,'
9the 1850. KNDX.P,
For Reis&
THE Store-room and cellar now
' lin
Y the °cam one of the subscriber
in west Main street, is o ff ered for
1 11
rent, This. is a •desirable stand
- . for business. PosseSsion given
.Inuteibluctr, nr on the let of April next. and
thcostealeol goods now, hr the store will be die
posed of, ai tite sati) time, on , reasonable terms
Apply to, 5,.:,(j n2)', L WORAILEYT
" . 0011111 s r-oomws
respectfully; reeonimened fo Alta aflllete
*undo, tisciesectca;
out , phi. ..to3l',)t„t B:4EMI 0 TTvv,./
„ dare, • ,
, T VS I' received at the cheap'Thirdwayr store
01' sphieritide JEttot High , .Striest,s :
Moreplete isogon ment of Tube, Buoltoje,Qhfirii;
,dsci , r dr/c , Also Duponts .Rifle.mrfdl,,,l3buiff4C,
Po dermhich-,Wflfibeiold , iiiiri,isheari,hy'#g.
,); gfef-voriet ' y'or the se,BBefil articles s of. fort d,for,sale;eprifisfingof WhiteyBmb'; Swesp. :
S4Blbing;,Paiptermllotlyahaving o lHBo 3 ,
th Irl4
kt 4 YOrily,lll,
oflybieb,4ro ofitho hest titiabitt
',4'.. lll 4l(lll3lo,B9lo,m4bfr,lowfsfikpriatie
, 1
•,tfi1ip , c61 , , , 0':hT64,4 ~..., ,
"; 'beat brands, for'
.f.:L•f.k.:5 t , „(1,1.-i , , ; ;;..
.t.or.c.9:__ V•.TF. , 1)0.5.
For die" 'lll;oty4ito
JUST opened at this large 'and well known
itablishment, the most splendid assortment of
tchly embellished and simerbly illustrated An
uals, Gili-Cooks, and Poetitial Works, loge
ler .with an extensive variety of CHILD
LEN'S PLUTO [UAL BOOKS,.for.ohildren
1 nil aged," suitable as presents for the Holy
aye. His assortment in this• the finest
e has ever presented, and cannot fail to please,
a well in the beauty of the books as in their
heapness. Fin has also just opened a splendid
ssortment of
which it would be impossible to enumerate in.
n advertisement, but which comprise every
+Rimy of elegant fancy articles, of the - newest
. tyles and latest designs...Ain would_ call par,
rciilar attention to his choice supply of PER
, UNIES, from the celebrated establishments
.1 Roussel, Hanel and others, with Fancy
;naps and every article desired for the toilet.
Cleo, Musical Instrumdnts,.Ladies and Gon
lemon's Cutlery, in great variety,'Golti Pens
and Pencils, Port Monnais, Walking Canes,
3askete in great.vtiriety, and the most elegant
•ssortmetit of Gtrandoles - , Fictive Vases,
Screens,' 'l l ".'
, ither for lard or burning fluid, Which has ever
teen presented in this borough. Also*,
VED FRUITS, NUTS and an innumerable
variety of oilier nrieles, which it is Impossible
.to mention in detail, but which comprise
most every article which can be asked for in
the line' of flmey goods, &c. The public are
especially invited, to call and see them during
the Rolydays. Remember the Old Stand;
North Ifanover Street:s
deol2 S w HAV-ERSTICK;
Chr.stmas and New Year Gifts. •
NAMELY Card Cases, Velvet Bags, Silk
Purses, j'orte Motinais, Cigar Cases,
Brushes in.great variety, Fancy Inkstands and
Paper Holders, Fancy Boxes, Cologne, Ex
tracts, Pomade Divine, Toilet and Pearl Pow
der, leer's Oil, Pah and Puff Boxes, 'Eau
Lustral Shavi ig Cream, great variety Of Combs
Ivory Rattles, Chess Boards, Note Papers and
linvelopes, Imported Segars by the Box, Rai
sins and Figs by the Box, Candies mid Seekets
at 181 eta por lb., citron nt 31 eta. per lb., and
n great vadaty of articles too numerous too
mention, at reduced prices for cash nt Dr RAW
LI NS rug Store, Slain Street. . IdeN9
Kriss Kingle's Quarters, Carlisle, Penn
S the Mime where Country Merchants and.
I the public in general, will find the largest
and best asborttncnt of . .
aver offer offered in this county, manufactured
of the. best nihterial expressly for the Holidays.
and will be sold wholesale or retail at the Old
Stand of the subscriber, North Ilanov.,r street,
a fow doors north of the Bank, where all are
invited to call and 'examine for ;hemselvei, as
it would be impossible to mention all the vari
eties. He would also call attention to a large
assortment of Fruits and Nuts, consisting of
Figs, Pruens, Grapes,'Citron, Dates, A !monde,
English Walnuts, Cream 'Nuts, Filberts, Pea
Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, &c. It, connection with
die above he has just received a large assort,,
ment of English, French and American
consisting in part of fine French Card and So
wing 'Baskets of. entirely new patterns, Fancy
Boxes; of wood, paper •nntf glass, \Vax and
other Doll•hends, Kid and Jointed Dolls, Bas
ket, bell, bone and Lthen Rattles, Games and
Puzzles of the latest style, Furniture ,tea sets,
nine in boxes, fiddles, guitars, pianos, accorde
barrporucans, drums, guns, and other arti•
ties of war, Glass and China toys, manile or
naments, 'l'ools in boxes, woolly dogs, wagons
and wheelbarrows, tubs, cradles, Noah's Arks
masks, marbles of all kinds, fancy soap), Co
logne, ox marrow, shaving cream, hair and
clothes Brashes, &c. He has also,gn hand a
prime lot of
consisting of Coffees, Teas, *gars, Molasses,
Crackers, Cheese, Spices of all kinds and in
(haull articles in the Grocery line, which will
be disposed pf at the lowest rates.
