SoceD Stkpwaitcui =ME Aca: WEDNESDAY, JANUARX 3O 850. fl 3 ELECTION OF ItIO9 4. 0 90• went to the Constitution f provilitg for the election of Judges, which was passed by tho last Legislature, and advertised in the papers last summer, was ajwa.adeptedin4he 4 S,ettp, ate last week. But three Senators voted against the resolution. It has net yet been' brought up in.the Hoitse. JUDICIAL APPOINTMENT. , --Wm. •8. . • . McClure, Esq. a.native of Carlisle, but for a number of years path a , resident of Pittsburg, bee been appointed President Judge of the Courts of Allegheny county, in place of Judge Patton, whose term has just expired,, The pollination gives great satisfaction in Pitts burg, where Mr. McClure bears a high char. attar as a lawyer and citi2en. Secretary of the Commonwealth. We learn from the Harrisburg papers, that TOWNS END HAncas ; Esq. the vety able Secre. tary of the Commonwealth under Gov. John ston'e administration, resigned his office on Thursday last, having received the appoint ment of Register of the Treasury, at the hands • of Mr. Meredith, Secretary of the Treasury. In re"""ining hit cciiiimission to the Gover nor Mr. Haines speaks warmly of the friend ship 'whith cemented their official connex jot r end beat; cordial testimony to the high character of the Executive, and his success ful administration of the - toVgnment, On Friday messages were receiihd in both•fiouses•from theGovernor,Oving infor mation of the appointment of ALEXANDER L. Rosati., of Bedford County, as Secretary of State, pro tern, in place of Mr. Haines re ' signed. Mr. Russell is a gentleman of tal ents and experience, having been Deputy Secretary in the office. We learn from a correspondence publish ' ed in the Philadelphia North American, that ' upon the resignation of Mr. ltaines, the ap -- pointment of Secretary of State was tendered • by Gov. Johnson to the Hon. Daniel • and eloquent Representative of Adams county. Mr. Smyser was howev. . er compelled to decline the appointment, be lieving himself debarred from accepting it by the language of the State Constitution; which says in the eighth Section,—"no • member of the Senate or House of Represen tatives shall be appointed by the Governor to any office during the time ler which he shall have been elected." An unwillingness to subject his constituents to the expense and inconvenience of.a.special-electioni - is also • assigned'aa a reason, for ideating, by Mr. • Stnyser. He concludes his. letter- by assu ring Gov. Johnston, that "whilst thus con elf-eked th:decline the Itonoi•Zdended me, I shall ever hold the proffer in grateful remem brance, and shall at all times take pride and -pleasute co-operating with you, to the ex tent of-my power, in your.efforts to advance • ' the prosperity and greatness of out beloved Commonwealth." r/The Harrisburg Telegraph, in announcing the resignation of Mr-Baines, and his appointment- to the post ol' Register of the United States Treasury, says: • As the post thus offered to Mr. Flames was entirely unexpected and unsolicited by hit?, • be cannot but. feel highly flatted by . compliment; honorable to •him and compli . mentary to the Administration, and to-the State. Mr. Haines in his present position has earned the respect of all who have had business in. his departments, as well as the affection of all who have had intercourse with him in social life; and he leaves Har risburg, and his posts, with the regret of all acquainted with him. Washington Rumors. The Philadelphia North American' com plains, and not withoetnause, of the injustice done the Whig portion of the public by the telegraphic reports from Washington. Al most every one has remarked how carefully' the speeches of Case, Foote, and othor locofo oo members have been given 'to the public, while the speeches of whig members have been more or less curtailed and mangled.— "Rumors" from the same source are made to do greater injustice and misrepresentation.— In a batch of these which came in Monday's papers it is stated that ' , ToWnsond Haines, of Pennsylvania, has been In town some days, working for the, appointment of Gov. Johh, ohm as minister ~o Russia. It is urged that the 'Whigs of the Pennsylvania Legislature will sustain the President's territorial 'policy if the Governor is appointed." Now this is a nu all over, without any qualification what. ever:. If. Townsend Haines had gone to Washington, we presume it would have been to enter upon his new office there; -but the truth is he , was 'in Philadelphia when this dispatch was sent Ag to Gov. Johnston the people Of Pennsylvania may .be , assured he will 'not desert his post, the duties of which he. is discharging with such ' pre.eminent success and so much,honor to -hie 'own char acter., The expectations of the enemies of Gof:Johinaton are doe tined to disappointment. Me"will'nof ' only remain in the Executive ohatipthroughout his present term, but we ' questien.yery. muchovith the affections of the people so wermly centered upon him, whether 'they:Will consent to that limitation of - blir atuvume:'' ' , Night Schools. -. irrHundrede oredult - eitiiena are en, joyingntiiiir benefit of ' Night Scheele • *biehrhavelheen reeently'opened in' Phila. and:ifrimaratione are making to open, a /*realernutrkinfr...ot quid}, •Beho'ole to meet the demand et ripii applicantekieadmission. -'lAbgreal change in• the moral character - 1)11)M zommunitrielantioipated from theee'rchoids. Werahould like 40 see the eiperiiitenf tried . an.,CarliplevaslC it; about lobe inrlariciater and other placeaow4t might tree our sheets et the Dalai' idlers who are . warning the 'win ter,: evetrungei not ;only .unprofitably but with , positive injuirtolh'emeelvea AP9RI - P 3 iikelagion• ' 'ThitAttlay last the House, , Mr. Ctu l ,,Ruirrfldq,a ,, P o -0 1 . ) 4, 'from . m tol),ors. ot the 9erhian fielortnetf: churall,,;at , k Start., • ietistpi'tg, , risking .to,be,..incariorated , . , ileatioaiarka Aipper' Aaisn,;kantasAittsichibabathuld'nt,iittinii: ye, paniel7Beelfiaid tir..:l'; • . 44,0 . 