Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 15, 1849, Image 1
!km „ • ,`•l' In' INS •, 1- . EiIII VOA ;Y °VIE ~LTX. tiCatbs Dr. - Joltz.3.4llkets ' igr AS RE.MOVED Office his Oe and 'dwbi .."--'•"brlig:Store on Wets High street: ,i , ' • ~' • f• - : npril 1, ' Dr W. L. Oreigh,: , (Auccesor of Dr.joha Crag*, deceased:)'" AirtLG (Wend all litbdidal milli in town or country, by DAY'or NIGHT, and will give' • sverv:attention to, patients entrusted tohis bare. 10F,FICE on Mist high strict, °Bonito Ogil • by's Attlee; ! ! ' Trictv22—fin • J•. •Wlridgor„Ratylins, DI. D.' etaAPUset l'O of Jofferson•Medical College, 14 11,11 f riisacctfnlly.olfers his servite to the pub. lic. Dr: Rawlins having had eight ars expe rience, in the, Prac ice or hisproles ' 'n-Mary land and Pennsylvania, flatters himsel that he' can give general satisfaction •to thohe requiring his nid.•.Offiee in Pitt street eppesite the Man sion House Hotel and first door south' of the M . ` , thodist church. February 3th. 1849. Doctor Ad, Lippe, ONIOEORATRIGMLysician. Office in Main street, in the house formerly mou rned by np 9 '46 Dr. • L 0. 4 Loomis, WILL piirform at peratiaus- upon' the : reethlthat-are-raqua•-- 'A)V 7 I reil'for t tettereei,vation, sue dr,e,.erVill restore the loss of them,. by inserting Artificial Teeth, from a single tooth to a full sett., Ir:r. (Mice on Pitt street, few doors South orthe Railroad gotet. Dr. L. 'lsiah , ' sent the last tendayeoffivery_m_onih. •Wm. M. Penrose, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will practice in rho movitral • Courts of Cumberland county.— OFFICE opposite Clic Jail In the room with W. T. Brown, Esq. [nrinvi,) • -John B, Parker, ATTORNEY AT LAW.. OPPICE li in North Hanover Street, in the room fin . - merry occupied by the Hon. F Watts. March '2l, 1849. . Canon O. 'Moore, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in the roam lately occupied by Dr. Foster, deceased. mar 31 '47 ADWRD CLARKSON, ' ENGRANER 'ON- WOOD,-No. Sdi \Val rim Street, Philadelphia. VT - Orders may be sent by mail. .Dee.,•2o 1848.-6 m •• • • •. • Convey ancing. DFFDS, BONDS, Mortgages, Agreements and other instrumantspt,writtng neatly and accurately drawn by the subscriber, who may be found at the office of the Carlisld Bank. gle - c9.otf . •-- A. .11.ENDF.L. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Has RE MOVED his office to Beetem's Rotv, two doors from Burkholder's Hotel. _ [apr 1 arzioittnaEGE. JUSTECE OF THE PEACE. OF- • ` 4 " FICE et his residence,,corner of Main street and the Public Squat:ft:- opposite: Burkholderts 11 . 0101. 111 addition hi' fig dot:61%01:1111We° the Peace, will' attend to all kinds of writing,"' such as deeds, b3nds, mortgages, indenthres, arliclea•of agreement, notes, &a. Carlisle, ap:B'49. These words were spoken by an old wo man who was spinning at the threshold. _ "Ne,_g_o_o_d_Le_uisen,'_reOied Lhe boy with a very serious air; '1 intended to dell and embrace you' ~ 'How say you that . Pierre?' said the old warner', colie s erciu id lb Jo you were going ,away, and that we , were never to see you a- Rain.' ," • '', , l hope, whenever T see you, to find you well'and nappy,' 'replica the child. 'And always ready to share my luncheon with little Pierre, who on Sunday has the kindness to come and read prayers for me, ,since I have become too feeble to go to chtirbh myself., Here, Pierreoake,thie nice littiO.white fed. whieh the 'baker gave. Me ,;tltis iiirtirig,he'd these fresh nuts—andetay, put iiiiS' in' your pocket. What's the child afraid of?—'tis only a silver sixpence. Alt, Pierre, you have fine eyes, and a large high forehead. Do yoU know I often' think you are not destined to keep sheep all your, life; something tells me you will be a greehman one of these days. Still one thing 'pevoles me ; if you remaln here in this village of St. Gobsin, how areTSSII ever to become - great? a man Whom every one will talk of and soy," 'Do you knovit that he was imee'little La,Ra min, the son of La Ramer, the chhicoal, burner and Galienetta hie wile,?' 'lndeed, Louisort, I don't think I shell re main long:OISt. Gobain, who knows ?-Lbet ter days mei/tipt . e . :orttl then,' 'added he, throwing, his little caressing arms round the old wornart's neck, 'When you, don't see me here, will yen pray to God forme? 4 Fare well,,dear.Loilison, I shall never forget you.' "IWlty,!what do yoie Mean by that, Pierre -I'lerrot_r_ , ___,_ - -4. " gut Pierre was already out of hearing'; and havieg overtakennis sheep; drove them lovvards a forin heuse wifichetood at. some ilistance,'eurroundea by ptles of 'clikrcool.- --OnlilsraY-IM-Stopped-aLart-eld-ctoli- hoe; and cl' lz* g'ils Iqwkrb o c el m i " . leced . I in'4 tie . ;; ; ;, , 1161164'"among them the bread, - 1 anh lints, and the sikver ;COlll, which Leiiison had given liiM.,,AtilieWiieliititiei, down; , 'he'iell bill' lei Oilied'bitt Powerful hand. r , 'Ah, little robber 'M NW nests, leave I caught you ?' said a leud good-nature • t, •th ..-.., . • Olt, Hichard iil tp* , yeilu II ttiq, Pierre.-' : 1 Y i tr 1 ; I `` ) - 1 I•th, ' 'lti t 'l' l'''''' ' OU El Ut 14k 1,,U , U ,,,. , :. , ,, . oug e e , irs t., o,7as,„ liioatintr/ •.• " -' ,' " , ' 4 , :1-'4, l'rcliir "lii , fiterd,kiit l e ta4 i fertg;tli9; , t infi, viiieri*Yair' ' inethi?r, l A , 2nl, *4 .trilie DM, She` fotindli'veliesorryidOilurit i ht hitt l 'iliewn: ' i , -' Oh my, mother' woalt)be Ivory, irkagry 4 ' ' • ~..,,,, , f Yespbut tliatts riet all,', 'replied, Rieherd; f,w,lfiii'sli lq' was leaking „ for 'alle l fhp',shi' I ;found something '", l tt -a „. 4 ' b l?!i Lt',s 6 . )' l) 9 Inever eaw,eueh-a fuss as e ' he.made abeut it? ,", ft foi*siii44llciivk , lo Aid(' giiliiii)k, , ‘ ,#. l ,o',P.i,ltKri,kol l .**, l l4 rik,(o'lWpself,',Atiali t . ci his latiter'srfre!oarip• - : •,,t : 4 ,‘ ir .71, a 11.W01 , ! . ; , itilie ~ -, t he" lii putting e t! a ~,. ,!!. ?fa er,, , up Ift:*4oo;•, ' 64.;it,toilA ' r. tits t liiiii.etid ~`Nal4 eiditlyllgolirt :'feUt litheFfrint's hi'rpea!t 1 . '7 oll .'";' - '"";;` ''''"`'''' ' l , - :','.' '' -"''''' r: l' 4: l :2 4 ''''Z l l'!4?: ll, eghorii . l Hats, . '''''.' ' ''' 'AiauktilAcaiiniiliip), was heatik:iicii;in,:, ~. , ...