Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 17, 1849, Image 1

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Q/ .1 .F r ainitY . 7 TrewsPapersi--..DetOted . sto .laterature - . agrientt re ' • Polittea. , linsine.vs ontt General int:elitecue
.. ,
t `-',-
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• .1 Card.
lt. JAS. IVIOCULLiOCGII will give his
aitendancain die Various branches of his
....prtilession, in town or country to all that may
favor him with a call.. OFFICE opposite, the
'2tl Presbyterian Church and Wert 'S Hotel,
tly-occupied—by_Elr. Foulke.
Carlisle, Sept 5 tf
Dr. John
1"- J. - Myers,
A.S REMOVED his Office and dwel
ling ton houno adjoining Dr. RaWlins'
- Drug Store on West Digli•stroot. april 1 •
. .
Doctor Ad. Lippe,
LIONIOEOPATHIC Physician. Office
...-m. in Main street, in the house formerly oceu•
:ied , by P. B. Lechler. op 9'4G
Dr. L 0. Looinis,
WILL. perform al
•••' 14'041135rt..., operations upon the
' 'Path that are requi
red foi their preservation, such as Scaling, Filing,
Plugging, sko, or will restore this loss of them,
by inserting Artificial Teeth, from a single tooth
to a full sett. 0-office on Pitt street, a few
doorh south of the Railroad Hotel. Hr. L. lash
sent the last ten days of every/month. •
John B, Parker, •.
•ct.firrioOth.Einnover 'Street, in the room far
merly, the Hon. F Watts,. •
March 21, 1849, •
Oarep C. Moore, •
•the room lately occupied by Dr. Foster,
deeeneed. mar 31 '47
Wm. BL -Penrose,
A TTORiCEY AT LAW, gill practice in
The several Courts of Cumberland county.
OFFICE. in, Alan Street, in the room former
ly occupied byL. G. Brapdebury, Esq. ,
James eßainith, . .
MOVED, his office to:BoeteM's Row, two
doors from Biwltholder'is Rotel. [itpr
FICE at his residence, corner of Main street
and the Public Square, opposite Burkholderls
Hotel. In addition to the . duties of Justice of
the Peace, will attend to all kinds ,of writing,
such as deeds, bonds, mortgages, indentures,
articles of agreement; notes, &c.
Carlisle, UP:B9 I J: "
Plainfield Classical Academy,
WIDE Seventh Session, kvill 'commence on
MONDAY, Nov. 5th, , ,184-9. The number
of stu lents is limited:and they dro tarefully - pre.. -
pared for College, counting house. &c.. &c.
The situation precludes the possibility of stu
dents associating with the vicious or depraved,
-- 1/TitiVoltrotz - frourtn - wn - ortillageTt honk curd IT'
accessible by State Road or-Ourriberland.Yalloy. l
Railroad, both.of which pass through lands at
- ached to the institution.
TERMS. • ' ,
Boarding, washing, tuition; &c., (per • •
session.)_ .
Latin or Greek . 5,00
Instrumental Music 10,00
French or German 5,00
• Circulars with references, &c. furnished by
Sen. 12. IL. KIEURNS. Principal.
CFILORIDE lllME,ittst, .received at
Dr,-Rawlinal_Drug...Store— ..• 11020
rr is confidently . lndieved that few Institutions
I offer greater inducements to students than
the above. Located in the midst of a commu
nity proverbial for their intelligdnce, morality
and regard for the interests', of religion, thi
Academy can effectually guhrd its member
fro.m evil and immoral influences. Advantages
ate also offered to those desiring to pursue the
study of the physical sciences, surpassing those
of most similar institutions.
Those having sons or wards and wishing to
send them' to a seminary of learning, are re
spectfally 'solicited to' visit 'N,ewvillo,,and judge
of the advantages for themselves, or, at least,
procure a circular, containing: full particulars,
by addressing "JANIEb hUSTON,
Newville, ay! 22 ly Principal.
Drag: and Variety Store.
FrIH.E. subscriber respectfully announ
cos tcrtiorpublic that ho has tfikeif that
welt known Ataild lately occupied by James
Fleming, on the corner of Pitt and high streets.
dieectly - opp.cisiikthe Mansionjionse, where he
will keep conetnriqy on hand an assortment or
Drugs, Mediciiißts,-.Paints, Oils, rerfu er y and
fancy,artielek; which he is determined to sell
low. 'Having engaged the Cervices of an Ex.-
?merman pavoctisf ho flatters hkmaell to be
able toOM' genera Bath:traction, to all. PhY
eyeians and . Country Merchants aupplied at re
duced prices; irk STURGEON.
aogts r . • .
Gl ass , palitteipyieStuffsi Oil, Iron, Sttiel,Naits
&c. vtotild'invite,the - attention of persons want
ing goods itiAisir. line, to the large assortment
they havejusti-opened, and which they offer al
the,very:lowest cash "prices. fob 23
John P.
1717:140LESALE and Retail Dealer in
, Foreignand•Domestic liardvialtryPnint,
Oit;;GleSsarnish, Etc. xtt the old st,and in N
IratiOver'straet, artiste, has just received from
Nevi 'Yorktmd Philadelphia a large addition to
his fortnitetOck;to which the attention of buy.
ere is ;requested, as he is determined to sell
towet , thartans,other Noose in town. '
' , 1;.8o0k 'this . Way.
I . lll3'.‘eabseribor outar , reeneetfully inform
his fricinds'and the .publie generally that he hog
Jost ,bpened'' LUMBER. AND COAL
YARD in, West High etre:tot, a 1 . 04 - Adore edit
of Mesers' D.Rhoads'a• Warehouse; where
Ite • nOW' n hos`..antt , koep cOnstan'
hand allist - itite asiOrtMetit oral(' Itinds!tif• a=
sooed'pinichOards'aad plank end all othe r Inds
of stuff; alt:oUrwhioh he. Will sell low for-dash.
;',,;•,r.;::. • otice . :- - .
.. ;;* . 4iii lrk ' 'in'l9o o "hq' rpl:4, dtimberfand , County
deetrilt,troptir - to inform
_the public. tharthe sta
.. tea rrfeji pits.ofthe Boarpi of Commissioners will
h ''s C'end''''and fourth , Mondays of
' be;'' . hotEkliP 4l .t-tt -6- •• ' • ' ereons Int , oll,
ei torionth;:tti4NOW Pine aPI,P. • t . t hii m a t
. ' c hlaiii With 'Said - Bosid;Wil -.Teo :.
bits,,, -41_ .. it: t-a- l e ~ -' ' • -
heir:Mine" • 4 - I t n I M — F
,;' , ..410..ter t: , ,
4.•, , Et..1 . ;1110ACT10 N. willbe 'blade.. tit theo.li4
" • lmA3.erelitieof Ahti I..egishiture,toGr en
the. Chattot f t43C,itt.,..