11 Ania:aten.iiettntaseperted,' Tz!lo . ngi diti 3 O*•-pti,l4legefl Depadi , Sakikohe r p9wer;to issutsmoteadhalNl4l.37• • , Bak4APProYek.Gen. :TerjaLOAPD'AAa~ltorni au,agplin l e • meop s goegoonp.,..i ) ,;,t ,061, Liptilmit...Aa l unktoivanainioie gwi I belOtiod oil our •;',71N4.02, 41 : 12 1A T .40) , 94 ,, ,fg!thp pui; ' •6 tr fail'elf 1,041 m Aaifirliblog,,,, , , , -, 0: fik?? t l4l ' &( ,! 311¢Zi; b 1 7E4, . • . ...• - • • • •"• TarlQ loop .by Mr. thurtk". OrCtird4 ' .heritino.:c.ourity, has ofiered:ceeoluticiniOi the House inditifo'r \ of .a'Pretective Tarlo 7 ?„ . l We cannot kci„Lattyiptice of these retalui.l . irphe ) riimiiiit 41lie•IdAprociiii)rige4 . but‘eqemri theilieVe brought 144 MrACl.iiikk the wrath of „Teol,-Mifter; the oiAtie`lesOleils `andl'eintsci444 4: . `~they• must be of iliro; "right ittripe." Church belongs to the honest lew ol'the)ll3- ' coloco party in Pennsylvania, who noiwith „etandieg,the ehamefuliabandonment , otAlrirf. old principles by the- mase,ol the party at the bidding of. Polk inif,gie,Ribert'Vil'iiikirr, still cling to the old democLatic anctrine of Protection to.kmericanlndlustry, we hope to, see' itrn`!hily , for the resolution its haiiiiii;driirCil—ier there will be men of home who will attempt to use the lash as se verely as has Jesse Miller. The Telegraph thuis alluded to!the Matter Ml= ‘`,, . 1 , The Keystone; to yesterday's number, 'came down with its lash upon Mr. Church, the able and independent member from Cum berland, because of his audacity in offering resolutions in the House of Representatives in favor of the Tariff. Mr. Chetah %veld be considered by most then, tolbrably com petent to the transaction •01-business, - an - d - to discharge his, duties to his constituents, and the people of Pennsylvania. His judgemen in private matters has been so good that he has acquired a large fortune mostly by his own industry, though-only a young maa.— But in legislative matters it is supposed the ordinary rules will riot apply, He must go to school; at least take a lesson or two f r om the Ex-Secretary. The lash is a powerful corrector of faults, but some dogs will not remember the chastisement so as to obey the next time." We shall see whether the event proves Mr: Church to be an "able and independent member." That he has made a "fortune" in the "lumber business" we believe was known before. Penny-Dog Warfare. The loco Canal Commissioner% have not yet got tiled or ashamed of their penny-dog sowings at the heels of Mr.. Ball, the Whig State Treasurer, for as they allege not meet, mg theiedrafts for money. They have raised a hue and cry about the workingmen on the , . State im roveme.nts_aoLbeing_promptly-paid through the season, but if such is the fact it is "because, as many shrewd persons believe, the locofoco supervisors and . rnanagers de vote the funds to other purposeS than paying "the puor laborer." -Meantime the Auditor peneral4 Report gives the "figures, -which cannot lie," showing_thaLthe State Treasurer promptly paid the extraordinarily heavy drafts of the Cana) Commissioners, just at the very Reriod when the money was most wanted to sustain the threatened credit of the —Commonwealth. : •. These locofoco Commissioners, in COM 10• uance of their,unjust and malignant warlare upon Mr. Ball, have now got the Messrs. Norris, manufacturers of Engines in :Phila delphia, to complain-that they-have not been paid for two locomotive Engines, amounting to +116,000. The bhime of this they lay at the door of the State Treasurer, and request the Comtnissionersto lay the complaint be fore the Legislature. The matter was brought before the House on Saturday, and referred to a select committee - to investigate. Mr Ball will of course willingly meet the inves. ligation. He is not the man to be snared by cunningly devised locofoco schemes, and we venture to say has no fears of investigation into his official course, even by hie hittihis ° opponents. It may be discovered that the "poor laborers , ' have been defrauded by 10- cofoco officers, who have made ether uses of the money. A very considerable rise in the mice of Coffee is announced in the prices entrant of the city markets. int' accounts from abroad do not justify the hope that there will be a very great decline In price for the present.— The last crop in South America is said to be greatly deficient; In Java the eruption OT's volcano has debtroyed a great number of the coffee trees; in Venezuela, according to let ters received in Philadelphia, severo rains had greatly reduced the crop., In Hoyt!, sumptuary laws had prevented its reception et the various ports, 'but latterly it was com ing in mote freely. The enhanced price If the article will take a goodly BUM out of the pockets of the people of this country. ' A deep solicitude hasialways been mani tested by politicians concerning "the poor man's lea and coffee," and we should there• fore like to know what the Tariff of 1846 is about? It that Tariff caused the famine in' England end Ireland two years ago, it must have something to do with the)itilure of the Coffee crop. We hope the Sovereign people will "rise in their majesty" and look serious ly into the matter The State Printing. The public Printing ol the Stale was allot. led to Theo. Vann, & Co., proprietors of the Harrestniig Telegraph, on Tuesday last, they having been the lowest responsible bidders for its execution in The proposals offered ;were 81 per cent below , the . predic t rates, which according to the °Union's 'state. ment, are equal trtsaven mime and Eiji mills per 1000 etas for composition, andepytiecente and six mills tor , press work.. • This,searns to ; us a iufnous, tate, but ~doubtless ottifriends' ot ;tlie Telegraph kriew,what they , were ationt, and mean to perfoirri ri .theincontraot i full lalth. The ; email remnant of Ilier:Ger mon in:lilting that to now left was let to , Pitil ip° Webet„at,,about 20cts. :for °composition . erttl,Prei t e,Werit per 1002 erne and token. was•when. the %Harilsburgorim tem made „respectable ratlines in a few yearrhby everna share•el ihe printing'. • We apprehend that it will take•sOrne °HMO to do 'that mai& at preserit,rates."' . , a•Pit reee9hbClPPOPies • over- eightept. dose columns of,', the National In tell igrineeo;?',The i'mttsses' 7 thereforeeatiPt well= ead they •weehl, and i they certainly leouldo;;:l'he genera; impresSfon seems Io thatle this erieeoWJ the' of the ;tn=,27B7(ihrotiglfihe' ittiehde' P. JeffetspnVitielaustrr - stiserted/11,11te„itt‘y, actment' Ohio, , dlaai ,- y l t 1!1°Inb es .16',tfttePh;rI 'i+bli ht :of Blitlery leased. polltloal' follower )1/14, ¢plt,Al c . l,,Rort,OgypuP,liptitatili,Ati k p T9 'olthia l tongrest&lpta l nlphp ,tigf4'4ljvp,tsrtpO'hib# tititerOltOn't,Our Blexigskol l ,oo, l eo4.i fle'iiisylliew-bid.giibil:bie,krthit yr/00mi I fitobal4rtivAntte ' 4: :4 R `'alit ..,C;d'A' ! 