Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 02, 1850, Image 1
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"•;;.-,... , --- - . • , .. , -s. 41 ~ ~, .. . • .- • , -'.• • • —•• ••• " ' ',—,""' 4 1- • -,, , ..---- , 40 -- --„;•.-z,-iz..i- - WUFp-- - - -----., ' • , ~ . , , . • .. . , • . . . . . . , , . 0 . _ ... .• , J.. /7 0 , - ~ ---4 4 i , ~.. 4ii N , '' - -_ , _ . ... . EZI B Y E. BEA.TTIe. Zaxbo. .1 Card. 'FIR. JAS. McCULLOUGH will givg his IJ attendance in the various branches of his prolcssion, in town or country, to all that may favor hint With a call. OFFI CE opposit'a -the 2d Presbyterian Church and Wert 's Hotel lately occupied by Dr. Foulke. • Carlisle, sept 5. Doctor Ad, Lippe, 1.4 OMOEOPATHIC Physician) Office " 4 in Main street, in the house formerly Occu pied by P. B. Lechler. - Op 9 '46. DrA, 7 WILL ierform al operations upon the Teeth that are requi red for their prmiervation, such as Scaling, Filing, Plugging,. &c, or will restore the lose of them,' by'-thserting Artificial Teeth, from a singlC tooth to aofull sett. fitr Office on 'Pitt street, a few doors south of the Railroad Hotel. Or. Li is ab• sent the last ton days of every month. ~I`~~~~s~c.~ . .1 Card. D R. 'hi - HENDEL Surgeon Howls' t informs s former pates -that he has re turned to Carlisle, and.will e glad to attend to all calls in tho lino or his profession. foet3l John: B. Parker, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE in Norh Hanover Street, in the room for. merly occupied the Hon. F Watts. 'March 21. 1849. • Carrion C. Zoore, ATTORNEY •AT LAW. Office in the room lately occupied by Dr: Foster, deceased, ntar 31 '47 Wm, Rt. Penrose, A TTO RN EY AT LAW, will practice in A the several courts of Cumberland ununlY• OFFICE. in Mein Street, in the room former ly occupied byL. G. Brandebury, Esq. James R. Smith, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Has RE MOVED hie office to Beetem'e Row, two doors from Burkholder's Hotel. (Spr.l Gzio.cizt EGE J .. US'PECE 0 E PEACE. Op- FICE at his once, c • er of in street and ilut Public Square. oppo ' Bur der's Hutdl. In udditioartAhe duties ' lee.of the Peaco—will attend to all kinds of writing,, such as deeds, bpnds, mortgages, indentures) articles of agreement, notes, &c. ' Carlisle, ap:B'49. Plainfield Classical Academy, POUR MILES WEST OP CARLISLE, DETWEEN THE NEWVILLE STATE ROAD AND CUMBERLAND YAL LEY RAIL ROAD. SEVENTH SESSION.'' THEMITE Seventh Session will commence on MON DAY, Nov. sth, 1999. The number of stu louts is limited, and they are carefully pre pared for College, counting house, &c., &c. The situation proclUdes the possibility of stu dents associating with the vicious or depraved, being remote from town or village, though easily accessible by State ,Road•or Cumberland Valley Railroad, both of which pass through,. lands at ached. totios TERIVIS;i. 4 Boarding, washing, •&e. (per • • session.) $50,00 •, Latin or Greek - • 5,00 Instrumental Music' - .10,00 French or German • • 5,00 Circulars with references, &c. furnished by Sep. 12. at. , K. BURNS. Principal. ✓'Newville academy. SELECT CLASSICAL•AND SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL-NEW %ILLS, CUMBERLAND COUNTY, FA. T is confidently believed that few Institutions I offer' greater .inducements to students than the above. Located in the midst of a comtitu. nity proverbial for their intelligence, morality and regard for the interests of religion, this Academy can effectually guard its members from evil and immoral influences. Advantages are also offered to those desiring to pursue the study of the physical sciences, surpassing those of most similar institutions. Those having eons or wards and wishing to send them to a 'seminary of learnibg, are re spectfully solicited to visit Newvillo, mid judge of the, advantages fot themselves, or, at least, procure a' circular,' containing full particulars, by addressing , i , , JAMES HUSTON, Netvvtlle t avg 22 ly . Principal. Drug and Variety Store. THE eubiertber respectfully annotin- Ceti to the public that ho has taken that welt known stand lately occupied by James Fleming, on 'the corner of Pitt and high streets, didectly..opposite the Mansion House, where lie will 'ltifort' constantly on hand an assortment of Drugs,'Mddieines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery and rancy articles, which he is determined to sell low: Having engaged the services 'of an Ex rsdassoso Mossier he flatters himself to ho able tiilive general satisfaction to all. Plu sythansland Onuntry Merchants supplied at re duced prices. H A STURGEON. augls, WRIGHT & SAXTON, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FOR 2rEIGN & DOMESTIC HARDWARE as G an, , Paiiite; Dye Stuffs, Oil, Isn't; Stial,l4 atle &c: Would invite the:attention of persons Want ing winds in their' line ? to the large assortment thet have just opened, and which they offer at thtrvery. lowest , cash prices. feb23 John:P. Lyne • WHOLESitOchnd Retail Dealer in Foreignand Domestic Hardyvare, Paint, Oil, Glass; Vknish, Bic, at the old stand in N lienever street °tilde; has just received 'rem New Zorlt and Philadelphia a large addition to his former stook, to„whiteh , the attention of buy -• era is requested ,- as he: is determined to sell t",s "lower than uns•other house in town. itpriu , „ • • Look' thiti,...iga:y: ..;, 'FRE sitbactilier would respeetfullylinform his , friends and the' pablio:generallp that 'he has just opened a now LUMBER AND COAL YARD in West Rign street, a few doors east . °f Me'ssr , J•4;D)Rtradei's Warehouse, where ool„lias and' Will keep constantly, on -,hand hrsCrato assortment of 'all kinds of sea.: sorted pino boards and plank and all other kinds of stall', ell of Which he will sell low for cash. - July to . • •- slimuELAgE... 