:~r::bva4a§~fi',~z,K~~,'h::i ~„+st^.:ii :,,w.ha;,.::u, • • • Canny - Bunn without Smoke . I i t ‘._‘• Oh, the trouble. folks Irmo, • - To smoke and spoil their bacon."., 41:;;;? To make the best bacan,fat your early and fat thin well. By fitterrinc early, you make a, great saving infrod anti well fattened pork makes,benerrbal.. con than lear,prak. Then kill as early " • as' the weather will allow, and salt as . soon as ttit'animal heat is gone, with-a plenty LI the purest salt, and about half an ounce of saltpetre tor-oneohundred , pounds of pork. As soon as the meat is salted to Yeille iaste, which will generally be in about 7 "five weeks, take it out, and if any of it has been covered with brineOet it drain a little. Then'take blacirpepper, finely • groundand IWO 13li ileeh'side, and on. the ..hockend us_ much.as, will stick, then hang It up in a good, clean, dry, irity place. If all 'this is done as it should.'be, (it ought to be done now,) you will have no further trouble with it, for by fly time is the spring, your bacon is soyell cured on the outside, that flies or 'bugs will not disturb it. Curing bacon is like the Irishman's mode of making punch. He said, Tut in the sugar, then fill up with whiskey, and every drop of water you put in after that spoils the Puna.' Just so with during bacon; after'following the direc tions given above, every drop of smoke ,you-put about it Spoils the bacon. The Horse, The size, position and motion of the ears of a horse, are important points.— Those rather small than large, placed not too far apart, erect and quick in mo tion, indicate both breeding and spirit and if a horse is in the frequent habit 0f, , , carrying one ear forward and the other backward, and especially if he does so on a journey, he will generally possess both spirit and continuance. The stretching of the ears in contrary direc tions shows that he is attentive to eve rything that is passing around him, and while he is doing this he cannot be . uelrfatiguedinor'likely-soon-t"e"nieTh , 80. It has been remarked that few horses sleep without' pointing, one ear forward and the . other backward, in order, that they may receive notice of the approach of obj'e'cts in ally direction. ' When -horses, or mules, march in . - company at night, these in front direct their ears - forward, those in the rear di- Tea them baCkward, and those in the middle of Ad Vain turn theM latterly or crosswise—the 'whole seeming thus to be actuated by one feeling which watch their general safety. The ear of ;the horse is one of the most beautiful parts of him, and by few thine' is the - temper more surely indi cated than by its motforif- The ear is More intelligible even tha'h the eye, and , A person accustomed to the horse, can ' tell; by: -- ttit , expressiv_et firititidii — orthit organ almost all that he thinks or means. When'A horse rays his -ears flat hack, on is nec ,he most assur• y is me 1- taling mischief, and the bystander should - 'beware of his heels or his teeth. In 'play, the ears will be laid back, but not -so decidedly nor so long. A quick change in their position, and more par ticularly the expression of the eye at the , time. will distinguish between playful ness and vice. The hearing of the•horse is remarka bly acute. A thousand vibrations of the air, too slight to make any impression on the human ear, are readily perceived by him. It is well known to every hunting man, that the cry of hounds will 'be recognized 'by the horse, and his ears will be•erect, and he will be all spirit and impatience, a considerable time be fore the rider is conscious of the least sound.—The Horse and his Rider. A Female Miner. The' only white woman 1 have seen in the mines iirthe wife of , a Frenchman, Who came 'here from Calcutta. She 'dresses in trowsers, and wears. a thin hat and red hhirt, as Most of the miners do, and her hair being cut short, is not suspected of being a woman, probably by-one tenth of the persons who see her. The .first time I saw her, I was digging in a hole in the Mokelmay, a few' feet from where she and her husband were working, in a rocker. I noticed her feminine look and thoughtful expression of countenance, and mentioned it to a man who was working neat me. He iz‘formad me that w hat! supposed to be a rt markible handsdme young man was a woman; that •she,,was the wife of. the man at'work Witli:'her, that her, husband was once a wealthy merchant in Cal mina, and that the wife had been acous tomed to ease , and luxury. Failing,-in business and becoming poorythe husband•determined to dig a fortune, out mi . the , earth In California, and' the wife true` to hercOmpanion, only consented; wherilie promised she should accompany 'I have seen her at work with ate' pick; and the 'spade *illy and latethere is.ever thoughtful ex presslon''on her :conntenance, but 'she , never .seems .discouraged,Pind yet the unfortunate pair-have hadilhe worst of luck, nothaving dug gold enough to pay their living.,:! ThieiCene,;ofithe,most •rtirmnOcincidenta iltet t a life. in the, gold t4gings.cif California, from time to, time ‘dP,Y,00PC!•77.8.0400.0 flow you SPEAR." . Hueh you agains tlintolititiotet"ota female I" - It is•air silo has to .defiend upon this' a/o rl d .• Just _eye simpreinuon , zwinge, that she' is not ec k toodaczah'e , ehould.be,*andritlwill fly to eveirnook:und• corner of the. town. The:. atory 'yotrwhisper will return in tonew Of thunder; to astonish 'even-your self,,who was the firit,guiltrWretch to repeat so,basti-a atory: A Word-hated% ten .prov,ed:thrbruin ofm virtuous sonl—r . a, word ; thoughtlessly apoken Tire: but reported by-en evil mind. Suppress any 3thought;Whiclt uttercunnight . I . ,*ertjie'OaliketerAkefaelings of another:, AahM r l i thi'mnhy lie , stifled at , its, birth but' a „ -, ..epc..oloNCiimaxtPeYtirt6b9 • •'.