Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 28, 1849, Image 2

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%Ittreilb Szpintassr
PENNSYLVANIA; !Se ' '''. ' '
In the name and ty the authority
....^1%.: , , of the Commonwealth •of Penneyl.
LA, • / 5 ! Yttnia : by WILLIAM F. JOHN.
,‘"ria'' . STON, ( keyottof.the,:eaid Canto
monwealth. • • . • .
A beneficent God. has blessed die people of
this Commonwealth'-with hcalth7end abun
dance. The fields have yielded bountiful re.
turns to the labors of the husbandman. , The'
• , enterprise of 'the' citizens, in' "all bitinaliee of
.Industry. have been Appropriately reirarded.—.
, Peace within' nations,has been vouchsafed to
. the country: Civil and religious liberty, tinder
the!inelibiliens of free government, have, been
' 'preierved'inviolate, and the largest measure of
• ~ earthly Aappinesii. has , been graelouely dis
. , pentied:byAn and merciful Providence.
These blessings dernind our gratitude to
Him; in 'Whheehands"-are the issues of life and
ccmtrolieemLdirects the affairs of
OmniFotent to save or de
stray, and $lO, mingles in the justice of FHB'
jUdililellth the attributes of file mercy--before
Whose petit& nations are exalted or cast down,
-- 4 and.they call upon Infos one people, to tr.,
. Eife in solemn Thanksgiving,—in humble sup
"plleation and praise to the Almighty Authot or
every good and perfect gift, for these' his un
deserved blesilngslo hie weak and sinful crea
tures.- They require the profound reverence
of penitent. heartscsensible of the unworthiness
nflmmanity, vind.Orthe 'enduring mercy of a
righteous God..
Delleving.these ',solemn truths and deeply
impressed with the. duty of devout adoration,
and humble prayer; in compliance, witka yen
' erated custom; and the desires of the great bo
dy of . the people: I. Wit,LIAN F. JOHNSTON,
Governer of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
.. nia hereby appoint and designate THURS
DAY, the 29th day of November inst., as a
day ntleneral Thanksgiving throughout the
State s and I hereby_ recommend and earnestly
invite . good people o f this Common
''Wealth toe sincere and prayerful observance
nf. the Name.
, IGiven under my hand and the great seal oftho
r .I ;,.State, at Harrisburg,this twenty-fifth depot
ctober, i e yearof our Lord • pee thou
sa, • t hundred and forty-nine, and ofthe
Commonwealth 'the seventy- rth.
By the Governor: TOWNEIVID HAINES,
Secretary of the Commonwealth
been aware for two or three weeks of the
appointment by the Secretary of the Tres
-atiry, of Dr.' Jontr J. MYERS, of Carlisle, aft
Surgeon of the Marine Hospital, at Pitts
burg, and we now . takti occasion, as it has
not hitherto been publicly announced, to
express the satisfaction with which the np•
ppintment has been received. The pro
'Sessional character of Dr. Myers amply pm
..--tiflUxlits selection for the duties of the sta,
tiorl, ' r:tind Mr. Meredith may be assured that
thfrapphineinentN, warmly appreciated by
the Whig' party generally,, as well as the
many personal friends of Dr. Mxuas in this
Section of the State. Dr. Myers will enter
upon te duties of the. post in the ensuing
•We bespeak for him the lrfendly
greetings of the ;people of Pittsburg (where
he bad previously made every arrangement
to locate for professiortal practice) as a gen-'
v , ,
uesuan- who possesses every quality to corn
=alit:l'lllm to their most tavorable regard.
Tux U. S. Titiviruir,,--=A Deficit of
Nearly Twontk z4 Millitins Expected !—The
Nationalintelligeneer learns from an official
isonroe that; in'the amount-of revenue which
requisite to meet the expenditures of
the Government for the fiscal years ending
the 30th of June, 1850, and the 30th June,
1851, there will , be a deficit of between fif
teen and twenty millions of dollars. This
deficit, it says; will not have been occasion.
ed by any insufficiency of the current reve
nue to meet the ordinary expenditures of ;
the Government, but by the extraordinary
expenditures growing out of the Mexican
War and t_he late treaty , of Peace with that 1
conntryr:, , ..,„
This deficit, it .must be. borne in mind is
altogether the•risult of. the Polk Administra
lion, as not a cent , of disbursement has been .
made since Gen. Taylor came , into o ffi ce,
e4oept under the provisions of laws and
appropriations passed under 'Polk's adminis
tration and approved by him. Now the
question is how shall this increase of Debt
be provided for? Mill the locofoco party,
•"‘_..ii-whichis in power' in Congress, consent to
• such an alterailow in the' Tariff as will bring ;
addition revenue joie the Treasury? We
shall see.' -
—The Washington oorresppndent of the
Baltinfore Pah* says, I,,have, good reason
fcir believing, that President Taylor's first
message to Congress will , be a medal, doou-
Ment-'-not !rehire : bogie of •the earlier. Pres,
idedtrir Messages, The,reports oithe , Heads.<
of Departments will , be found, to passage, ,
great .fitterest, ;Aso. Although nobody has
tainted ,in
..preparing, , ner any, elerks
:One thousand' ,
dollare ; roh i als extra utirnpensatiOn, for '
rd t ;for their OMR ,
potion yet if I quistakernot ; the.publio wing
wit° tome there my i able and well stored'' ,
wifer t imaqa9Metermttitirt,t,. 3 • tt 4
• ,1 ity.7
o ,3 4 l Puma, ~ 1 1 111 1.0er:
teAod s u titttra
. 0 0 ,130 I.tippciittaloat'mfi
the'• tritteuty.for4the l ,Poit . Office
Departomity , end ; that he already clearly
cee hjo ppsetAt nd capacity , fur the' !place. ;The'
444;! 1 5 0 4',40 , bithiP re4Wlndbie
anifnlß.?4:tinj Plls4,,bat Faitataxy bribie" ,-
I ' B .ttift thapccharge of , Its duties a Clear' t''
a figoroaa ;intellect ,which is , fully equal ::to , '
t eener envies which '. thay,oceir.i• Hie ftp.
p0i11tr1199010.11., ceedit;upon , the I , Prealtienl
an st#P tlfPr,94o,7o,l4)Treamiryi , nnBplitu,.ij
114:41014pu ettraealtina oPapproballim from
the IThrif,
Tc:;;;;;; Now; =Yeas. '
summary, of the;vole fon'Slate Senators
in ole,jliept Election , in New Norkl gives
01'a/ 4110%Ironprasult,ItnWing wrogetel, 208,- #
9 91 ;k1 490019 s r akgyegitte, . 108 , 7494 . Wb,ig
mujootygtst_Bl,l, $473
+-(p v‘°,o4'
41414i.114 04§,y40,4, ilftobithmi9iberd,9
o tFojliii4• l s,* striANtr# 1 1 ) .9 Ajokilo 'Amid
it ht;:toL' l .ol;l.4 l4 l7 L* l ° ll -
King, Of Geofilio• 1841 so in Callferniii,:q
Cot. 3 A r +Teottlyxpop *km: of the
Vow York offer Jr. Ef 149 %fr o as„ n‘. , a
forted 011 ie 4 :4 1 . t°s •A i fe„ i'Jfie 40 mill
Yer k I !. f lr r .,Wi l tot ! 11 1 P S I'
` drjairjlll T l' v;le, rirgr.t. 194 t 6 K
1 f6ci ti 3
' , "tf r4 :414111
Y'riv,ArP "
The Oardonter :Power.- Facts.
