BM et a ' i ti) t-.11101/04161? ."IltavoAti.+-4The."itation„which,; in political languagk We. Call!Htingary, but comprising lethal:large Wadi: of noun.: .trrincludad In'the Austrian ; &minions, exu3n - ding-from :; ..hif Carpathian , (Moulteins on the hortbillothe . Gulftif Quernero.eir the: Adriatic and Turkish frontier; 'longitudinally, it extends. -- fromthilaustrian boundary lino of Mora Via, I.l6Wee;Aiiitrie;.Styita, and Illyria on the, west; eititwerd to ~ the Alpine obain which .bciunds , 06tild,aeiiiit ail if nature, had, ddalgnpd• Xter:thiiimpitrati habitation of great peeple, , •••Dwalitia,itie defended by the' but •- - arke:Kiiature• Mountain or flood; Nature haiiteenprodigi, 3n the gifts of a ricifsolloind rita;cilmate'faverable allprodumions.'neiel-' - sarilirithe'euidentatiOn 'of man. count try,,prolificilrf core and mine f., - thi•tirea'd plains afford Maurine t "postilrege.' foe., the flecks,. and the M . ouat a ins.yield minereltrealeres of hello& Jess extent. In the.admirible? , diStribution of ..Providence, the richer - sells cif :the plain yield More than enough;ilif,the staff of life to supply !the deficiencies of those mountain regions which contributeminerals to the national weelth:L.:, .Hungary IS cepimisly watered by noble rivers. .TheDunabe``flows through the heart of the tienittrif and the Thiess, the Drove, the Save; and waters of lesser magnitude; give breadth to Duna's mighty flood. The -superficial nuts cited° of the country is estunafed at nearly:BBf_, 000 square miles, • . The - Kingdom of. Hungary is composed of Hungary proper, Soiavooia, Croatia Transylva niatand'the,Graez Coinilatea, or military fron tier.'-'lt Subdivided thole: ' HuOgary proper, containing the follow ing districte'sed population: ' • I..`Eltingao westof the Danube . ; divided into eleven komitats, or counties . ; population 1842;449,m0, 2. East of the Danube; thirteen, counties; populatiOn; 2,764,247, 3. West of the Thiess; eleven counties; pophlailion,l,7B9,7ooo. 4. East of the 'Meals; twelve counties; population, 2,931,600 11. ,Sclavonia ; three counties; Syrmia, Verocq, and Posegan ; population, 336,100. 111. Croatia; three counties ; Kreari War . edin, and Agram ; population, 506,500. IV. Transylvania containing, " 7 ;,1: The Hungarian country'; eleven coon . es ; poulation,ler,coul.279,7onto. 2. The Szekry ; five cantons; pop• elation, 373,000. ' - S. The . Saxon country; nine cantons; pop ulatr, 335,700 ;,making, with a military force / OD& a to all of 2,108,405. • V. F ive • email separate districts; populii tion,.29;loo; making, with 66,293 miitary for the districts, excluaive of Transylvania, a total Ilepulation of 10,500,000, according to an. ap- Proxiesate estimate made io 1842. , The bulk of the population 'is composed m three-races: 1. The Magyars, or Hungari ans, par excellen c e. ,2. The Sclavonians, of hicalves, comprising various tribes, as the .. " vacs, Croates, Serbs, &0.. 3. Germans. relative proportions are thud stated .by M. Fen . yes Magyars,. 4,812,7591 Slovacs, 1,687,256 ; Germans, 1,273,677; Wailaks, 2,202,542 ; ' Croats, 886,079 a Raiks, or Raitzes;' 828,365'; Schocks, 429;868; Wends, 40,864; Rutheni. ans, 442,903; Bulgarians, 12,009; French 6, . 150 ; Greeks, 5,680 ; Armenians 3,798 ; Mon teeegrins, 2,830;. Clementine, 1.,6011; Jews, 244,035 ;--12,889,406. The chief settlement of the Magyars are rho plains west and east of theiDanube. The Ger _ mans, are for the Most part of Saxon and Lau. bian deseent;and dwell on the Austrian frog tier and the mining districts. The Slavoca, who are supposed to be the oldest settlers, encl. who came of the Czecs of Bohemia, people the , northern districts along in the Ruthenium or Bussniaks (from Red Russia) and the slopes of the Carpathians. The &hocks inhabit Scla to province as_ well as the .distriht called Beath - nat, lying between the rivers Danube, Thiess, and Arad and Transylvania ire of the Serbian stock of &laves.. Many of this race . took shel ter in Hungary . from the persecution of the Turks, and settled in tho•country. • The Croat's inhabit the 'district of Broatia. The. Wends, are of the Styrian tribe of Sclavei. The Wal aquas Or Wallake titissuppoiag. to be of Sclava. Roman origin, the descendlintif of the Roman' colonists who peopled Dacia in the time of Trajon. The statistics.of the ireligioueTaith -of these populations, according tothetablea of 1892, for the whole kingdom, Including Transylvania ore these t Roman Cath01ic5, 1 6.444,418; (non, united,) 2,603,050 ;-3,982,777. Protestants,. •utheran,) 1.014,518; (Calvenists,) 1,949:606 - L..2,964,124 ; Unitarians. 45,769 ; •laiser. 258 882.÷(WeYntinster Review. ARTIFICIAL Gems.—False Pearls are made by dissolving' the scales of small river fish in water of ammonia, which solution is dropped into the inside of hollow glass beads, and then allowed to dry. These - are called paste beads. but the French have a way of counterfeiting' the real pear!, so skillfully as almost to deceive a connoiseur. The bail! Of all artificial gems is a fusible gliss called Strass paste. It is made of rock crystal six ounces, red lead nine ounces, p 4 1 0 .1 ash thiee ounces, boracio acid half' an. oe ; and arsenic five grains. This is mixed; beam first g o raund, then fusedina Hessian cru cible and iltfhlfused for twenty-four hours, and thenieft to oriel gradually. The 'following ar tificial genniiirts made . of this Stratis'paste CAM bineffwith difforentisubetericoe for tbei'various • colors. Fox AIKETII7IIT.---SlraliMyalite one pound oxide of. manganese 24 grains, cobalt 1 graM. fuse together. By the addition of• a grain of cassius purple, , a more beautiful gem will he , made. • . • BERYL-9 ounces Strass paste, antimony pi grains, "cobalt one ind..a half grains. Fuse them together in a crucible. :• - ••:1144:0-0,41wrEarturr.—Strass paste" 2 pounds, `:''glaiis oeip/twifiny one pound, calcined peroxide of. JO TrtWodnees, and one drachm of oxide of Ina jgarieso. • WSSITE Coaszo . ror.—Straes paste 2 pounds : , burned bones one, ounce, and a mite of washed yellow ochre. t , EMERALD.—Strass pasta one pound six and a half ounces,,,peptate of copper seventy-two grains: and one and ,a half grains of peroxide of iron. ~ • Another emerald may be: made by nine ' ounces of_Strass paste; oxide cif : Copper thirty-. nine grains, oxide of chrome two grams. , : rr., • G4avEr.—Strass paste . one ouneei , glass of; " antimony two hundred and ten grains, and•'ox ide be:antimony two :grains. By adding two grains of Canille purple's more beautiful garnet • is produced.', ..- - •• • . -• Orii.-41trass paitic"teh'iXidads, burnt bo nes half .a.poimd.,' .-, • * •,.,.• • 4' ~F.Ltinx.-.Sirass pastW sixteen , ounces, Cassius purple one hundred and sixty-eight grains, the same amount each of peroxide of': iron, and' of . „ golden sultikuret of 'antimony, and of mangan h•,, - ese burired"witWnitreeatong• with- two •:ounces. of rock crystal. A small amount of manganese Wittirfife ounces of Birrte paste;',atakes a t ..,very snit titit:ii ' ; :,, , hrmins;-4 3 rass y paste,one ou nce i cob alt sixty-eight grail* -' Fuse for-thirty, hours., ; By_ adding a:few:l;6llos6f • manganese a;-difibreint lik l ailalii pFoduepdr, : This mixture must be care' ftilly,inir i bdforwfasinn;atid•Jeft thirty , holfin _., 44;!tieeelirtifielal prin. ilia' fused 'lW,'ltitrid, * ii span tirtreiblesMnd kentln,th rce foe tweinr tilitli*tpirlitioura. ..Thay, a in suffered to: •, wilivati.l :r Z•.C: II ,'1 ate lailread Journal, . in , i . • iii"hrtieln lippo Ake Octane ,cohditlon of the lii,Mlol:!milin'lifilted Ati . teii•6llikee'pie.tei . loWlng'remarki : :. • ' • • ;,, .