Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 15, 1849, Image 3
~ , , T lFS4 r flPlrror.o ,w *rotfrivtlwa"c•Avog, . , - II neat ‘- . -,VALITILULE S AL Ot.f:TIJESDAY,OteSd day Of Canker next will , be exposedte Pablo Sale On theptein- lees, in Mifflin township, about , 7 west,:ef Newifille, tad 4 milestrtan / Newburg,•i . ,Alte !arm lately ,000nipaed , ',by, qteyntison, containing .177.ACRES,Arst-rate,state ,10,;in . ,good state of caltivatinn, abont.pwenty acres :Covered with , thiiving dilater; a heath of' Water r ' inirthronish the farm," along wlilch thereiti atf eitellent natural • • The inkiiiiiv&nents are a':tWo ', 1 1) ' *MT doable LOG HOUSE4 , Don. • , ble.Log Pant, Wagon shed, .Corn crib, and other out-buildings, a . . *Otter spring of water,. spring kettle. :and an ,apple orchard, chiefly young fruit.. Also at the same time and_place sill be offered for sale about. 24 ALItES of, Timber Land , situated about two miles from the above farm near the North hloulttain. 'The • above 'tertiliertY,wlll be sold in pursuance of the • . last Will and Tetstament of the before-mention-' .ed decedent, ter which there will be an indlyitu table title given. Persons wishing. to view these . two, properties can, do so by calling on Mr. S. Stewart residing on the farm, or,bscriber t adjoining it. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. on said Ally, when attendance will he given and terms made known by DANIEL WIIISTLEE, • •Executor of Wm. Stevenson, dec'd. August S-ta For__Sale or-Exchange. Tt - R Subscriber 1189 aFA Int in the county of Erie, Pa., which le• wishes to sell or exchange for Real Estate in Cumberlancleoonty. It contains 299 ACRES,and 97 perches of land; of first rate quality, about one hundred acres of which are cleared, well fenced and in good cul tivation, having a small frame DWELLING HOUSE and a a• • large Batik Barn thereon crec '2 I I ted. The residue of the land is - covered with the finest and most valett hie TIMBER of all kinds, such as Oak; Chesnut, Black•ash, Poplar and Hemlock. Thee t. i land 's situated within a quarter of a mile of the Canal which leads from the town of Erie to Pittsburg, and about 'one mile and a hall from • the Lake. Timber at this place is becoming very valuable, and on the farm there is about" 109 Acres of the very best quality. The farm cost me about four thousand dollar's ten years ago,_whbe_land was selling, at n.depressed "price, Attrist 8-tf FR :K. WATTS._ Private THElabscriber intending to remove to the West before spring, will offer at private solo t hp,RO.I.IS.E. AN D L Tito low occupies sit-. tinted in North Hanover street. nearly oppo site the residence of George .Metzger, Esq., said-House is a now arid himdsoniely finished budding, linving.attached thereto 'till necessary outiltilditigs. cistern, &e. Said lot is lifty-two foot front and one hundred and i lseventy feet in depth, 'with a' choice collection of young and thriving fruit trees. The undersigned also begs leave to inform his old friends and the public in general that he hos removed his stock of Hats and Cops to his present residence, where he still continues to manufacture and offer for sale et reduced pri ces, everything in his line of•husiness. ;The 'subscriber would also notify till those indebted to him to eall'and make payment, as it is his design to close out his stook and settle up his busin o Vitis fall. PETER• B LECHLER. au = . 3t Valuable Town Property for Sale. rrom subscriber, intending to remove to the .1 West, offers at private sale the following desirable property. Two two story BRICK HOUSES, situate in North street, in the borough a a of Carlisle just newly finished of fhe g g best material, and pleasantly 'cleated about, half a square cast of Orth's Hotel Also, a vacant lot of ground adjoining the above, well calculated for a building lot. Also, a Two Story STONE HOUSE, in North Hanover street, it few ~; :c; " doors north of the Carlisle Bank, and adjoining the Confectionary •, store of Peter Monyer. This pro-; -- party is located in. the most business' mt . - of the borough, and is well adapted for eitherUner candle or any other business. The front base ment ie handsomely finished, and is well calcu lated for a shop for any kind of business.— There is alsoa large Two Story Back Building Lof BrirJr,rtearly_tuw,_w ith_anexce I • nt Wash hook, Smoke house, and a good •etable and Carriage house.. A variety of the choicest fruit trees, all in good bearing condition, are ° also on the lbt.' The above property will be sold low, on ad ' vantageous terms to suit purchasers. jr4492nt .GEO W RIIEEM. SPRUOI STREET CABINET WAREROOMS No. 119 Spruce et. below stll, PHILADELPHIA. CONSTANTLY on hand a large assort ment of superior Walnut & Mahogany furniture, manufactured in the best manner, of modern style, and at moderato prices, embsacing Sofas, Parlor Chairs, Wardrobeb, Rocking Chairs, • • Dressing Bureaus,. Tote-a-Tetes e 7. - •1 French Bedsteada,. Centre' tind,Plei Tables High Post Bedstds WasV.Stands, Hat:Raelni,SeCrcitaries, Extension Tables, &c. Every article is made of the best material. and workmanship, and warranted. , fleetly • T. & HENKELS. 0:7All goods bought at this establishment packed under tne immediate superintendence it( the proprietors, and sent free of charge to any part of the city. 1 CARLISLE FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOP. THE' subscriber continues the manufacture of CASTINGS, at his Foundryin High street and having . now on hand a lull assortment of Patterns, is prepared to furnish' all kinds of IRON AND BRASS •CASTIN GS" in. the best style and and at the sholtest notice: He has now on hand a large assortment of Cast ings, Such as Corn crushers, Mill Gearings and Gudgeons, Plough castings. Points, Shears and Cutters, Wpgon and Coach Boxes, cellar grates Oven 'Doors, cask Weights, &c. Cooking Ton plate and Coal Stoves. He also builds and repainiCAßS, Threshing Ma tr-7.o"—= chines and Horse-Powers, with every other kind of Machinery. at the shor test notice- 'Old Iron; Brass and copper taken in exchange fdll' work. 1X:31-Having purchased all of Kenny & Co.'s Patterns, persons wishing to have them will ficd tlietreet• my shop. nfigAGinos . • .1" GARD NER. SELLING Orr * TREjabscriber lias 'coin menced' Selling off his entire stock .of DRY - GOODS at greatly :I. l roduccd price, to make room for a large :stock • Full and , Winter Ocods. Aa mi, asserinient • Very largo:and complete, purchasers, Will find 'lt decidedly profitable to' call and invest their. ,Cash at my establishment:. Call one and all re- ' , irsigetlie best bargains ever , had in. Carlisle. Many ~.7,gcids be s old, far bele*. coat, and all at •. prices'l'eloW low water mark.' haver a large stock of >ROOTS 'AND SHOEC on; band • which I Will close nut at low figures . ",Alen, a . full nseer!me4 all prices; grid rant, not-.10a54 a prime lot Of, GROCE; , :: TIES. Sugars; _'Ctiffees, Teas, Molaises, Rice;; Sse. Fresh :affd: Cheap Recollect t he:" Old Stand, East Mein Idtree;., • C OGILBY. • mag2'49..l- ' 4 7, and 'Oigara.'-' '*: received ind . foieWo Wheleriehintad:re.' : t i,ttP..