-15 P A .1 T 1! '4 Olt a recentueli ediiion of his Poems, Prof.Lono- Smow, one of our hipPlestPoets, thus apostrophi• sea the Union of he States.• utiiii; too, insitiin; otiehip of State! Sail on, od'Ustort, strong and greet I humanity with all Its fears, " With all the hopes of future years, • to hanging'breathless on thy flits I We know what master talll.thy keel, What workmen wrought thy ribs of steel, Who made each mast and, sail and raps. What anvils rang, what hammers beat, In what a forge and what a heat Were shaped the anchors of thy hope Fear not each trodden sound and shock, 'TO of the wave and not the rock ; - trio but the flapping of tile sail, And not a rent made by the gale t In spite of rock and tempest roar, In spite aflame lights on the shore, Sail on, nor fear to breast the seat Our hearts, our hopes, are all with thee Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, our tearer Our Stith, triumphant o'er our fears, Are all with thee—are all with thee!" From the Auditor deueral'e Report for 1840. Taxation & School Appropriations. Statement showing the number of taxable per sons ; the valuation of real and personal es tate for taxable purposes; and the aggre gate amount of State tax assessed in the sev eral counties of the Commonwealth, for the year 1848—together with the amount of tax received from each county, during the year 1849 ; and the amount . of Slate - , appropria tions to common schools for therganie - ieer.— We have-omitted=the fractions in this:table-- Taxables, Valuation. 5,967 4,444,584 23,111 . 22,716,368 6,442 2,023,744 7,308 4,287,571 6,665 2,597,807 18,645 21,771,428 4,799 4,171,236 8,339 3,301,349 12,575 16,477,776 6,792 2;466,971 3,408 875,108 3,197 1,617,727 5,046 5,068.296 13,505 21,399,792 4,609 1,632,500 2,571 929,203 2,300 1,836,719 6,751 4,663.539 7,954 2,890,606 8,068 9,782,015 6,291 8,412,641 4,981 7,849,727 685 345,574 7,853 3,427,226 7,373 4,848,840 Counties. Adams, Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Bed ford, Barks, Blair, Bradford, Bucks, Butler, • Cambria, Carbon, Centre, Chester, Clarion Clearfield, _Clinton, °JOAO, Craw ford, Cumberland, Dauphin, - 'Delaware, Elk, Erie, Fayette, Forest, (new) Franklin, Greene, . Huntingdon, Indiana, Jefferson, Judie tta, ' Lancaster. Lawrence • Lebanon, , w Lehigh, Luzerne, Lycoming, ' M'Kean, Mercer, '. • Monroe, Montgomery, Northampton, Northumberland, Perry, Philadelphia, Pike, Potter, Schuylkill, Somerset, Sullivan, Susquehanoa, , Tioga, Union, Venango, Warren, ' "Washington, Wayne, Westmoreland, Wyoming, York. , Adams, Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Bedford, Berko, Blair, Bradford, Bucks, Butler, Cambria Carlson, Cenci°, Chester, Clarion, Clearfield, Clinton, Columbia, Crawford Cumberland, Dauphin, Delaware, Elk, Erie, Fayette, Forest (new) , Franklin, 55,207 Greene, 7,377 Hu,itiogdon, 15,603 Indiana, 7,798 Jefferson, 2,109 Juniata, 8,330 Lancaster, 88,573 Lawrence, Lebanon, 23'338 19,591 Lehigh, 25,231 19,192 Luzerna, 13,654 14,288 Lycoming, 11,467 9,464 1,740 ,*" _534 Mercer, 13,D7r4 t . 11,252 Main, 12,sar ^';'.'l2„o7B Monroe; 4,350 5,545 Montgomery 48,556 36,557 North's'' , pion 39,646 37,655 Northued 13,227 12,951 • - Perry 9,323 5,182 Philadelphia, 407,909 375,683 Pike 2,036 1,654 Potter 1,805 53 Schuylkill ' 23,588 16,231 Seine rse t 7,919 11,582 Sullivan 604 205 'Susquehanna 7,042 7,185 Tioga 3,447 1,520 • 'Union 18,123 28,742. Venango - 3,667 1,307 Warren 3,577 - 1,334 Washington • 25,766 • 37,686 Wayne • 3,360 1,854 Westmoreland 19,146 13,236 Wyoming 2,95U 2,503 York •-• 30,666 19,673 1,420,071 1,293,921 THZ PUBLIC LANDi.—From the Report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office it appears that during the past year upwards of six millions'ot acres of land were adver tised for sale, and Mole than six and a -hall millions are prepared for market, a gre• part of which Will be proolahned during the ensuing year. The report shows that th quantity of iend disposed of in 1847, by wa • rents eqiiktient to cash, amounts to 63,5 96 ,- 264' cihanOe.:lB4B to $482,01'8 • 29. In-the '; three Month? of 1848 it amounted to 83,. ' 937,16(00, and in the first: three • months: of • , . 1849 it amountd.to - $4,297,737 28 ; showing that-the-inoreaseln-the-amount-01-land-dts posed of keeps pace with the increase of pop. Illation . , and:, the .consequent !Aus of the comintusity. " , .HOPE YDR figarr..- I ;46ere a . - try more thin• sax thousand leraelited, and . • this number is swelled monthly by emigrants horn pancer Europe:'• There are mere . 03,0luddred'orthe niduril:deeoendents 01'41'01/MU 10.0iir oountry,•who have .em: • . braced „the goiPel 01-Jesus Christ. Of thie • ' there are more than twenty preach .' . Jeeps;of Nazareth, as the Saviour of men; --'4 , remarkable-nunibet to the whble number , ' , ,ol.reenverts; shadowing-forth. our expects.. thins , when' the millions of k ; ':illidehlshell be - grafted into the'symbolloal tree. this number, also, there are eix•in"a"course of *operation for ihe Berle • encouragement Ohristiankhave y : 10laborfo 'to'e conversion -; . this people, il 4 6 ite , filtii 41, 1hose,Who-einbratur ohnstianity • ;r . • C,, ALL the oriticisa yet expended. on the Preside:Mt !Message`. is confined to a verbal erros , which,Priginated- in 01113:.(1G.ihe.;...offices, where the document was printed! If this isn't doing.i.larrte basinees on it' Capi itch we'don?tkunw What ie. Suicides—The number of suicides in the United States, for the, month 'ending .wa nesday last was 18=14 men and 4 women ; 8 hung themselves; 5 jnmped into the water, 3 cut their throats, took laudanum, and 1 blew his brains out. Come at Last.—A Western orator nommem ces his harangue thus: "The important ori• sirs which were about to have arriven have arroven." A New Name.—A Western editor calls his local news "City brickbats and pobbleb pick ed up in the street." • LATEST ARRIVAL BY THE STEAMER CUMBERLAND • VALLEY. THE Cheap Family Grocery . Store of Jo sepli D. Halbert, West Mom street, Car lisle, has just received a largo and fresh supply of the best FAMILY GROCERIES -that the Philadelphia markets can afford.. The subscri bar has just returned froth the city. and would respectfully invite hip friends and the public generally, both in town 'and country, to call and examine for themselves his large and in creased stock, which embraces all the articles usually kept in his line of business. Such as alta,,Java and.StD.orningo and Laguira Coffee ; Imperial, Young Hypon and Black Teas, of very superior quality and flavor ; Layering's crushed, loaf, falling loaf, and loaf sugars, or ange grove, clarified New Orleans and brown Sugars of every grade and quality, with price to suit. Honey, sugar house, Orleans and syrup Molasses. Spices of all kinds, which he will warrahtipure and fresh ground. Brooms, Ce dar and painted buckets, churns, tubs; half bushel measures, butter bowls, butter prints, butter ladles, wash rubbers, &c Clothes, fancy serving, traveling and market baskets of all kinds. Castile, fancy, rosin and country SOAPS. Also, a general ap ti ornnent of chewing and smoking TOBACCO, spanish half spanish and common CIG - A - R.S. Boned twines, and Brushes of all kinds. ‘'Prime CHEESE always on hand. Sperm, Winter, strained Elephant -and Common OILS. GLASS, QUEENSWARE.