‘.. rn i flff ril /M I VIt NTYn i t l l4; 'oll .Pi vo i ce t 11 .0 14 9 1 1 9, - .;, L i1tiPi14401;.03 4 . 3 8 aete*it ' fil .',. ,-,,,,, 9„ om em,,PAs t-pguorn it et A etteortort, th*fiip,:f9r ple.111111E1„ rested ply; tliir, Pp 1 4, TStrotialgoxAdiprjce, Aloo„Ckildrces; fouerf . thlbe'sfo3:9o;ii:, ,••:,- ': - ..h , '" 4 ‘ ,,, ' , 1 1 4.," p,ARI ifill, , l , ... ,-,,. la vy: Awr,DIEIt: i „cm :.,,,, ' , Acorn 4.vf. -hoe:. e.,.11 , i ..., ,I • In t: ; '..' 0 ..i i 'l' i i)iii* 1 VIAVIS lijAlth ". .li 716 q VI; ' ,,,V: 440 ' *MA And 11101:93. Li. , tili 1,1, A. • r T , ' ;11 ,41 '2,11, - 1,141440 1 - ~/ ~ , emithinez • il , ,imeiwzrzprorpi, 7,...,._,,._i,„,,i‘ .:. 17' . ...". ', 1, , 1' V 4 ,ll .rimee!.'lobked , ---up.P.4vitilitti Amelpi .. , . Ri i :7o7div d riki." l 4(trplt, t Pli.i,,,la,teit i ' I T - 4 . triir ° 7 . 1! iile i niT e P o l v T . r' u fg l P r . ';'(iii4a,;(6,lii;i ~,14 il' ' tii;'1 i 0 0 0 littovol4nl. i . , , eerie Pennine ro ~ 4hc l eat f it'vitp:flie ^ o tt a i,4 l ' 1; ,11, 4 141:* :4' o l'o -,,,gitt A n ;* 1 a11',1 ,, :, ,o, qv , 11, ..,„ 5 .. i kY.,,, ~,, ff,,,f , ,,,T,gam , 14.4401, rt ..., -lion•eilherladimant elio t i xii, b e! , g ,,t ne ,... l ' , '"ir UST iebolved a'fliithei3OUPpiiie,r;mii i . !e, ' '''''''"? "11.141'44wi1r4444i441N,,,,,q-,1„ , 1144.1012VV" . ° . .,i 4 If)artorrittiforih' ,. = 0 v' Bin3(l l iBLßi t ts; ' - -'`i,„,' ' , .7„,,,: '•'''',; '' ' ' ' lll Y7,„ h l „: °6 ki d i„d e lr,fl L P 6 l ik Vih l ite C A4f , t" 401 , , ii .,,,, , ,, (0 , 4 1 ,,,;• 1. .0,, , 7 .,,,,, , 6 > e ,-,, ~,,v-j::. i ~s . i t”. 4s' '''',ll Y:" Y'.„,'''''-',: , ''' "4 9 '%." r , i n i /*RA : ' , l ''': "' i 11. P . ?, ": " "I"r"l4'',4i6tOtifVffi. .4er ' ' I. l ,,i iii y, 4 .. . t A, ~ , ~,„, ), ;. , ,o 1 ',ay YJ i ~ ./4 ~ ..1 fiil/0,,,, , ,4,, , ,,.0) ~:,,,, , J...., ''' ' 0 1.1. " 4, ,A Woo4l,o‘ao "44..taf r Orli ~ tY i. , 11r ,, ti15a4. 4 . , f. * :, '',7-m t..; ',' o '', ,::: ~. ,''''''''''' i : I ' 4 .43LY ' ,i N1e: 41 ,% 4 :, ' ',.0r - Y, '1 ", 4 „.t 1.4 ' I 3 ',, t-1 , ,; , ti,tk'.; : ,., , ' ‘ '''''- d 'i'.. / .. 6 i' r, %i . YY-','.0, 1:' !1P,1 1 4?-•,..,. ( 1f,' ' ' 1 41756 1P .7 4 r,r4 1 ,, 14 ,1 1 ,,_ % , 4 „ ' 1r..1 ..3 ,?. 1 1.144 . , 1 :x.' " ':41,1,V4A 4 .471:1,; , ';;.;" 7 :':'l :' , ' l'''':';il'ar. ''-',,-,...,?+,',' '4:, : / :1. . : '::' ;':',,';':' - I . 'P. ," ':;''.!' ‘ ' , ''',: '';: h .. .Zo. % i ".,,, .1' ~, -A ''.'- ': -', ll , ,, g2i`:o,.:Ctl i *,t- ik ei ' A', " A!,`,:?;, : , : ';. . .,‘, p z:, t,.,i..,.,,,,:i - - WRIGHT IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN POll.- EIGN4aDOMESTIC HARDWARE, Glass, Paints, Dye Stuffs: Oil, Iron, Steel,Naffs &c. would invite the attention of persona want ing goods in theietline, to the large assortment • •lhey have just opened, and which they offer at the verb lowest cash prices. fa 143^ • „ • . John P, Lyne, t. • WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in Foreignand Domestic Hardware, Paints, ,Oil, Glass, Varnish, Sic, at the old stand in N.. II tnoyer street, arlislo, has just received from New York and Philadelphia a large addition to hii termer smelt, to which the, attention of iltajr . -: ; ,era is relluested, as he 'isdetatmlno44. B a,lll , then any ether Inman irit,ewa•• . •01, - -( Ltiok - ..thitt• War' • r would' respectfully inform hisAtendsand the public generally that he has , itist; opened a now LUMBER AND COAL:, )t.A.11.D in West . Hth a - few -donirretuit , -... „orMassrs J D Rhoads's Warehouse, where he. now his and will keep constantly ;on hand a first rate assortment • of all kinds of sea :llona rpine.boards and plank and all caw' kinds tilfithill; all of which ho will selblow for cash. p_.41408 A LT SAMUEL SIPE. VER — STETHA — RVEY, —, • .o.lto nazeniticit & Walters,) '' .A. AIOI:O - "Di t CP, ,and General Commission .51er r,C„chants, N. 15 and 16, Spear'sWhprf, 4 i PA,I•TIMORIi: -. Liberal cash adyanoos made consigturionta of all kinds orProduco.. • , viZ,l, ,: 0 , ..• •', Notice., .. .• TlM!Commissioners :of Cumberland county 1 deemit proear tiiinfcirin the public, that the sin- 1 'tolerative:4.ply 13,0ard.of Connnissioners will be' held ,err Ad - seconds Old fourth Mohdays di iiach riidhtVat which:tints any persons haying . .="'brisitiees , -with—said-LRoard will—nickst—them—et_, r ~,} `lnCif'olliCe in Carlisle. ,''' 'Mier:, ~ . ; WM. RILEY. Cl'k - ,o ' ' „„ griroxioxl. pl will he yoade nt the next ' •..44.sion - of the. Lpgislattiro,of . Ponnseya:- .• • rtia,,,tor.,an.alteration in thc ; :charter of the an- . I.Ksjia;D,sytistp . BANK, so as to Confer . opon 'Ow -tletStutitiOn the rights and privileges of it'lrtink of;; • Taiga. ,Bykofder'of'the Boat.kof Directors. t MI .8 CO ElSA.N;`Cashion Batik, - t I 4 - 1819.4 . m'' -f, . 1 ,13;,-; , ..;",Diveing • and' Sequin* I,OVrt4LI4N BLAttt, /111+044r Sepiet, near the Oollege, dyes Ladieal find Oolitic+ rneh!eapliatrel. - sill colors, and warrants allmarKk to-ba satisfactory. Orders in his lino respeatfullY s ili c ited .4;; ,• 1 ,, t NIP 2 ' 46 I I", • 4/. , Car& '• 4•w+• .'fi N D Duelist ). . infer maThii to.lifliienda and pattena' that! he "expects toy: be Iltbaeht fromiCarliale forthe;eontiag sit Weeks ! , , itatt , f;"';; 1.1 , 1 • ! 03:•44 , „ • , ‘, „ . .)RkSir , WittOkid " f' 1 • 4 ,":.*Kg!highest .onsh ' ;ei in • ltapatrby the aattitpribirfergeod A:011: - ... The , • ; raze pay beilaliverod" it? the Pam IVIA five &eat r ! ailiale;'oritt th'e' Vyareh'otiee'of n'rliCOVlthBOmiln; f - ,'s!%tt 131 . MULLEN: ii,` its , •Wrappingcraper: , , ,,,,, . i , 190'14 Subscriber'. hi l '43"rttetadlatib: afrailg — lo,9Bta with - a, Imago in qiiiladetphia; - b \ ,h ,' . 'trlarrlbtifilliNbesVii)itifitiiiliii 011115'dva , ith th • ..0 . 0 "eathrtlalvolWiiipingfriqier • .'OcivatiiolVier • 1 kbta; atat , olbataipialanjelaCaive tivanty%pv: ",r pi pent" oh theaboe.artialacalf do ito'bY ball 44 figitlbe f 0 itpra!a 4 tt • oa' , ''',. a 1.,- ~ ..r net, , 1 , 41,p.t wi , ' 4.. h. , A2; 1. "1 ~-! 3 . k:4'i 11,0 f 11A.LIIERT. , t,rofBol.lB' 8 i •,,,,; ; , , , , tl-1'. , 4, R . . ''''.,.',-.•; lo )(1, , ,tp." me- ~- , '...7,,- --. -.. t4 .'..7•,..'1,7': ....iil 4 '• t . ,,,i , e , i, , i . 3;, .--# ! ,-,, , 4.. } . , :t 0 - - . 