• Mil ! the ,binit. and Cheapest eeleetion of, C t l- T,.GARS 'hi be found any where 940' the.oy. ~Th0.00.409n.90.1 19 1 0 3 , • Eritiliaj.. Prymaventi • _ •. • Leon'D'orO.Regalia.' Principe.... La Grata, . and; simian - T ' " Maleettetioro,: , ! ‘,.:,,4ll : ,prtjip post Cuba and,Bavena Tobaceo. • dand'pue.up in, the. T neanner,,beeides, I j I „haws excellent eilsee and the best Melees.,. Also the beet Congress end CavendirlitVOß A.CCO;': - 1. - Thoth plain aasyreateiledi'inTroduced prices for crieh.:;;Cell and esantines,lny mock tieford,pur.' hTik.haelng.l I stilt bY the. boa se.low as they, ~ b , can be,hed in the'Pity..y_Elon't forget , thp. place, opposite:the:railroad office. .• Carlislet'augl,;•!.,T, If ,CRISW ELI; .... g - to, 7- •or ale. .., 1 ' . 4-'". '. f r mile, on terms which , ;,.:,. iIIUMILL Offer . 1 :: l oanable Font 61.111.D1N,G,,L0T5.: "''o lu n a , d P il itt ll sttecti and F ive LOTS situated on - mirth; ~ h. ?..They; ate-eituateci in a Istleat'i'l skiktpcirofl i i i, .. rapidly t u lip , iii , ,, ,, pd , li: , Pat.Ptf:th,litire'n'y. g ettlii,gl ile,,eainerkjfaot, ':s..-whettA;Pl.9R,,T646Trir ' th e 21ist of, Aug.l l eXt.l : • solabeforo,-". -. Pei' olied to tnibr:tihle . ; theYW. l ll:O 11114. 4 iti n b iti on f a m e ,thi n e . will bet; . on • thtitlittimlseel s. , ,_,........, . ~,...,......131.. ; ~ ...t-ieen ,jetitt,6 .:,-,' , 3 4 tigiNi 1 , ii.., UN 4 11 0 11 . 1 •3s !,-,,-. • q'v,`:+i '".f 2 -“, ,, ,1g01ie: ix: 0: w t.- 6 ' 14 4, , h , ii , hit , , ~,. ::*.ctick'ef,very-fine HO N EY .. ., : no EBIVE3. - ~. •'' , l * ' .. . -, r sale at '. " - I/0Y ,f l l ' --.7 4 - Ir,, • , i,, , ,ti'4:1; , ''-'l , ' '{^ . %.,--. '' .'' --, ''..2,1, ,' ' ' :, ..1, 1 ,4;.? , ' , -: ,--:_, , . :' : I3II:ERIFEN3 i3AtFo3:)..s, • ny:viitup; of sundry 'write ~ 6 f. -. .yenditioni AD tipOirea' and Levari Fachic.litieund out of Hiatt:met 'Of Common. Pleas of Guntherland County,: and to me directed; I imillmxphse.the 'following Real. Estate • to..Publc ' Stile; ; at ."The Court'„HOuse"iii,the , Boriiitigh of Carbide, on SATURDAY,'the'lBth day of Angier., 1849, at 'A Lot ',of ',l:3llxitmd, West West • Ponnehitror taw.oship - ,'.tontaining ONE ACRE, moni`,ot,lets,:shounded 14*the .road leading to NevrtilleOrt the ,South, East:l)y road Diller's Mill; arid ..Weet-!hy Zieghir having therecirt•hrected a Tyro ator.Y.BRICK flouts and !Seized aid;taken in execution as the,PropertyM(Pavitt Preen. A.lso;. A 'Lot of/I:3011nd* iituate a the agate township; containing ;TWO "ACRES, more or less, adjoining lands of,Joha :H. Wen , ver and John Fiehhurn,•having thereon erected a Two Story Frame HOUSE , and Kitchen.— Seized and taken in eicectition ite - the `property of John Lippert. • Also, A Tract of Land; situate in S. Middleton township, known as the Carlisle Iron Works, containing 10,000 ACRES, more' or, less, havinehereon erected a large Brick Man sion HOUSE, n..,Eorge and Furnace, a new Merchant Mill, with four pair running stones, three large Bank Barns, and necessary Tenant Houses, Coal' Houses, Carpenter and Illack smith-Shope,'Stabling, &c. Seii,ld and taken in execution as the — prrperty of. Michael Egt, decanted. • And all to' be sold bylne, • JAMES HOF,FpR, Sheriff Sherfff'rolliCe, Carllelec July 25, 1899. LInErSTONEXARAis AT PUBLIC SALE. LAA. VIN G tiete - friiifiQTo teniove to the west I Will sell the following described Farnitf at public sald. No I—ls situate in' West Pennsborn' town ship, Cumberland • county, Pa., Gi mike west' from Carlisle. limiles west fToni the turnpike at John Paul's, and e l Mile from the Alterion Depot, on The Rail Road.,lt consists 0r125 ACRES of excellent .limestone land, one hun dred of which is oleared•and in a good state of cultivation, the balance covered with fincyoung timber. „The improvements arp Nei good two Story Brick Farm HOUSE, and a , 'large Frame Barn, these buildiligs :iv; are new, having been eyocted With. j j inrthelasteighteen - monilis - . — Therd' • is a good well of excellent water, 'with pump convenient to the House. There is also easy access to Mount Rdck.Spring, dis tant sine. half,rnile- This Farm Is located in the centre of ono of the best portions of this county, convenient to Mills, Schools, and churches. Thus rendering it one of the moat desirable Farms in the town • ship. This Farm I will sell by public outcry on the premises on FRIDAY the 21st of Sep tember, 1849. =2l No 2—ls situate in Dickinson township miles south west from Carlisle, 2 miles east from the Stone Tavern, and on the Yellow Breeches Creek It consists of 125 ACRES of fire( rate Limestone Land in a high state of cultivation There is fifteen Acres of good no. aural meadow The improvements • . . are a large Double STONE , 1 ••• 7; HOUSE, a Rood 'Frame Barn .ye;').lll 7 Corn Cribs, Wagon Shed, Car- ; ridge House; Spring House, Thereis one of the best springs in t ei county, rises within n few yorde of the hOtive. This farm possesses all the advantages desirable in a Fartn, being convenient to the "Great Drove Road," where the Former can always find a good market fokm) prodnctions of the Frm— I will also °fret. this Farm at public sale on SATURDAY the 22d olSeptetnber, 1849. Terms made known on the day of sale Titles indisputable For further particulars enquire of the subsariter residing on the last mentioned property JOHN' G WILLIAMS. jy2s'49te Vatuable Farm at-Private Sale. • Vrtlig subscriber contemplating a remeltal to the West, offers at prtvate sale his valuble FARM, situated two miles west of Carlisle, Cumberland county, containing 208 acres of first rate limesrone land, in a good state of cultivation, adjoining lands with the Poo; House Farm, Klux's- and others. On the premises is a large two story' STONE HOUSE. ...,.,,, , having eleven rooms in all, six below i ~... :., i-b ... ..d-hve-aboveesides - a - large - hall ...t...L' running through the middle of the honse. The walls of the lower story are hung with paper. - Attached to the main building is a small STONE HOUSE with a room and kitch en. A stone carriage house stands near rho main building. There are four cellars in all . two under the dwelling house, one under the swill stone house, and ono under the carriage house. A cistern 30 feet deep with a pump in it, stands Wear the kitchen door. There is also ' a fine large BANK BARN, with wagon sheds . and corn cribs, and other out buildings. Near tho house is a spring of excellent limestone water, which passes thrbugh the barn yard. -. There is also a good-Apple Orahardo'ontaining about 100 treett,•fifty of which are •young 'and thriving, a.peach.orchard and Tither choice frdit tritaa..are about the house.' . Convenient to the barn is a Two Story DWELLING HOUSE, with four rooms and a kitchen, calculated for a tenant house, and now occupied as such. The Cumberland Valley Railroad ,rucs through the farm, leaving about 80 acres south, 40 of which is excellent timber land. This tract would make a good small farm itself—the whole ,iteinsured to the amount of $3,500. The above property was once the residence of ,Capt. Richard Brien; it is new o ff ered on reasonable . terms—a good part of thelgurchasa money may remain in the farm if desired. Further description is deemed un necessary, as the purchaser is invited to call with the subscriber residing on the farm, and he con Iv (or himself. JONATHAN NEIDIG. July 18. 