-r%; i; •„Th.ingreat branckof, national industry itniani.very,taiieh'dapriesed;rwithrint. 'any pros . • Pant of immediate improvement.' 'Nearly every ..';:dill Itilhiecchintel ,fo,rmikingiMilroairbard,ytf . • dot . • every one, - poi et:mended' Wiiikl'and •190 - , stay calculate on'argerieral,ettandonment of the , . ,marmfriatutiOfPig.unik,most kindn of .bar l 'ironi, nth Ibis .. %it ,',lt-'jp" , fhrther - .prOteeted'by tba.-revtin'tub •-.:','`- r, 11l Itlitg:•fft/t,Stis.tir.,;9oB‘s en fintite,Pn'tlitli. +:•‘:!1104,; . ttarplacts* ! ,,ouroxicial'dobilition, bring i'i:'(:).olPitttill4.4lle'llOall 11114 0,014116 tkatrWP , rlPl,w. :- :• `i :•"!,[tithitaltirlD•i ( iteati:Stlt*ln',••;ithp,,eoontry, Rein: , • - whink:werkW , most'Arkicitar ruppliesAol,thin,aref' . ', '''',•:'tliitilicr.h.Mi , _ r•'• iiit i.r•- • I. ) r: i•l s ,:r.,.i; ..,-, 1 ',7.., i k V..,,,,..,-.„0 : ,.,, • . ;,,,AV . filkteioarkablicipologioal:lfi'ckilikat ., most o teuicbieis of iron ore iwAtibritountr iiiiictis, -•, :utotei`from the ', sea ilia:rail and also from • our r'' .rfri:ol:l4l:talliable Mialftalds:::r Oa •rtfic other handi BA Beach and. Welch beds, of ores anCeoal ire9sontiguous, and'are in the. Irriirmilliteslolll.: I • Of tide, water.; consequently; tba,lroir mada . , O''.•, f019 . 00041110.06 • 1111.the iron (*linnet of Or ',,. . I, t Anmidtin., o lVe - ,'"eoloY,;;:llM,Verora, no protection •;. ~;-byciliiiiilif, 00, ppelipi;!ige,gid” ill thktlin hair: ...-""":;•\" gg.,.ittpe.j?f:.3llLo ,4u tit, Ail: lio per cent. tel vp •-•‘:,i. , . , .•': Irintan ,ie by 'nee leeeciereqUlll" . .lli,' thel rid- It ~,i,i ' :,'.4kii kt akjiiyad;Olhe;Engliiiii , „.'mannfriOtnlel . ; '''"••!!111L.41...10;0111r,R30, Jl.llfe.ltiPsB?iiii.l,.lo_'o,b,ol, ,:' , ;A eet mi:Cm.lialiwit 'tit,:::Amft,l a •• maim; ••-•;•'•; , -!5"Jitertiireri•Jer., I. ber,bdrne id..nalliidliiiethh, ' -, !:?iAg'.slll.49: l 42.taltAtilltella.lilolitt9 l " einAmMtil9* o , Y 7. /.Y:: , .; Oto:9c. opiirtooos,o4 , 'oppie, dosk9r,* t 9. • r,' ,l, ',." ,' ,ifoni" ' , The pey nt,; , thtir;-,-Englisti; , Operatit*is,' ',..4,-,;F:.,..... , , , J J ,.;..:::, , ..- -:, -... , - ~ , . ....., -1 ; .. .'• ~..,'.,;.., :.,-., '.::,::..,:3; NM treasured.,hy ,'wha t 'noceeitart tO„;feed . and clothe hits . Atperieans , at: twitient,f not' worh,Ot th.eie - wage's; they milt turn their Mind to ehroethini,elee,pr)iti eh I t'll; 'I ha t etir' - ira in aMi fti r.tO reel •rottet qua, their • busineas;%Wfal I:: On iy these.tWO alter. natives are preserliVd To them, and we regret to, say: th a t one ;45'Ith ,two be ing.rolidwed lOW greit :!' . , . jWitsvEnx.CiirrziTALDE.—The moilartipe rinds' of this laiportaiittirtinCh'ef•Oili4iiialio. industry,;lire especially; that , portion.,-of it Whieh centres-in , the valley of. the BelotaXiblia,' se`A''o't Cm, is compiled fro— a 'letter aad tea tb . 0 oinnati;'Ailae t" ' • • • , • Thie initninse , bitsitiess-eraptoyerfOur , classes!. of persons, viz The'caale rainy's, who chief.''. ly reside in'the great: prairiesKof MIEI• souri anillowaand'dispose; Of ' , their 'cattle t ivo: to three , years Old to the ;• gragiers; The grasierevlio'lito.tho - Ovin'eri..or the , ren tore `131,.:, the great Payette a n d Union countie s, ,3. The catifeAeilent, Who era corn raisers,Aunk take the cattle In; the autumn to fetten for the markets ln the Athletic, cities. Two, of . these ;_ciecupiticins. are ,occa sionally,united. The Icaßkirs. who. .furnish ; , the funds, The.bankir.of Clillicothe, Centre. ! • villa end .Xenia, Ohio, token• tegether, do the • ti larger portion ,of this business, and ills the, el ciest profitable of the banking business of the " - slate.. The cattle tratlet;.fibout 10, purchase, applies to a bank for a lone, giving id bill of ex change on Philadelphia or New Yo'rk, at four months, which the bank discounts—receiving the funds when the -cattle are sold, and getting both interest and exchange, which brings the profit to .10 or 20 per cent. The cattle feeder receives the notes of the bank, Which are paid to the grazier and raiser, and thurthe circula tionl4-, kept-out,throughout.the - en. tire Western. Statee. These, transactions ore deemed coMmercial ..and .attfe, based as they are on the actual sales of cattle in the . Atlantic cities!: The sales of cattle in the counties of Iri Ross, Picliaway, Franklin, 'Madison and -Fer enc!, amount to nearly.a million of dollars, Sup plying that amount of hills of exchange, bayieties. FRESH TEAS. WE have just received an entire new &dec. tion of choice and fresh' GREEN AND 1 0 , BLACK TEAS, embracing Young Dyson, Imperial and Gunpowder teas, of various quan ties, ranking from 97i to per pound, trona / the tea store of the Messrs. Jenkins, of Philaz .delphia, neatly, securely and freshly packed in quarter, balf,rnid pound inctalic and paper pack ages, as.l4nlriis in the bulk. Tho selections aro made by ono of the partners, who has had experience in the business, among the Chinese themselves for about seven years, and this ad vantage, together with our own experience, and the encouragbment extended to us in the selling of these Teas for more than -two years past, 9arturtige us confidently to reccommend them stiliti?ar to any other - selection of Teas in this market—for sale at the Grocery store of July 11—'49 J. W. EBY, Tobacco and . Cigars. JUST' received and for sale wholesale and re tail 'the best and cheapest selection of CI GARS to ho found any Nyhere out of the city. The selection consists of ° Granuloma, Emilia, Castellos, Plantation, La Prymnvera, Leon D'oro Regalia. Principe. La Grata, s ' Venus and Figaros Molesendora, &c. •• • All of the finest Cubasand Havana Tobacco. and put up in the neatest manner, besides I. have excellent -sixes and the beet Melees. Also the best Congress and CtivendiFh OB ACCO both plain and sweetened, at reduced prices for cash. Call and examine my stock before per. chasing. I will sell by,the box ad low as they :can - be - had - in - tito city. Don'florget thri - Mace opposite the railroad office: Carlisle; nue T II CRISWELL • Ju, . Watches and Sewelv ! CHEAPER THAN + EVER— , Wholesale and Retail—Ai the "Philadelphia Watch and Jew 4. dry State, ' No. 9$ North ) SE _Sk.... ..r= C 0 ND street, corner of Quar . o.i.:,(NitAn . y, l atreet.. ' Gold Levers, 18k. Vases, full jewelled, $3O and upwards -,' = Silver Levers, full jewelled, $l5 and upwards. Gold Lepine, 18 k..eases, jewelled, $25 and upwards Silver Lopines, jewelled, $lO and upwards Silver Quartior Watches, $4 tg 10 Silver Spoons, eg_ual to coin, per sett Ten, $5, Desert $lO, Table $l5, other articles in pro portion. All goods warranted to be what the are sold for. Conitantly on hand a large assortment effuse GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE Also, an assortment of 11f J Tobias .