Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 26, 1849, Image 2

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13 ,. 1 140 , tia
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IN cvninEßlDANrreourivr!--'"''" ,
Terms.—Two Dollars a year, or One .Doliar acid
®Fifty Cents, if punctually paid. in:ANiarice.
81,75 if paid vitliitt,the year.
kr7sqn,alphabetical list of members
of Congrebt'irkrill - balonridiinOn fourth page
~ ' Ourivaderterfoilidliie- s erve it for reference
•113'' ' As Wilt he seen by the procebdings of
the meeting in, taAlay 's paper, arrangements
have been fully made for the delivery of a
'Course • of Lectures during the winter season.—
'The 'Aral of the Course was delivered last eye
by Prof. W. H. ALLEN, and considering
all circumstances was well attended. He
, chose for his subject—Shakespeare—Whose his
tory, genius, character and writings were truth.
fully and eloquently dwelt upon in a rapid • re.
view, the only fault of which was'its brevity.—
As a lecturer Prof. Allen has so often contribu
ted to the popular enjoyment and instruction,
during his residence in this place, that fewps.
toned io him on this occasion without an 'in
oreaseft TesTet that the•commoity Was so soon
lose him. Be bears with him the sincere
respect and warmest wishes of all who know
We artist that-an appeal, is tot neCesiary from
'us to insure•the success of the course of Lec
tUretywhieh has now been commenced-a-com
bining as it does objects of benevolence with
the intellectual improvement of our communi
ty. The course we areoonfident will prove an
attractive one, enlisting the highest talent in
our borough, and as the, means of attendance
have been thrown within the reach of all, a
failure of the project would be as discreditable
to our character, as it would bo ungenerous and
uncharitable to the,poor, "whom ye have al
ways with you." The neat lecture was an
nounced for Thursday evening of next week, in
'Education Hall.
The Contest for Speaker .Undedl
(trAn election of Speaker 011ie House
of RepresentatiVes was finally secured late
on Saturday evening last, on the sixty-T.:6th
ballot. Ott that day a resolution was intro
duced by Mr. Siantun,,providing for. the e
lection of a Speaker by a plurality of voleg7
. in case the House tailed to elect by a major
, iity alter three ballotirgs. The resolution
was adopted by the close vole of 113 to 106.
As was to be expected, three ballots were .
consequently taken without a choice ; and on
theiourth ballot, when the plurality princi
ple was to govern, the vote stood—tor Mr.
Cobb 102, for Mr. Winthrop 300, and 21
~scattering. '‘Thrs'ilecided the matter. The
votes of the lour Southeiniraltors.avore-cast
— fiiilifoorehead, of Ky. and the responsibility
,o 1 Cobb's election is consequently upon their
heads. Mr. Stanley, whig, of N. C., then
offered wresolution declaring Mr. Cobb du.
ly eleoted:Speaker of the Bowie, which was
adopted dy a:vote of.l49'yeas to 35 nays.—
Among the.nays :are the Free Soilers and
„Messrs. Toomhp fir en tho 11:,....—:-.0-
7711. - L.ob6 l s'addrerib on taking the' chair was
of a moderate chamcter,giving no intimation,
..of his course.
The choice of Mr. Cobb cannot be regard
ed as a party triumph. He was elected by a
plurality, not a majority ofcile members.—
The operation otthe same rule would have
placed Mr. Winthrop in the chair several
.days since, for he received on one occasion
cvlarger number of votes than that which now
.elects his competitor. Mr. Cobb is a -minin
ity Speaker. Of the 221 members olnthe
House voting on th'isoccrision, but 102 voted
'for him, leaving n majority of, 19 against
film. His competitor, *lr. Winthrop, receive
.ed 100 votes: If the five or six impractica
,:ble Whigs from the South had united. with
the great. body of their party, Mr. Cobb
a ould have been beaten three or four votes.
du the lostjrial.. To their, treachery may, be
Ititeribrid"the'eleetion of ri locotoco Speaker.
'Thrriave but one more step it, their career
.ocritiame. Toey shdbitt go over to the loco..
locos altogether.
The' South may be said to have triumphed
the.election,of Mr. Cobb. But let her be
careful how she uses it, or her very triumph
will ,arouse such a feeling in the north as
will the more speedily hasten the downfall
of,,the.ttpeouliar institutions."., As (or Mir
Cobb he is infinitely a•better man than Ald.7
J. Brown. .It will , be remembered 'that he
ie one of the few Southern men who refused
,to sign the slaverpmanifesto of Mr. Calhoun
last winter.
The Message.
: r.t..eThanhe to the protaptattention of some
,friends,in Hertishurgit we were' put in pow-
sess.!on . 9(,several 6oplea the President's Mes
sage early yesterday rooming, but as. wa`Could
,get compositors for. "neither love nor moiler
to go, ttizsvork! on e::gran
been sibtiget49, detain. pur paper , several bona'
attes t its due time 9.1 o rder. :to:publish:the Mee , '
The first annual Message . .of ,rresldent Tay.:
be read w ith h high pipe, Whi g s,
.end "Miiii•C'enipe: , ijevaiiihe
‘ c s emniendation hls;
•politititteCPdonciiis. tifleAm exceedingly .
,written document, dignifi din tone nd Sitfiret .
,stop, and distinguished b , y tho conC4ness and
•pointuo bleb niarited:Peii.:Tayies, memorable
o our public
affairs; rutty end
,Iy.datifoith•,;ind' the prMeiples•UPOri which the'
goleratuant his 'atiriOnfateind are feailMisli
proclaimed._ !itie rdiei Presidents,"'
•Pens: TINY!O •kaliqvAs ithat:-.:Aderlricelndtietti
needs gia.,proi9olingand;foitcrine , cartitUrOdi'
~goyernOl— e nfon4 0011) . 04i:sing he does nut hsis.
itatoAct our
ve.gqie .11$;es. gu.
; a Nitill kii164.1.w; the:
d um' ioiel'imin,,Wwilh,rirtisf+'',
rolkilll,.hfl.'l74 Ole P,,,7,911 00#7:nietit ofer:'
414'8 V i4i t Ateitro.)6,IPP-4•l7,4unig? Alt c:
Ptit t i l itifrkllNA„ ;klPkt;!MitZita;k4l-!!!.1.7r:'
' ill'hiimiN -,...;e4iiii3O*,r- *;;cr43`'F';'; :e ,,-,
' 4P'ti,LoaFt•Pr,e,t;7:7iAAtsittq:l4",`,.7 ',,4;:tY'
',,1,-:,,,11,;,u,; ; 1 t1ig5 ,-. 17,7, 43 , m444 ,y ‘4 ,
~,..-,:-„,„„,- -!tur,",sr-16,1'• oubus-e,
4%.Atiiliirgu4llTlT-ito,i/rgeOr-,:140 itnatjinl,4
,AT!"', L *.'4,44"-- '0(41,4"Q' 41511047,4 -r
' Jil7,oMAT.,iar,,t4;lllloeil! 40PfitirY'4-ftl9/0'.19),
,',elifilP.niPiittrl:Ni;olNl Ff, 9 4., :144P9P/ P:
' illINPIA? Vitlierpl4lllilltteit,ilol2o
rgq4l A ' bilk%
b, Trijka,prfft .
,arett ett ,160.k4,40,,
iiitill', ;it,* ftll:4°.
