Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 10, 1849, Image 2

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    R 3
• •-:'• • . •
, -
. .
• .• • t
• For Om ITonad., ,
SELECT SCHOOfwEn42 l2ll :Ptutothree' , '
best Einholen; for the quarter , e quartending in June,
and September, 1849, honi '
'School : No. 11. Samuel .1, Patton, David. R.
P,.'„Wiley;JcissitshVll. Steel:
No. 12. 'And' McCartney, Elizabeth Roberta,
• Esther •
" Anea..)l,,.l.4firprEatello,-Floffman,
VAdhitturktuNkleißs, ,
J? 0, 1 4;-,...MiltonALuStaymlin,-John
grass - Vtim.lll „ .
No. 15: •filapy,:lf;;;.,Suel, Mat"' S..Carney,i
: • •
itVilliiiirl-tAlatignesti, Charles VV.
.tkrßellpfilitedr & Satidastili::' '• t '
-ißeeernbettloe.ta49sia• EJpHildtrazir, Seetly.•
• N. Bi 7h O 2P named first eland highest lor
GRAP.t . i.—t3,,itYii `. iiAli3l3tFd to Maj.
Joseph ilFWeibly;jit'Xer'ti Hanover street,
fora present of a lingedishot the finest and
most luscious grapes we have - seen,or tasted
Oft'i,season._._They were of hill own oultiva.
.tion'and do him credit.
Coienticsromr, Theie . are
seirerslCongressmen yetawbe elected. One
Okicipe,,the 19M inskirt plice of Diokin:
emi l *cettsed. 4.1 emocrat be elected
in hie place. Id Louisianit : there are four - to
„pp : elected, on Ott sth of Novemberiiiid 4
" '
, Welwyn:wow; Oar. 8.-..Gealiiiii Taylor, ac
coirjpanied :by .the , Secretery of the Navy,
will start on•histpropereed• Northern tour on
Thinsday mortling.• 'He will stay. in Bald
lnere• overnight, kind leave' the following
'morning ' for Philadelphia. ' ',Be will 'remain
'rin'PhiledelPhiit'untirY &CIO*, on„ Monday
-*opting; when he Wilt leave for New Vork.
President contemplafes being absent
tv.l t one week *.
~,,, , ~
i t. '
. .PALsitaliesesTEß.. ~ -The energetic news.
paper-and . dvertiiiiigAgent, Mt. V:,B. Pal
-rneri.of-Phliaailliiliiii pas commenced
publication of 'O.tiniall , monthly sheet,,with
Iliie'title. ' It ra,'vf?.ti, neatly got up, and its
'itiol,Prini will doubtless, exhibit the "spirit of
ill .
~.t.: elpress,>' and the enterprise of the inde.
1 ipble editor, in a manner most interesting
kits readers... Terme4.-25 cents a year.
FORCIBLC CoNTI3 A/3T.—The editor of the N
O E tiers Bulletin in a late letter Oct Philadai
In tqa t iakmg of the resources of Pennsylvania
saialitething gives a better idea of the rapid
inorease of this country In all the . elements
of riittionritgiaatnads, the ladt that the
present -put revenue of Pennsylvania, ie
eittalioiitia!ot the) Stites during the
filet teirei'?.al 7 ,,lVl;sitiadp i zesi administration,
and that her l gopuiationyi the approaching
census of 1850, iiiilba,feun4 also to equal
—that-of the whole' onion
the present constitution. Moreovar,4 is not
sl i oubted that her i presagt : yealth is able fully
equal to that of tie thirteen. Stales at the soma
period. • What would:out fathers•hevis said
sixty years eines, if theythen had been told
tlaittat , the explriidefht , that , Poricid; Chi
Slate of theaiMfe'demey would be as
populous, as rich:4lnd pOwerful 'as the
whole of- the Xhirfedn , Who.hild so success.
hilly contended with the gigantic power of
Great Britain I
''LIBERALISM IriErioLAND.--From• the
tone of the London Tibei, that, “corning
Tents, oasts its ithltdOW,bciOro," it is evident
there is felt by the government a stern tie. .
nasally dor some extensive measmes of
immoial - reform and retrehohment. The na
;;ottewls Mr-the eYe riatheoatierntons and
4 •loo n iiiieheinsittebanfieS. The 'only question
t ) igikit' d el be applied to
tlipildalicin of the 'Mideast debt, or to thi
iiciiv'prese with
eft.ilt± ll lng we i ght,on all, pleases. ,
"'lre READ:--:How% ()Redid°
hear ipeil:3icuj,ltimaelvett from sub.,
... . ,paper saying
thei ho time to read. When we hear
/ra l ff? 4 11 ilkie*ause Alipsell, we conclude he
limpet er found tirriejo con fer,any substan
tial advantage either upon his family, his,
country ,orhimself. !, To hear. a fresmatithus
•Szpress himself; is!tmly hnKijliating, and we
can form no other !opinion than that% Inch
nun is of littlit importance to' sciciety: '
—BRITON , •MAl463ol4idNir
ikeelatedlhelc i aigiurbilike: oq.
mord' ifi'llirtriebbricila'Sitiliftitii ali•
VOTP7:.# I PA.TFYIV B IR gitiat-r I ,k . 1 4,4m4er [of
PlpiiMl l 3'RßYP.,Rf,erctlmpfietodija.Oito town 4
0ci5tm3,1,0,40 doortet a colored
ebercb,vrhere:soprie , of, the,plaves !pre, sop-k..
'peiedito - berp: fork Yx•leredintelf4ere'arreed
trailibur- the vilitvetilttidsOed;'lind' , lt , is `egid'
'' {slAP 44 0 1 ',O/MS/OWN ir.6.4 he
itiolutions olLthirdiitst dioorrsoit convention
idg tbei Houser of tliiittOpirte iiinrittiale'ibiti
tislititi'OndeldOrikVivere" .
:t1; dt#o and
/ ;
, 1:'
r 0' PP* JlPtvoooftn;-miio ,thol Court .."4-
•• common' Pleistat ilkleittaAptir,oti , l3stWayil
ArenarJadsoni thrs wifethfr IVA., Z. '..Judson ;
*FdspilientenotidP tOtiht l o6o6linty lot'
in the -Aitor floc° riots, obtained di
divorce 0,011
va r r ay
_ottnaw , „ priportnk;„,, f
Bolt .1 to
. 111 1g9IMMtfrififraYWRitliftt OFlOrppx.
sadt/raltlint toter , I
AsistOs'!usiitanie*let, groat:B/%4 , 1
':(l4o#4.4l4ltiOnbei.l4' et k iyaja. during, the:
`silaitc*rM" Int 11 , ifitof ,
• WU.hp:Yil .ra- Idt'
0 1 ,FrAsP l aikOPMAilillifrO! !NOV
-9 Ifilerti °loan p t ie l li
colit'SSeptoth94/4 1 1t4r8. Au Wardliahooloredit'
~ reqbera g eor. ifeeretsrynot Etlate k lqtl4 Wvtitlis
A: , /igihotr i ttr , •r 1-
*Mtin! 24 4 l : 10 . be J!nga-449 , 1 010-*York an d
, 4 :'APIWATA I I I4II O9/ 41 3 114 q 11 4A ll jq )4010 Th l' '
MAllAtrt c . 39444l4ool o ßslatUrefi 4 v .)l,o_,'l
-,'- '40 16)141 0 , 10 14 4*qt i1 51 1 44040if f , 1
'4;41 1 444 - 411 1 fAtiliia ;. ai l
• THE. , 'ELECTIipIi' , :! ,- : •
. •
'j The, result of , yiliktiay may be told in it ,
Yew. t wOi'de. .The whigeero delsoted irk
whole fl i cker , with bal :: oee ; sxue~ FotiApd
'Oefeatti*(Ogy they okri l 'apathY'Oriti WOO
iirenceN The Influencti: of treaolt.Ousyttnd
tioltiog:yrhigs')Mit igittui;butilus
OVereome - ' had the s old and true
"friends of TAYLOR arid JOHNSTON COMO' 4rto:
the' work as they did lad year. When the
,risturfr..eome7in. in proper= fororifirdtifilit
not it will be fOond Mut at let47ontl;lo,jfiks,
rite haft remained at hoist, while that of oar ,
.opponents hqs been almosk 'T-01
92p!so RollliOg:tiok defeat could- follow sue -
aptieby. it is lamentable that them ould
be such indifference to the
reins Whiehlr"i4o involved, in, t hecontest; but,
so Whigs thOG duly, bpi
the-stay.agtome men have tendered, their,
exertions fruitless. .
worthy Candidate, !Or Shariftr-as
staunch and true a Whig rat lis CO,
linasthes been defeated, principally ;
cause 'ef'the.yielding of the Whiga to 'the,
kindly syMpathies which were exeited)iii
behalf 'of his competitor—who is also , in
point'of character an unexceptionable man.
Mr. Smith the locrifoco candidate for. Sheriff,
rate under very great advantages, particularly
in , the Carlisle dire/let, and secured many of
Whig . *Otes'tfirongh the active urg ing of his
'periuliar Claims. But if he had thus been
sustained by his townsmen, through elcieilly
feeling,lierhist Joe IVioDarmond has been as
triempheiitly itiisraiied by Iris immediate
neighbOreehd4cqiiaintances. yoke of
Nerdvjlle districeishows that the - character of
Joie& McDarmcmd is trulyihe praise of the
CommuriitY' in' Which he lives, ant will
prove to him a source of proud reflection in
the 'hciiir of defeat.'
, .
We iiave one consolation in the election
I,of our ,eicellent candidate for Ttetasuter,
Capt.' Ww: M. Potrria, of this borough, vedo
has received a vote generaliy, - ,and particM
larly at lioine, of which ,any than might be
proud. One hundred and filty : two votes is
Mr. Porter 4 Majoritg in his own town! • He
has also, as far as we ca ` t le*, run ahead
of hts tiakel,in severid-'ol(ettilaces, and is
elected 'without doubt.
that we have So tar been able to,ascer
tain of 'the result is imperfectly shown
the following table: .