4 . ~. : : :',l,: i i,•. _ ;itt,it.' ' -.. ) ..i , ,. . ,-, , , i- - ; 7., i4 ,.`,:. , ,1..i,f)3•.....4, 4 j ,: li'',i(: . o3.lii,:tt,' , I,a . ` id. I . C . : .:: 6:04 7 . t T , c":1:1411:617p.. 7 ,:i: - .jr,o , i;,?) . 1 - 4 , 1 , k * , / . -, :,‘ , 1, ii . c,,o r )fi ‘ e „ A : , ,. ..!.•, r ,'"-k s ,.' . ! ! (_. ::0 ,; ( 11 . .., 71! :. 4, -. i r :. •,,;:iit , _ifl . - tp ~, . , , , D ;iut. i i, : .) 3 ........ -4 t,..1 - 1!-'ir . - : 2 ...?1 ,,, ',4' . .7 ; . ti '1"! ,t 4, , J 3 1. , : i t c , ,.. `0 , fe , - ,. ^, ? .1 , ' , V . f , ;•: - . , i: - /; ,,, n , , , , p .,0 0 1.4 1 - r.i . :f i t r t i i:! ,l .;:_ i • 4 :'''` .' ' ' ~.:,;AF?31•4. ,.a 051 1 - ,,(1.1) , .. ' %.., , ~,,,,..„.. . ... 4 . ~., i 4. ~ . ..„Th 0.: alio cos. tfi:lt . .. - ?-.. ) 4, n0h011., ma 1i0.if1ii . .. 0 .1.4.. _. . ~..._, - o _, -: , .iiiibutif :Li to , ': t' .1,17 ' A*? - 4-44 ; ." ' ""'• ' :,. , p; ..;;;., . • • " • :. , , , v , .17 , ,„.. 1,5.0 „ , ... . ~4 . .1 ,r. , iria.:ari • ~.,..ty N. , 'NktlV,li,~ • if... ' ' ,t' ' • - . ' .' ' : : l ' ''-" ''... -: . = f ' ' z' ''' ' ''• Y ."- \ ' i•• ••' • • '• ' -'' ••..- • • • ...; :r :- .4.: ; . -4,1,P.:!iii..., , 5 • r . itkl- ..Lrb„, . -iv ~..w. ..,4Y.:4,tmrcli.-10 . .i _. . i IA ~..=6, . ...... ~.: (.............. .,7 . ~ . . :. '........... ~. , '..., .1 .. - ~. .- '.. . "-. -'..' .- ~.'. ,- . . ols-ort V.f! fro.) •,,„ t:',A11.rt9. , :.q.;•,.. ~ :, . 1,,, ~ i. , .., „4 ,,,,, „ ri r , •,_ -,, .;:i ., -• :••,...! ~- •,•., ,• . . •,!..,•“•,-.-.., T ~,,?:, Ji.), •:,•;•:!, 13 ~ ...04;), . 0 , I. 1.--.11-cci huts xisi.*.,nt ••,••:.- ,• i. ~ , n t-,..d-,.. - ... ~.'• ' •‘• .6.-,.. 1 1 , -, 1 -,,,, i I o' l ttl ....;14 . i ~..''' . , • ...... . ~i.,, m.:. , arl i - e , .., , I • .• It ! -,- it „Cl_ . !•. . - ..":' '' ';'4 .".‘ -• i ‘:.• ''s";47.-‘) 111, ~.', . kr!, 170 , ? • 01.101, I ': ..-„,-...-4- ,' .... - ...;,- -.::•.,.-:`„•••,.,'.'" '>!, , ''''--:',•• 1—•-,` •• '‘ 1 Ot . i --• ,• -,f il i „4 ....i., ; 011:.• 'di' ,; f t,i. , 4.4ilriT 1 iaiii,lo , ) 9 0 ' •' •"‘,"' ' .!'• - ': 7,7 ' 11' - • ' '' ' ‘ l 7:4 Atti b:'<'• ' ill • • • ." 1 . 4.4 .- .:. 2 " 1 , 71. • 1..43ft••• -r, it ix.; )4 . ' , h IrBW _ ' ' ' '''''''i`ii : Ai • - I ._ .. . —Ail , .. . ~. ~•-..' , ' ~,i , .v 1 - 4•11.,.e. 1 , 1 W i .:',.... ' illii/ 11 40.1 ITU 1 . 4 .I,' •:. - 1 . 4 1 . - i g , :4:1" . .!..... V.lnlii P.,.P . 0...z.-,‘, i '.., /- ::::).14,c, VO 19 1.)? 43( - 11 4 ' ✓•-!''''''' ': i '' ':•` ; : :. . l '• : c 7'.: : '' ..7 l g' '' -- ' - '-: '. ... 1..' . •i?' 1 ' - '1 1.V26 --'"'4l'" a ''.° '` . . q• ,-, fi.• , , 3 ,,,, 10.1-11,1, •". v... „.. ::,,:, , -,-. 0 -:.... •,... , - - ... t.. .. i .• . -. ~ J , • . •-' I ,•,,'• , ...•.? - '-ftel • • .. ~ ..,. , . e .46. - V" ' - . ; I ' ^ . '• '', ' “ .'" 1 .. ±'''..t. ! - ' , .,:t1!1' - ',- , i 11 V.& f ~0 1 . ' ' ' " ." .4 , ''' ; ' r.. :' ,, - ; . .!F.:',1 - 4 ' , '''. ' . ' .... '.i''' ..' . • " ... '''.7' '.' ''''' '''''"... 12' l';''. ' g, '''th ..112-,..,:"''..c 'Pi/ 7'./ • • t'' ' ' ' ' ll, I ' 4 ) '* f n ir , " • ; ' '. - --- '• . ' ''..) •-• • -'-••••""--• '' ..'' , ; 1 . • . .•.., ) ',...... ... ) - 7::;:: ., ... ',,, ~., ,-- ..,•.. ... .., - ~ :,., ...• " : i ;,. ~. . ~., „ , • ~,,, ~., ~.c ., „. :i ...,;,,, .., . .-:'•.: -'...---.,., ,r . ; '..-., c..'''':'7.4, .4 . <, ..., 0 ,,,, ~,-L . ,,. ,; 41 •,,,,,,,...,-; .-.:: ,•) ~ fi l n+i•- . , r ilfp 0 ; ~;', ; ';' . .',414;" , ` ,14 ' 05 'i... ,,, ..... ,, , ,' -... ',' • - -' . :'" , 2 1- ': ,- Jz:: '... : ; t 4 t.• 3 J A. „, . rs.-,...-'l,i )•!' - 'l,. ~ e ,l_, ~...:.; i . ',.,,l ,„ „..;.','' ~ f ~ I? '..>. Crl'ifOil! , , , * :,.(1 :itiraol3l:4 ~ , , • ,;.•:•;fAta,,, : k ~..,,...,•„-:- •- • ~, ....,,..„..., • , r .4. - : . 3-, ~. .', „ ~-..,',..,-,.....„., -.,. , ... 3 i -.- • - ---- • NE iIEIM=IIIEMIIIIIIIMI To the Vetere cif euniiceiianiCeniity. FELLO offfir'iny. self *to your oonsideration.for,lhe,office of E RIFF County; end , respectful. ly solicit . your support , pledgmonyself, if elec. ted to. dischnize thR duties of said office with YOUrs;respeci fully, ' MONTGOMERY DONALDSON... - - West Peotisberci tp. .' • April r'Z''49—te , . - - - TO the Voters ofUumberlood Co'tv FELLOW- Cril'irrts. , -I offer 'triplet( io .your consideration asU candidate for ilia' Office of Siff:RIFF at the approaching election, subject , to the action of the, Whig Connty Convention. and respectfully solicit your -support.. JOS A EGE. • Shippensburg, niay 23,'99. AA ROBERTS offers himself as a candidate4oi the office of SHERIFF, and solicits ftom the Democratic -Delegates the norninetion, pledging himself, if 'electedoo die charge the duties to the best of his ability. itine2o To the Independent Voters of Cum ' Berland County. • ArtiELLOW-CITIZENS:—I offer 'rays - elf Co your consideration as tccandidate 'for the ; • . ; =Ct t. the decision of • e "ng ounty gOnVennen, an. very re sketfully solicit y,ottr, pupi)ort tEiri DIEfIL. flopewell tp,„ May 9.'49 - SHE . RIPFALI Y. -FELLOW,OITIZENS'of Cumberland co.; ihtler myself to your consideratiod for the of: Bed of SHERIFF, anbject to the ”olninn.ion of the WhiE County Convention. Shhuld I be fortunate enough to be elected, I will discharge the duties of the office with impartiality and fi delity. ROB'T. MCCARTNEY. Carlisle, April 11, '49—te To.the Voters. of timberland County, FELL° W-CITIZENS:—At the solicitation of many friends I hereby offer myself to your consideration as a candidate for SHERIFF, at the ensuing general election; subject to the rie, cision of the Whig• County Convention.. Should Ibe nominated.and elected,l promise to dis charge the duties of the office with fidelity and humanity. I then fore reepetcfully solicit your support. • .JOSEPH McDARMOND. NeWville, April nth. '49-te • •To the Voters of Cumberland County. FELL() t Encournged by numerous friendtr,' Lhereby offer myself to you; consideration as a candidate for the calico of SHERIFF. of Cumberland county, nt the coati-. ing general election,subject to the decision of tbe Democratic County Convention. Should Ibe nominated and elected, I pledge myself to dis charge the duties of said ale° with impartiality . DAVID CRISIV ELL. - Shippensbiirg, spell t l_'49-•to' To the Voters of Cumberland County. FELLO W-CITIZENS—I offer myself to your consideration as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, of Guntherland. county, next-generel-eledtion, subject to the decision - of the.Demperatie County Convention ShalllCl he nominated and elected, I ptedge, nays if to disehargo the dulties,of Wild office with fidelity 'Anti DAVID SMTTR• ;•li , — • 3',' 3 ;sileriffafty. vs . -. 