LittacP akotitril ANtc:' so as' to etonfer'4lo(4,lthir
• Itiatitution - the Tighteand privilegea.efifillanh:of
ißy•brder of of , Dirsetoie:' . ..4 .3.
8 COUFIAN, Caehlef..°;;l:
Datioette• B 14
• • Jul*, 4;4849,4m e?•,-3
-;;IjBye Scbui#g;', ;f
~rlLLlAM f itairtiin Loather Stieet;l
liadicuWand Gentle..
maple apparrol, all colorsAqd warrants all work
to hwaailaradioryit" , Orders wildalinarespeatfully
k solidito&4p44m-rlytto-,. ,
, stßagsri'Virrintedvi
-Tap dilglieett Oria*llll* paid atvoludi 'or in'
paper) by tli@rsubscrpibor for RAGS:it aho
r . p:
• ,old fot butnirn vitee—'rorPate , 04113 4"..-
- .
• „
, " • • • .. .
• • •
ptares sz" Zipps:
_ Price of Bardwirc. •
I GAVE just received the largest and Cheap
est stock of HARDWARE, Glass, Paints, Qils '
Varnishes, Saddlery, Carpenter's and Cabinet
Maker's ols, Mahogany Veniers and all kinds
_OLJ3uildin Materials over brought to Carlisle
consisting,' oc 1 T M- hrgie7 - Scrowsi- Nails
and Spigel ...Persons 41 out
to build will find .i -
grcatly4i4tpadvaut, • C to look at my stock
before pureng elsewhere. Conte and see
the Goods and heard . ihe pries.aud you will be
'convinced that- this 113 really the 'Cheap - .Hard
ware Store: Also, in iltore_anvilk vices, files
and rasps, and a complete assortment of Watts'
B est 'Bar Iron, also Rolled and Hoop Iron.of.all
sizes. have. also the Thermometer Chiirri
made by Mr George Spangler, the best article .
now in use.
SCYTHES.--I have just received my Spring
stock of Grain and Grass Seythes, manufactured
expressly for mrown^sites,-and warm - mod to
be a superior article. .'Cradle makers and
others will find these Scythes to be. the beet ar
ticle in die market and at the lowest price
wholesale and retail at the old stand in North
Hanover street. JOHN P LYNE.
New & Cheap Hardware Stor b.
ik - r0 W JAE 01:3' SEN ER, Who re '
specifullrealls the attention of h is friends
and thepublic generally; and all ,dealers -in
HARDWARE, to his miwand splendid assort
ment of all kinds ot Hardware, such as Sad
dler's Tools and Saddlery Wure of every de
scription and style, all kinds of Carpenter's tools,
and building =whale of all kinds and new
style, all kinds of material used
.by Cabinet
makers. Also, Shoe Findings of all kinds, a
good assortment of Men's morocco, kld, French
straits, lining assortment-of
binding skins for shoe•ma
kers, rill articles used by shoe makers constantly
kept on hand: Blacksmiths can be supplied
with the very bbst of Itammerexlll - on, Warranted
good, also all kinds of rolled, sill, round, band,
and strap iron, cast, ithear, spring English and
American blister, „steel„Warranted good, also a
lot of sheet iron for tinnecti., , j 4lo,usekeepers can
also he supplied with &OW:article necessary
for housekeeping in the Hardware Line.
Ethereal and Pine Oil Lamps of every doscrip
tion just received also ethereal and pine oil for
sale, just fresh, ail kinds of paiiijs, oils, varn
ishes, turpentine, also, a first, rate:article to pre
serve leather , shoes, and keep: the feet dry.—
Look out and bear in mind..
Farmers, 'Mechanics and Housekeepers and
all who use the article of HARDWARE, call
et the old well known new arranged' HARD
WARE STAND, fornierly kept by Lewis
Harlan. in North Hanover street, next door to
John Cornrnan's tavern stand, now kept by H.
Glass, tfiul alsp_ neit door to George Keller's
Fancy Hat and Cap Store. Coil end examine
for yourselves, t.nd have money,•hs we are de
termined to sell all articles at the very smallest
than for CABHCiihd we'think we shall be able
to sell a little lower than any other Hardware
Store to town, as our pods are well selected
and are purchased tint is order to sell low at
the new arranged Hardware - Store, well-known
rie Lewis Harlan's .old mane, where you th at
find a good assortment' a eVery article in-the-
Ilserfe.roer - tlie7&etrViiii
I : tt ck-sales and small prefite is the order of the
- •
MeAllister'a all nealingOintment.
(IR THE WORLD'S SALVE, contain no
Mercury.—The following Certifica s iii is
frbm a.regular Physician, of extensivoirac.
tic° inThiladelphis .
Jaistra4lo44.l.tannt—Sir 1 , 4 have for the
twit targyiliCalliew in the habit of wring your
Ointmetit-likia'ba-of Rhoumatisin
C h
i t
and in TiCNIA CAPITIES.p3caId Head's,) and
thus iar,,rarith the happiest effect. T think
from,kAW:'iraperiments I havemade with its
rhaiOrichly deserves to be adopted as an aro
tiele ofevery day use by the profession at large
Yours truly, S. Eau., . D. Phila.
Philadelphia. Dec. 29,1847.
-.To James cAllister— Dear Sir: I take
pleasure in making known to you the great.
benefit I have received by using your Vegeta
ble Ointment, or the World's Salve, I had an
Ulcer, or running sore, on the ear, of many
years standing;' I have applied to seicral,
physicians, but all tone purpose; but by using'
your Ointment a few days it was completely
dried up and well. I have used it for burns,
fur which I find it an 'excellent article; also in
all eases infiamation. 1., En. THORN.
I certify the above statement is true. -
1 do certify that I have used McAllister's
all Healing Vegetable Ointthent for coldness
of my feet; also for Rheumatism In my limbs
and 'Corns on my feet, and have been entirely
relidved. Believing. it to be it good Medicine,
I do not hesitate to recommend it In the above
coMplainte,`, • 'LEONARD VAILE;.
Norris tp. Washington Pa. Aug. 21, 1847.