Orders from a distance thankfully received
and promptly attended to.
Carlisle, Sec 12,'.19. P MONYER.
THE subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and the public generally, that ho has
just returned from Philadelphia with the largest
and most splended assortment of Watches, Jew.
elry, &c., over beioro offered to the citizens of
this place.
llis stock consists in part of a splendid lot of
Gold and Silver Lever Watches, Gold and S I
vor Leptne do. with a variety of Watches of
lower prices, Gold guard Chains, Gold and
Silver Pencils, n splendid assortment of gold
pens of most approved manufacture, .Silver
Butter Knives, Silver and plated Spoons, fine
Silver plated Forks, a large and splendid lot of
Gold and Silver Spietaclesilho invites particu
lar attention to this article of spectacles, as he
can warrant them to be the best on this side of
Philadelphia ' ) Common Spectacles of all prices
a hip and boatitiful assortment of Gold, Fin
ger and Ear Rings, all prices; Breastpins, a
great variety, Watch Keys, Fob and Vest
Chains, Silver and shell Card cases, a very su
perior article, Silver thimbtes, Silver combs,
cake tlaskets, with a great variety of other ar
ticles in his line, net necessary to minion,
Ho invites all to call and examine his stock'
Assured that it cannot fail to please, both in
quality and price. T CONLYN.
Superior Groceries,
THE subscriber begs leave to inform his
friends and the public in general, that he has
just returned from the city, with a large and
general assortment of FRESH G ROCE
RIES, all of which ho is prepared to sell at a
very smajl advance. His stook is composed of
a general assortment of everything in the Gro
cery lino, embracing in part Teas. Coffees, Su
gars, Molasses, Spices, Tobacco and Cigars,
Queonswaro and Glassware, Fish and Salt,
Crackers and Cheese,. Fruits, Nuts and Can
dies, Pine and Etherml Oils, Fluid Lamps,
Hams and Pried Bed, Beans, White Corn,
Vinegar, Toys, Matches. Brushes', &c
Persons will find it to their mdvantage to give
me a call, as I ant determined to sell at very
Moderate profits llaci't forgot themtand, South
Hanover street next door to Hannan's (late Esh
leman's Flotcl t and within two doors of the Vo
lunteer Prinnting Office _ _ _
d0e.26 '49 • C INHOFF, A'gt
I%EUrI I I3I anurrs! •
THE subscriber has just opened another lot
of Muffs, varying. from $2 to $l2, also a
few Childrens' Mulls.
Just opened a. fresh assortment of Ladies
Green Kid Gloves, of best quality, with a
ety of Ladies and Childrens Cashmere Gloves,
of all-sizes. ' .
Just opened a large assortment of figured silk
velvet Ribbons for Ladies dresses, Nock
bone, also Jenny Lind and other . Gimps, of all
colors, with a variety of other Fancy Goode.
G. W, lIITNER. •
Restoration , & 'Preservation of the
By I%X liwien& 'Bon of Virginia.
MWISE & SON, finding it ,'nitoge . ther
impossible. ,to attend personally to 'the
great "number' of 'daily 'applications, 'from all
sections, of the Union,, for, their remedy for
„.and for their a
.NIC, -,have found it necessary tci'atitinint•
General,Provelling agent, - ' to Visit
eititis.and towns throughout the Unitod,Stalbei
vestjng him with 'authority'to
gents, use and vend tho Hait.Tonic,,and
ply ,the Aft.E9TORA TIVE, 'rind 'to put:them,
into the hands o fi thbee he may appoint to ripe;
rate, wherever a • sufficient number_ of patients
'in any, towtforoeighborhood eltallXo obtained.
GEORGE'CALVERT;; of 'Vauquier
,County, Va.,•is alondauthorized to act as Gen , .
eral-Travelling Agent; with' the piiWers . above
fididatod. • , ' •
Capt. o.'may;be exPected'fo.viiii, as speed,
)iy tis practicable the:principat,e;ties, and townsof-the Union::::, • . ..; ;-.'. ,
B. ,, Capt.‘ 'caliert',Will'alwayo'
hand,. full supply of, r the HAIR '-"Pctiva
.timikah•eleaniee.lbe hatitrot . .diindraff,,atierio-,
()hound - invigorates'the }hair; andrtireVentaA
'Oleo; from, falling ;I:di,l'far thti regiOn of 'Cnitntiy '
'molt contiguous 't o roperations;' Or 'it ' nisy
ytt'.be obtainedat wholesalo, and forwarded
to:a y ..parr of :the Unionr diliettetnie.„;the
proppetors;:, 41 . ,. WISE, &:'SON-..E.koltmoitl;
: -
42'1141:Viride fiit` dozen ''ansh. , ' She
115 , -pr onc.gollar. singebottlo,%. [ 1 , 0 128, 1y,
iFor lik t feJW" 'IrAV,V;EJI.#
" V, - tmd: 'Possessio
g n'
g Iren'cl,P'sloilivro.,ooo.;
•L,.• oApo..X,tit,oYlf . fie
• *44
hp#rekoW 6 Ociiiiiefbv'Dr. Raver
live, t ,oriteratitiinplt tbPvi
(1100 vy for
: -
✓_~a4'u :. _.. : ~x'~(-t~~ciirs ^ -k~> ~..... : wa.~k.::.asi :el~:t4:? ,~.
rIHE CoMmissioneis.of Cumberland Cdunt3
have -fixed-uPikf the 1011oWirii time and pla-,
ces, for holding. the Appeals oh the Trieniel
Assessment for years .11160-51--52—for the sew
oral Townships and Boroughs in said County,
to wit :
For Newvillo, 28th of Jinuary at tho public
house of S. Ruploy, Newville.