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In Watt= to fithastrike?!. , made reunify
!by , the State . Marten at .Par t kesburg, end
i th Pftc, * / '-:r. • I ti.l . 4 !tij i 'R 3l .oqo4 . 'o:t e I I
,tryi44lo., l a atthe4tltit'of -Mr.{ Ralf; tbe','
Wlt igOlategFe asui eg the Har4Seturgi:2'ere:
‘A!!”L,IIK;the, following .- .4*ipse. '',-,T.ha,
dikittitip'et`ftlitit pit‘per:ltaveliiiithed ittqa .
inquiry at the Treasury, that so lar ilraru
withholding payment to the officers on the
R.9 l ?!",?.,lTsr.lchEk hits,Pqqliertedohe TreP ,
surer 'hair actually OVERPAID them to a
arg,';altrunt.`t Every, : draft of this. Canal
Corn missioners, has beer aid. The Super
intendent of the Coined? Road, especially,
'says the 'Telegraiffi, • h " drawn_ 596,0110,
- since the 14th of Seplefirbeilast. What has
he d9ne with the money that there should be
a ' , Jura out" and "strike" of the workmen
upon his division of the Public Warks?4--
THREE MONTHS ! What has he done
with it? Has he Speculated on this fnitd,•
instead of applying it to its legitimate purpo
ses? Or why is it that he has not paid the
."Workingmen" in his employ i for whom he
professed so ardent a friendship last sum:
mer? These questions it would be Well for
Mr. English, the Cartel Commissioners, and
their newspaper organs to answer, or at
least, prepare for, before they preter false
and unfounded charges against' the State
Treasurer. ... _
There is no question, continuk,ilie Tele
graph, but that the "tern out' or "strike" on
he Columbia railroad was' the result of a
base conspiracy. It is well known that some
of the State agents Rot only justified it, but
stimulated it. The want of money 'to pay
tnese laborers was a mere pretext, as false
in fact as it was wicked' and malicious in
design. The Superintendent must have
had plenty of money in his hands on the
very day on winch it :'occurred. Why did
not these same men "turn out" in former
years, when money was actually withheld
from them for a much longer period than
that which is now allegedl
Ycirk Tribune deems the cast of the commit
tees of the Senate, generally, exceedingly sec
tional, and says New York is represented on
but one committee, while the littloNik‘c of Ar
kansas is fepresented on six, South rCarolina
three, Mississippi four, Virginia four, Louisiana
four. Senators King of Alablima, and Atchi 7 , l
son of Missouri, are each on two committees.—
The-south have a majority in fifteen of the
committees, and the north in twelve. Three of
these committees are entirely composed ofj
southern men and two northern. Sixteen of,
the chairmen are from the south and eleven ;
from the north.
and Representatives from California may be
expected t t Washington the middle of Feb-,
ruary. We observe that shortion of the press
of the south is taking ground against the ad= 7
mission of the new +Stale, since it has prohibi
ted slavery„..hut-stieb-oppositioni-whetherout
of, or in Congreas, win not avail. Sixteen
States in the Senile will be unanimous for the
admission, including Mr. Benton, Mr. Clay,
and probably Messrs. Bell and Baden; While
in the lieu's every representative from- every
free State will eagerly welcome her.
WHO is Wm. J., Etuotvti.l—lt ought
to oe understood, for the benefit 'of, me 'Gid
dings, Mr. Wilmot, Mr. Durkee, Mr. Allen and
Mr. P. King, the Free Scalers, that the candi
date whom they supported for Speaker—Mr.
Wm. J. Brown-removed more than four hun
dred postmasters in the State of New York,
because they were suspected of advocating Mr.
Van Buren, and replaced them with as many
others, because they were opposetPto the prin
ciples set forth in the Beale platform. The
records of the Department furnish the evidence
to establish this fact and the reasons which in
fluenced action.
irP•Mr. Rives, our minister at Paris,
has written home letters to Col. Benton and
eve ral other- gentlemen, in Savor of the
young Frenchmen the brothers Montesquieu,
who committed the homicide at Barnutn's
hotel in St. Louis. He- represents that their
lather destroyed himself iu a fit'of insanity
two years ago, and that their elder brother
is now insane in Paris. There is no doubt
but that their c'ondbct in St. Lduis is to be
ascribed to a strange paroxysm of insanity.
Their trial hab not taken place.
messages of the Governors of Alabama, Ten
nessee, South Carolina, Georgia 'and Virginia,
cacti proclaim resistance *to Diciest extremity,
to any act of' Congress adopting Provieo,or
-which abolishes Slavery in Die District of Co
umbia. In.ease of the passage of any 'Mich
act by' Congress, they unite in recommending
a convention of • the Southern States, to deter
mine what shah be done. • •
Father Matthew, the great advocate
of Temperance,. is in Washington ; and has
visited both Houses of Congress ;, the- House
of Representatives, on Tuesday, tl Lurieni
tn'eue Vote; iriVtiOd fm to a seat on. the
Rom of the House:l'm:4h° Senate several
Sciatitern.members cavilled at such an invite.
, beeepse 'Father Matthew had uttered
aorao olleettatt 0 - slivery. 14 dined •with'
the Pr,9,100!)061,
111.*A late bktriiit paper paPlitteti, a
vary tong
,in . ,yiinlication,ol,.blre.,
-1 lha!oaiciict may .h ave i.iaken
P l4 l ,13‘10N4 ,
t. ma
bey sherapter,.haying. been acr r nr,e
• .
• .
11":7''ThiPlegnellittveegrnp .,
, lho yeas
an'llintie;'hia linen piit in. enter for operation f
,at the, next eeseinnini our gneteg nfj„geprneeivi
giairehfi rit.'l6villBll,4,o. ft gretit Baal
of thin . . • '
pasr4r, waa4lielivetedatd,
pongreaa one blanda3r,fand beingihntn4liaid
ry teleighiozi; '
[ published m the Si Louia and
.iewspapera heat niinn mg; 1 .0;'1•1
letely cu
'I na been ~eomp .
1 ''''' , n4' oBlll ° l '. I • • commit t
)) 9 i'ii II along- the -Senat o , ,
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k icjili'o wßather.! , ~
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kriec,...,..a.,,,- jititovv i iik to ttealkao,
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.4'24.)l's,ti po-,.4 I '- / ' iiadt lieeitei*lll*
riiiiAßo?'N'i.46loo hate
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"'liiiiiilYititifliVlll4 ' 4ie ,i , stalif•-T- ve
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MESS•:7- - ,:: --=.,.-- ~'",''' ."...
fitaalii:uriniEysTATEs. - ', s -'
Ttt p . ttiflOSEl3 , OP THE THlRTY•rifter ;Celt—
F.' , ' • Je! , * eheat,. DECEMIER; 1849: • .', 4,
' :4 . - 1 • .F.'" ...' " I' l ~. , . .. . .
Fe/Otp.Tttszen 0 - ,the: SeP .
t!;::cid I‘iii r eof-Rti:eseThraftvesr : . .. .
~.7 4 .Sitity e' ore hav e elapsed since. the estab
liiiiMeWof,this Government ; and the Con
gress ot, the' United Steles again assembles,
to legislate for an . empire of freemen. The.
predictions of evit , _pratheltt„ who_formerty.,,
pretended' ta 'fifretell. it e 'Mit Mt; arbi.-6ui in; "'"'
stitutions,•are now-rementhefett3 ortlyt.,te. be
derided, erliKilieitiniteeSlitei of America, •
at . this • moment, present to the, world the •
most stabl* and permanent Goiernment on,
;earthly.',' '..;. :+, ' ,',•-, ,rt.'- AN , t re. , •.t , 4,
Sueltris....the those'
have gone before usl Upori, Congress r,
will eminently depend the futufe'initinte-•
mince,,ot, our system .ol free , go,vernment,--n
and ihe transmission of it unimpaired,: to. ,
We are at peace with all the World, rind
seek to maintain our cherished- telations:of •
amity with the, Kest of mankincL_ Durtng •
the past year, we have been •blessed, by a
kipd Providence, w'itiran' abundfince.of the
fruits ,of the earth.: Althotikh , the destroying'
angel for a time visited extensive portionaol
our territory with , the ravages of a dreadful
pestilence i yet the Almighty has at length
deigned to stay His hand, and to restore, tote
inestimable blessing of general health-lo a
people who have acknowledged his,power,
deprecated his wrath, and implored his mtir- ,•
eilul protection.