3; . gildim7=ClTlZENisßeiiig. 'solicited by r-auumber of my.friends. r ofter myself as ra-randidat eloriiror:of`,Sl-11tRI Fr: inire `enstiing leteatiou,'ead'willlSe thankful 'for your suffrages. Should' I be' elected, I hereby pro mise to perform the duties of said office faith. fu11y.... Respectfully, April 4—te • JOHN F HUNTER. rfilFIE subscriber would inforin his friends end. I,- the public generally that lie has taken the ~t ~sh large and commodious public „ . house, situated on, the corner ,of -,,,,- • South Hanover and Pomfret ot., .-.. ; , ,Y t ' int the borough' of: Paillelo,..lately -.- =" -- OcoiMiekt-byl,..Eamuel. Itiorret., where.ho,mi l'endeavar to se,,ve - those who may iill .11;tiviiiim , in ,the -most satisfactory manner.— T .ttliimse,tis,-pletestintly shunted, and is fern ; egihroughout with good 'bedding alio other VOTE% and'his accommodattons ore such as will make it a convenientand desirable stopping place.• No exertions will be spared to make it .agreeable in all its departments to :those; who may favor him with a call. SOARbßßS'ivill be taken _,bythe week, month or yew' nt ,the usual prices. ' - J OHN-WERT.- -..-;-4,atteru Shoulder Baces. '- THE sub Scriber has just received on assort ment of Dr. PORTER'S SHOULDER BRA. CES, which' has been found to be invaluable to such as are afflicted with crick in the bock, pains in the 'side and breast, spitting•of blood, &c( This article is also found to be of the,mmost importance to children predisposed to stooping and especially to-females whose health is im paired, and' often totally . ruined lty this habit of stooping, which is entirely overcome by the use of this invaluable Mice eh. 2) G W WITNER Watt •-tk- Patterson's 'TUBS, . • • • ,41007:',,Ttigli1111;;, " N • - ft:TierSi e, 4. • • .C. 4.1014 1,1V4 - • FOR THE RApICALICtIitE•o,F.HERN,Lt:' :OR ApPTUILE: , u. SUPPLY .of the ; tiboyo:ll`Ttil TRUSS ree'eiv.od•eett keptloi Bate at the. *ore, reug23l'' B:,ELLI 0 T,l" '.:Oaxlisle ) Sulp4ur Springp. • " it"ii• • '" • •in • repnotor Twee u y , ftietria - • friendiandoo";h/.gen. •` eraly.tharteir,PreloKi4P'ac-f • m° t dat e' ,confortabli alareeltisniter, of d b orders" rrth Alnit SPriPfis , . 0 , ,aro: 1 4r; half iffil ' el !• a health ,psynberlatid.. ° ll ' l4 ' ir Y t ( good ,rernaritie ,Pot and. 9 0 , , order .and, everk - .attentioß PA°Z i1 0 t4r.9 0 2.. 0 I,Goehliekeare alwitis roaFttneasat 4 - reneei.e. .o,lliltoo'S'pvery . , t 45 convoyrlatrorsfo . ;,Iko;g 3 Ptings.: ~; ; ,; D. - - , r in 414p, , W111TE SU LPHOR , , P X.: SPRINGS, eitilanal in. Cumberland cotta= . . ,ty., , F'elitana,,inatureeneWporu on of the mouti.c, temimiShclnilintl , Oertient recent: fief ig, fiudd up ,yittr new nod come:willow! ThO ,01400 tier lipving pteyjdi34 , hjnifielf wktkgbod gOOkoilia. i rtitop. - 4pioq of ,oe and attantini f yftiltitl be 'ititplv to jrAe".o,l43rmAittiodolop?tp, all* 0;1110' favo,i 13191, .11,9 pPNGye;;rO34l4 .Pt;th“h'e to cu rry pae eqngeFfi CO •ti* . M "10 • ' • flu OTT COY.LP rix • xii.pI3v;:.PRZSERVES --J wit „:feceived il4 - •! , • 0 44;: ope n'4sll 1 by 'ldle. aubso labor. , preeeripd' IghigiXatidsPine • , A.PPle. , Oran4 l3 4o l iYr INclirleiC I,4lo3llVG4Orkiriric,Nturgoetr..,Pappors,,Picor lilb Tomatoek.kind Onions, Olives, Vapore r Aril oboyieri,Sardineir s Tomato lietchutrifinp minikdt frjfitich f Altuirordoyitb a , very, pbotorp an 4-pur6 I r A ormour 0f,,, , ,,5a14.011 , ,,r4 roceigget 1 , 7%4 i .ITMAvait'49l "••- •..13 ~, W iNIANY TIPILI' fillirr i 7B r" lk , )1,0401111 , " leer L - 4 . . 4 1Aii4E, itti se 1 4,- 110111 =1 .:411.ait4tbates. SIZEIRIFFALTV. IX/ERT'S NOTE!. ISM IESU,S‘ OFF OF NAZARETH PASSETH."BY." 114 , 14115. timounitsr.! , • -- Welcher i—who wake* by am* of.ppin, While the mare sweep bn in their midnight train, ,Stifling the.tear for thy lotted one!e sake., Holdingthy breath Tdaet hie steep should break I In thy lonellegt hour therele n helper nigh— " Josue of Nazareth puseeth by." Stringert afar &tint thy native . land, Whom no ono take's witli ahrOther!s Oand, Table and hearthstone are glowing frees, Cosementeare Sparkling hilt not for thee; i There is one-who tan tell of a home an high -7 I .!Jeatil Ntizaretti pasiitith.b.Y." ' . Sad one, hi secret, bending low, A dart idihy'hiedil that the world may not know, Wreaillng the Pivot ...of • 4113 seal orpardoti - for days of sin; . Press on. prose on, wlth.thy-prayerful cry— " Jesus of Nazareth papeath by." hfoUrner : 2 :who Billet in . the churchyard lone,. Scanning the lines on that tentble stone. Plucking the weeds from the Children's Fed. Planting the myrtle Mid rose ,instepd; Look up from the4omb with thy tearful eye— , "Jeans of I , lagareth paeseth by," • " Fedleg one,. With the beetle streak Itt-thy vice of fire dud thy wested - che'sk. • Fear et thou the ehade of the darkened Valet lseek,tor 'lle bath trod It Monett', he will'hearlhy ...Jesus of Nazareth paseeiltby." _ . • Aratt VA19.4.q: THI L I ITTLEMIEPIII,OD. A Story fir Boys. V. ONE evening in the month of July 1525, a child about ten years old, badly dressed, and with bare fee:, was driving a fibek of sheep across a plain in Picardy. Young nail° wits, his countenance was graveand pale, and large dark eyes weie intensely fixed on a book, which he held open in his hand; while but for the watchful care of a dog that ac companied- him, his fleecy charge' might have strayed in every direction without liis being conscious of it. He walked slowly On, still looking at his book,until as he was • pass ing a cottage, a voice from its door recalled him from his abstraction. (tVliall'ierre, are you going to pass by your old friend Louisan without saying good evening?' - 7 ' -- 7 . t70Z , ;7747, 77,, I‘l o -1 IBLE;4'.'• 'AU . • . . iiigt , vd.vik t v wi i , v9, l' nt,” . 1;.1. 