• 4 1 :0 1 0a att Jai* " ; 84. 80X: TJIITAM'BUBUEUII::< With a pioneer sae nihata Conquest liintie4;z . What a 'fleld,nona the forest 1e won 4 o What reglo, radueed finin,the:!.iiildernesoialade; 4insuesiOcatmed In;thq begins ef.the anti • From the Mek,wherp ouvrkithere in exile firm landed, Their clearing tram - river to river has spread ; And mountain:and:l)lMb' by their sone are coin mended, Till new on the beach of the Tactile they tread. Wiest a !brief for, a nation to'culiivate nowt And, settler the wonderftli harvest It ylelde 'Tie an empire, reduced to the sickle and Plough, An empire of gardens, and orchards and flelde. Heil, nation of Faimersi rejoice in your toil, "And shout when your , lharveet is o'au t Receive the oppressed td‘ your land w a smile, Rut frown every foe,frlnn your iron and shore And he, Who by deeds hem now reached a high sta tion, And is called to preside o'er the commonwealth Ost relinquish bis farm, to save our young nation, As for Rome Oincinnatus relinquished his Plough. The Plough and the Sickle shall shine bright in glory, When the Sword and the Sceptre shall crumble in • rust; ' 4 /Lnd the Farmer shall live both In song and In story, When Warrior/ and kings are forgotten In dust I • From the Germantown Telegraph, Natters to be Attended to in Nevem- bet. This is necessarily a buiy month with the farmer. There are many things at this seasoa.which . require' his attention, and which he must attend to personally; or experience loss. It has been remark ed•that wonian'a work is never done, and the same ribaeriation appliPs with, per haps even - more correctness to the labors of, the husbandman. Everything eroded him is in action, and there is not a month a week or a day in', the year s in which he cannot find!sornething , that requires to be done. No* should we wish it other wise'. Man is a.being destined to end less progression and improvement. and he •has been so ‘ eonstituted by the Al mighty that his Chief happiness consists in action. But lam digressing. • As soon as• the yards -are cleared of, the manure, they should LQ covered with a-layer of loam, turfs, muck, chip : dung, rotten wood and leaf es. These materi als are all powerful absorbents, and will; tend to take up and retain the liquid por tions of the manure fur future use. If: the soil intended to receive the/manure made, be of a light arenapeous or sandy texture, the deposition of a. layer of clay at the bottom of the ;cattle -yards is ad visable, as this substance will have a h powerful tendency to render such lands more compact end retentive of moisture. If, on the contrary, the land ' be heavy alid-viscid, the material used should be sand. The beneficial resin issuing from a judicious amdlgamation Of the natural earths, are numerous and permanent, though we have no doubt. they have in some instances and by some theoretical authors, been greatly over-estimated. .... In most sections the operation of drain ing orAitching la - performed !in August, but it frequently happens that the month is too' wet, and when such is the case it is usual to dater it till November. This is an important labor, and may be made I extremely profitable, , especially to such as possess large tracts of low, wet, boggy . soil. unproductive in its natural state, but highly fertile when properly drained of the superabundant water, and impro ved by the spade or plough. There are in New England, Maryland, Delaware, &c.. thousands and tens of thousands of , acres of this description of soil, which ; might be reclaimed, and rendered richly and permanently productive at a slight i expense. In many ,cases all, that is re quisite to this end,is the construction of kgood and competent ditch around the .margin,pr edee of the swamp, in order to arrest the efflux of water from the surrounding highlands- Phe matter thrown'out of the drains, should be con veyed to the barn or hog yard, to be there converted into,. or impregnated with the fertilizing-14i= pies of meth*. English turnips and cabbages should now be taken froin the soil and housed. They should never be suffered to remain out longer-than the twentieth. , See that.your hoot. are well attended and supplied with wholesome and nutri tious food—also with comfortable pens and a sufficiency of clean dry straw for - nests. Charcoal. salt and brimstone should also be frequently administered to them. It is a policy, to keep•fat tang swine after the weather becomes ex tremely cold. • ---: See that, your fences* are all up before the ground closes. This willprevenc in j6, to your. grass and grain lands. Cut o wend ,in the woods preparatory to ling With the firsteaows. . coyv'gl , corres- , . .. . ' pondont, of , the Southern Cultivator says t "I.;,iuyo,l , diked cow's'' ii * iieri i eps ;i ' Ot pn ". I.l dtyhlte,:iithoutletrirent ! in, any ,xAggroil , ,9ie;,%9otrar3, their ,4alves t *Fe'telptrie*tfielfest :priheseteCk-t dte'ef;.tttrielO!:th'e Zitia' 2 feedl'exd ,, et = : - 4 6 ocici;thfo %* l4 O .4 ; /'0 I ° 6 ! " life v;to;see: the:fprietfee extoti aed--4-foi ' many ~of thi 3 Oeuralt,'Atia" liaie te'ather;aiiitidal potreeto'iii&them` iif the farming °pe t; ratioDd." ; ;, , ,, , -,t I --r.'. ,: i 1 .1 t f 4. ..), , 1,`.1 ~ 4. 1 1 ' ' ‘ ! '. .`r ''.7 -,.t : ,' i,, ,Out;; S tu iik'44Zhe •statii,of :Pennsyle 1 ' .!AtiiPtiaYs . 74. l . 3l o l oAkit*opkitiegAbodi rpetr!mapir-,abieii..4ehe,. sixNew'England ' IttatOii - and . 1 liElp Oifs'if pap lation of ,leoo • 4ht", 1 they, 'bvphotit 500 1 000; , 11avPenng 'tiA,riiiiii, feed ' s'ltiCo;ooo;:aihre' heirtiOttilitiii . ?". 11 1ra's,F it eri 4 .gfqAt i : . C.PFP 0 ' 9 4P7; 44unt ,g*m. , wl) thesci et . reee4y.e 44 0 6 Z 164,50 ' ; ' *.0,0010 :$ 404 j 00, 1 ,* r tY, 1 1 140 , ;ki I I Iforgieetpraetil , :than , in:= iiir , New ',''ERgleiiilijicier.: eieltz`liee . f t !or feeding • n ie l t , , • hp-V . 9,000 4ioiefi-now,di,,3d,icateod tr i.'? f d ifirPi!*MiOap", tiyjir, ...i . alit AA_ 6 TkilOl4O4lP pro- ' 40‘ ~,119t.ajulaiwycpsliza,acotorP,,outsfe,arb ' , liv,Siiiotiiitilieleibilthiittetki' ?';'. ,-; •• ; ,if, , TiNkpanill:3l id IN'rox-e" ' tieg , he ll ,'. 1: uro-- ,ce MEB iltr., 'SEEN , tieran ' irmank - d lee,„Jm teAtvieal- fthe. Cha , tatie la '...* At al' ' ~149:0d°12' 'f :following: 'a —I4CPI)4 '77 ent,IY11:11 gave ;.the ° the BriUno,,the, 066801,-ga • kystenv to 7,t, ~,Rf.,, ~ , • ..itilfing „•4,,eai ,1119k,i, ~.I,,,,.rautt ‘-alt,tholl olg B'' ereji#P/t7 tti,i3-- :iT. i#6tto :frotdmi3B7t.;-tre'eit:tchi;fic-wlilis '.`r IimPTP '9. liCEE'll Nn'itl.Eilaftlik,' Ilici!fei ',' " fidY4Bvj itted' ", r pon. A: 4-P ' a 1,511 a -fina An,- f fungal 6 iiireoA' ' h :a640 );'tbe ----- hi Ita* i,r•iiiits AsTo!I f wdrinkin )ty.'ltti4i.A Fjpber," AI:. „,pruestilte 1, .4;, fifikl? ‘.ifiii 1t.1, ' . . , thet,,',..q t Alf i lio'ihP*lgon dim 4e aP ;`....,'•utrtit, -, 'tieetrf 4P c%,.413 ~ .ti 87 ,r4ol6mvu',7§s3Ao4alihil:OmaciW'. o,l'afkrof,4l.oNoi,isTriti lf#`6'.iesilicw .! mu l e 74 l .:'- , , : , --. -: ~,, • ~,,. . INEI otit wdnanoial;reforitt.7l4he ',revebtie.' of the united*KinkdoilbilB4B: l ;is, X 52- 052;7.57. , " Tlie national debt amounted to- X190,248,1ik1-t,..:;50 that 'the deinhing system much` wealth. 'ris woidd pay the eptim taxes of the couns try, in. addition to olearing off-the national debt in,elibt years --• jilaUlik - fr . • . I"'''':* .....—......:,.,.....„..................—:................4___.:—.....1:-.• ,1/ITatOw - s and Sowels , 1 • . ~,. ' . f... ': ?' , • .CHEAPER.TUATI ,DVER-T k t p lo J. ' • ~.. ..--tt • ...