'tlit''CoMmlemetiMile. Of ciiMberlimkeeori(4 deem,it ersmer 'to inform,tbe,rnibifc, that. ;the' oa r tad' meetinge of Of Commieeiatlere will be held en :,,the , ,eeepok amt . foey,tb, 4O,ndaye of each% nienth`; *Nab I.lfile liny,pereoes Having baOtte B e. , Vvith' f!Riaj B4Oarfl ; alT ,ll, .l:,nret , •Xliebo' et Orin' • t " , Alice' • NOTICE. e'P'PLIoATION will be'mude 'et the next Segeion of the Legislature, of ,Penneylve; - nits; ari.elteration in *a Cl‘anctiiirthelllol.6* cast.e'D ileostre Biztict'eo' ei to hoofer .the Institution ga the rights g _ and s privibigee e Bank.'9 , 5 tte. By order of tho BoOd oilht , estorty A W S' COBEAN°UnetnetC. `"1 kv2 july 4, 1849- 4 6ne" , , Dyeing an 0840 1 1114 'I 1, 13L/Vg. 4n L oath • • • near ' COIATIS And , WAltrptatfill)Y4r4 mere.a•hpilarKeivAl., : rtion'eatrutly to bo:oattefottor)t.skArpore, li ne 2 74 . 6 taoliOitedt' , , " ~• ' • • - ' fvßalcir'Aranted.v, tr. i,„l • , paid (ifi l ditislli'r 4 iti' pup 6r) lay vibeerAber for, gooil lc A,91 , 50 The:, t a g i s vine r,h es' deli Vered` at; the 'Paper;;: five;, iiiiliitisfrchti:Chrliale: ,at !,ifaal,ratattoust!..pfAlT: j ac O f rtheent, . . • ''' 4 .0:ite.. , "1 , 0,1, 4 , 9 t , ';'l4l4t MUVI4D'NfU it BeA prino to s er mec - i o e k c' 4 i f " . i Oinstootlyon hiod-HAggpAPPiitr Panzily ,. .7resrspapere • • THERE ARE TWO I'HING.g, SAITH LORD BACON, Stores Se Sl)ops. NEW ARRIVAL OF Foreign and Domestic Hardware. JACOB SENER Itasjust received, from the eastern cities, and is now opening at the Cheap Hardware. do North Hanover street, next door to Glass'.Hotel, a new assortment in his line,. such as Oils,. Glass and Paints, —Coped, Japan and Black , iratnishes, of extra quality, Nails and Spikes, Wale'. best' Bar .Ixon , .• Cast, Shear, Blie ter and Spring Steele, Locket, Hinges and Screws; Planes, Sawe, Chisels, Augurs, Axes, Knives and Forks, Shoe Findings, &c. To which he would call the attention of the public. Persons wishing to buy will do well , to as we are determined to sell at low rates or cash. Kr'Phe highest price paid for Scrap Iron, and for Flax Seed. J SENER. novl4 NEW & CHEAKHAROWARE STORE. TS subscribers have just received at their Now and Cheap HARDWARDSTORE east High street, opposite Ogiley's Dry Good Store, a large stock of goods in their line, to which they would, tall the attention of .purcha sere, their arrangethent in the city besng such; ns to enable them to .Bell their goods at the lowest city prices. • Their stock comprises a full assortment of Locks and Latches of every stile and size,— Hinges, Screws, Bolts, and every article used for Buildings, Augurs and augur Elite, chisels, broad and hand axes, hatchets, drawing knives, 'glance, and plane bitts, hand, panel, and Rip. ping saws, mill, cross-cut and circular saws, trace and later chains., harries, shovels, spades, and hoes,.hrty and manure forks. Also, a large assortment of Pocket and Table Cutlery,—. spoons, shovel and tongs, Waiters and 'Trays, Hollow ware, Brass and enameled Preserving Kettles, Iron Furnaces, Coder Ware, anvils and vices, Files and Rasps ' of every kind. Bar Band and Hcop Iron, Cast, Shear Spring and Blisi er Steel,/ce. Also, 100 Boxes Window Glass. MO Kegs Wetherill's Pure White Lead 5 Barrels Linseed Oil. 3 Barrels Sp. Turpentine I'.-200 Kegs Cumberland Nails. Mnv9'49 WRIGHT & SAXTON -EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION IN THE Price of liardicare. I HAVE just received the largest and C heap esc stock of HARDWARE, Glass, Paints, Oils Varnishes,Saddlery, Carpenter's and Cabinet I _Maker's 'ools; Mahogany Voniers arid all kinds df Building Materials ever - brought to Carlisle consisting of Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails and Spikes. Persons 'about to buildwvill find i greatly to their advantage to - look at my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Come and age the Goods and hear the price and yon -Will be convinced that- this is really the Cheap Hard. were Store. Also, in store anvils,. vice_a; and rasps, and a complete assortnient - iiiNVattliqi Best Bar Iron, also Rolled and Hoop Iron oftdit sites. I have - also the Thermometer Chan' made by Mr George Spangler, the besuartielii now in use. SCYTHES.—I have just received my Spring stock of Grain and Grass Scythes, manufafitured expressly for my own sales, and warranted to be• a superior article. Cradle makers and others will find these Scythes to be the best ar ficlo the--market and at the lowest price wholesale and retail at the old stand in North Hanover etreet. JOHN P LY NE. treshDregs, Medicines, Ems - / I have just, received from Philadell phia and New York very extensive 4 additions to my former stock, embra t cing . nearly every article of Medicine • now in use, together with Paints, Oils, Varnisheit; Turpentine, Perfumery, Soaps, Stationery, Fine Cutlery,, Fishing Tackle,— Brulies •of almost every description, with an. endless variety of other articles, which I am de termined to sell at the VERY LOWEST, prices. All Physicians, Country Merchants, Pedlars and others, are respectfully requested not to pass the OLD STAND, as they may rest assured that every article will . be sold of a good quality, and upon reasonable terms. May 30 Extensive Furniture Rooms. JACOB PETTIII., OULD respectfully call the attention. of W V V House-keepers and the public, to the ea ensive stock of splendid FURNITURE, incluo ding Sofas, Wardrobes,-Contra . 