Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 16, 1850, Image 4

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An Excithig toebate In the V. S.
7 • • Senate.
. . 'WASHINGTON, Jam 10, 1850.
IN SiNkrE.—The consideration of the
motion toint the resolutions of the
State of Ve ont, on the subject of Sla
Very, *as resumed. These resolutions
had bean presented some days lbefore,,
by Mr. PhelpS, Senator from Vermont.
Mr. Chase, of Ohio, having the floor;
addressed the Senate. He rejoiced that
the precedent set in the case of Vermont,
ten years ago, was now to be reversed,
and that papers from the legislatures of
states are to be received and referred, no
matter what may be their character.
Mr. Chase proceeded to remark upon
the threatening intimations ; thrown out
during this debate by Soutern •gentle
men, and inquired into the reasons for
such -intimations. Had not the Smith
always had their full share in the legis
lation, and the honors and power of the ,
country ; and did they not still maintain
their legitimate -position in all' these res
peets ? Why was it that the South
endeavored to dictate to the advocates of
freedom, tellin g them that they must not
press their view upon the South, and in
the Bailie breath a) iag to the North that
if a certain cour e is not pursued they
will dissolve the Union: Why was not
the question - met in the true spirit which
dictated the compromise of 'B7 ; the
spirit which actuated the fathers of the
Republic. He designed no aggression'
upon the South. He only asked that.
congress should do its duty within the.
constitution, prevent the extension ofi
slavery and absolve the North from ny
. ticipation in its support, where it exists
under the sanction of-the federal laws.—!
He would be the last man to propose an
interference with it in the States.
Me. GLETISENS, of Alabama, said these
resolutions did not stop where the Sena
tor from Ohio did. They went much
farther. They not only resisted the
tension of slavery, but also asked its ,
abolition in every State which has come
into the Union since the adoption of the
constitution. ,He would vote for the prin
-ting of these: resolutions—for filly thou
sand copies of them, if the Senator 'would
move it. He wanted the South to under
stand them. He thought it time that the
South should understand this matter, an ,
know what encroachments the North pro
posed. . ,
The gentleman said he was not intim
idated. Sir, we don't want to intimidate
him. We, of the South, have not endea
vored to intimidate the NOrth. Our ac
tion has been Impelled by different mo
tives. The North have told us, time
after time, that our opposition
_to their
oppression was not genuine; that We did
not mean anything when we said we
bold resist it. In view of that ; we have
uiced in expressing to you our firm-de
t rmination to 'resist to the last_any_fur,
t er encroachment. We believe that
Ni i
abolition will never pause in the midst
of its existence. One triumph will but
lead the attempt ID achieve another. •If
we yield to their present demand, we'
will soon be called upon to yield others.
The internal slave trade—the abolition
4'74 slavery in the States, created since the
formation of the constitution, and finally,.
wherever it might exist.
They had made no threats of dissolu
tion—the Union Was already dissolved—
it had been dissolved when -the North
committed the robberies upon the south;
' its aggressions upon their rights and
honor. If the North wanted the Union
• to be preserved,..let them repeal the laws
which violated the constitution, and de
prived the South of their rights, under
this instrument. A spirit has been awa
kened in the South which must kis satis
fied—they demanded a restoration of their
rights and, position. 'They were in ear
nest on this subject, and would give evi
dence of the fact if the issue was pressed
upon them.
The Senator from Vermont had said
tcat *hese resolutions expressed the sen
timent of the civilized world. Sir, no
man having a proper respect for himself
would have dared upon this floor to give
expression to such sentiments as these.
No body of men, who deserved to be
recognized as belonging to a civilised
country, would ever have so forgotten the
respect clue to themselves and their fel
low citizens, as to give expression to such
Mr. HALE, of New Hampshire, said
that the hdnorable senator from Alabama
had convinced him of one thing, if noth
ing else, and that was that concession to
fanatics never satisfied fanaticism: He
wanted the north to know that fact, and
expressed the hope that when northern
Senators and representatives returned to
their homes they would 'impress it on the
timid and the wavering every where,that
concession never satisfies fanatics,
He'must also say that he was gratified,
exceedingly with one of the remarks
made by that Senator, and that he belie,
ved that the whole North would be grati
fied; also there were yet a great many
timid good folks at home who had been
very much frightened by the speeches
made here, and seemed very mttch alar
med by this“wreek,,
'of matter and crush
of words” sort of. Sentiments whir, refer
ence to the dissolution of the Union : upon
the Slarery question, "Well now" said
Mr. rink, .Ait strikes me that these timid
people will feel great joy wlien they
come . to firid'ont that the Union has been
already,,dissolved—, for so says the hono
rable. Senator. and they know nothing
abottt it: '(Laughter,)
Mi:Fllikdeirsided the factory working
classes oldhelklorth.. Theynare the pride of
New England, and I would like any man, I
oaronet!how chivalric or bold he may be, to
go :•turioug Ahern and lell them they ere
elmicis;"."Compare thorn With slaves, do you,
sir? I villa not make that"comparison. Set
slaves—bring-lorward—you r-mas
tars, and it the weight of intelligence, educe.
tion, and every thing elite; that elevates the
huireurcharacter,,is npt nu the side of these
despised faiitdry.:o(teratlifek then . 3ieue.•mu.
tars wilt be lound,a, superior class to any
whont, I eve r,h,ad the.b on or do , beheld;
I don't leno wet Me, population, north - or south ,; With' Nivh - orit inimPure ' most la
v,orably emulation or
oornMendat!OO'.,, -
Mr. Rale denied else:that 'the north sent
MielectuMo hqrelfeli'friurd#4o "thif.'ainvea
of the Mid • 'dough.
terirel.their trtarsters;v "1-lal had been eier
' sant jibe inovemeinain his 'section, and , it
th'e' first "I ette r; ol tin_y Inch 'doctrine; . .hatt ever
failed, to :They,
,all:4lo)4r#l,oa(;ihOdid'n'ot;iitid would not,
Preasltnpenrrerttiori to the, slaves,
;sought,th'eiWto; bow with?meekness to a'oci.;'
- erjheY,l:iritiriot)riloistl—blit, at: the. l ,saine time,
;the:, God ilieEiPpresead. 'iri,;(o3itipeee
,!" 1 - 'r.
gentleMen.whehed -- preceded. hirif;Mesers., l
,„ Chasei;;§.e.W:ettl.44,9l l .l.elei.AulAskAlf.rit
trio ea" that cettld net he - MistinderiftriCilidoo; -
trines thatnecessarilydil.:
• franchisement of a portion of this..confedera
-cy. The; doctrine'. Wes - empty t.lllils=thrif
when the party which-had been called lice
Demociacy became sufficiently - .strong,'
would not require nor asic.the assistance or.
consent of slave-holders In carrying out their
• viewg. • •
The south had never, in any..respect, or
for any purpose, desired a disbelution of the
union. The record denied .such an allega
tion, For one, he could not sit and hear sen
timents expressed calculated to degrade the
South, and not, in behalf of himself and. his
constiteents, express their reprobation, end
asked Where the slaves when need bound a
hospitality equal to that they found at home?
He relerred to the case of Johr. Randolph's
emancipate° slaves, who he said, were
driven out of .the state of Ohio at the point
of the bayon , t.
Mr. Chase interposed, and said that Mr.
Itanduljth's slaves were now living in peace
within the utate.of Ohio. Although that state
desired no libmoeeneous population, she
drives no snilerer homogeneous
her borders at the'
point of the bayonet.
