Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 16, 1850, Image 3

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Tenis"Tmq Dollars a yea,, or One Dollar and
FAy Cents, if punctually paid,in Advance.
91,75 if paitl !Ulan thswear.
rotrivra ximeseimm.
ig:lrThe Executive Committee announces to
the citizens of Carlisle, ihtit the FOURT4
LECTURE, of the Course will bo delivered in
Education Hall, on Thuraday Even'ing, the 17th
of Sanunry, inst. by Rev. J. V. E. THORNE,
SHbrOl—The Eye and the Ear,. the Tongue
and the Thumb. Admission for Ladies, Free.—
Gentlemen'q Ticket:6l2i cents each. The pro
ceeds, after paying expenses, to be appropriated
- the relibf of the Poor. Lecture toeommence
,ohn B Parker, Win. 11 Miller,
James Hamilton, William Batt,
Samuel Elliott, Thos.H Skiles,
Dr. 11 Hinckley, Armstrong Noble,
Jason TV Eby, E. Beatty,
S. A. Coyle, James R Smith,
Executive Committee.
Film—We lean that the toll-house
of the old Harrisburg Bridge, on the Cumber
land county side, was partially consumed — Sy
fire, on Saturday morning last. The fire caught
from a stove pipe, and the- upper story of the
house was entirely destroyed, with a consider
able amount of furniture in the rooms. The
loss falls severely on Mr. Wm. lamb, who co
pied the house.
rt 4 t,, • T • SLsirniNo —Therewas a fine fall of
snow here on Sunday night, which has made
delightful sleighing. That is, it looks so ; for.
wo are "a mere looker-on" hero in our editori
al den, while jingling bells, lashing learns, gay
turn-outs and merry insiders,.whirl past us in
all the glory of sleighing excitement.__ We hops_
no reckless individual, with a spanking pair of
horses and a fur-lined • sleigh, will attempt to
drive up to our humble door and ask us to take
a seat!
pcp.We are indebted td L. A. Godey;
Esq., - the well known editor of • the "Lady's
Boob," for a proof impression of his own por
trait, which is to honor the February timber
of that favorite Magazine. Mr. Godoy heepre
sided over the Lady's, Rook for twenty years,
during which time it• is said he has • paid- to
American writers and artists no testi than VOO,-
000, and haselpvated his Magazine to a high
rank in popular favor. The patrons of the La
dy's Hauls will of course be pleased in being
put in possession of an authentic likeness of it t ,
enterprising publisher.
Methodist Quarterly 'Review, for January,
850. John McClintock, D. D., Editor—New
York. We have been able in the short time
since it was received to give but a slight glance
at the contents of this number of the Review,
- will - et - under the editorship — of Prof. McClin
tock has.attained the thighest reputation. We
should be glad to see it regularly. It is un
questionably the cheapest Review idols coun
try—each number comprising one hundred and
sixty ''pages octavo, elegantly printed. The
nano of its editor is-a. 'fillfficient guaranty that
it will never be allowerio rank lower than the
ablest. Subscription, 88 a year. It is entit led
to an extensive patronage, particularly in the
denomination of whose faith it is.a leading ex_
ponen t.
defence tifMsdleat'Oelvanism,containing
a few cheering stubborn facts, especially inter
esting to the afllicted"—by Dr. Wm. R. Mas
sey, of Baltimore. This pamphlet contains a
great ninny testimonials to Dr.' Maseey's suc
cess in the treatment of disease by galvanism,
in Baltimore and elsewhere. Truth compels
us to say that neither in the theoretical elver
dation or practical application of his system,
did Dr. Massey achieve any thing like the
same degree of success in this community.
WE would Oink our friends in, the
different townships for the particulars of any
occurrence that may take place in their vicini
ty, which they would consider worthy of a pub
lic notice. In Ihis way additional interest will
be imparted to our colunins.
For the
Mr. Bentty—The writer has given some el
tention to note-singing, and has experienced
great inconvenience in the use of round notes.—
Pomo say thie.t4ne dirtlnity attending thorn;
but, with all modesty, ho does not believe It,
and is sure that a majority of the singing class-
Is of the country are unbelievers also. The
Mimic Books in common use—at least among
competent instructors—arc written with round
notes, requiring us to call the same figure,
do, re, mi, fa, 801, la, ei, determining the name
by certain characters placed tit‘ -, the beginning
of the tune. Thom characters aro lubjeot, to
numerous changes, and thus play mischief with
the names ethic notes ; for having found by
them that the note on the first line is do, on the
principle that music is like' 'other things, there
you would look for it again, but the piece be
indelianged you will find found at all—
perched on the top of the Maly; reminding one •
of the Frenchman learning English ; when he
found that 1.-r-o.u-g-h was' pronounced troll, he
be thought d-o-u-g-It was doff, until better irf
formed by the Baker: What Is the use of
masking the notes and compelling a squad of
•aingera to play tilir.d mane-buff a whole winter
through, and in the end not know re fronilei.?
every note had ire own form; and tba Bruit
now unprofitublyspont., learning to name th em ,
wag 'employed in sin,glngoou r 'schools would
possess by fur 'aura interest; and yield ton-fold
the improvement they do. But, says the
~ 11. M 11
ed instructor, they can't learn to sing w i thout
round notes." We reply, they don't learn. with
them I Your .keep. them studYiug ;fiats; and
sharps until you, become as/Mt:per f :and they a
great deal,firififer; than whariye l 4:bagan'to' In-
Waal. But why cart they 'act earn: to .sing
with each 'note looking like itself?
t h ey will Now, what is the''Oractiaai . dit 7
- bromic between • tOill net, and du_ noC/' ; 'on our.
PiaW.Wben the';incitair;"?.in,
.ilead 'of two or: three' jointing ••With "you, 'you
• Wriiitif.haVe;thii4hirie class s lnging. `: Aek eight
. tenthaof: : the ' singere toiiarnii.thO notes of any
tuttee*ireirt. l sld fitindredHand , tlicftrst,, itrienit
th ' eMilhoi.rire':itnable:toilint; evidently
alinw„ing: tba
travel by getbrig; a, (41 - ;% 3 M 47 gOii practice so tikeomo and " profitlo9s as .
11n "
reviving Thi'wr nits
in; 104 r.e002104, 1 )! Tihkt'
PORTER, 1110' now County 'treasurer, entered
uper his duties cn tho Bth Met. We inudvert..
ly omitted to mention, at the proper time, the
following appointments .by, the Commissioners.
JAMES ii.GRAHAM, Esq. Solicitors-Mr. WILLIAM
RILEY, Clerk; Dr. W. W. DALE, Physician to
the Jail ; MARTIN CORNMAN, Keeper of the Pub
lic Buildings:
season of sleigh-riding is more
conducive to the connubial state - than' any
other season of the 3 ear. Getting behind a
pair °I fast horses and under a buffalo robe
with a pair of black eyes and rosy lips, is.
sure •to bring abcut a matrimonial alliance
'Pry it on and see if it don't.
TAKING THE VEIL.—It is asserted by
the Cincinnati Times that Miss Irving, of
Mobile, a favorite grand-daughter of Honry
Claw, has expressed her determination to
take the veil. This determination' has OCCA.
stoned much grief to Mr. Clay.
/I•Ex-Groi. Pratt has been elected U• S
Senator; from Maryland.
