Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 05, 1849, Image 4

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^iet AM. maxim true; t t,, u •
Pt'etitilir'Ptactice „ •. .
At,eßoile 'mail, tci marr y., .he e ereatatue net 'ought' tu ger . •
••••. ”
Ittli . e*steryluelblit.they chew , •
tirrrnetl t a : Y‘ a°3l,l7.YirtT.
I ,,, ,vviren litre lie ktieelsibetbre: , your",fieite
'year Pilger in a rint;
I '. 'Oh I r sea iieti quite unother.,thing, '.„
spoils a Inan;ioC.49al l 9,4 l !n-au,u,:,.0
,Halresim.atinas , * 3 , 09, 1 4 1 4 f. dvop)t. • .
yqq I you mat. lop it, .;
. Biotite ,ynelitlpiebt itiatfying I ' •
ietti e htitlliect • •
• ''...elelett 4betverytworst-of meal, • •
~ itnot,,pitieseianotie cup pc,ten t . . ,
) 1 . ...T011.1 1 PR11A Inara, lo .MiFTY him. 1
I . _, p i vi:
~41 0 ; ; pf..„tho 'United States)
near ymillargelta that of all Europe ;,,iti
Pointlationsinalutling , the Aborigines am
imigranta nAttir exceed 23,000,000,whicl
is:,ot,ii fentiliitirtif that of Europe:',..l6
August, 1700,41te`ThaitedStates coniiijk•
ed nearirfour.Millions of people r inclui•
sive of about 700,000 slaves. Irintßott
there' 'Were: 5,305,920 inhabitants; 7,239,f•
814 19 1 /810; .9,444;:4 9 0 in 185A;,,.,12,;,
860, 020—itt .1830 w • and —17,063,355 ,ill
Ju no,' '1819;:of" Othona 14,189,705 k weri
whites;:'"Plati.,o9.??l,, of Iplit6'..(ito'
of the .IC.Titioa hea , vreere. than defuhled.-;;:
Daring , 2syearso , lB4B ,1 688 872‘per
sons . ha* *riiigrtted l'frotrr Great Britait •
OClrOaiirtelntja, I.loriCEts, chiefly ti ",
th 4 XT.iii45(1,,t541104. ; 4 . 0.,tie .. 3 76 ar. /0
theteartived.atthelpert of.Vew York
180,17k ,, intinroptsri..of • wheie . 98,051
Fe,fr6lZ4K4 rSIV/3"'-fro in.' Ge tine '
ny . ,,art 415 emScat and. The w,holt
number of persontrait natives who ar
new in the-United States is - believed n
ii`Aiearly , tour' millions, or between
fotiiitt ittitfiftli'cif, the ,tv hole populatinu l
In , the -year :endi ag, September 30,:1848,i•
.22901834dissetsgtitwarrived lip the , •Unii
ted States; besides 'those via .Quebec :
10,;t460iyiroiiiales and 92,883 females.:
01' these onlSrl9,299landed at New Or
leans. In 1847 and '4B 507 359 persons
left the I j itited liingdmd; in 1846 0n1y 12903,51:
Some think that, the accessio!Lof-pop
ulatiqn to the United States by inamigm
tied. soott.readh Mo t opo-
Wete our country filled' up like Gdrma
ny, .172.pereons to .the sqtrare mile, the
population 500,009,000. Eu
rope contained 183,000,000' inhabitants
in.„ 8Q7,; in 1848 they.. had insreased to.
262,300,000 la th't;: same area. Excesi
Of pepulatiou,ertorraous tarration,and the
scarcityof subsistence;' - has ',driven mil : .
1100,0'4dr tViihin the lasi . 2o fears;
it,fpriner,perlotireligious persecution
banished thousands from otherwise hap
py homea. •• '
te*''itibtlg A;1; have dte
decennial Ceriank ,the'Llnited States for
1850, and we have seen a calculation
makings the pop / ulation represented 21,4-i.
027;527, and giving the Eastern States
Delaware; 58,'
Western free 50, Southern or.Slove, 78,
Representatives in Congress, mem
bet. for'loo,oo' persons, 211; which is
tosysmall a number 1 for, the transaction of
business, and"orte repreSentative toloo,- -
000 constituents 'by far too few.
c 'Eighteen - hundre&and fifty-one will
bring us,a decennial return from the 11-•
nitedXinidorn,'Vtrhith, in 1841 contain
ed 25A5:103•itihnbitants, and May give;
• a return - bf•iterrrly 30.000,000 persons;
dotwithstanding an migration of more
thati a million in ten years.
lgank 'persons, erroneously suppose
that the.hest way , to prevent moths from
getting into woollen or furs, is occasion
ally through the summer to hang these
atelep.out in the sun and air. "Phis is,
a 'great mistake, us it is by such exposurer
that the moths are most likely to get into
them. On the, contrary, in the spring,
when the se tV en, over, for furs and
they,.sbould be well, shaken and ;
brushed, and then wrapped up tightLy.,in:
linen, layina among them hirrips of tarn::
phor ; handfuls' Of fresh hops'; shreds:Or
,tobacbo, or cuttings ofatusabiltath4,
er ; or strew among them grottutt pepper.,
or cedar stiavipp,„-^. - tdi ofoviliOrlinf:Prkr
veutives to mot h s, the," . "
by . far the best, and Most, certain,, pat . 4p:7l
ulaily, for, Airs. Oo'r ../laukets, and 'par,
pets, you ma -use the best chewingcmoi
ba'cdtPpulled Cot plsr, AT:tehspbo avnt a tiv:
All woollens, &e., 4tild"be keptdatiQ ,
neglect, k presS- 6 Tia4sqt Bhcluld: l)4 q 94 °.
infested , with , moths r lettit ;beat welt scal.
dedk , with'n strengbidecoction ! of 'tobacco
civiii*At• 4f40. 16 ;,49e4.,1 1 414Pel
troublesome insects, his:better to g.ive:up
keeping:m:lol4ns* thatamext; and to
approprtatea,todioute other UB6. ,
bfiChestanof deitillphor-wood , (for , Which
titiVieittiitsitiM to India)'are excel: 1
;414 - a mirth'
the cost.',,f4ife Muffs And, tippets.. are•at,
wityn,ktittclosely eltutiti their own box=
es, X_L t ..l l ,l l 4ll l . 2 irr c o caki? shredi
9Lt9.qMP O A NW allYilno/ 13 1 ) ** 1 '44* -
Wad ttr,ittheYti will , bean ;no danger from;
moth. Furs bad best be pitt -,- awity for
CW116'416110 atrtlarch.
cci97,4otßltffflWelfr.PßM4o,,tOatcL -
ere, oi eeping•cloths OP.Mttit WAxi n
articles. Hairartmits rarely fail to in
troductrinothimU :11 is
Thebest.ltrnfor - putting - way the
woollgaillYll,Xfill,laniliiii' did' ilati4ii is
so bitOkiva4,oo.llll,T,lo — requ4 . 4 . tt'he use, of
.theio . oone.'l4auket !Or each bed'. shottlit
bilA#4o,:rAllelhe 'ObtunberJolosr•
s*Ot:'. 5',.10..01i' :),416,: - 46.„ o:kor*
unsomfortas yitooll tlis, tne ; summer.
el:l,atitjfejs',ilteou;diietilir Its .' pa ouiviir
gilif: 4 .0,444: K it i ;A. A t 'Ai 0. 1 411 , A .4#;*
on e, ay . ours, tiny, war uo , occuem (Kcal
. is, kiiiiilly.i , evia h le Ju IT and ifttitgOst,.. .! ~ ...4
' .. i*itt,;.".l ' 4-tlit„ ~, , .4 .11{1., ,, l, : 4 11;10
iit: ' ': torsorturie Atouoynng :tax itue
tlikie j a ' lieti'ttie restiSlie , l3uofisteuteirod
'4f,i'A Ariol:CgiiiWaq;PelaWati;;m4;
: 7,41 toOen'tlioa'auttiiicii,rilib.eiAl,
'iltl i gtVe IDecomberi s t i 7874
"...ZSlY; l ttiViP; s t,?,ol#3
.• .att , FLOP ~ 31 '.
h4iel4 B 4.o.hi.ti:.
00410119.344 , ffirylaiut4ptit , ,s , ,,vmsr
south': Carolina,. : Maf '23r 'flfgep. l lss, l ol
Haniii,Shirei . 74 upe -2 f' . ..k . 7c11:1 . lain;
June* fttlt:WlNWYoW;tkliii , 20,
relifrPtl i i*N il4e4b . , 11 1 1
• P 4 . ' illill it04.f..;4.4k , .t144 L tbm,„t
AU '1171,11 ; . Kentucky;
ja.,:11,1,10 , 1479q1
,180 2 ii ;Piii4l§Atti
%ember , , tO, 181.7 i ii
~00,, r , 41. 0 02 ii•
taint, i'merch ifirti
010; 4 1821);' , A0,
4 r .V.igiikk..l:l4
' l , fiflecOlitihiolleii
F 23
TUBY ir l th ffa th of
EAR 1 etthe
„1162 d `jr4fir *lak J I iiito Peiltb l / 4 ,
609 1 10thiiitle;i3'114CrititibiWttedordibi
founilattoh'. Of.";ltiTine4; (he
: ( 1259th slrice:lhe erifofc Ebcipasser, , ' which
'las lie6ritiSsiiiiMl,to WedreSda3rilie 20th;
of ge.hrittirir, 39$6til l 'Year/14A9,
11 . 1 hap period, Which-e,orretipcinds, actor
and.aceoidiUg to astioniiia4, to the
before Christ.; the 2,625th ,, year the,
first!yeai 'the' 657th"
,Clympiad, beginning in,Joly,, 1849, 1, we
fix. the era of the , Olympiads-at, 765 1 , 2
Y,ears before c risi,, er bfuhouit 'the be.;
giniiinkof,j lily of,the,. year 2;638 of 'the'
;, the , 1;,265.66th; year (of
twelve liihationsY,Since .the Hegira, or
Malionriet; which, - is generally
" supposod l took pla ce of July,
in the year, 122 of the Chrittiaii'bru. •• ,
. , Watches. and . Sawely 1,,,.„..-,
1!A *,
w ylEA.Bll^ , riziN,, AIVE#::
ti . . "Philadelphia
k 1 ' elrY Store," No. 96 North' 'SC
` -.s PfIOND ,etreet,oornai of Quar
"4-6.l•lliNii-- iy - iitrOet.. .
