Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 26, 1849, Image 3

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    ~gc.NrYlFAv , ..t.a;;+vanrrv*n
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:,„ ~:Superior .Giroileriesi :, J -
THE.. subscriber. begs 'hiaii , to'r inform his
friends:arid the public in general; that',.he hue
just returned • from ;Abe city, with ea large and
general . assortment of ER ESH G ICOCE
RIESs'aII of which' heist prepared to sell at a
very email , advance: , His'smuk is composed of
a general assortment ofliverything in the Gro
cery line, embracing in part Teas. Coffees, Stit
gars, Molasses, Spices, Tobacco and Cigars,
Alueenswere and 'Glassware, •Fish and Salt,
Crackers and Cheese, Fruits, Nuts and Can
dies. Pide and Etherial Oils. Fluid Lamps,
Barns 'and Dried Sect, Beans, White Corn,
4ine g ar, Toys; Matches. Brushes, &c
Persons will find it to their advantage to give
me a call; as I ant determined to sell at very
maorate pro fi ts Don't forget the stand, South
Ha over street next door to Hannan's (late Esh.
lema ‘s Hotel, and wi th in - two doors of the kiVo
lunteer Priunting Office
'd0c26,'49 C INHOFP, A'gt
MUFFS! rizurrs! , ••
J.rtF: subscriber line just opened another lot
of Muffs, varying from $.2 to $l2, also. a
few Childress' Mulls.
Just opened a fresh assortment of Ladies
Green Kid Gloves, of hest quality, with a vari
ety of Ladies and Childrens Cashmere Gloves,
.ief all sizes.
Just opened a large assortthent of figured silk
velvet Ribbons for Ladies dresses, Neck Rib
bons; also Jenny Lind and other Gimps, of all
colors, with a variety of other Fancy Goods.
HE Commissioners-of Cumberland County
have fixed upon the following time and pla
ces, for holding the Appeals on the Trienial
Assessment for years 1850-M-52—for the see
oral Townships and Boroughs in said County,
to Wit i
For Newville, 28th of January at the public
house of S. Rupley, Newville.
Foi,Newtorf, 28th of January, 1850, at the
. Public house of-S. Rupley, Newville.
For Milllit429th ofJanunry. 1860, at the pub
lic house of S. Rupley, Newville.
. For Franktord, 29th of January, 1850, al. the
public house of S. Rupley Newville.
'For Hopewell, 30th Januapy, 1850, at the
AtTtrilfehouse - of - Et. - Mowry, Newburg,
For Shippensburg Bor. 31st January, 1850, at
the public house of y. Zuck, Shipponsburg.
.For ShippensiWg - Tp. 31st January, 1850 at
the public house V C. Zuck, SOppeusburg.
Southampton, let February, 1850, at thelffiG
lie house of C. Zuck Shippensburg.
West Pennsborough t 2d Februaryo, 1850, at
the public lioAo of J. Hoover, Mt. Rick.
For Monroe, 4th February, 1850, at the public
house of J. Paul, Churchtown.
For Silver Spring, sth February, 1850, at the
public house of G. Duey-, floguestown.
ti For East Pennabotough, 6th February, 1850,
at tho-public, house of S. Benninger. Bridge
port. •
For New Cumberland, 6th FebrUary,lBso, at
- thePtiblic house of S. Henninger, Bridgeport.
For Hampden, 6th Febrttary ,1850, at the pub
lic house of J. Reeser, Sporting Hill,
For Mechanicsburg, Bth February, 1850, at
the public house of J. Black, Msehanicsburg
For Allen 9th February, 1850, at the public
house of 11. Shcaffer, Shepherdstown.
For Dickenson, Itlt February, 1850 at the
public house C. Hoffman, Stone Tavern.
For North :Middleton, 12th February, 1850,
at the Commissioners Office, Carlisle.
1 For South Middleton, 13th February, 1850
at the Commissioners OfTice,Carlisle. •
®tor East \Vard, Carlisle, 11 lt February, 1850
at he Commi sioners Office, Carlisle.
For West Ward, Carlisle; tsth February,
1850, at the Commissioners Office, Carlisle,
, County Rates; Dollar Rate:-.21 mills.
State Rates—Dollar Rate, 3 mills.
• The return to be made by the respective As
sessors, at the times and places, determined
- upon for holding Appeals lot their respective
respective Township or Borough, at which time
the assessors will return the narnesOf ts\io' res
pectable citizens of their Borough or Township
for the appointment of a Collector.
y ertler of the Cornmissioners,
Attest, WIC Y;
Commissioners Office. ?
Carlisle, 24th Dec. 1890. S
Estate of John Snavely, Decd.
lErr P.M Testamentary on the Estate of
4 John Snavery, decd.. late of Hampden
township, Cumberland County, have issued in
due form of law to the subscriber residing in
said township. All persons indebtedio said es
tate. 'Wilt make imomdtrei , Rayment, and those
having Claims,against it mull 'preterit the same
for settlement no - • .5011 N RUPP.
Executor of. John Shively, decd.
Dec. 21.-6 t
lireivery for Sale
THE subscriber offers for sale
• •
.St pit the Brewery property. now OCCII •
pied by himself, situate on North
Hanover •street, in Carlisle, to
• - Which is attached about Five Ac.
, re, 1 ground, of the best quality and the great
er part of which is now worked as a vegetable
garden. The Brewury is a large Stone buil
ding, about 40 lost by 26 deep, and contains all
the necessary apparatus in complete order for
brewing Malt Liquors. There is a well nev
er failing water inside of the building. There
is also a streattsbof water running 'through the
property. 'Pim other improvements area good
Stable, &c.,a variety . of Fruit trees, and a well
of water •at the door of the dwelling house.
It affords a fine opportunity for any one .dosir•
ous of going into the brewing business, or for a
gardener, as it is advantageously situated and
convenient to a:good market. if 'lf not sold
before Saturday, the 2d of March, 1850, it will
on that day be offered
.at Public Sale on the
premises, when attendance will be given by
Dec. 26.
OrphaUs% Court Sale.
On SATURDAY, the 26th of January, 1850.
IN pursuance of on order-of tho Orphans'
Courfdl , ,Cumberland 'County, will be sold
at publicialefat 12 o'clock: M: on the premises,
tie following property of Daniel H. Young, late
of NOViCumberland, in said county, decd. viz
A...LOVOF,,,DRCHI ND, situate on Main Street
in Mg , lilltrife,of New Cuniberland, and number
elijOiii4olan-,108, having thereon erected a log
& Frame Weatherhoarded House.
Terms of Btila—Three per cent
,of the purchase money to be paid
: on confirmation of the sale, nd the
residue on the first of April next,
-whiriiiirissession will-be given: To be secured
bLitidgement and the purchaser to pay the tax
es usseased lin the year 1850. Also,nt the sumo
time and place the:following personal property,
viz :mi7Tibles, Chairs. Bede and Bedding, peek,
Stoverarid.Pipe, Kitchen Furniture; Sac. At
tendance.74,ll be given by
•7' JACOB KIRK, Jr. F t xecutor.
.Doc. T 9, 1849. •
Restoration St Preservation of the
DOW' Ise de. Son, ;Virgi n ia.
mm 1.86.& SON,: finding it altogether .
.1 impossible -to attend personally to the
greet number of daily .applications,, from all
sections of , the .Union,. or :their remedy fbr
Baldness, and for, their 'celebrated HAIR-'PO
NIC, have found: it necessary to 'appoint , a.
R e net•ai . Travelling . .9gent,‘ 'to visit . different
:: - ..ertiest,and - towns throughout the United. States,'
M.,,witht . authority••to: appoint ..sub -.11
gents, , use and•litind the Hair Tonic , and • to 'ap
plY.,the•; RE9TORATIVE, 'and to put them
.Into.tha bootie of those , he may appoint to one
.rate:ntborpvog n - r auffipient. -number ;of,jintionts
•in;eny t tbism ornetghborhood at
b e • ta i ne d.,
• eapi."DEORGE,'C iif:FOuguihr,
, In'alone authorized . to al t as Gen.