Cunt: port INFLATE:rms.—This complaint has become
so frequent, that there are few persons who have not
had it setieral times. It is it kind of malignant con
tagious cold, nuclide,' with much fever and great
prostration of strength. So soon as possible. swal
low six or - eight Pills; a large dose is absolutely ne
cessary to relieve the brain, that organ appearing to
sutler greatly In this complaint When they have
operated well, put your feet and legs in hot water,or
take hot - bath. Its sure and be purged before you
use any means of Increasing the circulation, or,
your life may he the forfeit, Now go to bed, and
when In bed take two more Pills and some hot bone
set tea, catnip, or balm of balsam, or sonic water
grael—any of these warm drinks Will answer, and
which may be left to cholce,,Mitrer of them will
help to restore insensible perspiration, and this me
thod will generally cure. Should, however, the pa
tient, after the pills and afterlthisimreattnent, not lie
hotter to the morning, let him take another stx,eight,
or ten pills more, according to the urgency of symp
toms. and the warm drinks, and foot or general bath,
at night. My experience has shown me that the
third. day morally finds the patient well, when this
plan.lag been adopted from the beginning. L'ut in
ii,4y . Kent, the continuance of the treatment Is the
Met that can he adopted. whether it takes one day
or twenty to effect the cure. However bad the head
may be, never let blood he drown or leeches applied,
`we want all tile blood we have. Instead of loosing
this 'life of our flesh,' let us take more pills, which
will take the death principle from us, leaving our
blootbrullifeed, arnbiready to rally all Its life powers
for oar restoration, so soon as the purgation flag left
it free to effect this ohJect.
Sold In Carlisle at 25 cents per box by CHARLES
PARNITZ—by S. Culbertson. Shlppensburg ; 11
R'. Drell nennin, New Cumberland; M. Sheer,
Shiremanstown ; J. Coyle, Iloguestown.
kEitli Markets.
PHILADELPHIA ,Monday, lan 15.
FLOUR—the demand continues limited, and some
small sale, are making for home use at $ . 5 for common
superfine, $5,12,1a5,25 for good, and 5,50 for extra
brands. Shipping brands ore held at $5 per bid:
RVF, FLOUR—No sales, and holders generally ask
$3 per bbl.
CORN MEAL l —is quiet, but firm at $2,75 for Penn
WHEAT—nothing doing; we quote red at 100a107c
at 114a115e.
CORN—Dealers having supplied themselves, the
market closes heavy, and Nye, have slightly receded
Sales are 5000 bushels new Southern yellow, at 58a
58c. closing at the latter price
OATS-nn change.
Mechabiesburg, on l'hursdar evening last,
by Cie Rev. John G. Friedley, Mr. Joseph
Black, of tile. former place, to' Miss Rebecca
Diller of Clitifebtown.
IN: au Muertiscinents,
, Latest 01lays.
r pa:Anise or in bulk —of now crop also a
now lot of Brown,White and CRUSLIED SU
GA RS, tho ol and usual •
.together with, a selection of the best
and n general variety of pure and fresh spices,
ground or unground, and all the other articles
usually kept in connexion with groceries, have
jut been added to the former stock—to see is
to be sure—give us a call, and as ever we shall
be thankful, at the old -stand—nearly opposite
the Post Office. J. W. EBY.
Carlisle Jan. 7, 1810.
Bells, Bells.
THE subscriber has just received a
large and splended assortment of . Sleigh
Bells, loose and on straps,embracing Neck and
Martingale straps, with open and round Bells,
also Body straps, single and double rows.
Also, on hands, Sleigh, Sulkey, and riding
whips, Ivory, - and Whale bone handles.
Jan. 7,18 . 50-3 t. HENRY SAXTON.
t'Plolasses and Syrup.
SUGAR House, Syrup, and Orleans (baking)
NlNl.olasses of the best
A small lot of No, 2,in half barrels, and No
, in quarter barrels, also
For Sale at
Carlisle Jan. 7, 1850
'- Buckwheat Neal,
OF the finest quality—also
together with a supply of fresh
Vinegar, Caidles, Sttarm and Whale oil—and
Pins, Needles and '1 apes, to bind thorn togeth
er if necessary. And all to be had at
Jan. 71850 EBY'S.
A TWO story Stone HOUSE, on the south
MI corner of High rind East streets, occupied
by •Writ. Reilly. Possession given on the Ist
of Apiil. R M HENDERSON..Vt.
THE two story DWelling House,
R . on North Hanover street, now od.
copied ny John Cornmtin, Esq.,
' with all the appurtenenees thereto
attached, except the Store Room
occupied by Mr. Carmony. The house is large
and„.4%lLfinislied, and has a good garden and
stablc;;Vith several other largo out.buildings.—
For toms tingly to
Carlisle,..Tan. 7, 1850.
THCLdwelling house, now odeu
- pied by Mr. Saxton, adjoining my
■i s ll [ atom. Also, two comfortable dwel
l" -
ling houses in Pitt Street, rent $5O.
Possession given April Ist 1850
:Carlisle, Jan. 9, 1850. .
' Ebr Renr.
rINHE 'Store room on .West High street
now occupied hyGeu, R Crooks:adjoin-
nig Dr. Rowlin s Drug Store, is offered fur rent
from the liret of , 'Apply to
oth 1850.,. WM, B. KNO3p
, • . Rent.
, . • .
THE'Store.rdern and cellar now
ir . r4e orteuEsineyolliOn
ttliscrilier;_ . ,_
" iii west Main street, is o ff ered for
• 0 0-1' rant. This is• a desirable' stapd
fer,, bffsiness. ' Pessesirien given mate. ate on:rthe,let of ApriLnext, and
the stock of goods mow in the stora'will ber die.'
poded of at.tho Same' firm), eh t'easornible terrns
Apply to.. , I.".WORMLEY:'
• .
NE among: the, ;. lukiet,,titanda in :th,hoiough, !
: 1 •14 1 '1,1.;* lied ,cnannodioue•H,Q.u.,weituate
on rsil High etr,eat near,theeentre.sUlrli:
ee neatly optteelie t:''
**, NM . fo,llllPrit PeOliPigiV:l44ld
.e... - Pardl.9P,
as a tote, and now in • the 'oeentlanny:of w :4
T . rp tiihrteen
. the m use ; ma a cellar underiell, , .
Freme.House.witirStene,*iidifil, hev,%'•
rooteeiand :nate Vete
• Allay 7 : - ' Possession 'given ntr•,:ike'let.,ef'Aprit„,
next,,l.Ftii,tornie ig,g,17,;,!0;
" . .T11):1 tvfolaivet room, , in co an".
,i, , krbrtiql.'hottecrWlijalir UnoW ocenfiy,
ri "hi Itoover,a4type,i, al j oining
: ;Aroodp',4 'ftApod;storoe•v:ThdirotY*,
ikoisld,tio,ilit4tilii.fprian office 00 "1
`i al k a i nb ri; . cito,itith,r4,7ooo o oo::#9p , , ,
ld',#!„! 11 4V;
i goeid , ,rdnc ltox9'room;
S.4X , 6 4 do:iti*,*oo7;lotoPitapl•tetAo fßakEif
:, , ,ffilottilanous-'''
For the HolyclaYs I:
JUST opened at this large land' well Itnown
establishment, the most splendithesrortment of
richly embellished and superbly illustrated An
nuals. Gift-Books, and Poetical' Works, toge
ther with an extensive variety- of- CHILD-.
of all ages, suitable as presents for the Holy•
days. His assortment in this line is the finest
he has ever presented, and cannot fail to please,
as well in Ihe beauty of the books es in their
cheapness. He has also just opened a splendid
assortment of
which it would bo impossible to enumerate in
an advertisement, but which comprise ever?
variety of elegant lancy drticles, of the newest
styles and latest designs. He would cull par
ticular attention to his choice supply of PER
FUMES, from the celebrated establishments
of Roussel, Hanel and others, with Fancy
Soaps and every article desired for the toilet.
