Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 29, 1849, Image 2

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tiiinrianitfice,of petiteMhiga sor•
Cinnbetkand county
Market Honife; bOrntrgh of > Carr
400, on.MoralltY 'evening • tiie 27th of=
Angnat,inlrne 'republic= atile;to mike
preparations for .tha coining contest. .-4
The, proceeiiiiiga •of the meeting were
Characterized by . ..great entimaiaim. On
motion the Meetingwas, orgarified by the
appointrlient of ilieSollewing officers
> • Presiiient - • -
DAVID MAHON,Tiq. of Shipprsb'g. ,
Voi'lirestthmts . :- • "
James Hemphill, , of. HoPewell, :
Joseph'Saaler, of .Hampden ; ,.._
-Andrew Frazer, Shippensburg tp.,
George W. Rheeni of Carlisle,
David Hamaker, of Allen,, •
Philip Koontz, of Shippensbu7
James „
Charles' Fleager, of 'Cdrlisl •
AbrahamWhittrier, OVN. Middleton,
' John Gieasim, of Peririsborb• '
ThoiMis ; ,Craighead, jr. of Htiftipd •
Elliott, , cf Carlisle.
1 '• ?Secretaries: • . ,
U. Pi Madill.% Esq.- of Shippensbur
Peter,Ritner of• West P,ennsboro,
NattialVliaiitali, of ,Carliele,
George ti-p4h of, N. ,Middleton, .
George,,VV,Cropi.'of Carlisle,
John Birale'i; of Carlisle,
• r •
Tie officifiii having taken their seats,
On motion a committee wee appointed,
consisting of Messrs. E. -Beatty, Jacob
•Milleri of Newton, 'Joseph Wharfe,
oulbertson,Chiiitian W. Leas, of West
PCMisboro, and L R. Egbert, of Carlisle,
to draft resolutions, who retired for. that
gurpbset .
• wring thn absence of the Committee,
the meeting was eloquently addressOd by
Esq'rs. after which the 'Committee re
ported, the following resolutions, whiCh
--were-unanimously adopted
The Democmtio Whigs of Comberland
county having assembled in general meeting
to nail,* the nonlinations regularly nude by
their Delegates in Convention, and to ex
press their views in relation to the important
political contest now approaching—therefore
Resolved, That it is with honest pride we
reiterate the expression of our Attachment to
that glorious old chieftain, Gen/ ZACHARY
TAYLOR, and our undiminished confidence
in hisvadministration .of the government,
knowing that hut best efforts will be employ
ed to restore it in every dopartnient to the
standard of the earlier. Presidents, tinder
whose wise and patriotic guidance it ember-,
ked on its t eplendid career of Nauonal glory'
and prosperity. .
Resohted, That we remain the steadfast'
supporters of such a Tariff as will give
Protection to Rome Industry, and that we are
opposed on this account to the , locofoco
Tariff 01.1846, which is now causing einbar- 1
:lament and bankruptpy to Amencap menu
faeiurerst taking the bread nom the months
of, American workingmen, and fast bringing
us into an abject state of subserviency, to
Britiph team:tincturing interests, which, is not
• only degrading to us as a nation but destruc
tive of our prosperity and power. i
-Resolved, That we continue as ever - the
firm and unyielding opponents of the exten
sion of hiiman Slavery—ar.d that we hail
with delight the spread of free principles in
every section of our country. -
Resolved, That we reecho with swelling
, hearts the stirring cry of Lowry which is
wafted to ns on every breeze from Europe,
and that our hearts go forth in earliest sym
pathy with the struggling hosts of Hungary
. and classic hat?, in their efforts to shake off
the oppreirsiona of tyradny. We rejoice in
their successes and gladly anticipate the day
when their bravery. shall be crowned by the,
blessings of pure and enlightened Freedom.
Resolved, That the administration of DQV.
JOHNSTON has more than redeemed the
pleogea upon which it attained poweroind
that in the commencement of a system
Whereby our oppressive State Debt will be,
steadily reduced-our State credit firmly
maintained by the prompt payment of the
annual' interest—our unfinished Public.
Workti completed and brought into profitable
operationtL.retrenchment and economy intro
duced into- the various.departments of, the
government—the manufacturing and indus- •
trial interests properly encinearred;--ft sound
. and safe currency kept in oifeulation, and the
public welfare promoted by every . measure
of eimnd and,wise policy—the Administra
tion of Genr. JOHNBTON cannot, fail to' oath;
.Mend itself to the hearty apprObation arid
roontinned confidence of the
. people of Penn
sylvania, who wilt malice in its judicious
management Of public , affairs the prosperons
government.imil Whig •
lferiefikrl,' That , In Dinkier J.' BALL, Stale .
ZwAsuptayvie have a vigilant and sagacious
griaiM,W of,thrip - üblio funds, and an officer
whomno assaults, of politica foes can drive
fromtbe strict Imp of duty.' His- '
of the Interest 'of &MOM ' 1841, 1 under, so
many opposing influences, Inflects, not :Only
ereditlipontiouielf; - but - hturfirmly - establiel
ed thecredit of Pennsylvania at home. and
- Iksolual, That the nomination of HENRY,
M. = FULLER, of LuXemo county, as the
White; itatidtdate for Canal Commissioner, is
onerto which we, meet , warmly tersioriti,'le
we, kepogniga in ,hint a candidate worthy of
our,party„and Mat priomples, and ri„matint
kneWncapaoity,,'lntegrity anti judiergenti on''
whom4d'titin safely rely for' an• economical
amid'' judicious management of our •Publict
Works, and who will not shrink from exp . ?.
aing thevining-doings' and corruptions prac
tised by Monroe° officers.. ) l''"r. a,. ~...,..,:,
-Rmotued, That the - WHIG CoUNTY.
TICKET, meets with our most cordial ripirro.
bation,:ared that we pledge to It not only 'our 1
firni-andiandivided but enthusiastic sneport.
Letthef motto of every Whig bit wthe:'l ioket ,
—the; whole .Ticket--arid - ,nothing; hut the'
Ticket?' , • • . , ,
'Resolved, That we. call _upon, our Wing '
' brethren, the 00149110 victors of: 1 840 0,"; old
liggg, 4 0 rally again
,rci Our
•-ritaboer, fOr ,the'eerittet of .1849, ttnd'.2fo' tarot
~ everf.-lionatable- , rotimis lb maintain the
-..rofpreataripof7V7himmea , tord'M big , meas.