%Wholist3le and. Retail—At. the • ( '', : . 'Philadelphia Watch.and Jew- ~, .. i. . c elry Store, 'tNo. 96 .aurthAD -= C OND street, corner nf..,Quar,.. , - t - iT( . 3 - .Nli'q) -- ry 5treet..'....:4,, , .'.. , ::c::.. 1 'Goletevers, 18 k. cases, full jeweliod,l3o.ind 1 . • Upwards • Ailvor Levers, full'jeWelled, $l5 and upwards. Gold Lopine, •18 k. oases, jewelled, $25 and • upwards 'Silver Lepines„jewelled, $lO and upwards Silver QuartiorftWatehes, $4 to 10 ' • Silver-Spoons, equal to coin, per $5, Desert $lO, Table $l5, other articles in pro., portion. Ail- good.4vsirranted to be what the aro sold for. .„•-•". Constantly on hand klarge assortment of fine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE Also, an assortment of M J Tcibins & Co., E Simpson, Samuel & Brothers, E S Yates & (Jo,-John Harrison, G& R Beesley.-and other 'superior Patent Lever Movements, which will be cased in any style desired Arrangtimente have been made with all the abbve named most celebrated manufacturers of ng an., o urn s a shliff - firnia anY required style of Watch, for which orders will be taken, and the name and residence of the person or dering put on if requested, IM THE NIAGARA SHOWER-BATH, An entirely new Article for Shower-Ba thing, with warm or cold Water. 1 ,- THIS Bath took the premium at the Paie.of • the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, October 1818, the only Bath that ever took a premium at that institute and also took the first premium at the-Fair of the Maryland Institute, Novem ber 1848. A great and important improvement is mode in this Shower-bath over all others, by throwing the Water _immediately •on the body, without wetting the head, unless at the will or pleasure of„ the bather; but a greater pointis gamed by being enabled to bathe with warm water, which no other 'Allower-Bafh is adapted to—and most of all the Bath can bo medicated without injury to the hair, Many persons cannot take a cold nth—their case is met in this as they can regulate the tem perature of the water to sumthoir wish, and commence bathing at any season of the year without any unplettennt.result. Ladies can have the advantage of bathing without wetting the head or covering the same. - • The arrangements aro simple and. complete, and not liable to get out of order. The Bath can be adjusted to suit any height, from a small child to the tallest person. When the door is closed, the fixtures ore hid and the outside ap pearance is that of a neat piece of furniture. They have received the Approbation of seve ral medical gentlemen—others are-requested to call and examine them, Manufnaticred by the Patentee. EPHRAIM' LARRABEE, 24 South Deleon street, Baltimore. BATHING.—Read what Armstrong says: Do not omit, yo who would health secure, The daily trebh ablution, that shall clear The sluices of the skin ; enough to keep The body sacred from undecent soil. Still to be pure, even if it did not conduce As much (as it does) to health, very greatly worth Your daily nains 'tis this adorns thO rich; The want of this is poverl's worst foe, With this external virtue, age maintains A decent grnce : without it, youth and charms Are loathsome. - January - 3,1849.—1y SAMUEL ' GREAT DOCK, PERIODICAL, AND CHEAP ° P,ublication Establishments. Sun Buildings, No. 57 Baltimore streets, S E. corner of Gay, and 2'26 Baltimore st., - corner of Charles - , BALTIMORE, MD. SE. S. is 'constantly reciving the greatest variety of publications, and is prepared to execute all orders tor American and Fordign Newspapers and Periodicals, and all New Books and Cheap Publications; Blank Books and Stationary; Annuals and Splendid Books for presents; Albums; Portfolios; Scrap Books, and Note Paper; Family and Pocket Bibles; Songß odlts• ' Tov Books; Juvenile Works and Primers. DAgents, .Postmasters, Country Merchants, Pedlars, Dealers in Cheap Works, and all others supplied at Publisher's lowest CASH PRICES. All orders are faithfully attended to and the' goods forwarded by return of mail, express, railroad, stage or steamboat, as may be dirdct ed. Persons desiring to purchase books can have their orders attended to, by writing and giving full particulars, the same as if they were prekent. VALENTINES !—The subscriber also imports and manufactures Valentines, Note Papers, Envelopes, Motto Wafers, •&c., &c. Wholesale and retail. - Address•all-ordere to SAMUEL E.. SMITH. octl 0 Sun Buildings: -.Baltimore, Md. —...Pure Fresh Ood LivetOil. TUIS new and valuable Medicine, now used by. the medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure of Pul monary Consumption, Scrofula, Chronic Rheu matism, Gout, General Debility, Complaints of the Kidneys, &o. &c., is prepared from the liver of the COD FISH for medicinal use, •••exorsssly , for our sales. ,(Extract from the Lomicin Medical Jonrnal.) C. J. B. Williams, M.V., F. R. S., Profes sor of Mtcheine in University College, Lon-. den, Consulting Physician to the Hospital for • consumption, &e.,says : have prescribed the Oil above our hundred cases of tuber culous disease of the Lungs, In different.stages, which have been under my care the last two years and a half: In the large number of. cases, 206 out of 234, Its use was followed by ' marked and unequivocal improvement, vary ing in degree in different oases, from 'a tempo ' rary retardation of the progress of the disease and a mitigation 'of distressing symplonis, up to a more or less complete restoration to appa rent health. n The effect of the Cod Liver Oil in most of these cases was very remarkable. Even in a few days the cough was mitigated, the,expee toration diminished in quantity anif ; Opacity, the night sweats ceases, the polio became slower, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and strength were gradually improved. "In conelueion I repeat that the pure fresh oil from the liver Of the Cod is more beneficial In the treatment of .PulmonartCompimintim. than any agent, medicinal; dietetie or regi6c 7 * riul, - thet has yet,been employed." ,AaWit.have rondo arrangements to procure the Ced'Llver":oll;freili Ooar bead quarters, it can now helutd - chinnicallymrre hy the 'single bottle, or in lances of 'clie dozen'eseht , , . Itti vvonderfaleifiCaoy hail induced' nurnerone spurious I mitatio4S. 4, .Ati - its success depends enlireli n *iti, o . t.ir49;itoo'n lll o'9,q,°9, 6 :, , lnabe' I ~.usetl in. prrainring. It genuinii.',.... , .;: -.:.,:: !Very bottlelhaying.en it nitrtVritten.ool. turitonayllia depe od,minCes.genuirte., , , .. 4 Rate - phlets , con ining an :- analysis of the Oil,lwith notices o •it -trom':Metheal Journals, will be sent , .to those.viho address us.fine - ef Postage. •, ~ ~J OUN CAIAKER* C0:,...... - . Wholeitale Dreggiste!and"Cheiniste,' -,:' Cello4V ‘'. '' ~ ,.100 Islttrtle:Third . et.; Philtu CHEAP- HARDWARE'S ;',E.!"l , Tevi'arid`Olieapf,HAßDWA.Ro STORE , bast Higlf:.titrent l ;;Oppoiltc',OgilW's 'Dry Opel), , Storti*, - ,a l lergiit!stoCleofpgandtt. their44foo',:to "Which rlni.ir aitentir.M„eriiarehal thotr'arringenienr". in'the•eity•bbentr,saahi as;•,,t eirutble - ?tleiiir',,to'mFll i lteiiliclodrk,at the lowest - Their :Isfock - erimariess Locks and Latches 7 . of ; cycirY and.'ilie&i: 'Hinges, ;Bcrewa, Bolts,'Amt fryer artiela :amid for Buildinr,;.kugarer aryl . ..aagurßius,'.;Chislell, : broad 'and landJksontblitehileariviting kniSes, t)letnos, an 'Oliine.-'bitte,"handi , tiancl,,aml' •...pind,.."Savre f mill, croes•cutindi eaire, ,•raco , ,antblialtor ohaino,, hernia; shevels;.iPados, Anil hoes,,hayland pinata forks, • Alsovrt large ;.asstirtment.i..of,Xleker and ;:'fable,,;Cutlery; i t loontb' ,ol ioVet arnli„tongs,':Watters and- Trays, 011ovs,viare'i:•lirasa'anC,snitmeled .Preservmg ~K ettles;,;,llrent,g'urnaces,....Oedsr 'Ware anvils 'and vices, nor% and.Respo'nf•eadry; kinV.,, Bar Band andliecalliorOettatßilfear Spring "and . Sreek_elec:«l:Also- fr.' BoietrWindpic"Gpisi' N g•:• Kegastherillis .•nrely : hite •2001Kage,pntrtb r ; 7 ffi RlGHresil‘ S4E:TOrti , anrt f0r:614 1 14,110ct 1t),(•../.-W,PEB.:EIyI4 4 ,eltOtaltl;4.4Vp'r ro EbA i i I TP, ri g E NS4% -t , i ~tii , sxgoAPAßlzz fea , . . u .,... . i .., ~: ---r---- , z ,..... : iiol3 '" ':...-:- - q , .7,.._.-. 4 ro• ~•..'i ~;,-.- itc , . 1 /11 ( ~,,..,.-... -, , -, 7 , ..., ~ -,, , --Iliv i ..: q v ' r ,, 0 , ..-{' ''' ~;:r , r- 1 11 • :.• .; -.' 1, • 'l,le i -, ' 1 v, II 1 . • .1 ' r ' ~ , r , 1 . , '!:.;;•-; 1 r ."' ' .. b. , 1- 1 ,:: :.\, , , hri '' , I A - i 1 • -, 3 z 1 r ' ~..1 / ,q -.' ~ i% s i. ~ ,_ ..? 1 „,..,*k ... • -,.. e ' \‘) '', ~r,, ' .nil'a - i6 ' ' 41 , -R s' •.` ) 143. ' . . , IN QUART , BQTrLus;:s. ,,- .' , . ,, * FOR .THE, REMOVAL& PERMANEN'i CURE 'OF' ALL DISEASES . ARISING FROM AN . IMPURESTATE OF •THE BLOOD OR HABIT OF THE •SY STEM, VIZ i• Srorothia oe'King's Evil, Rheumatism, Ob stinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pus tules on 'the Face, Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and otnts, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Sy m toms - A - ciaticit — a - Dliii - nbago, an • • mouses' arising Irom en injudicious use of MercUry, Ascites or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudeneb in Life. 'Also, Chronic Constitutitinal 'Borders. • In this preparation a're Strongly concentrat d. all the Medicinal Properties of SARSAPARIL. •, combined .with the most effectu'araids, the most salutary produetioni, the meet potent simples of the vegetable kingdom ; and it has been so fully tested not only by patients them- selves, but also by Physicians, that-it-has received .their unqualified recommendations and the approbation of the public; and has established on its own merits a reputation foIVALUE and EFFICACY far superior to the various compounds bearing the name of Sarsaparilla, lemma have been cared, such NI are not furnished in the records of time past;.and what it has already done for - the tinusands who have used' it, it is . capable of doing for the millions stillsuffering and strug gling with disease. It piiiifies, cleances, and. strengthens the foujittp.!ri springs of lite, and, infuses new vigor tfirobglidut tha whole AM: mat frame. O. CONRAD, Importorpf Watcher The diseases for which this article is reemn. mended are those to which it is known from personal experience to ha adopted; and those apph'ren d beyond the sphere of it action have yielded to its influewce, The-cat alogue of complaints might . , be greatly ex tend.?-to which the atirsaparillit is adapted; but experiences Droves its value, and every suoceeding day is adding new trophies to its fame. ANOTHER CULE OF, SCROFULA The following striking and, as will 'be seen permanent cue of an inveterate case of Scro• fula, commends itself to all similarly affeCted , • SOUTHPORT, Conif.; - Jrni. 1, 1848. Messrs. SANDS : Gentlemen—Sympathy for the afflicted 'induces me to inform you of the remarkable cure effected by your Sarsaparilla in the case of my wife. She was severely afflicted with the scrofula on different Ifflisteof the body ; the glanfflfof the neck wore Aeatly °Mama and her limbs much swollen. After uffering over a year and finding no relief from ho remedies used, the disease attacked, and below the knee suppurated. Her physician advised it should bo laid open, which was done, but wi.hout atty,yertnziffent benefit. In this situation we heard of, and were induced to use SANDS' Sarsadarilla. The first bot tle produced a decided and favourable effect, relieving her more than any prescriptfon_she had over taken, and before site had used six bottles, to the astonishment and delight of her friends, she found her health (IWO rector. ed. It is now over a year since the Lure wa - effected, and her health •remaintrgooffl'slieW= ing. the disease i:was thoroughly eradicated from the system. Our neighbois are all knowing to these facts, and think very highly of Sands' Sarsaparilla. • Yours with respect, JULIUS PIKE. Extract from a letter from Mr.lnglahamox gentleman well known in Delaware county.— It commends itself to all similarly afflicted. Gentlemen wife has usedseveral bot tles of• your Sarsaparilla . , whiebt! I obtained. of your agents in this place, frorriNvhich an has received such pecial benefit, that I am in duced to add,mine to the abutdant testimony now before the public in favor of its medici nal virtues., Her father,, mother,, end other relatives, have fallen vlctimeto consump tion, and it was suppused thatehe toolvaa in. elined the same , way. She lad several turns of raising blood, dm, and at length became so reduced thether life was despaired of from day to day. We were induced to try your Sara •aparilla. as before mentioned, from the use of width her health has been restored; so , that fpr the past year she has been able to attend to her domestic duties. The following shows the virtue of -the sars aparilla in removing Bronchitis, a disedse which, if not speedily arrested, leads to con sumptien. It allays spasmodic action, changes the secretions; and by its tonic and alterative propertios, removes the unhealthy action, and the patient is restored to health. , NANTUCKET, IV,lasso, Nov. 11th, 1848. 4Bessra.SANElß—Gentternenj I itfish to make public, fur the good of those afflicted' with Bronchitis, the _healing properties of your Sarsapariltit. - My wife suffered for twenty months in such a manner as is not easily de scribed t at time she was not-able to speak above a whisper, and when exposed to the cold air, it occasioned something ,like spasms' In the throat, the effect o 1 which was foltiy the ears and eyes, causing tears to flow. The : complaint was nitended with a dry cough, produced by the constant irritation anilcitt-• flammation of the throat. , By the use otypur SARSAPARILLA -She f*as perfectly Ctited, it being now , more than months since ' she felt any symptoms of the disease. - Yeare,,with respect, - GEORGE O. HOEG. Extract from a letter received from Mr. IST WiHarrio, a Welt.known in Lduiea county, ',;" • Gentlemen,—l have cured a noel) buy of mine with your eareaperillo who was attacked ;with ,iiierolbla,-and of scr:falcitticarnity, ,=, = Youre , tru)y, AR I tV: Fredoliehrt luly 17, , 648. ": v, , , ON& SAititraan4.3.—/t boo 916• alnret nceseary to kirect attention to an article" so . Well known, and so - deservedly Mipular, as tine 'preparation, but patients: Often! ,whe mac t h o:extracCof sarearmillla'are iridecoktd may' worthless 'CoinpoinclS7liettitng,:• . the , name but pontaifirtil o litge or , ;none; of, the:virtuti.of this.valuahle root:, Mfd: think,we lcannot' confer a greater benefikomour-readers than in directing theitl tention kW' IN:141'6008e mint of , . Messrs. Sends,. fn , another ; column.;: The hottlO, his recently"; baen;Urtlargedltkhold.,4 , , q uittft and,thorto who wieh a really good Atli, 'ale will find concentrated• in this all the medl: "oniniti'valueof the root, •The experience of air:Union& hie nriiied its efficacy in'auring;thd Varionedistlases (or which it is recommended, antral 441,1ireseht,tirne "mote than=itliY'!Otheri PPerhaps, is this Medicine' iisito3l;4o 4 , firefiarint "t#,Ceyeteirt4oc': "Clitibga ,fetite,affuuntk4o9ll. 4auttlaq4ept:: 1840 7 ""; ;#'•.' s7 •o l :ellitreks4lit EA!C#h 6 1 4 8416 1 :04 - rei 4,P tniiiptsi,loo4liil(o6,etree r , ;cornet 'cit Nil I iaini: - PlltiVlYoiltol•SolOt!'cilii& b Driiggioe, goippikilWAtii6WiikAhk States,and:.Canada' .. Price $1 per b ottlei eix'Boitl6V fox•;$50,;4111' • ;11) f.1,•,51g-• • . ;, • Sold by,I4Y.LILIOTT, sole agent for Carlisle ‘• • !r e , , ;#iPl ,Aaw f , kriV,tincypirratan, , , qr.hilo , n,,., ~ '4inzfittiit ik agdbrivi'ltaiiji4i!'* , De;i-RA:Virr . 4.4 218, P `& 4 po - 143ti1r,e070 , .., 21 , 410;:qtieet 1901 Plo t` ?140 . 2 6 r,i-..rf.44t.-t..:.', ,- .•;17.n4;-: ,, ,,:::.... t.. : Th, (Ogitim:•.4*ltumfi l luiit repcivrTO tiv.i.Tandi(liintilitelf kir , ollll.liititold4lo eioyi, giliciimlblial4!ii",bY, t7',,,?ftii'', l ..aflptiLf • 1 1 , , , k . , ....-,;:.:,-.,: - !: , ,..,.,5•-;-:,x.,:,,?,!-;: , :i , .'2„ik:':,.:..;' liggi ill=r.bitinto Respectfully yours JOHN B. INGRAHAM BRONCHITIS CUED. ... , „..., , ,....: : ,; , :.,.,..:A' -!,.... i .....1. - -..., , :. vi , .?1:' , ,,-. „ . .... . WOHr.HACKS, % • • ' ':UARIIPIiLLY.—The - Vilfil Sarsaparilla fort sultt , . in .the different , towns called. S. 'P. - TownsentreiSidaaparldnitt It ia-advertised as the 'OII.IOI. NAL, GENUINZfand all Mai:, ThlaTownsend :ono doctor and never wall ; but Vatformerlyiatorker onrailtoads ca nals, and the like-yet assumenthe title of Doctor itn:the purpose of gaining ,credit for what he. isnot: • He says' khe due atteededtwo medical echoole,'nridprectinekfor fifteen, years r Now the truth florin practiced, medicine a clay, in. his Such 'titicked Misrepresentation looks bad to the character and venteltit:oithetnan... I wish. Most sincerely, he had never madethose statements' or him. self 'or of men ,'•When will men leash to hi hottest and truth• rutin all their dealings and intercouren with their fallen' men He'applied to one ItaelClaPpito &Wet him in man. ufacturing hie "mixture; stating the large sums he would Wink°, as an Inducement to embark hi the business. These men have been. insulting, and . libelling me in all possible' forms, in ortlerto' 'reprove the , public with' the belief that the Old Doctor's Sarsaparilla was not the genuine, original Sarsaparilla, made fromthe O{d , Dgcter'a Original Beef• - pie. This S. I", Townsend bays I have sold'the.uso of my name forAT n week: ~I will give - him 0500 if he'will pro: duce one single, solitary proof of , this. Ills statements of Thompson, Skillman & Co. are nothing.but a tissue •of.. falsehoods, simply amide to deceive, the public,. and keep the truth down in regard to his snoring, fermenting corn. peund: Title is to caution the public - to purchase none but Old Dr. J ACOB TownsemPe Sarsaparilla; having en it the' Old Darter's likenese,•hie:fanso Cool if Arms, and his signatureacross the Coat of Arms. ' Principal 0 Nintrawalreet, N. Y. ' ' JACOB TOVMSEND. . • - • THE ORIGINAL: DISCOVERER OP Tiff Tenuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. Old Dr. Townsend 13:110W aboOt 70 year. of age. and has long been known as the AUTHOR and DISCO VERER of the G B-AT 'ograprAL "TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA." Being poor, he wan compelled to limit its manufacture, by which means it boa been kept out of market, and the sales circumscribed to those only who had proven Its worth. and known its value. It had reached the ears of inahy, nevertheless, no those persons who had been healed of sore diseases. and saved from death, pro. claimed its•woudrrfnl HEALING POWER This GRAND AND UNEQUALLED PREPARATION is manufactured on the largest scale, and is called for through out the length and breadth of the lahtl, especially as it ie found incapable of degeneration or deterioratioa. Unlike young S. P. Townnend'n, it improyea with"age, and never changes but for the better ,• became it is prepared on scientificprincipes by a soieitiffic man. The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the aft, have all been brought., into requisition in the manufam lure of the Old Dr'e Sarsaparilla. The Sarsaparilla root, it in well known to medical men, contains many medicinal properties, and some properties whicii are inert or:Useless, and adhere, which if retained in preparing it- for use, pro duce fertnettio s iion Mid acid, which le injurious to the eye tem. Sonia at the proportion of Sarnaparilla are en volatile that they entirely evaporate and are !oat in the preparation, if they arenm preserved by egientific process, known on ly do those experienced to its manufacture, Moreover, these volatile principles, which fly off in vapor, or as an ex halation, under heat, are the very essential medico!! prop codes of the root, which give to It all its value. I Any person - can.boil or stow the root till they get a dark colored liquid, which in more from the colaring•matter in the root than frotn anything elan; they can then strain tide insipid or vapid liquid, awdeten with sour 1110111.10 X, and than call it "SARSAPARILLA EXTRACT or SYRUP." But such in not the article known a. the .GENUINE OLD DR JACOB TOWNSEND'S SRSAPARILLA. This is so preps that all the inert properties of the Sarsaparilla root are first removed, everything capable of becoming acid or fermentation is extracted and rejected ; then every particle of medical virtue is secured in a pure and concentratedlorm; and thus it is rendered incapable of losing any of ha valuable and healing properties. Pre. pot ed in this way it is made the most powerful agent in the Cure of innumerable ~Dieeaee~. . . . . . . .... Hence the reason why we hear commendations on every solo in its favor by, men, women, and children. We find it doing wonders in the ears of , CON mire DYSPEPSIA, and - COMPEA INT, and In RUE UMA778.11, SCR F ULA, I'ILES, .COSTIVENE SS, all CUTANE OUS ERUPTIONS, PIMPLES, IILOTCHES, and all utfections arising from INIPUBITY OF THE BLOOD. It possessee a marvalloun efficacy In all complaints art. sing from huligestioa, from Aciditylf the Stomach, from unequal circulation, determination of blood to the head, palpitation of the heart, cold feet and hands, cold chills and hot flashes over the body: It has not its equal in Colds and Coughs.; and promotes easy expectoration and.gentkinier spiration relaxing strictures of the lunge, throat aid every %her par t. But in nothing is ite excellence - More manifestly seen and acknowledged than in all kinds and ~eutges of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. it works wendeis in cases of Fluor .rifbus orlWhltes, Faaing-ethe - WombsObstructed, Suppressed, or Paitijul Ateuees,irregularitygitho menstrual periods, and the like; and is effectual to curling all the forms of Sidney Diseases. By removing olptrtictlons, and regulating the general system, it gives tone and strength to.the whole body, and thus cures all forms of— • Riervoudi Die and Debility, and thus prevents or relieves a grant variety of other mai adiesoas Spinal irritation, Neuralgin,St. Dance, Swooning, Epilepticrts, ponrulstone,l}c. It *alma the bley glottal the liver to healthygction, tones the stomach , a gives kood digestion, relievre the bowels of torpor end consfirpation, allays inflammation, pm rifieethe skin, equifileise the circulation of the blood, pro ducing gentle warmth gauntly all over the body, and the 11111011811110 paraptt , httott: 5tr..11.1 and ttghtneaa, to : . moves all obtaruetionas end inalgoraces the entire nervous evstem. le not title then The Medicine yen pre-eminently need* But can any of ithees-thlnes be said of S. P. Townsend'. inforior,article 1 Title voting men's liquid le not to be COMPARED WITH THE E OLD DR'S, because of °One GRANOTACT,that throne is INIDAFA. BLE. of DETERIOUATION,and , • . , • NEVER SPOILS, "while the other MOEBi "soann t ir. fermenting. and blowing the bottles containing it lute :fragments ; the emir, acid liquid exploding, and damaging other goods I Must net this horrible compound be polsonoue to the slattern 7—What/ put acid into a system already diseased troth acid 7 What cause. Dyspepela but :midi Do we not all know that when food enure in our stomachg, what mischief it u produces l sl7 illnaieatbu tiTA ofti heart, liver mom plena, r6,ft li com,on. lood 1 What is Scrofula but en acid humor in the.hody 1 What produces all the humors which bring on Eruptions of the Skin, Scald Head, Salt Rheum,-Erysipelas, White Swellings, Fever Sores, nnitall ulcerations internal and ex. let:earl It is nothing under heaven but en acid substance, which sours, and thus voile all the fluids of the body, mere or less. What causes Rheumettlem but a sour and acid fluid which Insinuates Itself between the Joints end else.; where irritating dullamlng the delicate tissues upon which It ants 7 ; , So nervous diseases. of impurity of the blood, of dereteeir elation, and nearly all,fhe ailments which afflict hum tura. Nowiti it not h 7e to make and 'Sal; and infinitefy Worse to tree this SOURING, FER 'ING. A ell/ COMPOUND" OF TOWLSSEND, and yet Ile wpuld' rave irtlindersuMil that; Old Dr. coo Towneend'a fie Original Soreaportllo, - lirarilld , LTA'CION of his I rinr firMaration I Maven forbid that we should deal in ,aii.artiele which would bear the most distant rewin:Am:fele S. P. Town• sand's article) - •. . • We wish it undetnimul, becatieti it lathe oheoluii truth, that S. P. Tovineentrx lele,enti old re old Townsend'' , Sarnaparilla ere h.? 'We apart, and infinitely dlestm. 'Oar; that they ke'iweivery 'particular, having not .ono eingle thing ommodr A. B. P. Tow nik is no doctor. end never wee, Ia no chammt, rep pharuiliceutist—knows no more of medicieb or' Mew° than any other carnmint, unscientific. unprofeseional man what guarantee can-the public have that therare re. ,goiving a genuine ecieniltic medicine, containing all.theylr: Tune of the articles used -in preparing It, anti which are lit' eaPoble of changettivhich might render thorn the AGENTS . of Mecum instead of health? • • : BM what else should:be expected from one who :Mime ° nothing comperatively of medicine or diseased It requires; a person of some expestouse to cook and servedip even a, 'common decent meal. How much more important Wit that the parsons who manufacture medicine designed WEAK,STOMACHS AND ENFEEBLED SYSTEMS; ' : should know well) lm Medical properties of plants, the beat , manner of etieuring,and concentrating their healing virtues, also aq extensive knotkledgo - of the verities diseasedwhich• affect the Alumna aysuuti,And how to adapt remedies to, ''theao diseases! ' It is to arrSst - ?muds upon the unfortunate, to pour halm. into Wounded, humeolty, to kindle hope in the despairing bosom, io 7cStdro bloom, and vigor into the crushed end broken, and lihbenistr.infirroiti . tat OLD DR.. 'IAOOII TOWNSEND , Vq"l.l ditaf :FOUND the op. .portunity and means to bring lire.- • . • • • .Grand ilsalversaliConteadr &tea eine. within the roach, and to Ihti.knoWledge of all,yitho 'poedd G's guir,:they may learn arolcrow.:bijoyful'experience ; ol'eanneentbant:Vower.ta , For sale ;14 , .. . •:-. , ' : ::,PHILADELPHIAIvIOI.IIININGITORE:tI No: .s2',:lSoitikSe,col4l , Skeet,- nsar Chestnut ",, %- ' - 1110 ' tlitivlN(g '4gr l usiyEpitt f ' .. E'sstni`„W,' tad*'oo; eichieva',RitetilfiJn .41) , kt.rournirl.,Goods A • and arit'e, Jinl aronnoti Of . • • bayran ,vliiting ; the „elty, ;;A:t:ipl examination oftheir l stobk, •,, • ~.• —.., t ~AS the, ittiutst caraaktaken.. ••:, In trio, irapOrting s and Selection of thOtgnmis;,kiniping a lento assortment:4u all Seasons, oireriug for salt'only . :whit is good 'and riCtibefroper shadoof blackt no deception as to make or 'qualitp,,no'deviat , tion in price,?androwiryartioleAold: As low air ;can ha.purchatied,erogiatlicre.', Thos . ° requiring ~ .mourning . attire,' 'salmi be i • satisfactorily stiled, 1 ...4y lthOut,the , tro ub led fatigue , atidlosn.of thno:cf • ~ p rOthoiding from atorpl to otor4b)! visiting .at' •PP. l3 °.tllig 04 tOlieluRot4: ,, ' , ~ . ':, - 1.0 :.,....:!., ', • • ' Impin c s'Boutbazinee Mourning Chintseei ti P in Boi:Finisti-A1pani;i:. , .7..1 1 „, '_ '' ,Cl.4ong - Shawl. ',Plain Cashnieres,' 't••t , t Black Thiliet.' , l ,. .! • ' . French 'Marinoes, 4... ,i I 'StiCk glannehu lt - 't. h.Wida•Blaok igilka';; , , 4 Patent,Eng'h Crapes ? .Lupin's Mouesolinew •hioUrning-Areile,.. i • Mourning: : :do '; .•,4,iii: ''." wtrdo...lP Collars, .t'. •.. ,do , r4ingarintuw.. :Flectak'Silk , , , ,TrosO,. 1. ; tgilk Cashineres;:4l itt , (:BoJc u 4 ;0 •: 1 0 S C .&e . : Awning dailfy - faawfbitCk.etidAielftiurn .` t natntleh; , ifrOm low MOWti'theljnos : i1n, , ,. •.. J l, . "ti.:F:io`t . . ;"' .' 10'''1:',q,` (d . WlOlBBllO' cesb;)Mypto will.find jv , h;? . their • advantage to' .86010 4r, ffLO RIDE :;- . .00 , Ai1MP410*,4,41 . 04. 1 :k °PlAirrSi ieo p , t'ltilelidfrAlß • 11:"1:91iit',-,q)U,Noill-',* VITA , I„T', , ,4. l l l ..tavnitekve4 444:f0i We't. D at. Dr 4 , P.1v • t140. - , , zr,'" "' • 1.1 on. ' .. "`PI4 3 O4I?A:DT r j s qAsAliarwltstkit ''.l 7 #votob r :7 "4 7 ' „:(7,;• RE t r risPOCTrqueo.r4V? l 4 , lPß., ' • t 9 OAIIGIi oWARDlNCcitninitisiooMerehatit Si ..;;, lennissuito, ship 'Producai Morahan; dize, B ce:to-Xlaltimore, .Philadelphia,., &c. &c. Coal, Plaster, Nails,; Salt, yish,,Gropayies, 'eonstantlyTor ' ' -Htirrisburg, march. 29: 1848' • tr. 'A, •WILLER, . , 91W 0141 1 1 11 1" ittß General.Cornnnsiottand Forwarding Merchant, No:'79-13owly's I , Vilarf DALTimoRE, - ' • • VOR the solo of Flour, Grriiri;Oloverseed ,Whiskey, Lumber, &o, &o.' Also, for . Warding Goode, via Ti e Water Canal and Pennsylvtinin lmproveme Is. Orders for fish Salt, Plaster, &c: &c. upplied at lowest Having been engaged in ho above business during the last five years, n ontinuation of the patronage, of his .friends, an the public is lo spectfully solicited. • Refer to ' .• FUNIC & MILLER, ' J 2Rc. E EBY, Harrisburg • BliAppa' & ZEgair..Eft, .T.Adol,'Ensaae, 'CMlisle, Pa. A. tATHOAIIr, Shepherdstown, Fa: s GEORGE SINGISEE, Mechanicsburg, Pa.l Feb. 14—ji, Oumb. Pally ransportation Rouse • • :4 1 -4;*" . t Aga Oanal and 13.ai1 100 Line, for Philadel phia,.Bajtitnork Pittsburg, &c. J - KERR, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, Hmtutsurns, Pa. informs his friends and the public, that from the liberal pat ronage extended to him during the past year he has been encouraged to make more extensive at ., rangements forTITe present season, and has ad ded two new, large and splendid Boats to his LINE, and will be fully prepared after the op ening of the Canal, to forward PRODUCE and MERCHANDIZE of all kinds to and from Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, &c., at the lowest rates of freight and with the utmost des patch. , Agents for Boats, , • . • CARLISLE tc CARRELL, Race 'street Wharf, Philadelphia. GEISE & SON, No. 48 Commerce at. Wharf, Baltimore. • CLARK. & SHAW, ? J. McFADDEN & CO.SPitt.s'g Agents:for Cars, -WUNDERLICH & GPAR ; ;' ; No. 272 Market at., Philadelphia. CHALORER' & REYNOLDS, "No. 423 Market at., Philadelphia: ' SITER, JAMES & CO., Broad street, Philadelphia. PENN'A, k OHIO LINE, North street, Baltimore. . . . . .. flhrrisburg, March 29, 1848.