4rt . 4 ' , ' Rise in Ilpoffec Ge* , ,tassis , speecici t tt".. tdurse. Jungian° . papeis'are ory ing ' nut since ge,• 'I e has tnkrn,Gen„ co ss i f irotfo . , ( l6.lhe subject pis is not the tact, , IttidOey nornrint a great error in claiming '5fia1,,. , 416. Taylor; in. his - recommendations, up6n the platform of the,. :Niiitilin letter, or borrowed any part of Mr (gag& litirider. To do that, it' is necessary ptifili*President shoold recommend'the or; 4aniza)ion of Calilotutn and New Mexicb lino - Territories, without the Wilmot proviso annerced Which 1 1901114;1e equivalent-to this. virtual permission of slavery. fieneral Tay lor reconirnends;no , or without the proviso: his plan is his own plan : and, whatevewnwy be said or suppo• s'ed as to his pereorial wishes in the matter, it lb a prdii which - looks, as by an inevitable necessity, to the erection of 'the two late Mexican pcovineee into States of the Ameri. can Union. . • That President Taylor is extremely 'desi rous to avoid—or, more strictly to prevent a stormy struggle on the Wilmot provjso, is clear,—is openly avowed; but those who fancy it is for the personal object of escaping the rdpdnsibility of approving or disapp_ro- Ting any - TeThi•C -- enil - bill containing it, Mis take the man who stood so Calrnly for two days in the trenches of Buena Vista, resist ing and repulsing the hosts of Stints Anna. It is lot the sake of the country—of the Union, which is imperilled. by an excite ment not only treasonable but maniacal— that he recommends a course which can have no other result, let the Southern hot spurs. strive against it as they may, than to bring New Mexico into the Union as much a tree State as California. New Sort of Judges. Mr. Mason's bill for the recapture of fugi tive slaves now before the U. S. Senate ; makes provision that any arrested fugitive May be taken by the owner before "any judge of the Circuit or District Courts, of the United States, or before any commission er orclerk of such Courts, or marshal thereof, or any - Vatmaster of the United Slates, or collector of customs of the United States, re, siding or being within such pieta wherein_ such -- setztirliCiiniiiiiiiiinade;" either of whom, upon proof of property being mtul: 'to his satisfaction, by an affidavit "taken be-. lore and certified by any person -authorized to administer an oath under the laws of the. United Slates,-or of any State," shall give a certificate; which certificate shall be a suffi cient warrant for removing the fugitive to the &rite or Territory from which he or she lied. By the second section of , the bill, it is made the duty of any one of the above named officers of -the,United_States4other-than-the marshal) urihn being apfilied to for the ;pur pose, to issue his warrant for the purpose, to issue his warrant for the apprehension of the fugitive to said marshal, whose duty it will then be to make the arrest,i By the third section, a fine of one thousand dollata r is imposed upon any person who knowingly obstructs the party making the arrest,—who I attempts to rescue,—who aids or abets in an esoape,—or who, harbors or conceals the fu 'llium, after notice that she or he is a,fugitive This bill is intended to prevent to. the South an annual loss of "at least one Inn dred and filly thousand dollars ;" a tremen dous.loss, indeed, equal to a yearly tax of about two .cents and a half on every white citizen of the South, and almost equal to about one-hall the sum annually expended.. r in * supplying the children with gingerbread.' And it this bill is not passed, it will be deemed by the South another act of "Nor them aggression"!! The Wn' it Works. The lorge-brancheis of ten al the great iron mills at Pittsburg are idle; and taking into consideration all who are directly and indi= reody connected with them, at least 1800 operatives are thrown out of employment.— An outlay of more than $lB,OOO a, week is suspended, and both employers and employ ed are suffering. During the existence of the tariff 01 '42 the workmen in these mills demanded and received an advance on their wages, which has been continued ever since, until within a few days, when the employers determined to make a redaction correspond ing the old state of aflairt4§- renewed by the tariff of '96. This the employed resisted, and consequently the mills are idle. GEN. CABS AND SLAVERY.—It is stated in ihe-eylitorial correspondence of the De troit TriTuffe, from Lansing, that Gen. Cass is intriguing for the purpose of having the• resolutions of instructions to him concerning slavery rescinded. At the same time• Gove rnor Barry is anxi ously . hoping to secure his election to the U. S. Senate'in the event of Mr. Cass being brought to n direct vote on _fhez,question of Slavery, and pellorce to a resignation STATP f TREASURER BALL.---The Har risburg Telegraph well remarks, in noticing the election of Mr. Bickel, who will succeed Mr. Ball as State _Treasurer, on the Ist of May next, that the most flattering hope we can express for him is that he may discharge the dutiettas ably and successfully as his immediate predecessor will have dischar sad his. Mr. 1141 can retire, with the proud cortseiousness of having been the pioneer in inacy important reforms in partment, and also olitaying contributed. by hitt 'iitiaigy awl talents to the bright and cheer= tng' result's which Ititve,crowned the Brian= oinlitparationii 'CI tUe 'pait year. ; "Kr The Senate of New , 'Jersey: has .sciopted a resolution instructing their Beno it:Mt and Representative's in Critigreior "tc7‘kleri for such, d iaerirninoOrig itarift?,ilutiea" afford ; a softiciopi proteenon to thir.inanirlae lurefi'OP Now J and giber States.: o' very viptth lily Mobile m'esChrini eettled in Nsw,i(gric, iiitiappe,itted"iividetiouslf ago - Prid . was'inqiniised - to naip'besndxclyt , 'Ol - ,T - ItiocenikSquatice' minfsiOril:iiiii3n. 