ootg*l-rf;• `o - '-,o•o'il': -a'--:.' - - ~;,1; r 02.•. , :: .2'' -,-,... .!.i;'6:„'f'''''" , "''' - _ ' -__ ~..._ 4 ,1"i'.1 -1 : 1 4 . 4 44,141011100445igt :Tlii, , P•;;; t":' 9 :r"t t:at47 - •:',',:4' ,- .Z:=7 - 7 - - - ": - . -- - - 7 .1 7..r...??i'...*Wi.i":iieliim' F ritoteliqiinii';',''3t l ',lieu e ' m-Weiterm,Penrillvarim, xtrau , 1-4‘ , '4ll;fdlit' Ittalnitio'dn Elaiiiiday'lasei‘ vatkialiniiito tousidetitiOn. the'' doiresied ' ‘ ;' , -atitteof - t a iron: , trade': , The HoiurG. ".iNYerSi;of,':9llitifliii`ll-rehidefii' and lv:_ert' mitteir:appoin e for, the'purpose ma. • Vtli 3 O - Culklialried: repiirti-whiakowaa . '„,itriamr, ' l ,mously,..tidopte .....;,,-,-- ~. • . , --:..- . ~,, ~.., -.." ,' Tli'd co nimittee mit,doifkilartithiii;'in IMAiiiiiOe of:their tippoititMeikt; they bad Z.. r arredo to the history .of -the!-Iron,-)mail :.2.,rietiii of: this` Country. , foil the Aciit, , :.thirtY, 'yars. ' T,hat•they Snelis early-',,itk.do. xi g the embargo Adratem of-1808,' sue s ' ceded by the war of 181 2 ;:t 1 ie Iglu '-bus'ness of PinithaylyaiiM had hierelised to a degree unexampled' at any former period. VhaVoithii,p,Maperity continued till the clossa4:'‘f the troables and war with Great Britami*,hicli;lo'..)Ong as these, - lasted, - pffoidOdZitniilepOtection to this —itticirestl—ttairieiftpre, - Itad'• tOr6— That,:i4Comi as tf*prOfectirwas no ( • mcivedtlii - the.M-openinglir trade with AiiirtiVldolaciMtelll.Mic ,-( 9,9ii - the - 014, - '"'tlic'prid.Of - 'iroloar i-agricialturtd-prodUce itilk IntiorTwent ilOWrifitti;tt degree ' f in'. ''diCtitlii4ttinalasenci,l4'iltriOst any 'de: • iiikaofftifagriculturat produce ands labor.' Thitt-'liVto 1840 pig iron sold.: , in the Pittoaluirg'Maike at-$60, - Per•ton=- wheat rthriaugh th'ecountrir ai . sl 50-Per bushel, ''' ''b ' of ' $2O I'. and' the pri e '_lab or was per month. That' in 1820 and '2l pig Iron \ Ititfallen to leis than $2O per ton, wheat ``to 25 cents per bushel, and labor to $6 per, rriiiiith; That the successive tariffs of 1822, '24 and '2,B„htid,a tendencA to restore the prosperity of all these'inte rests, each of which coatimued AO' imo prove until the effects ortS'e comproinise • tariff of - 1832 came to be felt in fhd markets of the country by reopening our ports to the Iron , of England. That •_, the system of this Compromise reached an its tnimurn rate in 1842.. Tha.t.-suCh 'IL was its effect upon the interests alluded to, that pig iron, which had increased in value to $55 and $6O per ton in 1836, fell to $l7 50 and. $lB in 1842. That !wheat fell from $1 50 per bushel to 40 cents, and labor, from being in derriand at high . rates, ihcash, went a begging. That we had decided improvement in each of-these important interests-ill, 1843, and continuing on through 1844," 1 15'46 and '47. That' during the. years from 1842 to 1846, seventy-five new furnaces were erected in the counties we rep • ;•„*sent. That since ~1846 there have been but THREE DOW . furnaces buili.-•-• • That pig iron,, which was in current and ready deinand in 1845 and until 1847, at • $32 and $37 per ton, is now without de mand, and sales weekly reported to us of gt2o per ton. T.hat from .these facts 'your Conimittee are brouffht . tovhis'inevitahtc conctusion--tuat, asrtbtr aiiiTTint - are-protected by an adequate duty on imports, those interests flourish. •"That is that protection is withdrawn, they languish and die: Your Commit -tee, therefore, tender for consideration the following: Resolved, That the, present depressed state .of theiron. trade tute.its origin. and is entirely caused by the low rate of duty at which English irons admitted into this country under the' tar • iff la* of 1846, and its injudietuus and ad vitro •• rem principles. Resolved, That five-sixth of the value of pig iron consists of labor, and as this labor can be . .proeured •in England at less than one-third of . what it usually commands in good times in this country,- we in the United States can never compete with the English 'iron meters, - except_ ,by a,reduction,cf. labor .to.-the Pauper rates --thatOmmtry,,or prcitectiOn'from itecompetition.' • ' , ;i4 Resolved, .Thavit. isaot 'the wish -of+ any of, thiti'meeting;'and we hope of .4.enetiind, dip rateatif, hber„irr,this littppy.ectarlikik ro-• of , POVetty in Europe. • `.That'to. insure ' a different and. more happy Miniver things among us, the labor - Orthtfi 'country, including all its mineral and agricultural products, must, be protected in our markets from the redundant labor of other countries.' • • •Reselired, That we, and each of us, pledge ourselves to use the-utmost of our exertions to ,procure such protection, which can only be se cured by a dut y _ of specific values. 'Resolved, That it is the duty of the iron men Ind.:agriculturalists in Western Pennsylvania and,elsewherd, to hold meetings in their differ ent counties and. organize; for the 'purpose of petitioning Compass for o ,,chan g e from the pres ent ad valorem to a system of specific duties of ..adequate protection to the laborof the country. Resolied.. That this met3tioji recommend' a Orin . ion of the Furnace owners of Pennsyl inia, Ohio and Kentucky, to beheld at the,eh f. Pittsburg, on Wednesday, the illetof .Nove to take into considera. tion all-necessary andJurtheraction in the pro . Wass, , - • • • • The members of the Convention af. terwards visited, President 'l'aylor, and • hid a cenversat' nwith' , to him upon the 4iNect :Of %the' tariff. ''The 'President minlue,lind.Partieular inquiries, iitato and condition or the; iron -,' , l*liill'iit.titich'Averd fully and'oheer -7,fullx-14104 InVilVll, ll3 reWtVgirr. , and °therm., The president.; conversation, tu ex ;;;..'pressed hia decided,disaprobaticat of the = resent karat*, rutterlir inadequate to , the •of deny. Interests whiC,h,, na'anded'-lt, and said' that ; he consid ered ` thP :ohanke, front, the trtriff,i 1E142' to that 1838 88 unfortunate Vi liiable ` - interests', in the bblintrY;andi intrtiOnlerlYlo that oabor, That' what we yvi f l s speoifio• not ad vtd?!'ent dnii4-I—that these' `latter left ma ,at the'. MOOT :t e , inerketsiu EuroPe—gave ~ i n:ioction to industry here whew it was •not *tinted; qnd dented it when we 'did'. a:1 - itsaid he vnts in faVorof a' sysiein tyouldlironshswparmantincy; 'saffictent!y togi'VelAisonithle *mention : lol)g, -t;;'" l .o,titOiCkti Ote'dniln4Y , bqt`Atnt se, high 4etqivntiojitlto,exClasion—he;would'Ot hii' , BBl4" 'foiltbaie ••••, , ••, 1 •, , ,-, , e, • •••,,,, ‘!„,, 6-, ,Elitvi jOi rtioryiti ii s Ott it ohOrcipui .'ffeelf'GßEEPj AND , 81).4.1(1,in,TBABr',01)14i..abitia4/01,blifitueYillo:!; );filigfrftio - 4?,;'s'per p ri daild (1 , from, Ar 4 1 1 .11100 6 .4 1 * - 1 10 Pkti'of Philp ' 4 PA If. r ' t • •-• ortepti,l44l4 , 4 , 'R&M:Ord - Int Ameridinenc of WI: Cotatztiazoti ': • f fed..6y.the:Sootogod House-of It re il . 