A **lump4tuctt .Visidicitlok , of goveitior
. . .
.Ipdge Parions, of s Philadelphi‘toolc„no,.
°aglow. recently, :while he' hid •laitore:
for semence_a batoh , of prisonere, : carivioted
Of' riot, to Mdulikt In' a most unwartith'itible . :
o , utbreig* fag . ii(leladork-to: - tha
eZotOlius of the ; ~pgrdoning ;. power ;; by..,the
Executive _His ri3i4ilre iiajti f iliade kite*
chiefly upon Gov. Tolmston but in the course
ti!:AT . vory,coarsofortiarlislus,apaisite'dlha(ii ,
4i is a ' ditfelandli4 filet, Yid nevetthehis's
trueohat from 1844 down to this time;scatoi
an individual who had beeh convicted Of an 1
agitavatea riots inPlidadelphia,had served
out his imprisonment . , whether ah , ort
ithigk ;In a licitihin i gcorimiintary upon tiM
many false and furious denunciations uttered
.by Judge Pamonsohis Harrisburg Telegraph
furnishes; thiNlyritlng statement .of the
whole number pardcns.,gl,atited since
1841, which inchhies the lastit i iie - yeat's - o f
Gov. Porter's administratioit:' Theis are
A' 28 1849 i,
made up from: the 'official iecordw in the
office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
and show that 4ce Gov. Johnston has occu
pied the executi‘e chair, a period of sixteen
months, he has granted .. llo pardons, or an
average of 87 annually, while the annual
average under Gov. Shank his immediate
.predecessor, was 100, and under Gov. Porter
l i ci3 I Moreover the number of rioters par
,onia' by Gov. Porter was 60 I by Gov.
Shank 371 while Gov. Johnston has'pardiM
ed but tliree, under the most amply justifying
"Circumstances. It is evident, therefore, that
neither the cause, of justice, mot; less the
cause of truth, dictated the animadversions
of Judge Parsons, and the public, w ho 1
all the fiats, can arrive at their ow nal .
along as o his motives. The statement is as
Gov. Porter's lastygee years.
Governor Port r pardoned dada the last three
years of his administration,p, , ,, 491
Average number annually,
c o 163
Convicts pardoned In the city end e of
Philadelphia during these three ye , 130
Number for Riot pardoned in the State, 50
Number pardoned for Riot la Philadelphia, 10
Gov. Skunk's term.
Goverdor Shank pardoned . 350
Average number annually, 100
Pardoned in city and co. ofPhiladelphia, . 153
Number for Riot pardoned in the State, 37
Number for Riot pardoded In Philadelphia, 29
Gov., Johnston's Pardons. I
Gov. Johneton ham pardoned 118
Average number annually, 87
Convicta'pardoned In Philadelphia, • 97
Number for Riot pardoned in the State,
Number for Riot pardoned In Philadelphia, 3
From die above table it will be d s isdOvered
that Governor Johnston, since he came into
Wipe, has granted pardons to forty-seven can
viols in the city and county of Philadelphia.
These were granted on the following appli
cations :
By the Judges, or come of them. of She Court
where the convicts were tried,
By the Board of Inspectors.
By the Warden of the Eastern Penitentiary,
By the Attorney General,
By the Prison Discipline Society,
By Jurors trying them,and by citizens of
By removal for insanity,
Since Gov. Johnston came into office,
there have-been three hundred and twenty
applications for pardon, and hence two hun
dred and four rejected. These tables .and
statements, we think, place Judge Parsons
in a rather unenviable predicament. .They
prove his statements false, in every respect,
both as regards the lamented deceased Exec
utive, Francis R. Shunk, and the no less
worthy living Chief Magistrate, Wm. F.
Johnston. We might go back, prior to 1844,
and show that Gov. Porter pardoned some
700, persons, and that this same Anson V.
Parson's name is attached to a large number'
of them as Secretary of State, showing that
he approved of them f Judge Parsons it
will be remembered was 'Secretary of State,
for a length of time under Gov. Porter,,
hence his - dieinolination to go back of 1844
in hie Renunciations.
We are indebted to the Philadelphia Inqui
rer of last week for a very striking fact in re
lation to this subject. That paper Informs us
that since Gov. Johnston entered'upon the du.
ties of his office, there have beenffly-four con
viction. fiir riot in the city and county of Phil
adelphia, as the record shows, and of these on
ly three have been pardoned ; and yet the ad
dress of Judge Parsons conveys the idea that
the clemency of the Exertinhas been suc
cessfully invoked in nearly every Anitanoe
1 where a conviction has followed the hornmik
Mon of this offence. The three cases alluded
-torero those of Charles McVey, William Love
and Robert Wallace, and in each of them the
Governor was, in our judgment , fully justified
in his course. The appeals made to him wen
most touching, and they were based on circum
stances and depositions which were calculated,
not only to justify the course of the Executive,
but to render it in every way proper and expe
dient. Whtro it is duo to society and to pub
lic order that the guilty, when detected and
fallycommitted, should be adequately punish
ed, It is also tamarind duty on the part of the
authorities, to exerelea the godlike attiibute of,
mercy, When); shiSeqaent discovery of impor:
tart factishowithat a conviction was prema
ture and not warranted by all the'evidence.
APpourrxer.m.:Zrbli Republic makes
an official annonnoemen t of The appointment
by the President, of James , !.:Power,' Esq.,
to the post of , Cbarge' d'Affaires to Naplis,
in iplade of Thomas W. Chinn, Esq. , resigned.
This appointnient .
sal faYo44tid ; we,. are l'sure.that Mr. Power
will,prore; :most' effiolenvolfteer. He
:comes,to his new dutiettWith aii tnitilted iep
cutation,:gained' by alma and' : faithinCdie l
charge of -the duties of Canal COniinhisiiinc'r,
of thid ' "` ,!'
,Chambariburg:TraikkSpineaaiii din 'Oat of
itherGeMlin pita! about
1 11 .1+.1ti*Niiiifii'afiq l° the'Ca to , 1 0!°,0 ii ii# o '4 ? ne kPl'Ori
` Piitle; AB
:ega'oei read
pyliy; Ole olihAT
ought And' an !annoy
tns ere . lie think ATd :ham:Au!
axon) ; link limiter
Waif klus"aionnij "86 MileleastY, exPondadi
may be Ink!, out , a way r ihat'will,
benefi(thaimblio and. the press;,!: 4,1
d i nel,
stre ; FAINED.-"r' • ° ° •
Mit: ' Te'Ficl ~ . „..„.01000 clandtdoie
i'll'Ociieled;tha ile!qatell i'''lin (Valilila'
ief.:,,Clafkril.L" od")contil i o office 0 k
YriOttpro,rrißrs. , '
6,1.04044nd Wrote ' a
• ' 4 TIA ,1419P?Vit!W P Iii h wag highly lauded.
cieriitbacive (*Atari 0# 5' ~ . ._, ~.......
tent ---- c ' • i 'l'l* 611,1 0100 k big i7c e J,7
the L000lc06P9efet.'til,110111"°"r"1:
l,ii, Jet? Pf,,,,t ... 'ttrii,
' t"tiad y *etc!) 10)1;1,1010;V '-.141°,1.'i1;:
de °a 1 .... .)' • •
,-.10 Zi n 'A a' 4
1 . 11446.6" Wi§ Wit' by"-,iy 140-.,3,11144444
'''"' s'• otirini 'Akio ran . ,r 4
tonehatt6h."l/tives'' Ihii Sib bull s '
'itily, ,ti• . ~g4"4.-r.,lk
. .
