Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 22, 1849, Image 4

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"The Ohio' Cultivatiir of the - ist says:
41 We have taken considerable , pakis to
'ableiti reliable information. in regard to
'the Wheat• crop of this•and other Slates
and the harvest being no& Over, lye are
able to give a pritty correct estimate of
Its character. .
The accounts given in our last, of the
disastrous failure of • the wheat crop
throughout all southern Ohio, have been
mere _than. confirmed 'by letters and pa
pers received during the pas; two 'weeks.'
We regret also, to state that our hopes
respecting ;he ; more northern wheat .
growing counties of Ohio, have not been
confirmed,rexeeptin Part.. A letter from
a well informed friend . in Stark county, that ..tho ‘ wheat. crop of that
nbe. , ,alceed °kid lams an a
yorage.yiefd7—althongh it looke.d very
prornislo. - .llp, to the: tinne•Of.etitting.—
In„WaYarr. county our ,letteis stare the
wheat, crop may be •put down it about
two-thirds an average yield: In Rich
land and Huron we gather ..from the .
reports, about one-half, or two-thirds of it
fuli. crop has-been harvested. In Henry
county, and. some others, in the north
west corner of the state, the wheat crop
is said tO be good, though Comparatively
little is raised, • Frem all that we gather
therefore we set it down, as our opinion
that the wheat crop of Ohio is not over
one-third of a full average yield. • This
will be only aboutenough,lor home con
tucaption and for seed.
In .all--the---States, we have already
shown that Indiana and Kentucky, and
the Western portions of Pennsylvania
and Virginia, have shared with us in the
loss of their wheat crop. But east of
the mountains, in Pennsylvania, Mary
land, Virginia, &e., the crop is sAid to
be full an average one ; and the recent
accounts from New York, indicate above
an - average crop in that State. In Upper
Canada, and in Michigan, also, the crop
is very good--full an average, if not
better, In Illinois most accounts speak
favorably of the crop—only a few coun
' ties have suffered.
Now, in order to furnish data, on
which to base an opinion in regard to the
effects of the partial failure of the crop,
on the wices and the aggregate surplus
of the country, we will give a few figures
based on the estimate of -the commis
sioner of Patents for the past year, which
are doubtless not far from correct.
The principal wheat growing States
are as follows ;
Ohio - -
New York -
Virginia -
Michigan -
Indiana -
Illinois -
Here we have eight States, producing
ninety millions of bushels. suppose
one-half this amount to be surplus, and
that Ohio wad Indiana are excluded en
tirely, wei then withdraw nearly one
third of the amount, This would. no
doubt materially affect prides. But we
suppose, as is probably the case, that the
crop of New, York and Michigan is con
siderably better than last year, and add .
the. whole of this increase to their a
mount 9f surplus, and also take into the
account of old wheat on hand, we shah
find reason to ,conjecture, that the defi
ciency will perhaps not , be materially felt,
and, AP *cry great advance of price will
take place.-
A T tfie Cheap Family Grocery Store of JO
SEPH D.HALBERT, West Mao street,
Carlisle, pout will alwgys find the best sioply of
Family Groceries thilittlui Philadelphia markets
can afford. The subscriber has Just returned
from the city, and would respectfully invite the
publicin general and his friends in particular,. to
call, and examine his stock, which embraces all
~s he 'articles usually kept in his line of business,
such us Rio, Java and St Domingo Coffee : Im
perial, Young Hyseiveand Black. Teas, of the
bestquality & flavor; loaf, falling loaf, crushed,
clarified and brown Sugars pf every grade, with
price to suit Honey, sugar houeo, Orleans and
. syrap , Molasles. Spices of all kinds, which he
-- will - warrantpure - andlresh — grobtX — Biediiiii;
buelieti,baskets:butteP bowels, wash. rubbers,
clothes• pins ,anti brushes•• of
,every variety.—
rosin andfcountry.ffoAPS:A,le
so, a,general assortment,, WM,
king TOBACCO, simnish halfspanish and corn.
and CROCKERY of iirery . ,:descripAiri, Which
be . .WillCellet"theloweitpossible,pnees.,,)
qTeeling gmteful for .the liberal patronage here
tOforeteetowed. upon him,:Pt,itgoiterouit.
„ten,flers ,theirt .hearty
thinks, andhopesithat in his retforte to .please,
and particolivattenttow b usine s s merit a
, ~ „„
contintanma of support. . ,Aimei:2B7lff JOS. D. HALBERT..
;'' , ExtejishW arniture 'Rooms: t: ' 1•
• Inv o,l:ll;fr,tpipeolfully call:the attention of
IrV!. , tlciirsovic,irepere and the public, to the axe
ientiitrit Ock. af.aplendid FURNITURE; inalu.
''''''' ''' ' "', difik Sofas Wardrottea, peatai
,andotlitir Tables, Dressing and.
Plain Dureausidand every-oaric
. , ~,• .
01 1 , ;' , . ':-......;.ty'apCabinat..ware'aild Chairs',
witichAttltia: Ow, lid • hand at his 7 1 , i ( E,w t .
' ROOltifq,',._birteathcioil 'ma: near. the dorniiir.of
Noftlillaaoilitstrtiekin ilimfaT r okilowell &
Niftlp% 3, i'ii ,„,, h 4 •a, ~ r. i , 1 ii; ;
.._. ) o. s . nu eat 1 t t a s as Ins 4? .t e,
# .104tathip;'.ald',,16Xlip60 . 6 1. 1e1.0.9;.14 Vibich
ilk -11rAciiiCtirit .g4 1 _,',3 7, /!,tbiollOt with ...ttieir
onApjoo, i yiw Yopopmend thinil,to everApefi
' • "Nr.llklOng,'Fignear o2 ,Xtl lilts:Plea ;fliaqfktri.,
rangeatents 'fiir:lmuntalicalrfnkand ',keeping 4,
cohattintitapply;of:piery,,artiele at Ititt„li.ta4 lattlt
plitliti:and'.pratitytental i ', elegant art& iteclat; at,
. P i1 4 t .(4 *hi"' e 4irk/./St . rtgl ' ta'suit:Pur,ctahleriiriilliei
- i .cr 'yd' n eirlipit)V paite.aertionif Who; tap nitogt; to,
;co 'rtalitial. lioUstf-Neellipgi MAR . lid;extatunO i l
.h .Piefiefit j Ao 6 o;il i llie•iffkigYoff*t.. ttallifatoni , 'l
An liitWatelte.,.a 1 1, ,P,IWIlkt t a0,..litfiyzes ;;ttaili„lgest
• iii iftiraltßa.,:ai" ..„
~ i'4:: . ,; th, 1,,,,
..,-., V P iriVi'ie iV4qFo 4 ool4/ ' olloBt po,.
4cr — ICO,IO- - , ''. •
• 'itetiOiittfOn• • "
,Reiative to Ao d .the,lConstautton
. .