& Co., E Simpson, Samuel & Bicithere,,E S Yates & Co, John Harrison, G & R Beesley, and other superior Patent Lever Movements, which will be cased in any style desired Arrangements have been made with ell the above named most celebrated .manufacturers' of England, to furnish at short notiewany required ;etyle . dr Natch,•far which cams Will be taken, and the statue and resideneiNP the person or ilering•put on ifreqinsted . oD:CO.NRAD, • Impoeter of Watches novsl L. R. lIROOMAXIVB BEAT BARGAIN. WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE • ••••••=•• . • WHERE Gold and SU -0;1 ver Watches of every description can bo had ; at from ten td fifteen e - less than any other store in . Now York or - :-delphiu, Persona who to get a good watch, perfectly - regulatied - i would do well to call at the store of the sub scriber, and compare the quality and price of his watches with that of other stores. GOOD WATCHES AT THE FOLLOWING EXCEEDINGLY LOW' PRICES. • Gold Levers, full jewere,:B coratcases, $2B 00 'Silver do do • 12 00 Gold Lepinee, jeweled, '8 carat cases 23 00 Silver do do 900 Silver Verge 'Watches, from $3,00 upwards. Gold Pencils from $1 to-$8;00; Gold Pans, .with silver cases, and pencils attached, for 75c. Also, a handsome assortment 'of .now and fashionable Jewelry, at prices far below the usual store prices. Old Gold and silver bought or taken in exchange, LEWIS E. BROOMALL, No 110 North SECOND Street, second door below Race, Philadelphia, app 8'49 : irrcut this advertisement ,out, and - bring it along,. you will then be aura to got into the not THE NIAGARA SHOWER-BATH. ; An entirely new Irticle for Shower-Bi ihing. with warm or cold Water. - IttrTEIB Bath took the prornium at the Fair of the Fritfiklin Institute, Philadelphia, October :1848, tho - only Bath that oyor took a promium _ • ,'atthat inetituttrand alio' took the first premium at the Fairvf tiro Maryland Ipetitute, NOvem- ibei , lB4B4 , ` l A 'greet and important improVemint is made in this S hower - bath over all others ,' by throwing lo therMter:immedialely..on .tho ,, body; ,, without Wetting the head, unless ,at, the will or pleasurci:i of 'the (bather; but a'greater point 'evened bY ' being. enabled to bathe with warm water; which no other Shower-Bath is .adapted hi—and most': of 41 tho. Bath 'can bo medicated without injury totimilmir, : ' --.:-., ••" • • •-•' .. .‘• ~ r. ,Mtii tt,r perhons' cantiot take a, cold 64th—their c a a t i b t met in. thie mirthoy: can regulate the tem- , Os 6"rdf suit their 'wish, and ,cotirt 'ence. , bathing , mtl any libation of the year without any unpleasant result. Ladies pan have , ~ Ilia advantage , Of , bathincwithont ; wetting: the head or coveringibe seine:: •' , ' : ro•, ~., '• , 6iThe briangemintiAre 'simple Mud' com'plete; a not, , liable , to'lipt out •.of order: ?: Thk,Bath n: be Adjusted to, suit any, height; from ik small. '',l e4ildio the talltiee.person: ,, When , the' door hr. : closed; the fixtures 'are hid endlthe • Outei dc sp.' 1 Pentanes is-that of 'timid plaae,of flirnituiey 1 , '' ..1 They-havereeeivectihe approbatioumPenve.; '' raFtriedical gootlemen—others are requested , to ,, clikapd,examme. thorn: . Manufactured' by,' ,the r . .. ePitinitte6: , ..„', ':!BIiHRAINCLARRABIijg;,:; , ,W,' ' - 24 South Calvert street, Baltimore. : BATHING."-Read what Armstrnild 8 11Y,'Er.i i 1) not omit, yorwho, Nvould health secure," 1 - .' ,T 'e'dttibr,tresh ablution ; that shall-deur! " 1 '..', •T 6 sluices pfthit sk,ie; , eriough to'keep ,%.._:,..; I Thietiolly Oadred freurtindooeM soil. ,••' , Scaltititepitriii oveirifitdid not toridOcet'l "A.trditiiiiiittailt•Aoia6ll.o' , lietillb; yerrgreat I.i :,-• ..--:. , . t: odedhltrVititiii•,ittle, , thia'kulitib fluiriCh'• ''''"' -ThaitoticoVith*lii_tutvittyilki,voi l it4,..i P- ' '' Tilt .thle 13!ctetAx) viitaiil.Awioinjonip' 51" , ,‘. ( 'A. deeentre I.iy,Fittitruv, 4 , ionti,„ n& , pli t iri i iit;.: z. Aro , looth' Oiteitt ~. ' ~ P,- , , , ., ,, 1 , 0,"mj...':%4, -, ii.. , t ,A , ..., 464* '1849.,-Iy:l,...,ii'4o.'biluAsfzuiufgehl'iwil,y % 1 B sus hol ~ , , i- , ,y,..,3, i. ,,,(,...,,,-,0„ , , ~,,, ,1400 00 , 1 ,(. 9 t. 0 4!i rt fi ,4,, atkoly•P,.,t, , ,A„ l,,,, s o P t ii, w ae h lt qjto p„p vi i e4Ff ,. ; i 1)0 for oalcl/40,910PGIEN'bfolli,',Eilinvirig;tHitri. i ;2_Vt ll ll l , . flooh Ond.grrktig'lin".llo.7r. - a , Alit bor n iiii , •;llo of 4 Moir 4r,_ 11,14, Olik , qult , - P -- .L. ,-' lkollyf . ;. , . 60)aft t eihil lovvestrjirictfo . n. l : ! . l . ,,, ! :,'" ', ~ - ": ~ '"' S. ELLIOTx ~, i. ~ T.nro.6 ' • •,' :'' ''' .. ' ;.' ''', ' ', ''. . . ' , -'' dai — m"Okiir"galti_ V-tiiiney ) -;,..:*,' • i,'" - ti'''" • .::• :: :.,,.-:,c.;1.,:*.!1, .:(litro4J.':. .,-, 414. 44#8,e,i,igw,''Antil ! drAIV14,;. Constautso , ..tslll:fli'l7 rf',71'..1 - 11' ' :i5it , 3"1....;' , . ; .• :L', ..' ~k iiieliiiitibileSinsa, iina-iiiiiise' Of Rept , ei ,sentatinia ethi, Odmi4entisolili of PO iMeyivarif f t in peitiVal ...Ai i eiiithf jilet; That , the.,Constitu: : •ti!,,in , nf', : the - C9l4ien,tv' eßltit.beninended in, the ,secen:d t 'aenti#d„Ogiglii.fittligiiiiiniei . eo that:it Sb'ell. ii4lie:follOysai , ,The'Autigcie•of thiSO. 117' ,. ..;.rii'd ouri;otihO 049,ral goo r to Of Common ;Pteati,,and of , ettoll'Other4otirta."of 'ReCords as aril or shall bielniblished hifaUv; elisti be elect tied , hi ; it,C , , q u oli fiod' electorsf of.' the' Common:, "vv ' thAti:the , mariner 'follilviring,T.tii:Alt ,p'...The J dres . iefithleAStiPrOnMCCtirt,',by,:ths! ',qualified, ja Cl. Store at larga,,. The President jt4iges of the 'NS etor:Cenite,ofi ConiMen ,Pleas'anti,of aiMit 'et' lei - Coolie' Of Record as are:Or'shall , be:esfab.: li ed bylaw, and niltother Jtidges required. to be, learned in. the:law, :by the' nuali fie&elee tore of the rospeativo distriete 'overwhicluthey• are to preside or act Eis ;Judges. • And the'Aesocii- , 10 -Judges ortho'COurts of , Conimen -Pleat( by tit, qualified electors of the counties respec. a% ely." The Judges' of the Supreme' Court ih ill held their 'offices for the Lorin of fifteen ye irs, 'if they shall So long befieve",themselves Will s. (subject tothe allotment hereinafter pro. vi. ed for; subsequent to the, first. election%) The President*Judges of the several Courts of , Ceimmon Pleas and of such other Courts of Ji.' - ' ..ileord as are or 61.11'11.6e established by law,: nil 'all other Judges reopiredlo be learned in lit law, shall hold their offiees for tho term of . II years o if they shall so long behaVe them= „selves well f-,..The Asgoilate Judges -of 'the C olurts of Common Pleuii'shall hold - their offices fa ti the tormcif fire years , itihey AO so long beliaVe themsolveir well: all of whom shell be commissioned 'by the .Governor,- but- for any o:lsonable cause whiah shall dot bo sufficient ;rounds ofimpeachment, the - Governor shall, come 'any of- them on- the address of -two. thircls of each branch of-the-Legislature. The •firit election shall talce place at the general election of, this Commonwealth next after the adoption of' this amendment, and the commis; sins of all the judges who may be then in office' 111 II expire on the first Monday of - December hi lowing, when .the terms of the judges shall momenta. The persons who shall then he elected Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold th.tir offices ap follows • one of' thdin for'three ye: rs, one toesix years, one for nine years, on, for twelve years, and ono for fifteen years; the term of, each to be decided 'by lot by the said judges, as soon after the election as convenient unli he resultcertified by them4ollie, °over lie'', that tho commissions may be isg,ued in .acqordande — thereto. The judge whose com• misilion will - first expire shall be h ief Justice during his term, - and thereafter, each judge whose _commission shall first expire. shall in turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or wore 0131 'missions shall expire on the same day; the tii ' gos holding them shall decide by lot which i sir II be the - thief Justice. Any. vacancies hao - Arling by death, resignation, or otherwise, in'imy of the said courts, shall be filled by ap pointment by the Governor, to continue till the firet Monday of Deceinber succeeding the next pipe - rat election. The Judges of the Supreme Coon and the Presidents of the soveraLCourts of Common Pleas-shall,at stated times, receive for their services an adequate compensation, to Ipe fixed by law,-Much shall not be diminish.' ed during their cottinuance in office, but they shill( receive no Me•vir perquisites of office, nor .hold any other office of profit under this Conlmonwealth, or under the' governotout of Dui United States, or any other StatoNti fi s Union. The Judges of the Suprem ourt . wrirorthnir - eonlintraida, in - cdfrocriikall - resi der williin this Commonwealth,--and the -other Jnilges dfiritig their continuance in office shall reside within the district or-county for which Linty were respectively elected, • WILLIAM P. PACKER, Speaker of the Rouse of Representatives. GEO. DARSIE, -- - Speaker of the Senate. , IN THE SEKATR, March 1, 1849„ Resolved, That thin resolution pass.—Yeas 21, Nays B, ' Extract from the Journal. SAML. W. PEARSON, Clerk. IN Tux [louse /OF REPS., April 9,1849. Resolved, That this resolution pass.—Yeas Nays 26. Extract from e ho Journal. WM. JACK, Clerk. riled April 5, 1849. . p. L. RUSSELL, Dap. Sec.-of the Com'th • PENNSYLVANIA. BB: i do certify that the above nud fotegoing is a true copy of the Original Resolution of tile General Assembly, entitled.'! Resolution re. Halve to an Amendment of the Constitution," as the same remains on file'in this office. In testimony whereof I have (' c '- 1 hereunto t d 1 m t 4 hand, eea o a f n t d h c e a f eze e d . s'‘ ?"' i( rotary's Office at Harrisburg, this II: .. ''''''''', eleventh day of Juno, A. D. one thousand eight hundred' and ollty.nine. • 'IOWNSEND HAINES, Seeretarrof the Commonwealth 4.. .JOURNAL OF SENATE 11 Res ol ution, No. 188, entitled Resolution relative to an amendment of the Constitution,' irread'a'thirettme. ' On the.question, will thp Senate agree • to the resolution? The Y,las and Nays were taken agreeably to the Constitution, and were asTollow, viz:' ' " 'Yses—Messrs. Boas, Brawley, Crabb, Cunningham, Foray th, Hhgus, Johnson. LaW renee, Levis, Mason, Matthias, M'Casiin leh, Richards, Sadler', Satery, Small,Smyser, Starrett and Stine—St. ' , Nam—Messrs. Best, Drum, Frick, Ives, King, Konigmaeher, Potteiger and Darsie, Sikaker-8. ' So the question waridetemined in the attar mauve. - ajOUREAL OP TUE UOUBE OP REPO. " Shall the resolution pass?, The yeas and , n Ilya were taken agreeably to the provision of, tile:tenth article of the Constitution, and are ai• follow, viz: ; ' ~ , "YEAS—Messrs. Gideon - ,1 Ball, David J lent. Craig . .. Biddle, Peter D Bldom, David M Bole,- Thomai IC Bull, Jacob Cort,. John Ii Diehl, Nathaniel A, Eliott, Joseph Emery David G Eshleman, Wil.Rm. Evans, John Fausold, Samuel Fogley, -Joseph W.Futher, Henry • M Fuller, Thomasi Grove, Robert 1 ampeon, George P•llenszey, Thornas J' Her- Angoloseph Higgins, Charles HOrts,Joieph" B. llowitr, Robert Klotz . ; ,llarriisin P •Laird; Abraham Larnbe:rtOr, lamed J. Levris:Jamea ~ Irl r LOng',Jiieob M'Ca;Moy,Jiihn y ItlrCdllO - ek`,. sir.. ii gh - N'l4o JiMriArtatighlin , Adam , Mar. 1 11, _, Samuel:Marx, John -Crillyers, Edward I , N laklearm_,? StOwart. 1 .Poarce ' , Ja th ee `Porter, ',llentyo Frritt,.Alfths„n Robb,oeorge RuPlpy, IheodortywHykirn,.,! Bernard, 13 , ' Schoonover, 'Sprnuel Sei ti crtgolin Shiiip, Christian SniViAy.; iThoritis C' Steal;Plireith‘rilt:B;',Stnbbs; Jeat,.l !O.npzmiiil;'-''Ma'rsbiilE.Kvortiiiil4'iir; . Sirnunl Viigglirt;•'.o,corgoiT, Thora," Niiihplari Tkord, S l ,, ' 'tansy :Watjles,' Stiimiel Weirich, , Alonzo -I N'ilnex...4oalittil , Zirbcy ,and Wm F. rapkar, . (siker: 7 , l sB.r J ew , i :.1, fl 2 (. ' ' "4- i oNivs--.lllesers.Auguitlia cornyn,David ,1111. Courtney, ,David Evans, Iliinfso p ,Evans, , J j thti FonliM,JohioVGiforga;Thontai GUN- 'e de,,Johrill-Giirdin4.Willfitm"ifoniit James ' .Klik; 6 Jciiiinh'l4nlnieli ! 'ltobere:R Little e. . 1 ihri a 'At 'MoCal Mont': •John L 'lVP,Keiv;'..Vi i illiam !II 'Sherry;j?siahMiller,Williarit T, Morrison ' ;IM'-VottOOVVlllidin, j V' J ßobtiiii , ,rdtiii' vi Hoieberilq - johir 713'„ Ititthinford R. , Rupp, aino;4ohn- Smyth, .:•John . ;8 oudart.L9pokiti Witlferii in 4 p#14:1 0 Willieins426v:: ,- 28•' - ..-- f"So,ttie vinneOnti'ivoid4itirtnine4 . In iho.tdv Onintlvo.!' • . , , OEM =II . ,)) . ,).. :. • - :Sidariene'e Onrias; i i , ' .' .;' '-' '3Harriglburgik , 10 6 5 i' 1149 ' ; ", ' ', ritz! . !to .. 1 1:.;‘?1!Areill ~ .I.o tha t',lr * ; , 1 . ~ d 1 - Ida heytify (he above and• i ' rnoining. , in'....,.tr?0 , And CoirePt l_ copy,of;the.f.' Yeas' , , and," Naga, ", 7.1 ' token "on the"". 40.dutton ildative i f , .., • ;)„to an amendmant+offihe Coriatitn • ' ihbp is iheihine'epidarifon ihe•jcuireelon he' then' liiiusbp' of :thd,pmvoloy*Batikbly :0 )Ili.c9ooo9oth, fur the iiiitedhii•ot '1849 I••;;Nl,i,r 2 gphis,Anx,lnith4;e44l;thuneal of Add QAice • iltSPOAnniPt[cda) , •br4Rliffiiere:thonehrisl'i,9Agh !):1110,P,,t,i,1idiM);(414 ,edL .... ,•'. , :.;:i' a 'W.4, 4 1 , ...':•;', j. .. , ., A , il . , l g`,..ii ' :'ll, l r.'' , gl i i' l ltiit,t4ol l6 .sl l .4 , lS4 :Pit..l l t l l °l illrPTA:4llriti4i7iliifiiiji44tViOfiledlu , j. ~, linavuotnitno,lnliwpr, d ,tiold•ii i thd i l * Ai tat pobliblp ilite'l!lr, , ,::: , ‘;Stl•-,fif:l3 -, ,r,LL10T ,. . s'-:, .1' , .; , .:.),.!'a,gi:i4,:i''.;.;.0.1j0 . 0',4•:','...': - -;.,'' Ocinfectioney'rridVaid'Venr..Stoph einstri : '"C.A•araami;'iA,l[.: otINTRY:,M4l . 3.cliArrs ttia„llo.,po,,, .;lia in . general' arCiesPeetfullY:lo,o4'..l,e,• ca I ;ttetha'. Old'' 13 ten th ei stibeeribof, ;,(iteA .itnecin a nirriiiti• !finales 4fead!atiartere) North Hanover street; a few.;doers north ef,the ,Bank: and examine his large CHOICE J coNFECTIONARIE4S,;*Mann-...; facttirdd'orilut 'f,,freeh every and warianted'Afoi‘;lii be:ate:passed; 142 , the' bar sold et,..reasoenYt? pricee. Ho has just receivod.aleagq,assertment of Vreile and "in_ Part of 6,1,t -..kNGES,'• 'LEMONS, Reusim Pigiil:ru" • enti;q l Ordbieneltitik'.'Paper•sliClJed i Filberti;eiOnat : nate;44l , nitte, cCmoti•nute; &c. which` . wlll` 'at ,- the Lloiv,est' rates. "attention' to .4 - 'la lot of "I.' I ,OI"SiAND .'PANCY, goot)s, consisting partit - tif'finti'.fartcy',bezei,• dolls, dell,herids, Eurnittire in boxes; wooden '• tea - iota,' braes ,and tin trumpets, bone„basket Wa. enti'and wheelbarrows, glass , Mid. Chinettql• ccordtio,us, harmonicans,t facy soap,;, hair oil,' hair" Oil, hair, and' tooth brushet„ehitying cream and' htitidreds of other' ' eke: - In connection with ,the above he ha o hand a goad asfortntetti;of,AMlLY G8..0 BIBS, - consiatiag Invert' o oaf, limp and b Tea= ars; toffetr, - ;cheeolti Cheese _wail crack o. mperiol;Youngqiiii3on aid Black Tea, 7 'Spi es of altkindei . blacking, Matches, brushae,:arec. .The subscriber returns hie sincere thanks to the public` for the liberal 'pat.ronat re heretofore bestowed on hint, • and hopes b'y a desire to please, to merit a continuance of the same. 49 P. MONYEB. *Dia, • • DRUGS 1 DRUGS ! D RIMS ! JUST RECEIVED, • , _IIYSICIANS; *-Country , - Me-rehants : and P• , Pedlars,are invited to call and' examine my stock Of. Medicines, Paints, Glass, . Oil, WI niches, nishes, &e. ' !DRUGS. . Hsi-• . 