~ 1, ~4i f,•5
t)'t'::, ;t, 40;,:kt ,i'". '''''l":!,l.l., ,IP
.1,. ' ,ILIAI' l!''' ~ ' ' ''7 , , b.'pf tqq' l• q '''"' '''''
' " ' ' '''4 , 40:'041 IL/ .`,
' '
' i •
The Meeting congress.
Thirty-first . Copgress: will assemble
is Washing*, on - Monday, next, the2f,d of
D iMergbflenit ifi VieGraeneireWae"aK
read/ announced-, ae heying arrived there,
Itittlieffi . bium will probablibe,preeent at the
the•N. Y 7l buns;:'classes parties
in tde } , of• Representatives thrts.
;.Wfligeici - ha Whig Pee •
L0'4,01000 Free Sailers Enid Abolit
ittlci,,cr;;_dclubtful . , - Bilessre.,Alle n , of Massa , '
eh iiE Root and Giddings, Of Ohio. - .,Thle
inekesAp organizatiOn of the House apeilit
f , Vell,"_Wiiini interest. Intelligence from
Wishing*, howetermkea.,it !wile:probe
bleifilfl:AWhig'Siteekar- will he.eleeted,•not
tii iheteiniie:theni f is lase doubt abuut the'
etitte - of, parboil—as that body . shows a strong
ma j orit y a gainet - Gen.Tayloesidmintritration,
Seitetis - compOscd — of . P:e'riic;iirats
and 24 Whigs; with two Free 'Boilers _ ,J
Meseta. Hale,,, of New -Hampshire? and
Chaim Ot.Ohici; ,the former cleated *the'
aid of the Whigs, and, the latter by the OA
of the Democrats,
- Of 'the diierenti members of the AdMinis
, tration and the character of. Congress, the
Philadelphia Inquirer retnarks--u the Mes
sage of the President wilYbe looked for'willi
no little anxiety. ft will, we venture to wit
, diet, be a irank?straight-forward,-hold-spirit-,
ed, patriotic and enlightene4 document, al
though it may prove less elaborate than
most of the preceding . Presidential Messa
ges. The Reports of the Secretaries will
also be sought for and read with interest, es
pecially as all these officers, with the excep
tion of * Mr. Ewing, ire new as members of
an.. Executive Cabinet: The Senate em
braces many old members—meof undoubt
ed ability,character and experience. Messrs.
Clay, Webster, Calhoun, and Benton, will
doubtless be the master-spirits of that body,
while the younger members, such as Messrs.
Sewaid, of New York; Cooper, of Penn
sylvania, and others of marked ability, will
exercise no little influence.. In the house,
there will be many new members, and a
mong them not a. few who - possess brilliant
and shining talents. Mr. Stevens of our
owe State, may be designated as among
these, and will soon make himself heard
and felt. The great topics of the Session
'will be the Tariff and its proposed modifica
tion, and Ike Slave Question, - as involved 'in
.the boundary of Texas, the admission of
California, and other of our new Territories
The session of -Congresb is likely to be
lengthy and productive of no little excite
ment, growing pridcipally out of the Slavery
.question. It is stated by a well informed
correspondent of" the... Baltimore Sun, that on',
the - first day of the Session, notice will be
given, in the SeiNtte;ol a bill to establish
certain Territories; to provide for the - ad:nis t
sion of Califon I, the creation cri, a. new
Slate in Texas, and the adjustment of the
boundary between Taxas and New Mexido.
The bill will—provide for the establishment
of the Territory of Deseret; also for thole] ,
ritory of California, nes% of 3 6
, deg. 30 min.
The bill will provide that thus Territory of
North California shall be admitted as a State
into the Union; and, at the
. serne time, it
will provide that a portion of Texas, south
of 39 deg. 30 Min., shall be permitted to
form a State Constitution; and that the`
question of boundary between Texas and
New Mexico shall be submitted to a board
of commissioners. _ _
The Two Remedies.
The recent failure' of several Banks in
this and other States,'and particularly the
monstrous swindle of the Susquehanna
C — ty Bank, (whiclu they will hardly have
the hardihood to charge upon the Whigs), is
of couive taken advantage of by the looofoco
press to renew their furious clamor against
all Banks, and to again sound the praises of
the Individual liability principle, or "the
Shunk policy," as they term it. The prac
tical working of the individual liability prin
ciple is, in all cases, when a Bank gets into
a critical situation, to throw' it entirely into
he hands of irresponsible men—the respon
sible men seeing the storm coming and tak
ing care to escape in time. So it was with
the Lehigh County Bank, which it will be
recollected was Gov. Shank's model Bank...-:. ,
The Whigs hold that there is a better system •
than . this. To use the language of . our con
temporary of the Reading Amid,' " the
Whig system is to base the circulation upon
State Stocks—the only plan by. which . the
note-holder can be rendered entirely sale.—
All other contrivances--and especially those
of th,e Loboloqo bank,doctors—haveMsulted
ift'disastrous failures. This principle would ,
probably have, been 'adopted several years
since had it not been for the,dogged oppoti
lion of Jesse.Miller,entl Gov, Shnnk. ',They
citing to the. individu'al, liability principle,
which experience has proxed. to be worth
less, as a means of, protecting the p(iblio, -
'and prevented the adoption of the only safe ,
system of banking.
.They, therefore, are in
reality responsible for the, gyro opfs9d,by •
the late failures.". ' ' ' .: .I; - •
having a majority in our. •Legialaturp, will pi,
course tum out all the' Whig officers . 'that,,
come within reach 61 their tfaxe." Already,' ,
some' dozen` or' two, at Can didatei, are Aantedi
,forthe Of fi ce otifittito:Treaseror' to auhoesii ,
the' in 'pan able ineumlaint i ,ll4.r.,
seine f iinalifidetion=the ; only one many
hrietantlea—::namet i in ,00nneotion with •the
candidate ii, that' liana "demotirati.l?,,
That' itaiiimiar sufficient:
edam from o e, and , enotmeett Tempv.. •
ale from"ollioe as ttniottoriptien'!
was '4 itiWe .
' ‘tc.