'While enjoying the benefits of amicable
intercourse with foreign nations, we hatie
not been insensible to the distractions and
wars which have prevailed in other quarters
of the world. It is a proper time of thanks
giving to Him who rules the destinies or
nations that we hlive been able to 'maintain,
amidst all these contests an independent and
neutral position towards all belligerent pow
, ers.
Our relations with Great Britain are of the
most friendly character. •fn consequence of
the recent alteration of the British navigation
acts, the British vessels from British and
other ports, will, under our existing laws,.
after the Ist day of January next ? bo admit
ted to enter our ports, with cargoes of the
growth, manufacture or prildention of--any—
part of the wtithl on the satUiterms as to
duties, imposts, and charges, as vessels of
the United States, with their cargoes; and
our vessels will be admitted-to the same
vantages in British ports, entering therein on
We same terms as British vessels, should no
order in council disturb the Legislative ar
rangement. The late act of the British Pan.
Bement, by which Great Britain is brought
within the terms proposed by the act of
Congress of the Ist of March, 1817, itis,bo
pad will bg productive of benefit to both
A slight interruption of diplomatic inter
course which occurred-between this Govern
ment and France, I am happy to say, has
been terminated, and our Minister has been
received. It it therefore .unnecessary .to
refer now to the circumstances whiled to
the interruption. I need note xpress to you
the sincere satisfaction with which we shall
}welcome the arrival of another Envoy Ea
traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary
from a sister Republic to which we have Sc,
long been, and still remain bound, by the
strongest ties of amity.
t Shortly after I had entered upon the dis- •
' charge of the Executive duties, I was 111)pH
-zed that a war steamer belonging to the
German Empire, was being fitted out in the
lathar...of__New-icriry , witir-the—sid - ortffirne
of our naval officers, under the permission
of the late Secretary of the Navy. This
permission was granted duritig an armistice
between that Empire and the Kingdom of
Denmark, which ,had been engaged in the
Schleswig Holstein war. Apprehensive that
this act of intervention Oh our part might be
viewed as a violation ot. our 'n eutral obliga-'
lions, incurred , by. the treaty with Dunitark, ,
and of the : provisions of the oat ‘.f o:ingress,
of the 20th of April, 181811 directed that no , ,
, 'further aid should be rendered 'by any agent
or officer of the Navy; and I instructed the
Secretary of State, to apprise the Minister of
the German Empire, accredited to this Go
vernment, of my determinatimi to execute
the law of the United States, and to maintain
the faith of treaties, with all nations. The •
correspondence which ensued between the
Department of State and the Gordian Em
pire, is herewith laid before you. The exe
cution of the law, and the observance of the
treaty, were deemed by me to be due to,the
honor of the country, as well as to the sacred
obligations of the constitution. I shall not
fail to pursue the same course should a sim
ilar case arise with any other nation. Hav
ing avowed. the opinion or. taking The oath
of office, that in disputes between conflicting
Itifeign governments, it Is. our interest, not
.less'than our duty to:remain strictly neutral,
I shall not abandon it. You will perceive
from the correspondence submitted to you -
in connection with this subject, that the
course ;Limited in this case has been proper
ly regarded by the belligerent powers inter
wed in the matter.
As no such power as that of the German .
Empire has bqen organi zed,
. in consequence
of the failure of the German Stales to form a
confederacy, our Minister accredited to it,
has been recalled, and the archives of the
legation a t Frankfort ordered to be Sent to the
legation at Berlin.
Under the act of Congress of 20th
1848, prompt action was taken to suppress
the Cuban expedition.
in the
abduction case, also, prompt
recourse had to means for his immediate
restoration. For the crime involved in his
abduction, there is no law of Congress, and
it is recommended- that the deficiency be
I haveiscrupulously avoided any toterfer.
once in the wahsand*contentions which have 0,
recently .distradted 'Europe.
• Durir.g the. late'conflict beltveen Austria ,':
and Hurigary,ahme seemed •to be a pr o s pe ct';
that Hungary
: might become en-independent-
nation. ; However taint that, prospecagit.el
time; a ppeared, I: thought it my daty,,in ac.,..
cordance.with:the general sentiment of (he,,
American people, who deeply sympathized `1 ,
'with; the. Magyar , patriots; to stand‘ prepared
•upen, the contingency hi ; the establishmento ,
+by liitY; el ' a 'permanent government, to. ( be.,'
the first to welcome indopendentt Hungary
;into the family lop natieti s: • Foe thie'purpose, 1
I'' ityßßlgd • 0m
:on ti Alien; hi, , Eurcipei. witli4 7 * ,
power, inAsolmileuroyillingness,priforriptly,,
to VecOgnize liar independence, Li the.evenL3
of her ability to sustain it. The poviertal irir.
Lierventiori ol' Iliutitia'in •• die's' Coritelt;'!eiiiin
gbished the Aimee oL the etruggling'Magyarsin
,The United plates did ..,poi, etrany,timei in;.:,,
tetfhiellii'lhe coetedt; but the, lealinge„sii,the; "
natiotf,iveM stiehgly inteietaticr ie . the otiose,'
and , by the sufferings 'of, tc briivii people , who
had madeth. t gallanktlioagh;•unsuotikseful: ef , y/' '
fort' to be . ,frea. , •., ' ',,i •,....:1,...,,,
_ ..... , , 311_1„,-,...ttiL., 4 ,. ., ,-; .---:. , , ~
, Z qut otatm . son rettugat hav e assume d, such; ; , ,
9•9 11 9T,0 3 ra0 t#‘!!!IIPPdi:A9 .> 1 . 110 !4:1 3 , 11 0948
attention. The
.ii i resulent ; :rerOarkti,t 7 +7,l,l# ll .l
oniiiiine'e' of 'Ortiiiiiiioif,:i.e . tAce to, the 4-',„
meilhaii elaniehtd ; lia's t reh? aiisM4d a 01i,..,j. •
:itOdier 89 gr4ii,,O, i , er,!pp., gmit 1, liji#,R . , 9r.1. , . , ,,. i
bi l ; . 4il,lie it 'tile subject of ',e spe9ial'' , Assattge,,,,
_to:congress' with the' .view te' ; aoC4l;ultiinstee,
action as its wistießpay,fl9o9o2',;:t 1, '.2:: , 'T 1
' flun,i9o,le,roo99e 4 cooityptkm4the.pow,:/ ,
rbl gurope., , . • ' • .';, l no ,•:.;1•3.,
1,.g, , , , n„
0: P 099140 ti of , ; u 11401 9ed'igtq? , Pf. alai . m.
i aka ,Pilpitl *tett* Our' Cltoigeititikflatitid:nttl.
nip. had not been riblele Pro Sent his letter
lorhAt4r,i' ee • ;epitolipt7ativi - des.zit' , ;', 7 •'.' '. :''''',?, 1.- i t ,'
ft4iiEl*Keliiiti?**W''lviii; 4 4;li ' Wiit:i i iilti,
: l iti l i*.i4' ' l4 l64 44 l o , *ki,l*,iirklqi ' Of.4o, l :',
ii,i,iffst,%**oo4.o(44,oo*tti*liiiiti`i,";,. - ?::
, poi , ec*. '?,l4o,4l44litiiiitiiiiiiii*itii i !