Also, Musical Instruindnts, Ladies and Gen•
tlemen's Cutlery, in great variety,'Gold Pens
and Pencils, Port Monnais, %Vslking Canes,
Baskets in great variety, and the most elegant
assortment of Girandoles, Flower Vases,
either for lard or burning fluid, which has ever
been presented in this 'borough. Also,
VED FRUITS, N war and an innumerable
Variety of other articles, which ills impossible
to mention in detail, but which comprise al
most every article which can he asked for in
the lino of fancy goods, &c. Thu public are
especially invited - to call and see them thiring
the Holydays. Retnomber the Old Stand;
North Hanover Street.
Christmas and New Year Gifts,
NAMELY Card Cases, Velvet Bags, Silk
Purses, Porte Motion - is, Cigar Cases,
Brushes in erect variety, Fancy Inkstands and
Paper HolJors, Fancy Boxes, Cologne, Ex
tracts, Pomade Divine, Toilet and Pearl Pow
der, Bear's Oil, Pull's and Puff Boxes, Eau
Lustral Shnvi tg, Cream, great variety of Combs
Ivory Rattles, Chess Boarils, Note Papers and
Envelopes, Imported Segura by the Box, Rai
sins and Figs by the Box, Candies nud Secrets
at 181 eta per lb., citron at 31 cis. per lb., and
a groat variety of articles ton
mention, at reduced prices for cash at Dr R AW.
LINS Drug Store, Main Street. decl9
Kriss Kingle's Mead-Quarters, Carlisle, Penn
Is the place where Country Merchants and
the public in general, will find the largest
and best assortment of
ever offer offered in this county, manufactured
of the best material expressly for the Holidays.
and will be sold wholesale or retail at the Old
Stand of the subscriber, North 11 anovir street,
a few doors north of the Bank, where all are
invited to call and examine for themselves, as
it would be impossible to mention all the vari
eties. He would also callattention to a large
assortment of Fruits and Nuts, consisting of
Figs, Prucns, Grapes, Citron, Dates,Almonds,
English Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Filerts, Pea
Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, &c. In connection with
the above ho hasiusr - freceived a largo assort
ment of English, French arid American
consistingiwpart of fine French Card and Sew
ing Baskets of.entirely, new patterns, Fancy
Boxes, of wood, paper and glass. 'Wax and
other Doll-heads, Kid and Jointed Dolls. Bas
ket, bell, bone and ~thet Rattles. Gaines and
Puzzles of the West stiqe, FurnitTfre tea _sota,
niacin boxes, fiddles, guitars, pianos, accords
ons, harmonicans, drums, guns, and other arti
cles,of war, Glass and China ItSys,imantlemor
foments, 'I in boxes, woolly dogs, wagons
and wheelbarrows, tubs, cradles, Noah's Arks
masks. marbles of all kinds, fancy soaps, Co
love, ox marrow, shaving cream, hair and
eloth m 3 Brushes, &a. He has also,on hand a
prime lot of
consisting of Coffees. Teas, Sugars, Molasses,
Crackers. Cheese, Spices of all kinds and in
fact all articles in the Grocdry line, which will
be disposed of at the lowest rates.
Orders from a distance thankfully, received
and promptly hitt:llElod to. ,
Carlisle, dcc 11,'49. `P
THE subscriber respectfully informs .his
friends and the public generally, that he has
just returned from PhiWel pine with the largest
and most splended assortment of 11 - atchesdew.
airy, &c., ever bciore offered to the citizens of
tins place.
His stock consists in part of a splemlid lot of
Gold and Silver Lever 'Watches, Gold and Sa
ver Lepine do. with a variety of Watches of
lower prices, Gold guard Chains, Gold and
Silver Pencils, a splendid assortment of gold
pens of most approved manufacture, Silver
Butter Knives, Silver and plated Spoons, fine
Silver plated Forks, a large and splendid lot of
Gold and Silver Speetecles,(ho invites particu
lar attention to this anode of spectacles, as lie
can warrant them to be the best on this side of
Philadelphia,) Common Spectacles of all prices
a lrrge and beautiful assortment of Gold, Fin
ger and Ear Rings, all prices; Breastpins, a
great variety, Watch Keys, Fob and Vest
Chains, Silver and shell Card cases, a very su
perior article, Silver thimbles, Silver combs,
cake Baskets; with a great variety of other ar,his line, net necessary to meniion.
He invi tes all to call and examine his stock
assured that it cannot fail to please, both in
quality and price. T CONLYN.
Superior Groceries,
THE subscriber begs leave to inform his
friends and the public in general, that he has
just returned front the 'city, with a large and
general assortment of Flt S H G ROCE-
ItIES, all of which he is prepared to sell nt a
very email advance. Hirstock,is composed of
a general assortment of everything in the Gro
cery line, embracing in part roar. Coffees, Su
gars, Molasses, SORTS, Tobacco and Cigars,
Queensware and Glassware, Fish and Salt,
Crackers and Cheese, Fruits, Nuts and Can
dies, Pine , and Etherial Oils, Fluid Lamps,
Hams and Dried Beet, Beans, White Corn,
Vinegar,- Toys, Matches. Brushes, &c
Persons will find it to their advantage to givit
me a call, as I ant determined to sell at very
moderato profits Don't forgot the stand, South
Hanover-street next door to flannan's (late Esh
leman's Hotel, and within two doors of the Vo
lunteer Prinnting Office '
deo% '49 C (fern. A'gt •
1VEUF1 1 0! Effurrs!
rntiE subscriber lies just opened another lot
1 of Muffs, yerying front $2 to - 812; also a
few Children's'
Just opened a- fresh assortment of Ladies
Green Kid,Gloves, of best quality, with a vari
ety of Ladies and Childrens Cashmere Gloves,
of all sizes.
Just opened n large assortment of figured silk
velvet Ribbons for Ladies 'dresses, Neck Rib
bons, also Jenny Lind and other Gimps, of all
colors, with 'w variety of other Fancy Goods.
Restoration 8c Preservation of the
By DI Wise dc Son, of Virginia..
WISE & SON, finding it altogether
impossible to attend personally. .to the
groat number. of daily 'Applications, from all,
sections of - the Ilnion,..for their remedy, ,
Baldness; and for their celebrated HAIR T 0...
NIG, have 'found it necessary' , to -appoint' a
General Travelling • Agent, to, visit different
cities and towns throughout the United States,"
vesting him with authority' to appoint'. sitti-a:
tent.Kbso and vend thirlftur Teitici and teary(
ply:the RESTORATIVE, and to put 'thorn
into,the..hafids of those he may appoint to op&
rate wherever a, sufficient 'number -of patients
in 'any town orneighborhootl shrill bo , Obtained..
''. Capt. GEORGE CALVER'I', 'of Vattquier
bounty, Va. is alone authorized' to, act de Gen.!
brat Travelfing Agent, with, the,Poivers, above
inlicated, - ~.' ,• :.•'-. — 2: -.', ' ''' , '-.
' , tOttpt,C. mil? bdeSpected , to,visiti as .spoed-:
111 it s,p r aeticab e •the;prpripalo.tie s and towns
o- .N. .B.:,Capt,'.,,Calvert''Will elWays:•hatie on
hand ;idtfulibbpply' , Af .t.he :HAIR, 'TONIC
(which cleansealhe'beod At dinidiuff,striingth..
ens and :invigeraies :‘the:ltair,‘,',and - sprevents'it;
also,ufronatfalling.bff,) for theiri of Country,
blest contiguous to hirriSperatitnis, or ,it :may
always be obtained 'at wholesale; and forwarded
lo `any. port, of the 'Union;: by addreasing , tha
riimetore, M. • WISE .'Bi'.splii , ":Riehnltind;
*irlee V pOf,dpzetil ciil3. •Six . ..l)ot tieo Tor
5 - tir',Atuf'dejlar •iiingikt),Uttle''''' 'Enevgd,ly ,
INStr-Ittle: inicarllsle:,,,by:s,v :7; ,, N , W.VE R.-
I,ol , tii4i:cli'AiirPllrfek
.1 • ; c') 44014
WPOtiolkio#o l. !;fkl?t,'Ai.!•!lr•
w,o.p,::Eittptc _.,.'