#l,oo. l (*Pt - Y Lttliil 0 1 0 3 4 tlr.ji 10 , thall • ..!npritV,lX.o.l9 o PßOStticaytiCiahguagOrt; rCer@li'9,l4 ,. ),!!! ) hloll ) Origtonl+4mp„l4ll'9l , npypc,,orykrt„iin,,..jaatr 3 W,higpo4)otOt t 4T 'whith-44rue would - throw alighinpciiil.;,, ' abp de re o • ; ;E.,,:rjqpiriAo',4sl , :rtrd':i:gOoletrrs w d , • :0440.0 , o'l•qtt - FAST' tMAE, .lt hYankee' is' nerkr :,1191,02ttY, i s 4lighoatitgnigibingo: , ;Mei walkii , ), .1:q1PRolf!0,111;1P10. iybli:llollhandso hie: pr 1 Rlid. it l l,loo9,4(,,Ks,fllgarliii.. „t A 1 ,'.." - -, ,, itgAT° O .ll l, 4 4 iMP4rAP , PR'AikO , OO,l% 4 Ol. • 'N":',V3lF,lkVrtill,#•tuot4llo4 :•1 .1- ,''at§e L r,4ll)Y4 ft I igiu , W§ 1 14404144,00 , 1 +44' 4 40 Alifirrirr'i • StlT„tisetiaaa / 4 - • • v q ,„, 4 • .!f • ; tSLII; AWL WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, :850 THE-I -ARREST-AND' CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER MIDIIIERLANDCOUNTY! ityeat, or One Dollar and Fifty Cents, if punctually paid in .ddvattee. $1,75 if paid within the year. BECOrWD4ECTIME: OtrTNEiceentive Comthittee arinciUncen to the citizen vT Carlisle, apt-- the SECOND LECTURE of the Course wigbe delivered in Education Tiall, on Thyritdak Evening, the 9d of January, inst. by the Rev. C. WING. Ad- mission for Ladies,! , .Pree. Gentlemen's Tiok ets 12} cents each. The proceeds, after paying expenses, to be appropriated to the telief of the Poor. Lecture to commence at 7 o'clock. John B Parker, Wm. James Hamilton, William Balt, Samuel _Elliott, Thos. II Skiles, Dr. 11 Hinckley, Armstrong Ndble, Jason W Eby, E. Beatty, • S. A. Coyle, James R Smith, Executive Committee. THIRD crurce.—The third Lecture we areautho , r, zed to say will be by Dr. MAB• say, a prominent physioian of Baltimore. We will speak of it more particularly next week. FOR REFERENCE.Stead'Of the usual original poetic address of the Carrier, we had prepared for New Year a table containing'more valuable matter, and arranged. in a form which will be convenient for preservation and refbr• once. These were circulated in the borough yesterday, aid ouch of our'subscribers odt of the borough will find one enclosed in his paper. The New Year With thie'number of our paperwe co_ mence the year 1850, and with , a now determination exert . boruncreesteitnprove upon the per. The Lebanon Courier,•mte of the sirrightlieet of our exchanges, remaks,'"thafin no 'branch of industry is there more apparent *ogress and improvement; than in the newspapers of the country. A few years ago, and a country pa per was looked upon with indifference, and as commanding no influence worthy of attention ; now the country press contests influence and ability with the city issues, and in many cases evidence an equality, if not a auperitrrity. A few years ago, and country papers were badly printed. badly edited, and but little regarded ; now you see them looking as neat and clean as the perfection of die art can make them, flashing with superior ability, and courted by those who wish station and influence. This lo oka well for the ... intelligence-of the interior.— It is not to be questioned that just_ as good a paper can be published in the country as in t a citf,lf • deiictitiffeiPla _dill give 'it their support." Thia is the object we aim at, and _Which w , anildetermined to t .• ._ , • , a—the, design is frustrated by the want of co-operation by the community. considerable accession to our list on the first day of the year has en couraged us to believe "there's a good time ' - coming." We had tho pleasure of adding five now names to our list on that day, and we feel confident that if the claims of the Herald were 'pressed upon the attention of the non-subscri bing Whigs of the county,by our party friends, we might secure that number every day. We can assure all that the larger our list is in creased, the more compactly will our sheet be filled with valuable reading matter. Give your assistance, friends. FrThCarrisburg. Our Stale Legislature mot yesterday Harrisburg. In the Senate parties are very nearly equally divided, the•l000foco strength being• 17, and the W big members numbering 16. We learn tbat:no Speaker was elected yesterday. J. Porter Brawley, of the Craw ford district, was the locoloco caucus candi date, and Mr. Matthias, of Philadelphia, the Whig candidate. The absence of one Sen ator, from the Cambria disuslot, brought par- ties to a tie. A rumor reached us last ev'e ning to the effect that Mr. Best, of Columbia county, a Tariff Locofoco, would probably be elected to-day by the aid of the Whigs.— That's the best they can do, may be. In the House the locofoco preponderance Is considerable—parties standing 41 Whigs 59 loiolocos. John S. MoCalmor.t, a young and rather talented locofoco Member, was therefore elected Speaker without any dr& nutty. He secured the caucus -nominatioa on the fourth ballot, beating Dr.'MoClintoek, of Allegheny, and Hon, James M. Porter, - of Andbamaton r by smart majorities. Qt - Mr. Beat has been electedßpeaker of the Senate—turning the scale on the 9th ballot by ; voting for himself. The Governor's Message, was deliversed to-day at 12 o'clock. . Wm. Jack was re-elected Clerk of the House. A BULL IN THE MESSAGE !—The first' copies of the President';i message contained at the commencement of the second paragraph the annunciation that ..we era at peace withal' the world, and seek to maintain our cherished relations ot,amity with the rs#cf,mankipd," In Merneessge, as ,all.atetrils .. published in the papere same_ paragraph reide,'*.ivenire'ri't peace With an . 12e'rintiorle"ei the lieei I'I.4IIBIOMM odr , clierlel4 relatirine , Of theiri,"''lThis scandal lees :IMllishi'and the drat assertion that "all the worle. f did not, include the V‘rest,of mankind,q, was doubtless elin;of„the-cpen;:whieh,suhsip •qtentlyreeeived.an official correction. • • , i• •1 • DESTRUCTIVE extelisiee flouring establishment know!' town Milla,"looseed Kieheeeiinillite Gros k ; within the preoinets: ., iif `Lewistown; Wes' totally' destroyed liyelfire , ori It. had ; lust , Inert , :binniileted,. at, en, a:penile:3f $ 3 q4.999. by , ; ttepowner ,} 71)r. ~iohntsicrroU; end:. Contained ten rtl of , strupti, a elTut ;Pueblo% and mail , and el ensiya,roderritnprorernent i e r Mr? it.'hailitit slo,ooo 2 lneitianoe: :10inniithing lees ilitirt.looolbit'slielir of 'Whiiety d' emsll ', quan. lilt 'Or tlour r and a boat r :lead,tifilalt-'weei'oon;•' ilhe result .