Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 09, 1850, Image 1

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.1 Card.
"Wt. .TAS. McCULI..O , IOII will give his
j t utendanee in the various branches of his
profession, in town or country, to all that ma);
favor bon with a call., OFFICE: odposite the
2d Presbyterian Church and Wert's i Lintel
lately occupied lay Dr. Foulke
Doctor Ad. Lippe,
FOMOEOPATIIIC Physician. Office
n :\ lain street, in the house formerly oecu
led by P. 13. LechWt . . np 9 '46
Dr. T. u. Loomis,
WILL perform al
operations upon the
"Teethlhat are requi•
red for theirpiasorvation, such as Scaling, Filing,
Plugging . , Ac, orwill restore the loss of them,
by inserting Artificial Teeth, from'a single tooth
to a full sett. Kr Office on Pitt street, n fete
doors south of the Railroad Hotel. Dr. L.. ifia.b•
soot the.last ten day's of every month.
t •
DR. J• W. HENDEE, Surgeon Dentist
informs his former patrons that he has re
turned to Carlisle, and will he glad to attend to
all ealls in the line of his profession. roet3l
John B, Parker,
itt , Narth-Hanorer Street, in the room for.
marly occupied by the Hon. F Watts.
March 21, 1849.
Carson IC. Moore,
the room lately occupied by
. Dr. Foster,
deceased. mar 31 '47
Wm. DI, Penrose,
rTORNEY AT LAW, practice in
the several Courts of Cumberland county.
OFFICE. in Main Street; in tluz,zgom former
ly occupied byL. G. Erandeburf,'Esq..-
James R. Smith,
MOVED his °ince to Beetem's Row, two
doors from Burkholder's Hotel. [apr 1
Flee at his residence, corner of Main street
an i the Public Square. opposite Burkholder's
H net. In addition . to the duties of Justice of
the Peace, will attend to all kinds of writing,
such as deeds, bonds, mortgages, indentures,
articles of agreement, notes, &c.
Priinfield Classical Academy,
, Eip:B'49
TITE Scvontli Session will commence - on
MONDAY, Nov. sth, 1849. The number
of stu louts is limited, and they are carefully pre,
pared for • College,-eciuntiit house. - &c., &c.
rite situation precludes the possibility of stu
dents associating with the vicious or depraved,
being remote front town orvillage, though easily
accessible by State Road or Cumberland Valley
Railroad, both of which pass through lands at•
ached re the institution.
Boarding, washini; tuition, &e., (per
session.) • $50,00
. .
Lntin or Greek 5,00
Instrturtekttal 51.naic - . - ' 10,00
French or German 5,00
Circulars with reforances, &c. furnished by
Sep 12. IR. K. BURNS. Principal.
.Veweille academy.
I - is cJalitlently believed that few Institutions
offer grcatut inducements to students than
the above.. Located in the midst of a retinue
nii y proverbial fir (heir Inorality
attd regard for the interests of religion, this
...Academy can effectually gourd its inemb'ers
from evil sad immoral influences. Advantages
art also offered to those desiring to pursue the
study of the physical sciences, surpassing those
of-most similar institutions.
'Phase having sons or wards and wishing to
send them to a seminary if learning, tire re
spectfully solicited to visit Newvillcs at.d judge
oftlio.s advantages for themselves, or, at least,
prciccire.arcircular, containing full particulars,
by addressing JAMES iiUSTON,
avg 2a. Principal.
\ Drag and Variety Store.
THE subscriber respectfully announ
ces to , the public that he has taken that
well known stand lately occupied by James
Fleming, on the corner of Pitt and high streets,
dim:icily opposite the Mansion llonse, where he
will keeV.iconstantly on hand 'an assortment of
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery and
fancy articles, which he is determined to sell
low. Having engaged the services of an Ex•
PERIENCED DILTIGRIST ho flatters himself to lie
able to give general satisfaction to all. PhY
sycian3 and Country Merchants supplied nt re
duced prices. 11 A STURGEON.
Glass, Paints, Dye Stuffs, Oil, Iron, Steel,Naili
&c. would invite the attention of persons'want
ing goods in their line, to the large assortment
t hey have just opened, and which they offer at
t he very lowest cash prices. feb23
John P. Lyne
WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in
Foreignand Domestic Hardware, Paint
Oil, Glass, Varnish, &c, at the old stqnd in Ise
Hanover street, artiste, has just received trom
New York and Philadelphia a largo addition to
his former stock, to which the attention of buy
ers is requested, as he is determined to sell
lower than any other house in town. two
Look this Way.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform
his friends and the public generally that he has
Just opened a new LUMBER AND COAL
YARD in West High street, a few doors eant
of Messrs J & D Ithoads's Warehouse, Where
ho now • has and, will keep constantly •on
hand a first rate assortment of all kinds of sea
soned pine boards and plank and all other kinds
of Malt all of which he will sell low for cash.
- July t 8 SAMUEL SIPE.,
THE Coil:miss!Loners of Cumberland county
deeinrit properto infcrrnythe public, that the sta
ted meetings of the Board of Commissioners will
be held on the second and fourth Mondays of
each ; month, at which time any - persons having
business ,with,' mud Board, moot thorn at
titoir °Moo
'Anew, ' . WM. RILEY, '
• Noimon, • . •
A PPLICATION:wiII 'be made at the next
,Session of the -Legislature,. of Penneyha•
hir:an alteration in, the Charter of, the CAB.
iISLE DEPOSITE Balm, ad. Os to confer upon the
Indtitution the rights and 'privileges of a Bank of
Issue. •By order the - hoird of Directors:
, COBEA4,.,gaidtkir.