IbretilOspbgident ' that utri, calfgy, and activ
thelV ,
itLysill,eestirees bril lia nt ii,titumph• now as
... ' ','"'" ".'- ' ' '', '....i•• ' ': - '
.. ..,
~ , ,
. • ' Therneelltigwaegien eutieheeivetY eddies- ,
"..1 • ng a O 4 , IO 4 4I MIAOr i nS , 11 4 ,1) * • 10 , , At,,a
.meetingll tt,ir., ,PAr YttlM ol
MoquAN, FA+ of, I 44 I I I IIPOOPtgr an4 3 ' l lt s CaliOlor ' holdi ~4 '.. Weil ,0 8 44,.;lask'stie,
R.,.._,,,'430F,.E5q• , atil f . .M g 4 o A4APsqh f ß i ff l ic O f Milr% MBl4 " iiii ' sl•4 . oliN ' l9 ' ' N' ' ‘lo . l Ordeieed
' l3l .lk.lit d ,s.- w . h P 11 , rgfd,.,..
_, 3 "!_th'Panit, ,e"-.°4 s
~. and r e 'it e - :;,14 . ---- i -- 4 --- , fiTi
, m — f - tt i a i r l, - 41, - 14 f t „47.1
annulate* the toorpogn cc prompt . ,organiza.
_____•,_: ._„' , „, ~ . • ~ .. „,
1... titnielelkii. , Whitiretti fen the. eomitit(ebitt ? wArul' • In!upalieC. glimr tm;'intKeleaohd!
. .
'‘tio r ttiiiitt the-duty .of eapportiog ,- ,the, , tiliket, .Prosbyfiriall,-Clhorolroff:thWbutoUgh;, 4 . ,
~ 4,-,,ielth'4oeiouliymitiehis.eyer-thelmoildof, .:.ei1ig.:.L11,;_..L...Li:..k1.....,i....,,..,:w.._:.t../.._.
4ti-iititolthe'moti dm re them hetet iiirgfe‘NFE*7\llolloon,LeMovrOAP,Oni,h
'-' ~ . , . ~ , i t, , s, goi- 2 ., of ~ too"Oe'ra' . 'e , ;`'.' ''''PA"'W• ‘ ',-:' 'li
!;•: - ' 4 * ' tfolit,itsilbliTioketp .a .nik i AlO rned. . ' : ';'4 !'. ..
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',..e.--r:.i.,1*,,.,,txdp,d v"6.i 1 •'- , IT ~ , ~ sw ill lelKetiuetsielititgatirthusehOwni-
WkV‘ :ttiutt' T, ~,,- ~''! -.,r• , ~ii,,24„.; r atu rd ay ij oi t4 * . , - ',' ', .. .
." r is,''':'4 ." , .: 1 . 1-,•=;•- . - Vi , , ttr''itlilf , —, ~ '..- .• ', o , 4**geP.ter. ll . betv•
it '}4
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itkcm,tib . t litottoitivr
• • ,
fr , '
/I) n 4 ii (!I)
Canal ,Commissioner,
ole,r.pzl7,gNE coum.-
Otrt.Wenre reqneeteci,tO ankle that Maj.
Robert McCiiiney la not a candidate loi
Cornti.--4he August term of the Court of
Quarter Sessions'of this county commenced
on Monday last. There is considerable bus-
Mess lief Ore it, and the attendance Is large.
ten'tsaky directed to the proceedings of the
Pittsburanufsoturers, and their interview
with President Taylor, which will be found
on our fourth ,page.
THE HTECIIMAIi Cainc.•:--We have re
ceived from some source unknown the en
tire legal proceedings in this case;embraced
in two paniphlets.
CARLISLE CAnttts.—. 7 •At their eiectiott
held on Monday, August 20thrthe following
officers were elected, viz: Captain, Robt. M.
lienpierson—tat Lieutenant, Jas. H. Weise,
—2d Lieut. George Bretz. •
Otr , Vile learn that Mr. David B. McCulley,
has received an appoinment in the Custom •
House at Philadelphia, , Mr. McGinley is a
sterling young IV bigot/id eminently qualified
for any post in that establishment. By such '
appointments Mr. temie does credit to him
self and promotes the interests of govein
Viry Democratic—Very I
The Volunteer announces that Mal. J. F.
Hunter requested hts advertisement as a
candidate for eherift to be continued in that
paper, but that it refused to comply with his
request. The Volunteer expresses itself sat
isfied that "its course m This matter will be
approved by the Democratic party." Doubt
lees it will, (according tothat patty's under
standing of democracy) but is not This' the-
very essence of party tyrmnny How much
differencelathere betpreen it and the "muz•
eling:of the Preset , in European` Monarchies;
or so called French Republics 1 IYlsq.'Hun
ter is a soldier who basdone his country ser.
vice at the hazard •of his life. fife conies
home from the wars, and with the right of a
freeman announces ,himiself a oanthdate for
en elective office, Buts so-called democrat.
it press reinsert him room enough', even in
its business columns, to let 4hilinlopk know
tkat fie is a cartrlid2de is this the "freedom
•of the Press".in this age of libertyl—is this'
!the way a breve soldier is to be treated, by
his own political friends, •apd that party'
claiming to tie the demooratie 'largest liberty
party, too 1 We have no particular business
with the matter, butmerelyaisk for informa
tion. (Since the above was written we have
received the Communication 411 another col
umn, from a Democrat, who seems to have
the proper keeling in the matter.)
The Best Men.