:te'd, that Father Matthew was lat ly ; iii'vited`
fl d i ,Peorgia bY , Judge , 'Liittpkin, President
:0 4 iStanvIeriipilrinuier - tddi l nif, o o4 / 114::
Ir•tea - a' I 'iinneV ,
litituit ; "
fi e pulyrteme-4._ pepnr, iti speaking of .1.
terUp 4 eran'oe address; eve it abounded: with:
oneartemt eentittiont riyewoi lOyeptotients•
Uti fueling, and , a.perteot deluge
sense., ,
' ,ttdedle";l3Nl4ll;:lvi.:ltill wrt.!Vr.6Y°797-44
\'' f li 11 ,.„ , ~, u', rian
.11 0,11,9,Lik oii,,thedeß4
sionil'. Q i youl,3g. ,I.J• '' - ` i4 . 1111 :, i rt. -4 ~-,' • . ,
ap.,,,. ;,,,, f rn ' )' betwfi ci , ' •-m, J,‘., 4 ; , f;; . ' `o, /' 1 ' '
oln- -,,-,-,,0,,,:, i 7 ,?,,,," il Jl4, `..,
.. , +i
II th? 8. ,
f,1,147t,4''0'°,,,*'4‘;.... ItorkeioP-- 1 ; d =in Ihek ","
44.. liC*,kl.'rit!..!%a;'•• itiit'iWb,le,,;o„:.l,,l;
„ .W. 7 '4 4 4..9 11 7 , ;" La o e, ,- • , •:.t.,,, %' fi tog "2 ,
047, ,17,1,,,ocliipirtSu774"r3000,?"A.
trt • 4itilißlfe v o kkqa_iLtifr4l V 0 1. :'.' 71;c4, 0410,*?•-'i
:,. ''Y- • vm.t.i.m. .',.,-,;. z. ~,,5,;0414,10414* -,-,,, ~ ,, ,, , 5 , 14 e:
-'l7‘'lrl,a''''''.'';:i;;;;.. -ii?):?'ih.:', -;,:;;;F,?:0 .17, 4 1.4.W.‘' •
Ki 5 ,: , 1,' ~.; , , c •
Engiaiurs Beet
. ,
, „o::77§otisi..tahtes :were presenteclin bur
fast , paper; taken . Gm an .nglisti'„official
4109umpowifitrisegiliat et
laMteif Stateawere the' purchasers of more
'tha4,oPelfills ct the manufactures, and pro.
,ol , Engltin'din fact that we
, are the
Ihartvoildt). From, the
11 . ,1101, 1044iiii30ilimiutiliepi We have the fol
fiiiiiiiii'i;tiiiii'menthi::thi'exporte. of PIG
ihe . iiiar
Eiports of
the eame ' period; : .
fr•; . e United State,, 162,057 tonik
To Other countries', 1 . 59,077,
From which it appears that Grearbritain
ehips - the Dated States thah she
'lkea to ail the rest of the world put togethe r !=•.'
everyone : need ,( wonder ` that the
every interest ctinnects4:with hos crippled,
after looking at, the "above statements. But
'We hive not yet" done with statistics. ' We
:have still another table, , which we command
to the 'serious attention of the FARyIERSy—
tt serve to show that the FOREIGN
:MARKET, (except when laibre and famine
in the Old•world compels them to seek sup
,plies from the new) is not much to brag of,
'highly as it is lauded by (fie I..ocofocos. We
eat the ioliowing'from the last No. of Bich.
nelEl'exPßorrl.ot::::Bu'ralsfrxmo' —The aggregate
:exportation Of breadlituffs from the ginned
!States to Great Britairkind Ireland, up to the
;latest dates this.yeai, compared with the cor
arenenpeixaseddi_ng period . last year, bats been as
TooLMSeit Dates. 1848. 1649. Decrease 1849.
Flour bbla., 320,513 • 89,491 237,027
Corn meal; bbls. 18,778 960 17,818
Wheat, bushels, 479,501 163,588 , 315,913
, Indian corn, bus. 2,916,454 422,077 2,496'377
At thhirate, we shall find outlets for but a
small pgr cent. of the supplies of our agricul
tural products this 'year. We hope our rea
ders pi both parties will digest these tables :
and then ask themselves seriously whether
ourpresont anti-protection polioy is altogeth
er the best and wiliest that could be adopted.
N' Bow Gen. Taylor Lost the south.
.O "The failure of Gen. Taylor to act as
'a Southern man" hits - been assigned by Sou
thorn papers as the ground of their opposi
tion to him, and, unfloubtedly has had strong
"influence on the great Democratic gain's ,
t made in the Southern States. Such was the'
,case in Geoigta, and such has been z the case
'in ,Lousiana. E'en the popularity of the
'General in his own State, and the personal
'friendship entertained towards him, could
:not, in their estimation, balance the, fact that
"he had tailed to act as a Southern man,"--.
.The appointment of hie cabinet, the selection
of his subordinate officers, the pulling down.
of theC,uba expedition, the supposed inis•
also ot 1, 1 Sutter King,. to California, the
.willingness to allow the decisions of Con to didtate on the subject of slavery,
:have all been proofs to. the South arm he is
'determined to be the President of the wbOle
country', mid not to "act merely as a Southern
man." .
MURDER IN PERRY.—The last -Perry
Freeman says, on Monday last, Benjamin
Bender, of Pfoutz's •Valley, Greenwood tp.,
was committed to the Bloomfield jail, char
gedwith the Murder of his brother, William
Bender. We hav4ireard but, few of the
"parifoulars attending the. commission of the
alleged crime; but we understand that, on
Suudity evening last ) a little alter dark, the
PrisWhetl:-an altercation with his ststei
id the deceased, on attempting to interfere
in her behalf, was stabbed with a knife in
his body in four different places, which in a
short time afterwards proved fatal. The
prisoner is said to be about 24 years of qge,
and the deceased wite.ebout 18.
Ova GREAT will be a eight
worth seeing, next winter, says' the Gospel
Banner, to visit Washington and see the fol
lowing men sitting together in their seats in
the United States Senate—tlaniel Webster,
Thomas H. Benton ? genry Clay, John C.
Calhoun and Lewis Cass—five such men no
Parliament or body of Lawgivers in th'e
world can boast of.' -.Probably it will be a
century before such a sight can. be Witnessed
A Moon TowN.—There is a model
town in Wisconsin, called Ceresco, whioh
has not now, and never bad, a drunkard or
a pauper in it. ft has been incorporated
five years, and during Wit period not ore
drop of ardent spirits has been retailed
within Its r borders,nor have any suits of law
occurre'dlsetween The inhabitants. Theysill
live' by labor, and are rt happy and' contantred
people. Hew few each- towns are tc: be
foar•.d in the, repablle: We wish there were
Dirraoq; „Nov, 17.- . —Advices from Sault
Ste. Marie speak of meat excitement in con
se.quence of the refusal or neglect of the
Canadian "authorities tcreormiensale the 'lri
dium,- for land , now. in possession of the'
QUebac,Mitang OFimpitny, as agreed. upan. ,
The Indians, ,numbering 000. men, well
armed, haw; marched; s teitli the purporie . 'of
taking properryi by force, and serious conee%
quencea are apprehended.
Th 6 '':Ftu;Aber of post—
offices in the
.Unite&Statesion the fast init.
'Nee 17,164. And ihe, Loentoooearer,aieleii
tetrible hue-andery,' 6eoeinie "61.0 ,
vest, npether , there htwie, Imen,t!enty,- s eight,
Tux PlacT; Ccstrioicifirorr.-:- . There are
delegates igliw•kfreet/Alfillj•
INKVatuakyi endPennsiltia:.