Geld d i ev.eo„l6l k. caries, full jewellod, S3Q and
'•upyvarde, f . , ,
Silver Lcive!e, full jewelled, $l5 and upVnirds.
Gold, Leiiirfe,..l6 K. cases,., jewelled,. $25. and.
uparSilver Lepin'es, leivelled, $lO and ufiWorde
Silver Quart*. Watches, $4 to 10 '
- -
Silver Spotnis, equal: tin Coin, per sett—Tea,
$5, Desert slo,TableAls, other articles in pro
portion. All4oode . , warranted to be what the
are sold for.
Constail on hand a large assortment
Also,' art ssortment 'of M J' Tobias & Co.,
E Simpson, Samuel & Brothers, E S Yates &
CO, John & R Beesley. and other
superior. Patent Ltneer Igovementii, which 'will
be cased In any style &fired • •
Airtingoinentshave'. been' made with all the
above: named' itnaitnelebFated manufacturers of
England, to. fiirnitih de short notice any required
stile Vklateli, - forWhich orders will betaken,
and 'the, name .
,ttie ; perelitP,Ori!
derlnW•put 'on if requested., ; • •
. • '• '•: porter of Watcher
An entirely new Article for, Shower-Bu
•thing. with warm or cold Water.
wrazb Both took the premium at the Pair of
the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. October
1848, the only Bath that ever took a premium
at that institute and also took the first premium
at the Fair of the Maryland Institute, Novem
ber 1848.
' A great and important improvement is made
in this Shower-bath over all others, by throwing
the water immediately on the body, without
wetting the head, unless, ar the will or Outguns
of the bather; but a greqter point isgamed by
being enabled to bathe with warm water, which
no other Shower-Bathes adapted to—and most
of all the Batt! -tan ho medicated without injury
to the hair, ...,
Many persons cannot.take a cold bath—their
case is met in this an they, can regulate the tem
perature of the' water - 110i eutt,their wish, and
Commence bathing at' aqY ..season of the year
without any unpleasant result. Ladies can have
the advantage 9f bathing without wetting the
head or.covering the same. ~
The arrangements are simple and compleio,'
and not liable to get.out of order. The Oath
can be adjusted to suit any height, from a small
child to the tallest person. When the door is
closed,theifixtutes re.hid, and the. outsit3elap
pearance itiihat of a' neat piece of furniture. - , .
'rkey,have re c eived the approbation of seve
ral medical ore requested to
an ti and examine ;Mem, Manuf i tture& by i the
Patentee.. . 'EPHRAIM' LA RAPED., ,
..',M;So'utli Calvert streel,l3altirnorc.
BATlit .--Read what Armair‘ne says:
' DO not omit, e who vAguld health secure,
The daily tr h abluthliii, that shall clear
The sluices I the, skin; enough to keep
• The body, sa c red from undecent soil. 40 .
t s t ill to be pure, even if it did not conduce ,
As . much (ap it does) to health,
• worth
Your'aily pains i 'tis this adorntitho4lclii..
The %milk ol this is pover,y's..worst foe, ::, .
, , ,
s. A,
With t mi external virtue,. age maintains
A decent grace : without it, youth and charms
Are loathsome.
deanery 3,18.19.-1 v. .
Publication Establisiaments.
. Sun Buildings, No. 57 Beiltimore" streets, S.
E. corner of Gay, and 2'26 Baltimore; at.,
corner of.Aharles, Barazworta, MD.
E. S. ocihsteritlytdrediLing 'the' . gieetest
13 variety ofpublicattoasi and, is prepared to
execute all orders tor„ Am. oilcan and Foreign
N owspapers . and . Xeriedicals, and all New
Books!and Cheap:Pablications• ' Blank Books
and StatittnarybAtutuale .and Splendid Books
I for, presentskAlbannwPor 'folios; Scrap Books,.
anclANote Briper:,,Farnily ands Pocket Bibles;
SetlgHooka• Vey. Booket. Juvenile Works and
p r unex f ., tr irrAgental ,Postmasters, •Country
, Merchauts, Pedlars, Dealers in Cheap Works,
a n d. all others • supplied , at Publisher's lowest
CASH ,IPHICES. ;„_ !$;.
Allyardersare.faitlifutly attende'd to°andeike
gocals ferwarde.4l by. return of mailottatirdss,
• rai maga or steamboat, as may, /he' direct , ,.
ed...:Perertus, desiring ~m,parehase books can
” have, their jordersiattended te.'by writing and,
giving full particultwe r tlie same as if Ahoy were
pree9M.I.IIALENiTINESI—The• subscriber'
Alan tmperts and taartufoctares Valentine's, Note
.Papers,; ;Envelopes, .Motto ;Wafers, &c., &c.
11 l holosalo and.retail. Address all order's to
Bitildinget Baltimore, Md.
a0ti...9 . j.i •, , i su
. . .
Pure YE . t4h god - Liver,,.oll. ,
um aria" ksid k ;:relniiple‘'.litedieine, i pew
nsod Ilk bY.,;tba,,'oo4,lfeat;ip,i,qfession ,with
_ono, I;topaistiog u. sittow4n- the ,Cl4O, of ,Pul
inCW.VAsnausnEttstatilderofula, Chronic Rhea;
lulatiarni .ooutvAioneraL.Debill V; 'Complaints;
lot the Kidneys; &ids&ollibepropared froni-110
liver;of'ythe•OClD , PlBl - I , 'ldr!•medieinalutte,.
expressly for Our ealoi.!‘. ;1 !. -t) • """" li •
!(Ektrilet Mint the Laden ' IVledieal •ifortratd'.)
, • ' 4. t ,r:l3:'Willihrik . l47,7,:!!;;F: K:S.,'PrOica-;
'Or VI: lict:dnii;',lP .-- 11iiffiiiti:Cellelion:-
L C, the,',Hinintal for.
!000pumpkion, ; &c., „Stays ;„ Lhave prescribed
iffie,f:iil ln above, fonstandred oases of' tuber- 1
eldows disease!,of, the bungee in'different,stages,' ,
which tavelbeen :bider my-care the- last 'two,
ears !tad w•talfotAn the" large flambee; of
!caeen4 l 2oB oiltinfi234; US sise'Vaa followed b#,'•
Intailiadeand\ittiquiviSeet imjireienle#t,ciayy 7 :
I hie ild .' o Wo4.ol llf riltaiikeASHil fr Ogl ; .-tEnll 6 .l
!raty'rettirditioe','?( tile aoireaeiisf,4o;haetiae,
ifiCaMtiPfifo b rt ' d.iffl94 6 'ilfY4Ptinnayllia
to p a' mbreor less canip e e recteretion,kappq
AI) initliA. r,4 , tort - , - ri; , ,.; , :Za ~,j„J, , ,,,;..,:i
1 '.. The street of the OottLiver..oll inmost of
ith i ns t ifpolpyaspialeftrwenplititkle t agyant in a
tui .the'ecibkhNilif nsitsgifed; - the expert
tomtit, -Alitniiiiithisdligitisintityi atteivaeity,
the...night sweata; omega, tithe 'Aik, , iipti`bici!rmil
i r, and of better, Solent() And ihe sppetstig
I ko, and orietth-Ig•ftirrldnally itnprAted.
1 a n codelostog I repeat that - thaßtne frpah
ale i rAl lV e l iV i i. ; ls 4tAOSCllllfilo_la•Alla4twitd•
i iis ' i h tPlVO 4 / 1 4..f4 1 1r;4 1 411 1 RY-- VnilguAlittion!
;than ny ageri ; nieuiemal, dietellp,criregsmOt
f ni4J,thattilAl; /I Oen 410P/901.04-Tti ); 5c" , .11 A
As we have made arrangements to prileakb ,
the Cod Liver Oil t frasehnlatmehesid 'quarter/slit
oan now he hadtbderriedlirpnie by the:l'44le
bottli; Or iin tOxit oPrine'dtizeri4lieh: - ' , 01 'it' •
ifti•tvendetroldfildsitry has iniluded'nuininilps
opinions imitatione;!),l)4o'ilit -60401i-AaPailds
e i ntlieli 4 fi'ile l putitY:o9l44W9a!O'raollo
gi n P r APyi i no l •oo ll3 9.` „'"e 1 litr„j,•,:
'Any tidi e having On'iecnir wy,iflon.aigna •
lure, moy,
41 0-depended,upqn;as„genuie r ,lia.