(-The Volunteer'has been lecturing its
party all summer an the (WOO selecting the
best men for the legislatmochnimating strong •
ly that its party , had he'retiMour;heen very
careless in this respect. Well, do the pres
ent nominations come up to the Volunteer's
standard t , We know nothing of Mr. Seoul
fees reputation, but is ihney Churck one of
these, beet men? . We learn that Atm better
pother; of the democracy. of Silver Spring
do,not reganl him as such, tbatthey. did
not hesitate to tell the Convention so in the
plainest kind •of :terms. , The Convention it,
seems : undertook to get rid 'of • the difficulty
by passing a resolution that would choke off
anent' the members With one tertn—mtend
•ed probably for Mr, Church. But if he is
elected etch they will not find it easy tb get
him off with one term. We trust the Whig
party party will liee to it that he is.hept4ut
11CrThe 'nomination of Henry M. Pul
M . Lucerne county, is received with gen
eral-appmbition sby the Whig Press of Penn:
is agreed : that heckle his high
'qiiiiti*Sucius hit. -- t - I.ll:9#WhepossessetTah,
'towns* detliie'Al`:poirtiaitilkiPPAssiti: Re
will receivethe votes of ,thie:ettire *gig
pally; end htinitit . tiOtrioefits.
who are opposed to:the oil : W.46one', which
ustiliy,lebothiu ittle;hiiirkoiaipt into the roan = 7
-iitent 4 Of the pub l ic works.;
HENRY , CLi lf ,;,÷Ahile Gm Taylor is
receiving - the enthosisstio manifista
fi'ons of regard hoot the pee'ple'of Penneit•
vlutiti,'HENßY - Crvr has' beetllo34l:eleli less
honored by the eittiensol thelastern.Staies'i
thiougn whioh:•4o , has- passid----Therelara'
'probably no; two obtains 'of the'' IJolon "to.
hcim sr horane'would beici
spotaneously accorded •
B q, B an'a way . ;hat
5°96.0 very **jell; iika 'naming, ai4 Mr.
-Berehert, their aandigel Clr9ary that;
"ishie just the Mil SI, !?g s atr(rtp,Palding , jal
titrar"lrter the 4,90 *t
Bar ,
bait fit t? "Y ihrlPectalrraet , the ,
or.whatmains this lather left•heumied
compliment 11
" • .
..- • -- 07t-'
- , - ;-*ltifiolliok , NorturivrioNs._ •
. .
The mnde by the Democratic'
County Crinventibi whicp met in'thito
c , baroaglima‘..Wednesday last, *ill •be found '
with titti;riroceedings in' another, column.
is adinitted'On - all heeds to be a' judiciously
sal-Wed and,poptilat ticket, and we are glitd
to find from the reports of- numerous friends
'from.various sections'of'theconnlY, Whem
we have met this weelcin:attendancertion
Court, that the Ticket , , every- respect
acceptable. and satisfactery :. to our; . .party
friends, while our opporientsiled it inipossi t .
ble to urge. a serious' objectibitoenY 'Part, of
it. In making up the ticket- the 'convention ,
consulted the claims and intermits of each
, section of the country in the -fairest spirit,
and endeavored to act justly by all. The
oriodidates nominated are men of unim
peachable „character, of admitted business
qualifications, and justly distinguished among
their neighbors - for uprightnersi probity, and
that popularity which such ineritenever
to secure. There were other candidates be
. fore the Convention; good and 'worthy men,
Whose claims the Convention felt constrain.
ed to postpone, but with expressions of en
tire personal respect. All of these, with but
one single exception, we . are glad to learn
have bowl to the decision of the Conven
tion, and cordially- acquiesced in the nomi
nations in that manly spirit which ever be
comes a true Hrkwhose attachment to
his party is based,on love of its principles,
and not alone on mercenary' and sordid
thirst for office. ,
' For seats in the House of Representatives,
at Harrisburg, the Convention has presented I
our -worthy member of last year, Gamma
Rimay, Esq., and Davin S. RuNsus , Esq., of
Hopewell. We can safely say for Mr:i
Rupley that his course in the House last
winter Woir scrupulously honest, fair and
•faithful,towarils,liis constituents, and that his,
governing 'motive was a .desire to carefully
watch over. and carry out the true interests
of the State ;and his, own county. The
records we are confident will show no vote
by him in favor of any selfish or mercenary
interest. With the experience of one session,
and the knowledge of legislative usages and
roles acquired in that time, he will be better
qualified for usefulness and influence as
member of the coming Legislature—to which
it will be the true interest—as we are'sure ft
is the cordial intention—of the people le
return - him. -His Colleague on the ticket, Mr.
Annaba, is one of the most intelligent and
respectable men in the Oppt3r section of the
county, and a man whocan tie safely trnsted
to attend to the public and private interests
of Cumberland county in our State Legisla
ture. He is deservedly popular with his
neighbors, who best khow his character and
worth. The Whig nominations for Assem
bly stand in strong contrast to those of our
opponents, and we feel confident, of their
;^ti• - -;.', : , * - .`n''‘'.
'`';'• •"*.-•'''.. :'-',;.
For the important office of Sheitfj; we
have that titaunoh old " rough and 'wade
Whig, JOszni_MoDsamOrtn, of Newville.
Mr. MoDermond is one of Me most popular
citizens of that district, a man. of unblemish
ed character and tried Integrity, and although
lie . may &found a little rough in the exte.
rtor;bears within as warm and kindly a heart
as ever beat in human bosom. In hie own
neighborhood he is proverbial for public apir.
it, active benevolence, and that lively sympa.,
thy which ie ever disposed to lend a helping
hand tcrit - 'heighbor, or engage in efforts to
promote the moral and . social welfare of the
community. His character in this respect
has won for Mr. McDermond the universal es
teem and friendship of all parties and classes.
He belongs to the hard-fisted vvork;ng men
of the county, who are enthusiutio in his
support, and we predict his election .by a
triumphant, majority.
.. F?r,Treasurer, WM. M. Ponyta, of Ctp7
lisle. Mr. Peltier is a 'self-educated but very .
superior-roan, Olkiine business qualifications
and obliging disposition. The County Trea
sury could not he" entrusted to better hands.
Mr. Porter is a practical mechanic, and is . a.
special lavorite:of the young meohanics of
our borough. His soSbess cannot be doubted.
For Commissioner, Capt. STEWART MO.
GOWAN, of Monroe township—a man who
enjoys the warmest Madam)" and respect of
••It w know him, tin d whose bigl, personal
and private worth havii given him
'a ',jul Ipelevated partition in community.
Hatlll thrifty farmer, and well fitpsd by his
I •bilsinestbabits.and general intelligence for
the management oi ()dusty affairs, as one
- of the :"Commissioners. Mie: - MiGio - vitilf, -
altheughluoVa.violent partisan Is one , of the
;•.inost acilvt.whigs of the'sallant".:Whig Ilan
•nerniicitshit : :', .•,:, ,H ,-:,' , ; ' •
Our candidates 'lee liireettir,:ol.:thii,Pars,
A i!or and ud Coroner, are ; ail exc ellent i m
and'ivell qualified for the chides ` of the res 4
pectiVe offices for \ which they have been
nominated.' Nought can be said tigpinst ei
ther of them ail citizens and ihe ballot-boi
will Veit testimony "to ~the; Warm ; regard in
which they
are, hald•b i their political friends
.as WO!: as, many of . their apOpenta r , ‘ l?