'e lii p 4O fita;iOeo qf the Poilimo*Aalth'of-PiOnay a- in OgneraLlyfenAlp Mei c .,Thitt We , Co ' 4v., tion of. the Coindonwealth Nor:mended-fin loi second.sectien. er...the'. fi lth,- - nrti . Ola;:se'lliat' W shall rhail'ite'folletis iwTheilud . ges: dr the-Su. praine'Court,:fir the severs . Co urts of Cc:id:Oen' .PlearrYand of such Other' Courts'Or RecOrilefae 'are'Or shall be established bilaW, shall be elect ed by the,. qualified electors or. the; Cemmon wealth .ie the unwind folloWing,,to wit: The' Judges Of• the Suprethe,Court, by,the qualified . electors at large. The .President Judges of the. 'several- Courio of . Comnion Plead end - oksuch' other - MOW of Reccird,es ate or shall be ostob.i lished by,lavi, and all other'judges required to be learned 'in the l'aW,.bY'thel qualified debtors, of the respective dietriets over which they aro, to•preside Or act as Judges An - dilie Asst . :el..; ate Judges of the Pearls of Common Pleas by! the qualified electorier'llie counties roadie-. lively. , The Judges. or the •Supreme Court shall hold their offices for .the term or 'fifteen years, if they Mall so long behave themselves well : (subject toihe.allotment hereinafter pro vided for, subsequent to the first election * The President Judges of the several ()burls of . Corniiion Pleas, ancl - Of Ouch other Courts of Reeord seare'rjr shall be established by law, and l all other •Jergrfs.reqiiired.to be learned in the la*, shall hole their offiCei for the term,of ton years, if they shall so long behove - them• solvervell : : The Associate Judges of the Courts of CrlmmeriPloas shall hold their offices for r the term of five years, if they shall so long behave themselVes Well : eller whom shall be commissioned by. the ;Governer, but for any treasonable catise which shall not bo sufficient grounds of impeachment, the Governor shall remove any of them on the address of two• thirds of each branch.of the Legislature. The first election' shall_ talui_place, at the general. election of this Commonwealth next' after the' . 'adoption of this amendment. and the commis• si of all the judges who may be then in o ffi ce, 8 11l , xpire on the ffrst Monday of December fo lowing, When the terms of the judges shall I F\ commence. The persons who shall then he elected Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold their offices as follows • one of there for three years, one for six years, one for nine years, on, for twelve years, and one for fifteen years; the term of each to be decided by lot by the said judges, as soon nftir the election as convenient ' slid he result'cortified by them to the Gover nor, that the commissions may be issued in appordpce therefor. The judge whose cam., mission Will first 'expire shall he,h iefJudiee during his term,,and thereafter each juige whose commissierOdiall,first expire. shalrin turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or more commissions sliallexpire,on the same day, the fudges holding them sliall,decide by lot which shall be the Chief Justice., Any vacancies happening by death, resignation . , or otherwise, in ,pny of the said courts, shall be filled by ap pointment by the Governer, to .continue till the first Mondayef .December succeeding the next i th i t hef ,' r,3, — m. Tll , 22udgto of the Supreme i Co ' lri - a ' of Common Plea's diall, at staterlifnrea l ;giVera for, their . gervlcetiAit'adequato compensation, to be fixed.by law, which shall not be diminish ed during their, continCemee)n office, but they shall receive no fees or perquisites of office, nor hold any other office of profit under this Commonwealth, or under the government of the United States,.or any other Stpte of this Union. The Judges of the Supreme Court during their continuance in office shall reside within this Commonwealth, and the. other Judges during their. centinuanee in offiee-shall reside Within the district or,county for welch they were respectively . elected. WILLIAM F. PACKER, Speaker of the House of Representatives. GEO. 'DARSIE, Spanker of the. Senate. IA TRB &EATS, March 1,':1849.' Resolved; That thie resolution ,pass.—Yeaa 21. Nays 8. • Extract from the Journai. BASIL. W. PEARSON, Clerk. . , IN THE Housi ot. REPS, April 2,1849. • Resolved, That this mutation pass.—Yeas 8, Nays 26. ..- • Extract from e tat JOurnal. WM. JACK, Clerk. SECRETAR . OFFICE. Filed April 5, 1849. • A. L. RUSSELL, Dep Sec.-of the Com'th. PEN . NEIVINAN 4 A, 88i do certify that:the abovo cud foregoing le true copy of the Original Resolution of the GeneralkAseeinto,entitled " - Itesolution,•re. A lativtitOlanmendniant'of the Constitution," aii,thaatineieiniiiiiii on filo in this.offiee: : ' ;'•*: In testimony twhercof x j , ',hereunto seemy hand;and - Causert C( - ;to be adaed the,seal of thellee. ) r•, v .retary 80 tee at Harrisburgithis \-- ,;:elevorith day•of June, A. D. one 'thousand 'eight hundred' and' fortyrninc..“; •‘ • , •• "Jonanikoa tialtt4TE. ; • ••, -:':'-iiißetinlottliaiNo.4BB ; -entitled- , -ROsolatiori 4 6 1,93P 4 R-#PA,Nea.dAaint tha conOtitotiop; .0194teeet.W.e;-,w the,: Senate. agree. to f the: itioluttenlirmThe Yeas and Nays lverti; taken' agreeably to the .Conetitatioh; and winre'tia follow; vii:' ' Yit'iteMetiere:;' Beath' Itrawley, Crab!), ,Clinttinitiatnaoralth, flugit a, Johnson . ; sLaw,. ,tanbt;,"LavittlAVlitison2;', 'Matkhiaa. ' ' IVr Ca Wild; Riohatde.f3ad ler; SaferY;Staall.Stn3iscirt Sterritrand .t tyartleeqre ? get,,Drum,,rrie , Ives, Renignitteher,.:Poiteiger and .Daiele, •s pea k, r __94,.. ;So ilia Ruostlon deteintinod the atir-I tnative. , ;.' •'. - 1 ..,,,,, •-•!.----,, ', - :',"..:yr: ' - '-:•'..", ,- ,7; ;.... n:•ic. , ipoliliAt or TN kliitlll.R'o# , lii:POl 'i ,''' '''',.:. '' , .i, Sling tiiii roehiutiOn:gaii?' ,`The "you'll - I'lin'. nAYs We ru• 1#14,4 agi:e4aidy,t6;-tlfo pro is lop of the,kiefith article of - ,thoponiiiiotionl'ip,d '.411* fliirPllgl.r,O kt (',;,.:•',. 1. • - t ' , ' ;.-, '':.>, .•';'",:• . i'' - ii 1 - ,;'•ff s lrisee 7 -Messris. Gideon:4 liij,.,riAyia.4 ~ ;Bent. Cialfr piddle, PeterfG: BloomAnyid, it Molei'.:Tho,nore - K illull,, Jecob COI, 'Jahn T.H , :Diehl, •Nathinitti.;.#2 Eliott i . e lOeeph, piiieq.: Damp ii3l ll Eahloiiiiiv; , .s , William,e,inne,'-Jolt F• • • 1460 0; . -$4' 161 0 1 - 173 g 1 e9 , :40ooph ..'t" FiOlfei; !Henry M,-IFialler‘kiThbintiearooOf , Robert flempeon;Genrge,P-Hegozeyi•Thbiudei 1 Hun. •ring;JOse ph Higginni Ch idea Holte; Joedph: Et, ' Hower,' Robed ' Iflofes•• • 'Harr min -, ..P.: Laird; A btali din L iim &Atom janieti J' 4 .L'esvieiJiiiii W t.ong:Jikedb miciiiiiiiiiodlin F filE'CulfrOON 'Hugh' Wl'Kee i " John sl'Laughlin, Adam )iijike. ati4:Jo n-G,-Mydre. EdWar, • 'wart , l'eeice - 'JUMlftiYPOrteli . Matto Ithbb,`,Hdurgo' Rtitiqli iinii . .,Heruird•...id Schoonover, olio Ghiiiii4Chilidnin firikVelyi ';`4o..VOinjuliC' HI dlobinqiniall 6411511fivratiiwildelii , :Elittii001,, `2l.lthinitiWieholue:Thorn,L, 130,inuel WeirhihiMtliiii'dl ikr.i i.qii , .. i.” l 4lWka/..4-'°4 f , '. t '4! . 