'l' r egtellin g , Agent; powers abrive
iullented:*" ;• • •- ••
ilt ne prfietiesble. tliO:prapcipal.l3.tio!3 end towns ;
Capt."' . ottlYtirt:"Wiii . ,AlWaYti:ldtve• on;
bind full of 'tliyi
eh . ele'djilutti Ite,lietul 'or ;iliOuff,,tilpangiti-,
eti9.o4;;jo+lg6oios;:tlia "h aft;' and ' ! PrMionti it,,
alio- ll•dotTaillng ofr,r thc , :rpgiol3pf,,cotp . 9:r
nioit.onatignens :Id' his oOrmigtie, jf . .m117,
'allkqeifiie,obtained at Wholesale; anctferwur,ded
"to' uny-lperc..ofghe Union,' brAcdiettsing . the
pferliptors, 1%1.
• vn••
11;r:"P . ttect er,(19en.,01,11. bottles for,
$ 5 " - ki 41114,:eingre: y .
For: salcilti.:Cittrlislet,:h9 vYl'l-tm
L. •
••• „i..
„ .
• ,t , ,i, Brishaal , i Ant: inifiil+,`l'': ! j l.i )
' 0:1 n '1
tin" . - 1180 . 01114f1iC104 6 (''
K'ffrc4{ClarlintY'AtittrihroetWhile.daihry SWoOP7'
tered'f?"9l.2 ' :C l i infife ..101.1i; Shaving.illOrt.
1111 ' 8"a d hbtni3 1 Fnl hAilitVgoininelsr_usit,o,it!,
S44I2TpALP,II7,*!u-itligrhioh,"oro qfPlhealvfl!ll4,4,,,C
ClVlrle°rb' jasoldit,thilloweerry- of
,ity 41141 %-will, o, e '''l c4erqelL'E T"C1.,,,,
jt00.,6,' 1 ,F^V,- , --e._
, 4 ', ~, t ' .' , ~ ,l i c,.,:f.1
04- i ,I,.kvitlieLtiegliiertlilgth '89,.,,....,.i.;
t, •,, -.1n.1 4 L iLr:'tqiiffo.-hilnd an SM . " . '
.....u•E iiikt)iicriber Ufa I/
ro flAuelin ShOlna,,
' 1: ke'V'lifiWillfhol'ih'e," 1 1 , 11 , f§opfir ,
?rot. , ‘Anonf,tittk b 411 4 1414 tt • ,4 q ct , ' ~,,,,
, ,To3l,,allmogr7PLinet°4/°*klll3ol:lWiiiiPß:"'
119 11 1 ,
.11.. • : r.'':.;, ~,;',••• , '''' .' ...b,,, •,,,..;::',..-:. 1...-',
GREAT Hotit,4tAr
WAT;CH~s;;];F W EI:RY,~&o.
. THE subsoriber,lespect u informs ' , hie
friends.and.the.:Publie , generally, that - .he has
justreturned. from, Philadelphia with the largest
and most splendid 'assortment • . a, W . .
thy, &c. - ipver before offered 'to the citizens of
this place. -•
stcick consists c in part of a splendid lot of
Gold and Silver 'Bever Watches, Gold and Ell.
ver Lepine •do. with a variety' of Watches of
lower prices, Gold guard Chains, Gold and
SilverTencils, a splendid assortment of gold
pens, of most approved, manufacture, Silver
Butter Knives, Silver and plated. Spoons, fine
Silver plated Forks, a large and splendid lot of
Gold and Silver Spectaeles,(he invitesparticu-.
lar attention to this article of spectacles, as he
can warrant them to be the best on this side of
Philadelphia,) Common Spectacles of all prices
n lrrge and beautiful assortment of Gold, Fin
ger and Ear Rings, all prices; Breastpins, a
great variety, Watch Kaye, Fob and Vest
Chains, Silver and shell Card cases, a very su
perior article, Silver thimbles, Silver' combs,
cake tiaskets, with a great variety of other ar
ticles in his line, net necessary to meniiott.
lie invites all to call and examine his stock,
assured that it cannot fail to please, both in
quality and price. T CONLYN.
For the Holy:flays .!
JUST °kited at this large and well known
estaidishinent, the inost splendid assortment of
richly embellished and superbly illustrated An
nuals. Gift-Books, and Poetical Works, toge
ther with an extensive variety of CHILD
of all ages, suitable as presents for the Holy
days. fits assortment in this line is the finest
he Wes ever presented, and cannot fail to please,
as well in the beauty of the .books es in their
cheapness. He has also just opened a splendid
assortment of
which it would be impossible to enumerate in
an advertisement, but winch comprise every
variety of elegant len cy articles, or the newest
styles and latest designs. He would call par
ticular attention to his choice supply of PER
FUMES, from the celebrated establishments
of Roussel, Hanel and others, with Fancy
Soaps and every article desired lot tife — teilet.
Also, Musical Instrumdinth Ladies and 'Gen
tlemen's Cutlery, in groat variety,. Gold Pens
anti Pencils, Port Mpnnais, Walking Canes,
Baskets in great variety, and the most elegant
assortment of Girandoles, Flower Vases,
either for lard or burning fluid, which has ever
been presented in this borough. Also,
VED"FRUITS, NUTS and at'. innumerable
variety of other articles, whichlt is impossible
to mention in detail, but which compris'e
most every article which can be asked for in
the line of fancy goods, &c.. The public are
especially invited to call and see them during
lie Uolydays., - Renumber the Old Stand;
North Unnover Street..
Christmas and New Year Gifts.
NAIVIELY Card Cases, Velvet Bags, Silk
Purses, Porto Alommis, Cigar Cases,
Brushes in great variety, Caney' Inkstands and
Paper Holders, Fancy Boxes, Cologne, 'Ex
tracts, Pomade Divine, Toilert and Pearl Pow
der, Bear's Oil, Pull's and Puff Boxes, Eau
Lustral Shari' tg (*earn, groat variety of Combs
Ivory Rattles, Chess Boards, Note Papers and
Envelopes, Imported Segura' by the Box, Rai
sins and Figs by the Box, t an4jias and Secrets
at In; cts per lb., citron at 31 'MC per lb., and
n great variety of articles too numerous joo
mention, at reiluced prices for cash at Dr RAW
LINS' Drug Store, Stain Street. Ideel9
4548. Jangle's !lead-Quarters, Carlisle,- Penn.
IS the place where Country Merchants and
the public in general, will' Lind the largest
and best assortment .of._
ever offer offered in this county, manufactured
of the best material expressly for the• Holidays.
and will be sold wholesale or retail at the Old
Stand of the subscriber, North Ilanov.:r street,
a few doors north of the
./.lank, where all aro
invited to call and examine fir themselves, as
it would be impossible to mention all the vari
eties. He would also cull attention to a large
assortment oT. Fruits and Nuts, consisting of
Figs, Pruett's, Grapes, Citron, Dines, A !monde,
EngliskWalnuts, Cream Nuts, Filberts, Pea
Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, &c. In connection with
the•tibotre -- ffe hhs jug received a largo assort
ment of English, French and American
consisting in part of fine French Card tind Sew-
Mg Baskets of entirely new patterns, Fancy
Boxes, of wood, paper and glass, Wax and
other Doll-heads, hid and Jointed Dolls, Bas
ket, bell, bone and Lille! Rattles, Games and
Puzzles of the latest style, Furniture lea sets,
nine in boxes, fiddles, guitars, pianos, accOrde.
ons, harmonicans, drums, gaits, and other arti
cles of war, Glass and China mys,iniantle or.
nainents, Tools in boxes, woolly dogs, wagons
and. whoelhamO, tabs, cradles, Noah's Arks,
masks, marbles of all hinds, fancy soap),
logne, ox marrow, shaving cream, hair' and
clotheel3rushes, &c. Ile has also.on hand a
prime of
consisting of Coffees, Tens, &gars, Molasses,
Crackers, Choose, Spices of all kinds and in
fact rill articles in the Grocery line, which will
be disposed of at the lowest rates.
Orders from a. distance thankfully received
and promptly attended to,
Carlisle, dee 12,'49 ,
Large and'Splendid Arrival of
CZ 0 I'HIe7PG:
THE undersigned respectfully announces to
the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that he has
just laid in a stock of Fashionable Clothing, cut
and made in excellent style, which for ch eap.:
nose and quality was never sbefore equalled in
this place. Such as—splendid; new" style black
French i loth dress Coats, largo and handsome
circle elcian,Clealts, black and brown• sack
,linsituiss coats In the latest styles, Mon
key coatii;' f*eed sack coats, supdrier fincihrk
French cassimere Pants, new style• of fancy
cansimere Pantiiiziiv,eri,3oo, pairs of striped and'
plain tall and winter pants, 250 Elegant now
vests, excellent:Black:natin vests, also, on as. *
instilment of (bur white Linon, red flannel and
striped Shirts, collars,•Aosoirs, storks, suspen
ders, cravats, handkerithiels and other. articles
hi his line. Pops' Clothing and oil clothing
editable for fishermen and. others constantly on,
hand. Fine elotlil•OrTiiiin 25 to 87 cents.—
Caps 12i cents. In fact the above is
the largest and best assortment ever ofTered in
this place, and as cheap as can be purchased in
the city of Philadelphia. persons who prefer
having their clothing made to order can bo ac
commodated at the shortest' notice.