1.1. p . :.t 1 •F .., J l f 0 7 3 r .7 1 ,...71Y1, 7 3:1 , ,, p•)i,l''i ?. • ' • 11' diti;eir? , qaidgittil4r01 , Vgavelinl gP,'..heY :i to buy it,twl 1 .. .. ; -,• .19 tkal 1 ~, - 1, , i ",; , - ~ •a -. ~ .441 , -' 14.0 . idat to yiitiipi *jib' Achtlejlelitd . th , I , i . h a: -,.-v ,s!,v . •ev,, •,,,, ~ * . ~, -.,1 c .. 1 . 1 . ~. .‘l,read ,, ,it l :lather.'“ai.. , ~ , ~, , .,,r, , irgit*l';,,„.! 'You Tend; itiklefied,his father eh& mothir 1 - -*netherTiiiitil WiiittiAid:Y:tiOl4rkla!i IP' elYittiatitlom,fi3iiid*oile4,:„l4:4 i ( ,' p . fellow did, me 'a, , amli„ls4 - turned it by doinit'hinvanOthoe - " ,h u h:,l . 'A fine'qiiiitee'trUly; , ei4Calieti#ol!" '1: this ! chihl iii :Mined,' Aielitini,'Wtr, :t i stfalls l havelon to thank for it, !reach him: to to ' !:j Did' any - Mie ever hear tonic felly 7 ' , Ptitiy , you 4aveAaughthinitOfvtifeiocilo,::' . ; "; - , , .... iii)aii;lt'epi'v , do `that nifitelf,-Mistreitt' , ` , iliOditicb'arif: e ' ' . .i' .0. ! ) ' 44 ' I replied Aici ftiitiniate,(Prit 'sure; • am? I 'E4109.1f1 iike to kiici‘' whatiabit will learnin'd ar '", 'Thies riot the" tiniiition; sariV,Va "Kathie'? eertain Ifritlooutdi eliould 411ce iti4 - siid • • thing? - Pievril with tft-joop--. - Oh, sigh. Then taking oduraie; heidded, 4210 - t ever, lather,"if 'yotilirpuld—'; , i . "i' 'Send you toichnol, l'erippOse you m an?' `interrupted the fritlier. - , Yori - kitow 1' have not therneans ; I can't nflOrd• to feed ' idte mouths.', , 'Here is your supper, said.hiamotherigiv ing him a basin of soup , and a bit of brown bread. ' 't . 'May 1 have my book,' naked Pierre, ta king his'supper with one hand, and extend , lug the other towards his tether. • The latter handed tho him, and asked, 'Who wrotelhis beak?' 'Jean de Italy , ' replied Pierre. , Who wasthat priest ?' asked his mintier, ;as site continued to help the soap. , , . 'He was one of the most eloquent mat* of the lasiceriiuri, Mother,' replied the chll was chanCellor;ai3ii M'Ohdeacon cif:-th; church Notre Dame iri Pride': He kneW key to read arid to write Mo . ,' added Pierre . With, a sigh, 'so that in 1461; when parliarrierit ; sent aiemonstranaci,to Lolits XI; it - 41, he who composed it. Afterwards in ,1486,At5. clergy of Parrs sent burl Co the aiseintili : of the Slates General at Tours, where he : speke ot the, suppression of abuses. Charles ATHI., the son of Lem XI, and the father of , 4? present king;LOui I,' v iriali Jo 'much pleatV, with jini that he , appeirited:liM liis at ;on nor, sprl : kept trn a i t, . , , There, there— r that will do,' said'Calinette. __LYotisee-now-l.washe-rneaus ) ol-teaching all that to the little Jellowil said Jtichard proudly. 'Fine things I'm sure to teach him ! Go to bed, Master Wiseacre/ added she, giving her son a slight push.- -,, g0 and look' for your Jean' Jolly !I 'Jean de Roly, mbtlier ; any' go look for biin - bdetrifierlie died twentyleix years ago.' 'Bat for that, T suppose you'd' go. to him rnd all the grand people' id Paris; reirlyou, forsooth, the son of a - 'charcoal berp'er Picardy P, • ; 'l4 father, certainly burns plipipal,'eaidt Pierre i n a low tone, 'and yet 'lte has gentle bldod in his veins.' 'And you think yourself a , gentlemah r l suppose -1 1 said his Mother. - cried the'boY, care riot !or 'rink Or wealth ;All I want is to ghin knowledge!' , 'Well gn,lo..b!sil and dream'that you haye it, and it will be all the same thing; 'Good •night,,tnother goOd.tnght, talker.; goOd.nightipallatd:;,', - .0,1 Pique, and Went to sleep,io sta ble ttotong . ,hts sheep. •• The ne4t teerning,,P.hqn PleOP 'PrePli,to aw usual. to talie;Out 10E11190k for the flay be y paused on the threshold of, lite. :ether's 4 001. tige,,and,turning baok,said ii tKise me meth! -- 4 -V,V-hat. for? oh i I d 'Old todiemi liitye,t replied Pierre, ghat we iiever kdow *Ver. ide may die; ,11 you sderti/iieiier' to sc4'qee' i'Vtiiiiit'airinido' i : ( . .teikii thi; !liOy: hai'liiiii'd.his, ' TOOlfieilliiiiiig '-hiiii'-:4'-j'iOiki:!3i - I,ifsif t . 2 '' dth''ere; .., lii,iiii ? i'ilii'll ! ifiiil, - . ,i'fiuiciOci..l: ,'; 1 el.ri. - .;Nii'lloiiii`ititei4tiO' liaire`tiiiiiii' le i ghis : flock ;i4 tffeir aocor?foe'ij:oiisnF,4, ,O;) ; intnleo; • '-',.. dici'in'thirl.ifii - 6:44rfs .. `9l.liii !tl - 41:thlul dog aid $ turned Ills 1314E1,tv4qt4 dip — iinfii' l 'ois4l,l—• ,s ; 01 Y, 1 5 411 .!!!g, ii' „ his ~;11'1,, r,R.Rr?r!?94-•kirP ' 1 9!• 4 1 1, 1 })7, 1 44 k ijff•Paleilc4. RA ,1.,'4 1 4, 1 i!1•1144; ;49, Pal., .4,lFlPr is Piy.9RT,m9m9t: , wipolhor,.;:,mip;od , ;k4CP'.9l,d/rMiPI.9 B P9F:i-41 1 LJ!! 01 ) 0 3Yrie4:WOline. - ' -:.the' p 6 e, cis:Y Rol ingi 4n A l m a ilEPA .4) lli‘carxYlriii: 11 stick„ and 4 - bundle oontainhig,a obangiint , tqiiiiiiiiiTii44 ,{ iiikikii; l Bo ltiOliffelilßrans 0;6 ' l4 efr'll irn !fly Old- LOiiiiiiifil , :•:'":-', is ”', ''' , ;'. l- '! l ' tr'Y '' , t.' , v4o l .liii!Vniit , genii'', tiny , ' ittien 'bi'4iiiiiiig ', A: 4lA , 6initlilOtiOti'hiquiii';* 3g :' i 'r"''": 4li ' i ' i '•', l ,iii 4 .' . `'i ... .riiii'ahiirAiti '6114 9 i? flik l irfllfY* , ' 1 , 4n- ' I ei4iiii iiill: - : i'&, 6 ttibiiiiYiti Icii: 'irihei , i'c'' ...t- ..,14* ~lti ' ohbuld insk yonlit',,home,' 1 \lyon,t ,iit ymp„„N p 2: :, liVie 101il e r Y4ii,ildn ii i'linotq'.,tp, - ? ; - :. , ,i; e:' , . •., ~; • , 1 •...„... a•• , ,.. i ,c•st.••= - • : ...ii i 4 3 I•PM- 4 0 4 (171 5 11417ge tgo° , •tT, I,fi.;',At - fi'}l,l# .3 1 4. oeithiktt.9l.vigiqteBl.iik • i , .., , 0.4 . 0 , 1:!111; ,!:'( 'l ',. •i •• -,: .: , • •-: i 4 ' ll' 1 1 14 .' 1 PTl e :i ' lti•;' ;iBjo4 - 01 444, 4 4 iA 44 i 3 )(1 , 1P .1 i • 10. •• I . 'i : ' i j il g t VASlk''' fi . :6111t; .. CPW4§fAalallfiti n,t0 ; ; , i f ic:itii - TATO ' .rg d o 4lo, l my;,, i yoak 0., 4,..,tt. -. . .. ...-* ~..-• - , , ..,.., :. , iAti.# l lMl,VAtt ~.- . ;.P. M i,rNthiq.t.PPP,ll!9,g4ll.(l,._ 2 wtp 6110. 1 ,040iiitic5944 0 ,44W1RA(0. 2 .0:;0Q*.i1y 1 1 1 41.4 .. k;fli#o.TM.dl l4 o. l . , . 6.r, t4 o .4 6 .iii4.oPgatilitiliPiiiio , 1 ' - 14 - 4,i,..V7,4,4410:1*.kfti1ie1er iiiitmiboonmi:toT " - o 4 . 44(oji44o,444aiiiiAka4aiiki!ii -, kiittiv toil ''*iirdtaiiyi,lioiniitcfl 11,4413411 hibierifoicie I,;ii,44[;.4lch 4i nrd)64sl : l4ihOro,,,iii,r;a:Uarite*takl t '...iiiiiiiii,e.. , — . .144 - atilldl4av no. "mom; ; but • ;,118)iffiryNtlilAfi f ih5 . 