1, i , F,O/ "J . ]: s , 7 . : ' , , c(4 , ; i.:: 1 , , .' , ':i,:;;1 , „,4' :4tuitutlfirciiii4 6 ; 4 :oo., 4 teA., , .viin ;' ' 7:.l2l:Meiine I• l lf , ._.*iiii6,• ifinleit Etilli lidi' Wiljfi - . . iiii , o' 3iime 4114:', - uilintubv atatittio ouvataiwAibiiivir cipatinite , t , , ,, 01.f,i. , , , it,40 , 14)..,40 , 400141 . : T0 5 ,,46u. J , •.„,... 4-,- . ...g.-lho •...teki,l-:-;-:y.iwm,,P*,,,,,,g;riz SECRETARY'S OPFICE . • ~TOWNSEND HAINES, iitry• eif the Com w e . ~ .. .. ~ ..~I; M !.3briiiv,-tkoioxviliiiiiiiyt:46 - tertiaohn , itinitb,lJoheL. l ffniY ir" th',;tVolib°::l - Stitideri;beeigel 'Weiltifre ; p:lldiDiildr..,y,illigtAtiget .Cto'tlielitAid4;i4o!v,aidetefectitte'd f lit . tite . af.l ' ":..: 'tiatrisbOrgi ifutiw 15; 1849.- 'fiti!Netryi t tiii,t‘' '". "" p .; v ot J 1,6. do eort,ify.:,,th "te et,the,aboi:e-;aild;, • ' 'foie - going int', and. collect:, copy , ,of the end !,tNoya,l' l taken un Reiolotion rolotiVc .• 33.0;ansatneadment'orthei,gonititd , at the came, appears on the leuraitile'ol . 60 wiiirolifeitlif 7 t4etcliiiiiffal":3o3atliblif of for the . sesaiiid, Of. 18444., ' the soulof, said office.. illefiftetql.th,P l 4;4 3 ftliiine, one thousand, eight hundred and forti"hin7,. HAiNES; • . Secretary , of the Ciimioonwealth. 311 )tlabelp4ta,- VlT:wches and Zowely,l • ~ . . .• t 0, , , ,, • CHEAPER 'nun. EVER— , .Wholesale and Retail—At. the t i t I "Philailelp , hialVatch and Jew• ...,L' , big , le.. 'N'o...as N•th SE. i., ::-= '.O ND street, ceittor, ar - '(.5 c "''"''' r;. ry street ..: - t , "`,.,, ..: Gold Levers, 18 k. cases, fulljewelled43o and •upwarthr r:,;. ;.. ; ' r. Silver Levers, full jewelled, sls"and upwards. Gold -Lapin°, 18 .k:..caeds,-..jewelled,- so...rtad' upAvardiu-, , i Silver,Lopines, jewolled., l o,lo anii . unwardis' - Silver Quartier Watches, $4 to 10... • Silver• Spoons, equal to Coin, per sett—Tea, $5, Desert 010, Table $l5, other. articles in pro portion.,- AS goods AVarranted to be what the are sold for. . Constantly on hand a largo assortment offine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE Also, an .assortment of M J Tobias & Co., E Simpson, Samuel & Brothers, E S Yates & Co, John Harrison, G & R Beesley. mid other suporior,Patent Lever Movements, vy , kritch wil) be cased in any style desired . .Arrangements have been made with all the above named most celebrated manufacturers of England, to furnish at short notice any required style of Watch, for Which orders will be taken, and the name and residence of the. person or• daring put on if requested novs] L. R. BROONLS.LL'I3 GHt. 1 BARGAIN WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE e1.,-- WI-JEIVE Gold and Si!- - • ydr--- - • 'ler- Watches •of every CFI IA 1::7"..., ~,:,.. description can be,. had 4/ '.... :. < a :> 'at from ten to fifteen ''......" q ' 1 less than any other store 7 4' . ,/I , l' in New' York or Pnila. .'"-:'.....-•:':__ '-.-_-_- 'it 71 -cfelphia. Persons who wish to gets a good watch, perfectly regulated, would do Null to call at she store of the , sub .scribor, anckampare the quality and price of his watches with that of other, stores.. GOOD WATOIIES , AT TILE FOLLOWING EXCEEDINGLY IZZEIMO Gold Levers, full jewelNl,:B carat cases, $2B on Silver do •do 12 00 Gold Lepinos, jewolod,:B"ca'rat cases, 23 00 Sinter . do "4. do 9.00 e, Ail Vsrge Whtclies, from $3;00 upWards. 'Gold Mcils...front $1 to $8,00; Geld Pen, with silver cases, and pSiteils attached, for 75c. • Also, a handsome assortment of new and fashionable Jewelry, at prices far below the usual store prices. Old Gold and silver bought or taken in exchange, LEWIS R BROOMALL/ No -110 N6rt-11, SECOND Street, second door below Race, Philadelphia. tip:B'49:y 0:7 - Cut this advertisement out. and bring it along, yell will then be sure to got into the riga store. MITE: MIAnARA, n SINW or ER-BATB, A ehtirely new Artikle f bnower-Ba thing, with warm or cold Water. VrTHIS Bath took the premium nt the Fair.of the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, October 1848, the only Bath that ever took a premium at that institute and also took the first premium at the Fair of tho Maryland Institute,.Novem ber 1818. • A great and important improvement is made in-this-Shower-bath over-all-others,- by throwing, the water immediately on the body, without wetting the head, unless at the will.or pleasure of the bather.; but a greater point is gained by being enabled to bathe with warm water, which I no other Shower-Bath is adapted to—and most of all the Bath can be medicated without injury to the hair, ,blotny,persons cannot take a cold bath—their ctLels met in this as they can regulate the tern perature of the - water to suit their wish, and comMence bathing-,at any season of the year without any unpleasant result. Ladies can have the advantage of bathing without wetting.. the head or 'covering the same. • ' The arrangements are simple and complete, and not liable to get out of order. The Bath can be adjusted to suit any height, from a small child to the tallest person. When the door is closed, the fixtures are•hid and the outside ap pearance is tsitt of it neat pieed of furniture. They have .received the approbation of seve ral medical gentlemen—others are requested to nail and examine . them, Manufactured by . the •-Patenteh. EPHRAIM LARRABEE, 24 South Calvert street, Baltimore. 'BATHING.—Read what Armstrong says : Delitit omit, ye who would health secure, The daily treSli ablution, that shall clear], The sluices of the skin • enough to keep The body sacredjrom‘Lidecont soil. • • • Still to be pure. evenif it did not conduces' " As much (as• it dons) to' health, very greatly worth Your daily - oains 'tis this adorns the rich ; 'The want this is paver ,y's worst fee, With this bxtornal virtue, ago maintains A decent grace': without it, youth and charms Aro loathsome. '' Januery 3,1849.-Iy.. • • A Pdrely. Vegetable Medicine. It/ ORSbELL'S VEGETABLE REST°. V V ItATIVE• PILLS nave - been -gradually but surely cotneing into favor, among the fanu ties.of this Country for some years pew .They - have - dono - thieFentirofy . t nrough-their great worth as a FAIVIILY MEDICINE. Agencies have thcen rippointod% but no-putlitig,itnd hbtribtig such tta Is resorted to by quackoto sell their medicine himbeen.dene:.'