—I have also added to my already largo stock, a number of now patterns of White Granite and fancy tea sets. with CROCKERY WARE of every de scription, which I will sell at the lowest - prices for cash. Feeling grateful for 'the liberal patronage here tofore bestowed upon hiin by a generous public, the subscriber tenders them his hearty & sincere r thanks, and hopes that in his efforts to please and particular attention to business, to merit, a continuance of their support. Oct 3, 1849. JOS. D. HALBtRT. 11,390,139 2.402,187 5,343,c-83 2,534,692 934,958 2,779 584 28,612 763 8,943 4,314 5,384 5,785 2,308 2,850 20,534 JV°E GOOD S. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! THE subscribers have just returned from Philadelphia with a splendid assortment of goods for gentlemen& wear, with which they intend offering great inducements to the citi zens of Carlisle and the surrounding country. They have on hand an assortment of 11. at CZ) UP LS ZIT CC% 6,690 6,861 10,936 -5,567 1,169 9,42 U 13,298 2,765 13,043 8.538 4,459 5,141 64,380 1,189 1,162 12.680" 4,987 839 5,718 7,509,288 8,357,110 4,942,175 3,523,058 524,884 4,180 754 4,12'1,414 such as dross coats, cloaks, over coats, vests, pants, shirts, bosoms, collars, under shirts, drawers, gloves, stockings, silk and other cra vats, pocket handkerchiefs, suspenders, hats and Caps, trunks, traveling bags and umbrellas all of which articles they intend selling at a , very small advance on city cost,, having for their motto "stool! profits and quicleseles."— They wish it to tic- nriderstood-thartytr-tlotb ins. is a". manutwured under their own super intendence, and not in the city, hence they are enabled - to warrant every article they sell. Having an experienced cutter engaged in their establishment, they are prepared to make —to-orderriuy stride 6f - clothing in a neatTfash ionable and substantial•manner and at short no tice ARNOLD & LIVINIONT North' Hanover street directly o po T sit° P. Monyer's Confectionery Store. [00,3' 3m 1 563 364- 15,861 898 12,596 627 4,198,899 3,053,417 117,683,229' 670,408 641 206 8,334,327 2,637,807 264;816 2 421.0' 6 1,559 662 6,185 3,914 2 993 9,832 3,785 10,856 2,187 19,088 5,736 542 1,275,220 1,152,468 8,169 638 1,249,417 6,131,284 883,780 9,997,062 • GREATEST BARGAINS IN CLOTHING rg - 10 the citizens of Carlisle and surrounding 1 country ! Just arrived a large and splen• did assortment of fashionable ready-made CLOTHING, for the fall and winter trade, at the ptore of S. Goldman, south-east corner of Main street and Market Square, Carlisle.- , The undersigned, respectfully informs the citi zens of Carlisle and adjoining country, that he has just arrived from Philadelphia, with n lame assortment of Fashionable Ready Made ClM ing, which for cheapness and --quality never has, been witnessed in this place, such as French, ,German and American Cloth DRESS AND FROCK COAT'S, Over Coats, and BUM:TORS Coats, of all descriptions, Cloths, Cassimergs, and Satinet Sack Coats, fine bl'k and fancy cassimere Pantaloons, superior satin and Euriped silk velvet cloth and sattinet VESTS. Also, a large assortment of fancy Handkerchiefs, fine white Linen, Striped and red flannel Shirts, cotton and woollen night Shirts, Drawers, Bosoms, Collars, &c. Beautiful fall "style of HATS & CAPS, will be sold at prices cheaper than any where else. Gentlemen are invited to call and exa mine his goods, as he is sure, that those who buy will go away with - a good FIT and cheap prices, Sept 26. '49.-6m 960,926 463,U31,459 Tax re- Sehool-ap calved. propiations 12,464 2,446 52,876 9,475 2,754 2,641 12,635 '2,996 - 9,408 2,726 57,316 6,824 ,12,652 1,967 8,237 3,418 89.355 5,155 5,966 2,784 638 1,397 4,974 1,310 6,534 2,063 55,603 5,537 2,233 ' 1,889 2,639 ' 1;054 5,043 943 10,751 2,759 9,274 3,219 24,538 • 3,307 23,248 2,579 23,789 2,042 ,890 280 10,729 3,261 10,884 ' 3,022, & L. STEINE.II. respectfully inform ITI• the public that they have opened a new Clothing Store in the room lately occupied as the Post Office, in South Hanover street, and have on hand a very late assortment which they will sell as cheap as can be had in anyWy in these United States. , Come one,.come all, • And give us a call, And you will be pleased to see, Clothing, as rheap and as glans can be. oct2 4r 50,952 6,695 15,400 5,245 1,782 8,703 80,225 3,666 1,768 2,207 2,374 946 1,160 8,418 2,742 2,813 4,483 2,507 CARLISLE FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOP. 976 3,862 1,362 1,138 5,3 , 17 3,5UU 1,827 2,107 26 395 THE subscriber continues the manufacture of CASTINGS, at his Foundry in High street' and having now on hand a full assortment of Patterns,• is prepared to furnish all kinds of IRON' AND BRASS CASTINGS in the best style. and and at the shortest notice. Ho has now on hand a large assortment of Cast inge, such as Corn-crushers, Mill Gearings and Gudgeons, Pldugh castings, Points, Shears and Cutters, Wagon and Coach Boxes, cellar grates Oven Doors, cask Weights, &c. Cooking Ten-plate and Coal Stov •He also builds and repairs S, Threshing Ma of...A chines and oree•Powers, with ovary other kind of Machinery. at the shor test notice- Old Iron. Brass and copper taken in exchange for work. CO - Having purchased all of Keony & Co.'s Patterns, persons wishing to have them will hod them a* my shop. augB6mos F GARDNER. THE NIAGARA SHOWER-BATH. An entirely new Article for Shower-Ba thing, with warm or cold Water. 886 5,774 IiCirTBIS Bath took the premium at the Fair of the Franklin Institute, FhiladelPhia, October 1848, the only Bath that ever took a premium at that institute and also :took the first premium at the Fair of the Maryland Institute, Novem bar 1848. 188,979 A groat and important improvement is made in this Shower-bath over all others, by throwing the water immediately on the body, without wetting the hind, unless at the will or pleasure of the bather; but a,greater pointis gained by being enabled to bathe with warm water, which no other Sliower-Bath is adapted to—and most of all the Bath,cart be,moilicated without Injury ,to the hair, Many perions connot taken cold batlr-.their ease is met in title as they can 'regulate the tern perature- orthe water to, suit their "wish;, and .•corninimee - bathingTet-any7season -- Cf - the - y , ear without any. unpleasant result. Ladies can. hive •the adVantage df bathing witheat'weiting the head or .covering the ettme. ~•.•.• • The arrangements fire'simple•CheCimpleto and not; liable; to get out of order. The -Bath can be adjusted- to suit any height, from.a small child to the tallest person. „When the. door is Closed, tho'hxtures.are h idend:'the outside , up,' • courant* is - that of a, neat clock, 'of furniture. . They. have ; receiv e d , the approbition,of times r a t medicalgentlemen4others are requested to ,call and examine , thern,'"Manufaishired hy Patentee. -EPHRAIM LARRABEE,. • -.24 South Overt street, Baltimore. • .BATHING.—Reed what Arrnstio4oeye t Do not omit, ye.Whiri Would health Secure,: daily:fresh , Cblutiap; that shall cleat , • The "sluices of the skin t..etiough'te keep • 1. . The body saciedfrom undecent soil. Still,to be, pure : even if it - did not coeduce. • ' • ,As Muck (as it does) to health,. very *ready , • your daily plied l 'tie this eilorns,thkrichi.-• The want el , this ufpover , , r e•woret fee, WitWthisieitternal virtue;ego mammies.' ~A•dtitelqo4-- " Without, i t,louth, and ehirtili! Nat. ..Tiintlary, .3, 849...4 • ••;"•! • ..