Ole frosenat the eConrention‘ of Iron Maslen',
and Chose Interested in the iron busineisittoirt
In session in Pittsburg. vr,!
bill'on tae o Yc
Trenton Stat e nos iO reresini,
the —beseps- ean, Baltimore, ,us
, been
res' ore,
tiff 'ol . l66'6l`?,etia." , iVeicspit, the
piyi#'or Itenk" ) fibten; inis' s itet been'
••;• 1,,f1,:
yfrpT T .pc*
the' egletn 41i,i1(+T PYklie'eat,aoq°llT,
id lila! the Chplera 4is again nißde its aft•
peexance ,leyegi4,,plgtete,!!,.alqPC!49.
qeSuieffitsfd - ride fi nd occurred
laelibiee4eekbAttionetiffiliradliiitii` Eoeid
therivpr..boatc , A-41 ;Li rfp:l - A
gv:m ;1/41
, . .
I Oterho,lroar'Cooran , tion at:Pittsburg,frpi
idigo,ro,4 l -., Ti'ip4sql 10r,.al rata of t dtny, o
41101 ton o n Peg, 1n:4404 420 A OP, :PT
aailifoiliTailron".!,', ~ , ' - ' ' ' • •`,
I-kin/MA .4 Vi: Aw. 4 '14'4414 1 1 ' - f"th4'
'." ___ --Ai —Az,— 4 . . ntne 0
1101.41mi,44:04# . 0,pelti,i,"Olitia'iiiiiiihis'Iliivii
OD* tVe • DeoloallliVAPJo 3 ; Bo VVValker*Le
ICIII iliVt•'• ii!, 4 M,10144 , 011AVA....'.-i'V 1., ilc:v , q'
lOrdOlVad#l o 4444:Artpredirk Nriall
i •
gl , .--,4,4..f0i.6,‘ ic.: l 6l;ll4 . ) , it'vis.. - 4firoy iHt+,Aei
1 ,- eaf, Ard.:ion+l7i , o,Flrreiii:oo,-1) o:ii, 1 , 30 :Ft ~.... i 0..,
-,,. 'l(lvi,..A Ilisli ay . ;lo. l l2,l4l:lo.l , ),MWTi.,thr?..htyt
v• '',, :' /V.A . .:. ' ',..,',"<, , 0.. 4 . -
mer !
Latest From EllroPe•
Th . e
. s
teamer Caledonia arrived, at:Boston
gametic° from 'Eurmiti:;. Cotton had advert.'
cad from Lk) f of 'a penny in the, Liverpo ol_
midrif f - and - the money market had iaikox./• - •.'
ed.:-in a political point of Yfisti.thei
are lm net ia- F
mportnt,rance, ay. ba -lha — re • •
. , --- . •
is a prospect of the Pope. rettning semi to
Rome v..the Spaniel) capita) is:-aitit with the'..4:
runiorn, of Court • intrigurzw;.artd‘,l tided
danges of Ministry.; -and Turkey bristles I
with arms and exhibits an energy of military
prepdittion scarcely expected of• bor the.
pelted of hee unmistakable decadence, as if
distrusting.the pacific professions Oftlieltus--
'Mae Magog; while that extraordinary Incur
nation—or phantom—of human power, after
an exhibition,of,rpal.weakness or Ornitlity,at
'which civililation ought to 'feel delighted,
- vindicates, his [Wide by PrOtesting'in an “en•
ergetio_note," against the "hostile attitude"
al.England t and-the tight- she , "arrogates-to
•hersellf" tomb:4lBre between himself and.his
intended victim , on the Bosphorus. „Fund
Eflendi,,the .Turxishl Envoy, has been ,in
formed .by Count Nesselriode that the Czar
demands that the Hungarian Refugees shall
be located in the interibi! of Candia, or .on
such other point of the Tnrkish 'territory as
may afford the greatest facilities for keeping
them under surveillance.
; 91,704 'tons.
83,946 (I
If any of the refugees wish to go lo Francis
or. England, they rfiay be permitted to Iloilo.
The Czar will take no notice of their depar•
ture, notwithstanding the danger' that may at.
end them, whether. in France or England
—Thirty-seven officers, most Of them Assem
blymen, are reported to have been, elected 'in
the State of New York by less thgra 100 ma
jority, one. Assam blyinati receiving 'but four,
and the County Clerk Of Franklin but two ma
jority. The Alto inr Evening Journal well re
'Teets like the se should have theirinfluence
uport,filletory electors—a class, wo regret , to
say, much more numerous in 'the Whig than
In the Loeofoco partyit--There is probably not
a district TT the State, returning a lueofotio
member by less than 100, In which Whigs e
nough cannot be masted, who staid at home,
to change the result. , If these figures exert
their proper influence, (Rae close districts will
next year return Whigs to the Legislature."
How Tnsir NICK 'EM.—The' Sunbury
American has called upon itself the wrath of a
large number'of thinLocofoce freetraders, for
its manly and independent course on the Tar
iff question, and in company with Simon Cam.
Oen &int Judge Shafer 411 to walk the plank.
Witness thecubjoined summary manner of die+
posing of its ugly argumentein favor of pro.
tection by the Wilkesbarre Farmer :
"The Daily News, and other Federal Whig
papers, are quoting from the Sunbury Ameri=
yin; ae a•Demogratio paper. This is a misrep
resentation. The Sunbury America? was read
out of the party long ago. and has not. been a'
Democratic paper for many years:"
THE AGENCY- of the State Bahk at
Camden, No. 12, Choral) Alley. Philadelphia,
was entered on Saturday morning bud, at 9
o'clock, by means of false keys, end . robbed of
$5218. The stolen notes consisted of three bills
of FiVepundred-cach T end the balance of loan
denoniinstlone. A reward of Five . Hundred
dollars hi offered for the conviction -of the bur.
glar, and a proportional Burn for the recovery
of any portion of the notes stolen. .
o*—The Court for. the trial of Meiican
claims . has been completely organized
in Washington. (Claims to - the amount of
twelve millions havaalready been presented
and there are moretoto be anticipated. rise
treaty stipulation of idtree and a quarter mil
lions will soon be absorbed at this sate!
DESTRUCTIVE FIRE.—The new mill of
Mr. George Trostle, on Marsh Creek, three
miles from Gettysburg, was entirely destroy
ed by fire on Friday evening last, together
with probably 3000 bushels of wheat. Insu
rance $2,500; whole loss about COMO.
/' Two _ whalialeveiwels have arrived
at Dundee, (Beet.) . after very quick pasaages
from Davies' Straits. Their captains have
bead in constant communication with the
natives, but could learn nothing respecting
Sir John Franklin.
MURDER CASE.--;The «Gettysburg Sen
tinel announces the death of - a young man
named Noah Slentz, who was found in the
street a few weeks since, dirunk, and beaten
in an awful manner, which •oaused,hts death.,
MR. Romiroo.—The - .Tarmly of Mr.