For Newton, 26th of January, 1850, et the
publicS.Rupley, Nowville.
For Mifflin, 29th of January, 1860, at the pub
lic house of S. Rupley, Newville.
For Frankond, 29th ofJanuary, 185Q,,aLithe of S. RuPleY'Newvillo.
For Hopewell, 30th Januapy, .1850, at the
public house of D. Mowry, Newburg.
'For Shippensburg Bor. 31st January,-1850, et
the public honed 'of O. 'Luck, Shippensburg.
For-Shippensburg Tp. 31st January, 1850 at
_the publicriousdif_Q._Zuck , _ShiflPerlshurg.
Ist February", 1850, at the pub•
lie house of C. Zink Shippensburg.
West Pennsborough, 24 February, 1850, at
the public house of J. Hoover,
Mt. Wick.
For Monroe, 4th February, 1850, at the public
house of J. Paul, Churchtown.
For Silver Spring, sth February, 1850, at the
public house of tr. Duey, Hoguestown.
I:I For East Pennsbotough, Gth Febrdary, 1850,
at the public house of S. Benninger. Bridge
Per New Cumberland, 6th February, 1850, at
the public house of S. Benninger, Bridgeport.
For ilampden,6lll February, 1850,at the pub
lic house of J. Reeser, Sporting Hill.
For Mechanicsburg. Bth February, 1850, at
the public house of J. Black, Mechanicsburg
For Allen 9th February, 1850, at the public
house of D. Sheatror, Shcpherdstown.
For Dickenson, Llth February, 1850 at co
public house C. Hoffman, Stone. Tavern.
For North Middleton, 12th February, 12501
al the Commissioners Office, Carlisle.
For South Middleton, 13th February, WO,
at the Commissioners Office,Carlisle.
For Post Ward, Carlislo,llh February, 18511
at he Commi sioners Office, Carlisle.
For West Ward, Carlisle,",tsth February,
1850, at tha Commissioners Office, Carlisle,
County Rates, Dollar Rate,-2,4 mills.
State Rates—Dollar Rate, 3 mill's.
The return to be made by the respective As
sessors, at the times tind places, determined
upon for holding Appeals fur their respective
respective Township or Borough, at which time
the assessors will return the names of two res
pectable citizens of their Borough or Township
for the appointment of a Collector.
By order of the Commissioners,
Attest, WM. RILEY, Clk.
Commissioners Office.
Carlisle, 24th Dec. 1340. S
Estate Of Mary 11. Duncan, decd.
LETTERS of Administration us the Estate
of Mary H. Duncan, decd., late of the Bo
rough of Carlisle, Cornball:wick Count:y, have
issued in due form of law to the subsCriber re.
siding in said Borough. All persons indebted
tb said estate will make immediate payment.
and those having claims against it will present
the same for settlement to
Adminisiratrix with the Will annexed.
January 101 h, 1850.—lit.
Estate of John Snavely, Decd.
ETTERS Testamentary on the Estate of
Li John Snavely, decd. Into of Hampden
township, Cumberland Connty;Thave issued in
due form of law to flee 'Subscriber residing , in
said township. All pertions' indebted to said es
tate will make immediate payment, and' those,
having claims against present thestitne
foi• settlement to TWIN RUPP
Itlxecutor of-John Snivoly ' decd
Dec. 21.-6 t
Estate of James Irvin, dec'd.
LETTERSof Administration on the Estate
James Ir4in, late of East Pernsborough
township, Cumberland county, deceased, beet.
been granted to the sulsoribcr, residing in flie
same township. All persons haring claims m
demands against the estate of said decedent
are requested to make known tae same without
delay, and those indebted to raske payment im
mediately. 1A812'11 , 1—C,0131,E,
jan2. 6w pd r.
-Estdte of Fied'k Goodyear, dec'd.
ETTERS Testamentary on the estate o,
1-4Frod'k Goodyear, lute of Monroe township,
Cuml•orland county, deceased, have been grant
ed to the subscribers, residing in the SWIM town
ship. All pe 61 rsons knowing themselves indebt
o.i to eh.: .mm comic pit acquit cd,.....hc blfitio- -
dinio payment, and those having ciainis to pre
sent them for settlement to ti
jan2 Executors.
Estate of Pete! Whitmer, dee'd.
rEns Testamentary On the 'Estate 01
Peter Whittner, late of Sbuth Middleton
township, Cumberland county, deceased, have
been grnnted to the subscriber, residing in
Huntington it township, Adams county. All
persons indebted to said estate are hereby no
tified to make immediate payment, and those
having claims to present then) fur settlement to
decl2 WM R SADLER, Ex'r...
Estate of Diary Harlan, deold.
I'TERS -Testamentary on the Estate of
✓Vary Harlan, 1tae...)1 Stoughstown, Cum
berland county, dec'd., have been granted to
the eubseriber, residing in the same placo.. All
persons indebted to said estate aro requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims to present them for settlement to
deel2,6t Executor.
Estate of Isaae Lloyd, deeld.
ETTERS of Administrntion on the Estate
llsaac Lloyd, ,
late of Allentownship, dee'd.
have been granted to the subsCriber residing in
same township. All persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate to make payment
Immediately, and those having claims to pre
sent them for settlement to -
nov4B -REUBEN STAR, r.
Estate of Michael Bear, dec'd
estate of Michael Bear, late' of West Ponnebo.
rough township, Cumberland county, deceased, •
have boon issued in duo form of law lo,the sub- '
scriber, residing in the said township. All per- -
sore indebted to said estate will make immedi
ate payment, and those having claimet against. I
the same will present them, for settlement to
HENRY BEAR,..Executor.