• Cji!, GROCERIES I GROCERIES I SAMUEL GO LDM AN (Nothing ! Clothing I Clothing ! NEW CLOTHING STORE• `3nottrantr dompan. The Girer& Life" lesuribieti? Wnnuity • and t: Oompant'•ol-••Phillar Office Aros..l •••, Street; . arta? 8300 . --1 000.,• •atarter, Perrlual:. ' CONTINUEto "makelnsurancee on. Lives on the most fairoardble . .ferml: ;receive and execute Trusts, and receive: Deposits on Into- The Capital being paid Up and invested, to gether with accumulated premium fund, affords a iskracx SECURITY to the insured. The pro• mium may be paid in yearly, hall yearly, or quarterly payments. ", The Company add a BONUS at stated pe riods to the insurances for life. This plan o insurance is the most 'approved of,. and is more generally in use, than any oilier in Great Bri tain, (where the subject is best understood by the people, and where they have had the long est experience,) as appears from the fact, that. .out_of--1.11-Life-Insurance-Companies there, of all kinds, 87 are on this plan. The first BONUS ix as approprjated inpe= cember,lB44, amounting to 10 pet' cent. on the sum insured under the oldest polices; to fit per cent., per cent., &c,.Stc., on others, in pro portion to the erne of standing, making an ad dition of $ 100;.$87.50; $75, &c., elfe. to every $l,OOO, originally insured, which is an average of more than'so'per cent on the premiums paid, and without increasing the annual payment to the Company. The operation of the BONUS will be seen by the following examples from the Life Insu ranee Register of the Company, thus : MID — Sum Bonus or Amount of Policy Insured Addition Bonita payable a the party's decease $l,OOO $lOO.OO $l,lOO 0 2,500 250'00 2,750'00 4;500 400 . 00 4,400110 2,500 175'00 2'175'00 5,000 437'50 5'437'00 - 205 -27 G - 333 Pamphlets containing the table of rates and explanations of the subject ; forms of ap plication, and further information cnn be had a the office, gratis, in person or by letter, ad dressed to the President or Actuary. B W RICHARDS, President. JNO F JAMES, Actuary. m2'49ly • FIRE INSURANCE THE Allen and East Fennsborough Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland county incorporated by an act of Assembly, is now fully organized, and in operation under the manage ment of the foliowing commissioners, viz: Jacob Shelly, Wm R Gorges, Michael Cock ' lin, Melchoir Brenneman, Christian Stayman, Simon Oyster, Jacob H Coover, Lewis Hyar, Henry Logan, Benjamin H Musser, Jacob Kirk, Samuel Prowell, Joseph Wickersham. The rates of insurance are as low and favors- Ale as any Companiilf the kind in the State.— Persons wishing to Moms members aro invited to make application to the agents of the compa ny, who are willing to wait .upon them at any time. JACOB SHELLY, President HENRY LOGAN, Vice President. LEWIS HYER, Secretary MICHAEL COCItLIN, Treasurer. 0ct17'49. AGENTS Cumberhihd count y.—Rudolph Martin, New Cumberland, C B Herman, Kingstown, Henry Zearing, Shiremanstown, Robert Moore and Charles Bell, Carlisle. Isaac Kinsey, Mechan icsburg. Dr. J. Ahl, Churchtown. York con Sherrick, Lisburn, John Bowman, illsburg., Peter Wolford, Franklin, John Smith,"Esq., Washington, W S Picking, Dover, Daniel Raffensberger, J V, Craft. IlarriAurg.—Houser & Lochman._ - Members of the Company havin 'Policies bout to expire can have them renewed by mak ng application to any of the agents. THE SYMPTOMS OF WORMS - • - A re the tongue often white and loaded; the 2 - 1. breath heavy and foetid; a disagreeable or sweetish -taste in-the mouth; occasionally thirst; the appetite extremely variable, some. times remarkably defleientoind at others vo racious. There is sometimea_a sickish feeling with vomiting of mucous; iliaulence of the stomach and intestines; pain in the abdomen; swelling and hardness of the abdomen; the bowels are irregular; the stools are slimy; and there is an occasional 'appearance of worms in the evacuations; the urine.itoofien milky and turbid; there is frequently itchiness of the , fundament and nose, which is often swollen; there is occasionally disturbed. sleep, with grindiig of the teeth, and sudden awaking in a fright. There aro, at times, headache or giddiness, ringing in the ears, or even dekf nese, faintness, convulsions, drowsiness, indo lence of manner, ill temper. In some 'cases epilepsy and cholera, and even apoplectic and paralytic symptoms, and several of the signs of dropsy of the brain and catalepsy appear con fleeted with worms. Frequently, there is a short dry cough, and pleuritic pains; some times feeble and irregular pulse, palpitations and an irregular fever ; the countenance Is generally pallid or sallow, and somewhat bloat ed, and there is occasional flushing of one or both cheeks. Any one of these signs is Indi cative of Worms, and the most effectual bes t and cheapest remedy is Dr. John J. Myers, Worm Tea, prepared by Dr. J. W. RAW DINS, at his Wholesale and Retail Drug Store Carlisle, Pa., and none genuine, without his written signature. The Proprietor of this 'medicine is so confident of its superiority to any other Worm Meffipine now in Use, that lie will cheerfully 'mods; THE MONEY in' any case in which his Preparation fails to give equal satisfactions, This Worm Tea when made according to the directions, is pleasant and will be taken by the most fastidious child. Each package contains sufficient medicine for the cure of the must obstinate 'case. Price only 25 cents a paper. Druggists and Store keepers supplied on the most reasonable terms. , may23'49ly. A Purely Vegetable Medicine. ORSD ELL'S VEGETABLE REsTo- NL , v RATIVE PILLS nave been gradually ,but surely comeing into favor, among the fami lies of this Country-for sdme years past. They have done this entirely through their groat worth as a FAMILY MEDICINE. Agencies have been appointed but no puffing and humbug such as is resorted to by quacks to sell•their medicine has been done. The pills aro offered for sale and have and willcontinue to be sold by all t t:e principal storekeepers. The proprietors claim for their Medicine the following advantages over all others—viz; They aro PURELY VEGE TABLE. They are CFRTAIN TO OPE RA IT. Their operation is FREE from all PAIN. They can be used with EQUAL BFN EFIT by the YOUNGFSTINFA NT and the S VRO NGEST MAN—Their efficiency in Fe vers, Ague. Headaches. Habitual Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Cholera Morbus, &c. has been pro. ved upon thousands. They are a •Certain Cure for Worms. The proprietors possess a certifi cate from a gentleman in St. Louiswho was cu red of a TAPE WORM by the use of them, • TRY THFM THFY WILL NOT FAIL. Travelling agent for the State of Pennsylva nia—Cnehr.EBP. AMET. For sale, price 25cte a box containing FIFTY PILLS., with full di, rections by the following agents in Cumberland County For sale by DR RAWLIN'S Carlisle, Pa. JOSEPH H. HEREON,—New.vile. W D E HATES,—Shippenebnrg. L Surrersn,—Newburg. A WEEKS & Co, • Proprietors, Laboratory, No 141 - Chestnutstreel Pniladelphia, January, 24th, 1849, 13131ETALO COMBS. • JUST' received a •general.: assortment of bandanna Buffalo Back Combs, also, imitation , Buffalo Combs, -, of beautiful 'patterns and _' in great variety. ;. *: LINEN EHEETINGS, . . , . y_...Barnsley_Shetiaga,_altio42,4 Auslin_BhaeL• ings,'Pillow. Case - Linens aud Mualins r ealea ,Tou!'elling in groatyoriatrjuat ermined ;:.,' '—i'eredor : Vinegar of 'exooltarcfuolity jug n0v . 