Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 05, 1849, Image 4

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3% 1 8110145, Q , Zns94'
Net ., Lawk*FeAni:viviud
• A correspondent ' of 'the ` i?ti laQeipliia
DlOrth . AjnArinanil, gfyitig, 5n series of
communicnitons for that paper, a digest
of th,l'in)it,4 : iiriiiortint la 's " enactn'd at
the kit session: of our State Legislature:
The writer reinark4 in his first number
that• " wone session has done so Much
for the'fu Lure good of the Commonwealth.
The 'manufacturing law alone is worth
all / the cost of the session." That arta
_others he thus notices : • A
Thee, law to establish Manufactur;ng
Companies lobed - 0440n the true D Fm -
cmtic All - coming withinits
• proviFions,and complying with itsterms,
may be incorporated„ When. any five
or snorepersons may dowel** form a
Compatty, for tile TourpbSe „or eartying"
_on the manufacture of woollen, cotton,
flAx I k goo's, or of iron s paper, lum-
ITe , saki
. this Crmonwealth, and
shall have übseribed" capital of not less
than twenty thousand dollars, in confor.
!pity with said act, they may become in
corporated, as therein prescribed, for a
term not exceeding twenty years, and
may purchase real estate not exceeding
two thousand nem T e regulations
prescribed for such•colapdnies are . such,
its to afford the public ample information
of its , capitalictedit and operations, yet
not more restrictive than security and
safßfqf creditors and-stockholders lre;
luire. All that is uo* wanted to induce
of .c embrace the prov,isiona of
of this law, is such encouragement from
the Congress of the United States as will
warrant them in commencing manufac.
turing btisiness at all. -Let such-encour:
agemen(be afforaed, and this law will
be the instrument of combining capital
and co-t peratien to an extent that will
give . value to property adapted to menu
. facturing purposes, and to houses end
lends contiguous, end in the community
at large, infuse prosperity and wealth to
a degree beyond calculation. Sueh cor
porations will not only be dementetie, be
cause within the reach of all alike, but
rightly organized, may be made the most
practically useful beneficial "and saving
fund—societies. Shares --at—fifty-dollars
vach, as required by the law, must be
Within the reach of acquisition to all in
dustrious and thrifty operatives ; and• it
will be the true interest of the
,Principal '
capitalists to enlist their interest as stock
holders; and always to pennit their pur-,
chase. If the capitalists be wise, whether
humane or not, they Will wish the hands
that. work to be interested_m_saving_and.
in gaihing—to lose as little, and make
ah much as, possible,Jor the establish
ment. • Interest them and they will work
' , with a will," and feel that incentive
which makes .work a happiness to all
• raanlandi and they, will alert at every
turn, loss front waste—waste of time and
waste of material., Then the jealousy
. and opposing interests of employer and
employed would cease, and, acting under
a beneficent law of Providence, co-ope
rate for the common good and prosperity.
The act of the session reflecting the
brightest hope for the future, is that of
the 10th of April, 1849, entitled ..fAn
Act to create a sinking fund, and to pro
vide for the gradual and certain extin
guishment of the debt of the.Cornmon-,
wealth." . The title n is'.:fittirig to the act,
and holds 'no - pr§rnise ;that ,the act is not
adapted to redeem. The Secretary o
State*, Auditor pieneral and State Trea
surer, are made . a Boarciof,Commission
era, and to them ,are exchisively appro
priated the taxes on collateral iiiheri
tances, the. per centage assessed on banks
itittritilroads, distilleries, breweries, bil
liard rooms, bOwling saloons, tenpin al
lays, new counties, theatres, menageries,
eating houses, beer houses ant restau
rants, for the purchase of the debt of the
Commonivealth for cancellation ; 'and for
the, inviolable,application of the funds to
this objecrthe faith of the Commonwealth
is' expressly Pledged; until the extinction
of the debt Shall be completely effected.
Thus we see that at the earliest moment
practicable,after,the revenaes have risen
to the level . of the payment (if the inte
rest on the debt, in par ,or „specie hinds;
the process of`,redemption has commen
ced, and is , to be pursued with an inviolahle
constancy until. the. great work shall- be
completed. To thus commence ensures
the'progress and completion of task,
and strciiiiiiit:ve have Poised through
the . period.• of trial-and - 'depression, and
are in, full view-of a future ,bright with
promise 'anti 'hek,o,'lina:.,piost,.c9risidipg
twd'theii•ftii to every citizen whcrloves
ink State;:iiticl . .desired "thiitiiiti?posterifY
•May be:rksrZlicali''',tho...).hraldii*- of debt.
Froni 'the
. piiiideir siiiirees a .fund: has
- 'lll4t - idiTiiccumiiihtteil,'.;iiiidjefore'ihis
`' , ',pasties fliint ,the Ores's, fw i iiiiiihdredl thou-.
.- sand doltilVeWillt;.:MiViiixteri z : applied': tO
.. Waidalhe pdbk debt. ' l , l trolire then,in
the:eraof ; iitir'"fiiitificia;`_liiistaiy. long look 4
eil.' to':-,wi th , unflinching hon.sty, and pa
, triolic hote;antatyta:unticiPatiort'',,sheds,
a . cheeritigi' li r ope,on',. faithful illiorere.
. •
, through :the. the past, so , .'will
ite'realigit , lititrlight iind cheer th'd'oy: of
those ;whp`:elifilr i faitliftilly : lalicir i 'to r coin
illeiii-; thtkutakf Of. filial ,A Sy.indlpittrio=
-1 . tiem to= oit'eteiit,i ilnd, bekire'Cqoccuiiiii#
'i-' l VelittlP'"'',,-' 9 "''''' ,.. .,„': , .'''''';l:., 1' ,'''-i',
- ' It iii.ti4o,ltl4';il4.itiiiii , lredUeliirt:for.
''s° l l'v3 49 o#` l t°i°4 3 9,lirMir!iiiit.,kie,it4et,
. R itfee,ttieprOftliip# yoisuty,ja ti.i. : bi
,'lfittiplje4't Old'clOtipct:i4:o; the';North ,
4'l3ninbit, Crinttlyibtit(thilitiv.e.nue . to bode'
I , liy•iid frtirri,iliii:iiiiiei fi e4Yobjects,is•to.', be ttl
7,-,,,ii#o, , iiicriOlitidOeitect7,(o.theOject:oti
~ 4 4 :'''.###ijil.0:*P'Si',1Wciii0,#:'6* r iiitg4itma:
'lt. l, !EO'k'' ' S'!"/41 1 - I, R . 4 1 0-k,l4o,oitl , '.it,.; , *ikl
~: i.'l3,6ol l *l l. Yfr.„PtlYl'ii i .he".,ktictpjlee'siOre'ir;i4.l
',.:4;inucl'i:-Pi!! , ,ao,.,.,,elelltieJf.iii::ttd, 401Qxi s ',4.(0the'
i t
?.? ,, ,diib,t; 0 1 1.100i411Tei,ori, , t "e74pfrizlgied - ii.;:
,P:ii#illon,:arr..ilie' 64 , 4;1) :. iEw,cf4Otil'Acit('
!!• , 'iiii,4ooall,'::KrilhotiiiT;:of 11 '# , :eth'er,lpulilin
.I.oiaksliiiiiitittio:steiff*f.o 7 ,6ll44 xilacil6
t rlC:4 l 44 l Pho ll eA:'P* lll ' 7 ro l o)Y-'•e'litrki 4
a" 13104:h , th.04iottoi%C.,Eiilitli6dP , 1 1 .4eTkiiiitt
g. cf„f4oS4fijOtiiiiis,tit !IlifelpflitiO or a.
R. 1 1 4 6 , 1 * B ‘ 1 00004 1 it`fj . ..' 1 ?0°..0,0:4414:0,i :
I , irilArVohfmgpoipotfp
fi-k:) , #o" , )yil 01rt ,to .tthel-" , vublicrxr` , .
.. , 0 , t, , vtiuk PA. 4 10 * l / 4 1:4,0.4 0ff0, 1 4,i4;
xs ,, to.o , ,lholoaillawr4B,7p#o!4h . o - 4,1 . 90*910,`
i,fkStql:k,A,:li,ys;tflß4l,44i,.„:zl4*o:,:• C:0,7,,,P, rt„'.4,..?.j.,1Ni...,th,d ' t,4l) A hC9 r p r e ,l .: 6 , r00 ,,•, - ! , - 05 : 4 c : 44i4,,, . , . f - v . . t ,i.-. ~0.,/.,',,,,,,,• 9AII
4 - Atit 4010.1fi) I Y'I n 4I , II I V ,
R,;;04.b,:,,:c.t,.,.;1..,,c7.,,5,, , 7,,:.. ,,
~~!' .
So - tar as - prosperity . pt,,lhe -tature
shallklepalid upotf^thtiPktidifica,itnativis
"dltra of the ; ptesentExecutiyc ofithe State, ,
have the'fiplic't it, :tit eshiatorY2,
of the ;past:for its COntin i nance And its in
crease:,,jAnd, let tht-Congress of the
Unikell',Stres hitt Ao, cibkiiiiie duty
. to.:
wards .the great interests : of, the State, as
thfs President will undoubtedly ask it to
do, and our" future prosp'eritY, and
fleas twill be assured beyond qoeitiOn to a .