1489. THE undersigned effete foir - sale the follow ing property, viz :— TWO ACRES of land situ ate in North Middleton township, Cumberland county, on the road leading from Carlisle to Mechanicsburg, about four miles east of. Gar lisle: leer Reicherd's Tavern, having thereon erected a Two Story F R A M-E, • WEATHERROARDED HOUSE and Kitchen, nearly n e w , with ee l, thefront House, towher = 'with n Wagon Maker and Black. smith•shop.'si a bl e , Wash house andether out houses." Also, a well of excellent water 'with rt pump hear the door. There 'ore -tilio,hboui 30 or 35 , theice fruit trees on said premiises.— Any person wishing to view said .property will call on the subscriber now living on said pram: see. Terms of•sale will be made to. suit par+ chasers., •If thenbove: proportris,not the Gist of OctOlier it will be. rented for , the term of one year r JACOB RINGWAX,T A ,.: • • • VALUABLE REAL 'ESTATE".: FOR SALE.., : parHE enbeeriber hoe in eantomplatien• to • ~• remove' to the West,'olibra .for • Wale the arm "nn which he now red den, situate partly in Mi ffl in and , Frankford towns hips; 'Cumber4 land county, Pa.,. within three'. miles orthe Bore'of Newville and;ileCilinherland Valley Rail Road:: Containing about 200 ACRES of ottented.laniFef first quality gravel and slate; at about 130• Acres are . cle • and Well aiet , Witii lloierie•considerable portion of it ••has'-been, li i nod: , ,:lit• is 'under•lood 'fence and, generally, set, with kiiiiist stakes: The improvement{, are .. $ • a• , Tionbli LOG novo ; aod ,'llii ' ,Kitcheri , with dories, a Avila _ „ 11 Frahm' Bar; With two' threshing '. _'-, flOorei Core', Crity and Wogo'n Bit ... Complete Brick Smoke and Wash louse, with;water tieing in the Wiish, hawse, 'and , a Tenent.houes "and'.table.' •There'';is•a•never tailing streentor w ter-running 'past the im/. pievecnentsJ .•Ther are two orchards , one :of which is young and ailed fruit: . Thealbove Farntio well Caleniatedtor raising either grain or stiiiiicii ' , Vesta' is,/runiiing. water • irt all the Radi i except "two:':: Tho `~ Faa i,will "suit to be dividedkand- r ut be , iOitl•, 111` JOU; isi nit 'Or: chiwere: ,, $, - ''s - , • -., - , ~• „, - , •• ; • I will also x 611: two pieces :of timberland sttnato ttiwnehip, one p a tented..i' POlllOllll wishing' information'will pliaseeallopiattbe siabieriben; Iri4hl A N.,l . 3xtfinctive sesprtment arid'mrices.', and . ofektidb 'at; the 9 10ap store, #).;Noilkiiiiitibvisfittritettl+ mt. 11.,,,,C;131/VltisY:ll • kly*lrldid.z,4oloMlloCpc G,ingieme of Nt w i. Anus patterne.. - Very:lowi l eini' be lied %old enbecillint' in Werth ;Hanover efreet.' , Cell' .CARIVIONY. fa Clf 0 te. For Sale. „ . • neat. e pliiirAc,sAlA OF ME • f . : o rder . of sale': tlptn llie. 011`phatle ..00C14 of •Punilie. tto rhitukcifigiity,lllll ; rtz.ted,Au the sabhoribur, Administratepeicoli Lefilian',ileted.,Aite;el.-Weattronnitioro-liisier shijr, .Cumberlini(l,county;homill offer at PUbite.: Sale on he.preinise B, Oil S ATUII DAY, the , (la y , of ;SEPTEmBER nextiat , " o'clock; itt.' the following ilesoriblid property,fale the estate ef, said ilecedeo, to wit Tracfof Land sit • mite in West lifmnsboro township,' Cumberland ' 111 ACIIEB and 118 Perches strict m'ealture; about ,10 Atireiof ,which is thriv ing anther, bounded by randi . of Nathan Woods, • Benjani in Shuk:John ~ i lineker and others. The Nandtract. is of, the' be et.` quality of limestone hind and in efate, sic cultivation.: The irritirovvonia'nono ofll back ivaalchiinie, a large and ;; ' • elnweeleilt%Stone. Bimk Barn, with ' Carriage - 11°u se, Wagon Shed, corn crib, unlf :all,; other, necessary out buildi The improvements argall in good repair mill. the fencirig:dn the (arm ingood order There' 'also a never.railing well of excellent water pn the place,and a good orchard of grafted fruit. The-above property, lies about two miles east of Newvilte and within three quarters of a mile of the CudiberJand Valley Bail Road. • Also. at the same time and place a small tract of laud, also the Property of said decedent, sit uate in Frankford4ownshimabout 4 miles - Teti% the , first mentioned tract ',adjoining la,ndsof Wm. Alter; Ahraliansl'inyinan, ind.others, and Iy. •Ing-within silieleiglsth• ol the Conodogui- net Creek, containing about 19 ACRES, five of which are good meadow land; and the balance, covered with good timber. . • The terms of sale arc as follows - , viz—Five per cent of- the purchase mouey to be plaid the confirm.tion of the - sale. One-third of the , whole to reinain . in the hind, the interest of which to beintid to the widow (hiring herlife, and the principal nt her (lentil— of the residue one-half to tie paid on the .first of Aisrit 1850, I and the otherkalt- on the Ist of April 1851. • ' Any persen wishing to view the above pro perty preisions to the sale can do .so by-calling on Adainn Leaman living, on the first described tract, or on. the subiuriber, residing in ‘Vest Pennsboyo' toivushin. •IS'A AV: LIFEVEII, jy2sts &drier of Jacob Lehman, deed. ;k7 Lancaster Union publish till 'tale and send bill-to-thie offish. • PUBLIC SALE. • wHE undersigned executors of 'JOSEPH ..K.NEwoostsa, late of West. Hempfield Lan_paster County, Pennsyliania, nnd former ly of' Silveispring township, Cu mberland. co., deceased, will sell at public sale the real estate of said deceased, on, the 29th, 90th - and 31st days of AugustPnext, and at the follow ing places, to wit: • On WEDNESDAY, August 29, at the pub lic house of Joseph Black, in the' Borough,of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, two lots of ground in said borough, whereon is erect ed a 'one and a half • story ." STONE and PRICK DWEL ,7I' -•-' LING HOUSE, Wash and Bake "house, Frame Stable, a well of water and pump therein, and a numbef'ef s fruit trees thereon, fronting Main street on the South, adjoining David Rocky on the East, and Jacob Rubly on the West. Persons dosirone:„pf* examining' the above-property, will please tall , upon,,Jmeph Black, innkeeper, near the same. On I'HURSDAY,7A - ugust 30, e s t the.public house of Henry Snyder, In the village disburg, Tyrone township, Perry county, 29 Acres-and 4-Perches and ailowancetadjoining lands of Peter Shaeffer and others, and within miles of Landisburg. The improvements are a two story LOG DWELLING HOUSE, new Frame Barn and other,out-buildings, a 'well of waternear the houseaind a number. of fruit trees. Sheaffet's' run-passes in front of the house, which is at present occupied by William Blanc. At the same -time and place will bo sold 10 Acres neat measure nf CHM ' NUT SPROUT MOUNTAIN LAND, about half a mile from the above, adjoining lands of the. heirs . of Francis Patterson, Peter Sheaffer and - others, near Wagoner's Mill. Persons dosireus of examinierhe above Per reounty-property,-will-ptelitnrcall upon Wm. Wane melding thereon. And on FRIDAY, August 31st, on the premises that VALUABLE FARM, sheeted in Silverspring township, Cumberland rcounty; near T. B. Bryson's Mill, about li"miles from Hogcstown, about 4 miles from Mechanics burg,9 mile from Harrisburg, and 9 mile from Cat lisle, on the road leading from T. B. Bry son's Mill to Lamb's Gap, adjoining the Con-. odognlnet - Creek, land of, Benjamin. Eberly and others, containing „ . 155 ;hares and 43 X'araiiiii; neat and laid off in tan fields.— About 20'or 29 Acres thereof is HEAVY TIMBER LAND. The. improvements are a • • • TW,O.ST H ORY 'LOG AND u fl %MAT ER-B 0 DED tif 11 DW'ELLING HOUSE, A-R 28 -by . 