28 . G Oariet.ltarn, • rinpE subscriber has' for greet variety • of - throfeplylOTOCHlNG and .CARPET YARN; of all , col Ors (his own coloring),,and full.outs. Carpets mode. frotn,3l+lo. der yard:: :Weaving ind'eoliAing done-us . nov7 I: ; HENRY HARKNESS, Cod *Liver APREliar eiv . iily•of 'Cod Liver Oil, .warraptid genitals just retetved at , ;,,novlt • , ELLIO'1"1"13; BD first of,January. six go , :new MlrOfould'ers; Ofirlisle Foundry ' , to whOirinboinV funs nionthiir work andliberni we-, gon'wfil be glYpo.,', , y F::'GARp;slp l ,4, ) 7LI 'Adioesito,(Yni4}linin,:y ono itiOnill','sp4',Aiin,d to, this otfinO4o,s',.policso‘ion,;,, , : A ;•• ' =1 alitttellauipuo ==l Oundt. VallylVtansportition Howie . • . . canaloandrtaiL.Roasl,Lito;lot.Philp,ael . Biatimore,-Pittabiut, ~, • ERR', Forwarding end Commission . • Pa.•informs hie friends the.,publie, that from' the liberal pat 'renege extended to him during. the past. year he has been encouraged to, make more extensive ar rangements for the Present season, and has ad , ded two new,. large and splendid Boats. to his LINE, and will be fully prepared after the op enintof .the Canal, to forward rRQDUCEand. 'ME CHANDIZE of all hinds, to 'hind from Plillelphia, Baluiraore, Pittshargh; &e., at the lowe'st rates of freight and with the utmost des patch. • Agents for Boate l CARLISLE. 4 c.. GA SKELL, Rem street Wharf, Philadelphia. GETS & SON, N 0., Co mem W et. harf, Baltimore. C RK & SHAW, J. MePADDEN & CO.S . Pitts'g Agentefor Cars, WUNDERLICH & GRIER, t No. 272 Market et., Philadelphia. CHALORER & REYNOLDS, No. 423 Market st., Philadelphia. • SITER, JAMES & CO., Broad street, Philadelphia. PENN'A. fv. OHIO LINE, • • North street, Baltimore. Harrisburg, March 29,-1848:=IT: J. I'. JII.X.LER, General Commision and Formiurding Merchant, 1 1 / 4 1o.F3owlir's Wharf, BALTIMORE. EflOR the sale of Flour, Grain, Clovorseed IL' Whiskey, Lumbler, &c. &c. Also, for. warding Goods, via Tide Water Canal and Pennsylvania--Improvements. Orders—for-fish-1 Salt, Plaster, , &e. &c. Supplied at lowest prices. • Having been engaged in the above business during the last five years, a continuation of the patronage of his friends and the public is re. spectfully solicited. Refer to FUNK & MILLER, & E Ear, Harrisburg Bruntr & ZEIGLER, JACeB RIME'S, Carlisle, Pa. A. CATHCART, 'Sheerdatown, Pa. GEORGE SINGISER, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Feb. 14-1 v: Het's Embrocation for Horses. THIS valuable EMBRO- C2WCION will cure Sprains. 'OPP , Braliips Cuts, Galls, Swell • , mg, -PR eumatism. and all •ee., . complaints which require an external remedy. It gives immediate relief to the Scratches, and the incident to Horses haVing white feet and noses, produced by the St. John Wt,rt. It braise highly useful in relaxing stiff ness of the Tend Ons and Joints and produces beneficial effects in cracked heels, brought on by high.feeding, splints,sprains. This Enna° PATTON is recomended to Farmers, Farriers, Ketipits of Livery Stables, and private gentle- men owning Horses, and should be constantly kept in their stables. Tho GENUINE arti cle Is prepared only by W. MARSHALL, No 302 Race et. Philadelphia. And for sale wholesale and retail at DR. RAWLINS' Drug Store W Main street,. Carlisle. March 14-Iy. • IVlcAllister's all Healing Ointment fi rt THE WORLD'S SALVE, contains no Mercury,—Thre following Certificate is from a regular Physician, of extensive prac tico in Philadelphia : JAME*/ IVICALLISTER—Sir : I have far the last two years boon in the habit of using your Ointment in cases of Rheumatism Chilblains, and in TENIA CAPITIES, (Scald Heads,) and thus far with the happiest effect. I think from the experiments 'I have made with ito that it richly deserves to be adopted as an are tick ofevery day use by the profession at large Yours' truly, S. Bebe, . D. Phila. READ 'l'filS Philadelphia Dec. 29, 1847. To James McAllister— Dear Sir: I take pleasure in ro aking known to you the great benefit I have received by using your Vegeta -Ile Ointment, or the World's salve, I had:an pleor, or running sore, on the ear, of many fifiari standing; 1 have applied to several ihroci a ns, but all to no purpose; but by using OUr Ointment a few days it was completely iied up and well. I have used it for burns, iir which I find it an excellent articl_e•, ulso in t,ll cases intimation. ED. THORN. I unify the above 'statement is true. T. C. CADMUS. N 0.90 Market street.Phila. CERTIFICATE 1 do certify that I have used MeAllister's .11 Hosting Vegetable Ointment for coldness ,f my feet; also for Rheumatism in my limbs nd Corns on my feet, and have been entirely elieved. Believing it to. be a good Mcdieirie, do not hesitate to recommend it In the above omplaints. LEONARD VAILE, Norris tp. Washington Pa. Aug. 21, 1847. I certify that I have used -McAllister's all Healing- Vege,table , Ointment, or the World's ' , ave, fora binding in my wife's breast, which has given her incalculable benefit; also on ono of my ohildr i en, for sore eyes, which give im 'mediate relief. I, therefore, recommend it as n good medicine. PARKER REED, Hopewell tp. Washington Co. Pa. Aug.-2 , '47. Around the box are directions for using Mc• Allister's Ointment, for Scrofula, Liver Com plaint, Eyreeipelas, Teller; Chilblhin, Scald Head, Sore eyes, Quincy, Sore throat, Bronchi• tat', Nervous affections, Pains, Ileac/ ache, Asthma, .Deafness, Ear ache, Burns, Corns, all diseases of the skin, Sore Lips, Pimples, 4c. Swelling of the Limbs, Sores, Rheumatism, Piles, Cold feet, Croup, Swelled or Broken Breast,' Tooth ache, Aguk in thd face, 4c., 4'c. If MOTHERS and NURSES know its value in cases of "swollen" or Sore Breast, they would always apply it. In such 'cases, if free ly used, and according lathe directions around each box, it gives relief in a vary few hours. BURNS—It is one of the best things in the world for Burns. (See directions for using it.) PlLES—Thousands are yearly cured by this Ointment. It never fails in giving relief for the Piles. • icr-This Ointment le good for any part of the body or limbo when inflamed. • In some Oases it should be applied often. CAUTION—No Ointment will be genuine unlace the name of JAMES McALISTER is written with even - on e every label. - PRICE TWENT•FIVE CENTS A BOX. For sale, by my agents in all the prlncipa. cities and towns in the United States. • • JAS. MeALISTER, Sole Proprietor of the above Medicines. Principal Office O.EMOVEDAO 281 L. TIMID ST Philadelphia. B. Billion. and.S..W. Haveratick, Carlisle. J. & L. Beigel,"Megfiniesburg. G. W.Singisar, Churchtown. Rhoia & Wherry, Newburg. , Joseph H., Herron, Nowville. • J. BL,Lutz, do Geo. W. Bell, Harruiburg., New and Ininortax4l GEORGE RHEEM 'inivingA Ceritlyy purchased the countrright of Hmtwoirrn's PAREtfr. COLLAR; &Emu; witaldlrespectfully call the attention of the trade 'to that Important 'invention. It is certainly , one of the greatest impraveffionts of , the age. This Machine' stuffs the. Collar, crooked around the block; faced with limi — ml, - 1505tharmaterialsTback - stiffielt - with' long strawimidatio 'makes collar!, of the straw viltW less than half thn labor cind,inne.of thii old waY: of stuffing: machine will'inufr all .and every - kind of Item ' collars, (rem:the - best , patencleather down, to the commonest :kind in .use, and with but ono man steadily at work will Istuff and-shapb afty.collarcrperAilyin,a neater and better style:than any other waytknoWn. Saddlers in the county are, inyited,to:call at the subscriber's. establishment on North Hand vet street, Carlisle, and examine the madbine.i- Towriship,; or, shori..rights'iwilt -,be,tiald." ,- - To those•whae riot:wish to ,buy„a right rho , sitb"- scriber o 'READYJMADE COLLARLItt WholB. sale much' cheaper 'than they, canbe manage: „tared in any;pther Orders lot collars in any quantity are.respeoffullySoliated.:— • Change , o Position! THEMilieiriber has REM 0 VSD'hie ' 7 pf DRY, GOODS to the coiner StorC ? * direolly opposite to his Old Stand,:and formerly occupied :14:Etifilok,Angney;:yvhere :he •hepet, tO fk ,, Vored •ydtb.