Jan. 2 1850,-6t
4lissehition of Partnership.
partnership between the subscri
bore under the arm of Wright and Saxton,
,was dissolved on the let inst., by mutual con.
sent. ,
Thti books and potion of the Into firtn, are in
the hands of H. Wright. and allpersonaindebt,
ad will p case call Dad settle es early: its possi
ble, and all claims against thentwill be paid by
Carlisle, Jan. 7, • 18:4-3t. •
Auditor's Notice.
IN the matter of the fi lial Administration ac
count of.Tohn Peters, , Exoeutor of attoob Har
nish,adocd:.: Thetiodoraigned - Auditor, appOint•
tad lly the "Orphans' Court of Cumberland
County, to mako distribution-pm, rata among
`the, cteditora, wkll attend, for thatturpose. l ex
'his Cailialtx,'"Monday:thp 4th .day of,
February next. •_l."-'"JASS COL)VF4.,L:
- Collate, Jan. 16th, I '
• , -
Take Orotiee: -. c
LLpefidae that '.'irliori- ,. titorrisebies
indebted tefflos subscriber aro requested
,to call 'and ; settle their accounts:forthwith. and
:all, whit kavit clainiCtti nresentitkent; - ati 7 he 'is'
:dosircios,til'sertle up all-hie butonees -by tha 28d
of.Fsbruhry noUl.,.Therefore all accounts , 'Abet'
aro.unntiid ,ait s ,to'tint t'dato :be loft, with , ' , , a '
Justiee'of ths,peaco - for ; collection.
= . '.: - .-RptZRG WIL
• San 16' 1850. ' ; .
41K! to tho, pre eneei'ortho ,o'ubeekb4f,'
: 4 SOuth , litoldlotorutoWnehip.about ',the tat
of •neeemtier• iner Blt.IN Li LE
• „ f HElFEß, tiebut, ,, e year—old, ,
.1 • ob.,;''
with whit elleiid'enti' b 911,3 k,; The '
..1 owner•is re9uOsted.feiconiitifori:'''
, ward, Keee iptoperty;
iits '0 like her 'maxi. or•iihe - chepotfo t i
• , •
,'• -
. I ‘c
, .
V•i; ' •' 1 1-V:1 - '•t•:".•'. 0tr aY v i'it 2 4 43 era
. -;;;/001 , , 'lllovithiblidi)loien , nowtiehlN
lot BLACK::
:ST Eglkti*olt
• *• , koPlir ,is,Pigiiooted; comiDiiiti
,ler'e's , • ''oropoifk, Amy, - ;iberget:ltnii. - ;;tekiiiVt•
him ewo,".r,haWill•be dieposect:lifi
306 . ,
of Mjohoel Bear, cle'vd”
Otores' att4r,'4lo4*.
Great .Bargains •
• •
/*AN be expecteil from' the subsCriber, as lie
gi-, has just received t. now and • splendid as
sortment of :WINTER GOODS,, which ho
,offors to his customers and others who may
favor him.with a call at great Bargains !
satinets, velvet cords. Hy. jeans, scarlet,
low, white and Canton Flannels, tiultings. inns
line, calico, cashmeres, dd lanes,_alpacas,. Co,
bvrg cloths, gloves; hosiery, Irish linen, com
forts, &c,
A largo and splendid assortment of Long
and Square Shawls, at all prices to suit the
Also, Boots and Shoes, which he is determ•
ined to sell 10w, his stand, in North Hone
first ewe:below Haverstick's Drug Store. .
ver street, Carlisle. -----J—G—CARMONY.
Now offered at the CHEAP STORE . of
Charles Ogilby.
11111 HE customers of this large establishment,
IL and the public in general, aro respectfully
informed that I am now receiving an immense
stock ,t the handsomest and cheapest goods
ever brought to Carlisle.
of every shade at greatly redtked prices
A. large lot of Long Plaid Shawls from 3 to $ll
do Square do $1 to $6
Also, Broche, Terkeri, Grape Thibet and Da
mask Shawls or every style and•qunlity.
A splendid assortment new style Ribbons which
will be sold very low.
A. beautiful stock of Caslinierds And Do Laines
at very low figures.
A very large assortment of Black and 'colored
Alpachas, Figured, Plain and Satin Stripes:
A largo lot
SoILKS,f Sack F SILKS, lannels, very cheap
A splendid assortment of Figured, Plain and
Striped Silks, hem 37 to 1,25. Black Silks, a
very large and cheap stock.
Very superior large size Twilled,
10.4-12.4-13-4 ditto Ribbon Bound.
do do do Whitney. at all prices.
A. large assortment of very superior French
rAlerinotts. • AU colours and prices.
A hentiful assortment of changeable entitle do
Chains for dresses and sacks.
- _
A tremendous lot of bleached and unbleached
Muslins from 3 to 126 cents
Having purchased In gely of this article be
fore the advance, I will continue to sell at old
A full assortment of Imperial, Ingrain, Veni
tian and Stair Carty.:. Selling very low.
' Prints and Ginghams from 3 to 12t.
A very Large Assortment of
Tickings, Checks, Diapers, Floor Oil Cloth,
Borkings, Velvets, • Beaverteens. Stockings,
Gloves, Suspenders, Carpet Bags, Cantbrickc•
Ditnitys, Laces, ljoreens. Linens, Linen and
Cloth Table Covers,Oil Cloth Ditto, Irish Li
nens, &c., &c,
the article of Boots. and Shoes, wo go far
ahead or all cOmpetition, both in price and
quality. a-big stock now on hand - and cheaper
than ever.
Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Tea, &c., &c.
Fresh; Prime and Cheap.
Recollect the old stand, East Main Street,
whore there is a large room, a large stock to
select from, and decidedly the cheapest lot of
Goods out of ,Philadelphia or New York.'
Come' one and all, secure bargains, et the
cheap pqr«, of CIIAS• OGILI3Y.
Cheap Clothing Store. .
, BARGAINS '! MITE linbscriber would respectfully inform
1 his friends and the public in general, that
Alai room recently occupied as a store by Goo.