.; .Mb , 4, 1:84046th
• .
Dyeing; and Sconing.
. , , .
- • WH.ITAA.A.ACBLAIR iri Loather Stieet,
"'lr :
.';nearthe.College, dyes Ladies' and Gentle
.,_, men' e ' apparel, all. colon, qtid warrentwoll work
' to be eatiefeete r y. „ Ordeie in hie line reenectfully,
:L r; , :,,,Raga,Wanted;, ,
.Icitititl'prtea isrit 'bo paid (in, midi or.ia
--R a p e r ) ' .l3 Y ,t 84116 9ribei far, Wood , RAGS. , ~The
issraga,'May.,,he •daliveroCat ,th e Paper :: Mill' five
'miles from 'Gothslot"or at , the. Warehouse 9fMr..
, 7 ,JUOT re c ez° 644, an' '' h be l art*?rit ' ; ffais Wantea - ! 'm
dine Beek Flannels of :purloins'
acarlet; , Chelf)WibaXit"Ntin.' Blue; 113ky T wilt ev bkhestirtno in
pjee, 09 ' i 3VAtriliE s s, •i t 14 , 4005 7 p . 5.1,1A9,13_ elivetd
, • -7, 3 14eir !'" -- -rTf' 1 71, • : I ` - f u4 P , ft l TZ•i;' , •'
"_,: • • .
el Family eirewspaper,--- Devoted to Literature, &lyrical - Uwe, Polities, liminess and General, ence.
. . .
. 4. •
Stores & 01)ops.
Foreign and Domestic Hardware.
JACOB SENER has just received, from the
eastern cities, and is now opening at the Cheap
Hardware . r North Hanover street , next door
to Glass' Hotel, a new assortmenteirrlfiteil.
such as
Oils, Glass and Paints,
Copnl, Japan and Black Varnishes, of extra
Nails and Spikes,
Wa ts' best Bar Iron,
Cast, Shear, Blister and Spring Steels,
Locks, HingeS and Screws.
Planes, Saws, Chisels, Augurs, Axes,
Knives and Forks, Shoe Findings, &c.
To which he would call the attention of the
Public. Persons wishing to buy will' do well to
oall. as we are determined to sell at loss rates
for cash. Itls - The highest price paid for Scrap
Inn, and for Flax Seed. J SENER.
ITE subscribers have just received at their
eam. High street, opposite Ogiley's Dry Good
St re, a large stock of goods in their line, to
which they would call the attention of purcha
sers, their arrangement in the city besng such;
us to enable them to sell their goods at the
lowest city prices. ,4
Their stock comprises a full assortment of
Locks and Latches of every stile and size,—
Hinges, Screws, Bolts, and every article used
for Buildings, Augurs'and augur Bitts, chisels,
broad and hand axes, hatchets, drawing knives,
planes, and plane bitts, hand, panel, and Rip.
ping saws; mill, cross-cut., and circular saws,
trace and halter chains, hames, shovels, spades,
end hoes, hay and manure forks. Also, a large
assortment of Pocket and Table cutlery,—
spoons, shovel and tongs... Waiters and Trays,
Hollow ware, Brass and enameled Preserving
Kettles, Iron Furnaces, Cedar Ware, anvils
and vices, Files and Rasps of every kind. Bar
Band and Hoop Item, Cast, Shear Spring and
Blisier Steel, &c. Also,
100 Boxes Window Glass.
WO Kegs Wetherill's Pure White Lead.
5 Barrels Linseed Oil.
3 Barrels Sp. Turpentine.
200 Kegs ,CumberlandNols.
Price of Eardivare
I HAVE just received the largest and Cheap
cot stock of HARDWARE, Glass, Paints, Oils
Varnishes, Saddlery, Carpenter's and Cabinet
Maker's Tools, Mahogany Veniers and all kinds
of Building Materials ever brought to Carlisle
consisting of Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails
and Spikes. Persons about to build will find i
greatly to their advantage to look at my stock
before purchasing elsewhere. Come and see
the Goods and bear the price and you t T4ill be
convinced that this is really the Cheap Hard
ware Store. Alsh, in store anvils, vices, files
and rasps, and a complete assortment of Watts'
,Best Bar Iron, also Rolled and Hoop Iron of all
sizes. r have also the Therinometer Churn
made_ by"Mr George Spangler, the - best [midi)
now iw use.
SCYTHES.—I have just reeeivedqny Spring
stock of - Grain and Grass Scythes, manufnetured
expressly for my own sales, and warranted to
be a
,superior article. Crhdle makers and
others will find these Scythes to he the best nr
tide iti the market and nt the lowest price
wholesale and retail at the old stand in North
HanoVer street. JOHN P L NE. '
Fresh Drags, medicines, &c. &c.
/ I have just received - from
phis and New York very extensive
•or additions to my former stock, embra
age_ nearly every article of Medicine
now in use, together with Paints,
Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Soaps,
Stationery, Fine Cutlery, Fishing Tackle,—
Bruhes of almost every description, with en
endless variety of other articles, which I ant de
termined to sell at the VERY 1.0 W EST prices.
All Physicians, Country Merchants, Pt tilers
and others, are respectfully requested not to pass
the OLD STAND, as they poly rest assured
that every article will be sold of a good quality,
nod upon reasonable terms. _
lhv 30
Extensive F,urniture Rooms.