:,N , ,4 , 47,§lfie , rrp.steeii ,
-i.. , ,-.., ,, ' , :... , :-. , r-:'::':''.. , , , .'.! . `,..! . , - .:.. , :.:i::::,:•:::. ,. ,: - ''.- ,.,
-=~F ~ ~~1ttr8C~;~.~.
. have fiited'upOififflit felloWinY'fflne and pla-'
ces, for holding .the. ,, APpeals on thit , Trienial
Assessment for years 1 8 50-51;-52'-- - -for the' seta- •
eral Townships and 'Boroughs in said, County
to wit: • ,
For-No*l,lllo, 28th of January at the
houtte of S. Rupley, Newville. •
For 28th of January, 1850, at 10'f :
'public house WS. Rupley, Newville..
For Mifflin, 29th ofJanuary. 1860, at the
lie house of S. Rupley, Newville.
For Franktord, 29th of January, 1850, at the
public house of S. Rupley Newville. • •
For Hopowell, 30th Januapy, 1650, at -the
public house of D.Jllowry, Newburg..
For Shippensbut Bor. 31st January, 1850, at
the public house 01'0. 'Luck, Shippensburg.
For Shippensburg Tu. 31st January, 1850 at
the public house of C. Zuck, Shippensburg.
Southampton,lst February, 1850, at the pub
lic house of C. Stick Shippensburg.
West Penneborough, 2tl February, 1850, at
the public house or J, Hoover, Mt. Rock.
For Monroe, 4th February, 1850, at the publia
house ofJ, Paul, Churebtown.
For Silver Spring, sth February, 1850, at the
public house of 0. Duey, Hoguestown.
gi For East Pennsboiough, Oth February, 1550,
at the public house of S. Henninger. Bridge
For New Cumberland, 6th February,lBso, at
the public house of S. Benninger, Bridgeport.
For Hampden, 6111 February, 1650, at the pub
lic house of J. Reeser, Sporting Hill,
For Mechanicsburg, Bth February, 1850, at
the public house of J. Black, M9chanicaburg
For Allen 9th February, 1850, at the public
house of D. S or,Shepherdstown. •
_ For Dickers I . ltll February, 1850 at the
public house Mein, Stone Tavern.
• For'North M, leton, 12th February, Imo,
et the Commissioners Office, Carlisle.
For South Middleton, 13th• February, 1850,
at tho Commissioners Office,Carliele.
For Emit Ward, Carlisle, I l h Fabrattry, 1850
at hq Commi.-Sioners Office, Carlisle.
For West Ward, Carlisle, sth February,
1850, at the Commissioners Office, Carlisle,
County Rates, Dollar Rate-2I mills.
State Rates—Dollar Rate, 3 mills
The return to be made by the respective As—
sessors, at the times and places, determined
upon for holding Appeals for their respectivb
respective Township or Borough, nt which time
the assessors will return the names of two res—
pectable citizens of their Borough or Township
for the appointment of a Collector.
By order of the Commissioners,
Attest, WM. - RILEY, Clic.
Commissioners Office. •
Carlisle. 29th Dec. HMO. S
Estate of John SnaVely, Deed.
LETTERS Testamentary on the Estate of
John Snavely, deed. late of Hamptfitn
township, Cumberland County, have issued in
dug form of law to the subscriber. residing in
std towns*. All persons indebted to said es
tate will make immediate payment, and those
having claims against it will present the same
for settlement to JOIIN RUPP.
Executor of John Snively, deed
Dec. 21.-6 t
Estate. of James Irvin, dec'd.
LETTEItS of. Administration on the Estate:.
James Irvin, lake of East Peansborough
township, Cumberland county, deceased, have
boon granted to the subscriber, residing in the
same township. All persons having claims or
demands against the estate of said decedent
aro reatMsted to make known the same without
delay, and those indebted to make payment im
mediately. lABIVIVI-. COBLE,
jan2.6wpd r.
Estate of ned'lt Goodyear; dee'd
L.F.TTERS Testamentary on the. Csiaic of
Fred'k Goodyear; late of Monrou - rnwnslitp,
Cumberland county, deceased, hake been grant
ed to the subscribers, residing - in the eame town
ship. All persons knowing themselves indebt
ed to the said estate are required to melee imme
diate payment, and those having claims to pre
sent them for settlement to
Estate of Peter Whitmer, deo , d,
LETTERS Testamentary o the Estate of
Peter Whitmer, late ol Saudi Middleton
township, Cumbef•land. county, deceased, -have
boon granted to the subscriber, residing in
Huntington township, Adams county. All
persons indebted to said estato arc hereby no
tified to make immediate payment, and those
having claims to present them for settlement to
decl2 WM R SADLER, Lx' ,'..
Estate of Mary Harlan,c , d.'
LE I'TERS Testamentary on the Estate of
Mary Marian, late of Atoughstown, Cunt
berland county, dee'd , have been granted to
the subscriber, residing in the same place. All
persons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those Ithing
claims,to present them fir settlement to
Estate of Isaac Lloyd, decl.
ETTERS of Administration on the Estate
LI /sane Lloyd, late of Allentownship, dee'd.
have been granted , to the subscriber residing in
same township. All persons knowing thorn
selves indebted to said estate to make payment
immediately, and those' having claims to pre:
sent them for settlement to
n0v2.8 REUBEN STAR, .I,Ther
thansands of mays of Sertdula, C0.,.al Syphilis, and
other impure diseart al the Bland—and the \'ratY A ht.
QUANTITY ttA3ch was 001 of a Alaiieina to crest 000 tit
such disease., Lc any prat( of the purifying medial! wer
the Medicine Wk.?, has subdued and conquered ettelvsliscaos—
then them ie unquestiapaidc evidence that—
he nu* a Illedicint, in erPry relying t and there is abundant
proof, in areal cures effected, that ONE BOTTLE of it run
tains more pusifylng, heading virtue, and medical parser,
than there is contained in FOUR BOTTLER' of any Sarsa
parilla, or any other medicine that has over been Matted
for sale, There la undoubted proof In our vampillete, that
the use of this great Indian Penter, they lied were DY
ING- yet LlVE—ahey that were LAME and CRIPPLED
can now WALK—they that were SICK, SCROFULOUS,
and otherwise diseased, havoc been MALT/01M CURED.
who, have used lIRAE,T'S PURIFIER, Alter having used
and tested Atm. the Sartarcrrillas and other mediclues MC
-0111=11,104 to cure blood diseases, have decided that—
Brant's is the cheapest ,
because one , bottle of it has more , medical, curttivo mane
In It, and, in consequence, rums more ;Mama, In ;ouch less
One, than one bottle of any other medicine. •
If then, one bottle of liItANT•S.PURIFIER will cure
POUR TIMES more direst° than one bottle of Saranyaril•
PURIFIER'' would bo as cheap at four
dollars a bottle, as sarsaparilla at one dollar. But Basra , '
PURIFIER is sold for only ONE DOLLAR a bottle; nod
as a bottle of it has cured, and is capable ;Prattling, POUR
TIMES as much diapasons onejeitleof Sarsaparilla, them.
fore, Sarsaparilla, in cousequonce•of its feespower and less
•mcdicid efficacy, should be. sold no no pore than ttoenty.