• r.901#4,9 '.fallallkining • art; ttnalveik ;die the
Oil, with polices" dflt- i ttom l'itedstalJdurnels,
will,to , lsent,46 ItheaerWhoteddreps ;belkee`ct o r
postage.'.. JOHN teI , HATVER 4 ,, p04 ,, kt
. 3 WholesaiiiDinl • istslOidelterniato,l
oinlo—tv___- t f aillofll OfflrVbfrd'aqpiin.:
wiv,r.Pllick:xto ,RV-droym , mos:ool4.,
. t i i siAl.korprtspA , A,r,y749/99pp.iied
with , No ;'ti es • .ar to Aet spsoamg,ie ,tyventy,.five
percent, 1,))! 6 #9.15w i f GitiOtamoi,"l....,..i"i lijit ,
.• 000 ' .. ” , ,,C4.4,itnt1:A4,0. , Puiirii ,
, . WarAkaamlitionif. . : i rr
P alliPetoillifb` okkilkiiii.VgAgilii .
ty, comb') 1 .kolmr , l` , /.,' I 1 14 . 1). 04.17011, •
.., 14 0 0 ,rda t r;iull el', 3,1,;1910os .1
,• :1 ,,, t nmi,, 0
. • -- ....
Ip i rivin:l4#4ll glAtings .
S • receive air ussortmeititAt
rt;filitl fi t o kitElliPm.V.."Pvirr.4.l / Wfirek
I MM I NAngt SI ;%6I# 4 II I TINVE
*4loll'hind . STURGEON'.
• .., • ,
, - •
Kr . eFfant,? , 111t5" ,. ..i1804% , ,,,1NX1M
Sckciiblii. king Evil,Rheumatism, Ob.
athlete C'uiabeeus Eruptions;Ptin plea or Pus:
Lulea en;• the face, Bloichea,.
• ,Biles ' „Chronic
Sore-Eyee,,Ring :Worm ur Sc ald Head,
Enlargement , and Pain..,nf :the .13Ones
oinfs' l tubbgptp~U,tcers, - SyphilitioSyrtiptnrni
Aniatica and diebiiiies 'arialug
from an zinjudiciotis.Ause. of Mereury,,Ascites.,
or Dropsy, Expoen re Tor Imprudence in Life.'
Aleb, Chronic Constitutional isorderit.
, In this. premonition 'are strongly cobrientratt
d all tholtedieinalprepertice of BAR/414in L.. ,
A, combined ;With OM 'most effectual aide, the,
mostsalufary predilations, ‘ ,thit nuist - Milord!
simples of Atie,vegetable kinirideb ; and it hail
been SC Rlly,teated not only patients thein
selves, but alio, by, PhYsieians,that it' hat{
ret.;clied their unqualified , recom mendations
anti the approbation at the publi c; ,and hen
established -on . its own. merits a. reputation
for VALUE. and EFFICACY far atippriorAo
the various' compounds bc.pring.ztireinittne o!
Berea pa r I a tea s esh ,
ay° b,beri en red ; Inch'
iis are not iebtids'nf tint
plist; , add Whit' if.' hoe' alreadY 'dont+ for tW
rtik . l BOnds,ly,t4r p;
it,; ; caPiible,
crag fOr,tbe .; tnillinqsotill 8 Uffering and eicug ;; ,
hips With, ilibo t tise; , tt:Purides, cleanses, RDA
eircogthens ihe Puente: n springs of, lite,i tui.
infuses new vigor throughout the whole nob
mai frame , . t
• ,--
The diseases!for which this article is recent,
mended are thin to which it is known floM
personal bape'rlence to . ba adopted; and thosti
apparel . ' , 'd beychid,the sphere of PI
action haye :yielded to iteintl once, . The Cat,
alogue of complaints might a at y ex.i
tender'. to whichitim, sarsaparilla is adapted
but experiencesonioves,its value, and ever.ii
suoceediog day is adding new trophies to Ito
fame. •
The following striking and,: as will be semi
permanent cure of in inveterate-case of Semi
fula, commends itself to all similarly affected.
SOUTHPORT, Conn., Jan. 1, 1848.
Messrs. Saraiiii — Gdatiemen—Sympathy fod
the afflicted induces melso inform you of tho
remarkable oure;elFeetectlby.l.Your Sersaparifirr,
in the case Nfif my Wifila , sfirOvitir..severely
afflicted with,tbe scrofula on different parts of
the body; the glands of the neck were greatly
enlarged and her limbs mach, swollen. Altai
offering over a year and finding an relief frog
lie remedies used, tlib disease attacked, am
below the knee suppurated. Her physicho
advised it should,be , laid open, which we,
done, but wi'bout any permanent benefit. 111
this situation we hoard of, and were induce(
to use SANDS'' Sarsadarilla.' The first het i
ilia produced a decided and favourable effect '
relieving h er There than any prescription shil
had over telferrrand. before she had need sift
bottles,-to- the :astenisitineUt-and delight of
her friends, she found her health quite , rector
ed. It is new - odor a year since the cure we
effected, and her health remains good, shim.'
ing the disease was thoroughly eradicate'
from the system. 'Our neigtilfors-are al
'knowing to these facts, and think very highly
of Sands' - Sarsaparilla.
Yours with respect, '
Fixtraiit from a letter Vein Mr. log:sham, ii
-gentleman,lielHcnown inUDelaware county.- 1
It \ comnienda itself to all similarly, afflicted.
entlornotti—My wife hes used Bevoralbnti
Iles 'of your Sarsaparilla, which I obtainel
of your agents in this place, from which, gni
has received such pecial benefit, that I am it
duced toltdd mine to the abui.dant teatime%
now before the public in favor, of its 'medic!
nal virtues. per ',father, mother, and many
other relatlviiy,liave fallen Alain:is to conaomp
tion, and it.was tulPllosed,thai she t " vwan in
alined tticlea4 ay. She, had , severel turn
'of raising. br -
so reduced:l.AL ' 'life was' despaired of fron
fiay,to day 'Wtriter6indupectto try your Seri
aptirilla„lai , baitelniefitiontidi Went the use-;d
vrbith fiat' health 'hap ba t on. rest'ore.d'; so ilia
!for the past ,ft:iiii' ilie'..bittbetn'tibtO to
.Citeri ,
to hat domcst:te'diiii'ee.
Respectfully, yours ..
The following shbwe the mite of the*/
aparilla. in removing Bronchitis, a dipeaa
:which, if not speedily arrested, leads to con
suMption. It allays spasmodic ;ration, change
'the secretions; and by its tonic and alteratty
properliis, removes' the', unheal thy ,Itetion, an ,
the patient is restored to health.
. .
. ,
• Nsretuorcat, fifastr.,'Nuy. 11th, 1848.
Meeks. SANBS—Gentlomonl.l. wish to mak+
public, for t thp gOot.of,,tholie , afflietatt 11,111 i,
Broadhitis,' ' ' the ' hil Ifni: . i)roper.tlea - Of `Youl•
;Sarsaparilla. ' My' , '• Wile' inifered'fiir twent '
;months in •sach a mariner/1M iii 'tioCeasilypde
scribed I •nt , times she' 'aria not' 'able to spial ;
• above a whiaperVaud , When•Calioried!o thersolle,
;air. it 'occasionial"SOM6 hit% lite' spasms li;
the . throit; Viiiirtictriii, Mph ivM(4,ltlin Alit'.
i'dara and oyes, caugll4 Care ; ta„ffeW,',..l',fiA
;complaint was aitextlintw,litt.,,a, drveough,„
produced by the • constant, irritationo and ini.
flanimation ofthe throska Brthe use o f youi.
ISAREIAPARILLA.Ishe " was . .perfebtly cured,
lit being now - more than three months .itiact,
s. , t antaymeLmasrtit. ardhot ; • .
• -,4 lroitir4With'respect__ : . „
i-" •-' • • ''','', • ' ''' "43noRGE•offokifti.
I ' 1 ili‘tililligO'ici s afini';'o , liid froaAr,... Al'
W. Hanhi; . a yyOtAikr.#ll'lo: . l.. c o u l l a county,
; ',,Pe._s4 l ,io,_ tiqt7.1.1itv 1 9• 6 4.04.,tit:1i . .!g!0 , l)StY..tif,
WiPl'..wiltilP.alt PlttlaParities WAR was.llllllekeo
:volth , t3erittitta...and,olot acrafitlous,farrilly.• ~, I,
I ~,. ~,I; ; , ~t, ' "0,•,1 Yours txulirm .115 .4, ,11
i 1,1 , 11 EMI' T.l•, b.- , el, '1 i 1 I.q uiIItroW. I ,,,HARRIEL,-, ,
I Ftediiiia Utill', ,, a:plrily f W 948. '''y "':+ ,4 -
.I , l3riee' Ill'asiattratf.'hit :diteittililitioat . :''aiii
I ektititatt4JO 'hirriat'iittelitiiik. tii'iiiii'aitiqu '• 'Sig
well linOiiii` l 'enfd,Scd.46ll'ete'd.lXtiOtilit'ktitlthil
i PS4o l ,4o'ith'Aii, ,p.900.:,af,R.,w,!! , .*bi1l A( I ,
!me 4picitract e,,,,sqrsaßailikt ,are, utdueed to
ilr.Y.3q94lfleeig4,lltl,9,4o4o.;:kka.ittAng.ithe,,,natn ii
ibut'Contentan( .tittle . or none of: the virtue o !