3i-t'LLE- A - and - other Tables, Dressing and . Plain Bureaus, and every vane ty of Cabinet-ware and Chairs, which he has nog on hand at his N E W ROOMS, on Louther street. near the corner of North Hanover street, in tho roar of Powell & Co.'s store. ' _ . He is confident that the superior finish of the workmanship, and elegance of style, in which his articles are got up, together with their CII swims, will recornmend them to every per son wanting Furniture. He has also' made ar rangements for manufacturing .and keeping a constant supply of cyery article in his line, both plain and 'ornamental, elegant and useful, at prices which cannot fail to suit purchasers. He would earnestly invite persons who are abOut to commence house-keeping, to call and examine his present elegant stock, to which he will con stantly make additions Of the newest and most modern - styles. COFFINS made to order at the shortset no ice, for town and:country. Carlisle. June 19, 1848. Kr The late firm of Jacob Fetter & Son baying been dissolved, Jahob Fetter, er., will carry on the businve as abovo. • A Word to Horsemen. R. BARBER'S EMBIOROCATN is de cidedll the best preparation.;.thafi Can 'be used for the cure of 'Sprains,' Bru -3?4,;" , , Sue,Gantt,' Splint;' Curb, Spavin' StiLlbees of the sA Sows, &c. It is an article which Should be in, the hands of 6/cry N orseman; and no stable should be without a botttle of it. Trice °illy 25 and'so centaper bot tles, prod only by S M Pearson, M.D.', and fereitlewholeutle and retail, at No. 106 North Second, street, Philadelphia, and Dlt. RAW LIN'S wholesale and , retail agent, Carlisle, Pa: San. , Fanners t Save Your ifitmeY. AST IRON I HORSF: yoWERS for two in A rea' hence, made entirely of ron',.twi':•thif'yOU, con kayo in , the weather Without the least :doom of injury. :Also, Threshing Machines,' W innowingAttla, Plows; 'dough; Mould4boardriAsuttere, Pointe & Sheared oti , hitt4; You will 'save 'rnOney;ltif , , l before, elao*hera at, I'. Eaunnriin•Eitat High" Efireet,Ztirliale!Pro • ,;) 'A,uirtl3mort • ,; ; 4;,t• - FAIARDNEIL:, n a b F1,;,1,"4-1,i7.1at; TUST received at the CheaplEatnilr HrocdrYt er,-01 the attbearibei; ti 'lot , of No: and ' .3 1' ackerel, in.whole, half aa. Mao,' ARlsoetta of,Geotiaa'Aiarn Etile t 'iwlilah tie is da,tarraipial 46' 'air at.. the lOwest:.pricee'• coV cash. ,h1..1.) HALBERT. TU.SragOEPTED:44e,tbe,:Cliciap f2lPoto,sa groat variety :of- all colors , Woolen ,Yarn; Long and , BouarnahayflarfrOnallf to sloi Nary! , aliettp indeed; Moue .de ',Lainee,y..Gingharnek ttael Betide %end' Tiotiell;Turoa 4 tvirloGtlap#, or t A a. groat, arketr, of,W oolortrilooe, , .1 oet.`3l ,!,, dA,41,-32v,,, BEN TZ,,, A tiAßdVall!lii,ll o l#l,.lte,liSioirdr,t gee,"44; 'tiOes in eyarv)vilriqi9..tiinsbeciti;addqd,",l9 4 iir'en.' 4orunent; Also, ,a .lot.orzuedar', WhreiemOrad, ing.TulniChutine, , Bicke , a;:failip3;c4'fitv,ptiva . loNvr, pricrie, nt, RI:10T Eijpre of, . 1 1 ;41 " 4. 4. Yv, " Q0114'440 sPleAidtl quit- • • tliilfteltummer,ugie-,—for tiatelolOf k't 4 . ?it 1 , 4 41:113LL10TT,...4,T?„,. 'i . i...- ~,,.... ... ~~LORIp :;UF•~4~I1V~LiJulql~~~t~~p°{l~:i:ii~~ti:~ E':. ~~,,~~. ~~l`,. 57~~~Il,~S :',-~S7ct0f~?,)x:id'iTl"~st:,`;~,¢.a4: i'4- .Bus nGeneralhtellf4ence.Derotet'i: tl' s HIOELMAkE A -NATION GREAT , AND PROEFTEOES-: . -A . IfERVILE'SOIE' AND. BUSY WORKSHOPS; TOWHICH, LET !VIE ADD, ENOWLEDOE ND FlLEEDolll.—Bishop Ran ou a nrc o p ant 53 THE Allen and East Ponneborough Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland county incorporated by an act of Asserbbly, is now fully organized, and in operation under the manage ment of the following commissioners, viz i Jacob Shelly, Win R Gorges, Michael Cock lin, Melchoir Brenneman, Christian Staymen, Simon Oyster, Jacob H kfoover,_Lcwie Flyer, Henry Logan, 'Benjamin H Musser, Jacob Kirk, Samuel Prowell, Joeeph•Wickersbam. • The rates of insurance are as low and favora ble as any . Company of the kind in the State.— Persons wishing to become members are invited to make application to the agents of the compa ny, who are willing to wait upon them at any !kip. JACOB SHELLY,'Preaident. HENRY 'LC/GAN, Vice President. LEwn3 HvEn, Secretary. MICHAEL4COCKLIN, Treasurer. - 0ct17'49. Cumberland county .—Rudolph 'Martin, New Cumberland, C B 'Darman, Kingstown, Eenry Zearing, Shiremanstown, Robert Moore and Charles Bell, Carlisle, Isaac Kinsey, Mechan icsburg. Dr. J. Ahl, Churchtown. York county—John Shorrick, Lisburn, John Bowman, Dinsburg, Peter Wolford, Franklin, John Smith, Esq., Washington, W S Picking, DoVer, Daniel Raffensberger, J W Craft. Harrisburg.—Houser & Lochmnn. Members of the Company having Policies bout to expire can have them renewed by mak ng application to any of the agents. The •Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Phiila, Office ..Ilro. 159 Chestnut Street, Capital 8300- 000. Charter Perpetual. CONTINUE to-make Insurances on Lives on the most favourable terms, receive and execute Trusts, and receive Deposits on Inte rest. Tho Capital being paid 'up and invested, to gether with accumulated premium lund. affords a PERFECT SECURITY to the insured. The pro. attain may be paid in yearly, ball yearly, or guarterlyipyments. The ompariy add a BONUSAwated pe riods to the insurances for life. This plan o insurance is the moat approved of, and is more generally in, e, than any other in Great Bri tain, (where the subject is best understood by' the people. and where they have had the long est experience,) as appears from the fact, that out of 117 Life Insurance Companies there, of all kinds, S 7 aro on this plan. The first BONUS tins aptiropriated in De cember, 11344. amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum insured under the oldest polices; to 81 per cent., 7i per cent., &c, Sic.,on others, in pro portion to the time of standing, making an ad dition of $100; $87•50; $75, &c., &c. to every 1,000, originally insured, which is an overage of more than 50 per cent onlhowrerniums paid, ' and without increasing the an al paynasnt to ie. Company. t l'he operation of e B Ong-will tie seen 'by - the , follawing topics frTin - the Life Insu. ruoindt Register the Compaul, thus -4 1 Rt Policy Sum Bonus or Amount of Policy & Insured Addition Bobus • payable a the party's decease o 58. $l,OOO $lOO.OO " 81,100 - 00 • -- 88 •,. 