Teramm!re . immumin. ,„, \-;\. 4_ ,,,,,,,,,, , ,, kiokii....iizswe r -kit.,lipltutoolt*tio.44". 1:.*.:- . . , .k . *:.:1-.t . ,,,:,..r.:r0m , ;:, , , ,, ,,1ir..mr .. .. ,, ..,1 . -rt;', 4 ,?..'S•,! f.. 7 : .... s ...,54.......,.:,., .:. 7. - .- . .......- . : ! ;,d .T .. -!, : .S.-r -),',`),., ,- . ' f' - '" ,. -. .,"•..'" , 7.., C0v,..1 .1 ;,47'. r AV1: ' :q 'a . jf,q' ...:::.„1' • ~,, .. ' ..0 . f.. ..-' k r.,'. ' I . ..;:.:f .' *" .i .. > ,:-,' ''' %. ' " ' ' '' ,s ,i# .' • ti . ' ''. ''' '' ,*..;t -' N .... 2- ' „... ~.'-`,{'::. ' 6 ! . ii. , -'. -• ' ."4:.'' . .Ifi :' 4 ; k .. , ..4 * -,:7.-,,.:.; , =KM ME , 7 ,1 :Igzt' it EV 'it• 4 + 140'7. VOLUM X.I4X-, i __ ._ • • Dr. John J. Erlyerty a - A - AiREMOVED hie.Officoarid dwel tti the house adjoining his Drug Store on. West High street. april 1 Dr, V. L. Creigh, , (Successor of Jon gragh, deqeased,) iittinid all 11 adiela calls in town or Apuntry; - hrta - sr r NIGtIT, and will give every trtiantion to patient's entrusted .to his bare. A7,OFFI . CE on East High street, opposi te store, • • fnev22-fm J: Windsor Rawlins, GRAD HA CE of Jefferson Medical Ctilldge,.. respectfully olleprhis setvicos to the pub lic. Dr. RaNlin's having . had eight years expe• rience in the I'rac ice of his profession in Mary land.and Pennsylvania, flatters himself that he can give general satisfaction to those requiring* , his hid. • Office in Pitt street opposite the Man , eibn House Hotel and first door south of the • 91%thadist church. February 7th. 1899. Doctor .11d. Lippe, VIVIOEOPA'ri-Ro Physician. Offico in Main street, in the house formerly occu• pted : by-Dr:--F-,7l4ltrman . .- - .up -9 '46; Dr. L C. Loomis ;~', operations upon the Teeth that ere tenni __ red f.,r their presavation, such as Scaling, Filing, Plugging, &c, or Nvill restore the loss of them, by tnserimg Artificial Teeth, from a single tooth to a fall Sett. Kr 011ice•on Pitt street, n few Eoors sEvuth of the Railroad Hotel. Dr. L. is ah• s nit the lost ten days of every month. John B, Parker, TTORNEY AT LAW: OFFICE -LI in North liannver Street, in the room for m .rly onettpied by the Hon. F Watts. Marob V.I. 1849. • -Carson C. Moore, AI"I'ORNEY AT LAW. Office in the roam lately pccupied by :Dr. Fate'', deceased. mar 31 EDWRir CLARKSON,' - rfNGRAVER ON WOOD, No. acq \Val Ka nut Street, Philadelphia. It:IL - Orders may be sent by mail. Doe. ‘2,0 1848.-6 m '' Wm. PI. Penrose, A TTo RNEY. AT LAW, m ill practice in A lit'o several Courts of Cumberland county. 0 h'FICE. in Main Street, in the room former ly. occupied by L. G. IJrandcbury, Esq. my2l James R. SMith, A TTOTINEY AT LAW. Has RE MOVED tit ! office to Beetem's Row, two doors from Burklroldeeollotel. inpr 1 GEORGE EGE • JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. OF FICE at hie'residence, corner at Main street and the Public Square, opposite Burkholder's Hotel. In addition - to the duties of Justice of the Peace, will attend to all kinds of writing, such as deeds, bands; mortgages, indentures, articles of agreement, notes, &c. Carlisle,, ap:B49. - WRIGHT & SAXTON, IMP..ORTERS• AND DEALERS IN FOR EIGN & DOMESTIC HARDWARE, Glass, Paints; Dye Stuffs, Oil, Iron, Steel,Nails litc. would invite the attention of persons wont ing goods in their. line, to the large assortment they have just opened, and which they O'er at the very lowest cash prices. John P. Lyne, IVHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in • Fereignand Domestic Hardware, Painte r Oil,'Ulass, Varnish, ace, at the old stand in-N. littiover_street, arliele, has just received frorm Nevr York and Philadelphia a large addition tar his former stock, to which the attention of buy urs is requested, as he is detettnined to sel !met than any other house intown. anrl9 °Look this Way. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his (climb anOthe public generally flint he„ as lust opened a now LUMBER AND COAL YARD in West 'High street, a feal &line - Wits of Messrs J 6c D Illioads's Warehouse, where he 'now has and will keep 7:cenetently .on hand a first rate assortment of all kinds of sea soned pine boards 'and plank and all other kinds caste, ell of_which he will sell low-for cash. July 18 • SAMUEL. SIPE. WALTEAS & HARVEY, [Late tlazelhurst & Walters,] MIR OD UCE and General Commission Mer chants, Nos. 15 and- 16, Spear's Wharf, BA-LTIMORE. Liberal cash advances, made on consignments of all kinds of Produce. mar2lt • THF. tOmmissioners of Cumberland county deem it proper to inform the public. that the eta. ted•riteetings of the Board of Commissioners will b . p.heldeen the second' 'and fourth Mondays uf month. at which time_ July persons having :business with said Board,will meet them at trteir office in Carlisle. AMR, WM. RILEY. Cl'k. , . . • • NOTICE, 'Lic ATI QN at, the: next 71.1 L -S .lasstort ofine . leigialaturiYiOf 'Penns-SAO . n ia, tor an alteration in the Charter of the C nue' . 'lu D sts EPosiTA,B 4 erx, so as to eoofer upon th e • lnstitntion the rights' and privikg4 of a Bank f • Issue. ' By Order of the Boar •toFiJirectore. W 8 13Q,BEAN, Cashier. ' ,C'trlifile Deposita Bank, .4';' 1849-6 ur S. • • dyeing qnd;Soouing Alßi • Laither.Stree 1. ~LIANCEI rvir" L • V V , •'?: h. Ladiee' and Gonda arrel'; all' colors, and warrants allwark bo . 'satts ry . .. ,.. O r rdatsjn „„. his line respectfully, ns 2 c , tfully : (olidlinds .„ . -'''• • • W .11ENDE,L,..Dontlei,; - :Cntortne his . r'lrijoildsiindlintrons:that lie , oxoetti to he ;abiont,froni Corn* forthe,ioll,lltig,ai i viebki 17". - ~.