1_ • Patent Medicines, Herbs * and rads, Fine Cluithiciile; Spices, grout id and whole Instruments, • Essences, Pure.Eisen'l Oils Perfumery, •&e. DY.E 2 STUFFS. Indigoes,rog,and Cam Woods, . ' Madders, • Oil - Vitriol Sumac— .. ' Copperas, Alum, Lact,Dye? S 3 • PAINTS. • . . Wetherill & Brother's,Pure Load,-'Chrome Green and Yellow, Paint and Varni , sli Brushes, Jersey Window Gibes, Linseed Oil, Turpen tine, Copal and CoachWarnish, and led Lead. All of which' will be sold at the .vary lowest market price; at.tho cheep Drug and Book Stem, of ' S. W. HAVEJLSTICK. Nov 29th. 1848- . . ' • • To all whom it may Concern ! GE 0 R4Ev-W. RHEEiVI. HkNKFUL to the.public'gent 'rally for pas favors and their liberal patron; Igo; galleon. tinues to carry on the SADDL}, TRUNR, nd HARNESS -making - businetas, at his old ',land in Nrinover street, two doom i north of the,' Carlisle Bank, at the sign of th c Mammoth Collar. He is now better prepared than over to accommodate his customers, having recently made great alterations in his °stab , lisbritent, 'so as to enable him to keep a much b atter assort ment than heretofore, consisting of Spanish, Dragoon, scoop, tub, quilted and plo,in SAD DLES, CARRIAGE HARNESS;, plated and common; Farmers' Gears, of all nds, Tra velling Trunks of all descriptions and prices,. Veleases and Carpet Bags, Bridles,. Tilartingals Dollars, Stock, Leather and Raw Witieti•Whips, Leather, cotton and woratcd Fly-n eta, and all other articles in his line—all of whi c h he is de termined to sell nt the very lowest et ish paices. Making and repairing Matrasses -of hair. husk end straw, and all kinds of Upholste• ing will be mita:wally attended tb. . ap2s'49ly DRUG AND FANOY. ORE • -,• • • trailK3ELeittlfs MI ESPECTFULLY. invitee the, AIL Lion of the public to his Drug and Fancy Stu •e, ' n West Main street, Carlisle, w,he're ho has oat received a fresh assortment of Drugis Me decines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery; Jewelry and Fancy Goode. 'Amongst his extensive variety,m ay be found 'all-the most Approved Patent Medicines, All kinds of Salts, Dye Stuffs, • Quinind, Opium, Castor and Sweet Oils /White lead, Indigo, Spices, fresh ground. Glass, Putty, Chlotoform, Shandeliers, Lumps, Wicks, Sperm. Candles, Shaving and Toilet Soaps, Cologne,3e-wo, Lavender and 03tan.go flower Watrr, Bears Oti Ox Marrow and Hair-I) yo, Nail, Tooth, Hair, and Shaving 13imsties, Fine Ivore.loi-iv and Shell Com b 8, Finger Rinse, Braenletit. and Bre.tutt Pine, Dead Baum and Purser. Porte Monnuire, Silver Spectacles and Pencils, Gold ,Ifens, Ink and alestands," l Fine Writing and Note Paper En velopeis,. Motto Wifers,'Seals and - Paper I ,N - eights; Mirrors and Fancy Boxes, Musical and Surgical Instrumento, Fine Knives and Scisebra, Carriage and Riding Whips," • Umbrellas,..f.tenoNClocks, Trunks, &c., &c. Country Physicians, Meichants, P Odlere and others may - hear something to their advantage by calling icrEthereal and Pine. Oil reveiwed fresh every week. p.7 - Medical aid and advice gratis t.o the poor January 17. 1848, SECRETARY'S OFFICE SECRETARY'S OPPICE NEW & CHEAP HARDWARE STORE m LIE subscribers have just re& ved at their .1 New and Cheap HAIIDWAIa E STORE east High street, opposite Ogiley' a DrY.Geod Store, a largo stock of goods in their line, to which they would call the attention of purcha sers, their arrangement in the city hying' ouch; aa — to edible the& to sell - their - goods at the lowest city prices. • Their stock comprises ,a full assortmekt'of Locks and Latches of every stile , and size,— Hinges, Screws, Bolts, and every - a rticle used for Buildings, Augurs and augur !Bit ts, chisels, broad and hand axes, hatchetsgra i wi ng knives, planes, and plane bitts, hand, parted, and Rip. ping saws, mill, cross-cut and circralar saws, trace and halter chains, hames, 81w:twat's, spades, and hoes, hay and manure forks. A leo, a large assortment of Pockat_ntibl e Cutlery,— spoone, shovel and tongetWatterts and Trays, , Hollow ware, Brass and enamelo d Preserving Kdttles, Iron Furnaces, Cedar Ware, anvils and vices, Files and Rasps , of eve ry kind. Bar Band nnd Hoop•lroti, Cast, Shear Spring and ,Blister Steel, &c. Also, . 100 Boxes Windo,w, t .Glass. • 100 Kegs WetherillTPurp Wit its Lead. 5 Barrels Linseed Oil,' , • 8 Barrels Sp; Turpentine. . 200 Kogtf.CumberlandNittle. May9'49 . 4WRIGEIT & S.AXTON • Now and,Zinnota ntl . - jaE.ORGE RIIEEM recently purchaled the county right ol; H AYWaRTII'LI PATENT C 01.1411; STUFEEii, wou,ld respectfully call the attention of Oa trad) . ,o that important invention. ; ; It is certainly q flaci,,greatest improvements of the age. 'in maclunsi stalk the Collar crooked around ' ,t 'e blot*, f ailed' With ' hair, wool, or other, mitterlabi;liaclA etuffs. it with iong StraW, and'also makes - collar:a the-straw. 'AM less than.hairthelaber.inidAiniA) of the old . way of stuffing. This : machine , . vrill muff all and every. kind of Wise, :collara, VrtAnii tho,hpstL, patent feather deiNin r to'Aher corurri'OrraiSAlltiti4 use, and with but iirte;irtan steadily tit WOrk,will stufrand 'Shane fifty'dollare per: del` in and bettor style than any'other of ily,. known::' Saddlers An ilia,: county;are invited - to' call at: , the Or' • Miteblishni t, Onlstifitlil,fantri,J vat. etreet,fCarliele;;Ond 'examine Township or ",•shots:rigEor 'lre:afild.;Tii those whet° - licit wish to' buys a right the sillil; Scriber offerahnktrir PiliAnk - CRAITAIL alirliale: sale much cheaper then tiny catt„tria . manufae., tared , other WdY: "Orders ifin any'citentity, are respectfullY‘soliiiired.., 4:,:;:. . 0400130 ES A T the Chatii,i',/iinitibriteerit3l4f JOY DI'HAVEItT; WesUllgro,J, stkeOl/ Carlisle; you will always find the boot . st.,Miji . of Foniiik:Groberierith4Aelthiltid9o Dan afford. The • sitiiiieriher!ltas piet rsturne,cl rem the , city; /Old mioitiii'respsatfullv.invite the • publio iri'gonerol ind"hilt:fricifdefin' trtirticniail,- to . call add examine •hiOtiohck, t hich , eittbrobeti , ell ' the artidies' usitallt kept in lais-'hrie ' , busittees,' such as` RIO, cleva , tifid t3tDonditgt) coffee• Im pellet,' Young, Ilyeon';and 'Made Topic; .df- - the best . qualitylp ; leaf,'falling loaf, crushed; clarified And broWnl3figars of every tradit'; pride to suit;'_.-Hertey i sugar , ,hotixo', Orleime , and 534110,1091 1 t8iter , 4,... 'Smelt of will marmot, puro:,,oritt fresh;: grOund— • Prootris,,, 'lttieltete; baskettl."-b_tgieVie*lo; Clitltel.,-,pitte - 'autrpres es rofTevery:Y a ilPtY .- - .- Costile,,fiincY,/roem,and:Oountry'S SOAFS. sO, n`,ftenerill assattniof,Of chi°o 6 g 1011 /' 11414 : 1 -1 • Icing TO BACCO: kipsnlelt• lialftatanieh andOoni- ", man C1GAREL,..131.,A04;-:,supENElyb r tmtE . ,' . . and CROCKLRY -of eyrgy ' dascription-thieh .• he *HUBS') it the l owest potollblO'prises, • .',•E'itolinggratiiful.fer i thh 'Pieria-peer/meg, ttiforebosterVe'd.,4o"bitn,lif titeherons ,li4/„•:- Isttbileribilr , fondere :them hotirty, - , ti t pittteti p:`,lfutunces • meit''.o 4 •.c nuntittneeortnoi iptort. , " • .; • •'= 4 Notor ;22.18 , 18. -JOS: D.. . 4;4 ~lltC~~llftOUL HarristiurvTransportalion''Llike. 13 -S R - ft; ;MELO • • ORWARAING dominissiee-Mercliantki t . 1 1-Is.aaisnalte,' Pa. ship l'reduce";Blereleaii dizo, Ese: to Etaltimers; :PhtludelPhhi.,'&o6`4o4.7l Coal i• I'laster, - Nails, Salt; Rsh,"Greearles,'.-2ce.i Sonstantlyfor sale. - ' , ,"; ; rifirrisburg:lnareli. 29, 1848 . 31i , . • . ... • • . . Gonetal Commigion and , For*.ax Merohant. No n• nowlyrs•Wil BALTIMORE . ;• •••• • h•v...:7-•:., imOR the salsf,of Flotir; Grain; •Clotiqrserid jr Whiskey, Lumber, &c: As, Als 0 ; 1 0P.