.lThe,pilla;aret ollercd . for; , sole and have and Wilicontlone to besolitbyell t ~ : .T principal storekeepera.helpropriatere, Claiie tfor their. IVledicine the following advantages;over all others—vin , They are PURELYII7EGE- , TAALE: ; ; - Vhcly.are ,•CFRTAIN. ToitOPE 1, RA Their. operation, is FREE ..from • all PAIN.. They can be useamith EQUAL'BFN WIT by thoU NGFAX INFANT and the S IRO NGES'II IVIANt---Treir efficiency in Fe; vers,Agueekleadaches; 'Habitual, titittvenessi, Dyspepaja,Cholere Morin's; ,&orthas.been aro, vod utionihoutiaada., The y••.ard, a`...Certain Cure for )Vorms, The proprietors.possess catd,frotri It'Ontlemtin)n.St.,Lettieviliewatideu -I.,ridlof a TAPE WORM by the mai of them: TRY THMTI - IFY,,,WILLNOT 'FAIL. , Travellingl!ig*itdiitt* State. off„Penintylva :.niwr-Cnirtitte.P.vAatcr,. Far sale; price},2sots . 1 a box ecnitalnini-FIF ryoriLLS, with' NIP tbotione-Xytthe-folleivinkagentaitit Cumberland • Ly . • ~,Fgr,Bafatiy.,PlCß.AVir.ralso3, Pal;? Bgrunti r kkr,ragiOurg . 101/ciiT Araprielora,..LaborataryiAii IfliChiiatt‘taef. lows! oomortat o.;'';s rztt.6 - 1- • "•''' f-• g7IO.R*.ARbIN tr•l orntniesion Njorestiontu; C'.: HARntgfivt~o ; MAO .I?roduce, Coabco:lo,Baltimore,' , l ;Plaster cliaileir-Salt k , • Fish, Groatiricto, „Sig( • ' 'lattiT,i.E!hur'l,lPacoh•29;lB4ii. ;!'; I 1 i — . I • . ' Mal, .. w `. , +.L...4 : ,c! r feieidTor' B 4l4 o lV l ;or s „o th t a ; ...k g rqat t vin 39 ,t,L, A dru glyiat cirE 6 2. i . , „, 4 'ing; tOrittlt ,„ , r. ..„ .'; , ... Teeth alift2tTa ," l'elan I.3lrotribit 6.1 0, '07017/arkit . , 104 I„ i iijarh i t#ll,,YA. l ll' :.,,,,t!!zl' alrll,, ..,,,r1,11,91,,k. 74,:r1xtix'''-‘', 1 q r.,„:,`'-,M,': -3 , 10,..•P.., -.# , ~,„.„1 . , .., ...,. ',-,..-...;.,- , .. r,. - .; ~t,, ,. .:-.;,,,q2.-kvil, v , tfk:Arikz''''...N.: , '.;:;n;:r., ''.ri!''':4=:ct.; ..- 4'.;;' , li it ! ' l'';,-4;."(t1 • -13P31)1411Y,TgansPor eitlo Hpuse, ' . phuteßultt6ore, PittsbUrg'y 11" W.'KER4 FerWardinK arid Commiseion ipp 'Merchant, 'lttrialsatrao, mforres hip friends' andnAhe'publie, that , frorri the liberal pat. ronage extended to hiniduring ,the past ypar he has been encouraged to make more extenstvesr rangements for the present elusion, arid, has ,a 4; ded two new, large and splendid Boats ,to,.his LlNE, , and' will be fully prepared after the ,op eriing rif• the' Canal,qo forward PRODUCE and 'MERCHANDISE `Oflill Icinds - to and from Philadelphia, &c„ at the jowest t.iites of freight and with the utmost dee. , Agents for Beets, CARLISLE G. GASKELL, is Race street Mai GEISE & SON, (No. 48 Conimerce et: Wharf, Baltimore. CLARK & SHAW, ? J. McFADDEN & CO . Pitts'g AgentelforSers, 1=11ii,„:; 11 WUNDERLICH & GRIER, No. 272 Market st Philadelphia. • fiF , CHALORER & REYNOLDS, • No. 423 Market at;, Philadelphia. , ' SITER, JAMES & CO:, ' -4 ?„ Broad street, Phiiadelphia: PENN'A. k OHIO LINE, PIN North street, Baltimore. :Harrigiburrr, March 29; 1848.—tf.• t • S.- Widmann; Clothing-Store, • „On' As. corner of — csiroct And - §fiaii qiinure, fowl erly. occupied by Nathan Hunich. THP, undersigned respeelfally announces to the citizens of Carlisle and surrounding•country that'he hasjust arrived, from Philadelphia, with a splendid stock of READY MADE-CLOTH ING,for the• perpose of conducting the ready made clothing business in all its various bran ches. He.intends keeping an assortment of every article in his linen( business, and fit such pri ces as will suit every one. • - His afock embrades the most handsome and fashionable styles worn, and made up iii- the ' best manner.' ..The subscriber only asks a trial of his goods and is sure they will give entire satisfaction. Also; a 'large. assortment of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Cravats, Collars, Bosoms, Suspenders, .and Hosiery, all of which ho.will sell at very low prices. Boys' clothing constantly on hand .f - . •,• • SAMUEL GOLDIVIttN. . • ApriLl 1. '49,7641.., . 0. CONRAD, Iniporter of Watcher - 7 - NEWRLOT' RING STORE ° CORNER_ OF NORTH I/00 , ER AND ZSTAETSi CAR - L - 18 . LO, pi; r THE'subscriber has received and id now open ng a choice selection of Winier Goods, consist. ng of Cloths, Cassiniers and Vestings, newest style at the lowest rates, which ho will make up into Dress and crock coats, Over Coats, sacks, cloaks, Pants and Veits,Dress and Frock coats of cloth from six dollars upwards, Panltatorn $l5O to $6, Vests from 75 cts. to s3,6o;reloaka from Bto $2O. 'tle also keeps shirts, bosoins. collars, neck and pocket handkerch iefs,com forts, caps,.glovekand Hosiir)„ in short ovary thing appertaining toe gentleman's.wardrebe.-- As lieis agent for an extensive house hi will be enabled fo offer fresh goods at least oneea antis. He will gecelve regularly the N 'York a d Philadelphia Fashions, and will spare no pains in getting up his work in the most durable and fashionable manner. 'He will also make up work purchased at other storesin the most care. ul manner. Ho will pay particularattention to Children's Clothing He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage . • W B PARKINSON, t , Dee 13, 1848 Agent for the Proprietor 17,6 - sh Drugs; Medicines, &c. &c. • 7 I have juttt .received from 'Philadel i phitt.and New York very extensive 4 11 R_ additions to my former stock, embra-' tic a cing .nearly every article of Medicine .01 arnrigi; ' l'S'irt s nitigrililuTray,WASk, Stationery, Fine Cutlery,- Fishing Tackle,— Bruhes of almost every descriptton, with an endlese.variety of other articles, which I am de. lortnined.fo sell at the VE RY LOWE S T prices. All:Physicians, country Merchants, 'Pedlars and others; are,reapecifully requesied - ,not to pass the' OLD STANO, tie thermay: 'rest fissured that every article wi ll , be sold of a good quality And upon reasonable terms. • May 30 - • THE Srr Li IMO OF WORKS the tongue often white and loarted• breath heavy and foetid; weirraltie .4 , • or sweetish taste in the mouth; occasionally hirst; the appellee extremely variable; some. times remarkably deficient, and at others vri= miens. There is sometimes a sickish feeling' with vomiting 'of mucous; flatulence of the stomach and intestines;, pain in the . abOomettt swilling and hardness of the abdomen; the bowels are irregular; the stools are slimy; and there is' an occasionaLlitigerirance of worms in this evacuate:MOM:A:tine is often milky and turbid; therframientlyitehiness of the fnndartilint and nose, which' is often riVollen; there is occasionally — disturbed sleep, with grinding of tho.4eth, and euddden awaking in a fright. There arm-at-Aimee, headache or giddiness, ringing m the ears, or even deaf ness, faintness, sonyulsions,.drowsiness, indo• fence of manner, ill temper. • In, some cases epilepsy and cholera, and even apoplectic and paralytic gym:pm:ea, and , several of the signs of dropsy of the' brain and catalepsy' appear connected , with worms. Frequently there is a short dry ceugh, and pleuritic. pains; 'Some, times. feeble and-irregular. pulse,- palpitatidne and ' irregular lever: the, 'conntenance .is generally pallid ' or sallow, and soineitihite blowed, and,;thero is ; occasional flushing of one or both chicks. , A4ll l line theses:pm is indieativenf. Wor ms; and the most eireetual best and cheapeat remedy is . hits.j.',MltißS' WORM TEA, prepared by Dr. J W RAWLINS:at-hie Wholesale and Retail , Drui,Storetr carlislei, PM; find pone genuine without his ivritten'signatura.