JACOB kraurra,
WOULD respectfully call the attention o
House-keepers and the public, to the ex •
clisive stock of splendid FURNITURE, incluo
ding Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre
~,,gsii?-1 371,1" 1 and other Tables, Dressing and
Plain Bureaus, and every varie
ty of Cabinet-ware and Chairs,
which he has now on hand at his. N W
ROOMS, on Lowlier street, near the corner of
North Hanover street, in the rear of Powell
Co.'s store.
He is confident that the superior finish of the
worknianship, and elegance of style, in which
his articles are got up, together with their
curarrrEss, will recommend them to every per
son wanting Furniture. Ho has also made ar
rangements for manufacturing and keeping a
constant supply of every article in his line, both
plain and ornamental, elegant and useful; at
pricds which cannot fail to suit purchasers. He
would earnestly invite persons who ate about to
commence house-keeping, to call and examine
hie present elegant stack, to which he will don.
sternly make additions of the newest and most
modern styles. . •
COFFINS mndo to order at the shortest no
ice, for town and:country.
Carlisle, Juno 13, 1848.
terThe late firm of 'Jacob Fetter Son
having been dissolved, Jacob Fetter, sr., will
carry on the business as above.
A Word to Horsemen.
cidedl the best preparation that can be
a,,, used for the cure of Sprains, Bru
‘ 1 1 , e„„ sus, Cuts, Galls, Splint, Curb,
Ringbone, Spavin' Stiffness of the
.A Joints, &c. It is an article which
- should be in the hands of every
Horseman, and no stable should be without a
botttle of it. Price only 25 and 50,eents per bot
tles, prepared only by S M Pearson, M D. and
for sale wholesale and retail, at No. 106 North
Second street, Philadelphia, 'and DU. RAW
IAN'S wholesale and retail agent, Carlisle, Pa.
Jan. 21.
Farmers ! Save Tour Money,
throe and four horses, made entirely of
ran, so that you can leiiie:qt id" thcqviatlier
without the least danden t i:tl,4njitryirq'Alse,
Threshing Machines,Wrett oWingMills, Plows
Plough Mould•boards,ititters Points & Shears
'constantly on hand. Yotgwili save ,money, by
calling before purchasing else Where, at the
Foluidryin East High Street, Carlisle Pa.
augB3mos F GARDNER.
' Fish, Fish, Fish..
JUF7 recoived at the OheaplFamily Grocery
of the subscriber, a lot of .No. 1,1 and 3
Mackerel, in whole, half or quarter, barrols.—'-
Also; 50 MICRO of , Ground , Alum , Salt, which ho
is determined . to sell at, tho lowest prices for
cash. toot J • D • HALBERT:
JUST:'REUElV,FD—At.tho=.Ubenp,Biore a
great variety' oVell,colore, Woolen Yarn,
Long'and Square Shawls, front $1 to $lO, very
cheap' indeed ; de * Gingharne t
Steel Benda 'and. !ramie; purse varlet; clasps,
and a. gredt variety of ;Woolen Hose.
oet3l - • ,; • 49,& IV BEN Z.
, .
Queensware- &Alias&
A LARGE and:general salvation. of , these
dales in every yariety lute been added 'fp pur oat
trona - tent. Also, U. lot of Cedar Ware, enibrec.' •
ing Tuba Charna,•Buckti,e; Tails: ?Cc ! ,
low prices'
_at the:Grocery, Store of
March • ' 'RD Y:
Alta. Oil C.—A teak "of Lard , o i4,entircly
LiCaoloriess, jdat .13Peded,.itie d'aniendid art r;
ale feteummer use--;for - sele ,
AN HL 0 RIDE...OF. LlME,, , ,juet.
u) Dr..+ReWlinit',Diug•Store.`,l'
One morning, in the month:of June 1806,
the Empress Josephine's jeweler was usher
ed into a little apitrtment of the Tuilleries in
which Napoleon was seated at breakfast.
'The. necklace must be the very bestryou
can produce,' said the Emperor. do.not
care for the price; nevertheless.' will have
it inbtOtied to a fair valuation.
warniou of that. . . Not that
' , doubt your integrity. . . Btit be
cause . . in short, because 1 am
not a lapidary myself; and therefore not a
competent judge of such measures. As
soon as it is hnisheti bring it to me, and take
care that you show it to no oho. You under
'Yes, site. 13u1 I wi,lt your majesty could
allow me a little more time, that I may be
enabled to-select 1134 tones in the most satis
factory manner. Choice diamonds are very
scarce,at present. . • . and they
have risen greatly in price.'
At thes e words the Emperor turned sharp
ly to the jeweler, and said,
'What do you mean? Since the campaigr.
of Germany the jewel market has been
overstocked. Parbleu! 1 know it for a fact
that our French jewelers have been purclia- .
sing. lamely front the pettLptinces of the
Germanic Confederation, who the King of
Prussia and the Emperor of Russia have
ruined by stirring them up against, inC. Go
to Banta, or Melierioi they can let you have
as many diamonds as you want.'
'Sue, I have always made it a rule never
.avail myself of the assisiance of other
ttadesmen, when I have the honotof work
ing fOr your
august family.
1 have thismoment my possession a set
of diamonds which I purchased of the King
of Prussia, who has commissioned me'—
. . But with regard to the necklace,
do the best you possibly can, and show the
people beyond the Rhine that we can surpass
them in jewelry as well as in all other
things.' "
On a sign from Napoleon, Funnier made
his last bow Find .withdrew. A week after
this interview the Emperor received a neck
lace. It was surpassingly beautiful„ The
jewels, the pattern, Ilie mounting, even the
case it was enclosed in—all were unique.