.. meaare - the;' - thi' - iilic - suflages
than Mat t ers. ilii 9 Mi4•lt;loiDitecter
~ . , o f ills 'Pont -44 tisvmmeNand,Tuos.
(341141 fil'Aad4cti—and7itoistss CON WER
' for "Corerier. ' i;:•. , '1 , " ' - '''...-i •1 ': 1 - ,
1,1 4 ,
Whigs of Cumberlando ll lir , A Abe ticket
, t o , ); aiialauL iv le,Compoied of .#,Piaiiiii,
• and true , in eying :resitect—men, who if
.they,mft'sdsd y!)lldo,tl2,,dirsjedit ic!topr.
Party,,tud,pipve 49„jen; 1614`F ? iei9kpuhlip
00 4" 310, W,#.°#,.; e l e .S. j k li's 1.4 6 0 1 :1TP iallY.
' ii 4 :ft ii ' Mr 111. ,n 11 04* d, g i i:leW 44 04 C
Arepoy.iai#:,liooklo 'op :Y* : #!T9l 4 .
o ie , F4
, for, the c.!PiPO;,"a94 let every man kft
"14 ,
do tiiii:44ty - ' '
burg wPigi 'to noticing We ,ieeene`iieit sir
Gen. Tay(Or to diat'p ace, sap
,=pa °Pt 49
- paseed } throngh, and ea thte,*4a -
vied oner.'degiiht Chataberobtidh t
IttedOteed , different chownsionofiki
1.411: th'en i tv.,YoueSogieet ,l 4 7 l lo — lolll4o l ff
on hie *ay irom• usliktime tb - :P.W 4 WRIV? the
WhBle VI 'Which dfetiiiithihe' travelled 'on Oat:
(Noc he pewee ilefhonored President col*
#l l l3lA' natter(' StlettediatrAltety. ems I hy.tho
„ Overflown's love add alkottration, of his coon
..trtinent" ,
d e , 11'
. 4 k l ll'' ' '! , APV ' A 2.--
kcjiiiiniltittfiagi . p . niasto 'in the
flicti.: / .!tiOnientitin last:week, And ruled
,with hirid,litterly'regardless of pa
Tice,,,,seetinn4 , sights er personal Haim: Ac
tett,tufp Which has Pioyailed:,in this
"county, fromi).pie . imthemori#lhis upper end'
was ,
nomination for Sheriffi—
:Oici Wh Wein' vention this right was free
ly conceded'lo that
s sectionrbeCause justice
demanded% - 1361;iit the
10001900 eat:tient/ion this acknowledged-right
wairtreatedwit%ritter contempt'and
ty. l , TtieShiOpeniiiitirg:delegateti'whecrinie
_here iristrianed to laubport the favorite' candt
datekitie 'Upper end, Mr.trisweff, and
,who Snipe Zed his nomination as a matter of
course, found When they got here that the
-ruling cOrre had ordered things differently.-
Mr. Crisviell's pretensions were set aside
without ceremony, the right' of his section to
the Sheriff's nomination contemptuously
°toted, and 'insult added to outrage by, the l i
nomination' _of Mi. Duke, of Shipperisbnrg,
for Treasureron:directoppositionlethe wish
es and desires of the Shippansburg dale;
gates The clique had the whole thing cut
and dry. How this derangement of old Wei
and, usages will work any Wan can see are
glance. Unless Carlisle is to furnish the Sher
iff every term, it must produce confusion.
With whavprospeet of success can the law;
er end bring up a candidate for Sheriff,. in
its regular turn, lbw. years Iron pow, under
this management of the clique? Although
the upper end suffers from this injustice now,
is it not as likely to cause as much injustice
,to the lower end when its turn comes? We
are not surprised, therefore, to hear that this
matter has excited much and deep feeling
in both extremes of the county. The lower
section was as mgich interested as the upper
section in preserving this old rule inviolate,
and we shall be moult 'mistaken if the peo
ple, boldly overstepping party lines, do not
unite in a general rebuke of the outrage.
Another matter: The locoloeo press is
now very loudly clamoring ov% the: recall
of Gen. Lane—the Marion of the late war,
as, they pronounce hint-.from the Governor
ship of Oregon. In view of this fact, we
would ask, when the Carlisle clique deter
mined that the Sheriff candidate should be
taken from this town, how they came to pass
over the claims of Major Hunter? Is that
right in Locolo6isni, which Is wrong in
Whiggery ? -.Let those who are interested
answer. • -
A Mr. Christian Hoover, of Virginia, has,
recently erected at his individual expense eta
neat,, roomy, comfortable and substantial"
Church, free for :he use oLallehristians.—
Exchange Paper.:.
();:-Such a man is a klessing to - his day
and generatiim. The item reminds us of a
similar case near hums: A Methodist
church in this county was last summer so
much in debt that the cotigregation saw Wine
hope of preserving-it from the hands of the
Sheriff. The'imse came to the knowledge of
our worthy_ca9didatelor_Sgeol,--Mr. Joseph
McDermond. He was torijoor to buy the
building and make it 'a present to the con
gregation, but he did What served an equally
beneficial purpose. W ith ith that warm-heart
edness and energy for which he is distin
guished, he: immediately got, lip p subscrip
tion paper which be Carried 'round, at a loss
of several day's rime to himieWbM which
he did not- ceas e prifssinp, ripiirithe public
indention until he had. a suffiiiiiinf ? emorint
collected to rescue the phurch from its diffi
mines. In this he acted alone and entirely
trom hie own btnevolent impulse. We
mention It as an illustration of his piiblic
spirit, and it is but one of the many Inman.
cea which are familiar to hits neighbors. No
wonder Joseph, blonerntoird is a popular
man among those
, :Latest fror**ope.