'degree that - should satisfy the ardent
hopes and riatriotic wishes of the citizens
.of Pennsylvania.
A pnidie imPfevement„;'of great 'importhice
to the State, but of especial. interest 'to the,
northern coal - fiCld .in Wyoming valley, and ,
.estined to make it one'cif the most active and
ofitable, authorized to be completed 'hy tho
las egielatitre is the.unfinishedaorth Branch, •
Qanal. Requiring a larger •expenditure esti be about one mdlion'of dollars, it was
felt by the friends of tho public credit, and par the 'Executive; not . warrantable' to,
increase the Stattf debt' to finish WS canal,
though friendly to tho measure and:enxtous for,
its completitin. Its execution wee, therefore, •
Made 'dependent upOn the, condition of the
treasury, and , t whatiiver balance of money re
mains in the treasury : unappropriated, after 06 , 4
payment of the August and Fobuary interest
in each current year shall have been fully pro.
vided for, "shall, for so long' a period a& may bo .
necessary," be appropriated towards the com
pletion of that work. The moment it shall be
completed; it will, bits own productiveness,
become the most rapid Source of supply to the
sinking fund for the extinction of the State
(Conclusion next week.)
Commonwealth - of Pennsylvania
Relative to an Amendment of tlic Constitution
Resolved by the Senate and House of Repre•
sentatives of the Comm?nwealth of Pennsylvania
in General Assembly met; That the Constitu-,
Lion of the Commonwealth be amended in the
seeentt - saction of the- All article, so that it
sliall readas follows: The Judges of', the Su
rWOC o:C'''n't, orilie several:C:66ns of Common
Pleas, and of such other Courts of Records as
are or shall be established by law, shall be elect
ed by the qualified electors of the Common:
wealth in the manner following, to wit: The
Judges of the Supreme Court, by the qualified
electors at lard°. The President-Judges of the'
Wets! 'Courti of Common Pleas and of such
Other Courts of'Recoid as are or shall be costal,: law, and all other Judges required to
tio learned in tile law o by the qualified electors
of the respective districts over whichdhey aro
to preside or act us Judges And the Associ
ate Judges of:the:Courts of Common Pleas by
the qualified electors of the countieb. respec
tively. The Judges of :the Supreme - Court
shall hold their offices for the mini Of fifteen
years, if they shall so . long behove themselves
well i (subject to the allotment hereinafter pro
' vided fur, subsequent to the first election:)
I The President Judges of the severalDouris of
Common- Pleas, and of such other 'Courts of
' RecOrd as are or shalLbe established by law,
and all other Judges required ,to ho learned an
the law,.shall bold their offices for the term of
ten yew's, if they shall en long behaie them•
selves. well! The Associate Judges of the
Courts of Common Pleas shall hold their offices
for the term of floe years, if they.shall. so long
behave themselves well : all of whom shall lits:
.by the Governor, but for an
reasonable cause which shall not be sufficient
grounds of impeachment, Use Governor ' shall.
retrieve any, of ~thorn on,- the. addresiref ...iwco''
thirds of eacohkraneh of the Legislature-- The ~.
'first .election shall take place at the general
election of this Commonwealth next after the
adußtion , of this amendment, and.the commis.
Mons of all the judges who may be then in office
shall expire on the first Monday of December
following, when the terms of the judges shall
commence, The persons iv-ho shall then ho
elected Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold
their offices as follows- one of them, for three
years, one for six years, one for nine years, on,
for twelve years, and one for fifteen years; the
term of each to be decided by lot by the said
judges, as soon after the election as convenient
end-he result %artifice by them Lo the Gover
nor, that the commissions may be issued in
accordance thereto. The judge whose corn•
mission will first expire shall be h ief Justice
during his . term, 4nd thereafter each judge
'whose commission shall first expire shall-in
tueirbe the Chief Justice, and if two or more
commissions shall expire on the sonic day,'the
, :udgeir holding them shall decide by lot which
shall be, the Chibf Justice. 'Any vacancies
happening by death, resignation, ur otherwise,
in any of the said bourts,.shall be filled .by up
pointment .hy.l.he'PeYerner, to continue till the
first - Monday Ur Omani her, succeeding the next
general' election: The Judges of the Supremo
COurt , and , thelPresideritsaf the (*era] 'Cour ta
etteinneon . fliasahall; at stated Vanes, receive
-for-their 2 servjaps-rin-edaimate-colimensation;—
io be fixed Wiavi., which 's hall not be diminish
, .
ad during their cont inuance in office, butihey
Shall receive no lees or perquisites er Office,
nor 'held any ether MHO of prefit.under.this
COnimonwealth, or under the govifimment of •
the . United "States, or. any other ‘Siate.ef , thie
. ; Union. The . Judges •of the Supreme Court
durint;Ltheir Continuance in office shall reside
Within Allis Commonwealth, and lite other
Juilicalliiring their' Continuance i n office shall'
~, •,, ivi . th : hathedisteikt,oi,eminti fory tiel,?:
they..,ere respantiVelreeeted. , :---•-:- , jf t
; WILLIAM ; pz.pAccEii: , ,,,, i: ; ,
. , Rimakar
ofthe.fliMse Ofßepreeentalives; ,, ;
.`.'c =:i ',,,,,;.,, .''' GEO. DARSIE,
~,, ri-, - ,spiiiikeKiir thd - ,Saiiife:l . 7.
i!' 3 . ‘, : '.., , ,i ,. .i :“;:l 74' 2 .:..1 . : , i . q r .i' , :•i' ,, ''"....'' •'.
j . . " f' I '' ', ~ • •INl;rits fisisii.lllareli 108 , 19.' '
'"''neeSlSeif, That thiiiresolution . pass.,
21.Naye p; , .: ~--',‘ .", 'iii"'!'' 1 ': ' ' ''!'"'.` .-:''l
, ,r - Ektiroof fii'inri the Jou r nal '."`'" ''''' .'- '''
~,,,,, ...,,W . :iSAMI.; - . '. W.: ' PAR§O , Clerk: -i
... v :, . ~ lit . TUE. Hausa .oF 1103,,,oAprik 9,1849. . f .,
' . liesolo'ed; That title reeelution pass.--Yeas 1
-'.' .NaYa96.• :, ' iy:',";', !..!,Z,lfir k,' , l r 4 . ,.., r , Li..
~,,n , Extract front lieleilinalc:lCL 1-"%:':'- , !';. , '..
„.,",,-/gt,'.,' „„!"'i.': , ,.',':' - „ .., :Y.. . , .' , .....1
';•!;',';:c„.; i •: ,7 - , .!-. ' 0 '.•;i1, , ; ., 4 2 VAV1. 7 ,,14,1*'‘'.... I
'''''*77,', ;'b , _ , ,,,..16 , ..'2,c: 18/41Fra,aii'i4xpeia,: i -L,, ,,
Filtitt . 4ibrirs;.l.lBf9 ,,. 'l',i... , ' , :1' 1. '10`4,,, , , ',..:,,,.!,',.'
- 4.46'.lilUitifiELLi DePlEleci iiii " ,titticont'ehit',
- ' , Ar. , :', ,, ,'*t,441 , , 00,,,. • '.‘'. - 7•41 .. . , -4 , 4P, , f,i: , ,;,... +4'.. 01
:.. ! ;n:T,'' I •' , •: -, Cr , ': l, '• l r ~', i.SZORE;4II,IqIIIIII , 7OIke '' , 3,;
,Tutivr,vitroik,' is ' ', !1: , ". i'' . !•.e 1 .,,;‘"-' , " 41 ; W. , / q%.. 6 % - ' 3 4- '..,,,'
i,.•,: . ,; de
,e1;ilf:) , that - thei'abiliemid Toietelifie hi, - ' , - 1
far trtei;iapV:cf,the (Wiener Reitointionrcift thifi':'
i*Tniiiiil'tAitO49ii,,iiiiibliidr,ii:flelicOtitik :
.inurefo`,#`4lloridtrififikl)r. Of d9Plill4 l , l lo; t n.;
ilojho.fii4:mkilennizini dif:tlie tn:,Pti#Ofilie.4&4:ll, ,
I:.';''''''''ft'lli;te4imiin'y - ..igilotO‘fl;lhay,a,•y . ';
4,,' ',' '' Weif4u`atci'sergay haP4Mid iiaiiletily;
' Y 5 J Ittlie:!airikedithe,iiifil'O E the;See.
ii), i2,:y,. ;ko„*.:Y;; , :dificie,,4tfitivilsbiiigltills ,
';:-.,,,:, !ir,!,?91,n.' , 4 OY. , 0f ! J OPOi'..44"D'i.;',iina'cl , ' '
-, o ti .it,.., ~,.,
~ a d.,,,„eight .kundred , , and,,
..It4L . -..2...;t1P:'*':;-:,..--.i-:..' "72 - 2..,%'`'x' '
-•,!,„,-; ..'-; .A;-1'.1,.010/1403 ENV,' WA I ES, ::" i'
.4•, -...i T , ' l '''!'''! €l l 6 °,l. 4 l"*s .43 , A ,.:f i ilil.'7 l o .,C l 6*io* 3 o . *: 'l4
~,,.....- ~, ~..,;kai..71,...',..W7(:
'i.1. 7 / I !.'jnolufA4 cuPilirlilil • „t ',
3p . 0 . 1 114110 . 1 .1.,1041; 1 41. a #1;,,,,5),
~ it , 14 : 4 , 1 910 I
Yela,tKiq OA, . klarielitOUlNPOne 1.,t 1104 •
40 , 4 .0 A ol .0 3#1 0, •:;.` , '-Pii.iii*.iiqiii biiii*llr
'thsp;; tl4:llol4 , oo*. s iti , ,:the.:4Mlritirin',WTh e t, :
• < -3(91*,,1iti l - NAIR , ' 's , drit'6l46olgf.piiiitirpici'4l*,.