• " ; .,, Atags Wah - teil; • vv;:, '•iwiciiivillhe paidcash oils' 3ritpOtf,hYtife eubscriber for good RAGS. The rAst•t r 'inay he delivered . at the Paper' Mill; five _ fr,lm ai the WirehOuse of Mr. • •-•JaCob' Carhop)." . 4013:tfq ' ":" "'W' B 'MULLEN: , • Wrapping` Paper,. ~jtl ß hh arrange it 4 ti ll bio,ae by , • tirqbiti.lib: will be constantly. suptilied with the 't ''.bitat article of Wrapping Paper.,'Country ithente, alti,Villitettemaliting' to; tievetartintyqva ' ' 6"so'b PPr 4 9,t9ttilil o.°Y° Kt' , storey t.t.„ <'; 1 . tI,I).. , IIAXIBPRT.. k ot2.91:,:«1848,1 - .; : ~ • - '''' ALA( *h onkt, HO itibeciibpr:ltasAui(sedeitte4 invoice • M • '•"' •10V,,Gentlements!:Legbitin, , HatilVa‘stxperAort: 7 article, ttt+s'vait LOWTrlCEli'X,AlsoitC.hildrena 'Cloth Caps: .G :HITNERit izit ~ . , , , . .„ • • • 'dief*' , llolXlll4lll3 l o l -.)ictii\ttttiltail'.off.ibe',lttdiet4A;Will ;bet oPitilttaitsaWilluitttn, thelObjeao 49 tmeo v.:egynifivoesitkilittwa:t:-6,i iil,,L9r , ,Catar4 ON T.; tirit 1, ; , t,:t'gtr , •koplon4t h . ,ttt airleWlaiiiithtitroii -Of .vit l -4,.„ ~"..figtibttcrAitt, A 9Aqkgs,govifr goo still ' PARlttcg s .n(r. ,:. 4. , ,,i ; •,..1;ct.)11114 , , • ••••,: .; ,~ e ..~,~ _. ItacAllispw's all ilealingOintment AR T HE WORLD'S SALVE, contains nO• Mercury.—The folloWing Certificate is from a regular Physitdan; of extensive pruo. Lice in Philadelphia: ••' JAMES MCIALLIEITER-.Sir : I !MVO for the last two years:been:in the habit - of neitig your Ointment itteasds of Rheumatism chilblah4, a..d, in , Time Canvas, (Scald Heads,) and 'thus far". with the happiest effect. rthink from the .experiments 1 havemade with rte that it richly deserves to be adopted as an are tick ofovery day use by the profession at large Yours truly; S. BELL, . D. Phila. + READ; MS. • Philedelphia. Dec. 29;1847. To Jame ..cAllieter—Dear Sir: 1 take pleasure in milting known to you the great benefit 1• have received by using your Vegeta. ble Ointinent, or the. World's Salve, 1 hud an dicer, or running sore, on the ear, of many years standing; I have applied' to. srveral I physicians, but all Co no purpose; but by.using your Ointment a few days it was. doniptetely .drled up and have used it for burns•; I _fur which...L.llnd A r an excellenturtielm-nlso in 'all cases influtnatione I . certify the above statement is true. T. C. CA DM US. .. N 0.90 Market street,Phila. ZEM I do certify that I have used McAllister's all Healing Vegetable Ointtherit for coldness of my feet; also for Rheumatism in my limbs and Corns on my feet, and have licen entirely I:eved. Believing it to be a good Medicine, I do not hesitate to recommend ir in the aboic complaints. 'LEONARD. VAILE, Norris tit. Washington Pa. Aug. 21, 1847. I certify that I have used McAllister's all Healing Vegetable . Ointment, or the World's Salve, for.a healing in my wife's breast, which has given her incalculable benefit; also onnne •of my children, for sore eyes, which give im mediate relief. I, therefore, recommend it as good medicine. PARKER REED, Hopewell tp. Washington Co. Pa. Aug. 2 . 1,? , 17. Around the box are directionW for using Mc:• Allister's Oininitint, for. Scrofula, Liver Com. plaint,. Eyrelipelas, Teller, Chilblain, Scald Repel, Sore eyes, Quincy, Sore throat, Bronchi. tas, Nervous affections, Pains, Read ache, Asthma, • Des fume-Bar ache, Burns, Corns, all diseases of the skid, Sire, Lips, Pimples, 4.c. ,Swelling of the Limbs, Sores, Rheumatism, Piles, cold feet, CrOup, Swelled or Broken' Breast; - Tooth ache, .Ague in the face, 4m., 4c. If MOTHERS and NURSES knew its value in cases of "swollen" or Sore Breast, they 1 would always apply' it. In such eases, if (ree ly used, and accoraing•to the directions around each hox it gives relief in a very few hours. . BURNS-It iii one of the best things in the world - for Burns. (See directions for using it.) PlLES—Thousands are yearly cored by • this Oiniinent. It never fails in' Igiving relief fur the Piles. _ - Kr - This Ointment is good• for - any - part of the body or limbs.-when-inflamed. In some cases it should be applied often. , CAUTION—No Ointment will be genuine unless the name of JAMES McALISTER is . written with a pen on every label. '• PRICE TWENT/FIVE CENTS A BOX Foil sale by my agents in all the_ principa cities and towns in the United Stales. . JAS. McALISTER, Sole Proprietor of the above Medicines. Principal Office REMOVED to SS N. TIIMD ST Philadelphia. • S: Elliott. and S. W. Harerstiek, Carlisle J. & L. Reigel, Mechanicsburg. Singiser, Churohtown. • Mond & Wherry, Newburg. Joseph EL Horron,,Nerville. J. M. Lutz. & Geo. W. Bell. Harraebarg. IsTOWYOrk. Gold Pens, the best ill article of the day, and which no business man should be without." An.elegunt assortment of fine cutlery, in . - eluding Razors, Pen Knives, Scissors of the beet-English-and American-Manufacture, - - A large variety of ornamental Windpw Blinds 4 antl Fire Screens of every style and ar low pri ces. Musiani Instruments, such as Violins, Aceor deons,,Flutes, Fifes, Flageolets, Tuning-Forks with Violin strings, bridges. &c u nt all prices. A largo variety of Baskets, travelling bags, WhipS,canes, door mats, Brushes of all kinds at every price. Hayno's Ma& Adamantine Powder, a new article for Razor Strops ? warranted superior to anything in use, for setting a keen smooth edge to razors, &c. . 25 cis. a box. Combs, Soaps . , Perfumes, Extracts, Dyes for the hair, a rich and Vociuciful assortment iroin•the celebrated 'manufdctorieS of Roused, Jules Hanel and others. 