&Wm mats per,bottle, to boon Ow DJ Rio PURIFIER at
One r
How much CANCER—hoW much SYPHILIS—how
much SCROFULA—wiII one dollar', worth of BRANT'S
PURIFIER curo I liesultissi'lbliowhig statement., which
le o specimen of Its powers— ,
This is the cum of a dying *lan who' yet. Uric He mu
coral of a worse case of SCROFULA, by only harks. hot.
the of Branfs Purifier,' Mad over was cured by the use of
twelve GALLON/ Or the best Sarsaparilla that Wee overload°.
Sarsaparilla linnet Offietent nutted resosr to (asset the cure
of such a repAnolyhopeleficasel •• • •"_ ,
• Mr. J.:l3.HABklN,of•Ronse, Oneida Co. ,N.' P., had Sere% •
eta four year. - woe con fi ned to bed the last Af oar-he
.woello much diseased- and!dithilitated 'as to-be unable to
ralee his hand to his head. Ho bad the hot wrdArd advice
=had used ALL of the best Sareaparfacu to no gOlai. OrrOet. ,, .
'Apt worse and worse and was considered to be , in a dying,
state, and could no t t wentirf our hours longer, when he •
emnlnellced-twinbIIRANTIS-ItURIFIER 'ltte week so ser
-Mien nearty RA. ear to earl a hole was "eaten thronyh
loh•dPips,un er-his chlii,'so that he breathed through
the bole; hie ear was so eaten around that It could be /i/lid
„vL, OM or Its place; Wooly holding by a enuttfpiceef the use
of ene'annwas destroyed by two ulcers; an Ulcer under "
the arm,. so large as a man's hand. had - nearly allen through "f
hicsido into his ,body. Thus ho was , afflicted with Roomy, '
Sea taftrn i ner4
. .fentrloe ulcers', on VotiOUS parts of Ilia
rfnt•'ll . and Pull particulars,pee our ,PAM.
'Dr. THOhfitSVOlLLlAlitkone of Siinost.
Melons of Rome wee called to see'lleskin the day Wore,
be commenced tialtg•lhantfs Purifier. Dr.llll.,examlned •
. then told him that *all the medieb!es• in Ma world, ,
could not cure him-=then his case vole -
Wore() than- Hopeless .! •
•• • • •
' , Now hear Mr. HABlUNiEratahrinent of curer He Mild •.• '
',. MY wife procured enb bottle of 1111ANT!.9 P,URIPI'MG4-
10,WItetert,,ot Breed er Lianard,,druggiate or'Rome., • 1
commenced tieing that, and bepan to yet bake. 'That bottle
enabled: me to pet q! my bad; where 1 bad heon confined ;; •
' one year: the amend beak Suable d ,me, to et ftg 4 thohpuse i ~
tho emid boob enabled me to waUe WO Mites, to game gen. ,
'waiters I procured riv'bettica yrefarli b t that] fin• .
teltedalia:ra.:,„.„ t at t o ,, , , ,i , i ,„, ... a
-.4... ro!'r-VMdArgig4.:7 . ",', r :,. !.;!..:'
lii6M - ftt Mll:itittNittisEg : ~; ,J.. , ....
. -
~ , r Mr; MAMMA b worn to the above facts, and the rectal
'arewlmeateld and cortiMid to by:Dr, T. WILLIAMS—Mr.. '
Eli 11: BROWMairstieteradtbe Wesel - tone itotet-151eiant ,'
, DIEMELL ilt. LtiOrlADP. , Wb u lo ßla l in d re ,!: 0 ! 4 9017/ , i,
at:reI.ELEVEN, other rcarirdeblr'utiMeateto- ~' , ~,,, . , , ~,,,
,4 ';'1361*-iii Ca'rlitile - -, by'Di.' I; :31r.:.,RA:vv?,
tiNtSt '' Sole%Agbrit: - ' -
0 , ,M131,13.,TEA1413;iiik heaC I
four y:etto; , oldp; los en11../f , pply,!
Mcint; Soiali` idAlciton fow'nehi 1.6!)•
=:de911... ,',I3II4EVYN pt
.. ._. ~ . .
.., Ototeo;.'-k t.gslplii#-;:
.oa4atßar nititts
AN be expected from the subscriber, as ho
liasjest received t. new and splendid as,
sortment of ;WINTER 'GOODS,, which he
offers to ids citstemers and others who .may
favor him With is call at great Bargains !
atinets, velvet cords. Ky. jeans, scarlet, yel
low, white: end Canton Fiannals,-tickings. mus
line, calico, cashmeres, do lanes, alpacas, Co
bvrg cloths, gloves; hosiery, Irish linen, corn
-forts, &c,
_ _
A largo and splehdid assortment of Long
and Square Shawls, at all prices to suit the
Also, Boots and Shoes, which ho is doterm
fined to sell low, at his stand, in North Hano
first store below Haverstick's Drug Store.
ver street, Carlisle. J. G. CARMONY.
Note plated at the CREAP STORE of
' Charles Ogt
will?, customers of ,this large establishment,
1 and the piiblic in general, are respectfully
informed that I am now receiving an immense
stock ot the handsomest and cheapest goods
ever brought to Carlisle.
of t;vory shade at greatly reduced prices.
A large lot of Long Plaid Shawls from 3 to $ll
do Square 'do $1 to $6
Also, Broche, Terkeri, Crape, Thibet and DA.
mask Shawls of every style and quality.
A splendid assortment new style Ribbons which
will be sold fiery low.
A. beautiful stock of Cashmeres and De Laines
at very low figures.
A very large assortment of Black and Colored
Alpachas, Figured, Plain and Satin Stripes.
A large lot of Sack Flannels, very cheap.
A splendid assortment of Figured, Plain and
Striped Silks, trona 373 to 1,25. Black Silks, a
vdry largo and cheap stock.
Very superior ltirge size Twilled,
10.4-12-4-13.4 ditto Ribbon Bound.
do do do Whitney. at all prices.
A large assortment of very superior French
Merinoes. . All colours and prices.
A beautiful assortment of. changeable Satine de
Chains for dresses and sacks.
MUSLINS, • . .
A tremendous lot of blenched and unbleached
Muslins from 3 jo 12/ cents.
Having purchased Imply of this article be
cite the advance, I will continue to sell ut old
'A hill assorprrient Of Itnnerial; Ingrain, Veni.
lien and Stril4 Carpets. Selling very low.
Prints and Ginghams front 3 to 12,1.,.
..11 very Large Assortment of
MlCings, Chocks, Diapdrs, Floor Oil Cloth.
Borhings, Velvets, Beaverteens, Stocitings,
Gloves, Suspenders, .Carpet Bags, Canibrickc'
Dinritys, Laces, Morcens. Linens, Linen and,
Cloth Table Covers,Oil Cloth Ditto, Irish Li.
neon, &c., &c,
In the article of 800t.4 and Shoes, we gn far
ahettd of an nqmpet.ition,Ayoth_ in price_ and
quality. k big stock now on hand and cheaper
than weer.
_ _
Sugar * Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Tee, &c., Sze
Freel•., Prime end Cheap. '
Reeallect the old stand, East Main Street,
whore there is a largo room, a large stock to
select from, and decidedly the cheapest lot of
Goods.o .. ut of Philadelphia or Now York.
CornOline and all, secure bargains, at the
Amp store of CIIA OGILBY•
Cheap Clothing •Store.