Readved by:the Sehate and Ifoitee of Repro.
aentatioes'of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
in General Assembly met; That,,lhe Constitu
tion of the Commonwealth be monad in the
second lienition of the filth article, so- that it
shall 'read as followit: The Judges of the Sue
_promo Court, of tho several Courts of Common'
Pleas, and of such other Codrts.of Records as
are or shrine establishod'hy law, shall be elect.
ed by the qualified electors of the Common.'
wealth „.in the manner following, to wit: The
Judges of , the Supreme Court, by the qualified
eleetordat large. The Prosident'Judges of the' I
several Courts of :common Pleas and of such:'
°that-Zoete of Record as are or shall be estob..
lished ! by law, and all other Judges required to:
be learned in the law, by the qualifiedelectors
of the'respectira districts over Which they are
to preside or act as Judges 'And the Associ
at:Oudot of the Courts of Common Plots by i
the; qualified electors of,vtlio counties respec
tively. The Jedges,.`of tvi Supreme 'Court 1 1
shall hold their of fi ces for The term of Mewl
years, Willey shall so. long behave ,themseNes
wall ; (autOct to the allatment hereinafter pro
vided for, subsequent to tbatfirst election 1)
The Preshient Judges of the several Courts of
Common Picea, and of such other Courts of
Record as - are,or shall be established by law,
and all other Judges required to be learned m
'the law, shall.hold their offices for the term of
,Leit years,ll they shall' so long behave them
selves •tvllf The Associate Judges of the
Courts of Common Pleas shall hold their offices
for,the term of fire years, if they ahall . so fear,
behave thenis'elves well : all of wheat. shall be
commissioned by the Governor, but for any
reasonable cause which shall not be sufficient.
grounds of impeachment, the Governor shall
remove .any of 'them on the address of two•
thirds of each btanel: of the Legislature. The
first, election shall take place at the general,
election of this Commonwealth next after t h e
adoption of this amendment. and the commis•
sions of all the judges who may be then in office
shall expire on the first Monday of December
following, when the terms of the judges shall
conitnpnue. The persons who shall then be
elected Judgesof . the Supreme Court shrrirhold
their offices as follows • one or them for three
years, one for six years,%no for nine years, on,
for twelve years, and one for fifteen years; the
term of each to be. decided by lot by the said
judges, as soon after the election as cony:ink:tit
and he result certified by them to the Gover
nor, that the comtnissiqp_s may be issued in
'accordance thereto, Tlit judge whose com
mission *ill first expire shall be h iefJustice
:during his. term', and thereafter each judge
whose come - de:don shall first expire shall in
I turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or more
commissions shall expire on the same day, the
:edges holding them shall decide by lot which
shall be the -Chief Justice. Any vacancies
happening by death, resignation; or otherwise,
i in any of the said courts, shall be filled by ap
pointment by the Governor, to continua till the
first Monday of December succeeding the next
I_ t a . I
Court and the Presitlegts ofthp. several Courts
al Common Pleas shall, at staled tinico r raceivo
for their services an adequate compensation,
to be fixed by law, which shall not be diminish.
during their continuance in office,. uu ,they
shall feceive no fees or perquisites orafilee,
nor holdnny other office orpirofil under this
Commonwealth, or under the government of
the United States, or arty — Filir State of this
Union. The Judges of the Supreme Court
during their continuance in office shall reside
within this Conimonwealth, and the other
Judges during their continuance in office shall
reside within the district or county for which
they were respectively oi ss t e d,
'Speaker of the Goose of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
- 15,0000/0
- 15,000,000
- 12,000,000
- 10,000,000
IIP TUE SE r; March 1,1849,
Resolved, That this resolution pass.—Yeas
21., Nays 8.
Extract from the Journal.
IN TEM Flom OF Ries., April 2,1E49.
Rentlvod, That this resolution pass.—Yeas
8, Nap 26. ,
Extract from e lm Journal.
WM.. JACK, Clerk.
Filed April .5, 1849.
A. L. RUSSELL, Dop Soc. of the Com'tl
I do certify that the above and foregoing is
a true copy of the Qr./glee! Resolution of the
General Assembly. entitled " Resolution re.
laity° to an Amendment of the Constitution"
as the same remains on file In this office.
; In , 'testimony whereof I have
horousitO apt my.hand,und caused
.( 4c/ to be affixed the seal of the See
)o'retary's Office at Harrlsburg,this
'# 4 • • eleventh day of June: D. one
thousand , eight' hundred, and
Secretary of the Commonwealth
, .
j .JOURNAL,. tar SENATE. •
.iiketioliitiediNti. 188; ei Resole lien
relailye em,a,ukenclirieptAthper(sttteMasy
Wee'rend tilfrd'u me: ~ 4 1:119113 40 6 BtiOnrWi
the , §enate agree .etkeletipiii? The
Yeas ana'Naye Were taken agreeably.lo the
Conatitutten, and. were as folloW,
YSAB—Mesers. Mae ' Brawley, crabh,'
L'unntrigh am; Ferey th, g fie, jehihin.. Law ,
renee ,- Laii B ;..mi s on; ArCaelin,
Speak.r-8. • "
Su the question woe determined in. tho,eflin
media. .
I "J° l: htNAL OV, - 13 F atra. '`•
I I tlyr "%poi titian pizilsThe 3 0 ! iaii,
l'n ril
ais'Werulian.tikteeiblFto'tho firovidirm of
the tenth ttrAelo of ; ,,the,Co,os,lttotino s Audaip
, , ' , •
"fif'AirinNe4r)4: G %Than' Daii J
)1044010g 111P4tIk4Vitei',1); 131 , 60,114 Davi(' M .
001% ~ Thomas IC:. Jacob Cort, •
EtiMtV,JoziE tivetanr, Emer s
!DOW .144 n
I ,oe - fli t ' M ''' Jo
Grove; : Robert
JialipOtfitimit•e'VlibneZey, 'r, hoMeo Hot;-'
:iin - eoosii 'YI I IIIOIO,
licitvdi;'", 6064
4 W I C 6 Pliliiii 4 loPir thVY;)o l ii
IHu g i: 'Edo Jehglift'littbibl i 6 ; 4l:kilt Air,
'ti Sitstis4 l r t Altitii,',TolM;,: 9 ',Myers', Ed iv Ora
onion iisti Bqiiinil.',; ; Pebiect - ,'.'lumeti Porter,
Iferirk.,CAilttt,',AM i zo„Robb t peoygp Ropley,
1 8 ,0 00 noveri
telßetberi.„ - JOlM;Sharp,Chifotlan BillY9Vl
,iiii,,,e,'Stee);JoriMilah.B-Stublut, Jost J.
man, MhrOhlil ICB Rani upl
garto,l3i3orgi'l' L Tliiiinv 'rhea,
1604 i;Danializr+!39i ens otioriocu yvnt
ry -); • • ;•.; ;.
, t'irrnnit9 B l7B.Alifbitie Ii ( ornyp,l)pvid
:ouyitioy,-14v14 venifll,ooiy,'FF
I.Fiint r ndi,lfitiffyf t 40104.fpfkoillijOklo:
'C A ,iiiiii ? 3l9lll,l irig e Ot t i 3 iim"
kli-AiNcireptirf9,l29 - 41P4OVIIINttr
.All, .
• Vll)iittla
.~: f.f._. ~II: !: .r~.~3
' , Tatiii*A"?ttikiqWll ll ol4TeßtiftetiO , TolinTiV
'l(ciaelieriy;'Jqhiq;l3,Rittliorcettli;R RundlS
Smith, -Johii._Y4/10 - 161,1,0 01 t4natiedel, OeorgE
Walters and David 1 ,, Willtame.—±26.. 4 .•
". - " ,, ,50 the qaeeli:Ot(i*a:a:de c teailetilll9ltilio
.7, 1 : • ,
'• ' „ 5R 0 914 r'y P
itirlininTNAMVl, es: • , • I
•:Xdo cetlMt th - eitlivii
.for, r g9Mg rtify
elidedija o rierreaf
copy' of Wit& N ays,"
ft„iv ari'aintaambriilof the
• • ••
tiorhri,ao,the same appears, on; thriJouroale4if
the two Houses of the Geaerat•Aesembleof
•this Coirimenifealth,rfiir'•the'sdsairls,Of .184 S.