.Wr..Hitrum. on Must Main street. directly oppo
site Elliott's Drug Store, and within two doors
of Ogilbyts storetwhere he will keep constant
ly on hand, all kinds' of Ready .711ade. Clothing,
}tad everything pertaining to gentlemen's ward
.robes. The clothing he oflers for sale is made
tip in his own shop, by experienced workmen,
and under his own supervision. Ile feels pre
parel to offer great bargains in .he Clothing
line, and to test this fact lie r (mid , earnetitly in
vite the citizens of this clingy to give him a
call and examine the quality of his stock and
his prices, before purchasing elsewhere.
He will also, as heretofore, continue to make
' pp all kinds of Clothing according 'to order,
and those who prefer it can have their measures
'taken, and their garments made up to their
'pleasment. Always on hand a large assortment
of Cloths, Cassirneres, Satinets, Vesting's. &c.
Don't forget the piece directly opposite El
liott's store, and within two doors of Ogilby's.
Large and• Splendid Arrival of.
C 0 T dl G
THE undersigned respectfully announces to
the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that he has
lust laid,in a stock of Fashionable Clothing, cur
and made in excellent style, which for cheap
nese and quality was never before equalled in
t this place. Such as—splendid now style black
French cloth dress Coats, large and handsome
circle cloth Cloaks, black and brown sack
Coats, busitfees coats in the latest styles, Mon•
key coats, tweed back coats, superior fine bl'k
French cassimere Pants, new style of fancy
esesimere Pants, over 900 pairs of striped and
phi% fall and - winter pants, 250 .Elegant new
vests, excellent Black satin vests, also, an as
, sortment of fine white Linen, red .flannel and
striped Shirts, collars, bosoms, storks, suspen
ders, cravats, handkerchiels and other articles
in his line. Boys' Clothing and oil clothing
suitable for fishermen and others constantly on
hand. Fine cloth caps from 9.5 to 87 cents.—
Glazed Caps i 2 cents. In fact the above is
the largest and item assortment .ever offered in
this place, and as cheap as. can be purchased in
the city of Philadelphia. Persons who prefer
having their clothing made to order can bolid%
commodated at the shortest notice. ~
Ho therefore respectfully invite; his custom
..ets and the public generally to call and see hint
at the Clo,hing Store, corner.of Mulls Street
and the Confit Square. [kelt
Readir.g for.,the.-Itilllion.
A .141. 1 1.QE and welt selected assortment o
131;50,KS of all kinds conitrintti,kept on
hand co suit . the!. times, die-following have just.
been received. • %••.
- -
Hume's Hitittery',, of England, two first Nos.
emit/ed. • ' '
relotkspattro's Works, 4 different editions. •
I By rr - Va Works, Bdrats' Works.
Scott's PoeticolWorks. ' -• ' ,
Lynch's Expedition to the Jordan and Dead
Sca. , • 31onteguers ditto, • 's
Sceit's Military Tactics,Tvols. . • -
of thu Revolutihn, 0 )y Mrs. Eliot.
Philosophy of Roligion' , hy•Morrell..".
- , Earnest Ministry,'hy, jalnoo.
Bravo's Daughter by. Dugatine ,
:Dowager,or fq . l3 c andalihy..,Mrs
: , ',,,The,oaston'si'bY Bawer...
cliteetvoUGl.piies`.`::'' •
./ , •
.Vraise Whale ,
'And all the now novels
,re as soot as Pahlished. . All orders -ter!Books, attended with
dispatch,.:: - After,alt.youp dlaputtia, shone : Cheap
Peeks', pall around and, eiendrie ftir yourtolves:
tint . .00e Ativ • Goods' ~ff
t? - 4.0 NNW' RIBII,ONSt' .
ageortpiaat.9(.l4tinkete R. it:bri
bontiMack9.Ribtioneohlact ?Itell?Rpboatr,
nd Stdeli Italc.'Slidati;l3aarfa:,:kf,4,,pen:
'apaned l
C rani' ni,:tilf•
f,; carto';X:l:atlre
0.. nt ndk
c4.4.Bzw,9tINbi...BLACIK:V.FAEIit . jt;: :* 1
'',,ttl,rean.and Stint attrioL . coali ty
k ,
teceivedl'an tipaiortraeot, of, Lai
culei nut i t t
ficillY,**l4 rP ,, zgONp & ',kfi
gtinies,';&. - ,,ot ) oot;
Second. Arrival of Fall:' Goods,
At. the Neitr Stare,
Corner of Hanover and Loather Streets,' ' o.'
site Wm: Leonard's old stand
THE undersigned respectfully informs his
friends and the public, that he fins Just, returned
from Philudelpliin, with a large and eartlitilly
detected assortment of .
purchased at the loWest prices, and which he is
determined to sell at small profits. A large as
sortment of from 75 cents to 85 per
yard, Cassimerad;'Cassinetts and Vestings, at
various prices . _
Ladies Dress Goods, such as Delaines, Cash
meres, Coburg. I,,lonese Twills, Thibet cloth,
and a splencld assortment of Silks. An elegant
assortment o alico and gingham's, suitable for
the approachi season. Checks, - Ttelffirrgs,
bleached and,im eached Muslins.
.4w ears AND SHOES.
A well selected assortment ot Mon's Women's
and Children's Boots and Shoes, good and hand
some.—Boy's mid Itn's Cloth and Hungarian
GROCERIES in i s a Tlheir variety, viz Su
gar,Coffee, Molasses, ?Orin Tea Company's
celebrated Tess, SpiCo9, St.o., and the best
quality of Carpet Chain.
N. W. WOODS. Agt.
December 20,1820.
N. B All orders from the country promptly
attended to. Bags, Eggs, Butter, and all kinds
of produce taken at market prices.