• , •
t-. 4 'certify that I have peed hfcAlliater's all
Healing Vdgetable"7oininielt,.er ;the;Wo'rld's:
Salve, for a belling iu,my , wife's breast,
has given her inealculable benefit;: alio on one
of 'my children,, foe. seta eyes, which , give
mediate relief: . herOftirerl'ecieumend Was
a good medjoirr , ,;•; • PARKER REED, -• •
Hopewell fp. Was. iton
Around :the box re directions foi_using
Allister's: Ointment, for Scrofula, Liver ClOfir*:3
plaint, Ryieeipelas,-Teller, -'Chilblain; Seal 3
Head, Sore. eyes, Quincy, Rore.throaf, BrOnchi•
tae, gervous aeeVirs, Pains, Read aches
Aathmai .peafnesi,'BEr 'oche; 'Rural, Corns,, '
all diireases of the skin; Sore Lips Pimp?es,
, s'Meiting- of the - Limbs, Sores, Metartatism7",'
Mee, Cold feet, Croup, Swelled' or Broken
Breast, Tooth ache, Agne ; face, te.,,0,
If MOTHERS and7NUßSEf3;knew iteyalue
in 'mew. of ' , Swollen" 'or Sare'" , Br'east,
Would always apply if ftse,..;
ly used, and according,to; hndirections around
each box, if few holier:,
BUE/%16—1t, is one. Of;the best tbinge i
world for Burns. ' (Bid' diroaticiris for using--;
-PlLEf3—Thousends are yearly: eared, by
.111M , Oloteopitta ; It• never:falls in !giving: relief
for! t
lho'he ~/ 2 1 1e5.. A , -
01-This . _Ointritentlf good 'for an y part titd7-1 1 i
•body or lsome„ cases iVilideldhe'4Plied,efter.T' •
CADTlON4ii s .i:BrifmeitCerill
4- tjtien - wlih ,l ol,, ;„
.PRICE TlytoT t plytipErN i p,A,po.&:,..
P.Oprletv.4theiabOvis /31hTtl At9d 1 0000'
Principal 00,:emUovam„4
Si W.llfaVerstiek, &MAO :
ip ri gilitlV4b l4 olo,of4tidat,Woo44ll
irit Tube churogigvMkscpiillei
10price6;.aritie..ON4W11401;oi '
',/1 1 •144reh' 14,,
I vc,,l
7,40, Div,sift-4,s-
D ,J 419
, awl!"..;fv, gq,on'rez
,fati t,
91 TOCC,UI ' Strg i~d iiiffibt
4-I,lrtYS I
vA„.O.• An pIC- A t 3,!
No. 90 A;larkot. street. Phila
nit !dna, 810OURNEY
I woke and heard the dropping of the sain—
A sound so long withheld, that to my ear •
It teemed tweet music; •
And, methbught, a voice
Ofpraise went up from every drooping spray .
And crisping grass Wade, unto Him whose love
Forgot them not, amid their low estate,
-Rut-sent the congener ; yen, unto Ilito
Who through the thirst and fever of our sins
Remembers us With mercy. = - -
Then, thevine
. ..
That o'er my easement mantled, whispering taught
Her topmost leaves to hnw themselves and shed .
The fresh redundance of aoll's bounteous gift , .
On their less fay.oted kindred, who beneath - °
Dwelt in the shade. So the'whole family
Rejoited together. .
. .
• • their feet,
Was an unsightly and soiree-nurtured shrub,
melees and dry; yet pitiful they bent,
Even In the prlde, ; Of lull 'prosperity,
And freely shook their superflux off wealth
Into ifs withered bosom, brown With' dust,
Till the poor mendicantlooked up and if niiied.
Then all symphonious, breathed a tuneful strain,
From this low-spirit-harp among the flowers,
Heard by the Angel of the Trees, '
Who bore it back to Heaven.
• ' Oh,. Mother-Vine'!
Training thy children in the holy Ways •
Of charity—retouch in their warm henna
The Saviour's pure monition," La, the poor
Are.glways with yeti, and what'er ye do •
For their relief, in lowliness and
Is done to Me."
The following "beautihil and touching
sketch we copy from the Journal of Ctm
I have worshipped blue eyes, and there is
no radiance so heavenly as thai which
gleams from them. :But black are more be
wildering ; and when a!shadow of melan
choly falls over the forehead, it tokens their 1
.eauty, while it does not dim them.
* * * It you will g with me 1
noW to a,glen in ,the highlands, al d a willow
shaded nook ; I will point out to you the very
spot Where years ago there stood a rude
bench, on which many times 1 have seen
the lair girl I now write of, sitting, and by
which I once saw tier kneeling: The" cot
tage under the hill'is ()Coupled by strangers,
and its broad.hall and large rooms not? ring
_to_the_laughier_ol_those that_knew_Ret_het
virlitise - gentlespirit_lotunts their very ohm
,She.was as beaatilul as a drearn:r•Ntiiier
foreheiirshared b e yfaven tresses;
never were tresses so glorious as' those. If
I tell you'that I loved Sarah you will
call me an enthushist, and ascribe my-titimi•
ration to my passion. I did love her, but qn
ly as a boy worships a being very far above
him. I used to lay at her feet on the grass,
and gaze into her face, and. watch the play
of her exquisite features. It was there 1
leatned at first how higVanti-pum, and wor.
shiplul, humanity may be. * *: *
Ma was young and beautiful.. What need
'to add that she was loved. Surely I need
not add that she loved, for such as she live
on affectionf and die for lack of it. Her fa
ther devoted his fortune and his life to her;
and she was heiresitle a large estate. .As
might bakexpecteld,.she bad numberleds sui
tors of every rank and variety. I cannot
now•oinemberall of them, although I then
kept the run of them tolerably well. But, of
albthere were only two that appeared to have
any prespect,or success; and the village gos
sips'were occupied in discussing their rela
tive chances.
Frank was the gayest, best-heart
ed lellpw in the world, and . had you seen
him on his horse by the side of Sarah'D—
you would have said he was made for her,
so wild was his laugh and so joyous her re.
,sponse. Yeti had you been behind the clo
sed shutter of the window hr the front' of the
latte white hpuse on he hit as they 'rode
by,, and had you there\v fched Jhe compres
sed lip, the broad, calm lotehead, the pale
fade, and speaking eye of . Joseph as,
hest (Beth Passing, iou woul&have pray
:Oita God that that lair 'girl might belong to
thM noble Men, mien as 'si a boy, then Pitiy.•
God has answered" my players. ' When .
the 169 g way was travelled over, end, the
ruggek and difficult steep ruirmoOnted,,,When
:her. fitly - foot , was pressed on the rock at the
'surnmil'etthe hill of life, and her eyes gii-
ed'i'nto the. deep blue sky with longing gaze,
there; Mien' ther - e; beyond the - I,:iraii; - hiii . inef !
streteli ea . an:n! reepiyedher,and filisenbitioe.
';was heaven'! ~,' ,' . • i . . • ..
Ge'preseli. io , :bionks ' and itches , "ye' 'Wile
etbat 113i , els of ,play!, GO preaoh , to
(MEI dead ye who; deny , the .fialnolt6lityof
thri affections. .G 9 'reason; will. . trees ; . or Wilk,
or Magea.ol , weed i er with. your ow n•ntritien .
lessiliiel,erre; loV;ee#ll;si,e Wh . e..!?1104,,,i4at;
: 'heetiesa iftere, is no; marrying :,yontier, -,. there
itheifbe no embracing/ brr . 'heetiese we May
no heeLtAgatillo4ideLlrMyZWtle .2 -Lliii:
May. not .elesp. thi34saPpiified; f forms .in .. our
own holy arms!' , 11611 'y en'lrteri .- ,. that' ihri.