32 feet, a large Stone Swiesor Barn, 40 by 80 'feet, with a collar, Corn Crib and Wagon Shed ' attached, Stone Spring House over never failing writer, Smoke house and other out-buildings; two Orchards of choice fruit trees.. There is running water in most of the fields, and thp &nese are in good order. The premises aro well supplied with fine Locust. trees. This farm is considlred one of the surest and' beet fur all kinds of grain in said county. It is coven lent to mills, schools and churches, and will be sold together or in two parts to suit mirchssers. - Terms cash on the Buller,when• possession will be given for the whole of the real estate of said Leceased. Persons desirous. of viewing the above farm previous to the day of sale, vill please call on Abraham Rehart, the tenant thereon and examine for themselves. A further description is deemed uniiecuaeary. . Ede to commence at o'clock on each day in the.allerneen, - tv hen attendance wilt be giv• eri_a nd-conditions-of. sale-made -knowsi- by the undersigned executors of said deceased. Persons, having claims against the above estate are requested to,. present tbetri 'to the undersigned on either ni.the above named days JACOB NEWCOMER, Monroe township, Cumberland co, ANDREW' ;METZGER, East Hempfield tp., Lancaster co. _July 11—Is. , ' . • Valuable rum for Sale. :HE , subscriber intending to remove to the Went, offers at private' safe the follewing'de. likable Farmesituated• in 'Hampden township, Cumberland , county, one mile' North W t c \ of, Shiremanstown, near the Trindle road, c n. taming 103 Acres, nine of which' is good timb , and the balance in the highest state of cultivatio and well fenced. Tlie' improve- , gEt t rnents;nici'a good,Two'llitory . :. I 1 11 RQUGH•CAET LOG HOUSE, ' , ~.. _,_ --_ . with a Kitchariati ached so it ;Stone Ban Men , nBOun'Shitl hnd,corkErms, and a r rriatint House, , tuid'a Well 'of ;never•failing water; with a pump' ;in it., Alsoien,Orchtird of Chace fruit. This property,will'hd offered fin' sale on the moat ream:nibble terms. For, further 'information please eall'on iheundersigned living on the farm ~ ~., l'., ,v.,, ISAAC' NEIbIGI" , . July 18, 1 849 ,! 1,,i',,. ~' ' ~,), , , ~, :,,, ~, ,; ~ . ON Saturday the 29 ay o September n?xt,.: .1 will offer at - Publterrtale `on the m jpromes.. ,the Fairy now. occupied by Samna! 'Bear,.; Sr. ,- Wastriennaborought:tminshlM''Ourn. berland 'county,- 3 miles .Weet , of 'Carlisle '1 mile, from Plamlield, bounded by tffe - Oittibdo.: . guinnet crook, Simnel Bear, Signitter, Smith and. others, :containing iso,acresi More or less, • of good LI M EST ONE , •L There is - ,a 'Rood • meadOw of. , 'weft, - 20 acre* of Wood Land",, the' bolance are anderefence.' Thu int.; OtoremMita-ure ' - " • • Stone Dwelling, 11-1 OrnneViinle7i3iiiii - idern Crib and u ~Wagon" Shed. with all tho.peoaril piwy out buildings:: ',There tenn3 • of choico and , I .l3prtagortMer near the door. •ThikaboVlOT 6 '.i petty will bcsold in, wholc, ttr i ttrauit Abe minchasers. A part of Oa pnraiMi, •PICYMBC .remain in' the farm ! for,otti- l ies4 ipins Any. person wishing . to yleett.,the farm opis' 4°lo by calling on Stigmbengikrepidi9g 0n',140 farm,, or,,the .3 .: 4 %ii 44 .49 '.GIMASON,:i • • : "..:!.Insnignete;efgeiyle.nrktri o,k tAfirs,N, 12, • _ UMW. --L ~, f :* tOtei atttOtte -... A 4-;"„...,i;.-..,..,,...,..:--, Eitensive~'F urnitur ßooms ILlVOTAD:iespetitfully. : calf the Wender' of House=keepers and the publie; to the.ex; terutive:etook.of splendid FURN ITUREt Mean ding Sofas, Wardrobes,.Centre and - other Tables, Dreiaing and Plain Bereaus, .and 'eve rYVerit. . of Cabinet ware and C h airs' , 'WhiCh'-'W ct has now on han at;'hia Isl E .I k V ROOMS,:on Louther street;near the ,cerner . of 'Nerili;flantiver street, ,ht the rear Of,Po,vollii Co.'s,atiire.‘ . '. • ' „ is confident that the superior finish'el the„ workradnship; and elegance of stylo, in which his 'articles' are got up,. foto:Aber with their cuserrisss~ will recemmend them to every ger- Son wanting Furniture. He hits elso'ritatle,,ar• rangements for madufacturing and keeping - a constant supply of everyvihicle in his line; both plain and ornamental, .elegont and useful, at prices' Which cannot fail to suit purchasere., Ho would earnestly invite persons who are about to commence house-keeping, to call' and examine his present elegant stock, to which he will con. stonily make additions of the newest and moat modern styles. , ' • COFFINS made to ordermt the shortest no• Ice, 'for town and:country. Carlisle, June 13, Mg: • £t 'The late firm of Jacob Fetter CO Son having been dissolved, Jacob Fetter; sr., will carry on the_business aa'abota. EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION IN THE , Price of Iladtvare. I HAVE just received the largest tkuA.Eheap est stock of.HARDWA RE, Glass, Paints, Oils Varnishes, Saddlery, Carpenter's and Cabinet Maker's Tools, Mahogany Vottiers and all kinds if Building Materials ever brought to Carlieie consisting of Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails and Spikes. Persons about lo build will find [i grattly to their advantage to look at my qtooc before purchasing elsewhere. Come and see the Goods and hear! the price and you will be convinced that - this is really the Cheap Hardt` ware Store. Also, in store anvils, vices, like and rasps, and a complete assortment of Watts' Best Bar Iron, also Rolled and Hoop Iron of all sizes.„. I have also the. Thermometer Churn mide by Mr George Spangler, the best article now in use.. • SCYTHES.—I have just received my Spring • stock of Grain and Grass Scythes, manufactured_ -entree - sly:I& my-own - sales - and — warranted-to • be a superior article. Cradle makers and ethers will find these Scytheeto be the best at'. ticle is the market and at the lowbst price whi&sakumd_retail atjhe oldl,stand in North Hanover street. - JOHN P LYNE. ap18%19 • Elegant New Goods. AGLEY'S New York Gold Pens, the best B article of the day, and whiCh no business man should be without. An elegant assortment of fine Cutlery, in cluding Itarmis, Pen Knives, Scissors of the best English and American Manufacture. A large variety of ornamental Window Blinds and "'ire Screens of every style and at low pri ces, Musitisl InifiUments, such as Violins, Accor deons, Flutes. Fifes, Flageolets, Tuning• Forks with Violin strings, bridges. &c., at all prices. A large variety of Baskets, travelling bags, Whine, cartes, door units, Brushes of all kinds at every price. Hayne's Magic Adimantine Powder, a now article for Razor Strops, warranted superior to anything in use, for setting a ken smooth edge to razors, &e. 2,5 cis. a box. . Combs, Seelig. Perfumes, Extracts, Dyes for the hair,'a rich and ben tiful assortment from the celebrated manufact ries of Roussel, Jules Hanel and others. Tooth Itrushes, Tooth paste and POwder, Nail.Brushos, Hair and Hat Brushes, with an innumerable variety of Fancy and sunlitl arti • cies of all kinds and - prices; lately opened and till Cheap Drug and Book-Store of iu2o ' 9 W HAVERSTICK. New and Cheap Spring Good% AT THE NEW - STORE, CORNER of Hanover and Lowther Streets, opposite Leonard's Old Stand, Carlisle.— The undersigned respectfully inform thei friends and the public that they have just re turned from Philadelphia with a large and well selected assortment of new SPRING GOODS purchased at the verylowest prices, and which they are determined to sell at small .si profits.