2,500 250'00 2,750'00 205 4,500 400.00 4,400.90 . 270 2,501) • 179'00 , 2'175.00 -- 933 . 5,000 437.90 • 5497.00 t -Pamphlets containing "the table' of rates, and explanations •of the subject ; forms of up plication, and further information can be had at the office, gratis. in person or by letter, ad dressed to the President or Actuary. B W RICBARDS, President.' JN 0 F JAMES, Actuary. ni2'49ly Are the tongue often white and loaded; the breath heavy and foetid; a oisugredable or sweetish taste in the mouth; occasionally thirst; the appetite extremely variable, some. Aimee remarkably deficient, and at others vo racious. There is sometimes a sickish feeling with vomiting of mucous; flatulence of the stomach and, intestines; puin in the abdomen; swell; and hardness . of the abdomen;'the bowel ro irregular; the tools are slimy; and there is an occasional appearance of worms in the evacuations; the urine is often milky and turbid; there is frequently itchiness of.tho fundament and 'nose ' which is Mimi swoltdii; there is occasionally disturbed sleep, with grinding of thelteeth, and sudden awaking in a fright. There are, at times, headache or giddiness, ringing in the oars, or bye's deaf ness, faintness, convulsions, drowsiness, indo lence of manner, ill temper. In some cases epilepsy and cholera, and oven apoplectic and paralytic symptoms, and several of the signs of dropsy of the brain and catalepsy appear con. netted with worms. Frequently there is a abort dry cough, and pleuritic pains; some times,. feeble and irregular pulse, palpitations and an irregular fever ; the countenance is generally pallid orsallow, and somewhat bloat ed, and there is occasional flushing of one or both cheeks. Any one of these signs is Indi cative of Worms, and the most effectual best and cheapest remedy is Dr. John J. Myers Worm Tea , prepared by Dr. J. W. RAW FANS, at his Wholesale and Retail Drug Store Carlisle, Pa. i and none genuine without his written signature. The Proprietor of this medicine is eo confident of its superiority to any other Worm Medicine now in use, that lie wilt' cheerfully RETURN THE MONEY in any case in which his Preparation fella to give quill satisfaction. This Worm Tea when made according to the directions. is pleasant and will be taken by the most fastidious child. Each package contemn 'sufficient' medicine for the cure of the most• obstinate' case. Price . cnly.2s cents a paper. , Druggists end Store keepers supplied on the most reasonable terms. • maq23'49.4. S. ELLIOTT, Main street. Carlisle. /Nee. Vir OREM ELL'S VEGETA TILE RESTO- Ir Ir. RATIYE PILLS nave. - been gradually but surely comoing into favor, among :the fowl- Pes of fthis Country, for some yearn past., ..'They have, done this entirely tniough Ahem great wort as a ' FAMILY MEDICINE: Agencies 'hive boon appointed but no 'Mang dna humbug 'snob as is resorted, to by ;quacks wooli thein;modicifie has been done.; The pills. aro ollorodc,lor sale, and _ have and willcontinito to , be sold byall principal storekeepers, ' Theproprieters:elehn for Medicine the. followinglidibritagii over Sifi/thois"-Visi Tboy bre' PURELY LIIEGE TABLEj They are: CFRTAIIV TO. OPE RA 111,. , .,TheM4bpertition.,is FREE from all PAIN.e. They can he used vv,ith EQUAL BFN- E FIT by the Y O'D NG FST TNFANT and the S -FRO NOEST Mite &ion cyi versi:Ague. Roadoehes, costlveness, 44qpsifr,'Chcilora vedm on , thousands They. tirb, a /Carol n.O urs 14 " 91. "" , ' - ' ?rheaPr4Matorsipoaiess ceolol om a .gentleman in,St, Lotimyjrho, wss flill'APE ORlVrby'`the'fisd'ofitlfe TO OP' VitY , ,THFM,II4IP,Vi:WILL,M(Yri RAIL; Travelling !went for tho: State o( Ponnollys nia--Cirermas hire, Wriob'Vlielk a bintidontaining rs*lls . l),Vigu!#!ol l 2Jl Pg9)41,0,19,1(1 1 1, 1 071hOd !For , bale*Dß.RAWLlN i ,S'Chiliidai' ~TopErit; Mtbultriit,l.ewvilb.,.i.l t4.c110,,. i7I 7 fED igAYEq.7§.I,,iPOPAIIIINC;iIs pb S irwbnrg:: . • :)+ti..l-6fqtAlWgEftS dr . :10o41;i Prtnristrajittbori4dry,•*is.l3 l :..o4oMßlol4l January, 24th,' 1849; • AGENTS Luiz INSURANCE. po: Wl'4 ii !41 is) o (=NO 511 ,10 z u 0 A Purely Vegetable lllediplrlu, I PP? ea 'piled • !Ftli- , =-Rdt. Byei What main sirnairtairliale• • .40; • ' - ,,CAt t lit !L l,sx.E4'qrANuAl4y 1850. iSiocellattcotri Dumb. 'ally Trans — portation House. Canal and Piiiii4A'LlnirtOr'Phittidel , Philadel phia; Bariirnore; Pit4i.ii!ii,*.: .. ~. Jvv. i !i t .. , lti,F .. is a fft t : -4. l ,4 9 ;o n t r in m iv re 4 . friends an - the-public, that from the liberal pat ronage extended to him during the past year he hail been encouraged to make more extensive ar rangenients for the present seiu3dn, end has ad ded two now, large and splendid. Boats to his.. LINE, and will be fully prepared after the Op ening of the Canal, to forward PRODUCEtind MERCHANDIZE of all 'kinds An and from Philadelphia, Baltimore', Pitisbergh, &c., at the lowest rates of freight end with the utmost des patch. Agents for Beefs, CARLISLE 4. GA'SkEi.,L, ' Race street Wharf, Philadelphia. GEISE & SON, No. 48 Commerce at. Wharf, Baltimore. 'CLARK & SHAW, ? J. McFADDEN'•& CO.S Pitts'g Agents:for Cars, WUNDERLICH & GRIER, No. 272 Market at., 'Philadelphia. CHALORER &• REYNOLDS, No. 423 Market et., Philadelphia. SITER, JAMES & CO., Broad street, Philadelphia. PENN'A. & OHIO LINE, • North street, Baltimore. Harrisburg, March 29, 1848.—tf. Harrisburg Transportation Line ".73z0 - FUNK & MILLER, FORWARDING & Commission Merchants, HARRISBURG, Pa. ship Produce, Merchan• dize;Stc. to Baltimore, Philadelphia, &c. Fee.