'lip iinEnoland, and has 'beery traveling in ',pi- PVir 9 . 593 , t0f SLL9 l kis ilit'ye,peeseti,r,etteltitiepe ewe n e jest rue 4 hoes 'et the tegiitlatere o 7 thet state, in Nter, of Betitod!eiiregeni p osition ; eta rewire. 'Mend him , for the • DFiterallo' earleidate l ier: the 7Presidenoy,in .t ", VIA „ . f, rearm ueremr4.--Irhe 'Supreme durt'ofePenneylvinuitiMi'ileciiilo4 i that, ,Pi ,Oreee;bkuliolollAipOtiy,Obr"ciaiiikor*f!bih,„ Wikeijiur4dimionNa6cild?COClFfillAfi ''llii.ilide r PialtillijaßtfOliktiptialiand,inaltr,t,T4W :f ,f/11,1t,0 llP4itlitliiyi;t6linoo4„l4:Aiiiiro e littu t g .'t e',,diviite.ol4o4kilivilici l '4:id 1 Ull'etiii '11)11 .1-4 5% , :, ,, ,i.v. ~ . ,r.-.1.'---4t7.,..,-,''4.4.=, ! - ,,! !! ' . 1:41.0 , ti . :I,lt ' liozAy , trptliarokAwth,g,&, ~ '‘?••rt4'l, l l?-*,-,:,•As.o4.''Cin, , If':o ,4 ...q:l'j•fl`v 44 !•?: , It', 4 .ffiit , '4,l'l4 ,o ,t,i , ti.•'\''i'l V, '''reV'thlir.,g,itii'. .. • •, . : 1 9lopplite the gorptill!es. 9 . 9 . I ‘ i v i ti ti : a b i ti 6 t k ny lii . l4 l;lll l 46 7 l;4 N (l 9'.. t a Ll ii r: Cibtgrnan, of N.- tipiftol ono Ott Tirdtalay Onlilernta Message' la 9 piop ' otti that every should no(be acted li(itiMi6tlod,Mnill:llle,-.:lav:ery goes is settee& - J lf toriy ! sii(iiitifril6erp, that is one-hfllieltoose they eati;ealrilio'yeas and nays,ommil-triplions tit 'ittijotlo, lay on' the table, amenif,oommii, fke. and thus materi ally reiertl business,.il not elleutually atop it: We regret io soo.speli a proposition from Mr. Cliegman, Whaling net.hitheito acted 'aid, the t tutor firm of Toombs & Co. But this thing stopping Ilia supplies will riot work, and the Mb had better not attempt such an ombarassment of the government eldest!' sho wishes en - avoiivileiniino and humilia brig defeat, Gen. Tayloir'n message has defined the ground on which the Slavery question may be practically settled without compromising either Northern morality and, or Sou them "rights." The country will undoubted- IV sustain Gen. Taylor in the course he has taken,.and -it the—South-would -- escape- d grace and defeat she had better adopt the measures thus presented. General lianking. Law. The Germantown Telegraph remarks that a general banking law for this State, is. daily becoming mote popular, among the people generally, without regard to party. We are glad to see this, says that paper, as we feel pretty confident that a law, for the purpose of currying on the'business of banking, Sim ilar to that now in operatiion it the State of New York, is the only priaicrible mode of guarding the community against loss. Such a law will throw 'open the business to every body who may choose to act under it, and not a privileged few, while at the same time tt will always secure the holders of notes against all risk. As an instance of the soundness of the New York system, it may be only necessary to mention, that in the late failure of the Walter Joy Bank of Buflalo, while the par ,,stres to_thefirm were, utterly insolvent; the notes in'encsiation were at par—the pay ment of which was fully secured by the de, . liesit of State Stocks in the Comptroller's of at Albany, agreeably to the provisions Ilatt the law. • : ' ARRIVAL OF THE NIAGARA.-The Stea mer Niagara reached Halifax, on Thursday morning Winging two weeks later intelli- gence from Europe. The news in a-political point of view possesses little interest but is -,cf - thelitmoit importance to the mercantile community. Cotton had advanced hilly a quarter of a penny per pound. The price of flour has iluflered a slight decline of about sixpence per barrel.. Corn had also declined about . a siipence-per quarter. President Taylor's message teas redeived "in England by the Hibernia. It has been extensively published and largely comment ed upon by the English press. The general expression of public sentiment is very favo. table in regard to it. _ At a political meeting in Staffordshire on the 10th of January, there was a tremendous riot and fight between the Protectionist 4rif mom and Free Traders. The latter gained the day. Lord John Russell is about to bring . in a k bill to extend_the-franchise. He is forced to it by publip opinion: Throughout' all classes in England a vigo rotis and hopeful feeling is observable; arid ,the 'winter bad been favorable to thri poor. OHlO.—Difficulties Settled. The leg islature of ,Ohio, alter being in session seven weeks. was "at length fully organized on the 18th inst. Mr. Blake, the speaker of the Senate, resigned his office, .in consequence of the diffilulty his election had occasioned, and Charles C. Converse, Whig, was elec ted, receiving 25 votes. . The message of Gov. Ford, was delivered on the afternoon of the 18th. He recommends "the passage of resolutions pressing upon the Ohio delegation in Congress, the propriety and necessity of passing an ordinance forever excluding sla very from every foot of territory owned by the United States, before any portion thereof shall be organized and admitted as a State. riow IT WORICS.—The seventy-seven incorporated banks and two branches in the Stale of New York under the safety fund ayldem, have a capital of $28,960,860, on which they are entitled to a circulation of 823,282,400, They have in circulation and on hand $21,456,861, including 1699,9580 unregisteied notes, leaving their circulating notes less than the amount they are equal to by $1,875,538. Us/e5tuAL TAXATION.—Under the pres ent systeni of taxation, much at the real es tate of the State is made to pay double tax. It is done in this way : A poor man buys a farm for $5,000, upon which be pays $2,000. 