—_ - .cmong them marbe - faliiitrehiihi, -- Casmerei3 - VestiOgs, Tweeds, Pantaloon Stuffs in great variety, best American and Ipdia Nankeens.— Also, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, consisting in part of Silks, •Bareges, Silk Tissues,. Alps chas, &e., STRAW - AND BRAID BON NETS, a fine tot, Nairn Leaf-Hats, Ribbon and Loco Goods. An elegant assortment of Calicoes and fine Chintzes, suitable for the ap proaching season, at our usual low prices— Cheeks, Drillings, Linens and the usual variety of bleached and unbleached muslin& BOOTS AND SHOES—a well selected tissortmetit of men's, women's and children's good nod handsome. GROCERIES—in all their varie ty, Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Pekin COmpany's rolebrated TEAS, &c. All the above goods have been purchased right, and will be sold low Please give us a call. March 28 S . D POWELL & CO. REMOVAL. Dry 'Goods and Groceries. G. CARIVIONY desires to inform his tv • friends and the public that he has remo • red to the stand on North Hanover street lately occupied by has Barnitx. and next door. to Reverstick's Drug ,and Book Store, where he ie determined to sell goods as low tut any other establishment in Citrlisle or in the cOutuy. His stock consisis,of Cloths, Cassimerea, Satinetts; satin, cachmere. merino and silk Vestings; Me rinoes, Alpachas, Molts de Lanes, Cachmeres, French worked collars, kid gloves, silk fringe*, gifting' flowers ; thread laces, .&c.' TICK INGS at 6* ere,. calicoes 3 to 61 cts,Very c,hes, mUslins, hosiery, Berlin and Gachmere gloves. A large assortment of BONNET RIBBONS, very low,eatiit plain and figured Mantua. plain, bared, striped and figured' Also GROCERIES and QUEENS W.ARE, such as Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Spice's Of all kinds, tobacco, .segars, crockery, glass and 'queensware; rice, chocolate, starch, together with natiferons other articles— Give him a all, . te..r . Assignee's sate. • IWILL expose to public Silo on the Tat day :043eiptember nett:., new " •• • • Brick House • • • . 4 AND LOT, situated in' lhe'town -. • . 41 1 1ainfield,Cufnberland county, _ . adjoining lots' of-Jnes-111111es, Thos.' Gra asen, and others„.corner of Wood and Leonia et. .Pciaseision g iven on ,the lig. of April next, at which time the purchase money Will be. required. . • ' Sale to commence at 2 o'clock ot. said day, Whenlerms of sale will be made known by THO. GREASON. . • • Aakignee of D. Deed. .: • July 18,1849. 'Selling of at Cost, THE; subscriber is now .selling his .entire 'stock: of . Dry; Goods at cost far n'aeh. Persona wishing to.lay Cue' their cash to 'at adVantage will please call:and.."exataind my stock, ail; I have a ' iirge and general assortment :o f , , dry goods ,w hich lam desirous of selling for Cash.. impossiblell ie :-: to:entmerate all the.;gOode buf I have t 'Nu - assortment of ,glotlie;',Cifesi;, Caere, Twnede, 'Summer Drillings ! gingham* - CaliCeet, L and Mesa Goode for.Ladica, pats: Dlovee,'Hoeiery, Sc* Purchasers are in., vited to call et'the Bee, Hivo in North Hanciyar . . sheet and tuition for themselves. , : ,A;rbOYLV, T" partnemhip horetoforo,exiating between the undersigned. trading; pndei the fwm'of . S. ,D.: , C 0..1ie • theo, 'die diss olved by - mutual augment,: :'Alflabt;lementa to, be made with •N. WOode; at the old,Stand,:l4.whem, .the,buainesa Will atill•ba,ecinducted:• ; • r, D:ROWELL;i: er,..w,WOODS,•TtnOser &'o* • CarlialO,JulrlB:lB49. :4: . • i• .T.2;wouj.d ! :. t!pec,tfully: 0111 tlket,'l4tentioo of;Mitjfigclitrig to a large meortrelint-pf Me - M; icinaanfid:OnstotoALs:Vvhiolt•l have.jost•reeehr ,ndileid:wPfieh:l -will sall,fialow lt-,not a little , aeinalhato thajaine.qoalify eon be purchased out or tha:4lty,,,, the Old Stand'. • Junii 6 ",. ‘• •"4 • .I.S. ''''..-..-::/:::'::-.'.' 00 Le 1 ' 00 L. 'Too ~ 1L . , „ .,, , ;;....,,.,- ;.4(10', 1 P Atl,Nos ;of; half ; :,inaiiitO ~ ,IVoia' hi. o wlp ~. ,the gokfiltiet i roceiVed . 4o.afor, isle ;i 'o,"'kCiiiliti;i,Nortkilentrler . Atreet. , , ,, ,.;:,3 , ..:i,': ~.';, :,.; . ,‘,',',„..' ,. ,ll4tAkelOksitiilllPliskefolll ,,,,,- ,: , !'.:' , :::... ''.'JUl§lvi.o4oif,ed:sti!:foi;,iiii;OritlTitNW;. iigilfil) . .fulg.9 IF:4,iist.l34:s'o" . tV.:`,,ltiiiif,:tiikiAl: POP4II' '' ' . ‘:''''- 1 :. , ;•:: - :..';:' ,..- ,.."''' . i'.;:: ,2. .. , ,,;,_. -i „.., . .... eass BM ... , , VALUABLE ;REAL .ESTATE • AT.. EXECUTOWS.SALE. ON TUESDAY, the.2d , of October next,'SVM bb sold at Public Sale on the proinises in Mon-'' roes tovinship,Cumberland county, Pa.. the fol- • lowing Real Estatedsti the pinperty of -Peter Bricker, deceithed. on theForge,llead, t mile . east' of Spring Forge. -'" • •• • ' No. I—Contains 130 ACRES ef Best-rate Limestone .Land. The improvements are a tarp Stone, House, Hanle Barn, Wagon • Corn. Orib.and . other out-buildings. ,Alito;• a first-rate Spring near the , dootlttnif an orchard of Choice fruit. ' 8 ' .Nd."'9Containing 109 ACRE,S,' Limestone adioius the above. The improvements are a one story, House, a Bank Barn, and other eut.bitildingii, and a Tenant House,and several sprinenearthe•house.. Both Farms are in a high state of cultivation. . ' "No. 3—Containing 60 ACRES, adjoining No. 2, acid one-fourth of a mile south.olChurchtowns • about ten Acres are ()Mated, the remainder is covered with fine timber. No. 4—Contains 11 ACMES, on the. south side of Yellow, Breeches Creek. * The improve. micas are a good Logo House and Stable, and good Spring fiol the laud is wider.good culti.' vaeon. • No. s—Contains ab T out WO ACRES on the. Forge Road, one mile east of Spring Forge.— The improvements are a large two-story House, part stole, Fraine Stable ' Dlacksmith Shop,'and other outhouses, with a first-rate Spring in the basenient story of the house. No. 6—Contains about. ,111.1= 7 .441/ES unimproved land, on thn York Road near Churclitown under good fence. No. 7-A large and well finished two.story . HOUSE Anti lot of ground in •Churchtown, • about44,feet_in front und depth.— Imdisputable titles will be given for the above properties. The above properties shown and all necessary information given to persons wish. ing to purchase, by calling on either of the subscribers, or on John Lutz, livingfon lots No. 5. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, when atten dance, will be even and terms made known by GEORGE BRINDLE; JOHN BRINDLE, August 1-Is . Executors. Patuable Real Estate AT POSLIC SALE. ON THURSDAY the 4th of October next, the SuliacribWWlll expose.sit_publii-sale on- the premises in Southmiddleton township, Clamber. berland county Pa.,the'farm lately occupied by Jacob Lehman, deceased, 4 miles soutb of Car lisle and one mile north of Craighead's Mill, containing about 105 ACRES of good limestone Land, in a high state of cultivation anti under • 'good fence. The inipovements are a two story 11 • II DWELLING HOUSE, a large Kitchen, plastered beide and outside, a large Log Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Cribs, mid other necessary out•-houses, together with a well ofrailing water near the door, and an °relief With every variety of choice fruit. Also at he same Mete and place will be otTereita tract of 20 ACRES of Chesnut Timber, near the I-folly Iron. Works, on the East side of . the Turnpike. .Also, the one undivided half of Eight Acres of Chesnut Timber, about 4 miles from Holly, on the east side of the Gettysburg road. Also, On FItI OAY, the sth of • October,, next, on the premises in Monroe township, Cumberland county, Pa.,the Farm late properly of Jacob kehmne, deceased, on the!toad leading troth Chumflown to Middlesex, 2 :miles ,north of Churelitown, containing 85 ACRE S of good Limestone Land, in a high state of cultivation 'aiiitunder good fence, about 12 Acres of which is covered with' first-rate timber: . Theim provements are a two story STONE HOUSE, a one story Kitchen, a Log Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib ,Cider Press and other necessary out. buildings. Alpo a nevet-failing well near the door. There is also an excellent Orchard of choice fruit on the premises. The above Farms ore in every respect excellent ones. Indispu table titles will be given. Persons wishing to see the above properties can do so by calling on Samuel South Middleton township, or on the subscriber in Monroe-townsbip. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on both (Lys when attendance will be given and terms made known by GEORGE,' BRINDLE. ' August 1-ts Executor. lassignees Sale. SHE Farm on which Atbraham Nisley now — Wert lid — sildVat - Palk Sala on the premises, on WEDNESDAY the 19th day of September next. It is situated. in North, Mid. dleton township, on the Conodoguinet Creek about three miles east of Carlisle, and about a half mile north of the Harrisburg and Chem bersburg turnpike containing about MI ACRES and 140 l'erches, more or less. The improve- ments consist of a FARM lIOIJSE, a Bank Batn, &c. This property will be Blown by the subscri ber, or by Abraham Nisley, who resides on the farm. The termttlJALmade known on the day of sale by WM. M. HENDERSON, 1927'49ts , Assignee of Ab'm. Nisley. ASSIGNEE % SALE OF VALUABLE' REAL ESTATE. WILL be sold at. Public Sale a , the Court House in the Borobgh of Carlisle ton THURSDAY, the 20th of SEPTEMBER next, the following described property, to wits No. I—MILL SEAT and FARM contain ing about 200 ACRES of firs! rate black slate land, situated au Frankford township abo u three miles west of-Carlisle, on t h e Conodogu net Creek. This tract is well im• proved, having thereon erected a MANSION - HOUSE, Bank. all Barn, Corn Crib, &e., together with a Clover Mill," Saw Mill and Plaster Mill, and threo Tenant Houses.- .This property will be sold in ono or two tracts to suit purchasers. , - . ' No. 2—About 70 ACRES Limes.ono Land, situated on the Walnut Bottom Road, about one-half mile west of Carlisle. The -improve maks are a BARN and a well of hexer failing water. No. 3.—The one undivided half of about ft) ACRES of Limestone land, immediately south of the above tract. Th 9 hinprovements are a STONE HOUSE, the lower story oT a Barn, &c. • No. 4.—About 85 ACRES of Limestones Laiod;Thittintel - ort - the - Withie - Bas tom Road . , about 2i miles .west of Carlisle. There .is a Barn and Well of Water on this tract. -No. 5.-:-About 5 ACRES 121 PERCHES of Chestnut Timber, near the road leading' from Carlisle to Getty p urg,abbut 10 miles front' Carlisle. . No. 6.—About 5 ACRES and 27 perched of " ' MEADOW LAND, near day's Mill, in the Borough of • ," In Carlisle. There is a'building.foi a Distillery With water right and a BRICK HOUSE, die.. on this N 007. -„ A STQNE HOUSE & LOT near the .Second Presßyterian•Church in the Boro' of Carlisle, um 'Lot islo feet in front and 120 The above Property:Wilt. ,;ehowit and all necessary information given to.yersons'wishing to purchase, by coning on either 'Atha subset'. .bers, or, on. Mr. John Hays, .living; on. the. Mill terms, will be Made known. on , tho day ILI'HARD PARKER,_ l ie27 - '4ote . 1 19 11 4: 1 417 Pogi l H'i FARM — 8 ; NSATURDA. `,::the • Isto'dav ,of SMiterniier.nait',l will at 'Public sale on,the prorghies„limi . FARM, now: occupied .ky. George .Wolf,, situate: in :Dickinson; township, 4, Cinnbeiland 'county,.,on, the Pine Road ; ; two; . Mike from the -Stole Tavernv.containiag 17 . acres of good land;.under'good cultivation and #ell.feticed . ; adjoining lands of David Shea ff er' and Frede ri ck Fisher.. .. , About six acres Ofll , ia ip,fine Chesnut, Timber.`;The ;movement are a gooa. ,' • • ,‘.. , 4),W,ELL0: II O U ,• 71 tl • , Bern,with email well,,of ; Water There is ',a variety or etuticis I frolticoniisting of. &poe n ', pheioe;';gyii..,,6n 'the Bele to commence at . l'on. said' day Whedlittendanso will be aivekTiflrnotAkti scriber"- ' JOI3EPH 24tis! • ilitiCe • ' ONI.-.-I bay° juin PPened,ll. l 3ase?' IV.. of Italian .:Maccaroni. .nrarrantan Inn*, and gnauina. , : 'Table ?OIL, - •.& Lot of .iary,Sntioilor, ~ , :jII IY le 2.,••• e • . Dr." 14 1 `3,N 3 D,tulUfE. , •FONI'lloiii.W. Main :.PUticit; --.. ,"-.;.;,-:;„--., .• Nottreti - PROOLADIATICIIV! --- • • logrHEßEAs : :4,the Honorable Faxymtlot, V V 'Wm, rreiddeitit : Judge otitis several; Courts,f Cciimition•'lleas °t> tte conPilos of Cumberlaiti, r eiryind Juniata:in Penrisylva-, nia, and Justice of the eaveraMourts:of Oyer and Ton:ether' and :General! . Jail, Delivery in ! said 'Counties: nod Hoe. John Stuart and' 'John Clendenin c • Judieji.of the Court olOyar and Teftniner and Gdaitral Jail Delivery.* lbw trial of all capital and . other' Offenders, in the! said county of Cumberland,by their; piecf B l24 t°' me directed, dated the 9th day of Jan., 1849, hove ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, to be holden at Car lisle on the' 4th Monday;, - of August next, (being the 27th day) at 10 o'clock in thefore noon, to continue one week. NOTICE; to therefore hereby given, tothe Corolier,,Justiaes of the - Peace and Comitable, ofthe eaid county.of Cumberland i ethnttkoyerit by the said preCept commanded to be that' and there in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and all other remembrances, to do those tltinss which to theiroffices appertain to be done,tiodAntlipsit that are bound by recogni ponces, to preset* (against the prisoners GO are orthen shell bq in the Jail of said are to be there to prosecute them as shall be just, . JAMRS,FIOrrER, Sheriff. Id the Court 'Of Common Redd' Cumberland county: No. 65. Aug. Term, 1899 I Sci. Fii.l"A et D . WHEREAS, George Oyster, in the Court of Conimon"Pleas, to wit—Of the term of April, 1845 , before Samu.l Hepbatill,sq., and his Associate Judges of the same Court; did by consideration of the same'Court, reco •ver against John Boon, late of year county, yeoman, a certain sum of three hundred'and fifteen dollars, lawful money of Pennsylvania, debt, as also, 1,41 i, which to the said George Oyster, in said court were likewise adjudged for his damages which he sustained by occasion of the detention of that Debt, wherebf the said John Hoon is convict, as appears of record,&e. And, whereas, the said' John has since died, and letters of Administration' haven„ regularly issued by tile Register of said county to Benjamin Hoon and Abrabauk_Haton. Notice ie hereby given to Benjamin Hoon & Abraham Hoon, Executors of John Boon, dec'd with notice to Mary Hoon (widow), John Boon. Henry Boon, Benjamin Boon, Ab'm Hoon, Polly .BlessingAind Julia Ann-McDonald,-.heira of J Boon, dec'd. that they be and appear before