The foreign intelligenee - 11,the Canada
which arrived on Thursday, is highly inter
esting: Genetally speaking, the commercial
advises are quite favorable. The Queen had•
been received in the - most enthusiastic man
ner in Ireland. The French finances exhib- ,
ned a sad deficit. .Lonis. Napoleon denies
that be has any desire' to change the form of
Hovernment. Gen. Rnstolaw his been'. ap- !
pointed CommanderinChiel of the Fierich
army is Italy, in the phice of Gutlinot.--
Venice still, holds out. Fiom Hringary bibs
news contintiet -favorable; We have a re
port that Hem, with 40,000 men, had beaten
a Russian knee of somxyand had taken'
Hermerinitedt and Cronstadt. Also, that the
Hungarians trader, Klapita; had captured
Haabi - and - suPpbed - theruse Ives' abundantly -
With provisions and munitions of 'war, and
had fallen' back to Comm.
TitE.FaxoixoNs.—Aire.haye the result'
CI the elections in Icimtuaky and Tennessee,
at hiat: The Telegraph wireswort Tara
against the , Whig party; by giving false
returns, thefeby repraseniing us as uromeo,
.horee,-loot and . dragoiiiiN The Kentucky
Oelaicatinn,ln Congress; will stand the seine
lion year, 6 Whigs and 4 Locria; Which
will do , prettioveli,"or heir we consider_ how
hard eliverylaliticediti defeat 118. 111 'TO11 ' ;
nesiee we havriosi hilt one member inTalend"
of three, as the elegrapb%repoited, and' we:
have a majority of thrse;in the kionse, and
prcbablylaintijority iti:,tira , !ieriatc, Which is
f the budget ,of bad newe which
P ais tiii 4 mThii uPTC,4I '. .*- 66 0 1 ;thite"
ii7/ 115610
"t ri ! 36 W* 6 7 - 70 1 '0' 111' 4 1 T0iillist; (1 ""
4 " 7
ihi ' it tiN O B PE lw , iiii" t 4o6,oo,o•- ,
The Nashville iirraireP - ' ifie'leadinilehOloco
id Tennessee;, bas a column bt , airrilti4"
`tion over the recent victory' in that, , ,Slaiii;;l
The union _ ascribed the causa fi rst.,hi the 1141 i
"that Geri: TaYitir nailed "two furious arid
atiOnall - aholitionieteul tit cWtit,Oig
eariandliheartimethel,Loctifai.cp‘ had" taken
iraiind , against the .Wilnot.Provira'and'l
kindled Ineiniarea - at ktiltruiraWki.auir ;the
fpi viovekibi;,.diooin6id t h at resolution ;
143 Oi
4 40 ii - $ 441
0 11 3' 111 he'TifOi! ,0 4 ) "1 1 VoPfe'llitiiIiii ;
s9~ ^ .,74iiwsC;',.:l~;b , ~C l en✓ ' n h 4~. ls ~' ;¢!T ~iY.L'`7ii.~%k3_+,i>>
HOlisive ExpectiitiOni
A 'WORD To WIDOS!—Oiir opponents ara,
chuckling with higkxJattefaeticm,ov,er. 061 . 10.:
leged . *stir of the ' Osappaintcit
applicants -het - ore the"'WhigUen;ve l ationTai4
indulging extensive etipoCtat ‘ iaoo etreigth'
- 6 their own Candidate:66mila 'defection..
We would. affectionately advise them to,
watch closely theii . own frail party . tenement,
which gives far daiker sigpsof caving in, than 1
with Wkieli'the Whig - adifioe'iii threaten
`ed., Several of our leading. okiiinelas it' is
'well kribivn,' have` declared : openly 'and
above board within,a lei?' days their 'deter:
rnination, to abandon a party from which,
return kir efficient ?view', rendered, they
have only received injirstice and neglect.—
And it .is notorionelhat the locofoco ticket
has given more or less eve-1
ry quarter of the county, and this dissatisfac.
tion is not merely whispered soltfy between
men here and there, but had assumed a
strength and tone which already pro bum to
.ripen into regular thunder before the el otion.
%Ally again, with the kindest 1 gs to
our opponents, keep your eyes at home—you
have'plenty to do in repairing your omen
party ' breacheb ! •-•#'
As fertile Whig Ticket, we ha ‘ ve only to
say to out friend% Be of good cheer. There
is nothing in' the windy clamor 'and blustet
of . any individual 'which need cause any
• alarm. The boasted influer.ce of such indi
viduals is generally Jike the Irishman's flea
—when' you attempt to put your hood on it,
'it Isn't Am ! And the man who deserts the
Whig party now, in its hour of triumph, is
mote likely to seal his own political doom
than that of the party. The Whig Party
is too widely-set and rock-like •in -its firm
foundation to be be overthrown by the puny
strength of any one man or score of men !
Our castle's strength shall laugh their harm
less blows to scorn. In the glorious cam
paign of 1848 the locofoco papers teemed
with reports ol 4 41eadlite Whigs having de:
serted to ,e locofoco ranks, but what did 'it
amount to! roe great wave of Taylorism
railed - it, and left the faithless seceders high
and dry on the strand. So will it be now
repidiFfien to the friends
. 2f our Ticket,
be of good coinage) Give no.hee4,either to
the treasorrof deserters, or to theidaerable
croakings of desponding Whigs. Vea , hava
every thing to encour age
. us in the campaign
now opening. Our nominations are popular,
and give satisfaction in every anode!. Let
vs stand by them, shoulder to shoulder, with
the determinaticn to "NEVER- SURRENDP.It,"
and we must be successlullv Let every
Whig do his duty, and his whole duty, in
every ward, borough and township, and our
whole Ticket will' be hiumphantly elected.
For the
Col Hunter's Reward by his Party.
Ms. Eoiroa ;-1t is now abeut'a yens Inca,
Col. Hunter returned from his Mexican ern- .
pair, bringing with dim as a proof of his mer
itorious conduct, the testimony of his superi
or officer, se given in the official reports, and
the brevet of Lieut. Col. Few men tu the war
distinguished themselves more than he .did,
and none displayed more coolness and courage
on the field of battle.
At the time of Col. H's retuin home, the
country was agitated by a stormy political con
test, which resulted in the election of Ziehary
'Taylor to the Presidency. In many !minima
e gif the Union, officers and privates who had ser
ved with credit in the Mexican campaign had
received the nominations to various otEties, and
almost invariably had been elected triumphant
ly, even in districts which were usually of a
different complexion from that of the Military
Candidate's. These facts being well known, it
was not at all surprising that the Democratic
party, through many or iterative membets,
"should request Colonel Hunter to become a
candidate for theoffice of Sheriff; knotving that
his name would certainly strengthen the ticket
upon which he might ion. After much solic
itation ho 171;11B induced to comply with the,
request of his FRIENDS, and early to tho year
announced himself as a candidate. After spen
ding several months and a considerable amount
of motley to secure the domination, he was left
off the ticket, for the reason as his opponents
say, that he could not be found — ciff the day of
the nomination to pledge , himself to abide' by
the decision of the convention.