' in !Witty: would. he as onions oheat,.w with
- on ' clay iiii# , zfeq.,kra l .g e .ooo, l .''V, telf S,O,
mitt.„;,a#h#A). l6 , o lriio.4lC;liA....teo,oliit - ',bf).
ite,eorifineri - 01116§ 'ikzgfliiiii sink - 161116
snoop!) god repose Of deeWhose ievink ere
.Wi c )l,oeVer look ': into rii!!.,pe:ir, qgtfii;hlq . .ip . .oo
!:cir ettf9toi:;blo2( , - ri 3 Oyil i fii*,geelc,, thlsAielY
oaiessmevecblessm ..more l k ti.k.,N,i,,,,, 4 , ,,,,,t
134,iterihOW::' - 1" . astelr hi', k/i,oyfois!iiviky,
0P?) , .f;#94:•7!0? 9-. q9PTP,.... -,P. . iP•grm erl.:
lifio,i6iti, bet no'l:fil!Ot k : i ! rty#:raSioi r t *r e jli
or' 020Y.! 1 :# 1 , - ,'01,0,10'!, 1 0, 14 .14t:','',';'':::,',`! ). ;.
'Oh - 9
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1 - I#, ,e , ,,,'ibi , 4 - 0i*,.A511iik;:0140.44 . 1i0 . 44P.A
1 '4 ' . o4(l'lii,,aA*4,stitiiiii4f.'o'4l, , .o.4.**l4,,
b' 114(101114411146\06NY0,404,Yr0k.i
~.%. ..,''1:,•. ,,-, :- , ..:' , • ''- , ,,.4,,.,..,.. , ...., : .;9 . ;,
Pi,.... , -,?Ai , : -, .. , e't5f:' , '::': , :',...;•.4i..0,'. ~,.,,,,:, ,:,,' ..; . '7:;;r,'.
star to alai; kicieitical *be flit - heaven.
with hini r ; triad faitenitiii, krafiedcil the
I amenable to tell you , Kapp tied
that Joseph S--:- profetisioi;:(wh ti
had beeri law,) andpreeted the ministry, no
am I able to` state, thcegh I might guess a
the causes operating in" hiei own` Mind. T
tattrerof — Satatt-D—vas-Mit—a-rel* iou•
man, and, I am sorry to say, was one of . a 4 -
small class of men, who notonly deny , the i
(rude of our most holy meek but take'eve4:
ry opportunity to cast rhlienlik' on ile teach
ers. It was therefoiii, with :great paiii that •
his:daughter observed hie coldness and rude
ness to Joseph and elle was not sur
prised,however much she was grteved,when
an open rupturoAmdered the suspension of
his visit at the house absoltititly necessary.
They had never 'spOkert '/,f" love. Each
knew the secret of the othe r's affection, and
What need then of 'words to till it? It would
, .
have been then but the,repelltiog of hackney
-1 i
ed-phimeee..' 4 4l.9lyef
. 11#41 "no music ,in
the world so " tifllt- ree words "1
loV i k YoutOittir 141.05F.R OVe to k ise.—
But the.fithin:' , Or ifirgeirille hien? had feared
the exielppm_!.of.',e6Die „bond - ';ietween them,
and peremptorily •recluirad his daughter to
bleak it if it did, exist. '
'She replied. to . hirit,relaft 4 ng the 'itinaple,.;
truth, and ha desired tier to_rduse thence.
forward to'see or speak le JO(oph. - .
A month of deeper pain thin can well be.
imagined-succeeded this command, during
which they did not meet. • .
it win on a moony night 'in August that
- shy - walked out with me, (then a boy three
y a t s her junior.) and sat down on the bench
by ilia side of . the , stream. The air was
clear, the aky serene, and de sound disturbed
us; but the solt voice of the wind among the
tree-tops made a pleasai music, end we
listened and were silent. The still was bro-
ken by the voice of Joseph S---
You will pardon me it I page over Mat
scene. I dare not attempt a description of
iti 11 was my first lesson h human suffer
ing, and though I have learned it over and
over again since then, though the• iron has
entered my own soul and seared and enured
'it, yet I, have never seen, or do I believe I
have ever felt:mire agony than those two
Jell as they
. parted,that night to meet no more
He bowed his lips to her Mreheid acid
murmured the solemn word ! 'Forever.'
She woke at that word, an exclaimed
with startling vehemence, 'No, no ; . ihere is
no such word', Joe.' ---
'We 'shall not meet again oniearth, my
gentle one. And what is earth I ,
Her tall form grew more queenly, and her
dark eyes flashed divinely, as she road and
exclaimed,-in clear and Silvery tones:
'And what is earth? These things must
end 'ol will name a tryst, dear Joe, and you
shall keep it.. It you pass first into the oth-
er land, wait for me.onAe bank; and it.l go
hence before you,A . ,Wir i linger on the other
shore until you come. Will you remember?'
will live and die in this memory'
She lifted her face to his, and her arms to
his neck, and•they clung together in a. long
and passionate embrace. Their lips did not
separate, but were passed close together,
until he felt her form cold, and her clasp re-
taxed, and he laid .har, gently ' down on the'
old seat, howed over her a moment in pray
errand was gone.. . I . heard him say, Take,
care of he'r 'so I strove to recall
the life that had gone horn her lips, and
cheeks and eyes. , ; It; came slowly, and she
woke as we wake in tho morning alter
death has entered earsdiarmed circle, with
an opprestijon,ps,lbo : lirain„ and a swimreing
swollen sense lessness of soul. •
,At length sheirememberad all; and raised
hereelf :with"a - ,aik - iffirinlated exel f arnation
of agopycbroken• by aeob; then .fell on her
knees 'by the bench,.aod buried her % face in
her hands, and remained thus for nearly half
an hour.,
".;When she,arose,ihee,faCe was as the face
nf' an. i nzgel:,,,T,i*oFe 9ietlimmer. exalted look
trenkitifia iciakroold that:. 'nighi; she, was
neye:tyiell'atter*eo;',oo :the . next' 'tvinter . ' :,
she. passed .at the Aflultt)..iirom,;'..-Whielt she
returned viity:frigile binielybeFitiliq. , . - i
"r9.4oo.iiii.,;`ofif ab road br.° 46 " 61'.j.
ii.. 13
Itf . eatts,•of,llAiiselons,..of, the; Cheiob, bet `.:,
bie.healihifatlePandls'.;(resigned his cote...".
333i q i ! i ; ' : i° #0 11 'k ti :i i i 4 4, 14 : : :iii0INk:Efilit^ -2-'
ern w or ld.'/: .49,, , 4 ~',l, - , ,,.'i ~... f ', . ' I.