our Judges at Carlisle, at. our Court of Com mon Pleas, there to be held the fourth MON DAY of August neat, to show cause if any they have, why the 'said George Oyster ought not to have his said judgment revived, erd why he ought not to have execution against them for his debt and damages aforesaid, according to the force, form, and effect .of the recovery afore said, if he think Ht. Witness the Hon. Fred'k Watts, at Carlisle, the 19th day of May, 1849. Audl'493t JAMES HOFFER, Sh'ff. In the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland County. Ann Smith, Into Anh McKipney, by her - if:xi friend Philip Meseerernith, VS Thomas Smith, • . No. 27 April Torm; 1849: - Subficeria Di vorce, 10th April, 1849. On motion of Mr.. Biddle, proof having been made - that the said Thomas Smith cou d not be !fly Wall wick,: • Notice is hereby given to the 'said Thomas Smith to appear on the 27th day of August,• 1849. to answer the co:hi:faint of said Ann Smith. JAMES. HOFFER, Sh'fr. jy25'494t. . • In the Court. of Common Pleas of Cumberland county. ELIZABETH DONNELLY by her father until next triond Benjamin Ebersole, • James ' Donnelly. • No. 9, November Term, 1848. Subpcene eur Divorce, tOth April, 1849. On motion of Mr. Adair proof having been made that thesaid James Donnelly could not be found in my bail. twirl ..Votiee is hereby given to the raid James Donnelly appear on the 27th day of August,_ itt49;TisartsOrifureomplrunTat the sa i d aboth Donnelly • JAMES lIOFFER, Sheriff. Jule 25. '49, di • In the Court of Common Pleas of Cum , berland County, No. 111 August Term, 1849. Adam Bishop in his own right, and alienee of Conrad Bishop and John Ditto and Catha rine his wife, late Catharine Bishop Jacob Bishop, Adam Bishop, -Spang ler and Susan his wife, late Susan Bishop, and Catharine Bishop, Hotly Bishop, Margaret Bishop and Alfred Bishop, with notice to their mother ;and nest friend Hotly Bishop, and Hetty Bishop in her own wrong, (the eight parties last named being the widow and chil dren of John Bishop doe'd.) Joseph Bishop, Christopher , Fred'k. Cromligh and Elizabeth wife, late Elizabeth Bishop, Margiirot Bower (widow,) Abraham Bollinger and Magdalena his wife ; late Magdalena Bish op, Catharine 'Ann Sidle with notice io her father and next friend' Peter Sidle, and Peter Sidle in his own wrong, Lewis Bollinger, Sem uel Bollinger and David Bollinger with notice to their father and next friend John liallingeri and'"John Bollinger in his own wrong, and Daniel Freesinger and Susan his wife; late Sheen Bishop... . r , Thi - Difendante. are hereby summoned An appear ale Court of Common Pleas of Cum , borland county on ' Monday the 27tbcday •August, 1849,,• to show cause why partition should not be made of a lot of "groundisitua ted hi •Monroe township, Cumberland County,. containing.Lf acres more nr lees. JAMES HOFFER - Sheriff: - NOTICE , . .. Niro slated Orphans Court began on Tues. day the 24th day . of April.lB49 and holden at Carlisle in and for the county of Cumberland, before the Hon. Fred'k. Wane, President Judge, and John Stuart and John Clendenin, Esqutres, Associate • Judgek Stc,`• thefolloving I Preoeedings•were had, to wit t.v... •,. • ;! .. ;,,,-,-• • In the case of the petition of Conrad. Clever `: That he and his brother ..Peorge:,Clevet were the administrators With . the will annexed ,of Barnhart „Clever then—father—and that they settled - their administration account,-, 7 -that :the balance of account•wes.,paid over to the heirs , and legatees entitled; dedet,,the will, and' their release Won for the ;sanity except'the , amount which was to be paid to his brother Barney, which was settled in his - brother George's Es tate, who had since died, and; his, estate admin iatered --noon and settled. • Whereupon 124th AprillB49, on motion tot Mr. Miller, :Rule. , ,on the heirs and legateati of-Barnhart Meyer, de ceased, to he, and ittppear at the next stated Orphans Court be held at Carlisle, od Tues., day the;INI day of September; next, to, show 'cause. why Conrad. Clever,'administrator of Barnhart Clatter deceased, shall not be diseher f ged from his office na.adminietrator. ' 1 : - .' -'' . . • - °JAMES HOFFER, Sherifl:•:: July• **;t; • :;- - - r' • • Estat2 of.lsage.Shellabarger, - dec'd. jrAi.._ETTElita Testamental, On. the last'.ill and.. Testament Of ISAAC •RH - EER.,late of West - PittinstoOto' toweshap "dee'd;; livhig , isaned to the underidgritid,,Exe entori of paid estite.Alllierions Indebted to said. Eettits; are, requested to inalieliyudiedbita payment, and • these. haelogelalma atadatt th.o. game to present then?, to eit4ar." 61,4 tinder signed, plgned . euly.trithentiestad for settlement. i ~. ;,, JiiCo6 - BAELLAIIAN.GER; ~;., • c' :: Milillk townshl .. ; .:„).•::, : , ,,,-. c . :I'DMiti'IIHtLIABARGEft,,,,.•.:. .. ~',•,;'. y••0.41.AC fittIE4I:AIIARGEII, .:i• i :.,: .jy2;6t":" , • ',. ' ' . : Wed' PionstioYo`,tio, , Queensware Ir., (Hasse , : aild 'general lielettkon of, these ar. thiles in ever, Variety has been added to our, as bottniaat•-, ,41,100, a-lot of Cedar- Ware, embrao- ing,Tahe f2histos,;Bneke.s.' ke., at istata,' low prmia at theill;ir 6 ° 4 . El 7 t",e of ' ' Ma eh Ai , . • J fr , •AR,P cask o Lard ,Oil t , eo , '1,4 colorless, just opened; ,it esplaadid :Ole for l summer use 7- for Ogdo ;low by. TbaOirta Ed SHOREI t 7— noskier big et , ,Booto and 43 Itt#3us(re4o a y , 4rinj* ItOluceitpyl* i 1093 , :•Y = 4 OiCittls . DAZAWIErgrannL . THE imdersigned.vesul4vspectfully infordi the .citixens:'ef'.o4lieleilidAhri enosandingr cetintry:thaftheir'i' .-, „:"..:C;C: , •.•Z:-.';ii, ~i, . . .:4,.. EXPRESS lARS,TO.:II;fRQM: PRILROELPRIIL p ..,41pass daily.throsilgeaglisle, • r„. - L'arid,all'A boxes:o4oNi nd packer:l,l9feet TlittiO r• b •.geik, , T.140:278 Markistfitree6l'llilittild II intended'ipireilfele,and•editieinfelitiiitOyme be deliiedid'lh'RhSitiFifWarei house. . Crobdti;, for , exprieiijii Thilaidelphis, IS left at Rhoad's Warehouee will. meet with meet with prompt attention.:.' ()cede fore:,?ress ehoUld• be So marked. --• 'AL '' o' ''' • ' r;', '' ' ' A' ..., • L Thos . dorbridger 278 Market all - egeq.' , :I .4 - 11..Rheede A • Carilslof.- .t. - -2, ' Paicia:-- eavy freights when over ` iop.Ve. 50 eta ner hiaidred. , 'Patikagel;2s•iindiecinds in proportion to size:, .• i'.:47', :e;;;:-Ji; •;.;7. 