1,TAll'clql!liim:"4 ~A,,,, 4,., a , I ,, '' trerk kV [ 13" , 11,ttOlierty, ;I t , , ;.• ;: : : * S7i it l gtil i fl• '' L ' il i t fil iii rt i i l l :4ll l l ll 46%, t ;; . !:•7l, ; .% 'is: r lia rtif •0'4 1 , 1 : 7 ? , :' ,„ 14 r 4) - ,:ic.i.!; ', .,) . .... , ;0ti. ) 19i:N . .))Ih. , ,tp3 r i . - i.,.. t ii;44 l o,..l l 4*. t ti , .l##:o4:4 o oiiifPo'biliTri4l44i', t..;.4'-i!?-:*.,,-..11-;::i..1f;:-):,'i.):•4;:i;:vig-f.:':`1.,::',:,:',...:::;::.:•"&.:)':,q'i,i•P'... . ILL .jez '9111." . „ :a„ - ‘,N • t l . i i EcOki;l l ,l l l ' 4,4#4,%.iiii:Sad consternations in Sheep . returtid rindertreL the dog,"; 'Piaire""-Pierre !—w } ten is Piers rre ;. sounded'on All aides. r'y „ I , 4linhard..alonesatinilently in a;Corper iPg'44. 6 l'PloAck3ho trii7 ell er. f:: : ,After much fatigue,,,Pierre -La Ramer', pi i'lengtli,reaelied Pittbis, `lVhiiniaising:thrciugh wind red ' byr- the ' peasants, s e tbat;:he had no rj." - ciriSii;n4,;:spernt'ilte'leii sous thtiihe 'Poe. acissed. 131 it vair,difficolt in the greht 'pity; iheie:be:was.obliged to purchase a piece of bread, and hiving Itaten ii,;to•Eiiioi a lodging Vihere best The coieredentranee e • to: the market afforded Ttoterable ; shelter ;" :and there, with for a pillow, Pierre'. managed , to slirep sountily. Next morning hi3l arni . twOkit',edeli. by the noise of the town; atieseeing a number of children go. ing to*lticle esaboitikhe' followed them to the'. gaie.• • Thai , ' entered, and he remained staridintalone. "Bisqheart beet fastAtnd ta 7,, king'Coinagi3 fib '4llOOllNi - et the gate: rparente imi,,,tpuitleavek.horio,ngithr.? •"`* - ' '"lfyithiiht ttithiperrifissiOir, l -said , Pierre? 1 M i livi'o,k;dei, i'. 9ll Pkilijilf-9 1 .'00 11 ing ll t , • "Yes, 'Molest , -, ~, , - ,,,,A , . ,-); ;;, ' • "Notwittistandingrall-you''haverniffered 7' 1 01 V to eufferlinothing t to learn , ieevery ,thitig.' . - „it ~„, , . , , , ,i .„-, Astonished M his determination,- the uncle conshlereg for a moment, arid `then sal&--- - ol'orti desire alien be iceonipliehed nephe*. "it would be .a pity te disappoint .so- , much courage and perseverance. , I am an old man without children, and 1 have a feiv gold coins lying idle ittmy trunk: I think brother,' I'll - e'en sp e nd them in - indulging our YoutlY , 'scrapegrrice; what de you sail' ' • • 'I say Vincent , that if you will pay‘for hie schoblitigl do not desire 'better ,than-to , have him instructed;, and 1 Will readily allow him to return to Palle, Orcat, t vvriti the joy of, Pierre at hearing these Wards. Beheld him again on the high read; but thici time with :a light heart,an easy conscience and , a pocket furnished with money s and • a letter of introduction to the principal of the college of ,Nrivarre - in - Paris: - • --- Ile arrived and was' admitted. The first ~ . , ~ time that our young hero found himself. sea; . , , a class, with a professor Cola to in street hiiii, Was an 'hour of unmixed - delight.. It 'seemed tehim,as thoughliehad neither' eyes'to see nor ears to hear, ner a memory to retain all he mantekte_learn.__He mame_to 'the banquet of science as a hungry man would come to a delicious_ feast;.thetetore the progress that- lie hinaei especially in La 7 tin, was so marvellous, that his einiipanicins, to commemorate it, Latlnixed hie name, and called him Remus. By this name he WEIa ever afterwards distinguished.. Rut , the trials the poor boy was destined to undergo were' . riot yet ended. . . , .. , - His uncle, mote generous than nch, found at length that his funds were exhausted. He , caused a letter to be written to him contain , ing theie words: T. ' Leave the college, dear Pierre; !lave ho more money to send You. You have new quite sufficient knowledge-to , conduct your, father's , trade' ' Just %dire, the receipt of thil letter Me.' I , principal • had told Remus that• in twa years more his studies would be t completed. . - • 'Two years!' thought he; only me yearsi and I must leave the college! Oh no! I will find some means of remaining.' .. And instead of despairing as an ordinary boy I . mighl have done, Ram* applimclhimsell.M . del e e tio . -' ' ' ''''-' 6 811 2 ' !:.. n• , - - -fro? 1 - For some. time the matiageur of the mil l , -lege-had-beerriseeking-fara-servanctohnish • the clothes and clean the, 'shoes of the pupils. : As the wages were,mnall and the work labo- J--rious, but few caaidates offered for the place, when one day a lad presented him self; *hose appearance greatly astonished iiii l ,l l ' l 4o l Pal• ', ' ' L ' ' ' . .• ;" (• , 1:;;: , '!: ; I:; o . .Ramos- he cried: Ramie; t one of !oar' '.best pupils offering himself , for shoe boy!" 'My uncle can no longer ,pay for - my min, cation, sir, and I cannot bear to leave, the; (:college.'.• -• 'Well, my child, then remain,' said the master; touched by his' anxiety, 'but 'tis a Lgreat pity.' You Would make a mit,better pupit.than- servant, Bow much do you e1...' :,,peot V . „ '-: 'Ah, I dare not say l' • . Late see : on account of yourmee Mill, anxiety to remain, I Wilbinereaso4tie wages somewhat' ", I 'Sir,' said Ramus with-a desperate' effort, ' ;'I do not ask money ; • all I wiskis. permis sion to retain my place in the class. I will -t. ocintinue my studies-by day ? and. ork hard risieetvatit-hy night? ' '' ',' :' , And When will yon • sleeP 2 ' asked the , principal, greatly affected,, . - . ,-:: ,;• e r- 'During the. hours of recreation P ' , replied, i thetoble boy,: :' ' - . .. ' ''''-' '":,-. ;', ; 2 mia,t.ppi not' may not, b0:'464/414110' a:by a real thirst for knowledge..Ramus etea; , - rdiff:cWitinifid - his aliest - superhuman la + bors of mind and body, and, ih 40'ilii! liii, retiliedU,rAward.,, Alterdeitviamtha ce i llege' he rectuvediall. the - -henorsmad .degreee.that : .., , , Tare 'conferred -:oU-legnitid 4 14ut and--King' ~ .. The prayerwam heard.: -Sometime,!after : A Henry, IFt'ir#!zi,, Odli*p,i4 # l iorpiLo , 4lo 6 :qt3 4 `' ilwarkPlerre 'once more , ,entered :his - riatiVe 'itli4hile,s, op,hy,ht tliesp,.ege of peace! L I ;fields,•feeling , that ihe hid done ierylvviongi, -- , _:, , Hepubliethed „several ..wotkeiteidahr•etill , . • an'd ()emir vedpunisliMenti.but ‘fall , of.:tresfal eireett.Mti etiltirgemeollhit-inliiit , !4ol the At his .ate t ,tottae l ttion::' ~,! ..,,./.,,,-,;, , 1 1, FM9`1,ir i4 d1 1 #1E 2 4,*1440.i.,";:xt.;,#,:tilf i fiy.',10' • Richard:was l Mo first 'to iserri-Pierre: - . He, ,k7 , 9.! lt, PfNPTiti t YgiY:l:Pr.oii!)Pr:i44 l 74 l i-p,.. rather', guessed rit.:w go ‘ be? that ;, recognized hudlxien employed fulfil - mikes igheraeittlg , 'him; for. the , ifickir"' ohildpwati aki alteredArit '' letter Worietiilif MP_ '' 4 !J . 