*.colf.from . all hie old Munoinere and ":14"1111 1 ali , 1 1 Ottrty-,nevi , opee;' , lie WOO lately received . +: a general assortment;of .NEW. FALL 'GOODS • to.whit*her;rispietiLlMnitike further: a'ddition's +r'(ti MEM Philadelphia, nug 15 Gm. Store always closed on Sauiranys. The highest Cash price paid for Shipping Furs. Manufactory of Pocket 80.9 m, fxc. -- No: - 52f — CheTfint Street, above Second. lAI - IVIN G received additional supplies of Gold and Silver WATCIIES of every description, from London, Livbrpool and Swit zerland importations, is now prepared to furn ish the very pest article at a price far below any ever 6fiered, of the same quality, and which cannot be undersold by any other store in Philadelphia or elsewhere, livery watch sold will be perfectly regulated, and warranted to be as good as represented. .11yatches at the following low prices : Gold Le'vers, fulljewere,lB caratcases; $2B 00 Silver do do 12 00 Gold Lepines, jeweled, 18 carat cases 22 00 Silver do do t. BQ9 The L. R. Bromall Gold Pen, a superior article in silver case, with pencil,and warranted 81,50; Gold Pencils for $l, and upwards, Gold Medallions, and 'Locket for. DagprrreotypeLike, nesses, Gold Chairis_andllair bracelets__Rreast Pins, Ear Rings,,Finget Rings, and a general assortment of every deacripttan._cd—leavelry_ at unusual low prices. No. 110 North 9.d street, 2d door below Race street, Philadelphia. AGENTS. ' ,--- ..:41t,P),t.t.c.!..0,4P : .b*, MUNI THE .GREAT , CHINA STORE OF PHIL:W*I2MA. TII.A.NKFUL..' to , 'the..,eiticens, of Carliale 'and its vicinit y, for their increased custom, we. again request their company to view our large and splendid ossortniOnt of China, 'Glass di Queensware, Dinner Sets, Tim Sets, Toilet Sets, and. single pieces, either of Glass, Chinn .or Stone Ware, sold in glitintities to suit purchasers, for less than they chan be had elsewhore—ln fact at less than Wholesale PriCes. • A M'ER ICAN AND ENGLISH . R,RITANNIA METAL GOODS in greater variety than ever before offered in the city. FANCY CHINA in great varirty very cheap, 0:3 - Wc• would invite any person visiting the city to call and see us—they will .at least be pleased to walk around our bodutiful store, and to view the finest China wild the cheapest the world produces. Very respectfully, "'TYNDALE & MITCHELL, No. 219 Chesnut Street. Raney Furs, IffuliS, Boas & Tippets Phila. sept26'.49l VID H. SOLIS, (successor to Solis, II Brothers,) Importer and Manufncrurer of every description of FURS. having Just re• turned from Europe with a shLEcT sTocx OF FURS, is now matmfoeturing them in very superior style. and trimmin ..them—nt-the-most elegant manner, and wciult i ite the attention of MERCHANTS an • 'HERS, to his su. perior and extensive a sortment, which as he MANUFACTURES as well IMPORTS, he is enabled to offer nt such prices os few houses in the United States can compete With. ' DAVID II SOLIS; 86 Arch (Mulberry) Street,(', doors below 9d et. VrNext to Louden & C'O'CFamily Medi cine Store. • PRILADELPIIIA. THE subscriber•respectfully solicits public at tention to his superior and tasteful stock of Pocket Books, Banker's - Ctises - ' - Bill — Books, Dressing Cases, Card Cases, Port Mo naies, Purses, Pocket Knives, and other fine Cutlery, Gold Pens, and - Poneils,-Sogar Cases, Chess Men, Back Gammon, Boards, Dominos, Ste. His assortment consists of the most farhiona ble and.modern styles, of the finest miality and excellent workmanship, embracing every desir able fancy pattern, which he will at all times be prepared to exhibit and furnish wholesale or retail on the Most reasonable terms. DO - Purchasers who desire to - supply them selves with articles of the best quality will con sult their own. interests by calling at this es tablishment. F • H Pocket Book Manufacturer, 4m 521 Chesnut Street. Phila., se WATCHES I WATCHES ! .1 9 ‹a 7 • .." p.f.Y Great induce ments to per =I of a goo d fr.9'.lTlf! LEWIS R. BROOMALL 0ct31,1849,6m (Pierce, .9grit(.) Watches and .Tewely 1 • k 1 ;'• CHEAPER TuAN EVER— Wholesale and -- Retail—At the _ t t i "Philadelphia Watch and Jew t city Store ," No. 96 North SE -2,i,z•. '.,..,. GOND street, corner of Quer '-'-eiri.V.sil&tr rY street:. Gold Levers, 18 k. cases, full jewelled, $3O and a upwards • Silver Levert, lull jewelled; $l5 and upwards. Gold Lupine, 18 k. eases, jewelled, $25 and upwards . Silver Lepines, jewelled, $lO and upwards Silver Quartier Watches, $4 to 10 Silver Spoons, equal .to coin, per sort—Tea, $5, Desert $lO, Table $l5, other articles in pro portion. All goods warranted to be what the . are sold for. Constantly on hand a large assortment of fine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE Also, an assortment of M J . Tobias & Co., E Simpson, Samuel & Brothers, E S Yates & Co, John Harrison, G & R Beesley. and other superior Patent Lever Movements, which will be cased in any style clothed Arrangements have been made with all the above named most celebrated manufacturers of England, to furnish at short notice any required style of Watch, for which orders will be taken, and the name and residence of the person or dering.put on if.rcquestcd. _ 0. CONRAD, Importer of Watcher novB] Manufactory. CLARK, Venitian Blind Manufacturer. WI sign of the GOLDEN EAGL E, No. 139 and 143, Sonth Second Street, below Dock Street. PH ILADELPHIA. Keeps always on hand a largo god fashionable assortment of WIDE and NARROW' SLAT WINDOW BLINDS, manfactured in the best mnnner, of the best materials. and at the lowest cash prices Having refitted and enlarged his establishment he is prepared to complete orders to any amoupt at the short3st notice. Constantly on hand an assortment of MAHOGANY FURNITURE of every variety manufacrured expressly for hitt own sales, and purchasers may therefore rely on a good article. * * *Orders from a distance packed carefully and sent free of porterage to any part of the tiy. [aug 151 y H. CLARK. NEW YORK DRY GOOD STORE, No. 208 Chestnut St,, Philadelphia. LORD, 'TAYLOR . Bi) , • t Co., HAVE now on hand . just received direct from the manufacturers, a full assortment of SILKS, CASHMERES, MERINOES, DE LAINES, SHAWLS, &c., &c: - The colors and designs being of their own selecting, and entirely theirs. LINENS, HOSIERY, HABERDASHERY, and all the different makes of Domestic Goods constantly on hand, wholesale and retail. L. T. & Co., never deviate from first price. 00 - We are daily receiving goods' from the New York Auctions ' • ' (Philo sept26,2m N. B. •ItAWILFZIN,CE Agent fin the sale of SoutliwOrlh Mdnntheturing Co's Writing Papers. Warelittse,, 3 Minor St., Philtuklphia. 