!this valuablo- root ; - and-,-we , thinkife, Canna
chafer' a gratiterAntifitionCtlatlefiders than ill'
4ilect4Pg.cheif(fliClllf4. l !tte.ithe.nlivOritillemoo
ot:',lCkeittOrri4PPlt,,. another ;eolutnn.!!;lllan
1 i beige , hallo racantlYdbeen ~enlarged, to 3 hold , 0
quartf and . those who vilatva . .really , good -Itrti
ole will find ceacentrated in this.alltho Midi
a ninal'yttlue'or the root, The expeOcatie p :
thiieetinils.hmi.OrOireil itoofficacy Wendl4'4h,
various disifiessi i la,rcaonatettddd
aedlttlititorelieStAtiacitio . thn'ttki; Othitri
0 :!i1i).0,!: 41 15017. 11 ,°1996P 8 0 1 . 1 4 0 ,pr0itar1iq1,
tit.4 . P.Y!!9°A; 4r, ; e 1 44, IMO. ,of . o. ittoaeoti.-7llotset
4 97 4 1V*SP9tJi,.§ tkr:orn ,;•,rm
0., ;,,,,,,
, .‘e
16Prettark•rOAltiol04iOnlefilti '0frd',011 tAl l V:04, 1 0t:i l N.D4;;tliigi4il.
titrett ti +burnt* ,
lot ; Ily,itligrr?, l'e i nrlt'llitk:ri3Oldkl'alit,toi'Sl'
DA' , 'i fain'. tendditily - khrotiglautt ikn';'lll.
g 'Glair 4 3/43ce#10Aft: ktgo
..• ... .. ,
.: 811 ' !gickfcr!... ti? 'it i k :14V , ) - .140'.4 .01. • :
! -. "!Elcl ' ld 11,'y ;11 . : gr./1011P; soltPagent foe,.
c al m& •,i; ,!, ;; I YIN i. ,ir. , !iti On ,f,,,, , •,, - I . i
~ ~,,,, ,',. ,tt ~ ~• , 1 1 . :11110 , Afl ttif I , 14i, 't lt ti,
sP te i 7— Ce A H ;lepiFg ' ( .lo:6 )l 4.
a w,
roOlOol/pr124% . *ion y,17-
[Ni` 0 1 4 At rd* r010V..; Pq,
tfilk'NdltPkt't el / 8 f
"PWsible rate by : EL1407',111
I b 'lot' it - Envoi:o6 bISEIABES "7 , ' , .' ' ,
nit ot tti ii, Commailitii.wfitdh iar,i• cintiedi by t nn Jitti
paired, weakuned:ort,uubcayhy_contlityln of the
. .. ~,E,,v„„,....y.T.-Fr
This tiiiiiiilialinid aiViint6ii apilica on"lii tW+ r inys•
ttrious powers of GALVANISM tog. MADNETISM, has
jb en ,pronounced by distinguished physicians, both in
)::_trir:n o th os f Urrd;Stitcs, to be the most coludb
sows. th di,ge., , .. , ~ , .f I:,
Dr. OHIPTIE'S , :e na 4 I 7AIIf,
,fl 0 -BELT,
aimed !Mt Up most' peefeot,,Ona' oOrtaifi vuotess ~n all
ones of "
,OXI44I.IXVIL ll*FillWrs I'S)/
Sirexithenhig the weakened body, giving tone to the
• stabil,' organs, end inrigorating the entire systetti. 'Aldo
ed all NERVOUS DISEASES, which compl a ints arise
Qom one eitnydo - eadse . ,
1 34 11 ingi3ilifiRC4:thi*eryoui, ` 3444: .:
dines inerease the dispriss r ier Hier -weaken the tal ener•
lies of the alreidy ~ prostratediesitein Whildunder the
,Strengthening, lifegwing, vitaUs g,intluenceof . qalFan r
ai applied'hY , thie beautiful!' d'wonderfolAiscovery,
the exhausted: pati eht , and "Weakened' ganef eeisi , restored
'to former healthotrsvt, elotiltyfan4lo.rutes
The great.iliculiailfy arillexcellence e •
'tionsisth, In thefactihat'they t 'arreittiMd.'nure'diseme by
entice:fit siPpllitetion,. Of place ,of..the,usual• mode eL drug.
ging and
,physicking, the, patient, up: exhausted plature
itnki hopelintely.underAlleAntliation, •
They strengthen the-white iyitim,egiiatineshe sitatieti‘
of thentstad;prontote'the /*reliant; and 'weer do!the dtghb
act injerit'under any Circumstances. Since their, intro:
auction in the United States, only three yeere since , more
6 0 ;o'6o.
including . ,all agel;classes and conditions, among *Mob
were a.largo number of ladies, who. iirupeouliarly salient
to NervoucCoMplaints,,hase been , • , •
Eirrientx )otri prramerrErrnr WEED
when all hope of relief had been given up, and every
thing else been tried in vain ,t ,
. . .
To illustrate the, WM of the GAIeVANIC BELT,
suppose the caie of a person afflicted with that:bane of
civilisation, DYSPEPSIA, or any' other Chicane or
Nervous Disorder. In ordinary cases, etimulanisare
taken, which, by their action on the nerves and muscles
of the stomach, afford temporary relief, belt which leave
,intlent in a lower state, and-with injured [snuffles,
alter the action thus excited has ceased:. Now Compare.
this with the °trent • resulting Rom the application
'even. the
GALVANIC BELT. _Take a -Dyspeptic sufferer, even,
in the worse symptoms of an attaek, and simply'lle'the
Belt around the body, using the Magnetic • Fitlid
directed. In a short period Atte insensible - perspiration
will ant oa Alui'.peeltiveAletaina .of the .Belt,zthereby
catmints Galvanic circulation which will pus on to the
negative,. and ahentie heat , lagelif to the , poeltireithtill
keeping up a continuous Otilvanie„ circulation.throughour.
the system. Thus thernost severe.cases of DYSPEPSIA
Of the meet Undoubted Ohararterv.
From all puts of the Country could he given, sufficient
to fill every column in this-paper :
which con i ervely Wares that -• ,
" - -stranger thanTleilbn.! ,
• (Ivan •
Rev. Dr. Landis a Clergyman
of New Jersey, of diaileguished attainments end exalted
.reputation • - ^ •
SlOllet, New Jersey, July la, 1548,
Dn, A.AI. Chniteric—Dear Sir I 'You wish to know of
me What has been the resultin my own case, of the appli
My reply Is es follows: '
For about twenty years I had been sabring Treat Dys
pepsia. Every year the symptoms tuMarne worse, nor
could I obtain permanent rebel nom any course of medb
ear treatment whatever. About fourteen years since, in
consequence of frequent exposure to the weather, in the
discharge of my pastoral duties, I became subject to a,
severe Chronic Rheumatism, which for year after year,
unused me indescribable anguish, Farther: in the winter
of '46'ancl '45, In consequence of , preaohlng a great deal
in my oven , elad various other•ohurches-inahlcregion,
was, attapludl by the ...Bronchltia.which Amon .became
severeasoto,requirean Immediate eusperaion'of my pas:
tend labOri. ify nervous system lota how Moretti/4y prof%
fretted; Mid u toy Brokiohithibecaree *cue, so oho did myl
Dyspepsia' and Aheumatio atilictio-thus evincinggust ,
theta &ardent were connected with each other through
the medium of the NervousSystem,,ln the whole phut.-
' macopwia there seemed to be no remedial 'agent, which
.could' reaoh and recuperate my Nervous System ; every
thing -that I . had tried for this purpose had„couiplotely,
Tallee. , At Itist.Twtifled by my filintlatigertimlne yodb
Inventions. , and. (though with' no very, sanguine hopetvol l ,
their refilcitninyb I determined to try the' effect'Of the
rwitir W-tNETIC FLUID: Thhimaa In June,..1846.,
TO' T fille.l.T . AlTOLVlßillegelli .11!
, 74444114 1 ilfgerTtilrIl l' I W AIN I C " : 1 3 a 1 1 1 1. 1Tidl: 1,7 4:
...di op sdbotterinrTHlli BROM:101'TM g fate My FLlfith ,
MaTIO , srvecriors. file CITTIEUX CEASED TO' TkOUBLi See.
Snob IS the wonderful and happy results ofthe experiment.
I have recommended the .BE.LT and FLUID to many
who have been likewise suffering from Neuralgic affeo•
,lions. They have 'tried them, MTH HAM arseirs, f.
.111iLleele, It( Vicar CALM.
• I sin, deer sir, very respectfully yours,
, 11 Aped for, elf complamta :affecting the Throat,or
1 'mots ea Bronchitis, infammation of the Thro4 Nerverui
:'en'd Biter; headache, Dizziness of the head, Niuralgia
the Face', Buzzing or Ithering in the Ears, Deena* which
'la generally Nervous,tend that distressed Otomplelnt,
, ITic,Deloreus." . , ttt. tf
e , and , Paralysis. , :•;:;;,: , 1
All physielans acknowledge that these thrrille diseaseif
; ,are 'canted by, e , Ateficisney ,sktNeuntut Blurry tin the!
tall'entek lmbs. .Dll4,retisrps'o,3alvanio
In Pi th i tdencic u t 'P w rft,dt a° PP l
t i g ale V r
cur e thos effected ••• At
I :
• i CaB6B
'nave bee reported to De, OH kIiTILIII4 hu Agents within ,
ithe lest yeammehich have been entirely learned,
' Oter- Cut. Althezw .7; F. Tosses of Brooklyn, N:lf., - hid
t been ablethmesthirstterfor-llegour"Tenn"ln'
Ise helpieu that he ,had to be fed. T he most celebrated
physicians gave him 'up.' !alive dayi after he* ctiramenbed
weeringfthetflumsroc,Bscr, NeOKLI:CE, .iNDBMIALILTII4
he:walked ruargat the room, end in three week, ho had peel.
featly recorered , lundth. ~Captath,Ter n ies if ,1101/15/4
Y e !!! °f !'0 1 !', I ttt ,, -'
l • -
'°'' w /tioat ;1.i.. li
• utR i r r i FfP' • 1""a' "4114 e n
Tkiefeh9Yelik inestraeifrOm a lettrthlalal:lfitatived
from 4 disungnished i physielsth In the, Btateg i visinat
".A.' , leDirersine, M.-D.—Dear Sir a One of my patlen%
' t unknown to meilbtliged•• • _you ttpattlespitiAlag and Neck.