He therefore respectfully, invites his custom,
era andllio.public generally to Mill and see kint
at the Store,•carner of Main Street i!
arid the centre Sifuitre," • :'.. , Ideol2
• ' - - •
o vV., is iho, sena - on - Jon: COUGHS' and*
,Whon.,Rult lie assemblion orc6.
o 'freOentlyilistarbod theqoag i t; of , satnOl
auffernt'indiv . ual. iinetir. it rother,, an, not
of charity,i adtiert alloviotion Of the;
ovil; and 1. uld'annfidentiir iroboininend
,V6Y'S'agreouble itne'or,
the bSiOVir before the public, es it possesses;.'
ourtkivoltowere ofta , high e ordee,iond 'ln cry
tindrecenfoiy; childiott:" • ripiy' to'
de012,6w . • s..I4'LLI,QTT, So/e.agetter-; •
. it.
.SHOES ' l ' . . ), q
4-': ,, ,,..i 2300T0 AND . ... , 1.6.. 1
vits . :,; ll4 :: ,. .•pdirrplit''.lo.ll,.i4F4.: , f e d ii, ..
",,laige;inkr'ialogOot •assor.tmon
.o „,
^I , aca mong o •
aii4 Shiniii.:quit9d;ip tke.:„TrOuon, ~.., Boots , .".
' , ivhiell.,tirO' Mon ;did. Bo s' '11110t.,-L.'"P.,
ind'Calf' do., Piliti"SlioiA, J 3 !ifrolo',LPYT...?”°..q°ll'
Si,. - Imiqa'' oiti(eri,At k isk..iifs ; :„'sl i ppA r a.,..,ti c . !: , ,
.. :ria .,., c bonnier, .Iylo+ioOo,-Od?...:KACriaqt..ol-?.
•tlio'l4tOot itYlp;:"'Alß9 , •4lolo,Elupply.ofim..!lnsoo ~
anaChildrops'pOlfOte., l lloottcp ! id gliskinl, :.,,,/3 . ! , ..
~'..EVOiy 1101er.11iti",,O,f.Pr1S;#'Pg'3',1°'°T11$1:::!",.T''
"%lliCria'briei'.. shOeWhireiAol .?,trool'Aoly:i ; .
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,4'I.:;' r rgROOLAZILTION4-L:!;:
HEREAS.t.the:: - .A - londreible'.rnitiklanatc
WATT .l l.:,PraeldntJudito•otilicOse'ver,ol
courticificominoff;:Pleas'iof , the:-:cliuntibei-hf
nix, and Justice ofthe ioveial . Ctitlitilqii-gyer
and 'Perminer and General .l Jail'iDelitieVy'in
Said counties'. ay d'Hari.'JolititStiiiireiiiid John'
. Court of.Oyer and'
Terminer end' 'Jo& Delivery for th&
trial of all:iispital and othos:offenders, in the
said county'of Cumberland, by their piecepts to
me directed, dated the 13th day ofNeir;llll.43,
have ordered the Court- of Oyer 'arid Tertniner:
and General Jail Delivery;lo be holden atEar
lisle on the 2d Mon4y°lll.. - Jiinitary, next,
(being the 14th day) IA 10 o'clock , in theory,:
noon, to continuo two weeks. '
NOTICE is therefore hereby given, Loth°
Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Constables,
oftho said county ofeumbeiland, that theyere;
by the said precept commanded to be then and"
there in their proper persons, with their rolls,'
records, inquisitions, examinations, and all.
other remembrances - , todo those things which
to theiroifices appertain to be domi,undalitliOse ,
that arc hound by recognizonces, to prosecute
(against the prisonerspiat are or then shall bo
in the Jail of said county, are to be there to
prosecute them as shall bej eat,
ONE among the best - stands in the borough,
a large and commodious HOUSE, situate
on MO street, near thecentre square,
mavennearly opposite Burkholder's 1.10 I
13 .--1 formerly occupied by Mr. Csrmony
as a tore, and note in the occupancy of - Wm.
T. Phalor. There aro thirteen apartments in
the House, and a cellar under HI
Also, a Frame House with Slone Kitchen, hay
itig G rooms and two cellars, si ante on Church
Alley. Possession given on the Ist of April
next. For terms apply to
decl'2,6w ISAAC TODD.
THE two lower rooms and cellar
of 'the house which I now occupy,
N o :1 ) in Hanover street, adjoining NW.
if Woods' dry,gOed more. Tho rooms
- would ircr - surt b 1 efor - iffiTifliTe u7t It
chamber, or if thrown togeihei would make a
good 'store romp 4-4-
decl9 . BETH SNYDER.
FOR RENT., and possession
given on the Ist of April next,
ktiltthe two story Brick Dteelllng
, House south of the M E Church,
at present occupied by Dr. Raw-
For terms apply to
il'gt for Trustees.
_.dsol9 yvw,l
Or Rent. y. •
THE Store-room and cellar tow in the occu
pithe'v of the subscriber, in west Main street.
Is ofrered for rent. This is7a desirable stand
for business. Posserision,, , riven immediately.
For terms apply, to r. W °RAMEY..
TfiE large and commodiotte'DWELLlNG
HOUSE, on the corn4rof North Hanover
and Louther streets, in liattlittle. now occupied
by Wm E golf as a Boarding House. Also,
the corner room in said house now 'occupied by
W B Parkinson, as a Clothing Store. The
-dwelling house has every desirable convenience
'and there is no more advantageous locality_ln
the borough for g. Boarding House or place of
business. Also, for sole, the Dwelling Amine,
on Fast Loather street, now occupied by
Masonheimer. It is a two sdpty went herboard•
ed House, 30 feet in front by 1 240 in depth, and
is in good order. It will ,be sold-on reasonable
terms. If not sold before the Ist day of Janu•
ary, it will then be rented. For terms apply to
nov7 . . JAI HUMRICH.
..THAT----nlcenant _and commodionn-D-W-RL:
LING HOUSE, shuttle on South Han
over -Street,- lately owned aralciceupie.
At6l by Henry . A Doiy, in now for rent. —r
Possession given immedinirly: For terms &c.
apply to t[oetri] JAS R SMITH.
--- -
Auditor's Notice. -
THE undersigned, Auditor. appointed by
the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland
county, to distribute the balance in the hands
of SAMUEL WOODBURN, Sequeitrator of
thelianover and Carlisle Turnpiko Road Com
pany, to and among the creditors, gives notice
that he will attend for that purpose in the Ar•
titration Chamber of the Court House, in Car
lisle, on Thursday, the 31 of JOnuary, 1850.
Estate of Peter Whitmer, decid,
Lwrl'EßS Testamentary on the Estate of
Peter Whit mer, late of South Middleton'
townshift, Cumberland county, deceased, have
been granted to the subscriber, residing in
Huntington township, Adams county. All
persons indebted to said estate are het eby no
tified to make immediate payment, and those
having claims to present thorn for settlement to
R SADLER, Ex'r..
Estate of Mari - Harlan, dee'd.
LE I'TRS Testamentdry on the Estate of
E Mary Harlan, Into of Stoughatown, Cum
berland county, dec'd., have been granted to
the subscriber, residing in the same place. All
personsrebied to i tinid estate ore requested le
make i Dediatp, payment, and those having
elaims#Orvent them for settlement to
decl2,6t Executor.
Estate of Isaac Lloyd, decid. • '.
LETTERS of Administration on the Estate
Isaac Lloyd, late of Allentownship, deed.
havo bben granted to the subscriber residing in
same township. All persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate to make payment
lmmtdiately, and those having claims to pre•
sent them-for settlement to
novas REUBEN STAR, -Veer.