"Volunteer" refuses to continua the pub
libation of Col. Hunter's advertisement on the
ground that ho "submitted his Claims to the
county Convention," while at the same time
the editor of that paper has been heard to say
that orfCel. Hunter had submitted himself to
the decision of the convention he would have
Aecuived the nominatiom" Those two remgr ke
ono Rolm she pen end the other from the mouth
of the editor of the . .ftrolunteer," do not tally
well—but they are equally es ocenietent as
thexonduot of some persona who chameitto be
friends up to the timoprAhe cumin-
lion; and tiTeirind there deserted him. . .
I am, sir, and always have boon.; Democrat ,
but as I oorisider the.,riomlnatione , made •last
week to be not in neeordanee.vvrth the wishes
of the people, or!rhe
„interests. of , the, party, • I
shdll not supporObem—andihere are hundreds
like me In OM; pounly. , I iipealo from- perional
knowledge, having had the opportunity'' of
''lnTriglin — givilliilia - pernoarstio voters iti'dilllol ,
tions of Old Mother `outtiberyal. Bo farli•orn
• 04 proceedings being hernrEfnious it is a posi
tw o the% Out U erstariitbe.;:gnsutest:diffioul
ty. goad order could ink praseraidiaini nomins•
Ilona made at all. These whas' , are , acquainted
.;'• with the _usages, ol.'Demooratits ponvintletis;
Wilt• easily underetand I,hoit!. a ~tmanimouli
nomination may flagellum'. be 'neural,
, .
Ficans Vero- PiSO. - i 9 *reit COI
-;!:, livater,is beyond a, doubt. action,. WOO'
nllO,O ti e ou§i"t •( o:# l it4reA l o9‘tktki.l.o l # l
Qui maligned; 'ollie ootitlankinipanc*
F1.1, 6 ;111T .'
Ilan 00)3 1 di r 0 t„bi. 1,11?1° Orouill•
;4u otAliiint Who him little of him.
• • Ad, ll / I ,.if;_Ogh. ojog„3” , epr hose, whu . ,o!libing to his ; be
. ," . imikkobßit
a'.t4,44r•-I.44 T ii.4' P itt ! ee
reported .4
iii.thiireontitetlof 'the, , ' r i „,,
• ' the sum 0 ?Yw.
.h e Tremor, • • "If ;f . •
1 1:•-• 11
b in l . 11ii i silineirpotipa of th111.1v0r,...,, , , ,,
"s P„. .
, •";,
.'.';'!'..',.:, O. ‘•'''
sv. ,
`The Adlegates).elealgt
!the several °roughs 'and
'townships of Centberlantl• i;touitty, , .'niet 7 iu
puranee of appoinirberiti: ; ie the 'Good
tiotiseitilbe , Rorough of ECltlisle, on Wed•
nepdal, the 22d of August, 1849. The Con
vention was organised by -the appointment
of GEORGE 13)1INDLE, Edq., of Monroe,
its•Ohairmitii, and JAMES KENNEDY and Jos.
AIMEE, Escera. as Secretaries.
Thelollowing Delegates 'appeared and
took their seats:
Allen—Br F. Lea, George Chapman
Carlieg, E. TP.—Jas.,R. Smith, Jas. M. Allen
Carltsle, W. W.—W. M. Penrose, J. A. Hu
F.,Linit, J. T. Green
E. Pennsboxo—..VV: Criswell, A. P. Eiti
Frankford—W m. Bloser; John McDowell
Hopewell—i. J. Hemphill, KS.t6nitder
Hamden—John Rupp, T. C. Rheem
Millin—Jos..Kenneily;lacob High
Monroe--George Brindle, G. B. Cole
Newton—Thos. :Vlekinney, Wm. C. Knons
Newinlie—Jas.,MCCandlish, J. C. Williams
Mechanicsburg—J. F 1 Spahr, J. Senseman
N...llliddieton—Jacob Hero; R. M. Header.
son. • •
N. Cumber/and—jos. _Messer, J. C. Peaslee
S. Muldleton—G. D. Craighead, R. Given
Silver Spring—W m. London, T; D. Dampier
Shippensbtvg—Ano. McCurdy,.
J. L. Baker
.Shippe.nsburg tp.—Wm. Baughman, D. Ke
Southampton—Jas, A, Kelso, Wm. Clark
W. Pennsboro—W . G. Davidson, J. F. Coxel
The Convention then proceeded to the
nomination and election of candidtties for . the
several Offices, which resulted in the selec•
lion of the following ticket, via :
GEORGE Ii.UPLEY, 'of E. Penflsboro.
DAVID SAWNSDA, of Hope Well.
JOSEPH. McDERMOND, of isfewrille
WM.' M. PORTER,:of Carlisle
Director of the Poor.
RUDOLPH 111ARTIN, of N. cumberland
ALEX. DAVIDSON, W. Peprisboro' (3 yrs, )
THOS. T. GRAHAM, S. Middleton ; (2 kra.)
THOMAS CONLYN, of Carlisle.
The following gentlemen were then ap
pointed a Standing Committee for the fol
lowing year, viz
Wm, M. Penrose, Esq, Chairman, West
Ward, Carlisle.
James M. Allen, E. W. Carlisle
John Moore, Allen •
Richard Woods, Esq., Dickinson
George W. Criswell, E. Perinsboro
Nlauhuw D.,Leckey, Franktord •
S. S. Soviler, Hope.well
George•Sherbalm, Hampden
Wm. Knettle, Mifflin
Benjaniinley,. Monroe
R. C. Kilgore, Newton. •
Joseph C. Williams, Newville
. John F. Spahr, Mechanicsburg
Parker Henderson, N. Middleton
Owen Attnee,Nl? . W Cumberland
Jaccil4Ritner„SOuth Middleton
George V. Coover, Silver Spring
J. Bomberger, Shippensburg • •
Elias Heck, Shippensburg tp.