• lace L with the'Afagniffs Fifa, la' librioturatrectlon of
Deafness:? The:cases newest; of a lady ,erhthe Notions
I ardent, stuonthet disordered, andllter genelnl 'health
Poet ahltleh VceB done ,Lugykauly to the,ipplthtienof the
nett, but.wills,very, little ellgress, and - I • feel It ' only right
toted 'you'' that since the commenced wearing the nett
f endfruitt Old •Field,-' but 'few weeks ego, tehe -hu
, geneni lualthas better tiallaor several/ 101 M
R efit• emery ruse el,Beafuess, if it, be Nero a}l!
can bsoredlry,this*Ondoribl
f I Dittufa l, eigtesaripeeht tta
';ol:kiAtAxinEt3i,s4l 7 4e,,„EtEirOC,
Are folltillef vs* service in cues of ~ouvalelons or F it,,
t spasmodic complaints, and Ifi o t o ltl.L N AWM A M lia br
the Head' and upper extromi y r
,tit,.and all• disquilsr muted Ores defthtencylef power
i , or Nemeth, tdetaarlirtlie Webs or other 'iorglthe of the
• Ibadygt,tlsPC,:ll lr, , , r, 'd:}Sll:.t
• MUT+ tlllltdrillflEertglealet Iron oft per4tot .
l e V i frr 9 46 PIPAA. 7 O/sordi 4l7 7 4 17214 71t 4, 'Po Peke
if ti red: ' ' .
Mr. No trouble or, Incas:replant:6 almst' theme:or
I:o4llANNlCleaßTlatigai+ , and
! they may be worn by the mat feeble and delicate Wilk
P B rilottloyo lend nal. In mar eeeee the eeetheth
attend ng he r use is glilyplcas ni antagrese,ee.'lltey
nen be sent to any part Of the countsi.
.„ ,t e '4l3n
}The Galvanic Belt, ,
!The GalvaniolloftloiCee ' 1 7 ,0 130111 , 1.
The Cliiiir,satti Bistoll40, 1, "0/0 Dam r?th
The rolatlngtlorsklk:l''FlOhe .Dollit1 11 ;
etr- The itheles ViVatiaoM •
rirectiont famphiatiPteith fall tertiduiti tettV be , ad
of OW apthoelied'Agent/ .t. V 7ff ,7 '
For Sale in Carlisle by IS ELLIOTT.
mos=iiwvAmifisii'whiwiffiliabiklom*- f gwm al igugigieS=
lafidialCiii r tins_
I ii*lslnFOlnn!portatinn Line
1, -ft:M*4'llv
ft -.
ORVIARD int gin Cl:4llllTlWigkgeech.tinti
' i:;
.etilli' Viodicb;`,lttoiC:fiaT.,l
d4e, &, , Philadelphia,"
Conlagaiiiei;.lsTailEi . Salt,-
_Fish; Groceries;'
, 00vietaptly for ptgo,..., n ift
• ffftrrisborg, irharon 29; 1848 . -
i; 1 •11 ,, . , 4'r , . 4 ks' ' jr . g_it,i I"', L
~,...",i,„‘,, , tt.„),;i•dif::„ ••0 - „„i..„.,:,,
•t„ II:,,t; i., :
.114aa r . ; .,p iuktivAi ~. -,-.11•, ,,: •,,, , • •• . •
„• /' ...Ma “" ia g*-- 4,/,,,,_._,-- -,- , - ; ------/- 7 . trn
,•, 'i•
• enera ornmlslon,an„ t, .orwar ing , i
erohant, Not 79',13iiWly's. Wharf,. vi
• I • ' ' '''
lkik't 'l' iiitaWE . :.„:, . . - - -i -.
FOR the sale - of Flogr„Grrniti, CloVerseed ,
Whiskey; Lumber: &eV &c, Also, for.
*circling- Pogs„-via. ,Thtle.„Wptef, Canal; finch.
Pentriyhfpnict Anaprevemeete. , „Orders fort fish
Silt, : Piaster, . &e. :&a.,,-,':Supplied. at ,lowest ~
.-. , , 1, ,„ 4 , .. ~, , .. , ..,
ilin i iiiiif ileeri 'eftgagectio the shove hugindse '(
*4)g:diciest_ fiire ; years,. a continuation of-the 1
patronage of his—triende. and the public is ra. i
spectfully• solicited.
1. . ,
Refer to
FUNS & , : M1.c.L.E42 .2 ” ~•,}
• ' J& E EBY, . --„ HAFrisbyrg
• ; BrtATUNT & ZEItLEfl,' 4; :'• '' ' ' ( ' i l,
JACOIVRI3Enti COrii9lo.'PO: ''• ' -
' ,A. Corilient.T; SheffbeYdSleyve-; Pa. '
Gomm SIMMER, inech'anicsburg. Pa.
,1 • r Fob. 1 , 1-Iv.i.- , , , , ..;-: , , ..• , ,
~ ,
r umb:_.4ally--Transportation House,
Ijannin ndltnil ;Road. Line, init".Philadel:
phia, Baltimore;PitinbnfgA , n',.
"W" . .' KERR, Forwarding apd Cornmission.
pit Miircfidnt, Hinamseno, • re. informs,
friends 2nd the public, that from the liberal pat
ronage extended him during the past .year-he
hde been encouraged to Make more extensive ar
rangements for the, present season s Ind, has, ad..•
dad tWo`nci* , ;.larde and dplendi'd .138 the '6 . his'
DINE, and will be fully , prepared( after ihe op-
B oling of the Canal, to forward PRODU,CEand-
MERCHANDIZE of all kinds (0 and, troth
hilridelphia, Baltimore, Pittebargh; Bic, , nt the
lowest rates of freight and with the Minost des
Agents for 8'0a0„,..2. •
CARLISLE wGA.gtcpm,tt rid f
:(;EISE ST. , 'SQN`, " • "
N0.'48 Com'm'erce at. Whnifailifit4nOie,
CLARK - &,SHAW, . _ i
J. IifcFADDEN dr. 00.5Ptts'g
Agetite,for Care,
No. 27 Market at., Philad43lphia.
No. 43 Market et., Phi4.4elphia.
• Bromistreet;
• • North street, Baltimore.
Harrisburg, March 29. 1848.—tf.
A Word to norienitn.
cidedl the best
that eon be-.
used for the cure of Sprains, Bru
. ,
• .. sus, Cuts, Galls, Splint, Curb,
':; 1 1/0 Ringbone, Spavin' Stiffness of the
• Is 4 ,i1 Joints, &c. It is . an ariinle which
should be.. in the hands f .
Horseman, and no stable should be without a
botttlirorlt- Price only 25 and 5,0 centsperbotri.'
ties, prepared only by S M. Pearson, M.D. and for:sale iiholesaloand retail, at No. 106-North
'Second street, Philadelphia, and DR. RAW.
LI-NIS-wholesale and•retail agent, Carlisle, Pa.
Jan. 21.
czrtrimirrr??lnvirerfloorrfl „ g
OR THE WORLDtS'SALVE, containif no
Illercury:The following Certificate'
from a regular Physician, of extensive prim.
tico in Philadelphia :
James Motiwirrita—Sir I , have for the
last - two - years been in the habit of using your
Ointment in oases of Rheumatiern Chilblains,
and in TENIA Cstrps . ,.(4'etild „,Heads,) and
thus far With the Improast ,effect. I think
from the experiments I hair: made with its
that it richly deserves to be adopted as an aro
tick ofevery-day use by the profession at large
Yoprs truly, S. Bw., . D. Phila.
• "Phtladirlphia, Dec. 29,1847.
To James McAllister—Dear Sir: I take
ipilaiimin in in eking known to you the great
benefit I have received by using your Vegeta
ble Ointment, or the World's Salve, I had:art
ulcer, or running Bore, on the ear, of many
years standing!' I ,have applied ,to
physielans,tut allio i 1 .13 purpose! but by Using
your Ointment a few,Aft,ye it was completely
dried `'dli - and Well. ';'l.;'have useo.4,`,for bums.
for whieb! I find ft'an,mmellantarticl 2 e. also in
all„caricra inflainalion. . .„• Nn ,
. r,frreart.- :
I cortifythe abevostatemen i t is true.
N 0.90 Market sireet,Phila.
. .
I do certify that I have 'oiled McAl,lister'u
all Healing Vegetable- , Ointment for °Adidas
of my feet; also : for Rheumatism In my limbs
and Corns on my feet, and have been entirety
'relieve& Believing it to be a good Medicine,
I do not hesitate to recommend it In the above
coinnlaints: ' LEONARD VAILE,
Hardily. Washington Pa. Aug. 21,1847.
I 'certify that I have used McAllister's all
'Heftliog Vegetable Oiptaient, or. the World's
Stave, for a healing in my wife's breast, which
has,rseh her incalculable bene fi t; ale,o on one
of. my children, for sore. Eyes, which: give im.
'mediate relief. d, therefore, reaommend 'it as
a good medicine. t PARKER RUED,
Ilopewell tp. Washington Co. ra.'Atti. 21, '47.
'Around thei box are ditjections'fol' . 4l4
Allister's Chiptmept, for Scrofula. ..140',,e4114'
.gyr,esipelaii, ; .lSttor; ; ghichlutin, Scald
:Head, Sore 'eye!, Qithicy; Sore'lnroat, //renehii
Us, Nervous, ! Iloilo's, Bead: ache,
;Asthma.. Deifness i asks,. Burnt, Coral, .
'a'alldiseasstof the'skin,(Soierlips,Pinipies4e.