— Coal, Plaster, Nails, Salt, Fish, Groceries, &c. constantl3r for sale. fifirrisburg, march 29, 1849 J. 411111C.LER, General Comay@ion and Forwarding Merchant, No. 79 Bowly's Wharf, BALTIMORE, • . FOR the sole of Flour, Grain, Gloverseed Whiskey, Lumber, .&c. &c. 'Also, for warding Goods, via Tide Water Canal and .Pennsylvania Improvements. Orders for fish -Salt, Plaster, &c._&c.-__ Supplied at lowest prices., Having been engaged in the above - business— during the last five years, a continuation of the patronage of his 'Honda and the public is re spectfully solicited. Refer to FUNK & MILLER; J EBE L ' Harrisburg BIIAN'RZ & ZEIGLER:I JACOB RMAT, Carlisle, Pa.. A. cAT4ICATIT. SheiThercie.own, Pa. Game/. SINGISE.a ; Pa. Feb. Nevi's Embrocation fbr 'Horses. THIS valuable EMBRO . . CATION will cure Sprains, V-.'0 1 4 0 4 Bruises,. Galls, Swell ing, Rheumatirri. and all - . • complaints which require an external remedy. It,g . ives immediate relief to the Scratches. and the incident to Horses having 'white feet and noses ,produced ' by the St. John W.A. It I:video hi ghly useful in relaxing stiff ness of the Tendons• and Joints and produces beneficial effects in cracked heels, brought on by high feeding, splints,sprains. This Enna° DATION is recomonded to Farmers, Farriers, Keepers of Livery Stables, and private gentle men owning Horses, and should be constantly kept in their stables. 'rho GENUINE arti cle is prepared only by W. Ms nstia ta.., No 302 Race at. Philadelphia. And for sale wholesale and retail at D R. RAWLINS' Drug Store W Main street, Carlisle. March 14- '. McAllister's all Healing Ointment. OR THE WORLD'S SALVE, contains no Mercury.—The following Certificate is from a regular Physician, of extensive prac. Lice in Philadelphia JAMES MOALLwsTYY—Sir I have for the last two years'been in the habit of using your Ointment in cases of Rheumatism Chilblains, and in. TENJA CAPITIES • (Scald Heads,) and thus 'far with the happiest . °frost. I think from .the experiments I have Wade with ito_ that it richly deserves to be adopted as an aro tiole ofevery day use by the prbfess ion at large Yours truly, S. BELL, • D. Phila. READ THIS. Philadelphia, flea. 29, 1847. To James MoAllister—Dear Sin I take pleasure in in eking known to you the great benefit I have received by. tieing lour, Vegeta ble Ointment, or the World's Salve, I bagl:an ulcer, or running sore, on the car, of many years standing; I hue applied to several physicians, but all to no purpose; but by using your Ointment a.few daya, r it. was completely dried up and well. l have used it for burns, fur Which I find it en excellent article; alsOln all, caeca Mitaination. .• . I certify the above statement is true. T.C. CADMUS. N 0.90, Market etree t. Ph ila. CERTIFICATE. I do certify that I have used McAllister's' all Healing Vegotahle:clintinetiefot:„Celdneee of my feet; also for ' 'My limbs and my feet, and have. been entirely relieved. Bellevinult to be.a good lYledieine, I 'AO not heiltateto recommend it In the above complaints. • • LEONARDWAILE, 'Norris tp. Washington , Pa. Aug. 21; 1847. • ' • I Certify' that ' 'l have' eed MeAlliater'e all 'Healing ;Vegetable Ointment, Or - the' World's Salvei for A : healing in ; mY.wifee',broast, which ' 1 haa glyeniteT incalculable,beneftt; also on one of my childretijor mire stige,:yi,hich give im- , 'mediate relief .- I;:theieriere, Mean - intend' Wits - % iegood modjoine.;„•- ',:. PARKER REED. , • • „; Hopewell tp..WeshingtonCo,Pa. Aug. P [.!47 - • Afost„nd the box ore dfrielto,ils,lok using, W., , 'Allister'a Ointment, foi",Sgiofiikit' ;Liver, C Oily' plaint; Ayresipaitso `.Fetter; CMlbittin, , Sealil Head, Sore eyes, Quincy', Sore' throat, Iti•Onehli..' tatt,tlVernoubl•:affeetiOns; Pains,.; Head! -ache, . • ' Asthm . g, pp ( ' tuss,• Rev, ,ps/leo.Pitrwc, Corns, all diseasee „the akin, Sore Lips, Pimples,,,S•s. i Swelling i O the Litabs, , Soi 'et, Rheutnittiem," " pil e s, Col • feet, , prong;" , &Wiled , or,. fireless ; Britititi( Tooth .aehe, •..ti fine ',ititkesftWii, li•e4,lte. • il f frigTHE;W OndliP,llo;l3)ingweits,yaruk,,, in caitie of goewollin"' or, Bore jirndt,-.OPY;% wiiuld'itlW4Xliiiplflt: 'ln'ailiikdatitliiirfiee..''; :ly";thred‘ and aticoidlnktiothildirectioas around .each; box, it.gicee relief,irt a verYtfeet.hourso.; 13' , { 8 .. 11 . 1RN#1,.._1t lit: one of Abo.beet things 19,44 4 ; 3 ,witld 'for"Bnihti'•'.(See`ilfretitiOnel for tieing.. 4. ..;;;;;. -.. ;.;.,; ~ ;.t.,! ;; , !.. , 11 , il,lll ' , /i , .; ,:."' ,1. , r,.. O'' 1; PILES" -T.Thousandil.rerelvearlyp e ured.lby.v; 'title Ointment. It -nevoi:falle'lin• piing I relief '‘. ts •INletia'Si'itj ). 1 i; , ''t. .‘ en ) .1 ,, t''')'f,?.),,t• . ' rillit S K II I O , P h i t a in Ot ig„ gP/R 0 <T 44l lPY.a • P t ir t ., 4 ?r , .. C . b . )'.oi'll. Wl' , akh4n, antlaiiitad. „in some ' ittiklalt eliiiuld!bovitiipliiiiiiftidni" ''' r .1 ...: ' 4' bn ?11! rig iCAPTION4 ,... N i , , Olniiii env:* al be cionoitio, ; 0 ' l b! °Petit° Ili Mit ofE ANOPti -AO! WSW 4. ? il ,:, 'llitten wp a 'pen on ; every label. ,• „ ...,..,... ~.:t i PRICW: WNIVI9IIIP.'tht4TB Alio.v.' , ; 1 , ,,../ . .dpitilti!, 9',4,, PlfoaliVh9., 4 PliPPlP.P....• .41uoi lime tisttmettrtnb•unitea estates. , -• ',-• .-.., - 4.,•ag:t.Jit.4 V.t.,1 k ri.)l4AW,illfdAp . ll4ll.Eß. .. oil ha I •;:';Sole --1 ,1 1 Oielnostv V' 1 ' rim lt O „ , VA R OPPVI . 28 ,• . *Ff'./t9070 Iliflidtt ti '1,4 ~., .- . , „tit '',,, ' ' ''')' '; ' ''. ' ''‘ 4.;•,.:TP . ; , ni ' ,Y! ..:fr)iiitijk,NTop -, f , F, f !, ,, :0r,, , ,; •,,, , ,i, EliEliltiti.tiiii**4lov.eraiti ~ O atliele...4n : I ;,Ttiarf . ,s.l, l ,ilitP)., t i Cti#o 6 loonirt, Aqsf. , !i .: .. I s t s, l U. V4Bliagleuer; cntitaidowil. 