—tf. A Word to Horsemen. R. BARBER'S EMBIOR,OCATN is de• cidedl the -best preparation that can be. used for the cure of Swains, Bru sus, Cuts, Galls, Splint, Curb, 0 ;11)1MA, Ringbone, Spavin' Stiffness of the „ i ,V Joints, &c. It is an article which " " r.- should be in the hands of every Horseman, and no stable should be without a botttlo of it. Price only 25 and 50 cents per bet -ties, prepared only by S'M Pearson,Jl: D. rind for sale wholesale and retail, at No. 106 North Second street, Philadelphia, and Dlt. RAW LIN'S wholesale and retail agent, Carlisle, Ye. Jan. 21. Fresh Drugs, Medicines, &e. / I have just received from Philadel phia and New York very extensive illk• additions to my former stock,embia -1:-as. wig nearly everl article of Mladicine now in use, toOther with Paints, Oils . , Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Soaps, Stationery, Fine Cutlery, Fishing Tackle,— Brultes of almost every description, with an endless variety of other articles, which I am de termined to sell at the VERY inAvr.sr priers. All Physicians, Country Merchants, Pedlars and others, are respectfully requested not to pass the OLD STAND, as they may rest assured that every article will be sold of a good quality, and uponreasonable terms. S,:ELLIOTT, Main street. Carlisle. May 30 I' AT 0 V A XI Dry Goods and Groceries. eIG. CAHMONY desires to infourn hie • friends and the public that he has remo yod.to4he stand on North Hanover street lately 'ldiciipied by Chas Barnitz. and next door to Haverstick's Drug and Book Store, where he : determined to sell goods as low ss any other establishment in Carlisle or in the county. His stock consists of Cloths, Cassimeres, &dinette; satinAgehriiete. merino and silk Vest ings ; Me rinlitarAlpschas,.Mous de Lefties, Cashmeres, Mach worked' collars: kid gloves, silk fringes, gimps, floweisthread. laces, &e. TICK!. INGS at 6/ cut, calicoes 3 to 61 eta, very cheap muslins, hosiery, Berlin and Cachmere gloves. A large assortment of BONNET RIBBONS, very low, satin plain and figured Mantua, plain, bared, striped and figured Also GROCERIES and QUEENS WARE, such as Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Spices of all kinds, tobacco, segara, crockery, glass and queensware, rice, chocolate, starch, together with' numerous other articles— Give him a call, - bkpr • Farmers!Save Your Money. CAST IRON, 11611.5 T. POWERS for two . three and four borne, made entirely of ron, so that you can, leas it in the weather Plough Mould•boards;Ciatters, Points Shears constantly on hand. You will save nk & oney, by -calling before- purchasing__els_evire, at-:the Foundry in East High Strectl'7Carlisle Pa. augB3mos ~ • F GARDNER A Purely VegetablegYedicine. 1,1/ ORSD ELL'S VEGETABLE REST°. Vlr RATIVE PILLS nayitabeen gradually ,p 1 but surely coming into fait fframong the fami lies of this Country : for.iniino t Ora past.. They have done th ~, i tOl,t into 'their great worth its a FAMIL ..,,c DiorN , .0' Agencies have been appointeti but ho ptiffinkand hun-bug such as la resorted to by quacks to Sell their medicine has been dppe. 'T'he pills are oflered tor sale and have al% will continue to be sold by all tae principal storekeepers. The proprietors claim for their Medicine the following advantages over all Others—viz; They are PURELY VEGE TABLE. They aro CFRTAIN ' TO: OPE RA l'E. Their operationis FREE front all 'PAIN. They can be used With,VQ II AL AFN• EFIT by the YOU NRFST INFANT atid'the S MON GEST MAN -Their - efificaendy ili,Eo - Ague. HaNdaeliinto Habitual 4 0tistiveness, Dyspepsia, Cholera Marbu,s; &CT his been Pro ved upon thousands. ' They'arita , Certilideure for Worms. The: proprietorti,possess,a'certifi cote from a.gentleman• in •St-"Lonisithit wittecg.: red of a TAPE NV-ORM-by. :t he• use Of thernrcl TRY TLIFM/TIIF.Y.6WILL NOT-. , FAIL. ~Travelliug.agentfor,the :Stale ;of Yennsylve nia-.-Clittukai P. AttEET__,. Filel3oo, price . 2508 If W*oollloo TY I FIF FILM. with full .di rtletiOns:l4llle,.follqwing agents in Cumberland I Foriile'biDß'RAAVL . ll4'Stdrliere, Pa..' JOSEPH al Haratozre=Newvile. ~ . .W•D•HilayEse, - Shipponabrirg.• • 0.1 SENWMA . N,*NOOIIFg.,.. WEEICS Propriotyyre,,Labo Islito,l9.Cll,9 .on ts4recle 1 , 014(16101W, , _ 'ianuary, - 24th; 1849.; •', r s Linen Sheelingt l / 4 . rrIHE Subscriber always hen on Itand an' deem meta. ef Wide'Linen and Muslin Sheetings Table Linens, Pillow Case Linene and Mitelins 'CorolingsiefAll ; kinds,. with a .variety-of-art eles anportaining , .tpli.ousekeeping,, je27: WiFfIT 24 ER: , xxx- EEPRAZISIL andaraigrie& - croold'resPeetfOlfy.htforin the soklabils ;: of •Carlislo 4 argrAho surrounding country 04 4 ,00ir, ‘i'' , c 2: ;.':. , l • ' migt),;CARSICI 80.kOM PHILADEPHIA pasihrgiagCtirlicl4; 'arid ' ''all;Y;libif tis at --,ra packagasrlelLatort;;.;Porn,,s ,aridge's, Nc4;27BMarkeryill.raet4PhlladClpltlit ! ,iatonded,lcie,Carlisle , apd adjacetilCountrytY4ll o oliverod,or Messrs,'S'. twaes 'V arc. .tioase,;.,Goods . for .!ek p ioss hiladalphis 'loft ;at'Rhoad's Warokouse,oslll- higet - ,w}ln `Meet mit It prompt attention o . oods-for ex probe t ' should be so , ritarkpd.‘i..,` , , ;0; , ":1 4 •2;.1",..41 - !!! - A t r Thos. Borhrlditii , 27lllMarkel. • ' ;'; frhight4;raihenlmor;;loo;ll) SO dteperfidndre . Paekages, 25 , ant -, s o ''cou, ig.propOrtion;tb 2.,44 this irrltiraiii4orilortirlictl)*Riessfy, for.; tbe ,', I corm erdeboa land, acttoinflto otiorl, file' 0 1 0 2 94' ' )11,'ClOrlb,arlartkoolinty, it is hop ed ~ ; itimilVtamit,„, with ;the enemirastemootit- deserVea7;'-' ';' • JIVI OHLN<;;.: jydtf , ; ';,,L;;;g4 , ,,tvProlilletkrrii; :Chambers ... burg u'st,',lfpogiV#l:-m't giemoo:ptsrea #hhatita tot 'T,Ft,pir4 ix* Miedp'. ifoo 9W;',..A.Ar;;;AvqqmplfT• 4,-;:;....,!„ ~p,,,;i,, , ,,.-,:-. 0 0,.::,.:11A;:, , ,i.:v :,-... f . .., , .jusitraitterr4zompamoi,. ---. - ''',,'-.!!',.. .::17- FYR~7: YII4tdVRA~QCai. TURA)lerinnd Bait' TennsbOrough. Munnll Fire Insurance Qoinpany'off Cuteberland.bountk, incorporated bYgutact.of Aseenibly;iiibovii fully, organiied, and.itiOyeration urnier , •thit :manage bent of the following eornmissionere,vitt . Jacob Shelly, Wrn It c4orgas t Michael dock ! lip,,llielchoir Brenneman,.ChristianStak_man; .SurionlOseter, Jacob 'H Coover, ,LoWitt, Thar, Henry:: Logan, Hfinijamin H., Musser, Jacob' ;Kirk, , Samuel r:iOwell,JOseph : Wickeisham., The rates of MOuranee are de low and favprav ble..as any CompOny of thelind in the State.— Persons wishing to bi3COlllO members are invited :10,maka application to the agents of. the comps.. ny, who aro willingto 'wait upon them at any • .J.A . 0013 SIIIIILLY, President FIENRY LO9AN,. Vici! Preaideni. „ . Lthiris Hirin;`Secretary Miconst. COCKLIN, Treasurer. 0ct17'49, • " AGENTS. CCumberland coitney.—Rudolph -Martin, New umberland, C,13 Horman,'Kingstown, Henry Zearing, 'ShirenianstoWn, Robert Moore and Charles 8011, Carlisle, lanifa Kinsey, Meehan iesbitr. Dr. J. Ahl, Cluirebtown. York countv.-4ohn Sherriek, Lisbdrn, John Bowman, Dalsburg, Peter Wolford, Franklin, John Smith, Esq., Washington, W S Picking, Paver, Daniel RafrenabergaV, J lA' Craft. • Harrishurg.