• Warding -Goods,•via Tido %,WaldriCtinalrand• Pennsylvania Improvements.. •Orders, for ,fish, Sp i lt, Plaster, &C.,Supplied atloyest. Having been engaged in the abolts: business, during the last five years, a continuatioh the; patronage ofrhis friends and the public. is re; speetfully solicited, Refer to FUNK & MILLER, • • J & E Euv, Harrisburg, 13nAri3'1' & ZEIGLER . , • Jacoit Russia, Carlisle, Pa. • • A: CATHCART, ShOphOrdStOWß, Pa. Gsonot SINGISER, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Feb. 14-Iy. es Oamb VaHy .Trahsportation House „;;,'IL in GS &V Canal and Rail Road Line: for Phi'add,. phia, &c. • - JVatwardiag and Commiasion Merchant, HARRISBUR4I--Xa. informs his "friends and the, public, that from the liberalpat ronage extended to him during the past year lie has been encouraged to make more extensive ar rangements for the present Henson, and' has ad ded two now, largo.and splendid Boats to hie LINE, and will be fully prepared after the 'op ening of the Canal, to forward PRODUCE and MERCHANDIZE of all kinds to and from Philadelphia; Baltimore, Pittsbargh, &c., at the lowest rates of freight and with the utmost,des patch. Agents . for Boats, " • CARLISLE 4. GASKELL, Race street Wharf, Philadelphia; GEISE •& SON, • [No. 48 . Comnierce st. Wharf, Baltimore. • CLARK/St SHAW,- J..McFADDEN & CO.SPitts'g Agents:for __WIT_NDERLICH & GRIER,It — 1 No. 272 Market et., Philadelphia. CHALORER & RDYNOLDS, t • .. No. 423 Market st., Philadelphia, SITER, JAMES & CO., • Broad street, Philadelphia. PENN'.4. St OHIO LINE, • • NOrthaticet, Baltimore. Harrisburg, March 29. 1848.—tE • S. Goldman's Clothing Store, On the corner of Main street--rand Marke &Blare, formerly occupied trjj Nathan-Hantch,. THE undersigned respectfully announces to the citizens of Carlisle and surrounding country that he has just arrived from Philadelphia, with a qto endjd stock of READY MADE CLOTH ING, for the purpose of conducting the ready made clothing business in all its various bran ches. . •• He intends keeping an assortment of every article in his line of business, and at such pri-, ces as will suit every one. _liis_stock.embraccs_tha_moeLandsome and fashionable styles worn, and made up in the best manner. toodi The subscriber only asks a trial of gt and is sure they will give entire satisfaction. Also, a large psfortinent of Hata, Caps, Shirts, Cravats, Collivsk'Bosoms, Suspenders, anti Hosiery, all of which he will sell tit — very low,prictis. Boys' SAMUE clothingL GOLDMA constantly-ou N. hand -April 11, '49.76m. • Fresh Dings, Medicines, &c. Soo. fhavo just received from .Phtadel phis and New York very extensive additions to my. former stock, em former nearly every ankle of Medicine now in use, together with Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Soaps; Stationery, Fine Cutlery, Fishing. Tackle,— Bruhes of almost every description, with an endless variety of other articles, whiff}} I am de termined to sell at the VERY. LOWEST price 4 ".: All Physicians;tountry 'Merchants,•'. and others, are reepeetfully requested the OLD STAND. os they may r. • • that every article will bo sold of a go t'.• and upon reasonable terms. Atta S. ELLIOTT, 'ay 30 Akt-'Maiw street. Carlisle. 33 0 17 CM May 30 Dry Goods and Groceries'. • J. T. G. CARMONY desires to inform his friends and the public that he has remo ved to the stand on Korth Hanover street lately occupied by Chas Barnitz. and next door to Haverstick't3 Drug and Book Store, where he is determined to sell goods as low as any other establishment in Carlisle or in the county. His stock consists of Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts; satin, cachmere.merino and silk Vestings; Me rinoes, AlPachas, Mous de Lathes, Cachmeres, French worked collars, kid gloves, silk fringes, gimps, flowers, thread laces,. &c. TICK INGS at 6+ cts, calicoes 3 to 6+ els, very cheap muffins, hosiery, Berlin and Caclunere gloves, A largo assortment of BONNET RIBBONS, very low, satin plain and figured Mantua, plain, bared, striped and figured Also GROCERIES and, QUEENS WARE, such as Coffee, Ten, Sugar, Spices - of all kinds tobacco,-segars, crockery, glass and queensware, rice, ebocplato, starch, together with numerous other articles— Give him a call. [npr SELLING. orr • THE subscriber hns, commenced selling off ! his'etitire stock of DRY GOODS at greatly reduced price, to make room fdr a largo stock oP Fall and. Winter Goods. Ae my ,assortment is,vory largo and complete, purchasers will find it decidedly profitable to call atfd invest their cash at my establishment. Call ono and all so wroth° boot bargains over had in,Carlislo.hl ally goods will be sold far below coat, ; and ,all at prleos below low water mark.' I have .eelorgia stock . q( BOOTS AND ,SHOES on hand Which, I will close out at IoW figures. Also, a full assortment of CARPETINGS at all prices and' last'. not Wasp, u prime lot of G ROCH; RIES, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Molasses,, - Rice; &e. Fresh and Cheap Recollect the Old Stand, East Main Stmt., C -GGILBY: •. au'49. - • .t ••, armeirs.l Save Your 11ioney.14:, AST IItOIt.:IIORsF.,TPW. - EASSor hyo . II throe and' four horses, made - entirely :of. , s o that .you .can leayb the' weaths* Without the _liiitit-"danger of injUry:: - ..Alliej:. Tli M ithing Outtere, Towle adSheato 'cotiet tintly , olt -Y141:4111. attire ~r notiey;;by,' calling , before - purchasing elsevOliero, ,, ittAithe poundry,in'East.High Street;iCarlialo•Pas: , ,. augB3mos _ . i A: Purelsr VegY.ltaitie -Bledicine... W": ORSD ELL'S V.EdETAB LE REST°. : 11:A'FIVE, PILLS nave been.' gradually, but Barely comeing.into favoe,, anaapgi tee, 'fami lies of *lda Cciunfry; for !mina yettia peat; ,TheY IIOW:done this entirely through their giCat ntoltb ii:n•TAMILY ' :MED IQlNE: ll ''Agencies !hoe boon appointed bUt'no ritiffitig'ind humbugslidoh ad Is ilettor te d. to by. aa aokiMael tilfeic,inedicine bati`iiiien.donli. ;Vim . pille: are!olleredflerl kale andatave'and will continue; to, bti aold .bY alit t.sro„ ptincapel st4alceepore. ',Thai proprietoreiPlajffi for Abein Medicine the Plc/wilt advantages ove altutliers'imviziLtgwqr a re, PP ISEfX, 7{20E1 1 T.A.EfLE: 4.Theyi, arc, PPRTAIN ;10 ' - i - .TE-, RATE. : 'Tliete t ,4ol.ritlini le *FREE: I Iion" ,iti .PAIN.- 4 . The&Mli 0 nied widiIECLUALPFI7 111 FIT br liie , Y - OUtIOFST INFANT arialo .@.‘i 'FRO N GEST J.MAIsT4-.T heir iiffiCienCyjn , Fo,l Vara, Ague. Headttebes,•,'Habitual:COativeneM: pyapept,tta, , ClholtircMoiintet; , Unlhaatbeeit pro-, vett ugon thouaands.:' They eviii lif.Certaidkl ere for.,Wer,rns:l , , , The .ooMletolarpolafeas'twolirtik 11 cute from a gentleman in , li- Loniewliotvi.aS; en., red of iNAPI3I WORM I . ltYTSF,M.Tiat i y , , ILL ,-;Ni:)!VVAIP:: t-' raw: Ming ,agent•foi;:ibi;''State:, , tif.,Perlaliylve-, ela=ppartime P. `Am e r.; , l `Ptit'earo;leileo '';setri, 1 n'bbi ) ,olifitairtirig PlPTY,l:llliiliffiVith'4lll'di.‘ - Mations' , by'.tbe , fonoWinctigetith iMettilibet:ltind, County t - For . eale biDRSAWLIN'SICavIiaIe,' Pa'...:, - . 1 Jditara 'll - .:lleititoar,= : -Neviririle.. ~,,, '. t ~ ~', .. j___ - F,..; . E.E Hi - nab nrg. - .6.'i ‘ , l-.'-'.'''.. '-''' 1. S it,Wittr,Ari, - < , ~, '. .' ir ' ~'-'' /,;:t ..,!. „;•+4'.?,' , :il,ii' , .'dl '4 , ,,'i`: , .: f:AVWEtitS* ! VOV. , ' I Piopruitii.re4.intwct . tprs!,,NP 111,'9404 1 4 1 ''U1ti , 1 3 Pt4 ! P,nillideltdue;..' • . - .:•, i ,..,;' 1 , - ;, - .;,:.n ., ..., „, • tz' •.-, :.fl , I r it l l4o l7- 4PAlli`t,l4 4 li l ;Wk. '-.' ). -•'' -. , -; , 1 ,, "-''' , ' 41389r,reiteivad.-alarthcF,iaupidy: tfl.r,ihkk, ey,;Bluivibbchilljiitiil7 , l ..',.. , ,4 ".„, i ..:. ~ , •. ~., yp.. t) 'O5 r”: .o ' l'-' , l= , ---zipicri , ':, } ifj,w. aril tag .zt: I it'? ' ,ll ''''''''''P'', - i!'l l itibliWOII; (1-1,„• "4t: i. '.4 .9 .i'4' , .ii . f;P ; ti.IA X.ia:o , „Otf,l3iiiiiiiicikr, , Preiiii‘fsiliTokiillo friictilvokand: for little, byTi: , ,.. , , ,. ,;',,,ii,?,:i.. - AYTALiA':rti: • , ,..161y-11-,.',2 , ' , , ,, ':. :'' ' '''''"'..'"xj'::!..,.: :... ~` :V,,,:'' ''''.' - ', ,•• :, , ' Z: ~'.+' . ' r ',d ; ~ .j ' .4l ' ' ' ''' '`; ' :, ,,i ' ' ' .'. .` l 'ii .