100. par C e now o in f t e h t e or a e bo a v n e d f s o u r p s e a r l i e o l ' oPt P tge . trade at the' lowest market prices, consisting in part of Fine. thick , Flai,Caps,..l . 2, 14 ; 15 . and' t 6 lbs" blue and white. Superfinii•Mediuin and ;PenitAyritings, blue ind'virhite. • , Extra-super-andlauPorfino-Folio7Postschlue end white, plain rind ruled. „ Suporfine, Commercial Poste, blue. end white plain and ruled. Extra supeo.Linen Note Papers, prein' end gilt, Superfine and fine Bill Papers, long and Broad -'..Superfine and fine Counting House Caps and blue and white,- • •, , Bxtra.super . Congress Caps and Letters, PlOin `end ruled; blue and white....!, ' ..Extra super Congress Ceps and Lettere, Superfine Sermon Caps and' Posts. • Seperfine blue Linen thin Lettere. • Extra superliath , Pests,,blue and white, plain and ruled. •'. Embroidered Nete•Papers andtnveloites: ; - :- . 'Lawyer's'' , Panora, . '''oerfine'and fine Caps ttnd Posts, ruled and , . bide and ' Wiite t v atioaa ryuafites prises, it• Also tooq'Tetk,ms q hde Papers , Bennetloards; *white., and ,-assorted !Fifteen, -Tea, ,Wrappinio Enyelooo, assorted de btuediumsi:CuP;,W,rappenti,ilardwire Pti.• ors, Collo 011. • UtilT, , received at Dr:•Ratylinal , ,irlig Btorn! •aP•ll.rest Maiiiidtreet;liarlia)oi- • ' • • • , , Eial TRIG.LkS OP' QUACKS/ - LpT •EVltßirl3oDii IthAD 'Tina ()AnnvuLmr.—Tnem to a Sarsaparilla for sale in the different towns called S. P. -Townsend'a-Saraaparilla. It is advertised as thu 05101. NAL; GENIIINE,.and all toot. This Townsend is no doctor and never wan; but was formerly a worker on-railroade, ea. nals, and the like—yet he assumee the titte of Doctor for the purpone bf gaining credit for what he is not. Ile says "he has attended two medical echeele, and practiced for fifteen years! I" Now thntriith ie, he never practiced medicine a day in Ills'llre I • Stith - sal/al, wicked miarepsesentation looka brut to the character and voracity of the Man. I wink most nincerely, he had never made those statements of him. cellar of nte. When will men learn to be honest and truth. rut in all rheir dealings and intercourse with their fellow men 1 Ile applied to ono Rad Clapp to assist him in man. urecturing his mixture, elating the large ,sums he would make, as nn inducement to embark in the businese. Theße men have hero' 'omitting and libelling me in all possible forms, in order to impress the public with tho belief that the Old Doctor's Sarsaparilla wno not the genuine, original Sareaparitia, made from the Old Doctor , e Original Reel, pie. This St P. Townsend nap* I have sold the use of toy name fore? a week. I will give him MO if hn will pro. ' duce one single sulhary proof of this. 1110 atatements of Thompson, Skillman & Co., are nothing but a tissue of fnleehoode simplyvmatto to deceive the public, and keep the truth t own in regard to his Retiring, fermenting cont. pound. This Is to caution the public to purchase none but Old Dr. 3 ACOlt Townsend'e Soreaparilla, having on it the Old Doctor's likeness, lan family Coat of Arms, and his signatureacrose the Coat of Arm. TIII ORIDINAI, DISCOVERER OS THE Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. ~Old Dr. Townsend In now about 70 years ofe. and has long been known as the /I UTIIOR and DISC O VERER of the G.EN UINE ORIGINAL " 7'o LVESEND SARSAPARILLA." Being poor, ho was compelled to limit tie manufacture, by which means it hoe been kept out of market,and the sales circumscribed to those only who had proveo its worth. and known its value. it had reached the ears of mane. nevertheless. as 111.11 persona who had been healed of sore di Wo.ep. :mil saved from death, pro. rammed lie WOllllOlllll I .is:f ; POWER. This GRAND AND iN A 1.1.1'.1) Plt EPARATICN la manutacturi.d.ei I, .:11,1111 , 11. , called Or through. out the length and breadth of ;he bind, especially as it Is rancid Molt atble el degeneration or deteriorainet. Unlike yonug S. P. Townsend% it improves with age, and never changes but lbr the bettor ; because it is prepared on scientific principles by a scientific man.- The highest knowledge of Chetnit.tty, and Mg latest discover'es of the art, hove all been brought into requisition in the manatee. cure of the Old Dee Sarsaparilla. The Sarsaparilla root, it is well known to meth.' men, contains many medicinal propertiee, end some propertise which ore inert or ueelees, and others, which K retained . no prepare; it for use, pro. duce/cementation and acid, which Is Injurious to the sys tem. Sonic of die properties 01 Sareaparilla tire so volatile that they entirely eformrate and and lost in the preparation, if they are not preserved by a scientific process, known on. ly to those experienced in HP menufacture. Moreover, these volatile principles, which Ily oil' in vapor, or as an en. halation, under hear, tire the very essential medical prop. Mies oldie mot, Willell give to it all its value. Any person can boil or stew the root till they get a dark colored liquid, which ix more from the coloring matter in the root than from anything else; they can then strain tide insipid or vapid liquid, sweeten with soar molasses, and then call it "SARSAPARILLA EXTRACT or SYRUP." Rut end, is not the article known as the LEWIS E. JIRO 0 .111 iii, JlO. 110 North Second St. GENUINE. OLD bit. JACOB TOWNSEND'S This is no prepared that all the inert properties of the Sanviparilla root are first removed, everything capable of becoming . acid or fermentation is extracted and rejected ; then every particle of medical virtue is secure.in a pure and concentrated form; thus it is rendered illcapable of losing any of its valuable and healing properties. Pre pat ed in thio.way, it in mmie tiro Top poiyerjul agent In the C ure o .. i num .. Cure of InnnmoFnble Dlecnees - . . . . Hence the reason why we hear commendations on every vide in its favor by men, women, and children. Wo find it doing wonders in rho cure of CON.SUMPTION,..DYSPEPS/.4, and LIVER COMPLAINT, and in RHEumATISAI, SCR OF' ULA, PILES, COSTIVENESS. all CUTANE OUS ERUPTIONS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, and all affectionwarisingirom IMPURITY—OF-THE BLOOD. It possesses n marvellous edlency In all complaints ad. sing front /nth:gra:ion, front Aridity of the Stomach, from unequal circulation, determination of blood to the head, pabdtation of.the heart, cold feet and hands, cold chills and hot ilnibes over the body. It has not its equal in Colds and Cough.; : and promotes easy expectoration and gentle per. pm ration, relaxing strictures of the lunge, throat and every other part, —. _fitiLinAjothing, is its excellence more manifestly men and acknowledged than in all kinds and stages of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. • - - - - - It works wonders in cases of Fluor Albus or Whites, Foiling of the Womb, Obstructed, Suppressed, or Painful Menses, - Irregular ill, ad.. menstrual periods, and the like; and is effectual in curing all the twins of Kidney Diseases.. By removing obstructions. and _regulating the general system, it elves tone and strength to the whore ody, and thus curt, all fort.* ot Nervous Diseases find Debility, and thin prevents or relieves a great variety of oth man. ns Spinal irritation, Neuralgia, St. Vitus . Dance, Swooning, Epileptic Fits, Conruhnons,,te. It cleanses the blood. evenes the liver to healthy ant , tones the stomach. nod ,gives good digestion, relieve., the bowels of torpor and roam rontion, allays Intlammetton, pt. rifles the shin, ee,tinliceit the circuletion of WEI blood, pro. thiclog gentle mannish • totally all over the burly, nod -the invensible anna. .