—Houser & Lociiman. Members of The . Company having Policies bout totxpire can have thorn renewed by mak pg 'to any of the agents. Li£E XNSVRANCI'. r e nsurthice Annuity and Trust Company of Philadel phia. • -o.ffice No. 159 Chestnut Sired, Capital $3OO. • 000.. Charter Perpetual. CONTINUE to make Insurances on Lives ,y,„ on the most favourable A.m. t•eceive and T xpeute Trusts, and receive Deposits on line est. ' The Capital being paid up and invested, to gether with accumulated preinium fund, affords a PERFECT SECURITY Id Ow insured. The pre mium thay be paid in yearly, hall yearly, or quarterly payments. The Company add n BONUS at stated pe riods to the insurances Oar life. This . plan o insurance is the most approved of, and is mbre generally in usa, than any other in Great Bri tain, (where the subject is best understood by nnd,Wherd . they have lind the long est experience,)as appears from thd fact, that out of 117 Life Insurance Companies there, of sy are orathis plan. The first BONUS NI as appropriated in De cember, 1814. amounting to 10 per cent. on the sum insured under the oldest polices; to 8¢ per cent., 7} per cent., &c, &c., on others, in pro portion to the time of shindig, mgdme, an ad dition of $100; $87.50; $75, &c., E.4c. o every 81,000, originally insured, which Is an average of morn than 50 per cent on the - premiumsliaid, and without increasing the annual payment to the Complex. The operation of the BONUS will be seen by the follpwing 'exnmples"from the Life Insu• ranee Register of the Company, thus . . . Polley: Sum Bonus . or Amount of Polk:) , k n 3' d a e b c i e e al the party's nsured Addition Bpnus No 58 91,00 $lOO . OO 81,100'00 8.8 • 2,500 250 . 00 2,750 . 00 205 4,500 400'00 '4,400•00 276 2,50 n 175 . 00 2'175'00 333 5,000 - 437'50 5'437'00 Pamphlets containing the table of rates, and explanations of the subject; forms of ap plication, and further information can be had at the office, gratis,' ig person or by letter, ad dressed to the Prosident-orActuary. B W RlCHARDS,.Fresident. JNO F JAMES, Actuary. m2'49ly The Franklin Fi re Insurance Com pany of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. IG3i Chesnut street,'near Fift street. • DIRECTORS. Charle's N. Bancker GeorgoW. Richards Thomas Hart Mordecai D. Lewis _Tobias Wagner Adolphe E. Boric Samuel Grant David S. Brown a Jacob R. Smith Morris Patterson' . , Continue to make insurance peretual, or limi ted, on eyery description of property it town rand country, at rates as low as .are consistent with security. Tho company have reserved a large contingent fund, whiCh with their capital and pre miums, safely invested, afford ample protection „tc the insured. 21,The asset': of the company on January. Ast, 1 - 848, as published agreeably to an act of Assem bly, wore as follows, viz Mortgages , $890,558 651' Real. Estate 108,358 90 'Temporary Loans 024,459 00 Stocks 51,563, 25 Cash on hand and in hands of agenis, 35,373 28 • Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of ONE MILLION, TWO TIDNERED TDDLISAND DOLLARS, losses by &en thereby aflording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness, all liabilities. CHARLES N. Et ANCKER I Pres't. CHAS. G. BANONER, Sec ' . feb 2 The subscriber is agent for or Carlisle and its vicinity. surance either by mail or omptly uttended to. W. Hevl's Embrocation fbr Horses. V. THIS valuable EMBRO CATION will cure Sprains. Bruises, Cuts, Galls, Swell . • ing; Rheumatism. and all Atibc. complaints which require an external remedy. It gives immediate relief to thtTScratchm - and the-incident-to-Horses-having. white feet and noses, produced by the St. John Wort. It is also highly useful in relaxiai stiff ness of the' Tendons and Joints and produces beneficialV hl s in cracked heels, brought on by high fee g, splinte,sprains. This E DI:O -DA/ION is. r eumended to Farmers, Darius, Keepers of Livery Stables, and private gentle: men ownineldrees t and should be constantly kept in thetratriblei•r . The GENUINE arti cle is prepared only by W. MAMMAL', N 0 .302 Race at: Philadelphia. And for sale wholesale and retail at DR. RAWLINSIDrug Store W• Mnin street, Carlisle. March 14 14-Iy.. • Extensive Furniture Rooms. ' .7.11.0033'1'11'..TER; ' • „ - WOULD respectfOly n call the attention of V.V flouse:keeperaoind the public, to the ex= ofisive stock of splen'did.FUßNlTU RE, incluo , '• " - . ding Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre and other Tables, Dressing and Plaiii'Bitreaus, and every Wide ty of Cabinet-ware and Chairs, which he - hoe now on hand at ,hiit N E W ROAMS, on:Louthor street. near the corner of , North. Hanover street, in the rear of+ Powpli & Co.'s 5t0re.,.. , -, l ' , , . -- '• ~ , • He is conident that the superior finish of the workmanship, and elegance of style; in which his articles are got ..up, together with their °Heartless, will recommepd theni to every per edit wanting-Furniture: lie his alSo 3 made ar rangements for manufacturing:and 'keeping . a constant 'suPply of every article, in his lino, both plain . and;ornamental;' elegant 'and Useful, at i prices which cannot f ail to suit purchasers: - He wouldrebinestly. In te persona ere about to [commence .hbuse4i 'aping, lb , calf: Onttekamine his pferient elegant , stock; towhich , he will 'Cori latently mnke.additionli of thell6 'west , and -meet modern etVles.. '' • •1 ' ' ~•,:••• .:. ~., i • 1: ,'COFFINS made to'ordertat the , shortest no, ice: for town' andcountry. •••",' - .' . ~ ~ Ri z p. a .. t, : Carlisle:l und 13,11848.11 , ,: '14.1 -- ~, ~ , -:' ,Igr . Thalate firm , of qiiicob:, , Fefter E:1 - Son haVing been •.'diliselved,lacob . 'etter; itr.; will' carrV on , the businesses above.',,.; .; , 1/ ", . ; -, . , . ElegOnt New..Goodg.:;— ~; ~ 'tliikotEg/s'isliivit4k . .dolii Fens, the bee' Li., artiefi'o4,loe. day, 'arM iliv hich ,ne , busiii'etie: man eliofilii be4ithouf.; ' ' • ,' ~ , ~,- ~,. .'2 , • An elegant -assortment • of fine , Cutleri, in-' eluding Rezolll49fit_KnlVfis, Scissors , of tbe .`,*esqi .' ' 'U`n."g lial f and '' ~ ", An. ;"0..,1ti car . M. a ,, nuf act u' re..., . . . !, ' ,AJorge i/riety of'Ornamentol,pfridoV4Md -s 'Unl"ire pi6394 .Of,biery_etyle andnelownti. ; Mwilidllindliinente t eueli ni'violine;Xeccr`' dedrel'Flntes, Fifes` Flageolets( Tuning:lArlie 'eih;Violiiiitillgs;bridges, Sz.,62,ltt.iillpiidesi,',l '.l`lf.'litrge 'veriet y. of 'Bnikers; "travelling:hags, WI0s; caf.i4e;'.•.4lnor 'Matti Brushes Of 'nil. Mods, '.,rit'';'everY pilot .".',`,.•:., , .- , ' 1 ;,-= '! . ,', 1 I,' ',",' ;!'..); '„',',.,'r l';i ;4'Hairprep 'Magic: Adinaninine.ikovidirro;.'Pr, ;0001310 Ita,br,'.Si rcipyylvt'rlintim„,tioottgi AI, .011:,bipdiTiltletil' fOr . s)etnii,g'lt 4 lyWarn . RO,LkiT.lP, , 'l'd rnAicirs',l4i'::' 4 ,25 dts,;a bo.,:i..„N4‘'-f. , '.;,,Ti,,, , ' , f,i ,. . Cfifprtilis,'"Scripp',`'Plirriutiiciii,, , YEitit,4 l itii:,PYP B fi3i . , the , bitir;l4 ,•:,ricli):l: . •biiiiAifilt,,net ( , il rliM ) P t! f_riiittliiii: Ciljobilitccl'i,; - ' irNiii3o,i'prOi:telf,:qAm b i el lAlailiikubl'aadtb:44,"[,,'-,,, ; ,—,": - ); . 40.:4 ail': ~„' ~,..,4 a tit; Teeth ,, .l3rtishas , FittrUe' , '-'' t ,W-:t,,,, 2 „1 9 14' NitilAikushotiMiet,§A! .' $ l, -V, d'AT' o ltiliiir, e iilii‘pitini}tilelMirro YA 4 0 1 4 ,41 hiv,. itto •Ikild' !olifeloP l llll4odlP utl, , ''"li• .. - '"'l3le , I fife c 4f P iltiliffit , tht.44ti , . TO ~ '4 Aiii20 , ,,,, , 4?m.,7,1 4 1,:a ,, , ", ,'.'',14,,":„,?;,:;.,4,:i4bA3',,,,-' MOE 14;::..4 .. !),#4 ; 0;0:1iiii, THE AHEM. -- THINA' STORE end its vicinity for their increased custom, we •spin request ;their company to view our antEaglondid' aisort Meat: of . • • 'Auee — nittrare, .DinnimSets,,Tea Sets, , TCitet:Sets, and single pieces,, either, of: Glass,. C hina - ceSto.tio Ware, 'sold inquantities to suitt' Piirehaseli, for less than they : chary be. had elsewberen. fact at less than Wholesale.Priees. •AMEILICAN :AND ENGLISH'BRITANNIA METAL GOODS in greater variety thtin . over .before;'offered itt .the city. FANCY CHINA4n, great variety very Cheap. e would invite any person'visiting, the city to Offrilfid - rree us—they will tit least be plcasedto walk around our beauciful store, and to view the finest Chinn and the cheapbst the world ,produces. Very reettectfully, • TYNDALE & MITCHELL, • .No.