Samuel Taylor, Southampron"
, George Miller, West Pennaboro
Joseph Mosser offered the following reso
lutions, which were unanimously adopted :
Resolved, That we heartily approve of the
nomination 'of HENRY M. FULLER, of
Lt erne county, as the Whigcandidate for
Canal Commissioner, and that we will give
him our undivided support.
Resolved, That tbe Ticket put in nomina
tion this day is worthy the support of every
Whig and well wisher of his country, and
that wiusledge ourselves to use every bone
table Wane to secure tie election.
- - .
Resolved, That these proceedings be pub
'jetted in the Duffle's Heraide'and •Ship
pensburg News.'
he. KENNEDY, 1 Secretaries.
At a meeting of the 'GOVERNOR'S GUARDS,'
of Harrisburg, held at their atmory,-on 'Fri
day evening, the 17th instant, the following
resolutions wet° unanimouslradopted : _
Resolved, That the thanks of the company
aro hereby tendered to -the President and
Managers of the Cumberland Valley Rail
Road Company for their kindness and 'liber
ality iu permitung 'us a passage over their
road tree- of charge, in our late excursion
trip to Carlisle ; also, to Mr. Colder, of Her
risburgflor his polite teAder of 'Weak:Ole car
la the occasion! '
Resolved, That our thanks are also due to
our worthy and efficient Quarter Master,'
Major John P. Huremel,lor the able and
satisfactory Manner in which he discharged
the duties of his .offiee;—io , our host and
'hostess at Carlisle, the Messrs'. Wunderlich,
for their kind attention to our wants and con
venience ;—to Mr. Henderson, jr., and the
officers of the company for refreshments, and
iffe — VitTifin — tiTli .— Ciiiljeilii,iinerally, tor..the
kind interest they everywhere manifested in
our behalf.,
Resolved, That we will ever hold in grate
ful remembrance the approving smiles so
bountifully bestowed, on us by the ladies'ol
Carlisle, and can only reciprocate by affirm
ing,none more preitynonernore generous.
Resoled, That the editors of the Harris
burg and Carlisle papers be requested to
publibh'the':above resolutions. . •
, • . :Extracts from the minutes.
• GRA). H. MORGAN, Secretary:,
Arr AcmaviatanT 7 .—Ww 'have ,already
mentioned that in the,,no#::Senate, of 'Ala.
bikna There Oa a Whi&Cmajarity'.at .
firet'llMe the
,Whigs ; hitia:•avir had a major
ity in either branc h ; - ,nt **legislature."
hilninson.-rtie 'Met "Legitimate of .this
,Territoiy-;• ixrprisee, en 4qu0t:,7 2 9 11 ) 01 % - 0
liVhietOnitiif.tioofbecia—pnion thiketehtiving
been no and'electe4llitOtia tput the
te/00*61Mr:Sibik 014ig),;!Ifti!, ejected
Reettate to Congtese,without,`Orioi,sition•
- Ina •
In Phitedeiphhi on thionishi -tee. nog
a short Illnese, Ars. MARY , MIN VIAN KN O. Wife 01
Joseph Froiikern; end daughter, 0111ainueljlehwarts,
ibi t, me dJO rOulisl et P" Jp, tha ' S P lt YP a r °ni l' age!
1'•1'•, W - il ati7aNCAT M r E NTa l t
ckneap) en 'rl a ,b n held t Nowva
. 1'
,A, MNlAY;,Septentei-171h end, fermi •
nate on'Siturday.the 22diat9 o'clock
1 .... ;•,; 'to which Volunteer; Cominies are
. cordially-invited. The *Lonimittee;
• ; ' -•,• ;Will make' every,; erreimemenC, for,
'' I; r .. 1 ' " the accommodation Mid comfort of
.1 N .. • ell•Volitrite„er"Carn_ *ages %%bat ,' l3 #l
A think prop er to,attend.., i , '
',. k
~, . ..!'''All FlellFilflieein 'intiV''phiinne
, i :' 1 ;,.• :*ro inttl Is attend' ' ~,..,
r4.4,,, ,, ,c ;..
" f .'',' V 7 1. '- ' Atilt A.W .13 I' 4RKIIOI.64Se', ';-
4. •• ' -.Qittt. f1E0..,N0RTH0' ,4 . , 1;.' , , , ,4;
''.-,..,.. ....,, ' <.• 'Pcihnti,i!joe:'
:, :sag ,2 . 9 • 'OVI. 1:: ' ; ,'„e , '- -
TfitheYOUirs of Cumberland Cotintyi
',FEl.l4.ow,crrizENsx—At the. solicita.
tion Ofliiimirfriende I hereby offer myself to
your consideration as a candidate for SHERIFF
,at the ensuing,general election, haying receir,pd
the noniination. of the Whig County Confab•
floe. iSlinuld' I be' elected, I promise to die.
charge the duties' of the office with fidelity and
humanity. I tliereforo resp:mtfully solicit your
Newvillo, Aug29th, '99 to
FELLOW-CITIZENS—Being solicitedy
a number of my 'friends; I We?... Ifrolf 'OS a
candidate for the o ffi ce, of SHERI F, 'at the
ensuing election, and ;will be thankful for your
suilrages. Should Ibe elected, I. .hereby pro
mise to perform the'dtitiee of iaid Office faithful
ly. Respectfully, s•
April 4-te JOHN' F BIJN+ER.
THE Diroctota of South . 11 , 1iddle6n town
ship.'. will-meet at the Court House, in Car.-
lisle, on SA'T'URDAY, the let of Smiteniber
next. for the purpose of examining and em
ploying leachers for said township.
aug 29 N WEAKLEY, Prest.
THE subscriber Offgialor'rent that NIPTED
TAVERNSTANP, called 'Oys
'tors-Point,' to which isartaahed aboutr', l l`vi"
3 ACRES of prinni land, situate on the k;LI
reed froin Harrisburg to Carlisle, about three
miles from the former plapeoin East Pennstio-•
rough township, Uumberland county. Call on .
the subscriber living in-New Cumberland.
aug23 St . CHARLES OYSTETt.',I
To tho Heirs and,Legal Represen
late of Cumberland county;dec'd.
.1j Lax on all the parties in interest to show
111, cause on MONDAY, the 12th' November,
1849, why an alleged error in the asiministratcd
accounts of William Fahnettock, deemed, a
mounting to $4'56,29, shall not be corrected a•
annually to the petition of the said William
Fahnestoelt. this day presented to the Court,
and remaining.on Me in the Orphan's Court.
aug27 9w BY THE COURT.
• ••.
To the Heirs and Legal Rilpresen-
late of Rapho township, Lancas
ter county, Pa.i dec'd.
TAKE notice ,that the undersigned, Ad in
istrators of said Christian.Erisman, deq' ~ will
in pinsuance of an order' of the Orphtnes Geer.
of Lancaster county, on SATURDAY, the
cub of October, A. D., '1849; at the public
house of Jacob Shinm'y, in said township. at 1
o'clock in the afternoon, sell by public vendee,
the real estate-of said Christian Eristnan, dee'd.
situate in the township aforesaid, adjoining
property of Christian Frick, Jacob Erisrnan,
and others, containing 85 Acres and 82 Per
ches, with improvements thereon. Which
sale you can attend if you think pro per 4
A HR . M. s. h. ER.isiki A N,
In the Court of I
Dr. Joseph Speck,
Edward Armor, Ceo.
Spansler, P. B Lech
ler. Mid Catharine his
wife, Wm !Nagy and
Sarah his wife, Alfred
and Franklin Spengler
Rev Win Buller, Al•
len Cangawor, Anna I ject of this action of
W Butler,with notice partition ,at the valua
te her guardian,__Rev. iron, or show cause the
Win Butler, and , Di. sante should not be
Frederick Speck. • j , nold• \
By the Count.
aug2 , l2t
estate of John Sensebaugh, dee.'d,
-...cric,P. is hereby given that Letters of
Administration on the Estate of JOHN•
S , 'NSEDAUGH, late of Mifflin_tomusbitl,
dee'd., having been grantdd to the subscriber,
all persons are hereby notified to make payment
immediately, and those having claims to pre.
scut them to JAMES KENNEDY,
aug396t. Adm'r.
• THE subscribe: is authorized to offer et pri
vate sale, a splendid FARM, situated mem.
Creagsville. Frederick county, Md., about 10
miles from the county seat, and 3 miles front
Catocton Furnace, containing ;98 ACRES, 38
of OW Timber. The improvements are a
fine BRICK HOUSE, modsirn built, 60 feet
front, 35 deep, two storiesibigh, with back
building, LOG BARN, and water convenient
to the premises. The whole under good fence
Persons desirous of ascertaining terms of sale—
which will be eiter- , -are requested to call mate
subscriber at Carlisle.
Agent foikOwnera.
aui29 3t
. ,
ON FRIDAY, the 12th day of October
next, Ate undersigned, Executors of Samuel
livinigldec'd., will offer at public sale on the
premises, tlfe Valuable MERCHANT MILL,
of said dec'd.; situate upon the Big Spring, in.
West Ponnsboro totinship, Cumberland coun
ty, 13 miles south of the Nee:villa Ttbpot'af
the Cutnberland Valley Rail Road. There are
about two Acres of land, a Two Story BRICK
HOUSE, a Log House, and a Cooper Shop
attached to said Mill. The Mill hoe two lent
of French Burrs, 1 pair of Chopping Stones
and 1 pair of stones fur grinding plaster, and is
provided with machmerx manly new, and of
the most altproved construction, and is actually
one of the betThstablishments in the county.—.
Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, M., when at. j
ionclariao will be given and' terms made known . ,
by • JAMES R IRVINE, Executors.
flz7rLancastr " nion" insert till sale and
send bi ll to th i s office Tor eollantinn.
'.lkintiniserattirl.s . Sale.
O •
N CHS D'AY, the 27th.of September, .8, ,
will expose isugublic sale; on the premises -
Pa., the FARM lately bectinlbd by George ,
Rekhard. dec'd., situate in said toignship. about
throb miles north.enst of .3et.vville. nod the
same distance irmn the line of the Cumb.
Rail Road, containing so ACRES of first-JAM
sere Buhl. nearly alt of which lifimder
`.;;ion'and in good ',order. improvemenhv
• are ti:LOG iinusg, Double
Barn, and other necessary "ohr, t ,
111 buildings, a well: of ' neVer--
failing water at the door, au, "or. •
chard of good fruit. There• is - .
',about 15. Acres of first late , Meadow
grant; and running. water within a' few 'rods oft';'?
the - improvement. Tart • of the:farm shas been'
• limed, and its situation. lying within two' miles,.
of the Limestone region. oilers every fiedit:Y:.":
. for improving in-that way.r.j, Possession wi ll;
given , tho, tat ot.Apill• next: • Aleo,'at
same. time and. place,A ACRES'id, Witedlati4l;:„ .
• ..lyity; within about 100, reduer7l.o. ab ove ,
Abribed treat of land, Persons vvishini.tOetio"
• ;The•property can do so liy.cillingon the sabseriee
' bar,. living near A her' s • Mill, or DaVidiCreitiii47 , :'
living on the premises;
.Sale to continence at .:
t o'clock on;l4leKstiendarice
given and terms made.CMYWD
• ,1
. vi-,Volunteer copy.
.titer Who' , wish to cc' ,good•
Wholes* or Trued; will
the subscriber, his present
• location ire very light, he , ie. enitbled , ,atl
• terroined to soil at the' loweet prices in' tht's.ol 4 4:
He offers fdy season . wreellerif' . .irteitOrlo'n.r
- •
`Splendid Iniperial; three '
: • Bdairtiful Supeidar Ingruirr
tuid-Medlnntv , Alt"E'rEW:
and Entr y Rteiref sllrkinds4
.AndLiet,Cotton ;fldt,tHiNg: •''
• And.CiII,iICLOTHS froiitSio 1 4 'feet wirte.' , .‘
for Riulnati, , Halls, great variety of
' tow priced-Ingrain carpets frorn 00 to 50 cents,7o,l;
and Stair , and
Entry..paotLfpo , P O4F 40
t'Or iart.•4lsq,M4nse c„
Idtate 4 ltmfe,h i,t, • 5 biLDRIGEO'
I:4loTRNlA l Rretteitmoili.; l 4 6 r
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To Teachers;
ommen Pleas of
nd county.
Action of Partition,.
N 0.41, Au"g. T. 1848.
27th Angust, 1849.—,
Rule on Defendants to
appear on TUESIZAY
I 11th of Sebternher
flext, and accept or re-
lose to accept the pro
perty which is the sub•