„ , The Proptietoinf, thie' Medici id so con-, fident Of itsitiperle i rity to, any .othiei'Wqrm Metiteii. p ee,, that,bomtill, i joheerfully . THX: p 10,141( in , any tase'sn-Whiell his Tfis WOltbrfr, when rnediltecording. to`rthe D irections , is plearnint hatilfen thaEssith t ,plitikage ,contains iufio`,entMedicino'fhrtheetirdpf. tlie 'mUstinliatinate Casa.. PrOnsmilt - 2.l.neitiam rjtDieggists andfiltorelce s eperi . enpplied - SM m theoSt liberal -terma. Eniasiory, MfNERAU wAT4It., Sparkling and, brighf_ ' and not anlysparkling . and brigh . i—byt foi - its River kis lard:to _ „." ;MO NYER'S FOUNTAIN m E AD-4e indeed the "Ne: plus:nitra" ,drink of thi sea son"; inuilluty be had, togehrir'*ith the'. above named Mineral,Valer, at the Wholeeale:ttnd genii! Confeetionart :. of P in N . Hansdar,Strvei: '-.;Re?..,,,) 1 ,1' :Embrocation ',.ibi-.ll.,qiiiii. , ''.--- I: -. .. , :- .,, ...d.''ir,i,,..:7.'i4;:;:iti1$ ','"ilaliablii‘:EMßßO7 •'._:. ~ • ,4 0 ,0-I %t v ' ',' o4TiON.'yvill oura'Spraiasi, . eltiuisasi;,;:pina,.-Valle,.Bwill., 4': s' mg 6. • ';' , .iiiiii , ll,ll4ainiatiefa:-atildu all i';.; . ii''':' 7 7:7" , .. • acanplaihts:flictel . iaiiitiira" ha' .01Lterii.,,: reinedriii' It itaviii . immediate ,:ell,e l' to itaigi.orlifebei; antl4lf,a' incident tfilltifsa a having Whllialaatrialikriosaii,'Firadar i ki'yf 001E1 Wloh iv, Y.kr,!.al,.;>li•ii,itloolaghlii:,:hae al - ikt*Altialt"._litiffr ,iia,peAllililai•eriladcaa . : , and . 'i".7 tativatak!pibilaaps :lametralati,affaata ltr,orapkett le,elaklncipfglit ! ! mi. ' b) , Nlltglk'tballiogi4),lplaitaarainii;,i;; , , , Thle' Eat,zgati,' IL.Tl. 9 . 4 v,r,recomendedo . : Fittlaati;::pirriera; IC 6o ‘Pgtoisof, , Pi i aol l 3.flltile o Vand - Prit'Bl o olo I j'amat,;(o.oilatal,l'iraaailind i -, ahouldtbai camp, , Itol l t 11A ., , ; 'keliOilliAlles44l_,,,,.hri.:.GEDVl.Alll,,lit ' i t olo t ips area coal.Y.O.ilVall'iollaftili ) '40 . ,0.:' filladatahatil - And'l6.r,4o„-fN 91, ,11 , 111111.04 . .00: 0 4ZR-0 1 4P.i..4 , $ . iRlIk 1 9 5 , kirc , I ALM: Ptt . A. o 4, 1 0.4 11 i 34 0: . :j .41 k50 . : t ',. ..14tA :1 i.T l ): 4 ::' i9 j'' 1 !Z:i WIND; JA,' 7,4 % .," ), ..,:..'7 , ,,,..:1'.:;'• ,- '11,4 r P.. '''o.'.-', , ...Po, K'l:li ,f 0.4 ,';?•,-:,!isol!J(41, I; 3 ?: t it,agct;lh 'roliV(4l4o+ lkirritil 'PA **kiti)P Tklir / if ~ : 6. , ~. _A I L., . ' 11111.14110W1 kOrr&M" 'l:7 oc , ou l irt: reIVANICSI 4 til€ l l, eir rit tPY :oit - '4' d-,I 74 , 5 , ' ' 4- ,, -4 4 `:: '''t: 47 "04 . "4. ' t 0 Pl' ! .44` 3 ? is") .? 46 i,.'' Y ' :', : 7 t' ! ! ,'. ,1 ' .- .•. -;',... 11,4:1;4 , V'' :' , ~!iii: , 11.' R',1:h.;44)4. - -,',',.:1' , .±1:.'4*7, ,,,.. ,RAkV4''..,',7o4,'::;e:4, * . r.lltritinfittlCC•lgiftp ditreo: - , ~., , -,-;;,,,,..,.;„,;,,,,, Equitable, L WAsuranoe Annuli --- and Trtist - gonipany. .< , ~ , A rIFFICCH ',.74:;,Wainlit •strj' ept, hiadelphia„—, •,,y,l,„„1. - Capital '19250,000.7-Charter .pernetual.--, ' MakaLieurance, op lives pt , their °lnce in Philo. ;,delphia, and fit their Agencies, thfoughthit the, ,Eitatesoitthit,lowest rams of, premium,.' , ,,, 2 ..Rates for, insuring at $lOO op a.single Life;• , , 'Age.. ; `For ~1 year .. For 2.yeare.,l , , • Lif e ; 20, ",. ~ 81 - 91 , TO ;. • , 30 „ , 99 " , . 1,30 , ' !,, g , ,1,,, 40, , ~ , 1,29 t.:1,64 , , ~., , , .: 5 0 • - 59..,; , . , ~ 3,48 2,97 ..:, t,,,,6 03' Exasteks.—A persomaged BO years neXt birth, 'day, by paying the company. 95 coMii.•vklit l d 88 ' cure to,his family QT,11131111 ‘ • $100 shbuld hadie in one year ; , orTor $9‘9Q, he secures to them $1000; orfor $l3 annuaily, for seven years he secures to them $lOOO Should he die in seven years ;•or f0r•520.40 paid annually during, life, he secure's siocro to be paid when Wipes. The insurer securing •his own bonus, by the difference in amount of premiums from detae charged by ,other offices. .Fort $49,50 the heirs would re ,,,ceive $5OOO !should he dieln one yenr. Forms qf application and nll particuinre may be had at the office of Fnaan WATTS, Esa Carlisle,•Pa. ' J. W. CLAGHORN,'Pree't H. G.. TIICKETT, Soc'y. - FRED'IC. WATTS, Atey. Dr. D. N. 111spini, MediCiil Examiner. an g 2- - ~,..,,, . , The Franklin Fire Inenrance Com street: -No.-163.4-Chesnut-streetinedr - Fif . 1,1 - 7street ------ " -- . . DIRECTORS. Charles N. Rai:Miter George W. Rtcharde. ' Thomas Hart • Mordecai D. Lewis • ' Tobias Wagner , ;Adolphe E. Borie Samuel Grant ' • 'David S. Brown ; I nook JitpSmith Morris. Patterson' • Continuo to Make insurance peretual, or limi ted, on eyery, description of propeity in - town tirtd country,, at rates as low as are consistent with security. The company have reserved a• largb contingent fund, which with their capital and pre miums, safely invested, afford ample, protection tc:the insured. The assets of the company on January let 1848, as published agreeably to an act of As m bly, were as follows, viz : - Mortgagoo • ~ $890,558 G 5 • Real Estate . 108,358 Tempojary Loans • 124,459 00 Stocks 51,563 5 Cash on hand and in hands of ' agon.a, Since their-incorporation, a period of eighteen 'yetirs, they have 'paid upwards of onc. stri.mon, VWO.III:INERED THOUSAND DOLLARS,IOBDOS by - fire, thereby'aflording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness, all liabilities. 7,!. CHARLES N. B ANGRIER, Tres't. CU As. G. Beaman, See'. feb 2 TK3 4 aubperiber is 'agent for the above company for Carlisle an 4 ite vicinity. All applications for insurance either' by mail or personally will be promptly attended to. .W. D. SEYMOUR. ALLEN "ANn E. PENWSBORGUGH Mtitual Fire insurance Company of Cum berland county, incorporated by an act of Assem bly, is now fully organized and in operation, un der the management of the following commis. shiners, viz; . •-•- Cht. Stayman, Jacob Shelly, Wm. R. Gorges, Lewis Hyer,_ Christian Titzel. Robert Sterrett, Henry .Loganj' Michael Cocklin, Benjamin H. Musser, Levi Merkel, Jacob Kirk, Saml. Prow ell, sr, and Melchoir Brepeman, who respectfully call. thcLattention of citizens of Cumberland and York counties to the advantages which the com pany hold out. ' The rakes of insurance. are as low and favorable as any company of the kind in the .State. Per eons wishing" to become members are invited to fiateraTin; Fe wait u7oVrie irk a t a ;Y.; inTe7 , JACOB SHELLY, President . HENRY LOGAN, V. Pres't LEWIS HYER Secretary • 'MICHAEL POCTLIN, Treasurer • AGENTS—Rudolph Martin, NeW Cumberland 'Claistian Titzel and John C. Dunlap, Allen; C H. Harmon, KingstOWn ; Henry .Zearing, Shire manstown; Simon Oyster, Wormlcysburg; llo bort Moore. Charles. Bell. Carlisle. Agents for York County—Jacob Kirk, gene- SherrickTlOhn Ran MGT:Bow: man, 'Peter Wolford. S. ELLIOTT, Main street. The (Ward Life, Insurance Annuity and Trwit 'Cowan* of Philadel phia. Office No. 159 Chesnut Street, Capital 6300- s ".' "Am. :Charter Perpe,ttua. CONTINUE terMaito Insu r ances on Lives on the most favourable terms. receive and execute Treats. and receive Deposits on Into restw The Capital being pait,up and invested, to . gather with accumulated` premium fund. affords \ P PERYECT SECURITY LO the insured.. The 'pre• triiym may be paid in yearly, hall yelirly,,Or, quarterly payments. The Company add a BONUS at stated pe— riods to the insurances for life. This plan o insurance is the most_opproved of, and i s more gehcrally in use, than any , other in Great Bri tain, (whore the subject is best understood by the people, and whore they have had the long-. est experienco,) as appears' from the fact, that out of 117 Life Insurande Companies . there, of all. kinds, 87 are on this plan. • The first BONUS sae appropriated in De• comber, 1844. amounting to 10 per cont. on. the sum insured under the oldest polices; to 8!' per cent., 7i per cent., &c, 84c., on•otheris, in pro portion to the-time .of standingonaking an ad dition of.$100; $87•50; $75, &el,. &c. to:every $1,600, originally insured, which , Is an average of more than 50 per, cent on the premiums paid, andl without increasing the annual payment to the , Company. • Tht operation of the BONUS will be seen by the following examples from the Life /Usu.? ranceli t c,trister of the Company, thus : • • ' y . P9.lioy No 5v $1.040 I 88 „2,50) 205 L 4,340 2,500 933• , 5,000 • ~ ' Pamphlble co and', eiplortationo• plici(iori;:andfurt tho,ollico, gratie w dre.ssed,tmlie Pre xrto„F„.J*Tvlgs ORtho sale.of flour Grain,'Clovtiraeed. im ' ,4, c , 4,.. Also , ' for. jr „ Whinku l i liur.n4jrido Avotei.,caroal+and %yarding Clooda, ,v 10 ;1 , , , ,, ente. grdire t for, fi sh, .pononylvttnid'AraPTP4`" ~S uliplied -at :loydat , Salt, ..PtttalOo &Rot- . 9 ,' ~- •, .4 1, c pr i c i * 'ie `'. n . "ingtiged gapei c n''the'rit;o4e:butn .. ityin lee f v„ro, oponttnuallotof, 0° pduring .th_e.k.ate,o7gAdit kid Abe, public la t „rnr. afronat 0 ,....-',• r d ~,,,,,, . ..,r t 0 , „ fl, , .4, , o , . .. apedtfu y . ,aolth‘lei, ~, „. ;,:,, ~, t lyt .-, •' ;iv , . ftefer.to , x '''''' c' - oi i, , , 1 , ~,.. f!,. LI ,•,..:,,,? 'i . FUNK lit:_Ml l l,4qh ,, . t.. • ,")._ R i irrishfirk . .41'31ottot,14Tiir4'zErtl.i, .., 7 - I 1 • . ,Tpqii` ailg rlr, C c a lrPA'fiil; y 4l i tt il ;' :::‘,.' ; ''.:, ''' ^l- A-:OthritintVrt. h i OP,,er P u t 'iii.. • Pe '' "GionoicA;N,l7#pAtPll,all°.':, 7..'*•••,. 1 • ' ,ritbrtf4 l 4lre '1 • -•••• ...4 ~'..c , 1 4,1',1,9,1,,P• liiiii,rmit 4**,4 'i ll li e , 4 j, v. ;li[ey cgak iVOlrritiqn ' ' I. '4' 1 114-6 il l 8 ' •An A l':',.tin AtniAnftgr ibe 2 9l!,'s 11019A1,1 ' t,'Witt ilitifforpblttiPlilhtanreoic: r il l i t j 'ihiti v Ot'' -o,_ l i il' 14144 of :'.I niP AY9 . 1 . 1 , t ' t o, I I '"lttike Pflii'd c Fekr,x ) ' 4 4..lh% 'I 'v , • ,1 %-• r- QAtait :•; - ;.,ii . , 4 ....,... ~ ,q • ..•.,;, t • 1 • owipgtgriq i i sz,.., & lo4, 4 • irst•,4€ li o tSo,'Ster ltip , „ C . ,.: 411 0.103 : ,, i 11,41. r . ta 5t • 4 1 7:1 - i - i L i z e4,1 , 1 .nz:,s•ii.l: igjizz;f): 4 o7 , l .. l t , 4 71!: A lit t' l '-''''•4 toi•auaiii' o,- =::• , ', , IT - I.is 7 k l ,!f- -f: ,1 71 1 .`:'!!!!"`,t "---54 i `, .• • ) 2 1 , 4 ,'')oAttt:lvo.',Ao 11 , i), , fi1” c''''` ', itoli- 6. 'yr0i1'01.,fin , ' , ...,,4 4 ' , ), r' • •., ';4. - ‘ ,., -2.,.' , :,, , ; , ,,t, ;' , „x;r , ,.. - -..,.....,.,....., -.1 , , , T :V :/•,,•:-',.-' :,. ,r '.'',,,, , ',,,,, ', ~,,'; 'f'` t ,f , ieg:',7':';'%." A''.•';' , ''..t. , ' '',,',.., ..:- , ~..,. ~ . .: s;. pang of philadelphia. $1,220,097 . 67 Fire Insurance. A .entalor Harrisburg—Houser & Lochmon & .I,t; AmOmit of PoiVey St Bonus • payable •at tbo-party's-decease, Bonus or Addition Sum Insured 1 • gioo . oo : t $1;100;00 ,250:00 . , . 2,750•00": n: '4oo'oo - 4,4007,00 . ' .' , 775 . 00 2 , 175 , 00; ~_,437..1 5 , 437 , 90 ' ntainingNihe iabiti . 'ol Taipei 'id the eitbjlet r forms of tip. her informalipn can be had at , irr•person ,or by letter, ad -eident-or Actuary; ' 1 1: 1H Ilf _ General gOniniteiotr snit Forwarding „ , • si -,...-: .),.4'4'01.04 , P. , r',, ~_; UM FOR TIM' REMOVAL & PERMANENT CURE' OF •AIL - DISEASES ARISING FROM AN IMPURE STATE OF • THE BLOOD OR HABIT or THE SYSTEM, Ylf2 Serofula or King's EVIL Rheurnaiiim, Ob. minute CntancouisEruptiuns, Plriiples of Pas: toles- on the Film Blotches, Biles, 'Chronic Sore Eyort,Ring Worm or Teller, Scald perid Enlargement arid Pain •of the Boried"and jointsitituhnorn Ulceri;.SyphilitieSymfiterris, .A_ciatica . or. L'inibago, and Amos arising Iromran iirjudicious use of Mercury, /incites or Dropsy, ExpOsures or Imprudence in Life. Also, Chronic Constitutional isorders. In. this prepar ution are strongly concentrat ed all.the Medicinal properties LILSARBAPARIL. LA, combihed "with the mosfeffectusl.aids, thb most salutary productions, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingridm ; and it has been so fully tested not only by patients them. selves, but also by Physicians, that it has received their unqualified recommendations and the'approhation of the -public ; and bus I established on its own merits -it reputation' for VALUE and EFFICACY kir superior to the various compounds bearing the name of Barsaparilla, Iseases - have-been cured, such aeko not furnished in the ,rocorde of time pat- P and what it has already done for the t'inusands who have used it, it is ‘capable of doing for the millions still suffering and sung. gling with, disease. It purifies, cleanses, and strengthens this Multi n springs of lite, and. infuses new vigor throughout the whole arth bat frame. The diseases foi 7 which this article is recom. mended are those to which it ik known from personal experience to bo adopted Land_these. apparently removed beyond the sphere of its nation have yielded to its intlugs.ce,r The cat. (lingua of Complaints might bo• greatly ex tender' to which - the sarsaparilla• is adapted, but experances moves its Value, and every suocceding day is adding new .trophies to its firms. 35,373 28 ANOTHER CULE OF SCROFULA. The following striking and, as will be seen permanent core of an inveterate ease of Sere. fate, cam mends , itseif to all similarly affected SOUTHPORT, Conn., Jan. 1, 1848. Messrs..Smins.: Pientleloon—Sympatily, for the afflicted induces inc e Minforin you of the remarkable cure effected - by your Sarsaparilla in the Case o( my wife. Stie,„was severely 'afflicted with the scrofula on different peak of the body ; the glands of the neck were greilly enlarged and her limbs much swollen. After suffering °act a yearend finding no relief from the remedieri used, tho disease attacked, and below the knee suppurated. lier physician advised' it shOuld be laid ono, which was done, but wi•hout any permanent benefit. In .this situation %vb . heard of, and were induced to use SANDS' Sarsadarilla. Tho first bet: tie prod ucea, a ocuiucu, relieving her more than 'O4 Piescripticin she had ever-taken, and botore,tha had .used six bottles, to the astonishment and delight of her friends, she found herJtealth suite reeler ad. It is now over a year since the cure wa effected, and her health remains good, show ing the disease was thoroughly • eradicated from; the system. Our neighbors are all knowing to these facts, and think very highly of-Sando=Sarsaparilla.: • . Yours with respect, ' •%' JULIUS PIKE.' Extract from a letter from Mr. Ingraham, a . gentleman well known hi-Delaware county.