(ifthe Itiotion 'of,,a portion of, the' maohinify. Of thlinsu 7s „ 4 . 1i4p1t 41901C - Ifaß the tDialtinaort' oieNh t ligriini44.tirbutiilitirhitidoounti: R7.0,0074'0 1 ,W:1,010ov be ..rci4bo' et . 14 )"" I .. .I I :, x1m:17,1,1,-139 MlY 4 A9,Boi!Re.p,m4s, itind.heartedfeinelp ceherercn't e P PF lett t'.. :JO,Vrc i kirr4, llll . l -' 1 5° 1 44 4 ..;t#0,4 1 004 I. Tr- 91 MIWPA-4-44t:4:6154 Llght,..mt•-the, Free Thule. Fallacy I TFI• ‘• • pt rßg l ik§UAY REPORT;. ' ' - • particular attention of reatlritifiNnkken of all parties turn ftirirlaekerfun% to the 'extract from the Ite koj ., :!ir (Of the Seoretary unite Treasury,'-which will, be;fotiiid :i on the fourth putt of tmdaY's paper.' 'fihts admirable Report has elicited but one opinion. The united testimony of intelligent, men every where . lethal, RA one , of the ablest documents that 'has ever ema nated from - The' Treasury. Departnieht.- : It ie.', in reality an eminently practical document, and •nry man in the community can fail to un-* derstand and appreciate its clear and Simple, but pnwerfal teaselling: Plausible theories and fanciful notions have much misled the public mind on this subject. But Mr. Mere- , dish has brought the unanswerabley•easonirig of common-sense to bear upon it, and the lan cies of mere theorists, with the sophistries of fallacious rernioners, are dispelled at once. It is not without a purpose, says the Philadel phia North American, that Mr. Meredith takes up Mr. Walker's prirticular estimate of the annual value of all A erican products—three millions of do s, as the latter computed it —and proceer s to apply it -to theobject, very different from Mr. Walkees, of showing the vast sacrifice we make, through free trade, against ourselves and'ln hivor of our rival, Great Britain,-4110 has builtup every branch of' her indUstry by protection. 'We, with an annual product of $3000,000,- 000, and free trade-to 'help us, can 'boast an entire export and import trace •ot $219,00N -000,—while England, with 'her labor protect ed until it 'no longer needs protection, and with an annualproductof $2500,000,000,has an export and import trade' of $520,000,800; whereas her trade, confining her to the ratio of ours, should be only $183,000,000,and our trade, expanding in the same ratio as hers, ought to swell up to the grand amount of Si 9,000,000. I`lk leading cause of the existing difference says Mr. Meredith, with the strong simplici ty of truth, is to litrfound in thr - rfact that Great Britain exports chiefly_ what she has first brought to the form in which it is ready for ultimate consumption; it is at the stage of its highest value, and her market is almost co-extensive with the civilized world. -All history shows that where are the workshops of the world, there must be the marts of the' world, and the heart of wealth, commerce, and power. It is as vain to hope to make those marts by providing warehouses, as it would be to make a crop by building a arn' II the _democratio-partizans of--free trade in the United States, those who study to approve their zeal for Democracy by the loudest pro fessions at hostility against every thing Brit ish, are wilfully blind to the fact that their system is, in all respects, a British lean system—the system that enriches and strengthens England, while it , impoverishes,- and weakens America—the 'system that re duces our. mountry nearly to the condition of a Biitish colony, and out people almost to the -dependency-of British subjects and taxables, —it is very clear that Mr. Meredith permits in himself, and will encourage rn others, no such fatal„and dishonorable blindness. . •'England,' says he, strongly—and them is not a man in the United States who can gain say his words—"al this moment derives a large - portion of her powerfrom spinning and weaving ear cotton. When we shall spin and weave it ourselves, make our own iron, and manufacture our other staples, we shall have transferred to this country the great centres of wealth ) , commerce, civilization, and po litical, as well as moral and intellectual pow )) Are not these words all true? and do they not breathe the spirit of a high minded Amer ican statesman, a man of practical sense add patriotic leeling, who would rather see his fellow citizens employed in building , up the wealth and giandour of their own country, than those of Great Britain How absurd— how unpatriotic—how unnatural, after them, sound the arguments intended to prove—for that is the upshot of it—that it is better for Americans to contribute to the glory of Eng land. Affairs .in Nicaragua. The Seizures by the Lizifish.—The N. York papers by the Empire 'City have recived some interesting documents from Nicaragua respecting recent transactions in that-quarter. They present the official account' of the sei zure of Tigre-Island by the British troops.— The island of Tigre commands entirely the magnificent Bay of Froneeca, which is said to he the only rival of the the Bay, of San Francisco on the Pacific Coast ; • and the opinion was expressed in 1838 by Corn. Belcher, who made a survey of the Coast under direction - of the British Government, that the inter-oceanic Canal across the Isth mus must terminate ahhat feint. This fact tenders the'lemporary cession of the island go•the United States, and its sub tiequent seizure by the British; a matter Of decided importance. The circular from our 'Charge, Mr: Squier, announcing the cession of the island to the United Stales was dated September 28. Yet on the ,18th of, October, following, Mr. Chatheld, the Swish Charge appeared in the Gull on board the war-iitee mer "Gorgon;" and proceeded at once to take possession of the island "in the name of the QUeen." I 'THE PRIMIDENT'S Mustiu.ou.—The tnahlmorn Amerloarvanye to Jrefurence to this :tloptiment; that upon all ,mattore of., domestic interest, Michell upon , in the .-viumage, the img• Tres!' of a:praptibil common sense is 'visible.