West Wird -
East Ward
S. Middleton
W. Pennsboro'
Newville 'Die.,
Shippeniburg .
Leesburg .
Monroe •
N. Curiiberiand
Coffey's •
Gen. 4pathy has - utnloubtedly had oom.
Mend of 'lbeWhig lames, not onlyin Cuo%
berbind, but elsewhere, it we mayrjudge of
the following :';
,Returni from Abroad.
The following returns are reported to have
been received from abroad by telegraph,
this morning, and if true indicate that Gam
ble, the Loootoco candidate•for Canal
mieeioner, is elected.
Philadelphia—The Independent City fat
e is said to 6e elected, and the locoloco
candidate tor Sheriff.
Dauphin-800 majonty for Fuller.
Lancifitter-2500 majority for duller. •
Chester-300 for. Fuller. --a'
Waif/On—W for Fi
Allegfleny=looo for Fuller.
Weettiminlanff-2700 for Gamble. '
',Montgomery -2000 for Gamble. '
TIM MARYLAND Etzeridst . has termi
nated as !follows:—The Members of Coq
grew elect are equally divided as to num
bers.,, ; Me4ars. 'Bowie, Evans and Kerr,
higs,aro chosen in the Ist, 6th and.toth
and,Mesers. Hamilton, Hammond.
and. McLane, Democrats, in the 2d; 3d and
4th Districts. ...This result is a lossmf Whig
Member in the 2d District. . •
, ter,. this la ,a net Whig loss of seven the ,House of Delegates*rwhich
still ;eaves a Whig majority of 20 1 and'-the
reternelet to woe in will notiprobably-vary
this. majority.,,. The Senate it will' be recoil•
lected, elands 14 Whip', to
,7 •Heinixtrate.,-i-;
The election ot , a Whig.. U. SiSenatiminlhe
placi of ihe Hon. Reverdy Johnson : iethere.:
lore `,&% , f •
Ali ihe'COtinties but three been' , heard
tro;3l. The Senate stittiti . :s‘thi t inpaetetei
to 2'4:Wilts.__ the house it
Jemoorats - to i fia shigs, r ToWties;theter .
ottit/ eiitiilitikte`T9o3evetncir, Hasa majority
of hOll. 1 " '`"
.mire IS*. W AtpilL l'itkouN,E.-p-Thps
alerting Whig papek4ifill maintains its ,posi•
"R" 1 910 1 1 a d- 0 -9! 0 nTworPer)/Pre#Ottit
liii'scountri: W .,; o 4il 4 2? 4 sj),ftg.'? lll ,ll,itif-raavin
Ithe Country stfidueted,,wiiii the.iame amount
;nt.; Atatilkattil , LAI are.t, ;10 ; a otes" fa
•.prspec i t.,
icsn . itly,“pohlisheil . tor • 1850 Mix; proprietors
i sa,Y ;it...—.... , .m.ic- 1 ,, , , .., ;W' 14 ...: , 1 n, ~,,....,,,
. f tf,The,yrihusie iii - noar too widely known
'to nem:444nel elucidation, • Ipi conductors
aim, a `heli4ve l bily a r e enabled, to furnfsh
.. • inniuiti and variety inlor'niatinn
'intleyo,:whetker in its Daily,•Semi•Weekl
Pltr•nia , %kW, ,tattuffit than•call be Obleined,as
th° ?PitV'T I nu n• Thff 'rliPta,vpr,M,
Iriiii ef fair er 'ail , tit'lls,egeal in every, ; tiling
botondvelifilent nte io any 'BlO Daily in the
leorlil, iolntheirbSemi•Weekly M1418, -- find
11 11 8 ii4iliftfklY,01 1 1 ,112 1,..WiltaN i le ',a ff orded , td
club" - at
,v,ory,,rqduced , prices:. :paying pp
001 %bilk lidSritiari sribscribers,"iiemking ,po*
papers except for cash actually 'Peliklitlif
frivoled with a subscription almost it not
guile witlinuttparaller,ithef , liiit , iniaffealto
#061 3 r fix649 l o lB ,lpr.; l 4lkofig Asiliatance, Con'
Ir!EiPtilden°flg a WatiWirPW°9l ,l l lo, l.l"i?,4l. 3 7:
foto,' a 6 ado . , .
1 vattith64-111DdiN Tiibtme,'"(qiindity6 '-eitz
pepted) . l.theechoice of three .editionei per
ila7.44sltzfbillth:l euPerlroVall.ltheet; f0r.05. per
0 annul. ‘Sems- Weekly nibune, (etertyllAil l ,
taliesdayend,Sattuday)parrie six° Pith! al.
osll.2,l'k l sot Th averair. Pt- er l
oolkottw , pagri , .tiii..bOlnriiiiiive" 'h;l62 1
oriamiten'otlitemeopies lon 66i , 0 coopier
b0 1 ,9:10r101#4Y"Ileir. ApLerini a illpeiss for
9.+:r I:Vi m p i l n qVii.§ l .Y , Allt l iko99qPtPlch
pa qua Op when the ;siren of 1
rent elpilllis 6 6/06481`7'181tlerif!illi144K
ully GornOini ks
teditpecirßiaying , Ban, , el,/
ieriitiparoltifithisitifill Pribikiipii",L *
ovinv.tovaridtmertified ili;thalP4466o4lN
tlaklitiligithgniql W 6 00p(1.9130tialgyop; all
ItlfYil„RPT,Hrown , 411,0 P71%Vi
)1 plied im . aspor /4,3lpEisam i tt i , 1
netatitg; Picrii 'it iet.' ' , — 4- " " 1 " ' :tu , ott , 1 ... ii
' ' - , • - ',':''','"hlitlittln'',.;''4wl
. ~,,.',' ',
.. 1: .
--,- ' •,,- For tdi go p(d'
-4t E . TART' NCA i :-
t ,
M:.,,' E ,... NT . .
. •.
i tl 1: . ›.."Ntwytritx, Ociober 2d; )80, I ' 1
IV—Thr9Ugh the columns,cif,yottr. ,•
p,. r,1 4 s to take some notice "ol•ntrith- , , , , 1 4
!mils Id at this place a few ..vstielcs ago g .%
bad:: idols its friends called a ( Wintery En.;.:.;
c pinent ;.
.., :
I.,would' elate - hre that in the remarks'
whieli7l shall make, it is not my
wisl3o,mongd„the ..feelings....„ol,lanylonest ! ,-
iainatyartparelldiaposed person or Persons*ytegattended thelpormkaotint , at ,
anY'tnab-dtirifig `qtri Cofitrribinite.• 'These ..
however'ere ilOl "likely. -to. feel ,insulted by
what Labatt say; : Those of an„epposite chkr, t.
acteriilfeirt.ihis:- abbe Will - fit; kre' 'Wel:Mine
.to..P_utat.en.4,..itgainst.- military-Meetings' in - ' .
general I have nothing to say. Wlheo,ges up, ei,
for the porpoise of a proper oiiiirlization—''
proinotieg.a...right,public spirit,',s , rfund-when - r
Conducted se as,to,littaie these; objects,t,they!•
'tire' exttistkble . 4 . in • tact commendable, '',,, put', •
iviletiritt such ( tin'itkiiiitgli•the" ovily,eliiiii,per.,
,ceivable ifierifent-the ' only •vtgoiiii4loni
,pronioted..,rowdyienr,boldirisg: its•leyele., in;
baeclianalienkongtf in the stro ete,„at the hour,
'Oriniiiiiigitivhen they dra;vv together and.
permit : ; the .gimibleg thiefi'ind 'cutthroat , to-
pursue each his respective. avocation—it is',
theu.the duty, ot , eyery,frien d • of. peace and'
order to lilt his voice, aniteither petition,for,
the abolition of at/Military viseetingii:,Ok hold
up .tlf.publiri execration' Mos* who get ' tii) and'
sustain , e,one• in iquestion.Et •-f • •I
Of, the volunteers,whp attended, it may be
eisid generally, - that the conduct of thosele
siding in the neighborhood, was testi, itlim
ble than that - id Moire from a distance. ' 'i
'-. ,The niceting. had heen. advertised l in. the ;
pipers and handbills to comretethie on,Mon-1
day . thll7.lli.l'FrOM this titne until' ~Thpret,.;
day nicht:Sim When it broke 'lip, 'Might; be ;
seen 1 (day and,' night). in 'end ' areatal" like
f`Reed-Quattene , '-,a, Imams that if would be
an unpardonable sin to call itliotelr-44 any 1
thing else than' arpggery 7 r-M ight be seen, in
_peenniscuiiteliiissitjtibi l aigen—fiehghtfulhemllt;; .
.813 n-t-a. crowd of seldom lees • thinfilly,,..
sometimes two hundred personi=black p d'
white-ragged and, w ell-cl ad,--old and y• ' ilig !-
flock and rich'—:B6lKber and citizen—. 'f' 0" Wi
slid civilkuiLlVagalitind imilgentleinan'', ' i't:
the honor et -Abel-name ' however, Ithail l ,' ' • ~, 1 ,1
said there were few of the latter)aliengeigtiiP,;
in Opt serious drinking, except sucltas , had /I,
tiltea y enough, and, were ; laid 0nt..,.„,The..!:
very'att eitohtid this; groggy eirilt•Wits* 11°1111-'l-,
teiL• You:might!, smell the 'stew_.•of tobacco- ',
smoke and.rum-elope at the distance l ot one .1.
fourth Of etude. Even.the dogs on the street II
avoided tet injected loc a lity. , from .this l!
hole; AMA ? rages --'after being prope r l y" bad. ',
ed--wouLlfaue in bands into' the istreete j •.•
and, 01694/it lull-military license; go off . in
the forpeff,tf:.newloineil baths; low., , black. •
guaidisine Obiceee songs--sting at the load- I
eat pitch4thd Minks to. females.' Buell : was l;
'the conduct inlhip village,
wince el this-handsome - NW • ;
On Wednesdaiforenoon, wishing to knoW
if the camp ,greeented any thing more .coin !
mandible, -1 teilketilthither, dieitant one h a
mile. OR arriving' at . the fence which stir.