Napoleon had it valued; it was estimated to
be wroth eight hundred thousand francs,
precisely filet price which Fancier demanded
for it. The Emperor was perfectly satisfied,
. About this time, (June 18U8) Prince Louis
Bonapart, one of Napoleon's younger broth-,
ors, was rained to the lank of soiereiglity
and proclaimed King'of Holland.
On the day when Napoleon Wast4 , tieceive
the crown of that realm from the Minds of
the Dutch envoys, and to place it on his bro
ther's head, all the Court, assembled at St.'
Cloud. Louis and Horsens earrived that mor
ning from Sr Len. The ceremony, which
was attended with great pomp, took place In
the Salle du Trone. The envoys of the
defunct BaVarian republic were magnificent
ly entertained, and it was announced that
the new King and Queen would set out for
their dominions on the following day. In
the evening Napoleon sent io inform Her
tense that he desired io speak with her in his
Cabinet. She immediately attended the
summons, and when the page threw open
the folding doors to` announce her, the title
"Her Majesty the Queen of Holland," greet
ed her for the first time.
Main street. Carlisle.
'Hortense,' said the„Emperor, 'you have
become 44, Queen of a brave and vir
tuous people. If you aid your husband
act .wisely, the house of Orange can never
return to Holland with its old pretentions : —
However frcm my knowledge of the Dutch
people, I think I can discern in them one
remarkable fault ; that under the outward
appearance of great simplicity, they are kind
of luxury and especially wealth. With
tittan,vatiity is , the strongest ,feeling neat to
interast. Now it would be bad policy for
yOu to sailer_ yourself to be eoliptted. by the
over dressed wile of some rich burgomaster,
who had nothip to be proud of but his mon
ey.bags. You must have a - good assortment
of jewels; and here is tr little ornament,
which"l beg you will acicept:' WerWthis
necklace sometimes in
,remembrance of me
hail) pirrehased it myself out of .my -Own
savings.' So saying, Napelpen , olatilied
. the.
glittering cirelet, Op neck of Horteese,
and miibraeing her with paternal • - • • , .
bade herfarewell. .; • • - •
VV .„
hen', 'rientetl.' on 'the • throne of ,Hollend;
klortenie ' - rent'lered full honor to the
• ,
preeent, of tier father-in-lavr: ." Pit ''every
court:. day: 'atPal ace Jo . t the' geiirtiec.,
every: fete, give!• in thelNnieentle„BuirOhe:,
pe !, necklace -ideated tiar aevtan' like
lash'detl , %:he throne ' tprecisely " a. she -had
wiplit 0310:1160t1y„ )3 1 11pr,
. .
Oh dear, what a source of annoyance
This passion for knitting's become;
It absorbs all the time of the ladles,
And strikes the entlemen dumb.
At home. or übroat 'tin no metier,
The only amuseme t you find
Is "knitting, netting ti I crotchet,"
And various works o e kind.
Every room in MO/house 'tie adorning,
It lies upon Froth and chair;
Bed, ottoman and tallies it covers,
E'en the windows come in for a share•
The old styles ()floor, and Insertion
Are considered as far less refined
Than "knitting, and' netting, and crotchet,".
And various works of the kind.
All gossip is now about pattern'',
And stitches reported se news
Attempt to Join in the discussion,
• You're answered—"seam non and make two
E'en Cupid, if he be successful,
Must sit down and make up his mind,
To "knitting. and netting, and crotchet,"
And various works of the kind.
%at ie your business, Foncier, not n*e
arrival in Holland, her subjects had greeted
her with 'God .bless our lovely Qneen.'—
On her departure those cries wore changed
to .. I God•bless our geed' 9ueen P To a heart
like that of Hortense, this last greeting was
consolatory even at a moment when a throne
was lost. On retiring to private life, she de,
voted herself to the education of her chil
dren, and to rendering filial affection to her
Mother, who like herself, was the 'widow of a
throne. •
* * * *
The cannon'6l'W;ntirloo had ceased to
roar,an,4-Napoleon was obliged to quit the
Elysees, and to take refuge in the Malmai
son, the last abode of the Empress Jose
phine. One evening when he was alone in
the salon seated before h table on which lay
scattered the notes from which his send
apt of abdication was to be drawn up, s a
entered. It was Hortense.
'Sire,' said she in a voice trembling with
emotion, 'duos your Majesty remember the
present you made , me at St. Cloud, about
tine years ego.
Napoleori gazed at the daughter of Jose
phine with a mingled expression of grief and
affection, then taking her hand, said; 'well
Hortense; what have you to say to me. ,
'Sire, when I was Queer, you gave me
this necklace.. It is of great value. lam
now 'no longer Queen, and you are unfortu
therefore I entreat that
ydu will permit me to return it. ,
'That necklace, Hortense,' replied Napo . -
leon coldly, 'why depri%e yourself of it? It
is now probably, the bull of your fortune.—
And your children P
'Sire, Rip all I passeas is the world. But
as to ray — Children, they will never reproach
their mother for having shared with her ben
efactor the bounty* he was pleased to confer
upon her
She burst into tears? and Napoleon strug
gled to control his emotion.
'No Hortense,' said he, averting his head
and gently repelling the hand which was
stretched ? to him; 'no, I cannot-- ,
'Take it ire, I implore you. There is no
time to be lost. They aro coming! •
With these words she threw
the jewel case into his hand. A few hone
afterwards the necklace was stitched into - a
silken minium which Navel - eon Wore under
his waistcoat.