Estate of Thomas Urie, dec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters testa
meniary on the estate of 'THOS. URIE,
late of North Middleton township,•Cumbefland
county, deceased, have been granted to the sub='
scrlbers,the first residing in Carlisle,and the other
in S. Middleton 'township,* the same.county.
All persons having atoms or demands ugaipst
.the estate of said - decedent are requested to
make known the same vithoht delay, add those
ndobted to make payment to
o tri AME to the:premises of the subscriber in
Pampden township, Calabarland county,
in the latter part . of Sopminher last, THREE
AOGS,. about. 7 montlito old. Each aro marked
with a slit in the left, eur,,, of -them ore
black spotted, and ohe,lias a black face.. The
°weer la requested: to 'educe . ," forward, provs
property, pay chergearifilirtillorthein awn
A , •
. ,
Stray. I eifer..c
AME tmtht4reniises of ;the. subscriber in
ki'railktofd tominsliip, Cumberland county,
• on• Saturday; tll6 3 d
• - 17 --- 7710,01 , Nov'ber;
r , DLE HE1r.r41,140 ,
:boot ayeitr and a ITV
• old , with horns., .Tbe
• . „p s , annuli Inas no_particp.
• • -•-• ler marks. ,, Whyl'ow,-
ner is'requested to come.lorward..proitpritop-•• ty, pay charges and take it away.?
novl4 3tpd • ,D.A.IsIIiEL
" . DRUGS !'. 'DRUGS' : ...DRITGiSf:. ..
...;,FR,ESHAPALT.; , tARTtiIIrIiL,,f,
nya jusi•recoivad' A liesh , titeek of Me'd=.
.. jcines,' Paints,: Gtoss, ', 01,, s,;',:att,liisit
hhavingbiipri,,,pgrehose4,,,viith oceii A t' , ,sarcr;fak i lbe
bet :Sity houses, I cori.,4o.nfiappsYY.,,reco:ni.mpnd
al.ll„PPgll9r!.l.rll.9..berV.ff9P.PTO-141114.'i , ',t
,;',F, 1 .„
'..:,'•,p,D,RUGS.I-, ,, ..::' ,',,' -...,,..,: ~ , , . ..„t7
' .. , Poteni+Motlicines, Iferbstin . xtbscis, . .
FineChOrnioals'Ar: •Spices;Orpend end pliitle"
~ .IPsiruitienti,'',";'''..,` •'.P,toid . ttoits;;;" .. : ' ~ ::,:,.a'o,;
!Petit Viitoki',l•o;'' :PsifeV,lt'if, ko,. l' ..%,,-; /..
-;l ''' o'd :t . '''' 0 ' 'fr''' - tticr 6 '''' ' 1 : - :.
i , ;t1q1.9 ~.ip0r, . ...... 77.. Mrr.Pti ~ .: ,q 441114. : :„ , jo,
".?.4,!.)' 1 /2e: : :' ft: , .•'Dtg 'BIT F.F ., ' - ` ''`` '' - '2i!' `:'.''',.
tifidtg,t,4i,;'; :' , ' . , 4:yi':. .1,64 tiliii'.o,ii:#l..':3V, 'ooii', '.il:
,14404 . 40iii;`,.7,=''..;!";,: 4 ; toit,'Yitirol
~ :,:„. - 7;::-,, ,?, ~
• : -s u i n ti t ::, ... , ;:i.j . ....1: ! :-., mi l ipernii," - ;!....,. :-.: , - .. :',. , 1 :. .',;. 1 .,.'
'• ''Altilll;''' ; 4 '. ;.'i c :' l i '''' ! 'l-titO''D,s"o 4 ,''',:',.,4';'': -.. ',, .' ' ',./ 1 ,
:,",:'..:'[W , '''',,,'"'',, ; ' . „'''.'•'.PAllC/',1 .f. 5 : . - ',:,.i,4,,' - .' ~.- , :cii:',',/i.",
~31Viitli(iiill'ac.': Iliet htik,',S . ,`, Po i..`e' lAR.l3;:,'Cli,ron*
Gt'Sti: - nhaiYii,lje l tk,' , Pitifit.iiild yfini,olt II reshee,
:Stilmp ~Tipap*,:.•3l,9o,o;;:'pri.cioe4;-,Pkl;', l Turiiol),
ti6o i .
.opoo4' ; ',C;ksle,N4r.alati',;44 . dl. - .l qad:
Ntr 6 ~'*llletiMi l lk!Nß).ol d - AP Vzgiei'bt3',4l v 7 P -bt
tiiarl, , ,x,py . l:4o .. i. , rn't,tic:phAilipitplAig: and itook.SinTe.
'9lt;f2ti4tifr::' , "'2, , ,,W.,'.lN; , .#'4) l: o.P.F4Pff,';'ii,.;
cty , ao . N'(; l ?),;i6t,texiii;:ieq . y.;;V:, ,- -i P
' , '-.7 5 i;' ,1 „, --;.::.., _., ;..'”,...1'. , . .- - . , •
ALA ,on
1411§TVR9kOZ k i ,
•• :.•120:••• •,- . , •
• ~
:tto , q t)':?'
i'®R $B NT.
For Rent.
To Rent.
• Ex-ecesiois
Stray. Hogs.
..? ;!* f
\ .6;
Tieikeat,, arga
CYAN tie espectedAmn-the - subseriber, as he
. 1 1) has jost roceived.'t ; , new , and'splendid- as
sortMent of, iWINT.Pw;poODS,; phicV ho ,ofibt's to his' , Vastorinirs„,.and''otherti
favor him with a calUat'great Bargainsl r ,
• • . . •• -
Satinets, velvet cords.. .icy, Jan, scarlet, yel
low, white and CantOn
'line, calico, cashmeres, de lanes, alOode, Co
bvrg cloths, gloves; hosiery,,-IribiOnen, corn:
• A large and soliindid •assortment of Long
and Square Shawls, qt.. 4 a1l prices to suit the
.Also, Boots and Shoes, which he is detorm . •
ined to sell low, at his stand, in North Hano.
first stnie.helow Haverstick"s Drug Shire.
street,ver Carlisle.
...J, G. CAMMON.Y.
Now offered at the CIiE s 4,I,STORE of
Charles' Ogilby:
THE customers of this large establishment,
I and the public in generators respectfully
informed that I am - now receiving an immense
stock of the handsomest and cheapest goods
ever brought to Carlisle.
of every shade at greatly reduced prices.
A'largo let of Long Plait! Shawls from 3 to $ll
do Square do $1 to $6
AlSo, Broche, Terkeri, Crape, Tifibet and Da.
mask shawle of every stylq and quality.
A splendid assortment new styloßibbons Which
will be sold very low.
A beautiful stock of Cashmeres and Do Laines
• at very low figures.
A very largo assortment of Black and -Colored
Alpachae, Figured, Plain and Satin Stripes.
A large lot of Sack Flannels, very cheep.
A. splendid assortment of Figured, Plain and
Striped'Silks, Boni 37i to 1,25. Black Silks, a
very large and cheap stock.
Very superior. large size Twilled,
10.4-12.4-13-4 ditto Ribbon Bound.
do do do Whitney. at all prices.
A large assortment of very .superior French
Merinoes. All colours and prices.
A beautiful assortment of - changeable Satiric. do
Chains for dresses and sacks.
A tremendous lot of blenched and enblenched
- Mus Tins from 3 to 121 cents.
Having purchased Imply of this article be
fore the advance, I will continuo to sell ht old
A full assortment of Imperial, Ingrain, Voni
tian and Stair Carpets. Selling very low, .
Prints and Gingham from 3 to 121.
JI very Large assortment of
Tickings, Chocks, Diapers, Floor Oil Cloth,
Borkings _ Velvets, Bcaverteens, Stocking's,
Gloves, guspenders, Carpet Bags, Camhricee
Dimitys, Laces, lloreens, I. l inens, Linen and.
Cloth Table Covers,Oil Cloth Ditto, Irish Li
nens, &c., &c, •
In the are% of Boots and Shoes, we .go far
ahead of all competition, both in price and
4llalkY- 2 4- 1 1rig.slock rtow on hand and cheaper
than ever.
Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, - Tea, &c., &a;
Fresh, Prime and Cheap.
Recollect the old ,stand, East Main Street,
.where there is a large room, a
.large stock to
select from, and decidedly the cheapest lot of
Goods out of Philadelphia or New Y
Come one and secure bargains, at the
cheap store of CHAS. OGILBY.
FALL DIM 0001113 1
J UST received and now openieg at the
at tie New Store, Corner of Hanover and
Loather streets, opposite Wm. Leonardo old
stand. The undertn3ned resipeciftilly 'Morals
his friends and the public, that lie lota just re
turned from Phibideiphia, with a .large and
carefully selected assortment of NEW FALL
GOODS, censisting of an extensive va 'soy.—
Every article will be sold at the very west
prices. Moos 13E LAINES !—All the In At ash.-
able styles of neat figured, and the best shades
of plain blue, mode, scarlet, pink, blue, green,
crimson, &c. Bien Flu URED CASIIMERS I—A.
complete stock of elegant styles which will be
sold at very small profits. Dosss SILKS 1 .-•
Brocade figured, plain, changeable, striped
glasse, and the most superior qualities of4lossy
blacks. Changeable Green, and Black -Man
tilla Satin, the. most fashionable article for the
fall. Silk Fringes, Laces, Gimps, Holtings,
Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, &c.
Fall and Winter Ribbons, of every quality,
a dat all prices. Also a large sward elegant
STAPLE GOCDS, which have Men selected
with much care, and will be sold at very great
bavgaina.. Our assortment of Cloths, Cassi—
mores, Vestings, heavy pantaloon etas, flan
nels, sheetings, tickings.ginghams, checks, col.
'coos, muslins, table covers, napkins, drillings,
linens, bleached and unbleached Muslim+, &c.
is very large varied and complete. Also, on
hand, a well selected assortment of HOOTS
& SHOES, for men, womep and children. at
lower pekes than over. uno cp,iti Es. its till
their variety, viz t—Su,gar, Coffee, Molasses,
Pekin Tea Company's celebrated Tens, Spices
&c., add the best quality Carpet Chain.
All the above goods have been purchased
right and will be sold low.
bcl.3 N W WOODS, Ag't.
.01ore Mtn) Goods. '
A GENERAL assortment of Bonnet Rib-
LA. bouti; Neck Ribbons, also Bolt ,Ribbons,
Silver and Steel Belt. Slides, &tiffs, &c. just;
opened, • ,
Rua received Lace Capes and Collets of dif..
&rent styles. Alert, Linen Cambric Handker;.
chiefs, of various qualities.
Green and Bleak Teas of a superior quality
j opened bk' n0v2,1 G'W'HITNER...
,BuITALo cOntriss,,
FIST received •' a general , ' assortment ;lel ;
handsome Pullitlct Back Combe,'alsei Imitation
Buffalo Combs, of belatifur patterns:and in.
great variety.:.., . „ ';
• LINEN, 'ElHgWriNos &O."
Barnsley Sheetings, 010;12:4 Mtislin Sheet-,
ings,'fillow`:case .Litiona and
• Minable; sled'
ToVellinglii great :rarii3tyjuirrepeneil • ' ,
INEG j. t, q
, Puna ,Cider v megar.of excellenualitrjust
're , .
, '
- N - x
a:n': d , X 4 - , apatan i.F , wi , -i
, • ;
, P 3 it:"'W/t,ifEbit.; l 4 4 ingYieeentii il
• ,iirehaaedthe ehnetY:tight 01 ~4 1 c )vdrkril '•''
Pea:ENT CoLitti„s•ropann;:aould reeneetfulty.; 4
call;the latention etiliotradetFjnit,
I tnportant,„
In tion. !tie eartainly,oinpi of; the Afeatedt, .
llt oyeinnina of the'Eige' ThiEt nutainne sauna I
it' Collet, eiopked at Ohl lhe bldek, faced-nth h. 2 .,--
eir;'Wool; or ; other pater hitt, backatiifis
ong'atrew; °tidals° arnikee Oollitrivqr , t hot avow El
, aith leas titan llTlrthe Inherlentlfitna' of the eld' s 1
inlaynlay', of atniiing, 'Thie ' metthiO9 ' \Oil 'al ufr 'lrak! .
o(heree' s abilara, frEitit` t thsVeat.".
patent,leathei doyyp to:the cemtnoneet ',land in.''
eae',,and with but ono' man,ate,adilyat wekKwil) ',
OlulllitliifliPo'fift:Y4 lll o gOt 4 °Y. , in 'A, ll l 34 . l iPt,
and,b ttor,eiyhi,than any et 00tiay 40114.
I s4deldraln the Epeunty, - hie-,hivited Aor,c olll 4t 1
the aisbiteriberle eatahhabinent'on North.fkone-,
;ter streeq . Carliale, and•eliamine the teachtne.-
frcitynahip.,et,alkoniriglita,,,y(Lik; tE . o ~ oold,i ~- To
t.hoselWllllllol 4 -16tVISII to-13ur ernOt the nub:
ioriber olitTa Reaps . .. Mann Coinarte at , eiltote4t
ale 'touch , cheaper thaiitnily cam; be nrlanufad',
tired ib,',any ollair way,- , Orders._ for.,eellare in
any 9111fititYraff,t.irRII.94(07,1'191[1140•',
'initr ifilii4 ZgLiWiry,',lii ' 6 der ./Ifiglir 'At i
001 tirai#:e at kluto''Citili or'renindrY e d i ' ,
ivlidiiilii)46 . ,tifogr,triOnthif !Nor knilliticiio:Aia':,
gen atilt IA given'. ''' ~ E 0 F. GA . ,l2.Dpi r Ek.':, P,
1 •"de 02.1 - ---''''' 7 " " '''-'.- ' ':. - ''''
'. " 7
• \''
I . Adviio at a (York)teliityYtarietnonth`and send
1 0) 1 Yz,11 . t 1 1 ,1 . 8 ., , ,0 , MCP , fTiteßitYcti9riaT:ii,/`lPY':ti'
.' ''' CoirXiiiei i :": , * l 4. 9 .,lVl '; ':
4 , FRESH, siifiply, or cia Livei'atik,
warranted ganutpepjuat reeetved nt , ~
. -.Devitt - - ,^ I' .' ' ,', 5, ELLIOTT-iiii.t-,
. ,-..- :4 ,,,'-'2' , ,r4irt-.!:,-
I 1, • •
:L•tritsort rebid: :Of Meek , S liaV Id, i:Bby
ty. ;4•A: I
Splendid: Brochtf Shewla,...4al/xevrOol);l 3 lnek;
Thibet - I:,ent Shawls, - ..tegether with :41'etkehit.
CashrOore, • andiatlier .moderilto•
Prices. ' l . .':• Arq
T .
.. - Atuo6;
Suitt received sivariety ~ o f•t,,Yax Mug's, of.
different qualities, Medan
Pliced'Atuffs, fiale;loVv,.
The now •opening,a.beautiful
assortmaptAf !Press Goods e atnong.3,lhich may
be f o undtashmeres,Mous..Belounis,:brobeir
Lustrei,, Alpaclias,
ored Silks, and other varieties efrirese.,Geode
Just received a few pieces of Bronze . ' baked- ,
mares; latest style. Also, Blue and Slack
Cloths, Merino -Gassimetes and Saitinett4 Jbc
sale chrp.
TO ._ • '
The 'Milliners - throughout the county' are
infortned that a geperal assortment of Millinery ,
Goods, enibrocmg Bonnet Frames, CroWtie,
an Tabs, Artificial Flowers, Fttee.Tabs, Re.
cites, Illusions of all colors, Bonnet Wires, &e.
have just been opened by
Figured, Plain t. ol . terygi, MU an De
t Lanes. . •
JUST received a fine assortment oft ho a
hove at the-Cheap Store.