• Witneaa my'hand and the' ehrofiaid ogee.
the fifteentli'day' of ;Nile; eight
huodrett and fortimihae. '
Secretary of the COmna'onweulth.
3n. pl)ilabtliibfa..
A ,, ..e. Watches and Jewely 1
- 1r CIikAPEA 'nun' EVER.—
"Wholesale-eneßetall—At the
* "Philadelphia Watch and few.
• Storp," No: 90 North SE
-1,4n. :'..= ' COND street, corner of Qatar.
-0- t: (TO iXI7: . rY at roe t.•
Gold Levers 18 k. eases, full jewelled, $3O and
Silver Levers, full jewelled; Sir; end upwards.
Gold Lapin°, 18 k. cases, jewelled, $25 ,and
'upwards -• , , .
Silver Lepinos, jewelled, sloe ana,owards.
Silver - Quartier Watches, $4 to 40 ~
Silver Spoons. equal to coin, per sett—Tee,
$5, Desert $lO, Table $l5, other articles in pro.
portion. All goods warranted to be what the
aro sold for.
Constantly on hnnd'a /rime assortment offnur
Also, an essortment of Tobias &
E Simpson, Samuel & Brothers, E S Yates &
Co, John. Harrison, G & .11,„ Beesley. and mho.
superior Patent Lever Movements, which will
be eased in any style desired
Arrangements have been made with nil the
above named most celebrated manufacturers of
England, to thrash at short notice any required
style of Watch, for which orders will be taken,
and the name 'and residenee of the person or.
dering put on if requested.
.; 1
nov3l Importer of Watcher
NV HMIS Gold and Sil
ver Watches of every
description can be bad
.at frQjn ten to fifteen
!essi b n any paler store
,1!..,= , - , .
-...... N )
# ' la i :-....- '. i
...., ,', ,0, 7 4 (% ..... 7 - . 1. - - - 1
. .:;. , :::: ,, ,,,,A
. 9 . D ..........--: 1
..kitz • 2 • •,... ~ "Z,,,.., i
, -;' , :..,:z'' . 1 - •'A - 4 , , , ,
.... _ - • -•
in Now, York or Polio
=dolphin. Persons who
wish to get a gOod watch, perfectly regulated,
would do well to call at the store of the sub
'wilier, and compare the quality and price of hie
watches with that of other stores. •
Gold 'Levers, full jewore,:l3 caret cases, $2B on
Silver do ' do 12 00
Gold Lepincs, jeweled, :8 carat cases 23 00
Silver do do 9. 00
Silver Verge Watches, from $3,00 upwards.
Gold Pencils from &A to $8,00; Gold Pens,
whit silver cases, and pencils attached, for 75e.
Also, a handsome assoritnent of new and
fashionable Jewelry, at prices far below the
usual store prices. Old Gold and sillier bought
or taken in exelinnee,
0 - NorthSEGUND — Street, second door
below Race, Philadelphia, 1111:8'49:y
lKi'Cut this adveriideinent out. orid'brinx it
along, you will then be sure to got into the right
An entirely new ArtiCle for Shower-Ba
thing, - with warm or cold Water.
irerms Bath took the premium at the Fair of
the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, October
1848, the only Bath that. over took a premium
at that institute and also took the first premium
at the Fair of the Maryland institute, Novato
her 1848.
A groat and important improvement is made
in this Shower-bath ovehall others, by-throning
the water immediately on the body, without
wetting:the head, unless at the will or pleat:nye
of the bather; but a greater point is gained Sly
being enabled to bathe with warm water, which
no other Shower-Bath is adopted to—and most
of all the Bath can be medhreted without injury
to the hair,
Many persons cannot take a cold bath—their
case is met in this as they can re,gulato the teat.
perature of the _water to Sint - their wish; and'
commence bathing at any sensop of the year
without qtly unpleasant result. Ladies can have
the advantage of bathing without wetting the
head or covering the same.
'rho arrangements are simple and complete,
and not liable to get out of order. The Bath
can be adjusted to suit any height, front a small
child to the tallest person. When the door is
cldsed, the fixtures aro hid and the outside ap
pearance is that of a neat piece of furniture.
They have received, the approbation of seve
ral inedical gentlemen—others are requested to
call and examine them, Manufactured by the
24 South Culvert street, Baltimore.
BATHVG.—Read what Armstrong says:
Do not omit, ye'who would health secure, =4 ,
The daily tresitablution, that shall eloar3
The sluices of the skin ; enough to keop
The body sacred from itedecont soil.
Still who pure, oven if,it did not conducef
As much (as it dims) . to. health, very greatly
Your daily pains; 'tie this adorns the rick;
The want ot this is poverty's worst foe,
Willi this external virtue, ago maintains
A decent grace t without tt, youth and charms
Aro loathsome. '
January 3,1849.—1 y.,
A Purely Vegetable Medicine. •
VIF LOWE .PILLS' nave been gradually
but surely coming into lever, among the fami
lies of this Country for some years past. They
have'done title entirely through their great worth
as ttIFAMILY 4 MEDICINE. Agencieit have
betinCapiMinred but no pulling and humbug such
hale manned to by, fmacks to sell their medicine
. line been.,idono:', ',The pills, are oflered• for sale
and have and sVilledittlund - WV° sold Fre
. principal storekeepers. proprietors claim
for their Medicine the folloWing.advantageeovei
all others---:.vizt They;.ere, PURELY, 17E0E
RATE. . Their operation' is FREE from all
PAIN. They can be used with EQU AL 13FN-
- S I'IVONGEST MAN=TlfeirUffidierfey in Fe
vers, Ague, Heiiihiehes, Habitual Costiveness,
Dyspepsia, Cholera Mochas, &c. hay been pro
. vpd.upo,u;litensands: Titeyera'a Ceitain.Cure•
. lar;)vorits.. Thu proprietors 'Mame
' a;cortifi=
ca m Creme Cent lemon in St. Leitisiitho Was cu,
red.of a TA PE,WORMAy.tbe use,or them;
Travel ing'neent for,thu . Sfato of. Pennsylva
',.niaEt Anus r.,Asta.ith yai,eale; price 25Cte
n hoxcontaining FIFTY. 'PI:LIZ, with. full . 01i-•
!Meath s The lollowinwsgents)n Cumberland
Den ' •
r s y
ala,by DR RAWLIN.'S larliele, Pit.'
• .D 11 Hivq,--_,s4iPPepSbOfg
YAnd ls lTiki2;:::"
. rm. ;
i''.., . .. . ,
ii , i ,,, , ~ , '-yimiCi- 8 6 - mi.upp.,F1 ,,,, i. , .,
, oposrArtglrte+ , kiagmtiowsto.korpb,o4,,
i.,,g o i m uya, c +i,r.g..'ship,, rtacipcp,lNlorchan-.
:dize, kii. ! 6',pplti l note,, l'hiladelphin, &C. Sto..n.