. Three . ' yetiq, fld'‘ii,th'llial,r usneCaavyt-:; .,
nese. - : le : Saudi ii... 4 ~itipir i*.ete - varY,Lalif*iui
'and painfnc.yertreiirtit ehe wen heOptin heri. , '
1 1 iC#4‘'itia , ycr',i3ii "dreamed' of {lie'{{"
~ : ,::
strange tryst:4 0 )Na ll° , gwg 9' eelfl9 ll 1 ..e l:k
Other. etde olilhaCdaikriyer whichlmaii'. so 1,
OhrliPt t redril. ? !o:k 4re#l4§l;iiii dAilk,lll'ilii; ''''. i '
,kein,etert,itrl ,alllllnat ,„ Vence i DS t rns ..I,:h v. , :
comber eher*aweildenrlY (lying, :•I'V-" , t , ii.t ~
0 44iii i ..i4,k*ttr.Y1 .- li,i..i ' f - biu ' in v iii?V,`bt' , li#': - ;
.40 6 iTiiIiiri - inPking° 4l i (ll .," ' .oiO 3 ,o; ll 4llil 3 eit
at levening; ant!';;lttiOinir titherLineiditnte::.ef'.li
9#: e ' 4l o, 6 loiii#liii(EligOed;roo . ,il;F i lltroyip4y,, ,
to p,4 4 iii4fii:!(*Ali..Wii'iloi'4ali.hilio;t4elo - ....1
s:+4- , ith. : .:;: t i,i4.1?.1,,,,, ,, ;,,, L-, ~ , 36; , L , ~..,,,-,v,
~. ~ „.,., ~,,, ~, c-,4 {:.:.,:i ',Zi,.1.,c.,:' .1 , ~.... • 1 ~ ,:fl& •• '1
r `Thif jar gir), lee, , ,rechning' in, i heri'latgo ~.,
arit , • chalrii,leoklng•sant - thtongb.)the..elosedli . t
ti. 01 ,, ,. o:lp , 9 l o ,, ,ii.9h , i,teoinio;',ipd 'Ye,' ; J . '
011 . 1 . P1404ta11iii44.',0 11743 4*1:::.Tiii0; •.,
~tigetattlipitinaphon visible '•ae:ner, : nno, ll `,
'l !ler'n** sl ?id'q#: l acil l ' iiab us; • her - onwilie:
;3'o'4 kV iii,:iii ,;: , haw itimich,ti/oer . wa , 4 i,
;i4ofM€A 4 tf)o,',:'X*Od:,'#: . ,di,l,livliabh , o - tir 6 'oi f :t.
heil4i*.Tht ii i .o 4 P.Vrkbo i till ti Oli: e kmig;'i
Isikw Ater !cantle - 0,4151dd° •feetthe„tiefesepie
'la,bl l ,liihl kho4iWilifeltl"i f ,titfitidati4lliiit'ir,
*rngi t qgfig'; ' ') l s. l kl l i*l4.44l)44ii ' Ail - ';
ioi lot .sunelear:epeentectuid4,ll9leiiiiiN#
iVt'''' aloud, sr 'AK idie,(*ii 3 O , ,t Apioii;i4r, , i ,
~... ,c,„,-,;, i.,,... ~,,,;,,' 1 -_, . 4 , n od 4 ..., °lry Is>' , E.lN.q. IA
At ,
. 4 y 1 0.,),1ti 1 ,!M 3 / 1 11Migegrt',81 1 11 ,007 1 1111t1 AI
*'4llo ,,, w.liilettlionger ' , -, 4-, , ,..4 - 45atudit.iii,,t, ,:
4 1ti,tit , ' , ,',iii , ti-itimisiit,'.4ll4 ., iiiiiev, , ,i, , keilkliOiliit , itifioa
~.., ...,,,,,,,,p , ! A)
~My. ' ,.. "., ) .{
'''4it`gefyi deat r tlONVleefitiod*iitY lli7 ,0 1
--,,, ,?;:. •
• 131:mausta • HS* were deep, d• thought it'
wogld•he dittioult* for old Mt; Smith to find .
our lottinllregrave'lard: . Me all the hea
slimiest covdied, mother?' ••
i•Whattia;the matter, Sarahi What it they
'are covered V
'Mother, teat, it is postings to. conceal it
fromourseives, or from one 'another. You
Inky!, andl tine ue well,That I am dying.
''have not wished to live; only faionfilliiirig -
I did long tor liferand I ,dreaded to meet
death all alone But now• 1 . shall not.—
Vy— tell you what . ' mean when lam
gone. Yes—gone, dear :nether. lull not
be here any longer. This chair 'will stand
here, and I not be any wbere-near rt. You
will be here, and' father; 'and you will rise
and-walk about, and visit; and go in and out,
and sleep, and wake again, and so on "day
'after day, and I shall have no part any lon-,
ger in your cares and joys—deat reotherr
and as she uttered the last two words, she
put her arms around her mother's neck:and
kissed her 'fondly, and sak back into her
chair again.. I sat at' her feet watching her
triatekleis . features. A: smile was flitting
across them—now there,m3W gone ; yet each
time appeared' it lingered longer than be
fore,-.loul it became fixed, and so holy, that
Isfelv bewildered as I gazed, and a strange
iiemor'prisedd through my body..,
The breath of peace was fanning her glo•
rious brow! Her head•khits bowed a • very
little forward, and i tress, escaping from its
bonds, fell by . the side of herr pu're white
temple, and close to - her just opened lips. Ii
hung them motionless! No breath disturbed
its repose! She slept as an angel might
sleep, having accomplished the mission of
her God.
"My dear, I'll thank you for a Inge more
sugar in my coflee,.,it you please.'
'My dear! Don't dear me. I'd as soon
have you call me my devil, as ray dear.'
1\ 7 611, my devil, then 'l'll thank you for
little more sugar* my coffee'
At this. proof ill, affection — on the part of.
her husband, Mrs. Snapdragon
a rage of tears. ',Ate had got up as the say-•
Mg is, lwrougliid-loremostithat morning,
and notfiAild please her. She wail no
bettmilersiiiifwith being Galled my devil
thairrny-.drollphatglt she ha, a moment
lore deolitied dial she preferred it. On the
contrary, she look her hutlittnd bitterly to
task for his ready•compliance with her sug
gestion. •
. 'O, you vile, wicked; .good-for. : nothing
man !' she exclaimed. is it thus you treat
your affectionate wile? thus you apply
names to her, which I dare not mention V
'My devil, you did mention it just how.—
You suggested the idea—you put the very
words into my mouth—and I plways like
to comply with your. wishes, you know. Soo,
my 'dear—my devil, I mean—a little more
sugar, if you please.'
NtSunar, 1 won't give you a jot more. I'll
see you hanged first. You use more sweet
ening than cour.neck is worth'
'l've acquired that habit from
sweet a Wife. Besides, I pay lot it with my
own money'
'Now, reproa9,4no with my pOverty, will
you If I did nor bring you 'any money, I
brought you respectable connections, and—'
'True, you brought all your connections.'
,‘Now you reproach me- with that, do you?
I dare say, you grudge' my relitions every
mouthful they eat while they are here.'-
grudge nothing: m 3 dear—l' would say
dev- 0 , .
'Don't use that word again, Mr. Snapdrc r
gon; if you do I'll leave the table.'
:,. "Thank you, my love; then I'll help my
self to sugar. , .... ~..
'Yes, and you would help' yourself to
another ihife, I dare say, if I was gone'
'I am afraid there is' little chance , of that.
But miCoffee ispooling, while I are waiting
for the sugar.'
'Then it will be like your love, which has
been cooling ever since we s wine married? .
'lltank yon,'iliy..,4eM; ' : there ' s nothing
like' acid for a cooling draught? , . .
t'Shiiiii acid! do' you Me a sharp' acid?
tit not endure yoer:tounts.any longer. I'll
go home to mv Connection& I'll have_sdp-
Mite maintenance'': , j 1 i,:..:: - „., ...)
I Whenever - you* please, thy-deitf=l;dailing.'
gyon't,take.spolk. peckyllingaage ..iftitsat_
you.', -, (Going' with ;the , eugcltA:boteb in her
handiy. •, „. ..,..; :.. ~ , 0.; -- 7.7.1 j - , ( ..r , itL??..t.:'
?,'My„ deer ' !M deer' , leave the: , sugar - bowl I
please?/ 2 1., l.
r....... ' :r ~' • ~......• ' • - - f.1 , ../,. 4
- , 6 4 lkLei , take it I :,.( 7hro wmg jt, .at.hpyi'Oditi!
anik ....).1:'01' , Jr: : , . '.l:. , ' 1:,7 I; ),-. Zst,; ~ i r ,i . .:
: 0 iz r An ' Irish lalioriirj,,sick, , iorj ,fie,.
thraldom of strong- drio k, jii tiaii yoga : hi nist,3ll
iiuelf ip itie nialtfrieritieli-M7BeUthiiiiii:lion
. ofii.":Bfid'rhotoideif-46ftg'ogiiiij"!fiiiifiifii' them
4 1 1 3 ict lifNieitixigit)=teriiii7ioi6i'viiitiireli'li:
IlSiailoiii• dabliiiiiiidiieiiiii . 'Woniie l ; iii`keiri .
*itbit , th!O4i,s'Olikk'rreirtkl'tir dlitiri4 a gilini'
'9l ir'iiiiiigOiAlili'd OilildiiieVet 'thitifirciii
' . I he ii — itub/ '
1 ' :4 . r I'..- t'l ,?I!,a` , , i %.^:11 1. 7.Ve;10 tIVI I i t, i.' .. , '''' , Ai
Orj ° l l lib' otkier, l !,lity,..- L iope, l co( .Vid!i:iv,
firfiri " ii' ! "idii;i l: # l i;;4 l l. ) e 'iPo . o l ,irii . .f r i . o ; " i
tool 6 - ti - '',fit . W''' 1 - iiii .
. a 9, t ?' I 9i. , ;,,..c4 3, 7 1 11 1, ~ a T if!a, A A 1 i ) ,,,„
u i,- - ,?. • ,iw4lE 'i i i4, iv Oy. dOu'if you d 9- f 4 * "I,
iloiiii” . Sliiiisaii,6;llgiglttl/iii i
a::Oniti'4n' 1
Voieiiliiiiji;i4i'i*Otaililik e 4 A.:ii ~..iIIV,,
iii,*i'*ije l i;iird - „;' , ,jiiit. ,, ,i6Y.,liiiVlifil4llt2W
'i,iiiditiiietia:iii i;iii4i!!.?iifiyi 16 . 460 V 1
L, .. , • • .. - ' ~, ... • '''. , -1.0 scal
;J. .
,j ~ ... ,, i , i“,.. , :i1t,, , " 1:;4 ' ,00 . 4', ' ,0
1 341...4:Ft'gpii:::?ii , t , 1trei Tbt , eAlcAxiono
i .o.diiiiiiimir., 4 7,il k iti , r ,„ l wa. rei,,ii.ily
.. i ...
a eeted. , : to . t!ur.... I ruhana,::-Legislatuns - Iroyn
I Y4Co ' o ll4 qi', : h 46 i'iVi?..f la' eiiiiiia lit, fhii,
iiiitiiiSitilliiit i'ho'iiit'Ullit liiiiiiiiiriiik'.the4iiiiiie
°V" trii,ret!fo.', Bll ,_d' # lll d !O'oolkhiitUiell!oril
1 1144 / I , l °l 6ti i t h r.4 : - A i q:/ i4 4#4' 1 !), 44 . tii4, ll l'tiltiilfkl'
il l r' "li q** l o l ,.. °64tifc . li nigigt.elt i tk i iliitlf ;
he 'liiid : :no*liii - ticf,io 4 kiiii 3 Ohikl(iiiiilloo l lsl.
.. , t. y 4 4 t •ii,' , ' •• ':" ••
, ' 5, n" • ‘1 1 . ' 5` ,,, ';'; 1• •. 1. ..;..Y . ',
••: ' • •'• 4 ''. " -:' ' ''",•-';'-',:'•; • 1 • J . .. I, i,P,'"f -i,..,,!!:••:-..',...
' tit . EN Min TAILS.
-' THE GIIILANESTIIO Paris correspondent of
he Journal of ComOurce, Mr. Walsh,• our late
Consul, sends to diet paper the following ex.
traordinary repOrt of a traveller, who would
seem to Have obtdine credit Wi s h the French
In a formetl.letter I eutioned to 'you that
Colonel Du Couret, w o hod already penetrot•
ed far into Affies — Varatraut - ttriet s —out---on—s
newjunl exteasive exploration of five years,
under the special auspices of the French Gov-
ernment„and at the charge of .the treasury.—
'the Minister of PublicAnstructiop
,asked . of
ha Academy of Science Sonic instructions for
Mai, which were read at the:
j eting of the 20th
inst: 'At the seine addressed to
he Academy a notice of the race of the Ghi.
lanes, inhabiting the interior of Africa, and re
nowned among the neighboring tribes as eaudat
ed, or having tails. The, matter is so curious
that I have caused to be translated for 'you
what hia been. published about it, by one of the
scientific reporters.
Fran the Scientific Report.,—There exists a
race of men who, according to the ,report of
several travellers, are originally of ?the king
dom of Conif4rior of others, who say they in-.
habit Souden in the South, whose' zoological
characteristics are remarkable. They have a
tail-like 'appendage, for ned by the elongation
of the %richly' column, and they are .the last
link in the human race The slavonserchants
cannot dispose of them without great difficulty.
The traits which 'distinguish shop are hidpous
ugliness. of face. and figure, ungovernable tem
and stolid intellect. Some of thii race
are babe found silso in the Philippine Islands,
but they were doubtless i narried thither by the
slave merchants. HoWever-this may be, when
a Leventine is looking out for slaves in the
East, he is always warned not to purchase one
who has a tail ; he i; told—"Of all slaves this
s the least profitable." This race of meii is
far behind that of which Fourrier drdamed,
and which wue some day to become the type of
Manly beauty, morally arrayhyeidally.