-;. ;° , 7 17 V, .: ' , l ': i . ' ' ‘ .7' . :, , ,, T ;,'„: ". . 2 , , ; ', ;•.1 . 27i , ,'... ; i IV ‘ ;''', ' '..; ' ?, ' , .I.i:':,'f',:i'.::::: .4,;.1.5' ,. ..41.3:..4;i'i ,anottrcuta,, .txinp.ctintes:,..,;.,.... 0 - i_ ~-i::: - , Fire' us c r ,t,'•;;ltifietylar heOrd`connty, ineornqatedliy. Aet,ot ASsern. ' hix,,,s,flOliV, (II Ily !argue n ,operittie u dac o the,rntiatigetrioAt;Or golle,aftee conunis - - • Cr . 'I; ; Cht.",;Siayrian;VriColi Shelly, 4. organ, Lewis \Titzelt 11tobririSterretti ,, -Henry : , -Loiten",--;--Miehael . -Benjamin 'lL— itduseerTLevi-Mirlier,'lTtredli -Kirk; Prdw ell,,sr, and lyfolcheir.Prenetinin,,W,lM:respeittfully ; call' the Attention of -.citizens, of Porobarlatact.nrl. 'Y,Oili,eoimßes: to iliti,ediantagOs . t.vluehlihe PanZhnid out. t•- T,h p; rates of hi tairatice* are riti law: a n d v riverab Id? ililycompani.-itV).t4o„liind,in :the • itintovisiting;t9Nenme reenthOrti are invited •to apnlieation i m,the agentiti : pf the dorripany, who Otto/011111'g ip:Avait Mpon them at any time. - • -; _.y.„.TAQ 0 BH SEMY , President • : . ~,1,, ., .....,.13ENAY.14,5AN, Progit LEsttie . ,kcysa -Seeretery, . MICIIIAEL Codicrart, Troasurey ' Actitirs=- , Rifuolpli , Mirtin, New Cumberland hristian Titzal and JOlin .Q. Dunlap, Allen; C Harmon, Kinkaiownt Henry Zoaring, Shire manstown; Simon'Oyster; Wormleysburg; Ro bert Moore. Chorrealßell, Carlisle. - Agonts for York County—Jacob Kirk, gono• ral agent; John Sherrick, John Rankin, J. Bow. man, Peter Wolford.' ',Agents for Harrisburg.—t!Ousor & Lochm. 'InTSUSLANCE. The Girard. Insuranpe Annuity and Trust Company of Philadel-, phia, • - - Office .Is7o. 159 Cheetmct Street, Capital $$00•, • • 000,._ Cligrter_Perttiale CONTINUE tomake InsuranCes ontvee on the most favourable terms, receive and execute' Trusts, and °receive Deposits on Into= Tho Capital being paid up and invested, to gether with accumulutediXtemium fund, affordo a PERFECT RECURITY to the insured. The pre mium .maybe paid in yearly; ball yearly, or quarterly payments. The Company add a BONUS at stated pe -11013 to the insqrances for life. This plan o insurance is the meet approved of, and is more generally in use, than any other in Great Brit; (where the subject is best understood by the people; and where they have had the long est, experience,) as appears frometbe fact, that dot of 117, Life Insurance Companies there„ of all kinds, Br7,are on this plan. The first BONUS n as appropriated in De cember, 1844. ainouniingsto 10 per cent. on the sum insured under the oldest polices; to 81 p'er cent., 7} per cent., &c, &c., on others, in 'pro portion to the time of standing, making an ad dition of $100; 887.5Q415, &c., &c. to every 81,000, originally ingbred, Which is an average of more titan 50 per cent on the premiums paid, and without increasing the annual payment td the Company. The operanoh of the BONUS will be seen by the following examples from the Life Insu• .ranee Register of the Company, thus Policy. Sum Bonus or Amount of Policy & Insured Addition Bonus payable at the party's-decease No .58 $l,OOO $lOO . OO $1,100 . 00 • 88 2,500 250.00 2,750 . 001 205 4,900 400'00 " 4,400'00 275 2,500 170'00 2'175.00 • • 333 5,000 • 437-50 - 5'437•00 I contair . 'nns Pamphlets the table of rates, and explanations of the subject ; forms of ap plicatibn, and further information can he had at the office, gratis, in person or by letter, ad dressed to the President or Actdary. B W RICHARDS,LPresident. JAMBSEActuttry. m2'49ly. The. Franklin Fire Insurance Com 'Any. of. philadglphia. OFFICE, No. 163 i Chesnut street, near Fift , street, TB DIRECTORS. Charles N. B,anckor George W. Rtchards Thomas Hart . Mordecai D. Lewis. Tobias Wagner dolph% E. Bone . gam uol Grant David S.,Brown Jacoh R. Smith Morris Pitterson Continue to make insurando peretua% 6Lllmi ted, on eyery description of property in tawarut,„ country, at 'retei as low as aro consistent with security. The company have reserved a large contingent fundAhich with their capital and pre miums, safely- invested, afford ample protection to the insured. Th e assets of-the company on January Ist, 1848, as published Agreeably to an act of Assem bly, were as follows, viz r. v . • r Mortgages -5.890,558 as • Real Estate , Temporary Loans 124,459 00 • Stocks 51,563 25 Cash on hand and in hands of agents, • $1,220;027 67 Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have paid opwards of ONE MILLION, TWO HONEREI3 THOUsiNO,DOLLARS, losses by fire, theteby aflording evidence of the advantages of, insurance, as well the ability ,and• disposition to meet with promptness, all liabilities. CHARLES N. RANCHER, Pres't. • is CHAS. G. BANCKER, See'. fob 2 The subscriber is agent for the above company for,Parlisle and ha , vicinity. All applications for natirance either by mail or personally, will be romptty attended to. W. D. SE MOUE. Heyl's Embrocation for Horses. THIS valuable EM BRO. ••' 2 .. CATION will cure Sprains. _ • Bruises, Cuts, Galls, Swell s,* Rheumatism. and all . - % complaints which require an external remedy. It gives immediate relief t,o the Searches. and-themcident to Horses having white feet and noses, produced by the St. John Wurt. It is also highly useful in relaxiag stiff ness of the. Tendons and Joints and produces beneficial effects in cracked heels brought on by high feedieg,splints,sprains. This Ermine- DATION is recomended to 'Farmers, Farriers, Keepers of Liirery Stables, and private gentle mea.owning liefses, and should be constantly kept in their stables. The GENUINE arti cle is prepared only by W. Mausn ALL, No 302 Race st. Philadelphia. And forsale wholesale and retail at DRoRAWLINS' Drug Store W •Main street, Carlisle. March 14-Iy. 'Extensive'Furniture Rom. JACOB PZITTIII ! ,.-.); • • WOULD respectfully call-the attention of Souse-keepers and the public, to the ex tensive stock of spIendidFURNITURE , ineluo ding Sofati,-Wardrobes, Centro land other Tables, Dressing-And Plain Bureaus, and every yeti° , ty of Cabinet-ware and Chairs, which ; he • has now on hand., at his N•E W ..121Q0MS, on Loather street. neiti . the corner of Narth:Hanover.alreot, in the roar hf Powell & , . ;.) confidant that the superior finish of the wptitintinshipi and , elegance of stile, in _which-: hid articles are got ap, _together with their CHEIPNESS, TOCOVlniella MOM to every per , son wanting. Farniture. 'Ho has also made or. rangemeuts„ fur- manufacturing. and keeping a constant supply - of Vverrartielo in his lino, both' plain' ind'ornaitioniati elegapti and ?useful; at P4o B '. which ' e , Utegt"•faktl9 wpuld:capesily trivittf persene whceie about:4o,-, commence 'exnfirPno, , t' .hipipresenk,elegnikt:ste k„to•Oich.A.VVill etfintly4nake ?ieWest;and'inciet modern sfyles:c". , " ' '.COFFIN B,randp`,Vo.erd,erait: thn'tiliditetkAo•'. t ice,' for own upd" „court ry. thirlfsle.3 nap'. 13'; 18413.', 1 , • :it .• • .!OrThet ; Int q.. Fetter 4sP"Si r A. having' beeit , ..oolVbd,'T aeon Fetter, carry tot-thAblisniestilitcabOvai• 'n%AGLEtT'IV•OwtY,ork Gold . P . enti,'tho bPik a „ 11 , dela of the ttny„apd wbieb, .batan,ea „ tinan,obettld yv , in ,14:n.plooattt',08aotttitent of" ; pr o y .. „ clotting „Rtizo . r.&; l oCol 3a l iu n i g t ° , l l: ~.!. be" Beg"eb:abtdilleneie°9 311`,Windo;Blind'a' l ant i k e ir e tt g ' e* ego ie ni"o ° f f e i ve a r bl y`e n ty t ht ond,at ow. pr cee e'f"luti;`Yo;' l4o . , 6 Pi V decr dni,FOsqpipi lq 4 p 9PI A ."TT III g , • lA"'lurga"vprtety of, at ev,ery ' attiele for4totter ,attopp, wittroped suPeAlm: to - for?sottini'alteonamootbos i . , l to ratbre, oto: ....16!ate. a box: "Traarnba, , ,...Sotipatifmee,.l)Wrgeirtfl? 