1 ''' '' . " ll , . " 1 ,. ; '"' /14 Riikei like, itikellittOiii:Or Vie ' retie lit - i44;0,644* 1 i,t4 1 : 'iiio , oti' '*loiti'dta';:iiii4hiliiriv in . hie ' ,w ' ell,akie,ltkond; but 4' '4ia,*itAo r get, hls, Arum aadhaggedhinowith transpotb ~ ..: parents.not, his 3 old , friend , Loalsom6w.who . ri 1(011 how they wept , forichi !' - aid he; 'and' 'illid' i PtedialedthoYllelvOul•bellome f,t, itrOit. what 1 h ad iii:#ooiiiiiiiioonot.;: ~71'IkrItYlcir,'*otao.mie,'',, , t, i t,tavo,hit,„10,;ge-11.4411414 11.4411414 yin`;' u in'eri'frir'et" :I : t f. le '' '' ielpil his 'imidoot', in. te - ichipi4.4* Rid': ;aw people t gay A-,:liavo yeti "learned ii;great, I ammorry,to-have Medd, thatAtems Per- Weal there 7 , Are iyou'verti•wisune*V4 , ` 1) liehe,li itil - theleariff l 72,'M' r '')', ijeire'laniilili#44l,'l have,' see n ,„,fitit!-little' :1 ::1 1 A l ofiii!Wi 6 101 1 0.T ,. . 1' . ' .. 1, : :' :i-4 ' - ' !!' , . ' i;:',.,;•: ! :-. -7. ,of '!gitibi, tip im:thi,f4l4:k :rAti . .i . p - ,ppiiitidippi; :1,,1,1 ! ,.;,,t. , ..:,,::.!„ c L -4. ..,-,. , i ~-, t., .•;!;1 , i t , At, hen I 'get oute, ,Ohjßlohardllhaveisuf--): • t'... Pi* 'illxu.=-,There:are f hying ilou•SPring thireda greet : - Ileal;mspeoittily frOm 4 hUnger ",,' Credit' s -fit' ibli '-ciitiiiiil 6„lo4lfi'A!ollii,(N'''' 'Ailt 4ShiVaiJiciA,7h•orr ..00 . 41,1 4 17": 4 '''''' `, 11: r• i is , l4'4li,i,Vitgliiitiio it iii i ipk?e , Sif ',•.',1*;,*,.4itTi1,04 1 ,:.,0,9040.174041: in ' l i 6 likitiot .1” ou r. county '''.' lA' , ., . 6 90 1 .1i'' Me , perente , pitgierrestried;t4ealieggitlnanC,,,l444 l iymitOd)94l)To? PflW , *Okaifl split, unforgiving tut ;it would inai dol• - - , Theiflith-1+, Watitlitttlistiecton,i.Orading every briarh Mid, 110e12 °yea'. Were ''filled ',with" teilKipirilift , 4 4 ; %reek thitihnfitiede tuPeroits,i.bii4thr ii , iilui , A14'400.01.10Y4644'!9.004-7,1009011; g°°4 health Rad of,a strong min - E 4 )lli:`.lK.' #,M),'„hie„roother„mikered,„him 4 ,Witli ;pines, '. Oii4le Y fileldriliPtelifibOr,"iliq*iii4 oidt :whiluishe iproleated , that. -she would , :nitver'. l .' 4 tritrWO - . l mAirViiita i le uslitii,u'flYia6Ciiiillth 'elirbidiehkedgdifinter life A O, ' . ..:, 4 ' 9 " f ll EifillY3101101:', The feriiiiii'll'llifilieirre'Are-f ' t : t igoiiiii j'eitd OriqiiBe'el tlliiiiittritthe" 'fall illg lif 4iO4Ctillelment"'ik ''floW ,Pip . l3#9ly, t#olN6lP A :tkii, pc,ick,!l,ol:44p, arrii."-' `fletlie l TeltrieDihe iattet, 2.` Unite,:'lhtilfi ifyi;mbisledielrelaniA, the Proodigif tial l .t -,! lOggiggira A 4,,tiiiii;a T ii b'e+iii!ii,ltisok, tunivetrai t tirti . tpowabilikiiiitlibei t alleffetLF 'esiiiniyoi6firg trilehgefilite Sfieltrakiii ft 4; `X . ,B*,:yijitio . l4,lt)ll . #2l6oo)l#l4l , ltal i vL tete and telatives:' Wit l iiiik r iliii4l4lligt': iCAC,4441 44e ritgAYAA44 , 41.4m1,0 ' 94 . , ,.. *euv: iiiii'iiiiinOiiiiiii kill#l**pikeict rim , ,ivAna.4o , 7,6llittir.o64 , ploosoiyoue 'o4i.iiiiiiithie!,'!" ''''';' - '''',‘"q` 1!",1 9 . ov - #4OP I 7 ' ': 0 " 0".1 34 0" 0 0 4 1 . 4 0. "`• 1 4 :4V14'05, ' v ''' - .:`,V:.:l" . . % :'f r tt. l° i'j!'o;c't th: pt*op.MAko,f, , :o. 'k , .\:4"Zaz#lyrP4 4 4l*Vl4.4 : l'i!; , , , S •Ai.'4.;, ;:•'`,!;,';''',': ~,,''- ''''`:''''''' ,9, i•til 4l fiwt: ,. . ::- ~ s : ..,..,, 1 ~, .. :::, ,' ,';:.; :, ,, , ,:,;? , ,-4-, ,:;.,,, -, , , ,,:!.. , ;-' , 'i.:44 ,- - , *;, , , , :y,1.x..1.,, , , , , ‘ , ..-. - 1.,, ,, ,, , .-: , 1-- ,, ,.,;,46, ::,4, -!—Th4l,4o* -opened 1- wattrP , . . . 4 1 . want teenter and listen to what is going on,' reptiellthe little stranger with sitnplipi kY,l. • • "Who are youl' 4 ,pobr ohjkl ,opele on foot from..his own '?;Allage to aBiiilire learning.' • , •Calry — em - yriffolialmission V 'Alas I I have nothing in the world' . 'Then I would advise you to go hack as quickly as you can,' said the porter, shutting the door his face. Still e child was not discouraged, he sat down on the step. 'The children,' he thought, 'will soon be coming out; perhaps one of them will take pity On me.' lie waited patiently until the gate opened, and the 'scholars, leaping and shouting for 'joy, rushed out tumultuously. No one min ded poor Pierre; and he might have remain ed.quite unnoticed, had' he not started for -ward to raise a little boy whose foot had tripped agaist a stone. ~; 'Are you•harti little master V asked Pieire 'No, Malik s , ou,'"'replted the child, and tiiiiised on. l 'i, , .Fartoy . the despair ' of poor littlt:aa Ramee -- - • ssihen foundhimself once more alone 49fore.that large green gate, whiCh seemed resolved never to adMit him. Still he .waits ,e . d until. the pupil returned; and as the child . that had, faUen passedliy,, ,ssiluted 'Master,' said Pierre advanc,ing.,,,_ said the, child offering him sE piece -of-money. 'lt is not that,' said Pierre drawing back his hand. 'What then V asked the pupil with surpriso. 'Lend, me ole,of your books, little master; willretnrnjt when yop,come,onV `'What good_ will 'hit do yea?' said the child ? greatly astonished. . • 'ob i a great deal; it will make me very happy: „ lime, then,' said the pupil, giving him the first book thatlanip to band. • It was alatin grammar. Pierre opened it, f 414 ,turned over the leaves w,ithoreViNg,.m able to comprohend,a sentence. When its"' hale Owneccame,nut„ Pierre retOrned ;: it . 4.: him .with a sigh. go-mouvw:.l3 will.