-, It commends itself to all similarly afflicted. Gentlemen:—My wife has used several hot- J.les cf your 'Sarsaparilla, which I obtained -Of your agentl'in this place, from which sn has received elude peicial..bpnefit, that I am in duced to add mine fb the abui.chint,testirriony now before the public in favor Medici nal virtues. Her lather, mbtherotnil• many other relatives, have fallen victims to coneurep lion, and it was supposed that she too was in, dined the same way. She. had several turns bf raising blood, &c., and at length I:Ng:Jim cf so reduced that her life-Was desp s aired orfrotif * day to day, Wa were induced' to try your Sara 'aparilla. as before MentiOned,lrom the tiso of whith her health hes been restored ; 'so that for the past yearcholicis r lienable. to attend to her domestic duties. Respectfully yours :JOHN B. INGRAHAM lIR ON . CHIT IS, CUED. •• The following slows the virtue of the sari aparillte. in removing. Ilroncliitis, a disease which, ifnot speedily .arrested, leads to con stimPtimi. It alleys spasniodlie nation, changes thececretions; and by, its-tonic and alterative pro k qeftlas,remoYee the tfhlte r althY actionr,_ end the patient is restored to heciltii.. • -NatriuctraT t -Mass-, Nov. 11th, 1848.. CEessrs.SANSll—Gentlemen: I wish to make pub*, fur .tho good oCtliiitte ,afflicted with Bronchitis, the Itsalhig , :.; properties of your, Sursaparida. My V1111 . 4i suffered for twenty months in such w mannor.ad is not easily de !bribed; at. tithie .was uocoblo to speak oho's(' a Miler:sr and wino exposed lo the cold atr;iroccirstOtie l dapattrelttr , I kii — sprisTna in - the l throut, the: effect of which was felt in the ears and' eyes;,csi,Uslng ttiars to flow. The complaint ..was' with'' 4 dry .cough, produced by the; sonatunt 'irritation And Ip flarnthation of theihroat:. Ity the use of your SARSAPARILLA SIM Was perfectly cured, ii:boldg ' cow; More thaethice months. since she felt dn i i'sYrriptomlf tit iltOrtlisoase.'''' ~Nours, with respect, ;,GEORGEIC.•HOEP. Extract from.. ' a' latter recidred,from Mr. • N W. Barrie,. a Well "kneWri iri'Leuisa , county, , GedPument.l• h aim Cured :"a :negro boy of mine, with yourimreardtrille; who was attache - 4 withficrefula and of a ; scrofulous fern Hy.: '' ''''.:' . t'....t •' . , ',. ':, ' Yonri truly- -.," " - - '- DI: -Nr:' 111111,411E1. Fredealelte Hell,trU4'luly 17,v 048: ~, ,; 1 tiithia'• Sartereett.to.—lt eeenrtollueet un: nail eidri•to kireat ettention - to an , artiole ea well know e, ittd eooJeeerreOly, popular, as this prelwratitio, , butt R ogiente,often " who; wleh, to. • use the estrout Of c sarieparillit are; iiductettbi 1 try,worthleca: Coinportnda .bearinr` , tire Ina* i; blit'cOidetrdilt. " little or ;tone , of the eittue of ithli viilniblo:' rent r and re e; think; We', canned, eonfef i'vrenter . bone fit . unl'uni redder" then in idlitiOthik;ihelr'attentten Ito Atte 'edietiiennient 1 41(deire. 'Bandit . , In "another 'cOlundit",'„ The Ibtit:tle has •receetly been obleiged.fo,4hOld "a frilled.? and sthoec r i,, we,b,a,reellk . iorni % arti. ' Yate.will find Vinceritiatetria•thli ell:tbe,rnedl. 'Chitral, Srrlbd, of; the ` ibet, ° Thor experience ef 'thiideitotte bee, o,oea ha ilhomiy: Jrt . eittinetbd 'iitileni.dtionep# ter,iv,hruhlj t4 pf repernrileudedi ' t eiert,tittil'Oiressent.ilnen. Ariotn ;hen ,inty, ilithe't Tilihilliloli th4Mectioillicl: ,l 4 l o\ilktki: ! KAParini •tNi .aYstilli .- Bona ificir:'74 , ,b44o 3 ;.6ri. ll o o / 63 ,',!innutii,,i Sept.'illtittle ~ , t;e;; , ~..i". 1 0. . 1 .,-,:r i': ; ,li, I ':.4 ~l'Pr'epEiredi'ltrd;tinltlittrhtilegithiu'litji* .;t4ii,:, lir Ai;l - P.:oWflATAßWilAtokilmii: ,pd.,,,,oll,l4o4lloo,„,4VolollAiiitr4tit'ilcorKier Air' , Yv iiktiontitNqw,;Viio"t 4 '4§i,) l tialq o bir: ''QriiiioW64l,4l46Atiiiiii4,4o s ilkith4l ll : - , )3 t a te a.hOt ift, Wity , ,!litTiree'lottrepatge O t i W:x 4;ijio%''iki i i 4 1 ''' . .Ite''q;t4, 1 :Alk l I r alVri : f0441, 6 t.' 1 ''' , ..,.:,; ) , /i1 e tX,4 4 1, r 540864f4t ,i; • • • W ''''''' 'AT •1441NOW.'fkIW : 1; 1 .' 1 : "4;l•`'. •' ' ;., '44.7/;f:11; Cif WI gilh'eti , i ' ' ••4 , 1'..-A..1; Z:''' , '•';':'i' c ri";•?'"';'":• ,. , C-71::;Y;;;;; - !•;//,';'.;;L:TA'f...k: "ki:t.."-•‘',:;.i."- ; .•Arti-e l :.;•":l . ),';?;;.."•4 4 ilif;,:'''(•? t f4P . • . *:‘"•"" ' '' '• inli ESE t' vi*, 4 • • _J._•:11:1•ROCIERIE , GROOMILES.; • T the Cheap 'Family Grikery..eloro' of JO- A ' .',SEP,a,D...SIALRE.R.,T.,..WestsiIIa,,'-etreet, .:Cailisla; you,,will always-fitid,,the;beat.it.dplY of Family•GroCerfee that.,thelPhikidejobialriarketts 40:afford, ~ The subscriber' has: yusc , raturned from the . pity, and: would,:cirpectfu the public in general and his friends in particular, to exonine his stock, fwhich embrace's all .;the articles usually kept hue ol : Uuttitt se, ouch aeßio, Java and St-Domingo Coffee:-.lm- e i perhil, Young %eon and...l3lOck:Ntas, of: the bestquality* flavor;-leafaallifigioaf, crushed, Clarified and'brown Snore:of: every grado,..wjth.' price to , suit.AlonCY t 'sugar houee,Orlehns and ', - syrup - Molasses. Spices of. alLkihdri, Avhioli he will. warrent.pure end (rfitsh' ground:. ;Brooms, buckets, haskets: butter Thowels, wash-rubbers, .clothespins., And , oliety. variety:— • Castilp, funny, rosin and country SOAPS. ; • sch•ti general assortment- of cliewin,,and imo; Jung. TO BACCO, swinish halfspainsfmiiid com mon CIGARS. • . GLASS: . QV B E I4 SW:4+ II E. _ and CROCKERY of every. deseriptiothich • ho will sell at. th wesvpossible ptices.