" 3 0„,,#5.!, , AT
s. •-: ~-, i,- -, .Ti? -,,, ,l,:.„,4sllifi4ifi'lilz•Wiii.)'• r !ti
'''' '',,, '; T! . ..' , :',, , ' - ^ , ,%,; , 1 ,,_ , ' ',' '',..';'''
to eettle ' Meiaenclaim "
e , : and protect our
• ,'in=
7~epreaenlatione'siave%been; dtreateu to :be
mad'e to rthe..v, r
‘Utzt.!o:o9llPilinle.663/"- .renr .,
hoped puikeihOrafiiiiiitirvice
ahligAffiited ''isthmus
intifiirdit'alaVorahle opportunity to
-tclft,e,vl..Pflicylstqd.uppn.that government for ,
au .e into, and redress of Arne.ri:,
" , ...,T_heruereake of our possessions on the.
Prtoiflo.mali-es itnportant that brandy rein,
1,1 • v4. , S • • •
!rons.shbuid be , cultrvatert . w neighboring
11 . 113,4aptibirii of
"' A Co?tve"nlion`liae` been rt'aioliated with
BiT hinna.
razilleiVie e raeinentiteeican
qit is ,suggested, that more efficient. roes
suresliftaken, to suppress the African slave
.. , 41iivingascertairred that there is no pros
peat of there-union of the five States of Cort
ina America, which formerly oomposed . the
Auk:ilia of that name, we. have separately
negotiated with some of them Treaties of
amity and Commerce which will be laid be
fore the Senate. A .contract having been
conducted with the State of Nicaragua by a
Company composed of American citizens,
'lor the purpose of constructing o ship Canal
through the territory.of that State . .to connect
the Atlantic ..and Pacific Oceans, I have
bm4 l l . 01 a. Lanny with
Nicifigna, 'pledging both governments. to
Onlest thiase who shall engage in andibbilVet
the:sib:St.' , All other nations are in vited by
4fiit.State of Nicaragua to enter into the same
ctreatratipulations with her. And the bane
fiebe derived by each from such an arrange-
Merit will be the protection of this great
inter-oceanic communication against any
poker which might seek to obstruct it., or to
monopolize its advantages. All-states enter
ing into such a treaty will enjoy tile right of
passage through the Canal on the payment
of the same tolls. The work constructed
under these guarantees, will become a bond
of peace instead of a subject of cbetention
and' anife_heUiteea_the_nations-ol -the earth.
Should the great maratime States of Eu
, rope consent to this arrangement, and we
have no reason to suppose that a proposition
igasto- age honorable will he opposed by
any, the energies of their people and ours
will co-operate in promoting the success of
enterprise. Ido not recommend any appro
priation from the National Treasury for this
purpose; nor do I believe that such an
appropriation is necessary. Private enter
prise, if properly protected, will complete
the work, should, it prove to - be feasible.—
The parties
_who have procured the charter
from Nicaragua for its construction. desire no
assistance from this government, beyoild its
protection ; and they profess that, having
examined the proposed line of communica.
lion, they will be ready to commence the
undertaking whenever that protection shall
be extended to them. Should there appear
to be reason on examining the whole evi
dence to, entertain a serious doubt of the
feasibilifrol constructing such a canal, that
doubt speedilLsolved• actual'
exploration or the route. Should such a
work be constructed under the common pro
tection of all.nations -for equal benefits to all,
it would be neither just nor expedient that
any great maratime State should command
the communication. The territory through
free from the claims of any foreign power.
No such power 'should occupy position tttai
would enable it hereafter to exercise so con
trolling an influence over the commerce of
the world, or to obstruct a highway which
, ought to be dedicated to the common • uses
of mankind. ..
The toutes across the isthmls of Tehuan.
leper" and Panama, are 'also worthy of -our
serious.clensidemtion. They did not fail to
ongago..)be attention of my otodw , ""."--
The negotiator of the tho treaty of Goads- .
loupe Hidalgo, was instructed to offer a, very
large sum of money for the: right of transit
across the_ Isthmas of Tehuantepec. The
34exican Government did not accede to the
proposition for the purchase of the tight of
way, bebause it had alteady contracted with
private individnals for the construction of a
passage .from the Goasoshalca river to Tehu
antepec. I shall not renew any proposition
to pan:hese for money a right * which meght
to be equally secured to all nations on par.
meat of a- reasonable toll to the owners of
the imprpvernent, who would doubtless be
well contented with that compenFation, and
the'guarantedi of it.e maraiime States of the
world in separate treaties, negotiated with
Mexico, binding her and them to protect
those who should construct the work.. Such
guaranties would do more to secure the
completion of the communication through
the territory of Mexico, than any other rea•
sonable consideration that Bould be oliered.
And as Mexico herself Vould be the greatest
gainer by this communication between the
Gulf and the Paci fi c ocean, it is presumed
that she would not hesitate to yield her aid,
in the manner proposed, to accomplish an
improvement so important to her:. own best
We have reason to hope that the proposed
railroad across the Isthmus of Panama will
be successfirlly constructed under theoprotec.
lion of the )ate treaty with New Orenatia;
ratified, and, exchanged with my predecessor
on the 1814 of June, 1848, which guarantees
the perfectneutrality of the isthmus, and the
rights of adVereignty and property, of New
'Granada over that territory. With a view
that the, heii transit from.ocean to oceatvrnit3i ,
not be intlupted or embarrassed during;fite
existence tfife,trealy, it is out policy ,to
encouragesk,l' : 4 Practicable route across the
lightens, w kill 'connects Notth and South
America e her. by railroad or canal; Which
the „energ and ; enterprise, of iour• citizens
niti Onduc theni, AO
,nomplett",:, And I Apri l
sided' 'it.
ei' 'it, o ligatofj, - alien "meitto ,iitiOitt pat ,
policy, es enially In' besis-initnincre".'Of — the
,absolute necessity of ficilitehugiisserCouree
with our Possessions On the "Paefge, .. •The
posit :of ' the ,Sandwielt isimida - with refer
once tothe Territorrof the ' nified'Bilitee on,
the 080,14. mfccess of 'otif,frperieiering
posit of
liettempsht Citizens' wholtire repaired
t c?,.4.01.P,rn0tt. 1 l!tref.silL.Pll74tiattitputt,the
natively„ and. in . ' induci ng, theng , ..sti;#dopt,',si
syetarr:of ,Geverninent 'and' laws suited, M .
their capacity arid .tiiintit-sindtihit.nse mieditt'
our numerous Whale ships; :cifilbeilalandsi' rie
phices of, resort , ISIS', OtltainAggi refreshments
and repitirs,4ll,com bin ti . ,tcf Ottider their, uer,
tidy' peculfarlY . intSrestiriglii,•ps.' It, is our
duty , ro-cnicouraget iffettis":lelltitifa `iii . ShAfel
filfortelUirnproie and'eletiate, the -mOral:titd I
i Ml.lncillt 01, 1 Pond Om POO inbibi 1 0 iii and,'
we 'should make A i
poll leasehablo -allowauneo:
for the diflicultleOnseparrible from thls;task.l
We . deswe that these' Island_ should 'Maintain
their indepe,p d en MP, ,fttld Apt , -.other; ..n at len e
should„concur with utt, in,, this sentiment, 7 -,
W ii-h,eiliti in' no ! di etit Ile indifferent to',t he if
paging , under' the 'of' any ether'
power; ~ ,, , The. principalt commercial f§liitky'Efl
, hav,eiil this lecorntllnl l ', interest, and'
11 4.ed:lFilrfiRt one:oCtileM WA,alle,rnlit, (0 ,-
iinterimse;taluildtiliti. so "the ' entire ihd epee..