Tl 3 EE Tubscriber would respectfully tnform
his friends and the public in general, that
he has removed-his large and extensive as'sort
the room recently occupied as n store by . Geo.
W. ilitnex. on - Best Main street. directly oppo
site Elliott's Drug Store, and within two doors
of Ogilby's store, where he will keep constant
ly on hand, all kinds of beady ✓hale Clothing,
and everything pertaining to gentlemen's ward
robes. The clothing he ofli,rs for sale is made
up in his own shop, by experienced workmen,
and under his own supervision. • Ile, feels pre
parel to offer great bargains in .he Clothing
line, and to test this fact he r mild earnestly in
vite the citizens of this county to give him a
call and examine the quality of his stock and
his prices, before purchasing elsewhere.
He will also, as heretofore, comirthe to make
twill kinds of Clothing according to order,
and those who prefer it can have tlu it measures
taken, and their garments made up to their
plensment. Always on hand n large assortment
of Cloths, Cussinzrres, Satinets, Vestings, &c.
Don't forget the place directly opposite El-
liott's store, and within two doors of Ogithy's.
Large and Splendid Arrival of
CIAO 7' Eli G
THE undersigned 'reSpectfully announces to
the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that ho has
just laid in a stock of Fashionable Clothing ' cut
end made in excellent style, which for c'llerip,
noes and quality was never ,before equalled in
this place. Such as—splendid new style black
French lath dross Coats, large and handsome
circle cloth Cloaks, black and brown sack
Coats, business coats in the latest styles, Mon
key coats, tweed sack 'coats, superior fill() bl'k
French cassimere Pants, now style of fancy
cassimere Pants, over 200 pairs of striped and
plain fall and winter pants, 250 Elegant new
vests, excellent Black satin vests, also, an as
sortment of fine white Linen, rod flannel and
striped Shirts, collars, bosoms, stocks, suspen
ders, cravats, handkerchiefs and other articles
in his lirie. Boys' Clothing and oil clothing
suitable for fishermen and others constantly on
hand. Fine cloth caps front 25 to 87 cents.—
Glazed Caps cents. In fact the above is
the largest and best assortmenl ever offered in
this place, and ai chetip us can be purchased in
the city of Philadelphia. Persons who prefer
'Raving their clothing made to order can 'be ac
commodated at the shortest notice.
Ito therefore respectfully invites his custom
ers and the public generally to call and see him
at the Clothing Store, corner of Main Street
and the Centre Square. , [decl2
Reading for the Killion;
A LARGE and well-selected: nssortmont o
BOOKS of all ~kinds constantly kept on
hand to suit the time's, the following have lust
been received.
flume's History of England, two first Nos.
Slinkspeare's Works, 4 different editions.
Byron's Works, Burns' Werke.
'.Scott's poetical Works.
Lynch's Expedition to the Jordan anclrDead
Sea, Montegue's ditto. '• - ' -
ScottqCNlilitaryT.actice, 3 vols.
Women of the' Revelation,' by .Mrs.
Philosephy.of Religion .by Morre,ll:.7. • "...r
'Etfineet Midistry, 'Ay ,• •
'Bravo's Daughter, hyTouganne. • '• •
DowagerpoiNeVi.SchoolibeScandal,•by Mrs
Caxion!fr,-, by B
• The,Queen . :-of .Gipeies.
• 'Cruise in' t Whale Boat. , .! . ,
Andpllttw new.novels• , 'received' as -soon as
'published. - ,.AB,orders for Books attended with
dispatch.• nom' filspateS Shoat-046p
'ooks , call niOund,and exiimineSor yourielves.
0017.; 'W•A
.there '.7IIIVW:. GoOds:
. -
B 0'14,14E'r.' . 1210 0 NS. .1.
tYk. 'b' f lite; Neck • f'Ribbtins;oiao;';Bolt Ribbons,
LACE#Wo;ccii,l,4#`l3:,l•; . (.4 . 2
`.fh*",§: ,
Green Tone ot,i , supertat quality
„ .
ustiprtme n
,J'dieplot peo ;t:lhery le :Manhole or
Atarist,Naz: ill
.pl - 4p' !i ll IRO (056)) ":V1 HI TWEI IV' '1
, .
Otiy. OaltratigriPrblii f i g
°ASA for ILASOS ikatorquan,titziiii)ivig
ip,his*tsorijqt .firiTi*l 3 Mlk£4/
'04 6 6 , y 7.a
4) •„!.. t p , T•,q4;9,Pi'§,
- 1N4 4 . ' t
' - ';':`,9oti'el - ‘t; . ,:g51)60.6:
• o,
MIRE subscribers have just completed
their purehasps of FALL & ;WINTER.
GOODS. Our stock consists in part of cloths,
dassimeres, vestiligs, canine's, of all colors and
prices ; white,, yellow and red, all wool
nels ; Kentucky Jeans velvet cords Bea•
verteens, Calicoes by the cart load,. Ging hams,
'Mous de Laines, Meripoes, Paramatta s, Co
burg; Cloths, Alpaca's, • Fancy Mohairs, Lustres,
&c., Checks; 'l'ickingp, Domestic •Ginghams.
Canton Flannels, whtte and coloured, Linsey,
Plain, Pink, Brown, Maroon, Green and BP k.
de Laines; 10r.12-h eta per yard; Mous de Leine
'l'hibet and Pekeri SHAWLS; Long 'Shawls
at 3, 3,50, 4,5, 6, 7,50, IQ and 10 dollars: Silk
and Linen HandkerchiAld, Cotton, Woolen and
Cashmere Stockings, Irish Linens. Gloves,
Cloth, Glazed and Fur CAPS, Gimps and
Fringes, in variety, Combs,
Woolen Yarn, all
colors, from fine to coarse,Steel Beads, Twist
end lasps, Purses, Seae. Waist Ribbons,
Slides, Green Bareke. Blue Barege, Table Co•
very of Linen and Cloth, Carpet Chain, !fable
Diaper,Crash, Linen Diapers, Edging, Laces,
GUM SHOES. all sizes 'and prices, Umbrel
las, Carpets, Groceries, Queer:swore, Hard
ware, &c. All the above goods were bought
for Cash, gold and silver, end - at a saving of 15
to per cont. below those who bought on credit.
Those wishing to save will find our goods
cheaper than they-can buy them elsewhere...
Oct 10 A & W BENTZ.
tHAVE just opened
.tke'.. 4 l. direct from the city,
liniint lull'
brilliant assortment ol
_..,..-- 1 -t, LADIES & G E
GOODS, for Fall and
Winter Wear, ro whicn I Would invito tho
special attention of old and now friends nlnd
customers. My stock now comprises every
conceivable colour, style, pattern and figure of
Dro:is Goods, from the plainest and cheapest
to the most brilliant and costly. Call and see
them while they are new and novel, as it al
ways gives us 'pleasure to show riptwaids at
ho lien Hive. sop%) SA- CC/YLE
CHA FMCS OGILBY respectfully informs
the public that he has commenced, and will
be opening for several days, his second pur
chases of
which comprise a very extensive and splendid
assortment of all k nds of ..
a very large assortment cf Shewls,French Me
rinoes, Coburgs, Aloachas, and 5000 other arti
cles in the line of Ladies' Wear. Also, a full
and complete assortment of
together with n heavy stock of BOOTS AND
SHOES, of all the various prices and qunli•
lies. Also, a large stock of Glt OC ERIES.—
Come one, come, all, and look for yourselves
before purchasing elsewhere, us the order o
the day is, "live by trade and small profits."
r 11,IE subscriber haa,just opened a 'general
assortment of Plaid Long Shawls, Buy .