Mr. HUNTER, of Virginia, said that those
slaves, when they first attempted to settle is. I
Ohio, were drivel] off by a cumrany
on horseback and others on foot, arm with
• pistols, seiprcls and-other offensive capons.
fl they had been permitted to remit - Ile knew
nothing of it.
Mr. Butler resumed and raid—Gentlemen
had denied that societies existed whose ob
ject was to circulate incintinny publications
a mong the blacks. He alluded to the case
of Barrett in proof of the assertion. He re
ferred also to incendiary publications found
in the southern post officel..
Mr. Hale—Will the senator say whether
those documents were directed to blacks?
Mr: Butler—They were directed to just
such white men as you. (Laughter.) Poi
sons who, coming lrenelfbelree states to live
among usi are traitorous!, to the institutions
under which they have electedto live.
Mr. J EFFERSON Davis, of Mississippi, rose
to reply to Mr. Hale. Was it indeed true
that that gentleman represented such a,con
stituency as lie had described, and upon
whom he had passed so high an eulogy, and
that'in all this aggression upon the tights of
the south, this insult—this disregard of the
feelings, of others, he truly rlresented so en
, lightened a constituency ' The senator had
. said he knew of ne societies at — the north
who sent out inflammatory, incendiary, exci
ting appeals to the slave.
Very well; it they did not, the smith did,
and the ignorance of northern gentlemen
w s unaccoutitable. They all knew of the
w York Anti Slavery Society,which sends
t more documents, probably, than even the
enate of the United States Mr. D. proceed
'mkt° depict the aggressintis - upon the south,
and sr id that they knew their rights, feel
their wrongs and will maintain their tights
at every hazard. If gentlemen came here to
dnsult one section, of the Union—to divide and
issever it—if they were here to bring about
a civil war--here then let the first battle be
fought. (Excitement.)
Let those gentlemen who were exciting
and agitating to that end, first - taste its. fruits.
Aa to this motion to print, he would only say
that, no matter bete - offensive and unjust, in
sulting, untrue' or treasonable the resolutions,
he viieuld vote for the printing, it the legisla
ture of Vermont had directed them lo be sent
here ;'but as private manumit:els to their sen
ators, lie could not consent to print them.
Mr. Phelps, of Vermont, expressed his
oiirvfohoti Chat he could fiedicate the reso
lutions of tire legislature of Vermont and re
quested that the subject might go over until
to-ntorsew, when he would express his
Ott a motion by Mr. Cass, the Senat6Avent
into executive session, and soon alter ad
journed thud Monday.
a M I
r Vlll5 Cheap Family Grocery Store of tJo
seph O. Hulbert, West street, Car
lisle, has just received a large and fresh supply
of best FAMILY GROCERIES that the
Philadelphia markets Can alloril. The subsori
her has just returned from the city and would
respect) illy invite his friends and the public
generally, both iu town and country, to cull
and examine for themselves his large and in
creased stock, which embraces all the articles
usually kept in his line of bossiness. Such as
Rios Java and St Domine and Laguna Coffee;
Imperial, Young Hyson and Black Teas, of
very superior quality and flcyor ; Lavering's
crushed, loaf, falling loaf, and loaf sougars, or
angc.groye, clarified 'slew Orleans and brown
.Sngars of every grade mid quality, with price to
suit. Honey, augur house, Orleans and syrup
Molasses. Spices of all kinds, which he will
Warrant / pure and fresh ground. Brooms, Ce
dar and painted buckets, churns, tubs, half
bushel measures, butter bowls, butter, prints,
butter ladles, wash rubbers, &.c Clothes,
fancy sewing, traveling and market baskets of
all kinds. Castile, fancy, rosin and country
SOAPS. Also, a general assortment of chewing
anti smoking TonAcco,spnnish half spanish
and common CIGARS. Ropes twines, and
Brushes of all kinds. , Prime CHEESE always
on hand. Sperm, Winter, strained Elephant
and Common OILS.
added to my already large stock, a number of
new patterns of White Granite and fancy tea
seta. with CROCKERY WARE of Airy de
scription; which I will sell at the lowest prices
for cash.
Feeling grateful for the liberal patronage hore•
tofore bestowed upon him by agenerous public,
the subscriber tenders them his hearty & sincere
thanks, and hopes that in his efforts to please
and particular attention to business, to morn a
continuance of their support.
Oct 3, 1849. JOS. D. HALBERT.
JVE acions.
- •
THE subscribers have just returned from
Philadelphia with a splendid assortment of
goods for gentlemens "wear, with• which they
intend offering great inducements to the citi
zens of Carlisle and tho surrounding country.
They have on hand an assortment of
such as dress coats, •cloaks over coats, vests,
paste, shirts, bosoms, collars, under shirts,
drawers, grieves, stockings, silk and other cra
vats, pocket handkerchiefs, suspenders, hats
and Caps, trunks, traveling bags and umbrellas
all of, which articles tinny intend selling at a
very small advance on city cost ? having for
their motto 'small profits •and quick sales."—
They wish it to he understood that their cloth'.
inv. is ail manulactured under their,own 'super.
attendance, and not in the city, hence they aro
enabled to warrant every inflate they soil.
Having an experienced cutter engaged in
their establishmout,•they aro prepared to'make
to order any article of clothing in a.neat, fash
ionable and.substaniial manner and at short no
North Hanover . street directly opposite P.
lffenyer's Confectionery Store. foct3 3m
r r o citizens' f Carlisle. end surronnding
I country I Just arrived a large and Wen.
did' assortment' "of • fashionable'. ready , :mado
CLOTHING;for the , fall and winter trade, at
:the'store of S. 'Croldrnari,,Boiath;ortst corner of
Main' strdee 'ited . 'Market Square; Carlisle:—
The utidersiqnedi respeethilly infornia the chi.
— zT3, - riiiTarCinitsleTnitrailjdirting eetrorryTtliitt - h - e'
has just arrived 'front Philadelphia; with a' huge
_assortment of Fashionable , Ready Made Cleoth.
ing, which' for Cheapness and quality 'never
has been witnessed in .this ;place, :such
French ; German and American Cloth DRESS
AND FROPI,C,. COATS; ;Oyer ;.Coats; end
Busindss Coats, of 'all descriptions, : Clathei
Caselmoreir,'lnd Sattinel Sack' Coats, fine brk
and _fancy ,carisiniore -Parnalooris, 'superiet,
''satin and, at fined velvet cloth 'and ' sat thief
'VESTS. Also a 'large • assortMent ' of.' fanny
4 atidlierehitifs, fine iwhitq' , ' Linen ,
Striped and
rhea annoy
swore' ull cotton and; Woollen nikli!'
'llosomti; Cellars,. &c.
Beau . ':lfall;:ityle,tirllATS •Sr.., CAPS,
s id 'at : - prieee ;:eheaPer then' , any, where
cake. Gentiemen, - ,ere'invited to call - and , .eza....
mino'his goodei.aele.lashic,that ithoselwho`
ini7 will go:away, Witka.;ifeed, prices ,,VM,ql,sh,:o9pp
, sAguov.G-oliplort;•'
„ :
z , 'ondgittphio.:Eney '
:,;.flaird, of. Dickinson poneo 4
, ' , 7"PFv. i jn
urea 41ublioafiotMAlt , ie to 'be eierpo ete
ll*Tufit be 1 1 ,,dan tbe `se en , t at.
'wheie-OUldelmtlone,'7lll 4 be received :f_or ,
' 'l 4 f‘ lOctl7,
- tt • - ' ' '
• '•
1ii*c ., .#:*4 .. ".'4040,*414.#;..