Sweilingeicp , the itgoree, , Rhettrhatism, ,
Pflee; Gel feet; G e roup, ,, Steellid. , 'o o, 4lrokiin
Breast; lhoth , a Ai, Ague,' pi the' fae44 - 0F
in cases. of acWollen or i4ore' BFeast, they
ly'•ueed, an according to the - directionallfin/Ili
such box, it gives •relief inc very few houre.-
" - 1./RNit fa one pr:t.lie-A!istthlrige,in',the
woiltrfir, Acres, Oie l dirciticine , •for tieing
b)' lo ;,.' 1 .,,,,.. , i .; 7 '.. ....._
i,:., "...`l';'777.housaniple„Ar . o 4' pxciy - tAired by
*Jo CletarioAr.;„'At,,roverlxkleilli 3 / 4 1Ving relief
fort e.lllipr il ,l , 4,- i.(lij :41irttla k,t.;Y:!;VAA2,,ekI •
eqlgri This :his. ; . • le 440d,•,.(0ve ny , pattlof
,l.he);bOdy, , ,vililimbe.:when iinparneith In ionie
easels it - abould'.bkraprilled.often4 . - if ll, ;i''.:'Ptlil
-:c4turiO T 44 o l4 ' old i t i g g ,i ! , 4 o :iki t 'l l / s Piti
illl ie fi lijhtini44 M t ; 1 1 :APIff 4 PiAthl ~F ,X.
,ANtaii'Ot,ifii P.9ll,o#,,,eiTrAtbeM . ±.),l ,1., :1 ,•,1_,f
gRx.F,,. TWENT-PIVE , .:CEW.USA 7.610.1 L.
••llgosle by 1 ti3yagetite , ikall-•themrinalpif.
piths and toWieirinlhe United Otittesicw4. ho rn
.11 . .7 '( 'll'l i',:1;1 0,114%13,110Ap1t'rEA0,(11,4
1,0 '.: flegle - Poprkifbr Of thb :x I;iVe , .ll , l§dicidel: 4l
&frinclpal cflei##/ips,f9iilfi??, Tpraii: 6 4
Philadelphii. A ' p
,'' •-. 1 2 2' 1
AVENTIk .I ''! '' ''''' m utt; ;if
• • ~ ) •:;-•••1:.-
R. Elliott, and - ' -- Tieretlek, Carlisle:-
-1,. 44 „„.,hz!tliBelt- IR. ifill l Prik..ll :4 •:' , 'Jf
U. W. 001 1071 1 1tP... Ur° tr.o4!ti .1 1 1 . fl , Ilitiq.
• Rhoad & herr ,Reii
,qrg. :I% ~ , .;,), i ,(.) •
- JonephlßiliPjran l i p rvir.a . r - .. --'-'.7"-
' J.M.l.utkAr:43look Be Vriarrieburg.
i', V.; r. ':
' , - iiii iieW, AIIO 151111:,i i '..7 io ' in
-11A.431.:EsifTigctlew aro*. GAO Perie, , tlie be
AR; 8111010,4 f 4thd dayo attel,'whiab coo I ticeirtrie
iriltio ebopid be , Ilv. n! it socollo - rt , , :i
An'Ohlkeint I;aelliattnient of [fhteleutlerae..tin
chidingßaaora t - re il 7 i - Kphrep i , SclepPwpf.ili
berevgnglishind•A otlClii hlatilifictofe:
strAtargetrapetl? o , ottiantentallVlMdieSli 11
'oh& A.Sie7Sereenii'bf , evbiTetylP'Perd'pt"loPP port
,defedliTit• ) , , ~.) i I l'OP)0 40 , 1 : ,
mVatlaitibietrulignte,P#Ch etry lolled; 'A46111
deocp, FlcieVPifeeFlageohlteiiTueirpOilt
with Violin eteiode, 4 bridgee, Si c ., w, n11 k )1160.
A large, lifelietyletfatailietigiWe*elling bage
) 9 YliliPfir,M•PFth ifior, , Watai:4 l 4l44.llPC fdilkind
iii elleNy liffir. tli P:Vl4li) I , tr':s 4,411 , 1,1 1 0 virro...
,4• l lrlne's 0 01,g: AO aIPRAMPF , etWitligrfifttnq
erto, l o s lAliz9P iiiroPh.YMT.Feiht94o.o l 4Penor 4.
atirolpg-in-pee,•for eetto7peo pcnco,ik g.
fo'ritedrii*O.'"lls ete. 1 4;1 . ',`„''' '',.., J ',,,,.
Coinba, . Soaps., Pelle etirEttlettltif,' -
r el t
(hillier , ' heti, aN rich arpl.' boautiftiLketoiti co
thiO'phoToetet* -- e - ritoortitrdatoro c a ttp4se
Auiakiirattetancoth , rfi4q , 1 , ' , , i}c0f ,,, 1. 111 0 "
f)_•!rooili ' , Brophee4greptie . ‘pailtd)skrie'PoWde) ,
Nail DripiliciK , Actir Andf Hato Picalleei•xwith' 'a .
AnlllitorollitlitiP,MPUßlA lo 4lWutPril
ele ' l %ti ri lt IP
N I P Ar a l t e N tlr ea%An .
0.,...0, hp ,. C a at oo O roof ,
ju2o .-. ~ '" . :;9 • ,s,w HAVPRSTICIK;
I 3
• -
41n NAtilual
Fii,ollnetfran4;s6lnpftPL9k flupcagnty „
organized, and in opeiithh cinder'ihe ,rnanage-_
ment of Ma'
Tncob Shelly; W Pl.G9rgatkAll9 l MaP,P,9q# l :'
Simon , Oyaler,,t3 nccili:tipooveri ,Lewli art;
Henry, Logan, Benjamin v lLA Jacob
Kirk;',',Bamuel Prowell, Jose , leittiiebein:d ri.!
Th.aintes of ineuranc L
bfe,,aa;ony . Company o
Pergone waihiag r ip bacombinciaibere invitedo midi° application to: , theAgentamf The Compti•
nyovhil• are!wiiling to.wait, upon itietii in any tittibl
JACOB SHPiLick,';',P;:estirahl'4-'7.
ELF.44,Y LOGAN, Vigelneti(dOet:
- . Secretary,..' • ,
MICHAEL COCELlNi , l i edasurcrl- •,—, - •
'• ~„
Mo !New,.
Cumberland. D.1 3 , - ,lfepnantAingtit9,wrt, :Honey
Zedring, slMomfinatewn,, itobett
MIIO9B Bell, Collide, Xitlike,' frinOeyl,
Ahl; Chnrchtoivn. • •'
York county Medan
.—John. Shiftrick, Libblirti; John
Bowman, Dilloburg t P.eter Wolfordi Franklin,
Johntruth, Washington,. W • Picking,
Dover, Daniel Itriffennberger, J W Craft. -
Harrieburs,—Houser dz. Lachman.
Members of the. Campliny Pnliciee
bout to expire can have them renewed by inak
nwannlicatlontOny,.tif tlitt.agente4 , •
rmrstrnitylw. -7---
tiftijiaitruoO,'. Annuity
and 'l i ius " Company Of Phlladel•
ojthi a . • ..•
i 59., Chestnit Stiee;,.
; . 000:, Charter ;Perpetual; , . •
CONTINUE,to 'make Insurances on Lives
on the. rrsist favoura4la terms , yeceive.and
execute Txosta, and reßnive ,Lorpotdis ork,?!rge
rest. ,
• "'he Capital' lidiniittild utiu tind invested;to:,
gather' With tied& (dated laretnitlin'Tund.
a :terser esecitrre to The I:pre.'l
mium may be paid in yearly, hall yearly, 'or
quarterly payments. •,, • '
TheComp . ady,add4e BONUS at ;stated pe
riods to . .tho usurances, for life'. Tlaia'plan o
insitranc,e, is; tho,.n k ost., approved of,, and is mores
generally, in. use oha 9, ny 'other in Groat, Sri
tate, (where the 'object to .beiti,,underettind by . ;
the people. and where they have had the long..
-est 'experienee',Yati appears' from the filet, that
out of lit Lifelneurtince'COmptiniett there; Of
alrkind4 87:.are onttins plant: ;• -• •
ill ' he - ;first -13 qms.vAi appropriated ,- in De..
-comber, 1894. amountintto 16 per cent. ort,the,
sum insured !lede r . the o deat polices; to 81 , per
cent., 71 poi Celle , ' &e, c..ion,others, in pro.
',coition folk's time 'of standing, making an ad.
&lion of $ 1 00;187.50; $75, dic "Eee. to every '
'ori'ginally insured, which Is an average
ammo. t han - 50. per cent t he'premiums paid,
and without increasing the annual .payment to
the Company.
The - riperatiop.of the BONUS will be seen
by.the.following,examples-from.the•Life litsu•
ranee Register of the. Company, thus
Bonus or Amou,nt of Policy hi
Addition Bonus payable a
the party's decease
4,500 1
2,50 u
0100'00 $1,100.00 4
250.0 p 2,750.00
.400'00 4,400.00
175'00 2'175'00 . 4 ,
437'50 5'437%00
Pamphlets containing the table or rates
and explanations - "b1-the subject ; forms - of op
plication, and farther information can ha had at
the offictio gratieak s oerittin ~ i tr by!-.litter, ad
-dressed to the - Pretent or Actuary. .--
_B W . RlCUARPR.President.
JNO P %EAMES: A6tuary. '' ' '
m2'49ly "
.. • .. .- . .
The Franklin Fire Insurance Oom
.pant of Philadelphia. ,
OO FFICE, No. I.63 . lChesnut street, near Fyfl street.