Six weeks after this Incident, Napoleon
Was on the deck of the Bellerophon re a-
ring to embark on board the Northumber
land. The arms of the persons of his suit
were taken from thareA4ir bagr,age was
impected, and they ifYr*itot permitted to
take with them either money or jewels.—
The trunks of thq Illustrious prisoner being
searched, a box was 'found containing tour
thousand Napoleon d'or. He was informed
that the'money must be given up. The
sum, altogether with some funds which Na
poleon had lodged in the hands of Lafitte
prior to his departure from Paris ) was all his
While the ins, action was going on, Napo
leon was gently pacing up and down Aft
quarter deck with Las Casas. Casting a fur
tive look around him, and finding that he
was not observed, he drew from beneath his
wriistcoat the silken ceinture, and gave it to
his companion, spying-
, Nly dear Las Cases, a certain Greek phil
osopher used to say that he carried all his
fortune about with him, though certainly he
had apt a shirt to Ins • back. 1 , dont know
how he managed ; but this lknoW, that ever
sines) out departure from Paris, 1 have, been
cariving all my treasure toiler my waist
coat. I now begin to be weary of the bur
den. Will you relieve me of iii' He un
fastened his ceinfurs, and Las Cases, without
making any reply, took it from him and fas
tened it around' his own waist.'
ft was not until alter his arrival at St. Hel-,
ena, that Napoleon informed Las Cases that
the silken band which he had confided to hie
care contained a necklace worth eight hen.
died thousand francs.' Subsequently, Las
Cases expressed a wish to•restoro it to Na-
poleon. 'Does it not incommode you?' in
quired the Empeior dryly. 'No Sire.' 'Then
retain it, rejoined Napoleon ; fancy it is a
charm or an amulet, it will not trouble you.'
Fifteen months' ahemlids, Las Cadeitytias
by oilier of the English Government,' urtex'
peotedly separated from Napoleon. He and
his son were removed frorn .I. l ,ongwood and
conveyed to Plantation House, where they
wale kept under strict surveillance until they
embarked for the Cape of 'Good Hope.
Meanwhile Las Cases still held possession of
the diamond necklace. Time ran on, and ho
was informed that ho, had only a few days lon.
ger to remain in St. Helena," Ho was distres.
sod at the thought of departing without return -
ingthe treasure to Its owner. What could he
do. All communication between him and• Long.
wood was poremptorily. Interdicted... A plan
occurred to his thoughts, and lie determined to •
run the risk 'of its execution... Amongthe per.
sons whohad recently arrived at Rt. H e l ena
'there wa s an' griglielf offtecr , whesoepan Count
,tenance and' candid manners encouraged Las
Carles to place, confident:l6lu ,1)01. .This oflicer
same to the Plantation,Honso in the s u ite of
the Governor . ii3ifiteliVrefeeh fluently ; and:
Las Caen Seized the opportunity 9f whispering
a'few'spords to him unperceived, '1 halm.
son. to believe that you p ossess a noble and: en-"'
grans heart; and will 'enturff;toput it td to the'
k oo y, y ou c a n isuder;a most important , att of
aervice; and, one theywiil. pproinipc
yonr . duly-ner.yourm „ ecoence. an: affai r; -
aPg, 1 4.t.1W, 1 4
1 3 , .:,•.114 1 y, 4„ *.ier , 'PPBEcia00"! i P9Pi4jPg
Nioir - ahti .• ,:yotle,',7olllCii I !LR.!. I PLH! to;; return s
to the emperor ... Ii you ,wilt snnderteke to 'de 7 ;
hoer It'to • him, my secretly into:
Yorir ictaket:
Thcofficeir'repilipd, , mpreltdby
iir qui* who
With'; lualu i
~ instruction,
into'-the;=:otfioot'e'.`.podket unperceived , though {
quite *ohlri 3 Oglitikrol:oo;pciiiatilogs!
'But the greatest — difffetilfy pt? remained to
be accomplished—that ofconveying the treas
ure to its owner. Two whole years elapsed
before this could be effected.
It occurred to the Emperor Napoleon that ho
had, for some time, been the object - of more
vigilant watchfulness than before. Ho could
not stir Irom Longwood without observing an
English 61E001. 0 -Who kept his eye *upon him,
following him like a shadow. Ono day Napo
leon remarked that the officer was watching
him more closely than usual ; and turning a
round,ho exclaimed angrily, "what is the mean
ing of this ? It is very hard that I cannot take
a breath of air without having a• spy on my
footsteps !' Then cutting short Ids walk he
hurried back in the direction of Longwood.—
The Englishman turned back also ,and coming
close up to Napoleon—'Sire; said he in a tone
of profound respect.
'Begone ! sir,' said Napoleon sharply. 'There
can be no communication between me and
your employers. Begone, I say !'
'Sire,' reamed the officer with an uir of per
fect composure, 'your Majesty is under a mis
take." Ho then hurriedly uttered the words
-'Count Las Cases—l hove something - of val.
* * *
'Ah l' exclaimed Napoleon, "tell me what you
have to say.'
.1 beg your Majesty will continue your walk
without seeming to notice me. I have a pack
et which. I have carried about for two years,
seeking an opportunity to Will your
Majesty contrive to let me throw it into your
hat?' . / •
Napoleon uncovering his head, passed his
hand across his foiehead, which was an habit
ual action with him when trying to recollect
anything. By a movement as quick as tho't
the necklace was thrown into the hat.
`Now,' said the officer, 'I trust your majesty
will forgive my importunity, I have fulfilled
my mission, and you will see no more of me.—
May God bless and preserve your majesty !'
* * * *
About the end of April 1821. a fow days be
fore his death,Rapoleon desired Gen. Month°.
lon to come to his' bedside. 'llly friend,' said
lie, 'I have under my pillow a necklace of groat
value belonging to Hortense. I hatipod rea
sons for not allowing any one hero to know
theti possessed an article of so much value.—.