Cdal, "Plimior.sliaili, sat, ,Fish; GrcleeiiesOtc; . '
ao4stimtly for eats:. o;:,-,f—,--•—,•-,;•••, , .:,—, , ,—, .-:
;.: ' Witij o bog;e l i l och.29;figifs7r. l .4 'f,:',,,f;:,;,i 1 ; ! .
~. .., ,.. ..) : ( S iti- --i iluiilj 'Bru . ,.** l ,''',.."'.'-',' l '., * .'
'''i: "'" '' ' Itite;66Ofiltar'tietes le f ie,
.-..- great var . tety,o. , ~...,,
Daps, ..,. fortid fqr sitip.,,ponstqAtige%lith-viiiii;C. . IT;
11*, , aorfillIsingi',tgr. o d . iiiininitzrui44,lo
-gl'aeth.arld Nall ' I FI r h ll ic% aiik.a,loe, imat,qillo;
~gr,, at., variet34:44,0,,..-7,h,iopgree,,. .. ~ .
~.4 1, tiptl:tyittttlt 119”,.A. r.., . Trerr e.. ,, :t v.,
1 ti:•"': I . sl oBllC'Nq•''‘;.'t-t 4 " 14 .'..f7 1 ' ' 4 1•4, , ,r,F .7 42:y 4 . .,,,,yt .
'', , ',!;::,.', , , , .. , ,-.',.n.f. , 4.,-,;,::':,.:-...,;,- - ,- , .!.•,. ,:,,,,,....,,, ~,,,
' • -
!! 0 " "'"Phi4MallillietteV . Pip a lnaiti; t :o69
l a
AY,, ) ,ItE R;: forwarding and . :Conimission
,egobantp , ELtintzsaun , „ Pm•lnforms
. Rivas publie l • that front the• liberal pat. ,
rodadli, lixteindedt whim daring. the past4year he
has been ,oneouraged•to Make nibreextonsweitr
rangements for tho;prosing season; anii , has ad
.ded,,tw,o-newOargit and' splendid -Boats to -hilt
prepared- after •• the op-
Inting , of the. Canaliact,formeard PKODU CE end .
41•ERCHANDIZE. of all , kinds :to • and from
:Philadelphia; Baltinore, - Pittsbagb, l 6ao , o '1044
loWest••rateslof freight and' nith•tlie utmost des, t
patolr.,•:l • . 1.• • ,-•;•
Agents•for Biiatso , l •••• •, • • ;••••• •t t
° . • !, IL - -;Riteo; g W
reet harf, - Philadelphid.
G EISD'&•SOlfi••• •• • •J • I
• Eno. 48 Commerce - la. Wharf; ,Balttinere.
• CLAWK•& SHAW; • . !
• • I , 3I . c.FADDbN &
Agonto:for Cara, • "- •
2=o:(dsin. WIINIYERLICH & GRIER, •
No. 272 Market at.,
z"M, • I No: oa Market at., Philadelphia .
srrert,.. JAMES-& C 0.,,
••• ;Broad street, Philadelphia.
Sg9l , „ , Norili,streot, Baltimore.
Harrisburg, 4arelt 29, 184 S.—if. 1.. I
S., GolthiWe Clothing Store,
Oa the' corner aof Main street and' Market
Sipa!, Ibrtnerty oCcupied by. Nathan Ilarilch.
'PHI; undersigned respectfully
the Chizens of Carlisle and surrounding couutry
that he has just arrived from-Philadelphia. wit
a splendid stock ofREADX 1 1 4:AD.V., CLOTH
IN C, fur the purpose of conducting the ready
made clothing bdstnes's in all its various bran.
. . ,
He intends keeping en assortment of every i
article in his fine of businessond 'fit such pp
email, will suit every one.
His stock embraces the most handsome and l,
fashionable styles worn, and made up it Hat
best manner. •• •
. ,
' This subscriber. only:aski a trial of his goody '
and irsure they sv.ill give entire satisfaction. 1
Also, a largo 'assortment of Hate, Caps )
Shit-fa:Cravats, Collars, Bosoms, Suspenders,
and Hosiery, all of which he will sell at 'veil , !
for/ prices. Boyo' .clothing constant ly on hand i
/OM 1.1. '49..-611.. 4.. . . .
77 - NrifirIOTECT4. STORE i .
THE subscriber has-roceiXed,and is now open
ng a choieo selection of Winter Goods, consist
ng of Cloths, Cassimefs . and Vestings, newest
style at the lowest sales, which he will make up
into Dress and Frock coats, Over Coats, socks,
cloaks, Pants find Veste,Dress and Frock coati
of cloth fromaix dollars upwards, Paints Irmo
$l5O to $6, Vests from 75 ets, to $3,00, Mons
from Bto $6O. Me ale q keeps '
shirts, bosoms..
collars, neck. and poclat handkerchiefs, nom
lots, caps, glovesand Hosiery, in shoreevory
thin'g appertaining tea gentleman's wardrobe.--
As •he is agent loran extensive bousnitn - urfli - fir
enabled to offVr• fresh goods at least °Dees
month. He will receive regularly the N York
and Philadelphia Fashions, and will spare am
11tankin wetting up his , Work in the most durable
and iltsloonable manner. Hew ill also makeup
work purchased at other storesin the most care.
ill matinee. Ile will pay trarticuineauention to
Children's Clothing He respectfullysolicitsa
share of public patronsge
Dee - IS;IS - 18AgirIf for the Prorietor
Fr@sit Drugs , Medicines, Ike. Ito,
,• I. have just received fronr-Philndel
_--------- phia and 'New York very extensive
,;1P additions to my former stock, embra-
F Ging nearly every article of Medicine
now in use, together with, Paints,
Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Soaps,
Stattenery, Fine Cutlery, Fishing Tackle,--,
Bridles of almost every description, with en
endless variety of oche t' articles, which 4 am de
virmined to sell at the VERY LOWEST prices.
All Physicians, Countly Merchants, Pedlars
and others, are respectfully requested not to pass
the OLD ,STAND, as they may rest assured
that every article will, be sold•of a good quality,
and upon reasonable terms. I
Main street. 'Corlisle.
Mny 30
Aro the tongue often, white and loaded; the
breath heavy and footidrirtilsagreeable
or sweetish taste in the mouth; occasionally
thirst; the appetite extremely variable, some.
times remarkably deficient, and at others vo
racious. There is sometimes a sickish feeling
with vomiting of mucous; flatulence o f th e
'somaeh and intestines; pain in the abdomen;
swelling and hardness of the abdomen; the
bowels are irregular; the stools are slimy; and
there ia in occasional appearance of worms
in the evacuations; the urine is often milky
and turbid; there is frequently . iteldness - of the
fandament and nose, which- Is often" awollen;
there is occasionally disturbed sleep.: with
grinding of the teeth, and suddden arvaklag
io.a fright. There are, at times, headache or
giddiness, ringing In the ears, or even deaf
nese, faintness, convulsions, drowsiness, indo.
lento of manner, ill temper. la' some cases
epilepsy and cholera, and even apepleetio and
paralytic symptoms, and revere' of the signs
of dropsy of the brain and catalepsy appear
,connected with worms. Frequently there'll; a
short dry cough; and pleuritic. pains;' some
times feeble and irregular pulse, palpitations
and en irregular lever: the ebentenanee
generally pallid or sallow, and . somewhat
bloa'ed; and' there is occasional 'flushing, et
one or: cheeks. Any one of these signs
is indicative of Worms; and the most effectual
beat and cheapest remedy is
Dn. Jens J. Mynas!, WORM TEA; t rre ired
by Dr. J W RAWLINS; itthis Wholesale and
Retail: Drug Stere4Oarlisle, Pa.; and nand
genuine without hie 'written signature.