— There ie also, apparent throughout, an elevated of pstiloilimAirge and national; bpi tvhat,ls..especkiellly; prominent Is:-that in- , damnable purpose SOrshailleteristid Of the , man who.fought:Oil tiVe"*.lO;iitriinieg;Aii4::,OV:ijnona Vista; to carry out his Glyn Mintiotionsgofwhat is right:and proper,' with a single eye to the ' hboor end well-lning of. the country, 'recipe's tive.Otallither'conaltieratie-mi wliatevee," on, you, will nOt tluvepettr,.o . f.'lthuriol .titurglittrmore ,potent, to annihilate the - TOroportionio ,Of dementia rdge - Ond, enmity; than .words" of caluilandkdUterrilined Manliness be t foie and fanitical virdleinse;v4hiCh ha. spread Itself ; out in, advenet to pvervvhelm the chosen:ltif the ieople'and to oheoutiVhe clear ipeiceptio ' ua' of, the public fitirMi: Wit. 1 J: BkOWii;bOttel: linGwo Us !'.lllr.r Vane of tiler linileil..of Rep= reeentaiiieo r ; hoz oddrqueed , ri- leueeio` hiu . '' . j W e t''t ' ' ...- i' lidn' ''' 't ' ' •.' honstitue u'eoio no a. re-e 043 (0 . 00,0 grape..:, He might ',Wore • eivatt:hlnieelilthat itauble;;1•;:l t . would 'be diffidnittiiiin if LC' . 9:O4:: - : Oiiiliiiii,:,*ilo',:i!foii 11' iti,* ,IlPilie• 4 o.4)"(l•;:o",Y9ljing.to,i•eturn•iuolLi , puon to llitiO Atil4ll l ,4:foannli.'l o V ''i''''`'•;;;!'" '''.T'"'"' , . I .o: B l ip Th '' ''." - -,' ' ,,'''., '. ,' n ' = '•„,0 , ,•0140P,0tt I FP'•' ,T . ° , I.!4? 1 !4'",:. - i! 4*,,ifl *ol',,f4iiin:lillo , :illilis+'o 6 4cPi - , - l',"r*itiio4ls''',6o6'6, .s*SlittiW,6l l Akiii . •,' i li;"l ,l oY . ' l 4 . tlifiti 6 iliViiniVirilfk , liiier:s : i,''.if' 2 !4 lo' l 3 )ik " " e s a o4 : ` 01 4761 ‘0 4.1 A, 1. 41 11 4H4 1 4,4; i , ~, ",•• ':::-, ",1 i',...,'",;' ''' 7 ,. ; -, :„ . ,.Ar:::., . , . IMMMEMII ;:: Ft/ithe'i Oirro,Cyr Carnmatunt,/ • ' I wrein p r int last MMith;fi'itVi ‘ aortinientd' pity, ,and you; some isceou4 ef CM it: arOvali &o- lii.inte'writink myself non?: cludedl6 go ilt1) the,Aineriee'n Fork of the Sid ramenip and golnto. 'the gold digging. We have located at , a nluee,five miles front the riy 7 , er "Cold IE/Pflug:" It,la a, place lately settled and ..eint las tWe''hinidied" inhabitants, meek , living in tents and under shade trees. "Log cabins". are rapidly. golegip, preparatory for the rainy season, and most, persons :will soon have. comparatively good, quarters. We berg' done some little mining. LaSt week we ‘ioilied fiie days and averaged ten lian"oh - F 4 0.._1 day, or $5O each for the week. This is considered a fair average hero, although others, are doing better, and some worse. We hoar of some largo "strikes" •as they are called, where very large sums are dug hp. Miner!, howeYer, keep their own secrets, and:it is hard to come at the truth. Obr dig gings are on. a celebrated dry . crook, called "Weaver Creek," where large. fortunes have been made: A great many !Tisane are con stantly travelling from one location to another, • looking for good strikes and rapid fortunes, while others are satisfied with realizing their $lO or an ounce ($l6) per day. We have been Frepartng to build our house, and lost about a week at that. It will require a number of days yet to complete it, when we will again recommence mining. I hope during the winter to realize enough to go into other business,whieli will pay equal ly well with less labor and exposure. You have seen It stated that mining gold is hard work. It is, "in these diggings,"—equal to canaling or railroading—requiring a great deal of picking and shoveling, and it ie the in dustrious and hard-working man that will get rich. I consider the gold in this country inexhaust ible.. Not a hill or valley but contains .it to a .greater or less extent, and the place of its a bundant:ape-site is so uncertain that wit-until all the yanks ore dug over;will its riches be discovered. There arc great openings here' for men to get into profitable employment, but our Yan kee emrgrants will soon see and profit by their Shrewdness in occupying them. The gold here la universally received at $l6 per ounce, and in common transaction, is only inconvenient for the necessity of weighing it. I send you a specimen of the "gold as pro-- cured here. At other diggings it differs in ap pearance, higher up the creek it is coerser,and on the rivers it Is finer in the particles. Tho sample I bend weighs six pennyweights and six pains Trdy, and is here worth $5. I have heard nothing from Meeark Alter or. .11er. since I wrote to ou. Ceara Williams and Kneedler are in our neighborhood and are nave already 1 believe Informed you of the good order that prevails in this territory. The fact is generally the right sort of people have come here,and it is their interest to keep things orderly and quiet, and the •people honest.— Money is easily got, becabse if one - has it not, he can go down to the creek and dig it up, consequently there is no credit either esl!ed for or expected. If a person wants anything he "puts down the dust, and tho gold scales ad usta the amount. I told you of some of the enormous prices paid here for good merchandise. Oniuns,piek les &c. aro considered as' antidotes to scurvy, a disease likely to prevail now in this country where so much' bide provisions are eaten. On ions sell for one dollar and a half a pound, a small jar containing a little•over a quart of as sorted pickles $3. Potatoes about $lB per bushel, or 30 cents per pound. Unhulled bar ley sells in this place at'33y cents per pound, requiring about 111 for a small feed for a mule. Yet our big earnings prevent us feeling it. The Now York Tribune for California, Or egon, and the Sandwich Islands, 41 brought here by an agent and sold for $1,50 per copy; the same agent goes back by the same steam er and carries letters at SI each, to New York there to mail them for their particular, destina tion. We are well. GEO. FLEMING. oc:rThe southern members here are -much incensed at that part of the President's Message which expresset his determination to' adhere to the - Union, happen What may. They say that the passions of Congress and the sea tional feelings already sufficiently prevailing throughout the country, did not require addi tional fuel, but yather a curb ; and that if the message made allusion to the difficulties whibb now attend-the settlement of grave political questions, it ought to have Veen in a concilia tory spirit, and not couched in language which may be construed into a threat. So says “Observer" GRUND, the 'Washington correspondent of the 'After. Now, says the Philadelphia San, were we President, end the Toombs and Stevens, and Meades of Congress, were to apply such language to us, wo ehonld reply in the words of ftrutus— Fret till your proud heart break ; Go show your slaves how choleric you are. Ahd mace your bondman tremble. 