Charles 15/ . Minolta George W. Rtchards
Thomai Hart • Monfecai - D: Lewis)
Tobias Wagner Adolphe E. Rorie
Samuel Grant - David W.'Brown
Jacoh RI Smith Morris Patterson: •
• Contmue to make insurance peretual, or limi
ted, on oyery deseription,of property,in-town ;and
country, at rates as low as . are ,consistent with
security. The company have reserved .a large
contingent fund . , which with their capital and 'pre
miums, safely invested, afford ample protection
tc the insured.
ebThe assets of the company on - January Ist,
18411,' as published agreeably to an act of Assam.
bly, were as follows, viz :
Mortgages $890,558 65
Real Estate 108,358 90
Temporary Loans 124,459 00
Stocks 51,563 25
Cash on hand and in hands of
, . ,
Since their ineorporatfon, a period of eighteen
years, they ,bevo r ptdd ,upwarde,of.ONE MILLION,
TWO HD xsatiPinoitsettb - pozilliti, v ioses by fire,
therebx,aflording °ride - nee pf.ithe odvantegea r .of
inherene, as 'welled the hiiility and diepoeitdjh
to meet with Preinpinese,.all liabilities. ' ' •
' • CHARLES N. BANG R, Pres' t.
Coes. G. Bexquin, Sec'. ' fob 2•
for aeraluisblesearinbderitielvairinnitt;°. r•
a th i e L ioanbpopviiecactomnps forany
ineu ance :sultan •by mail. Tor pereonally, will be
promptly attended to. W. D. SEY1.)10J.111.
Are the tongue often White and loaded; the
breath heavy and feetid; ,a disagreeable
or sweetish lased in the inOtith; occasionally
thirst; the'OPpetite 'extremely variable; some.
times reptartiably deficient, and at others Vo
racious. There Is s'emetimes' a sickish' feeling
vvith of,rancOusi flatulence, of 'the
stomach and,inteatines;, pain in the'andomen;
swelling and hardness of the abdomen; the
bowels are irregular; thejtools are slimy; and
there raThanToWeilliinlil•lpPerirenett` . brivrorms
in the evacuations; °the . urine is:oftett Milky
and turbid; ihere is frequently , itehinces ofthe
fraidaMinit ,, andlitenn which -• is. often swollen;
ere.' is oecdSioh r tilly ' 'disturbed sleep, 'with
itinditig cif thjeteeth., and sudden nwiikeug:i n
rgiddineeii,Z.,4oolsq, .tag
t ears, tir,e4h.qogi ,
f r i tol ll l49OulAns , ,:firi r a*49o;:i 6 a .
I.qpco ,9f.. I , l ,lanuCrOlf ,cases
opilepsy.and :O'Mara, 'nod , eveu apoplectic and
paralytic symptoms, and.several of the signs , of
drops of the , brain ., and . catalepsy appear soon;
nee a• • w ' wormer ' • minium r erc, is a
skirt' , dry' cough'i'and Pleuritic Tie* tioine-
times 'fhtible and'irregular •Oulsii,ptiiiiitetitine
i i iiirin if eenlailrOvert ",:thO''ounntintailai . , is
iiiiiiiiill aid OfItallOn; andShint4liat 004..
P.Cli' 0 1 4 i ik'Niii Pi . 000,itingul ' fl utthilg,of:One.lo s i,„
. 4„ ....
truth qietilts.l , A,njr, one ; of is;, i iidi, •
Settee or Wornie„,and,,thi3 , inoetlelrentua,l:liesi
enCsiheatiest, : :rerstltY.74o illyi John Xt.: Myers'
-Worm-Tea;- ' rammed --,b)---Dr. -J.--; W. 'RAW;
LING, al . hilletadtPßettilt Wag Store ,
flulitile, iPMitindlrrielid I kin iiiiukt iiiithotit rivie
.W Mien , rsikiditnitert •ItTh tie Proiwittorit of 'Rile;
medicine is tells emtelfident Tit its•ritikritirliy,tiii
:a ilk tO'iher Willi Medreiiiii, 'oi,r:iiV dili t 'thliiNo
is ill:OhOrict F ifeTWitr'ilkiriaigrar n ,l#,..;Pliit : !
, , kti,FLoy", is i 4` Mg'kiitiariiiiii',4‘,Ava,
1, k; ii i 40Ki.mhp" .8 sro - Fiii;,voii ,w4fp ,
JA. , 49 009 X Ogi..;o,trith4irootiß4lo4.o.4asant I
literCililill:keditlitin,V , 44.l33PS•feAlthetieitliild.'
Pooh. paidolgooontainattOoiont medicine for.
AhM.esersoofithrt. must , . obstinate ease:, ,•• Priem i
way. p. 5 r centre t papal% t• •Dritgiri eta! and Store.
liisepenw builidiedia on ')the rtiosi't reitsonablel q \f/th i I. !i'-;y: - ' , 1•42 itir749,130.::' ,
1 q, ,fi ii,c.A. !IA :f 7 1 ,
.UElTHEltitabectiber corliinues-thelimenotsetnroi
OT CASTINGS,- et his; Foundry •in Hier striMl
1 and havinknow : ton haed a , lap liesoitmeiwkifi
Patternsi pi& prepared. io ihrmidveillekindstoll
1 IRON * .1.11D,i IiRABBI.OASTIN GS rf in liitil
beer sighs and mid in the shortest '<entice i'+•••fie I
hes' nowton hind .?ititirge essortmeM or iCest.l
ings; such-es Coro-FAIR - here; Mill GettrinaSpii i
Gudgettnic . Plough ' castings, Poirtis4Miehis a
Cutters, WagoiranirCOtith Bosna,'cidlife ra a
- .ovem• - poors,. , mink Waitiluir';l_ 4 49:-.4 g
Tenhdete. and Citat"StovesCire ut ' a
a'ad"pOillilii",cli.R $, .Th'ibith g„ 4.
_.ohlndo thul_Haraii-,Powers,wurires. ry
other knialtat?illeri. at thO ehor
tost.noticul, ,01fl itill: i ttrass nd , criPiriq en
tif exeldnee Tot, ', ~, Olin ylkit„pi tni i 0
till of iceeny 8r: pil."S'Ptitatils:liereolftrikishill
16- . lj u t f &Platli t tll4.oifi r illthvi
''' a -,,• • 'i i ...i...i r w rlFT , q+ril P 'ABM'
V.l6. o :lo.liftititliflhbetingtqiiiiil_ _T
__ tll
11 ,.. E iiiiiiiirihisidisero Kim - fad
_biTid en assort
alL.Liul9l,kof wide 11414aa,Altd , Ausiiii , :sh + ddtifig
'plole:4,l)oPPaiirilio,w:Qatwitiagdiraind Musiln4
c#o4l I ow, ,I;iftvalli,jEjitdji; " !Wl liti -, irtvior lAy fctle , art
43I tre2 a 7 PP i e it r i, t r' n 9 1 / 1 1 . ,g 4 11: • ; :i'llie .. ' k d i t n t l i i ll il N 'n fl rr ft ' . w
'''; n itratufs it WO .
in- 71 ` , 1! ... , ___o gag A5l r),-
•Aannz . 131k , :iipjilityf Jost liicb4S?d'llitkie t
4 .L',oiiiiiiir•lfook• Ritore; ' nom doOT•io tha P'dar
l np,_ic,loo,,
iirt i fftlF.prifil lft -ailif
Vt I n tl , EL - 1A.... ~,,1 4.
11 HANRFUL't tor thet , titizens oft Carlisle
We I,,,andtita,Ciginitzfesthoir, increased l'oustom',..
aga t n . :reqUeet,..their,; - company
.to,,,ctew our
lhrge and. Splendid aseertnient:or f- ;,,,,, ' -
:.„Chitta,.:Cira isi , leilLAllationiiirare,....—,
Dinntir'Sets,',TekSeti; Toiler Seta, and ifeigra .
piecnit, kitlitif 'Oft Olasil,"tChinti,6o3loiie!Wrile,
1m10,3n qnantßielmosutkPurchasere; forl,ens than.
they.vehati he 'had eliewlier n :fact' at lees
1 thiOl Whole ' ttle 'Pride's.' .'. MERCA'N' Altai)
EN, .ablSHilltrrA N.N.,IAt ITETALIGOOD6.!
in 'gr,sateryariety.than over, hefore_e_fferett in ..
ihe.`eitt. 'FAN C Y'" CI - 11NA in treat' 'vartelY
t ,04 - Wei,would invite any, person ~tisiting the!,
City to call and pee ,tts-rlhey will. at ,Jcast he,
pleased fii4alli neound `oar Mieutirtil ittore, and'
toiview the,fiheat China. and the , cheapest the;
wor.4l,prnduces. „Very . respactfully.„ ~ ~ ,
. . Ty ALE"& - MITCHELL,
:2 '''. . ''-'i ,- 5 NC1 , 219 ChWsititt'Strect. •i
I _Phila. eept2 lryti o ld ".-41 , ,,!;,-.; , Ht? i), •, :•• . •
1 • CARPETS . AAID OLL.ioLoTas, ~.
l oo t
inERSONS who: wish , to, get , goodt-bargnins
in ,CART,,§'7'S Oft, O,I,L,.CLOTHS,,ni-,,
thor W 61081116 Or retpil, will 'do,*Sll to call on .
the subscriber , es his einttneen in' hie present"!
location are very light, he ts..enahled and de,
tecmjnect to stAltkt Ipe to‘,ptieee ,14, the city,
Ito efrditi . for this 'in'tlson an exithllerit as'eorr:
mentor . , al' i1., , :' .. :.' ' a , ..,
,—:, • .. 1 • ••
ran ' Imperial,. three plyl. --.
Donnie iSone 4 r . iot.. Ingclin„ 4! ~' -..,-; ~.
lee an ritedwin do ' ' } CARPETS.
Entry mid Stitir'ortdr kinds,o ' ~', o•r - ' -,., ._
. Antt,Liet, Cotton , and• Rag, ~. ~ , .