'Tooth • Brushes, Tooth paste and Powder, Nail Brushes, Hair and Hat,.Brushea, with. an. innumerable. .Variety of Vitaey.od Ado( ant• ales bf all kinds and _price?, lately opened and for sale at thl Cheap Brag. and Book Storo of S W HAVERSTICK. . My Goods and Groceries: G:` C.fatMONY: desires to inform his ita • friends and the public that'holfiriframo . ved to tho stand on North Hanover street lately occupied by Chas Barpitz. and next door , to lloverstiek's Drug and Book Store, whore he is determined to sell goods as low - ne any. other ; establiehmenviri Carlisle or in the connty. Hie stock consists of Cloths, , Cassierierce ! Satinetts; satin, cachmeremerino and silk- Vest Inge; -Me rinoes, Alpachas, Mous:de Lollies, Cachmeres, French worked collars. kid gloves, silk fringes, gimps, flowers, thread—laces, .6r.c.r; • -TICK INGS at 6+ eta, calicoes 3 to 6+ cte, very cheap, minding,. hosiery, Berlin "and . Cachrnere , _gloves, A Ourge assoilinent of BONNET RIBBONS,, ,viro satin plain find figured ,Momuti, plain, , Inired; stritied and 'figured :Also GRIOT ERIES aIiILAWEENSWARE,. illlCh us Colfeeil Tea; ;Sagar, Spices .cif all kinds; tobacco, sagars, crockery, gloolload-Oesnoware,rice,'Shocolate, starch, mgetlief,Witk,ria m ertts other articles=—, • Givirt,him.a ' . , .."EXTBAOR.I)I , ",: irti 11 . D C ON..+ N,,, l'',k• .!,Pr49'ipf;i5ixtir,ape...,,,.,;.±,24,..: 1 ilit.V.E'jtist receive d the largest and Cheap est.sioak of HARDWAlCE,'Gland,'Priints,'"4lle , Virnishp,s ,Sarldlory.,..Carpenteee4 intLCabihe 'Makylep,p9l4.,Me!tegepyc,Yeeittrs antialhhindn, 'of C,Eluilding. Malone's' ever, Oronght to 'l:Tidbit i consisting of Locks,' Ring* & t rew s , , 41 8 rand Spiked; , Petsone3tbourto btiild,'Attill'find i. tr.hitly to. their ; advantage -to limit at , nik:iit4 ',. before.' pitichesinc'eldevrinirs:„.-'2l;:onto.?aint .'1313e.. ilia Goods dud hearlilik prige mill .yollAwilLo9, 4 coniiiired4 that lb% irtrlAlipTihir. Ch eap liiettl.;' 'vaiv,• : ,,EltbrOil AliciAfic,'sufrei ankr r ile,'"iiibikeMbii and rasps t and cemlet,t liii, B 9rinlent of,W,Stte_ ReeVißer ' 4 9nt.'itic po l oailli,a9o -110 9PItop . 0 4 11 :I sizes._ ,l ' - : .11,4v0 ' glici,;• 00 . ,, t ,b9ergdmeter ...Churn, •InasreL tqAc'9o,o l :o,..Rflt.'ilgtOr4 l 9 7 l'44 - iffiroi - p0ya,. , . - gag, -4 , -- ,f - r,t - t:::1 - f, - ; - .' - :i177 , ;7;77,7 - 7,,.. 1 ~S 4 i,,,, , ree,t9e7ti-re,.le.erecelysq Any Sprj9 idoet o'l 001 °PP IE!It id9Vlina, Mannfaa4n). ex p r e ss lyht.ng , on,sol,lo.,dotvir&t,l.l lei e,tinperkir ''' ,lo ,qqqtx 2 .4rdOni , ,ln ,e k:,4 1 1 rooklYitlind thltAo:llcAlie;.o g,,,, : lac Wi,i 8. inn* ',S hop' x' I ,IOi:I9WAM.A)r ; b .' 4 hbichi! o ;qiiiilo W '''ll'r tied fn; tri k w italgttall. , flip,‘.7 rfiLtilL'l? . . ' 9 . ,„+ YN 1 APin''. • ' ,4, 1i - Amit*.kYV ,„...,, ......,„„ .. ~i.y~ ^ . ~sit`i..,. INE . • 1 , • ' Afoullancinit: CF:RTIFIC;ATE AGENTS Eltigaiit . New Goods. REIVXOVILL. ~.1.10 ,. 4':!':: Tt-1*..."1fg ' O, ....,,,,V c.- ''''' .. ;°'l' l ' 1,1101 , 1 f t till 1 it 4 P,Ol. - , - , ;—, 1 : • ~. ' ),',,-1 , : , 5,x,' , 1.1 or (- 7 ',A.' l ' , 7 ln 0 - :'4' 'i>,',..'.; - ~ -t ~ . °%'a'~q MEM! . , ,• . • aria . . CCP REEk'U'nei' LW:tr.LO a , •__ _ _ _ . . _ __ _ =I 1 1 1 ))931 An° • • c-Ftomilits 1111neeota Register 111111VESQTA. BY ram. L. 11. 81001111NEY • We've a child nut at rime, where the waters run ' clear, And the falleof St.. Anthony ring on the ear,— And there, where the breezes are bracing and crea, She's LIS - healthful and happy as baby' can be ; "Mons nano, In Ycorpore sans" you know., In strainer° to all who are.pilgains belewl • And we, with the wise Dr. Brigham have.thought That neornore wino': woe Bret to be sotigid,—;,. So she runs nt her will, in the fresh open air, . And takes simple food, and is vigorous and fair. No toys at Criutant's or Bonfanti's she buys, Nor at Stewart'a for. candles and augur plums cries, But playa on the greensward her gambols.so rude, With a huge timber doll that the woodmen have hewed—* --Trots away to the bluff , on her own sturdy feet; Or sings with her hirdllngs in harmony sweet— Marks the Father of Myers, majestic and deep, Or sings in the shade of her forests tooled), • We've been verpmuch prooperedin bnnkct and More. And linvb brought up %pill cure thiiiy, cbildten or ' • - more{_ . • And our neiglibors emeriti the Greet Waters rheynay Regent them with envy, an surely they linty ; still, tge•hupe. - in her cases some—improVement to make, Sinee the wisest of parents may sometimes tnlitiake. Her sisters nre doubtless a wonderful band,. The Joy of our heart and the pride of the land-- Vet n, few of the Wait, cram strictness of rule, . Were sent, were afraid, rather early to school : knd, perchance, though the teachers had excellent ammo, They developed the brain et the body's expense Then some from the heat of the climate are frail, And others with reverend ague are pole— And othes.lilas: hove gone mad, tee are Mid, Froin the bite of a dog, with a collar of gold? Now. dear Meesela. we wish you to shun Tile faults into which your progenitors run, Nor rush after wealth with a perilous speed, Since the strength of Republics lies deeper indeed— In the:mince of the heart and the ore of the soli,. In virtue. and peace, and the patience of toll So, be pleasant and honest. and keep as you grow The pure rural tastes in your bosom of snow We shall hear from you child, over mountain and w nye, Your nurses will write us how well you behave; Let no bad reports our Mildly mock— Here's a kiss for you, darling, the pet of our flock ! • We unierstend that the Lumber Trade has com mented in the Territory of Mines°la, and that the einigratits from Maine ar,c engaged to that enterprise with their accustomotheneigy and hardihood. izroilalot&9l4l , z4 ' • prom the Lady's Wreath A CURE FOR LOW SPIRITS. FROM some cause, real or imaginary, felt low spirited. - There was a cloud upon My feelings, and I could not smile as usual, nor speak in a tone of cheerfulness. Ari , a natural result, the light of my countenance being gone, all things around ma were in abeam. 