When I am gone, take it into your care, and
when you return to France,. (should—you—ever
be so fortunate as to return there,) give it to
Hortense. Should sorrow have hurried her to
an early grave, give it to her children—my
, .
Montholon promised to fulfil thoso corn-
mend s
'Now,' said Napoleon, pressing his hand, q
dio oatiofied.'
The malady continued to make rapid pier ,
miss, and when Gen. Montholon was assured
that Napoleon had but a few hours to live, ho
took hie post, like a faithful sentinel, by the
bedside of tbe‘invalid. At length Dr. Anto
marchi pronotinced the fatal words 'sm. Is °-
vim !' and Month°len, gently raising his soy.
creign's head,drew from beneath the pillow the
treasure confided to his cure.
After many adventurous journeys in Ameri
co and in various parts of Europe, Month°lon
returned to his native France. Having per
formed what ho thought to be his first act of
duty, that of embracing his aged mother, he
set out fur Aremburg, to restore to the 9:-
Queen oritOrand a necklace, now doubly con
secrated as a memorial of happiness and mis
fortune. 'For a lons time she proserved it with
sacred veneration ; but in a moment of severe,
pecuniary distress she found 'herself compelled
to part with it. The King of Bavaria offered
to purchase it, by settling on the ex-Queen an
annuity of 23,900 francs. Necessity ratified
the bargain, and two years afterwards . Hor
tense was no more.
Picture of the Rum Fiend.
The Rum Fiend, what aro its doings t It
invades the family and social eirele.and spreads
wo and sorrow on all around. It cuts • down
youth , ' hi Its vigor, manhood in its strength,and
age in its weakness. It breaks the father's
heart, bereaves the doating mother, extinguish
es natural affection, erases conjugal love, blots
out filial attachments, blights parental hope,
and brings down mourning ago with sorrow to
'the , grave. It produces weakness, not strength;
aisknesS not health ; • death nut life. It makes
wives .widdwa, children orphans, lathers fiends,
and all of thorn, paupcxs.and beggars. It eau
cgrvfovers,, itjeeds rheurnatisnis, nurses gout,
welcomes , t'epidemic, invites cholera, imparts
pestilence, and embraces consumptions. it
covers the land with idleness, poverty, disease
and crime. It fills your jails, supplies your
alms-houses, and demands your asylums. It
engenders controversies, fosters quarrels, and
cherishes riots. It contemns,law, spurns order,
and loves mobs. It crowds your penitentiaries.
end furnishes the victims fur your scaffolds.—
It is the life blood of a gambler, the allinent of
the counterfeiter, the prop of the highwayman,
end thesupport of the midnight hineridiery.4 7 .
countenances the liar, reaper:tithe thief, and
esteems the tilerilr: It vielites obligatiok
reverences fraud, and' boners Anfitmiz: de-,
fames : beneirOlence, hates',: 14e, scorns virtue,
and slanders intionenae. It incites the fins-, '
band le massacre his wife . , and' helps the . Child:
to grind the piOcitial axe.. :It burns tim Man
and consumes - the woman, detente Ilfe,'cUraOs
podi'and'tieePisei heaven. - ! It suborns ranee
sei; and nurses Perjuri3OOrruntielections,Pel-.
lute. sour and f endingers:' ' g ov
eruMent; 1 , .degrades thri:eitisen,'llabaiies' the
legitilfrici4:dieheners the einiastnen,and,diaarrna
the potriot ;>, It brings iihame mt;liPimr ;:';
rot, not'` safindespairi Inpit,' , XnlierSfict
happlitinna :And noiq'tii.**tiliiitedo'itioleiiiie
n ‘ piiid, it ii4ll#li,iiii"eiit'it! , liiightfiii
iipoo,' and ith.lnivrie,"'it peiscinn fe
ity, nitirala,liligh fihnfidintili,
slays kcputatien,,inclWiptis hut:Miticinallienar
and thief:l'4MM - doptiicimitio.the yearldnnd
laugh. at the snip it ' has `wr " ought:'
,§a r ati,at:ii , .ry,Fix4ei.4tri Ong :the qua;
tiona,be!ore the Frenoh Ao.embly, at ihelaat
dates, was randerini obligaiorY` the
einiervjure:ottlie Sabhadvkr;:,raihdr, abta6:
arse hoar work•on that dfry '
T r la - '-'
[By Punch's Correspondent in Vegotaria.]
Grand Vegetable Banquet to the Po
tato on his late Recovery.
That highly respected vegetable, the Po
tato,ibaiggs hoped, thoroughly re-es
tablished in health, it was determined by a
few leading members of the Vegetable King
dom to offer a banquet to the, worthy and
convalescent root on its recovery. The ar
rangements for the dinner were on a scale
of great liberality ) and the guests included
all the principal vegetables. The invitation
had been carried out, by efficient corps of
Scruiet Runners, nod the Onion occupied the
chair. He was supported on the right by
the head of the Asparagus family, while Sal
ad occupied a bowl at the other end of 'the
table, and was dressed in his usual manner.