•: 4 2l9.Chesinit Street. Phila.,sept26' . 49 . ly . • , CARPETS AND .OIL • CLOTHS, • AT' ELDRIDGE S. CHEAP -WAREHOUSE FDERSONS who wish- to get good 'bargains - in CARPETS OR OIL CLOTHS, ei ther -wholesale or retail, will dolwejl to call' n the subscriber, is• his expenses in his present location are Very light, he is enabled and de termined to sell at the lowest prices in the city. Ho:offers for thigeeason en excellent assort ment of Splepdid Imperial, three ply Beautiful Superior Ingrain . Fine and Medium do • }C ARPETS. Entry end Stair of all kinds, And List, Cotton and'Rag,. Aild OIL CLOTHS from 2 to 14 feet wide, for Rooms, Halls, &c. with a great vatiety of low priced Ingrain Carpets from 20 to 50 cents, and Stair and Entry Carpets from 10 to 50 eta. per yard. Also, Moulage, Rugs, Floor Cloth, Stair Rods, &c. H H ELDRIGE, No. 41 STRAWBERRY Street, one door above Chesnut, near Second, Phihidel phia. . faug29 3m SPRUCE STREET C KBINET WAREROOMS No. 119 Spruce st. below btb, • •• PHILADELPHIA. CONSTANTLY. on hand a large assort ment of superior' Walnut dr. Mahogany Furniture, manufactured in the best. manner; of modern style, and at moderate prices, embracing Sofas, Parlor Chairs, Wardrobes, Rocking Chaim Dressing Bureaus, Teto-ri-Tetes. French Bedsteads; Centre and Pier Tables , Iligh Post Bedside. Wish Stands, r Oat Rinke, . Secretaries, Extension Tables, .&c. &c. Every avele 'is made of the best material and worktianship, and warrant d. atigSly T & .11 HENKEL& OtT'All goods bought - at this eslublielanent packed under.the immediate superintendence of the proprietors, and sent free rof charge to any part of the city. - TEA. VITAREIIOI:TEE, AVID RAF KEN, No, Chestnut street, IV corner of Bank street..PHl LA aPHPHIA has for sale, the following '1 AS, to which he invites the attention of the &de:- 200 half chests Young Hyson Tea. ~ 100 do Gunpowder do. , 100 do Imperial do. 20 do finest Company'Hyson Ten. 20 cases, each containing 4 131 b boxes finest CUTlolls.Yobing_llyson. ;20 cases finest Curious Gunpowder. tlO do do Imperial, 200 half chests finest Chulon Powchong. 100 do ,Ningyong Powchong. 30 do very finest Oolong. 100 do seco d quality. 100 do t yong do. 50 'chests „English ongou. 100'hf. do .do do, 25 chests Padre Souchong, 25 do .fino Mohea do. 1500 pounds prime Company Nutmegs. These Teas have heft! selected by D. R. with, great care from - A le various late cvgctet, nncl,will be found to 'fiill'y'sustain the high and unrivalled reputation which this •establishment has enjoyed for, the last forty years, and his prices„as lieretoforewill he found no low ns at any house it. the United-States. Enna 22 Sm Fancy Furs, Kofia, Boas & Tippets Irk AVID H. 'SOLIS, (successor to Solis, 1 . 1 Brothers.) „importer and Manufneruror of every description of FURS. hnvinp just re. turned from F.utope with n SELECT.STOSK OF FURS, is now manufacturing them - in very: superior style. end trimming them in the most" eleghnt manner, and would invite the ette - ntion of ItIERCHANTS and OTHERS. to hie au. perior and extensive neeotjrnent, which ns ho MANUFACTURES as well IMPORTS, he is enabled to offer at such prices as few houses in the:United States can compete with. DAVID H SOLIS, S 6 Arch (Mulhirrry)'Street, 6 doors below 3d St. 1):::IrNext to Lotiden & Co's. Family Medi eine Store. Philadelphia, atftlrr6rllt Store always eldied on Saturdays. The ighest Cash price paid for Shipping Furs. $1,220,097 67 N. S. ImilVilasNCE,..._ _— Agent for the sale of Southworth Mona/adoring Co's Writing Papers. Warehouse, No. 3 • Minor St., Philadelphia. 10(11 C4§EP., of the above superior Pri v, pers'ooly in store, 40 for sale to the trade at the lowest niaikin prices,.consisting in pert of— . • • Fine thick Flat Caps, 12,14;15 niid 16 lbs., blue and white. the above company All applications for personally.' will "be D. SEYMOUR. " Superfine Medium and Demi Writings,' blue and white. Extra super and sup e rfine Folio Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Superfine Commercial Posts, Mute and white plain and rifled. ' Extra super j_dtlf3ll Note l'i.pers, plain and gilt. Superfine and fine Bill Papere, long and Broad Superfine and fine Counting'Hollso Daps and Posts, blue andw bite, Extra super Congress Caps 4 aird - rOireT , s, plain and ruhid, blue and white. Extra super. Congress caps and Letters, gilt. 'Superfine Sermob Caps and Posts. Superfine blue-Linen thin Letters. Extra super Bath Posts, blue and'white,'plain .and ruled, Embroidered Note Papers and nye pee. "Lawyer's" Brief Papers.. ' Superfine arid fine Caps and Poste,-ruled and plain, blue 'and white, various'. qualities and prices. • 1 f • • A hio, 1000 reams white end'assorte4:Shoe Papers, Bonnet Boards, white 'tind-'assoited Tissue, Tea, Wrapping, Enyelope;;assertod & Me pars, blue' diumtr, Cap, ,Wrappera, flardvieoi,Pa . ' • ny4 Blanufactory of Pocket . No. 52i ChCSlitii Street, above walk , • PIiILADELPII.I4t..::,*-. , rigHE subscribe s ; respectfully, soJiQitsp üblic at=- IL tendon to hie.superiorand.msterill stock of Pocket Books, Banker's,,Cases,- Bill nooks, Dressing Cases, Card - -Casesc PotrMo , naies; Purses, Pocket - , . • other fine CutlerY, and.; , , , ) • Pencils,. &Mar •,Cases;', Cheset.ol, , Men ~. Back Gammon, ;. Boards; Dominos, His assortment mosi'farhiona ble' and inod ern' stylee, ofthe flne k t :oxsollent WorkeinnshiNeimbriteing everVdesir •able farmy,,nattein,which he at alV..times be.*.preper,od to.exbibit and furnish wholesale or Titan on the most 'reasonable' terms.' . • • KrPurchasers.* wile desire' to+ autiply:;thent• ; Polyps with articlea•Ofl• lo ,- .l )e-ft. t-T r alil-Y..will,amt - Siilftheic own interests by call ng acthiees• tablishmetit. F H'BMI r - • • ~• Pocket , Bribk Manulannirer;,. dr. OAST I N G I' piAlikpcit • and riving now • o‘tr:,liiii9d, l ti P 'Paiterni;' is'' pr,eintedfilrni~lt ell',' kinds of ^' IRON • 'AND , 'BRASS besvatPlir ad i ? l o hvg'iolv" hari:ck . re'ae)sljoaMrot 'and •. Gutgeotß:lllough''Vl!CUttPkBi4O4lVlhfßoxzese' e a e l l* V lll l i ld o 8 1 N44lsiisi ‘ f;4l.,,COOking j'en-16r'e;3ii4CiRSThrOioiinguNo ni,-ii i ' tuz PulHoriktr , nsiatpwitlyeipry PfterTdOf - A'scliiierj4'at%the, ober - niA , rj. , BreenitApappirtaken 9770,1E,f,'a :!C4P'P 4 1;64 . ," 1 013Q7P n1 ND4 P!n . g I hpy eo t l 3r'w,ll4ta Ipo l :4m 4 'ahi • 4•"'•• - tlS i ft`' . ;49 3r pt :l n lV ed 6 , t .r ' it i n, j a b s li s :l3 o ; f ul t tm . !_ el a i tle , :o'f '. : l) ;*:ll, a,. at ~v . : 4 ,o.vt t i ti rol i t ly l , 3 l l,o l l.oN r tS v ; z i cit i: . ,; ,Tila ni,eitoilg i i,h:,ettldci tehoemme. milt, ntiu, /"!? 1 ".."1t' t - - c' ' . '•'. l N: lirVi Zit' ,' - ... ,alll,- 0 , 0 ,, ,i.0 1 ,0. ) , , C45t41PPr.e1tn0: ilLi et , r , init'VEtfollioAkie*AuttcptOrel* 1t4,51,..' x f,. 56i? 1 ,941A mo t 9 . a t t i 1,4 5 dtaff, , ':'_ riiid4 tr " ? ' t tr 9 :a 4 iii 4t .t. tlieeklaiii , . 101. f.' 1"1 1;044 1 r. 1 1 9 .P la?“* TYV4/1/T!":J7'' auP - ' •'-''' '' ~,, :, ~ ~ . .,.4.;):4'' 24?; : 1