'blest I budget Must' I observe you I Must I stand and crouch Under your testy humor 'I By the gods, You obeli digest the venom of your spleen, . • Though it does split you! . SCOPENOION OF THE DIPLOMATIC Tanceuests,.. ?mg Aurrnak—Gen. Ca55....44 been. the brat to mcive.in •the Senate - MI!? the United States the suspension oirslidipio T matte inten3euise with Austria. The•prope. attion submitte.iby General Cass in Aviation In thi3 matter isi inAbe Joint Of rtteitoletien:rd instruction to 'the, Pinnatittee pc ''Voreign Relations +'.' lt'ie in Abe lollovOng words: r* Riaolvid;-That thetlenimittee on Foreign Re'Militia be instr,uoted to inquire into the , ex pediency 'of suspeaclitigliligiorriatik . rMityina. with'Austria,. it 'le stated that Mr. Webster„wiliavorthe oneaSure, and' that Pen,;Fayior 'nO . • Ttia moNTzsraurve.—:-Aoa moot ea.r •• 4 IL,tiou; a" younger I. wo - men , now, — Liop - 331ion# cia,fge..ef, log Alfred lonee ,; tutd Kirbyi arrived , Lbute When France', Ike ` 04‘41!)4..4iiIi4.*ady.,!!!.'lf)1:41..ea'0ii 'ed'herii, arid itaimatikin: lie r eceived wore.tafter hie arriraird New. Orles.inr..',•(' , ,",T, 1. • , ceslnve• •„,•CL It, AM' e, T " learn khi l o,4lilbc!, 4(KY))l 7 .r°,„#i d/ V h ?! , the giand'jiiiiiir,i,WfortrA:o9optY;Rarr , 1 9 2 4111% sesttgatitni , cria 'Ey! si'efnaiiFxl l o#4i •i• t— 5..4 ) if ' ;o ! 4e 9 / 4 :P0CAk 5i . 5t ; 4 0 •4; ?" r61444:4 4 1 ,ot BLikE, 11(16for t :"enl, contest ftrreickt.'f! ,. .akike:R;''ROrl•Cn; tir!*'"f;:ii;:#lif, t t l ofAistii*fill!4l l fie4rfql#o* teiker;;;,'; , l(;,baiff,ieittittlidhlititticiAlitii l 4llAtitO liiibl'eelindidetePOtit;l4,,k"AAl,F;rg.r.),o;l•4l(:, 111M1111111!1E=E= ' Latest from EuOope; The Stearriehip Cambria, Ceptrinehannoni..: arrived's!. Halifax at an early houeon Fridafiz: 'morning. The Cambria sailed' train :Livet;%]4. pool .on the 15th inst., and conisequently, brings fourteen days later adv ises. '.:.The news, in a commercial point' tit .v ‘ itsmr;''' is:..highly'importaiii. Cotton had 'advanced one-fourth of a cent on most American de scriptions. Bread stuffs were firmer, with 'an advance in Indian Corn of Is to is 2d.— improvement had taken in Atitofl4 can securities. 'The amount of Bullion in the 'Bank' Of:England had been increased to six.; - teen 'millions two hundred and fifty thousand pounds'. Another expedition is-about being fitted out to Hehring's Straits and further to . the eastward, in search of Sir John Franklin.. Capt. Sir Edward Belcher ' it is tho't will have the command. Intelligence had been received from India that all Sikhn chiefs who were implicated in the late.insuriection Chur Sing Lave been captured. France.—Four hundred of the insurgents of June arrived in P 41119 from Havre and were liberated by the attorney general on the 4th. %^.tit~'c~f , .'.i:., , -.. ~..._.:•a;,• .•..~~F ~.ca,,i~;kiarr.:arr~~~s A pamphlet by Ledru Rollin, in defence of his conduct on the 13th of June has been eized, and proceedings instituted against the printers and publishers, for exciting ha tred, of thfrgotrernment. A stamp•duty of 4 centinues is about to be.laid upon newspapers. The President of the Republic has origins* the idea of .es tablishing, under the contiol 61 the State, banks of mutual assistance for the working classes. Bth—The further accounts from Algiers. !date that not a sent in all Zetchu has been, left to tell the tale of Its sad and inournhati overthrow by the French—the whole city to desolate'? 9th—The motion to abolish punishment by death for all classes of offences, was this day rejected by the assembly. ,Austrui and Hungary.—The state of siege will be removed from Vienna on the Ist of January. Orders have been sent to the army of observation to approach as near the Saxon frontier as possible. Notwithstanding all the precautions of the police, Kossuth medals' have been introduced into Hugary. They ale considered by Magyar patriots as of inestimable value. The Calpgne .Gazette publishes letters from a correspoji'dent whcfhas recently made an excursion into. Hungary. He declares that lamentable• revolutions , and misery reigned in the land; that old men women and chit_ 'then are to be seen in want of the common. eat necessaries of life, and that fertile and cultivated lands haVe fallen to a lower price than the virgin ioresis of Ainenoa.. Many of the great proprietors have disposed of their estates. The advices from Turkey state it to be the general opinion there that the difference ex -Istmg between Turkey and Russia is as far removed from a settlement as ever. The present object of the Emperor Nicholas seemetd be only to gain time, to keep mattersin suspense till the return of spring, when he will tlifelV - off the mask and put his long meditated plans far the invasion of 'Turkey into execution. Many things lead to this conclnsion. Thore is nothing of interest from Rome.— _ .., Everything remains quiet. The first intet views orthe' l l"uptrwittrOvineral --- Baragnay -- d'Hilliers have not let to the result which was anticipated. The general prolongs his stay at Naples. At this moment the return of his holiness is again throwni. into .uncer- , tainty. Latest - from California. 'By the arrival of steamship Empire City at New York, on Tuesday morning last, from Chagres, we have dates ,to 'the. 15th ult., fourteen days later than previous advice,s.