FERMI7 2 IIIrWOSIITE' Ti . .brAki.iihi s t:i.iijii , A. ; ''''' 'k " ii.l .- 4 1:. ' lit A l i l e THE st A BT, ; I.:ltut.tkpter W S R .;,,, -. 1 , IN, CVNI 0 Nit 4,. RID 09UNpf: ! ;1 /.. /AP ii revyn•Peeivdnintiil'ke s iilii:Oi j 'aiii`ihiftidi l iouf irditil Cents, if `*itictucitt.*'linid:iriAftiOi : !, t;0 ; .: . $1,75 epaid'ilvyhin 00 itexiin= ' ~., • THANKBOtiIINO- ..a.V.—ii , . Utteday ,as the day Sol apart '4 , .Gov,,;,!ollrititiiii'. 'iit!:'iii . !lil . of . thoOregitoriglaud.Pkeiee to th'etiloprense liir let OfTilie,Univeree; tor , ihi manifold' bliiseirigk whiph ',Wiy, Ml' a pimple,'MiVe''rOceiVoil • l l l/KOPi, 'firanda—was observed in this borough_ with all the respect that is accorded . to the Sabi:4'lll:+ Th . ° places of business with ono?! . tOio Oxcop• Lions were :closed, end awry king; of seculitr employment euipended. ,A.: 4 1f 4 .. : few '66untry peoplp, who . it mai oharitAhyt, oinppospd do t ik not "reed the paperer_ bt•oui _ tlviiod and pro. duce to (own, but Mich iiiiifgotilii • Ough :their transactiiins as quickly Oittf, ipiicitlp ailigielible. The various churches we learn . Wilte•all' well !kneaded, and thriicrmtins of their f'astofe.ap.; propriate and olaquetit. Throughout the day, and even ing, as far as our observation extend• od, there was nothing to dtstprb the good order whip'. should prevail at such a season. PR0V , 103.5 4 4R geet.lemait:•;Nho:hae accepted the Preeidenpy of Girard College, we' are happy to .staie,-Al reiale ; he official relation tci legts.until .Commeneemeni. As however,lis hssleave , of nhaetlep alit& the .first,of Junne*j, Arty: Goatv~it P3V.irOs, has been eraph;Yed to hisidaeryari arranginnent highly satiSfeetory to al!:the r stisdents and Officers of the college. TlR.ficridac pckanmn, yoncg9 ,may rely, tivir'ituforfgotiitinOtit of an 'aide . and experi7 erieed.l6ofesiior4tO the Department of ,P,bilean.'' phy and.Engysh Literature, at the 'seSsinti of Thi3..neCtirtd the, - Diekbbior term of,;tll#ii„'Ouri cif Comtnou Pleas in this county Was' held by Judge PICAROON, of the Dauphin district-46dge Warn, thiadist44,l4log Judge arson's pines: in IllarrisbUrg v during the same time.— Judge Pearion bum a high legal reputation, and his abort season of intercourse with .our Bar'and community has left the most favorable troproseiert 'of his chatacier and abilities. The' system bt JudiclatekbhangeS'.'WhiCh is now going On; under a law of the last Legislature, apPears.to ,be regarded..with satisfaction.by_the_ public. to this district it will save a Is:go-a -mount of rhoney by doing away with the ne cessity of Special Courts. DAOUERRgOTYPES.—After an examina tion of the specimen Daguerreetycs for exhibi tion at the rooms of Mr. a: H.Cbase l'of the ta tabliehment of Vairi„,Loan,dr Phase, Washington D. C.,) we can in truth say that we.bavo never aeon finer Daguerreotypes, or l;ettelqikeneasii'es• Mr. Chase, Wildee being a master-band in hie art, has in his possession one of the finest in struments in the country...To those wishing exact likenesses of themselves, .we-would say, ,give him a call. Mr. C's. rooms are in, South Hanover street, in the'lollte lately occupied by George.Sandersen, Esq.- • , CAETALTt-i—We leprn that one of.the .34iners at pine Grove Iron Works, in, - Dickinson township; was akin:nit ins tentlyklil' ad; on Wednesday kat; S. portion Of 'the ore from a Feint above, let t i3n him while he waa engaged at ... mrk,.and Wi'lleuch crushing force thatkleurvived the accident but 'a few min utee:Vislierild was Joh* pisokty. . .• .TEg"Firat*!*,-, - A.mrrtaant c --The great . .aervimafieriamed by tIAH atm : et the eeryioe'. during tho tdeziean warOtair been widely rim; ognised, aiiia, ae;i4dmttinie - of what it Was • ea _ pable of Rob-loving:Atm , r it. EEurrier and En quirer mention* tholiitt l ow - "The lamentefi 'Ord: Plincian, of the U S. A., bad drilled hiii.:Men tcrevieh perfection it, artil lery, and to such celerity of moverrient, that on ono occasion, when hlatuits were. under their: alter's, the horses of the light battery in the sta-' ble, and, the . harnoss. banging up, he accent: &shod ;the ,feat Of harnessing up, moving his guns two hundred. yards; forming in battery, and firing ,a round, in the space of a minute and a half 'front Pthe time the first command( was given.. ''• . THE PHILASIALI.IIIII gESEUM,-..The anrllaluithle , Collietien - ofOutiosities; paint: ings, dr..o„ the largest „ih5.7.4,0 country, was sold -atlEihinifre sal? on 114.6iiida;yrorning, and' pui tittisCi(VllVlrFT44i)tirnurn, for *the trifling sum of 3 , ,50(4:M16 tiiitinliitiost ol it will be guided to ltir,i;iii‘kr Bittseiit. The origi nal cost, wakitielv , p .st Gam Dioosna.,-.-Fhe National • Intel eigenberNarria lint; in 'an official i:Oport'to the n.o • iYer, Department, on the civil. affairs of Cali •fermay estimates theitumlir of per in digging for gold, at ten thousattd, while the nOntber of persona en gaged in- ;Aber% emploqinental at • the ' , Placers. 'greatly inoredini Vila amount. • • • • ' ' 1„1 • •1 RAILROADS AND CANALS .- W e woe tke ZateiltSfiittio; ibotat IEOOO 'inipio of bordro'ffie 'olooo , of this yetr,at least 5,000 Mita MOres i oiiiibe ' COhiOnoplatron;and i oapl/tal OF, bb 99 cum' y centering toward! thew., , MS • ISUPPJ 66111 SUICIDIi • AIIPII*IIIeICIi.... 4 IY 0, '