'rounds the field in_which the tents were '
insetted, onectl the first objects . %Inch met
my eye, Wait a email wagon cOntaming sev
eral ooespante, :Seated around a table or stand,
•Ori *Welk - were. scattered gold , silver, dice, '
end sell the other•travelling equipments of • a '
baud et professed gamblers. Passing by the
tents I saw seated, in one of them, four indi_
ridmileierigaged in a game of all;fonrs. In
.ancalreitent , a
.Three' handed'-grime of. the I
satne.kind AVBll..itt ,Orogress. 1 nein • turned
my.,,stacettion :to thetnilnery; who were at the
time ainder.l.parede. '1 saw a body of voluti.!
leers Sasdlionnatifficers commandi ng them ; •
but I soon discovered that theniiistpitweefel
commander on the ground waft—Alcohol.—
... 1
- finUssAint - 4, -indeed, but still most , actively
engaged; was 'his MO, the potent .Captain
Whiskey. 1 saw thiehigh.epirded individu.
At occupy. :several' important • poste-4n : the
soldietit , finake--its their can tetene;--m olit'un.
.forlunately he aim:ended in getting into: the ,
.behile of a considerable number, and officer-•
likeicaused'llieje arrest. About one dozen- 0
OC,lbole, thuti - pur - here-de-combat by the gel- -
halt captain,. I . saw stretched in their dents,
laskitig in alt the glory of conscious lode-
Tendence: 1 then-left the ground. . 1
have said that the interest' of the encamp-
nieni cotnutenned'on 'Monday morning. Thn
military fire which was then kindled, oontirs. i
"lied to increase,tn &nen. , until Wednesda y .evening about dosk,lkheri ,it burit, forth ,in
ii.giand'blest; in' ifieelle
1. e bra geneal knock
'down, drag-out dog fig in the street=-Ia
' .. whtikweire 4.3,sehatiged, nl, t indeed, honorable
soars and Wounds made ith sword and bay
onets, but bleeding noses and bliok'eyes with
'thumb and'fieite. - , .
• I-Thia I.owevez.was justly considered at the
time es a delivery—expluehm—or rather an
oozing-oat of that 'ewfbl state Of high military'"
excitement tinder which the'whitle thing had
been travailing since Monday morning': cud
thabrowd dispereed, satisfied that taking it
' all together ; It was a' moat hilidat'ine affair. , ,
I' have several`times, since heimetainpment•
broke up, heard the question asked "did . you z -
:ever see sieck.A.,.completd failure? .After alt
;the artiagenieati : Made, anerlaboi undergone!,
I,to get up something considerable, how name' • I
it to besuch a ,cOmpleteilsileire 1"- - I' 'esisitot
agree the} it wite,Mtogether a failam ; „If the
:object' or lbe • friend!: of the meeting
; eyes
•to assemble a large number 'of volunteers Mil'
A:multitude ofepeotito.ra, then it wait' a fall4s.
'ma ',hitt in infikifing-deep and , serious injury,'
onpsia l tietiety,Oby have' been Most unfortet,..
;Gately , successful. The meeting , conthibeil
but three days. •Three years will scireely !Ml
;Bee dilfianteriect iteutlemoralming,,e/fects on ;
i the'comintinity. • -
1 . Ma. Baverv-7-Having given this accemat of '.
, ; the meeting, I Wish In - cell' gilt m
-,or t,hatportion.ofit.which talAes an:intereat lit '
enolt,thinge,te, a levr„ facts . , in ,coneleision.--•;
giari•direiit hie buil:Ansi, and Itiecineit Must
,be.proportionlite to the effent.l' l .Vheretexit'Of' '
.t hele . telm
eeting.ta be f etto :outrage .piaprle, 1
sy,,ce t
.q - 1 , - 4?4leßfnu°R 4 enle. ,, infenrelY l
sueletV;l6 hcair the tone of moral feengl
lln'indivit le, to lower the standerd.loralt-' ;:
4 1 respect.. nd •no benefit either lathe coin-.
'manity,m, tote Inia,b.eim„reapeklefietiret.o 7 -
1W.h 1 6 MIX' bead the canoe Of 'this annaCeamty
infhetuginjuryiLlWeislt-the-enblicil-i Nii..-:=l -
Illetithelpublio,,voiceteemmandedw,the • lawi of
'the Stittit'enfointd, or pull& necesidtrxequirrj, ;
led that such.a meeting :ghoul., takti•place,how-
!etielvninidillhifighletegreic.the -oWl' ilniaitlin - y .
::dotresttedlitteetzW,buld 2 .CohimandomienceA'Aw; '..,
1 " mi l l'ugh.}9l l Ao, , ballrlisli;AnffALSOPlitiou:.l ,
that' thilitjurr was don't+ .18 .1 - otirAo! t.',l have
illitidy slid nerPfiblviiitilitY dit,Pessibly le. '
'Saki , ' 'OOO6 I ' ..,,, '1 , ,01 •,,, , .I ~....... A , ••,::, ,' :. O. , :.; ;ad ,
bo,fhßtiAngst Yo.qPoPsiblettThose)
,who got, up the monting, and for whoop. par,
!titialst'binefit vial; up: ,Shall these things
bet- Shall such' , men flei 'permitted to
'halve' io-
Spence! :ThtlY mtiy , ,prnongst gamblers inn'
ruffian!. Mellow feeling arising frinn ionimpp,
interests and similarity-of linrenlts, will nat
urally them Hitt' no long nor'; the
free , fauil Terrialns',soperlor tta:
the Military, let, thein,berpre how they„Abritsf,
,of honest meri,
irr i rhOltioitti:CbannyniCtitiotilratitues
in ue from 'ti'
we Aid not , attend the'eneit'infomitif, do ''
likinflotittithiti, 'We t hhei'Aiury'abiaiii&l
he scenes which. trcultibiteq, but • ire 'ka l e
tio t i v oti v,Ji
=irk aS • • )V.V.
l. . . . .... , ,
I,C. , PA V*lll i ~ ,M#141•14ollt ATIONId:it ' si r;itfdi-;
04 10 1 1 ,.: !,h na1..W?f10... Priceit, Of Storni 4 if ~; lifinfiliodk
' A T' 47 ifi LE ' -- AfkY td. 3o qi lifbcorifiV.u94l o ,-3 1 o7 ,, offaffge-i
oiffillal.,Off4feicfAii44o;hiPiti,Eitfli ; 161 0 6 ,'Bli 4 !)-
; 1 , 0 4 '1 tgif if IVfid,!7Co".tiO OC , ,iti run :1)1104 . ifOldli,
. 110Oefiififi Iliffolop fie' lois ~ Oflsif 4ci.bilf.',;of 1 ex:ili
lOefoiknoik;thflioni f 'Ojai coOrt , Ot;C
o iloff .w
104;goofOgifit1 that-his possouio „ firdf!i
f 1
!OfOffll- jodfiliOndeot 'iiiiiiooli:Ti 4n;;Cfliiii,;:r:fiO;):
~, .
r 7 7:l#l l l4 .3 °P) l fflgt i l. giti - ...Yr Lt . . ov a l 411T,K1 ..,
1 .. '. flo iitiffittoW„lll , Te t aaifi 4014,44--oflhlff
Veollife i gf.§itYlitigt o 'mien '!.11i4 - ..#liolit l i:
1 t o uilliat 1 4 1 :, t n, ,w051i.,,,,.:,,,,,,,:.,...
• 1 , ~..
!. 7 1TRIIY4kati'4agfirg -, flratrOMPltii:V . ll. , ;
Ittir l / 1 0NRNA 0 Priii°4lk - Coriiiy3OH
`llO, a ,it0ier,,, , , , ,, A,,,.,,....y.1'. , ..Y , 64t , y;: .. .%; , , ,, a ~,..
0,1,... ,, h., 6.,7l:qtlau,,ipt..l4o7iftioii4T.b4ll:',4mf'Pitli3tiv,
.11„te*,11WItOPM. '
_lo7l3iitleWe,Panadt'Arrived, at Jersey
Piti2o:Thilisday..-ithi444'.;bringhg •
( dates
to 2litielt.:-'::Wiigiri a. BUCIT of thelotel-
Pietioil:reoetii4 .- .: . , ', ' k ' :,,,, ~,, ~, , -:t ,
4thytig",t4eiY,4iiniinuirolai ite ms le "Maiiced the
'utatentent that: , faintrablit; hive . - been!'made , for
Ariericon'wbent,-tii-le landed-r , ln Landon; free
`.of, oltetiaigiti,*2W - iier quarter :•"--:
5.:7 ,- 140 - Chiculat - , of. Brown & Shipley, Of Ale!
elt.,etatie - the cotton' market to , be dull and
lanrikwitheat however any , alteratinajo„, Ir.
titiebl7'llii -r iiilis - Of the - weili'Are • 28, I l
bales, of which 7,730 were for speCulaillm. and:
2i4eMlits'eliPOttitien:• late ' preaetiPsfoCii i in - 1
port is ' , estimated at_ 578,000 bales, of .which
419,0001 a AlliCtleath The reports of inereas-
ling disease.lathe:potata crop, canted iii 04010
Ol!„ol,ittosorn;andleferior.qualitletof.Amerl ,
,gen - ifenr—on,,,,n.ccotik4 ,of ,whielt _thijOrper
liaviiiiedle tio . guide, antEtfielatiell a do.'