THE subscribers have just completed
their purchases of. FALL & WINTER .
GOODS. Our stock consists in part of cloths,
cassimeres; vestings, cassinets, of all colors and
prices ; white, yellow and red, all wool Flan
nels ; Kentucky Jeans velvet cords and Bea•
vgrteens, Calicoes by the curt load, Ginghams,
Mous de Laines, 141erinees, Paratnatta's, Co
burg, Cloths, Alpacas, Fancy Mohairs, Lushes,
&c., Checks, 'Pickings,. Domestic Ginghams.
Canton Flannels, white and voloured, Linsey,
Plain, Pink, Brown, Maroon, Green and
de Laines, for 123 cis per yard; Mous de Luine
Thibet and Tekeri SHAWLS; Long Shawls
at 3, 3,50;4, 5,6, 7,50, R and 10 dolla'rs: Silk
and 'Linen Handkerchiefs, Cotton, Woolen and
Cashmere Stalthigs, Irish Linens, Gloves,
Cloth, Glaze,d and Fur CAPS, Gimps and
Fringes, in variety, Combs ' Woolen Yarn, all
colors, from fine to coarse, Steel Beads,
and Clasps, Purses, Scarfs. Waist Ribbons,
Slides, Green Harem's. like Beteg°, Table Cd
vers of Linen and Cloth, Carpet Chain, Table
Diaper, Crash, Linen Diapers, Edging. Laces,
GUM SHOES, all sizes and prices, Umbrel
las, Carpets, Groceries, Queensware, Hard
ware, &c. All the above goods were heinglit
for Cash, guld and silver, and at a saving of 15'
to per cent: below those who hoglit on credit.
Those wishing to save will 'find our goods
cheaper than they ran buy them elsewhere. _
oct 10 • A & W BENTZ.
•.- HAVE: net opened
i t .: viz 4 J 1. direct from the city,
u large, beautiful and
f brilliant assortment ol
- GO OPS, for Fall and
Wilvt-er :Wear, to whicn I--would invite the
special attention of old and new triends and
customers. My stock no*. comprises every
conceivable colour, style, pattern and figure of
Dress Guods, from the plainest and cheapest
to the most brilliant and costly. Call and' see
them while they aro new and novel, as it al
ways gives us pleasure to slim our gou sr
he Bee Hive. sep2M-----S- ( Y
OGILBY' respectfully informs
cIJ the public thnt he ling commenced, end will
be opening for seveetj dnys, trig fecund pur
chases of
which comprise n very extensile nud splendid
assortment of all Lode of°
d very large assortment of Shawls, French Me
rinoes, Coburgs, Alpaeltas, and 5000 other arti
ties in the lino of Ladies' Wear. Also, a ful
and complete assortment of
t cLoTn, .cAssimEßEs & SAC I.N.ETS,
°gainer with a heavy stack 01 1.5001 AND
SHOES. of all the various prices and quali
ties. Also, a large stock of GROCERIES.—
Come one, come all, and look for .yourselves
before purchasing elsewhere, as - the order of
the day is, "live by trade and small profits."
rinnE subscriber has just opened a general
.11. assortment of Plaid Long Shawls, Buy
State Long Shawls, of superior quality. Alio,
Splendid Broelia Shawls, tall wool), Black
Thibet Long Shawls: together with Terkeri,
Cashmere, and other Shawl, at moderate
Just received n variety of Lynx Muffs, of
different qualities, also an assortment of low
pticed Muffs, for sale low.
The subscriber is now opening a beautiful
assortment of Dress Goods, among which may
be found Cashmeres, Mous. Do Lames, Mohair
Lustros, Alpachas, Merinoes, Black and Col
orod Silks, and other varieties of Dross Goods.
Just roceived a few pieces of Bronze Cassi.
!acres, latest style. Also, Blue and Black
Cloths, Morino Caisitneres and Saitinetts,. for
sale cliqap.
'llia Milliners throughout the county are
informed that a ;tonere I assortmential Millinery
Goods, embracing Bonnet Fronton, Crowns,
ani Tabs, Artificial Flowers, Face Tabs, Ru
ches, Illusions of all, colors, Bonnet Wiros,
have just boon opened by
novl4 GEO W lIITNER.
razsix TEAS
WE have just received an entire now selec
tion of choice and fresh GREEN AND
BLACK TEAS, embracing Young Hyson,
Imperial and Gunpowder teas, of various quail.
tics, ranking front 37.6 to $1,25 per pound, from
the ten store of the Messrs. Jenkins, of Phila
delphia; neatly, socurely and freshly packed in
quarter, half, and p ound metalic and paper pack
ages, as well as in the bulk. The selections
aro made by one of the partners, Who has had
experience in the business, among the Chinese
themselves for about seven years, and this ad•
vantage, together with our own experience, and
Alift'oncouragemont extended to us in the selling
I .of these Teas for more than two years past,
encourage us confidently to roccommond them
as superior to any other selection of Tess in
this market—for sale at the Grocery store of
'July 11-'49 ' J. W. EBY
Tobacco and Cigars,
TUST recoived and for sale wholesale and re•
the boat and cheapest selection of CI.
GARS to bo found any where out of the city
Tho selection consists of
Yryymar _,
Plantation, Leon D'oro Regalia
Principe, La Grata, .
• Venus and Figaro% t Molessadora,'&c..