• C. 111. , 1 ‘1,1111,, is maven air : • • lire eolitri: lieloolls tystem, 'h The Medicine poi. -e to i newt iv need: Iltut can any of tliii•i :11 a . i ut S. P. 'Townsend's into, for snide 7• ,1150 . Ilid is Mil in br . CON! PA l'.1 ) WIT II THE n.. 1) DR ' S, because of AND krr, that the one Is INCAPA• MX, of Dwrmuoii,vrioN, and NEV Elt SPOILS. • while the other Doliti• gourtlsg, frrntinting. and blotoira the battles eninninine it into frnetnent.: the sone, arid . . , • . . - liquid exploding, and damaging oiler goods l Mud not the horrible compound be poi:moue to the content 7 What pat acid into a Ryatern already discased'with acid? IVllat Cal tired Dyspepsia but 1111111 , Ih. we not all know that when food sour - in our stornachs..what mischief it producep flatnlencc, heartburn, palpitation of the heart, liver cam diarrlvea, dyrentery, colic, and corruption of the blond? What is S;rofula hut an Add humor in the body 1 • . What produces all the limners which tiling nn Ernptinns nt the Skin, Scald Head. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, White SwellinZn. Freer Fr.res, and all ulcerations internal and en MIMI I lye nothing under bayou but an pod imbalance, which sours. and thus epni it all the Muffle niche body, more or lea'. What rouses Rheumatism but a Poor and arid fluid which insinuates itself between the joints and elQe where, irritation and intlamine the delichte. tissithe iipmt which it acts 1 So of It OOP diseases. orimpurn yof the blood, of deranged circulator., and nearly all the ait ment• which afflict human WO Ore. Now in it not horrible tow the and soil, and infinin , y tram , in nee this SOURING, FF:IOIFit , ZTO4O. - ACID "COMPOUND" OF S. P. TOW NS'I•:N11. and vet he would fain bare it underarm,' that Old Pr In. coo Townsend'' , GI mane Orig;nal Sarsaparilla, to on IN ITATION of his Interior ,prepitration !! !leaven forbid that ten oiling,' deal In an article which would bear the must distant reoembinuce to S. P. Town end . . article I We wi.,11 It understood. becntq, tl In the absolute truth, that S. P. Townsen,Po article nod 01,1 Or. Jacob TownNen,Po Saroaparilln are hearen.reiele apart, and intlnitety dioxin, (tar; that they are italikg 111 crony partictilar, haelo; not one single thing In common. t As S. I'. TOWIISOIId in tin doctor. and never woo. is no chemist, no plinrinneentivt—knowa no more of medicine nr disease than any other common, tutacientifie, unprofeesionn . man. what guargrarn can the public have that they are re calving a genuine ecientitic medicine, contnining nli the vir. Mee of the articles anted in preparing it, and which are 'tn. capable of changes which might render them dm AGENTS of Macaws instead of health I But what else eliotild be °created from one who itnnws nothing contparatively of medicine or disease I It requires a poinun of some experience to rook and servo up even a common decent meal. How much mom important is it that theperform who menu facture medicine designed for WEAK STOMACHS AND ENFEEBLED SYSTEMS, should know well the medics) properties of plants, the best manner of securing and cotirentmt lug their healing virtues. also an exteneivef knowledge of ,the vnrious diseases which affect the human system, lend how to adapt remedies to .• • . these diseases I It is to arrest frauds upon the unfortunate, to poyr balm into wounded humanity, to kindle hope In the despainng bosom, to motors health, and bloom. and vicar into the crushed and broken, and to banish infinnip .ant 01. D DR.. JACOB TOWNSEND has .4 20UND the op. portunity and maims to bring h,o Grand Universal Concentrated Remedy within the reach, and to the knowledeo of all who need P that they may learn and know. by joyful experience, Its Transcend Power to Geol. Sold in Carlisle by Dr. J. W. RAW LINS, Sole Agent. Restoration Sr, Preseivation of the Hair, M Wise di, Son, of Virginia. MWISE & SON, finding - it -altogether impossible to attend personally to the groat number of daily applications, from • all sections of the Union, for their remedy for Baldness, apd'for thoircelebrated HAIR TO. NIC, have found it necessary to appoint a. General Travelling Agent, to visit different cities and towns throughout the United States, vesting him with .authority, to appoint sub.a. gents, use and'vend'the Hair Tonic and . to ply the RWITORATIVE, and tbr,put.' them into the hands of those homey appoint' to ope rate whiiiever a sulificiiou "lumber of patients iii any ibwri ortioighborbood-pleill bo obtained. _Copt.so 3 RGE ' CALVERT, of Fauquier countiEraliTure — a4thWfUed to attYte tUon eral '1 Iltng Agent, with the powers. above vACupt. C. may be expected to visit, as speod apse practicable thoptincipal . c.ties and towns -of the Union. ' • "r N. B. 'Capt.' Calvert will always haVo on hand , a 'full 'supply of the lIAIR TONIC; (which cleanses the head of dtindruff; strength =' ens and invikorttiee the hair, and . preyonts it; 'also from ` falling off ,)- for r4ion of:64l'l'l6y, mFtost.contigtiouslo his operations, or,it may alwtrysho obtained;atwholosalo,nnd forwarded 4 to •any part. of iho .:Uhion; by. addieseing 'the' loprictori,. M. WISE`,& SON, 'Richmond; 14rPriettO ! rie r r i -dOion;easli, , bottles for jss-4Or•nne' droller , y For'salaelin OtirlisloThy E R-: • . „ , .• .great yariety ihetie.useful articlea Is of. fared. for Bala, conalatingal,NVhitewaeli; Sweep :. •Suralibing; P.Ainterai' loth, Shaving; Teeth atid' o N . Graining Brindles in ti groat, of:w hick aro of .. .the beat goal , !ity itritUniill•hg'aold'at'th'iloWeat prices •„, .'• Ut CL SARSAPARILLA rue t etB rules ME ~Uc~lidnc~ ; MOFFAT'S • *Life Pills and Phoenix. Bitters. Those Medicines haw; now been ,before the pub '• lie for y. period +of FlFTElttlir !Wm, and during. that time have maintained a high.charactor Jn almost every part of the globe for their extraor dinary and immediate power of Teetering perfect health to person" eulferkig under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable. IN NARY THOUSANDS • of certificated instances, they have oven rescued sufferers from the very verge of an untimely grave, after all the deCeptive noetmms of the day had ut terly failed; and to many thousands they have permanently secured that uniform enjoyment of health, without which li itself is but a partial blessing. So groat, inde d, has their efficacy inva- • riably and infallibly ved, that ft has appeared scarcely lees than iraculous M-these-whe were acquainted with the beautifully philoirophical priu ciples upon which they are compounded, and apoi k . which they consequently act. It was to their . ' manifest and sensible action inshrifyiag the springs and channels of life, and enduing them with re newen.tone and vigor, that they more indebted fOr their name.. Unlike the host of pernicious quackeries which boast of vegetable ingredients, the LIFE BlEDl urns are purely and solely vegetable ; and con tain neither Mercury, nor Anti mon y, nor Arse nio, nor any other mineral, in any form whatever. They are entirely composed of extracts from rare aud-powerful plants, the. virtues of which, though long known - to several Indian tribes, and recently to some eminent