POOotillkroiViik*ii:iiii:RillOroirii '1',..''.. - ' . :'''lf':''
~ ...4144.'„ opoolki./....L.0400.1*),6444.
m. i, , P.' , o•o4l.Agyiationno4yefiii'
r I ,'-‘. . ritoti!if 404poic'1 ,
~ , ,N., ? , , ,,!..:44#1,-,,TorAge.:, : vourk;, ,A
;.;. , , , . : , , 5 :! : „. 0 ,,,,,,, -1., : ::. , ,; , ,v!..6;,,,.5_,, , ,y1 ;,.. ;NAitit ,,,, i , oki. , t4
121611,1tierfards,Sailler, ‘ OaVerY,Stiall,StOser,
Sterrett and Sti ne ? -41V i'1`,; . ....:. !• ,:. a :.44.
' iNAva f ,ll . 'essirs.iflelit„Drum, Frick,4yer:,
King; Ki;iiigniacliiiottikee'it - ii CDtliii;;
Spegkei—d. .. - ' ...,;';:- :; _ ~' '4 ,It ; • _
SA the q yestion was determinedl n Ihiiziffi ...
~.. . ` •-, -
• "JOURNAL OP TH%HorlagOP REPEI. ‘,i,. ,
. . , "Shall the resolutfolfp"tiii? i llui ye as an d.
nays were taken akreeliblytii the.provision'ol•
the tenth snide of the Conetitutioni and 'are
as follow, viz: -
...YEAS—Messrs. Gideon J Ball, DavieJ:
Bent. Craig aidle, Peter D...8100m, David 111
Bole, Thomas IC Bull, Jacob Corti John H
Diehl, Nathaniel A Eliott,
-W Jeseph . ,Emety ;
David G F,islilenian; Will4EvatiO, John
Finsoldi Bsn
aurol , Fegleyi 1i -Fisher,
Iledry M Fuller, Thomati'! rove, Robert
Hampson, George p Homey, Thomas J Her
ring... Joseph nigginii, Charles Hertz, Joseph B
Hower, Robert Klutz, Harman' P Laird,
Abraham Lambertioiaantes J Lewls,James
W Long:Jacob M'Cartnoy,John F M'Cnlloch,
Hugh ill'Kee,' John M'Laughlin, Adam Mar
tini- Samuel Marx, John C Were . , Edward
Nicliloson, Stewart .
Pparce . James- Porter,
Henry C Pratt, Alonzo Robh , George Rupley,
,Ryman, Bernard d Schoonover,
Samuel Seiert, John - harp, Christian Snively,
„Thomas C Steel, J e minh B Stubbs, Jost .1
Stutzman, Marsha Swiii,tzwelder, Samuel,
Taggart, George . T Thord, , Nichelas Thorn,
Armtek.... Wattles, Simnel Wcirieli, Alonzo I
Wilcox, 'Daniel Zorbey, and.trin E Packei,
Speaker.-58. • .
'Wars—Messrs. Augustus IC Cornyn, David
IVL,Lnyao.'ey, - David Evans, Homy S Evans,
John Fatlon„lohn W George, Thomas Gille
spie, Julio B Gordon, William Henry, James
J Kirk, Joseph Laybauh, Robert R Little,
Alin S M'Calmont, John M'Kee, William,
•M'Sherry, Josiah Miller, William T:Morrisun
John A Otto, William ir Roberts, John W
Roseborry,- John B Rutherford, R Rundle
Smith, John Sin 'th, John . Seeder, George
Waltore•TairDavi illiirnW - -2 - 67 -- - .
, "So the questio woe determined in the af...
firmative. , - . •
Harrisburg, Julie 15, 1849.
4/ 4 Ido certify that the above and
foredo in g is a true and correct
in of.the "Yeas" and "Nay's;'
Ar .taken on the " Resolution relative
~,4 0 to an amendment of the Constitu
tion," as the same aAkeara en the Journals 05
the iwo Houses of Woilab4teral Assembly of
-this Commonwealth, for Ilia session of 1849.
my hand and the seal of said office.
the fifteenth day of June, one thousand oiglit
hundred and fortymin
—Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Watches and Jrewely !
/Wholesale and Retail—At the
;\ Wat - c ff - t - tn - riem• -
•4,\ . elry Stofe, ' No. 96 North SE•
Att., CO ND street, corner of Quer
rY street..
Gold tevors ? 18 k. cases, full jewellcd, s3o.and
• upwards
Silver Levers, full jewelled / Ai-444d upwards.
Gold Lepine, 18 k. cases ,jelvelW,• $25 and
upwards •
Silver Lepinos, jawolled, $lO and upwards
Silver Quartier Watches, $4 to 10
Silver Spoons, equal to coin, per settTett,
$5, Desert $lO, Tabjo $l5, other articles in pro
portion. All goods warranted to ba what the
are sold for..
Constantly on hand a large a'ssottment of fine
Also, an assortment of M J Tobias•&.
E Simpson, Samuel & Brothers, E S Yates &
Co,.John Harrison, G & R ,Beesley, and other
superior Patent Lever Movements, which will
bd cased in any style desired
Arrangements have been made with all the
abOve named meat celebrated manufacturers of
England, to furnish at short notice any required
style of Watch, for which orders will be fallen,
and the name and residence of the person or
dering put on if requested
Importer of Watcher
•••••.=- WHERE Gold and Sit
veil- 'Watches of every
r -deicriptioh can
~ be had
• at ,from ten to fifteen
9 a- less than any other•store
8 in New Yorh or Foils.-
. 7 11 .
• • elp is. Persons nwho
wish' tcr get u - gutid watch, perfectly regulated,
would do well to call at the store of the sub•
scriber, and comphre the quality and price of hie
watches with that of other stores.
Gold Levers, full jewel'e,:B carat cases, $2B on
Silver do. • do 12 00
Gold Lepines, jeweled, "8 carat cases 23 00
Silver. do • do 900
SilyerlSrge Watebe4 ' from 83,00 upwards.
Gold Pencils from $l. to $8,00; Gold Pens,
with silver casek'and pencils attached, for 75c;
Also,.a handsome assortment of new, and
fashionable Jewelry, at prices far below the
usual store prices. Old Gold and silver bought
or taken to exchange„ •
No - 110 North SECOND Street, secohd - door
below Race,' Philadelphia aP; B7 ,I O :Y
irrCut this 'advertisement out: and brmg
along, you will then be . get into the right
An'entirely naw Article;, for Stinyver-Ba
thing.'with.nrarm oi,cold Water.,
Otr-THIS Bath teekihapiemium at the Fair of
the Fra i tiklitjoetit_Ofei", , Philadelphia, Octo ber
1848Ttt rettir li anct vorTo - ora - pr ITIIU
at that inetittiteatOd alio toekthe first premium
at the Fair of the hillitiilatidrrnatitute,lievem-.
A great and, important improvement Made
in this Shower-bath over all others, by throwing
the water immediately,:onl,the ,body,-without
Wetting the head, unless at: the.will or pleasure
of the bather ; but a. greater , point is_ gained . by
being onabled.tosSathe 'with warm:water, yltielt
nOOther Showerßath is lidepted ttand most
of.all the' Bath'cab. be' medicated without injury
to ...thajto • • • -
.ne;.,..atr, ,,,- -
,—, -, i . ..-,
jam. persons 'canhoj.,talin a, „. .
Old Intthibeir
eas'eltimet in , this, as thek-Can reguhitesthe tom,
peraeptolof:the',waterr. I.e' °Mt' thinr,..; lieb; mid
commence balhing' , ht; any '. Samar' of„ the
I,Vithitt.any unpleasant rest*. ~ .Latiips can have
the - advantage: of, 'bathing ifitkinuewetting,' the
hend orcovoyintrfh — e same: ~,. ' . ' 1, ; :„. ~
nt. ~
~ - The arrangements are . simple ' a nd "MiiiielO, , i
And,fior habit%' to , get out ; : Of cider: ~. The Hath
can be adjusted. to, suiCatiiheight;,froinra• small
chiidio'..the tallest Personi , , , ,Whon ,the door is,
idesed,.the fixtures arct , hi C and the ..entside ,tip,,
pearinee is that' of n !twit pte'ee el lityniture.! ,
, ,They. have reanived -the cpPriibmion:of y peiro
:ral medieni•gentlemen÷otherecre,ysqueeted to
onll' apd Otamine ~ ihener'lllanurtietureC Y,y,.,thii
:-Patentee;,, , - ~ ..EPHII.- A ISI.', ' ,VATI,RATIEE, .., ..
- - - - -•' { 24 South . Onlioryoeif,'Billinioro ”,
. , itATIIINO;-;-;ItiO what ;Arinotiontonyci ;
- Do not omit, yeNholOottlid hopttli Seettre, - ,4„;;., ,
The daily ; fresh ablutiottpt*sheilleart
311041ulons,Of the' skin,;,',,OpAnstri:to , 4o,, : ..:. '::
Vile ':Ocitly i etti*d from undepont*oll'l'r-t- .., '.' L ?I
l'st,4l:,to be mire, even.ifiididaiot conduce
:Irlti l :pktiehok,ioto°lo ? toiheahl,4s.verf - i'gsetitjt
~.•;worth.,, , 'o.4i l ' A rY. 1,, ~. ~ ei ~ .w.,., . ..,,,,:...,.
niii doily pid,titt.i,,,Aln iltio adorns .the . ilofi - f Mii,
,Tho - Wantiol.' Attnp;pever ! .yi's Aireist - feitAe'.!7,'.
I V,Vaktitiolextbiludlyttkuot ago maintains
Wdo4oqt graoll:,..wdltcont' tti . youktif:intfitatrio
r . i+,ltitethitOmo ? .. , ,"l, mt.,,, , ,, , , , ,: , , nr.;:.-i , :v. ,1 4,-,,cv.., , 4.
1 iii,
tilir y. 3 ~ 1 8 :1 9
. 7 3 , t , ~ -; .4,- . ,..,.1-..t,..7,,rie:41:Ai :.: ,, .;'...z'
;=,!..,1,:::' ',:t t ,- irazi.paiWlA o l . l ,,,, ih:i' - ' ,'
E , lrtiVlb just retniliodlut‘iniiiii new,t3oltia n i
-.j'lr, ,tiiin of , oholeeltinit.'freith,lG REMIT' t oiD,
13tACK•;?I'EA,Si' ; .orriliinoing1rOntig.f HY5Oln; .
jmOrial . ,and Gunpowder totto . .I, vfiryitruit,.quon; ,.
ties;gn,4lkitig-,froni‘9l.4tOlit,l,2+l , per..4poditartoT
-., the, te,rt ototo:Ofr.tholgeos'io.i.letiltineiliVlllllll'
f delPhitiiiWcstlY, enteurely,:sfid.;.fretthlyMicked in
',quitt:(or;:lin i, ol*pputid metidiennd . ptipeipiOlo
tigee.'ne . oil_tin , An!.#o , 441 1 0`..1 11. c ,elePrOie
, ; 13
[ rikriz.:4l6,4if ti 0 1 - tinn?Ofili)n,ilnwlo9). : o.)9l4l,binf . ,ll
kitoooollo., o: A iiiiib - nosip o thi b lop t Onk9lo.!choille,
•rilatimigxeli 9r AllOc..ittelq4lo;migthifi; 01'''
40 14 11.0. 6 .th 3 / 4 0 1 1t0 00) iiVeianArqnsl
;•,,tho'bncpilt . gintkOnz ;00 aid , . .2% , tiiillliPP'ol l lqg
9 0thopif,:- ; .0 - rjoir%Toitaiii,t'4o.oolt,Rsri:
'onoonpigfr-oti,cppfil i ntlY/Ao,lrepoooMtl i 4 , , mot
**Olt li :1.V , '41 3 V- Illei-.0,016060. 1 1::.,4Rt. , :i ir W.
, i ifilW:Lni*. itNfiVitiltir:ooo ' ,o#cli i r ,l*Lor:f:P
'4:Tr,. IO X - Xt, , 4 t,V;g= ~,.'-'4.1,1, ; :#4 4 44.i , t' A*PV , i7..
t/f -, ,t471.0:;')5;r0Ni , ,iAii , : - 4 , :„. , ,
;',Ft,'4l. - It.-::-;" iV'Y';'''7,..::;. , -;:v..; , :; . ‘ a r .f• .1 , ±1; :!,1';,,q,,,14,';.;.;i:,ii,
-•-• •
: 441115CCILAMOU.O.'"l
Eitif flOad•T.hintiWfOr'Philadel
.-=.• • .phitt,l3 . tiltikitgrei , PittOUrg;*6...
'IMO: and Commission
Alp - Merchant s - iiimirsmunct,i Pa. informs hill
friends and. the , publie,',that'fromthe liberal piati•
ronitige extended :to him during- the . past year he.
line been encouraged-to make more extensive arr
rangemente for, tha, presetion, and has • rid
ded two ,nl33y..large and . ,sp rrtrdid , Boats to his
pri3ptared after the op
ining of the Carial;AfferVitard_PßODUCE and
'MERCHANDIZE of Ofl„kinds to •and from
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsbargh, &c., at the
lowest rates of freight anhith.the utmost „des.
Agents for Boats,
Rn street Wharf, Philadelphia.
G A 'dr. SON,
[No: orninerce at. 'Wharf, Baltimore.
J. McFADDEN Pitts'g
Agenitterfor Cars,
- vvuNnEittreirsi.
•F No. 272 Market st., Philadelphia.
. No. 423 Market st., Philadelphia.
BITER, JAMES & c. 0., _
• Broad'atrect, Philadelphia.
North street, - Baltimore.
- Harrisburg, Mareh..29, ,
General Comnaision and Forwarding
Merchant, - Islo, 79.80wl y's Wharf;
rfAOR the Rule of—Tient, Groin, Cloverseed
Whiskey, Lumber, &c. &c. Also, for
warding Goods, via Title. Water Canal and
Pennsylvania Improvements. Orders for fish
Sah,--Plaster; St.c.--&e.----Suppliod at lowest
Having been engaged in the above business
during the last five . years, a continuation of the
patronage of his friends / and the public ier
spectfully solicited,
Refer to ' . _
E EBY, Harrisburg.
• JACOB ItHHHM, Cartislc, Pn. '
A. CATHCART, Etle,gOrdSTOWß, Ps.
GEORGE sufsEß,' echanicebrg, Pa
Feb. 14-Iv.
Harrisburg Transportation' Line.
(iq.4 17-
OThWARDING & C'ommission Merchants,
HASEISDUR63 Pi. ship Produce, Alerelian
ice, &c. to Baltimore, Philadelphia, rice.
Coal, Plaster, Nails,. Salt, Fish, Groceries, &c. constantly for stile, -
- S. Goldmanis Clothing Store,
On..,the corner of Main street and Market
Square, formerly occupied by Nathan Haiatch.
'I'RE undersigned respectfully announ:cee to
the citizens of Carlieleand surrounding country
that he has just arrived from Philadelphia,-with
a splendid stock of READY IVIADE CLOTH
ING, for the purpose of conducting the ready
made clothing business in albite various bran
ches. , •
He intends keeping. an assortment of every
article in his line of business, and at such pri
&es as Will suit every one;
His stock embraces the Most handsome and
fashionable styles worn, and made up in the
best manner.
The subscriber only alike a trial Of his goods
and is sure they will give entire satisfaction.
Also, a large assortment of Hats, Caps,
Shirts, Cravats,Collars, Bosoms Suspenders,
and Hosiery,. al of which he wi ll sell at very
low prices. Boys' clothing_constnn on hand.
April 1.1. '49.-6m.
Elrst6v, Citistist PA.
' THE eubseriber.basi_reeeiv and is now_open
ng a choice seledion of Winter Goode, consist.
ng of Cloths, Cassiniers and Vestinge, newest
stj le at the lowest rates,,whiCh ho will- make up
into'Diessaud Frock coati. Over, Coate. sacks,
'eloakti,'Pants and Vest s',Dress and Frock coats
of cloth from six dollars aptsardS, Pants'lrom
$l5O to $6, Vests froni 'Mats. to $3,00; Milks
front Bto VD. 'de also keeps shirts, liesoms.
collars, neck put pocket handkerehicisiegm
thrts,esps, gilt, i arhi Hosierj, in short every
thing appertaining4qa gentleman's wardrobe --
As he is aged %rail extensive home he will be
-enable( to. offer fresh goods at least once a
Tmontii. He will receive regularly the N York
n Alelphia Fashions, and will spare no
pains in setting up'his work in the-most durable
and fashionable manner. He will also make up
work, jiureliased at.iitheratores in the most tore
nl mauve... lie will pay Particular sitieutionto
Children's Clothing He respectfully solicits a
share of public patronage
Dee 13, 1848 Arm for the Proprietor
Fresh Drugs, Medicines, &c. &c,
I have. just received from Philadel
. phis and New York' very extensive
additions.totmy former- stock, embra
i.. clog nearly'pvery article of Medicine
now in use, together with Paints,
Oils . , Varnishes, Turpitntine, Perfumery, Soaps,
Stattonery„Fine Cutlery, Fishing Tackle,. 4,
itruhes of almost every description, with -an
endless variety of other atticles, wiiichl ant de
termined to sell at the,vetw LOWEST piices.