7 . , , 7,, , 1 ivZ As thileis a new, enterprise, ',expressly PIA, 'convenience and accommodation ofthe,mtteens of Cumberland 'County; it is heYed Wird, nieie with the encouragement it...deserver o': . ".1 , .., , . in .? •••• .STDIdBADDH iSs u ldoEklilEDltivi - jy4tl . :Proprietors, Chanihereburg, • r '. N. 8.4 1 N e rs: ~ 4- li'{if, Agentfiriksil y Soillfivorl Illiliffceiing CO; Witit4.Aspert. jceho4se: t 4 ' Minoi St.Plitadil f kia: R —- CASES ethtcabore'sapertr•ra . : 'l u k pen now m;otore,sndfornale to.the trade at.the lowest sparket prices, constvinkip . pail of , , 1 Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14,16 . and' 16: lbsi, blue and White: _. Superfine. Medium and Demi Writinge, b lue l and white. •. . - •- •• Extra super and superfine Folio Fosjii•bluis and, while, plain. nd ruled,— • . _.' ~.... - Sittierfine Commercial Poets, blue, and wildst plain and ruled. . Extra Super Linen Note 7 Pspers, plain .a gilt. . . • • • - ; r Superfine and fine Bill Papers, long and Broad Superfine and fine Counting House Caps and. Posts, blue and white,' ft Extra super Congress Caps and Letters ', and ruled, blue and white. Extra super COngrees Caps and Letters, gilt. , Superfine getnib'n Caps and Posts. Superfine blue Linen; thin Letters. • .1" Extra super Bath Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. - ---Etitbroidered - Note4ePertrand - Envolope "Lawyer's" Brief. Papers. . Superfine and fine Caps and Posts, ruled, and - pNin, blue and white, various wallies and prices. - :AShoe lec:1000 reams white •and assorted Papers, Bonnet •Boards white and assorted 'Tissue, Tea, Wrapping:Envelope, asiorted"'ik. ' blue Mediums, Cap Wrappers, Hardware Pei pars, dcc., • tiy!, • P JP" 0 X E R S Confectionery, Fruit and Toy Store, NORTH HATIOtER STREET, CARLISLE, PA. cIjOUNTRY MERCHANTS and the,pub lie in • general are respectfully invited to ca at the Old Stand of the subscriber, (well 0 known as " Krim Kinglet' Heed-Quarters) in North Hanover street, a few doors north of the Bank, andexamine his.large 'assortment of CHOICE CONFECTIONARIES; , manu factured of the best Material, fresh every day, and warranted not to be surpassed by any in the-States, which will be sold at reasonable prices.. He has just reeeived p large assortment of-Fruits and Nuts. consisting in part of OR, ANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS, Figs, Prix!. ens, Bordeaux and Paper-shelled Almonds. Filberts, cream-nuts, pea-nuts, cocoa -nuts, &c. which will be sold at the loWest "rates.. He would: also invite attention to a large lot of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, consisting partly of fine fancy boxes, dolls, doll-heads, Furniture in boxes, wooden tea sate, brass and tin trumpets,.bone, basket and bell rattles, was gone and wheelbarrows , glass and China toy!, accordsons, IMirmonicans,lTancy soaps,' Hair oil, hair oil, hair and tooth brushes, shaving cream and hundreds of other knicknacke. In connection with the above,.he has -on hand 4, good assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting in part of loaf, lump and brown an gers, coffee,' click-elate, cheese and crackers...." Imperial, Young Hyson-and Black Tea; Spices of all kinds, blacking, matches, brushes, Ste. The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to the-public for the liberal, patronage herelore ',avowed on him, and hopes by _a, desire 40 please, to merit a continuance of thfi Same. --ju12;49------L- . P. Mfi-N-YEW -- ' -- APPLETON'S .; GREAT CENTRAL CHEAP BOOK. STORK; 164 Chesnut .Stred,Corner of:Seventh ) Stormer Building:, Philadelphia. . . KNOWING the wales rof .the community, the Proprietor of this Establishment has fitted up a Store in the most elegant manner, btving due regard to the comfort °Phis cut* , tomere, BO thet every Stranger visitingbis Book Store, may , feel entirely at hot le,• 'HIS IMMENSE STOCK, oeßooks iir chit. sified according to the variotut Departmentwof Literature, so - that visitors can find the Books they are in .search of for themselves. , Buying his stock for the et -part at the Ancrton Sums, and baTh cr nectod` with one of fhb Largest Publishing , Houses in .this country, besides publishing largely himself, enables bins to soli ALL noose at LOWER PRICES' than env other hone - of a similar 'character on-thie continent. His facilities for the InrosnAviort OP Bodca from Europe, are tunsurpaseed, hav ing a Branch of hie establishment in London', where orders of private gentlemen are direfully executed and forwarded to this Country by every Stormier and packet. , , A - CATALOGUE of Books with' the prices attached is issued quarterly. containing Lists of New Additions made to his „large collection, arein all cases for sate at the LOWEST PRICES, or 'from .25 to per cent.' below 'Publisiers' prices.Thas in buying even `a . few Booko,..,quife a considerable amount - xis saved. As a still•further Inducement to stran gars visiting the city, every one who purch a ses One Dollar wdrth of Books, will receive - a copy , ofthe STRANGER IN FIULADELPIGU : 'iII elegant 16mo. volunier the : price of which is Y 5 cents. -.. . 'MTh , * 'Edits of an adveithiement are confined to enumerate the- prices of 'any of•the Books, oe fo give even " s faint idea of thiCiiiy - - - menae. advantages to be derived from 'purchas ing at the great Central Cheat , ' Book Store; but let all who are in search of Books send. foe* Catalogue., add bpylhe."hooks-they are ki.Want ' of, and •:yrhen visiting the ; city,. give -,ApPleto# one'call'; and you' tim begun to call *gain; - STATIONERY' ineWittrbrineberfainiall. ad at. the Lowest, Prices*. The, Initials of ihasss- • °purchasing Loiter,, and Note Paper, • neatly' . stamped in the corner; Witkont *charge; • --Orders for any article • !inky*. sent , bpiinall. addrenied to the PropriOicir mid the, directions in - ail cases will be fully carried out. with great punctuality arid' despatch. Oordeie for Catalogues should bcprepaid:.:l l • GE0,.13 4 , APP,LETONI.. Bookseller, ,Publieher Importer ;, and Stn. - 'tioner,:l64' Chesnut ''Street, Ammer of Se • itenlh'.' Eisiuitres Minding 4 • [rny9'493lno .:41rani and • lan_pbtantt `,.' , gcIEORGE:M. RHEEM ',having reeently _LS . purchased the county right Of HAYWORTn.7I PATENT cOLLAD. STI:tYPER, would respectfully call the attention cl o the tra d e, to that importent intention.. It is certainly one of the greatest - improvements:of the age. This machine antffs the Collar crooked around the.bloelt,,faced with hair, wool, or other materiall,haek stuffs irrrith long etre*, and also makes colliers of theist:air a ith•lessAban half the labor, And timnotthe old way of . stuffing.. This m a chine Wfillstiff. l ai and'every kind of hbratt collars; films' the beet' patent leather down torhecommOrieril ' hipdlin use,' and With but one,manete stlily , at work will !stuff and shape fifty collars per day in. nuestir and better style than any other way knOwn: •••• -Saddlers in the count ' iiie•laritedltilillitt the,enbeeriber'e ;establis hment on North Hann* irerstreet,.Cerliship and examine , hit teach '... Township or 'ahop.righta • will: be'all: those‘Who do not , wish to, buy. a rightlha poriber (AID READY MADE .COEEAEESCJI , ..' mid tench ebeepee than- uiereekt hwit)liti .:' ,tared' in any other Toby. Orden:foet.l4l "lo : any.quantity am raaPaagta!fela l la4‘;' , l , o , il''''. ' p„,, 'l9 • ' . _ , ',, ,".....,....•,'” ''J' . ... : i;'..'.. ~,,, ', ..."- ,„„, • , emeanif , :..z.„...,;.;,_,.„„, nad a ...1 1.1 ., m 4,„, _ _ -,-, wnEARBERM -F'"°r4isolii;;;lblit' m,' ;11100, ,,,' ~1. LI clacath_.,'re, oreptataireaSkot ' , c „, Iv 1 • , 1.03 , , , v' , ,..7- , -- :. 1 1 .intiklY v... •:' „- . ,m, Cuti,• 4 - b ,,, lbone‘ar iirtidii7 .„,,,h-,A ,J oints. . e "'''''' h ' . F ,- ' 4 4rY•, • .' s ~f % r.. 4 w. . .I„„ v id i be” 'JO t...r...,,.___...., rtibt,..4o. ).„......„,,,,, ,i,..„‘„,, , ....,„ , ..„„..,........„....,...„,,, . 114 4 § 48111 ',.:* , t1010.1219P"`"' ' 1)- "": ' . 11 Idtt":34* lOC.- ortil, 4;,, for,ilieultde. r i 1. tr' , , :',Dl!tiltlltrxi% 'Seamid :Ai ti,.,,,,1T ',.- - ttil t "''' , ' ' utt '-0:1r. ,INV* . 11 77 , t ' 1.:, i , . " ''' t ''., o ' 4l ' - ' -, '1i`,;71144 , 6, .4,4 4 . i 11' , 0,1,,4...t.,.....:'',i;iig',`',,N1.1Tf.111dtYP., , o' - '.--io•• ''. ' ~:v,k•;;"•,ts:oi, giflr•Jf ~.,..,"..--. 0