Is.,,pei..beirrel , "
.With; ,th.etie - inKoPtionsv• 18 1
Market Air the week closed is balite. i 1
iftexaviii.4The poteltoe disease Ise yond all
i t
doubt, extending intb`sevekt - district , and th
low prices of potatoes in the -count markets
are. attributable; in some degree; to the ohmic
of the farmer', who-arisen:tout to' dispose of
their,eraps...,lajDnblin ,market,thp supplies-of
Unit ~t ild petitoes srelitcreisitigisind the starch
Manufaetuiete are ptifehtislog•largely. •' -A: fat;
map, froralSwords; neir;-Dublin,.soll. several
!pals, 0, n,iliseased,state, at throe half pcnee '
'per Stone. B ut the dileine is still very pertial,
aria ;Inlome parte the blight bat not appeared,
.and mestwbundaot.kEren still a
fair euppiy of the mid ; potatoes - Way tie.eiticut
kited upon. ' , ":“ :, - --,- , „:
Aiisinia . :kb Iliiititeae. , :;=The' l legit se: 1
ecn - TfilEs - from Viiitiosaietendlcrihe 13th instan4
inclusiveiyoied , bring the. inteiligenee !of the 1
inTrrender,or Peterwirdein to the, imperial
troops oii theAlbsitist. - Part' of i the.-Megyai
garriseptheaded,by,the Commandant Kiss; de;
aired-still to hold out, but the; majority, deterl
in laid'--so,PraiiPo longvir resistince. - '-Cdmorti
had Ooteurreridefediand large supplies of mar.
like.ttors badbeeolorwarded to the Austrian
treoPichi, , OrAif to 'undertake bes ieging S opera;
lions '', the -
.atitilson-Of Comem • was Sidd 'id
• emotlot to $5;000 0e.10,000 men, and to IM'well
supplied'vvithprovhdons;but in a staieof com 4
plate indiscipline.,
s_ _ , .
:The -Wiener Zeitimigierthe 'l2th, dohleine
so_ etliet,,reseirating• the, prohibition to.,,espert
Atistriengold and silver carpi which anis passed
Ili liliii:lB4B:' , ' The' Eniperor 'of' Attitria ' re;
turned' , toiVierma - cm ilic , lithien 'lila war 'to
Sir,ia l . He,„tvas.aceomptteled by his wife, ,and
:ph:Stelae, end 'hie escort, the Austrian Mope,
.Airdiessy. ' He Wisritili suffering from,a' wound
,io -his head received at Colton). , ' - ' -,.,,. „- 1
Marshal Radetaky had arrived at.Vientiam—,
- illa,receptiab wills 'meat brilliant. Tile sthiile
of thifluunidipalaidthorities went to-meet hire;
I elld thesleeeetatiere . filled,with enormousorowde
I whoeheered hinvocifer*iy. Colonel Nise i '
the cenitiandentrof Peterviardein, aid' CM.
&Whey, formerly, cOtannindatit of Camoro; are
stated to; have hemp. ghat , by ,the , Austrians. ,ii ut
the ..intelligenie requires ;,confirmation. The,
Austrian Correrpoudent imitates tiro !enema:nt'.
' porting' from Georgey. - Owe ireddreased'
from Arad, on the 21st of, August, to tbelltis.
, siao general s Akdigar.--Ile states that his object
in vidirrenderingwould Ami - to Sails' the eificiion
of blood, and to Infertile-his fellow 'citizens,
i whom be was too, weak-any longer to protect
from at least the Miserief Of war. 'Me hopes
the otherlenerals svouldlollow his example,
and rely upoik the Emparordlove of justice not
to deliver" theqiungartan peeple Unarnied' into
the hands oftbeir enentiaa: Georgey adds that
he and his corps would rather a
desperate battle with the Austrianti ,than sur
• •
render to theta. "
l c
Official mono cif ,Betti'a arrest' ba'tt been
reeeived it Vien Hostilities raconomenced
at 00M0171 on the ti. ' Aoseuthili'bank notes
to. the nominal value of 1,100,000 florins, had
been burni by the Austrians.- -
According to the Vienna journals, of the. 13th,
80,000' men aril-to besiege Comorn, undr the'
orders of Gen. Hayman and Nugent. Thiaboni.i
bapirrieut wee to commence on that day.
Three 11urigelan billet:Abed been put to delt
at Arad ind'iTemeswar, one by hebguigr
'the "estates 0: two were ,contiscatisd.. !L"
• On the 4th the new Austrian constitution was
farnially protioigaied, 'at 'Agram; befere the
CouneiLof thellanit of CrotiisrandAtieliocal
.1 ,
The I€lllo'iit Hobo ' Office addr!isiMd"!Wetter
stir' "
tis Gen. Hainan, compakoilitiiinglim niaL...pier
vicinities Huogrguentallponferting Apr Mut 'the
Prose:of the Order atiihe — Guelphs.:', , , .
• 'lr is ' offola ly stated that:the Ad - steins! Got.
lernment bas tnststedbipon tfit — Poit'S-fnithfullf
executing the convention existing between, the
two countics_for . th e, mutual delivery.ef closer.
Isis rod "p ersona hcchsed Cif certain offence,.
both.ortintrist cud &Weal It ...... 4 ‘tisegmetitlY Miles's
the ,Turkish autlirithss .eonnive at Abe escape
of ilia Hungarian ` and other leaders , anti their
intichreirel who !bete °triaged into WM' Turkish
territory, many of the refugees run the risk.of ,
being,givam,pre, tojbe,Aastriah .aathoritioa l at
' SPAlN.—Tbe tl ,Wai steamer Alerts and Cid,
and an Ambrican etiiii freighted for the purPoie,
had left Algeziras for 'Melilla, conveyingothe
ad battalion' of „the Almansa regiment,, and; a
sduadriii of cavalry, with 500 to 600 volunteers
of the Ceuta regiment. Provitiointwere scarce
at Melillo,se . the 'Moors bad cut off the:Mind
supplies, and were expected to make,ap attack,
no the place. . .
AcCounte , kept, Madrid; of the 12tbdInstint,
Mention romoran ,f. t• cbangeyorministry . , and,
state th a t Gin. libirvez, who „Continiies indis
posed,littribtitel,hleillneln to poison;'Whlch he
rays ivas•adiniqistered Whim ,iti a cu;f °lotion.,
Ciliate. The finannial coadition of llfialu is dolt
Warming ; a riatleial biatikruiney' is imaiiiiene.
The 'deficit lo! the ' year *ill 'be 350,-
000,01X1 v'ea15:„.,,,„1... i i !- ' -',..c r .' ..71
' L'lltristA.,4a :cider to repair the losses nue.:
bilged bylbe Roslanlfroope in,Rungary,,from
cholera a nd tha'stinid, the Emperor bas order
d a fresh levy of recruits. The•Grand:Duke
Miehaisleapired , itaWarieW•on ibitilthpq The
Emperor quittadYltiersais , for St; Piitersbdrgh :
upon the 1001, Ind Wlltnotrithin to' Warsaw'.
anent , Prinesorhiskineritab has , resumed' ale
[ functions of governor-general:
1 - „
1 i Itlmil.y.:v—lNlXVlcrs ,, Obliss.4.4be 'lstectobli
henflp accounts 00.011,1toam add potting to,our
IttitiWhidge o f die prbwiiiii result of thp,negotii
I l aliens betweetrothefrefibh Sind l'apalbillthorP.
lies••,,ktiki,Powevrikaeld by some of trierreneb
mirnals, that the Papal Government hab shown
half more disposed to, yield the depend( of,
ibb.araiieh President; though' its measures biie
PPbslii 9 Jflt'S.49? 1 0 sallskst(APlL t '...i '`7 it; +no; 1
i i P rom a:pr.oplidialuiii of she Pontilicial ee . m.
;Wiener liZiffatniiiiiity','J'artrasigiiiir s.lleldiiit
I I Med ..P9loginiAlle;'lllbi we ‘, learoLablit6ardied,
I bands Oil. continue , lierpre, about .the cuddBr,l. ,
and 'it %Mind i bippeat, Rat create' COnbidelablii
bleriti.i , :Aiiiitbervprosilifination by Count Etta
slag of stu,lsSo ll Oates SISSOOsai 041 gftiVestiiiel
'ca ma; , s itt scour ttai infested , parts of th e
kiiiiiittilnl:eleiyi dia.:63o,A; in& iiiiiiiiiieldlf
. 1! brigendvarho , mar! fall :ilia' able
panda • • ~. , 1 • ' 41 . ' ." '• ''., fi •,;,,, ' ••,I.Lf'•; crAtevi
Accthints from Rome autp mat um French
hltimituns!hid , beini batieid. to 'three' Obits,-
tie itir enliniilkOtatitopwith a Aeliberate!Voille
for the interior; a partial amnesty; ip_it, tpe
payment of the debts ,contracted by the, P rovl.
' i on ic G c o ffiro t n io,,
.i.11;(' ~ J. ' W C .' r) W al iP.III.
1 ; /t . 4es l 9mPlJlßkilftn 4 l'POrk sail Morll':over1;
diy_!that ad arrangement may soon be exiisotrid,.,
,_ The Pals* publishes a very long letter (bo'sn
Remeidatedittin Otte ion:, from*hichwel instate
lbe r° ll °wllfPlllikts'r!,ll4 ll. o% , flilitPst;Ps -,
ranged, and' hatquicker an
agincli•Alrelidythey bight Way at Gaeta' Abet
tbe l dialculties,ars tillt histAcigountable. ; ;L'liree
means have even bn pointed ,out in, the most ,
recent confences, whiclil. will reOlitifillifitti.