All Physicians, Country Merchants t Pedlars
and others, are respectfully requested'not to pass
the' OLD STAND, as they may ~rest assured
that every; article will be Sold of a good quality,
And upon reasonable, tirins.
'. •. • S. St.iiilOTT,
, .Main-street4-Cadislo.---
' -- 7,THE • 131ThiPT01118 0F:,.)4/041NS
A re.tite.tengtie Wien , white`and loaded;,the
...Lilt. `breath' heavy and. foetid; • a-disagreeable
or sweetish "taste ,in the mouth; 'occasionally
'thirst; -the; a ppetite extremely •v aria hie; slime.
tidies redarkahly deficient; aud it'othatevo:
raglans: . - There is licanit I Mee a . lack i eft feeling,:
With vomiting ,of mucous ; ;fiatilance.•of,...tie -
stomach and intestinn;,pein,lii,the . elidonient ,
• avvtdi ing . and. herdine ,pf ilie;Ainicinent,the',,
bottehtdia ltregulart.the atoole , are-olirtiyi.tirid.
' •i
there ii , tin - Onceshinel.e . ppeurtinniflif-7.woims,.
in tithe .. .LeViCuitiatir,:the- twine is 'often milky
and turbid; there is frequentlyitchiness' of the •
finidanitint and , ,nieci;"which .iii:ciflaiii - inicillnif s ;
there ". ie.. nocesitidallY disturbed .:Isleip.: with
grinding ut,the teeth;•; . and:.euddditt evekitig,• :
in.a:flight; ; , There ate,' at' time', headache or ,
giddiness; - ricgintri ..theeari, l nt,aven deaf-. •
tiesa;faintneee,,convulaiorie,dtaweinesa, indo..;.
'fence' of inennit;:ill ,4iii pet.;;7l lir, sante • cases '..•
' tid!afiai,o4`'chol,arakikrict evnlk apoplUctilf and -:
eal ofrAbe.signs
.of d top's . ) , of the 'lita k in.cend.. cafalepeyeppear ~,
connected yvith.vVerms: •,:.,IP:ri!/uilitly theroje a ,
Short dry, Cough,:and :Pleuritic; pkine.;•*.aoifie. rr
,times feeble A n d . , iringular;''..pilte,,,palpitations ,
end; in , iii,iskfilnifitii.enc".thl-,1 Countenance iii.
'genitally :pallid , •'',ipt i' , .',Sallow,;km
, :titieoewhat' •
tilde*, and ',''.tlietole ~.Caitianali flashing. : nt :.
eneor lmtlinhitehe.'„:Any& one. acthese signs
ji,l44lootliva,or.NtrpTii!i'sOlha itioetofrictutti7? ;
rilaet - Aink.ChieiPestrentadirlii2 ''.' , LittV• ~,1-.s'.'''
f DR': .T•iiirr.r; 'lvitiiiil.'lVOßK,VE4 ; `,Rep n ared..
. t,hyDri•l',Nr:ll,Awilitl4l;o;iiii Vtlholemale,and , i
Itetail;'... - Drug' - .ShiWi;pattai . e,;,-„ga.e i andr mine ,
genuine withnut Ittlie.Strittek signet nie-;;,:c.f,' `',.,,
.'••saliie:lPitiltiattit:of , ,thlif ifigedrinote so. 00,p;,, ,
: fideit ' ar,-ts ' ,:iopiiiiirf! . y: I , 9: s ii‘y 00iiii6.5Vorm r.
'mealeilia,llavt;ti(iiil. , ; 41;4 lic. 4 yllkglievflills7
:ilkii#B*:o)ctio2.llVc4ij? p.osp.%lo.3oll3lthis'i
iftStititatiba:rdl it:i i iiivii, 99fintl*atitlffil#Iahl'i•'i` ,
I:', , The . ,•..YKORM" E'N When 'made eecerding:•
, tt;;,iiiiilDlintitions; is
phinent; and,WilEku .ciken
440,*#t 4 / a sodWo(/fiko,..24lllE,.,pcolitgo::
:itntaitaenflicie ' tli4dinintifortlic , lmreof the,
lanat.ataYnito'; n aa4Ptlaeooll'• , 2A , nante•it
1 1 1 ,,..P'rPg , ' ,, ,.-! _l_.2.'• ~./ ,-.) , if ~,,, ...,,,. . ,
41.1i1 41 . 1 fig aka; andlft.otekimpsr . p . l,9ppljed,;(3x
tituLiiiVfikf. ll l l, ititi . , 46 ll- -1 , 1 ! . •: - .f.'1.' 4 •1,(1r!-AP19:4
i Mt*
i: . -- 7,ji:7;Liiiiiik, 0 . t1044,.(fdii:X;;;4,1
alliiittttil i tti,l, liTilliiii h sfitilit:et°4l - ' . 4
.:Tablei,l o „; t iP1111).V• ppO L :ll4kgpi4l44loolnii
.Erii - *6liiiiiB:o Silltcl" .fimlikit4atir!Vof ta!t.":f
& tit
044 111 01 r*51. , Arilic , ,:
~ , ,, t 4 d 4 5ki1k..4.0., , 3 ,,,,,,,,..,..„,„,„„, _ _
~ t.„,.,,,,, :'. 1 1%4V.i llt9opoliikkii(lb':titlitif*, .).1 -, .
:io:'.:!...4:Xtilk,Vlnif''' - !Or iii9f , " ,. : 1 -,':pi• - :fsi,lcgo'..(•, , Pl4oP ,l :i.!!'','k... - !..f..;c;'., , `4:: , '? . ,,:' vr ,''':" . )'' ' , ~
,;;5..;.4Kf,5:,,t,...rT.,1*,415)Pti1t5?:211',i,',;;;;10.1:e..-7'z'ATl';',:e.?.::'. ‘, ' ,Ze''... ' -:: : :' .'' ?•-'l''''..*:',.„
, 1 , cv... i . ,, . ,4..7 , , , i-fi05t., , ,k , ..,„•, : ;- „ v:A.....:_f , t , :c.ta1 , t) , - ,, ,-.„: „ ,1:0-,..; ,, -. , ... 2 , , , ,.,„
:10, , ;.'0.1:1 14 64 ' Fj. - :; r*ld. .i ' .' , ."11 - +; .. -•).V.:4', l .4 , :ietatrNe . ,tiej'f,l ll. ; • L ',' .; . :t .... : 5 ', ..... , :! . ' . "' .1. •% ; : . !", i. 4 1‘: ;21 ', ''':: ' '.. ':' !f..41:;2.:.•.j.....;
) and Truit..oonipanz:...
rpidn 74 _Walnut street,' Phiadelpliiii.=
Capital." , s2so,ooo.—Charfer?
• Slake Insurance.en lives at their office in Philtf
delfilea, ,and at their Agencise throughoettthe
Smite; lowest rates qf premium:.
Rates for insuring at-$lOO on•a single Life. •
Age. Fur 1 year. For 2 years.l : Life
' 20 , - 81 91 '
30, ? 99 1,30 1,04 , ,
'1,29 .1,64 2,07 t
50 1,86 2,07. • 3,94
53. , '3,48. 2,97 • 603
EXAMPLE. — "A person aged 30• years next birth
day, by paying the company 95 cents would-se
cure to hisiamily or heirs $lOO should ho die in
ono year ; or for $9,90 he secured to theta $1000;
orfor $l3 rinnurely for seven. years he secures
to them $lOOO should he. die in seven years; or
for $20,40 paid annually ..during -life; he secures
$lOOO to be paid when~ e dies. The inPursr
securing ,his own bones, by the difference in
amount ofl._premiums from these charged by
other offices. Tor $1 50 the heirs would re
ceive $5OOO shoal:dindie in one year. . -
Forms of atmlication and all particulars may
be had at the office of Fsaft'K . WATTS, Esq,
Carlisle, Pa. •
J. W. CLAGHORN, Pree't
11. G.. TUCKETT, f•ec'y.
_ Dr. D. N. Mittort, Medical Examiner. • •
• Atm 28- •'"" _ •
The Franklin Fire Insurance Com
pany of philadelphia. •
OFFICE, No. 163 i Chesnut strvi,nedi Fill
Charles N. Rancher Goorge.W. Richards
Thomas fleet - Mordecai D. Lewm
Tobias Wagner ' ••• Adolphe E. Boric
Sanittel Grant David S. Brown
.:Jacah-lt. Smith . Morris Patterson
- Continue td make insurance peretual or limi•
ted, on eyery description of property in iown and
country, at rates as low as are cunaistent with
'security. The' company ha - reserved - a - large
contingent fund, which with tl 4r capital aud-pre
mimns, safely, invested , affur ample protection
tc the insured.