+Ad you a French book,' said the Odd and he was as good as his word, But in this world reading and ieSming are not all suißoient;,it is necessamlikewise to eat;.and in order to do this, however,,tpa. tingly Pierre t was MARA hy degrees, to sell part of his clothes, and yet sleep. Mthe,ppen air. hunger, and, misery produced their usual effects;arid the poor.child felt .that his frame,,was sinking. . s iThis, 7 thought he, fis'a justpunishrnent. from God for having left home without my parents" permission. ,9b, mylgorsi..mother have caused you grief enough, without ad; ding-to-n-the-anguish-01-4earing-one , day that your sop Oied far Iron? you without your .bl4sing, or hearing you say that you forgave him.. My God give me strength ,to go home !' • I=Ull , ~, i•t) INE . . . - 1tJ.J4.J .. . , 110,11 . , . ,•: - 4.1d9 oify,7 vrAll . <<b:.? -- t=,fit', has?>ili... A~~it~ 1,~7.::EF6~ ~~t =II MWM= ii .‘ i ):,,,,,,h43 5t k ........,•",,,.. 14 .7,...,,v,-;-.-z... r il %IA `" rO4oteing , - praYeetitth . ied ingfo- our vitniderk. verte'citibicif him . ittind 9 the Milltinide; at llie*ave ' , the Maygar 'fell ibe'bittle of Rapoyliik arid. OirgiriallY the ‘' Oppositutn,''eljettrnal of We 'translate from: the Ge - rtnerr: 'VT limighty , God t 4iod of Arpad ! Look Idoirn`froM'th'ir steri9lirone upon thy irnplorrog Sertiant, liciin'irhOse lips the prayer'l3l mifltoes ati6endkie' 'ill ilea venr,praising the nrisinirchidifeliciwer. of Omniftotance, - 0 Gediciver me' abides the and - beneath tneiifposii the relics of my ' lallen herbie brithean';'abciire itiklielul the blue;'- and endei - 'niy - feettlietrikthls, dyled• red with , ththolY blood'ol of our ancestors. Zut iaiiirifiolliebearm. ofLthy surffall, - thitAiiiyeri np frtrri the blobd; sithat these finflebl de. odrted' beings' M 'not In ouldei ! God bf our fathers irtil`Gilbf ! .hear and *idiots, and while ihe ann and the sons' of breviinations thiander-to-break-theiree-hafid-of-tymimy as iffnWCis ire ch ains. , Asa' fide mitt 'l' kneel on these . fresh graves; by the rethairiii .l of my brothers.. By indehli'sadrifiee as 'theint Thy Earth" would tie consecrated-ivenfillt all— stained with sin. Oh God"! on' tiaiholi soil over these graves tie rate of alavesWA Oh FathALLiather_oLour-fathets-!-bightr--- over myriads ! 'Almighty God of the 'Hee. von, the earth and the 'seas! .From: these bones springs a-glory !hose radiance its on the brow of my people. llationVtheir dust with , Thy grao, that the ashes 'inyleroici brethren may rest in peace ! I f ettieims not - God of battles ! in the holy nameOf the • nations, praised be Thy OmnipotAce— A men. . • Tom,Form Favnes. ! — , l very much doubts said a fond father to us the other day; l l. very much doubt whether my children have the ir equals in -the" world. There's mylitery she's an extraordinary girl—wonderfufinem brit, and very fond of study.. The , 'firet day she went, to. school, she received reuiards for geography, grammar,.and uritheiettle. 4 The teacher said i The hid never , ,seen-Anything like it -in all her bore days. .And,„there's Marthit—just six years old—l- really believe she• pogsaaaes , more si!iehtinn than all, the rest of her sex put together., Ira curious hew she ,won' to•school until . she , has kissed alts - seesante: and , all, o good'bytt;'•• ; Van't account iba ih I lost a boy 7 thretryinita bid last Ali, what an eye he nerionsiiye— one of those rolling, Teethes, ever active, penetratintqes. 1 mounted lot that:it hild. lie would haye shown like a iiiminsip—bat he's gone. $ Wish you dould see my , boy-.. only eight Weeks old—iterfently bap'py—f 'may say a very 't , tittii4*Chito l ,` l 'ilkint r ili like tlia ..gtoWin liall 7 lio to 'speak-and he's vie of, the kuowingest fel lows ever bom. It would do Too - "and to • itielhat fellow kick—and; geadticiiii,griiious, litiiv vyell:he knows his roodiet•frool his inuse.,,..kattlibute.the most of this ol course, to his mother, , who is a patent in her hat yiniteadlovelime, with a depth7+ 7 s;mtvir "• , . We were called away anti lost the conclu ding obeervation : --rCity Rem. • ' - • Indranotri.'—;An Irisb woman• calledt l at a grocer'e the other day and asked forW`guart of vinegar.. It was measured out, and she [merit in a galkin jut.. ,She tkett. asked for another Apart to be gutin,the same vessel. 'And wt.y-not •ask for' a hatfigalleni and be Hone witty it,' bathe di 3 Ocar: •'1 1 0h bless pint little bit of a seal ' , aftwertill" nd she, (101.1 or tivoirersonsUrwaiGasette. • • Ilve;glteli heats tell ,of the'Rati-r r .l, - • •• That falki - aall'.tlip boollNl Heber' ,But bet'yots a herring my Ball ,-, 77;410Fty,-,tlenieirjaandloalaVirti tional lott4ligodoer, ,rviolltor,,apybogy., luto ~ftkor known Or .4eattl, , •Itiliouse, itiovered wlthitin t 'inlurti4 . or' 'Midi& 'C en:kito';at 941'1000.4#4.10iii , Do; 7 ;F a thif maitshF. "V% to. ), (.13 - a l f ;4 4 10:1 0, urPe r r P a i l !all?flkw.hltioPplhed in a Away' to'llO'flall;, to' receive' ir titiar bu tulf 0; 4 - 40 4.;Goeititava:rhe'Npshillie Gazette/op: line; no - 1111.. -.'. tMettipglitiny,peskrt.itAlop of.deiVAri i. That chap will cerlikinly.'"peivont.'llonit.ol Abaco bot...)dayeiaitdvthoyi3oroner Oriatteraboutizitihilint? • , 4 r • V , 17 .1 . (1. )!l, (IV Tnino LABoktiplinarnY*at I eat, get• what I wear; ~ ort, no , :man",a I,ii;spry mon' w. b a t i l i iileD+ 4 B ll 4 l ) ol, ° ol l4:: 4o o 7 ! good-corktent,*itumriarm;,and i ttigriat• eat b of, my pii4ln to sie tnt ; lanibir Onoi.-r Ir. • ••• • t f• 1,, A ; ' 4O 1..., gaßricrTh9p : wiik ,b6 . l.i'liir:A i . ill". sgriti6 lull .;i ) . ‘tic.!(,17Y.1'14,.. j it'10019.111:". ' cups; OLitiO , moolt An 1 1 4 ROI, fPfif 14 9r r i otkvtalbleziii theiUrOtedeSuitima':s ''' l. /` . - k '.' oOrr4 ao44l AWßlVi‘ l4l44 :AP , Yo ti tiNikr e v itivelellei)Y 64 . o o 4 t!** l4 l7 w 1 4 0 ntftol. [ irptigt'Ybif Weft iti' 4401114` ritettiiik I , t4Q uiai t ini ti oa,v4„, sai roo ~, ,' , 4op-,, A'ottrizqivitiliitii.flObiliiitolitadvilko 2 i mi M i t t . VitOt :4 1 H .1 16*' ,- ! ,, : , P ttititci '- , v...v. , -;••° " 41 -• ''' - .." ';'-''-' ~:•,, - r. cl'OPtiirieftaiilidt iutifitmitivilliret,W ,, , of oiittielorth:ft - iniatitii . * 0i*4.144' o 41';4„ - q, i , thitts 0 ;11ortivoirot4 . , 00-4, , 7,- ~.,_ , :.„:,-.,, , ,3- ~,,,,,;,.., ~,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,A4-:‘,Jova,gz 4 1. PtiV,rit " le.,:ri 5 tri i 1.;.: '7O; fy,T „;.t,..',,c) irzt'll tfifil .J.,;..Wr; Fi C. .14-ot4 fq.l r111;f:i qt 1/11 Vailicio„ Epigram s 471 . . El CI ED