The Proprietor of this Medicine ipso con
fident-et its - -Stiperlority - to - any other - Worst -
Medicine 'now in tise,'lltat he will cheerful),
RETURN Tilt storms in any case in which ins
Preparation fails to give equal satisfaction.
The WORM TEA when made according
to-the Directions, is pleasant and will be taken
by the most fastidious Vach package
contains suflie.ent Medicine for the Mire of the
most olottittata ease.: .Pirde only 25 cents a
(aDruggists and Storekeepers anppliod on
thermost liberal terms. 1ma23'491y
4 • 'Re fr eshing 'Drinks.— . 2- i
„ •• •,
, • . Sparkling pull Wight •
In ha liquid light,,: • • . •
and not ?nly aparlthng.and bright — but for ito
*Nor it is hard to boat.- :.• •
indeed titti "NO. plus , nitrati,drink of; the atiiv.:
son,,, and ma y . 1M hadoogovitor ,with The 'obopa
nartied Mineral Wittei l '• ;tho•Wholeaaleti#ll
Retail' ConfOctiobarY:,of •
1i113,4 9 ' Ili' N. tlioii6V,(o4oo;
-Tillie. valuable -E . /110110
•„;' ' • cure Sprains:
S PYr B ,:-Png )r oe, a ttO , ,4,.±
',Litanies, 'Cuts,
log,. 'll-houtnallani:: , ; and • alf
• ' 7 •r• — • • •• • complaints Much. Xeenlre ati
torllai rantedY• !cit. dtvecinaikiedititilalief to
:the Scratches. and the incident toHorackhaving
t'vhite feet and notice,: piolluCiod 1114 , §k l iolist
itenhai usalut,i,n relaxing,
lies& cif; thil'Timilotts4 alid,%;oiets end , producce,
bentificial '644643,14 in'eclte,d;heoli, , bronglit
by : hightfeodlng, ..ThiP±lol4l/10r,
.Fstrierth :
, ICeoficriforliivery; Stu iqviillid t r i va t°
men owilihi,tl4rsakka sliohr , constantly
kept in , theft. Tile trltdce iENPIDTB...,±±arti.;
,Clo No .402,
IWO(' ro'r sale ~,wholcenler
!ara ratailM,:i.),R, 11,44AT . 1 4 1p4.Drug StoOMP',
Mein streaf,,Ottilfilie'
~ ; , 0 / ee ,p o . , 0, ~.;,?.' i.‘
milo aub'ectilierAliitifallhAl 2 1 i.. 110 A4 an,:to.'" " .
i ~ ,d lenvoil wide 4,Fek s o, iguilig• qt,,eilp,ge i,
Tq blo ' l ' 4 inatitotili 9 4',,l, l 9, l !?o; l ',l l o l o n j u ` l 7 l3lll Y HI ,
A r I
TqW4lintil '°eot l . 2 kin"Nri.f&ql.ol.o. tY 7,,!,! 1 , 8 2; ,
ciao 'ilpiii) ktaiditig: lit - 4 119wkolieppgla ',:,=44 1 ..,,, %.,,,,, ;
.1627' . ' , .:'' I'''+'' ,( / r ' ( ' 4 r.‘;`' o 3, , r,riklTNEp l il ,
tilfilio RIOSi - s 9ictklk , o l o‘,Aef,qAY,Pdi 1 4
'Uf Dril t #Ylk l gt Ana, , 74 #,RA T; , -,- 1,4,
r.) — i • . 1 , 1 4,,i... L'•.vitv . •'.-',',.
~,,,,..0 -••• tot
, - , .• ,
:..!''. italltlUtCe 'ollltlattltOr
EfolitabiellifiAnd." enoe, Ainiu it.
• r • And , TrustVompany;
Ark F.FICt.' - 74. -4 ,WairMi:etkeet;;P,hladelphinp
.111*.r perpateril ".
~ ;...14Inke'Icaurance, o n iivewat their offieeln'Phi
andt,ne , theiri.AgericieethrongleutqW
States, at s.he lowest riles of premium' -.1 1
, RatesTorinouring at $lOO en•rveingle Life.
• Age: , For 1-year. For 2 yeared'Lifd
20 , 51 -• • 91 . Go
, • 30 99 . 1,90 . •
-•-9.0, 1,29 ' 1,64 "2407 ;
, 50 • r 1,66 , •-• 2,07 ' 3,94 i
59, • . 3,48.. 2.97 - ' . 031,.
lExammin..—% . kporson aged 30 years nextbirlli
day, by payirigpt company. 95 corits.Nsold
cure 4o'his family or heirs $lOO simuld ho' die in
ono-year or for $9,9 ,he secures ,tg thorn $1001:4
orfor :$l9 annually ro'r seven years -Winn:tures
to thorn $lOOO should -ho in'aeven Yeare3 . or
'for $20,40 paid annually.daring life,: secures
4slooo to be paid when hordies. ttt 'Winter
securing his' own bones,
,by 'di prenceih
amount. of Trembling from- those charged by
oilier offices.. For .$49,90 the heirs would re
ceive 9,5000 shouldhe die in one year.
Forms of application and all parileulars may
be had at the office of "Fitto'a . . WATTS, Esq,
Carlisle, Pa.)
-S. W. IaGHOR.N, Pree't
FRED'k: WATTS, Atey.
Dr. D..N. lithiox, Medical Examiner.
nu 3 .28-- . • . .
The Franklin Fire Insurance Com ,
pang of philadelphia.
, s.ifiFFICIL, No. 163 i Cliesnat . strcet, near Fift
!us street.
Charles. N. Banckei Geergo W. Rtclinrds
Thomas Hart ' 'Mordecai D. Lewis
Tobias Wagner lAtiolphe E. Boats --
Samuel Grant David S. Brown i
Jacob .R. Smith Mortis Patterson:
Continue to make insurance, peretual, or limi
ted, on eyery description of property - In town land
cosiktry, at rates as low as are consistent with
The company have reserved a large
contingent fund, which with their capital and pre
miums, safely Anvestedi afford ample protection
to the insured.'
ante assets of the company on January Ist,
1848, na ptiblished-rigreeablv-to-arract-of ,Assem
bly, were as follows, viz t -
''Mortgages 8890,556 65
Real Estate 108,358 90
Temporary Loans 124,459 Od
Stocks . 51,563 25 •
Cash on linndlind in hands of
tigenot, 35,373 28
• •• 81,2200397 67
Since their . incorporation, n period of eighteen
• years, they have paid upwards Of OrE MILLION,
thereby atlording evidence of the advantages of
insurance, as well as'ille ability Mid disposition
to meet with promptness, all liabilities.
7 CHAS. G. BANCICEIL, Sec', feb 2
The subscriber is scent for
for Carlisle and its vicinity.
insnrrince (tither - hy mail or
promptly attended to. W.
Fire Insurance.
j_ Mutual Fire insurance' Company air Cum
berland county, incorporated by an act of Assem
bly, is now fully organized and kri operation, un
der the management of the following commis- '
shiners, viz :
Clit. Stayman, Jacob Shelly, Win. R. Gorgae,
Lewis Flyer, Christian Titzei. Robert Sterrett,
Henry Logan, Michael Cocklin, Benjamin H.