'leaving a mortgage on the property for 3,000. Now, this man actually has to pay tax on' The $3,000 that he does own, an'd for which the real owner also pays a tax—that is, a man must pay tax on the money he owea . A' resolution has 'been introduced . the Senate proposing to remove thin evil. p.7A most melancholy accident 'oc curred in Honesdaliou'Saturday Jam, result in the death:of Hiree young ladles i ptie of whom was The daughter of ,ln:dgeilypotl ward;of Wilitesbairtt; Pa. appears, that they were enioying . ;thentseVespi eliding and frolicking on thejee, who p , suddenly gave way , ond'befOrp assistance readered thei werel:diptued ! Their, bodies Wire'afterwards ricevered,and taken , to they ' friends „,111:741assachusettii , has three tuillions of dollars Invoited ,sohool-housee--has school' fund; of nine, hundred.' thousand dol.' ; s—and with lead than , a Million mhhbitants raises Irom'aight to nide • bandied thaasand ;•dollars annually,.by ,voluntarrepiatio#7;ritor r the suppori,ot, titieocommon - italtooler.'' it any wonder f'Whigglery floarishes third?: ”- “Modinir '"=A:Ptillt‘ddrre' • • - 1 , / t0:4.:. •• auctioneer , %tadvartised a"perenTtiliy„ ealcb, tvad: t to tyie nikOrty ,I"4Rnd dollars: 3l rgnT i B anko9 t eo-71 ,Ourineredy 1 0 1 AVp, i ' , 4 . 4 bletgbi, under the'nucticnacridlaaieY,„but•4tey , there ntiactini t tiitl44tr. laateit, • , •-• - f " '•i, t .TexoB;, is eipeoted' niaoti on ,Oln imiy in, 0 the sO,nte• 111 !!?/P014n , I 1 4 1) ,Ilikir ; 41 . AnP this posion, ta.afieto bd tc n l l tge l• ,l !l l ? ni ,k4PAlle#Fk tiiit(tOti Cidho • u it ; to fmt 1 , 0 “Att;•.,.9 hati' `` fit •' ' ' ; Dpfaulters !•;--3Che List kilvelling will probably lose (tear $200,000 by the de. (Mention of Prosper M. 'Wettnote, lati, Navy Agent at New Not k. lt-bits lost 5t4000,11 . that of Denby, Navel Agent at Rilibtriond;'. 920,000 by that of FAVMc4e, Cpl' New York ; .500.000 by that 01 Pat 1111 .I ma, Suiveyor'of the port , o:(...lociiitiatti, $ll,OOO by that of Lt. Stiitt' Vt.„ l l6teliingtoti . : ' There are more to be added to the I When the Lecolocos were. Rimed out . of 1 power : in 18.10 : who does not recollect the hot of delaidters who were exposed and published to the world—the Ilarrises, - 1363tis; Spencers, Illawkenses, etc. etc. Out of some sixty La .d Office lteceivers arid Registers— all Locolocos--there were only lour Or' five who were not speculators or defaulters, be sides the Swartwouts, the Prices, Sze., in oth er branches of the Government survive. Anil now a similar state of things ll trans. pning. The defaulters, are coming to light. They have been doing a snug busmess with the people's money under the late Polk Ad. ministration. It takes such an honest !nap us Zachary Taylor, at the head of the pen pie's G"verflifielll, -delin quent:, with a round turn ; end he will de it So look out, gentlemen speculators and de. (millers GEN. Pi tow AGAIN.—This distin gniehed commander has 'written a letter to the editor of the North American Review, in defence of-the fortifications erected at Ca ma'rgo during. the Mexican war. It will he temernbered that the General had the'ditelr es constructed on the wrong side of the wall. He now makes a feeble effort at explanation by, saying that this was a mere trap set to catch horse thieves! Ho also, as usual, en deavors to to shift the responsibility to other shoulders, by eliargrug it upon General Pat. BIM! STATE PRIyTING:--•ThE Editor of the Lancaster Union, who Was an unsuccessful bidder for the--State-Printing, says that even ta the appatently ruinous prices. it was taken by M r. , Fenn, he can yet make $4,000 a year out it. sCrGeorge Helms. aged .GO years was found dead near Sunbury, Pa., on Tuesday last. The deceased vies of intemperate habits, and perished from that cause and exposure 0.."-Cornstock 8; Co 's Lis! of Vaitlabi paparations, consisting of , The Genuine Balm of Columbin,for restoring the hair. Conners Magical Pain Extractor, for Pains and urns, . Hawes' Nerve and Pane Liniment nit Rheumatism Dr AleNtiles Acoustic Oil for Dcafnene. . Hays' Liniment for the Pile's. Comstock & Co's; Concentrated Compound Fluid xtrneroTlitTinitnarilln, for purifying the Dr Spohn's Sick Ilendnche Remedy. the nisher's Relief—an Indian Discovery. Longley's Great Western Panacea. Rev Dr - Partnoloutow t o Expectctrant Pink Syrup 'for Colds. Dr. Dounel'e Mixture for Secret Disensos . . 'Kohnstock's Vertnifuge for Worms in Children And Mrs Brown's celebrated "Pots Killer," . . . or relief in Cholera inarhus, Dysentery, Cuts and rulers, healing sores on man or beast, Arc. To be altos internally or applied as n wash. All the above valuable preparations, which want of mom prevents us speaking of more particularly. hot which have btal:eil the highest celebrity, are for sale In Car sale by CHARLES 001L01, sole ngeht. Printed action§ will he found with each article. 11Tonen Atnittm- The Broken Banke.—The broltim banks ate selling in Wall street at—Susgbirlinima county 20 cents on•the dollar. Stat Mink at Mortis, nothing; Delaware Bridgo IS c4p4; op the dol lar; Wooster, Ohio, 20 cents on thb. dollar ; Norwalk, Ohio, 50 cents on the ,dollar ; San dusky, 30 cents. New Counterfeits.—State Bonk, Newark, N. J.-s's spurious. Vignette,. Steamboat, and men in small boat. Chesapeake Bank, Baltimore, hid.-s'a spuri ous. Vignette, two flying flgures,liresenting a bag of specie ton female, who holds. in her hand a key ; beside liar is a winged lion on an iron chest. On left end a female holding a pair of scales, and on right martin two fe males., Rawdon, Wright & Hata, N. Ir., engravers. Tho title of the Bank is misers. hly inserted. A New Fraud. Notes purporting to be is sued by the "Farmers' Bank of Harrisburg," Pa. are in circulation .in the West. There is no such concern. The Currency.—The N, Y. Expreea says : "The paper currency of most of the Stator is .at low and uniform rates. The greatest dis crepancy of rates in any one State is in Penn sylvania, where wo sec all rates from / to per cent. All the New England Banks in good standing / discount. Now York, Country, H. Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Mobilo end Now Orleans, I. North Carolina. 