Bodisco, we learn, save' the Georgetown
Advocate, had letters from him by the last
arrival trod► Europe; which he states that
he will leave for this con natty in January
THry Wnoustaz SZDUCEI t,-4 -Jonathan Gi
Mills has been convicted at .Harrisburg,on a
gecond incliatment,,ita the =titer of the lltree
sisters lie seduced, and is to be tried on 'a
Ord, He will not be , sentenced on any one
Ray: J. RUTURAUFF, late Pastor of the
',iti,ew,tuttheranChinch ,at Lebanon; which sta.
ticit he was compelled to resign to i consequence
df ill„hcoolth i , has.beckappointed .Postmaster at
that Auto in,the room , of T. T. Worth rattigncd.,
,o:7The Baltimore end Ohio Railroid Cosh:
party, cappet to complete trivia romf,to Abe Ohio
two pare from June.ccit,lf the i 'liefairie
gtlPitteb 'chap* stye' the' /OM Mil 'of thlit
city; thel'enomyiyania Railroad bbonipla..
tart tri,.Bittgarrgac Ode:scar fturri,Jtioe neat;
AT TakTo*L;FAtit Bastori' (in
rildajr - ortast.week, the epeettnerist 'exhibited'
'vein, estimated, at 4 aouoiand' the' number': of:
•vlittire ael0;0,002. Seine of the fon,rl,4e,remeold,
at:prlee's iniiyttig'fiona $5 . to 11118 . n '
T., t usillurr YET.—Whyle 'la newel:nil'
41 (
ger a , like 'a. toothbrush 1, ‘', Beau tisert O T y
Or shquld , be - providetl - „,isith r,ferte ,o , bit,
`Own as not borrow his heighlicies..
rA'suneetiettil'eip . t3rinient'lltie Veen'
made with the semi-bituminous ' coal of Hie'.
Dauphin • : and;' Susquehanna , Fear.Coinpany
to ,)ri a Josomotiva on the .
Harrisburg and - litteimijoy'Aailmed.
'State' 'that'
makes moreitoise About Ala; slanotc question
. the others equattinedi ha a! awhite
Voloilittoti lees - OM the.aity'o(Ve w. yeik6 •
41r 1 The klegrO who perpetrated the out
ti6rhaffre t i rti n te a r, l , ll i t r i t e g r a i r:O n n d u ln a l :J: l g al iot h i::n a n n i c i i ,
WRis not bd
.ped, as the telegtaph announced,
hut Will be triad and punished acslordutit 10,
14 1% .„ t 4; -,
; ~II /......,.. -,) I .5 ;
koluntrao —4lt. Bootee. adder ef the AP
etko,VVlng, 'tried at Pittsburg, 9n the °thuge 6
bi r Ubbi ng th ?• m !i l s hasteftett acquitted
ti ~, j I I
.'''' "'' ' '
plopHimi. Pattibli W.' "l i diplans, Xi
g/preilentative in ithe last dongitaiiiirlis
been elected !JuClite .et the Thirfit'llatheial
P 4441 °lPlillielintßilt` 1p ' :; ;
. _,, jr , . t .
'4 l scr.The'o6lenkhild catrieo ofrite ,
I ,h 9o . ____,_sand Pe. °Pie aripirel 3 ile;Mexlenp uP to
lad "Fg an uk I, ' ' ,r ogo ' 4O m r . ' + s ° l A Yl , '
s , s.
1 . 1 - 4.% 1,1 v} , t { , t.ti l l' 1 i ' 1. i t '''' 1 4 4,1 ,
~,,ill 4
4''' ..,,t , i t -4 $,, , t, 1 , I 1
'lti *2 "' ''''.. ''
'' ''''' t
.....conyleSed 4 444 f ant
• The :Deny ilie .Peninerat"siiis 'that the. Hen.,
seictinn,'OV,the State,'aiid loedring lit'the ex.
lensiie iron 'Operation, of thel4ontoor
.party. ''t.'hei'llemoCri#ladds;:tliat; , atild
helms altereilhis::tree4tiride notions .as ~frd
31 0 F aid s -,,feg-thqlorenv ;:! *ies : Air!rqn tl itd .
,;.0111' ; atiti th at he will lend, hiOnfineec,it
aydc nitiderateiiieofic;'dutiegi• on t hese,
ili th !Pt9,:voo l 9iitv.o l ):o9nreiyi'vaniii'. if a 011461
ught before the next
I ,Congre6s. Thus it iiVAlwaYs that sPeculit
tive theory will give way to practical expe•
.rience. ;
.„ •
Irp , .Thetiphiibitalits of Sala:Carolina
are holding indignation meetings or the nulli
fying etamp, all over the State. The Louisville
Journal thinks that the 'other States could ea
sily supply themselves with constant stream
of hot 'water, by laying aqueducts to South
Icy"gov. Ramsey, of. Minesots, is on
his way east. 'The Galena .Adeertieer of the
14th, in noticing hie arrival at that place, says
It has heard but one opinion oxprepeed in ref
erence to him, both as ma n and a governor,
the expression of the highest commendation.
oPresident Taylor,in answer to a letter
knurl New York, expresses his 'warm appro
val of keeping a day of Thanksgiving, but
thinks' it moat proper to leave the matter in
the hands of the Governors of States, more
especially as many hive afieady acted in the
OrThe causer of Annexation in Cadada
stems to be onward. In Lower Canada there
are five papers supporting it.. .
Of:7-The'factis well known that MO
DRETIPS PILLS are :a certain cure hi every form,
Of disettee; all Mitring - the inmost:Mt, which •is impu
rity of the circulating fluid; the blood. In a period
of a littlomere than ten yeari in the United States,'
theY;htive restored to perfect health and enJoynMet
aver four hundred thoutiand personal who were given
Over as incurable by Physicians of the first rank and
standing, and In many cases when every other reme
had.imenvesorted to , in vale: The . greit Searet is
to,have,the Medicine tiy'you.when you are first at. sickness; ;one:dose then , will have more
effect than twenty , if' put it MT until disease has
'enfeebled the bodily pawing. Therefore every Indi
vidual who considers health a blessing, should at
ways keep a box of Brandreth,s Vegetable Univereal
Pills where they can be sure to lay their hands on
them when.wanted. Tvienty-five cents cannot pos
sibly be betterdiappsed of. , ' A valuable life may be
'bayed, or a long fit of sickness prevented.
BOA In Carlisle at 25 cants per box by CHARLES
PARNITZ—by S. Culbertson. Bhlppensburg ; H.
H. Brerineman, Now Cumberland; lA'. !Miner, In
Shiremanstown; .7. Coyle, Hoguostown. .
o..l:Co . mstook . & Co. cri — iLiai
peparations, consisting of
The Genuine Balm of Columbia, for restoring the
air. Yk
Cannel's Magical Pain Extractor, for Pains an
Dawes' Nerve null Bone Liniment for Rhettmetlem
Dr McNair's_Acoustic Oil for Deafness.
Hoye' Liniment for the Piles.
Comstock & Co's Concentratid Compound' Fluid
Extract of Sarsaparilla, for purifying the Blood. ,„
Dr Spohn's Sick Headache Remedy.
'The Mother's Relief—an Indian Discovery.
Longley's Great Western Panacea.
Rev Dr Bartholomew's Expectorant Pink Syrup
for Colds.
Dr. Connel's Mixture for Secret Diseases.