Pie !Erest:Snis/i Willi sibioh , that atlas slip Ideal(oi
"sgi l a AIIIPPIO 4 .I lit is.I9 I ?!IIIPPAs S 4
sii a t ß olog na ;at whi ch Bathe powers
be\ itortientddiiiiiltellYard'iliieitialii iiilghll Mb'
discussed le,,praseneteot ;the:holy' frithesle, IM.
it;lN= w it a l f g l iklgirte' I :f k l i ll &Vail:f i n ° .
il,m3lifswisif , isliwins'arbiliti!thei hap islitint
Ur , Pr9P"iiitel recit/P° 'PASTF bihe
itr Ow 0) Atii Ifit cannot be eased eupp
Mat Int adoption th isi pain livouldl beak` iibehk
fur. Fruit...aim third means, itiuldnacogigh,
thsfilferSiVanslits pplliwusiki i'i ISks'ilfS 9 10 14 0 7
Teal fi'h . iithifi'aer ' s with France. ' " ,' .-
Acharding soltlieGdadoptimf•Turibllba,MQ
'rchy us #awerliiirt,ipcnn i ciftsliblioASsu
rug& with : the ranch nee°
~. revery day ,
i Anil llikily; andci, e,' divisions o 'the Glivbiar-
Otillit Commission •Itielftsio also
M'llltrtfri,alßgnis4,ol.4,44 inA.m1443,,
I ' f rlnt• iii itseid °g the ',stein of ,severity
acted on ' by the Austrian Getinfrut alfilisiildat
'lllls'fAsSilligr'phlballdtvUilmiltder r nudacutibrirY
° f i r riNflittleVlrrril i liet , 40.0 d e ptvitir
.iv ,a, WI , pee, os- gl' Nue e ri t tri.
*aapliWtylthOitp. , ihti 40040 1 ; 0r •64 itig
41 5/ tH rAit i 'VAl Ai 400 9N pootif
ft ,
to d' eto tiers :us they pH. d,si,v.igorous
rt isatiV`WiP,a Oiiiifiiii '
.)u . eailtii WW I
'eclipe, .• '.,, .:' . ' ~... , ~, ~ , i - t . )?1 OP), .
li 44 11:0 7 C 8 e 44 044 • a i 1 #1 , 11.Rii . 141, , ,k4
„S 0,..: . c i,indrthe - mane, •,," kliusc et' tbu I
•• Au.SUu t ,flitr'vliiiidiiitui . I twin'''. 1 3 !'!"' 19 •J'I
'Theatre Ifs a hew Piece, one of thit.ackirs,
havink.',l 'pun .4%li:totaled to,cast rldituliNsport
the inconsistent character, of the French' patiple ! ,/,
the publit encored:it with a' frantic enthuisfarms
Fasstoz. ,6 .-The , tiortfollooVpublie instrim-V:
lion has been 'confided 'ad tritirim:lo,lVl,
rdiniller of 'Agriculture, ;and ComMerce.di
This fact has given rise to a satiety 'of, Others:o
all, however', agreeing in the ontsipeigt - Aftheq.
speedy and final retirement Oflit'diirelloitz.
from the pe bidet on account of the existence '
of dissensions on the Roman question. •
Accounts *bleed from 'several of the de
p rtm enl. ll / 4 4:00 .11 .1 end, us. lo..suppeacc,,thaf,„the
laborebf ,regisfritliOlifeittliy Will not be
resumed., Nil eetisits4qt,ken, or fiftktktidYll
'lretWttli& Hod lsriginallY:rnerilibliell fottarter ,
meeting o Ahrs Chamber. in this case the dis-
catmint's pri the ,Roman (Maiden will net Conte' ';
pn° before, ITSii , pr : •.l.lithy,whers, whatever i
differenee'of Opinion on that subject may exist 1
'ln' the- cabinet=-:if dttlerelleit "tee By"!
eZlst-4.111 be. de'veloped._ •
It serstak-that-the resignation of Goners) Roy- •
.10h111:Will-nOt-615 06C4ted,...;
We learn frOin Aetna of .the stli instant,this
the Cardinal .triumvtritte MITA not only 1 11 11 0
out with FranceAut haveabioltitelrfallen mit
with themselves. Though so few in umber,.
they cannoVagretOindt soino.Ctiatige must tskis
place to get rid of thrtdifficulty: •
There us,..reason; to'believe that the Cabinet .
of:Vienna sincerely t approves Of the four points
of the President's pfogramme md has engaged
to co-operate• in . . overcoming ;the' Pope's' scrti-
I Q . 14, - and indueing, hofinesti to ' return to
, Rome. Rtinlin'taki 'the same - view as Austria-,
respecting the necessity of se,pularizing the goo-
vernment of the The Czar, at
the head of, theSireek . Church, ismotmt all dis
pleased. to see Pius IX. and the Cardinals shone
of-powers which they have too
the"brat of- purposev - •",
All sorts of runlets were afloat respecting a
change of Ministry , but node appeared to rest
upo goo do authority.
, .
CAL WOR Q.OLR:—The .f o llowin g state
ment bei been furnished by the U. S. Mint,
The. deposits olCalifornia Ovid
' to the 31514 - August, wertil
At the Philadelphia Mint ' 61,740,629 07
At the N. Orleans Mint . 173,918 73
' 04 "' .016.53 80
44,177 8
Add the deposits of 1848
Total deposits from California 11;960,715 80
The Coinage of Gold Dollars at
the Mint ,In Philadelphia, to
the 31st ult. was 4462,539 00
At the Branch Mints to July 31st 1,33=7 00
Total Coinage of Gold Dollars $595,766 00
:Coinage at the New . Orleans Mint for the
' last. three months; adding•alst Aug. 1849: •
t 1849.1 No. Gold Pieces.
June . • Gold Dollars 45,000 $45,000
July ditto 70.000...70,000
. i•Gold dollars 100'0°01440,000
August ~'•4,000 r
Total 219,000 $255,00,
[1849] No. - Pieces Silver.-
June Halt Dollars 340.000 0170,000
July - ditto 440,000 220.000
August' • ditto ' 200,000 100,000
Total Coinage for June, July and „Aug.
pieces of Gold *.19,00..02.55,000
pieces of Silver 980,000 990,000
• •I.A Nam RACE, HITHERTO UNtrivoww.-44
exchange furnishes us with an account of the
recent discovery of a new race of people,, who
hive beep found the interior of Africti, ab
partakes , somewhat of the marvellous' :T est'
men,are represented to,be" ationg -and: .power
• fully" built, standing seven fn. seven', and .a half
English feet la'height, an'd blac in color,
;although-destitute of the usna I ;diameter ethic=
groes features. Mehemit Ap simian expe•
ditl 9n ,up• Abe White, Nile in search : of gold,.und
AteVetiound this rice of penple,,Ofteep,hnndred
of whom, awned to the teeth, came down to the
here of the river where , the vessel lay. The
name of the kingdom i s Bari, and its capital
Xatenja. They raise wheat, telmectWifto,and
manufacture their own weapons. They are
probably the ancient Ethiopians spoken of in
by Scriptures.
, •
Co/rosin:ow or Hents.-,-A convention wet
held at Nashville (Tenn.) on the 15th inst.; for
the purpose . of examining into the claims' of the
descendants of Wm. Augustine Jennhige, Who'
,thndliotestate In Suffolk, England, in , 1179, leatr4-
ng an immense property, now estimated ,et
some 11,40,000.001—euneistieg of divers bank
, end other stocks, mortgages and landed prOpei ,
ty, Bcc., still unsettled, and lying in the.hands
ef the lifritish Gorernment, suttlect to tho claim
and Ofeihri
outs' reside , in.Tenneuee,•ll4ississippl, Virgopiq'
end Indiana. • -
first steamboat that entered the Mississippi was
the Enterprise. This was in 1815, ;, was only
about seventy tons Wittiest'. She tonli 2S days
to go Irons New Orleans to Cineinnit4land.the
price of passage was 130;f), Pavllngeotihsv• " 41.
rages five , days. , The Entetyrise had a single
wheisl placed In the stern.
FLoittuaixotaws.—The Satfatind'lthingfeat,
of.,She 21 . th ult., says that no forjher
linos. have been, committed, and that; thmtglt,
several accolints have been madi,signs, have
tieen discovered.'. Two donipantes olmountelf
volunteers,. one , under ctimmhh&.ol 4 thiptain
Esther, from Tallahassee, have, passed dews:
south, noder ordeirs from ; 06f.,01,05e1y., • ,
tIOVERNOR 'OF ajor J r p,„
liei t m v of Keuteeky, the Repuhlip, pingo.
?PIN Otte been appointed UciFfnu,oro4,9teggno ,
In the Place . of, IYIr. Puggini •whe, deigipeit,
, PPointintin,‘ • ~!. • .;I.'
1 P i ••; ' -.
--, ', o lonf Jilt
` l VNPREIUDiCEp.!Le , p0,1°0184,
ti{ be siPtelitilleid agtiliStifils'notifritlyeeele
heated, to despise this advlher Writ bit
Used immediately on pain being felt I no matter where
It'may beimhether In this head of feet, Whither It be
ht tbeiback pr, abdotnin,,Whether,arlaing firearesteW)
sat otintetnal chose, use the Brandieth'a Pillr,,anq,
rely It r that the palfl will f go, the body will 1140
restorid .tp,healits as, soon ae. nature i batt,tecetOte,
e AtaiiNtlit from their effect:
? The quantity of Impure humors dischartedi Ilea'
1:41.4 b ib Vc e Pt c rro 1 1 I .‘
1 i le e jltrAin; firlft;Pigii .
ella blood, by the, digestion if a.lnodstste Asset., !Ityi
urelpg the body with this medicine It 11 Wholemmiti:
f blood becomes entirely ritifiedeti rimettitirted. "
ihatthe bloinfektes tier Octopi , immune is
lln Ititiute_sl,ltterelbsti j shall ' say tha iincttt,
egy Or LtlPL'it ' most , Ow es , t pe • tea of diseaie.-
S Olssestt be, in the, blued, we ,ithouli; , tritc#4l.ol.,:,
titt__loiinty',4Mt'the blood: it Is Bib IMP riti which
MI Ps Iten4rlnl,lo tiffireet too tar firieurd , ou health, ,
Biel statesnf the weather, In all simatiqns, andin,,
111 ilimiteh, - 1 1 .ThW: bleittnlikiWitiod splilt.'l2 al watul '
trying - to benefit threbody by ita.strieglee Ao :.01101,1
purities. But it is not. capable to elfbct its own
ritlcation at all times r , :to do:this It must often
aye as (stance. ...When the bluod,is loaded lAthi,m
I .