'• xiirmijtitirSl7**4oPrt
The , Tiitejpgrance
and Trilef.4lo4POY'Of_.. , P4il'a.
Office No: "I"so'aiaittittts'Street:t7din:thi,s3o,o.
t • • 000. Ckarter'Pe}petual.•
CONTlNUU l te'inalie
V on the meet favourable terms; `receive
execute'Truets, and receive - Deftesite on '
"The Capital being paid hp and invested, to ,
getlier with accumulated prernium 'fund, affords
a Tanittscx SECtIffiTY to tlie-insured. The pro:
mium may be paid in yearly, ball yearly, or
The Company add a BONUS at stated pe
riods to the insuranges' for lile. This plan p
insurance is the most approved of, and is more
generally in use, titan any other in Great Bri
tain, (where the subject is best understood by
the people, and where they have had the long•
est experienee,)-as appears from the fact, that
out of 117 Life Insurance Companies there, of
all kinds, 87 ar'on this plan.
The first BONUS was appropiiated in De•
comber, 1844,umounting to 10 per cent. on the
sum iusured-mider the olchist'polices; to 81 per
cont., 73 per - cent., l&c; - Ste.,on others, in pro
portion to the time of standing, making an ad
dition of $ . 100; 887.50; $75, &c.; Edc. to every
$l,OOO, originally insured, which Is an average
of more than 50 per cent on tile premiums paid,
and without increasing the annual payment to
:the Company.
isdChe operation of-the BONUS will he seen
by the following examples from the:Life Insu•
rnnce:43..eaister of the Company, thus :
Pamphlets c.
and explanation•
plication, and fur
the office, gratis
dressed to the Pr.
THE Allen and East Pennsborough Mutual
Fire Indurance Company of Cumberland county
incorporated by-an act of Assembly, is now lhlly
organized, and in operation under the manage
ment of the following commissioners, viz:
Jacob Shelly, Wm R Corgas t Michael Cock
lin, Metall°lr Brenneman, Christian Stayman,
Simon Oyster, Ja cob . H Coover, Lewis flyer,
Henry Logan, Benjamin H Musser, Jacob
Kirk, Samuel Frown'', Joseph Wickersham,
The rates of insurance nrp as low and-favora
ble as any Company of the kind in the State.—
Persons wishing to become members are invited
to make application to the agents of the compa
ny, who are willing to wait upon thorn at any
lENRY LOGAN, Vice President. .
LEWIS LIVER, Secretary
Cumberland collet, y.—Rudolph Martin, New
Cumberland, C B Herman, Kingstown, Henry
Zearing, Shiremanstown, Robert Moore and
Charles Bell, Carlisle. Isaac Kinsey, Meehan ,
icsburg. Dr. J. Ahl, Churchtown.
York candy.—John Sherrick, Lisburn, John
Bowman, Dillsburg, Peter Wolford, Franklin,
John Smith, Esq., Washington, W S pinking,
Dover, Daniel RatTensberger, J W Craft.
Harrisburg.-1 - fouser & Lochnann.
Members of the Company having ;Policies
boot to expire can have them renewed by mak
ng application to any of the agents. .
Are the tongue often white and loaded; the
direfith heavy and foetid; a disagreeable
or sweetish taste in the mouth; occasionally
thirst; the appetite extremely variable, some.
times remarkably deficient, and at others vo
racious. There is sometimes a sickish feeling
with -vomiting of mucous; flatulence of the
stomach and intestines; pain in the abdomen;
swelling and hardness of the abdomen; the
'towels are irregular; tbe stools are slimy; and
we is an occasional appearance of worms
in the evacuations; the urine is (Alen Milky
and turbid; there is frequently itchiness of the
.fiindament and nose, which is often swollen;
there is occasionally disturbed sleep, with
grinding of the teeth, and sudden awaking in
a fright. There are, at times, headache or
giddiness, ringing in the curs, or even deaf
ness, faintness, convulsions, drowsiness, indo,
knee of manner,
ill temper. In some cases
epilepsy and cholera, and eVen apoplectic and
paralytic symptoms, and several of the signs of
dropsy of the brain and catalepsy appear con
nected with worms. Frequently there is a
short dry cough, and pleuritic pains; some
times feeble and irregular pulse, palpitations
and an irregular fever ; the countenance is
generally pallid or sallow, and somewhat bloat
ed, and there is occasional flushing of one or
I both cheeks. Any one of these signs is indi.
cativo of Worms, and the 'nest effectual bes t
and cheapest remedy is Dr. John J. Myers,
Worni Tea, prepared by Dr. J. W. RAW
DINS, at his ‘Vholesale and Retail Drug Store
Carlisle, Pa., and none genuine.without his
written signature. The Proprietor of this
medicine is so confident of ita superiority to
any other Worm Medicine now in use, that he
will cheerfully RETURN THE MONEY in any
case in which his Preparation fails to give
equal satisfaction. This Worm Tea when
made according to tho directions. is pleasant
and will be taken by the most fastidious child.
Each package contains sufficient medicine for
the cure of the must obstinate case. Price
only 25 cents a paper. Druggists and Store:
keepers supplied on the most. • reasonable
terms. may23'49ly.
A Purely Vozetable Nelliein es
RATIVE PILLS nave been gradually
but surely comeing into favor, among the farm ,
haveof this Cpuntry for Some years past. They
have done thin entirely tnrough their great worth
as a FAMILY MEDICINE. Agencies have
been appointedhut no puffing and humbug such
as is resorted to by quacks to Sell their mediaine
has been done. TheVilltrine offered for sale
and have and willcontinue to be sold by all t 0- e
principal storekeepers. The proprietors claim
for their Medicine the following advantages over
all others-- , viz; They are PURELY VEGE-'
RA PE. Their operation is FREE frbm all
PAIN. , They cap be useti with EQ UAL B.FN•
EFIT by the YO UNGFST INFANT and the
STRONGEST MAN—Their efficiency in Fe
vers, Aguo. Headaches. Habitual Costiveness,
Dyspepsia, Cholera Minims, ike. has been pro.
ved upon thousands. They are a Certain Cure'
for Worms. The proprietors possess a certifi
cate from a gentleman in Sr. Loniswho was cu.
red of aiTA'PE WORM by the use of them.
Travelling agent for the State of Penitsylva
nia— P. AlifET. For sale, price 25ets.
box containing FIFTY PILLS, with full di
rections by the following agents in Cumberland
For sale bADWRAWLIN'S Carlisle, Pa.
Josarn 11,'Hannort.,:—Nfwvile.
W D P HAYESern. Sr . tippens tug. •
A. WEEKS & Co,
Proprietors, Laboratory, No 14 1 . Chestnut great
Taiiary; Nth, 1849, „ :
, —surrelto COMBS.. ,
. JUST received a general assortment of
handsome. Buffalo Bock Cornbs t ' also, Imitation
-ft uffeo- eumbv,---of-tien utiful-pat terns-and-In
groat variety.