111yAinsband was sober and had little to say ; the children would look strange• ly at me when I answered th en. questions, or spoke to thCm for any purpose, aria toy domestics moved about in Auiet manner, and when they addressed me, did so in a tone mar..q..kubdried'tha'n usual. Thu re-action upon my state, only made darker the clouds that veiled my spirits. 1 was conscious of this, and conscious that the original cause of my depression was entirely inadequate in itself, to produce the result which had followed. Under . ,this I 'made an amt . to rally myself, but in, vain ; and sank lower from the very struggle to rise above.the gloom that overshadowed me. When my husband came home at dinner time, 1 tried to meet him with a smile; but I felt that the light upon my 'countenance was feeble, and of brief duration. He look ed at me earnestly, and in his kind and gen tle way, enquired it f tottno better;affeMing to believe that my ailment was one of the body instead of mind. But I scarcely answeied'hini, and I could, see that he felt hurt. How much more wretched did. I be come at this. Could I have then retired to my chamber, end alone, given my heait full vent in a passion•ol tears, I might hove ob. tained relief to my leefings. But I could not do this. • • While I sat at the. table, forcing a Inge food into my mouth for appearance sake, my husband said— .. • • '.You remember tha , fine led who ha's been for some time In ourstoreP • •- - 4 Yes;LI- answered.caralessly. • , 1 'He has'not made his•appearan'ce for se4-' eral days; aud• I 'learned this mornine, en Sending to the hOuse of his motheri . that he was very ill' • • " .c . `-(Ali•IF was my •incliflerent - responso: Had - I 00016 w - what `was-`in my ndind i l woald tinve•said=-'l'm sbiiy, butl rean'tfiel if it? 1 did not at the reorrient,leel the smallest •teterit imthe lad. • • • • 'Yes, added my husband, _and the.persori whowbhocalled to let Me triciw about it express ed'his-lears that EdWard : well& riot get'lifi sWhatailo him P.l inquired. II did pot clearly, understand. But Miles a letct:ofJ9me kind. "You remember his !inapt very. well.V. ` 4,' I 'Oh; yes; loovv , she has Avcirkecl'for Only iYeer i -antV loss to , hrii;,lstill .b.ealmost, 4 111 he se dangerous!' l'encinirekli n'iselil. 'ol interest bliginnilig'is stir 'in 'inf heart.' , ` l ' '' ills is not 'exp‘ticieed'twill/0. 1 : ': , : I ''''? -14 i 4p o o r ; wbin t in I ~- Herr tlistleteedielis ''intnif 'be '1.41• woitier what liee'slniumstnnVesva`ler iu i pt ,, ai; , thisiltirtin: !'stiii'slostiiftit',Vereiloo# ,wipte'n She worked theinti: l ' t'''' , 'l,' )., nt;'" 6 ' ' ' fl: 2 CkiAlltiii.i'sv ' e ' rylibsifli4ll l ,4 l dinitif hOt.--= lhat`lui'd'iierielir liVs"'`iigici ine4iiiiio ' , Ow , tilt Jo iirei thih iiiiii;ab i teitik i kakykiriVg, .vt , goelvaiir iisentilyilat:6nier.wili — te., 'Wald' 'I ~ -,,. : J, , , ,,,,.i: ~,, ,-, she has auller,edoind•Ahiitiehe:httenen now , tOrdolithi s tili 4 taßitTiMilrieoltdc4rlird ifiitigsriiiitsiiiiist' l*fllt li oAlort:' , taltrir T ; !jai° aiovnsl ' itulre tia'Alli:tfi;lSl • NWi t eg 'hctw 104'1W 4 7 1 ,:- , ' t , - q ~.; 'llol9.*,Plh9.o.N9NalothifPo,oo,ol4 7,„,,, • , I f • . t*, io,iift,YAPtiti)Y.4lo.roPili°o4Lito otiMPLIR-V10,,,,x0W *OoIf , MY I 'idencipf r Aluxi ~ ' t. 7- ,n, i . 'yl 4 , 4 '44'i, EWE r.Vt.; WIZ MEE 'o.j , ,f i _ A- V 1 ISLiE AT.GUST,29? = tThQn : I. rttuK).OPOIPTP I I I 4/!. , V#0 1 0 it l O 14'1gONorte:lc. to the' siore al 41 though - we are yeri.buby.tpldby, sod, much mutated therb. It : would:not ho- right `to neglect the lad and his ro,ollter,under pres ent circumstances,', • le4 reblik,ed aohose.wordl;; and, with Di, forced ellor!, „ _ . (It Will be .roucti.better)or you,r,osee.tbem. lhan for, ine,!,retuti a etr,My it,usbandi 'for,you, understand. their Watiltthetter, , ,arid pan min a ister, to;thritin,more,effeetually.',,if they need ; any bomforts,, : i yea) like you ; to see them. It still cost, me an, eiTett : to get r ,ready, but as f had, promised that f „would as, .my husband wiihed, the effort ha d,to bo. t By the time I_Wasitrepared ; th go out, I,lelt something better,, The exerfioe - bi was re• quired to make,' tended tO,disperse,.slightly, ithe clouds that hang over , pm and; . as"thev liegatt,gradrtaily_to moyoopy thoughts_torn-, ed, with an tiWak — enitig, object of ray,husbantis'eliciterle„ .• '- All was :silent within the humble , abode ta,.l winch my errand led We:: knocked light. ly,.and in a few triennenta,tfie.rnother of Ed- ward opened the . depr.,-§he looked pale and anxious. • „ . . 'How ieyousipn; 1. enquired PS 1 stepped-in. is.vpry loy ma!am,' she replied. 'Not dangerouo,l,ltope 'The fever has left him, but he is as weak as an infant. All his strength is gone.' 'But proper nourishment will ,reetore him at the disease is hrokken: • ~ S o the doctor says.. Bat I'm afraid it is too late. He seeing to be sinking every hour. Will you walkup and see him, ;ma'am?' lollowed Mrs: Ellis up stairs, and into the chamber ,whempessick.boylay. • I was riot surprised atthe,fears she had expressed, when .I saw Eilivaks pale, sunken face, and hollow, - expiessionless eyes. He scarcely noticed my entritibe.' 'Poor buy I' sighed his mother. 