Musser, Levi-Merkel, Jacob Kirki-StimV.Prow7. -
ell , ar, and Melchoir Brensman, who respectfiilly
call the attention of citizens of Cumberland and
York counties to the advantages which the com
pany hold out. _
The rates of insurance are ns low-and favorable
as any company of the kind in the State. Per
sons wishing to become members are invited to
make application, to the agents of the company,
who are Willing to wait upon them at any - tithe.
Lewis Htiell Secretary
Aciityrs—Ructotpli Martin, New Cumberland
Christian Titzel and John C. Ourilap, Allen • C
B• Harmon, Kingstown ; Henry Zoaring , Shire
manstown: Simon Oyster, Wormleysburg;
here Moore. Charles-Bell, Carlisle. . .
Agents for York Connty—Jacob Kirk:
ral agont ; John Sherriek, John Rankin, J. Bow
nm, Peter WoKurd.
Agents for Harrisburg=liouser & Lochman.
fen 9
The Girard Life Insurance Annuity
and Trust Company of Philadel
Office N. 159 Chestnut Street, Capital $3OO
- Chprter Perpetual.
CONTINUE to make Insurances on Lives
en the Most Ihvouruble terms. receive and
eicetatto Trusts, and receive Deposits on Inte
The Capital being paid up and' invested, to
gether whit accumultated!premium fund. afterde
Putney SECURITY to the insured. The pre.
intent may be. paid in yearly, hall yearly, or
quarterly payments.
The Coutpany add a BONUS at stated pe
riods to the insurances fOr life. This plan o
insurance is the most approved of, and is more
gunernlly in use, thou any other in Gieat Bri
tain, (where the Subject is boat understood. by
-the pool°. and where they hatie hod the long
est experience,) as apPeqrs from the feet, that
oat of 117 Lilo htsuranch'Compahies there, of
all hinds, 87 are cm this plan.
The first BONUS ens appropriated in De•
cernber, 1944. amounting to 10 per cent, on the
sum insured unddr the oldest polices; to 8. 7 . , per
cont., 73 per dent., , &e., on tubers, in pro
portion to the time of standing, melting an ad
dition of $100; 887.50; $75, Sz.e., Eh. to every.
81,000, originally lettered, which is an average
;of twee than 50 per cent on the premiums plod,
and without increasing the annual payment to
the Company. • '
The operation of the BONUS' will be seen
. by the following examples from the rife Lisa.
_mum Reg Wei. of...ike_Cimorgip v.•th.R.4.;
Sum Bonne or Amount of Policy &
Insured 'Addition Bonus payable at
the party's decease.
frp MO 8100'00 81,100.00
2,500 250•D0 2,750'20
'.4,500 4oo'oo 4,400'00
2,500 ' 175'00 2'175.00;
5,000 437'50 . 5'437'00 I
, No 58
-Pamphlets containing the table of rates,
'and explanations of the subject ; l'orms of ap
plication, and further information can be - had at
the, office,. grads, in person - or bYletter, ad
dressed to the President. or Actuary.
r -D •ItiCiIARDS . , President.
JAMES,,Aotuary: ,
iil2 ° 49ly . ,
J. Ey. atILLER,
"•64.1.1 W-7"'"
benerit Coninntsioli:gict,Foiiyardi6g
Meichrint 79,,80w1y's Whirf
Olt ihn " s'al'e of Flobr; Grain Clo'verseed,
•"! V I.whiakey," Luineaff"Sed: &c: Also,' for.
warding , " Goods,' Via 'Wide' , IV lifer -Cabal and
Penneylvania-",linputvoments.: Orders for Sett'
Sali f Plaster,' &b.-"&c.f. "Supplied' at, lowa*
Oritibe.;- ', ,•Py
Haying : been, ongned,in,the,aboye",busineia
five : years , m continuation of , the;
patroutute,cif!hia , lllooPend li mo public is>';g ,
Refer to .* '
Sri t
. L' , /I.l37tAttoo'& ZEtoLid;
COn U REM, % , IDarlielasTro:' ;.""
:' He `U n ° 11, ' 51 . 1 1 1 ,9R 1 . 1 #0 , 4 4 4 1 04 9.1 - iiir4 P :ra
\ 'Ft.;
.Lykeng . ValleyCloal.4-?4 , -.. - 7
' Gyiron'o'Volldv Coal Company/1011'W'
Oomtroth s to'doltviir paALi'on and iifloritto:2otli;
' , natant in, their, co;;
ftermulvanfo, fat tqe tho„ ( NtomMilieo
Canal,:l2 from, CM ! R , et dm fol.
liitinßPFs4,l l Sa l ic_4o,l; 4 ;frf 2l o" ton
,Nut • , • • „,
kupiero onrooneri,, c .s ;
1 41,14110, ?4,4,1.taC,q TrOttocur., : l,',
• x,v;,'..4 '
Scrofula or . King's' Evil, Rheumatism, 010.
slinnls Culantoits Eruptions, Pimples or Pus
tulei on. .the Face; Blotches, Biles, Chronic
Sore Eyes, Ring Worm ur Tetter, Scald Head
Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and
joints, Stohborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Symptoms,
Aciatica or Lumbago, and diseases arising
irurri an injudicious use of Mercury, Aseites
or Dropsy, Exposer° or Imprudence in Lafo,
.chronic ConetitutiOnot isorders.
i n tin: reparation are strongly concentrat
ed all the eclicfnal properties of SinsarAati.-
eit, combined with the effectual aide, the
most salutary productions, the most potent,
simpleeof the vege,table kingdom; and ft has
been so fully tested not only by patients them-
selves, but also by Physicians, that it' has
received their unqualified recomMendatiomr
and the approbation of the public ; atrd bus
established on 16 own merits a reputation
.for VALUE arid EFFICACY 'far. Superior to
the variant• compounds bearing Alto name at
Sarsaparilla Iseases Novo been cured:such
as arc not furnished in the rocords of time
past; and what it ban already done for the
eiousands who have used it , it is wok , o f
doing for tho millions still suffering and strug
gling with disease„ It purifies, cleanses, and
atrongthens, thee founta. n springs of tile, and
infinies nviv vigor throughout the wholo ani
.M/31 frame.
The diseases for which this arliele is record.
mended are those to width it is known tiorn
pbrsonal experience to be adopted; and those
apparently removed beyond the sphere of its
action have yielded to its ip-flum..ce,, Tbe,cat.
alogue of complaints might be greatly ex-
Wilde(' to which the" sarsaparilla is adapted;
but.expericnees Droves its value, and every
suoceedidg day is adding new trophies to its
the above company
All applications for
peisonally. will be
The following striking end, us will be seen
permanent cure of an inveterate case orScro•
Fula, commends itself to all similarly affected
SOUTHPORT, Conn., Jan. 1, .1848.