M. Du Couret, who was In Mecca in the year
J 842, saw an individual of the species just men•
tioned, and belonging, he was . told,to the breed
of Glfilanes-in the South. Though ,it .be not .
the first time we have heard this race of men
spoken of, who are furnished with tails, never-
theless the fact is not - soffit:Matti common to
take away its, interest. .We will, thSrefore,•
enter somewhat in detail upon this strange or
genic manifestation. " 1 inhabited Mecca in
-INV says- M. Du Coo rat, "and. bean often at
t i ho houie of an Emir, with whonV.i...ffiiinti
roots; I aphkp him:uf the Ghilane and
told him how much the Europeans doubted of
the existence of men vith tails, that is to say,
the vertebral column glongate.l externally. In
'order tocon•inise i me of the reality of the ape
cies, the Emir ordered before me one of his
slaves called Bellal, w:in was about thirty
years old, who had a sail, and wh" belonged to
this tribe. On surveying this man 1 was tho
roughly convinced. • He spoke Arable well,
and appeared rather intelligent. He told me
that in. his pnuntry, far beyond this Sonnet..
Which he had crossed, they had spoke a differ
ent language; this, fur want of practice, he had
entirely forgotten that of his compatriots,
whom he estimated at thirty or forty thousand,
some Worshipvd the- aon, the moon or stars,
others the serpent and the source of an im•
mense river, in which they imolated their sic
ims—(probably the mouth of the Nile) ; that
they ate with delight raw flash, as bloody as
possible, and that 1b..) , loved human flesh above
alt things,;—that after their la,iitles with their
neighboring tribes, they slaughtered and de
voured their prisoners without distinetion of
age or sea, but that the women and children
were preferable, the flesh being more delicate.
This Ghilane hod become, a devoatlldnisulaian
and lived Sizteen years in the tiorytitg,
The fondness, the necessity, even for raw
flesh, (it really was a want for him) did not
nil to return upon him ; and his master, there
'fore by a precaution, never failed when this
fit was on him, to provide him with an enor
mous piece of raw Mutton, which he consumed
ravenously before everybody. This desit 7 e for
raw flesh showed' itself periodically; some-
timesAwice a week. Being asked why he did.
dot try,and.eorreet such a - habit, he answered„ ,
with great frankness :
liihaiti'Often,tiiiiti to overcome qiie‘ apps
titii,•ivhich I Pensive& froth' Puy &thee and Mfit. '
'ther. , In my country, great"itiiisittilrlquifif .'‘
. .
and old' lire In this manner; lineidelf,ealidifish,,,,
frtiit:ao..iegetaltles. /.I:ii':l'i4lii!°l::negPii.°:fili!4:
;stipiily:;,thle, req!iiireiOn . (of ~,,: n Otirf , ,l 'En, ..
Aprs,!clqufd:4pt roiit, itip..Osietivlrpiati possess., ..
mime,. of,dovouring. something, and isheuld,,
cause 'great sorrow-by falling on sonsis , perioaa
tip' wean to'contend with me,4loOraitt,','finqx: ,
I `Haring , asied him &sallow : , me .to rio,,bim, i ,
'tialterigfpapi wishalo,sltstish bile) hi res.iete'dv,
oi , il".lon,g,',lltiiei . .but ''fiiialty't y islded.." On' re-' ',,
cieiVia's ihti; , prdmilfe it an . eritirelY:' new' dress;
I . ' !ifah I " iifii,!) lidnO.hilii; . !r cams PFkvAteliA';
it t tipt#l3,lvlitAt:e ;14`,tppli:il'iypciliciti;',oiirt of
1!':1 0 ,,,k 1 i .: P0 8 1 1 994‘ o' l o, OP ; irc;i..o,l:: , i4:ttitii .
kintibleitto;contempt'etS him.,quite; at.pny ease;;. ,
and, to paint his portrait , without eiposing him
to the; iiiinishmentwhich , woOdhav,e hem ,ips,.
flisteilitthim iF,ntt, had been , „ detected
, by ,
.his i;
ifinatitiai Spii&suiersiiiiMis Mer;ter.ii '. '
4 tlie 'tdritvM ''ntiatiiidertit" ''''''''''t ' - ''''l
1 ft,
been g .
~, . t, ase sircums an 7 ,.
1311 . 'hikijAyothi . undlir the eYee oi'ititi'A c ei':' .
1 (1 61 4: 9 ' 1 ; ' ~ , `•N'i' - -';', = .t ~.1 - i, nwtl!'?,l ;'if.i, ,;:!.
i 'foie are some marinate 'froin the desedifi-'
on given- by M. Du Couret, te'Aii,Ribi4
nee s : . i , -;---,----,---* -- '.--'
'id', fiti - GhlEiiirrliVit% ailigker . uline
oele lid,*have ti
hiv•strehg releiritilaneb, , he.;;:
(bike' fr. rnotr ;unifier 'than, thei;ittabat radd-e, 7 '
OiArel,6 l lreiy .lllo tl tbu n live;feet bleb Whey.;
o ,11 10 1,41: , bl9..Q1 nt4pl4i.fßieir:bo'Pes.s l ll, - lenn ,,,,
d Nero weak e k4citt arms': long and odhrt,i,,
, l ii , heage ello 'feet ail` longer„and flatter than,
,0 ? ,1,041 03 %0M0,011113 )111U11111,amipte; their.
tOM k t r( .l l, o,*. a ns l JhT r,f( ll l l" 3 o ,, 4;l, l _9`v.l:,t 4 d, , !
ce4k l A o ..:rpi.•,, , !‘ , 4' 6, 1 6(1 10 1 0 . da1 1:1 1 144:!; ,
14 eyes' aka aUtil II lilac( piehirngi 01'0 w , ,an• '
4eOthliahtiy , Ihtfirile'sei eri;b:liget`anhilail',.
eIP In'atlibi wldq'aiWftilifieliid r . ,,VAill. b Nitii ,',,
ii' Alai? add iirbe i graila'Vf, ,, ,iqiiitilie,viiit;:t
tea.i , ,Ile,Ati 4P Ipit l :lr tille)' . 1?;1 14
. .tV' , ;:t ll )
,' 4,n ,`-a.... ,i f 4,tti ,
i ll'Ohli itya f akis ;hill Aid gilk , , , lilte‘hilr -
Piliiiiiiiuf niei44. l kiaoilit tr .atitF; ttf ';',aial l
i i it.