3 ' , lttl. fer,Plifq_lotir,:a_ rich and beatitillOtggY4 l l :: 3 l,,,„ , .. Ifotti,the eelebrafed.i,:fiitifibfite{? .. flr pff JtileiHciu'ellnutqth r ', :Lity.,, : .',Okoo) or' - 1 1 Tooth . Tdoth ~„ .14ai.airAttheR,, 11 .nirlikii 1 7,1)124014• ettitaiti.:' ~EINERAIP,VAVOLt".,'"VreI ' h t • -froP "the t7l/fTit'tlY,,nv„th°.Pyitiqt°4l,tetk • 'is,' • -, jly'~i~.l r'l ~~ EM • IN QUART (110TThES, FOR' THE REMOVAL & PERMANENT - CURE OF ALL DISEASES ARISING' FROM AN IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD OR HABIT OF • THE SYSTEM, VIZ:. •• Scrofula or King's Evil, Rhcbmtailsin, Ob. etinato Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pus- tules on theVace, Blotches, Sore Eyes,.Ring Wprm or Totter, Scald Bend: • . Enlargement and Pain of the Bolles end.— joints,Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Symptoati', Aciatica .or I,nrisbago, and diseases at isiukT from aft- injudicious•uee of Mercuiy, Aseiten: or Dropsy, Exposure-ilillmprudencer - Also, Chronic Constitutional harders,' • • n - this - preparutioit — aWfstrittitlfS ed all the Medicinal properties ef-SaimarseiLn."-:•; eomblued. with tho most effectual aids, the: • • shoal salntary productions, the most potent' simples of the vegetable kingdom ; been so Sully tested not only by patients them selves, but also by Physicians,•thst received their. unqualified recommendations. and the approbation of the nubile ; , and,. hen established on its own merits it.,,rapinittion for-VALUE and EFFICACY 'far`:superior to _ the verso - us compounds bearitiOliii'.name of I Sarsaparillp, knees have beistniired; ;bell as are not Vanished in the hiiiisfi r ds ',Of Aim° ''past; and what tt has alreadYAOnS,;tor the t'musands who have _used it, it la. satiable 'of doing for the millions still suffering.and etrug, gling wills disease. It purities'iishianses, and - strengthens the fountain springs of-life, and infuses now vigor throughout the whole ani mal frame; , . • The diseases for whichlitis'article is reeem mended are those to whit% it • is known Born personal 'experience to bo adopted; and those apparently. removed beyond the sphere of its action have yielded to helot:loose°, The cat alogue of. complaints• -might be greatly ex tender' to which. the 'sarsaparilla is adapted, but experiences proves, its value, and 'every suoceeding day le adding new trophies to itir fame. • ANOTHER tHLE . OF SCROFULA. The following shiltlng and, as will be soon permanent cure of aninvetertfte case of Serer fula, commends itself to'all similarly affected SouTuroicy, Conn., Jan. 1, 1848. Messrs.SANus Gentlemen—Symputhy for the afflicted induces me-to inform `you of the 'remarkable cure ,ellimled.hy your Sarsaparilla in the case of my.Wite:—She was severely afflicted with the 'ecrefiiht. on - different parts of the body . ; the-glands of the neck were greatly enlarged and her lirribtrmueli swollen. After . suffering ovrx a year and finding no relleffrure • the remedies used,the disease attacked, and • below the knee suppurated.. liar physician advised it should.* laid open, which was done, but wPhout 1191 - perinanent benefit. In this situation weheard of, and were fr.duced to use SANDS' Sarsaparilla. The first bet, tle produced a decided 'and favourable effect, • relieving her more Hip any prescription sho had ever takenikncl!=belore she had used six _ bottles, to the , astonishment and delight of her friends, she found her_bealth quite restore ed. It is now over a year since the cure wit- effected, ancilier health remains good, show ing the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the sfetern.' Our neighbors are ail , knowing to those filets, and think very highly of Sands' Sarsaparilla. _ _ _ . Yourk - with - resiteet, . JULIUS PIKE. Extract from a letter from Mr. Tow alum, a gantlarnan.caoll,known. in Dakware It commands itself to all ail:11140y afflicted. Gantlammu-444-wirelias used-several bot tles of your Sarsaparilla, which „I obtained of your agents in;this place, from which inc hes received - such pecial benefit, that I am ia. duced to add 'mine to the aboudant testimony nets , before the public in' favor of its medici nal virtues. Her father, .mother, and many • other relatives, have fallen victims tot consump tion, and it was supposed that she too was in, Wined the same way.. She had wont turns of rinsing blood, Sso. and at length becaine BO riduced4l4liitillfe was despaired offgAi day tedn,YMVCigitifolnduced to try your Sara- • aparilla. eibifere ffl - Ontloned;.from the use of which her "MAW h!ie been' restored; so that for the pasCyciar A she has bein to. attend ' to her domestic duties:. . • • Respectfully yours • JOHN By INGRAHAM ' ' BRONCHITIS CUED: The follow inishinve the virtue of the sore. aliarilla in removing Bronchitis; 1 disease which, if not sjieedily . : arrested, leads to ;con sumption: It allays imastiidleaetion, changes the secretions; and.by_ite tonic an - d,alterative • properties, removeohe-unheidthy-action,_ and__ . the patient is NAterootrEV;MisiP;NoV. 11th, 1848. Messrs. SANEId- - = : 0816,161 . 14 . 11 . :Witi1l to make - public, for the goOd'7ollthose".:ifilleted with Bronchitis, the healing , llielierties, of, your Sarsaparilla.' My iffePtiiiffelWfor twenty,. 'months in such a rnanneoi±,is;ineitittaily de- 1 . scribed; at times elm wielOt;ablo , lo. speak above a whisper, and WhenAigpolte'dlo,the ;mid m air, it occasioned selhinelike 'spatims in. the throat, the effect 0r#1401044 felt:ln thcP ears and eyes, causing t..4aiti,,t - cpllei.V;!1"1: complaint:was aitonded co+ l ll ll l %. produced by the ,constant. irrltatiOri:farid flammation oftho thioat, By the nee. of SARSAPARILLA she was perfecOy.,eure4-.'... - - it being now. more thari; thite,"ffloathS:'`Edn"o" she felt Inv symptoWdeOl • Yours, • GEORGE'.G.HQEG.:i.::Z' 35,373 28 W: Harris' q, well known 'in .' dounty Vito •• peatlomen,—"l'havo cured` . a nokilofhof 'QC; lain° with your parqapwrilio;whoyvalvattaokqd with i Porofula, and of a scrofulous faintly. ; t • Youra•trulyolo , ` el • N. W;111 - ARItIS. • • Ftedeilekii ; pps',§mterunna.,n.7-11. seems ' oieseisiry kiteet attention to ad' article well keinen;ono eo deseryoilly.popular, as this preparatiorh but;•pitieets .:.often Who , wish to use the extraet of sarsaparilla are; ,chtioe4d to ti.risorthiess.'eSsiipoupda:.biartnit 'the.. T1,1111:10 - - • but'c'ontulnWt:lfttlet'oKilcino 6e'viitiik'pt thjOitlikithlir•rOd)•`andJ.,Siii.thiMW:'Oatiedt - bet .l for e 141 directing , of mogorK;;,:s4i4i'lliii:titi6o.l6o•fOOtoOto:,ATihilf • ,bottle . hoe , recently; been . .erilarireit:ii- hold - 'quart! and those who 'Wish u-.reapy,-.goOsi,lattf4 this , roedi;, :ordeal .ialeci,Fifithti thiiosandslarsterovetytweffieitiy.liwonii9g the ~• various dieetuleatiar whioh It de?"recommeudedq, OFi Wife& time e poi.h4S, is ibis " medicine useful, In preparinb%J'' :t ; ;Pictpfiied SA N and Cli ' einists; . 100' nitbn '' alteet ! noreei- ,:r 13',847048k,014,41.°1'54:01,11113/16Ptitt—iP9,:fi':?':.: 1 , • f-t - ttors Orden. fi rt 04... cidadlikt i troftlropapitkani'lhat 'can ~ 1)c ~ u aea cure of,,stiraoao; ll '4.-' sub., pctlfs,, Sphnt C ~. urb )1 , 1 ,Stiffriola , 1.- li`pol(.4) &a; . fe,'ai? iifioniatina the hands -.llorsomoini.!alid, naPfitablc `fili . .* l 4)lo l o' ti) b 0 t c of, jt7::;P,rice . ol,lli2s?and'sl:l pchtapap, , boall;. l 1160,' prcp„iff - 04"„nnif,tly,g114:tr,e0.30,,P10.,cvand ' for alnewin,flevalirohdlciaif;'• u.Nar gig "ilorth aaConal,atiosit, aihst 11.1.N.'.13'Aiiliolesalia arid kinait '.30)21:% . • Ektratit from t kitto—r,—re—c:;)-047-iiiiKßTki-F.::, =I ME