dence..Of AO* feltinda±''' -, - ”' ; '''''.. '''
" The receipts Into !the T ^ min y"f• iii i' . . 1
, „. re r , for e.,18C(1
:yeakandlst en ; •,tho 30th of Jene , tast,o. were,' in
'onah $4B 830.097 60; and. ; ; in, Treasury notes
1 ' ' 4933 000 hi g '' f'
funded, $1 , ~ ma n. an aggregates' a
1069,963 ; 09 .sq,EitA theszpenillturec-fori We
eante•Airn9, w,erel'in,c,a sl 4' ii 46 , 7 P4: 667 ..89, rifts(
ittropreesnr ncitio'-ferndetW 10,833,000;
l imaggreg etef , 567;631;6 714.-' -r,‘ . 'f'' m
, . .71 19 - rine uots,audt stisnatett :which :w ill: ,bat
subip Med ' 'Cengr:iisis, is the, report orthe,Elea,
Watary'of,) , e'Treaitury; lattc‘w' that" there '', will
Vr9habit: .0,-defir4f, notes toned ,hy • Mb:alp/50
`see p 1 , tho. oilcan wat snd, trerity,„on ',the ftieS"
!day.6l,ldl next, , . or •,828 1 ,01 60; Alit ,on
Ow I.t de oflitty,',!l 51k , of, $10;647t099",;73;'
itaakinirin: be sivbefii,kproltahle ..sleftbit,olei,be
fproilded:f ,Of 010,375,214 '3O, The.extriov,
Aim) , et marvel the war. wKW Itlealeoe end..
1 1 4;0E0 o:.ef-,'„Oaliftatiela,fantb,raiw...titiellieoi'
~ laxe, / eshri, atouni s this4,l,6o,lti tygether',WW(he,
ilinialt,'-heire fora', niecloc, - Nt r ,illosef , 'Obficts. , : ,, .l
kherefaM diroll4oo, 4o 4 l Alieritikhektilnv
iole'llkarrßP' 1 16 10,Itto14404.1i.eYnectietittry)•.ssf,
°v ' aiti lic apoit , ;t ,, -.9,vormeorpukoc , ',
f , w. , ...-,.-.. ~,IT,T.',
, - e conom y' .
of strict, oin the Opproprititionynd ex.:, ~
penditares•Of the public money. -•-•,.. , tit —.
• • I recommend a.reitsionof the . eogisti*lttrifr. l
and its adjustment on ajoasixohich 'MB jOUlt
, :el
merit the revgnue.•-• I do no e titabbi,the el lit oire.,-•
duty of Congresei to encodiagel,d6mestiek ildus..
try, which is the great;'ainirc#lo,flitititiliAl a
-well as individual wealth .-,an'Cprespeeity - pr,
look to the•wisdoin and nett latlibgaf pfiligres4
far the adoption of a systenviithleit4iiitf/plaie'
home labor at !coat on a- sure' and, permanent
footing, and by'due encouragement- of manu
factures, give. anew and inere4o stimulus to
agriculture, and promote the dairfflopement or
•one.-Vzist , resonrees" anit'thereatenaldriirour —
CoMmeree. Believing that to the attainment
of thelletends as well as the mieeitt3alf'hUginen
'talon of lffer revendli, and the pr4vention 01,
frauds, a system of , specifie duties is best whip
tad, I strongly recommend to-congress, the
adoption of thaf system; Nang the 'dillies at
rates.bigb enough to afford substantial and -sof>
*lent encouragement to our own industry, and
,at the same'time so adjusted as to onset° sta
bility. •.• --- ,-.
. .. .
question or the continuance of the Sub.
Tteasurysystem is respectfully submitted to the
wisdom of Congress. If continued, important
modifications of it appear•to be indispensable:.
For further details and views of the above
andiothers matters connected with Congress,
the finances and yevanue I refer to the report
of the Secretary °Film, Treasury. •
No direct aid•has been given by the Geoeral•
Go% eroment to the improvement or agriculture,
except by the.expenditnee of small sums for
the collection and publication of agricultural
slatislics, and for some chemical analysis, which
Thisbeve been thus for . paid out of ihe patent fond.
and is, in nig opinion, wholly hoidupiate
to give to this lending or American in
dustry the encouragement which it Merits i•
end I respectfully recommend the establish
ment of an agricultural bureau, to be;connected
with the.Dcpartmpnt of the interior. To cle
late the social condition of •the agriculturalist
increase his prosperityvand . to extend his
means of usefulness to his country, by multi
ply irefis sources of informatiomettould be Elie'
study 'lir every statesman, asd:a prinisry object
with every legislator. .
No civil izovertiment,finving been provided
by Congress for California,..the people of that
territory, impelled-by . the -htsessitios of their
political condition, recentlYlo4 in convention
for the purpose of fortding a constitution and
State government, which latest advices give me
reason to suppose has• been accomplished. It
is believed they will shortly petition for the ad
mission of California into the Union as a sov
ereign state. Should such he—the case, and
should their constitution be conformable to thu
. .
requisitions of the Constitution 'of the United
States,.l recommend their application to the
favorable consideration of Congress..
The people of New Mexico,• will also, it is
believed, at no very distant period present them
selves for admission into the Union. t'repara.
tory to the admission of California and New
Mexico, ihe people of each will have instituted
for themselves a republican 'form of govern
ment, laying its foundations in such principles
and organizing its powers in such form as •to
them shall seem most likely to effect their safe
ly and happiness. -
By awaiting their Aqtion, all causes of u neas
inns may he avoided, confidence and kind feel
ing preserved. With a view of maintaining
the harmony and tranquility so dear to all, we
should abstain from the introduction of those
exciting topics of a sectional character, Iyhiph
have hitherto produced painful Approhenliion's
in the public mind, and I repeat the solemn
Warning . of the first and most illustrious of my
predecessors, against furnishing any ground for
characterizing parties by geographical discrim
inations. • -
A collector has been appoinied at San Fran
cisco, underthe act of Congress extending the
revenue laws to California, and Measuies have
been triton to organize the custom houses at
that and other ports, mentioned in that act, at
the.eurliest period practicable. The collector
proceeded user land, and ad v ices have pot yet
been received of his arrival at San F . 58130 iSCO.
i'ilererwrhilut - itlx - MfarArcli — priliTifire customs
have continued to be collected there) officers
poling under the military authority, as they
were during the administration of ply precleces
s or. It will, I think, be expedient to Confirm
t he collections thus made, and-direct the avails,
after duch allowstnees as Congress may think tit
to authorize, to be expended within the territo
ry, or to be paid into the Treasury for the pur
pose of meeting approprititions for the improver
meat of its rivers and harbors.
11 - Wly engaged on the coast survey, 'was
despstelted to-Oregod in January last. Aceor,
ding to the latest advleet they had not left Cal
ifornia, and dircetions have been given to than,
as soon an they shall have fixed on the sites of
the two lighthouses and the buoys authorized
to bo constructed and placed in Oregon, to-pro
ceed withotft delay, to make reconnuisances of
the most important points on the coast of Cali
fornia, and especially to examine and deter-
mine on sites for light houses on that roast, the
speedy erection of which is urgently demanded
I by our rapidly increasing commerce.
I . I have transferred the Indian agencies 'for
Upper Missouri and Council Bluffs, to Santa Fe
and Salt Lnke,and have caused to be appoin.
led, sub-agents In the valley of the Gila, the
Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. Still fur
ther legal provisions will be necessary for-the
effective and successful extension of our sys
tem of Indian intercourse over the new territo
I recommend the establishment of a branch
mint in California, as it will, in my opinion, af
ford important facilities to those engaged in
mining, as well as to the government, in the
disposition of mineriallands. I also recommend
that commissions be organized by Congress,
to examine and decide upon the validity of the
subsisting land tides in California and New'
Mexico, end that provision be made Mr the es.
tablishment of the offices of Surveyor General
in New Mexico, California and Oregon, and
for the surveying and.bringing into market the
public lands in those territories. name 'lands
remote in position and difficult of occess,ought
to be disposed of on terms liberal to till, but es
peckilly, favorable to i the early eattgrantd.