4 , - ~I', .' • ~', , ~" Rhoad di 3Vhirry; Noir/burg: If.. ''''"'". l) 10 "s' • ~ • ME Bin 3tt- Initabrlpl)la THE OH EAT CHINA TOE OF• PHILADELPHIA. . THANEFDL to the citizens of Carlisle and its vicinity for their increased custom, we again request their company ,to view our large and sploridfd assortment of ' ' China, Glass & laueetisurardi, Dinner' Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet 'Sets, and single pieces, either of Glass, China or Stone Ware, sold in quantities to suit ptirchasers, for less than they than be had elsewhere—ln fact at less than Wholesale Prices. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH BRITANNIA METAL GOODS in greater variety than .ever before offered in the city. FANCY CHINA in great variety very cheap. • 0:1 - We would invite any person visifing; !be city to'call and see us—they will at least be pleased to walk,arouild our beautiful store, and to view the finest China and the cheapest the world produces. Very respectfully, TYNDALE & MITCHELL, No. gig Chesnut Street. . Phila. sept26'49ly Fancy Furs, Dlufib, Boas Sc Tippets DAVID H. SOLIS, pitibeesaor to Solis, Brothers,) Importer and Manufacrurer of every description of FURS. 'havingjust re• turned from Europe with a SELECT STOCK OF FURS, is now manufacturing them in very superior style, and trimming them in the most elegant manner, end would invite the attention of MERCHANTS and OTHERS, to his su perior and extensive assortment, which as he MANUFACTURES -as well IMPORTS, he is enabled to offer at such prices as few houses in the United States can compete, with. DAVID H SOLIS, 86 Arch (Mulberry) Street,6 dnors below 9d at. 1):) - Next to Louden 6z. Co's. Family Medi cine Store. • Philadelphia, aug 15 6m. Store always closed On Saturdays. The highest. Cash price paid for Shipping Furs. . Manufactory of Pocket Bd.. w.v, &cr. No. 52} Chesnut Street, above Serond. PHILADELPHIA. . HE subscriber respect fullr solicits public at. T tention to his Si.grerWr iii - lasteful stock of Pocket Books, Banker's Cases, Bill Books; Dressing Cases, Card Cases, Port Mo. naies, Purses, Pocket Knives, and other fine Cutlery, Gold Pens, and Pencils, Seger Cases, Chess Men, Back Gammon, Boards, Dominos, Ike, His assortment consists of the most fashiona ble and modernSskyles, of the finest quality and excellent workmanship, embracing every desir .ablelancy_pattern,-which_he_wilLat.-all-times- be prepared to exhibit and furnish wholesale or retail on the most ,reasonable terms. IKYPurehasers who desire to supply them !=selvesewitk-artjeles-lif-thellestquality wiN=con¢ aidt their own interests by calling at this es tablishment. F --H SMITH, Pocket Book Manufacturer, - Phila., seps 4rp 521 Chesnut Street. WATCHES! . WATCHES! la I Great induce ments to per I=ZZICEI 0f w, 5 71 E , 0 i l Id HHVIN G received 'additlitnal —supplies of Gold and Silver' WATCHES ,of every description,from London, Liverpool and Swit zerland importations; is now prepared to turn ; ish the very best ,artiela at a price far below any ever offered, of - the same quality, and which cannot be undersold by any other store in Philadelphia or elsewhere. Every watch sold will ho perfectly regulated, and warranted to be as good as represented. Watches at the following low prices , - Gold Lovers, full jewal'd, 18 carat cases, $2B 00 Silver do do . 12 00 Gold Lepinee, jeweled, 18 carat cases 22 00 Silver do do 800 'f he L. R. Bromall Gold . Pon, a superior article in silver case, with pencil,and warranted 81,50 ; Gold Pencils for $l, and upwards, Gold Medallions, and Locket for Dagurrreotype Like nesses, Gold Chains and Hair bracelets Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, nod a general assortment of every description of Jewelry at unusual low prices. 110 North 2d street, 2d door betow Race street, Philadelphia. LEWIS R. BROOMALL. 0ct31,1849,6m (Pierce, Agent.) Watches and Sew()ly I is.' CHEAPER mast EVER - 1 Wholesale and Retail—At the 4 i at, "Philadelphia , Watch and Jew elry Storo, ' N0..96 North SE •;.*=. , ~: COED street, corner of Quer ,s, 0 r ()% ii.% n cy street.. GOld Levers; 18 k. cases, full jewellod, $3O and upwards Silver Levers, full jewelled, $l5 and upwards. Gold Lepine, 18 k. eases, jewelled, $25 and upward's Silver Lepinee, jewelled, $lO and upwards Silver Quartier Watches, $4 to 10 Silver Spoons, equal to coin, per sett—Tea, $5, Desert $lO, Table $l5, other articles in pro. portion. All goods warranted what the are sold for. Constantly on hand a large assortment offine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE Also, an assortment of M J Tobias & Co. E Simpson, Samuel & Brothers, ES Yates & Co, Ran Harrison, ; G & R Beesley. and other superior Patent Lever MoveMents, which will be eased in any-style desired Arrangements have been made with all -the above named most celebrated Mantifactuters,ol England, to fuinfsh at short. notice any required` style of Watch, for.which orders will-be .taken, and the name and residence of ths person br daring put on if requested. • re. 0. CONRAD, ') ;1 importer of Watcher • e7anufaittiry.-4" Er CLARK, Venitian Bind 'M'anufacterer. sign of the,..GOLDEN I BAGLE, 139 and ;149'Sonth Second Strs_ct,,bclmy Dock Stied.. PH ILADELPHIA. Keeps always an hand' a' largo end !fashionable assortment •of WIDE and NARROW„ SLAT WINDOW. BLINDS, 'menfactured in the best manner; of the beat materials , and 'at the' lOwesvcalth pried; Having, fitted-end enlarged his.establlshment he• is. prepared to complete orders to'anyhmdont. at the sherbet' mitietv.i.!Constartily 'an 'hind an' assortment of .MAHOGANY FURNITURE• of everyy , variety, manufactured . 9 Ypressly,for his and 'may therefore, rely on a good.article:P - 5. , '" ; • "'„ 'Orders from q . diem* pocked. carefully' and - mare° 'Of:Perim& to y. part of the Nog 1510 1 .';!" i IL ke CILARK..P. • DIKOOOII STORE. • /ll*. 