A full assortment of all colors of Cora
. Chain. Also,, No , 5,6, 7, 8,,0, 10, 12 Cot
ton rwist Yarn for sale at the lowest mark,
A large lot on hand' Which . will be scifd;Very
cheap. .s. •' • • •
A large assortment of Mess, Womens and
Children's Boots and Shoes•snd Gum Shoes,
which I will sell at thelowest prices et the New
Store. foet3t) N W WOODS. AO. •
3 ; l> 0 HAVE jest opened
• A. direct from the eii y,
!stt-s. a large, bcputifttl and
' brilliant assortment of
• g - GOODS, for Fall and
Winter Wear, to widen I would invite thp
special attention of old and new friends and
customers. My stock now comprises, every
conceivable colour, style, pattern and figure of
Dress Goods, from the plainest and eltenpeqt
to the most brilliant-and cosily. • Call and see
them while they are new and novel, as it al
ways gives' us pleasure to show our goods nt
he Bee Hive. sep26) S A COYLE
CARLLS OGILBY respectfully intotras
the - public that he has commenced, and will
be opening for Aeveral days, his second par
chases of
which comprise a very extensive and splendid
assortment of all k •nds of
a very forge assortment cf Shawls, French
-sinoes, Coburge, A Ipachas, and 5000 other arti
cles in the line of Ladies' Wear. Also, a full
and complete,nesortment of
together - with rt-heavy stock of BOOTS AND
SHOES. of all tfir'N'ttrinus priegs and quali
ties. Also, n large stock of k GROCERIES.-
1 Come one, come all, and Mok for yourselves
before purchasing elsewhere, as the order of
the day is, "live by trade and small profits."
r5lO the citizens of Carlisle and surrounding_
country ! Just arrived a large cud
did assortment of fashionable roady-mado
CLOTHING, for the IliYand winter trade, at
the store of S. Goldman, south-east corner of
Main street and Mtrket Square, Carlisle.—
The undersigned, respectfully informs the chi
cane of Carlisle and adjoining country, that he
has just arrived front Philadefphinovith n large
assortment of Fashionable Ready Made Cloth
ing, which for cheapness and quality never
has been witnessed in this place, such as
French, German and American Ctoth DRESS
AND FROCK COATS, ' Oier Coats, and
Ruttiness , Coats,
of all descriptions, Clutha,
Cassimeres, andSettinot Sack Coats, fine bPlIc
and fancy cassimere Pantaloons, superior'
satin and striped silk velvet cloth and saitinet
VESTS. Also, a large assortment of fancy
Handkerchiefs, lino white Linen, Striped and
red flannel Shirts, cotton and woollen night
Shirts, Drawers, Beef/ins. Collars, &c.
Beautiful fall 'style of HATS & CAPS,
will be sold at prices cheaper than .any where
else. Gentlemen are invited to call and exa•
mine his geode, eh he is sure, that those who
buy will go away with a good FIT and cheap
Sept 26. '49.-6m
Clothing! Clothing ! Clothing!
L. STEINER respectfully inform
• the public that they have openetla now
Clothing Store in tho room lately occupied as
the Post (Mice, in South Hanover street, and
have on hand a very largo assortment whirl
they will sell au cheap in can be hnd•ln any city
in these United States.
Come one, conic all,
And give us a call,
. And you will be pleased to see,'
•n Clothing, as cheap and as good as can be.
WE ha ve hist received an entire new selec
tion of choice and" fresh GREEN AND
BLACK TEAS, embracing Young Dyson,
Imperial and Gunpowder teas, of various twen
ties, ranking from 376 to $1,23 per pound; from
.the tea store of the Messrs. Jenkins, of Phila.,
,delphia, neatly, securely and freshly packed in
quarter, hall, and pound metalic and paper pack
age's, as Well as in the bulk. The selections
tare made by one of the partners, who has had
experience to thallitaginess, among the .Chinese
heinselvtisforatMllt 'seven years, and this ad
vantage, together with our own experience, and
the encouragement extended to us in the selling
of those Teas for more titan two years past,
.encourage us eqgfliently to reccommend them
Us I:Ripeer, toirtrfr other selection of Tone. in
this mii n rket-44 sale' at the Grocers , store of
11 -M9 J. IV:.`EB Y •
Tobacco anit2Cigai's.' "‘
VAT reeelve t end for sale, holesale and re. ,
" tai l /6.°4eat and cheapest :Selection .01.
s Uitins' tdo be round an y,where gat stlthe.eity.
' (`OThektiniide selectio ro n consists of
Cornelius, . , La ,P,rYinavcra,
6 Plunittitibtt; - ' Leon`,.D'orp Regalia;
Venus and Fight& F Molbsie dor a , &c.
All clf•The finest:Cabe rind Havana 'Fribacco.
and pat ,up in .the neatest, manner, besides I
h a v e exaaentritisea'aial the betitllMelees. Also
the best Congress, and cavondieb. TOBACCO
'bath plain and sweetened,_ at reduced prices for
cash, Ond.cununine, my stock. before 11411..
abasing: "'I will sell by the_bax es ari, I hey
can be had In tho city., Don't forgot' piece
opposite the railroad °lliac. • . •
Carlisle; nugt 'r
Groceries' di 10,, 49 : ,.
;NE W-spOrty, of Oficoine •Crpeeries,:embra-'
'Cing"Colloos, Sugars ; Nolartses,*: Spioes, - end: . a .
'lot of 'GR. LIEN , AND..:BLACKTELNA ,. .with
_all the other. variety of articles in 'our linevequah'
tntl' probe bly superior tO.tliattsiiiilivariatiesjdnilt
Just, been received pad openetkat•the Wire of the
'subscriber,; where ,411e(Wilk I) Afar
to.his, oustoinersand. , ,frienda witheitso any
advance from- fornier.prices. .• The;!public have
our warmest thanks.' inooniaigeni4tol
&oda to .us,
may bfi favored,W,ittia;contimiiiriWof ths,Santl.
,I ‘o,llopir:Ofißoiftioni
MHEauliscribor. hasitE qy.ED,hur.Btock
ar,DRY 'GlCODElAO,thiriaorriief,Sto - re,;,direptly
oral wlib of customer! app.
grqniint ii**Ones.- , ' lie pi4latilly'r em piv e d
pofiratadaatifilohrlir ri . pw:gAr.,E, .0 aon s
An:4'l9*: rR0..±.1,1,;-, , ,,Ty.„.74:: - ;574 A PIPAil'
fOR oi Y e rYfh l O e nrFr e l h ,.l V v . E
4"64 ; f P lleale 't o l.;:
A isPices' •
:nginoti,• Cloyei,, &or &c,,, forlside
fine', •
4 .• '
"Octolter 24; - 1849.'r - "
'," 'i Z . 1..,.';')..1 . ..0 . ' , ':;, f;! . !:.'', ? ,'44!.
4cal estatc. , -
• ~.
. .
tr . 3 i An' les -
BY' ivirhue . ;tif ion),
pooh% tastie'd out of The Court el Common.
Pleds'OMMnbeilitittreciitn'y; Mid toine'difect
od, .I.,will:expbse•the . .followingiSeal Estate to
public Sale, at tho _Court ,Bottee,ln- the Bort)!
of - Cerlisle on' SA,TURD,IY, the 511, day of
Tauiiary, 11,g50,
A .L ot of Grotmd'sauatein•Frankford•
townshtp,' bouridetriby lands or .Mountz,
John Hays, Samuel Savory and ()alert, con-,
taining It acres, more or less, hAying thereon
eroeled a 11. story Log House, &q. Seized end'
taken lb execution as thei propertk of 'Michael
belay. • .
Also, all the interest, of Thomas ,S.
Wilson, in that propel ty known as , the Cumber.
laud Furnace Estate, siluatein.Dieltinson town
ship, bounded. by lands--former 6, of Dr. Wre
Chambers, AG. Ege, the Pine Grove • Estate,
Buchanan's Heirs-and others. Seized and taken
in execution as the Property of Tlionlass.S.
Also, a tract of land situate In South- ,
amptun township, containing 4 acres, more or
less, bounded by lands of Martin Thrush on the
north, east and south by Wm. Higblainis,.and
west by John Duncan, hiving thereon erected
a two story ..Frame House and Eitehen. Seiz
ed and taken in execution as the • property of
Wm. Hank. "'— +
Also; a tract of land aituate in South
Middleton township, known us the ". Carlisle
Iron Works Estate," containing 10 ; 000 acres
more or less, having thereon erected a large
Brick Maltsiotr B.:rase. a Forge and Furnace,
a new Merchant Mill, with four run of Stone,
3. large Bank Barns, and necessary Tenant
houses,Coal Hbuses, Carpenter and Black
smith imps, Stabling, goo. Seized and taken
in execution ati'Hie property of Mary Ego, Ex
ecutrix of Michael Ege, dee'd.
Also, ti tract of land, situate in Smith
ampton township, containing 450 antes, more
'or lese,hounded by binds of 12. Scott, Esq., on
the north, Carlisle Bank Property on - lheoliet,
the Adams county line on the south, and lands
of Charles Wharton on the west. Seized and
taken in exci utipn as the property_of William
Greasier and Jame*Feesides.