Messrs. SANDS : - Gentlemen—Sympathy for
the afflicted induces me to inform you of the
remkrkable cute effected' by you r‘Sarsaparilla
in the case of my wife: She was severely
afflicted with the scrofula on different parts of
the body ;. the glands of the neck were greatly
fularged and her limbs mind) swollen. After
suffering ovtir.a year and finding no relief from
the remedies used, the disease attacked, and
below the knee suppurated. 11cr physician
advised it shoulstr, Veinflettrlipen, which was
ffli - it
done, but wi•l any permanent benefit. In
this situation We - heard of, and were induced
to use SANDS' Sarsadarillit. The first bot
tle produced a decided mid favourable effect;
relieving her more than any prescription she
had ever taken, and before she had used six
bottles, to the astonishment and delight of
her friends, she found her health quite rester.
ed. It is now over a year since the curo wa
effected, and her health remains good, show
ing the disease was • thoroughly eradicated
from the system. Our neighbors aro ell
knowing to these facts, and think very highly
of Sands' Sarsaparilla.
'xtract from a letter from Mr. Ingt ahem, a'
gentleman well known in Delaware county.—
It donut - hinds itself to till similarly afflicted.
Gentlemen wife has used scveralhot
tles of your Sarsaparilla, which I obtained
of your °genii] in thin place, from which an
has received such peeial benefit, that .I am in
duced tvlltfif milie to the abuctlantlestimony
now before the public in favor of its medici
nal virtues. Her father, mother, and ninny
other relatives, have fallen victims to consum
lion, and it was supposed that she too was in.
cllned the same way. She had several turns
of raising blood, Sac., and at length 'became
so reduced that her life was despaired of front
day to day. We were induced to try your Sure
as(bolore mentioned, from the use of
which her health has been restore.l;.to that
for the past year gho has been able to attend
to het domestic duties.
The followingiliows the vrrtuc of the sars
aparilla 'in removing Bronobitia, a disease
which, if not speedily arrested, leads to con
sumption. It allays spasmodic option, changes
the secretions; and by its tonic and alterative
properttas, removes the unhealthy action, and
the potion: is restored to health.-
(EMI 8. SA MB --GOICILICMC II : I IV ish tb make
public, fur tbe good of those afflicted wolf
the heating • properties of your
Stlisaparilla. My Wifi3 suffered ibr twenty
months In such a manner as is not easily de
scribed i at times'elio was not able to speak
above a whisper, tied when exposed to the cold
air, it oetlastoned something like spasms itv
the throat, the effect of which was felt in the
ears and eyes, coaling ,tealgi 'Tr flovii. The
complaint was aitended %vi(es dry cough,
produced by the -constant irritation and in
flammation of the throat. By the use, of your
'SARSAPARILLA. she, was perfectly cured,
It being now more than' three months since
she fell any symptoms of the disease.
• ' - Yours, with respect, , , t‘
, tiL'ORGE C. HOE%
• Extract from a letter received from Mr. :N
W, Harris, a well known in Louisa county,
Gentletrien,-,I have cured a negro hey of
mine withypaaansrseparillo who was uttaeked
with SCrelula, and of a 'sernfutousfakelly . . '
, ,• Yours truly
. • ",,N.W. , HARRIS.
Frodeilelm Hal), Va., Icily , Y 4 1648. •
SNOB' Sattsruntu.n.—lt seems almost un.
, -ace nary to kirect s ettenclon to an article so
well linuwth Cud so deservedly popular, as tins
prephriitiori,liut4ittlenti, often , who Wish to
use 1,1 19 c*Pl4,4 Yariaparillu,arc induced to ,
,try, worthless compounds:bearing • the 'name ,
',bat containing ;little 'or none of the.virlue of
this valuable .root;;•and We, think *tvo , 'cannot
,eonfir , a greatsr benefit on our readerithanin
,ilireeting their attention , to, the mivortitiotneht
taf'Meisks6lds'Arl,':all9i,hir;'COlumnY The
l a bdttle hits retentl liiciCei,ilarged,to ,hold ,a
gush! ottd tlicsAW t'e'vviett,a really poll aril.
olo , 'W ill fitiChii trated'im this ell • ther,modi-
anitml,value p ~4 0 root; Thu experience of
thbOsands has proved its efficacy in curinifthe
various ditcrutcaltnr ' , Which it is•reitomtpiiudetlF
antfat tho ,- present time' mote than; ii op! , othee, „
:pailispsi is, this inediultio' utielbPiri li,rePhring ,
he for- , ;a for a 'ettenip . of, - seattpn.;---Hoint
Jointrap,, Sept. 1846. ' - i'r , s.'d' (4':"'
,;,, fPrepared and. soldimholesale--nn4 're
-I!iikk3r,', A.,P;:er , A: :1 0A$'0;'-;. , PkOgg444,
ii ' d '' Cl).rnla:u",)°,9:,Fkiltbniiitie.ett corner ;
''of;,Wiiinipp Now, ;York: . , ,Sold ' afr,o 1 b3r
Druggists'letiOn Y l ,Mg 0 0, IP;q•
~ S tnip4A4PAttiiii*,4:.riofsAt'pqr ,bttler
`131*,V94101 - 4 for;so'o . 4 - r04 4 , , ,:*„ . .4q - ; ~ ;1i..'=7 , ,
k;;,11# 1 ,101'-t 144'07;':i'01:Orik Idi
4941' 1 h ii V, in,0 7 tArq ,ri , 1 ..14[, ,•;,1 a w. , .
I, oitral:4o l. n.i.: t , P.f3 . of,Cil:*ir4,Y,V*'V}'l
1 ,s, ; ''' ! ' ' '' '' ' ' ''','-', : P , '• " 3 - r i ilri' ', 7o4 ' l ''.4l, 4::rzt `, /* 1 4 1. ,i 4• '4 :'4
•tg,i''' ' 'P ' ic? 3 : - TY
Yours with respect,
Respectfully yours
NANTUCKET, ritass.,_Nov. 110,1848
-Ztorts - .olwps."
thk*,At cE,14116L,
164 ChesAut Street,Conierj miuentl6, - Su,i4im's
Bui in s, Philadelphia: ,
KNOWINCI4Ine wants of the community,
,the Proprietor of this Esisblipbmentliss
fitted. up, a Store in • the most elegant mtinner,
!trying due regard to the 'COMfOTCOf INEOVNB.
tomers, so flier every•Strangervisitinghip PO*
Store, may fuel entirely
STOCK of Books is clas-' -
sitied according to the various Departments of
„Literature, so that visitors eau "find the Books
they, aro in search of for.themseives., Buying
his stock for Ale most part at 1.1)0• AUCTION
SA i.EN, and being connected with One of
Largest Publishing, . Houses in this emmtry,
besides publishinglargelybimself, enables'him
to sell ALI. EOONN ni LOWER PRICES' than
any other house of a similar character on this
continent. His :facilities for the IMPOTINATION
on Boozes from Europe, are Unsurpassed, hav
ing a Branch of IMPestahliihment 'in Lorfaan,
where•orders of private gentlemen are carefully
executed and forwarded to this Country by
every Steamer and packet.
A CATA I,(XLI t of Books with the price
attached is issued - Zmarterly, cootaining.Lists of
Neiv Addi,ions, wads to his large collection,
3,001 are in allcanhErfor safe at the LOWEST
Pr:TOES, or from. 0 to 75 per cent, below
Ptibilsl era' prices. Thus in buying even a
few Books, guile a considerable amount is
saved- As a still cord= Inducement to stran
gers visiting "the city, every one who purchnSes
One Dollar 's worth of Books, will receive. a.
copy of the Syr:Arlon. IN PIIILADELPIITA, n n
elegant ISmo. Volume, the price al which is 25
ftf''The limits of an advertisentent nro too
confined to enumerate the [niece of 'any of the
Books, or to give even a fa it idea of the im
mense advantages to be derived ffem purchas
ing at the•great Central Cheap Book Store, but
lot-all who eve in search of Books scud for a
Catalogue, and bay the books they arc in want
of, and whentrvisitin elm, city, give Appleton
-one call, and you will be sure to call again.