208 ; dinfp4l:, • I.;isltp vivboß;&, , co ,k 1) AVE A mr.r.,qn . ,hand, recely,e4 ; Aireei thkinanufaiiturers, 4 full trimtalent tv 'SELICSpo:,n,i ^iSt' CASHMEREFtp *1 SitAWLSi.& 6 9 ,The,colds 'end deiiini, , yiriOff own ,serodfltiM.,ritidlibtii.ily theirs: *! , .•ti- • , • WIENS;;HOSIERY 4tAßEgoisar,ity, **to:the;differed =titbit d ,Doniesti&Goods . constanl• L. deviate;fr6M 'first' Oriaii: 11*Vire aro from 0000121.1). , RE)subsoriberhiaelust ricelvod veriet Cashmere, Moue. d0,1, 4 0.i1e5,,,Me„ rknoes, Alplioes, and:. other Pell:Drell] Goode itoxlltioh sho..e.t,teu,d,o . " of, O lo I.andieeatinvited i ' : 6 1 3 t 26 • "- G . W ' 1 , . ,WARRANI'Fb,4?wre,,, eqetkilr, 16 cipt,..4,4 'quart; Ut.Dr.'Rtikyliria Diugiperd.„ , potober 24; , THE DEATH OF THE OLD YEAR. sir ammo) Twortson Full knee•deep-liee the winter snow, And the winter winds are wearily sighing Toll yo the chuich•nells sad and slow And tread softly and speak low For the old year lies e-dying. Old year, you'must not die ; . . You came to readily, Old year, you shall not die, He Heat still ; he doth not move, -He - will not see the dawnlof day, He hatttno o trlife above. Ho 'gave ri friend, and a true, true love, And t new year will take 'em away. ..Qld ear,'. you mumpot go : lo gas you have been with us, Sue joy as you have seen with us, Old year, you shall not go. lie frothed hie buinpers to the' brim ; A jollier year we shall not see. But though hie eyes are waxing dim, And though his foes speak ill of him, He was a friend toline. Old year, pia shall not die: We did ew laugh and cry with you, I've half a mind to die with you, Old year, if you mnet'die. He was full of joke and jest, But all his merry quips are o'er: To see him die, across the waste, His son and heir doth ride post-haste, But he'll be dead before. Eve!) , one for his . own. The night is starry ald - cOld, myJrHend, And the new-loaf; rdithe and bold my friend, Domes up to take his own. - . How hard he breathes ! over the snow , I heard just now the crowing cock. The shadows and-fro: The cricketsbirps ; the light burns low: I Tirnenity — tvvelvu — o • nlock: • Shake hands, before you die. Old year. we'll dearly rue for you 4110. is it we can do for you? ik oat before ion die. His lace is growing sharp and thin. Alack ! our friend is gone. Close up his eyeli !tie up his chin: Step from the corpse, and lot him in That standeth there:alone, And waiteth at the door. There's a new foot on the floor, my Merl& And a new face at the door, my friend, A now face at the door.. gllizataaastamti. rom ra am a.' agamne. THE PUT TEAR. The waning year e ls to most minds, a season of reflection. And it is good- io pause and think, occasionally; to glance along the receding vista of months, and review our actions ere too great a dis tance makes their memory indistinct.— Time seems to linger on his journey, to pantie by the crumbling ruineof earthly things,' and' point us to the past, that we may gather therefrom lessons of wisdom for the future. _ tEFFIS B, BROOM o. 110 North Second St. And now,:us we stand on the verge of the Tatting year—as the last line in its record of events is about being . written. it is but to obey the dictates of reason to let our thoughts run back. Time we cannot recall, nor change the past.— W hat we have done is done forever.— Then, why, it may be asked, turn our thoughts thitherward? Why not look in hope to the future ? It is that we may look to the future with brighter hopes. made more certain through repentance and good resolutions. What we are is of more, far more importance to usthan what we seem to others, or what we have gained in world ly goods. Our thoughts, then, as we review the days and weeks in the closing circle of months, should linger rather upon the purpose and acts'of oar moral life, than upon the.impreasion we have made upon others, or the amount, of earthly treasure we have gathered 'in from the harvest-fields of the world. A good reputation may be lost through slander; riches may take to themselves • • !•• and fly'iway bat of the heart's' conscious ,rectitude no event eternal to ourseiveS can' rob us. It is tide' gold.' which neither moth rtor rut can . cortupt, siad,of .which not even .death itself can rib Imo • In turning back our thoughts upon the past, then, let us examine all our acts in the; light of their promptnsg end. A. sel fish and bad end makes , an , act evil , which might be innocent if ,done with a good• end. A man may pursue his worldly business with the same energy and success' that marks the course of his neighbor, and be all the•while laying up oteasures above, , while the latter gains nothing but the treasure on earth, iyhicb in te tevi years, pesnes into the coffers of anotker , Te4itii 4 .b.e; :naked and Pam, as he came into ,the world, recrosses the mortal, bourne., and 'is seen no more + among his fellows. great disareiog nod , in the'' end with 'winch each cu ed ; his flatly , calling. g94,1;:1111',1 bar, *kat j Uili % 44ole7 P ei g ht Itl°rOihi/e,a/SelfiAbLethiCAUSell a, Man dlsregerd Mid &fen. trainple other's DoCnii his firylitikpi fingerta • the 404; - 1 - eteillithe; d tlieii, F? °i,eW 9 1 .._thqiYeari go fats lag Pelet 3 ol . ‘o , e9neernedt and, in leak earnestly: at the 'PuTcced which: have s governed ,, hit; various;: :talons:— These, in their -accumulations, are ,to Millie Ides feline 'hlipicSidininetsif6lhl- poldgnined e ilti ) tClel er's is never 'vriliWng happiness ; for, in the ecquislt the-mind!lairil4c oil Term' iivaCaardareci l asitli' it4altlxaskiki sa°h" .1 forai preoli,ides the possibility or im aktlsitira4 , • Mil VOLUME M.