pharmaceutical chemists, are alto getlisr unknown to the ignorant pretenders to medical science ; and were never before adminis tered tit Bo happily efficacious a combination. • The first operation is to loosen from thp coats of the stomach and bowels . the. Valint3 impurities and crudities constantly settling radil them ; and to remove the hardened feces which collect in the convolutions of the small intestines. Other medi cines only partially cleanse these, and leave such collected mosses behind to produce habitual Costive ness, with all its train of evils, or sudden Diarrhe=a with its imminent, dangers. This fact is well known to all regular anatomists who examine the human bewels'aftor death ; and hence the preju dice of these well-informed men against the quack medicines of the age. The second effect of the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES is to cleanse the kidneys and the bladder •, and, by this means, thq liver and lungs, the healthful action of which entirely depends upon•the regularity of the urinary organs. The blood, which takes its rod color from the agency of the Hiver and lungs, before it poises into the heart, being thus purified by them,' and nourished by food coming from a clean stomach, courses freely through the veins, renews every part of the system, and triumphantly moulds the banner of health in the blooming cheer:. The following are among the distressing variety of human diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES are well known to be infal libkr DYST'EPSLk, 1 ., :)y thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure .healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind ; FLATULENCY, Loss of Appetite, Heartburn,' Headache, Restleatneas, 111-temper, Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural consequent° of its cure. Costiveness, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without violence: all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. Diarrhan and Cholera, by removing the sharp acrid fluids by which these complaints are occasioned, and by promoting the lubricative micro lion of the mucous membrane.. F of all kinds, by risiliiringal!o.,blood to a regu e la v r e c rs ircnintion, through this process of perspi. ration in such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal obstruction in others. The LIFE: KEDICINES have been known to cure RKElrm l inghl permanently in three weeks, and GOUT iu half that time, by removing local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. .D r opsie s of all kinds, by freeing and strength ening the kidneys and bladder: they operatb meat delightfully on these important organs, and hence have ever been found-a certain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL Also Worms, by dislodging. from tho turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to which thew creatures ad hero. Asthma and Consumption, 'by relieving the air -vessels of the Mugs from tire mucous which even slight colds will occasion, and which, if not re moved, becomes hardened, and produces these dreadful diseases. Scum, Ulcers, and Inveterate Eto,res by the perfect purity which theeo LIFE minDl -00-Es give to thebleed, and all the humorn. Scorbutic Eruptions and Bad Complex ions, by their.alterative elfectupon the fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occa sions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagreeable complexions. The use of these Fills fora very short time will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement in the clearness of the skin. COMMON. COLDS and INFLUENZA will always be cored by one dose, or by two oven iu the worst crises. plus. As a remedy for this most distressing and obstinate malady, the VEGETABLE LIFE Ermoms deserve a distinct and emphatic recommendation. It is well known to hundreds in . . this city, that the former proprietor of these valu able Medicines was himself afflicted with this complaint.for upwards of TIEIRTY• FITE YEARe ; and that he tried in vain every .remedyprescribea within the whole compass of tho Mate r ia Medico. He however at length tried the Medicine which is now offered' to the public, and be was cured in a very short time, after his recovery had keen pro nounced not only improbable, but absolutely im possible, by any human means. FEVER AND AGUE. For this scourge of the western country these Medicines will he found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy . . Other medicines leave the system sub ject to a return of the disease—a cure by these medicines is permanent—TßY THEM, BE SA TISFIED, AND BE CURED. pilious Fevers and Liver Complaints. General Debility, Lose OF APPETITE, ANY, DISEASES OF FESIALES—th ese medicines have been used with the , most no solid results in cases of this description :—KIN s £ IL, and SCROFULA, in its worst forms, yiol to th mild yet powerful action of these remarkub a Medicines. Num Swam's; NERVOUS DEBILITY, NERVOUS COMPLAINTS Of alt kinds, PALPITATIQN OP TILE HEART, PAINTER'S COLIC, are speedily cured. IdEEOURIAL DISEASES. Persons whose constitutions have become inr. paired by the injudicious use of Msacuar, will find these Medicines a perfect cure, as they paver fail to eradicate from the system all the effects of Mercury infinitely sooner than the most powerfill preparations of Sarsaparilla. A single trial will place them beyond the reach of competition, in the estimation of every. paned. BE CAREFUL OF COENTERFEITS. _ - Several have lately been discovered, and their nefarious authors,arreated, both iu the city of New York and abroad. Buy of no one who is not an AUTHOIUMID Amster. Prepared and sold by Dr. W. B. MOFFAT,3U Broadway, New-York. FOR SALE BY J• W. RA W LINS• Carlisle, Pa. SAMUEL E. SMITH'S GREAT BOOK, PERIODICAL, AND CHEAP Publication l ,4:Estabillshmento. Sun Buildings-, Nlo. - 57 - Baltitnore streets,' S• E. corner of Gay, and 2% Baltimore RI., corner of Charles, •BALTIMGRE, MD, 0 E. S. is constantly reciting the greatest 0 variety of publications, and is prepared to execute all orders tor- American tind.Frireign Newspapers and Periodicals, ' and ail., „New Books and' Cheap Publications . ,Blank',Books and Stationary; 'Annuals 'and 'Splendid 'Books for presents; Albums;;Pertfolids; Scrap Books, nd•--Note-Paperr-Pantily-and-Pockot-Bibles;_ Songß ooks;' Tay Books;"Juyenile Works nail Primers. DI-Agana; IPostmasters, Country Morchante„Pedlars, Dealers in Cheap Works, and all 'others supplitail at_ Publisher's lowest CASH PRICES. • , • ' , • *ll . 'orders are faithfullrattended to and the goods rot-Worded by return' of mail,, oxpress, railread,:stage or. stetunbcmt, as may ho.direct. ad.,,-Porsons desiring to purchmie• hooks can 'have' their . eiders` attended to,.by Writing and partioulnrg ••••-, the same' as if they wore propent. . VALENTINES :.The isubsiritiof also Ithports and manufactures Valentines, Note Papere, , ,EnVelopes, llotto .Witfors, &c., Wholesale and retail.' Address.all'brders to SAMUEL E:. SMITH. Sun BuildiNts,Maltimera, Md.' 430.10 ' • ,` cashinores. riniiieubacribor, has. just received n variety A ' of 'new Cashniere,-Mous.'de Alpacas t and nother-Jj'all Dryes , .Goods, nial,htch,the attentioy of,the 'Ladies is invited. sept26' ' , G • in9,1111. - .;:,„,•,.', 1 , 'W_AIiRANTNIEr. pure, for aalUlflOp . ot , l l: a;,, quart,' , at R awlina' 0 atObee 24 1849::';1, ~; .` " ISM