State Long Shawls, of superior quality. Also;
Splend'd Brodie Shawls, (all wool), Black
Thiliet Long Shawls, together . with_ Terkeri,
Cashmere, and other Shawls, at moderate
Just received a variety of Lynx Muffs, of
different qualities, also hn assortmenrof low
priced Mulls, for sale low.
-The subscriber is now opening a beauditivl
assortmeth of Dress Goods, among which may
be fountLCushmeres, Mous. Do Lames, Mohair
Lu.itros, Alpnehns, Merinoes, Black and. Col
ored Silks, and other varieties of Dress Goods.
Just received a law pieces of Bronze Cnssi•
meres, latest
_style. Also, Blue and Black
Cloths, Merino Cassitneres and Sattinetts, for
sole cheep.
Th. Ali Miters throughout the county are
informed that a general aasortmcut of finery
Goods, embracing Bonnet Frames, Crowns,.
and Tabs, Artificial Flowers, Face Tabs, Ru
ches, Illusions of all colors, Bonnet Wires, &c.
have just been opened by
1 LIST received and now opening at the
J at tl.e New Store, Corner of Hanover and
Leather streets, opposite Win. Loonards old
gland. 'fire undersi3ned respectfully Worms
a \
his friends nd the public, that he has just re
turned Iron Philadelphia, with a large and
eareltilly se le x
fed soritnent of NEW FALL
C, 00 OS, cons' ting of nn extensive variety.—
Every article , ill he sold at the very lowest
prices, Mous DE LAINF.e —All the in ,st desir
able styles of neat figured, and the best shades
of plain blue, mode, scarlet, pink, blue, green,
crimson, &c. Melt FIGURED CASIIIDERS h—A
complete stock of elegant styles w 'els.will be
sold at very small pro fi ts. Dees Smits !
Brocade figured, plain, change le, striped
glass& and the most superior quail lee of glossy .
blacks. Changeable Green, and .Black Man.
tills Satin, the most fashionable article for the
fall. Sulk Fringes, Laces, Gimps, Boltings,
Collars, Gloves, liosiery,•&c
'all and Winter Ribbons, of every m:11v,
n dat all prices. Also a large steck.of elegant
:STAPLE GOCES;which have been selected
with much care, and will be 'sold h t very gregi
bargnibs. Our assortment of Cloths, Cassi
meres, Vestings, heavy pantaloon stuffs, flan
nels, shootings, tickings gingham, cheeks. cal.
Icons, muslins, fable covers, napkins, drillings,
linens, blenched and unbleached Mullins,
is very large varied rind complete. Also, on
hand, a well selected assortment of BOOTS
& SHOES, for men, women and children. at
lower prices than ever. GROCERIES in all
their • variety, viz :—Sugnr, Cofee, Aloha:sea:
Pekin Ten Company's celebrated Teas, Spices
&c., add the host quality Carpet Chain.
'All the above goods have been purchased
right and will be sold low.
oct3 N \V WOODS, Ag't.
pitman '1'.7341.8.
wE have just received no entire now selec
tion of choice and fresh GREEN AND
BLA Cr\TEAS, embracing Young Hytion,
Imperial and Gunpowder teas, of various quali
ties, ranking front 373 to $1,23 per pound, from
the tea store of the ,Messrs. Jenkins, of Phila
delphia, neatly, securely and freshly packed in
quarter, halt, and pound malefic and paper pack
ages, as .well as in the bulk.. The selections
are made by ono of the partners, who hos had
experience to the , business,.among the Chinese
themselves for about seven years, and `this ad
vantage, together with our own experience, and
the encouragement extended to us in the selling
of these Teas for more than two years past,
encourage us confidently to reccommend them
as.superior to any other selection of (Teas in
this market—for sale at the Grocery store of
;July 11'49 J. W. EB Y
Tobacco and Cigars.
TUST received and for sale wholesale and re.
tail the best and cheapest selection of Cl.
GARS to be found any where out othho city.
The selection 'consists of
Granaderos, Emilia,
Castellos, La Trymavera,
Plantation, , Leon D'oro Regalia
Lif.Giata, , '
Vends and Figaros ilVloloesadora, &0.,
AllM;,the finest Cuba and Havana Tobacco:
and;pit ttp :tho neatest manner,' basidei . I
the Also
the 'beat' Cangrass' Mkt Cayendirb. T 011 AC C 0
bdtli plain atursivaetene4atrrodneed prices fo'r,
- 0 0111,- Call - and - oxiimino7l4.7Strieklmforo to
"chitaltig%'l will sail by: the' box al low as they
ciah.he had in'the oiti.. 'Dot* fo!ga!" . 4:p.
opliasite that railroad office
• .
T , CR.IE,
l DR
I;:;DRUGS .!,
~ 'FR.ESii.,.PALL ,
,relihstook. of Mod
HAVE just'received, a f
, 1 l o i ir c ei i;
Paints, GP''il, 8 0 , which
Inbeen•FiulPhaahiap ea r care atlh
b=•reftYtat..r::Rgconfidently recommeiS
to ea i fiksjciao3, Counirylorehonto
.renqeri'us being fresh and_nto.
• " ,''• '
timnt , u or b s and Exti acts,
t ine Ch"em;leiea—nAiedi:, C 4 Spices, ground and who l e
nstrumentp, ~
. .
Essences, .
nTOils Perfumery, &e.
; . u"
. • IVarranied Genuine.
YE-SilliFF • .
Indigoes,,.' i l l g d O a e l.
o e ,:
~ . D :
~ , Q
o O i l G p '
6 ;
? d i
: Cam l.,: ‘ ,,
i., V;
, o ; Woods ,;::. ' ,
~ ,
:,,, 1
Sumac " * '''.
`''''. ` ,tiqa`,•* ;''-'ii.,l'
t t1 !9!..., • •
c. .%i-ci'hoiiil' ii.,Jiii,U4l°;iiiidlraiiiie,:iblulbe.a,'
.ai;ioWind Iken9rditgrll, iiiiicKoil,Aneo,r,.::
4 ;l e irla9411111.4)8 1: ° Elu t 4 i l itiat Oak Stor ,,
'ol.ailb°r#,4:9l%.l,irl .414(VAT37191L,N1
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• ' ~, O rphans!, • Court , Sale. ..
on SA'T'URDAY, the 26th of January, 1850.
TN pursuance of on, order of the Orphans'
j Court of Cumberland County, will btsold
at public sale; at 12 o'clock. M. on the premises,
tie following property of Daniel H. Young, late, i ,
of Nee , Cumberland, in said county, decd. viz:
A LOT 0 E Gltoll ND. situate on Main Street
in the village of New Cumberland, and number
ed in the plan 108, having thereon erected a log •
• & Frame Weatherboarded Hduse. •
.;',4 4 4 . '
Terms of Salo—Ten per. cent
:,%. ,
~,' of the purchase money:to be paid
't,,,,'„, ~':,,, - 1 ,• on confirmation of the sale,and the
-'"::- - ''•••'‘ residue on the first of April next,
when possession will he given. 'Po be secured
by judgement and the purchaser t:), pay the tax
es assessed for the year 1850: Also, at the sumo
time and place !he following personal property,
viz :—Tables, Choirs, Beds and Bedding, Dgsk,
Stove and Pipe, Kitchen Furniture, &c. At
tendance will he given by
JACOB KIRK, Jr. Executor.