.6 ' -TIONERY in all its branches furnish
at the Lowest Prices. 'The Initials of those
purchasing Letter and' Note_ .Paper, neatly,
stewed in the corner, without charge.
Orders for affmtiele.fitey lie sent_by mail,.
nddreladliPThe Proa'etor and the directions
in all cases will be carried ifut, with great
punctuality and despatch. •
00ortlers.for Catalogues should he ,prepaid.
Bookseller, Publisher, Importer,- dad Sta
tioner, 164 Chesnut Street, corner, of Se
venth, Siltnim's Building fmo'493nio
-- ---
. zlpzeg e u..3,4ll.Waiviniorvp
inDESPECTFELLY invites the
tion of the public to his
Dug -and Fancy Stre,
IVest„Main street, Carlisle; where he has
ust received a fresh assortment of Dritsle,
decines, Paints, Oils, Perlunte,ry, llewelry and
Fancy Goods.
Amongst his extensive variety may be found
ail the most ,
Approved Patent Medicines,
hinds of Salts, Dye Stuffs,
Qa.inine, Opium, Castor and Sweet Oils
Whim Lend, Intligo, Spices, fresh ground.
Glass, Petty, Chlorolerm,
Shandeliers, Lamps, Wicks, Sperm Candles,
Shaving and Toilet Snaps,
Cologne, !else, Lavender and Orange flower
Bears Out Marrow and Ilair.lrye,
Nail, Teo.h, Hair, and Shaving Brushes, -
Fine IVort %torn, and'Sbell Combs,
Finger R.;633 . A, Brocelets,mod Breast Pins,
Bead lino and Purses,
Porto Monnairs,
Silver Spectacles and Pencils,
Gold Pens. Ink and Inkstands,'"
Fine Writing and Note Paper Envelopes,
Motto Wailers, Seals and Paper Weights;
Mirrors and Fancy Boxes, •
p Musical and Surgical Instrunnente,
Fine Knives and Scissors,
, Carriage and Riding Whips,
Umbrellas, Clocks, 'Plunks, &c., &c.
Country Physicisns, Merchants, l'edlars and
others may hear something to their advantage
by calling
IrrEthe.reol and Pine Oil received fresh
e very week.
didmnd advice gratis to the poor
January 17. 1848.
/1111 - I,E subscribers have received at their
east High street, opposite Ogiley's Dry Good
Store, a large stock of goods in their line, to
Avhidh they would call the attention of puycha
sees, their arrangement in the city beseg such;
as to enable them to sell their goods at the
lowest city prices.
Their stock comprises n full assortment of
Locks and Latches of every stile and size,—
Hinges, Screws, Bolts, and every article used
for Eluittlings, Augurs and augur Butts, chisels,
broad and hand axes, hatebeis,ldrawing knives,
planes, and plane bitts, hand; panel, and Rip. -
ping paws, mill, cross -ant and circular saws,
Mice and halter chains, llamas, shovels, spades,
end hues, hay and manure forks. Also; a large
assortment of Pocket and Table Cutlery,—
spoons, shovel and tongs, Walters and Trays,
Hollow ware, Brass and enameled Preserving
Kettles, Iron Furnaces, Cedar Warn, anvils
and vices, Files and Rasps of every kind. Bar
Band and Hoop Iron, Cast, Sheaf Spring and
Blister Steel,i&c. Also.
•100 Boxes Windoiv Glass.
100 Kegs Wetherill's Pure White Lead.
5 Barrels Linseed Oil.
3 Barrels Sp. Turpentine.
200 Kegs Cumberland Nails.
May9'49 W RIGli r & SAXTON
To all whom it may Concern !
THANKFUL to the pantie generally for past
favors and their liberal patronage, still con
tinues to carryon the , SADDLE, TRUNK,
and HARNESS making business, at his old
stand in Nanover street, two doors north 01. the'
Carlisle Bunk, at the sign of the Mammoth.
Collar. Ho is now better prepared than ever to
accommodate his customers, having recently,
made, great alterations in his establishment, so
as to enable him to keep a much better assort
ment' than heretoforei• consisting' of.Spanishi ---- ;
Dragoon, scoop tub, twilled and plain SAD.
common ; Farmers' Gears, of all kinds,
vetting Trunks of all descriptions and prices,
Veleases and Carpet Bags Bridles; Martingale
Dollars, Stock, Leather a nd Raw Hide Whips, •
Leather, cotton and worsted. Fly -nets, and all
other articles In his of which tie is,do
terinined to sell at the yery.leivest cash Nice& ,j
Making-and repairing Matraises of hair,
end straw,, nod 011,kindeof Upholste•ing will be
punctually attended t 0...
• ap2s'49lY
;11311YSTCIANS, Country Merchants and
;X - Pedlars, are invited to call and examine cayo
stock of Medicines, Paints, Glass, Oil, Vat...a.
niahes, &c.
Patent Medicines, Herbs and Extruets, , ,;u7
Fine Chemicals., Spices, ground and whole. qt.
Instruments, :. ESSCI/Ccib:.; .! ;; ii ~ t..
Pure Essen', Oils Pcilumerxi &o. , .; - ! , ..“.0.V. , '
DYE.STU,FVS., . ..%,:rr.
I • ~ Log aMt Cam WOodg, , ,/,
Oil -.Vitriol ,
~....... , fi1,...>.
1 * Coliporasi.
,17, . .'"., ' .<.i."4firJ. '..
' Lpe Pro: ,, . F- - .: , - , f:::13,...: ,
cPALINITS;4',. ,I ' . ''''''''•'''''''''
," •
Welheriß Breiberia;Pare• Lead, Chtottin,:r
Green add . Yellow; Pahn tiod 'Varnish Bruehel,,,'' i p r
Jeriai , Windtiw"Xiinsee'd;',' Oil, Turpen". .
tine; (.opal and Coacit'Wernieli, 'ani lied Lod:
AU of.which• ,will be Bald • at' the very loweetX
market' price, at tho'clietw Ding. and'Book Store '21: 1 ;
, . •S. Mr.' RA VAR/STICK.. #:
.Nriv•31901411140 "2l •
L., . , • • .
4e, , Oheapest,Goods. , 7
oe. 4 amnion. luiyejtist , biten ishehil mat ,the
• sioro of :,tho, subscribers, 'bolo; the.socomt , "i' , .''
large srrivat this spring. Among this.ldtge.sttft..l.:- • ,
,ospybtfound.a-.variety'ofl AWES DRDSB -7 :":
OODDS,,aush as • ,
himps,,Phoc l / 4 8;:lAgslinek very, chispii rriolthigsi' •
,'pinta and,!eiriped.: , Muslitis,- , 4Eklargo'liiippbt , of
.;'lllsDr, NDA ),VOAValtvolnis.
marOttp,.Olotlist . ..Onseinnhros::
Glovss, , , - )libboifsi... , Table..,t,Ciatrersii Oil Clothia.. l,l
e4Pnglatg-jo"qtrik 13.-E.Ect
D oirhto -cannot
aqd io,tinee,tvirpiPir; t 4 1114'614 etipyl:thiiiii,difoik.
*utkorthp,rot:plice! PP rptfv