The Potato, though just out of his bed, was
looking remarkably well, and wore his jack
et, there being nothing to mark his recent
illness, except, perhaps, a little apparent
blackness round one of his eyes. 'Ajtee the
cloth had been removed,'
The Onion got up to propose as a toast,
the Potato, their much respected guest. (Im
mense cheering.) He, the Onion, had known
the Potato, from infancy; and though they
had not always been associated in life, they
had . hequently metal the same table. They
had sometimes braved together the same
broils, and' had found themselves often to.
gather in such a stew (he alluded to the
Irish stew) as had !nought them, for the
time being, into an alliance of the very clos
est kind. He, the °llion, was delighted to
see the Potato once more restored to his
place in society ; for he, the Onion, could
say without flattery, that society had endeay.
oted to supply the place of the Potato in
vain. (Hear, hear) They had heard of
Rice having been suggested to take the place
of his honorable friend, but theluggestion:
was really ridiculoris. Risum teneatis, ami
ei, was allthathe, the Onion, had to say to
that. (Loud laughter, in which all but the
Melon jontel . ). He, the Onion, would not
dentin them any longer, but would conclude
by rrimpsina health, long lite and prosperity
to the Potato.
fho toast was received with enthusiasm
by all but the Cucumber, whose coolness excite-much-disgust--amongst-his
brother vegetables. The Onion had, in tact,
affected many of those pr4ent to tears, and
the Celery, Who sat next to the Horse•rddtsh,
- 1 0 t 131 V " I tf . . • : bil
ity. When the cheering had partially eubo
- the Potato rose, but that wad only a
signal for ronewedenthusiasm, and it was
some minutes before silenoe was restored.—
At length the Potato proceeded nearly as
lollows :
"Friends and fellow-vegetables : It is with
difficulty I express the feeling with which I
have come here to day. Having suffered
for the last three or four years with a grevious
disease; which seemed to threaten me with
total dissolution; it is with intense satisfac
tion 1 find myself once more among you in
the vigor of health. (Cheers). I should be
indeed inser.sible to kindness, were I to for
get the anxious inquiries that have been
;nude as to the state of my health, by those
who have held me in estrn, and sometimes
in a steam. (A laugh in which all .bilt the
Melon joined). I cannot boast of a long line
of ancestors. I did not, like some of you,
come in wiih' the Conquerer, but I ca me in
the train of civilization ; amidst the inernor
able luggage of Sir Wrilter Raleigh, in corn.
pally With my Right Honorable friend To
bacco, who is not now present but who of
ten helps the philosopher to take a bird's eye
view of some of the finest subjents•lor
file,.tion. (Immerse cheering, and a nod of
assent from the Turnip Top). Though I
may be a foreigner, I may justly say, that I
have taken root in the soil, and though I
may not have the grape 001 e Cucumber,
who seems to Lave come' - here in no envie.
able frame (loud cheering), I believe I have
done as much good as any living vegetable;
for, though almost always at the rich man's
table, I am seldom absent from the poor
man's humble. board. '(Tremendous ap
plause). But,'? continued the Potato, "let
memot go flowery, or mealymouthed, for
there is something objectionable in each ex
treme. ' I have undergone many vicissitudes
in the course of my existence. I have been
served up, aye, and served out in all sorts
of ways. I have been roasted by some; I
have been basted by others; and I have had
my jacket rudely torn off my back by many
who know not the treatment I deserved.—
But this meeting, my friends, repays me for
all. Excuse me it my eyes are watery.—
(Sensation). lam not very thin skinned
but I feel deeply penetrated by your kind
ness Ibis day " -The Potato resumed hie_
seat amid the moat 'tumultuous cheering,
which lasted-for a considerable time. •
These estates cannot be sold 'by the Austrian '
Government:l No one' darea, to ~ buy thern;' ,
even with,suoli a.disposition: • Borne .ot .the
richest and best • lands'Hu'n'gary' oompO, '
sing,these,estates.havp been 'offered for , sale
by, the Empitror,:at the,priue of one fforin,
hall it ,dellar—per;,aore:-. But' 'alien' at tilti
puce purchasers. are nottp'be Mound. Fear;:
on one' alde r end patriotism bit 'the' other, are
The cause of -general unwillingness o
Hurchase:the estates of the - Allot the:
edgarituigeritiernsifirbo . mioently:oame to'
1431A/tYork Th
.in e 2 istitOpi . ; 'Hermann, have
patrimony' and estates by
he friihirii Of their reveltitiOn. 2
oommencettiont oi the gold fever to the
enctiinei 859 . v'eosels, have sidled Or Calll#. l , ,
#eni the' iarious '‘pciria
aosiit Upited . ,§tatie;i 'of
279 hail ieaehed Cal ( forn►a ' iip; to IYogemtier •.
15 ih'
-, i, , ,0pt1.09 140 Y. , 0 8 0 41 14, VR*o4'
,e 1 ,64 '43 t t;
litinbag iteabing.
tlful thonght—sout cheering thoughtl My
life is in the hands of God, the God of mercy
and wisdom. I am his—his by Creation,
redemption and preservation.-- Yes more—
by adoption also —csteated in wisdom—blood
bought, preserved Sy grace and renewed by
the Holy Spirit. Then .he cares for me, or
for me he would not have done so much.—
If I live his hand shall trace my wayhie
powers my wants supply. All things he
freely gives, and for my good. Sickness,
poverty and _persecution, are but the wind
and tides to bear me on to heaven, I there
fore despise them not—they shall work ulti
mate godd—The world with its good things
is mine—given to bear my . expenses to my
final home; and life is mine to travel there.
Death, too, is" mine—my servant to release
my soul ifrom this clay, that it may rise to .
glory. Thus in the hands of my Father,
and possessing so much to contribute to
my good, I stand upon the mountain top or
poise on eagles' wings, tar above the storms
and cloud ,' . Light breakafrom on high, and
shines beneath and all around—lights up the
.gloorrt,..nn - d spreads beauty and glory upon
the warring elements. lam in the hands of
God; and what though the storm may rage
-I-He plants his footsteps on the sea,
And rides upon the storm.'