Dec. 19, tBl9. ,
TilE subscriber offers for sale
, the Brewery property. no Al Occill
. ,
1 1 pied by himself, situate on South';. ,
OA`);* Hanover street, in Carlisle ' to'
j • -•" - which is attached about Five Ac
resof ground, of thebest quality and the great
er part of which is now worked as a vegetable
garden. The Brewery is a large Stone buil
ding, about 40 boat by 26 deep, sod contains all
the necessary appfiratus in complete order for •
brewing 111 aft Liquors. There is a well of nev
er failing water inside of the building. There
islitsii_e_sltsurn_of_watetrunni_pg_th_ronk the _
property. The other improvements are a good
Stable, &c.,a variety of Fruit trees, and a well
of water 'at the door of the dwelling house.
It affords a fine opportunity for any one desir
ous of going into the brewing business, or for a
gardener, as it is advantageously situated and
convenient to a good market: lh If not sold
before Saturday. the 2d of March,lB6o, it will
on that day be offered at atiplic—Sale on the
premises, when attendance will ho given by
Dec. '26.
RATH 13 subscriber being desirous to remove to
the West, will oiler at Public ak. on SAT
URDAY, the 20th of December, 1849, on the
premises in Monfoe township, Cumberland
county, on the road' leading. from Carlisle Iron
Works to Bricker's Mill, the following pro
perty, viz:—a small FARM, containing 18—
ACRES and ,68 PERCHES, situate in said
township. adjoining livols of John Beltzhoover,
Hugh Maloy, Isaac Vanarsdalo end the above
public road. Four acres of it is in'timber, and
theremainder in the highest state of cultiva
tion. The improvements are a
-- two story and n half DWELL
... INC HOUSE, Frame Barn, and
1 other necessary out-buildings, all
of which are new and in the best
order, having every desirable convenience.—
There is also a small Orchard of Apple aid
Peach 'Frees, all of which are the choicest va-.
rieties and in good bearing order. The place
is admirably calculated for a Market Farm,
being in a good neighborhood, and within an,
easy distance of Carlisle. Tears which will
be reasonable, made known en application to
the subscriber, living on the premises.
Decs,4 t HUGH WELSH, Sr.
/SHE subscriber has a FARM which he
wishes to sell. The property is situated in
West Pennsboro township, Cumberland coun
ty, Penna. five and a half miles West of
Cnrlisle, on the turnpike road leading from
Harrisburg to PlushUm, containing 128 Acres
of first rate Limestone Land, in a high state .of
cultivation. About 100 Acres of it are cleared,
and the balance of if is in thriving Timber.—
There is a large amouni. of Locust timber
growing on the place, the soil being perfectly
congenial to the growth of Locust.
A0.,1 The improvements are fwo story
•••• 11l BRICK DWELLLINO flAusE,
sips t..
rtils 4 ; 1, 22 tly 28 feet, a two story Bock
-_—_------ Building, 18 . by 22 feet and two
stories' high, with a double Log Ram, torn
Crib and Wagon Shed, a young Orchard of
very superior trait, and choice fruit of dtflerent
kinds. There is a well of Water in the yard
near the dwelling. his
_property has many
advantages—only fiv , ead' a half miles from
Carlisle—n market always on the road. Per
sbns wishing to purchase Real Estate would do
well to call and see it.
THANKFUL to the.puelic generally for pas
favors end their liberal patronage, stilleen,
linnet! to carry on the SADDLE,
and -HARNESS making business, nt hie old
stand in Nanover street, two doors north of the
Carlisle 13nult, at the sign of the Mammoth
Cellar. He is now better prepared than ever to
accommodate his customers, having recently
made great alterations in his establishment, so
as to citable hint to keep n much better assort
ment than heretofore, consisting of Spanish,
Dragoon, scoop, tub, quilted and plain SAD
common ; Farmers' Gears, of all kinds, Tri.
yelling 'Franks of all descriptions and prices,
Veleases and'Oarpet Bags, Bridles, Martidgals
Dollars, Stock, Leather and Raw Hide Whips,
Leather, cotton and woratt.d Fly-nets, and all
other articles in his line—all of which he is de
termined to sell nt the very lowest cash prices.
Making and repairing Matrasses of hair. husk
and straw, and all kinds of Llpholste•ing will be
punetually attended to.
• np2s'4?)ty ,
The Home Journal—Series for 1850.
ANEW VOLUME of this brilliantly origi
nal and peculiar Family Newspaper, will be
. issued on the First of Anuary next. New sub.
scribers can be supplied with 'the work from
' that date, by forwarding two dollars to the of
fice dr publication.
• Oaring the past , four.years The Home Journal
has net with universal favor at the bands of
all classes of the community, and the proprie
tors will spare neither exertion nor expense to
give such increased value, interest and attract
iveness to the forthcoming year, as will render
it superior in every respect to all the volumes
that have preceded it. Besides the original pro
ductions of the Editors, the Foreign and De:
inestioXorrespondence of a large list of con
ributors, the spice of the European and Amer
can Magazines, selections fromt the most in
teresting publications of the day Will frequently
be given. Such features as have been found
to be attractive will be retained and new ones
added. " The Belles of 'our Time." by N. P.
• Willis ; Brief Novels;" " Piquant Stories;"
the sparkling wit and amusing anecdote, news
and gossip of the Parisian papers; Personal
sketches of Public ch aracterm the stirring
'scones of the city we live in; a chronicle of
the news for ladies ; the fashions' and faslilona
ble gossip ; the facts and outlines of news t the
filek of English information and brilliancy ;
the wit, humor and pathos of the times ; essays
on life, literature, society find morals; and the
usual variety of careful ehoosinge•froin the wil
derness of English periodiegl literature, criti
cism, poetry, will Brill cominue to,-,enrich these
iittrAs no more copies of the first number
bei printed than the ;demand absolutely re
quires, and, as now subscribers generally de•
sire to begin will the beginning: if is advise.
blobsubieribe : without. delay, to avoid atik
.disappointment ihme.arly and , promp t receipt
,TEnsis.—Tbe ;Heine. lonrnol is .published '
every Saturday; it,NO.loiFulton'Streat. New :
'Yorit;,at. the very. loW' price of 'Nib ,Dollars a
yeiir, t or,thicesomes for Five 'Deflate; payabie
invariably in'advance.
s Altletters;remittarmes and communication's
(Posuisid) to be addressed to
. Olt Rip .&-vvix.i i is,New York7'
BELIEVED to be superior to anything . of
. the; kind over bafbre manufactured: Beteg!,
,Eleatic, will not break hy,falling. Painted int rr
oil, whew soiled may be washed ,with soap *lnd.?.
water, 'and readily restored Id' Mei,' original
beauty. Their durability and, cheapnees will '
bo fully demonstrated' when 'duly., tested
lard lot of the tibove..r,oceived: by express,
riitgles Head QudreirsOn':lNTorth
• ftiONYOR:, Prseprfeier.
' •
Sooiity •of•vpi'okitiooii' Piil=,`•
tegee, , Pen tiosl,va b ia; , , July 11th;
our Borough should, helvi , ittspiit4ooV:l 4 .•
when.'i t bombe hod for;
VY,i I OYI.3P I TIP.4O I I , MPO. At°o l .ol'lPo 7 )'''''
;•!.? , YY:';(4: 1 14i63‘44 - tijeitlrjri k ill
. 1 11kd-iV 1 1. , ,
i. I'i3E,3,qubscribexYle4lgOilfrfrirlkOoligopOir&A't
,plk:poOlcogOo thdt
tEipebsoliiovaii OrOrtin,oolool 4 - 16"oldoic; dud
••••' •
F.+ - • • — ""e, • " t4c,'
neat :,:(gAtaig,...
Brewery for Sate
Small Farm For Sale
Valuable Property For Sale.
To all whom It may Concern
E(as is Doti Beads:
Jl fteW and.beautifid Article,