Also, a lot of ground, situate in Ship.
pensburk, containing 2 acres, more or less,
hounded - by lands of John Haunt on •thrunortli.
Samuel Wilson on the east. Alexander Airliner
prt the South, and Mary M'Farland onr the
erectedwest,,Ttaving thereon a two story pros
tered linear and Frame Hare, &c. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of Daniel
Also, several adjoining tracts of land,
situated in Westpennsborough and Fyankford
townships, containing 10 acres dnd 155'perches
more or less, bounded by lands of And ow
Forbes, John Dunbar, George Roth and Geo.
Strome, having thereon erected a Stotte arer
eltunt and Grist Mill, a WoollenlFactory, Car
ang"Fnetory, 4 two story Dwelling !louses, 2
Barns,.a cooper shop, &c. Seized - and taken
in:execution as ...die,property of M. C. Davie.
And nll to be sold by me,
decl9 DAVID SMITH, Sheriff.
Small Farm For - Sale
THE subscriber being desirous to remove to
the West, will s oller at Public aim, on SAT
URDAY, life 29th of December, 1849, on the
premises in Monroe township, Cumberland
county, on the road leadittg.from Carlisle Iron
Works to Bricker's Mill, the following pro
perty, viz small - PAR M. containing 18
ACRES and 68 PERCHES, situate in said
township. - adjoining la-ds of John Beltzhoover,
Hugh Milky, Isaac Vanarsdale and the above
public road.. Four acres of it is in timber, -and
the remainder in the highest of
improvements are a
two-atnry and a half OWELL
{fiIfO USE, Frame Barn, and 4
'i other necessary out-bdildings. all
of which are new and in the beat
. .
_ . . .
order, having every desirable convenience.—
There is alstin small Orchard of Apple aid
Peach Trees, all of which. tine the choicest va
rieties and-in good bearing order. The place
is admirably calculatee for a Marltet Farm,
being in n good neighborhood., and within an
easy distance of Carlisle. Tern 4 which will
be reasonable, made known on application to
the subscriber, living on the, premis/ii.
D0c5,4 t ' 1.11.30 H. WEILSIT, Sr.
Thp subscriber intending to temove west will
sell at private sale the farm on which he now
resides, located in West Permsborough toWil
ship I:timberland county, on the Conodoguinet
Creek, eight miles west of Carlisle and 21
m il es of the. Cumberland Valley Rail Read,.
containing 128 Acres of first rate clean arable
loud, in a high state of cultivation, theire are
about four :hundred pannels of Post and Rail'
Fence on the'farm. The improve
meats consist of a large Two
' Slot*. Weatherboarded HOUSE
1 with Wash Amon. Smoke house,
and Ice Muse and a never-failing
wo lof water at the door. Also, a largo Bank
Barn, with. eorn.cribs '
Wagon Stied and an
apple Orchard .of good fruit, together with a
Two Story Frame Tentint.lionse, with a well
of enter at the door, this is one of the best
farms to produce all kinds of grain and grass
ho this section of country. There has been a
bout live thousand bushels of lime put on this
Ferns within the last few years.
The subscriber will sell with the above tract
if desired, on the opposite side of the Creek,
seventeen Acres of rst•rate Timothy Itltadow
and about twenty-five acres of good timber
land- [petit - 11 WILLIAM ALTER.
Proditq For Sale.
TH E.subscriber has a FARM which he
wishes to sell. The property is situated .in
West Pennsboro township, Cumberland coun•
ty,- Penna. five and a half miles West of
Carlisle, on the turnpike road 'leading from
Harrisburg to Pittsburg, containing 118 Acre's
'Of first rate Limestone Lnnd, high state of
cultivation. About 100 Acres Oa arc cleared,
and the balance of it is in thriving Timber.-
-There is a large amount of LOMA timber
growing on the place, the soil being perfectly
congenial to,the growth of Locust.
The improvements aro a two story
its 22 by 28 feet, a two story 'Back
Building,' 18 by' 22 feet and two
Stories high with a double Log Barn, Corn
prib,ntid Shed,• a young Orchard of
very superior fruit, and choice fruit of different
kinds. Thorn is a well of water in the yard
neer nig dwelling. This property has many
advantages—sonly live and a hal( miles front
Carlisle—a 'market always' on the road. Per
-1301113 wishing to.pareltase Real Estate would dos'
well to call and see it. '
THE subicriber, will Soll•lin' very favorable
terms hie-FARM of 150 aorta', Hampshire
Counthya., .lying on,the SUlltik Branch of the
Potomet. boa,t one.nxile from tiOnaction with .
the -4 " Braneh--abouf 8.0 acres is cleared, 50
- Of 'which hi first rani alluvial nr ri'ter bottom, 30
of upland or second bottom, and free trom'rocks,..
the 'balance is, well titeber9d. The improve.
'inente only tolerable, with two never failing .
spritigai- brie eontionient to the hoes°.
feral' bus manyladvieitages on actount of its lo•L
eating, tietir.the Baltimore Nand- Ohio ;Railroad ,
and 'l7.4nitl..bblitg one Mile t tram, saki. inprove, ,
merits.. It distant front town, Std„ .
Mann three, anted, andlfalf ad litettes
Cumbering. AMY PSnott, befilBl•deldrOinc,OF:l
makitig'i safe invest ment v4here, ihe,(llxes ,ary
light, (the trix:e&thi'sT4rh`-bol fig' Out' 88,50) t„ ,
, do well to purchase-in-this -rapidly improving"
-part of the State. Terntr•—, $5.204, $2OOO - 4n
cdsh, and the bakencoikfifutierluatiiiimual .pay•
nicht s withoui,iniertiet. For further partlaulore
appli.nytlie Miter O'W the &Rta - Hier. ritsWin
chester,', y,s. B9r4Taf.ll:lol.ll.4DAy:
1,(0t0b0r,24 1849.. • ,
. .
t rattop; waren. iterate It Ito iponeral, ft)ipicition,
I ege'a..Peitnilyi.vatii July 44044: I 849`:` . N'ot •I 0
ettiaen oc.:otty 411 tough ahOofil go: yithout copytt
i t !bee . Ito iter4 for 124 , eaata
.emiling at r•
WiNIA.WIIN'S Beek. ltiqtre raptly
. .THE ...aubtuSrtberito agetie for dile Ocitimiariy; •
•4o litt6ndtid "to::with` care antf: ; 161v401 1 .:.,,,Ti 1 e,..
'Express" leaves every morning7a44
i ~, ~4 i ~, , ,, . .1 111) ' i f (''t", IT 4 , All! I , I . :
1 ''
icOnSVaPilil, 9.1'4A9 .901":914% , taYti,
i,tifildvvaruntito' work, edited by Opencer FY
eirdl-cfrDiekitifeif ,'„Coltiliteis itod? - in f iiie
bursa of Ineldigellgri t oJt jp kistncOppletted in
Tufenty-Foia Jffarttnty JVUttit.49, inustryited ,b 4.,
I *-iifutike4l s. o4 (40grapiragoal oThe': , rit- ,
NinnigeK ) can be stein „et, i'd,eriin'tkil3oolt , Stbre, 4 ”
Witnre enlikeeloinnms will beArcettivedjoi r thew
I4•-.4 4 ' :- 7: it
turtw.,KA ft FM lot,.* L 'A''', ici; II (filY ; ',l li l if WI ,
LTA, imeekarel;flete 7eittilt ng, lifg - tren,a r o , ,
fele at ,' ,t.:,.nict ax . t,m441v , , EB, ~. ~
'.!, ' ,-,, , ;',., ~ ,, p o n eakiii?-4N4u :,., ••-• ~ ~,!,-, ,
, k 44.., , .., , 4 4- 4.4,. , ,, , '4 ,vA % v
TUST T illeeirut fit.A..<Romilitel„Drug ;Elton,.
W-,Viregillairi: Bo 4ett . 011011'14N , - - -
' - , ,1,- -., ' ,„.• , ~.,1 4 , :. 1 , - ,„ „ d , - ' ~ , ,z
SAMUEL' E,^• BfllTHis' T-i
Publication .Estillbliehments.
Sun Buildings, No: 57 Baltinioro streets, S.
E. corner of Gay, and 2 2 6,Baltimore,sti,
• • corner of _Charles, BALTIMORE, MD: .