In order that the situation and character-of
the principar mineral deposites in California
may be ascertained, I recommend diet a gab
logical and minerological exploration be con
nected with,the:linear surveys,and that the min
eral lands be divided into mail lots suitable ,
for mining, and be disposed of by sale or lease,
so as to give our citizens an opportunity of pro
curing a permanent right •of property in the
soil. This would aeon to bo as • important to
the success of mining as of agriculture.
The great mineral , wealth of Oaliforniri,*and
the advantages which its purls and harbors, and
' , ` those of Oregon, alford to commerce, and esp.
thily with the islands of the Pacific and Indian ,
oceans, and the populous regions of•eastern•-,
, Asia, make it certain that there will arise, in a"
jfriw„oears, large and prosperousCoininunities
our .western dotal, It .therefore' - .becomes
important that a .of contnautdcuttm,, thir
best and most extiedltibus nature of
the country-will ad'm'it, should'hmtpss
,W isedvith• ;
In the.lerritory of the United Etbueffipl!
navigable waters .01•, the: AtitiAtitietkeetiiii
guirrir Mexico le the Pacific. tf ph inn,
preasedby.two large' and 4 ' respeatableptiiiiiiii:4:.
Hopi :lately assembled at, St:,;Lloula.ittad,; l l44e: 4 7'l
phis, paints to a railroad akthat gillsl4 ; if,pta,F,:! 1
tleable, will best meet the wishes apd;vvents
the country. But while 1614 ;vie isuciedssful'i
opcittiiion,ovonlci be .a Iwock: of, Ilona I I+,
importance, unit Of a ialue.tti the peentryorthioil;i: aithhate, it''Veght also
to be regarded azunaindertitkingiiirtinort ,., iniliP'
allude and expense, and one, hictrituush,,if
be iiiuued PrttetiCae, encounter, maiit,ditßoul,„,."
'titieidlis'constractiotf and uso. "fo
'avoid,. failure and -disappointmeriC-446;eiliblell.
Congress , to judge ivliothsr,„in,the condition of;; ;
the'deuniry through which - IR' must pass,,
'work.he fausiblevf ani whethilrW . ,
4 xlmuld bovidertalten as .a. uulinpal poprove- 1 .
,Brent; or left to ,intlividual ellturprise,,and„,),o74
thhlatterculterifativq'what ddght
:'.l;ttlixtandett.tchit'hy: the gbvernment, , 4'*ratioliii.` '
ylirlOisailea i the'seteral Proposed routesi . by.
iaten,titiii co r pi'i and in, rep or a td
debility:R.l,loAl% Bunk a; , roadj.„*ltlr
thole of Ilia coat of its ciinstictiof On:`and pup.; ,;.
For further , vibws of these add tithed matt rs`.
ninntentati.w ith ,tited.letbp,ok tho ,H(lll,loDepsrt...
inent',J . rafetoyou, to the report of, thti , iM,erßtp r ',.,.
114•bViii n t : .i 4.
. en ear y' tippropt Own"'
it inkling' toe river and ' , harbar , iral
istreadY beige [lc. and . : alsel'for
the ticitence.liten tic: these
liaitr been r'as 61 , to lint tions :;
;and, estima Les preper4Oryi tO),able , eoiriiiierteg",
1.11119/tBf-Itickionr,e nit'oiheincalits`.oC:;the:meunq
ryiland! flit! Miveneo Oriwr :"PA I P4 I , I;
lort , blikliteifli ei 0::01 . 4 .160 4, 166, et" '
OismineriMoney, render,. ipeciessary, An eistirnitinq
*aunt' .which': -ha' eilvaniageously
dirge ti4 . .,0f O,littrea affqapogro pliioiir4E a
noc l oraponlas
ter 'ol4ll4:!.lo,t;tilq6lk i l't.rusp , aarillift.l„vito' S ;
trattliv Jae, has I,itiatlf,,iiiiendeil, , ,cipr.f
' , w
, &'„,„
exposed frOnSier; and; remile'o4.its'de once diore.,
Thbt troaffli,airilso"..brought:•ueun
obligatiOns :to • MUiicoi . ebitiplyr•;•ivifb.
uybich, a -military ..f0t04 . `48
frntlitary eilabllshmentfil tat-iiiiilqlbllY••Ohon
gedaiS to iti;itirteiencio from tWi pond lOU in
'velAh it stotiiiitteforeqhe commenioniiintio;thi
Mplican Sontoi,thlition tOt.wstil'thet:tM
forli-be Yiusefmil,,orid:•LreclpMand
voiVhiikomjilaeratiolkif Qopgre'si,...a`n,triirease
()film sbrettii corps of the army, at our distant
neitblh posts, as proposed in the accompany-,
ing report of the Secretary of War. ',Great
erflYnfilyiktp,W „bay, resulted from .the effect
upon rook in - th'e army. Heretofore given to
brevet and ,staff commissions., The, views of
the Sitoretriri Of War en this sirbjeti, tire deetti
ed important, and if crterfnil into eget, it
is believed, promote the harrnony,of the,service.
The plan proposed for retiring disabled officers
and providing an asylum for such of the rank
and file as from age, wounds and other Winne
ties, oenesioncd by service, have become unfit
to perform their respective Auties r i—ii—reeom ,—
mendeillWfitmeans of increasing the efficiency
of the army and as ailed of justice due from a
grateful country to the faithful soldier. ,
The accompanying report of the Secretary
of the Navy, presents a full and satisfactory
account of the condition and operatibn of the
naval service during the past year. Our citi
zens engaged in the legittmate pursuits of cum
mecca, have enjcnied ,its benefits. Wherever
. .
our national vessels have beep, they have been
received with respect, our officers have been
treated with kindness and courtesy, and they
have on all occasions pursued a course of strict
neutrolity in new - dunce-with the policy of intr
The Naval force at present in edmmission is
as large as is admiisable — with the number of
uses authorized by Co - tigress to be employed..
invite, your atteutibn'to the recommendation
.of the Segretnry of the navy, on the subject of
the reorganization of the Navy in its various
grades of officers, bud the establishing of re
tired list fur such of the officers as, are disqualt•
Wed for active and effective sevvlice. Sh4uld
Congress adopt some such measure as is' re
commended, it would greatly increase the efli
ciebey of the navy and reduce its expenditures.
I also ask your attention to the views ex
pressed by him in reference to the employment
of war.stisamers, and in regard to the contract
for transportation of the United States mails,
and theoperation of the system upon the pros
perity of the Navy. .
•-By an act of Coney-se passed August 14,
1848,_provision-was mpde for extending post
aide and-'mail accommodations to California
and Oregon, Etertione anve been made to ex
ecute thatlaw, b r utlOWlifulted provisions of the
act, the inadequacy of tlinlneans it authorizes,
in thendeptutioe of our post office laws to the
situation of, and the measure of
compensation fili.servi/ces alloWed by those
laws, compared with the prices of labor and
ants in California, render these exertions in a
great degree ineffectual. More particular and
efficient provision by law is required on this
The act of 1845, reducing postage, hoe now,
by its operation * during four years, produced'
results fully showing that the ineome from such
reduced postage is sufficient to sustain the whole
expense of the service of the• Post Office Depart
ment, not including the cost-of transportation
in mail steamers, on the mail linos from New
York to Cltagres and Panuma;and from Pa
nama to Astoria, which have not been consid•
ored by Congress as properly belonging to the
mail service.