Kolmstockts Vermillige for Worms In Children,
And Mrs Brown's celebrated Pain Killer,"
for relief in Cholera morbus, Dysentery, Cuts and
Bruises, healing sores on-man or beast, dr.c. To be
Mken Internally or applied as a wash. All the•above
valuable preparations, Which want of robin prevents
as speaking 'of more par,ticulaily, bot-.which have
obtal:ed thetialieht celebrity, are for sale In Car
lisle 6y CHARLES* 0011.11 Y, sole ageht. Printed
directions will be found with each article.
New abertioemento.
TOwn Property for Sale.
116'I N
about to remove frbm Main, I offer
for sale that elegt_int and desirableproperty
on West High Street in the Borough
of Carlisle, now occupied by me.—
. as •• The !Pine, Stable out-buildings
and fences. are nearly new, and in
' ---complete repair, and the ground,
consisting of five town lots, is filled with a
great variety of choice fruit and ornamental
trees and plants. The prize and time of pay
ment will be mode most favorable to the pur
chaser; and'possessiongiven on the Ist day of
April, or sooner, if desired.
n ov2taf WM H ALLEN.
Application for Tavern License,
NcricE, is hereby . . given 'that I Intend ap
plying,,at the ensu ing Term of the January
Court of 'Quarter Se tone, of Cumberland
county, for a license to Seep a house of Public
Entertainment in the one now me
in tho Borough of Carlisle.
We, the undersigned, citizens of the West
Ward in the Borough of Carlisle, in the coun
ty of Cumberland, do certify that we are well
acquainted with the above named Benjamin
L. genie:llan, that he is lot good repute for
honesty and teriiperanc6,'lnd Is well provided
with house room and conveniences for the :tic;
commodation of strangers and travelers:•and
that such Inn or Tavern is necessary to acco
modate the public and entertain strangers and
C. inhoff, J. Whistler, Jas. F. Lamberton, J.
Hannan, Hugh Gaullsgher, A. Noble, Geo,:
Bendel, J. H. Graham, Chas. Barnitz, John
Noble, John Bitner, R. A. Noble, W. S.
Cobean, James Davis, . Biddle.
,• •
~ri:SATURDAY, the 22d of December, next.
:WILL be sold at public sale, at the_ puttliq
Peter Fought, in the
,iPlainheld, the following property, viz
No. I.—A Lot of Ground, containing three.
quarters of an acre; in a high state of cultiva
. • don, with a large Two Story
Frame Howe, Frame Stable, and
...Z. , I 111 other out-buildings, erected there
• on. Also, a number of cliciice
• , • fruit trees. Situate on Wood at.
in sat. village. • .
;NO. 2.-20 ACRES of good slate land, situ
ate, in'Frankford township, adjoi.ting lands of
Mr. Brim; St. Peter'S Church and others. The
improvements. are a Log House, Barn and
other ofif-buildings, , a well of never-foiling wa
ter, with an Apple:Orohard; , and other fruit.—
Salo , to commence at 10 o'clock, when Mien&
once, will-be given by -
assignee of Jacob StoteK•f,
Retyption fr.., Preseteation.- of the
i. By Pit, -San of Virgthia:
WI§E , &', RON; finding., it .altogettier
I,l'j impossible to attend personally to: the
great 'Cumber,of ,daily, t applicatione,.. from all
seotiene of the 'Union; , for their remedy , , for
Btildness, and fer.tbeir celebrated HAIR To=
NIC, have' found it necessary: to appoint -a
Generfao Travelling ae, to-,v1114!. different
cries parowns throug ho ut the United States,'
'vesting him with authority to Appoint sub-, gents, use and , vend itsg.Hair.Tonic; and Jto ap
ply the 'RESTORA=E, and-to:put -them
into the handeol those-htymilinnbmt to vo
:rate wherever a .;suffieient , number,....4diatiente'
in any town, orneighborhood efillJbn obtained.
Capt., Gqo ROE , CALVERT, ofFauquier
unty;. Ye: ' ,is,alone authotized to act ae. Gen , .
cral,Travelling Agent, with -the pewerii.titite
indicated.. • ~. : - '
Cain. , P.' may-be,axpected to visit, as speed.;'
ily aelpraeticablei thelprincipal c,tiecand•townti
o the,:Union.. , •
N. Colgate , will.'elways. , hada
. hand 'a full supply of the HAIR TONI@
(which cacenies the , head ot : dandrutfistrength.;
ens and ; Invigorates the hair, and' prevents
Slim; from. off&for,the region of country
rtiostpcniiguotts,to:,bis,!operetionsoCr it -may
r btobtained•at wholestlfei and forwarded
to; eny, part, of. ; the ',Union;! by.addresinng • the
Toprustoraalit . ; WIRE ~tIe:SIDNI ,'Rjohmond,
riPrice $9, per.ilosen cash:: Six. bottles, for
.5 -or -ode • , single ,buttle. [nov2B.lY.
g 1:1.`, 7, •
JUST t 'received B , • genoral tieetorinii3nt 'or
handsome Algal° BeelcConititWaleo, irnitatiod,
Buirtdo of beautiful patterna and in,
greavaarietk, t„
• 'l;iNprt SHEE'llil OS; '
t' ,ll Prnelei.Eiheeti!lVi,4ol'. 2-4 Muslin Sheet '
tnga; 'Ckie t p; fit none' and Muslin, "oleo'
Towellinsln'granc varietyjust opened
`lna° Cliddityinbgaeof ekeallent,Ausll4 , Ott!,
ri n ri orta lttr yll
Errata" -
priind , If G g o
'of loam) .Viojidi)loo.,.%__4'l
u,riGA4 arli 7 :4l4..hatiir;;ll4.'ST,
.I,,yd,latebv.A.llcit?lskiflp.,-ibef-dition:,, v,,cdnet
'"aa° 7inted -to iit°lB°lns!-ricuoitiiinit-11100:" 4.1,a f'i•egite
lloooiboct 1;hio.,yAll•;orOof!loi ibiktiTOVntOol, w' " Ailli4NMEPjf °re
PPlntAaj, tt k • aid -eatotd'lAo
selveeinde to
t; ot4 gg%„..t;,
v,ent ay l e a , 1 1 ;
Nctu iitrucrtistincnts.
alore Aleut Goods.
A PENhOxes,aaeortment of Bonnet Rib
•caLbonti.,Feclesltibbons, also 'Belt Ribbons,
7.Sfter a ndstcel , Belt , , Slides, Scarfs, &e. just
ci PP lr ; t9 th.;_4'refl
-14pst ricei;rea Lti&il Capes and Collars of dif
feitint styles.% 'Als'a; Linen Cambric Handker :
O iiari t 'O t,lP l ficua'autiliti es .
( &Gres:tend Else Teas,of n 'superior quality
jut t crpailvdV ....11#. 24 : G. Vir HITNER.
: - aind , ' Slioes • -
IS. the Methodist' Church :'* Men's Rip Bre-
Rano, Aten's.Thinlrßragaqh,, 130 y.r..and Youths
Thick Btidts,:. eiNiLike . Boots.
.This work.has beinAnsikufactured to order„
expressly for the 'Winter, find is warranted to be
better than any ever sold in Carlisle.-Conattint.
ly on hand, a general assortment of the beat
quality of BOOTS, • SHOES, BR 0 GANS,
Gum Shoes, Builalo . Over Shoes;--Snelte,_&e.
to which tho attention of buyers is solicited.
nov2l' WM. M PORTER.