S. is constantly : s eising
.the• greatest
Variety of phblioatiOns, and is prepared to
execute all orderli tor. American and Foreign
Newspapers and Periodicale, and all New
Books -and.. Cheap Phblications• ' Blank Books
and 'Stationary; •Annuals and Splendid Books
for presents; Albumss•POrtfolios; Scrap 13ooke,
'and Note Papers Family and Pocket•Bibles;;i:
Songß obits. !Col Books; Juvenile Works and
Primers. .krAgents, Postmasters, Country,
IVlerehantri: t Padlars, Dealers in Cheap 'Works;'
and all others 'supplied at Publisher's'lowest
MI orderware faithfully attended to and the , 1
geode , forwarded by return of mail, express,
railroad, stage or steamboat, as may be direct
ed. Persons desiring to purchase books can
have their orders attended to, by writing and
giving full particulars, the same as if they wore' '
present. VALENTINES!—The subscriber
also itpports and manufactures Valentines, Note L
Papers, Envelopes, Motto. Wafers, &0.,
Wholesale and retail. Address all orders to
Sun Buildings, Baltimore, Md.
To all whom it mayiponcern 1
THANKFUL to the public generally for pas
favors and their liberal patronage, stilleen
'Miles to carry on the SADDLE, TRUNK,
and HARNESS making business, at his old
stand in Nanovtir street, two doors nerth of the
Carlisle Bank, at the sign of the Mammoth
Collar. He is now better prepared than ever to
accommodate his customers, having recently
made great alterations in his esitibliihment, so
as to enable hitn to keep a much better assort •
went than-heretofore, consisting -of Sponish-,-
Dragoon, scoop, tub, quilted and plain 'SAD
common; Farmers' ,Gears, of all kinds, Tin
veiling Trunks of all descriptions and prices,
Veleases and Carpet Bags, Bridles,Marting,als
Dollars, Stock, Leather and Raw Hide Whips,
Limber, cotton and worsted Fly-nets, end all
other articles in his of which he is do-
IMmined to sell at the very lowest cosh pikes.
-Malting and-repairing Matroases of hair ; husk
and straw, and all kinds of Upholste•ing will be
plinctuallf attended to.
The Home Joumal4-Series for 1850.
AE NEW VOLUM of this brilliantly origi
nal and peculiar Family Xewspoper, will be ,
issued on the First of January ?text. New sub
acribers can besupplied with the work from
That date, by forwarding two dollars to the of
fice of publication.
During the past four years The Home Jourpal ,
has met with universal faior at the han d 6f
all classes of the community , and the proprie
tors will spare neither exertion, nor expense to
give such increased value, interest and attract.
iveness to the forthcoming year, as will render
it superior in every respect to all the volumes
that have preceded it. Besides the original pro
ductions of the Miters, the Foreign and Do
mestic3Correspondence of a large list of con
ributors, the spice of the European and Amer
can Magazines, selections from the most in
teresting publications ef the day will frequently
be given. Such features as have been found
to be attractive will, be retained and new ones
added. " The Belles of our Time," by N. P.
Willis; "Brief Novels ;!' "Piquant Stories;"
the sparkling wit and amusing anecdote, ;lowa
and gossip of the Parisian papers t Personal
sketches of Public characters; the- stirring
scenes of the city 'we live in; a chronicle' of
the news for ladies; the fashions and fashiona
ble gossip ; the - facts and outlines of news t the
pick of English information and brilliancy ;
the wit, burnor and pathos of the 'times ; essays
on life, literature, society' . and morals, and the
usual variety of carefulchoosings from the
"derness of English periodical literature '
cism, poetry, will still continuo to enrich these
rrAs no more copica of the first number
will be printed than the demand absolutely re.
quires, and as new subscribers generally de
sire to begin web the beginning, rt visa.
ble to subscribe without delay, to avoin any
disappointment in the early and prompt receipt
of the paper.
Teams,---The—Rome--Journal is published
every,Satorday, at NW 107 Fulton Street., Now
York, at the very low price of Two Dollars a
year. or three copies for Five Dollars,,pd'yahl%
invariably in advance.'
All letters, remittances and communications:
(post paid) to be addressed to
Application fbr Tavern License.
N°TICE, is hereby given that I intend ap—
plying at the ensuing" Term of the January
Court of Quarter Sessions, of. Cumberland
county, for a license to keep a house of Public
Entertainment ip the one now occupied by ma
in the Borough/al Carlisle.
We, the /u ersigned, citizens of the West
Ward in the orough of Carlisle, in the coun
ty of Cumhe kind, do certify that ulll are well
acquainted with tho above named .1 0H N
lIANNAN that he is of good repute for
honesty ant temperance, and is well provided
with house room and conveniences for the ad.
cemmodat on of strangers and travelers, and
that such tin or Tavern is necessary to acco
modate the public and entertain strangers and
1 revelers.
C. inholf; J. IVltistleri Jae. F. Lamberton, G.
W Hilton, Hugh Gaullaghor,NA. Noble, Geo.
Bendel, J. Li. Graham, Chas. Barnitz, John
Noble, John Ritnekl, R. A. Noble, Wm. S
Coboan, hones Davis, E. M. Biddle.
to l-1340.We'llulZEtPliZ3 •
RESPECTFULLY invites tho
IX lion of the public to his
. Drug and Watley, Store, tif
n Wost' Albin street, Carlisle, where he has•
oat received a fresh assortment of Drugs Me—
deeines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery., Jewelry and
Fancy Goods.
Amongst his extensive variety may be found.
all the most
Approved' ?mem' Medicines,
MI kinds of Salts, Dye Stuffs,
Quinine, Opium„Casfor and Sweet Oils
White Lead, Indigo, Spices, fresh ground.. `
Glass, Putty, Chloroform,
Shandeliers, Lamps, Wicks, Sperm Candles,.
Shaving and Toilet Soaps,
Cologne,. W 3, Lavender and OrOnge flower
Bears Oil Marrow.and Htur.Dye,
Nail, Too h, flair, and Shaviug Brushes,
Fine Ivory' forn,, and Shell Combs,
Finger Rings, Brscalets, and Breast Pinar
Bead Dogs aud'llunies
P orto llonnairk • ' • '
SilverSpeciaelos 'and , Pencila, =• -
Gold Parm, , lpk'ond.lnkatande, :1?
Fipp,,Writing;pml*Nptp,l'pki*Envilipplxy.. , . .
Motto' Wpfors,'Saills'and P!ppet.,VViLig!its,. , I s ,
Miledre. and 'Fq,licy Eoxep ; , , ~,,, „, ,-. ,, ~ ,
Mtisicril tpo'Snegictil lnstrument,, ~ , „ ;II
Vine •KniVoli'aiid Skipspre, . ',. ,
, , ,,- .0
Carriage's nd , Riding. VV hips,: • • ', '' • t ~,
UmbreliaE , 1 r hae: Cloclie; TNltinka;•Stol: , (Ste: • '
Cou,ntry 'Physic'.24,,.Mtrchapta,..Reillois end
of sera may,49ar. ppirp,O)i pg . ip A i,ll3jr ; pdv on lagei:‘
•,4y willing . .• . , s ` 1, ... ,r,ii“. , •. , .2 , -1
iik:rEth,ercied ,afid Pido : Dil ipapw,e#:••ftealiak,
ni,..ry wei3W.,' - • '
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to-1 1 4Piliopl'itIA and advice #ptip,lolyii',.pek!,',i ,
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t i t '
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Ainn t ,*„rp,puNot,prerf.loA fAll,pippripmpto,
° :: ../,' • '"i r t' i , , ,„,, •
- SILKS; ' ,'. I. , •,. r_ . ~ t CAISiI ' AtERW,#'I.' ..4 •
- 111EIRINOES. , `..- '; , :,,:', ; OK 114):,NE5p0.,,%7
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The bo,lpre , .:,(4;iogii*Mngt7 , plittieir, - .0.
I Pctingi , find entiteq',ltlieft ''.' . 4',. - ‘' '; '- ' •.' '-'
tiad all tlia;diliar,ll;nttriakeet of IDameatic•.gooda,
aonetaritlf on hand; yabilleaile : i4lyatail. yj.....,,,, - .
.1 L. 'lV4i/Co., nos* , deviet . P4,44l*,;flisilTico••• •••
I Igilite aro daily,:rceivingi.tgptiv;fro LO4llO. :,,,,
Now , .01c - .Aulfakaltyi.'f ; s ;.,, ... r .';',.11)1,111.4..:
.I, 'v./Pon:Are , ,'
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