It is submitted to the wisdom of Congress,
whether a further reduction of postage simuld
not now he made, more Farticulnrlv on, the
letter correspondence. This should be relieved
from the unjust burthen 'ef 'transporting and
deliyering the franked matter of Congress. for
which pu lie service provision .should be made
from the treasury. I confidently believe that a
change may safely be made, reducing all sin
gle letter postage to thC uniform rate of five
.P.M..9,-Clat,iegardlexaof-dlittancerwithent - therc.
by imposing any greater tax on the treasury
than would constiebtaxi , sery tinederate‘compen
ffir this public service; . and I therefore
respectfully recommend such a rialuition.—
Should Congress prefer to abolish the franking
privilege entirely, it seems probable that no de
mand on the treasury would result from the
proposed reduction of postage. Whether ally
further diminution should now be made, or the
result of the reduction to five cents, which,'
recommended, should be first tested, is submit
ted to your decision.
Slime the commencement, of the last session
ofCongress, a Postal treaty with Great Britain
has been received-and ratified, and such regale-
tions have been formed by the Post Office De
partments of .the two countries, in pursuance
of that treaty, as to carry its provisions into
lull operation. The attempt to.oxtend this same
rrangetnent, through England to Franco, has
not boon equally succossfid ; but the purpose
has not been abandoned.
For a particular statement of the condition
Of the Post Office Department, and other mat.
tors connected with that branch of the public
service, I refer yon to the report of the Post
Maker General.
By the 'act of the 3d of March, 1349. a Board
was'constititted to-make arrangements for tak
ing the seventh census, composed of the -Sacra
tary of State, the Attorney General and the
Post Muster General; and it was made the do-
ty of this Board "to prepare and canoe to be
printed such forms and schedules as might bo
necessary for the full enumeration of the in
habitants of Limp Unitecl,Stateo ; "and also prop.
er forms and schedules for collecting, in statiw
tical tables, under proper heads, such informa
tion as to mines, agriculture, commerce, mane.
factures, educatton, topics, as would
exhibit a full view of the pursuits, industry,
education, and resdurces of the countri." The
duties enjoined upon the Census Board, thus
established, having been performed, it now
rests with Congress to onset a law. for. co rrying
into effect the provisions of the' Constitution
which require an actual enumeration of the
people of the United States within the ensuing
year. ,
Among the duties assigned by the Constitu
tion to the General Government, is oils of local
and limited upplication,but not,nn that account
the less obligatory; I allude to the trust com
mitted to Congress, as. the exclusive legislato
and sole guardian of the interests of the Dis
trict of Columbia. I beg to .commend these in
terests to your kind attention. As theAttlOO-•
al metropolis, the city of Washington must be
an object of general interest; and, fomided .as
it virow.under the auspices of him whose Imptor
trt,hagui It bears, its claims to thO.,,feattertng
chArecoitgrOWS,preeent themselvca With addi
trpAat.,llolglfi.;, Whatever can contribute to
itkproappror i thust enlist the feelings of its
Constitutional ,guardians; and command their
Our Government is one' of limited powers,
,- 7 , 04 i successful administration eminently de-
Arld on ;the con fi nement °flinch of its, comr:
dlnat ,branplies withih Its ()Wei' appropriate
satiate: `, 'Pio. first:spc , ttort, of the Constitution
et:d . hinW that ..'. , ell , legislettlwo ,•• powers therein.
I .Vithited.s4ll :he Vested,3,•ln.,!i' Congreesj . of the
;Unitdd;Slatei4' 010 i.hhiro g niist of. a;Sonate,
ihiillhbikiooo.eaproovea.!.., The executive
, h'otitikoy ,go: commend , not to.•dictatej
MeSsoies it, Congress :jHaving'perfortoed that
'cluty,oliro'tUxecutive dephrtment;wl the GriW-:
~erneatint Cannot irightfully . eontrol.:;the'deWisiMi
hfpaugiess on any subject of leglshitien;' Until
.ilnit 'deeliiion ii halt ha v e 'been' OfficuillY submit.
milted Tor UpprOva I: • The 'Cheek 'provided by
the * COnlititutian,ln the clause conferring the
qualified Wolo o Wiltnever,,be exercised by me,
except in thosucuied contemplated by the fathers
of thwilipuhlic:lfi , lew it AB en extreme inetis;,
_tire,' resorted to - ,ehly, in extrinardinary cat
-es=-Ltiti Where' ithe3i . ; bec o me .trioeseary . t,, tie
kiiiil 'tit a'pseeiti ti yro . itgalitst . tho n • encroachments
of iiii!(:.,legi's.latiy, Towoi,, or. to - ::erevent hasty
and' Inconsiderate or- unconstitutional; legisla
tione..,BvcaUtlously '.continink' bile . ' reenedi .
*it hliet he aplideo , preeorlbetile itirilhe' eatoth:: .
porttweenis'expesittone of time freifilirit,Oftlie Co.:.
stitiitioniitlie ;will"rif ace po.qije,:' logitiinately;
exPreinied %Wall :.atiblicts,:ef logislation,,th roughl
their,chnstitntienal. cifgaits: the Senators, end
Representallies atilt, United Stated, will have
.its full effect: ,-Ait'in it is lionsitbltil titthe',,,,prissor::
vation..of;:ourittlystem :of self-goVernMent,'llte
indepandencip.hf , ther ItoPthWentativea of tree!,
States:am:Oho'Venp!o'iii guarantied ' hythitCciii-'
,stitutiOn; • and they owe ''no resprinsibility.; In"
any home!). neeeoe . but their iinistittiontri,-. 3 By ,*
(ratfpfitAtte reptesotitativa responsible • enir-th
.Aseipoopip, and; xempting.hiril-froWilrether'
infjpenem,we elevate the eltsr.aotarefthO'OP.'
. stitoet:i!, UM) quicken 'his senstreflOwpdiiiiibßiti .
,to hie ciOnnady'C'',l i.' la under theact:,airsurnitati;i
ees'onlY that the
,eliotlir ;"06716:41 . ,0riatA4 , .0.e.'
hcilici ? of.the ISW-hiltkiir4e 111,140,tdr,, , txplii.N
contipbneht part!iirtßsikaretitir*.#o,'s! , .ert,th, O ,
'neticiti;: , :-With - eqiiar lieriit,ilWhe,ulf 47 , , lttltYY . P l :
:defend, the' gtwiiis',4,4lool9,oo4 04 0 10 „J', 41 ;
idaßartnicitit*,.94lg f 7 , 7u - e ,
:tires*oirlrkiiiiP.,o43 , lo6o , o, -- i i i i i o,, o. ,
1 n tiro el i ttiJnittr it -0 t POT:WO:0 6,90 , 10601
of one' utiordinillhsigiultl!/'4 l 3.s ggtoiclL l ll oc 4l :f''
... 2.. . , 1,i., ., , . )7 • ..-, .. ' .,11 , . ; .1- ,
....: ',,,:,,,,-.:1,..:1.,.',.,..11:•..,,,,,N..4...2,:,:;,..;,.:.....:;.,:,,...,,,-,',.:,,,•,:;,,:,.,..:,,.,,,..,.,,,„„,•,..,:.,,.....,,.....,
~:,bW,nor+~Mc~rl~~tr:'?ti+wl' , N , . , rw~ 9 ~!a~ cdr; ~
.W.ttkohis,,striet obser,vance of this rule and •
the'Mlibirjiiikitiorri.of the Constaltiuilth
a sedulo of that tespeet and vo
for the olett oaliestates, which our tat eye ,
- dherialidd filfd k etijiik ied upon their ohlidren,Mid
'.ihkfl overruling Providence
*Molt longfijiti so kindly guardedlat
likeitios•and4witi(iitions, we may reasonably
:OXpealiktsMimit thorn with theii , trinumeri;
VIC blessingtilicihe remotest posterity.