, ' LINE N 'MEETINGS,' &b. '
itarnsleY 'Skating's. tilSe;,lt.4 IVlnslin Shoet..,
.inge,',rilloty•:9oB(j:r,triehe .and 'Muslim', also
Towelling in ginat.ynriety just opened
' 7. Fero Cider, yinegaror,pscellent,tipality j ust roogived by''
nov2B • • ~, 1,17 ''Ct.-'.W HITNER.
f riritm'aiihsoilbo?olOiirides 'the inanitranturoT
of 'CASTINGS , at his Foundry in ,High street'
tad' having now "o ti ' , hand to lull I' assort wont 'of:,
Patterns; is prepared to Cornish'. all, kinds of 't,
IRON ; , AND''' BRASS/. CASTIN OS . in. thS ~,
MA styld ,ithd and at the Shoriest;,,holleo., He i',
has' now on ha nd .a largo Aisportinoni . ol,Cast. ~
ingi, !mediae o'rti=cruithafe,-Miit GearingS`dnil '
riudglions, Plouglveastingaßloints;.Shears and ,
CtittersOVltkotrand Conde Boxes; eollaitgrateKt . :' , . , . ~ ., ,,,„,,,e...' ~ d e ;n l . 'los •t• l'A t' ~C z'
'OtaircDoore, - 7'casit- , WeiOte.:,./klo;,..',Cooltine , .1. , .'''': : . ;' , .... , ..fuPtie , 9A ., ... 0 . 8 .,!.. 0 ALc , ::-. , : , ,:.!:. ;
TAll - Plat'i' anCOottli'lltdvhs. !.fie.nleifi'. , bitildsl' ,' I.THE subscriber TitlitOb ' l;iii' 4406 k
- I , tit n d , 1 , . ronisiri.o tc,RE3 illTltieshittOtiel'of • DR.T.:' G 0 OD S'; to 4ho rootner:',Storei l direegy
ohinektlnd"Horsoßqw.ortriwoh;eyary,.. l .7e'' '" lie to kii! - Old.Stigieit j '.ol'd fiit Oujytyoldisitmeld
piker i lhnd othraChiporyv, at ,thtt',.,,nberil,, nick', 'Angndy).:whernitil' h'Ontur: 'h flit
Iptit notic e!" Old •Tioni Britit_nntlyoottp,nylskon, ,I, ~ttith„it'ildFfro*allohlet,oldOutttotriette.oll
in exchange for:Avork. , "o4r.tilivolit.liotehased :'..=. at lit niithy,,sinie,onelf:qllitiltatiliititly.iiioiirell,
Allot Keeny'&,•Co:'p rnttnrOvliolons yooNx!.g ').'StiglikertilarlOttnit:itntigli,F,lsr.A.Ly.i,loprit4
to, have them wA fi nttiltkni!e v iii - .l3hoje'. .•:',.;._,,, , '',-t3„whlyWhenzincijit l'OjaikelnittliWitadititlin!
"i ; , 1{98006 ,' ''':'.,,' '' ,'!' ' ''',,',',F.,!'ci( •fiplEgotrY,.itt-afcyt4diii..'Y,'NiqtAll4tOLlVi'HiTliElt,..'
'fr, ,1;., , t: ~ : 7; C. , 7 , vrd At' v , . , .:.r,1A.. 3; , ...' r.„. ...f .; ~ 4 , , , •. 7 ,,... , ,,,, 1, ~m,, , , ,,
..-_,,, .„-i.t,. I. 7 . , ~,-'. , ~,
:'''''',- ' ','; ';' --'':44 4 - sr b" , '.' ' , ',i4t..ix'P ;,11' li'oiVsd!Sr 'i,;ll - I'l' s'".k. 4 ~ q,c7 lq:,l , .;Y?''‘'''4/''. 4 e:'.:•''..:,:,'.',o,t‘,
4.%% f e'
Bonus or
Amount of Pdlicy
Bonus payable a
the party's decease
400 . 00
$l,lOO 00
alio table at rates,
abject ; forms of np
tuntion cnn be hnd at
on or by letter, ad
• Actuary.
ARDS, President.
of the en
her inforn
, in perec
.sident or
, Actuor
!CIUMb; l i ratistrOrtation. House.
t • ; •
raid - 'R ?hiliiilel
13althilore, Pittsburg, '
1F: W.;KERR, Fer Warding and Commission
Merchant,. .ILtuntsnuno, Pd.. Woking his
friends and the public, that from the liberal pat
ronage extended to him during the:past year,ho
•has been encouraged'to make more - extensive ar
rangements for the present season, arid has ad
ded two. new, large and splendid Boats' to his
LINE, and *ill be fully prepared after the 'op
ening of the Canal, to forward PROMICE and
MERCHANDIZE . of all kinds to and. froth
Pittabsrghe: &c., at the
lowest rates of. freight and with the utmost des
Agents for Boats,
Race street Wharf, Philadelphia.
No. 4t Commerce st. Wharf, Baltimore.
J. McFADDEN & C 0.5 Pitts'g
Agents:for Care, . -
. No. 272 Mr t st., PhiladelphiaCHALOß.
No. 423 Market st., Philadelphia
Broad street, Philadelphia.
PENN'A.-& 01/I0 LINE,
North street, Baltimore
Herrieburg March 29, 1848.—tf.
Jr. "T.--;111-ILLE11,-
iz a t
General Commision and Forwarding
Merchant, N 0.79 liowly's Wharf,
161011 the sale of Flour, Grain, Cloverseed
Whiskey, Lumber, &c. &c. Also, for
wardirtg Goods, via Tide Water Canal and
Pennsylvania Improvements. Orders for fish
Salt, Plaster, NSz.e. &c. Supplied -at lowest
prices. •
Having been engaged in the above business
during the last five yilare, n continuation of the
patronage of his friends and the public is re
spectfully solicited.
Refer to
Furm & Miramt,
J & E Env, Harrisburg
JACOB ItHEEM, - Carlisle, PM.
A. CATI/CATIT, Sheplierdstown, Pa.
G.Ectza.s.SlNGlsEn, Mechanicsburg, Pn.
Feb. 14-Iv. N
Heel's •Embrocation for Horses.
CATION will ails Sprains,
Bruises, Cuts, Galls, Swell
ing,' Rheumatism. and all
.1 7 ".."', •
complaints which require an
external remedy. It gives immediate relief to
the Scratches, and the incident to Horses having
white feet and noses, produced by the St. John
Wort. It is also highly useful in relaxing stiff
ness of the Tendons and Joint;ind, _produces
-beneficial effects in.cracked he I lirougliron
by high feeding, splints,sPrains: 'r his EotBRU
DATION is recomended to Farmers, Farriers,
Keepers of Livery Stables, and Iprivate gentle-
men owning Horses, and should be constantly
kept in their stables. The GENUINE arti
cle is prepared only by W. MARSHALL, No 302
Race et. Philadelphia. And for sale wholesale
and retail ot DR. RAWLINS' Drug Store W
Main street, Carlisle.
March t4-Iy.
IVlmallister's all Healing Ointinent
fIR THE WORLD'S SALVE, contains no
Mercury.—The following Certificate is
from a regular Physician, of extensive prim.
Lice in Philucklphia:
JABtas MoAmisrcit---Sir : I have for the
last twn•years boon in the habit of using your
Ointment in cases of Rheumatism Chilblains,
and in TENIA VaPyritts, (Scald Heads,) and
thus far with the happiest effect., I think
from the experiments I have made with Ito
that it richly deserves to be adopted as an are
tick ofevery day use by thoprofession at largo
Yours truly, ' S. BELL, .D. Phila.
Philadelphia, Dec. 29, 1847.
To James McAllister--Dear Sir: I take
pllature in making known to you the &e a t
benefit I have received by using your Vegeta
ble Ointment, or the World's Salve, I had:an
ulcer, or running sore, on the' ear, or many
.years standing; I have applied to srveral
physicians, but all to no purpose; but by using
your Ointment a few days it waS completely
dried up and wall. I have used it for burns,
for which I find it an excellent article; also in
all cases infiamation.. ED. Thous.
I certify the above statement is true.
N 0.90 Market street, Phila.