— The news she brings is of a highly interest_ ing character. , The election has terminated generally in favor of the democrats, who have succeed ed in electing their candidnie, P. H. Burnett, for Governof,, over Captain Sutter, the Whig Ica ndidate. From the returns received, there is little doubt of the success of the entire democratic ticket, and of course a majority in both branches of the Legislature; winch: secures an addition of two more democratic , members to the U. S. Senate. The total! number of votes cast in San Francisco was. about 3,300. Nearly all the candidates were' independent nominations. The Con stitution was adopted by an almost unani-- mous vote. ne-probabilities are that R. M. Price and G. Wright, democrats, are elected to. Congress, and that Col. Fremont and -W.. McKendree Gwin will be elected U. Stites Senators. The Empire City brought 250 passengers,. and about halt a million in gold dust. 'The Empire City did not bring the .Cali— lornia mails. They will be sent by the Fal con, which will leave Chagres about the Ist pf January. ' Friars were entertained of a lnmine in they interior of California, the rainy season. having set in; making the road to the sea— board almost impassible. Pro Visions were, very high in San Francisco. Pork was sel— ling at $65, and flour at $4O pr barrel.' Col. Collier, the recently uppoiutbd &Hec— tor of San Francisco, had entered upon the , duties of his office. Speculation was as ripe as ever at Sall Francisco, and buildings going up at a mar— ' vellous rate. Carpenters wages, sl6' a day. The overland trains which left the United States last spring and summer, have. all, or ,nearly all, arrived safe in California. They were subjected to manypnvations and hard— silips. „ , 'The ch9lera ratetill at Mazatlan, but, we: are happy to add on the decline. 'There has been considerable excitemenit at Panama in regard to the transmission, of; the mails; but it is believed that arrange._ Menus' are 'how making which will' renidver alliust complaints. , , i tivate intelligence has been received.rill the death of Captain Hermann Thorne, Wit , Et. A:, son of the well known niilliotianceoP• that name. He was drowOrfa' in Crotising:ttlte t Colorado, at she junction olthesctila. tThe , rneason! ,, was t over, and %et .miners were, returtiingti:tet'San Francisca:lo. large numbers tiecteitirf - k estirrated'a(fOrkeight fourteen milltone4 The.' healtht ;911 'mitt the, t igoirdiysentery itpdt 'Sere prevailingljoiteorrilideratile extent. h .!,•!.. 4 .J. _ WELECIRAPII ...00EAN; T . ld'§'cifriii#o,Atii , e,ttiail le,autliorized to ate!ei that an:exteopiva ~Guita'Percha ,taaatifaist: rei ,, ,' a, C,l *l ta ' York atangi'leaft.! t(! . : t iei,,ioi n t gu ata4ti.,4ll 4eititi:;for.,loillyolo4 li 110 1 3: y , , ,, Orals" the Atlitiitio,e!inirflanil`'lliliulitted 'eriele , I 44iiiiti 'iffiih Gl?itaYetebao e''enen nat •tni 1 , iiiiiied,threil.' ittilliane ' o of &Snare, to be complete is twefitielhentha'from date tit:contract, Thie , ' (grata': aaholaa:lo ll ,:cooAfloP l, thei attention; 0 f ~ ' 9 31 N1', 1/191 at an ' .early dity.", rffe Waled ready to, . I , I I I Y dewil a etinillif line , 'on :Om ‘i / latkkiia! itl it Itioni : from OD 3raiatiailpikti) the Pacific, to , be % a(iorpliitetVvritlilifthrei r yeitre - frtinc'thi - „ditfik)er ihe contr'act: ' ' , - Ar % i , ~ .:',.J, .; 2,,,i, ! lonrt,..+-4t ipmc,:•,4l,,F . as, ,t)n . .evidenpe ,of tto( °,, 6 1 ,fl i kkari! It: l4 l ' . , t:t4if , !ale De,,?,, 439t,Ci?0,11i,,tiVotc , tuad on, 'i inwarth,,,nre'' 4 'ere kr'""aodl4o)4,°!!lo4:,'lii.o,77.*iilp'Pn' 'the'' i'..;,?ji . .o:o:::.prj74 7, f#!fi:f,7lTP;(o,re that thattiat' , : I,: t ilttßitf,Y,,o 4l : l ,iitl t M i lt,,,htal ta lltffla i lYt lifitehiT ki4 lknta , `,7' ," ":'''.'' , ' M 'il' 4A '' ) .'"?'''' aft.l 4 ''''''' ''f, L , -, MUNE G4DeseieV , The hew State of lithe , ,Heney. Bee ) " t Which aspirineto of-heft adrhittedfrinto the CUiliortVit Is saicrmakes rathertoci r .'extenrOye pretentions to territory. • ;,; ..3, Cahlornikhas ,alloWed herself , cou4prable . elboit-r4iin" l'iler'ritory(htit ' sheep into: insignificance beside the pretentions of her Mormon competitor. According to the brute daries, -tlessOed ta.s%Pfl!?!Aution, the infant "Deseret" stretches north and south, in its•extrernest length, from about 32 degrees 30 minute's, to about 42 degreeus 30 minutes —or over 13 entire degrees—of latitude, or about 900 statute miles; and east and west, in tts greatest bredth, from 1064 to 1204 de. grees—or 134 degrees in all—of longitude, equal to about 720 miles.. The mean length and breadth are each ribput 660 miles; con sequently the modest We Provisional State. of the Mormons presents a total area of no less than 935,600 square miles; which would make it more than ten times as big as the State of Kentucky. Or, to give a still more vivid idea of the grandeur of the intended Mormon new star of the Union, we may say that its area comes within about nine teen thousand square miles of equalling the entire superficies of the States of taneky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia all taken together—the whole im mimeo expanse, of territory circumscribed between the Gulf, the Mississippi and Ohio rivers, and the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean. According, to the Government map of the areas of the Territories of the,United States, which accompanied Mr. Pelk's last annual message, the whole territory of the Untied States west of the Rio Grande and the Rooky Mountains comprises about 867,540 square miles : Of this "Deseret," thereto:7re, , grasps, as we have intimated, at somewhat more than one-half. ~ And this, too, while Mr. Rabbit, her delegate at Washington, claims for Deseret a population o 1 only 20,- 000 I TEXAS AND NEW MEXICO.--The infor mation from Santa Fe that the inhabiiants had taken preliminary steps to organize a a territorial government, had caused the greatest excitement in Austin, Texas. Many were for marching an armed force thither and and puttit4doikn the rebels as they are termed. Tne9lustin Gazette advises delay until the receipt of the President's message, Ind at all eventii that the`Texafis shmild not precipitate a crisis, or complicate matters by violence. It still reiterates determination to have Santa Fee, and says: 4 "Rather than surrender to the usurpatin4 of the general government one inch of our blood-won territory, let every human habita . n-Sautzr-Ferberleveled-to-the-eaithrantl•. us, if the necessity of the ease requires it, be buried beneath the rains. FATAL ACCIDENT.