.• ti4u4aVARSEI WAD I,I7EDNESEVA,IO6 , TEABF . ,R - 5, 1819 • A NEW Viiiiikti.—fiaLF A CV.N41.111.X OLD !—T;ils ,-number commences a new-and' the Fiftieth Volurno of the earftsfe and .p.visoSitar.. It also completes: the seventh -Year:iit which the payer has been 'under out , control. Thanks Collie friends wholuivesniSf. tallied us dining €hat time.. The- intended enlargement - of •our sheet:llld . havo 'been made this week, but Some necieesary _mate rials have not., yet been received. We hays arrangements in progress tvhioh We trust will niaterlePy 'enhance the value of the 'Herald, REDWAL OFFICE.-011r ,borotigh.Post Office hoe been 'remove& within the lust week, to tho fillet new building-on Main • ' eireetigibout half a square West of the CW.re 'Squariii! This is an admirable location ; con- Int - en - felt to 'the people of every pan of' tho bo . rough, - The Office been'iteivly.filted orolltrranged in, a manner equally,adeptod the: convenience of the P: M. and the pub lic. 'Mr. Wunderlich has thus shciwn that the public accommodation is his.first .consideratton to the- mimagenient.• ; of to te o ff ice. We need • scarcely ilia that "-thift neiv arrangements, are spoken of by qll ini the mint mekt terms of praise. , • AtCytisT COURT. The Courts c'ti,:quarter Sessions and 'of :Oyer 'and Terminp4o.wemberland County— , - lion. , F. WATTS, !it:Sident, and %Associates, _Judges STuswr. antl CLINDeNIN, On 'the Bench —opened on Monday the 27th ult. There Was an unusually large amount of business, which was disposed Of' in a very rapid man ner, by the energetic action of the Court, and the promptness of tigt Prosecuting Attorney, JAMES IL s6mr, Ent• Much of the business was however laid over until the next Court, on account principfilly.of Anforidants against whom bills were found by the Orand Jury, not giving been arrested. We gitio'below a brief summar~p of cases tried: Comm 7nenealth vs. Ann HaenghoriHFornina tion. The defendant was arrested'on a pro cess-issued froth the April Ctpurt.,—The defen dant plead guilty.. The ink: being an aggra vated one, the Court sentencerk her to threei imprisonment in tht aunty jail, and to pay a fine of 8100 - and the costs of prosecu tion. On two other indietmepts - 2upon which the Mime defendant was convicted, she Was sentenced to pny a fine of six cents and coats of prosecution in each.. Smith for CoMmon • wealth, and Colwell for De•fendan!. Cont vs. The. P. Ihoin and Jamul Noble-- Conspiracy. Tho defendants were. tried_ for an offence committed against Wm. M. fiddle, Esq. in taking by force from his possession a Land Warrant, alleged to be the property of Dwin, but which was held by 'Mr. time in trust for anothdr warn, to whom4t wai66'.bo assigned by Dwin, and, on which Dwirtjtad received 980 or pO.. gtfilty. Dwin was sentenced to two months imprisonment in the county lull, Noble to 810 fine, and each to pay the co.n . , of prosecution. Reed and Smith ' for Commonwealth —Gallagher and Adair fur Defendams. Commonwealth vs. Wm. B. Bradford—Bar. glary. • 'rlia...Defeittiant....yZas:',eitticketLvy,Lth.A breaking into the hails° of Miss'relly:Fuliiiii7 in the night time, during the month of April' lost, and. conveying theiefrom money and'pro-, perty to the • value of $666.32. lobeitMe; Cartnoy, Deputy Sheriff; tan being 'called to, the witn'eas stand, produced the moneianeAtt r. arty. and testified that he got it from 140104 fondant': Some (ocations of law tweed' mitt:alio.. • admissibility of McCartney's teilitridity, the Defendant 'having confessed the burglary to *vim under a promise of favor. The Cintrt att. i tteiP the testimony. Verdict, guilty. Sen-' termed to three years' confinement and ha'rd abor in the Pastern Penitentiary. - l'rnith and Sharp for Commonwealth—Den tal-a"; ibi.ilefondant. ' Cam. - ue. Samuel Over.—Ltircen . y e The de endunt 'was indicted for stealing from the runic of ,George Bear the , sum of %0.. Part if the in6ney was found upon-him'at-thrkime •f hip au•cst. Sentenced to three months' tin iksoliment. in the county jail, to restore the roporty stolen, and to pay the costs of,prose upon. ,Gruhain and Smith for Commonwealth ;Henderson fur defendant. vs. Abraham Rigner.--Assiilt and Bat iry.. The defendant ie an 'egenk,,On the pas 3nger cars of the C.' V. 12.111Rolid. The of-' ocercharged was, that there;. had been. some liercation between 'the" ProViei4tur, Samuel and the defendanitici that the akindant had pushed the'prirecutor in a Rio frotn'llie cara;While they wore in Verdict, Stn - fOndedsfo " 15 71.1r53, and the e^^' _ and Smith r COM nionwelOth--thatilo,fln. defendant. Some vs. David Corinitam—Assault and t(tery• The, defebrithiC4a..`charged with iirely beating a boy ikyctOo:• father lived on kiin otljAning thee op,Cifirin nan. , Verdict, tly, Sentenced tti ppw It'Alio, of , 820 and (le. Diddle and Smith GosCl9inaoritiOultli.:•• ' hid for defendant. .:-'„, ~., ~ ..,„ ,_ Same vs. John Ctiver.-',Lateeny., , ql'ho dc7 .clant und Goorge Weiiiii',.i4lalo 19th 91' '. ,rnontli, slept at the publicif Footle; Of Mr" . tvc fri in Carlisle. Whop ypeiffim ~cit, to bed.. It(' In hie pocket 'isytir44;:.: , ,l7o9n lie got ' tri tho morning.„the rnptVay was gone. Sus i= attachwi-tii the'. asfedtinf, nod on his , r , „g arrested part of the money was found . him. V let, guilty. pontenced in six 'the ,in t a 99494' inili(n;in.tinirn' tlin•Pfi'' y stolen nil i ltu pay,coati?:;;Pritith for Coin wealth—Penrose foidelandaitt.'.. -,‘'' 'me Vs. George Zife#Y.'—lforao tltealing. 'l' ruinth 1 i f.l' ndant bad stolen epos ua o tacoS fry a boy ' mare of tho value of $BO, which. do to. Perry;county, v. eel e, 9 tun , or Jo. Isiot beingPahic joiilliiiCso of he!, and, . , . ig, pursult*luinod. het :inn} a froid i nnO ' ted to'',lble made cif f.i i i.‘ in- s ;,i r taii; ~, 9.47 „ , ' iglin's4: .Y4 ‘ l s. otci;4 l3o i.Y" 13° " 3 " ed ,' , o ycarshirai s rltichirkeitt in'. l khe Eastern '. ' ,', `, Salary., plildhi . 44 aniiii•fi4t , „.;.oo- ; - 7 . 'i , ,,:, ~. ' 7 . 7lTudd .nnail l( Th ' O'fin' ll4 nrulunt' ' ';':' l '7 ? 2 • 0 . iJii ',W1i4.140441644448p' „,',,. 7441rati •y ?-'1 ,Ji.,,, 0 4.40, . 1 P.S!,1 1 7;0::Pott , t` `'--;:'. ttlitl:q,ONgthiigrialcs ;,,t ' fihdini j Ogiii . t) 4...!; , 41 “edaii*iliiiite'd lel l t lb*lcii.ai. .=, f t = % ~ '614; , ..r ~,,,,i , p 1 ,4 . If . . r .{, , .;.,. M 1 '' i ' "Urill 4A S IW EO4"9 4 9* 1 4 401 4hdr. 4 1 , 05 . ): , .r wEleitki , 'og - liVoittliitivoli nil Al 'o , ' -.-,. t., , ,,, , — - I ,41: , , ,,, , g,ip,..t , ,, j' ' t ' . l 1 ” '"T tb tt, iMP 4 V444 1 0 1 1 1 04 2 '. 'ZP' 'and Alkall%N r i t ett id Y , is "ii`f ~,,,.. 4i ',., •, , ° ~, P.,„ _ei...u v ypi 4.o.loffolue ~,,,, quart! y d'sP.NASPA 0 tPit i i Nesta , ,r,it,. „,• . . ,,,r ,, - ift , ~ , 1 1 . ,(0, , valgii,:oi#1, : iitip,70t, 1p li . n in°o4r4 :it t 40444,,(6 Ito ,u4cpl ,vo.di g 0 , yo,selibilit4dltt - dAfiii,m 1 i4..4",, -.10%,11,,,,,i- 4ri. . ' 14 .,.‘ . ' ~Z, ..)1,:t4,4w.(,. y.,, , 4v., ,/,, ~ , ~' ,? ,, k'....4X: .- q... , ,;`,,-t , ,,,, ~1.:, - ..,..1...,y4 , 4. C. ,Viii : ',-- 3' t P l ' 4l Wt:i l A2fg ' , i' . . ; ,:'"?' , '. --- ;;;; . :7 1 .:N c';' .l .,':4;•; r k4:' , '"i• '',, '.. - 3.1,:r11Yi,Y :, ,;71'P;.',:f:', , ,`;'4 ,- ,.,; 1 :3 1 1; 1 ' 14.16! . .-Yekt,.;2; 4 _ll!, _,.., .4.4. , t'A5.- , : , , , t...r.:T. , u., . m;ontliri:.i.in county jail. ,-§jinithf,flir' Corn na on - • Suil!e Aip. .Satne. Larceny.. :The facts In thin baire aro similar, to the - fbregoing, the pro perty 4 havi t been stolen' on, the , same night, but from a ifferCnt perlsoo. r , Verdict; , guilty. Sdnteeee orrrge months 'in the cuiintrklik tdenitim'e.neoqwhen the farmer . sentence ,hati expired. Smith .for Commouwealtitßenhain fat defendants. ' •.71: 4 , ..,. .<,..,:.',.'.- - ' ~.,. , ' t Stirne'vs. .:- . V.E. Stititk ati4 d*gi:',W.:'74lo,.. —Larceny. . Defortihints:'Wek - charged with shooting andcerryiiii,'AiWiti r ri' . .heg, belonging to Ulrich Strigkro, ;The Corkmenwealth not• being able to make:Ouin'elear min, verdict of liot - guilty. Smith for:Commonwealth—Bon ham for defendants. , r . • . ' Same no. Eli Brater,—Assault and Battery, on oath of Amelia . Butler. Verdict, guilty. Elvis a Worthless negro, as the Court seemed to be-ot opinion, and so sentenced him to.three months' imprison niplit In the county' jail, Smith for Commonwealth—Colwell iiir'defen dent. Same vs. Rachael Shoemaker.—Surety - of the Peace. Rachel is an interesting 4 lady ob op ; tor,' She is fond iif.polite society, rind [Leber, neighbors do not : know bow to appreciate her she is not backward in lotting thorn know that she's about. She amuses herself by breaking windows, LST. and acitnowledges that die likes a taste for good liquor occasionally. Senten ,eed to three mouths in &aunty jail, and to give bonds to keep the pence. Same vs, r4r- - 1" the" Peace. on -4,1 Defendant sentene.tv'''%;, sureties-In the sum or peace for one year. Not being able to find the bail required be was committed tojati. • Sante vs. Catharine Gerinive and Win. Geese, —Surety of the Peace on outli of Col well. Catharine Germiro sentenced to pay the costs, and he', in custody of the Sheriff un til the a entente is' complied with., William Geese discharged. gatnef es. leant Gorgas.—Suretyof the Peace, on'oath of Elizabeth Billings ."Elizabeth"seems to have brought her pigs to the wrong market. The Court viewing her as the aggressor, sen tenced her to pay thd costs -offproseeution. Same vs. II my Miens, and Sante vs.- Win. IL ;kn.—Cross actions on surety of thz Peace. The Court not believing there was sufficient cause of action ill either case, sentenced * each prosecutor to pay costs. OCT' The touching little stoiy on our first page, entitled ' Puy Yot;r Minister,' will possibly find an application to some congrega-• Lions in this section of country.' Elven if it does not it may be read usapi:eiientice CO such • delinquency. NEWVILLE ACA DEN . v.--The winter session of this InstitntiOn will coibmence on the first. Monday of.NniMmber. It is located in a pleasant:and healthy country district, and Conducteditdo4. an adMtrablu system of die cipline. ' NE IV YILL E E.Nl(tAslPllENT.—Extensi ve preparations we learn era making for this En campment, and a g,encral attendance of the, military of Cumberland, Perry, &c. is expec ted. It will ho a berillsome affair. ' -BE 7UN PREJIJ CE D.—Let no foblish persons be eb.prerudiced , against this-now tioly cele brated medicine:as to despise this advice: let it be used immediateliturpain being felt! noinatter where is may be, w hether in the'beattor feat, whether It be in 'the back or abdomen, whether arising from eiter hal or inteinal cause, use' the Brandreth's Pint, and rely upon it, that the pato will go, the body will he restored to health us soon As nature line received sufficient ASSISTANCE froth their effect. k, The quantity of impute humors discharged Itom he body by the action of the nrondrotleo PlllO. is re. (pinged In the enerse of n few hems with new and patki blood. by the digestion of it moderate meal. fly purging the bogy with this medicine !nu whole mass of Utooil becomes entirely purified nod regenerated. That the blood la the life of the 'body, I presume is undisputed, therefbre I shall say that It being -the Sinxv of LIFE, it limn else he the seat of disease. If disease be in the blond, we should abstract the dis ease only, not ilie blood. It is the impurities which *Must he removed h purgation to secure our health, in all states of the weather, in all situations, and in anglimatea. The blend, like d good spirit, is always trying in benefit the 3 body by its struggles to expel Impunities. nut It is not capable to effect lie own nitrification nt all times t to do this it. nntst often have assistance. When the blood is loaded wind in. purities, especially In Ibis climate. life" consequences may be dual, provided (the blood Is not perinea nt mien, and title in sure-to be effected If ltrandreth's l'ills are need. . Bold Cnellele nt %Scents per box by CIIIATILCS lIMINITZ—by S. Culbertson,. Shippenshore ; H. Brenneman, New Cumberland; N. Bitner, fn Sltlretnenstotio ; J. Coyle, lloguestown , . • CONSUMPTIVES READ!—An incom parablo remedy, THOMMIN'S CIIAIPOUND Synep on Tan ,1 tar the cure of Incipient consumption, anionic. catarrh, bronebitls, asthma, and all diseases of the respiratory organs. This• preparation now as extensively used, is pre scribed with greet success by the medical faculty in the tinny Pulnfonary contrite hits. which are, so no cullnrly prevalent In this Country, end which annu ally hurry their thousands to the tothb. _ . • ._ . • Tr. public spenkers the Com Pound Syrup of Tnr in invaluable, soothing irritation. strengthening the coke and removing nny•pre 7 disposition to diseases in the Limp antt,Broncltite.. This lovnloahle medicine Is prepared only by.Anto nett end Ulckebn, nt the B. corner pf RlOla end Spruce Weed, Philadelphia. bield•py S. ELGIO'rT, sole Agent for pollute. 1%. diti) itlar4cts. Pitiwir.i.riitA',September 1, 4849 • Remarks—There 4 bas Minn .te:better , fettling , M , the market during the pair, Week; Dad the, transactkms have,been to a fair extent.' hnt , withinti any material Amiga in pricas. , ,The, supplies of Flour, Id ea l'and' °rule contlnuoilght; butlthey are quite adequate -th thoMeutaad• . • • • and•hreal; , --,Vito ‘ latite: 'anitirlat.,eltange„: to, in:the - elouitniarket. Tito: demand tbr;mtport, Atorititinsielintited;.bitc f priceehtivii hot varied': sales 'of Ots.7mq barrels fresh ground as4s,loe , ,S,l2l,tatitt Alan 13,25" per: ; ' barrel 1: :for citreonenm.: Alan salesrof old' etock'and fresh gfound at $4;071 A 35, 05 and,Extra ltyerlour 'don." tintlek salute and in good demand ar83,25 per barrel:. The ;marker - is bare or Cern bleak Small sales at 113, 25 .' Grain—The recciptit of :Wheat : a.mincreased and the demand being moderate; prince have slightly de emed; miles of 25;000, bushels.Ordinaric.and Prime 'rod at 8 1 4 0 3 Nixed 107 and 'white at 117107 and - tithe. et 81,00 a "1,18 ; nye in scarce and tom. monde 05els: par bushoi,Alorn .comes - ln rdnuily'und meetsi.noilernlo.-ilemptidealinvor 8 a 10,000 bustt cia Bdtithern yellow of OO a . 05 eta., and 'white at tlO a•; 62,ctti.-= °alga re' In7fltir 'demand 'and prices steady at 28 a 30 ets , p er bushel and Slats for •,1;. • -/.: • Baltititore, Soptenaber.l,4B4o:' , •• , • •:Flatii,-flie r flour ' Market very active , title w , eolc:::J.On'tgaturdi t y last 200 ,bblelle,ward.strect .sold:atcss,2ls;:iindBoo oti;ltlcanday,. t here. were sales' tif 000.1ibliPAt 45,25; 'rapi dity 504 biffil'qba liged.ba nthiat flio sante 'figuree. l l'herit Weiettales of 200 bide ',Welincerlaymtlih.„s,- Teo tarday.and td-difY the ll'atigactions :mem frpkilialted extent,.,,at peel/Imam ratelco -There de!' I '!ikatyl', nd•the atockquitelight; ~ "I . , r'. 'I ,PA' 0 -') ' ..',;•',',•., ' ,I t, NrAllit /ED ; t' ,. '. . ,7 '',.',, •;' IT O ' ii i piitiolliiriliO.iii'llitit':,'b'itiiii liov.:.JaillOS Mac. 'kity.ll M . 0144 15X14 II •Co Rion It ,` or EllitOotTob u rt i jo to 511 so E.izAuArryiiell*l94..r/I''°''..l °f: '; /71 :° 11 - .?•• b•untY.'`;•:' on ~th. auto , 01t.6 hY , Ilia, n: 3 %,, li i - ''• f 115skto v 14?'_14 hie I' hi & 41 ,, : u . il • .. il , ,i,/, , Opr t. l9l , :ty o ., 0 ., IllooltPatown cup,werhlnpvisq. ) .. , .:p:v . ,,,,i :,,, ... , . "..,134.iiiitil4cti.iiriettiby iiiitrAteiri'lle•von,k.ltifi,lo,ll.l.l. •ffemmtsoza, tc‘ ri9 o , ( , 0 , 4 4.81i: 4 7'q 1 1 " 7 7? °1 ! , +9 , !......"`,1 . igettp,t9NynallV ~. „.,„ . , 0'F . ....t, i ;, , .,,, t ~,, :.t:'t, l o. '' .: :-... -". ',' -' - L • ' • 60lie e'l b:o 'siiiiber .±. 0 07,104,,ifti1:,24t1 :•...Ytit , *. ;:ik . 4,1 :',E PI .3...nt Mittktihito' ' ll i 3 lifTod,:and. , lll,illl4# iflito Tot Oniliel to 0 0 13) 0; bill '..i- , „ lio,• , nya ,liti',:'krtfigi it lg lWoOrogio'. pr3),poTk r ir 11,%4Tifillit aecor .. .tit t l;. l 4P El ntsg ':: ....,,,,,-, ~,,.• , ..,;-, .",•;,-.;. ' - ' . :4' . . , .;! , ,, , ... , ..-2. , . • •,.., , • 4'4'1;11 ^"I ( VALUABLE .R - EikLTSTATE' 7" , •, •. • V.11",,4'.E.8L19 - E.• T. IDT'puraaanoo•bf. the Orphans, , '3otirl . .orlamiberlinitheounty 'swill'fbe Solent , ' ,public stilee..on the prceibieSion.WIEONESDAY • •tlielOth rpext; pill) o'clock, •A', ,, blC., -• I 'the' following described real estate "property of Henry Miller. deo!_tl.lo w it , A tract of Jaunt situate , in Mifflin township' Cunilierla nil twenty, nit nit three.mdles • w_st oft-; • .NeWville Mid'),-4 of ami from •Eckerts bottioleiten the South by the Ciatodoguitine,V , cii.eek.; oh the ERA by•Abraliam Wiiiileron the r. North by And'w. Middleton and on the West 1. by John High, containing 153snerea neat 'meas. ure,nliout 4,0 acres of which is covered with • good timber. The land is slate and creek hot-, - tom in a high state of cultivation, abont.ki acres being creek bottom of stiperior•qualitrfor the • production of . grain or grass. Plod improve: • . meats are a large and commodi l r,., 111 nue TWO STOILY HOUSE p-rt FA: . log acid pert frame, a large. new • •, • Bank Barn, basement Stone' and the balance frame, together with all the necessary out buildings in excellent re: pair. There is an orchard of alloire fruit my' said fajfit R4ll never failing Well of hater at .th • . •Th rine of sole are ISo much as may ho reduired I . my the costs . and •eXpeimes, to he' paid on the conrirmation of the stile by the gourd one third Ombalance to remain in the, hands of the purchaser during the life' of the widow of Said decedent the interest to he paid her annual ly from lst 'A pril next mint her deatli the prin cipal to he paid to the hares, one half the balance to be. paid on the lst April'next when possession will be given'and a deed models) the puuchaser, . tad the residue in three equal annual payments thereatter without interest. The whole to be secured by recognizance in the Orphans court with approved security. Flue purchaser to pay the taxes of the'yeer 1850, *WILLIAM KNETTLE. . , rety o a Trtistee ailigointed by the Court August 27; 1849.—t5. Land at Executor's Sale. • THE subscribers, Exeentors of Daniel Moh ler, late of Allen township, Cumberland county, deceased, will expose to"publie sale, at Iris, la.o residence. on Tuesday the l fi th of Oct ober, 1842, the following Real Estate, late the prop erty, of said deceased : Nosl4—A tract of Land, containing 40 acres, situate in Allen township, about two miles and a.half east nEMcebanicsbtirg, near .tlie . .State Road from Harrisburg to Gettysburg, adjoin ing lands of Petar Mohler, George 'Yost and others. It is first rate limestone land, all of which is cleared but five acres,biid under good fence sod excellent cultivation. It contains rto improvements, but is advantageously situated , for farming purposes. No. 2.—A tract of land, situate in the same township, and containing 12 acres of a good qui - 14 of Slate Land, having thereon „erected • A ONE STORY LOG HOUSE D • • STABLE,•with a young Orchard.— " IL is under cultivation and good " fence. .314 No. 5.—A tract of Woodland, situpted an Monaghan Township, York county, entaiiiimr IS acres and 144 perches of thriving chesnu t timber. Adjoining lands of Ludwig Frysinger Eleock and others. Attendunco will bo given on said day and terms made known by . - soLoNiom MOFTL R, • JACOtt_ MOIILER. Executors Har: Telegraph, Lancaster Volksfriend. iii sin to amon't of 4 e3 and .cbargo this office. Orphans' Couxt Sale IN pursuance of an ofder of the Orphans Cowl of Cumberland county, thrysubseriber, Administrator of clulrri dsc'd. will expose at pub,ic sale, ut 'o'clock, M. on FRIDAY, the sth of October, 1849, on the premises, the following described property, viz; A tract of Land, sijunte in Silver Spring township, adjoining lands of the. heirs of Ba ker, Jacob Denny: Frederick Stine, John Over ly and otherti,'containing about : 3l acres more or less. The iiiiptovements thereon are a TWO STORY. FRAME HOUSE, a Log Barn, Sring House, and Alto sheds and appurtenances of a Tan ard. 4 The tertrik.9s4ole are as follows—Five per cent of the amount of .purchase money to bit paid on confirmation °leak, one half of the bal-• once on thefirst of April, 1855, when posses. sion will be given, and the remaining half of rho purchase money on the Ist of April, 1851. Rent reserved. The purchase money to be se- . cured by judgement. The taxes assessed for 1850 to be paid by the purchaser. Attendance, will be given on day of sale by J EREM lAH BOWERS Adoer of J. B. Ebrigjit, dec'd. August 29; 49—to. Notice,s, To the 1-leirs and-'Legal Represen- tattves of WILLIAM FAHNESTOCK, late of Cumberland county, dec'd. ULE on all the parties in interest low Lik: cause on MONDAY, the 19.1 h Hoven er, 1819, why' an - ttlloged error - in thesdininisr Led accounts of William Vshnestock, deco:out], a mounting to 54.5t1,2 4 9, shall not be'corrected a -I'ree:n:oy to the pifil,ibn of the said William ahnestock. this day presented to the Court, and remaining on file in the Orphan's Court. .aug27 3u , BY THE COURT. To the Heirs .anc ip t i Legal Represen tatives - ot ISTIAN ElaismAN, late of Rapho township, Lamas= . connty„Pa., dec'd. "TAI E. notice that the undersigued,•Admin istritiora of said Christian'Erismon, deed: will in pursuance of an order of the . Orphan's Cour. of Lancaster emthly, on SATURDAY : . the 6ih , of October, tl. D., 1649, at . the•yublie house of JacobSionarty,th said townshm,ai -&-elook,in-tlia=afternoori r aell 7 l4,public-v ert • , the rOtiraathto of stud Chriitian Erisman, dec'd. sittfaln iti IhetoWnship aforesaid, adjoining; property of Christian Vriek, Jacob trisman. and others, contaitting,.Bs Antes and 82 Per ches, with . improvements thereon. • Which sale you can attend if you think aroper. rn•••... RUDOLPII . .•,. A 1311.911. S. 12. ERISMAIsT, • aug29 ! , . ; Admit istrators. In ;the 'Court of t,4Dr.-ioloph,Speqls;v: , " war - rmor,. Gco.. Spconeler,. B, Leoh ler:'and:Cnilinitni3 his wife, Win frang.V . arid Sarah' his wile; Alfred,. 'and Frenießn Bliondier Rov"Wm`.l3uilor,; Al lea Gengeiwer,, Wltntter, with netiedi to heir guardian, , Rev, :Wm .Beeler, and Dr.. Frederick By :The' Co aug2o2t Etate .?rlolgi,Sensebaugh,,deel,d.". ' 8 NSEWATJG.lii.V . litlo'.`'cif nll.persompar,ihdratcy.'niAified kV . intike paymot. : . those 6lninie iq,pro, sent. thnin4 o : KENNAPYi , nu p 96 , 74.•;- • ' 'BOOte,„'bC l3. ojapirticticz; - det'd,: :: NPT/OEl4; ll 4:rebYlliVen that ri i _e_ters 1 „..1,11 or.Misiaistration on. the Elstat6 oraf.N-'' '' lAMIN ICLuTkiate , of Isi:Orthbliddleton'tOwn."! ship,, gl)filberlarnt : . ornintff'decs'cl. ;,:have= Inipti% ,' grant94 , to Ike Subscriber raiiding in'sarne tkiwir: . , shjp. .411 poisons Judebted• to L said estate are?,`" lierelty',AiOnd ' to qoake. inunedinte paynnen;,— , ostid'those . „ h&ving, clams' to,pfo L senc lhenvforyis sattlonient'in.t ,' `DAVID,K WrZ;'Ail`Mr.'''' , -litin2ollt.t i',' 1 P 3 'd ',." 4 4 1 i1' , ':i.r..+ ,. -. - : , . 0 -7 tr. ~:..,,,,,, A l V7 4 ltre ; 'i rrP';'„', loi, ' 4•:,.1*?t,9,4,'11igi11, , ,ti:7,;; , ,, , nrillb slitec iiior,ofilgre raiirtiollihat:VAT,ED, 1r .pJLI , TA van , STAN,D;,ealleda4Ckys!i %.k'orl ,tetlef , Rblitt i ftt9 yObialvisiotteeltetl &bout eia - r1 . 1 1 3.4 9 l tAff M., rifile,lfind,:sittusia owiho LU tlo ~ 40tidteorg o grk ifilfuts io , `Carlifilece , 4 at ,t.,t , 014,,1 Altai:li** 'tli 'former place: in ,net PetnlPPP,i 1 :,reilititiSwinilti itttolibbilnfitlf , 6oliiity?ts VitlL 01 , -;; I ,i,tllo.4oyoribar lirifid,, sit Neiii - c4kkibeitiviid: 'Ai , - , " aug29 3t , - ,''t , j ,1 : 1 1 - 1Agut , Ss'OYSTEIt.,2, I ..ki . , A,,54,,,,, 1. THE subscriber intending to remove-to the -weet,oiTers for sale the property on which he mow resides, together With his Mire stock 6f TIMES, panetsting of many thousand of all the dithereir kinds, and varietia of Prints.— Anti suitable stocks. &c. for chntinuing the business. The property is situated in-the vil lage of Plainfield, 5 miles west of Carlisle, Mid. contains about 9 ACRES of_first rate" Lime- . striae Land, with a new and comfbrtable Frame HOUSE, new Frame Barn, and , other suitable outbuildings, all new, a well-of 'woler.an ex cellent Apple Orchard, a Peach Orchard with" 25 d,ilibrent varieties, and a great. variety or Apricot, Nectarine,- Cherry, :lam; and Pear of the choicest Eastern varieties. All having been selected with especial carp. _The trees or properly will be sold separately or togetner.- This is one of the mast desirable small proper lies in Cumberland Valley, and will be sold low,. I wit‘sell trees by the hundred or thou,. sand the present autumn at greatly redaCed prices. Address ANDREW CAROTIIERS, Carlisle, Pa. . ON TUESDAY . , the 25th of September, 1849, the subscribers will expose to public solo. on Die promises, in•Frankturcl township, Cum berland county, Pu., the farm lately occupied by Daniel Guymon, deceased, situate in said townslip, about 5 miles north frowmNewvillef, 8 mires' west of Carlisle and .1 mile -from - 13 le eery ille,containing 130 ACR ES of good land, all under cultivation but_about twenty acres of vaioillontl, and in good order with goqd fences. About twenty acresof it is lino meadow. TI ere leo - running stream through the place. 'The improvemenis ore a tirm 'Story DAV E L N G NOUSE, Log , ....4•0 : , •.ta Barn and other - necessary out' 1 houses. 41so, a well of never -"••: failing water et the door, and an orchard covering three acres, with every variety of choice fruit, The pirice.,ie in every respect an excellent farm. Possession *IL be given id the fall it desired. Persons dewing to see it can do so by coiling on Abraham Payreen,liv• ing near Alter's or Frean's gill. Sale to com mence, et 9 o'clock,. P. M., when Attendance will be given and terreb made khoWW,bir _ ABRAHAM GAYMAN, • , JONAS GAYMAN,. augtrits Execat ors, • Telegraph insert till stile and send bill to this office for collection. LizarsToritio PA,RDTS AT PUBLIC SALE. HAVING determined to temove to the west I will sell the fidlowing described Farms at public sale. No I—ls situate ill West Pennsborn' town- Shin, Cumbe rland county, Pa., 63. miles west 1 from Carlisle. 13 miles West from the turnpike at john Paul's and 1 mile from the Alterton Depot, on th d'itail Road, It consists of 125 ACRES of excellent limestone land, one hun dred of which is cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the balance covered with fine young timber. The improvements are a• good two Story Brick Farm HOUSE, tind•n ~.,..te largo Frame Barn, these buildings NO : ' are new, having beep erected with 111 a • -7 .in the lasveighteentnofithe. There •• =-"-' is a good well of excellent water, with ptimp • convenient 10' the - Reirati. -- 'lliefti is also cosy - access to Mount. Rock Spring, dia. taut one half mile. This Farm is located in the centre of ono of the best portions of this coubty,-couvenient. lei Mille; Schools, and churches. Thus rendering it one of the most desirable Farms hi the town ship. This Farm I Will sell by public outcry on tfo premises on FRIDAY the.2lst of , or, 1849: --, . , . ' No 2—ls situate, in Dickinson• township 63 ides south. West from, Callislo, 2 miles east om the Stone Taverns and• on the -YelloW reaches Creek It, consists df 125 ACRES cr first rate Limestone Land, in a high state 0 ealtivatiou .There is fifteen Acres oft good-nn_ turarmeadow The improvements' . are a 'Thrgo Double, S T. a N D. IlclfiE, a-Good -Frene• ;Bann, ' , k [ ..'., 1 , l Osi:Crib,_Wagor,.Bhed;_Car -,. I } '.. . Tinge flOpee, Spring.liense, die'—•:2 ,ac' • "There is; one of the hest springs in t o:countyy 'rises within, a few yards, of.the z house. . This farm possesies all thi'l.adsanttiges desirable, in a Farm being - Conientent to the "Gres Drove a%' I the • r - I Boa-, ..v.i icre stingy can, a ways.. fi nd,,ti good market' for too prOdocijons Of th.e F,prnalt I will ala i ) 'offer' floe 'Farm'at 'Onblidi j sale.o9. SATURDAY - the'29th'ersioienibilt, 1f01.9,7-7, Terms Made' k nown en.tho , day 'of '014:'.:--,Titleti indison 1 able.::For furthetparticidark,'Aitilient , the....subieriher....residinponnheollatirdOtilialied property .. : .,1-:.i ',JOHN , Gti ;WILLIAMS..':: Jy25'49 4 . ts ,-,..-., ;' . .,_.;..i . .',..i, ~ 1 ,,, : 0, , , r :i i.t .:i. , 1 1 . . ...- VitIrUOLE •Rt r AX' T gt:TATPT' , i. ' -41. i . :',..F0R , ,8ALE.;i,.. 4 ' ' '-:kt ,''' ' ...' ,'. ll f,:aubecri her` hes - 4V , ciinierc tilatletr..fo . .. remove , to tlittlWrilt;.offera for,'iali . he. • arm ,on which arritini'reildds' situate - Itit rtly, xi in , Mifilia and Frpnkford,l 6 Wrkil?Oi 9iiirlililfr, • land' County,.Plf.; `withiti.".4ltrea . mites'.'Or. the: Soto' 'O( Newitiltcand! thp Catididilaiiir Vidltiy, ' .Ralliroad; Containing, Pliant 20,0'. 4 4C403... 1 4 patented hind' or first qbalify giiiVel aiid _Siete, i , ; 2 ie ti ti: l, i m,cit t i ve r: e. d t jrt: 1 1 1 t 7. 1 I tY lt :I: . e . % ui :s c ot u r i o da, i s tedar s oka r r f e c c: d o ; o7 e d ' o s rh t. fili i oi tt ifin it : 0, d liol , r 00. iiii well' te. ol 'i ti 14 l e t t ,: gl ier t i yi I h e , . . !..: ~ • . La" ;Double' , Loo-noo k :OE t . ~.' - (11l ' Kitchen'''. With' iterhis; - a`, c largtf, ; ,If 11 Frarnevfltiri4 with tWi,r.thleshing , / . ....-- -_-:. hoer '-Corr' CilbOttid . .' Wggen ~ I 0., complete'Brick Smoke end VtrAtilbart; • wit.h,water risi n cin. , the' l mjit , N94, 4 lctliVa '..i Trniont licmsh , ittii . Eittabhit'aliee ' 11,a nlV.Cr.', • failing' etreani: at wider z .- tiililivie,,illat.fivi At,u, 'lir diemeote; • 'There tdeq'titie tell?l4s,,.fo'pji , ,cf ' *A r ch' is:young, and , gritilidli la - . PlP. l Setti '; FrAin'lS well calerilated fer; , faiiikat*Pkill it ; '.0..,4401c.0.711te ea' , leq4siaciittlietak ' liti:ttll.thii qa.p. eigeot t*b:', - ,4l`hiioniktheliillialUit,t6.lo: . 41174,41, 4114 wilk„tieinild injotti,t ,t4 ) por., , .eltiteertc: i' • ,_ '1:, , 9 f444.:,ft'1.' , . , , Tii , .41.,".1,1,"..?0 . i! .., -., z ; 0. ~ . 1 .. . i,. 41411 Meet sell 'I tiiitPlit4thi iirtlihVeillit'ild slltiate. lo . Mifflin Aorhehip,..igiCY;4,4lo":lo ) ,pa tauted, - tPeritentr,*letiliCePlittirritiaitltlk o f4k ',.; ' O c in 'ea" ni..an'thtientiScritair;3',...4;r:!..,. .P ., ,, '. r '.. ''13025 , 401E, , - P. ;', '.. , ,,..--,TAKEtip:ONNEDT ': :07 : :FAral:e.rfkriSOOilre t . 14 :!**Acir4 '‘.•.4I.:SVIATtI) ist :, :iickliggi-kOAII.O .tstrift6 i ~ A44440 3 '1 , and 'f9nr. :l ooqp c ilitfik'avallfirAt • ° , 1.f 0 1103 0 , 1 4hat - k4ueerleatrO!!,llollo.7faiter, ". witliotitc , ',:the Jettit,y' angernre, ntl fi ll :TAW, • lil'hi:eehtog.Mtailline . o , ,Willnev.i Ilf I t 'POW Rhiugh.4l o dldthaelthf:Outli ffteM)a 9. o nal#PtOn'kdaW'' ,Ild*I! .1 1 .44 4111 0Ve ..' .ctillie g l,,h bole`:tiuth: alik:s. te, hr , 0;1 , 4a . 9Afit V , MlVF4terleolid tk,,,, , 4„1.1.t.! ~g014,:f.:_;1 , 4.14;,:7 ; -.F1.1 ,e 4,A•r5•-• 74 11 Y) i.-:, , ...7'. 1 4.1.':1,:... .-t.:•:4'!.... 1 , ; ',: ' , ( , '" 2 - r.'.:"o v,:-.... , %.2,x , y , 4 ,•;. T. .., ~ `,-;'' ' - , .'.O ;,..,... , .719 4 ~.''.,c.. '.... , t - . - .0..,..' 41.",.0 - ,_..2.. .;'', ..:;...:,',.'-'•:. ;,? . `4 7, i1t . -.0 , ..'-'' '' - ommon rid • ation'tof Partition, ;No. 41,'Augi T. 1848. - 27th Auguit, 1849. Rule pa'perendente to ,nppaar, TVESDAY r 1 ,of Sebtenther next, and accept arse, tune to nacoptllto pro perty yvhich . the:anbt pet of iltio action . Of partition, at tlig.valua.: -1,10n,0r ahow eliurth tito. Immo •ehealti,,rtoLlict, ,fiqFPEI,I, . ~~~r:~~'r~;~ itteilliVotOtt SmaItf'REOKAVRAVAO .B 4 IO i HE Farmion ; which>he A. now taihjesVitituttiOdyiiimAille;,'.htileW.;tho' Pocir and throe ,miletc ! below •Carlisle, O.:Pri/Ate pate; This Farm contains 54 :ORES:Mere Orissa, cifgo o d..li m est o” lab t Lefait' rgikitig fs wit - tibia , few .rods lofit:lilTheo,fibpreimmenta • ...are•akivolstory 7, LOG , ,.llQUSE• • PA t fid RlTCHRN,f , Framel , Bern; '.:4 and idliekv.nocesiairciut . "houses, " 1111] never-failing'water Midi° door with -ropunin Together with a thriving young 'Orchard , otr the preinises. The -abovo forth :der-boiinded'hy lands of 'David.Kutz; Jeremiah' Kriner dad ill° Poor House Road and °theta. It cleared land in a good state of cultivatiokand'+will be acifd on easy terms. • Persorie;.wishipg 'to view the above form. can do so by calling 'on the subscribei. hVingon the premises. . • •au g22,3ted • JAC C 1.13.. ant] 88. FOR REIN'S: • he Cumberland Hall Tav'ern•giand l well known as the Ston e Taviqn. l THIS property Is'eititated an the Walnut t mom Road, about. 7 miles west of .Carlisle, and at ptesont occupied' by Maj.. C.,Hqlfman. ItZie ono of the boat located. likendß - TO Drovers • and Travtlere. on the road, and .• . the HOUSE is Among - tho best bo.weeivritisburgari Philariol• I. Oda the sithierilpielitwing ex : - pon dod oVek.one titbits:l6'NY dollars ithin the pasL year, .irt ..pUltiug it in , repoif:— tabling su ffi cient for *the accommodati o n ' of hree droves. and a large Corn l Prib and goqd • rulla rd are also 'attache& - .Con thiCted with the remises, also, are 400'. , ACRES of the beef , imestone land, cultivated' for. pasture ,Tor the so of Droves. The present ocelipant has kept .ver.twelve thousand head of Cattle the pre sent season. he above desirable property will. bworenteci t Public Outcry, on the premises, on SA r lIDAY,. he Bth of September next, when the (inns will be made known. Possession given .n the Ist of April next. Carlisle, nug,2B JOHNSTON MPORE. :JErmirmil ursery and Land To, IMO nu. 22 3t FARM FOR SAI4E. ~'" ' ''' 4B . 9 iglie,'s ? •;Sa e.p. ,, , , ti , •, 11114' Shen td ity thogyik.day..b . E€l ecitgin 4 be i t i.ti tlit a ii e t a ,,, ,, , , i ,l' Vitt offer i Public NaIO . I: PPI",I' -!- S r . ' ,lhe Viii t thk : tli'w -a° ied ' i ' S '' .9 !" ° °b . i '? r dul,:' ,, ' uitu l iti3 in :Ws/log(4n til)r°4l! t° ll o l / 4• 81 , 1 Qtri '4"l " idr ' cl4untY ' . ''' 4las ' s li'' o ibli,COnotio4 mije froi92;,rituna c l c hounded j ' A nitter-fsinfoi :gainoci:or9Pki Samuelßoar, J. l io „ ; .' ettliiiit ~ ,auti. others,' oontainin § k tuAur , , 1110,): The'itoid ill •7 1, 'r 9 f nri g ° , 9 nie d III': v'l,7 ' 4)*(droa, 20, aerie' of' W 0,041:;(: tve,ilitp.Uilance are ' under ;feriqufr,'.',P,bii . itic:-.f. ,' li. itilOcifto ore a'' '.' ' " ' ':::c,.... e. fi:e17.^ 1 '3. 4 447;':':;1T::-, : 1 4 ' I • ''. : ,'''' '., • ' $ (OH fi TA*ol!knif,‘)".l'`!: . • atd#Opinlif AR ie ,, x 01 7 1 -- , rk-IT,I, ~ wAriui'glbeiliwkitkill,tb u r i u ic o c! ' . ' • ' ' ' 'illtK, o OVlii4 ll 4lllo,ll-" 1 XhProi t talr : z -. i' l 're 'olo6,lroltiaPlia:nattr 0 ' j: ',. *. *. s*. - - -iy liour,-.1,. 44 .v°.' p r o• . , ; liliirliik'o46orind7Zp, 01..,,ti'mp a rtj o amt., th 0., .; lertvoti. lll fl'%). ii t , 0' qii:p4l,9hup-i.menel,Pol(l, 16 erlatll l il t ''': " t P tii 'fa ow Yo,T.v if Ooleil i r . 4iiiikawiw th,04,4 4 ,,, 44 yio 7 ool9itt,affi) <An .' 1 ° , 1 . 1 .' , 0 : bi l l!. 61.1,,51A,11" _btaligti.' , r4cidnif PA. Po. . ' b7 ' 94 w 1 Vi i 'V'd r i 'in Alqingeldukrki 1i ,,, ,,1, :1 , 1. !Fcitivi , or • , ,f„ ,4 T pmA'S, gla , EASaish 1..-"'.' - :1 , D e t i rIT::g .".7I3T i ii.V, sii', A sai gn eli4E A ß l l3 PPttrt llti '' ' ' '' ' .l ,/ , 1 . ~, 1 A. q , ,:, • • ~,;,,,' , i ~,,,H, .',,,,0)t0 . ' 10. 4q.'' , ti iligliC`4B;)lll49*^•';`,,,',_-",',,ry.." ..,/, of itfigl#46';l,'' '" b v gailfOri 4 1 ' t ”, 7 ". 3s,yttrit , ~' iPtltr";k*"!,ri Atrf, - r 04,4.461, %,,:! It ,• , • • .', 11,.,.. ~-..-1 .Tittr,v, ~.,' ,. ~..: kit, ,:..,It., ~•,..71:,,1 ~,inf4V-1i04,,,'. lw,,',t‘ 1 .. , , ~,. J,l4', '.4 a .tv- al' 11',•:4'',111",''''''e').''Id'ntitia‘''''14,iieil.. , , ..;,/•,"•., , ,,,,x.rd , o‘' ilt , A, ,i r ~ ~,:f' - - 't`, . O' , A, .41. i" ,,, 01 9 re '1w. t ,.,, , ~T ;v, s 2 t 444v.so:61,;agr,;vTiony, ~,!'? '`k -0 ,2 , ... 11'‘941044/217(Z_v-IVI-... ~ --A, ~Lit,„. . , '''',.r. ', ' „,-,,4-- zr,r - ..?:,3 4 1'.'4,,1.''../;&4*..r- .` ' =EMMZEI=MEMI " - .Z.Gtettic . T ,,,, VALITABLE 0110IOETARDLAT subscribee , iMending.to 7 rremoieWelit' . 1•11Willeell it private sale, the Farm on which •resides ' located in-. Worth Middleton - townahipi:Cumberland caunty*on'Alie turnpike:. read, leading froth Cerlisle,,to(Harrisburg, miles bait ot'Gailisie,.and;Ohe' half „Mile of`MiildlesesMills ' - at.lhe'Letart - Spring, con- Atilainkl4o ?ACRES *of 'fide-rate Limestone Lalid;tin a high state of cvltivation.ebbut Aereteof the, aboVe•::is covered with 'thriving. UM , • e,greater ;part - is set with loeMst' post' and , cheantit rail fence. _The impioVenfehte coneilit of - a comfortable • Two - . Story DWELLING, with . , , two, Kiiehene suitable' for two families m fi'i f, ;:llll '• iogellier'wiih . ; Worth:bea Milk '1 • House, SMoke house tend it neVar failiapvell of: water at theXiielien'iloor,•with a pump in it: Also, n.Stone . -13tink:Harn 80 by 37 feet, with. Corn-cribs' wagon shed anecer ringe house and a horde stable separate, with running water in the yard, and a largo apple orchard with choice fruit trees. Together with a Log Tenant House and Stable. -,This•• is one of the most productiVe farms in this section of Country. • • Also, at Private Sale, another farm contain ing 2GACRES;:ofie;ltaif - milelfouthaitst of the • above farm, having thereon °Meted a two story . DWELLING HOUSE 90 by 24 .feet, well finished, with a bank barn' 48 b'y 42 feet. Ali?, cr Wagon Shed and. Corn-crib, all new, and a young Apple Orchard. This farm is the best of limestone lanCluid in• a high state of, cultiva