I do certify that 1 have used McAllister's
all Healing Vegetable Ointment for coldness
of my feet; also for Rheurn'afism in my limbs
and Cams on my feet, and have been entirely
relieved. Believing it to be a good Medicine,
I do not hesitate to recommend it In the above
complaints. LEONARD VAILE,
Norris tp. Washington Pn. Aug.2l, 1847.
I certify that I have used McAllister's all
Healing Vegetable Ointment, or the World's
Salve, for a healing in. my wife's breast, wbich
has given her incalculable benefit; also on one .
of my children, for sore eyes, which give im.
mediate relief. I, therefore, recommend it as
a good medicine. PARKER REED,
Hopewell tp. Washington Co. Pa. Aug. 21, '47.
Around• the box amdirections for using ale.
Allister's Ointment, for Scrofula, Liver Corn
plaint, Eyresipelas, Tetter, Chilblain, Scald
Read, Sore eyes, Quincy, Sore throat, Bronchi.
tem, Nervous affections, Pains, Read ache,
Ailihrna,peafness Ear ache, Burns, Corns,
all diseases of the ;kin, Sure Lips, Pimples, 4.c.
Swelling •of Me Limbs, Sores, Rheumatism,
Piles, Cold feet, Croup, Smelled or Broken
Breast, Toothache, Ague in ths face, 4c.,
If MOTHERS and NURSES know its value
in cases of "swollen" or Sore Breast, they
would always apply it. In such cases, if free
ly used, and according to the directions around
each box, it gives relief in a very few hauls.
BURNS—It is one of the best things in the
world for Burns. (See directions for using
PlLES—Thousands are yearly cured by
this Ointment. It never fails in giving relief
for the Piles.
¢T This Ointment is good for any part of
the body or limbs when inflamed. In some
cases it should be applied often.
CAUTION—No Ointment will be genuine
unless the name of JAMES McALISTER is
written with a pen cin every label,
For sale by my agents- in all the prinoipa.
cities and towns in the United States.
Selo Proprietor, of the above. Medicines.
Principal Office ismovan to 28 N. THIRD ST
S. Elliott. and B. W. Haverstiok, Carlisle
J. & L, Roigel,.Mocbaniosburg...
Rhoad & Marry, Newburg. •
dosoph 11. Herron, Newville.
J. M. Lutz, & - Geo.'W:llell, Harrisburg.
X'aw 'and' 11,porxairtt
G" EWE havin g recently'
purchased the county right ,ot HAYWORTH'S
PATEN TLX 01.40tA LS:kV-MI i--W0.111446941:1411k-
Will" attention of the trade 'to that. important
invention: It is certainly , one' ef , :the' greeteet
impiovemente of 'the age.- - This machine steffs
the Cedlnt crooked arhund the block; faisad with
hair,,wool;'or other . -ntaterhilectinek attifis'it with
'Fong straw; and alio makes •collare thd :straw
ith lees titan half the labor anti time of. the old
way" of ',atufifng.,Mrhis machine,
and 'every kind..or herecireollars, ft:601. 4 the;beit
, patent leather doWn , to' the ,onminoriost.'kindin
use, and with hut ono - npra'sleadili weiKWill
stuff and shapes pee r
and Wetter-81311e thart i anyether way Saddlers In. the". county are to 'cali*,at
the suhicrilior'ii,eatabliehinent Ott North faro
ver street, Carlisle; and'examine'thoniiiiihine:—,
• ToWnship , ,
, ehkip4ightsbe';eold:
those.whn:don`nnt mist' ft . :right thereubl:
seriber,olllll's Rt4iir , KADE.Coprds wet latolci:.
1 . .
sale MuCk cheeOf'thititintiyeett' beM',,anufee:
lured any, ",[orders',.rfie..6ol46-w
THANE:PCL . .I.O', al OfkiCarlisle
, and its vlcinity . fcir•their increased custofin,
Weaagaih•tequerit .their,•,cotnpanY'Ao vieW obf
large and spieri_di&lispni
rit»it ,•
China, Alass s i t .Quaensware,
Dinner Sets, Tea . Sets, Toilet Sete, end single
pieces, either .of Glass '
China or Stone Ware,
sold 4k :quantities to suit purchasers, forless than
(hey chap be had elsewhere—ln fact at less
illbn Wholesale Prices. AMERICAN AND
in greater variety than over before offered in
the city. FANCY CHINA in great -verb. ty
very cheap.
KrWe would invite any' person visiting the
city to call and see us—they will nt least be walk arqund our beautiful store, and
'to view the finest Clinili'and the cheapest the
wbrld produces. Very respectfully,
N0...2.1.9 Chesnut Street. •
sept26'49ly I
Fancy Furs, llTuffla, Boas 1k Tippets
• -
DAVID H. SOLIS, (successor to Solis,
Brothers,) Importer and Manufacrurer of
every description of FURS. having just re•
turned from Europe with a SELEC'I STOCK
OF FURS, is now manufacturing them in very
superior stj le. and ['homing them in the most
elegnnt toneocr, and would invite the attention
of MERCHANTS and OTHERS, to his su :
perior nod . OXICIISIVe assor11111( . 11t, whielr.tis ho-
is °loged to our, at But - ./riees -ea low houses
in the United States can compete with.
86 Arch (Mulberry) Stree DAVID
t,6 d o ors (
below 3d at,
Igr Next to Louden & Co's. Family Medi
cine Store.
Philadelphin, eug
Store always closed on Saturdays. The
highest Cash price paid for Shipping Furs:
Manufactory of PockoV3oo 47'1, tic.
No. 52 Chesnut Street, Scr9ntl.
subscriber respectfully solicits public at
tention to his superior and tasteful stock o
'Pocket Books, Banker's Cases, Bill BookS,
Dressing Cases, Card Cases,' Port Alo
mites, Purses, Pocket Knives, 'and
othur.,fiue Cutlery, Gold Pens, and
Pencils, &agar Cases, Chess
Men, Back Gammon,
Boards, Dominos, Ike.
'llls assortment consists of the most fat hiona
bleand modern styles,, of the finest quality and
excellent• workmanship, embracing eyery desir
able fancy pattern, which he will at_ all. times
be prepared to exhibit and furnish wholesale or
retail on the most reasonable terms.
Kr Purchasers who desire to supply them
selves with articles of the best quality will con
sult their own interests by calling ,at this es
tablishment. I , I 3 STUMM,
Pocket Book .Mandlacturer,.
seps 4m 521, Chesnut Street.
..`l.- 7 - ---
' Grot? . nrleice ~i-' .1,, - P.II'IS R.
meets toper- ' '.;;;,, , a , , -,...,..
.IMo° ju
suns ill vaiht :,., /. ' ,K iz :',...-:-. JILL,' .Ao.
of a go o d •', 9 , '-.- 110 North
41 47 CH! - t..-,..., 7 - • ti , . Second St.
HVING received additional supplies of
Gold and Silver WATCHES of every
description, from London, Liverpool and Swit
ierland importations, is now prepared to furn
ish the very best article at a price far below
any ever offered, of the same quality, and which
cannot be undersold by any other store in
Philadelphia or elsewhere. Every watch sold
will be perfectly regulated, and warranted to
be as good as repretented.
Watches at-the following low prices :
Gold Levers, full jewere, 18 Caratcases, vs 00
Silver de do 12 Q 0
Gold Lepines, jeweled, 18 carat cases 22 00
Silver do do 800
The L. R. Aroma!' Gold Pen, a superior
article in silver ease, with it,dgil,and_worramod
$1.,50 z Gold Pencils for SI, and upwards, (told
Medallions, and LoCket for Dagarrreotype Like
nesses, Gold Chains and I lair bracelets Breast
Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, and a general
assortment of eveu description of Jewelry
at unusual. low prices.