—On Thusday mor ning, while a party of men were hoisting a large stone at the bridge in course of erec lieu by Mr. John Duffs, on the York and Cumberland Railway, a short distance from York, Pa d the crane broke and the stone fell, killing two men and.injuring two others, one of whom is not expected to live. One of the killed is an Irishman named Thomas Gonder. The names of the others were not ascertained. 'REPORTED DEPALOATION.-AD alleged I defalcation by Prosper M. Wetmore, late Navy Agent at New York, is the subject of discussion in the city papers.. The ambunt is put down at half a million dollars. Mr. Wetmore denies that he owes anything, and the sum of the matter appears to be that be claims large commissions for services which the Department. is not willing to admit. Proceedings have been commenced agains him by government, A bill has been reported in the legisla ture of Georgia, entitled "An act to'repeal the present Whig end Democratic parties and in lieu thereof to establish a Southerr Independent Republican party." ' COD-LIVER OlL—Acommittee of the Boston Society for Observation in Medicine and Collateral Solonces r have addressed a cir cular to the profession, Inviting some account of their experience with cod liver oil. 'Cr The Legislature of South Carolina adjourned on tho 19th ult, without dissolving the Union. ICY•A Lotter fram Washington states that the difficulty with England about the Nicaragua question, is as good as settled.— We hope so. . Sim H. L. BIILWER, the tetr,oy Extra ordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from Great Britain, was presented fo the President on Monday. ' gicrßegin the New Year with good rbsoluttons. Resolve •to do all you can to make it the happiest and best year you have ever spent. , • KrBRANDRETH'S PILLS A,RE e , utttlX. Cutts FORIMPLUENZA.—This complaint- has become so frequent, that there are few persons who have not had It mayoral Aleies. Ills a kind -of ,ertallgaant con- Umlaut .cold; attended with much fover.• and great prostration of, etrength.• ;Bo noon ailtosalble. swal low six•br eight. alarga Owls absolutely ne cessary to reltattcrhe. brain, that organ appearing to sulfa greatly', fiu . this, complaint', •When _they have, operated Melt, put your feet and legs,in'hot..water,or take n'hot bath.. De pure Mkt be Turgid bettne?you use, p. ny ,menni of 'lncreasing. cliettiellorti your Ilfe•marbe .the , forfeit, Now 'solo 'bed and' when in beddake.two.MOre Pills and some bot bone: eel tea,, allt111P; or balm of, balsam, or epme water gruektanV.of thrum warm drinks will answer, and' which • may r be" left litter , of thentc.wlll help to restore ' persPitailon,'and'this me thod wiltgenerally cure.' • Should, however, the pa tient, afteettie pills widener thls„treatment. not be better In themorning, let hiui take another sin, eight,, or'len"pilis more, according to 'the, Urgency' of emu. toms, and thewarm drlnke;andlotor general bath; at•.night.; Itlyl.experience has shown • me. - that the third day generally Ands *lmpatient well; whoa title elan has been adopted- front,the beginning. :„tit' any 'event, the continuance of the treatment Is the beet that'can,be adOpisd.whether'. It takes, one day or twentYio•ellbet te mire. • HoWe'rer bad the head' mai; btroteVisr-lei blood he drawn or leeches applied: We Want all the. blood we have. . Instead of loosing this `life of our ;flesh,' let. uslake more - pillsvwhich will take the death priliclple front us, leaving our, block' vallevedvand ready; to rani , . all lee life powers' for our restoration, so soon tut the purgation .ues l e r( iLllerltoleffectlihis'objeet..! • - • • jEI old' In 'Ottrilele .at 2Scanieper box by.CHABLES PARNITZ ~ Chlbertson;' Shrensburg If;•‘Bronneltiar, NOW Cumberland Shiremanstown; Coyle, Hoguest yvn: . 0.../=Conr,stdirk , /, , :„& para t Iri no; conelet Int or : • ,Thk.ganylno Balm: of Columbla,for rentoriogfii. Ooiin'ors` bagical. pall.N.l4ector, for nine, • • k. „ newels' Nem and Pine LI nltimiit 11.0inutkatIsm Atourila Oil for Dearhose.: , ., • Ilays'Llnlnient - -"•1"7"•7• - ''' Comstock 01,08'i .'ConconfritediCiiriiptiand ' Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, fee purifying the Rl9od, Di Pgrbii , * sick fletidiehe,fternillyV 4 • . The! othisegßeller4..an'llndlin.ElDOUVerV'' :LonFleVe (neat Wiliter&•Panaceov s•• : Or,P,ortholOmervN ,F4poOlo!'.ant: Pink . ElYruP for Colder' ' $ COMlsSeliliture fai Secret Diseaing, • ' Knimitock,i'Verniyagolny,Vforms In Chlldreil:.2'. 'Brirsvu'r ore ,Choleriitinlirkifi,:Dyientity;•Autsaud . ' , rut ido:tthillOg , On" min • or•heast,"&e . ake n Iniornally applied atit-womh.z,All the above volnikleogrowaskins, which Want of room preveili uaapeiking;of:more.,particularlyi:hnt,whlch' hive otital,:enixhir highest% celebrity; aro , foxialo Hold "011ARLES',OPILIIY..;iolo,;ocehti'y 'Pelted' direbOotio bi , tbdtid'vrith - rlettilirtialtl7: , ;'. 4 • ' ' r • :Faint lyArily;ipTopz.--The organiza . : Lion of thei'H'Onee:le' not yet complete, but t,he.eleeilon oC4iclerk'vattil other officers was expected O . take 'place to-day or to ,Frtorrl., Seine tlemorietrations against the administration'have already been made by Southern members, 'by calling for inforrria lion respecting the State Government of Cal ilornia and the expected organization of a a goyotrinneoLin New Mexico. The South appears de.ermlned to oppose Calilornia be cause ehe has declared herstill free. The Committees in the House were announced on Monday. , . The sleigh-riding . portion of the community are ma rig-the most of a slen• der fall of snow w 'oh has whitened the roads a little. We s all have some good sleighing soon, however, judging from the hidieations of the weather. 7.our late townsman, Prcif. H. A LLEN, was yesterday inaugurated Presi• dent of Girard College. with due ceremony:" The city papers speak rd his address as being eloquent and appropriate. • • R. M. Barr, Esq., reporter of the Su pieme Court, died, at Reading, on Wednes day last. His term r:11 office expired this month. amtaz..azt.unualmarso. . • Near Meeh • anicksburg on Thursday evening . last, by the Rev. A. Babb, Dr. DAVID H. WAS, BURN of Fairview—formerly of Dauphin Co. to • Miss BARBARA ANN EMMUSQER, of Silver Spring ' tp., Cumberland county. 