INThe assets of the company on January Ist
1848, as published agreeably to an act of Assem
.bly, were as follows, viz :• A
Mortgages 5890,558 65
- . Real Estate 108,358 90
• • Teroporary.Loans 121.459 00
Stocks • . 51,563 25
• Cash na.liand and in hands, of
.• •
. - 84,220,097 67
Since their incorporation, n pcnod of eighteen
years, they have paid up - Wards of one MILLION,
'hereby nflording evidence of4lo. ndynninges of
lo stirttnee, as well ns the nbilicie:und disposition
'o meet whit promptness, all linhililihe.
Cuss. G. BANCICER, See'.'fel) 2
The subscriber is affam for tho above company
for Carlisle and its vicinity. °A II applications for
immrrinen.either by mail or personally. will be
promptly attended to. W. D. SEYMOUR.
- Fire Insurance.'
j: Mutual Fire insurance Company of Cum
berland'countY, incorporated by an litt o'f'AsseM
bly-, is now fatly organized and in operation, un
der the management_ of the following -commie
zioners, via: . _
Cht. ;gigaton ' Jacob Shelly, Wm. R. gorges,
Lewis Flyer, Cliristion 'ltizel. Robert Sterrett,
Henry Logan, Michael Cocklin, Benjamin ii.
Musser, Levi'Merliel, Jacob Kirk, Sand. Prow.
ell, pr, rind Meicheir Breneman, tvho resPectfolly,
call the attention of: citizens of Cumberland and,
York counties to the advantages which the coat- '.
pany hord,o - ut.
The rates of insurance areas low and favorable
arr any company of the kind in the State. Per- '
Pons wishing to become members aro invited to
make application to the agents of the company,
Who are willing to wait upon them at anytime.
ACOB SHELLY, President
Lewis HvEn Secretary.
M ten Am, Coeutarr, Treasurer
40g:1T8 — Rudolph [Martin, New Cumberland
Christian Thiel and John C. Dunlap, Allen;
IF KingstoWn ;- Henry Zoaring, Shire
manstown Simon Oyster; Wormleysburg ; Ro
bert Moore. Charles . •
• Agents for York Caunty—Jecolridilrk, *gene
ral agent ; John Sherriek, John Rankin, J. Bow
man, Pdter Wolford.
Agenti3 for Harrisburg=t• liouser & Vocliman
fob 9
.• •
The Girard Life Insurance Annuity
and Trust Company of Philadel
phia. •
Office .Na. 159 Cite!taut Street, Capital boo.
000. Charter Perpetual.
CONTINUE to make Insurances on Lives
A/ on the most liivourable . terms, 'receive and
execute Trusts, end' r'eceive Deposits on Inte
The Capital being paid up and invested, to.
gethar with accumulated premium fund, affords
a rsarsur SECURITY to the insured. The pre•
mium may be paid in yearly, halt yearly, or
quarterly payments.
Tne Company add a BONUS nt stated ho•
riods to the insurances for life. This
. plen o
insurances.ithe most approved of, and
.is more
generally In use, than-an y other in Great Bri
tain, (where-the subject is best understood by
the peohle, and where they have:had the long.
est experience,) as appears from the fact, that
out of 117 Life Insurance Companies there, of
all kind:, 87. are on this plan.
' The first BONUS has aYproprlatedl fn,De•
camber, 1844. amounting to 10 per cont., on the
sum insured under-the oldest polices; to 81 per
cent.; 7i : per cent" Stc, bze. t .on others, in ,pro
pcMticin to the time of-standing, Making an ad
ditiondf $100; $8750; $75, libc. &c. tp every
slioo.ol---o originally-insfived.,--whiel;---fikan-avorage•
of niorri than 50 per cent on the.preniiums paid,
and 'without increasing the annual payment to
the piny. '. ,
The Operation of the BQNUS will be seen
by the following examples from the i.ife - Ineu•
'ranee Register of the Co'mpany, thus E "
Boons or
, Sum
Si Mu
,r 4,50 p
-,- 204
,- 933
nteinifig the. thble, rete,
o f
the subject f-forme Of np.'
her informaien can tie Itail at
iri perion or Wetter; ad. -
, aident orAetnery. '
•RICHARDS; President.
Actuary. . • •
.; ..,PuTphlota c;
'plicalion,, and fur
fire offi'le, gratis
dressed fp tho•Pr,
in2',491 y
E ,.
l's Embrocation for RoMes„
' > THIS valuable EMBHO
- r - CAT/ON Will cure Sprains.
.. 4 V"...1. ', 11‘^ i I 3 Weer!, Cuts, Galls, Swell
- -d. ,i t ir . i r ; 1 !Ithettitiridant..and'i all
, , I ... clYmplainte tvineli requi i r i eir i n o
e=ternal re edy. It'gkverimulphate ye
v. ,
thirScrelz tis;ard the incident tonlorsq
John white fee and meet!, Prodnend, Pi , 4•4 ,1 , 11 . , ,4?).1. 1. ,
.Wort. , ieralso.hlighty useful . tp rerAing..ll9n.
nese'e Tendons:and /girlie' end Plo9llnin'
benefibial,eirebtsin-ereeked heO18,• • r!rorint on
lints it'gralus. 'a hls sinner,
bylligh rending , l 'P - '- F
DATION. Mt TODOI6ODded 30' A rmera,Farriers,
Keepers E L ivay , ' B 1 6ei 4
#oj IlVlt
- men oe ' nn P g Horees;`a_nl eOulaho cobst l antiy .
kept;in thliat4:lte. The ;GEHIINE'ait
c irPr ir,.gi:°9l"ilr'W....iW.Ail:l4r, ;:,,-t-„; 3
4, 2
l:et'ettrtintolniti AiT6r:l7whleao
and fefeil'otDl2.RllVl/NB l ;irugsrel
%mo n Botai Cixlisle:4t, , ,e' 7 4,, "c '':;'4-',4-. ~,,. ,
,I' , A:)..z1:::.,! , ~- , ;, 4 .7 ,
these_aeofdl aril*
' 4 ' 'g°t4:Ya ' rietY n 9 i
fend 10(eite''T 8.8 tati;;V6lll';'l4/aVilig.'"lir'
44gf t ruhim t. P F 4 1 1. " h 'and, 9444itnx8ru4161!! 9 1
lie& Nq a-a"
.4 1 1 rps
Scroll'la or King's Evil, Klieunatism, Ob.
stinuto Cutaneous Eruntions, Pimples or Pus.
toles on the Pace, Bl tdhoe , Biles, 'Chronic - ,
Sore Eyes, Ring iir , .q'etter, Scald Head
Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and
jonits,rikubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic SympthOis,
Achilles or Loodoago, and diseases arisiuk
Born am iiijudiciaus use of Kereuryf Aseites
or Dropsy, Exposure . ..or Inißudeuce in Life,
Also, Chronic Cio"t•tioniQsorde r s.
In this pier A,weentrat
ed all the " : 4MAPARIL.
LA,ennibi.l aids, the
most Hsi , .oe most potent
simples of the vegatitile kingdom ; and it has
been so fully tested nut only by patients them
selves, Ifut oleo by Ellystehms,7l.llll:it - &Fs—
receiyed their unqualitietl recommendations
and the approbation of the public ; and bus
established on its own merits a reputation
for VALUE and EFFICACY tar superior to
the various' compounds bearing the name of
(senses ,have been cured, such
us arc not furnished the raeords of time
post; and what it has already done for the
Viotitunds who have used it, it is capable of
-- ging fur the millions still suffering and strug.
gling with disease: It purifies, cleanses, and
strengthens the founts n springs of lite, and
infuses new vigor throughout the whole lll
3 . 5,:173 28
The di. eases for which this article is recom
mended are thorn to which it is known f; am'
personal experience to ha addrted; and. those
apparently returned beyond the sphere of its
action have yielded to its influc..ce, The cut.
singers of complaints might he greatly ex
tended to wh , ,ch the sarsaparilla - is _adapted,
but experiences praves its value, and every
suoceeding day is adding new trophiea ° to Its
The following . stri king and, as will lie seen
perinanont core otaiVinveteruie miss of Sern•
lola, comilicnds irsoll to all similarly affected
SouTilronT, Conn., Jan: I, 1848.
WRVS. SANDS GentleinenSymputhy for
the afflicted induces-me to inform you of the
remarkable cure effected by your Sarsapdrilla
in the case of my wife. She was severely
afflicted seraula on different parts of
the body ; the glands of the neck were greatly
enlarged and her limbs nn!! swollen. After
Bettering tont a year and finding no relief from
•tlio 'remedies used. the disease attacked, and
Ardour-the !nice sutipurated. Her physician
advised it should he -laid open, which was
dune, but wi•hout nay permanent benefit. In
this situation we heard of, and were induced
to use SANDS' Sarsadarilla. The first hot.
.tle produced a decided and favourable effect,
relieving crier morellinn any prescription she
had ever taken, end before rim had used six
.bottles, to the astonishment and delight of
hvr friends, she found her health quite restor
: 'rd. It is new over a year since the cure wa
effected, and her health remains good, show
ing the disease was thoroughly eradicated
from the system. Our neighbors arc all
knowing to these facts, and think very highly
,oE,Sands' Sarsaparilla.
r ;; P iiiis PIKE
Extract from letter from Illr:liigiiheari;i .
gentlutean well known in DulaWaie
It commends itself to all similarly afflicted.