2. Pounce see, 4. Ohio, Indiana, Kentneky, Missouri, Michigan and Wisconsin, 2. Canada, B.: tEito illarketo. P I HILA DELPINA ,Monday, Jan, 28. FLOUR—Ie without inquiry for export, and Penn. sylvanin brands nominally held at 415,00a4,94, without finding buyers. For home use sales aro limited at a• bout previous quoted rates. RYE FLOUR—No sales, and holders generally ash *3 per .bbl. CORN MEAL—is quiet, but firm at $2,74f0r Penn sylvania. WHEAT—u sale of 2000'bushela prime Delaware red wan made at 101 e. . . . . . . CORN—In fair demand, and batlaoo bindles good dry"Soutbern yellow sold at.s7e. OATS—no eltaige and nothing doing. SICLAI.a3.I.I2MIALTMG in affirming. on the 22J Met, by the Rey. W. A. Dewitt, 111" r. John. G. Carmony. Merchant, of, Oar lisle, to Miss Anne Mary, only daughter of Mr. Ono. r n er t , he, o( lo llll i h e a n n t ic i sburg. y F. Dockson Mr. Da v id E. Shado,,toAliss An 'y n Max Sholley, of bungle. fdn blocharodsburg, on the let of January, by tho V. A. mob, Mr. Adam Kreutzer, to Miss MarrAnn Douglass. • / On the 17th inst., by the Same, Mr. Adam Errol t 13 7 to no. Barbara Smith. On the 24th inst., by tho same Mr. tismuel Eberly to Miss Rebecca Drown. In Frankford tovitishlp, on the 18th insl.lllr. Quo. .liiilid, In the 77th year of Mirage:" ' At Matiellion, Ohio,on the at bit. Mrs...dinnah , Ildleh,daugbter o f M the tate Rev. Thomas G. Jones oyWooater, and Wife of Mr. Joseph 'llliichi'fostnerly o Carlisle. .. . . . , In this borough, on the 171), Init. Mr. Dirrldl ,Turn er, Id the .69td year of his age,'' -, Bolles Leiti i~ ; ~ootgty . ltiao Uug At a meeting of the Belles Lattrce Society of Dickinson College,January'22; I.Bsfiviticr'fol lowtakircsolutlone were 'mien irribueli idiiiivocJi ,Whereasi_lt bath . pleased , God , to repetitive` front' ,our .initlet a menkbar:of,'the-Faatilly of Riakihson College, and of our own 'minty therefore be It,' • - • • • • ' `1 ..Rosolvedi .That , we 'Omit) ' in sorriiiv . Air • the death ,ofJudg p ,Reed,, , witit 'that '„tionimunity of which ha was irate an ovternoriti and which. , litiVinnifdiiiiied,` no foe s by the - ',iiileable serii, dee of hie life; than thuilatrict hitegrltiOof his ciheraetor, and t he ; noble feelings of hia.,bbert:g •, Resolved, That.,in' lii,n4 l tho, Belles ,tstmin aeoitili has•lcing iiiiiiignized mio - of 'het. firmest. Atendikhar ablest , supportate tiiid' fi . iir''n'tilileint' . ebtlii, and that,,,in h,le, thattli c sbOtiani sustained o ti Joel, iiihleh oahniite,repkii.ipJi • ~,f .4. : ,,,i''....:A ' i Riiitilied,' That 'we' tondrit 'eta .aiirroy O n g tratnlly qui ii , mpathy;Jn7 theii<diliaildni 11'114'1 would ,unite., hr. the nOtinel4 l lo 4optl,,thin , vhin'l spirit foOrid 'ropopo 14 it.p,clker•Tarld.); al.O l'i Reiblve'di 'Pint ilk) 'Oeulirefiotolo of mourn ing km war& byi the :tila mboie PO our society for thirtyOays, and that l our en l klem Veil shrouded 14thepoblipOihibltiona ofthin:yeat; r,„- ,T ' „ l liaolvediThet.tveiifof these rpOiuttops ihltraounittednoMlO:beFoaiiiTarntiy;'dnd that !hey be publidtthl in:the nowenapprikofcarllelpi 1, ,• - -'i ' " "'•`,,"' I I J,,' , '.. :-,,', ,- I . 'f, I';'6.;,' to;P ' ',' , :' , ',;;:?• . 1 Aii, , , pg. V.....,..',,,,'''''.: ' ' 3, ' ......i , ~..".`1.....?1,....' 1; L ' } ~‘,',.,11:', , q- t i,Aqi ,ttr''W ti l DZ l Turtiresort; 7 , d `.,,: i:ipe.,, -,i''a1P.1P1t4 0 4 , ! ) !01yi, , ;J4W0 ,, a 0 iii4" ,,, 1 , 1 , , 4 -1',tt:: , +1,?,`,',.4t , .li, ,' i ,,/....;i;:'ir. , ,v4ii.`.1 - tc;44 , 1: 1 14M ) .' t c, , .,:i,, , ,• ; -.::,,,' ,-. c MEE • New nexieo. :The rilory are dins stilted by the- New °Hem , Picayune-- .. •-- . At Santa Pe. .A rquet gee "int other pl 'eel+, the Aaler,caliwitulaticka ',are vet'. deai tens n( etuntog into ng 11 - 'Blitt oThey :vein to hold a Convention tii Sonia C?Fe;- to Joriii a Cont , titutitin airing the, . The inhabitants are 'bitterly opposed :to tliti olairn of Tex:lB over that country, and insipt '':that it :vas I . 611(111P11.11 - by the Vitheti and lint by Texas. (Irani excitement prevails both in Texas and No Atioxiett . , tat this ne. coital, and it was supposed tharit eetiougdif 'ficulty Wetilirg.row out al the affair. XTDYKE is hereby given to all, perkins in. terested, that the lollovitWpfecoalits have boon filed in this office for examintitiep 14 the accountants therein named, and will lie presen ted to the Orphans' Court of CUMberland coun ty for confirmation and allowance, on Tuesday the 12th day of February, A. D. 1.850, viz 1. The account-of John Herman, , Guardian of Margaret Musser. •2. The account of John Bowman; Executor of Samuel Bowman, late of Eastpennsborough township, deceased. 3. The account of John Miller, who was Ex% ecutor of Michael Wolf; late of Miffim township deceased, as settled •by George Greegor and 1- John Miller, Executors of the said John Mil ler. . 4. The stipPlemental account' of lolin Bow. man, surviving Executor of John Bowman, late of East Pennsborough township, deceased. 5. The account of George Brindle and Daniel IT. Frieze, Executors of Michael Frieze, late of South,Middletnn township. deceased. 6. The supplemental account of John Piper and John S. Dunlap, Administrators of James Piper, tato di Westpennsborongh township, de. ceased ,:74.Plie -account of John Coover, jr., Admin istrator of Samuel H Andrews, late of North Middleton township, deceased. 8. The account of Lemuel Todd, Esq one of Executors of Samuel Alexander, Esq. late of the Borough of Carlisle, deceased. 9, The account of Alexander McDowell, Ad ministrator of Andrew McDowelh late of North Middleton township, deceased. 10. The account of Nathan Ilantch, Admin istrator with the willannexed of Elizabeth Guest, late of the Borough of Carlisle, deceased.- 11. The account of Frederick Wonderlich, Administrator bf William Quigley, lite of the Borough of Mechanicsburg, deceased, WILLIAM G OiLILD, Register. REGISTEIt'S OFFICE, Carlisle, Jan'y 12,1850. DIED. C* -- 111r. Ball. State Tleast'rer, pap rise Feteeary iseetest. ce 'MLA N DIZETI-PS PILLS Aux A. 11E von IN complaint has betome nTreipiunt, 11101 !bete are few persons who have not p a d line venal times. It is a kind ,of malignant con- ro oms cold, attended with muck fever and great w arm ion of strength. So soon 'as possible. swill low six or eight PlIls; it large dose is absolutely ne- c to relieve the brain, that organ appearing to I %v isa y "fro, greatly .in this complaint When they have I o p erat ed well, put your feet and legs In lint water.or ta g, e hot bath. He sure and lie purged before yon . 