'He has had a very siolCaPell.''•:My liveliest interest was at once aWilligned.' _ , • , He has been aloft . 'indeed! , freilied, as up ..5 4 •. ? 1 taid my hand.ou, his white forehead. 1 hound that his sklelires- cold" auiraamP.— The lever had niiiilY: burned put the vile) energies of hift , 4 u.... Do, you give him rn uoh nour),llitnett ..., -.,: ~_, ~ - - A) 'He (skein Int Ifitrie`y water.' 'Has hot the doetor,ordered wine?' 'Yea ma'am, replied Mrs: Effie, but she spoke with an air of hesitation. 'Re save a ipoonlul of good wine, three or. fohr times a day, would be very good for biro.' 'And you bawd, not given him any?' 'No, ma'am? tWe have some very pure wine that we always keep tor sickness.• II you will step ovet.to mei - louse, and.Aell Alice to give you a:bottle of will stay with Edward until , you return.' How brightly glowed that poor woman's face as my.words,tell upon her ears! • 'Oh, ma'am, yoiiare very kind I' said she. 'But it will be. asking ,foo much of you to stay here,!" 'You digte.t ask it i Nll,lB. Ellis,' I•smilindlY replied„ .'1 have offered to stay ; so do you go for the-wine as quickly as you .can,Jor Edward•usods.it.vdry much.' • • I was,hotqequired to say more.. In a few minutes I was alone with the sick boy, .who . lay almost as still as death were resting upon his half-olosed . eye-lids. To some ex- tent, in the hall.hoir I remained doe inlhat hushed chamber, did I realize the condition , 4cl feeling. of the prior mother - - whose only son lay gasping at .the very docreof; death, and all my symPathies were in consequence ' awairenett. • • .. • As soon as Mrs Allis• retained- with the wine, about a teaspoonful of irmail • and the. glass 'containing- it, placed to the latPs-11ps: 4- - -moment • its • flavor touched his palate, a thrill 'seethed to. pats , through his-frame, and he swallowed eagerly. .'lt does , him 'good spealting*Warm- IY,, and helm impulse of pleasure plat inade my'itett-rt : , ' .• ' ;We sat and looked. with Silent ir.teie , st : upon the,boy!s lace, and we did not look , in vain, for something like wariAtti came upon his warm cheeks, and when 1-placed my haridagain on his forehead, the coolness and dafiginese Wasgone: The wine had qeiOk ' enekhielanuid pelse. I,"slaie,if an hour longer,, d the ar•oitiers oonful Of tit o" ' an.. n4- .. 1 ) _ , a g 1 !! elope,. .wine,was given. Its, efleot , was an I marked Sethe, s grst,', - , lf then ,witlthew ~ rom ' f the humble,horne pipe wid o w ari'd h r only ; chi child '; • promising to:,`spe ; them •sgalli ~in 'Vie morning, ',••,',- :••• • : :.; ..-•••• - ,t,•:%•75 , , s ' - i ` 4 • - •, z ` , :. W4lM . llloganii 3 4o l eilliPS;lt nn4rni.,tl6i9l•!a n i. '' foI'AIINOFn.t...O.i i O4 I P,M. Y7fot,tie#lo)ilq. ;,''fini 111 50i.i431-:Apikpis.4o9jut-Clif,Rtt'PY-71 ,2 ParoPd - ' - ih? 4161. hand TOO :11743 f1 1 1 01 ,, 7 kn'' fretra , ./:;Walkedi - wilti,rt::.iffie,i4ltiii§Yfriglf • ilht., l Pr_.• , 9 l 4eMitigidAfka..liVceflfttllAPAl . I .:olh,eroi IR g0?4,, 44, 0F1 1 0,10,#1,;09114.1.4 1 439 1 XMX.; , ;iliehrt.; anAp b oxperepe,pkacpiligdithor,e again ''. hc4 ; 401! • ••tIn:ni.innsil),!,_ I ft•Ir$ .4 4 1 ?k , ka e Y ,.. • 11 , arY , P.Rt3O3 Cff,f,Y,idi9ll.oB'SOn 41 itnrllfiffid, i4i,it#44'#4.llL.PAMOin, 4 BlPMPFtd-e*lk' iOnpitT.plg, , ,: , f, ° )?i c Okf d, pr ,o gi§)P 9 oll , ft *c...lr, _ tt 1.1,0i,;',.,,.,,,,..f.p,,-,,,i:n ,p ; ty ;,,,r, ; , , ,,, ; 41,,,,, ---- t; " % rxii,llo)/R4l7..l94l,o,M.rilißF;iPTAik, 5ii14.4014"116;!Y19M , . - 74errt91VORIRT' '''.1"101,,,Aritn,4141,1. , ..4PF.MA..ii,qi.,,k7.0111C#0,4971.7. ~.I',,OfF9l:t IP-11°,49„,(4, :4°,,R)!ltiteakt pr,iylß ~ r illytwericA.?!(mivitirliktig.' Frl - iiirn°4l4l,V.3o4!P`g'.,ATifr,4r,slFitlkigAY: : b 101 1 9.11 1 4' , A , ;;ii;...;;4*.t-ii , pi:t. 44 ' , 'cop ivk o t .;ii: , :,, s i;,i . ' - f! , '.-.:., '-'' i' '. ,1161604 . ii 4 1 .*.ffi 4014.; x ',L.,;. , ,,' .:, ,!.... • v: , :,' ',.!,. ':, ''- ~.:. F.:t~.'. Yak;.){ . ._.—~J~ :.. IM=l= El= =EI 40117/kif , /t ENE *HII76 :.: fN!! iii ;rJ r': MIME MIT EWE : ei' ? i'o.,iiemiLstty . ' lemLstry for,.Girlai..“ ; SOBi013INC!, :.11.fAT) ,EVERYVVVODiA RNAD.—Thisla,properly, styled- , ri. age, Mr the. inquiry, What profit?" meets u§.etcrywhete. has entered.the.temples ol„ Jearping, stud ; attempted _to thrust out itu- pajltiM.atuclieghepause their , immediate con- . . nection: -with .hand moi?ey .profo4,cannot be demonstrated„,,,There is one spot, however, into which d bas hot 'lib ., generally intruded . icselttbe female asfidemy—the last refuge arks. and fine jollies. Thither the yming,.ladies are frequently sent, rnerely to learn how to dress tastefully, and• , walk gracetiillyNitey, write French, and masks waxen plunies end, silken spiders—all pretty; but .why rot impure "whalprofit tako,my pen,:not.l9attler a dissertation on temakikeducation, hurttrifillAt that young ladies be,imight._Miemistry. They: will; thereby be better•qualitled l'O', — stuperinted; domestid allairs„guard .against many acoiL: dents to which 'households are subject i . and perliaps-be-lnstrurriental in saying-, lifer--1,41-e— -illustrate the last remark by reference to tox icology. , The strong acids, such as,pitreonuriafic, aiursulphuric, are virulent poisons, yet fre- .gnentliusedin medicine, and the mgchanie arts. Suppose . a ia his' rambles ammo the neighbors,..should linter a Cabinet shop, and find a saucer of qua fortis (nitric; 'acid) upon the work bench and in his sport,• seize and drink a portion of it. He is•reon ye) ed home . in,gi;eat agony. The physictan is sent for; but embe arrives, the child is a corpse. Now as the Mother presses the cold clay to her breast and lips for the last time, how will her anguish be aggravated to'know that in her medicine cheat, or drawer, was some calcined magnesia, which if . timely administered, would have saved her lovely, peichance.her first and only boy. 0, what are all the boy:leis and fine dresses.m. the • world to her, compared with sugie knowl edge ? Take another case. A Jalsband returning home, on a summer afternoon, desires some acidulous drink. , Opening a cupboard, he sees a small box, labeled !coatis of lemon," and ,making h solution of this he drinks it Ireely,, Presently, he leels distress, sends for ,i;ti le,. and aKertpins that, he has drank a solution of oxalic acid, which she has procured to take stains o liarn- linen. The physician is sent • for, but the unavoi ahle delay. attending , his arrival ki fatal. When he arrives, perhaps he seep upon the very table on which the weeping widow bows her head, a , piece of chalk, which, given in time, would have certemly prevented any triisohlef, from the poison. Corrosive sublimative is the article gener ally used to destroy the vermin which some times infest out' couches. A solution of it is laid upon the floor, in a tea-cup, when the doMestici go down to dine, leaving the childlen up stairs to play; • the infant crawls to the tea-cup and drinks. Now what think you would be the mother's joy, if, having studied chemistry,. she instantly called to recollection, the well ascertained faUt, that' there is in the lien's nest an antidote to this poison: She ,sends for 'some eggs, and breaking them, administera the whites. Her child. recovers,, and she weeps for joy.— Talk to her of novels = ono : little-heottol natural-science has been worth, to - her,-more than all the novels in the world. ,Physicians in • the country, rarely carry any scales with them to weigh their pie seriptions. They administer mediiines guess, from a tea-spoolr or the point 91 a knife;, suppose a common . ease, phyair Man, in a harry, leaves an overdose 01 , tartar emetic, (generally . the first ptescription in cMi‘es of billicai . leyerj and pursaes his way to See anotikriPitieni t ten miles The medicine admistete4 and thcr an is,peliknied: . When the case ,hecomersi, Mkt alarming ? ' messenger despatoh,cd : pr.., the '4octrir, and another in, . in a eanisier,lo the eupbeard, , ntid pail tree that 'gre . mie by the dOor,.a reinedy , for .this distresa and, alarm—a mire minas of saving . the sick inan tram death. A strong 'dere. . . tion'of young hyson tea, oak Intik, prapy, other aktingeht iegetable i ill Change t artar tmeinktrito a'harmless , eoslo n ii)?:: ,' . Vesteli ofOotier Offen' gly , risi) . i in Boning: Thsigh thiimel:ln a leig?o . ptit ., - a little change' in, a dry atrnosithere:it is rusted; i'l; niotature' litii liiede? . .tidfid: tie_ ' , duilited . heeomititttiiiiFeil with . v:giden 'snbstancti'—: orbrinat . e;i6etko , iidkipia 9lcii)er,tt poSIE!ii. cnis ooinkiditrio.:lt - pil. o hietkriips:bdt.',7 ,4 ;odi, Ah,tik inat4dr 'icoi'ivanr tit `in'Odiledgtilictis .410 ii het' timilyi 2 -Sonrkrbut'v3ll6llPerrnlitgci tolsteid idedditid iitneifill'itioliperi ietidek,' i " }has' produced death in a Idw,hourd,'''ddbFe' iiogibtsradir , 0 , 1' permit . pick i main in cop iitirtyt;itiitlo;;thit'• ktifirtinildiat 'it ii . o . gro4 : ..dri s ldr,`vititctifittir ito'biPttl3tnriiing:itttiand. , i' 'lFiiiiliiiiii iftWe'aftk been intis. 4 'tfid;'' ease Vredtikiditidii'dtiintiee; . tind:,i76diliat'id'.' Ailiiii r ednio litititia'9El 'w'ititbill 'enegettinit 'ttibliiiiiite i h gdelaili'',Nadit - i , tatnly some rd4silit',it, 'diiiii4itiltite . hefyelf. dpr ' het. ititiii:,' ettifitit''‘f li IMO& iii6li 4 :olsiiiiiiiiiouitilikii'seil v ipowe that pic kles , rendered green btddrifi- • .: grid are .pnitnitiidli, , at - tali:a, thilifirte of ant r =. 1-rni.m..41.,1 ;flag 18 fi i !v ar .r.9 l .rl • . '. p,''qv,,,, ' : ,ili =, , , z'i .:,,,,, v ..1 111 tati`ti110t1if '1141 4Pjw„41 1 1 1 1,1011;4;.: 1 , 3 4,4 11 1...4 - i!O ile- F -f lO l 9 -1 4 - . 9 P 1446 : - *P 6 tPIT 4 4.!iX 4: ; . '.,kiiii.7l l o°V.., 0,..!!!•,° 6, 0iii - ,dilii!"rigi#l,4o,l9 o3 .t , l,f: - edgai.eiolo4 ll .lo4i s : . anAmportarit. , l.o l eoistit ,, , , i iiihtki ' ll:ll6i.tidit:tg.thii . lem4iglitYx;, tlikiwitt(- ; : , AP I hi ; ll otre . #Otti#O it ,Ll i .' l .4 l4d S Of ' iii ,10R.!;',,i 1 Uk?„ i ii I ghqpI r ki!ik 0 R 1 i1iii,`44%914f.t,... hl''""' 4 l , 414414')' !f 4411(Y'1 0 1 T 4104 i Mgsl3 j lll ere4o 46 / 4 E i q hdlni k i*l' ' i ' .I" o of , Vii o !-) 1''4 1141 4 4i±iM*rti?t 4 kt :* (1 1 111) it . ' , '':. '" , , . • ' v - , 4 (.'..k.: 1 , 4 `.• ,' , ;', r ,,,,,,, e •Ti?!..:•!•:. :,1, NES . o ..;•' . ..1 . ... , 1 On - 7..: • ..1 /..,!.... .I, .1 • ` . ~ '. !=•k A l ' : ' , - 4lyt /*' I. ' 11 1 _4lfll Y. 71 ~., , -.t. ‘,::::: . 1 , :.: 1 7 . 0 . az..'- flIdE4 ,-,, ,ir , z ,'. ' . : 4. "' ' ' ••• , ~,,' :;'. •'‘' '!1; '' i . ....'' ' 1 ' ' ''''''; ll '4- IC L •41, • Rio , . 4 . 24 ' :, ..., ' O ., ~; f I •., • f.,,:' ~,,!....4%,"'N , • • I'77' 017 i 4:Y Pjj / V" '; ,i - oi. 4 .•)jsi ' , .i 1 .1 "Dononat~onal ' SiaYs~s `""''"'' THE Methodists-in-TheXnited States, id: luding the Church North and ,Soutli,iind, those, denernii4ted Protestant,: number in I heir bOdy'.onb million one hundred and e . o lll .)4ifikt .thrlisand .suc..-11Prldrell: and inenbers. one Proterdent-portion .;aumber but eighty-three thousand el , this 4aigea;g4regnieli-:' The nuiridet: stif itiethp diet churches fit' hot' 'TF'ported tablO rrom • which diese' statistics: ale:cardPiled-' The'number , of ministers" In 'the 'Episcopal 'portion of this body is five thousand 'arid ,The,Briptista i including, the Reghlar Ariti : Nissibit; PriteWill end others, have eleveYi tlibiniacd two h'undred, and sbity-siii olierehes; thout;and five hundred end • ninety-one members. !mho Presbyterians, Ofd School and• Now, have one thouianTand twenty-siren Churches, ; threo,:thouiand two hhndred end sixty-Sour ministers.andithe hendre - dhltd - rventyliiiit thobieddjoittliun , dred and .filly-three members—Tha,Congres gationalists, have one thobsand eight hun dred and sixty-six- Churcheii, tine thousand nine hubilred and twelve ministers,andhne hundred and ninety Ore° - theesand .and ninety-three . members. The Episcopalians have one thousand four hundred andlout Ministers, and sixty-seven, thousand five hundred and fifty members. The Lutherans have ono thousand four hundred and ttrrenty , 7 five churche# 3 , * five,hpodred and ninety-nine ministers, and one hundred and forty. nine thousand six hundred and twenty-five members. The Associate 'Reformed, Cum berland and other—Presbyterians, together, with Reformed Dutch and GermarKßeforined Churches, have two thousand and : fifty-two' churchesitwo Thousand. and -ninety-one-mil utters, and two hundred and forty-one thrill-. sand seven hundred and forty membersi— The Itoman, Catholics have nine hundred and seven churches, nine hundred and set,. enteertinnisters, and one million one hun dred and ninety-nine thousand seven hun- dred members. The Unitarians have two hundred andforty-fdur churches. The'num ber of ministers and members are not res ported, but the numbers" of ministers is doubtleas as large as the number of churches, , if not larger,, If the churches contain on an average, , as many members as'the Orthodox Cdngregational churches, the aggreinte num ber w s oUtd twenty-seven thousand five hundred and thirty-two. The number of churobes of these several denominations, exclusive of -Methodists, which are not .re poded, is twenty-one thousand'ninii hundred and eighty-one. Allowing the Methbdists ten thousand churchel,, the Whole number would be about thirty-three thousand. The whole number of ministers in these denom inations is twenty-two thousand eight hun dred and eight; and the whole numbers of members of churchesifour millidns one hun dred and nmety-seven thousand ontiliiiridVed and forty-one: Supposing the population of the Milted" BMA to be twenty millions, it would give one professor of religion to every five of the population—not including,the children, one to three and a fraction. How milby, of these professors of religion are not p sore we'maf not presume to say, but Undoubtedly the Omniscient' One would make a veri_miterial reduCtion: The-Bap-- dills have the largest nuthbei of chofelies and'ministers. The Catholics have the lar •gest number of members. The Methodists Have' the largest number among thq Protes- tant•denoinlnations. The Old School Pres, bytermns have sgven hundred and•tenty five more churches than the'New School, one hundred and sixty•tivo more ministers, • and tuienty-thiee thousand n hie 'hunttied and 41ty-three , more members: :Tlitibld ind Vim; School Presbyterians together, hatii3 :2 l‘vo' thousand pne handred and rditty , tnc!tt, chur l clieg than - thou sand siz ' hUndred 'aril'fifty-two' rriore minis- terse ditilkinhlitindred and lofty-one thensupif . thiee-hundred-tinit'itxtr tiii#e-niemlSers,L- Pre.tbyti:illiril'Aditricate: • • , ....., ,---- - 7 , , ," - T -- 7 — .. ~, i ritrx: 1 C'• • M9RE uNTrati traTae. 7; :l.:flp "try,vto7', not t : laiiiek?..ki444le,`mii,l,l;lake - ,loki . y Eiya ;. lllll4iii'Stalea aii - 1atte.g.5.:e.41301,,,. , nie-iefeive's6nti t t,i ~.11A , ..,,0)i,,,,i ?, ,iiii, thirty-six dares ' Wily - nnylilies, orliee . Istato B ,-t!pqypp ,Oncf.,B..iiall=aoniti - AlltittY?alk. degreesl i4lo..rin irtulqo Mr. OAI/a '.olgitest—icrt.., pesingilipAlianuri,comprotniee line to ;= be, ~ adl?P 3 d4.t.ll l 4, , P,Ta . ited fitakocwill:: then lean.; ~ aist, o I aiiventrcix ~ontercUt Male& -, - Should , . c ) ieg9na.Paiii°Plini and iii , vil Maxico.=Ay'i i ' 9f1;PR0.,91(!: Rocky Ai:44o*k 60,.:' the ,411v,ia-:, 'tark.Vatv!aan : lhe United. filatec of 4141ifitiel 'and the'United Stateleor the, Paoifio, A. he, At- . . [anti° Union will contain film: seven soveFt sign states the'Pitelfic '.Union nina een Alik kinijo' sovereign states:`'' l'ilikiiKcialefiat:iolii' ' aTelt:tiand ellen' tfie reiniiit relent `Crilie;trirl tecittgieedanlitlisliiiiiiOl:ttilitiiiilirit'fand i f ',oll44aatiki - i'lri;all : ilia - 111118d 'fil'it:itiliii:= . ritor ot-taiveiyelitilti or y4'lliiiiii;if !into' ' siEiteia4g ✓ . 4 'l,`''''f:l"','''''''''.q . '"" ) .:'' , Y 4 ''''' ) . ,11' . '''' . , DEPR...s *o l, f t:Pr'rt/P'.* Vi,F7°LiP3,- . 7 ' , ,.igiktiiitifiaiVMCVi'iliii"Poiretatea that ifb9o iiiii4ii it'AllO'4l4 - ',Le'n'iiiin tOlilltliiiiiir#l4, .;eit);fiiiiiiiiiitipalliiiiO,fiti iiiii4i?'l6 the " liPl4°,4lll*li'lhi* id 649 1 :616, " fibOV.Oi t rkik, ~iiiitipiiiT,4lNftie tiendtall*eiheicaniqine OP ' Wolik t hOteitiolcifieritee , ibtat ilia ,ibacicokand. t -# ol i-ay,- , sygriWial.o 4 41 4n 3 ge'!.;.--Th?4litl' ilaill'iilifileithefidiiiiiiiiiiliii ill( ih'W'elgilla I:l3t tj4ti 6 otq ' '' lk i * :44 '* n' O" 'i lih i hi'W ' tiibo is inyAitokklif tiewelletti out I : l4.lt:ciiiiroY4 l ion I'4lllo l l 4 l oo b , l 4 lo6 , l Ath e lrati** l (o 4 , -,i+,lpg,,l9,;ArAit.io,4;,Piitika*pgli:,iipA - 01 - #), 11,T.A1,.°.°41,f,1*-41 1 .Pft'ltilftft.4%i46 - s i , ~,„!&, , ~, .. -, ~ 11Atitiliwo, - • - - 41" , 7 1 ' 4. .1 ? L 7 ft !:i1'34,11 1 .11 4 Z14,. g I *. IMO v c'l , / - ',IZ.; i, ~' t I,:', .f.l. 1 MEE N UMBER ,LIL GEN. (2E6PLE.-.= The correspondent - of 01-'the Dal ly Nevdey(lt lib is travelling in'ointitiiiy - Witli,Preside'pariYa 16r, narrates -the tottoWing kamcirous:incii. dent. -111p jouhr,cyotri : pedfOrd Springs to Someradt-wita''OVtiir xcad,-througb the mouotains; onlybeie there d w d ; oceasionaliy,,,,e : lavernj,the,m4 behig reach frequeeled by ,'Aroyers.: The President, Gkernor and auilVelcitiped at one of these tairerne the:niountitiati:'“Vdnicr, , find though the exterior wis duy.thing but prepossessing, the'rneetaurnishint4ould-dir • credit to, many of our firei r etly ; hotels. President, after' - dititier,, freely with the crow d ; and aciOn•becianiveh 7 gaged in an interestiag'cotiversadon with a rank Locoloco, touching hislocilifical pies, arernises, 4, brcikeri spledges,” &o.; •ia , iihicth l wound up lilsantagonis t in a:way, at •oricer .dignitieli • and good imaged. .The \, ;iiinxtcfrlintion..ran-tonaewhatatter,this-tash,---‘; , - ion:— Y ", - .1 - otrx7 — ( - • Walking - up - the d' ye. dol - Prn glad to 80 . 0, yei but I didn't vote for yeilcatilie-Piti a Dint°. crat' • • Gen. Taylor-I'm just ati v gladf to-See you for all that; came bele to see Whigs, Dem 7 °crate and Natives, and all, and am 'glad to see all. ;•.' • Loco,—You, said you . shoe Id -be •the Presi dent of the people, and not of a paity,'aiid that you wouldn'fb'e proscriptive; but YOU'VEJ turned out the Plutocrats and . pobody • else!, Gcn. Taylor—Wflo else coidd turn out! Nearly all the„ officebolders were ,p 1 Your patty, and I, of course, desiredlan equalize; lion. It I'llhould let your friends have all the ,places, and the vv,bigs pone, it mould be pro achfung the Whigs , ..t.Cc0,..-r•Yea're right, General; Lnever tho' of 'that.,'"l blieve the D4noetata dul have. all the plaoie—that's a tact ! They &at got 'ena finni Gineral Jackson. Gen, Taylor—Yeu,my good friend ) they've had possession of them for nearly twenty years; anti they ought to be satis4d• with: 'heir half hereafter. • • The .argurnent was conclusive, anci"• the Locofoco could not escape ;. do, with more, honesty than is.. possessed _by...those_frorri. Whom he drew his complaints, he 'confessed the grain,' and owned Up. The .whole M ink ended in a gerbrel'hiligh, and the I.oo¢ loco at parting, shook Ahe . President by the hand, repeating, 'you're . right, General; you're right P •till the carriage roiled away. THE CHARLESTOWN . MINING EXPEDD. TION.—The Boston pagers notice the recap ture of William. Phillips; iliatr 4 Porter, who. managed to eseagefrom the Massachusetts State Prison in May last, so ingeniously; by persuading the Jail Warden and City Mar shal to take him to a spot near Charlestown, to dig for some buried treasure, which they were.to share together, and then tumbling the officials into the pit volfich they dug.— His recapture has excitiedrinif•ipterest Boston and crowdrivaistinvout of curiosity to see'so cunning's FATHER MATHEW.—The Boston Jour nal says that this distinguished philanthropist: still continues his labor of love in that vicin. ity, and is iapidly swelling the host of tee totallers among the foreign population. On Friday he spent the day in Roxbury, where. lie Was entertaiiied by the city authorities.— In the course of the day about one thousand pledges Waif — ad niiiiisteteli.---T-be:4olole_, number now given by Father Matthew in Roston and its vicinity is upwards of 25,000. A WEDDING SUIT AND A WINDING Su;Er—Tho Rev, Mr. Cooper, Bethel CltP.7 lain at Sandusky, left the :city, during ; the. , prevalence of the choleot, for one of thcrad; joining lofts, to be Otarrfcd. l It havingAbeen repotted that-he lelt . threugh 410.:Ofthri;cher. era,- it is now staied, , upon • authority; %hailer , lettli fulfil tilon,g . standiarerigastment , .to infirried', and died:the - yorfro . ohif4k . hp.;:, oint ick the , reurriageo. ron ditErEfcting,snrneiiilidntion*Nciw .9rle,na,,hy,r,eadirgovritir!LpplisregidisrEZ ,A P iti gt o'o Pg g . 4-• ,01 4 1 1 4. 1 , erPfel 3 7i4 ;Ilow;thje.,diekt!pguieliii4;poilipr.,;iiinriSgiss„,hint rlind;;sswitininotanforttiediq He sican , ;lisiiiir4.s,' • thniani was tti&iti=" : PunllV' , 7 , 4 o : l l l 4 3 fAvagl*RtrfOß 4;.Ptfk flyrisin'ireiurniid , to. his owner:: ASlag l izine says that at leak' 'nen l tion p~dshe"d t ~y~tue fa nine S tf;lreland ni`; iB. 'R hbtwidisEtinding doserninnUe pnr.disefiftt rriillions of .ousts invirchasingPNE 'food for%lhti.;piiinilatibli; , aiid•:isittensivii'tonn , '...: . l tipel i y'y'prtwoelynd frolm ibroSd. t , J evs: , JP,V•43,:, • `0Y4:,i ) ; r914 1 ti4t 4 .1,9f ) ;Idiot Copin') county, *ll,-1438401.34#9,1,",) l'osti ennui obintity conversiblicitookl:plocelf,- 4"iinVtnki,'Or Wit* 4 . "tit iluingniii 111 . f 1 40'40 0 ?;111.5 1 eT!'4 , ,, 1 , "; PP i -tag itancripa.The Spanish , 95141 PA Ipf a iietv oaini, bh. been . bObtia (PV#:o4 4 4_, , 1 5, 560 d ; t a " s " eitli3 gbi i rg ib r i a jalle g OriVV; ttikaStiit ' lleg, 'Eh anial talkild mftaaititiye , fr,= , ` 1,- ,,, , ,, q , ,_ , f .<.'-., ~c No lloßE'CXl . , Co*! V4oo # ll•l4efiLMlkfl', l a ' l6-tejoSitdi4r*S44o o4l l o ßeineg f —Ae ut t 14 . 00 461i 010* 10 0 4 . 1 " l ifi le V his f ki n k i Vg-,. i4''. l 'lotVl o6 oF , er ' **i iiebl e ati VO i f tl 4 .„. 4 0 'h- `,lrriea 1... ..,,.. ii iii i ii r Sit 4 if -,e-r A ,34.,.,.-,? i t iA _, 4..eirg,ifir 1, ,A,.,` "t liFtkAl • 4141,,wt !P O 4. tiOn liia ill. ii j s ' qtaiSlittiOnfOrt, irkiemosioj e . ~,,,i, f . . 2 -.. , litiugiiiilifti 01'4 !uiker '. :-.1 07*, - m.1 , k , t4 , ,, 0 , ,,,t . ,:# 0 # 4 01%!.;,. IP' 1 El El MEE WllifiMi