I iiibi*sialf-,.;lfiii 2 4.- tktiriPAllliiit alliWo
041)41i(troOlfAfii*,5 1 00Workik , p 64140,0-
. ei OppliitO#Ykirlf2o4 ~ 1 1 60. 0 04.: 411 -'t
I.. , : e lril_ikslerv,,e4`qitaPii.',i' iii4wiht OilVogiiwk
'.2 . ,,:',14ii1 e - • '',,X-2,42"t;7;
~). ;', ''.. '
1. a.. •••. - 41.4•4:. 4 N , •4
" • • •• . • '7 • •.••• • .•
~ 1 1;
male, a tail of two br three inches ;,
Finally, here is the portrait of sellal , the.
name or the personage the author encountered , ef
in Mecca :
. "He was thin and dry, but nervous and : . '
Strong. His skin was black bronzed, shining;'
soft to the touch _like 'velvet. , His feet were'
long and flat; • his arms and legs appeared
feeble, but well supplied with muscles. Hid
ribs could - easily be counted. His face Wes
repulsively-ugly—Hid.-mouth wee. _enormous,.
his lips thick, his teeth strong, sharp, and very
whites; his nose broad and flat; his forehead"
low and very, receding; hie hair not very'
wooly nor thick, but nevertheless curly. Se t
had no beard; and his body was_ not hairy. He
was very active and handy. His height was ,
about five feet. His tail was more that three
inches long, and almost as 'flexible fis.thei. of.a.
monkey. His 'dlsposition 4 'letting aside thee
oddity of his tastes and habits, was good, and ,
his fidelity wee above all praise."
TRUE GeaTNEss.--Polltical eminence
and professiOna,i lame fade and die with all
things earthly. Nothing of character is real
ly permanent but virtue and personal walk:
Thisi remain. Whatever of excellence .ie
wrought .in the soul itself, belongs to both
,worlds. Real goodness does not attach itself
merely life;to another world.—..
Political and 'professional fame cannot last •
forever, but a conscience void of offence be
Gad and man, is an inheritance for
eternity. Religion, therefore, is a necessary, •
an almost indispensable element in any ,
great human character. :There is no living
without it. Religion is the tie that connects
man with his Creator and holds him to - his
throne. If that tie is sundered or broken,
he floats sway, a worthless atom in the uni
verse, its proper attraction all One, its desti
ny thwarted, andits whole future nothing but
daiknes.% desolation and death. A man
with no sense of religious duty is he whom
the Scriptures desonbe—in so terse but
ri6c a manner—as (giving without God in
the world." Such a man is out of his proper
being, but of the circle of all his happiness,,
and.away, far away from the purpose of hi!,
.CITART OF HEA.LTH....-1,0 1 743=A
plaint of the .heart growing out of an inordi• '
nate longing for something difficult trPobtairb:
It generally attack S persons of both sexes •
belyveea-the agesiolfifieen andjhirty;•l3ome.- ,
binkbeen known to have it at the age of
Symptoms— Absence of mind; giving:
things wrong names; calling tears nectar, end"
sighs zephyrs, A great fondness for poetry
and music, gazing on the moon and stars,
tooth-ache, !mac of appetite,. neglect of busi
ness, loathing for alt things save one ; blood
shot , eyes, and a constant desire to sigh.
Effeots—A shout heartburn, pulse high,
stupidity, eloquent eyes, sleeplessness and
all that sort of thing. At times imagination.
bright, bowers of roses, winged .cupids, and
buttered peas; then,. again, oceans of des
pair, racks, tortures, and hair triggered pis
tols. ,
Cure Get married;
Mn. CArdiourc.—The Courier and
Enquirer learns that this distinguished States
- has devoted the past summer to the
preparation of a treatiSe on, the Elementary
Principles of Government and the constitu
lion of the United States, which, it is probe-.
.ble, will be published by, the parpers, in
connection with an edition. of his Speeches,
Reports, &c., which discuss, constitutional
que.tions. This work will be looked for .
with mud' interesiby - the public; an - d ifNIL-
Calhoun treats the is capable of
doing, without reSnemenis,or abstractions, it
will prove a valuable , acquisition to the pa.
laical literature the COUli‘r*
Rif.Polll4o or Sinatra yr#Dnx.-L-The Mw
Orleans Parris asserts poeltiiely.that the plan of ,
separating from MOlllOO the States this side, of
the Sierra Madre, sad 'sailing up as lotiopon
dent Sepublio, is still prinienunnt with great
zeal. .ISome 360iimeri;Ditinirding to this paper,. .
are to estsiblish; thorineiseir abet the' Seuthoim
boundar.r'of'Fities; procure armi•erid ammunt- ••••
than, and, when the right time erriveiiierest tho •
RioGrende.and, raise AbesVj
Deelanchire. The , l
plan hi, said toibri, 01011t,sirlifititt arranged, and. ,
theleaders, ars, krividett,mo,,fuege..-:Therap ,
trnive Oplntim that the Rciutntitslarnt, assent-,„
blige'", really dititinati,lor7T:Meriteo, , and
intrealiti nothing 'With 'the tispedittoe:tgi;,
TUE C1,i 3 .4 1 1/ 1 "
ol t iotypst r ....,ygalkingjif:„
the m ost iyhOlesome
beat ‘a
n k 'wi (); iti,air! ,
, wtiolepinnit :
;in pcnoa4•
edge; the paajel,a9ol,lo.l. ,
pr.7.46Fir s thes. ata't you oppotteg,
nopoir ihol, 2o d;a h!ti?' t e 4l6 #4h ii
tti , the • •britiidi boule Yea;
iThOtt'itioioliiriti'doiiii 't ool '3 , llci
broke the bottlo on ' bid floory and alobelhrin—
:l! •
••• • 1
'oB . 'v''A's`vrE 4 l.4 iftl4oo
: I ;;airai;?;4'"i'4 l4 a n ik bo #A"t °l4 o l . /I PP .,
the' Un i ted tiitues it te
,Uttft!epitt, an.;
rips the Tecic s hett been tqat on the pati, )
! sate by the bursting of the bottles.„,,,
, .
o telyeatih 'ict ihetimatiest gaol Phit. ) !: Whitt :" •
i lsji, 4o b# compared 11411341 Y ' Wiii// °i' 66. i''' rt
IPPictiiifilit' , l49,94 l iiiiii&Y/,tiki,iltli t litld 0 61 '
lit)/ k3Viiiht ut# l _tkttill, ~0 4 01 Otho l 'iliitikluch lt .
(08Jr00 110 9 1 0,00 40,1 Nal t d*'` ' - qi' , '• ''i l i'l' r - 1
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i 1 ` l llo,:44l,ti:o9)Vei 1011 w1144 1 r:. / cit the 4 I,N''
Iviaci 6pifilent ollike,tlnitod. Biateot rectent47 '‘`,:
ate ( AWVv ' '
Ite iititiiisoticiolilaßoirkvaii , vi o , ,
ign tiokiiiiicoipmity:p, w itti4 tit'lut o v r ,
tudrOon 04 thy 6 1 TeliAtz el°F /WO ' S
361 Nuti 6 V 1- hll B .l , lokMllll 9 qtfto , ' Ai,. '
~ c litcAlr.„.!AcilliirM.Kfßtl:lßSlaVh)t. i4 10 a
I ' " '- . , 1 r ,'„
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