JV O. 1 to North 2d street, 2d door below Race
street, Philadelphia. r
0ct31,1849.6tn (Pierce. AR rut.)
Watchejs and Seivery !
Wholesale and Retail—At the
i ---\\
"Philadelphia Watch and Jew
t .- e lry Store, " No. 96 North 8E
,i,,.,\ ':s COND street, corner of QuEg
-0.(76-siin-ti. ry street..
Gold Levers, 18 k. cases, full jewelled, $3O and
Silver Lovers, full jewelled, $l5 and upwards.
Gold Lepine, 18 It. eases, jewelled, $25 and
Silver Lepines, jewelled, $lO and upwards
Silver Quartier \Vetches, 8 , 1 to-10
Silver Spoons, equal to coin, per sett—Tea,
$5, Desert $lO, Table $l5, other articles in pro
portion. All goods warranted to be what the
are sold for. •.,
Constantly on hand a largo assortment offine
Also, an assortment of M J Tobias & Co.,
E Simpson, Samuel & Brothers, EFS Yates &
Co, John Harrison, G & R Beesley. and other
superior Pateht• Lever Movements, which will
be cased imany style desired
Arrangements have been made with all the
above named most eelebratedmituitifacturers of
England, to furnish at short notice any required
style pl . Watch, for which orders will 'be takeny
and the name and residence of the person or-
deringnut on if requested.
-------- Importer of Watcher
-------- ---
Mind Manufactory.
HCLARK, Venitian Bind Manufacturer.
sign, of the GOLDEN EAGI, E, No.
139 and 143, South Second Strect,below Dock
Street. PHILADELPHIA. bleeps always on
hand a large and 'fashionable assortment of
BLINDS, manlnctured in the beet manner, of
the best materials, and at the lowest cash prices
Having refitted and enlarged his establishment
he is prepared to complete orders to any amount
at the alienist notice: Consult , 'ly on hand an
assortment of MAHOGANY FURN rrtw
of every variety manufactured expressly foir,Ve
own sales, and purchasers may therefore rely
on a good article.
* •Orders !mm a distance packed carefttllY
and sent free of porterage to any pail of the
tiy. fang 15 ly) . H. CLARK.
No. 208 chestnut St. Philadelphia.
AVE now on heaust received direct
from the manutitalurers, a full assortment
SHAWLS, &c., &o.
. The coltirs and designs being of their own
selecting and entirely theirs.
and all the different makes of Domestic Goods
constantly on hand, wholesale and retail.
L. T. & Co., never deviate from first price.
OWo are daily receiving goods from tho
Now York Auctions ~ -- While sept2s,2m.
N. a LAW 11.3VNCEI
Agent for the sale of South:worth Manufacturing
Co's Writing _Papers, Warehouse, No. . 3
/Vint& St., Philadelphia.
tOrk CASES of the above auporior Pa
li, pars now in store, end for sale to thq
trade at the lowest market p ric es, cohateling In,
part of —•••• . '
Tine thick'. Flat Cape;,l2, 14'15 and , la.
Mud anti 'white ,
r --- Superfinelgorliern - ind'Domi7Writielpildue - .. ,
and white.' • . ;
; ;Extra. inipdr and sat pit rano to lid • Easts, . hie ,
and.tiihite, plain and , ruled.
plain and:rub:W.,- • ' •
Extra'.'eopoelinen-I;3'mo -I,4ptire l plain and
IStiPprfine and fine Bill l'aPers; long end firgad
;Superfine and fine . Counting lonee . caps
„ . ,
- ;Extra eerier, Congress Carin*a - nd ittittero, Alain
'and ruled, blue . and
,Extra: super' Congress dupe and:litittere';'„tfiK
.Superfine Sermon:Caper:lnd
'. l ,opperfiee.liltie bitten thin-Letters.:, ;;; }: .;:' ; r '. , ,,
tEktra imperpW',.eato, .
°lid , WO.
',Ernlireiddied"Netn ;
":"`liiiwYer'sr. Brief 'P
,',..;' l oSupertine end linci::Cppa trint*Otter, ruted,end....;
bluo. end„-,
Altaftoo6o.'retirne,!Nillittk i tinil; c utteorteti,g,hoe
Paperev -136,0 net. Beardv . rxhltotinti,: : „.essortedi
TOEli , WrePplng; Envelope; assort d'4
blue,' IVlediutnn,;,Cap.Nretpperry.4 ardware- Pat.;
ittiret" , 4o. - .11y4
jup 4 4l,
oi*,prii ,
atstgrov p ~C„it.l 0 Am •
rinontki- °,Pro'li Ina r3 l s
, -
" ;
For the Removal and Permanent Mire of nil
And of those Complaints which are caused by . nn paired, weakened or unhealthy condition of the im
This beautiful and convenient applidatlon of the mys:
• terious puss of GALVANISM and MAGNETISM, ha.
been Amanda - 114d by distinguished physicians, both in
Eumpc and the United States, to be the west valutot
medicinal discovery of the Age.
ne used with the most perfect and certain success in all
cases of
GE N 1 • ntLiTir,
Strengthening the m ,body, giving tone to the
various organ., and invigo g the entire system. Also
and all NERVOUS DISEASES, which complaints arise
from one simple cause—namely,
A Derangement of the Nervous System.
eq.. In NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Drags and Medi.
clues ;Itemise Me disease, for they weaken the vital ener-
gies of the already prostrated system ; while under the
strengthening, life-giving, vitalizing influence of Galvan
ism, as applied by this, beautiful end wonderful discovery;
the exhausted patient: and weakened sufferer is restored
to former health, strength, elasticity and vigor.
The great peculiarity and eicellente pf
Dr. Christie's Galvanic Curatives,
consists, in the fact that they arrest and cure disease by
gangaziptiEation, in place of the usual mode of drug
nail plij.sicking the patient, till exhausted Nature
sinks hopelessly under the infliction.
They strengthen thew/tole system, equalize the eirmsintien
of the blood, promote the secretions, and never do the slight
er( iiiiiiiii -
rircmstanres. Since fhoir intro
auction in the United States, only three years since, more
60,-000 Persons
including all ages, climes nod coalitions, among wnicl
were a huge number of ladies, who are peculiarly subjec
to Nervous I.mmploiufe, hnee he r o
wheii all hope of whet had bee.' gildn op, alid vs..)
thing else I.eiiii tiled in vain:
To illiediate the use the fl A I.V AN IC DEL'S'
the ease ill ti person afflicted with Dist bane 01
1. Ilia atom. Dltll'ErSl A, or nay other l hronic 0
NOl,Ol. Disorder. In ordinal . ) ease:, lilt
taken, whic4l. by their nctinn nn the nerves, 01111 runnels
of the stoinrich, silent temporal y relief, but which lent
the patient in a lower state, nod w ilk lopped faculties,
utter the action thus excited has-ceased Now compare
this with the °trent resulting from the application of the
GALVANIC BELT. Take a Dyspeptic suileser, even
an the worse symptoms of an attack, and simply tie the
Belt around the body, using the Magnetic Fluid as
directed.. In a short period the insensible perspiration
will act - on the positive element of the Belt, thereby
causing a Galvanic circulation which will pass on to the
negative, and thence back again to the positli e, thus
keeping up a continuous Galvanic circulation throughout
the system. Thus the most severe cases of 12_YSPEPSIA
Of Ma most UndotiMed CharttOter,
FrOm ell ports of the Country could he given, sufficient
to,till every this paper
which conclusively proves that .