, uritie ' impede'', In thla ellitatiel that anise eaWi
may be. fetal, provided the Mood
„Is: not put Pod ell
once, and this I.'sw:a to !Weaned If BreindretWii
Pills are used. ~.,..::::7:-.32; , , it r.
Sold In Carlisle at 25 cents per box % CIIARI4BB
-PAVlT;trtiy. , S. Outbettsonti IThlppensburgis 11,
0. ripthentan, New .Cumberland i N. !tttner, In
S P lremenstown ; .I. Coyle, Hoguestown. •. - 1 ,-,,
't • 1
, ' .
laklrCrin!efook .& 'Cu ,/a'cf,f l 7,,4oolQ i ,
con'ilstioeof • ' • '• 1;i",
; The Genuine Balm of ,Columbia, foe .realorihg ;ALM
'' " '
Mang's- Magical , Palm Exlricior, !biz shd'
Sures, - , e.
,; • ,
I riewegi Neitieand'lloneldelitieoi Ydf
'ltr,.;dcicalr'd , Acoustle , All for.,Denfeelli:i
ILinlnteht for.the Pllea.
Comstock & Co's CoticentratesifOompouiid FlttldlJ
I 'tract of Sarsaparilla, for piirifying the
Drilpubn'a Sick iteadlichelhimedy • '
the Mother?. Relief—all
Longey's Oreet'Westeriv,Pdtsa ea:
Ris Pg. 14110 9 latsrti.EXß9ool4l4l 'grip
Iltolmatomea VermilUgataf
, And hire Brown's celebrated ifali'llfiller; • 1111'. , /
for re'lef In, Cboleia .motbuiir ,Uyaaniaryc Cuts.and,.
Artilget, heath* Cities ton' Win 'Orbeut; /iO." %Warr
'tikFai Wr4Bl4lllrar iiPpiled MI a rr,0414.1/411,thealmaa
vO a 'praparglionaovhich tvitnt - of.rediki proven*
ulikdeakiegitif;morequirtioularly. , .blif 'Which have ,
ohiallZed the highest; celebriiy, ore , for, sale In Car- ,
iby iCIIIARLSSIOGILOY;';',OIe r igiht,
dIPlftl,!” , !IV frf 8 ; 111 1; rlfil'.9lollP9°Pl!,:,!
~ •,,,,, ,
_.....,--.„ ,„ ~
ii,..,....,„,r, , ,v EA '. IiEA D !L—An teem , __. _ _
rebie remedsNTa"P"'"‘tio*iouxu.‘ers4r o ge' i .oE4t a o,ofjuk i f y ' 41 lxiiiio,': , ,ilWl; jt ,
A. liter the Cure of leelpitint eoluelttlpttoth C. r the r';',..
,4..., .....
cee _e - el - • - ... , ;.,liKe4l,:ibit - Veqat, ,
hittatrh, bronehltli,.fetheet. 11 4 Or dl • :, - ' 1- ArLit , Pen l t....14/ 1 119 i.
ttill'h ,: h igefete ol.lienry
"g"" Y4 1"?"1 11 " :1 iilii;VstAl iiilliila. I LiL of ,AdminiatH'i ~„" "t . .. ot3mecha nidc
lir ptella et ah' oWle I! Y .
most hteolty itt4 Ximme.6l iattes of the .".! . .....0 . 4, , ,,,,., i tu m, I t hiii
de i efree ma , n o y li p eLi ni re u a r r i eu ry co e .s4 o 4 l li the*,m w el de , ate e V i.e...„' huvg; colintyioi,:Gumbeilengt • "Zs' i ' 4 4 ioi- said
t and*Plott stent-f• idav bibtri , isehedlbjilthe..itegieek4t! , ~ ..:. , .
.P 4llllo Y'P tevild " ' nib ' s! " Pe r li;eo;,' .1. ~ , ' '. .•;, coUnty; io"the eubieriber , tilekromileqr t r e n r :
1 1 11•PitZl i et r eSc i girtir i co i W i PPu Ai nd tre iti t n u il ia l p lt 4 1 1 toctoweehip, in,thierO a lf d le a ll t t l i tnottl . i r ,
ow* f ibk fr ,! o nc ,i,,y - '4 l / 3 1.104100 - .1. - au.a...-7,1.,0nih.,„:,04,191 o r.: ; : d a e ls : r .pinsied • to. ' - inkkti,
4 , o , l4° ,4l."..ti. nan .:A g t d„ei n i..,. e ept ye e •., el +4ll IP.I tato',Of 'NIA) 00._„ 00 .6 i ri t ifiyiTreiVheiktp
,41 i f t - 4 ••ft 1,.• n t dlPa il l, 4 ,, b or• t i ptim ibit:.Arliff known . .-the eanie,. , ;:tv • t A . k „,,,,,,,, 4 mum, ,i,,.. i 4.,
hlr led Dickson. at t
0 luau etreeto.lllladelphile4tirldhyA* ELLIOTT
. ~
~ [d e o l' a t i r p Azgt . f , K,ll . b. o , •,.#0 , . ,. •
. t o site . .o ,., , ,ii..khij iT t .,: i
. lif A gentAlir ptttlitt3l . ;
~07,-;,(1 it `t.ii 1 l r.l it ,t • i t„).., , I t "?( ..,!:rt! , .: l , • `,.' ''' . • ,
A '-. Ittritsxsdl:.itta :aoXvt:-Thei'llrat..,Liegiithit.
tiyeWsuimblfpf the riw>"Ttittltory of : Mint,
neenta convened ut St4ittil no, Monday; the•ad
'Of Septembey,Devi99)Lettlip.,9o 3 vielltiO.
'President of 'o.Coune t ti'aiiii7beistn'lTOCOa=
lir , Speake „ . 14 the Hbute. of I,tepretientattyell;;:
'..'..;Cti' , Tuesdby; the 9th; GovernotALexAtto*ii
ttisiser, "adeorntanindaiv 'the - eitecUtiveland
.„140iiiIal \ offiiiiia .of A thi' TarritdrY; met ;both:
'tiranelies iit:liiii lit,,aierinili , in jOibli meeting; and
therein a clear' and' forcible style, delivered
his first Messu4e; ' •• •
• : Thiadoeument is eminently practical, in . lb;
vievia,.:..aniLtmitelps,..tupell,enund; advice:Jim
'Main' i'‘Voi ore Rarged wiTh legfsititing.lor" this'
infant. dom inonweu Mt.:. ..1t • recommends;the;
'adaptiokiitlilidorkill liWieuitabltylciu thilidiiiii
tioa and wants of the Territory.; the providing!
a Systein'orliaXation Whereby: a Territorial
treasury ,tria'i,bu, established;
,1 01 9,00.3 ) Ptio!!'; of
it ri'efficierit'schottleyit'eni.T the 'organization' of
the.m ilitta c air a •safegoard •against - ther - lawleas=:.
hess - of the Indians, of whom twenty. five %help.
sand are : estiinatej to be located within M . '
.liants - of the Territory, and the:-•restrajning.,er
suppression of the traffic in 'ardent epirits by 10.
dian trailers: i ..i: . ` l , . : - 1 . : ,
~.;s:::, , •:1:: 1 . - 1
In'order iii' . filcilitite t he 'titileinitrit of this'
Territory t ite,-,,ati:
pbat tOlClklir9l4,ltriMixteild!..thW:lire-tiMption
privilege .to,ati ; settlera upon,,llwrzpublic lands
'in . Nlitinesida, wheiher, surveyed :or,. not, - to
.W,hich the Indian 'iliiii/hne - been exiiiiguished,
'and ; the' tiorelia e:s 'Of.: ti iii Siena Indian country
"weist,Of the Itlissiisikiriver, from -me. lowaline, tia,the Waiab ri ver',iy Inch., is the:southern
'boundary. of the Winnebago imuutry, adding a . 4
the western boundary, of such ..puretiuse a line
it awnt P rairie due
river.t - f r uiii the lake at: the head of
. This extensive, richiOnd salubrious region
(the Governor remarks) would open new in
ducements for the enterprise of our counteythen
for it is considered equal,in, soil to ant-ration
of the valley 'of the hiivsissippl, and in health.
fulness is probality'superlor to any part of t h e
American continent.. It is known to be rich in
minerals as in soil is sufficiently timbered be.
.tog traversed for one hundred, miles on its Wes
tern bar* by a hard Wcod forest
'miles idwidth ; is,waterid
,by some of the fin
'eat rivers.of the North west, such as the Min
nesota, or St. Peter'i, the Blue Earth, the Osa.
km, the root siver, andlothers ; and is bespin
gled with beautiful lakes in every direction.—
To the eye of the observer it presents a char
ming minglippoUlligh rolling Katrina and ten.
tle slopes, woode.l hill tops, luxuriant natural
meadows, and abtindance purest' water;
'WWI feel a conviction that this' country, once
thrown cipen . to, settlement, would be peopled.
with a ta . pidity eiceedierany
W thing in the his
tory of estern colonisation." .
Governitii ft'amiley, speaks as follows Of the
present bbundaries and natural wealth of Min
" No portion of the' eartifieutliiC4perimpi;
wahines en.. many faVarable feittires for the
settler as this, .Territory. Wateted by the two
greatest rivers of the oontinent4the Missciuri
sweeping its-entire westerdborder; the'Missis.
sippiwand. Lake • Superior making its eastern
frontier; add whilst the States of. Wisconsin
and Loire limit us on the south; the . pospessions
1 °Oho Hudson's Bay Company preseot - the only
1 . blirrier to our dominion on the extreme north—
iiiall embracing an area of one hundred and fif
' tithousaild'square Miles : a country sufficient-
ly extensiv e to admit of the •erection of four I
States of largest class, each enjoying in a•
bundance most of the elements of future great
t nese. Its soil is Of the most productive charne
-1 ter, yet our northern latitude saves us from the
malaria and,deaih whicbin other. climes are so
often attendantfupon isJiberal soil. Our pen.