-NO 18 pineis. Holier : and fa* acquired in , , like - manner , will as.certainly bring pain and disappointment. tu ts— The great question then I . Ho* .fair bava I advanced in the. ye " torfard,that humanity which is built np into a beau tiful form, through good purposes comieg forth into good deeds? Just so far as this true humanity , har; beau attained, and no further, has the waning year been a your year. --__._,-- Is your mird not satisfied with the re view measured by this standards?' Let the fact be wisely imp - ivied by a better life in the future. ,Begin the nest year: with this higheratandard in your mind, and resolve to hve up to it as Tar as it is in your power. There is one reflection connected with this theme that should produce a. strong impression. It is our present that makes our future. What we purpose and do • to-day throws forward its effect upon our comingyears. And this- is the result of every day's life. What would not some • of us give if we could change the rebu king ,past ? But, - alas I — what - is - done done forever. The present with its deeds flits by and becomes the unchang able past. We may repent of our wrong, . doings, but repentence cannot extract the sting from memory. With this thought _which shodtlLaloneptompLWright_Liit___ ving in the future, we close our brief sermon; commending its teachings to the wise and ! pimple, the rich and poor, the old and young, the learned and the un learned, with the'..bope that it may be like a nail in a sure place, or like apples of gold on pictures of silver. The Testimony of a Deist. We always recur with greut deli it:alimony of a deist, who - alter publicly boring ,to disprove Christianity, and to bring Scripturs-inta-contempt-tut-folgem-,-wae— found instructing his child from the pages of the New Testament. When taxed with the flagrant inconsistency, his only reply was that it was necessary to teaoh the. child mo rality, and nowhere was there to be found ,such morality as in the Bible. We thank " the deist for the confession. Whatever our scorn of the man who could be guilty of so fopl a dishonesty, seeking to sweep Ikon the earth a volume to which all the while he recnrred for the principles 'of education; we thank him for his testimony, that the moral ity 01. Scripture is a morality not elsewhere • to be found; so that, if there were no Bible, there Would be comparatively DO source of , instruction in duties and virtues, 'whose ne glect and decline would dislocate the nappr ness of 'human society, If it be certain— certain on tho confession of its enemies-- that a pure and high morality is to be gath ered only from the pages of the Bible, what an advantage is there in the possession of the scriptoria, even it death were the termi nation of human existence. Take away the Bible from a nation, so that there should no longer be the exhibition , and inculcation of its precepts, and there would be a • gradual, yea, and, a rapid introduction of false princi ples and spurious theories; which would pave the way for a total degeneracy of man ners. We should' quickly find that honesty, and integrity were, not held io their former repute, but had given place to fraud and ex tortion; that there was an universal setting up of Ai, idol of selfishness, before which all that is generous, and disinterested, and philanthrophic, would bit forced to do hom age. We should lose fl to our'institutions all that is glorious in liberty, and from our firesides all that gives them attractiveness.— The deist was right. We mardeny and ai tentpt to disprove' thedlyiner;'erVi of Scrip ture; and nevertheless,we must keep the vo-: Wine ae a teitt-btiottef moralitY,if, indeed, we'd() net wish the barrisbnisitt Of alt that , is lovely and sacred from clur humus, Old the. ' s breaking up,, through the lawlessness of un governed passions, of the quorrandthe beau-, ty which are yet round eur fantibies.--Rev. henry Melville..' • _ • • - " •.‘ • !', 4. • o I A GREAT; oMeis..tTho highest; bleat conceptionwe' have of a gVeat'liiti:is, one • who" . iihderitandithe power' of hCa'awa • soul, and is continually, exerting that Piviiiiv'for: the promotion of good; is one' who-cherishes i deep apt, solemn sencirof ltie„wiewidniwiL of auty,he itiecotiseipockeeepOWip so l ittitalotts .t9l his Y? : !Pr",4 5 .: onl sfli y On u 9444.4 . 41 ?)ighs) Of seciaoptight tgt;slliparly- 4 4"recilsx hAtlictins.l l Ce, xtrlct OCesturet , llki, , rove-.4„. latimkip : spriouresi jvarchwt 08.500 1 i is °Rs WhO is =ever ready: to.executer inflexible ' jostice;,hotr.muiih'isoever,it may . 11 , io ;Tests; AtOnoi..wki:rehuims all evil, however , the, trees/prior stands ; IsLone..whose • :sympathies always' , .espouse; the cosies of• - .the : pwsomsil, thei dowsi.tposition aafalnjared:: r , scrThe formation 'of reisiisittimelepeii ' would •be an excellent "method fo* work ?. Mew td , piss the long 'width, °Tinley filsciantli end advaniageOully; t MOO meant' plies' of youngi persons' alsiffiblisilit an Opitshit4 Od place everiereeingilitiatfof,whomiiiikObi should be required to' read aloud iieleeticais'froir" Standard authors; and the hest arieiriptipedWeifk ih e tddp wi),;1 4 1:: - L4r,;„ - • . ; 1.:," ' ECrA edi!ltl7 merohli4 hiviiif Ow ' 'a - hew olorkr,valiealihiTi:thi morning hi Yu' hired* 'ail , all *Wit tuti n tootibuiPraar/bi .iniiini out tisiti• 4 o3 l itailli i i istri e slifte diliiV l i o tgeft a blotiflothia46l4 9 " 'UMW, ibwiiiu = • • ii. A iiiiiidiyeitiilloitotlitiiit iiiiimeiChirc juo.ihip--diNiiiii iii464;t3nikAivrqp. iie , heire4iiiqiiii**, Adiliit i a f goit o ..' .'.' .., , atitit4 ;i ttrAliZatir it a ilhiiiirat* r ' 4 t , 'il,;, lod Irbil ;;AlautiOcil 'iiiia'oiilwri 'W; 1 :: i ,. V itt illealv 61 , 4 iwkilaigttra,Viii•il .1 1 "/ , - - to usable to make room for it. , - s 4 7. 1 1 1 9 i- ~' El IC • I I Ell ME ht to the %.