•f All of the finest Cuba and Havana TobnceO. ,
sand put up in, the neatest manner, besides' T
'have•excelleut sixes and the bostiMelees. Also'
the sliest .Congross and Cavendieh TOBACCO'
, hothigain and, sweetened, at rodoeed prices
cash. gnil and•examine my stook befora.Pur•e' •
:aiwillfell'brtlic box as low es,theYr ,,
can be had,in the city. , Hon't forgst the-placo , ,
eppoitto the.railroad offiee.•',. • . • :•••
Datfq0,...,,;D1117013..1:„.' , DAUG8,1 - ' - ,
.' y L r
... i A VE.j ast , :r ece l i , iCa lreih Ye ' tr a l i 'o ' fl ed;
', .
foinoii,: Plata,'"Glass, ' oiii,Ad:;Which,
•hayjnk been 'eurahaled;yith'great;:aXrelat,he
beat city honcol - I:can nonfidentlyracemmend.:
.•ELimillts,' Phypicians;', Country,'"lo:chanie,,;
arid Wealtrii as,bairig:finiVhrid;prixe , A
1 i,'..;::'• N.: ','.''..; .....,.. gtio§: .. .,
....,I , 4intivliiiii4;6l"; , kerbs and Extracts,
in kliaiChordicala, ..., Spicos;;groand arid whole ' '
~,..InstruineMii, •••., _.; .Easencepi, •., .i:•..'• . •,. ~.,
Jifil'nfe',Eßtea7l COB:- ''PerfurderYi' St" , o'. -
'1. , ,'. '. 6tod , Liver' OiT--• Warranted Genuine,
it. .;`,„•!`.' t , .4 .', ' toyEl.s;ruFrs. ,
,-Indigoes;,..: , , ' Log and. Cam WOO.OiI -- '..
; Madders,; ''. ' ,
Pomeic,' .'. '', ... ~ 'Conperas,:. ~ -;a5;•v,..,.. , k1...)'
4%.1.0ri , ..',* l . - :,'. 'Lao Ay° , .• ;5 n,'ll '4'-r::' , _, ,, .
•`';'.'i'''' 1 ,*. PAINTS4•:•'-': .•''' '' '‘'."!• 0 •!• - .. - -'F:
'' , l4Weitiariil',l4xißrother!al;PuOeleakiCiiirericiii,..‘:
Orlprit2iina,'Yellaw,i.Piiint , aridiVerithiWArliiihdOWA
• derm4i i winsioyFicritthi h tl.Lipsiiedt4•oil;!;•TiirSAL'.?
linVlopitt. and; ;Cottal. , l4irMalivrikAi s d , 1i a d,,, , .
'4ll-011-w!Mtii `,tillaiali*ildv:itt4.4llo,',ysry*.lotat,co;
%Wilt:at o'chottriDrtiglintidriok SrctectV,,
;4:',41 5 114.:,11 - 4 : 31M0N.0,110.4, • ,,
it'pllrovi:l. h;',' '849 •,':,,,..•::. • -4";'-ri.. , e;,•;:i'::161.1''%.7
i l .fv..,- '. , ,itvizr" ibiii4te'i ii , fP4 1 , i ll
..4 e.7' ll 4t;'. • , Idty. '. 'A)11-1
;,t'AC'E, I 4I33 s 11:4 1 ARP,.Wilif.j4g,00211041'911P:i";
%.+,..iiintiViteitiOivintraiiiietOilitiiid . .iit: t h,„ , ..S ,, ,,
e4iiii 10; ;;P4'llo.ollA,s = ''i•E ' q tr0:;504
414,.0,4,,,,N ~„00:41 A.,.., ,, . 4 1, , .., ~f , ',.%.:, jilt
,15,M1.14440•,..t;',A., ‘,, ' - ~ , 1 , • ,:, ? ;:,-• ;' ", a .r,,.,
A ,
For Sale orßene.
known as the Pete bung Mill, situate. at
the mouth of the little umata Creek, Perry
County, Pa. 15 miles born Harrisburg. A
'square, with two overshot water ,
Aeg Ir, w 4 run of French - Beers,
and a Smut machine, with all the
apparatus complete for manuftic
!luring •Flour.--113P0 a dwelling house for • the
Duncannon lion TVnrks adjoin the above atid
afibrds n good home market.
The Control Rail Road runs past the mill of
every facility for getting grain and sea•
ding the products of the mill to the Eastern ci
Tine above property will be sold or rented for
a *torm of years from the Ist of April next.. Ap•
plioation to be made to _ _ _
surviving Ex' trx of Amos A Jones, Deed,
Petersburg, January 7th, 1850,--st•
For further Information apply tol It Egbert,
Carlisle, Pa,
Property for Sale or Rent.
TFIE 'subscriber, intending to leave
the county, will sell or rent the Billowing
proper y, situate in the village of Springfield,
Cumberland county, viz: A Lot and a half of
Ground, on which is er"cteil
: good two story brick D
•At e II iP LIN G HOUSE and two-story
brick Kitchn, both new, Also,
SIIOa frame One story and n
P.. and good STARLING; Thel lot is
abundently supplied with choice fruit, and has a,
never fading well of -water at the door. The
Mention is a very good ono for a person wishing
to citmge in the mercantile business or some
mechanical occupation. Possession given on the
Ist of April net. For terms apply to Mrs
Margaret Row, on the premises. or to the sub•
acrilier, her agent. , J F COXEL.
Jan. 15, 1850.—tf.
THE subscriber intending to re
move from Carlisle., oilers for sale
811 •jf of rent, the TWO STORY
4„ ; 1 1,1 DWELLING HOUSEvnow oc
":" cupied by him, on North. Hano
ver street, Carlisle. The house is commodious,
containing twelve rooms. There is n large
Oven, with every appurtenance-for-an-extensive
Bakery. The lot is 60 feet in )'font, and 240 in
'depth. Dis a very desirable t huntion for a
Bakery, PcFsession giVen immediately. -Ap
ply for terms to S F GAENSLEN.
Jan. 15, 1850.
Brewery for Sate.