• fo he liberal patronage here tofordlestowe'd upon dm, py a generous pub lic, the eul,i4uri4or tenders them his fleetly thanks, and hopes that in his efforts to please, and particular attention to business to merit a continuance of their suppirtc,--- Nov'r 22 l 848: • . JOS: HALBERT, • • • DRUG AND FANCY STORE - Llia,fil:MPUjAM•l4l • iIESPECTFULLY, invites th e of tho'nublielolifri" -- ': . " • tig, and rancy . " Stre, • n West Main street, empire, whet° he' ust recei;mfd• a fresh assortment' of Drugs Me decines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Jewelry and • Fancylanods. , • Amongst his extensive variety maybe fotinif all the,moss, • .Approved• Patent Medicines, All kinds of Salts; Dye Stuffs, Quinine, Opium, Castor and Sweet Oils White Lead, Indigo, Spice., fresh groutid• Glass,Putty, Chloroform,', Shanceliers,.Lantps, Wicks, Sperm Candles, Shaving and Toilet Soaps; Cologne, Lavender arid OrangE'flowee Wain. ' Bears Oct 'h Morrow and Hair•Tlye, Nail, Tod h, Hair, and Shaving Brushes,' • Fine Ivor' form and Shell Combs, Finger Rings, Bracelets, and Breast Pine, Bead Ila4s and Purkes, Porte Almmairs f Silver Spectacles and Pencils, Gold Pens, Ink and Initstands,. — Fine Writing and Note Paper Envelopes, • ' Motto Wafers, Seals and Paper Weights, I . • Mirrors and Fancy Boxes, I Musirallind Surgical Instruments, Fine Knives and Scissors, ' Carriage and Riding Whips, Dinhfeline Cloche, Trunks, &c., &.c. Country Pitysizinns, Merchants, Pedlars nod • others may hear somethirkg. to their hrivantage •. by milting I :L7 - Ethereal and Pine Oil received fresh ev•iry week. Kr - Medical aid' and advice gratis to the poor January 17. 1898. DRUGGV •-• DRUGS :- ,DRUGS 1 ~ . .• -.7 .. ' '' . JUST‘IttiCEIVED, •••• : , HYSICIAN§; Co u ntry Merchants • ell& p„t . •.Pedlarii, are Anrited is ea II and examine trif:': stock! of Medicines, Paints, Glass,. Oil, Var„ .t. ," i .Paient Medicines,: Herbs and Exitaita,, '' . 7% , !!t•:: • Fine, Chemicals, ,' SpitMs, ground and wholie4 Instrurnente,'' ' !' Essences, .•.'• . t , iw • ''''§i'h P94"34.1172.i5.:41:'111111:4 &c.• ''' 1 .. . ' Log and Carn,Wooda,7,:,S' • -. '• • 'Oil Vitriol ' •- ,i:TA I , , • ,' : Copperas,, ; j , • .- ...; `."' Lac. P • •• r- , -—, • : 4 ..-- , 7, . • ,XAiN.T.O4, ^, . -• • • ••+•' , ':r ,7 ,WinhOrilt & Brother's:Pure'liaid, areirnaL s „ Green' and Yalloti; Paint and %Varnish' lirush.f.Ke'. Jersey Window ' Oliteaktliineeetl'Oilt .TiitPfll"4 tine,,ilbpst rind • CoatthWarnishi Mid • had ,: , -,:t .i. All of Which' , , will be !sold • at the • yary'ltiweic••,.. rnailtet price, at the cheapiD ink and , Botik% Stql*V „ , of : % -1 •'•S. Wt ,lIAVERERICKcpg ".Nov :29114I848:' ••- ' "! • • '•,. •i,•• ",., + ; • ,(. • ',.. - The .oheapeit:',Goad*:.d . :4.,..4. l OF' ` the season liarajust3)ooo"itkeiseliit, • ~. 1,,,y, store of the.aubscriherri 4 .heistf i trirN. , , .lar lit rdOiti,ePrirfg• • 4 7.,..7„, E , 4 ~ ~ , ~1 tY 9 ply • e fbnn ,a. , 0 T .. •I t • 1 G O O .. P, itipkssl.9llnlc - : 1 oi l , • _r_dryrni,. Alintc. l o B .i*ir, l4 4 4 l4-1 1 j 1 6-.9 4 ~,,,•••L teisPe Chache.•Aru_slinP LPEL., , ,g1, 0 :1,,,,, ic a i t :,.• ~ ted ial it C tid 44.: , C tittP ti ed : ! 6 .t.M ; Xr uelti °" a P 7r i ar ' it ‘ le i ` i ,P c. 8 1il iti,, 4 1 f;;;;,'• 14 utu,4 4 ikt .1 1 4 tith B et ° ;q :r 9 1 Teif'19" 0 . t . O .I I P -1 4 1/ Ho siery,''', .4"'''''..' 610 AA ibtiOnoelTa a liqtr .. 'anara lc; eii . ;` , Sge 6 ErM ) PiA;F:6 l ltiVl: v Vit4 l igc 4.. E tf r''',;.: flani leto , ;anionmen o ~, , . . — ... .., AA! r•lntpletisa t odt tin ,- , 10 0 .. P,40.101 1 0104, 11 .,tr yang 'the nu' hlio•to`call.r.V; Vi4 A al..,. l tV Ira, V r,roil• 7 iir.fill'allii eland' lirileiNfitirt•. r. 1, '" : •'7. 114 0•4 1 # 1 0' Li . . ~ : :.V.i .. '1 3 :4.' ".;; ; 9;,'' ! lailisvq44l4k,,,4.4l3OrrgsV4k9. fg67;ri . CMl,7l7` '77141 AtFtiiNr4ißtchilij.Nis:iT ...4. tle -. ''. l ':'''..' :-'' ,4. ";:', , %•••._&%,:.•.??•Y:,,:,1-4 ,%;••,•;.3%..144.:.-.:•:, NEW & CHEAP HARDWARE - STORE. THE-submitrenoin...jiii+t received at their New and Cheap HARDWARE STORK east High street, opposite Ogiloy's Dry Good. Store, a large stock of goods, in their lino, to which they would call the attention of purcha— sers, their arrangement in the city besng such; as to enable- them to sell their goods at the lowest city prices. Their stock comprises a ,full assortment of Locks and Latches of every stile and alio,— Hinges, Screws ' Potts, and every article used for Buildings, Augurs and augur Bitts, chisels, broad and hand axes, hatebets,!drawing knives, planes, and prone hilts, hancl,• panel, midi—Rip ping saws, mill, cross-ent„ and circular haws,( trace and halter chains, harries, shovels,teptides„ .end hoes„.hay and manure forks. Also, a-large assortment of Pocket and Table Cutlery,— spoons, ahoy& and tongs, Waxers and Trays, Hollow vs,e,r, Buono qed .enameled. Preserving Kettles, Iron Furnaces, Cedar Ware,. anvils and vices, Files and Rasps of every kind. Bar Band 'end Hoop Iron, Cast, Shear Spring and Blister. Steel, &c.--AS°. • „ ten Boxes indow Glass. 100 liege Wetherill's Pure White Lead Elarrele Linseed Oil - - - - 3 Barrels Sp. Turpentine. 200 Kegs CurnbecrlandNatla. .May9'49 . . To all whom - it may Concern : GEORGE W. RHEEM THANKFUL to the public generally for past 1 4A- favors and their libertd-patronnge, still con atria* to carry on the SADDLE, TRUNK,. Ond, , IIARN It:SS making business, at'hie old staridinNanover street, two doors north olthe Cailisle".Bank, at the sign o 1 the Mammoth. Collar. He is now better prepared than ever to. accommodate' his customers, having recently made. great alterations in his' establishment, IMO as to enable hits. to keep 4mackbetter assort ment than heretofere, , eoirgiating, of Spanish, Dragoon, scoop tub, quilted. and plain SAD DLES; CARR IAGE HARNESS, plated BO common; Farmers' Gears, of all kinds; .Tra . - welling 'Trunks of all descriptions and paces,. Velettses and Carpet Bag's, Bridles, Martingale 'Dollars, Stock, Loather and Raw Bide Whips, Leather, 'cotton and worse.d Fly -nets, and all. other articles in his lino=all of which.he is de tormincalo-seltartlieWaryToWahlrlinee. Making and repairing Matrasaea of hair, husk and straw, and all kind's of tipholsteing will be punctually attended ten, apf2s'49ly: • • • New and Impotantr • fIEORGE I'it.AtHENI having recently 101' Purchnsedtt lit.countyright of HAYWORiII'EI. PAIENT COLLAR STOMA, would respectfully call the attentism et the trade to that importnnt invontion.. It is certainly ono, of the, greatest hrtproVertionts of the age. Thin nuichine stuffs: the Collar crooked' mound the-bleekefaced With lair, wool, or other Innteriale.,back titan it with long straw, and also makes collars of the straw with less titan ball - the higtKand - ti - rne of the way of stuffing. This machine wilt stuff e11:74 and every kind of horse., sollart, from , thebest.4 patent loather down to the commonest kindin tmo, rind - with but ono man steadily at work wilt tuff and shape , fifty collars per day in a newer. and better style than any other way known. -- T - Stniolertnn - 11111 — Witnty aro invitad'lb.ciiltay the subscriber's establishmenton NorthlinnoL; ver street, Carlisle, and 'etainine the Township or shop-rights sold. To those who do - not wish to buy a right the suti= scriber offers REMDY MARS COLLARS at whole-. sale much cheaper. than tney..can ,be ittenitfuc4, turgid in any othorway. - . Diders for collars Ilia any quantity are respectfully solicited. • Maddepi;,, • Sumne• iiilß GI