.pie, under the healthfut ft attd bracing influenced
~o f this northern Wittman' will never , sink - -into
listlessness, but continue ;to possess the vigor
;•and the energy to makeqhe most'qf thelObitte
nal advantages. The great - Fatheitof Waters,
, flawing through the centre bt our Territory,
• o pens to us a.communication of twb , thousand
" m iles, enabling our people to carry theproducts
Of their fields, of their woods, them mines, and
• of their manufacturing industry, (the latter an
• inadent of bur unrivalled water power,) from
the northern ,mates‘ to the very tropics, and
bring in exchange tor their merchandise all the
rich, pebduats,of, the sunnyfrouth. And, besides
these, the pineries upon Mie• Mississippi, St.
Croix, and their tributaries, with the-great de
posites,ol copper and iron on Lake - Superior,
and the abundant fisheries of the western ex
tremity of that Lake, will, under a proper de.
velopernen,t,Trove accttitonal rich, sources of
reienne to the Territory. Thai ft.n4grtint • and
Capitalist need' but perceiie? these source's of
prosperity i6O we Ith, to hasten to settee upon
' them by settling itiong us, and !du nut doubt
it will be so.", ,
980,000 .490,000
PHILADELPHIA Tuesday, October 9,1849 r
The market for Fldur continua. dull and without
much Inquiry for shipment. Sales reach only laloo
bbi. at $5,12 thr.atandard'and $5.25a5,31 for good and
aelected.braddi, for home use. tinles.are also limited
at $5,12 for common and 05,2310,50 for good and,ex.
tra brands.
Corn Meal, and Rye Flbur 'rein* quiet at 93,12,
whichls DM 1%1311116M milking rotator both.'
Grain Is in gooddetnand,and Scarce, and about 400
bushels wheat soki,in lowa. sona9p, mt. , tor , reds—
the latter Ms' Prime Pawn: toe - hiding refi .t ed at our
MOM figures; and , Whiur at' 1121i1 It tt
nye—no change:. • • : .! .0,
Corn In active demand, and prices, which, are un
settled, dhow a considerable advance.
• IgZilifQ.Eta=reliMUDg. • •
111 On the 2d Inst. by the Rev. A. M. Kremer, Mr. Jon
athan Mies dusettlinh, •
On the same day by the same,,Mr. William Bow
-1 ere, to Miss, Oarolina"gee,
. .
°mitre 9th Inc by the same. Mr. Jacob Hollinger,
to Mild Mary, Ann Bhaetrer, uti of:Cumberland co.
Oh the 901 h" ult, by the Rev. C. V. Wing, Mr.
renew; B. Dodge, of Middleidn,Connecticut. to Miss
Matilda . Carothers;of.Plaintleld,Chniberland co. Pa.
Arlo AtOnrinnith,'lllinole. bylthe'Rei Mr Ferguson, on
Thursday the, 20th nit, Mr:John CPleating. formerly
or Franklin county Pa to Miss Mary Elisabeth Grsig,.
eldest 'daughter of Alexander , 0 Gregg, ps,o,,who,lor
iverly.resided•lear this Borough • • • • •
, Near blecbaniesburVon'Thursday last; by the Rev
John G Fritchey,,MrpHavid Cram; ot.Dauphin co, to
Miss 11‘axy , dsugbtitpxgHr Christian Pratt 'of this
Dung -
Mielmajciiiiitg,VM the same day. by the saint
r Cyrus &Main tcadiss Ann Oldie, both of Y,pric co
timr,leb s arg,.
,formerly-6f this coOnty, Or a' lingerin cilltiess 'Aged'
'3O y 7.nionthe and 28idays dalyd,t , , • ,' • r
PW , PPPP4I: II F E W . :P 44) M I I:
RE,eitkisCipttero one; juct Completed
their Mitdininic Ph's 44:14:
OOPS:. o p nkstools.cimaists in ppr 4 of
ckithci ,
ernisimeres„, ypcintes,..seacinem, Mail cetera and.
‘Kentrilek' .leiriptryVelcetpords Se a
s'by thir..aert
Mons"de,Lnilide v tlHeririlieii4Paratinititals;'`Ce
b urg ,lidtihairci'Lueiresi
Chaeliin Tickingo,l glasho itxtrighiims:
• Canton. Flannelsoydine- an - loured,Liniey; I
Plain,.l'inkairnymOVlttroo reen,tind, SVC'
di Lamed Tor,cts, psr yard; , MOM, di Leine
Thillet and' Told{ ' Sliti.WlJSCLcing 'Shreds
att3,9,511,.4'5, 6;7,50; 1 8 Cid "10 dollar&
Linenand Hendkiirchiefs,'Cottrilli Widen' grid
.Cashmere Stoc,kingii, Irish' Lineek;'
Cloth, • Glastidrend.:For CAPSpGimps. and
FrilliteP, in icariety,,,Combs,..Wooton Ynrh; fill
colors, API ..10.4oarse;'Stael,Boads;.Twist
'add Clasps, Purges, Scarfs. Waist Ribboris,•
Slides, .grentr,/Mgeki , . Lline f Earege,_Tsble:Co•
nem or' LIMO alfd
DiiiiMr,..Craeli, Lin e h' Dlaiierd;
QUM. SHO E5.,11 , sizes and prices, limbrel
,laol,Varditid 'Or derlinii' Queenswaro,'.llard
: vioareoSid. gocidli'Snire lieught.
for Cash, gold lard sllveniind et a,savih fl 5
toper cernobrilow thosel , whwtiought
l'hose.lwishibt , Ito csitalsivill , rind, one geode
cheaper than therean buy them ;elsovihere: •
I • ...!!)- 7!A at.'/Wi P4NTtgi •
in ' 31 1 # 1 7 ` 1 1 4 1 414., ' ! pops •,,
Eqr^xt...yco PlOClttaa ,lust ieturnid from
,the pi _;:y; with a intatintaissnriment of
avian '3l/hietratiiiniiiitYlefilmie Cashmeres,.
Franc Marinoes, Alpicas ef - every' 'dolor and
style; Printed and Plain •Motaide Leine!), Satin
Gingham!). newityle,rlll.6, 811k,Frinties,Igiinfls
Black silk Lace, varyfeheapila largeturoottettmat
of Velvot and BraidgriMmingq; Kid. , Gloved,
a forge assortmon!nf,linstery, palhand ,Winter
i Ribbons! slaw,lp 91.9YerY
tlarge Amick of [linnets, Clot s, Cossimeres,
, Etheetinge, Aesortniont of fiP
findlilnirtimi ir a so ^iei4af'*etipiy Of
other 'dram iintletagleloods not matitio46,d'for
fate gpstrittlP: itiofittion the Old I Mend' in Mail!'
street: , 'd oat bf Ate Post , Offine, `• '
act '10: „.
Citp. Alatketv.
Ne.*, ,, T ) ltbvirtisetitetits 4 -
- 7 -' !- Lf ,y 4, :pllBl LI 9 :PALE. . •'— • .
AN T4 l l DAY; Ka 15th of November, .
v.", suexti at; ...rilelocle,,A. IW .. the Eiecutors .i'
Off Abrahana , StayMiiK,dec'd., will offer at pub,
Iliesaleen. - ,, Ta the.tireni ate ises, the following choice
and valualiferin:l.the property of said dd- .
ceased, to wit ~: , -, • . ..
The FARM 'situated in 'Hampden township,
Cumberland county, seven rams west of Her
riaburg:. on ! thirturnpike.road leading therefrom
to Pittsburg, and adjoins lands of Jacob Bricker
Thomas 13. • Brystip,t;.-Benjarnin ' Eberly: and
oth'ersi.„ ; lt contains ' 229.' ACRES and 22, Per
ches, strict measure, of first7.rete.Limestone.
Land, in n'high 'Butte' of cultivation : of which
about 190 Acrea are - cleared; rnd'tfie balance is
covered' with thriviiig. .'
Timber—'l' he
Merit.- aremf , ther ntoarlailtilielitfirti4 .
°naive ','
• . • . •• • • , ; -7 kind crffieeting OA • lio '' , ,Tw o • •
• --.,.. - t - - • 1- ' Story BRICK*IIW:E'LI ING.
C. 7 ; I
_II il HOUSE r built-and finiehedln:ilie - ,
47 'imry best •Manifer ; a. two - story . '
• -'-. .L,.-- .. STONE - iTENANT HOUSE,
a large double. Bahk Barn', Corn Cribs, Wagon :
Shed. Carriage '-#ousty,' Smoke and — Wash
lmuse t and other'?outili d uprs t all and each of
them In n od ,:repa i r. . e iis also aqfoutig
'athEthriving Apple an encli::,Orchtird, loge. '.'
theilitt'iarious tither 'fritit4fees, in the. yard
and' garden ;' b eating the i iehmetist,yariet ies..Of C-1
'fruit, dad h. Well of never-failing water at the '`'
dem. The ' cattle are Horri fi ed w ith
underground Ohba, leading from the dwelling:
house pump to a trough in 'the barnyard; or
they may find - ir.daring,a,greatat part of-the
year in a pond near 1)V.:-,, The, Coedoguinpt
Creek 'end the' Silvtir Seri* ,both' 'run aloiig
different sides-of the 'Farm, at the distance of
a' single field from its.boandary line.
The situation of the above deticribed property,
its nearness to • Market, the pod roads which
Vass through it, Madding I treeeSs• to it easy at
all periods of the yearrAthe:beintri3f its lu. '
'cation, the excellence ofnahnproVementa i -apd - --
more than all the fine quality of the soil, Mt
der it-one of the most ,desitableand valuable
propeWies either as irresidence or ler - renting in
she county. ,. "
T. yersOns ; wishing elaniblal --, •
Heal Eitaie r
e would do well. to call and seiriti — lt -wilrehOW
and speak for itself. A thorough: examination
of it will say more in its praise than any nekis,
paper advertisement or handbill ettuld 'Well do,
without en appearance of exaggOrition. - All
who may wish information .as,tc6th . e tenni of
.the sale ean obtain it by calling :npen!Mr.-Ben
jamin .Eberly,, one of theExecutorii,'it his re.
sidence in Mechanicsburg. Gmthr o lay•of sale
attendance will be g ven, theAerme, made
know . p, and and an unexeeoion'atile,title-Oynn
-• oct 1 lite of Abraffiun 'Staiiiian, dee'd: .
OtrHarriebiug Telegraph LanCaster,,Ex
arnmerAmy tilt salifiind - iiindhill- to this office.
The sdbscriber intending to remove west will
sell at private eale the farm: en which he, now
reside ,s located in VVlctit .:PenneborOugh towit;
ehip Cumberland county, on the Conodeguinet
Creek, eight miles ,weft'-of * Carlitil& and 2k
miles of the, Cumberland Valley Rail"Rirad,
containing 128 - Acres of firsi - rate clean arable
loud, in a higliejatei riteultfvetion, there are
about four hund*CC!pannels ,of Post andltal
. . Fene#.9n the: fatm. The improve.
`• ,centiist of a large Two.
SterY•Weitherboarded - H OUSE
with:Watti.liauaa; Smoke house,
end lOo.lfouse - und a never-failing
we of Water at the 'dobr._,. -#4o,:a large Bank
Barn, with corn•critit4 'Wegfid Shed' and an
apple Orc'hard of . good*Ouit, together with a '
Two Story Fratne.,Tehant,lfisuse„,with a well
of !water at the 'derif,"tliiit';:is on e of the best
terms to.prodiace kinds of 'grain. and grass
in this section of cohitirk. There, hai been a.
bout five thoueandlnishele of lime put on this
Farm within theittetlawyPars. ; •
The SubsOribarivill sell with the above tract
if desired; on thek.OPPosit& side , of the Creek,
seventeen Acres isfuret4afe Timothy Meadow
and abode lvventy,five acres of good timber
land. toctIO]:,„..IVILLIAM ALTER.
Volunterti.-Stid , Lanctister Union publish
six weeks an&sen&bill to this office. :
Propeatt,at Puolio Sale.
•. . ,
WILL be'sold ; 4riublic sale on:SAtUR
VDAY — thei ed. _of November, 1849,, at
Mount Rock, Wee'rPeiinshero township, Curia - 7
-berlaud-countyfft(olie Liit known 4is the re•
eiidiince 01 Samuel Nickey , , containing .1i A
CRES,.morecirlerai, having thereon erected a
LOG HOUSE, a goad. Log,Stable, a Hog Sta
hl% an excellent cellavaMf.well termed garden,
:11. — •bilutikitarfrihriiiirig - *Ailing Orchard, con•
stating of 4R Apple trees, and l a variety of
:Peach: Plrimbeand Cherry Trees. Said lot
borders on and is but a-few yards from-the-head.
of, Mount Ronk Spring, and is a pleasant reel.
Hence for a-mechanic. Sale to commence ft. .1.
o clock`P.l M., when the conditions will be made
known by "IciettOl SAM'L HICKEY.
In the Common Pleas of Camber.-
''' bind County.
y N the matter-of the Petition of Adam Sell-.
rer, legatee_ under the ..will of hie-father
George Seirer,,:.lifte of _East: ftennsborilegh,'
(now Hampden townehip), dec'd., to have a
'Plumes appointed under the will . testa.
tor. Now to'wit, 27th August, l ~it appear.
ing to the Conrt,that ;George Snaile and Mary
his Avila and,the,ehildrennf John Seirer, dec'd.
wit r,SinunelaHeirer, , Susan ' Sewer, Jacob
Dill arid M,,,;wiferiate. Mary Seirer, and
ViaddkElizabeth hie wife, la,e
Elizabeth .Se idirt! s entliihe .children. of Daniel
Seirer, dee!d tr ltheirparneamm being known),
Elizabeth AnaPergsr'twidow), , latew.E,lizabeth
Sauer, who , festdes in
_the state of Newyork •
and Samuel - Goodyear ;husband. of, Peggy late
Peggy. Seirer and Their children who
rastde in the States'of Olio an&lndiena, (their
names being. unitnown):lo:,,intereatedin said
t rust . Notice '' ' is , : hereby giVen` to the` aliovo
named parties to appattron'lMONDAY the 10
day of November, to show:anus° whylfillielen
should not be appointed as: abOve stated, ' , v •
eel° 3t • , .47i1VIES-ROFFER,
• • Notice to Creditors.
THE public will taleri hritlectthat I have up. ,
plied to the Court of Clitninti o , ;Pleas of Cum
berland county for the Delight, of the insolvent
laws of this ,Commonwealth; and that, the said
Apurt hap appointed 'MONDAY : the 18th day
T - November next, for:the heartricof mound
my ciediMrs, at the CourrHotise io thg Bore'
of Carlisle, whet) and where said criditom ; may
attend if they think
', 'and show cause
why I should ,not bediso Rigid
oat° VIC •=1• EFFE4,,- •
Pure' , Fresh Ood - *LitOr.oll,..: , , •
his new And'
."veleablo 4 lifedloine*.'nerr •,,
cue •
used "by_; the "medicosliprnfefatork - „with„,
'astonishirig , enmy:in:the oure , Cf,gtil: j i,,
memory Ctedsurnption,,Scretyla;chrettile Rhine,d,
matisrp„ Gout, General ( DipiAktio, - ,cgo , Rtaint.
of the Kidneysf-Ifie: &c.; leprtiptired.;#o44hs, i , "
liver •ofiithe COD:f1211 tbr • metilelneVuen,',
expriunlySor Our ilatior. , ioi '[ i •:iiri . l .iii:":• ,, : , , , ,
fkatritor'lreniShi(andari. liketle4A.V.OtirnaL)i•l
' , '"C' J; 2' WillfaShi t lit P; Pr R. rrofea , •7`
per er'lltediclhe.Szt,iGniverei i.Pollege, , Lora,:ii
don; C6'4144100' Physician So 111! iffinsPifill fop
consumption; : disc.& ears : . •I , vniprescribed ,
the.oiriti Above i four, hundred..qpsee iof tuber." -
eulous diseasenLihe'Lniigel Indifferent stager,
Which .have !Men ,under'my carelhelast • two , •
goitre, II Ild IA ^illl4lCif lit theilargclriurnbernf~'
eases, 202 otit'of 294, ititiaevittelfelieVied fir
Morkerl , and unequi ode! impirmilernent;'.,eirp ,
,intklitf degree itt cliff renYeitieilMln iSitimpo. ',
rarriefardation of le progretferkAie,4o 9 , 4o ,
and a Mittgation" "tlistrassing:eymptimv,inp ~,
to n More, or lea erimplete restOrAtinn ton
rent'health. , 1 1 .• i ,•• , ..' i. , 4, i.
"The of set f.the cod,l. t ivor Oil •In mest of . .
these cases Wall voq,reinarinible; ,iEven irk' ,
few days the cou is' MitigAttioPtielfdfxre-,
toratiim di lei ni abed ;in quantity i Arid..'Oppos4y.; i •
the :'night /uremia, cea sed, the pulse
,inomate ..'
siCov'er e rted of better. volume, and theAppetilme
Shish And strength were.gradually improved: , ' •
"fn conclusion I repeat ARV tlid:Purn , Tresh' "
oil from the liver of the'Cod is more beriefitilef ~..
in the treatment of pelusernig Minaemption
than Any agent; medicine'. fetatitr 0 0 01 0 n b''4; '
nel;-that has yet been,eulPlQYad/Vl'' tleiP% - ' , •' .'..t , ,;
, AG 'we have anade?arrapiOnlitutoi 'tkE procure ' " I ',
the 'Cod Liver Oil f frestriiromr,„_boiridglitts:p . ilt:i i
can now " he had *bent 1 1 309, 1 4 1 7 4 r - bY' 4ll l:, filnitl,Cmp t .,
bottle,.er hi - bards or late 4110*6411k • At% ~.
/ 614011 . 6 i 0114 163 i i i" ri l f Rsl , Pr k i ll I.
spurious imitations." Ai it "„edocess ePends
"Andrei, on ieParll*,t°o 4 nuo°r.ffkonot l be .
- P , " eur hit it gen
um , . i , 4f, k' ,
Xeery bttt having . on I'oi%iklttbi , 4lgil
turei ma y ba depended upon as gehuinei , •-ii'
.1. pamphlets ; . co An ahalsedurof: , th ir d , '-
011;Arithmetieed"ofdit4ireMlillittlical'inninelti'f 0,
will ba Psent •.to,ithoite who address utr.ol2o . or 11 . . e.
postage: '• j l :l l l l .tirl;AAMilf - c 0 ; ,"'," -''• -
. d i , ,W,Lkoleife Drugglell , SAkil 0 14 / 2 11 01 1 • i '.'"..r
‘, opi c io 2 lYl4.,ii •,,;10 . 0,Ntirth;-Whird titii rhils,oo
n ..1! 'stator .
• •• • • •, t 70-7 tO tiltl
.; "Mat variati thattionleful ,articlealcaPnr-1.
feied far,aale. ppripjatipg el Whiteivaah,Spaapp,l
'tag, Serubbin4, blatera,
Teath and 440 Fllehlindanttaing Brughaa
OFIIPiI e V II 11051titii9S , 1 1 10 6 40,311!, 1 ?;
' 111 a the t afurtne '•
41IGARS.- 4 Arle loi l t•oc. 00,
+' 01i 0 1 1 6 97?. 4 zt• - n* , ,••: