Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 02, 1850, Image 3
cw '2tbucrtiocincrits. Superlor . farciteilesi .r , - - THE...subscriber . begs leave. to inform his friend's and' the public in getietal,:thnu he has just returned from the city,-with -ay large and general assortment of •F It li S HAG RO CE RIES, all of which he•is prepared to sell at a very strop advance.. His stook is composed of a general ussertnient of everything in the Gro cery rllll3, ombraciag in part 'rens. Coffees, Su gars, Molasses, Spices, Tobacco and Cigars, ..,.Queensware and Glassware, Fish and Salt, Crackers and Cheese, Fittits:^Nuts and Can dies. Pine .and Ethanol Oils, Fluid Lamps, Hams and Dried Bed, Beaus, White Corn, • Vinegar, Toys, Matches. Brushes, Sce Persons will find it to their advantage to give mo a call, •ns Ipm determine twe at very moderate profits Don't forget d the o stand, South Hanover `street next dodr to Hannan's of (late Esh leman'a Hotel, and within two doors the Vo lunteer Prinnting Office deq26,'49 • C INIIOFF, A'gt wimps! 111111PF8 I Estirrilutir has just opened another lot Tof M s , from varying $2 to $l2, also a few CI drens' Mafia. GREEN KID GLOVES. Just opened a fresh assortment of Ladies Green Kid Gloves, of best quality, with n vari ety of Ladies and Childrens Cashmere Gloves, of all sizes. DRESS TRINIMINGS At.,N ECK RIBBONS. Just opened a large nssorttnent of figured silk velvet Ribbons for Ladies dresses, Neck Rib bons, alt Jenny Lind and ether Gimps, of all colors, with a variety of other Fancy Goods. G. W. 'APPEALS FOR 1850. :MHZ Commissioners of Cumberland County have fixed upon the following time and pla cies, for holding the Appeals on the Trienial Assessthent for years 1850-51-52—for, the sev eral Townships and Boroughs in said County, to wit: For • Newville, 28th of January at the public house of S. Rupley, Newville. . For Newton, 28th of January,'" 1850, at the public house of S. Rupley, Newvillo. For Mifflin, 29th ofJanuary. 1860, at the pub-, lic house of S. Rupley, Nowyille. For Frankiord, 59th ofJanunry, 1850, at the public hohise of S. Rupley Newville. For Hopewell, 30th Janitapy, 1850, at the public house of D. Mowry, Newbttrg. For Shippensburg 13or. 31.. et January, 1850, at the public house of 'Table; Shippensburg. Fsx Shipponsburg Tp. 31st January, 1850 at ---- therfubliefflonse•of - C , Zuck ,. Sh i ppe nsb.u rg . ____ . Southampton, let Februnr.y, 1850, at the pub lic house of C. Zuck Shipponsburg. West Pennsborough,2d Fehroary, 1850, at the public house of J. Hoover, Mt. Rsck. For Monroe, 9th February, 1850, at the public house of J. Paul, Churchtown. For Silver Spring, sth February, 1850, at the public house et O. Duey, lioauestown. gi For East Pennsbotough, 6th February, 1850, at the public house of S. Renninger. Bridge port. For Now Cumberland, 6th February, 1850,at the public house of S. Renninger, Bridgeport. For liatnpden, 6th February, 11350,at the pub lic house of J. Reeser, Sportiorltill. • - -For-Mechanicsburg, atiL_Februar9.,..lsso„ the public house of J. Black, Mechanicsburg For Allen 9th February, 1850, at the public house of D. Sheaffer, Shopherdstown. For Dickenson,.llthigebrunry, 1850' at the public house C. Hoffman, Rene Tavern. For North Middleton, 12th February, 1850, at the Commissioners Office, Carlisle. For South Middleton, 13th February, 1850, at the Commissioners Office, Carlisle. ®For Eas,w, rd, Carlisle, 11 h February, 1850 at he Co .sioners Office, Carlisle. --For-WesW-aidJ.:Milisle,-451.11...-E-ebrt my 1860,-at. the Commissioners OffilforCarlisle,9 _ County Rates, Dollar Rate-21 mills. ' State Rates—Dollar Rate, 3 mills. .4 41 1ffle..returii4.o.he made by the respectivB As sessors, at the times. and places, determined upon for holding. Appeals for their respective respective Township or Borough, at which time the assessors will return the names of two res pectable citizens of their Borough or Township for the appointment of a Collector. By order of the Commissioug.m, Attest, WM..RILEYW. Commissioners Office. 2 Carlisle, 24th . Dec. 1890. 5 • Estate of John Snavely, Decd. LETTERS Testamentary on the estate of John Snavely, decd. late of ampden township, Cumberland County, have issued in duo form of law to the subscriber residing in said township. All persons indebted to said es tate will make immtidllitttAtiiyinent: . and thdse having claims against it will present 'the *lamb for settlement to JOHN - HUPP, Executor of John Snively, decd. Dec. 21.-6 t - Brewery for Side. • THE subscribe* offers for' sale [Hi the Brewery propnrty• nor/ occu• .' pied by himself, situate on South , Hanover street, in Carlisle, to which - is attached about Five .Ac res of ground, of the best quality and the great er part of which is now worked as a vegetable garden. The Brewery a large Stone buil ding, about 40 feet by 26.dcep, and contains all the necessary apparatus in complete order for brewing Malt Liginns. There is a well of nov• or failing water innido of the building. There is also asfrearn of water running through the property. The other improvements are n good BRICR'DWELLING HOUSE, small Barn Siuhle;a&c.,a variety of Fruit trees, and a well of water -at the door of the dwelling house. It affords a fine opportunity for any one desk. 0119 of going into'the brewing business, or for a gardener, as it advantageously situated and convenient to a good market. 0:1rIf not sold before Saturday, the 2d of March,lBso, it will on that day be offered, at4'ublic Sale on the premises, - when attendance will be given by ANDREW HARE. • Dec. 26. — (lrphans t Court Sale. On SATURDAY, the 26th ofJanuary, 1850. IN pursuance of on order of tho Orphans' Court of Cumberland County, will be sold at publicealet at 12 o'clock. M. on the premises, tie property of Daniel H. Young, late of Nee Cumberland , in said county, decd. viz : LOT OF GROUND, situate on Main Street in the village of New Cuinberland, and number ed in the plan 108, having thereon erected a log & Frame Weatherboarded House. Terms of Sale—Three per cent of the purchase money to bo paid on confirmation of the sale, and the residue on the firstol April next, when poses ion will be given. To be secured by judgement and'the _purchaser to pay the .tax es assessed for the year 1850. Alsb, at the same time arid,.place the following personal property, viz :—Tpbles, Cheirs, Beds and Bedding, Desk, Stove and Pipe, Kitchen Furniture, ,&c. At. tendance,w,ill be given by. . , . , JACOB KIRK, Jr. Executor.. . 1D0e.,19';'1849, • Restoration & Preserylation . of the -,.:, ..:,, .. • Hair. ' .. ' By -Sit Wise di,- Son, of Virginia. ii i g WISE *sr. SON, finding it' altogether ..,,..... ivy frapoieible to attend personally to' the great number of daily. applications,ll from all eocliehs , of the. Union, for their remedy for Baldness, and for their celebrated HAIR TO NIC, have found .it' necessary:. to appoint a . General Travelling, Agent, to visit different cities and towni throughout the Unifed States, vesting him with .Authority to appoint itut-a gente; use and vend'the Hair TOntc, and to dp . ply the ,RESTORA'VIVE, and to put them Into the hands pf,;those .-hs„mail appoint to Ono:. rate Wherevot' a' Atifficiont` nitmber of patients. in any town &neighborhood •sirttl-be' obtained. .Capt. OHO ROE , ' C I.LVERT, of ;-rauquier --,:- : &nutty, Vit.- is' alone authorized to act as ,Gen oral TraVelling Agent, with: the. poweys: aboie PCipt. C. maybe expected Jo visit, as'• speed ' ' ily-as practicable..therincipaUe.ties and towns ' of the •Union. 7 ,, -..'''' ~ , ' "' ; ;:, -4 1, . N. B. Capt:. Calvert Will - always , have 'en • hand a foil. SuPply . Of:'thit'; HAIR - TONIC • (which eleaniesAh.e head :et , dandruff, eirength- , 611111'11ild lilViikkres . . tilt, and; lair," prevents it, also, from fa l ling off,);for . tho region of,couritry ' most Contiguous to.' his' operittions, Ar..if 'May' alWaYs'be obtained at;wholes'ale; and forwarded to any. part of: the Union,,by, addressing 'the Irileters,'"X; 'WISE , dri'SON,-;ißichmande " •OtPriati $9 '6O dOzon; '6u : di. ' Six';bottles fat -41 855 - r.eao‘dallar 'Single libtile I : ' q ,tnov2B,ly. • . ter'!'ititle' in"Corlisfe;hy'SpV , . l . it AV. B It-.: ,'. •• ' 5 (s , 2 4 .4:i4highei I 4 lkilaheS r .:.. , ' ' .: " . , - . kgiliiittiirk9yOti,thesek'ulueforimitioltis to of , fered'fOrtealpi'copsistitig.AlMhiteivesh,Sweep i . , ing.•,SpsdihnigattlAthreeilotill..Shavin ,Hair,' •L . :Teeth , ,aneNallY.lehltiand , 'Braining , B . shesirt .• , •.,,greitt4varicitY4all of:::, b t anal; tty:p4Wilkiiool io.4,slPWOmillic. 6 o '. 2 l:i "gt: '.: , -',Jplolo4.''';VlcX-Iii•• ‘ 6 : ,-, : , ‘, 8; ptairo 7,,.,..d aitap - !I --;p1 4,, -4113#tititittliro li, to k i *pii A P 1,7* ,U Billeh.)'lU.44, 14 a' ~;A4'it,,;t:c 0N? pirf ar'VrPe IY, ,il!"T.lltdeafi'tOrYlinSkt 67:n Ami t, ~ ..r~. MEM "lawi‘te, , GREAT HOLYDArATTRACTIONS iev ATcra%;:rovELAy,T.B.:,;:. THE subscriber :respectfully. informs his friends and the public generally, that he. has just—returnod from Philadelphia with Hifi - largest and most splonded assortment of Watches; Jew. beiar9.offered to the/citizens'of this place. His stock consists *in part of a splendid lot of Gold and Silver Lever Watches, Gold and.B , l- ver Lepine do. with ti variety of Watches of lower prices, Gold guard Chains, Gold. and Silver Pencils, a splendid, assortment of gold pens of most approved *manufacture, Silver (Sutter Knives, Silver, and plated Spoons4ne Silver plated Forks, a large and splendid larettft.: Gold and Silver Spectaeles,(he invites particw lar attention to this article of spootacles, As ho can warrant them to be the bolt: on this side of ' Philadelphia,) Common Spectacles of all prices a lrrge and beautiful assortment of Gold, Fin ger and Ear Rings, all prices; Breastpins, a groat variety, Watch Keys, Fob arid Vetit.--, *Chains, Silver and shell Card cases, a very su perior article, Silver thimbles, Silver combs, ' cake tiaskets, with a great variety of other eel tides in his line, net necessary to meniion. , - lie invites all to call and examine his stock ' assured that it cannot fail to please, both in quality and price. CONLYN. For the Illotydays RICH & ELEGANT •BOOKS & FANCY GOODS, AT HAVERSTICK'S% • JUST opened at this largo and well known establishment, the most splendid assortment of richly embellished - and superbly illustrated An nuals. Gift-Books, and Poetical Works,loge titer with an extensive variety of CHILD REN'S PICTORIAL BOOKS, for children ..of all ages, suitable as presents for the Holy• days. His assortment in this line is rho fittest he has ever presented, and cannot fail to please, as well in the beauty of the books as in their cheapness. He has also just opened a splendid assortment of HOLYDAY •FANCy GOODS, which it would be impossible to enumerate in an advertisement, but which com h e n vest variety of elegant lancy articles, of t ow styles and latest designs. He would call par ticular attention to his choice supply of PER FUMES, from the celebrated establishments of Roussel, Hotta and others, with Fancy Soaps and every article desired for the toilet. Alsb, Muideal Instrumdnts, Ladies and Gen tlemen's Cutlery, in great. vaxietyr,Gold Pens and.Peneils,_ Port Monnais, Waking Canes, Baskets in great variety, and the most elegant assortment •of Girandoles, Flower Vases, Screens, • PARLOR AND STUDY LAMPS, - either for lard or burning fluid, which has dyer been presented in this borough. Also, FRUITS; CONFECTIONERY, PRESER VED FRUITS, NUTS and an innumerable variety of other tirticles, which it is impossible to mention in detail. but which comprise al• most every article which can be asked for in the line of fancy goods, tke. The public are especially invited to call and see them during the Elolydays. Remember the Old Stand; North Hanover Street. (loon - --WHAVERSTI ' \ Christmas and New Year Gifts. NAiNIELY Card Cases, Velvet . Bags,'Silk Purses, Porte Monnais, Cigar Cases, Brushes in great variety, Fancy Inkstands and Paper Holders, Fancy Boxes, Cologne, Ex• tracts,Pomade Divine, Toilet and Pearl Pow I..der, ear's Oil, Puffs and Puff Boxes, - Eau I,ustral Shavi.ig Cream, great variety of Combs Ivory Rattles, Chess Boards, Note Papers and .p nvelopeeT-Imported- et,areby-ttre-Box-,--Rni ems and. Figs-by the Box, Candice- aud Secrets .at 181 cis per lb., citron at 31 eta. per lb., Ord+ a great variety of articles too numerous too mention, at reduced prices for cash at D_r_RA W. LI NS' Drug Store, Main Street. Ideel9 HO FOR =0 IN I MIMS Miss Kingle's Head-Quarters, Carlisle, Penn 1S the place where Country Merchants and the public in general, will find the largest and beat assortment of, CONFECTIONARIES, ever-offer offered in this county, manufactured of the best material expressly for tho , Holidays. and will be sold wholesale or retail at the Old Stand of the subscriber, North Ilanov.:r street, a few doors north of the Bank, wbere all are invited to_call and examine for themselves, as it would be impossible to mention all the vari eties. He would also call attention to a large assortment of Fruits and Nuts, consisting o ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS, Figs, Prueps, Grapes, Citron, Dates, Almonds, English Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Filberts, Pea Nuts,'Cocoa Nuts, &c. In connection with the above he hasjust received a large assort ment of English, French and. American (TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, consisting In part of fine French Card and Sew ing Baskets of entirely new patterns, Fancy Boxes, of wood, paper and glass, Wnx and other Doll-heads, Kid and Jointed Dolls, Bas ket, bell, bone and LON' Rattles, Gaines, and Puzzles of. the latest style, Furniture tea sets, nine in boxes, fiddles, guitars, pianos, accords. one, harmonicans, drums, guns, and other arti cles of war, Glass and China toys,lmuntle or naments, Tools in boxes, woolly dugs ' swops and wheelbarrows, tube, cradles, Noah 's Arita masks, marbles of all kinds, fancy soap), Co logno, ox marrow, shaving cream, hair and clothes Brushes, &c, Ho has alsopn hand a prime lot of FRESH GROCERIES, consisting of Coffees, Teas, Sugiirs, Molasses, Crackers, Cheese, Spices of all kinds and in fact all articles in the Grocery line, which will be disposed of at tke lowebt rates. Orders from a 'distance thankfully received and promptly attended to, Carlisle, dcc 12,'49 Large and Splendid Arrival of FALL AND 'WINTER C .14 0 T111.1PG: AT GOLDMANS ! THE undersigned respectfully announces to the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that he has just laid in a stock of FOshionable Clothing, cut and made in excellent style, whiph for cheap ness and quality was never ,before equalled in this place. Such as—splendid new style black French • loth dress Coate, large and handsome circle cloth Cloaks, black.' and brown sack Coats, business coats in' the latest styles, Mon key coats, tweed sack coats, superior fine bl'k French et:minions Pants, new style of fancy eassimere Pants:over 200 pairs of striped and plain fall and winter pants, 250 Elegant new feats, excellent Black satin vests, also, an as sortment of fine white Linen, red flannel and. striped Shirts, collars, bosoms, storks, anemia dors, cravats, handkerchiefs and other articles in' his lino. • Port' Clothing and oil , clothing Suitable for fishermen and others constantly on hand. Fine cloth caps. from 25 Ao Bry cents.— Glazed Caps 'l2i cents: ‘ln Snot the above is the largest and best assortment ever offered in this plain?, and as chea p as, can be purchased in the city of Philadelphia. Persons who prefer having their clothing made to order can be ac commodated st the shortest notice. He therefore respectfully invites his custom ers and the public generally to call and see him at the Clothing Store, corner of Main Street and the Centro Square. . idecl2 COU.G.HS7,2)- . Dr. tiff letra ,oough , Oandy.• • • r k i the season' ' for C 01.1 GI IS and • • COLDS, When public assemblies .are so reAuontly disturbed byy tho Cough of some stiffering,indrvidual. , we ee'm it rather .an act of, charity .6 .advi3it to any alleviation 'of the evil, and would confidently recommend DOC•' TOR. ; ,w,lLt A y's agreeablo,rernetly as onclof. the beat nowibeforo the publici- nett possessea : Curative powers of .a high order, and • may with eyittre'aefety'be:gifen to childreni.'+' ,, Ajtply.!to ,• ELLIOTT;, Solo agent,'' '• ' '..l l oo i ts`Anartsztons; itxrm.•m. P O RTER' has ,jtiat -, roceived. a. VT large and clogant. , ,,,oasa . roltent.'of BOots dad'Shotatomited.tolthe. present .aossorli among, whi. h aro., Mari eve.. and Calf:de„'Gitin 151mies,litiffalb' Over Sttatt• a t ,' ata. Ties, of Lanther,lMorocco t he I{o49Wokyl:o'., Etitto;:,a largettupply;Of Misses and Childratia Gaiters: Boots andli.tuthiriti., Every description.. of.tvork f Made to order' as Cull „.1• Call at Porter'o Shoe More,' Main street, °POO; giiP the'Mothodist Church: .„ (decl2,'4R ' • fhiteabiire 119,1",, , ours.yiur....oida, and genre t•to Aouhtliollil Islf3. Opifi:Afjddlbionflownehi PM/I.:X.9MP e B ' ., tonfg'&yanpt:Pidtqi . 'W ~ o,4l L rid rool Oprliale! , 4 • • u 4 • - • •,W Arne,! - Frtietaiox Wr..,WATTS,! President.judge'oft . ha several Courts ef COpimorL,pleas the. eountlas Cumbrrland, Pdriy and Juniatai in Pennsylva nia, and Justice of 'the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer' 'and 'General • Jail , Delivery.' in said counties, and Hon. John Stuart and John Clondenin, Judges of the Court Of Oyor and 'Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of all capital and other offenders, in the en id county of Cumberland, by-Iheir precepts to •me directed, doted thel9tliday of Nov., 1849, have ordered the Court of el yet antlArminer and General Jail Delivery,tirbrlMMen'atCdr lisle on the 2d Monday of (being the 141k:da y ) at 10 o'clock in thefore ' noon, to continue„two weeks. NOTICE is thei - ifore heresy given,tothe Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Constables ofthe said county ofCurnberland, thatthey are by thasald preeept commanded to be then and 'Vivo in.their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and all other remembrances, todo those things which to theirofficesappertainto be dono,und allthose .that are bound by reengnizanves, to prosecute (against the prisonerstuat are orthon shall be in the Jail of said/ county, are to be there to prosecute them as shall be just, DAVID SMITH, Sheriff. Carlisle, Dee. 13, 1849. e fi NE among the beet stands in th borough, ill a large and commodious HOD E, situate ?.; on High street,•neur thecentre square, :t , 'actnearly opposi te Burkholder's Hotel Ali® formerly occupied by Mr. Carmony as a Store, and flow in the'occupancy of Wm. T. Phaler. There' are thirteen apartments in the House, and a Cellar under ell- Also, a Frame House with Stone Kitchen, hay ing 6 roome'and two cellars, si Cato on Church Alley. Possession given on the Ist of April next. For terms apply to. decl2,6w ISAAC TODD. THE two lower rooms and cellar of the house which I now occupy, ■ in Hanover street, adjoining N W. Woods' dry good store. The rooms suitable for an - office - and chamber, or if thrown together would make a good store room. dect9 ELIZABETH SNY HER. FOR RENT, and possession given on the Ist of April next, 4go „, 0111 - tinny Brick - Dwclltng t House south of the M E ..hurch, at present occupied by Dr. Raw ' For'terms apply to WM D SEYMOUR. A'gt for Trustees. decl9 THE large and. commodious DWELLING HOUSE on the corner of North-Hanovor and Louther streets, in Carlisle, now occupied by Win Egolf as a Boarding House. Also, 4.lM„eorner_roo m,in_said. house „tyw occupied 1.C5 , dwelling house has every desirable convenience and there is no more advantageous locality in the borough for a Boardinghouse or place of business. Also, for sale, the Dwelling Jlonoe, on East Louther street, now occupied by Mr: Mosonbeimer. It is a two story weatherboard cd House, 30 feet in front by 240 in depth, and is in good order, It will be sold on reasonable terms. If not sold before the Ist day of Japu• ar , it will then be railed. For !arms apply to A NI 2 r 1. THE undersigned, Auditor,..nppointed by the Court of Common Pleas cif Cumberland county, to distribute the balance in dm hands of SAMUEL WOODBURN, Sequestrator of the Hanover and Carlisle Turnpike Road Com 'pany, to and among the creditors, 'gives Notice that ho will attend fin' that purpose in the Ar• ifration Chamber of the Court Hausa, in Car, ale, on Thursday, the 3d or January, 1850. S COBTAN, ' auditor. docl2 Estate of Peter Whitmer, deeld, LSTTERS Testamentary on' the Estate of Peter Whitmer, late of South Middleton township, CtiMberland county, deceased, have been granted, to the subscriber, residing in Huntington township, Adams county. All persons indebted to said estate aro hereby no tified to make immediate payment, and those having claims io present them for settlement to deci2 WIVI It SADLER-, Ex.r.. Estate of Diary Harlan, old. LE I ' . TERS Testamentary on the Estate of Mary Harlan, late of Stoughstown, Cum berland county, dec'd., have been granted to the subscriber, residing in the same pine°. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having laims„to present then for settlement to JOHN MLA N DS, Executor. deel2,6t - Estate of Isaac Lloyd, dectd. LETTEKS of Administration on•the Estate Isaac Lloyd, late of Allentownship, dec'd. have bten grimted to the subscriber residing in same township. 6 All : persons knowing, them- Eielvesindebted to said estate to make payment immediately, and those having claims to 'pre sent them for settlement to ,nov2B RELMEN STAR., .9dm'r.' Cheap Clothing Store. ' GREAT BARGAINS! HE subscriber would respectfully inform T his friends and the public in general, that ho has removed his huge and extensive assort. ment of READY MA DE CLOTHING to the room recently occupied as a store by Geo. W. Wine/. on East Main street. directly oppo site Elliott's Drug Store, and within two doors of Ogilby's store, where ho will keep constant ly on !fond. all kinds of Ueady Made Clothing and everything-pertaining to gentlemen's ward: robes. The clothing he offers for sale is made up in 'his own shop, by experienced workmen, and under his own supervision. He fbela pre. Pparel to offer great bargains in lie Clothing ine, and to test this fact ho • ould earnestly in vite the citizens of this county fo give him a call and examine the quality of his stock and his prices, before purchasing elsewhere. He will also, as lieratoforo', continue to make up all kinds of Clothing according to order, and those who prefer. it can have their measures taken, and their garments made up to their pleasmont. Always on hand a large assortment of Cloths, Cmsimeres, Satinets, Vestings, &c. Don't forget the place directly opposite El liott's store, apd within two doors of OgilbY's. dehl2,3m NATHAN HANTCH. P MONYER A LARGE and well selected assortment o A BOOICS of all kinds constantly kept on hand to suit the times, tho following have just been received. Humq's History of England, two first Nos. oceived. Shaltspoare's Works, 4 different editions. Byron s Works, Burns' Works. • Scott's Poetical Works. Lynch's Expedition to the Jordan and Dead; Sea. Montegue's ditto. Scott's Military Tactics, 3 vols. Women of the Rovolution, by Mrs. (Blot. Philosophy of Religion, by Morrell. • Earnest Ministry, by James. . Bravo's Daughter, by Duganno. Dowagor,or New School for Scandal, by Mrs Gore. • . The Caxton's, by Bulwor. ' The Queen of Gipsios. . • Cruise inn Whale Boat. • And nil the new novels received ns soon ns published. All'orders for Books attended with dispetoli. Ailor all your, disputos" about Clite:op Books call around and-examine torlourselies. Gatti • T Dallas!'' DRUGS DRUGS I FREfIiFALL' .ARRIVAU.' Tt HAVE just rocolvetta'rresh snick of Mad! ilti . . kinea. Painte.i7Glnaa, (hi , &n.,, Which' 'his . iting beim • purchased with great . care'•af-the beet city huultes( I' can' confidently , recommend At iFami lies, -Physicians,,.-Cnuntry Melptiono ROA pealera,',aa-be!ng.fresh atid.pnrpt,i -..--.:%-ttici!' 4,,t:: : je1)‘...;: ".. , ,, , C , ~, 1DR : U0 4 ; , , ,, 1...:: `,... 7,l i ‘ ,„, :f ~ Ci . , , , ' i k 'f:Patiit .M adjoin tai; herbs and .E.Strtinis; ' ' '''''.' .Filrielehindiali, l . H pibergirittind andlavhele -'-Inetturiternse" ,f i 'Hosannas; .- - 7:4'':- -,,,,t; , . '' '-' .P4lrq'qo 4ll l , - . 9 11 E 1 Pttif ll :l3 l brii,'& ll % 4 q e,i ' .. ' ' ' ' ~ i polt64l.` . tiiiiKirraiat.d'oeoiiikre:" ~.t- ' ', '''' .'', "- DTRUPU, s , — ? ..r : -.' ;j- - '77' i f.: y n dlid,;'W i m_ ,. !.,E,;eniid.6WWovat;, ,, : , . rdadderit i : .: , .'',' l ''-'-: Oil 'Vitriol , ' .;. - . ...;1'. , ,''-') 4," §Ultiibci f f' ,t 1 ''' I, 0 - ' 3 Coliperga, -..':; i, , , :,,edumr,F-1---- ,-- --,- lime :ya::_; .... • -""' .. • - .i• '. ':.' ,'"! ; .".':::: , - .i'AfiNT' P 1 41: 4 ~ Welhaiill idt.--)l3r6theit'i Pain:l,ooli Chrome' ' -Hrtutin'arid.lYoHov,, , Pcint tyl:Yarriishilltnthae. lasqey - - ytrindbeid glued, tinseed:'oil; ,TurpOtw .tinao4pal arid.::CosehiVarnichi end-Hed , 'Lead, 'AU c 'l riwiilhvill';behsold-i - ltpon;iarymnneit In OrifPi:,ollliciotmtDroii„4•44o* -Pr.; 4'rAlJdli!'l--'rr'gf a twx l lPiir,. PY in9i':, ; , oTT. l : , —An'excolietii:-"iiitilcire:•ll4oi ,-,I • A on hind:_ ' lIIMEITURGEO,I4`;'.." kNSM FOR ,RMNIN For Rent. FOR RENT To Rmt. Auditor's Notice. Rea I lig for the Milton E=EMS=MMan - , •Itildret. Gteat aligning t.. CN A be, expected,,,from the Subscriber; as he ' has just .recidiedr..Jiiew:nnd splendid vs 'sortirient of -WINTER. GOODS,; yvhich- he Wars to his. customers and 'Others :wlf?;ititay7 !aver him with a call at great Bargains! 'CLO'THS AND CASSIMERES, ' saTinets, vefitit cords. Ky. jeans, :" scarlet; white and Canton Flannels, tickings. roue. line, calico, cashmeres, de lanes, alpacas, Co- . bvrg cloths, gloves; hosiery,, Irish !men, com. forts, &c, ' • • SHAWLS! SHAWLS ! !' „ , . • ' A Into and, aplandid assor tm en t . of Long and Square Shawls, at all prices to suit the times. BOOTS AND SHOES. Akio, Boots and Shoes, which he is determ ined to sell low, at his stand, in lorth Hano first store below Hlaverstiek's Drug Store. , vor street, Carlisle. J. Cr CAB,MON3r. GREAT INDUCEMENTS Now offered at die CHEAP STORE or ,Charles Ogilby. THE customers of this large establish rt iont, and the public in general, arereapsetfully informed that I am now receiving an immense stock of the handsOmest end cheapest goods ever brought to Carlisle. CLOTHS & CASSIMERES of every, shade at greatly reduced -prices. SHAWL'S A. large lot of Long Plaid Shawls from 9 to $ll do Square do - $1 to $6 'Also, Broche, Torkeri, Crape, Thibet and Da, mskShawls.of every style and quality. RIBBONS, RIBBONS. A splendid assortment now style Ribbons which will be sold very low. DE LAINES & CASHMERES, A beautiful stock of Cashmeres and De Lemnos at very low figures. ALPACHAS, A very large assortment orßlack and Colored Alpaohas, Figured, Plain and Satin Stripes. SACK FLANNELS, —A-large-lorof-Bach--Flennels-rveryzehedp , • SILKS, SILKS, A. splendid assortment of Figured, Plain and Striped Silks, from 37} to 1,25. Black Silks, a very large and cheap stock. BLANKETS. . Very superier.-Inrge _ 104-12-4-13-4 ditto Ribbon Bound. ' do do do Whitney, at all prices. FRENCH d& ENGLISH MERWES A large assortment of very suPerhif French ' hlerinoes. All colours and prices. SATINE DE CHAINS, A beautiful assortment of changeable Satins de Chains for dresses and sacks. s MUSLINS, hk_tromondouolot of .bleached and unbleached Maelins from 3 to 12} cents. Having' purchased la,gely of this article be fore the advance, I will continuo to eell at old prices. CARPETS, CARPETS, A full assortment of Imperial, Ingrain, Veni tian antl,Stair Carpets. Selling very low. PRINtS & GINGHAMS, Priiite aria Gingbrims from 3 to 121. Tickings, Checks, Diapers, F,loor Oil Cloth, Borkings, Velvets, Beaverteens, 'Stockings, Gloves, SuspenderT Carpet IlifOrrambricke Ditnitys, Laces, .toreens, Linens, Linen and Cloth Table Covers;Oil Cloth Ditto, Irish Li nens, &c., BOOTS AND SHOES. In the aritle of Boots and .Shoes, we go far ahead of all competition, both in price and quality. tk big stock now on hand and cheaper than ever. GROCERIES, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Tee, &c., Fresh, Prime and Cheep. Recollect the old stand, East Main Street, whore there is a largo room, a large stock to select from, and decidedly the cheapest lot of Goods out of Philadelphia or New York. Come one and all, secure bargns, at .the cheap store of CHAS. OGIbBY. 0ct3P,19 FALL DAV GOODS ST received and now . opening at the lIT 'l"' at tie New Store, Corner of Hanover and Loather streets, op)posite Wm. Leonardo old stand. The underonned respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has just re turned from Phitadeiphia, with a large and carefully selected assortment of NEW FALL GOODS, consisting of an extensive variety.— Every article will be sold at the very lowest prices. Mops ac AINE4 !