THE subscriber offers for toit#
- 1 • • . the Brewery property. no x occu •
44•1 i g U,•;; H anov e r himself, situate on South
ft g street, in Carlisle, to
• •••,t .t.• •
--••• which is attached about Five Ac
res of ground, of thebest quality and the great
er part of which is now worked as a vegetable
garden. The Brewery is a large Stone buil
ding, about 40 ICA by 26 deep, cud contains ell
the necessary apparatus in complete order for
brewing Malt Liquors. There is a welter nev
er falling Liquors. water inside of the building. There
is also a stream of water running through the
property. The other improveinents are a good
Stable, &c.,a variety of Fruit trees, and n well
of water mt • tho door of the dwelling house.
It affords n fine opportunity for any one desir
ous of going into the brewing business, or for a
gardener, as•it is advantageously shinned and
convenient - to n good market. trrlf not sold
before Saturday, the 2d of March,lB2o, it will
on that day be offered at Public Sale on the
premises, when attendance will he .given by
Dec. .6
STHE subscriber being desirous to
the West, will offer nt Public alo, on SAT
URDAY, the 29th of December, 1849, on the
premises in Monroe township, Cumberland
county, on the road lending from Carlisle Iron
Works to Drinker's Mill. the following pro
perty, viz :—a small FARM, containing 18
ACRES and 68 PERCHES, situate in said.
township. adjoining Inds of Join Beltzhooyer,
Hugh MaloY, Isaac Vanarstrale and thmtbove
public rood. Four acres of it is in timber, and
the remainder in the highest state of cultiva-
tine. The improvements are a
siory and a half DWELL
• - MG HOUSE, Frame Barn, and
.7. other necessary out-buddings, all
of which are new and in the beat
order, having every desirable convenience.—
There is also a smhll Orchard of Apple aid
Peach Trees, all of which are the choicest va
rieties and, in good bearing order. The place
is admirably calculated for a .Market Farm,
being in a good neighborhood, and within an
efisy distance of Carlisle. Tern which will
be rensonable, made known on application to
the subscriber, living on the premises.
Decs,4l. HUGH WELSH, Sr.
Valuable Property For Sale
FIVIE subscriber has a FARM which he
1 wishes to sell. The property is situated in
West Pcnnsborn township. Cumberland coun
ty, Penna. five and a half miles 'West of
Carlisle, on the 'turnpike road lending from
Harrisburg to Pittsburg, containing 19.8 Acres
of first rate•Limestoncland, In n pigh slate of
cultivation. . About 100 Acresmf Ware cleared,
and the balance of it is in Thriving Timber.--
There is a large amount of Locust timbei
growing 00 the plane, the soil being perfectly
, congenial to the growth of Locust,
The imuroVements are a two story
11 1 •!. 22 by 28 feet, a two story Bach
Building, 18 by 22 feet and two
stories high, with a double Log Barn, Corn
Crib and Wagon Shed, a young Orchard of
very superior fruit, and choice fruit of different
kinds. There is a well of water in the yard
near the dwelling. This property has many
advantages—only five and a hull miles from
Carlisle—n market always on the road. Per
sons wishing to purchase Reel .Estate would do
well to call and see it.
To all whem it may Concern 1
THANKFUL to the minlic generally for pee
favors and their liberal patronage, stillcen
'limes to carry on the SADDLE, TRUNK,
and HARNESS Making business, at his old
stand in Nanover street, two doors north of the
Carlisle Dank, at the sign of the Mammoth
Collar. He is now better prepared•than over to
accommodate his customers, having recently
made great alterations in hie ostilblishment, so
as to enable him fo keep a much better assort,
mom than heretofOre, consisting of Spanish,
Dragoon, scoop,'tub, quilted and plain' SAD
common; Farmers' Genre, of all kinds, Tra
velling Trunks of all descriptions and prices,
Volcasos and Carpet Bags, Bridles; Martingale
Dollars, Stock,..Letither and Raw Hide .Whips,
Leather, cotton Worittd Fly-nets, arid' all
othor'articlas in hislinit— , fill'Of .whieh.he is do. '
termined to sell at, the very lowest cash piece.
Milting and repitiring Matrasees of bor, hook
and erraw;and'all kinds'of Upholeto iag.rvitl be
punctually attended to.
ap2514.91y.,. , • , .
Emilia, •
La Pgmlivera,
Llicsti Doll IkUds. .
irmatigllETY IA) "euiconOi tn,.e n ytning of
JOS the , kind dyer hefoiti'manufaritured. ''Being'
Elestie,,will not •bYeak : 6y falling . -• Painted?iy
'Oil; when soiled may,Ate.washeti,Witit soup, end
Wider; :nnd email restored:. to their, origin 1.
heattissto.Pl'heijoAtuithility nod Cheapness will .
bit 'filliys.demonetreted..wheh ' , duly tested, -A •
th . o liy_expreeS,.,nt
Knit; "tinkle's !had, gli.itrtcre,
ver street..; ," •
"P:,YlONYERiPrOprietor . ."
AN., Oratien'AdeliVerea . thefOrtOthe General
,Gnion,Philoeop,hiFal aeletyP of ,Diekinaon Cok
184 e, Peaasylvaina, , tab ;
,NOV:tt -
citizen of ourTforough should be "Whhoilt a copy
when iteanaie had for 181Airente,'hY'
T ,W: MAItTIN'S, hiti) Hook Store''.,:loett7....l,
..'Adamti ,
ind all . tiaatiglis‘thit( era - loft tit lila 'ela 4
te 111 f`
be tt e,oyi th,,: and el.ltap at 61)
I°k .. " — it ra itiar4l, , e-, -
tt9ivit4o.t,o,l''l:to4 TM* St'
'mos • taiirligkor
or itr un uitilt 11A'tiVir
taitlitify Y.,!l,spo,pot-ollnimb' at dk
wc i4iai
ritikosli*Eloutilsoiteklani todilEf evltr'oppositv'.,
46:134i,iu,.rri,F h 7) c
For Sale or Rent,
Small Farm For Sale