Gentlemen :--111•1 wife has used several bot-.
ties el your Sarsaparilla, which ^I obtained
of your agents in this place, froM which sn
hus received•such pecial benefit, that I am in•
&reed t, add mine to the abut dent testimony
now before the puhlic_iln favor`of ils medici
nal viretitoo. Her father, mother; and many
ether relatives, have fallen victims to consump
tion, and it was supposed that she too Was in.
dined the same way. She had selrgill turns
of raising blood, &c., and at length became
so rodueed that her life was despaired of.from%
day. to day. We were induced to-try your Sara
before mentioned, from the use of
whit it her health, has been 'restored ; so that
far the past year slie has been able to attend
to her domestic duties.
Tho following shows the mind of the sars
aparilla 'in removing Bronchitis, a disease
which, if not Speedily arrolterl, leads to con
'atimption. It a y.s spasmodic notion, changes
the se s;-und by its tonic.and alterative
propertias,reinovcs-tho unhealthy action, and
the patient is restored to health.
, ..Nererudiess., Nov,. 11th, 1818.
(Bess re. SANEIS —Gentlemen vl w ish to make
public, 'for the good of ; those: affiliated with
Bronchitis; the healing; ;properties rof ',„Your •
•Stirsaparilln. Aly wile suffered' for. twenty
menthe, tn such a:man:Jim as-is •not easily de n
acribedi e at iiines.,she %vas not tilale to speak:"
abovVa whisper,
aud when exposed to the cold ,
nir, it oceattione.d ' sotnelhing like' Spasms in
the throat, thp effect:!ot which . was felt in the
'elks-and - .oyes, causing - tears 0 flow:;. - 'Tate;.',
com Plaint was 'iiiihiMed "With, a dry cough,
produced by the-?...constunt , irritation and .in-
flananantion of thti throat.. By .the use of your "-
SARBAP4)IILf,,it she . was • peifeetlY , cured;
it being now,
.mom ;than . three. mor.ths since '•
site lull ady symptoms of the diseasei' ...
~ • ,
E 1 .
, '.
Yours; wlth'respeCt.',.." ' ' lIIQS I' :B
- '' • .. ',.
GEORGE ,0,-'HOEI3. - , ItEtET V El); .. '
:: . Extreet,frem •c,letter-reeelyed-froM-Mr.. DT„, Orinntry A MOr ' Clitiniti ' rind
AVHirris, a well. :knoWn - • hi'`..Loiiisn r :county, , lied to call and exit - mine 'my
ye,: ~ ..: , ,*: i '-', !.', ,-„-',', - • ~'.. f . - ; 'I, '-. • - • '1 1 41:1163, Glnes,,,Q.l, Var -
. Gentleinert, 7 -4,lmie•cbreti a ,nogro , boy , of
mine with your MI rscparillo; whit-wasattacired. RU,GB, ~..., ..,-,,, .., ~..., • •
with , Scrofula."jiiaof ti ticritfuloun'illimilY., , ;- 'Bering na01tt,ncie;,......;..4 ~
:.. ~,--..-.- • ; i : ,::.::,',l',, - :,yours trely'•::', ~: . ''' ' . Sitine*,'Ktit,ttediiiid.whole ...,
EssenCes ,,, qJ'i ', '' '' .' '
',.'.,' • ‘ ' '''' N..W..IIARBIS:' '.:,) P.effuniery,,0460 ,,,,,, PD. , ~',
rieidei fats, Hall iYa4•lluly f 7,48 , 18:: -',,
ST u1f.V8...W4P - ,.'5 , , ,
,EO l.lO ~
. 4 1.115PDR1L1 : D.1 7 , , 1re51.! ' . , El.lll)olkt,
~:tin.,,,,. - Lng.and: Piilrr,WoOdni .. '.',
•'plM:,siai -. Y: , lef kirciaoattelitiCiflb ak,urticlo ,, ,So , ' .':. OtiNilifPlCAT'Th''''';' , '.'
,Welt knoWiiiL,and'SoldesorreffiY4Mpultti.,..tuttliii - CoPPerPoo 4 o%' , 7 o ' , '''.' , -- '.2 '
pi §pa ' I' . 10,11 P, 4101184390 0;' Often ~ .,whesl,•witth'.toi, I''.--, „.„ , , , , LS° 'P.-Two, , '04;,!".:,',.`, Y.:.; ~ ..•
pse,,tho'citttnit'otiOtrsigitirtilitase;liiditied*,... I t '. -:.,,,,; ! . .,.,i-..,,,,, , . i. ~, pA't , N ., ,, , Y5v.L.' , ; •. , 1...,F, ,; , ...,,, , i , i:, ~.,,.
,trymortillest! 'crinipouittie,',titic Ong 1 ` the „:,nainty':
~• ,iitrah e itit e&.Bin t h'ein - TP,iiiiiiid: , rdiirktiiir .',, .
;but „Manhunt nt° little none , of , the 4 , l ":49 °l' " ''crrend Yellow eu,hor . :o4.',V,ol l iish ll 3kOilierifi'J .:',
...this iilnablo' MO , h+ , andsW!!lofitiew6 ,- ainToor: , ,Jelreay :WindoW , 911811 1 -11!!e9 ( ti,.. , !=ki4: 11 'llinett 4,3, . , '
' confer.ii‘gred,htibiMilic On our : rendtlytilttpin .. tine, Copp' and tol i iihwarnieb. , l ,tin e ll,:,lßed,Littid,,..,
'ffirecting „their attention , tti,..,thitttilli.ortisgment. „ ,411. of, ,w1 . 3 , 1ch - , t4ll . .,,lntrAoliUnt‘:llC'Ycrf ,r y,b,iWtlt
• hf M6isrs..jilainiti , jy , ciiato*, , ,vit,inn;
...:-• Th e ,:, marketpride,i3O;9o4,73llVl, iCik.:pit?;:e . 1 : •',
W II AV ER liT4C4p , •.':',,
fauW6 - 4 , ...r rc iii4oly biir.
coolly 'to - .hold a ''' iif k .,."::' - '-' Afi l 'Ak ,.. -''.'' ,'' , -.q'...,4', ,, ~ I ' .`:'.
uar . tfould,[theso.wlto wish ttl`tbitllY iotidAirti.: •'..91r`9M4 , '• ,- e- • ; ',:,"' "" .;:' .; " - ''...itL:..,A41.11;'•
cri.hitlf And - ceitMeMr,'ntildLin'tl4S 'till the meal, ~' ; ',,,"7"
i: , -14 '„V-4.,llifieMlietipist (100.110; , ,i,g,,iT;'ci! i s.O . i,:IA
, tinibiki'.o3l\i'ovit thelntie;..Tlie experience ,Of...:',4',.'""Ahi4intitAtiiyeniiillieen,',iliev.:l/,,.%
'thrhitirdidelfall,proyed..ite efficacy
. in curinreihe , !) . laiktew, O rthozactiferlbeiebeitik(,fhltseeituk;'.. '..
:,yatAcicidikietukt ter whloN,h,,:ls reornineudeOr..!; i fi rriaor,filial thilf.,sPricpiAtitong :ibis' larigelinVi.. , .,;!! , ?!
aiidlif,th . ilitisenftinii Meld thiii), - , - A - xii , 4,iiiiir,',,r,, - irmobiff9.4olkkfulsik , PC4A.Plgi D:gnss.:4:tiix , '
rti ,;01 1 1 0* iiilii ii7 f rib lratiil ' iYiqeftfii7 l 6" - 001 , itillig.' : '. QoDs.'4oofilffirtliP B .. P l .PSPA rr . l . B iA° o !?, (l 9:ii.-:;;:,'
t h a .ayat'a ce ,„ Air ;a" ,change' ~ Liilrt,,a'aAlptichas;l - I.iinett + . .bustresvalterobil;lll•L ~..,...
7 1cuttnnt:;-.Belte:lBdtl ! , -,',.. , ?^..:','...,ivi , , ,,, :',./ 3 , ,,;(!,1Viit.'41-i . A,
,hbitpi; . fkticks,lVinalgt ,,, , ttr6nltellPfiTakfngsl7;' , ,
"-Preparedititia litild;;Volitireih:l6l4:tia*:',': f i l a l "1"i P u TPY,Fhi s li.d,L2 V l -o Na n :. 4 PFrr''' '
toil;1 . ) 4ltdi D SANDS'OrTjt e * , , , ,'"':, 'sl B iti a . ,l ll , ll:i le lie vieivi t i447,4lBl4,s, 1
~..,,,, l i :, . t .. ~., , ...,.. ,„ , 1 ,,,„ . 1 . 1 ~ ~, . ,:.
~ , ..,, „ . . ~.....,, , . , ..,,,!
~.,,,., , , ~,,..,,, . y
-3iiid -0 . iit j j.i49; , :_tpci,rotaiii•litfroqc,l,, pi,k', , ,. Nita to V I II bA- I , l .,T,T i r il i tTel4ll, l l.ig kl ilflitrXtElj, ' °.!