3e any means •of Increasing the circulation, or your life may he the forfeit, New gn In bed ~and when in bed take two more Pills ;hod Bonin lint bone set tea, catnip, or balm of balsam, or annie water gruel — any of these warm drinks will answer, and Which _luny be ice—either el-them 'will help to restore IlleßtiSible perspiration, and this me rind wilt generally care. Should,' however, the pa tlolll. after the pills and after 11,10 not Nil better. in the morning, let him tifke another sit, eight, or ten 111110 niece, according to the urgency of amp loins, end the warm drinks, and flint or general bail.. at night. My experience fins shown me that the third day generally finds the patient well, when this plan has been adopted from the beginning. 'Cut In nay event, the continuance or tile treatment is the best that can lie adopted. whether tit takes one day or twenty to effect the rare. However had the bend may be, never tot Mood he drawn or leeches applied, we want all thu blond wo have. Instead of loosing. thin 'life of our flesh,' let us take more pills, which will take the datinh principle free, IN, Ten vino our blood relieved, and ready to rally nll its life powers for nor restoration, eci soon as the purgation bas left It free to effect this object. • Sold in Carlisle at 25 cents pet box by CHARLES PARNITZ—by •e. Culbertson. Shippensberg ; Ii 11. Brenneman, Now Cumberland; M. Miner, Shiremanstown: J. Coyle, lloguestown. NOTICE. UWBRELLAS. Parasols end SunshadeS thndc, covered and repaired, by the subscriber at his Tin Shdp, in East Loather street, Car lisle. Terms cash, bun prices low. ' WM. FIUDLEY. Carlisle.January, 29,' 50. YOR RENT, THE Carlisle Deposita banking house, except the Banking room,, VI; for one pear from Ist April next; '0 and possession given immediately if required. For terms apply to the undersigned, J. H GRAHAM, CIIAS. OGILBY ,. G. W. SHAEFFER, Courniittee. Office for Rent. rrorAT desirable dace on'iMain Street, a few A. doors from themublie equine and formerly occupied by Dr. John Creigh; is oflered fur Tent Irony the Ist of April next. Terms moderate. Mrs. ELLEN CREIG4. - Carlisle, January 26, 1850. REGISTER'S NOTICE, NOTICE. N°TICE is hereby given to the members of the Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection Compaty of ll.chin , :on township. Cumberland county Pa., mat an assessment of six per cent has this day been laid in tho premium notes of said Company by theeßoard ; 'which amount is directed to be paid to the Treasurer of said Company. according to the charter and bylaws. By order of the Board. A. G. MILLER, Src'y January 10, 1850. Abliee. . . HE undersigned having.purehased the interest of former partner, takes this met lad of informing his numerous customers and the public generally, aim he will continue et the well known stand in East Main street, di. rectly opposite the stare of Mr. Chas. Ogilby, whore will be found the largest and cheapest as sortment of goods in his line, viz.,_ Hardware, Cedar ware, Glass of every size. Paints, Oils, Dyestuffs, &c., of ally store in the county. The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to his customers and the community generally, for the liberal patronage given to the late firm, and . strict attennon to business, 'to merit and receive a continuance of the same. Jan, 7, Isso-3t. HENRY SAXTON, ei otice. ALL persons indobted to the subscriber, are hereby notified that their accounts are pos. tad up talkie let inst., and nre requested to all and settleitif. The books of Warren B. Par kinson, Agent; up to October 1,1849, aro in my hands for settlement. On the let of February ,next, they will bo left with a Squire fo collec tion. BRA. OGILBY. Cagele, Jan-3,1850 - 7 - ''DoAvarnNa. • A Gcptkmnn and Lady can be a coomtnotin ted with a good parlour and front chamber. Al.' no several single gentlemen, with hoarding and lodging, at the house formerly occupied by Dr 3. T. Myers.. (Jan. 9, '5O) List - of Letters. IST of Jantere remaining, in the Post . Office JLII at Newvillo: ,Arnould Samoal . Miller Henry „ Bags Mathew ' Miller David, Blair Miss Mary'A ~Meniser floury...'. 'Balter'William A • Mender, StirY L - Davidson John - • ' McLane James ~ • 'Barnet Sarah MePar alTn - G - se Zug eis9n David .D .tPireseone Samuel, Noacor William Fafnor DanieP. A ' o,VleriDaniel • Gilingralohn A': Powloi „, Getiso‘Abrahant' RinfOn,Pettie,, Div,lor,lfohry: Rnth'Richnrd DeatiittCeJohil, 'Shealy lienjushin • Ftrinelletry__L -4 1-`Kroglow i 'Atidtey':' , 'Stine Samuel Ireihl Snook' Shover , David " 'MarlantrJairies •Werst , Williani • JAME:SIVIDNER,' P, M. Ist 3.851),,. -)tiGAR: HOuiee, Sirup, 'and °deans M olasses , pf 'Ito" best, qualities.: •i .• • , • ' i• MACKARIIL•' : • smell level Ncii -2; in , half.barOle;rtnd , 1 in quarter , intrielsv also 1/ . ;; ; ; /31" , 1 ' ".Carlisle Jon. 70 , 1 eso,r'P - )7ii • eft;' " =`, Bum?w4o,A,, ' - ' - ; OF tlio,firtescAdalitX 1 ;Y. REA;sbang , F." ‘`l - ni land Mha h i ' t° g 4dt " 'Yvi . l ,t i 0 1 6 V, 4 Y( 4E fr iircatACK ie Elt il S;; ln : a - . :117,inefitir,'Catulloe,soPektn etl;46 bit* !lem„loolYlij.,-, Tinii t -Needle.,r i t:, 4 , A r hpd,af; neilesaur9 , -),: = ,EBY 61 0 0 4 • . °Ai. • colv 64.11icg r • ~ ,, , ,N .tui -azwerfitleirunts. ASTROLOGY, ASTRONOMY, iVENOLOGY AN 11.41130nANCVAI Prolessor C W noback, [I , IIOM SWEDEN.] Office, No. 71 Locust St., above Sib, op posite the Musical Fund Hall, Phil'a. $25,000 fIA %ONG lIEFINI WO:V. / BV till, titinteVutts lviends all the loin l'reinden -tittlclection-,- should - convince Ihirse skopti• eel pet sons who . tall: of FAlLusss, that no such thing as FAIL Is or lots been known I, the emi- Mem and disiimoished Astronomer and A stroi• ogee, C. W ItGIINCI, during his :exiwrienee of mere tplarter of a cetstury. Go you tlonbl predestination ? Then why not , vevY venue 'gut , * a celebrity of (Isne. sl Taylor. a Model NV, icier or a Hoary Clay ? Auld yet there are some who are fonli.,ll e nough to,.lotilit t- at ti titan may be born with the power :o see into fabler I. lents. How can it he possible that the destiny of slim should be governed by 1110 mere shuffling of a I pock of cards ?.