But attachmeht to the Unicin of the States .
should be likbitutilly fostered in every Anion--
can heart. For more than half a century, du-
Itinidizims and empires have fallen,
this Union has stood unshaken. The patriots
who formed it have long since descended to the
grave yet still it romntns, the•proudest, menu-
Inent,to their memor,y,4l4 tho•ohjoet oi-ofibc
tion and adiniration_willilevcry ono worthy to
bear the American name. In •my judgment,
its dissbluticiri would be the greatest of calami
ties, andtu avert thaeohould be :the stucly,of
ery - AMericliripon its preservation must de
pend our own happmei4 and that of countless•
generations to come. Whatever dangers may
threaten 8;1 shall stand by it and maintain it
in its integrity, to thu full extent of the oblige
tions,itnposed, and the power conferred upon
me by the Conititution. Z. TAYLOR.
WASIIINGTON. December 4th, 1849, • /1
For the florold.
AI a meeting of Delegates, .Directors, Tea
chers and tried& of Education, convened In
the Court House, in Carlisle, on Wednesday
.the 1911i * of December,,lB49, pursuant to the
nviiaiion published in the papers, WM. ii
MILLER, Esq., was
,appointed Chairman,
and P. QUIGLEY, Secretary.-
The object of the meeting having been
itateil by ttie chair to choose Delegates to a
State Convention to be held in Harrisburg,
on the 161 h orJanuary next, and adopt such
measures as may hest promote the cause of
Education, it was on motion of James Ham-
Mott, Esq. seconded by Rev. J. N. flofAnan,
Resolved, That we approve of the holding
of a State Convention, in the hope that •it
will bring together able and judicious men of
practical information, to reccorn mend to the
Legislature such measures as will mature our
general System of Instruction and also slim-
utate the friends of Common Schools to
greater eflosts iiVheir behalf.
On motion of He-. Hoffman, Resolved,
That in view of tffe-a 4-11v ious defects existing
in our Free Sohool system, it is recommend
ed to hold an Annual County Convention of
School Directors and friends of Education, to
excite greater interest in the cause, and pro
mote the general system of Common Schools.
Qn motion Resolved, That Rey. J. N. Hoff.
man, Wrri. fi. Mullen and James Haini
Esq, be a ammittee to nominate to the
meeting, gentlenien as Delegates to the Slate
Convention, who 4 t.having. retired, returned
and reported as
• Delegctica, Alternates,
Joseph Mosser, Thos. Craighead, jr.,
John J. Hemphill, J. R. Irvine,
W. H. Miller,.Esq., Jas. Hamilton, Esq.,
Rev. J. N. Hoffman, Rev. J. A. Devinney.
' Which report was accepted and adopted
by the Convention.
„On motion, Resolved, That the Delegate's to
the Slate Convention be instructed 10 propose
for thevonsideration of said Convention-4m
following objects.
I.—The publishing et a Common School
Libary for the School atalii.ctsihethis_Statm
.-110 establithinent of a Record, in the
Secretary's Office at Harrisburg, where .Tea
otters who wish employment, may record
their names and file their recommedatioha,
and where Directors may obtain this infor
mation on payment of a small. lee to-.the
3.—To recommend to the Legislature the
most imitable age at which scholars should
b'er' admittdd into the schools of this State,
having regard to their health and physical
deVelopement, as. also the maturity 'of the
mind to receive instruction.,
4.--To recommend whether 'Webster or
'‘,Valker should be the standard Orthography,
in the schools of this &ate. '
On motion, Resolved, That Rev. James A
Devinoey r Th05,,„1.1. Skiles ' Andrew, Bldir,
l'rolessor Stadler; end Jacob Shrorn, be the
Standing 'Committee ..r,for • Cumberland Co.
and instructed to matte all the necessary ar
rattgements for the Ineeting of the nest. An
nual Convention. to be held on the 3.1 Tues.
d ty in April, 1850.
Olt 11106011 of Mosser, Resolved. That
the Delegates from this Convention' be in
structed to advocate in the State Convention
a recommendation to the State Legislature to
amend the school,law With teference to 'the
examination of Teachers, so that in future
the Count of Quarter Seseuins,:ahell. appoint
three competent individuals, to
Teachers who may present themselves for
that purpose ; anti no Teachers -employed,
who have not certificates from some one
Board o: county examiners within three
Resolved, That these proceedings be pub
'shed in the dilierent papers ,t 1 this borough.
\V M. IL MILLER, Pres't.
• P. CMGLev, Secretary.
Lectures.--Public ()flag. „
At a meeting hold in pursuance of 'public: no. ,
Lice, on Thursday evening, the .10th inst., for,
the pur pose of adopting aeout Ile
delivery of et series of Popular Leetureeditsta.
ted times,during the present winter, ini*ption,
J OHN B. Namur., Esq. was appointed chair
man, and E. BiATTY appointed Secratary,qkp
proposition foi a course of Lectures havingimen'.
freely discussed, on motion tho r followink.:o4.`,`.
eons were appointed an Exeratiec diAniiitee ,
to make all. arrangements .for,-simuring said'
omits°, viz :
John B. Parker, •• Wm. H. Miller,
jamas Hamilton, • William Bait,: k.' !-. • ' 4 .--
Samuel Elliott, , Thomas H.:Bkilcia ' •
Dr. H. Hinkley, •
Jason W. Eby, E. Beatty, •`..'' •
Bamuel'A. Coyle, iJames li. Smitfil' I ' '
Off motion,tha-meeting - theiradjourrie, ..,:: ~...‘'
At a Meeting,o , Baeantive
held on Friday - evening laat,porsuantio
the following proceedings were • • t !
On motion, Melaiii:,:i:p„Pti;ker,*ll%,
Miller and Wm. Batt were appointeo 1 a
,`ernpV., i '
Taupe to indite ,and 'confer 'with Loctoreigap4, 4 , .
irifinge,thp, \ ardor of a course, to be deny - 40k , ' ,
, 4 t”'
onne.a.weeki'ae- shall hereafterbo anno unced
On' motion," itieeers. Janina flamtlton;J Wth -
Eby, T. !!. ,Skiles, ArMatrOng. N0!;k10,2,#4.1Pt:
Bliiett,vnire ppointed a Committee of orOilitc;f3, ; -
niente. ~. • . •
'On motion, Dr."S;
utcr to the Executive
On tnetion,
borough are Invilod to attend tpQeoitrea of Leo.
turns without qiuirgi;', J j aliO'*l4:gert44oo ,oB 4":
tickets be iwld a t And,thatt.he'ett..2
tiro p‘inoebtle:ntlOrikiiini.tml,!o.o,o?!?:*o:lt:
'Eithr,bti'Plieeden"the Ompvolgmtiol—.
the foini , '
On motion the pr4aiiinga woiolank 14. teAtp,
,;t.,:.1. MA,1115, Eltll
'7'0314-413tri4E10,3j,i., . .• •1J
. p a li k r mo'rethato,r,r4.rf!attir,t p ;
03164 Frrit,lo!ut;!? , !!!"tiing,hiio
i4 , 4t..lijw4nQw.ycku
.cami)hoipe arO•fo t cgnltpaelluaktiM.,,
••anthor• 4!•467•,49f'14 PPPAC:-1,71"-
•w/i9., 1 10996900(iiiirAi,r,,s 4;
i?t , l , oql.ipty', l ol;Pty 4 iptlip;44ktifi,Y#lol , lovii.
• . •. • •,;:''•