11.;_eLancaster and Philadelphia city papers - pipes° copy. Near Hoguestown, on Tuesday evening! last . y the Rev. John G. Fritchey Mr. RICHARD MELLY. to Miss SUSAN VOGELSONG, both of Sil. v i 9r Spring tp. , In Mechanicksburg,on Thursday last, by the same, ML DAVID MILLER, to MISS:SARAH ANN PARLOR, both of York county, • On the 20th of December,' by Rev. John M. Bishop, Mr. B. F. Scissram„ _ Indiana, to Miss ANN IVIARTHAMAGI NNW, of Washington city, D. C., and daughter of Mr: A. Maginness, of New Albany, On Thursday, th,e 20th , of December, 1849, by the Rev. C. P. Wing, Mr. DAVID RALSTON, to Miss RHEA WASHMOUD, both of Dickinson township, Cumberland county. [We acknowl edge with the above, the receipt of a ,generous share of wedding cake, and tender our best wishes fer the long continued health, happiness and prosperity of the young couple.] /In Kingston, on Tuesday „last, by the Rev. John G. Fritchey, Mr. JOHN FISHER, to Miss ELLEN Nissan, both of Silver Spring tp. • DIED. /At Silver Spring Forge on the 101 h Wt. after a long and severe illness, Pun a= A. CRAM), in he 60th year °ibis age. /On Tuesday night, the Ist inst Mr. Jona ; res, aged about 55 years. n this borough, on Sunday evening the 30th t• Sergeant A. KiNG, formerly connected with the U. S. Army. , - uddenly on the same evening, Sergeant Jo , tram-Yr-Q,um.—The-deceasetl-ltad..tong-licemia...... the army,-and sarved-thrmigh,,the campaign in . Mexico. lie was engaged in laying out -the corpse of Sergeant King i and had sdarcely com. plated his-task-before - be - fell to the floor and - when taken up had ceased to exist. Both were buried with military honors on New Year's do •. On Tuesday morning, the Ist inst., Joint •Z TAMAN, aged about Olean, FOR RENT A TWO story, Stone HOUSE, on the south corner of High and East streets, occupied by Wm. Reilly. Possession given on the Ist of Ap. il. .R M HENDERSON, Jig's. For Rent. THE Store room and cellar now in the occupancy oldie subscriber, .• in west Math street, is offered for rent. This is a desirable stand - for business. Possession given mmedintely, nr on the Ist of April neat. and the stock of goods now in the store will tie mss: posed of at the same time, on reasonable tenths Apply to den% I, WORMLEY• A Al E to the premises,of the..suliseriber,, iti IL I Dickinson township, Cumberland county, on the . 19th of December, 2849, FIVE HEAD OF SHEEP.—. Some of them have marks and 41. 11 74 others none. One has died since they were taken up, leaving four now in the possession of the subscriber. The owner is requested to come forwhrd Prove pro perty and take them away, or they will Ee dis posed of according to law. jan2 EMANUEL LINE. Estate of James Irvin, dec'd. ETTERS of Administration - on the Estate. .1-1 James Irvin, late of East Pennaborough township, Cumberland county, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber,,residing in the same township. All persons having claims' or demands against the estate of said decedent are requested to make known the same withont delay., and those indebted to make payment im mediately. [A BR' M. copLE, jan2.6wpd r. Estate of Fied'k Goodyear, dec'd. Ia"TERS Testamentary on the estat of Fred' k Goodyear, late of Monroe towns hip, Cumberland county, deceased, have been grant ed to the subscribers, residing in the same town ship. All potions knowing . themselves indebt. cd to the said estate aro required to make imme diate payment, and those having claims to pre sent them for settlement to JdllY GOODYEAR JACOB GOODYEAR, DANIEL GOODYEAR, Emeentars. jan2 -.- Estate of Michael Bear, dec'd. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the estate of Michael Bear, late of West Pennebo rough township, Cumberland county, deceased, have been issued in duo form of law to.the sub scriber, residing in the said township. All per sore indebted to said °sista will niece .immedi ate paypent,,and those having : dolma , against thelsakne Will present them foreettlereent to • *- HENRY BEAR; Exenutor.• of Michadtßear; ile'ed., • ' Jan. ". ''• ' • , • • 'John Wallower and Son y , (Successors to *link and Male.) ' Forwarding and Connidssion Merchants, and 'agents for the Central Reirßoad, Wholesale ffealers,in Groceries, Pr:educe, Coal, Plaster, . -. Powder, &.a, Hairk' burg Pa. 1114,..; N. 0.'14 . 131711.TNCE Agent for the sale ofiSintatoOrtiilfuntifaduring •„. Co's. Witting 'PdPers. -IParShouse, ,No. 1 3.:. 4llinor• St., Philadelph ia. . l loo CASES •of the above ,superior }le pers now in store, and for solo to the 's trade at the lowes t " rnarkie isFipti,;F,?!!pleitink, in. ' part of ' ( • Fitia•titiek - Flat Capi;''l2,'l4; 16 end , t 6, lbs., blue and White: • • '" ••• • Superfine Mediern and white:: ' • • --Extra-rniftir ind'saperfineopiLiallyNitifi and. white, plain end,4uled.'','' • • Superfine:thinnnerellEPosts, blue, and Ante 'plain and ruled 'ay ,-, ExtratPuPArtA-4"464,,pajicro plai• n o hilt; ' ,-SiPeaiiektiketiltfapersinng ld and Brond`. ,gpperfina,and:Bne Counting pease Cape. Posts; tabu. and,White,, . , E xtr auper,Vontfresa Cops and betteitaqplain and rul e d, blittrand White.• -., -- Extra super Congress Cops and , Letters, . gilt, • vc• Superfine Bannon Caps and Poets. , , Superfine'tdue•Linen -thin Leiterse:- • - Extra supeXHnth,Paenti.blutfand white; plain -Eiribroidea•Ntitit'Bittiratitid "Lawyer's". Brief .PePerrtit• AO, ..‹••• f r' &Perrino, andlfine'Capsitiltd rtiste,'iuled and anent,) • --- •• . '; Also; - 1000 -.fettnie - whit•Vaitd•-assoried Shoo Papers; Bennet IBtitirds 4 '.'whltiC ilia , assorted Tissub, ,, Tes,tWiapping, , !ErrielePeilsseertaddv: • blutiMediurne, Cap ItirappOt•Pardwllt° ere;;'Ptr•A`;;;':;•11)*Ici; , (4 , l •l' ,. it'il . V.:' , l,X.V r gfit - , natnon,,'Qloveiti Ssp. s, &,oitiorieltle•trt•Pri'leavo"- •'' , - Octo b er; ,• • •^4, El IE3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers