Stlipsztitm MiM3 IS cr2inrizszE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 384 9. -DEZOORAT/0' WHIG. TICKET: Canal Commtssionet, HENRY M.TULLER, Or. LIIZERNE OIONTY. • . - .dssembfy, GEthIGE i'ennetioro DAVID S. RIMSEIA, of Hopewell. cotipAissioner. BJ:EWA:IIT MOGgWAIsl,of .JOSk.rli MoDERMONIY, of Newville • Tremairer. WM. M. PORTER, of: .Parl)sle. Diteitor of the Poor. RUDOLPH MARTIN, of N. Cumberland c . Auditor. ALEX. DAVIDSON, W. PAnsboro' (3 yrs.) THOS. T. GRAHAM, S. Middleton { (2 yrs.) Coroner: THOMAS C9NtYN, of Cirlislo. WHIG: STANDING COMMITTEE. The members.of the Whig Standing Com. mittee of CUmberland county (appointed at the last county convention) are requested to• meet •• at the Public , HOuse of Henry Glass, in the ho;. ough of Carlisle, on SATURDAY,...the 15th of 'September, at 2 o'clock, P. M. general at tendanco ht earnestly requested as business of 'importance will be transacted. WM. M. PENROSE, Chairman. Carlisle, Sept. 5. 1899. Oni' County Ticket. CHEERING P.nosssars I—We continufi to bear the most favorable reports of the pros-- peels of our popular. County Ticket. In every quartet, of the county it gives unbour.- ded•satisfaction. Nostisfut„,o,n,gepftt e Whigs . of - a subslantiar Victory but tle most shameful inactivity. On the other hand our opponents are far from being satisfied with the state of things in their ranks. Their TiCket they know and feel is not as good as they desired, and some portions of it many conscientious democrats find it impossible to endorse. The violation of aid party rules and usages, at the dictation of a domine,ering clique in Carlisle, wilt not be submitted to by scores of out opponents, who see that their Sheriff - ha's been taken from a section of the county which had no claim to it.• But we caution the Whigs of the county against being lulled into inactivity by the appearance of dissatisfaction among our opponents. We have a'plain and straight forward duty to. perform. It is to organize our party end prepare vigorously for the con test. We have every encouragement to work, and everything to fear - froin indiffer ence. Let no man undervalue the impor tance of the coniest, or the strength of our oppOnente. Every Whig vote will'be wen fed, and sill our energies must be devoted to securing the full turn-out of our party at the election. In full vote we have the only hope, of { ictory. Mn. FULLER IN PRILADELPIIIA..--Me 'earn born . the city papers that the talented VI big 'candidate for Canal Commissioner, Henry M. Fuller,.arrived in Philadelphia on Wednesday last. On the next day•he was invited to the sessions of the Rough' and Ready Convention, the members of which be addressed in a speech of wniza elo quence and force, touching upon the great interests involved in° the approaching elec tion. The address excited enthusiastic ap plause, and animated his .bearers with new . zeal and energy for the. contest. A great Whig Ratification Meeting-was also held in the city on Monday evening which was addressed by Mr. 'Fuller, Senator Cooper and ;other-,distinguished speakers. The Whigs of°the city and county seem to be waking pp in earnest for the struggle. The visit of Mr. Fuller to the city has been atten. ded with the happiest effects, and has given all Who 'have seen him the most gratifying evidence that he is, a candidate worthy of our great cause and principles. • _ THE, PRESIDENT AT EgjE.—We learn . that Gov; Johns* reached Pittsburg on . „ Tuesday , evening horn Erie, where he left Gen. Taylor on :Monday. It appears that when about 12 miles beyond Meadville, the 6 President Wee Attacked, with sudden. illness • attendedwith . ; vomiting. He was at once , placed uLsi separale,earriage' Ard Attended Ky Dr . . Vy . obd,was,driv . en to Erie as soon as 1 1 -, possible - afriiiinuthere an., aturday after noon, and.being • m'a burrito lever :was at Yonne-pot ,lo bed. Ile continu d dangerously, --4 4 .11 iiiihl Sa bin* . JYlorpin'g,when.lre obtained . • --- slier,. /Whens, Johnstmleltle was out »>odangar; ipt woulri twit Isaie Erie until he 1.7 A4 Outif,9 l 3' ,T,00 6 v4r,f4 Erfibabli, oo t b.eforo ' A° s!WoOl.Per• 'M0 1 18,06118 of tusoplUL‘tiad caukr'sgated,Erisier§cei ye ¥ on,di!ie_k il.aPPoirArcloP consequence t of, his 'Wisps., gphnqton , .-4 a s • ill #tk, *OK, fi'.!efk.•-•!"1114113rg'im for F l PPoi n g'iT from e of prikepir to' ilaffisburg Flit) 2 ‘kliSs' , „ , • — tepartiu , ..--'' Wicinvl . ,•-i 1 , , -. • ! i.ip49. .; ' - lets pas!' " ! 1,47T.,,ra 'it, , ,,i iiotiogs%f th? 0 insicni? aj(eogon, ‘,;• ~ ,,,,,,,, • 6`iii id it! lAl• i , 7; y„iii.; • t, ~olic.':sOtte' E'?4-6',-7di,doininenced• °,` ' n ''.3:Jf11610'01..; ;-iill vvili . be 'edl)ll,64lthitie `limirtb, 11,0t?ic acid', 1 ; liPlitaiti',i,itf6t"!!°n llibd. ~e , : iij r ~ ilextei,Mri. ''. ~,,•10,‘ etveiy [0111z!!!"1c, '' i 'l diiiet 11401,4. .1,,,404-114 :I)nclg Y 48- 0 o,,tii, reigned 10. k•,j'itinvih4t 1,9 j., 1 , 1 # 413 ' m ', Let illro,t 13,,,i•P111-,- - • li• ~--inir3,Avh4l.,.t.-iiiiiirllop r , P,9P r't -.' ''''' 'tieie'4l;l3P°llfint• e - ''' . ' -electioti: tqj ti!'t •0•••1in,•..64 ~'-{-• lljda It ' 0r,Y,?„.., . 4. t 114--AiThig4c119,,,,,,,,. tiler:abet' • 9 -. ,•-ro-ri ." ,:, -••,,.'' "' ' '''' I,ol3,4iasl.kri,,,'+'''''. \-`•,' •,; , ,sl , (,;,444,1644u!E''• ''" ''ir,,,'''''lz:'a'liziFi 44",4t,::,`.;,•wk,,i. fiT*7-7 • 4!"..!l'intYm'i'V frk `.,Esio-orfqr,'tat,(, : ~v.,=:wi'1.,99i,r9, V''-'' 'l,,"n'iii VtiGettlA9,!' 14iii011.P,,,, ,Nalr..!.la:, I,.ist,l`tetujcings?,l,P..:,!,•,,,F,tha,reci,ki• ~ , iii keri i t 1 •lt ; .I,ll*o asentenpea,ts . , i' , : - - 3 744r__I;L, ~:6'i'^eitave) 0, , , t to : et •!,;,'l4;Ftip,9•!.f.-,•"••--,;',i-i-_.446.,71(lel,dityg .:_,...„_,-,kre•-•-,,hed; '";14;01W•fq...,' ;•41iiiftiffilit.1174k" i''''-iiiiiln`iiiV4Y7c:'4,.„`• ritail,akliitell'ar Y,, Ok•`k, -'6',13,kt."4110,1.,5' '''. t'-'' ..".,;',os '7 ' 74,r-44 - , , rkt"t'i-t.',•*';'*'..,' et, ~,,' •4'"qvf,"ll, -/A(1411/X '''TNA'''' iFtigtx,"4 1 494 , .. tpt 44,focoff: j.i,..,;!iiiip,Alo,. .v.--,,,.. ,i. 9iirirolA:,77veiklitiSiAtiA";rioiitit': 11-4b1i0tAh..,.., ,„,k..,..„-,,wq,tp,..,,,, ' 4- ...,v,....,..,,,,,,,,,,4,i,..p5,71,4„,4,„"A1., IMPORTANCE ,OF THE CONTEST. , _ Dat3i - of 2 T , It WIPP often the case With the Wine Par ty that saleyfinaking a gigancic'and success- . 44ttitort. P Presidential-Or Gulietpatorick 'struggle, tkPy fall beiCk•iutd,:'WfdillictiritOe inactivity in succeeding ''cbr.ttitbd, thing ai)ow thet.tresiderit . or : Gov oli6iceloinicnebarifissed!hY hie bitterest pp r Porlettfi6fTh'ifputzefantial frurts'al , the great. victory are thus. effectpally lost. One year ago we were almost absolutely certain of e. tecting a Whig Cougr OSP. The apathy' of our friends this year has j plrnopt,•it mot absolute-, ly, defehted that result. The great victory achieved in the• election pf-Gen. Taylor is thus almost barren of practical effect—tor although the Preirident and hfs Cabinet can make a change efritin, they are utterly pow erloss to cause the change of measures, now so greatly needed by our suffering public in. terests. They Oannol_re-model the Tariff, of change the Sub.Treasury•law, op-effect . any_ other desired change, with 'a locoloco - Con. grecs - working in direct opposition toWlFtbeir efforts, But what we mad have thus lost in the Union, we still have time and opportunity to prevent in our.own State. The great victory I of last till gave ukailling .Governor—and, as he has proved hirnsell,-oneof the ablest and wisest Governors that has ever adorned the Executive chair of Pennsylvania. Within one year, under' Got Johnston's administration our Slate has risen up"with new poker and strength. Every man in the COmmobwealth knbws it—every interest and, instil lion ii our,borderefeell it. The Harrisburg Inielli gencer thus briefly sums up what we have gained— "The Whigs proinked the people to bring abour'a more - or-hi:I18615mo - state of affairs •in ths_commonwerilth when they obtained the ascendancy. They are now in the ascendan cy, and witness the effects. One of fifirs} . the esyrklishment of the-sinking, fund w • reby at 'eat f,200,00r) or $300,000 will . towards the reduction of the. State debt the very first year, which will go on greasily incieasing, until - in the com-se of twelve or fifteen years' ' if Whig policy be. continued, one halt the State debt will be wiped off, and the necessity for the ptesent three mill lax upon real estate will be entirely removed.— And at the same time that this glorious work is begun, the ordinary expenses of the goy ernment are all promptly paid ; the "old debts," contracted by Locotoco officers on the, public works are liquidated; the interest on the State debt is paid ir. specie funds! the old, _ragged_Relief_notes_armcaneelled-,--end- their ;;, place supplied with handsome cleaa bills the Noith Blanch Canal is put in a train of completion, and confidence is restored .end prosperity everywhere prevails, so far as -State legislation can hffeet it. These are some of the first fruits of Whig administrim lion in Pennsylvania. •Contrast,thisconaltion with the past, and *bat honest citizen dries not see and rejoice at the happy chance, and does not earnestly hope for the continuance of the policy which produced it?" --The great duty we could whisper in the ear, and impress oh the heart of every Whig voter bi Cumberland wilily is, that this prosperous administration of the government must be sustained. We owe it to Gov. Johnston—we owe it far more to our own interests" and those of the . Common ' wealth--that the systerir which has been ' commenced shall be continued. Cumber land-county-is-under obligation. to contribute to the great result by the electiekof two Whig members of the .Legislatnre: And this she can do if she wills it. Our candidates are good dnd worthy men and can be elected if they receive the entire Whig vote of the county.— To secure this the energies of every Whig ,should be vigorously devoted. Let all work to secure a GRAND WHIG RALLY AT THE BAX.LOT-BOX I Let every Whig in every township regard this as his special duty.-- Our whole ticket will thus be secure of its election. Arouse ! Whigs ! there is no time to be lost ! Stir up the inactive—rouse the desponding—push foiward the young 'and active—we can tritrinph if we will! • --••!7"- The Scho .ILaw l As we understand the aillendments to the School Law passed at .the last seamen, are, regarded as extremely-odious by some per sons and as a prejudice has been attempted to be excited against the Whig Legislative candidate, Mt'. Rupky, on this ground; we publish below ti list of the members of the House who voted for the new law, showing that the responsibility rests equally upon both poles: 3 1 1 r. Rupley, , it wilt be seen, did not vote: Whigs.—YEAs;—baker, Ban, Bent, - Biddle, Bull, Cornyti.•Dunctia,fHenry'S. Evans. Fen ton, Gillespui,.lliggins,l Large, Lewis, John IVlcKee,_McLapublin,-McSherryi-RutherfordT Rynrian, Seibert, Shively, Steele, ,Stubbs, Swartzwelder, Weirick.-24 • .Locos.—YEAo.—Bloom, Both, Carl, Court ney, Fapsold, George ? Gordon, Grove, Has tings, Lumberton, Lauback, Luckenbach, McCalitiont, McCullough,, MO McKee, Meek, Pinter, Redick, Roberts, Smyth, Sou- Aler;Taggirl,_WelterSilhiolter;lSpeaker.-24. , So, it 'seems tip a emgular comeidence ifie bill' *elide itif number of vales froth 'each 'ptirtY : :'•There iii :" no''.room therefore School Bill for ihe'nialtaleo-. tura'of " ".,„ `; ~. Tim gasp ori Ricy,-,,-It, appears ,tba cwr,,, the Secretary, ol..Smie,"by order of Preeldblit Taylor, rmmeAlaiely.,updp; bearing ',the facts of the,Abduction of Rey, alias Garcia, from . ' ~. New Crleaus, _instructed Gen. Campbell, our ,Consul at ,H*vanit , tiii 'dexnand -his return to the pelted Stales r ou tbe,grhund • that,he was beniuttliii Maintain'dlin; f6y)Oaliiiiiy , of,tbe percorfilf.everYinpill, illillile.dlo the,lprotricL. linn , al-'pr,rNfporjf7 l ll l, 9,9 l lbtll° o 'iOnd ja -w " B ''' The denian4,,wae acepr n dtbgly , :tritidei.itnit= R' 3 3l'‘ae!lYol 6 4:9P: - apd4 43 l4;;blicfc'..,•:le' , blewl Qiletnie. Be'';, - ,now ifectites tbi:4, , im i4is 19ioi.;`, 'NY' ''titidugrd '' The National. ate igenceri ;,.ihMilailly..cofnfro l l (MAP mallMi; ~ E ;--..„1.: I` , 4f ,, rti . 'e piptise 'pkiteeed bY. th e,Pitehie9t, in: ?,11nd laming ifromi ti lly,ilin honor 01 , thiflocoun iryLin,3lhilora Ifs! itor . i,.whilo : lie' ; wad: alga .p,ngageitinirifniri anneetbe, faith int treides "br 80 0.1 8 0 1: 03 1 0"Aillegel ,eipeditie ri iiiiiiiist. ~,qlWaijii a, , ,anKtpti, i1,(9,911A1an.P 1, Um iovemi friol 3 -006: 14 .Yvi!glit,inciiiiiis .,;We defy. any . 3 / 4b c'n:Ao I C F"it i l i YA!, l •eS. l 4o4• ll .ni . 'ibilk artilath .45k a mor 'aiigneiialellettlhik:MaliAtaln-A-. 1 1 -0 1 6 fillp eit:ation'', harvirt...eWhited In:, iki ~ , a f irt giorookooililit'FOlowittibii,ii o pit 'IA , 00 4' ,13. f1 14 0.04 11. 1'00ditRir'pAllftati, * t avkio l o 6 : 4l 9 4 itil*a.9oPreg 4 o;"#lo): IV't.i6PV-rt'.;?', ,, 1. - ci .: :4 - iu;;X;:` , :;i".-4iielAf !'; " ..:Pgl': , `:krtf e `egt nt li v fl l l i r Amilo„.. ! opg.oo,)'lt VIOAPPRS:i 110,1-P,rtilr 1 cfikV ii w a Yir4 l P6''),44l ~t, ,,. -:.2 . 0, -; s1-,''4 ' ,c,,,11, 1 - 1,I , A . . v....,-( ~;44, : , , , 6, oW:cAlP44,lNAikfl,tiWes l 9 l Vilf,)kAlh,.3; '4%iikde r Te. - r,VIA' 7 iilaliq't4W r iPkM4S ,•,.p 4 40,4.,,a6 v e5,N. , ,, , , - e ~..i..5,014,, ,,, ;., 4 ,:.. co\ ,e,-..1 , ,A 1 .._;; Completion orNorth Brauich Canal. Odeioltliii . .nteer4sTciiitti;Sitbjectit the last Legislature bill for the 1:e-com rilencerrtene:e.lkiigrlFen- the up finishea Ist Of In Branch tanalP, ,, , ;Gov-...Johaston had .in hia Message ,amtunnped himself - friendly to' the Work"; but, yr as equally well knoWn tole op: , posed to any...ineteise of the State Debi for 'that purpose. 4.ocorocoism promptly seized • • • . , upon•the s queption Ike hopeless endeavor . to throw, difEculties in the way of the new; ministration, and' the ,strife between the friends and opponent, errthe dtfierput, bills presented fiffetliircti trpose,ol securing an ap propriation, became mankind exelting.lhi Gov. Johnston strocid . firm altglinsi any in crease of the State Debt, and through hil3' foresight and judgment a plan wasit length devised by - which an appropriation was' se: cured for 1 2,0 the rth Branch Canal withoufa dollar being, . dea to State indebtedness,, or even withou mterlering with the Sinking I.7und:whichAad been established for the re- ducttori of the,bebt." By the letter which•we give below from , the State Treasurer, it will he seen that the friends of the North Branch canal have not been disappointed in their expitctations, but are now about' to realize ~ the substant . ial, benefits' of me plan tvhich• w o mt so bittelly opposed' by the locidopp par r iy. . rrom Mr. Ball's exhibit of the State of the Treasury (which we omit in detainer want of room,) it • appears that he came iiito office • with a debt incurred against the current m emo of $261,863 3,610 meet the February iinlerest..._Thialas_been-met.and-liquidated; an extraordinary amount, to meet the sr.: rears of debt clue for wages and materials on • the publics works, was, also, paid; the Au• gust interest was fully provided for in specie funds; and yet there remained in the Treas. ury on the 14th of Augßat, thebandsome 're sidual sum of $305,165 00. Starting with this balance, mi estimate is rrTae which, re-_ sults in leavings balance 'ln'the Treasury on the .Ist day of February next of $164,226 13, after proyiding for the Slate interest becom ing due on that day. The above result is alter payment of $204 438 87,.te the sinking fund towards the ex tinguishment of the State debt. It is further - estimated that 830000 will accrue to that ,fund during the next year. It is yet further calculated that, during the next:year, $750,- 000 to $900,000 may be applied to the cow _pletion_of__the-North ,Branch Canal. This gratifying exhibit Mr. Ball has rt . :Moiled to the Governor in the following letter, in which ' he also shows the attempt of the Locofoco Auditor General to defeat and prevent the proposed apprca,:...._ To His Excellency, Gov. Wm, F. Johnston . : By the foregoing statement I report a bal ance in the Treasury'applicable to the North Branch canal of $164,226 13. The Auditor General prepared and signed two reports to your Excellency on this subject, the firkone showing an unappropriated "excess" or bal ance in the Treasury of 52,716 13 and the second one an unappropriated balance of $22,726 13. rcould not concur with th d p e t officer. in either of said - reports . , therefore - clined signing them. I could not, conscientiously, sign either of them, far the reason that they , fell short of the sum rec j uired; by the Act of Assembly, for_the North _Branch canal, by over--11127;- 000 ; while my estimates, which I hove carefully revised, showed a sum more than sufficient to authorize the commencement of that'work. Tinder the circumstances, I deem it to be my duty to lay before you the foregoing statement exhibiting the - unappropriated bal. once in the Treasury, in order that you may take such action in the premises as in your wisdom may be best for the interests of the State. The estimated • receipts in the Treasury from the public works, outstanding taxes, and other sources of revenue mentioned, are sect upon a careful' examination of the in ome from those sources in previous years, and it is confidently believed they can be relied on, especially ji collections.are press ed with hal energy,Wehich 1 am aware'it is your desire to infuse into the business, ope '''eations of all the departments of the Ghvern. mint. A considerable sum can also be 'rea lized by pressing the collection of the large amount of •accounts now in the handg of va rious collecting agents. The large Appropriation of over $1,200,000 to the publidt t works, by fife lateGeneral.As sembly, will discharge the State indebtedness .thereon, and Will free the Treasury the com ing year of that but then_,. In consequence, we may safely calculate more than $300,000 will be required by-the State works the ensuing year. Hid this view of the sub ject, there can be no hesitancy in saying that the Stale debt may be reduced at least three hundred thousand dollars next year, and, at the same time, give, undei the Act of the tath of April hy,3t ihesurp Jr0m 4 117.00,00021.6 190060 towrild — thi completion otthe North Branch canal. ' It now remains with your. Excellency to decide what shall be done in the premises We, present season. • With high consideration, I have the honor • to be your obedient servant, G. J. BALL • I,TREASIIRY DEPARTATNT, f3irrisburg,lugusti4i 1840.1 , • • The report otilte TreaSurer to the '`...Thier 'nor hae been, proniptlyloilbWed by a , notice " , from the Sxecutivii . to , the • "Canal Comnite ., , • 'Blotters, Re directed,by'theACt of Assembly ) and It now lentairiajor them ti'rnianifesttheit: dispcshion tOwardilbe'erwipletiori 'of 'the ,great'State work in question.; With: the rude; 'ay accruing to.thelreasitiy'as Tastes theisx-, periditure required to keep the ~lariest totes , 'at''work, the : should' , be' 7 1:io:dillay%in"' . the . , corn aitinedat ent and'completion of thhatiql. N>the•irileiliganee of the appnitirlatiori of hu l a' atulfancti4One thousand ;doilaraLth obrhplatiOn qt l .tliq North :finnich:Canal, will iiejoy ft&=tntelligenoe tn:theivroilm of r. thin , sedtion of the §tate j ,ada ,nnlither to qf financial olidy:` and Wise gOiCitiment.qchiq4ed , by, thikmiinitablp IltiarittniqtratiO4'o Facmirriori:=-The'litrish giorclleptiPlia: • learns . . - Welgraphi that • ;'Lieiie.' . 79 ll °O . i .6 f'fli 'wlieft; the Orions , ;;Itouro fietid',l,Bl9d t t i , 'd ll3 Peo o ,l l TlOli‘difitelys' 4 r-AhOtail-tOiriglippli i itOOTuTiI7,7 7 - ; 4 ate.hPl l ;oo 6l anY'bo:ii • f 0 ''l.VR:killteYfel- ft YiicAts.4 o Ctfie Ohl' 1 • s. 4otii I 'l,FitliiitilitititififOiAi .. g;fiMP %14 1 0Atikth ffilia tOl, , Yi1i. , 41:. , : i ~.* ,,, 4 .461,0 I ,i. #aiik974l4o.?,AriOlgiol''44l4* ,{ q , s. ,0 1 1 .PrAiteg 0. .`r .) 6 , '...' ,,,, •' 0, 1' : .`„. , ~: 'Vei , t , ' ,1,1 . , '... , ., , . 1 ' . 'dr; Cheering;ftiom the lireitt;4, • The..viesvn 'Onion _Ol..our Siate,promiscs. to do wellleijhei WbigriOntinee,ileirair M. FULLER ) . andohe. principles • upon which he is nomiriatck ,Gazette of a few daye44, , proMistrai majority, ranging fro ni.tvir - a three fthensia ler Fuller, 'and that- present appearances': in tbe es t 'indicate a agiriMA;igrikl; Wetinglartittuntyleitirs,We44o promises ••W'fak'.. Will,ilt4terbest, shorn she is ol pro Mises a :.Whigvietory,.and she: Will re ! disem;.her pledge:? Yoang Liiorence . plant her maideh eword`in'the' Democratic rsoks,and gain : a.brillifint vidtory. Put her down , asostront ; Whig county. We' have ,inottiinc•fo disedurage - n to any part of Western Pennsylvania:' Our most dreaded foe . is Genet* Apathy. .1f we can overcome his paralyzing' influences, all will be well.— UpyWbigs, and prepare for the contest. - THE IRON MANUFACTURR.-HOW much the Trop interest is saving:ln ' this country by foreign competitum, May be best, judged by the fact stated by the , Albany Evening Journal, that the Directors , of the Andean River Railroad Company have abtually paid to Peter Cooper, Esq., of Trenton, the large bonus of 11154,060, fork permission to retire from a contract entered into with him for rails. The contract was made for $67.50 a ton, but since the English rails are offered in the,.market'irietalimited quantities at 'about • $4O per ton, the Company, find it profitable to pay Mr. Coo .615 , 1•000 , t. ede contract With him a. nullity, and then turn afauud and buy English iron. American iron tntistets cannot live in the face of such Compelitien. • TENDENCY OP EUROPEAN APFAIRS. A London•correspondent of the National In telligeucer thus briefly sums up the leaden. cy of aficirtrin - EirTolfri: “France to a monarchical form of govern mewl; Germany to a dimion.between,Aus• tria and Prussia; Hungary to place herself in the rank of independent nations; and Rome under ihe government of the Pope, provided the Holy Father will consent, and Catholic Europe dill allow him, to establish his temporal sway uPon moderate and li b e•, ral . prinpiales.” This would seem to be a "true bill"— lag mentable in some respects, especially regards France, where so much hum/ blood will have been spent for nothing; glorious Hungary Willstand a hrilliala licit amidst the darkness around her. TARIFF, CONVENTION.--A Tariff .1 vention of Southern and and .NortherniP3 - agates was held 9t Newport, R. I. a fa v itu days since. Theindy point settled, stte policybirchanging it. ppssible the b 8 4 111 / ad valarem to specific. An imeas , ofiuty in Iron, Coal, Wool and Wiollen tit Cot ton goods, was thought adtitable. SOreral committees were appoinyid to arian4h de tails and to correspond vith differ i SntJegions of the country on flii Neel. gr. Charles 'liaison, of waree , Mass. is Chairman of the Comma -I ce to, ich the other 'Commit tees are to report Gov. Davis is Chairman of the Iron Co Mee. About. fifty dele gates were prese . .. How IT WO Ilp—A..fev days since, 900 tons of Rail oad/ron, from—Wal, ',,, were landed at Ba ere, at $35 Per ton.— The Philadelphia i ' News makes a cal culation of the be , which would have been received by , a , irmers; miners, and laborers, if the iron , . been manufactured in this country. Act, ing to their figures, the operations of the rift of 1846, in this single instance, have' ,nved these classes of the sum of $43,14 0. -To DESPONDING•. of the recent election whet can be accorn) when they riwilte an selves and their . \ car ten (Lace) w” - western dish the election I the Whigs wt nized effort, „nous ezertit 'OM have eel jorily,• Let It prOfit by thei SYmPiqu' in New Yea with the Hui erecied_hir—, Iris'e and other. nalhintr es vier° made by Ave,. gee, and others. : 404 urging our government independence oi 41ung• Anuericannensuls . tp Cues Jr4l-..tiorimonicllo EX32 .A.Zif • EDITOIILii - • di; by *th tha oditont'of•pa l 10th Cohlessionel'Diat Easton, on the 20th was appointed - to the Itit , tion•m!hich is to meet . , :81h,,Ol.Nove,mbir nest.' request tJ.p §P1? 1 the; Legislature ,!tPls rom kl tha nc ond.o4yOo4e.ilie pOlia , the nawspaperp of the 4. r 13 0 1 ' 1 110 -118 C Ydrii wordy, occurred from h of last mOniti: paper it is etatud'thiselhe! "is dysoni'ery~~ has upon the 'ioidg 'and jecibi VARA A LEOTION olocciiareactid: O 5; th 0 1 : 17 atOck C ° 11 9.! "6(410 rot id qinSirTittl; 6; 1 28 ' 1E1011f. `i =3ll 41 1,1 *)filritOrMA PRP. igi l egt•Pe idritiiPilt4C6lll4ft s w- 'By ich Llie:cteamshiticaledoniajtvVlr' tirri., Veil last week, we have later and interesting adVices horn Europe, 01 'which the afichiving is a summary r . -• ' t •,- i •' I ' n.,Englan d melte s coillinue to lie' held 'to apress symp Wlth::',Lhe Hundittrian• cause, and 'the unanimitreeG!,the _public ori, the question is very appalrent. A:. large; .4neetinehad•juet bean ,held; iii Ethel:tar% at' which the Provost presided.• . .:.`•,, , The Queen had returned` on, her . "visit to Ireland. Her reception was said 4c) have been enthusiastically magnificent. ' It was ' not uninornourily :so, of coerse-rthe young '' ItelhridipartsdeMitrring to'their *platten' of Royaltyp;lrictoria.iii the first Queen of Eng. land with ever visited Ireland,/ There.has not been i royal visit there in 40 years._ • Rosre.—At Rome everythin is preparing for the re,establishment of ther lolly power; all inhabilants.Of other parts of Italy have been commanded to leavee city. Three, . eardinaishad already bitten named and had ilt arived at Rome to tprm a overnment Com' mittee; and the probabili is, that notwith standing the specious remises of liberal measures, the Papal po er will be restored,,, and sacerdotal despoils • be re.cititfibljahed as ,-- in the "good old tim - " before Pius evoked the spirit of reform L .ich he was unable to control. , t HuNasay.—The - ••ws from Htingary re cords some mum , • and some reverses to the Hungarian to, ,-. , The allied armies so f ar have gaine r t I t little. Hungary is, still as far from bein cohquered as ever, while its determined etence -and bold assaults u po n its ene .es 'place them in continual ,danger of be , cut to pieces . in detail.' The .retaking of . rib by the. Hungarians is con- Armed by e last news, by which exploit they have , plated , a vast amount of stores belonging o the enemy, and so far crippled the • . ' .rgey-is-reported-taitave had.-a. - series o engagements with Grablie, who , went in .• mutt of him alter lie broke through the, R ian lines. Georgey,is reported to have ,iltinued his retreat atiet tliese fights. Thera: . irritator that trfight had taken place subs.icent to these, and that Georger heti baa , Paskewitch. This, however, wants co =Hon, Luders in•Tritrisylvania claims a Tory over Bern. There are various otb e 'movements and engagements reported ' ,• omen divisions, but they amount to noth ' e decisive. At Vienna there is a very 'etterel apprehension felt that the . tans will attack the Austrian frontier, created .y their success et Raab, and the advange,hl. • Igo bodies of Hungarians toward s Presburg; 1. garrisoLot 20,000 Ausuians,• mostly young .roops, has been sent to occupy die latter city. The Austrian government, it is said, talk of f openhig negotiations with the Hurigatians.— i All these thingflook favorable to the cause of the latter, and inspire the hope of their final triumph. • I' FRANCE.—The Assembly has adjourned to 'the first of October: At the last sitting but ' one, a personal altercation occurred between M. Hastier and Pierre Bonaparte, cousin of the.-President. Bonaparte struck Hastier— both-Were taken into custody. Bonaparte is . to be tried for the offence. STATE CENTRATCOMMITTEE.—In pur suance of the resolution of the Whig State Convention; the President of that bfitly has tinn.ouaced the following State Central Com mittee for the -ensuing year : - Morton MeMieht . NNirman. - • Humphrey G. Hill, o I. Coleman. George a. Hart, - 7 James Traquair, Thomas W. Duffield, Joshua P. Eyre, Caleb N. Taylor, . Samuel B. Thomas, Nathaniel Ellm—*OA Isaac Bertelot, Henry D. Marty iii* S. D. Lewis, M. C. Mercer, James Moore, Jr. Jno. C. Kunkel, Wm. It. Moir's, Simon Oyster, M. Swarttw elder, :Jacob Criswell, . Praneis_Jorditn, Tiffin Allison; J. Stuart fiddle; • Samuel P. Johnson, Wm. T. Sanders, Alexander Franklin, W.F. Murray., .o,..,—Comstock & Co.'s List of Valuable Preparations, consisting or Tim. Genuine Balm of Columbia, for restoring the jrlra . Conners Magical Pale Extrbetor, for Pains and Burns. Hewett' Nerve and Bone Liniment for litieumetism r McNair's Acoustic Oil for Deafness. ys' Liniment for the Piles. Lomstock & Co'a Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsapkrilla, for purifying the Blood. Dr Spotlit's Sick Headache Itentedy.... the Mother's Relief—an Indian Discovery. . T. k Lungley's Great Western Panacea. .`r Bev Dr Ilartholotnew's Expectorant Pink SM. for Colds. Pr. Colluel's Mixture for Secant Diseases.' Sias.—Thd result ' hode lsfand shows hed by the. Whigs rt worthy of them- Mr. Thurs. tress in the 'spray. At rity against well orga most siren opponents, ith 600 me lend county _ . . Kohnstock's Vermifuge for Worms in Children. And Mrs Brown's celebrated " Pain Killer." for relief In Cholera morbus, Dysentery, Cut!" and Bruises, healing sores on man or beset, &c. To be taken internally or applied-rime wosh. All the above valuable preparations, which wankel'. room prevents us speaking of more particularly, hot which have. obtal:ed the highest celebrity, aro for sale in Car lisle by CHARLES' OGILBY, sole egelit. Printed directions will be found with each article. . New `buertistinents.` Manufactory of Pocket Books, &c. No. :52i Cheenut - Street, above Second ) • PIifLADELPIIIA. HO subscriber respectfully solicits public at. T tention to:his superior and tasteful stock of Pocket Books, Bankeest,CasesPill Books, Dressing Cases, Gard ;Cases, Port 'Mg naies, -Purses, Pocket , Kn ives, and • other fine Cutlery, Gpld Pens; and Pencils; Seger Casett,„Chess . ------114en-F-.-Bactor ,-- Gammon, Boards, DoritinathAsto.. • His assortment consists of the most reddens ble and modern styles; of the.finest quality and excellent workmanship, embracing every &sir. •able fancy pattern, which he will at all iinifte be prepared taexhibit and furnish wholeiale or retail on the most reasonable terms. VrPurchascra whe desire to supply them selves with articles'of the.bost will_con. -cult - their - own - iritorestSßY ,calling. at this tabliehment. . F SMITH. •,', ' Pocket BoOk•Manulacturer, . • Phila. 'seps 4m Chesnut Street'. • . 41 was held sympathise Banda were, enetritalian — Itred. Speech ! theitaltan fele— o Were adopted agoowlectge :the ted',io recall, the . 8 ';(3(1 Vienna, 'L, irdk-a-cucawn,. *ae held 'shed in ` the le Suite :at delekati! tel Coieri. I ..urgog the resolved, to ntatiVes, to.. vote kir e. laws. in io; publ ol t .bio Edit. , subecribere invito..the attention of Far-. -47:_mereatid denten to theiiiapply of thie re ''rnarkable fortilizer-A 4 THEIR. O W N. SCLECTED.I3Y AN EX , , 'PERIENOED' SUPERCARGO: . !POI dry like othe PERUVIAN, it ie. all „picked in , Whita„pottert..l3ngs--tbut,not. being like.i Government monopoly; CAN DC AF. Orders front, a distance eau po ue either from our stocks here or at Now:Aro:irk. ' SOUTTER , 51:131tOUGHMON. ' ' 38 NortkWhitryes;.Philitdeiphitt.' , , 'eepts4t , Was strict de4s hi the WI learn that 9. -th4;2,lth ;al t tte'saine i) e: ~ ievaihug. , a,'.ost gavel ~,,, -, ,, :''OARPETS sittrp OIL OLOTRS '. , ; , *: . if:. don' Higi , t;ollEAP-WAREHOIISt , , , 'PHILI ) ,lE.IIBO-11S,wholwiah -to et: 'cowl bargains . ....;iiiI,CAMPETS- , 04' Oil,' (0.1.07118; el: , It thdr Whpleaololer retail, will do, Well. to call Ori 3.. i tlica„abeari ti er; as.. ltia,egte'paaa liOdo present locatillin, aro very light'.lo la, poitdqd , u nt i : d e : . "toriniried to' sell at'ie , Itiwaliviiridearia ith6 eiti`f:' ...,Selpflara•ro,l - ;'ithja: awiatop n , on; excellent :'atwort , t' l',lenv• l3 C , ' •••`: •.-. ~ ....;:. '!I :- ' ~..‘ .. .. Sifigidid4rapiii t ial,'.itiiiid j)ly' ) . '2' ' i '"'-' '' -''' ' '''..t , ;riaptqfpltßutocirliii..lngraiglt ,Lk • ''' ''''' 4.;1!;1M 1 1 r t: q F l #''' -11;::11POl all lie ;tv , i , ',o.l,tvlier, i Cottilin'''44'd; Reg . '. : t t.'' , .; ~.,.,'. ~,", v;i:: ''.l:t4odait.„_ctoxus-from'2lo - 14141-Widti, ~ifiii,Roolail ..)lialja,..&o.'WitA ;L, greal '7vatie!,y, c d otP.riceieliiiniu 6 :MrPrele4eowectito - :ta - Centar 7,..iii . d stateand4rityj.CaringiiiVoriV TO . ta '5O ale: 1 t,o tar lard, i t.i./I t lap,,...pttkittge3 Ruge,.',FitioriCpii 4,, q,..pii2r,:ita 0,',840c , ~-.. Itg:.4ol4cloi: ~,,,,,-, 1 ~, ;13F , ', 0 ~,,t3TRAIVR?I i t lit r `Streliti' Oae.diair ~!.-:-. ''' ah.9v831.19P984t!- 10 flr'; 1800 ,9, 1 4 0 `scrb i ta'aell :li•=7+,,v - ,"•:1 3 : 1 )k-',. 'O, e)vg.,iPi ;':`,;',.6-:',';'..''.,k,ognPl, MIME loofticild! dido,,tealoyl $ it rectAtitife efatilting t c;ity ; 4. , I.,i'eattat)7 arir.g thp ,9niknue4 •?.="rintsintxpg':;4pr,l..4Dtut,,ifik:io - c c itfidd2att J:ldtPrqta*"linkit,'/Driticlstop, :';':VO92O liale fil6°a*!t *940141411*%1'.1 114,Aif'0;7 If 48 • Al p% ';l4tiger6 ;114 ' AiN3 .4, 0? to V C :%)` i• 7 1 41, Litest,,froW:Eirope. VATAGOZWZIV. GU4NO. . Paravokwießk-itcTiorr.---LEWIy letter. or paper-feoeived' frnm-the'gold'region' goes to show that the gold lever is on the wane,e that, The vv bubble !task / thirst, and the over , - ropght.eie itemerit ,han' now been followed by , a strong reactierf.. :A- letter from -ban ; Francisco, te`the New. York Tribtlite gives so obioplete a,,pictiwe',.'of the teaction, that 4 we cannot refrain frorii:Cxtractini.a f w sea fences,; - ; be. writeraoys :,, , ~ ~ ,1 wish al / advise all persona th - e gootPliasinesa at home, to think on it before they leave all their comforts to strug• de anti dig lorgold in,,Califonia; far, believe me gentlemen, gold cannot- be obtained with out the hardest of labor and privations.— Malley and - bold' dust-are in abundance and scarcely a door you see open but it has a gambling table lull set, with gold and silver in.great plenty, surrounded by hundreds of anxious gamblers, waiting-tor the card. Land- here is exceedingly high •iifTitice, and the most of the town is in the hands of Ei few speculators, who are.trying to make the most of it. They -all-wont-to.-sell with good tides, as they call them, which consists obi title from the4llcalde, and no more." BALTIMORE AND PITTEIRORG.-..- The population of Baltimore is set down• at 160,- 000., The estimated Increase during the last nine years' is 52,000. The population `of Pittsburg, at present, is estimated at 120,000, of which about 50,000,'are supposed to be foreigners, and 70,000 Americans. .Cunn.—lt a is remarkable evidence of the strict censorship exercised by the Hov-. ernment over the press in Cuba that, as yet, not the slightest notice has -been made by the Havana papers ofibiLease_of_the-abdue • led Rey. ~+lll itCltßltCDtja9. WYbtice. THE Corner Stone of a new Lutheran and German Reformed Church 'will ho laid on SATURDAY, the 15th instant, at Church: town in this county. The exercises will com mence nt 10 o'clock; A. M., and will be con ducted ny a number of Clergymen, who are ex pected to be present on that occasion. The public aro respectfully invited to attend. M G BELTZHOOVER, ' „ JOSEPH BRANDT, }Build Com. Esq. l. ' • sept 5. NOeICII. AN ELECTION fOr Officers and Man ngers of the — Cumberland Valley Rail Road Company, will be held at the Yubltc H.G1190 of David Martin, in„,.Gerlislo, between the hours of A. M., and 4P. M., of MON DAY, the first day of Qutober neat, R. R. Ofliee,? E S DIDDLE, Sect'y. Carlisle, sew 55 Card. fR. JAS. AfeCULLOUGH will give his attendance in the various branches of his profession, - in town-or coulury, to all that may favor hint with a call. OFFICE opposite the 2tl Presbyterian Church and Wert's Intel, lately occupied by Dr. Foulke. ' o Carlisle, sept 5 tf 3 1. 1 1 Tkt lIXR E,...f} good MILLER, who can' come tevaqdrrendilfrided, ana give, if required, se. see.,Oity (Fri faithful performance of his con• tract to br fair wages, iu a large Merchant Aliif; within 6 Mir miles Of , - Carlisle. He must be thoroughly acquainted in the busi• mass, and would be-preferred if he understands plaster grinding; and 1130 to attend a•Saw Mill. Enquire of-the fdeptstl Middlesex Mills and ira'orsr. A T this Factory, three miles oast of Carlisle, Alk COTTON LAPS or WADDING are manufactured, and will be sold to merchants •nud others dewing a suPoliStarlieto,, at _favor, uhli PriCoB. The highest price given for WHEAT at those mills. - • • sedts 4 t "Volunteer" copy. York & Cumberland IL R. Election. THE Stockholders in the York and 'Cumber lend Rail Road Company, are hereby nos tided that an election will he held on MON. DAY, the 34th day of Septomfidr next, be. tween the hours oft and 3 o'clneY;' , P.'M:, at the office of the Company, in York, for the purpose of *toeing a President and six Direc tors, to manage the affairs of the Company for the ensuing year. By order of the Board, septsto ELI LEWIS; Sect'y. Estate of M LooAN r dee'd. YFITTERS 'Te tmentary on the Estate of 4 MARY L GAN, late of Frankrord township CurtilArland county, deceased, htive been granted tAThe subscribers, the first named residing in sarkkwnship, and the latter in W Psnusboro towqrship. AR persons are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement to 4011 N McDOWELLI ALEX. LOGAN, •teix're. septs;6tpd VALUABLE DiEROHANT fitILL • AT PUBLIC SALE. • TON FRIDAY, 'the 12th dal of October next, the undersigned. Executors, of Samuel Irvine, dec'd., will offer at public sale on the promisee, the Valuable MERCHANT MILL, of said deo'cl. situate upon the Big 'Spring, in West Penns boro township, Cumberland coun ty, 1i miles south of the Newville Depot of the'Cumberland Valley Rail Road. There are about two Acres of land,.n Two - Story BRICK HOUSE,Lcig House, and a Cooper Shop attached to said Mill.- The • Mill has two pair of Franchilßurrs, 1 pnir of Chopping Stones and 1 pnir ofstafor_grinding.plaster, and-is . machinery -nearly now, and of the most approved construction, and is.fictually one of the beet establishments in the county.— Salo to commence at 12 o'clock, M., when at tendance wilLbe given and tirms.made known by JAMES R IRVlNE,2 Executors. ISAAC 110 - ONS, aug2ilts °'..llliitzinstratoaos Sale. w TiItiRSDAY, the 27th of September, I O will expose to public sale, on the premises in Frankford toVinship Chteberland county, Pa., - the FARM latel y . occupied by. George dec'd., situate said township:tm he three miles northeast 'of .3Owville,,. and the same distance from the linotof tho Cumb. Rail Road ; containing SO ACRES of-first-rate slate land; nearly all of whichcia tinder Cultiva tion and In .good orders The;improvornents ore a LO Gll9 USE,Double Log• " Ba rn, . and .-otholt . necessary 'out - huildinas, 'Woo: a moll" of neve wotor • at the door. en: ,or-. chard of geed There. is, about; 11.5 " Acres of first: rate.;Meadow, en 'th. tra c t,'end running. water' Mithiti a loVi.,rOds.Of the,imprOvement.Part of tho.fetrnf..had,b,eitn. limed, and its situritieri r lYing.itithin.ftWoires of the, tsimestone 'offers- every,,faciiity, for Improving in , that vvoy.'jPoeintaitioni*ill,ba: given ,on the tat , i:CApril !•Aleo;et„:llftd, sae time sba mace; d'ACRES:OP Wocidland; lying-:about'.l Qo':rads,erthd. :aboveN de serihod,',l red `;cifland. pr;lrdons' to ini6 . the proportY.cantilo . b y nailing on the su b scr i„. • ber, ill, or Devi&Kroini, liying4twthe prontsesSaleitoYotimirtaticeee O'clock en said dayi'Mlen,att,ortOoocelvilUbe, giVadend'terette' rraide' , knOMW 't;')VJO,RIVIVIoDOWELTAd'ter.. A-tia29 11 , g, , - t. • ; g --t- .--,-, 1., -.-i•l F.t- 1,A,. R F' . ~ V O A , . F : .to h K i .l t . l . ,AI O . O O l .$ w . k, .' % 1. , ', :4,,0 :_4f,, ',- .-t•. a 2 .`itE.iti , Prib"l,l„uthbriio;4ttiall4 ..pri, , veto kol'oe' :0 0 0 , 01 .tk,EARP* ei4.hear oteigavkllo:4Frdlonc; . obuiti; , vw.o.lqt.l9 niloofrqPl „ o A outiil . 66l6 , lnt3mi , sfrpm CiitnoterForrleil•conti.pinglaiilckes,3B 'ilrbi°iTirei'4,.Tim,„3.g.fave..ente Ar r eet fin t ' Bl CrtAßeforiktg. ao h qso rioV' .with back .biiiii SS+,t TAßD • otwrterc,•coll6ot tottifielS;,:i67,t ; Tho4hokiOnd g fg°°df l 9 44 o i o ri 3 a l6 : 4„fi s oo ta lp mg tor eo ,, E. •Whiel*M:b° en6 r • t leikorel fR9411:,0°! , i}bepriler?t-°F" i 6 . ”,,.m.„„ , ? 4 , 'ig 30 -y -L,4,, ';' , .,',.;-.4 , ,, , ,,e • • - ~, ik;Y:.DX, aPEPSTEit hlit l th ,dorner. 11,,, r6titi ei; • 4,4 1. 17,0:0* " . , Now. -Skbyttli,siinents SPALDING & EDGERS' . Admission 25 Glints only. TIII characteristic features of this great establishment, !i./;!: which appear to buys mestof , thernovelty 7 — Auld'inetartlieThteitrilitirient extent;ennite - only briefly enumernted'iu the limits rif mi udecnisetnentt ' 'llie-Acrimeatcal,'l3y fur the most stapendons innsinal project of the age, composed of over 1000 distinct must'. tf cal instruments, more powerful than a - band of 50 must. clans, and drawn bylo Horses in procession, will consts - thelarchr •mdurb— ' . An entiro and 'effaiio Dramatic Conipa' . ny,' under the direction of .11 F. fficlaag Pmrsiettv of„the Adelphi Theatre, Washington, D. C, is attached to the Troupe, for the purpose of getting up ciary night the grand Ho. roic and Patriotic Spectacles of ,„•:•,,,• • • • GEN. WASHINGTON, n OLD .P , and "MAD AITTHONY WASINEr.I'; • reviving remintseeneeSnf those f.,....tidted ihnt lila Imes touts," commerrynating some of,the most . stirring, and mtercsting Revolationaty inefiliatlOlM gallant Elects of the Heroes or >70,-am aaaaramag:wah a gland &Minnal Tableaux of Gen.lroefrington;lnounted ott unable elms , get, borne no the sboultiers of his brave continentals!' Tho accession of the CAR ', TROUPE, under the charge of the great Ititlian. 'rrie Clattla. Signor Fatax Wil CARLO, kno them:whoa! Eu pit as ,the trail of 1000 frieks, and more renownettliyobably then - uny.Arifsfs bat has ever perambulated tlfdsountryvend -- , - 7" -- ,e&-ehignlarly talented Troupe of.Equestrlans, itfevety lepartment of the business, viz :lEassrs. O. 3...Rtmens W. WNlcams, B. PERRY, 3.IIIC . PAILAKO t H. T ' altettni.s, G. O. KNAPP, T. YOUNO,,&c. &e ,• Masters Oucrsme Catn.o, ' CLAIIENCE. fee. ; Mesdames It. P. NICHOLS, ICNAPP, PERRY, MN DELSIVIORN, &C. &e.,altogether ren,lering this double company ns.much n a dvance of all other establishments in the.nuraligta end Meets of the Troupe, as in the. , estent.Aid "Cleganetiiir he outfit. WILL exhibit at Car Ade On_TIIVIISDAY Soptantber 20th. t' , Docirs open at 11. and 7P. M. Also, at Burirshfirg Sept 19th. At Dillstown Sept. 21st, and Yorkron the 22d. Sept 5 G ]..CONDOR, Agent. TA - TABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE THE subscribei;.admirdetrator of Dr. A. 11. Van Hoff, will nOrcr forrsale, on, the premises, on THURSDAY, the Ofith day of October,- 1849, at to o'clock, A.14..i in pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court, of Cuniberland , - county, the following.valuatile properties situ- • ate in the Borough orplechrtmesburg, in said county. . • No. I--That large double two story BiRICK HOUSE, containing, abort six- , t i .. ,' --- v -t --- -- teen rooms, loomed in the centre ig, i ..', of theloWn,mnd -bounded en the "-,,VV.• ' I S smith* „the Itjain street, on the ,ijn"" at '...:-.5; west by timallo, on iho north by the Cumberland Yeller Railroad. and on the east by the Union Church lot. There is a good well of water aid, eistermon the premises; a good stable, andahumber of choice fruit trees.; No. lots adjo the Dpot of!' the Railroad Conapany, twill g be sith e i .d ot h. l , ' . erti erately or .togothor.,- , .'''' No._ a —TPR ilete_fronting.on the Simpson Foirk Road, will:also be sold separatelyor to gether. . No. 4.--A lot.of•nbout 2, Acres of G l ound. in the said Borough. bounded on the snit') by the Cumberland Valley Rail Road, on 014 west • by. lands of Michael Hoover's heirs. cit the north by the Green- Lane. end on the Om by the heirs of Dr. Oliver; deed: 1 The=properties offered‘fek„stale are amongst the most . valuable in tketinivrtrand worhy of - the attention, - otcapitalists or those desire's of securing comfortable4torime or ont•lots.'irer sons desirous of lookditititt.the prapertisi-iyill have eyery facility.-lifforded thennhy,,callit on the subscriber, residing one mile •eittit el lo• chanicsburg. ,- ,,,,,C• TITZEL, AdtM. - ->••y., eepts"49ts - . - tt -fn.:, VALUABLWREAL ESTATE • • AT PUBLIC SALE. IN pursuance of nn (Trar of the Orphand• Court of Cumberlatiecounty„will be soli at public solo, on THUASDAY, the 4th of Cid tdber. neat, Or 12 o'croch, noon, the following described Real Estateilate the property of Jut cub High, decd, to wit tract of Land, sid unto in Mifflir. township4M sai4 county,. hound• od by lauds of Isnac'ChriStlfel4 Georg? Nouffho beim. John High and otheft)4;•hontainint 227 ACRES, 81 PERCHES, neat Measure, having 'thereon erected a , tWo sforf D W ELLIN C. HOUSE, '..fCIT CHEN;- Double Log Barn,WatOit,','Shen, 'Corn • ‘-1, Crib and Cider rriSf3o.'l4 well, of never failing wate r . . convenient to 'the door, and a _ chard. About seventy Acres'of o theeFerneare first rate .Timber:: Land, and theeitYleidue a good' state of' cultlititionot , w,NA4fit , 10 Acres are good 1 1 ,10adowi-ihe greete'r , ;:plltt- of whiefixis suitable for tilloge. ' The above tract•will be sold on the fisPi: •: terms--The costs of sole to:re paid • • chaser, on Tho confirmation tlie~ttUg 4j the' Court - , - kr.whiclrtiMeThe;Wilf he - n , err, ,, ter into reco g nizance in' the Orphant',F , oUrt,, with approved seetwity n to secure the the purchase money, 'o be paid as folloWat--'?-;: Ono-third to remain in the'hands bUthilpir. chew during the Lilo of,the widow pfAitild,49 - • ; cedont, tho interest !oho Paid her anilindilyeriln*, - fleecing on the' let April nextoderfegboklife: • , and afterher deith the prietaipal . ,toifyptud,to the heira'of iftbLdccedept one, otherglbiii to be paid the tat of April no#,,,when`4 l .pfrilfs , l7, beAiyen end thgii made to thg-Anrchtr. ear the remaining' third to.hopitid-,io . 4vOupilic,:o annual payments thereafter w.lihontinfercat,-4" No'grain or rdnt will peel to the ptirehitSer.-- ; The taxes of , •1 850 to be paid by the:rnirchnier..:. Any person„wishing '•to,,vistwoeitl:.Eprtdlutty ealLon tho'nebSeriber residing, op' Ifni' ,-• •• , ?*JACQI3.!mq ;.,,,.• `Adrelr ofJaeob „ Sept 5 is .... VALUABLE, , 1111LT.' PROPERTY HE ;auliaarite.,t , offers at Prmete,,sele, the , , , litaperty'en'. , ,thialisha nowNivee, 'Rhein-within- . . a Ruurter of, o' mile. of the beroiiglPitit Liver- ~ ~ 7 ,... pool, , Perry eounry;:Pit4 einsistitif;tt,,SAM,, , ,, ,, !, ~.. MILL; GlLlST,:hllLL,•26.'ACßEfiChflierid::s. . .r . ;'.• .- - ' vend two good D:W E1.4.;' , F11 , G,.t '';, , ;:,,,z..• '• - ;, HOUSES; &o. all 'of whielf.',,,,,';' - h,. • 4: :;.: 14t1 in good eondititml4 , ''''The'lgypi„;,,,, ~ MU. Min , As dike etoritijw.bigh.con. ~ 4 . : 4,,,..„ . ,,,, ... • • plur. of' Barre; Flour' Mlttillth, f,... -•.r= : -,.1: mi . 'other , necoatoirylik tit ree. "t'likth , 2llf/PitMA,F41.. , ,,• , - ''', red airanVedes to herun by betkertiamt*.,P - ..W 1- .7.':: "...-,, , ter`Owor._..They.ara.situdta*lthrka'(l l 9l l , 4 l:l.:,', , ,t..,,•A• ad•Pimo. Ike , :,-,,, . OfiViTille ot ,tbe Shequeltaimaltfer.P.,„„, .I t r ,•,• ..,.:'1 Canal, thus, haYing.everi feciligk , frAtf,lPP,''.-„71%, -, ;troesnortation 'of produce 'l94, l l 4 P , P , Lviiitlmllg.':,''. , '.',l`._,•,,' determined to sell, as .I . destmtcijotkvf-! of IteoP -1 ,,11, ,, t,•; .tilm,,'l, will: teaa901 1 9.. 1 1. 1 1 11 ,4 Bout ` '',•;,,,,, , , , ,•• leitsOnsblo to any'Whis w' 1 ,0,11, d t0 a tu . r,r h e11t.e i , ,i , n , a P i e t ! ,, i ..r ,,,, , .7 1. ... 1 .... , ; . , 4 v ic er . T;iji,lT l ,sal i t t ', ,,l ,..;;;';` 'or - ikddipas the subsor ,lho ;.. ~,.,, ~1„,,,P,,, „ ,,,,,..„„„,_! , 1,,,, reounfy:i,! ;,'(septic" :',,, ` ,4 . "" 4 v 4 'e - "' I',Vki."' ..-,: of:r.r4VIDAMPRff ENZ. ,v ,- 7 , i# 1 ,- 7 , -. , 74 gn,c0n1,1,4,71,110.1:41144.,,ut`New,vi110:'.r,„.1i,t,' b i•')7th.:'.ind fermi - ';' , 4, A., AL t'l4.o#o l l2thig2d*4! lotIC -..,-. ' : ; i t nOlitagta tll ° Y , v - 0 .., - P. - - :7'N'•:"* ---,-,--- , l e , whiehlVoleta ar ompareea ate . . ,4, , „ ; .- . 4 .',...;': ..,-. ord'' *lnvited' . Tho COrOrnhiess..,.. ~...j , , . ,,,, , l h, '' , ?: , (, i, , W11l Mokoo'o,veil •erfrf,utiferiltt for „A, ..,•;:"", 6, , thts: soeMiimodation•:'anorzeogq.9l4'' , „*,).;'‘' ,I' . ..- 'falPYdlunlger-colnimni,ol9,',l,h4.•!-rf.e;;Ll,:: ," A '4 .? ',thittit'iPtqatir a y'' , ,y : , , , ' . ~,,.,k: , 1 , tAlyFjpl4 , "...Offtaere . ftpAspOietti2....!s,n„. 17 , ',: , ' . - .40 Invitailla - 'ailiendt , . , -;.. : ,,i '.41.' , ,•,4' ita lt,l' tc'lttio o l l , l o lo f nit, ' ~ E vi- ; 6111.1- ' , -.0 1r.'i, tili!l':3lf‘::—; lV;:t,'''''''..'''l''''''',..A.'''''ql:rirWht;:47::7;3V;tli:;`:#3l:7'l:il'.:ll:?*:l':.!..P:l:4.l477ll)43;-944-ii7ll:f.':;:tii.'ii;::l::ill'ilf:ii;‘;:.. V,Ulte 4 ,ll • , :;'4,l , V, i ia 1. 4. T i t:,,*,:i . w .. -. r . .,.. • : , ••• 4.'?..,,, -,4,- , Ti 1 J , ! 4: ,0,,, . 10 40 1/ • ,; 2