—All the wet de able styles of neat fi gured, and the best sha des of plain blue, m6de, scarlet - , pink, blue, green, crimson, &c. Rica FraunED Cd:811M - Elte l—A complete stock of elegant styles which will be sold at very small profits. •Drisss Snare ! Brocade figured, plain, changeable, striped glass 6, and the most shperior qualities of glossy blacks. Changeable Green, and Black Man tilla Satin, the most fashionable article for the fall. Silk Fringes, Laces Gimps, BoltMgh, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, &c. Fall and Winter Ribbons, of. every quality, a dat all prices. Also a large stock of elegant' STAPLE GOCDS, which have been selected with much care, and will bo sold at very great bargains. Our assortment of Cloths,Gaud- . meree'; Vestings, heavy pantaloon stus, flan nels, shootings, tickings ginghams, checks, cal icoes, matins, table covers, napkins, drillings, linens, bleached and unbleached Wallas, &e' is very large varied and complete. Also, -on hand, a well selected assortment of BOOTS & SHOES, for men, women and children. at lower prices than over, GROCERIES in all their variety, viz i—Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Pekin Toh Company's celebrated Teas, Spices &c., add the beet quality Carpet Chain. AU the above goods have been purchased right and will be sold low. oct3 N W WOODS, Ag't. More .7W'ew Goods. BONNET RIBBONS A GENERAL assortment of Bonnet Rib- M.. hone, Neck Ribbons, nlso :Belt Ribbons, Silver And Steel Belt, Slides * , Scarfs, &o. just opened. LACE CAPES AND COLLARS. Just received Lace, Capes and Collars of ' dif. forum styles. Also, Linen Cambric Handker• chiefs, of various qualities.. : GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. ' - Green and Black 'Teas of a superior qUality jut t opened by ,noi2l .-G W HITNER. BUPPALO comas. JUST •reeeived a general 'assortment of handsome Buffalo Back Corttbs,,also, Imitation Buffalo Combs, of beautiful patterns and in great variety. , LINEN ,SHEETIN GB; &a. Barnsley Shootings, also, 124 Muilin Shoot ings,. Pillow: Case :Linens• and k Muslins, . Towel ling.ip, great ,V,ariety, just oppaqd . • ,Pure Cidoi:Vinotiariofioxoolliptiqualitrjuov received by . r ~,,nov2B. : ; ,toe „. , ~ ,,X greivir and r , cznpottentl . ” UrEORGE' V. I.lllFiEkt" having recently ' ptirchatied the cantfrrght'Offlet \WIRTH'S P.tersuy ''C I? LL'art •., Sxtrai(sitt wOuld,reepectfullY call the attention et Atio'trride(to , diet .; appellant ipveation::'t It.isz certainly Ona , °fit the ; 'greatest improvements of, Abe ageonl'hitA machine stu ff s ;the:Geller ()rooked arpand , Ahe brock,, , Abeed - with 'htiiiwooli,or otbar,,,tpaterAele„AfeCk stuffs it with lon ,strew foud"alao,malteei9o)lare•Pf of straw !tit, , Icieti tan_ belf ilio".lab,or,and'tinvi of the; old Way 'Of ''SI filtig:'",Tbilf:bieehitit;:.Will.gifidr all 'and eveiyvkind oVherse'calliii;, On] ' the` best , ,ptiteneleather dale' toll'd'ObnirnotietiEliitid , lh't 'Avie,l;and (With; bat on e (manisteadily'at work ''wi ll'? stuff tibduhape;flitiroollerwie,tny inreeneater ; and betteretylktbanguivogßt , krey , )tAiowno ,,,,,, ' o4 l3itddlers in the, coutitpfultitivited Aoloall Ili .. 'Ake subscriberti , est 'irmoo on ;Nortiflianor: .. yet . 4 " et ,,p a ili s k., 4 iaganune the Anachine. 7 - t :,, I Township or. skopir gkAeA !At i lt() sold i .l TR Y ;'' Ahose:wlulAkw`not.wiab,to,',7,,,,h, ,„„„u„, ,0,i,,,t_..„,...0V,05',C ti. t kitivat twEige:„" Selo itiiiia'abeaptie'rlterk iiiß. ~h ate be teidiuctiel° turidimanY Other' waVP';!O clete , •for 661141140`' t Any, quantity arArrespeoAfully solibited,, , ` , -; , v ,, :!,9-ty rr..1:6, ,:,:r.,1,;',1'...i1azi1l ' ' '''. —-„ , 1 litlY(ttiellirel ' ' ' 9,f;TattPli.Y; P. l a4 1 .1;* 1 414 8 0•Y , i; Of OP tatTli I*, 44 . 4 nr fete-'.g ounxirr: AR: whom shoed, four Menthe Oorit Ohd-lituire wei. , , ,'-, ,F;, e' l•Tiit t Or ti t4 - tite'; ts4I''XI4IPAVAR R -t)l .' . "1 /4 f. .1 ' L 'A.1;;; , ., ,, . , . ,`,. , ..`,, ir ,' , , ').'i '/9.."11° tre•fm°Pr,allerrfluitht•delVietind'l)! ;Idit, e'ihil ) o eii,forllaotleatibeit'e. ,( 7( I 4 q)..0 1-,1, - ;-. , . ' ',, , ,2J' i ,, r , o 4, fit' ?,^'):' ''l' ia;:iiiii,AligtortlTßkPl:,!-4,k1 .1 1 ,- .*F'6.l7 --iii,4,4'iniiiiiis'.catoiri:P4e, ;-.., :,,.Ikie so4fsvosst, , , r Di OP -ni 0. ' I , _,'. „ii:let';',:o erT tg ,,, ,a rw .i pfrwv ~. inufj; , :Bliie4 l &c. "(i1)".• ;;; , r :,7.. , . ,. . 1 ,,,T‘' , 5'"AM`}7..Z . Z`V6g-: . ,%.:ki1'';';:t4. 4 4i , ;.'4 , ,100. 1,. 4. , :?,5, ,, , , i,.. ',., °refit . LONG 881171ALS, LONG. SHAWLS , auhsCriber hialuit • opene , g ral .JL issortment or Plaid 'Long; Shawlsj . BaY ,Stato Long Shawls, of superior quality.' , Also, 'Splendid , firocha 'Shawls, (all wool), Black Thibet Long Shawls, together with Torkoli, Cashmere, and other Shawle, at moderate prieee. kI.UPPS, STUFFS. "' Judit received a variety of Lynx . Muffs Of different qualitiee; also an assortment of low 'plead Muffs; for sale low. . . -CASHMERES dr; MDU,S,-IDE, LA.INAB, 'The Inibedriber is now, opening ri beautiful assortment of Dress Goods, among which may bo found Cashmeres, Moue. Do Lames, Mohair Lustres, Alpachtts, Merinoea, Black and" Col ' ored Silks, and other varieties of Dress Goods.. CASSIMERES Jubt received a few pieces of Bronze Cassi. mews, latest style. Also. Blue and Black Cloths,Merino Cassimores and Sattinette, for sale chap. TO MILLINER. The .Milliners throughout the' county are informed that a general assortnient of Millinery Goods, embracing Bonnet Frames, Crowns, and Tabs, Artificial Flowers, Face Tabs, Ru ches, Illusions of all colorsi,Boviet Wires, &c. have just beeh opened by - ' • novl4 , GEO W HITHER. Figured, Plain, Ohery&, - 1111) on De • Lab Los. JUST received a fine assortment of the a hove at the Cheap Store. COLORED CARPET YARN, A.Tufl inliorttinent\el all Colors of Col'd Carpet Chain. Also, Nif 5,6, 7, 8,.9, 10, 12 Cot ton ['whit Yarn for sale at the lowest mark. BLANKET & TEKERI SHAWLS, A large lot on hand which will be sold very cheap. BOOTS AND SHOES, A large assortment 'of Mans, Womens and Children's Boots and Shoes and Gum Shoes, which I will sell at thelowest prices at the New Store. [oct3l] N W WOODS. Ag't. FA LL AND WINTER GOODS AT THE.BEE HIVE. 44 1 ir HAVE just opened Y,,','.'st`4.V.Z.- 1 . 5 4 ► c di rectfromh ; it 4 A I F t..e c.ty, vso a large, beautiful and --."brilliant assortment of LADIES & 0 EV• . TLEMEN'S DRESS. ' GOODS, for Fall and Winter _Wear, toi_whion„l would invite the special attention of old and new triiinAiS and customers. My stock now comprises every conceivable-colour, style, pattern and figure of Dress Quids, trims -4h° plainest and cheapest to the uriAl brilliant and seedy. Call and see them while they nro new and novel; as it al ways gives us pleasure to chew our goods at he Bee Hive. sem%) S A COYLE Look - AT minis! 'CHARLES OGILBY respectfully infogms the publie that he has commenced, and will be opening for several days, his second pur chases of FALL & WINTER DRY GOODS. which comprise a very, extensive dud splendid assortment of all k.nds of LADIES DRESS GOODS, a very large assortment of Shawls,Frenoli Mo rinoes, Cohurga, Alpachas, and 5000 other arti cles in the lino of Ladies' Wear. Also, a full ld com iletenssotiment of • _ CLO TH, 4 CASSINIEBEt& — arrwei together with a heavy stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. of all the various prices and quali ties, Also, a large stock of GROCERIES.— Come one, come all, and look fot yourselves before purchasing.elsewhere as the order of the day is, "live by trade and small profits." 'novl4 GREATEST BARG AINS IN CLOTHING rgiO the citizens of Carlisle and surronnding 1 country Just arrived a large and splen• did assortment of fashionable ready-made CLOTHING, for the fall and winter trade, at the store of S. Goldman, smith-east- corner of Main street and Market Square, Carlisle. _ The undersignesi., reagectfully informs the citi zens of Carlisle and adjoining country, that he has just arrived from Philadelphia, with a I assortment of Fashionable Ready Made'ClF! lug, which for cheapness -and quality n has been witnessed in this place, such as French, German and American Cloth DRESS 'AND FROCK COATS, Over Coats, and Business Coats; of ; all descriptions, Clothe, Cassimeres. and Sattinet Sack Coats, fine brk and fancy cassimere Pantaloons, superior satin and striped en velvet cloth and sattinet I VESTS. Also, a large assortment of fancy Handkerchiefs, fine white Linen, Striped and red flannel Shirts, cotton and woollen night Shirts, Drawers, Bosoms, Collars, &c. Beautiful fall 'style of HATS & CAPS, -Will be sold at prices cheaper than any where else. Gentlemen are invited to call and eza• mine his goods, as ho Is sure, that those who bay will go away with a good FIT and cheap prices, SAMUEL GOLDMAN Sept 26. '49.-6m Clothing! Clothing 1 - Clothing! NEW CLOTHING STORE• • & L. STEINER respectfully inform • . tJte fable that they have opened a new lot ling Store in the room lately occupied as the Post Office, in South Hanover street, and have on' Ithnli a very largo assortment which they wilfeell as cheap as can bo had in any city in these United States. Come ono, come all, • Add give us a call, And you will be pleased to sect .Clothing, as cheap and as good as can be. oct2 FRESH TEAS wiETE have Just received an entiro new selec. V V tion of choice and fresh GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, embracing Young Hy son, , Imperial and Gunpowder teas, of various quail ties, ranking from'3'7 to 81,25 per pound, from the tea store of the Messrs. Jenkins, of Phila delphia, neatly, securely and freshly, packed in quarter, hall, and pound metalic and paper pack ages, as well as in the bulk. .The !elections are made by ono of the partners, who has, had experience in therlinniness, among the Chinese themselves for ablorneven years; and this ad vantage, together with our own experience, and the encouragement extended to Mt in the selling of these Teas for more than two. years past, encourage us cqationtly to reccommend them as superior to allitbothur selection of, Teas in , this marketfor sale at the Grocery store of July 11 7 '49 • 3. W. EBY ', T01t43 and Cigars. JUST receive ,for.eale wholeialdandie. tail thoibest a ,eheopest .ealedlitirr Of - CV ' GARS to be foutiVany where out Of •the ciiy: ,l The selection consists of .. 2 Granaderos, Emilia, • Castellos, La Prymavora, Plantation, - Leon D'oro Regalia . Principe, '. La Grate, ~ -. Venus and Figaros rMoloseadora, &c. L , All of the finest Cuba and,Havana Tobacco, and put up in the neatest manner, besides I 'have,excellont. sixes and the bestiMelees. Also the best COngress and Cavendish TOBACCO both plain and iweetontid,'M reduced prices for easho .. Pall and exatnine± nty 'stock before q pur.. ClMsing. ~ ,. I will sell by the , box as vats they , ban be had in the city. Don't forgot the , place , eppdaltd the railroad office., , z Carlisle; augt ,-,, ' T. 11.dRISWELV r• 7: - Groceries ,for 1049.- • • • A NEW .eupply b ramie°. Groceries:. Ombra. • eing Coffees, ,Sugars, Molasses„B - plece, end a Slot of GREEN' AND ;BIpACK'TEAS, • With' •all the Other variety of article's in inn , line', equal, had probably suPerliie to usual varieties; has Just been reeeived , and oPettod attbethe subscriber:, Iwberti •• he ;will be , pleas ' fret ~homio dueturners; and ' triende with zany 040 gads front former Tho publ,to; leave, par nitirenlitilbettlfe• JP; itbo. CP 0 0014(01 1 300%. ,3 4 - Puidff,4l oPiAP4.4,e'in l 4.o,6l.9tOh;O'tht. l 6l% 'tin.r994,TDY‘PASlSTfitl'itt,,,SOp.tTit,flo„,oo 0 Pri n e xe tlttr t apple October ' 2 4, 184• ' ' 141 01400fitipoilit t i .. ,„, ' t iik , • . t, - .' g• - itoci, E L.-, .r. , , , ~,. . ' h -, i , RAmPAI r4,-)" eciti , ti' 11F. aubam n -e pt r ' t a ttic iornee, F.c4 . o,,air „ i ,N lof ipktY,°° 9 if seq'4" f Pe r glE I X TA fie= oppaotti t 4 lii , 9 7 Ivliiio ,lie 1!: %lam' him 0 44 tV' 4 # 5 11111 Y .P.if &iii 1 1 1 1 ; 0 0- 1 Z tiee ,„, ved ?a var 4 :Inli a t ilel / 4 ' °nns t . lT ''j f 6 has A a liteGo3os tTf: i ckt iii n 4 :o,iofient p;,„:„ h tL t h er adalilcine / I a o Iheirek htir"P'e li t iiiT;;G.r WHIT ITER.. • f.,, ,; lit' a FaveditYL,Bu ''ra7 1004,4; a - -.7.7"cfitijewlilt 1 ' ' sT k. • -al " '4 1 !1 0 0 , ureitt merle nritir , ,isubscri,ben., , ,,b7, o 9 l 444 p4.4PA lt a.-cor-iireeirYlY allo:29,*nrcolkung)),P,ll SPARS/ , 'r f .0 1 , °:.°74-Aiti aia , tl . ll,l,le.PY ~,ili•o., cape, „4 doloil l , i i i . ivv R ,,, E , 38 ,,,. • yi.v...„ ~,...ty n,g , lIENR L 4 • : fiilry , "' ' , , ' PRESH oopply. of pod w arr an t e d genuine, psi reeetied , n9vt4 • • ,• E1 : 1.10374f. • IMM/==l ME 1 , Sitertir , s' "my 'mud de• sundry' writs ' of Venditioni Elt_ponas, issued - out of the Court of Coininon Pleas of Lumberliiind coenty, end to me dire Ct.: ptir Twill expose the -following Estate' to üblic salc,..ut the Court ..House, in the Boro' olr,Cniliele,_ on - ,SATURDAY, sth.ckly of Tauaiy, 1850, a; 10 o'clock, A. vizt 'A Lot of Wound situate ittFrriakford . township, bounded bY lends of •—•'''Thitiountz, John Hays, Samuel 3ivery and others, con taining 1) acres, mord Or less, having thereon erected a U: story Log Rouse, &,c. Seized a d taken in.execution as the, property of -Mich 1 Laley. Also, all the interest of. Thomas,. . Wilson, in that propel ! ) , known as The Cumber. laud Furnace Estate,‘l34.unte in Dickinson town ship;boundcd by_lany formerly of Dr. Win, Chatiabits, A Gen Pine Grove Estate, Buchanan'e hed - lathers. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Thomas S. !Wilson. Also, a tract of land situate in South )ampton township, containing 4 acres, motb or less, bounded by lands of Martin Thrush on the north, east and south by Wm. Highlands, and west by John Duncan, having thereon erected a two story Frame Ranee and Kitchen. Seiz ed and mini!' in execution as the property of Wm. Hauk. Also, a tract of land situate in South Middleton 'township, known as the "Carlisle Iron Works Estate," containing' 10,000 acres more or loss, having thereon erected a large Brick Mention House. a Forge and Furnace, a now Merchant Mill, with four run of Stone, 3 largo Bank Barns, and necessary Tenant Houses,Coal Houses, Carpcitfor and Black smith S hops, Stabling, Sm. Seized and titken in execution-as the property of Mary Ego, Ex ecutrix of Michael Ege, doc'd. Also, a tract of land, situate in South ampton township, containing 450 acres,. more or less,bounded by lands of It. Scott, Esq., on 'the north, Carlisle Bank Property on the east, the Adams county lino on the south, and lands of Charles Wharton on the West. Seized and. ,taken in excl . ution as the property of William Greasier and James Reesides. Also, a lot of ground,.situate in Ship. peneburg, containing 2 acres, more or less, bounded by lands of John Read on the north. Samuel Wilson on the east, Alexander Meteor on the South, and Mary M'Farland on the west, having thereon erected A two story ples. tend house and Frame Barn, &c. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Daniel Powell.• - - Also,several adjoining tracts of land, situated in Westpennsborongh and Frankford townships, containing 10 acres and-t 99 perches more or less, bounded by lands-e-And- e Forbes, John Dunbar, Georgo Roth and Geo. Strome, having thereon erected a Stone) Mar chant and Grist Mill, a WoollenlFactory, Car ding Factory, 4 two story Dwelling Houses, 2 Barns, a cooper shop, &c. Seized and taboo in execution as the property of M. C. Datlis. And all to be , sold by me, - decl9 DAVID SMITH, Sheriff. Small Farm For Sale. THE subscriber being desirous to remove to the West, will offer at Public ale, on SAT URDAY, the 29th of December, 1849, on the promises in Monroe township, Cumberland county, on the road loading from Carlisle Irop Works to Bricker's Mill, the following pro perty, viz :—a small FARM, containing 18 ACRES and 68 PERCHES, situate in said township, adjaining lands of Johnlioltihoover, Hugh Maley, Isaac Vanarsdale and the above public road.. -Four acres of it is in timber, and the remainder in the highest state•of cultiva tion. The improvements are a we—storyn-and—a—half-PW-DLL.- : ,-•• [ft ING HOUSE, Frame Barn, and other necessary out-buildings, all . of which are new and in the best order, having every desirable. convenience.— There is also a small Orchard of Apple Peach Trees, all of which are the choicest va rieties and in good bearing order. The place is admirably calculated for a Market Farm, being in allgood neighborhood, and within an easy distance of Carlisle. Torre which will be reasonable, made knoWn on application to the subscriber, living on the premises. Decs,4t - HUGH WELSH, Sr. VALUABLE CHOICE FARM AT PRIVAVE SALE The subscribmintending toremove west will sell at private sale the farm on which Ito now resides, located in West Pennsborough town ship Dumberland county, on the Conodoguinet 'Creek; eight miles west - of- Carlisle' and 2} miles of the Cumberland Valley Rail Ruad, containing 128 Acres of first rate clean arable loud, in a high state of cultivation, there are about four hundred pannels of Post' and Rail Fence on the farm. The improve . manta consist of a largo Tw o-11 Story Went herboattied HOUSE U'.• with Wash House. Smoke house, . and Ice House and a never-failing we lof water at the door. Also, a large Bank Barn, with corn-cribs, Wagon Shed and an apple Orchard of good fruit, together with a Two Story Frame Tenant House, with a well of water nt the door; this is one of the best farms to produce all kinds of 'grain and grass in this section of country. There has been a bout five thousand hushels of lime put on this Farm within the lest few years. The subscriber will sell with the above tract if desired, on the opposite side of the Crock, seventeen Acres of nrst•ra'te Timothy Meadow and about twenty-fivb acres of good timber land. rootlOl WILLIAM ALTER. Valuable Property For Sale. IMHE subscriber has. a FARM .which he I wishes to sell. The property is situated in West Pennsboro township, Cumberland coun ty, Penna. five and a half miles West of Carlisle, on the turnpike road leading from Harrisburg to Pittsburg, containing 128 Acres of first rate Limestone Land, in a high state oft cultivation. About 100 Acres of it are cleared, and the balance of it is in thriving Timber.— There is a large amount of Locust timber growing on the place, the soil being perfectly , , •congenial to the growth of Locust. The improvements are a two story BRICK D WELLLING HOUSE, e 22 by 28 . feet,. n two story Back --Building,lK by 22 feet and two stories high, with a double Log Barn, Corn Crib and Waggon Shod, a young . Orchard of very superior fruit, and choice fruit of different kinds. There is a well of water in the yard near the dwelling. This property has many advantages—only five and a half miles, from Carlisle—a market always on the road,. Per sons wishing to purchase Real Estate would do well to' ell andlsee it. Septl2—ti MATTHEW.'DAVIDSON.' • zi - ry E GROOS! THE subscribers•have just completed their purchases of FALL & WINTER GOODS. Our stock consists in part of cloths, casaimeres, vestings, capsinets, of all color; and pricup white, yellow and red, all wool Flan nels ; Kentucky Jeans velvet cords and Bea verteens, Calicoes by the cart load, Gingham:, Mous do Lemnos, Merinoes, Paramatta'e, Co burg Cloths, Alpacas, Fancy Mobeirs, Lustros, &c., Chocks, 'Pickings, Domestic Gingham:. Canton Flannels, white and coloured,. Linsey, Plain,, Brown, Maroon, Green and Milt. de Lames for mi cis per yard; Mous do Leine Thibet and Tekeri SPIAWLSr Long Shawls at 3, 3,50, 4; 5, 6.7,50, 8 and 'IO dollars: Silk and Linen Handkerchica; Cotton, Woolen and Cashmere -Stockings, , Irish Linens, ,Glovea. Cloth, Glazed and,.Fur. CAPS,..Gimps and Fringes, in. variety,,Conbe,;Woolon Yarn, all, colors. 'from Ono to 'coarse, Steel Bea'ds,'Twist 'and ,Claspe, Pursep, Scarfs. ,Waist Ribbons; Slides, Green Bartige. Blue Baraget'TablOCo-• vorrof Linen and' Cloth, CerporChain';Vable 'Diaper, Crash, Linen, ,DlapersiEdgingi i Laces, GP M ' sizes. 4....and„prieee, mbrelr las, l Oargeta,.:Grocarined:4negnsWele, :ROO: the•tioveode *Ore ' bouht for Pash,'WOlifited s si l v e r.' an d if of g 15 to per cent. below these' who,bought on dredit: These.. :wishing. et to 4 i strtCaly - our, geode ehetiper.thpu,tlk a Y,94lol,742nr,_•eli.ewherti. e in A;AN..-Oration , i delivered LL , peforerthe 'Generst , I riion PhilesephiFst.Seeletit.iiif Veiltineen.c6l4 ege,Ypprisylr astei;,J,Olvi-Al„tbeioPill.".)Plc!! , l . a, d uten tit plieuiele "putout copy • 'kat bah, e'had fo r ee te• ca lling ' t yicek Such' :feet!, ,7 ,grimetc"Claig ,. pro,' f• • ,5 " ' ttlE, 10 ' 401145r is,.egent.rqr,thw Comlieny, iiekl, l ollAiabktigell diet ;are lett et hie afore, bOldldeir: to ,witk'heici 'diericiteli.'i The - zepreetellmiee *Weil, morning , et 4.. o'clock, 'arid 5 t 149111,-tti, , r , ,THIS valuable 'worlioidliedlliSpenceolli 'pa4.4 of Mot* insoot.t Cellpgekt.t ielltiewtt ha ,c(Nrepor - publicat.on,H 1 30,1**4djn . TUVIty.-,J l fOntit,o 4 "4.}.tilikgra, ( ea - r` W . il tnirrfd" Bl o4ltvraillnfteili le ; 7l 4} - , uptvb eetzta at Mart a,e oVSIe ; samoVi'lt'itit tottl l t 4 ,l:u t.:XtTuirotttt , fobell AOKAgrl l A o lolldpvNoo : nF , i4 4 'k e r I #II, b 1 EBYP.O -. rt. !s+t;'t_ ~.::. 7:^.. .. <.'~'V~.3(~^.; `:d(~ ,4ut:T*»K't[`~'yGtili.A Attotel4turou BIM =I THE NIAGARA ' , _ MOWER-BATH. • An entirely new ArtiCle-foifilhower-f3a.„ • cold'yratey: it=r THIS Bath took tha'prerniiim at the. Faina the . Frnnlilid Institute, Philadelphiti: 0 e tad . 1848; the only Bath' that ever took lipremiuni - at that institute and also took the first premium at the Fnir of the Maryland Instituie,Novem bar 1.9413'.• A great and' irripoftant improvement is made inthis Shower.bath over all others, by throwing the water imraddineety on the body, without wetting the head, midst; at the Will;or pleasure of the bather; but a grouter point ittlgatned by being enabled to bathe with•warrn water, which no other Shower-Bath is idapted•tb—and . most of all the , Bath can be medicated without injury to the hair,. - Many persons cannot take a cold britteL-Hidi case is met in this as they can regulate thertern perature of the Water to suit their wish,. and commence bathing,, at any season of the year' without any unpleasant result. Ladies can have the advantage ,of bathing without wetting the head or covering the same. The arrangements are simple and complete and not liable to get out of order. The Bath can be adjusted to suit any height, from a email child to the tallest person. When the door is closed, the fixtures are hid and the outside ap pearance is that of a neat piece of furniture. They have received the approbation of sevo' ral medical gentlemen—others are requested to call and examine them. Manufactured by the Patentee. PPHRAIM LARRABEE, ' 24 SoilttialVart iffinif;•Bilthrio - re. BATHING.- , Read what Armstrong says Do not ohnib_ye who would hculihice_ente,_.,.. The iliiily trash - Mt uF.i . )a,that shall clear. The sluices of the akin; enough to keep • The body 'Sacred from undecent 'soil. Still to be pure, even if it did not conduce' As much (aa: it does) to health, very greatly worth Your daily pains I 'tie this adorns the limb ; The want of this is poveny's worst foe, With this external virtue, age maintains A decent grace : without it, youth and charms Are loathsome. January 3,1849. -1y To all whom it may Concern GEORGE W. RHEEM. TANKFUL to the_ptailicigitierally for tae_ favors and their liberal patronage, stillcen tinues to carry on the SADDLE, T RUNK and HARNESS malting business, at his old stand in Nanover street, two doors north of the Carlisle Bank, at the sign of the Mammoth Collar. He is now better prepared titan ever to -- accommodate his-chstomors, having recently made great alterations in his establishment, so as to °nettle him to keep a much better assort ment than heretofore, consisting of Spanish; Dragoon, scoop tub, quilted and plain SAD. DLES. CARRIAGE HARNESS, plated and common; Farmers' Gears, of. all kinds, - Tra. , veiling Trunks of all descriptions and prices,. Keleases and Carpet Bags, Bridles, Martingale Dollars, - Stock, Loather and - Raw-Hide-W-Inm- Leather, cotton and worsted Fly -nets, and all other articles in his line—all of which he is de termined to soil at the very lowest cash ruices. Making and repairingMatrasses of hair husk end straw, and all kinds of will be punctually attended td. 0p25'491y. The Home Journal—Series for 1850. AN ELEGANTLY PRINTED FAMILY NEWSPAPER. EDITED BY G. P. MORRIS AND N, P. WILLIS, ANEW VOLUME of this brilliantly origi nal and peculiar Family Newspaper, will be issued on the .First.of January next. New sub scribers can be supplied with the work from that date, by forwarding two dollars to the Of fice of publication. During the past four years The Home Journal has met with universal favor at the hands of all classes of the community, and the proprie tors will spare neither exertion nor expense to give such increased value, interest and attract iveness to the forthcoming year, as will render it superior in every respect to all the volumes that have preceded it. Besides the original pro ductions of the Editors, the—Foreign and Do mesticrorrespondonce of a large list of eon ributore, the spice of the European and Amer can Magazines, selections from the most in teresting publications of the day will frequently be given. Such features as have been found to be attractive will be retained and new ones added. '• The Belles or our Time," by N. P. Willie ; " Brief Novels;" " Piquant Stories;" the sparkling wit and amusing anecdote, news 'and gossip of the Parisian. papers ; Personal sketches of Public. lb exacters; the' stirring scenes of the city *e live in ; a chronicle of bhe news for lathes ; the fashions and fashiona le gossip ; the facts and outlines of news t the pick of English information and brilliancy ; .the wit, humor and , pathos of the times ; essays on life, literature, society , and morals, and the usual variety of careful choosings from the wil derness of English periodical literature, criti cism, poetry, will still continue to enriiib these columns.. KrAs no mote copies of the first number will be printed than the demand absolutely re quires, and as new subscribers generally de sire to begin will the beginning, it is advisa ble to subscribe without delay, to avoid any disappointment in the early and -prompt receipt of the paper. Teams.—The Home Journal is published every Saturday, at N 0.107 Fulton Street, New York, at the very low price of Two Dollars a year, or three copied> for Five Dollars, payable invariably in advance. . All letters, remittances, and communications (post paid) to be addressed to ' MORRIS & WILLIS,New York Application for Tavern License, ' XTOTICE is hereby given that I intend ap- II plying at the ensuing Term of the January Court of . Quarter Sessions, of Cumberlandt A county,for a license to keep a house of Public Entertainment in the one now occupied by me in the Borough of Carlisle, nov2B JOHN HANNAN. •We, the undersigned, citizens of the • West Ward - in the Borough of Carlisle, in the coun ty of Cumberland, do certify that we are well acquainted with the above named J .0 H. , N HANNAN, that he is of good repute for honesty And temperance, and is well provided with holYse room and conveniences bribe ac commodation of strangers and travelers, and that euch Inn or Tavern is necessary to acco rnodate the public and entertain strangers 'and travelers. Inhoff, J. Whistler, Jas. F. Lamberton G. • W Haien, Hugh Gaullagher , .A. Noble, Geo. lo n dol J. H. Graham, Chas. Barnitz, John Noble, l John Bitner, R. A. Noble, Wm. Colleen,' James Davis, E. M. Biddle. DRUG AND, • FAN I Y STORE U 9 re. LEttAz*.wrlzoalovEiti RESPECTFULLY invitee the den of the publie'to'hie • , . store, Drug and' Fancy .` n W,est .Mairi 'street, Carlisle; where he figs ust received a fresh assortment 'of Drone MO. decinee, Paints, Oils, Perfumery,' .)eiveTry arid Fancy Goods. ~•' Amongst his extensive variety may be found all the most • Priived Patent Medicines, All, kinds of Salts,Dye Stuffs, . QUinine, Opium,Castot and Sweet Oils White' Load, Indigo, Spices, fresh ground: Glass;' Putty, Chloroform, d '• • Shandeliers,ilianniM,Mieks, Sperm'Candlos, Shaving,and.Toilet Soaps, ~);.••• . • Ccilof t r .STiP/• *Mel', • • Bears Chf • I).' Markey, Mid .Ifair3,lyo, „ • Rail, h'•,` Heir;itind Shaving o , lnqu i le, 6 :' " Eih&Dibrr' LOW. and.'ShielllCOmbe 2 ,'• ' Finger,Riiigeoßraellete, Bead Bake and PArses, POr43 ;jj Ai-PA:ller,Spectacles . . Sidd•Pens;,lrik and Inketends, — " - , , ' - Fine -Writing - and -Vote' Paper Envolopen, ' 'Motto Wilferef &Mtn end Paper Weights; ; - ' ll .' Miriora and , FaneyAoxes;; , , -.; .4b Musical and Surgical.lnstruntente,; • al . Fine , Kuive'Lend; Seissorer Cerriageand-Riding Whip s .; - Umbrellan. rinti6r Cloaks, Tint* ,s' . c ' Country ' "" others' may hear seniething 'to their inivintage7,' grEthereal:.and• Pine :,Oil•I.-receiv'ed Sreshful ;.every.v.teek, 4 ,. ' tl:• r .‘ .0 'if irrMedieni, aid And advice gratin AO 14 1 p*,.; , 7, . "- . A - .: ' Doll 7 ;"' • I 4new a.nd4sql#C97. l , ta s IEMPP 'riciiMmenor' l o , ll%lW st a Am:* kin4,e6ei4biforeimanufil 4,4 eu .w ;A V.lnena,ll nOt` break :b3efellingd' , 1 11004 • il „ o 4; %Pohl!! eoßed inerbe wei4ed,wki 4041 0 / end'' reliant einitoiltiedltiv Aheir,A; wig- 1.. bele ly:',.deptonetieod? *hen Vdady : tßated 7.‘ 1 litliftiokel4be abeYtkrecellcedi%ftfeesgl9l,4l, 4C:Ogi."'„f"rti' , ,riV,ll/01. 1 41 31 P•Tvl ; i i onii,,,, t fib e rist I 11610 A rql , t7743l4ol9Tikitct.eekV,44tlollo' ill:',l.!kndiGeinuine; and Will be Bald'it the_doe '" Tioseible tate , by - - _13.7.1 . 4L10TT„P,r , • Fat ao 2X°l Mini