P sl. 4o,9lfarri'it,#,l,ti', ' '- r .Y, ",t)iig 'lq..Laf.,y'-#49 4 i' - fi 1 1 41 41 074eit, 4 1 :6.,flierd l itiikteY;441driii6hd . 41: ) rtgiiki .
A l
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rAk-Y 4 9al*E.Nik, 4 l.;=St. , ! 7
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:,..., ; , ,,..kilvik iii .:,:-.. : !-'.:',;:y., 0. , .6i.,,;:, ,, i ,-,, ,...4, , ....-,P)k!"‘' : ' -: i' - ::-` Li z 1 , ---' 2, :— . 4;--.1,c-Wt- 6
:2:,:: , ';')::::;;; , 430:t.1.1 . ,-;,. b 7,1" r 1.1. :, ,g.'1,4`;`':' , .;'1',,i1 . 1.t1: - :7)4'. - .V . t . :'A:''.:#:ie •'r:: : ::: , ',.'-,- /i:i: . i''.•''''. : ;:':' , .' . .'C' , .':;l!:i4.6 . ''. j
mouitt of Policy &
Banat. payablO at
the y'a decease.
81,100 00
„ .• , .. • ~ •
1M~ ~T: I";ice ti ~;~>.0
;'s, ~
IltiSitiu .e.'' .-- -,i;),:7
Respectfully yours
- 'th, 1
K. ~,,p'.4li':o',--4:-.-o.i-Oij-..:'
. ,
A t; the Cheap Family, Grocery Store' of JO.
A'SEPII D. HALBERT?, West bla. streeti
Carlisle, you will always find.theAiest sud`ply of.
Family'Cfroceries that the Philadelphia markets' .
Can afford. The subscriber -hos •tist-returned:
from the city, and, would,:esite,ctful l lcinxife the
public in general'and his friends in particular, to
call and examine his stock, which ennbraccif all
the articles usually kept in his line of: business,
such as Rio, Java end St Domingo C.ollbe
Young HySeti and Black Teas, of iho
best quality.'&; (laver ;408C - falling loaf; crushed, •
clarified and browii Sugars of.avery grade, iith
. price to suit. Honey, sugar honse Orlennsand.
syrup Molasies. Spices of all .kin'ffs,`Which
will warrant pure and fresh ground. oßrooms,4 • •
!buckets, baskets. butter bowels, wash rubbers, •'-;
' clothes pins and brushes of every voriety.—,;:ro•-•
Onstile, limey, rosin and country E. CAPS.
so, a cenerni assortment of chewing end:
king TOl 3 ACGO,spanisit halfsprtniSh rind I:01V
and CROCKFRY °few deieriplion whichl
he sell at the low e p
Feeling gratchil for 3 Rieral.potrenagebetc:tl--
tofore bestowed upon him, py a generous putor.iii•'
lie, the sul , serther tehdefs them his heartir 4 .l'.., ,
thanks, and hopes that in'his efforts to please,- • '
. and particular :mention to business to meth
continnonee of th e if-44p ort.
Nov'r 22.1848.. JOS. PALTIERT'. — •
RESPECTFULLY in'vhde the •
lion of the public to .'his
Drug and'-Fancy;Storq'
ti West Main Street; Cull:.leafier° he has
ust received a fresh trairortmentßif. , Drugs Me
dr:eines, Paint's, Oils, PerlumetiVirilWelry. and
Fancy Cciilds. „
Amongst his-extensive variety-ineirbii found
all the must .
Approved Patent Medic?hes,
All kinds of Salts, Dye Stuffs:
Quinine, Opium, Castor and Sweet Oils
White-Lead,_lndigo,. Spieesi-lresh-ground:
Glass, Pu.tuL, Chloroform,
ShandelieriThimps, Wicks, Sperm Candles,
Shriving and Toilet Soaps",
Cologne, :414.e, Lavender and Orange flower
' IVaarrr
Bears Orr Ix Marrow and Hair-bye,
Nail, Teo, r, Haim* Shaving Brushes,
Film antirShell:Combs, -
Finger Bracelets, and Byeast Pins,
Bead Bags rind Purses, '
Porte Minimal's,
Silver Sgeciaeled`lind PenciN,
Gold Pens . ; Ink.and Inkstands,
Fine Wrirmg and:Nolo Paper . Envelopes,
Motto NVafers, Seals and Papa Weights, '
Mirrors and Fancy• Boxes,
;Husk al and Surgical Instruments,
Fine Knives and Seisarors, •
t . • arrinuv mai Biding Whips, • - -•
Tatinl,n, Arc.. &r.
Merchants,r (lima mud
ntlsers - may hear sot/willing:oo rrininge
liy culling
In-Ethereal atreFdfirte 'Oil received fresh
every work.
ferilledienlnid anti advice gratis to the poor
January 17. 1848.
gnu E sunscriliMe; Baum just received Si their
New arid Chatip.BARDWARF, STORE:
east High street, opposite Ogiley:s Dry Good
Store, a large stock ,of goods in tin it line, to
which they would call the attention of purcha
sers, their arrangement in the city being such;
as to enable them to sell their goods at the
lowest city prices.
Their stoek comprises a full assortment of
Locks and Latches of every stile_ and size,—
Hinges, Screws ' Bolts, and every article used
Ibr Buildings, Augurs and augur Bitts; chisels.
broad and hand'axes, hatcheis;drawing knives,
planes, and plane bins, hand, panel, and Rip
ping saws, mill, croak-gut and circular saws,
trace and halter chains ; homes, shovels, spades,
and hoes, hay and manure forks. Also, a large
assortment of Pocket and Tall° Cutlery,—
spoons, shovel and tongs, Winters and Trays,
Hollow ware, Brass and- enameled Preserving
Kettles, Iron Furnaces, Cedar \Varo, .null.
nod vice., VHF. And angle or every wind. Bar
Band and 'Hoop-Iron, Cast, Shear Spring and
Blister Steel, &e. Also.
° ton Boxes Window-Gloss.
100 - Kega - Wetiresill's Pure White Lead.
5 Barrels' inseed Oil.
13arrals•Sp. Turpentine.
2110 Kegs Cumberland Nat's.
May9'49. - witirat 1. & SAXTON
To all wham it day Concern
''';‘ ,l 7 l l4lsll{-Fihti nub,: public generally for past
faitorslinUncirhiberal patronage, suit con
litiues SADDLE, TRUNK,
and HARNESS 'Aunkinkr;•;husiness, at his old
stand in Nenover street, pvo-doorsmorth of the
Carlisle ljtnk, at the sign of the . Mqmnioth
Collar. He is now hotter prepared than eVer•so
accommodate Ibis cuatomsrs, hokintssitecently
made groat alterations in his establishment, so
as to enable him to keep a touch better assort
ment than heretofore, consisting-'Of Spanish,
Dragoon; scoop tub. quilted end plain .SAD
common; Fartners' Gears, of all kinds, Tra
velling Trunktmcif all descriptions and mires,
Veloesas and I:Kirpot Bags:, Bridles, Altai ingals
Dollars, StOck,'Heniliar and Raw Hide Whips,
Leather, cotton'OpioVorstcd Fly-nets, and all
other art iclos - M7l,4line7zall of which he is de ,
tUrinined to soil at tliOt.ory,lAw9l . cash pikes.
- *Making and reptilfmgArturnincs ol hair husk
and straw, and all kinds:of ,Upliolstoing will b l e
punctually attended
o 1)25'011 y ,
New and!licipo;antlz-'^'
riEoRGE w. RHEEN ; having recently
‘OIF purchased the cotAtit e yiAlit
PA I ENT MAE Srp n. would respectfully
call the attention of theitrido",te
invention. It is. certainly, ono,of, , the , --.4treetest.,-/A'
improvements the age.
thu Collar crooked mound IlitrbleekYfaced'ifiltVY'
- IntirT - wiso - 1 - ,ortstlferirtureritiliAte.k7gitliey*OlF7
long btraw, and also rnakeit.,collarepfilio'efieW,,,,
with lim!thnit half the labor...fil,tirne ofthe
way of snuffing. This machin e'" will'
and every kind of ,horse cojlerg ;, from ' the heat
patent leather down „to sh&TcrunruelleB l -, , kifid in.
;use, end with but One'rnitifeteiiday' ,
stuff and shape tilty..collti7e.pe6dny- in , it neater . '
and better . ' etyle,thais any,ottkFrswtg'ktitn.
Sadolers in the 'ebutitY-nreinvited,'fo call at,
the eitbsciihoes eatettlishinent:lin'Northlittifo=' •••
- ver - alreeti - Gurlislev -- ,andTexatne44P - ,lnechinti.
!Towne* ,or ihop,rights s-be ,
- those',who do not wish to huy',ellght,..theenbl f :
scriber offers READY,'"AI
. 11te0101.EES'at whole'. • •
'Belo much iiheeper..than anutao.. •
tnred any'other Way:: 'Altdcre ,- ftir coitus in
• MU,' `:1 ' , l)]
131 - IYSICIADIS,. - •
elook Acilicinctd; -
Puye Eesen":oils
D -Y., 1 ; 1
Somnis7 .
B , ==