" Truth is stranger than Fiction,"
Rev. Dr. Landis, a Clergyman
of New Jersey, of distinguished attainments end exalted
reputation :
Smsge.v, New Jersey, Joly tq, 18.15.
OH. A. IL CbllllNTlE—Duar Sir: You wish to know of
ne what has been the result in my own once, of the appll.
1.15 , reply is as follows:
For about twenty years I had been snabring from flys
papsia. Every year the symptoms become worse, nor
could I obtain permanent relict from any coarse of niedv
cal treatment whatever. About folcrieett years since, IT
consequence of frequent exposure to the Weather, in the
discharge of my pastoral duties, I Lwow° -subject to o
severe Chronic Rheumatism, which for year after year
caused.= indescribable anguish. Farther: the WHILE!
Of '46 and '4O, in em.diequence of preaching a great ilea.
In any own and various other churches in this region, ,1
was attacked by the Bronchitis, which soon became' so
severe as to require an Immediate suspension of my pas
toral labors. My nernolls ayetent was now lhorglughly pry.
&oleo!, and as my Bronchitis became worse, so alsodld My
Dyspepsia and Rheumatic affliction—thus evincing that
these disorders were connected with each other through
the medium of the Nervous System. In the whole plow
macnineia there seemed to be no remedial agent which.
could reach and recuperate my Nervous System ; every
thing that I had tried for this purpose had completely
failed. At last I was led by my friends to, examine your
inventions, and (though with no very, sanguine hopes of
their efticiency,) I determined to try the effect of the
application of the GALVANIC BELT AND NECKLACE,
with the MAGNETIC FLUID. This was in June, 1840.
To see arrest ANTHEM/MEET, IN Ma oars use DTSPI,PIII4
6uch•ls the wonderful and happy results of the experiment.
hove recommended the I.IkLT and FLUID to many
who have been likewise suffering from Neuralgic affew
Wm They have tried them,, WITH HARRY REAII.II.TIL
I am, dear sir, gory respectfully yours,
Is used for aU ,complinta :Sleeting the 'nu nal or Demi,
such as Bronchitis,lullammaticln ot the Throat, Nervous
and Sick Headache. Dizziness Ad' the Dom!, Neuralgia in
the Face, Buzzing or (loaning :a the Ears, Denfnesa, which
Is generally Nervous, and that ditaressed complaint, called
Tic Doloroux.
Palsy and Paralysis.
' All physicians aeltianyleilge that these terrible diseases
are caused by a dijiricumf Nri 4 . 0114 Energy in the
afflicted limbs. Us. UIIIt IS riCe 6114011 k. All 11,11,9 will
,supply this deficient power, and a complete end entire
Cure is thus effected.
1000 Cases of Palsy and Paralysis
nave boon reported to Da.Cnal sr z t: and his Agents w able
the last two years, which have been entirely restored.
; 4 2 ls." of Bro
okl?n' N.
I had
no t 14eto near four yours, a n d was
se helpless that ho had to be fed. The most nelpbrated
physicians gave him up. In lire days alter Ito commenced
wearing the Ost.vssic Bunt, NECKLACE, sun Ilascsi.Kra,
he walked across the room, and in three weeks he had per
fectly-, °covered his health. ,Captain 'Tomos is seventy
years of ago.
Severe . Deafness Cured,
The following is on extract from a letter lately received
from a distingoished physician in the State of Virginia:
"A. 11. CURIUM, M. D.—Dear Sir: Ono of My patients,
unknown tome, obtained your Galvanic /telt and Neck
lace, with the Magnetic Fluid, for' a serious erection of
Deafness. Tim case %vas that ale lady whese.Nervons
system was much, disordered, and her general • health
poor. Much Was done previously to the applicaUonof the
Dolt, but with very little suceoss, and 'I fool it oblrrlght
to tollyou, that since she commenced *tiering the Holt
and Using the Fluid, 'but a few weeks ego,. she has
A nd her
general health %abettor than for several peace." -
Cu. Every case of.Deafuess, if, Win% Nervous, BLit
generally is, can be cared by.this wufiderild remedy.
re found of„"yeet seriOain cases of Convtilefone or Fits.
fii'entleanCd 3 7ll4 l )aeit!ttarenm d igtlaenellel l oelrntlistO i nerPall t .
ills, and all. Macaw - caused Eby, a., deficiency, of power
for Nanette Ettergyln 'the Mutat or other organs of the
..._lO-_,Many - hundred 'Cartifictitei from all, pares Of , the
]nountrf of the mostextreordinery character clua:pf
No or„ineeniiiiienceittiendeAhe use,. of
!DI. ClffttSTlE'3 %Gap:AMC ARTICLE k send
they may • be ; Word, by the most feeble and , delicate with
perfect, ease add, safety.: In many 'mei the „ sensation
,attending their. tufo la. highly edeasani and agreeable. They,
can pelootio.aly ,o.ol' the country. •
. „
; • • .
,Galviniiitßelt; ,, '.' • ~ e : n o u ar p,
iTheCO}alvanio NeOltliiee; Two Dollars,
The: Galvanic - -One Dollinr 'Haab'
dti , z , vhp pYniwazia
Atinosonp. ,, Pamphlets: with , full nertlonlin .may:tfe , had,
of the arithorizett Agent • ••., z` 'r •
tigeji C.:for
'groat variety of .thean;oneful .articria is of•!
fared tot sala;!annsiating,Ot Wiiltowashi,Swoop.
ing,;Sorubbint,-,PiiintornF ,, loti?; ShaVing, Haul'
Voat4 and IsTad;,,Plankalnd'*aining•Brusips in:
gl:9atiyigiety,,,a , f,,,..0 . tich of- pie-40W gnat....
kty pod w lifi"elsl4.taktllo:.inSiolitjaricoal/2%;,,;.‘i".'.
'.,.' 46:;;. , ;643111it:0r1til Au* jPlitiio.;oll.l4
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, N.l'ketantly.onllicind STURGIRON•I
.40 ;71
' .Id9FF.A.T'S •
Life rills and - IPlicenix Bitters.
These Medicines have now been before the pub:.
die for a, period of purrEsEN YEARS, tu,
during that time heve maintained a high character
in ahnost every part 'Of 'the globe for their extraor
dinary and immediate power of metering perfect
health to persons Buffering under nearly eve ~.,1
of disease to which the human frame Is [fabric.
of certificated' instruices, they have even rescued
'millirem from the very verge of an untimely grave,
after all the deceptive nostrums of the day.had
terly failed; and. to many lhouaands they have
permanently secured that uniform enjoyment or
health, without which life itself is but a partial
bleasing. So great, indeed, has their efficacy inva
riably and. infallibly proved, that it has appeared
scarcely lees than miraculous to those who were
acquainted with the beautifully philosophical prin
ciples upon which they are compounded, and upon
which they consequently act. It was to their
manifeet antreensible action in purifying the springs
and channels of life, and
...milling, them with re
newed tone and vigor, that they %yore indebted for
theii name. .
Unlike the frost of pernicious quackeries which
boast of vegetable ingredients, the LIFE MEDI-
Mos are purely and solely vegetable ; and con
tain neither Mercury, nor Antim on y, nor Aro &
nio, nor any other mineral, in any form whatever.
They are entirely composed of extracts from rare
and .powerful, plants, the virtues of which, though
long known t, several Indian tribes, and Recently
to some eminent pharmaceutical chemists, are alto
gether unknown to the ignorant pretenders to
medical science ; and were never before adminis
tered in so happiy efficacious a combination.
The first operation is to *nen from the coats of
the stomach and bowels the various impurities and
crudities' Constantly settling round them ; and to
remove the hardened fences which collect in the
convolutions of the small intestines. Other medi
cines only partially cleanse these, and. leave such
collected Masses behind to produce habitual Costive
ness, with all its train of 'wile, or sudden Diarrhea
with its imminent dangers. This fact is well
known to all regular anatomists who examine the
human bowels after death ; and hence the preju.
dice of these well•informed men against the quiiek
medicines of the age. The second effect of the
cleanse the kidneys and the bladder • and, by this
ripstins, the liver and lunge, the healthful action of
Which entirely depends upon the regularity of the
urinary organs. The , blood, which takes its rad
color from the, agency of the liver and lunge, before
it pasties into the heart, being thus purified by them,
and nourished by food coming from olefin stomach,
courses freely through the veil's, renews every part
of the system, and triumphantly mounts the banner
of health in the blooming cheek.
The folldwing are among the 'distressing variety
of human diseasoif 'in Which the VEGETABLE
LIFE MEDICINES are . well known to be infal
DyspEpsra, by thoroughly cleaning the find
and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure
healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind ;
FLATULENCY, Loss of Appetite, Heartburn,
Headache, Restlessness, RI-temper, Anxiety,
Languor, and Melancholy, which are the general
symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, os a natural
consequence of its cure.
Costiveness, by cleansing the *hole length of
the intestines with .a solvent process, and, without
violence : all violent purges leave the bowels costive
within two days
Diarrho3a .and Cholera. by removing the
sharp acrid fluids, by which these complaints are
occasioned, and bYkproinoting the lubricative secre
tion of the mucous membrane.
F evers of all kinds, by restoring the blood to
regulur circulation, through the process of perspi
ration in such cases, and the thorough solution et
all intestinal oluitruction in othors.
The LTFE Menietsse have been known to
cure RHERTKA,TIEN permanently in three
weeks, and GOUT in half that time, by removing
local inflammation from the'museles and ligaments
of the joints.
Drosies of all kinds, by freeing and strength
ening the kidneys and bladder; they operate mast
delightfully on these important organs, and holm
have ever been 'found a certain remedy for the
worst 05008 of GRAVEL.
Alio Worms, by dialodging from the turtlings
of the bowels the shiny matter to which these
creatures adhere.
Asthma and Consumption, by relieving the
kis.vessels of the lungs from the mucous which even
slight colds will occasion, and which, if not re
!mitred, becomes hardened, and produces these
dreadful diseases.
Scurvy, Ulcers, and Inveterate Sores, by
the perfect purity which these - LIFE me Dl
ca:NEs Rive to the blood, and all the humors.
Scorbutic Eruptions and Bad Con*lea
ions, by their alteraS:ve effect upon the fluids that
feed the 'thin, and the morbid state of which occa
sions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and
other disagreeable coniplexions.
The use of these Villa for a very short time will
erect an 'entire cure of SALT lIIIEUM, and a
striking improyenient in the clearness of the skin.
always be cured by ono dose, or by Iwo oven in
the worst cases.
pmEs. , As a remedy for this most dis • trossinic
and obstinate malady, the VEGETABLE LrFE
MEDICINES deserve a distinct and emphatic '
recommendation. It is well known to hundreds in
this city, that the former proprietor of these vain
ebb) Medicines. was himself afflicted with this
complaint for upwards of ruirerr• rivevein ; and
that he tried in vain every remedy proscribed
within the whole compass of the Materia Medico.
He however at length tried the Medicine which is
..nolystirepd to the public, and he was cured in a
very short time, after his recovery had been pro
nounced -not only improbable, but absolutely im
possible, by any human moans
For this scourge of tho western country these
Medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain
remedy. Other medicines leave 'the system .sub-•
jest to a return of the disease—a cure by than)
medicines is permanent—TßY THEM, DE SA
Bilious revere and Liver Complaints.
General Debility, LOSS OP APPETITE, ANL
DISEASES or—these medicines have been
used with the most beneficial results in cases of this
description EVIL, and Scsorm.A, in its
worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerfil action of
these remarkable bledicines. NIGHT SWEATS,
COLIC, are speedily cured.
Perseus whose constitutions have become im.
paired, by the injudicious use of MERCURY, wilt find
these Medicines n perfect cure, as they never fail
to eradicato from the system all the effects' of
Mercuty infinitely sooner than the most powerful
preparations of Sarsaparilla. A single trial will
plaee,them beyond the roach of competition, in the
estimation of every patient.
'Several have lately boon discovered, and their
nefarious authors at tad , both in the city of New
York and abroad.
' Buy of no one who is not an AUTHOIUMID
AOlarr. .
Propared.and sold by Dr. W. B. MOFFAT,33O
Broadway Now-York:- . .*
'RA W .41,D15: Carlisle, Pa.
- - •
••' GREAT riothi, ssananlcA AND Cnans
- Publlcollon , Rita blislanients. •
57,- Baltimore , straw's, S.
B. corner of Gay, and'Vd Balt imore , at.,
Ckarloss;taitannoits,. Mn.
o .....E;;S:ja, , atiustou l l t ..!..ruCivin & . the'greatest
vAriot,l7Pcputilicanonsqind ppwarcik to
ax'odutiv'.ol.`, - ord'isis Ainerjaan and MOTO:
Nasyn n apefid and '-Vorrodionle,
Bookn.and:Chaltp;Publioationv Blank . Books
and'Stationaty.i.--.Pknauala• and 'dplandid . Rooks
for p srAltrdinsi Portfolios; Sarap=tttiokii-----
antr Note Papori , Fandly ;and Pocket ~, B ibles;
T°Y4410.0.10g Juvenile Works and ,
Printers. krAgonts "Tnatniastars, 'CduntrY
Morehanyi; Padlarsi - Dbalors'in • Cheap Wdrks; •
anti, all,-others , anpplto,d, at, Pkibliallet!B lowest
', ,,, All'Ordor's are faithfully attended 'to .and. tbd
koods2for,worde'd , by, rolupl of., mail, Impress;
railkortd,,singa oi• Steamboat, as, may be,direet z
ed:.,;rtirsens , des,lrinir,,-to petebose books can
have , thole 'ordeirs'attetaled , tO f by writing add
giving foll'partioulars"the saine,ntrif tboymoro
preseat.. VALENTINES ssbieribOy
also trnriris'aild'Olknafaelortie Valentinel,'Note
'PriPerStßovolOpes,..McittovMrafers, &a.; 4 0 .
Wholesale and,estail.', -Address all orders to
• ...SAMUEL. R. SIVE.TH. ,
7`oett,Oz,..,in Bundirto; , Baltimore,
Ladies' .oaighmeres.,
enbearibtiO haat hint re'deiVed . ..a,vitnety •
T or, new paelnnara,b d 41;iinttai. Ala ? -.-"-
tinges, Alpaoaa, and rail Dtaaa2G6ocia,
'to 14 ah itttenlati'Of t ii in v I Cdd ;"6
"•• , `tnpt26 s •
..4• 1 *.f.; or i 'tY
O , V,Mt-R4.NTED : vwp,,, for i1.4104. 1 . - P.f,,..*.9.0'i1f
nuart.'at De:Ranlina 'Drug' Oiard.
.041 atiar 24
1 30018 WO II oils,t,9lll•,loLOV4ilß.;)SEr.,,,p