And OIL CLOTHS from 2404 feet:wide,
for oninit, Halls, 6/.,61' With a' 'krent intim vof
l priced Ingrain Chtnete from' 20 to 10 eentets
nd.Ptaiu end if.etry, Carpets from: 10 . l o.sQ:cts.•
per yard.' Also, Matting_e, Rugs, Floor C l frah,
ri!cs,,, jt
Stair kods; . &e: ' ' . " IV II ' MORI OE, '
. - No.. 4r ,STRA WBERRY.Streer, , ond, 'Coot
„, I tiabovo „ , Chasnuti..pear Sacepd,..thilsdel-.
' Vila. • • feng2o.3rn.
, ..._..
kticirs,..'rtitic: Ditipi. c , oe i
tigv/P"ii. I§o±rtip;, •iii;ldie,i . ti;: 81; ft ,.
.tivvibthogi,prifisutoi shill Menufaeritre of
xyleT,y,;,description, pfrklUaS.l havin_g:just re,
turned from Europe with, a .SE.(..ECT STOCIe,
OF FURS, is now rnantifttaluiltig theiti iit km*
superior style.; and tritniting - them 'in the moat
elegant•manrierrandt - wonldiateAvatten t i on
of MERCHANTS and 3 02,THERS., tp..hia au.
perish- and"'i3ktirisi've 'asshil l ideiii, he
is enabled . ,phpffer nt ROI ::P.tligettos.. Cu Iv. honsOn
an;the 'United States can compete smith. ,
,:'''', • ' -`'..;!'•' , DA - VID I VHOLT.S,' t 'f''''.
86 arch (Mulberry);Eltintet,folnbrit-frelow : 3d et,
1.1:X 1. to „I!otni.M4t, ..1,51'8, garntly, Medi t
dine 'Btore. ' "•, • .
•Philinielphiat•ang-16 Mt; - , - , • ~ .
' Stern. o I waY et Oleteed.,oo Saturdays. The
highest Cash pries paid . for Shipping Furs.
. ,
s. zAwsrprszi,
Agent for the sale of goulhworth ManuAeluring
Co's Writisig Wateh6iike,•• NO. 3
Minor 'St.'; Philadelphia. .." •
100 pCASESera nnow
of ln . t B hz e b on o v n t4s ci a p s e n re o . o; P 4. 0-
trade at the lowest mallet piece, consisting in
part of— -
Fine thick Flat Cape, 12, 14, 15 and 16 lbs.,
blue end ; white. • , It • •
Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue
and White. c'' ' I ' •
Extra, imperialist superfine, Folio Poste, blue
and white, plain andruled. ;
"Superfine Comiriefdiiierafs,' blue' and White
plain and ruled. is • '
Exirg, gaper „liinen„..s i Toto Papers, plain and
and Pro d
liperfine•and'fintreeunting ihruse: Cups and .
Poste, blue and wfiite,
Extra super dongresti 'Cops RA Letters, plain
and ruledifiluct anolichite. . • .
Extra, super.Congrese Cups end Lettere, gilt.
Superfine Serinon''.Ctips and Posts..
•- Supettine thin Letters. '
- P-Extra super Both Posts,-blue and white,,plain
and ruled.
. .
F,nabriddered Note PaperiAind Envelopes.
• "Lawyer'S" Tapers.
..Superfine inidffineiCeps and Posts, ruled. end
qualities and
prices. • •,.
Alsci, 1000 liestrii white and assorted Shoe
Papers, •Bonnet ; Boards, white. and assorted
Tissue, Tea, Wrapphig. Envelope, assorted &
blue Mediating; CaiiW•reiPpere,' Hardware 'Pa
pers, Sze. . ljy4
111 - inifactory of Pooket , ll6;;ri,
No. 521 Chesnut Street, above Scrond.
MEE subserithir 'public at-
Ltention to his superior and tastefulsitock of
Pocket ktooks, Bankei'a i ,Coses„ Bill Books,
Dressing Cases, Card Cases, Port Alo
naies, Pardee ; Pocket • Raises, slid
other fine Cutlery, Gold Pens, and
Pencils, Sep Cases, Chess
Men, Beek ' Gammon,
• Boards, Dominos,' &a. '
35,373 28
$1,220,097 67
His assortment consists of the most fashiona
ble and modern styles, of the Aneet quality and
- excellent workmanship, embracing every desir
able fancy pattern, which he will at all times
be prepared to exhibit and ftirnish ,, wholesale or
,retail onuhe , mose ieadonahlts terms
!,CarPurchaseralawheitleattedo supply them.
ael.vocivithiarticlessofithe betitAuslity will con
sult their own intereatell calling at this .es
tablishtnent. F, SMITH, '
Pocket giiiik . lifintilacturer
15 . 4 m ''''.62rChiannt SltOTet.
Phils:, l se
I ~ araerannsor NPAkscrtZs 1 '
-drag. OgNee .. . j: 0:: • ' f. ,:...! .LETEIS R.
menta to per:- _ , !, ,
~, . 6 t ...?, :%, • pialt 00 oin
saki in want ' • , - • ' =-:- - - ..41.,L,:11 , o.
af . cry goo d; , '::,:,.:, 9 ' '. :- '''' ll6: ,, jtrorth
H' {I . . 1-Z 9 7 4. ',/,''',, •Spcolyi St.
HIIVING'Iii6Weit 'additiOilitVantiPliee' of
Gold and SiIver'VATCHES of every
deaci l lpfieK from London,. Liverpobl and , Swit.
zeriand ireportatiensOe pow krOPPFelfliA4 iirr,-
lab 'llie Very beat article eta price far - belo.
any ever offeted,ieftheiSame4nality; abelow.wbrch
cannot be, updorsold , ,,tiy,canyhollievolore it ie
Philadelphia or elsewhere. Every wAtch sold
ivill be' perfettlY: lighlereir;ii
"ti'd idikiianted''to
.be, as, good M. represented: ..,, ,'. n . b0,..,; , ,e.t 1 it
„ gratOckat the foi jawing knotpriece
Gold Levers, full jowore, 10 mm41%888 ; 08 ,00
Silver do do ' 12 Clo
Gold Lepioee, jeweler:lB carat
,solielt $ 42 00
Sil*er - 4 - 3 do` 4 ‘• $ 00
„ 1 /Korallik Gtdd.4.en, nti eitpenor
Article in i (v.e r case, with ptlic.ll,.(gicl,w,pr,7,gtqc!
$1,50 dald'Pencile for 'sl, arid 'urVivatde,dold
Medallion/wand Locket for:DogurrieothteLlkit
nestles Gol ” " •
ins; Etir Rings; Finger' •Ritigii;init a govern'
assortment of ievery"degaription`44 "36i/stilt
nt unusual low prices.
Nit-A1.43t North, 2datreet, 2d doomaetoudßace
atrepl ~"! l4il V l4c llit a t* . VVlS 'lt: it fe1:5914 ltE• li.
0ct31,1842;6nr-o IPierte , Agetill: 1 4 ,1 VII
'."" '' A 'Titrelp Vegetal(' 'ffitididiarg:.!'
.c1,114.14.11:V1E ‘PlLLl3.tstve.-been, gradually
tliggfilitat 3 i i t43l 9 .lllEriarpgaqrei;
have done dlia , ehilielp finh o dgh , ,thishifFe'lleirdla
aB a •FA.M . ILY MED4p/NV4iagenciee have
iPle 9l92 P4lßUldri a ll P .ft,lagßiOd s tk9o42l . l4ah
eels rerak ell to, 6y lam to i ear ,m lame
hall Beenliibilf.a.hTlie illis'lckelbflefeirrtlhiliffe
and•hentendlftWeenl aaa . 5944#141, Ai*
gllgr al latrierlMgioiliCi4,' * T)llPl47l '
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all othero;-'-viaP'llicy afr d%ft
TABLE. They arocC-F-RTAIW 4 PO'OIt,
RASE{,,, , Theici'Operagitnla, 1
,i ' Ivilall'
PAIN., Theycan he ;Pod w; ' '' -
EFPrby , tIid , YOUNGIS7 . ' , .', a The'
,' etlef ida,Fir-,
yore, Ague. Heagaplr i ,llahrit, oe,lypgient,,
Dyspepsia, 01101 ra Crbus t , ALliaeheerfpih
•cr , B. ...1 11 ' rOprißturtyeaß a'C tifiT
cut/Smut arctleinamantßtalLordewhioaavodriw
a•T 0 IA •• 4 0,1 e
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..34,?0,11inifk g _titirfotilielattite kirThdfitql -
nia—CneaLna P:-Aarri,."Foroale, price 2 ; set . a
r(gliffg9ii3l,lMallirtillAnglinsY4?PelML d.
For sale Ili DltoßANllNlS , Carlicleit Paw
' T .3 l :44ol4s4taignikm.
6 L S}T.itrinfortilffiaksit,co,
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proprietor.;Lebe t :e mw .- 4 , 141 Chollnutetrect
XR i N° 1 0 1 1:1 , ' V3'l. l'idA KIM
Janldt '7,, , 241 ~ fa ~".", " , - .
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le Vtit o ßlllll62lß h ißis n iiiidali t
ofßitirDiattidPitofki 4101eP41120,,
neck and Bonnet BibbonedaCidllviftidiidifil ro•
stidg§ ei .at i orttrett iIaVW-411VONIMR.
mulct loot. tui olio i hi nare i v .o.l't .. ' .
ruHE subscriber. juts ,jus; received eiiieltity
41 114,tsif. nephOtislimerer , Mousi drl4.lfiftliCae.. ,
rinses Alnscslierindio etiPai l l'Dteso6 - 0, , , '
t°w 4ichdhEiillMPtiA PflikaiWilgrgr
fIRAIVIBERRIEs,-- Enna lei bist licei;jA
V ved and for sale by toot,s)44,:tyv.EßTi;;.'