Orphans , Court Sate.
THE subscriber will . offer at riaulic
sa, under an order of the, Orphane'Coufi
on SATURDAY, the 15th day of December,
1849, at .2 o'clock, P. M. on the premises,- the.
following described Ree l' Estate, to wit :-A
tract of gravel land. situate in East Pennsboro'
township, 'Cumberlanot county, about 'it mile
from Fairview, bounded by . land of George
Mann, hcob Eichelberger PERCHES, con
taining 64 ACRES and 34
which is cleared land, except about four acres,
and having about five acres of meadow land.—
Upon,this land there is erected a one and a half
story LOG HOUSE, Log Barn, Corn Crib,
Spring House and Orchard.
: - The.terms of tale will be—Onef hundredalf thelars to bo paid on the day of sile—onmh
purchase money on the let day of April, 1850,
twhen possespion will be given, and thelalance
tin,two equal annual payments, without interest
to be secured by judgment or recognizance.
-Quer of Jacob Eauffeten.
HAVE just received a trish Mock of Med
i icinoe, Faints, Glass, oil, &e., which
having been purchased with great care at the
hest city houses, I can confidently rehommend
to Families, Physicians„Amintry Merchants
and Denim's, as being.freell'ait .
• • iDlilrGlik: ' • • •
Patent Medicines, 'Herbs and Eittects,
Fine Chemicals, Spices, ground and whole
Instruments, .'. lEsseneesi .
Pure Essen't OilSn Perfuinery,-&e.. •
Cod Liver Oil.:•,Warranied Genuine.
. .
Log and Cam Woods,
Oil Vitriol
Lac Dye•
Wetherill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome
Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes,
'Jersey Window Glass,, Linseed Oil, Turpen
tine, Copal and Coach Varnish, and Red Lead.
All of which- will be sold at the very lowest
market price, at the cheap'bruwand Book Store
Nov 14th, 1849. .
Carlisle Deposit Ban/,?
Nov. 6,4849.
E Board 'brDirettera '
of this institution
Thave this day declared a Dividend of three
per rent., for the last Mk months on the capital
stock paid in—which will be paid to the Stock-
holders or their legal representative on or after
he 16th inst.
,Npy. 44 WM S COBEAN. '4'.(ANsr.
„Assignee's 'Notice. N
OTf tE is hereby given That .JACOB„ STOVER, ofAVestpenniborough town
ship,. hifs ma& a 'deed of Assignmenc_to the
subscriber for the beuegt of his creditors. All
those having claims will please present them
for settlement, and 'thoseindebted will make
payment ifiamediately to
Assignee of Jacob Stayer.
Plainfield, no .14'49. - .
HE subacriber Atiienditte to leave Carlisle
the present week, herebY informs all per
sone indebted to hiirh , thattis Books. Notes, 01. c.
will be , left in the'hands of Robert Irvine, sr. to
whom payment must be made oh or before the
15th day of De c ember , otherwise suits will be
brought immediately thereafter.
Carlisle, novl4,t„,l2.oD'T IRNINE, Jr.
THE subscriber will offer for relit, by public
outcry, on SATURDAY, the let day of
December next, at 2 o'clock, the FARM of
Samuel _Bear, gr., now occupied by Philip
Shambaugh, for the term of ono year, from the
Ist of April, 1850. '
ripy.14,49 .4sa,ignee of Samuel Bear, sr
Foreign and Domeptio-HardWare,
JACOB SKNER basjUit received:Wornalie
eastern cities, and is now'Opening at the Cheap
Hardware.'on North HanOyfir arctic, next door
to Glass' Hotel, a new assorinient'm his line,
such as •
Oils, Glass and Paints,
Copal, Japan and Black Varnishes, of extra
"alit & and Spikes,
Warts' best Bar Iron, •
Past, Shear, Blister• and Spritig'SMele,
Locks, Hinges and. Screws, • • -
Planes; Saws, Chisels, Augursi
Knives and. Forks, Shoe • Findingei &c.
To which he would call , the•Atiention of tho
Public- Persons wishing to buy Will. do well to
call. as we are determined to 120144.10 W rates
for cash. fir" The 'higheat, prien, PaidforSciap
Iron. and for Flax Seed :-';: J'HENER, .
nov f 4
- - .
AMR to the pregniles of ,t)togmbeeper iit•
1,) 'Vraektord townehlp, Cuimberliedico'untSf i ._,
' Alher.3sl4--
• ': 7 of Nov'belt , e,
• -
\' .." .boOt aYeafitiO ll'
old, rat h. beteg.,
' • -e - 1110.:,s animal hoe !to_riktiett-,',t
- • •- .jar meth:
ner ie'requeited teeo e forward,,P v
ertycinty charges ned:tolte,it • •
• novl,4,3ttni • '• , I,I O ANIEL - ' ER,S.-
Attention; Oailha• todete.."l".. •
OU are ordoie'd 'to parado nt Abe . .Carliale
Springiy on SATURDAY,..thoI4I.6I`De.,
Comkar,nextiat % •lo' o'clock. By order ' of
Captain. - is..:
:nov2l . : -THONAS•
HPrepaitifor : Wintat.
SALE latiti; and, new, P •
' COAL E •,
TOVE...; Will be, sold' a: ; !:,
'gain if. applied for imniediately. Enqaire - 744
tli Editor of 'the, Evraid. • '•
• .1
'''' •
'° 41 14 ein l4 *i jtid"reCeliedAtt i- i k.l";
nBO4 „ -,• z B.::ELLIOT,TJEV
Stocking ant Oarpotiranv.....-.---,
HE. subscriber, has for sald,'a groat 'variety •
.1 of ihree'PIy:STOOKIICGAnd CARPET.::-
YARN, of all , •,
full cuts. Ewalt) made; from 91+ tolia7l:‘
yard. , Winvlng and noloring,dode
•TUST:RE9ETV.E6-1-.At the 'theari
WI great ',varterty . of oll , FoloraWeolertsitarn.
Long and Square Staivr)attiotrt4l4o.lll o :'-9 11 ,0,
cheap indeed ,; Mousi de4Lainap, --- Gingbarna,",'
Stool Boadq . , ittnigra,taltief
and ti,greag4,efietzglaf.oolen.ll6laii 7 :' ,
AMPH NE 0.114.—A-li•esh--ifup
Store of '(lurt22)'`FIA'STUR,
it Ds - - ,OE- ' CLO VED SEED
3( O r O,
,7 1 BT, receive . kfarthdr-ingppl of 'ink • •'''
Allini : ltibbon•':}3o4;.• . •:` - , 1•••' ,,, -•''-•5 1- ..6 , !,,.,...(: 1 :;
;ii:, if,ls'. .'::,,,'''..:' V. 0 .. ,.,-. 4' ',,,113'-WPIIITi4ERif'.',.V''
fires A REcEtvEr+.;AtA s g tom
~ ft
alupkly of genuine LapoOltetAlmanac a , , ;
Cdoth Caps, :Gam Shoeq, and lt , kreat varieirofo i ,'
clik tta So..
kopgog.-4T00i311 , A , AENTZ: r,