0 God, of whom or what should I be afraid,
'While thou art Intimately nigh,'
'Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and
afterward receive me to .glory.' Ab, yes,
glory awaits me beyond the tomb. Then
shall I have an eternal rest—a happy abode.
'Oh, dearer than ought to the sorrow worn soul,
Are the dreams of that land, and the hopes of that
goal.' • . _ _
GENCE.—What force and meaning is there in
this injunction? Keep thy heart (rem being
stained by sin, corrupted by passion, keep it
trona being shrunk or shriveled up by selfish
ness, keep it from - growing cord and hard,
and narrow; keep it fresh and wise and
loving, it may reflect the truth,. ever as the
peaceful summer ' s lake mirrors ttiv_tirene
heavens in its unruffled bosom. Let us then,
keep our - hearts thua, and keep it with all
diligence, tor, as it is the noblest, so also is
it the most delicate awl sensitive part of our •
nature. For it can be the most convinced
witness to the truth; by it can be proven the
Divine mission of Christ; by it can be re
vealed the character of God; it can authen
ticate the Christian law of love. if the - heart
can do this, and more than this, then let us
keep it, that, taught•by Jesus, it may be the
oracle of God within.. And as we thus keep
it, let us liken reverently and obediently to
its voice. Despise not ihe teachings of the
affections; refuse not the instruction which
flows forth from generous feelings; reject
not the wisdom which is inspired by love.—
For who bath given this large and animating
unde'rstanding to the heart? who hath put
within its reach, entrusted to its care, some
of the sublimest truths, mortal man can
receive? who claims for its loving rever
ence,-its holy loyalty? even He whose
gobi.leises crowns our days with loving kind
ness, whose spitit is the life of our spirits,
whose love is the source of our affections;--
He who himself is love.—Cliristian Squirm..
A thieves' convention has been held in Lon
don for the purpose of adopting measures to
procure an honest livelihood. Two hundred
and seven avowed thieves attended. The
meeting was opened with prayersnd a hymn.
An address was. proposed to Lord Ashley,
asking if any hope was presented to their
obtaining an honest living in the British Col
onies. His Lordship expressed Lis willing.
nese to befriend them, as it was his duty to
do. He candidly told them that there was
little hope for them, unless they turned their
attention to the hack settlements of the New
World. Suggestive of levity as may be
these facts, there is something serious and
solemn in them. "We must steal or die,"
was the response of one of the thieves;
"prayer is very good, but it • will not fill an
empty stomach." Can anything be more
expressive of the depraved influences of the
social evils of English society).
THE HAND.—With the hand we de
mand, we Tromise, we call, dismiss, threaten,
intreat, supplicate, deny, refuse, interrogate,
admire, reckon, confess, repent; express fear;ex- --
•prese shame, express . dpubt ; •Wo instruct, com
mand, unite, encourage, awear, testify, accuse, •
condmim; acquit, ipenit,despise, defy, disdain,
flatter, it upland, bless; abuse, ridicule. recOnolle,
recommend, exalt, regale,., gladden, complain,
aillict,discom fort discuarage,nitonieli,excleitn,
Indicate silence, and - what not ;!with a variety
and multiplication, that .keep pace - With the
.tongue r —lifontaigni. •
is said t o be no uncommon. thing
'to find beautiful girls in the State of Maine,
running , Wlld. , su Se Off OS berries and acorns.
When . * did wants -to get married, ehri Maher
for Sui t woride; wherU she roves about
young Mum goal Outnn a' wife huilt. Ho catch
ea a eight of n' gives Ohne: " St r urynni
and the'young inerithrciariea ; lairen;and is
'caught: :tie then ieteri' her '„ter hie eheUldern,
I:terries iier to'iii. highway, where be, has a oar-
Vag° reedy; ties feet and handl, together,
and taken her horna ! L ; . le sent
and they are married, tied,
the: young weinan'lieeoutinperfeetfy'Ao§iie and
subMieeire.: ,
egiow• •• h , ' •
, IttoO Will4o h • ••' ',•
• _tg? PO carriage tOd " ? - 4 " , a '
knovid individual ••• , - °Y• t'-',
.a ~,,,,, 9f Ci tt iipt.' ~,,- • . asked It ~w9t, j
liY•tlittqT r ii i tiiiee iteti .' 4mr f i l V e - r t ‘.. on ,A ' ,
"Four 1196" n•• - ' l9 ' g'lt itt r 4omand- . •
. P9MitoB , lo. 4 t l aintitiate4,6ll ° I • 6 •1 1' anii '
P!alatllhat:',4,(iAki ••. ~
_7,-"#traltiacira4- ,
ha,witiimindei;l64:4ll9,,,,,,''• .Yl!tiltistr-I.4bit tOfet ~,,
119919 :no •I•, u , • 'l'l7 fl•;WfdiftittiWjii,Vt•,•
. 7 tto yfiflllqtl,+4,:tli 1, - .('' 1.,, . f , r .'', , "
~, 'f 4,-p ',' I,•: ~''';,''''.':, '. ' ti' , ' 4,r ' i ' l, !•'
Otreinpd t"* — - ."."' ':,•••P :'' - .,• . r.ii•Vp• ,. .• - • ,
- Man never i.i, be ; •--od
t ~,.,, , ,,,i4 , ':•;• ,••',„ ,• ~ , ~, ..... -.'''' ' nneenita*" .
''n ''''"'''''''-P•Ta?'''',,f'-',' - •rt,"--• . ..,. •‘g
. th.-, • •-. ''•••.. - k' :'' . ;'
- ' i
11111 E
t 4