tiOn. The siibtiolibin; will sell the above harms together or separate to suit purchasers. Per sons wishing to buy,'will do well to view the *property, it is a most beautiful situation.. Come and see - for yourselves. atmls . -CHRISTIAN RHULE. •PUBLIC BALE O VALUABX,E, REAL ESTATE. TN Pursuance of an Order of sale from the 12trphans' 'Cohet of Cuniberland county, di. ree,ttid to the subscriber, Administrator of Jacob Lehmaft, deo'd4 d.Jate Of We 'Ponnsboro tqain ship, Curfiberland county, hemill offer afPublitt Sateen the premises, ou .BATURDAY, the Bth ,lily of SEP fEMBER luextfat 12 otclock, 'the following described property, late the estate 61 said decedeot, to wits—A Tract of Land sit uate hi West Pennsboro township, Cumberland connty, containing 11l ACRES and 118 Perches strict measure, about 10 Acres of which is thriv ing timber, bounded bylanda of Natbton Woods, Benjamin Slinkdolin Bricker and others. The abote tract is of the besn quality ol:11111ellotus land and in a high state of cultivation. The improvements consist of .is , large two: „4 Story STONE HOUSE, with (pick ••• 1 building, wash house, a large and convenient Slone Think 'Barn, with Carriage (Souse, Wagon Shed, corn crl b, and all other necessary out buildings.— The improvements are all in good repair and the fencing on the larm in gaud order. There is also a never-railing well of excellent water on - the . place,and a good orchard of grafted fruit. The above property lies Dbout two miles east of Newville and whiten three-quarters of a mile of the Cumberland Valley Rail Road. Also. at the same time and pince tumidl tract of hind, also the property of said decedent, sh it:de in Frankford tOwnshipotbout 4 mitelPfccon.. , the first mentioned tract ,adjoining 'anther Wfii: AlterrAbraltam - Gayratuti - anthathersixtud-13 . .. , .--,-, mg within one-eighth of the Conodogut het Creek, containing about 19 ACRES, five of which bre good meadow land; and the balance covered with good timber. The terms of sale are as follows, viz—Five.' per cent of the purchase money to be pito .on .the confirmation of the sale. One-third o . f the whole to remain. in the land, the interest at which to he paid to the widow during her life, and the principal at her death— of the residue, one-half to be paid on the„first of April 1850, and the . other halt on_the Ist of Apri lJBsl. Any person wishing to view the abot:c pro. party preuions to the sole can so by chitin; on Adam Lehman living on the first described tract, or on the subscriber, residing in s. West Pcnnshoro' township. • :ISAAC LEFEIVE.II, jl.2sts Adm'e of Jacob Lehman, deed. 10 - Lancaster Union publish till Sale and send bill to this office. VALUABLE F RBI FOR OALET ----- faN TUESDAY, the gil.day of OLtober next wilLbt exposed to Public Sale on the pi 0111 7 I sea, in Mintownship, about' 7 miles north west. of Newville, and 4 miles from Newburg, the thrm lately occupied by Wm. Stevenson, co , ittaining 177 ACRES, first-rate slate Land, in a good stittd or cultivation, about twenty acres of which is covered will thriving timber, a - stream of water runs through the farm, along which there is excellent natural meadow.— fit The improvemdke 'are a two story do4bli 7 LOG HO,US.E, Don 'file Log Darn, \Vagina shed, Corn crib, and oilier out-buildings, a never failing spring of wafer, spring .house, and an apple orchard, chiefly young fruit. Also nt th O . same time and place will- be offered for salligitt' 24 AIRES of Timber Land, situated abhuttwo miles from the above farm near die North Mountain. The above property will be sold in pursuance of' the ' last WilLand Teetament of the before-mention ed decedent, for %Okla there.will be an indispu table title given. Persons wishing to view these two ptopertimdean do so by calling on Mr. S. Stewart residing on the farnmir the subscriber adjoining it. Sale to oommenee at 10 o'elook on said' day, when attbudantie will. he given and lostn.Syiade known by DANIEL WHISTLER; - ' • " Executor of Wro. Stevenson, deo'd.. August 8-ts For Sale or Exchange. , • • rrirn Subscribe: hatot F A RM in the county JL' of Erie, Pa.i which lie wishes to sell or -exchange ! for Real Estate in Cumberland county. It contains 209 ACRES,nnd 97 perches of land, of first rate quality, about. one hundred acres of which are cleared • • well fenced MO in. good ;', • , tivutuon, having a . small frame . •• ."".•• DWELLING HOUSE and a large Bank 'Barn thereon erec -.. •• ted. The residue of the land is covered with the fihest aryl moat valuable TIMBER of kinds. aticiv.as -Oak. , 'Chesnut, Black•nah, oplar and Hemlock: The laC nin titented. wit 0 n•a. qbarter.f the'Danal whighlettostfrent_the.tiftvn,M-Brits:R-.. . ittsbitVg, snit - about one mile and a half froei the'l•Lake.:Timber at this place is- hemming ~very Ya I uOle, and ,on the farm there i •about 49,9 rAttres of Atm, very. best quality. , ., The farm nost:me-aliotit four thousand , dollari:ten years a4Ol . !.bee hinkSvas gellingß nt.a'depreeiesl - ppekei, ' ; August;B4f,,,!, , suhscriber'MteddinitereMo've 0'4110 , 1%; ,WestbeforO,:liprinV will Mhz at priva te' Salo tiktfousEbt - N - D.-60, - T;hv7ow occupies alt. iti:,silo ,Nortli HanoverStrcolV . nearly„oppo., , residen - dea'Gen e rge'llinzger;Esq4, , ,, said isu , POI and ittindsOlnely finished ' paying atthelied . thereto all'necessary ont-bilclingN.cisterri,'&e.,..'Said , lin' is fi ftrttrei -feetifrentimdmie'llandied and`sevent4' , ,feet depth, with' a.choide cellectipri ef,'youui , and ' !,.Thp underldined, :086, lope,P , to inform, „ his, old friends and 'AO : public in general that,•he lialii,.reinoved hie Sleek of ',lFlata.and,,Caps to his. proient, VeSidenee, ivhdrele,*fil,conneues to, loonafactpre and: for sale . ypdoced pri. 'catq''‘'Yorttli.ing• id his Jine :Of: butimess. , - T4e shbiiieribetviimld" also noti,k,all;thoso,,,indehtPd', him- to, tO, - eall - and' Make, , pay Mentos it design'ito'close mit 'hiir stock :mid settlii',up.his.:: business this ER:I3 • 'guga 3 C ' ; ' .~: ~y:i":~?:.in t;r,~. -4^~!~~`~-=?~7'?t,~t^;t;~t:;r~.-`~1'er'1Ci: a;n~N*`__,. -..-.,:- 0 -.,,, , , , ,,i- -,,,,,,-. , ''.'.1....1t0ti.-46.0tatpi,..,;,'':4,',0 IT • ; :--, • nix; ; TE. 'f'ON TUESDAY, tliti2itof 'Oetetber iieiGintill betiold at Puhliq Snle.nrethe.premises in. Mon,' i•oe townohip, Cumberland county :„tlie It+ lowing Real. Fliate . ; liitathit'lite f Petee Drlckur, deceniefi,,,eint•the' Forge Rote east Spring,Forge::. , • , •'• • L.. - • 1-7 Contains 130.. ACRES first-rale Liniestorie . 'Lind onproveinents are a : large Stone Mese; Bank' , Barii, Wagon, Sheds,' Corn Orik.and other mit-buildings.. , Also, a first-rtite Spring near the door, and an.Orehard of Cholie'frult. •- ^ ' ' No. ^2—Containing - 109 A CRESi''LinieStont .Land, adjoins, the .alcove .., The lt9proVententif .area - one story Han se;ir Ilana,,Bere,tintr:9oo TenantAituse,and several: Sprimgs,near the hOtiee.' , Both "Frines aro a high state of cultivation. - • ^- • No. 3—Containing 130 ACRES.,' adjoildng No, Wand one-fourth' of it mile sontli'orChurehtown; about ten Acres are •cleared, the remainder is covered with fine-timber„ No. 4—Contains I: ACRES, on the south side of YelloW.Breeches Creek. The improve-, rinents area good Log House and Stable, tint) a good Spring oink the land is under geed- cultP vae.on. No. s—Contains abOut TWO ACRES on tile, Forge Road, one mile:east 'of Spring Forge.— The improvenients ard'a large two-story Howie, part stone, Frame Stable,Blacksmith Shop, and other'aut:liouses, with ta - rst-rate sprin g in the basement story of the hciuie. ' No. 9—Contains about THREE ACRES unimproved' Joliet, on the York Road near Char litown under good fence. •• No% 7—Aiarge an'd wall finished twoatory HOUSE and lot of ground in Churchlown, abilut 40 feet in front end 150 feet in depth.— Imdisputable titles Will be given for the above properties. The above properties shOwn and all necessary information given to persons Wish ing to purchase, by calling on either of the subscribers, or on John Lifizilivinglon lots No. 5. Sale to commence at 10, o'clock, when atten dance will be given and terms. - maile known by GEORGE BRINDLE, JOHN. BRINDLE, August 1--ts Executors., Painable Real Estate AT PUBLIC 'SALE. UrN THURSDAY the 4th of October next, the Subscriber will expose at public sale on the premises in Southmiddleton township, Gunther. berian4,emitity Pa., the farm lately occupied by Jacob Ullman, deceased, 4 miles south of Car lisle' nod one mile - north of braigheatPs containing about 105 ACRES of good limestone , Land, in a high state of - cultivation. and under • good - fence. The impovenidoto.are a two story - s • .DWELLING HOUSE, . II I large Kitchen, plastered inside and outside, a large Log Barn; Wagon Shed, Qom , Cribs, and other necessary out-houses, together with a well of never failing water near the door, and an orchard with every variety of choice -fruit. Also at the same time and place will be I offered a tract of 20 ACRES of Chesnut Timber, near the Holly Iron Works, on the East side of the Turnpike. Also, the one undivided half of Eight Acres of Chesnut Tiriltrer4 about 4 miles from Holly, on the east side of the Gettysburg road: Also, LLtkn-FIUDAN,thr-51.1Lot_Ootolter,_nortt. ore the premises in Monroe township, Cumberland codnty, Pa., the Perin late properthof Jacob Lehman, deceased, on the road leading from Chprelitown to -Atiddlesex, - 2 miles north. of Churchiown, containing 85 ACRES of .good - Limestime Land, in a high state of cultivation and under good fence, about 12 Ames of which is coverid-with first-rate timber. The im .provetnents are a two story, STONF. HOUSE, a one story Kitchen, a Log Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib ,Cider'Press end other necessary out buildings. AIM a never-failing well near the door. There is also an excellent" Orchard of choice frititoo the premises: The shove Fermi ere in every,respect excellent ones. Indispu table titles will be given. Persons wishing to see the above properties can do so by calling on Samuel Lehman in South Middleton township, or on the subscriber. in Monroe township. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on both dos when attendance will be given and terms made known by . GEOI E BRINDLE., August 1 -Is Executor; slissignee. Sale. Farm on which Abraham Nisley now lives wil be sold at Public Sale on the Premises, on 'WEDNESDAY the 19th day of September next. It is situated in North Mid dletoff township, on the Conodoguinet Creek about three miles east of Carlisle, and about a half mile north of the Harrisburg and Chum bersburg turnpike containing about 121 ACRES and,1,40 Perches, more or lees. The improve ments consist of a FARM HOUSE, a .Bank .I3atn, &c. This property will be shown 'by the subscri ber, or b' Abraham Nisley, who resides on the farm. Tho terms will be made known. on the day of sale by WM. M. HENDERSON, 1027'491s Assignee, of Ab're. Nisley. ASSIGNEES SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Vj[TILL be . aold at !Public Sale a* the Court VV. Honse in the Borough, of Carlisle ion S THURSDAY, the 20th of EPTEMBER next, the following described property, to wit: No. l'"iIII.A. SEA'r and FARM. contain ing about 200 ACRES - of first rate blacksslate land, situated in' Friinkford 'township nho u three - miles west Of Carl isle i on-t h e-Con odog 4- not Creek. This tract iewell,im. ' •' - proved, having thereon erected a• • , ' MANSION HOUSE, Bank Ili • - -Barn, Corn Crib, &e., together with a Clbver Mill, Saw Mill and Plaster Mill, and tbreh Tenant Houses, This property will be sold-in one or two tracts to suit purchasers. , No..2—About 70 ACRES Limes.ono Land, situated on the Walnut Bottom Road, about ouc-half mile west of Carlisle; • "The improve ments are a BARN and a vvell.of,riever failing water. , • , No. 9. — The ono undivided half el about 70, ACRES of Limestone land, immediately. south Of the nbove tract. The inipmiements • are a STONE HOUSE, the, lower etonygVarn &d. --,--No..4,—Alieut-45—AGRES-a.-Litnesten•- 'hitrid,.situnted on the Walnut Eottom .Rolulp olicur2i miles -west of Carlisbe.' ThariP iis .it ]3arn and WelLof' Water onillie mot.'• '-'L" , .I.- No., s.—About; 4. A C RES ..- 11 , 24,- , PEI3:ONES or Chestnut Timber',pear . ,th0... - iond . ..l.ntding.' hn ,fio Carliale,to.Gattyalirg,alielq 10Milesfvom Cftillialn . . , . z ,' , -,'.,.,----', ~.,'----,•,-• • , v!"•,i1510'. , '6,--,Ationt.,4',ACßES , lintl 27 psialies of 4 .. - %.:/ . : - 7' ,--. •;, - MEADVIN LAND,. near Rolf.- / '' , ''':.,,,=l-- , 1-`-l-dai'S Mill, inl,' the Borough - of ' ' ;';') UT] Carlisle... There is a building for 4 I . 1 , a Malay with water right'lind , aiBRICK lions& ar:o2,!On: this' - : • ti liet . ,.' , .. • ., . .- ••. ~- - *No. 7.—A,STONE. 'frown lb LOT near the Second Presbyterian Church in the oto' of .Parlislo, the Let ia!4o,feet,in front. end, /120 feet deep. y , Tlio aboiit 'Proper:o44ll be shown - an 'ttmeesettry information giveoe.parsons wiships to Itrchase, by Milling,on:either doh° sitbeeri b:ers, or on Mir.lohn - HitYs; !Whig: :60' the Mill The termamill inindelinnnit on -Itlie.day, tf ,•;', RICHARD HAMM, .: .j0.27!49 . teiTh . : - ,,.l.„.,4iisigneissial , Jahn Hays.. . szialsra- , arr r.• .. l i. tifff,' iiT,... , . werihheOoriiiiiirieed,, BolliOgo, aii 4 liirk t re b t s o e c r ic i -a f ' /i ll . - ..Y'. rooms for a O a 8 ; l " at ri: g !ift :l QU : ' fliageatTiriC44l6olake , i s ' iny, assortmentu !oryAllood - ..Winter. Goo 4iit:o,oh 4Yrn); e!'"OliP!,',",,TLiaitiPtillis.l.o.lr)'. 41 7 17:1 ' 1 6 d r i g y e p a r 9 o d fit c a ci b ni le P ,A 1 17 4 ,C . , 4 i1 4 r in i iii i t ' i t l e n r a v 4 n e w e d t i ,a 1 10 fi p i t i d r . :° o o t i xt'bi' t tg a rll, 1.- jr-• beloir,;.'sbeti °Tut•,l,_'et' I )o 9,4o Ci ii it i ll ':witrsi.• mark: I. har?-,11,f arse; ,1)115't/InfitIZIT's ;.A,ND'''..11,0,?4,,...,41AP1/g "):111 ''' ;r,... lega.bile. Or low. f Yitocii47l ll ' i. v,14...0., 1..4.,1,4-c,--,,, 04E11 , 411,N ;. 0 .,...„ 11 0p...., roltip!, 1 4 11 .° 1 1i s' , ' - } ' ancii 114/1,00CE", and' , Mo.. Z;lhot`v koala J''..'•P, l. ' •- , li , 'ii ''Rice • RTES' :SOttoilvEctirees+ 1 -F,71 0 i , " , ii e vc_ t ily -` Oli• - iffi.o.l:,'4ltaislir iAn 4,,tohel Ev , l 4 ! ? °, c 4 ) -• om RI: ' 39( tinO4BIOiCAIRIO:SIP9 ••'`• ' .„:.., ~ , „ ~,,! ''.',:1tU..g2.1:49 , - .; - ,.;,'', , ,,,t•ifii . :114,. , ‘, : + • , rCAtittiNkclA haiqust opepeti ti„Callf L ',4ll.rtalkUli!Adecilltpm ;Warranted _freqi. .1 11 0 ne• 441 1 i 13 1:'," ." ELLIO'I7I%:', ~r ~,,,,. ~,,,,,, i , Table cO 4 , , •,,,, i . ~ ..,.„,,, , ,i , ~ ~, ,,A' Lot o,r very suPeriort, reeitOfttiti4: 0 1111 1 #1ilt P.:. acel yea crod'for ;OA by ~ ,k 'n'•o l -Z. 4 3ltr IA) *l' llulY'// i fl , ` - 'el:'.fit 4, ll , ' l,ll ' , PkAlt”'lMM, '!!t.' - , l' ~, t)•-•i' .4, k. '', 'l , •4l`i''', ,IVI 7 4 r Wallit`faWfOriti)''34 7llr 4 4 ,W 4 14 \ :» tfP4 . lrittil• f vl3l/#! 1 /024rAillit' iI)FA - tliF ~ , ,,? , ,z ,n w , q ll c ,„f t og,:t g o4 . ow., , : ..