„ and yet there are thous:wits who ,11110 W themselves, with open mouths, to sn•allttw Ithe greasy words of some old woman, Whose true skill consists in filling them with Wolidcri tint lirti most dillicult for the oligest inn aothers, who arc mire credulous, yet more scientific. It is such that lw ng discredit nn wit) ofession that has been ackno, !edged to lie n the highest order,frorn 'nrtemorinhand is the only pros leash - tit that has ii.ii authority lit sustain it. The high respect which, (-irnevsl 'city for,and Cltai-les Ilet padotte, late King, of Sweden bad tor A strol ngy , is shown by thew letters for the' , Nativi• lies to the subserlber, which ~it will give him great &costive in showing to those mho !liver Itim-walt-st-call, . , In addition to his power to foresee future e vents, he lion the poWer togive such information as will effectually redeem such us are gist.), to the too free tin) oldie bottle. tic is also cape. Idea curing- diseased heretofore considered in curaliWin t) is enuniry by the main Ay midi cines,stol wishes till to git e him a cull Who hove bred given op by plivSielnii. , 0101 ii 4,1 i 1., be cor ed- 11t; will warren . ) a cure in all cases.and sill Inioke no chsrge except fur the ennitirittionS be Shall winke use of in hisollice. Ile is oft so :eked what ii Nalisity is ? Ile auswerS Ilse( r.rilig to (l e? nuin e Y , one of the seven points in the of Astrology, that it is ajlorroscopt. of the rotore events of a pers).).'s life, carefully calcultord and trlitsCrilied on paper, containing an account of all the lucky and unlucky days it) the months and years of the persons life for whom it is east; by which means thousands in this entililry and rlsc where have been prevented from misfortmws that had been hidden in the womb of futurity , by re, ' .freeing-to their Nativity before entering on tiny speculatinli of business or pleasure. It should -- leetit theliands °revery one as their altnaluis for Isle, A Nativity of an individual rem only tore warn the possimsor of troulllcs that are in future for him; those who are involved%) Pre stud • dilli• culties of any kind must wait, on the subscriber in person nr bY letter, Who is prepared to exert his secret influences for their immediate benefit Ile is ready to use his influence to forestal the results or lawsuits.anti till undertakings in which there is •,atOisk involved, Its also.makes use of his power for the restoration 'of stolen or hilt' property, which be has used for the advantage of thousands in this city and elsewhere. Who can doubt a gentleman's abilities,.who has haul the humor to be called on and 'Consulted with by all the crown ed heads of Europe. and enjoys a higher reputa tion as an astrologer than any one living, ? EICkHe can-be consulted with at his office, orby letter, if pre paid, and he Is prepared to make use of his power us tiny oldie following topics:— Business of all descriptions;travelling by land or 'sea; courtships; ady . ieu giveri for their successful accomplishment; speenlating in stocks. meridian. - disc, or real estates the recovering of legacies in dispute; the purchasing of Ifekets; and the satiety of 'ships at sea. Ile also offere his set vices reipec ting healthov mild) and marriage, love aliiiirs, journey a, la wsuit.soliffienlvi in business, fraud, and in all die concerns of life, and Invites all to call who are afflicted, corporeally or mentally. TERMS. Ladies, 50 cents; Gentlemen, It, Nativitief calculated and read in full, according to the Or• soles of Nlnsollitte Signs—Ladies. $1; Genti-men $1,56 Nati vitiett cit'enlated arcording to f ientilan• ry, for Ladies, $ . :2, in full, $3; Gentlemen, $3 in full, $5. I' 1 ,- 3 • ” ..'"•••' - j s 4: 1 1, -;; Tif ; ' '' ''' ' - .. . v. It - - ' 1 - ± ; • (, L, i tilitel.lPt la all Christianized and civilized countries, has crowd n larger proportion of death.; dam env orb, 111 . • Alas the human and, until within a low there 1111111100 been any certain remedy 10 atop tin. , 11: , ..-•r flan of that destroyer. But num BRANT'S INDIAN p ri 1101 T 111 .'t v plo,Ui'i 11.1 Ityr, very many or 11/1 SI •frei,..,ip it 1t7eer. , !01 , ene1d1505..1../ --ur • r I . IV DO , 1-n I efort , . o.,•1 1 '' n 0 1, I•• i 1..1 •rlier• 10../ 0 ..1 111 1, Is. ../ .0 ill.ll 1 111 . 141 . 1. ern .1, 11.11/ yt I 11 , 1: ; 4:11,r., v '•%•;.? I I. ••••• up, 1110, .1.1.1 • 1•1•••••.... ••oel.t..c.,:mtl'e at , VII A rll. 1.1/11•10t Iv.. I p. e• .11 1•5 Pi.IRiFYI ExTR , N CT tim d.n I , .xtract. boom', • ~,,, na.t.rt.,t b., 01.4 Hi,. C;il,'; 'CO (W\ lONS. ME ,; ~•., ,r n . nirn—Atels . on. ,wary orJ nJryirnitnnnut, ivnen tiny li f .l,t, Thy 1j!, Palit!. ••••••,r4,t.sma 111. • I 01; rho • ~e • .1/t1 . 1111/1 , ;11 , 1 tI/i ': !hi; v Jailed I•l‘..,_te•ort. T1141:1 ana cf Coasumpticois •„.. 1 (4,1 its C./.1, - At nbnn hutly VW,/ Its 11 tfi t•Vl•vtcy v•It• •••••.• •••• t•itl•git•t••.l n, :•, ts •• 1•••5.• t at•• 1 • ..,! • • ~.,••••i 1.4 1:1,••rf. err tto• 1.0 • •1111,1 •••;•!;, tq w• 1 , 11,711.A./ . 1 Op. (4•40 . 1, Ihrant•4o. c'•ro Is Chil•trett tot{ tu ^ T: t SS E:3 3:, (.01;.1.•;" lo list , 110 s over hoo,l hal/ . Re ~ rta•l 10'01 , 1 41:11 ALL •••t 55,1 rot'autl,;& (Iv Ve.:l 1T1.31•5 Im{l,op thee :• tit ~J L trh•vret.di..n, ow.; or Iretiie•ii•ty—;! t1 . 1.;,4 or./16 rein, i.e • ,,j,, ••• •. rintl r )Mti I AI, I.l'. Y. ; C.10:151,3137.:T 3 T 7 0T , T. . . 1, '` N a C • ~ ‘N 1.0. lII'S 2025.. 11%.,1 lie, POlO2ll. lAN,: LW), rr MO: ,11i1OVII 111:4LiAtett.0111:b 1,w;;;11: her 10,1 ru:cainl.4l 11,1 or Lot tho our .! I'A,II , I4I.VILS. , (11W Wag enrlohl uu 'iret..Zl BA DYIeII MAN, or. .sosolllti 0,1140 p, V. Vet: (2(0 prove yonl 11ut,14, o th e, a, a 01,,51 rquieht of Cenlygn and Vapvihpp)iaofl.l ol W ll , which well Pronoiuteol F . ITS, FITS - I'.F.ITSt: , ! , • -Menem K.' Pl' I NCOTT-,&• SONvrtmpoeislo.on..3- '011,0115 nt Wlisyroto, Sol4iton ra ntoty, L .Psprntkirdn , vreto us, AI n 4l yl IttN, st.olimnuiu it mt 611** nt§ h, ,q,',,"l,"„Ve l o w ,q • 1.1!!4 uni! of 1 ;kirStlSNlnet!Oill ,ttittlFr7,oz 'them 'non ltor Avtdcli'lnubet,n !It .rn :reverni %%v.140'61114; the uso - prltits , , ,, li tt eet t int frAironeti tho'n,,nies;etr,eetetl,,.. Ity;••11 ,£!: 1 , 1 1 1 /1,11:1)1(11NESq ,. 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