-- t 6 , , ju g,' ' .. ; ti %,,,..v -\ t z 4. 1 .. . 1 .,, 0 • il ) 5 1k 4 e."‘;;;;71 tigrlh,a -'..44S3'O,MiWtetINS7S: Ag4;WIVII,47I4,Per:A g 4 ; WIV11 ,4 7 1 4 , Pe r : A ' ' .4 t, , t1r"744;,': f ' 1 4 4 41 5 - 5, e*:, , a1A , - . 46 ft ' ' --t. ....ityv•og•lignkl..wil,..-A.-- M=2== t~aala tREEttgINENR E 0 SPRUCES - R RO MS .„•; ;,... • pHII;ADEI,EEiIA~ t; irSONBTADIVEY.'nnA6iai - e.litige.,..apeoz:t. .11U • thentut .+ Walnut Bt, VialiOgantrflrnittire,, i f manufactured thebeitt.mantier,'Uf.madern, style, and at moderato Erices,,embracing , - •• ~Sofas, Perlor•Chairei " Wardrobes, Itooking Chairs, - Dressing Bureaus; Tete-a-Totes, .•• . ^ , French- Bildsteads, Centri,and Pier Tables • Digit. Post * Bedettis - Wash 'Stands, • Het Racks, • Eeeretarie,s,., '• • • • ' 'Extension Tablee,`&e. 4 •• '" ..Every. article •is made of tilt best Material and . winkrnanshipeand warranted. augBly • T &• a IiENKELs. irrAii goods bought at this establishment packed under thb immediate Superintendence' of the proprietpre, and sent free, of charge to .any part of the city. . . 2 1 Z1.41. W4REErOI7I3II, ThAy,ID RA KTCON, N 0.73. Chestnut street, ciirneeof Rank street. PHILADELPHIA has for sale the' following TEA'S; to 'Which' he loves the attention of the trade:— t , .200. half chests Young,HYson .. -- 100 do • GunpoWder d'or 100 do . InMerial '"do. 20 - do , .finest Company Hyson Tea. 20 wisest each containing 131 b boxesfinest Curious Young :14.8011 , - 20 oases finest Curious Gunpovider. , 10 do do Imperial, 200 half chests fineet.Chulan,POwchong. 100 do Ninkong,Powcliong 30 do very finest Oolotig, I 100 •do second quality. 100 do Nlngyong do. ' 50 cheats English Congou. 'lOO hf. do do do, 025 chests Padre Souchong. •95 do fine Mohea do. 1500 pounds prime 'Company Nutmegs, ~, These Tells" have been selected by - D. R,' with great care from the venous' late cargoes, and will be found to, fully sustain the high and Unrivalled reputroion. Which This establishment has enjoyed for the last forty years end his prim, as heretofore, will be fohnd us low as at any house i.l the United Stales. [an 22 Sin Ftingy Furs, Mum, Boas Sc . Tippets. yi k AVID - H. SOLIS, (snecesser to Solis, Brothers,) Importer and Ildanufeerurerof every description of FURS, having just re. turned from Europe with a SELECT STOCK , OF FURS, is now manufacturing thorn in very ' superior style, and trimming them in the most elegant manner, and would invite the attention • of MERCHANTS and OTPERS, to his au- . perior and extensive .assortment;Vrhich as he MANUFACTURES as well IMPORTS.; he is enabled to offer at such prices as few houses in the kUr.ited States can compete with. DAVID H SOLIS, 86 Arch (Mulberry), Street, 6 doors below 3d at. QNext to Louden & Uo's. Family Medi cine Store. Philadelphia, ang-16 6m. Store always closed on Saturdays. :Tho hiOest Cash price paid for Shipping Furs. • Blind Manufactory.. . 8 CLARK, Vonitian Blind Manufacturer. Sign-of-the GOLDEN—EA,G(L-E,--N 139 and 143 South Second Street, below Dock Street. PH ILADELPHIA. Keeps always on hand a large and- fashionable assortment of WIDE and NARROW, SLAT WINDOW BLINDS, manfactureil in the best manner, of the best materials, and at the lowest cash prices - Having refitted and enlarged his establishment he is prepared to complete orders to any amount at the shortest notice. Constantly an hand an assortment of MAHOGANY FURNITURE of every variety manufactured expressly for his own sales, and purchasers may therefore rely on a-good article. ••• O?" Open in the eveninv.. _ • * *Orders from a di carefully and packed andsent free of portefhgo to, any part of the city. . fang Li Iy] H. CLARK. LATAIINCIP, Agent for the sale of Southworth Mentifaerttring Co's Writing Papers. Warehouse, No. 3 Miuor St., Philadelphia. 100 CASES of the above superior Pa. pore now in store, and for sale to the trade at the lowest market prices, consisting in part of thick Flat Caps, 12, 14,15 and 16 lbs., blue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white. Extra super and superfine Folio Poste, blue and white,. plain and ruled. Superfine Commercial Posts, blue and white plain and ruled. Extra super Linen, Note Papers, plain and gilt. Superfine and fine Bill Papers, long and Brood Superfine and fine Counting House Caps and Posts, blue and•whito, Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. Supertine•blue ',Men thin Letters. Extra super Bath Paste, blue apd white, plain and ruled. Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes. '"Lawyer's" Brief Papers: Superfine and fine Caps and T'cists„ ruled and Vain, blue, and white, various qualities - and ' Alio), 1000 reams white and assorted Shoe Papers, 'Bennet Beards, - white. Tikkiffid Tissue, Ten, Wrapping. Enyeloae,:ossoited Sc blue Mediums, Cap Wrappers, flordwate Pa. pent, dr,e. . DAILY EXPRESS THE undersigned would respectfully.inforra the Oizeris of Carlisle and the surrounding country that their EXPRESS CARS TIPBb FROM PHILADELPHIA. pass daily through Carlisle and all honk, ales and packages left at hos. Bor. bridge's, No. 278 Market, street, adelphin, intenddd lorECarliele and adjacenticoi try, will be delivered at. Messrs:, J•& D, Rhoed's Ware • - house. ,G oodr. for °sprees ; to Philadelphia, left at RhomPti Waraboqa, •wilLtpaet , with. , meet_wjil L inteliflittadkm. Goods ... Mr eiprceti should'hkeo marked. I: . :A is' rhos- porbridge, 278 Market It. . go" J. &D. riticss.—Heavy freights when over, 'OO lbs. 50 cte per hundred.', Packager; 25 arW5O cents in.proportion to size. • /kat his is Lb new enterprisk e expressly'for convenience'and accommodatton of .the citizens,. of Cumbeiland county, it' is hoped it will 'Meet with the encouragement it' ()carves. t , ' STUMBATJ9II &•.11 , 1cKLSSON, jrltf • " . CARLISLE FOUND tIY,IEMACHINE . SHOPivr , r ‘,l 'l 4 e! VILE anbacribet the merinfeetuie of CASTLIsi - Gg,'at hitt Foundry and having:.noWjunltta veottmentior 'Patterns, te ,prepared: to, furnish,: Wit incle DION' AND - . BRASVCASTINZS: in Wet style:end eitd:at the.'ehcifteet•motielie, % as now •on'thand S a bitga , assortmene'ol , Cifet-i . , inge, euchlike,o,oo-eruehern,.Mill.Peetinige,end,v.c GnSig9one,.rdipg4 east trgs; Points , Shears,und,t;`, Chum's, Wagon and Cleaelrltoiree, eeller grates'', 'Oren Doona6 ,. nislitl,Weighta,L&o': yoCooking , P:' 713PFP1hio • endy ipost,Stovoe.,l-10;,eleo,•:,buildefi , ,tterrettatie CARS;.lhkrlkng. Mn: chines and Hnise4'owera, with every • ...Tr erfkind efatt6liiitielf; et the ' teat pot leaf ;1014,1rep, - 1311140,4nd . ..-Aolipprdaken. `iretichn!tokrweir.k,' # 4 .lPt allot geent' re na wtaht9g "to have ,ficd- thenee ilhep tiegBOreo4 asopY,t,i , ! , , , ;rftv? - ,`..':Al i fklt - gt . Atinti..,g'enottil ottionlif - ittlepe tipjett,ntovary,Wapety':hitra iyiett; etdtletkjct, tio,„;', iottiilobtf ti lot:of Cedar Word, etittrttO Chuttio; , Buoke.3;Taife; otiteitti fovttoriba, at-ttie . grotory.otore of.- 11 1 :: M - 1 , 1 T ell 141 A I „ . Rail) cli...:-.r4 . ..qat*lf.LArcil:Muteptittoti,p f,l4:6l6Tll3l3!;plet,Oplinp4 t .it hi *Fp li#111),, Niyi. e „. file - 6f Um met' Utui"4 . oj . Ralii' 10* try ~ ,, ,, r 0'? ii - ;t:kii f' 1:N13c. - ; • ':. '',4l:-,:,011.4L-1#141,0 EV Boot and = hoo . e aiii'xeci:cranio.lifilli red' ibed:prir '3O ",;„`,1; : 0 s , ii !I X tOX:I4 oan .istietta • -; N, •‘, KI Ell ES 11 ZE El ill COSI NE -4; po i p !let)? • • e
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers