Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 08, 1849, Image 4

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. .
* '' , ' , lttelfillitOv Oft itk .--
, ..._.".,.., , ,...„ 4 ,1 4 ....... e ..., th
.. ...r.We,AtYromiliefilliWciteiNsrsnstoryt__
~ i 51 4 ,.. , " t. r , .., ,:. I , > i. iell;1;• ...1 ,, ; 03 41 * . 31 !T . ., .:,
;,‘, ~ !' This Alpine liates„-•.thiyfi:'PentientOn-
Auguilt,cst ..greatAiianti:tie4 'of',
' - . 4 lieft.",tendet giiii`iinilatlierTherki,2_yvliiCli'
- theiii - preed. out tiiiiiri; Thisliajr;.'fibeut
'' l Ailtiirrin.,,theY:ecillect•, -- nitO'; . lerge:_teliPs,
; a' d• Pince either benea th ', the overhanging
- -
rocks Ar-ainund_tlief_truiiki. 'of trues , t in?
" doideal'heaPi:of _various sizes, swindling
. - fii.the numbers of--th'e Society : that-alike
them. They sailed thebeaf,efifedevibleif•
and crop,thenitvhen iii , tho falleskirigor;
,•• which they inake inib the iieseand'green=
, ' est hay, by theludi s zionSlinanne in which
'• they'dry it, The common ricpiirrel.nlak, cl 3
a nest or moss and dried : leaves 'at the
' . ferics of tree's branches; With• two holes
~,al epposite:rsicles, and, as the wind va•,
ries, shuta.the hole towards it. It lays;
- up magazines• of nuts, acorns, and bee'
ries for winter, never .touching -them tilt,
warned. The :field s man collec4 large .
stores, &c., in the' ;'sane' manner: the
German harvester-Metres largeichan: 3 ers
for grain, beans, and peas, each in riaep
erate ce ll, sometimes a hundred pounds'
weight in the hop. . „The tuition • which
- quadrupeds' iire•capable iif receiving, dis
covers a lower degree of.that.improvabil
, • which distinguishes our superior nice,
• ich, as far as - ,ii - extends, membles
_ re,altlimign,m,t_the same time it. marks
its specific diffirence :by'its unvarying
limitation.: ' 'Bltiineffixrch's • ape would
:, manage wood , ferlheatote, arid Put it in
,with as much judgment and economy as
. a servant. He o watiToilernit the college,
and . used to examine the pupils' speci
mens witli 'amusing imitation and gri
mace. :One day he , found a work on in
, sects-oli-the-gablerwhich-lie-studied-entli
the room' en hour afterwards, found that
the ape hail, with great dexterity, Pinch
. ed out all the - beetles of the large plates,
and eatek' them, mistakiri the pictures for
t eal insects. This was en unlucky but
tiot..-4.-foolish:-action,---Vosmaer-had-an •
ourang which was taught to eat with a
spoon and fork,. and pick out his straw
berries one by one from a plate. Get-'
' ting loose one day,,it uncorked a bottle
of Malaga, wine, drank it off, and put the
bottle to its place. Seeing others open
its chain padlock with a key, it put a bit
of slick into the key-hole, and turned it
about in 'all directions to unlock it' itself,
A black sow was taught to find game,
and to bark find:stead nearly as well as
a pointer. When very young she became
attached to some pointer puppies, and the
keeper resolved to try her. He gave her
' some- pudding of barley meal as her re
ward, and threw stones at her when she
• done wrong. By, this modd he soon '
taught her what he wished. As soon as
the game she pointed rose, she always
'returned for her reward. /The quadru
.ped_anitnals; of their own will and na
ture, and from inborninstincts, do actions
which require knowledge. reasoing, and
judgment in mankind. Reindeer follow
a leader which they implicitly obey; an
telopes run in a regular file, led by an
older one. Elephants make their jour
--neys-owthis-plan. Many—animals-are--
found to make defensive arrangements.-
A Cape baboon having taken off some
cloths from the herniae, Lieut. Shipp
formed a party to recover them. "With
twemy Amen, J _made iteirr,uitto.cut them
off from the caverns to which they al
ways fled for ',shelter. They observed
my movernents,.aud detaching about-fif
ty-to' guard the , entrance; the others kept
their post, We could see them,collec
• tivig large stones and tither missiles. One
old grey-beaded one, who had often paid
us a visit at the barracks, was seen dis
tributing his orders as if a general. We
rushed on to the attack, when, on a
*cream from him, they. rolled enormous
Stones upon us, so that we were forced
to give up tho contest." When bisons
scent the approach of wolves, the • herd
throw themselves into the form of a circle,
placing the weakeit in the middle and
the7ationgearoutsirlic - nrui 1 • , resen
an impenetrable forest of horns. The
black bear's meth - od of fishing is as dex
terous as any schoolboy's could be. Set
ting on his hind paivs on the bank of a
river or lake,.he continues so motionless
that he might be mistaken for the burni
stump of a tree: ' He - hip sometimes de
ceived eyin the practiced, eye of an In
dian. With .incredible celerity, he sei
zes with his
-right paw .the fish, that pass
by.him: He seemii to know that morning
and. evening nro tlke thie.s fOr fishing., '
• The following is Allid'llePs I.,iiistrels
acount_tifhee_weiieel-: --.- , •!lt..plays with
myAnger; like , a-.:kitten; jumps en' ; my ‘
.. _ .___li_e_aiLandinWt,ind_i(;**4nt.iriy,hrinds•-
ii4ilhe„dititailea r l(f‘liree:feet,.jumpain:.•
to. tbem• Witliciut ewer missing. ,-, :pdt„ - fAlii'
itipeasible f to,opm . a . Atitayer,priClex or
even to lOok r *at a, paper,:tbut he will look
at,:i4lso. , ~, Building skal appeaia, in the .
fr.tbricatio*efritOttage': :;roresceing can
tteO3o,..oWri Ai many ” *. anitial a iv: their:
placing., sentinels - -to•Wa•Cli" and'giva'a
lariii'ilf,thingekl#o,,holne; which . .inhab
itiLthq,itry - find sunnyiplicesof 'the inciiiii,
tains,'.g`o insearcirof'' the - -thinn
ing aridaliddle'or thediii,'Phicingrosen-,
tinet to gkyextritining of apiwoaching 'den:
ger.i The.Mottptliid Match* place sent,-"
. * l o B: iili9i4 t : ). l:,4, l c,yvilile.. the -rest 'make
bat at thn.-iseiltiriel:sees a;maiVan'tirigle
' or a dog, heAltOrii his iiiiiniumions by a fowl
. wb,ielies ap,Plittlie., last. to-enter hie ' hille.4
vvO.elniii,tiiinie; Siberian hereee,Vnteritii4,
lopei;iilgire Isentinale.'.• The`-T he 0 'the,
• Welsk initiMbiliti 'tee& 'tit'ijorepan top arid:
one! l strite aelderiti 01, : Jl.,thirceees , anr earl
• ' itiliiaineitijOif leekii_at him till lie cornet with.
ity,Vitijti t of L ik.titinilied , par.ds ; avid illici- sill!
' liPpOilaqeso HIR.O alarms ,his!optnoixe l , , bi : ,if
40114#010116, , i#0 ~are thiee limne r . rerniiited;
atittilLabinver etto the:,:i•teepeet'siartri," , ;--
;This' , inirriniy,imbirlodge r ipirether. in slit)...
let Al )
0 ''*ikertariente,Pand ,their' labor; , lot
. • • •
eel , Ain *intuits : fox these•is denied on, in
:Neon* :agorae:set th e, fition , herbage earl,
etikrOnllect 'ell' f,llll traiiippd"fiffii;en* lies,
4Pu'llt:Pniqtill!nic; Ano eiiiind'inei hie :,limbs'
allewe himself to be loaded.
`iudidees,whieli`imui'or it li
itr•i co ? iipern!iniftinili%
loitihOr •thef imunitleit
A P 4,441. Als al
. 1, :: :41
. .t0,0, 7 140 :0
0,. TO a 14 100 i1e0,u010..;
glfiowilla i i.otieilites,lti .
Itrisi .shorn.' tt lir
IV.kifilt i OtYk":„.loll,, 1,
ofi ' #(4 1 40 1 44
..-. 00 :sr, AR cot,:
if*, L. i,:. , , 'doo r
~ , ,i-v., ,,,- -,, , ), , ,.?!., . :.;,....,,,,,
lbeitqailiiitretitehlttb.7.frilfitifn t :TfreVlty n
opdssum showett;-when-it cannot'reackittiii ,
crab, urain *WitidtilitAi4ha, with' its pa'; it
thrusts. in:As • I orig•iprehensibt&tail;•lo - hpoic
them.outfil.thelholittysAvlikkeel shows' it.—
Towirdi iturt.trif , he
and ftolliel'ina of
hisopaws.beftireehis"leyea', , 3ll'.cirdertiCnibdi.:
I:(y.the rays'of the Otte. r Vithendia'ritiCs' the'.
bees'pe. is reeking ':‘foii . hci .4 .kiinttif ;are..
titlcas keep: in
thei'_sanie ditiFtituiPn
Wlidn'Alessre. 'C'ondrininie itadAellre were
itieriatniug the tangtjhof • a dedrae„in Xeru,
iTarTri'criaregfPningkp ivetifiedmittett
during !he ',iirne - they -.were flutkini.'
'their obstirvations'on the mountairts....These,
id their, own acoordovent through a
sertes.nt, imitations of their •actions.., ,Tfley,
painted idgnals,trin to the'pendulumi unlit
then tothe table, as , if to: commit their to-.
ma rket!) paper. They oacasiontilly Pinnied
the telescope to the skies, self to survey the
stars. It is related of an ourangthat belonged
to Mr: GranWthitt• after a lady had given him
cold water.instead 'el- tea for sei•eral times,
h showed great vexation at it, and; to know
hetherin was so, put in his finder, Ob
%Crying this, she " ave him hot wiate4'Which
scaldea him. After that, he always put in'
U.Spoan or a , piece of wood first, and teach-.
ed the_sPbon. This _action zee_ yelp. Juke
'human reflection. • "n" •
Qom' monwealth of Pennsylvania
- IMmotittioi
Relative to an Aniendinetirof the Constitution
Resolved by the Genetic: and ilouse of Repre•
sentatines of the Commoh '
wea(th of Pownsylvanin
in General Assembly-met,. Thal cc-Constitu
lion of the Cumaionwealth lie amended in the
second section of the fifth article, so that it
shall read as folliWiTTliifudges of the Su_
promo Court, of the several Courts of Com Mon
Pleas, and of such other Courts of' Records as
are or shall be established by law, shall be elect.
CA by the qualified electors of the Common
wealth in the manner following; to wit: The
Judges of the Supreme Court, by UM qualified
electors at large. The President Judges of the
several Courts of Common i'leas and of such
other Courts of Record es are or shall be estab ,
lished•by law, and all other, Judges required td
be learned in the law, by the qualified electors
of the respective districts over which they aro
topreside or act as Judges And the Associ
ate Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas by
the qualified electors of the, counties- respec
tively. The Judges of the Supreme Court
shall hold their offices for the term of fifteen
yearii, if they shall so long behave themselves
well : (subject to the allotment hereinafter pro
vided for, the first election*
The President Judges-of the several Courts of
Common Pleas, and of such other Gouts of
Record as are or shall be established by law,
and all other Judges required tp ba learned in
the law, shall hole their offices for the tertn of
ton years, if they shall re long behave them•
selves well The Associate Judges of • the
Courts of Common Pleas shall hold their offices
for the teeth of fie° years, if they shall so long
behave themselves well : all of whom shall be
commissioned by the Governor, but for any
reasonable cause which shall not be sufficient
-grounds.-of impeueliment,the -Governor shall
remove any of them on the address of two•
thirds of each branch of the Legislature. Tho
first election shall take place at the general
election of this Commonwealth next after the
adoption of this amendment, and the commis.
alone- of al the je clgoej L tlicumity . both en in_ officio_
shall expire - on the first Monday of December
following, when the terms of' the judges shall
commence. The persons who shall then ho
elected Judges - of the'Sepreme Cpurt shalt hold
their Officeal he folloWs • one of them for tbiee
years, one for six years, one I'M. nitric years, on,
for twelve years, and one for fifteen years; the
term of each to be decided by lot by the said
judges, es soon after the election as convenient
and he result certified by them to the Gover-
nor, that the commissions may be issued in
accordance thereto. The judge whose. corm
misalon -will fiest expire shall be h iefJustiee
during his term, and thereafter each judge
whose commission shall first expire shall in
turn be the ChierJustieq, and if two or More
commissions khan expirebn the same day, the
'edges bolding them shall decide by lot which
shall be the Chief Justice. .Any vacancies
p . peming_by d • ic.±._r_e_e_ignationoar-othorwise,
in any of the said, courts, shall be filled by ap
pointment by the Governor, to continue till the
first, Monday of December succeeding.the next
general election. 'The Judges of the Supreme
Court and the Presidents or the several Courts
of Common Pleas shall, at stated times, receive
th r th e i r services an adequate compensation,
to be fixed by law, which shall not be diminish+
ed duang their continuance in office, but they
'shill receive no lees or perquisites of office,
nor hold any other office of profit under this
Commonwealth, or under the government of
the TJnlted States, or any other State of this
Union, ''Phe Judges of the Supreme "Court-
I during their continuance in office shall reside
within this Poitpottwealth, and the other
Judges dding their continuance - in office shall
dtayiet:ercoUnty for which
theYtierii respectively elected. • '• : • '
15, , sp ea k er of thilltiuse•Of Representatives,
1- nt
Pi 4 tl :l ,„AßP l . o' ;._.!
. 4 - ;4 ,- •
"T. •-•• •4909;i0t ine.,Sona le.
mit •,,,s;
TIIE Sitebyrzr.Mareh 1:1849,.‘ 4 -
.Ttint-thisiosnlution ploio.—Yeas
• • Extri9t froWtho Journal. •. •
'; NIL: W. PEARtiON;
t•ltt TIM fro* di t itere., April 8:1840;
Redolved; Tho thio:ronolution,paue..l,-Yeas
8, Neye 26: '•
• •
' Extimat from the Jeurnol., ,t,
, • , ,• , WOL • JACK, Clork.
t , . ~t, SORICTARY . I3 OFFICE:
File RC
14:.ftUSSELI..,"Dei Soo. or the cooiifr.:
1 i,,,,,, , , , ~,!,,, , ':;,,, ; . 'n sF.: 6 `fro ,- , , ,i.i'i),110.=. , .
~,ntittnifi:vkin4.•eet :;','',,,,-,;.;,,? A,,, , 0 ' ;:.!.• • t.f' ~
. !i ' il ‘ .
certify. that, the tilbOi , o - aud . :foiregoing•it.
1140,00py-o;iheiotiginal , Reeetution of, the'
G:intii`Ol . ,Aieemhlyi , inktitlsid , o,..ResojOtion , te:-
'lonveAtkatfAmilndniiiikt Or 'ilie'COnetittitiOn,l
`is the eintoireto#ine, On, go I it. thle dinao, !..":1..
,) 1:' ‘' ' r - ''''''' , 44P;iiikitfm'enY ,, 7heittior I ' , hide'
"; ? ..,Itoten,ntii,p/e.t,giy.thatid4lid 'alibied',
% i t / • '',46-b,6 ?faxen.' tho,:iiear:of:ll4 5ee:,...:
4 ) 4.elikry,',olTtob,oll.llorriiibtiii,lhhi ,
)... ' ' "- i „;01,i139‘h,AF470,(74.nne,ik...,1);L0hii
:„•, ; • , u , -. 4 ~:i- , ./k b ,eneitiod. . 4;eighti, h onifyid't Mid ,
icifikolitel.' ; ,'.!..;;, 1,,,r, In ~ . :;p• r .t3,_t.,, ,, 1' • ::ktts th.:l' iii
• •'
t ' t • -70W,N8g10.111AINEsi,,,d . 4
" : " I : l4 l B ,„ieiiri/(:Ahe: OoliiiiiitWollthe.
- .. I.''' ' ' " . ': ~,.. , nrl, • , ,!!' t÷" . :7l " , .... , :i , f,tr ,, ,, , r. 'f;t6,.. ,. q. , ,
" 1 1 ' " iciiiii*Milt:PgriC7A,'' "i1'' ....1.0.1. : ''' . '
._ , ReOliitipn;Pl943ol*LlTior!:Rosolu lion
relative 10 nti'itglAn4tngrtt'o tltirCtoilititqtton',''
Mae read ;,fi tO OA , i.tne,i; ):4; 0 0. 4hkrieleaki en 'i' will!'
AB Betlitl47lsrpo , lto...,..ftho.,reeOlutien t')rThe)
Ittitkiindlileyok - ivAie;;ptitry7Mrtite,ithtt,i , i,,..q*
'U' nititutioNith'oWaref Iniihll6l Vit. - !,,,- •,.:,;-..,-....•,,
';'.. ..4f i t i p440,00,80140-#riiiitiei - 04140c.
9ontak . '
igonooii) 'l4o44tittliVrdatl44loiflit'9ooY
fll'oltatiohlkionriftil '-jtiiVlttyo,,,„l !ORM!'"
l At rrot; 40,1149%"7, ..74.3:.4.,: 7 ,- ) .;.,:;, : t.,.,:,-,,, , ; -,.,-, t; i,,Ai,i,i ) t,,
I .4; ..,Nati).. listii.3looll'4:o4lm4-F:TIOII:!leftr.
ic py4.goottolohort '3PiSit,4l:oolo4pitttlirrji
I; ..- +3,,y,tio 45.-i0..r..1:k?,•?..'„T,,,,1r.t.i11e,i:Lt,)
' qr:. : -, liireitojriiedelivy6.l)4 , TAn T 4
i .
Al l.
1 iii -4' 1.41 ' 4,) A ,..:44 .. -, :: :,,,,,.L . 4.. 7 . , , ,y14,.t i r0 —,
ii ,,,,,,,,, ,, , fr5 - ..'1A100 . :. , 1 , 4f ,, , , , , .(:.;;::; , ,, ,, ;- . 41i * ,,c0,:',110.1011.
V. •,..',V4PP'.3.l:Ag'''. 3 :j-...')'.".7,....3 . 4;ii ;:i.,..,:).4N„,11,4.14::
',."soultAxwmt.n 'wpm sl; am.'
. 4 • .
t d 4 , The yeas and
.-...nays.were,tacan.agroacibly ; Lto .the-provisieft of.
po•terktkiVitlitP.o l 0141,1(tiffig and lara
ai . ' oll lFi.Y l z-j.f • '' •• ' •- 1 r,.;11
it,"4s 7 —Mes,srs. ill ,Pa 1, OPP' rl;
fl4i, errili:pi - oal9; fßloOm,'Day id M
Dpk , ;l3llopl - 11S 1304,3,necth.C.oit, John
. 1i
EliutOoFhlih,EnierY o '
,Dayid Estiloniamo_ William
Fausold, Samuel` Fegleyilloaapli W
• -Flefiryl .M 'Phortitis'•Gro • va, `Robert'
•Arinipson; Graffito P
ring, Higgins, R .
'II . OV cr.;: - `Robb
W•Lorig,-Jaeob M'Car May, JOhit 7,111.!,121411Odh,
John M'Lauglilin, Adam ,Mar.•
,Samtiel Marc, „lobo .0.• Myers,. Edwaid•
~,,N.lekloeoti, Stewart Pearce, , Jaines
•flieriry.o Pratt, Alonzo Robh;'Georgeßuploy,.
Theodore Ryman, Berniird SchoonoVeri .
Samuel Seibert, John Sharp, ChriStirin - Siiively;
' Thomas C Steel, Jeremiah 13 Stubbs, Jost J
Stutzman; 'Marshall Sivartzviielder,
_Taggart, George T Thorn, :Nit:ludas Thorn,
A runali 'Wattles ' &amyl Weirich, Alonzo. I
'Wilcox, Daniel. Zerboy• -and Wm •F Packer, -
"NAYS—III assts. Augustus K Cornyn, David
M Courtney, David • Evans, floury ,S Evans,-
John Pardon, John WGeorge,Thomas
-side John 13 -Gordon, 'William tfunrY, James
'J dirk, josepli Laubach,eßebert 41 Little,
John S ll'Calmont, John, •M'Kee,
*Sherry, Josiah Miller, William T Morrison,
John A Otto, William - Y. Volierts, John W
Rosebarrv, John 11 Rutherford, R Rundle
Smith, Julio Srnyth,•John Seeder, 'George
Walters and David P Willie Ms.-26. •
• ".eSo the qbestion was determined .in•tlic at'
firmative." ,
Hat ristm rg, .74tne-16, 184 J.
0bk 8 44;•
' ' do cortify that the a boveiind
to, •forcooin g is a re e .and correct
..,•• 'kr, ...pony of the " Yeas" and," Nays,"
-4 4 .4119 taken ori the " Resolution• relative
to an atafendment of alto Constitu•
lion," as the en inn appears oat the journals of
ot - he two llouses ortho
--this-Ginrmmis-weit4o44irr-tire-sef , fion-of-4849
Watness tuy'hand and the said of
the fifteenth day of June, onb.tholisand eight
• liundrettaitd fortydnins,
Scerdtary-of the.Coutinonwealth..
- .
311 Piiilabelpf)ia.
Watches and tiewelry !
. 4 1 / 4 \V holnsale and Retail—At the
j'• "Philadelphia Watch and
- clrY 0. 911 Not th SE
CU-N I) street, corner 01 Quar
pariVMl,l46, tliry street..
Gold Lovers, I'B k. cases, jewellod, s'3o and
Silver Levers, NH jewelled, $l5 and upwards.
Gold Lepine, 18 k. jewelled, and
Silver Leptnes, jewelled, $lO and upwards
Silver Quartier Watehes, $.l to 10 '.
Silver%-ipooto. equal to coin, per sett—tea,
$5, Desert $10,1'111,1,1;05, other articles itfrrd•
portion. All goods warranted to be what the
are sold for.
Conwatolv on hand a loree tissortniont ()nine
.GO LI) .1 E E Lit Y 'and SI EATER wAR
AlsJ, an assortment of J Toidis & Co.,
E Stamson, S unncl & Brothers, E S Yates &
Co, John II arrison,.(l & R Beesley, and other
supenor Patent Loier Movements, which will
be eased in any style•dotlyed
Arranzemems have been made with all the
above named most celebrated mannlacturers of
England, to fdridsh at short notice any required
style•of Watch, for which orders.will ho . taken,
and-lho-Cho--and re - of -onhe person or
doring put on if requested.
Ituorter qf Watcher
L.-Xt. 33E1.001V14LL!8
, WHERE Gold and Sil:
ver utches of every
, W description enn be land
, description
front ten to fifteen
3 loss than any other store
7 4 /-yij ' ''7 , in New y °tic or
dolphin. Persons who
wish to get a good watch, perfectly regulated,
would do well to call at the store of the sub
scriber, and compare the quality and price of his
watches with that of other stores.
GOOD WATCIIES AT Till: 1 , 01.1.0W1NG vxcerrinvaLY
Gold Levers, full jowcPo,:B carat cases, $2B 00
Silver do do , 00
Gold Lepines, jeweled, :8 carat eases 23 ,00
Silver do do 900
Silver Verge Watches, from $3,00 upwards.
Gold Pencill trout 81 to $8,00; Gold Pens,
with silver cases, and pencils attached, for 75e.
Also, a handsome assortment of new and
fashionable Jewelry, at prices far below the
Usual storo•priwu Old Gold and silver bought
or taken in ezebanue
LE IVIS ' Ti 011 ALL,
No 110 North SECOND Street, second door
below Race, Philadelehia. tip:B'4o:y
KrCut, Phis advertisement aut, and bring it
along, you will then be sure to get into the right
An entirely new Article for Shower-Ba
thing, with warm or cold Warent. •
1111 S Bath took the premium at the Fair of
the Franklin Institute, Philedelphia, Petober.
ISIS, the only Bath that ever took a premium
at that institute and also took the first premitun
at the Fair of the Maryland Isks , titute,Ncvotm.
her 18.
A grant and important improvement ittmadw
in this Shower-bath over all others, by throwing
the water immediately on ttlio• body,. without
wetting - WI head, uilless arilUTWill" - er or pleasure
.of 'the. bather ; but a grouter point is gained by
being enabled to hathouvith warm water, which
' :no•other adapted to—and most
tiomall the'Llath can be medicated without injury
, to'thirtirutfi",' .. " '
, Many ; parsons cannot : Mike:a cold
,case is et inn'thisll . o OtoTaanitegtiluto timtpw
-portitur'e of the' Water tq suit theit''whdq:tititi,
,cornmenee bathing at
,any, season' , of. tlie<lyeer':
without toy unpleasant. --Ladies - gaff have.
• 'the advantage. of bathing without melting' the'l
head or covering the same.
Tho arrangements are - tannic-land 2.'complete,
: And hot 'liable to get nut of order. :The Bath
: can be adjusted .to.suit any height, from a small
.. teltild to the talleselpersoM When the door 'is'
;closed,, the flochrres . are hid and the. outside 'ay.'
'pi:Janine° is that of,a meet piece offurnithro,..
They have received the approbation.of caeve
, yal.thedieal kentleition—ottiers,nre .requested to
'eall'ariilexamine than. Manuisetured• by ,the
Patentee. reP,DRAINI,-LAItR.A.BEE; ''
2i 'South Calvert street, Baltimore::
- 13ATITIN,G44Read - vilfitiikrin f strohg says:
' Do not otniWytt'whii AVOulditialtli secure,, , , ,
) The dui!rfirfishiablution t 3hat:l4l4ll elear', 4 '... '.....,
'. lio sluices of rho skit; ; , ,'Aii,iolizi,i3olo4 , •
The body saerad'frari uniletian.; sell,: i ~,-
pail tutitt'purs,lovenqf it did -not'!ctintinctit.':lmiq
3. As 0 listl'eli (as : .tt• dese)'tpllitalthi.. voir`tretitlit .
r ‘. ,1,1 worths:.„ ; s t i.,:,":
.r . t?, ••,Y 0.', a;.•
1 ~ ~,,,, r
' yous,44ls4aira h ;Ale , this'adorns , the riah ;).;.:; , '.5 ,
c ThS %hint ,o,I ; t iiittibt, Rover ,y'S .worst foe,' '', - A.!
',` !With- ilike.Nttlippl,•virtttei age. maintains ;';',i=
~,,A:deepngropf: :, without, it, you:th:and .. c hhipw
''.,.A., "4!fillii, 18 9 1110 ,t-t, '-',; :,• ,,, i ' .'l-. , ,, y......-,;..,. ,:;,:
Jar bury : ;`',' 1 '•"' ' • ''i "•-"'''-'''':'
1;. . . ‘:: - 1 . !,', , rt•
.:. 1 ~ Harrisburg f; - i ' e. / .% - il
~ . . • - - -c) ' . .;•' '‘.. l •=•••••=:.`''e , 'tit
X%:,-1 ~ Fl,::A.: 1, ; .!? v ,.::*
k,. :, ',. ~Z,..., ..... " 4 'AV" ' - ... , ,i,.. ;,.,..„:
0 RWA RD DIG, Be. CitnittilioliOn'ilt6i44iikr,',
'..' Ilsnicitieuntil , 'F.o4lpl'Ptiidiidli;'*Meiellivs,,
Td ao,.biti.itailtiirneitiV; , Philiclelohitt, tstp, - .81..c.74, ..
' • onl, , Plaster,'Mdisi; Salt, . Fish,Sirgeirini giq;•
s' : ° . i ti g r C .51 'i 1 s t b 7 ' ff) f i '; ` ,. ll l4 : l :- ci ' i l 2;;:: 'l, l ' 8 1. 4 7 ii f t ': l i 1 Lllcl4 7; ‘ 'l' : .
I ts:.
' t 7 t lIkliffit010:::Bilie1081: , ; --,
'.'.:: A.gTo.,W;iiiiiiiiailiSlidgeeriiirtirticlds le i '0,:;;;
: 2 fefecirfor. hale' donSititirieotlVltlpli/ifaidi :50'41:,..`
ngi . Sgildtbliiilf rainters;' ClifiliVllitiYlke.g 44
. ...1, . etli'aild'lstaili. Flesh unit;Cln'itingfOrttelitiehi
- se,Nrspleiy;! - elEof.' t t tfAhAiioi;P:ithe• bost,quitlF
t . f.ii*V. will, l.:0:861:114 lielOWt6lenileasll":. t - 4, 4 4
M.,•;!.,,,1,141,,413j111,14%,.; 1 ;,, , ,;
: ! .,,, fikfnf?;; ,i :f i r'/' , ""ih'q,4.: l ;..;: * , ;"; ~: f,kk , _qa„,:...);
l it
.Sauftelicalgottg . -
• ' f': ; r:,^1441 •
u i r iral 1 47:',,frEppport l ation - liouse.
,'. , , —. fijoF •° I . Z . C- . ~ ',
ltdid l Line; foi
12'.forivartBrig and Continissioh
! , Mi l rchant, his
friends' itiftF.tho puldia, that from tha•liheral pat - -;
reailigo 'extended, to him during the past Isar ho
li4heiseoneoaragad to make more extensive or
lingo:Monts for thopresant soason, - tord has tid ;
dad ...tAeYmeivilargrr and
,splepdid Boats to qui
1,1N14 and Will befalli prepared after. the op ,
ohitik'bf 'the Canal, to forward PRODUCE and
51EIRCZA - NDIZEI of all hinds _ to and from
'Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, &c., at the
!aiirest rates of ffaight, and with the utmost des-
Kgents'for Boats. (`•.
. • r R nen street IVharf, Philadelphia.
[No. AB Commerce at. Wharf, Baltimore.
• J. NeFADDEN & C 0.5 Vitts'g
Agents for cars, „ ••
••.• No. 272 hlarlto st., Philadelphia.
• - . No. 423 Alurhot st,Philadelphia.
• SITER, -.IANIES••& CO. ;
I3road streat,phiindelphill.
PENN'A. & 01110 LIN
• North street, Bs i
Bairishate, March 29. 18U.—tf. a.
S. Goldman's elethin Are, •
Oh the cornet of Main strcet and Market.
forint:7ly occupied by Nathan Munich.
'l' 11 E• undersignod Tespoetfully nntionnees to
the citizens of Carlisle-and surrounding-country
that he has just nrrived from Philadelphia. whit
it splendid stock of !WADY MADE CLOTH
IN C,•for tho purpose Of conducting the ready
made clothing business in all ija various bran
ches. • • •
' fle s intends keeping, an assortment of every
article in his line or business, and ,at suctrpri
dos es will suit every ear. • .
p - His stock embraces the most handsome and
fashionable *styles worn, and made up in the
best manner.
. -
The solisertlier only asks a trial orlits - goo a
' nd-is-sure-thiry-
Also, n large as , orintom of Hats, Caps,
Shirts, Cravats, Collars, Bosoms, Suspenders,
and Hosiery, all of which he will sell it very
low prices. Boys' clothing constantly (fit hand
SAMUEL GO 1,15/11. AN.
April' I r.'4Q.-tim.
pHs and Soaps. •
AF-NFand Fresh supply from Roussers and
other ",f the b , St city houses, among, which
are double friar, Rose Ccianiurn'
Verbena, Mifellotir 'and
Al ask', put op rind for .nlc at the lowest
prices. Also, for Ili() Bandoline, orn
nu sax Plume, Jenny l Anil lair gloss, Bear's
()il, Maccassur line.seetued - Antique Oil,
l'Plidoconte, Beers !Marrow, fine 111Yrtle and Vio
letPoiimides. Moo Fancy t Soaps, such as
Rottssel's Shaving Cream. NV right's de. Military
do, Almond-and Palm Wash f 4 utip, making an
assortment unsurpa,eed by any in the borough.'
annual' S W HA VER.:7:I'IOE
SPILMNer niszzlONS
ATIIE subscriber has just rec.Aved
another lot of the new style asp i ring
' „..., ~.-..., HATS, is. prepared to accommodate
' • •'' 4 ,i-Ne both hia old and neW friends. with an
' . elegant article, besides every other
artielejin his line. His stock is large ,and Ytt
rium+, comprising . fine Mole Skin . murlleaver
(Pats' with Nutria, Fur, Sum Mer and every
variety of Slouch Ham While lie cheerfully
iecords his acknowledgement of past favor, he
would .respectfullv solicit a eon nuance of pub -a
lie patronag e. at the Old Stand in North Han
over .r,
Fresh Dugs, Dledicines, &c. &c.
1 hare just reeeivvd front Pltiludel
phis fin& New York very extensive
'additions to my - former stock, umbra
-4 cing nearly every urticlo ul Niethcine
,now in use, together with Paints,
Stationery, Fitib Cutlery, Fishralf Tackle,—
Bridles of almost every description, with an '
endless variety.of other-articles, which tam de
termined to sell tit the venv ho W ENT prier's:
All Physicians, Country Merchants, l'edlars
and others, are respectfully requested not topass
the OLD STAND,- tuivaloy-may—rest„ assured
that every article will be sold.ot a good quality,
and upon reasonable terms.
Main street. Carlisle.
Tiny 30
Are the tongue often white and loaded; the
breath heavy and foetid; a disagreeable
or t sweetish taste , in the mouth; occasionally
thirst; the appetite extremely variable, some.
timetsremarkahly deficient, and at others vo
racious. There is sometimes a sickish feeling
with vomiting of mucous; flatulence of the
stothach and intestines; pain in the abdomen;
swelling and hardness of the abdomen; the
bowels aro irregular; the *stools arc slimyrand
there is au occasional appearance of worms
in the evacuations; the urine is often milky
and turbid; there is frequently , itchiness of the
fundament and nose, which is o 1 swollen; •
there' is occasionally* disturbed sleep, with grinding (tr
i lt.6
ibe teeth, and sud den awaking
in a friAt.. There aro, at times, headache or
giddiness, ringing In the ears,. or Oven deaf,
nose, fainincssi conyulsions, drowsiness, indo•
knee of manner, ill temper. In some cases.
epilepsy and cholera, and even apoplectic and
paralytic symptoms, and reverel of the signs
of dropsy of the brain and catalepsy appear
connected with worms. Frequently there is a
short dry- cough, and pleuritic pains; soine-•
times feeble and irregular pulse,' palpitations
and tin irregular lover: the, minuteman:a is
generally • pallid or sallow, and somewhat
blon'ed, and there is oecational flushing of
one or both cheeks t Any ono of these signs ,
.isiptlteativb of Worms. and the most etFectual.
-hest and cheapest remedy is
DII:JOIIN :12 Myclia' WORM TEA, prepared
it.y Dr. J W RANYLlNsi_Dtbis W.b_eleratie and.._
IOW! Drug Store, Carlisle, Pa., and none
genuine without his written signature.
The Proprietor or this Medicine is so con.
fident or its superiority to, any other Worm
Medicine now in use, that be will cheerfully
itt.Tunis,Tun nopiror in any case in which his
Preparation fails to give equal ,satialliction.
Tliti.wiattm- TEA when toads according
te,tlicie Dir ections,-is pleasant and iv ill be taken
:by4lic' hunt fastidious child. Each - piiiikage
.'epplYans aullic,entMedicine for the ourp,9l: the
most obstinate Ouse. Price only 25 cents a
paper. ' -r p:r
to-Droggiete rind:Storekeepers elipplied on
the moal. liberal .terms. 't 111423'491y
Refrisliing' Drink's.
` , 5 - :SoarkjiUg and . hright • . ;?;
haliquld light, - • <
and hrightbut for, its
Aardjek' bout.. , •
:Iyip'..IIt7EIVS,'.I.NOIINYA I N ..Artn'A .16
adoefr 1110 No pitiii.nhrte! drink. of hu sea:,
isoit4tid :tho.; above.
-Minor?' the ;Ind'
in, N. Hanuyerstloot...,..
s Febif
Aeyi, JcatioW o
, Trxixs,,walkiable--P;MBItOL
y. , (3 AlPlaN -;w
~BrOiSes:l'Cuts;',olll. l s,'.f *OW
• wrip• '
r - -" , • ootrinlainisAiiiiieltz.roqUire
nsterapl'rerpody.,:lL`givcaC~immi~diate relief "to
Ithots,iitalphos. anddha Incidtait. to Horses. luso) . I
- .whifo:foot,and noses , ;produced br - tho.Stiv.l'ohirl'anu 1 3 t1
IL is nifici-.liig hly, useful: in relaiiindAStiffi ruination
"nipoi Tendons 'aod , Joints ' arid 'prodkeei 4, 1 1 4...=kF A 1
'boniAbial.. offsets in' 0tqc491,;-*•bronls, briaOgtii on, 1
.14. high feeding, splirits.epriiins.S,ThipJ
nkstorrirs...ranorsoriddd m 2 ,41
'lSenonrs of, 'l:iiiitrrjr.
.* . kg tie.:
titbnfOwning IfordoS', bay co,nscartliy r
• k oft irk therrital4eol,i, , lThii GE.IsTp:INE aro+
.Itl Is'AprotiarOdr , OnlirAik.VAlCTkiiiiii4r.,;'l44P)2',
;and retail 'a f•llStore
w nw ,
; ,/.1111it t itlftiluirro,.;trO'wiiiolij-gilituotA hp 10i , ,,,
1 -0 . tippinbloraleill§.4 , kl4l , ,co 5'4131.1.141:01r/ZW ., ;
'4`. 4 ,:'• = , 13 3 gi r t Ili . I ',.'''-' :,l '' -''. . 1'.7 i,v.: r ,., f .,c , : v . .,, , vj
• • -
41:2, (.I', •
..; •
' •
"'" .•-• , .
-•• ,
_ "et
sc ;ttcifu
so tol.m
0 , u 4 %moans
Kw°sow , '
4. 0
s oum
4. 0 % WOO •
Southport, Conn., Amory /, 1848 .
hfessrs. SAND, :—Gentlemen—Sympathy for the afflicted indUces me to inform you
of the remarkable — ciffrefeeted by your Sarsaparilla in the case 'of my Wife. She
was severely afflicted with the Scrofula on different parts of the body; the glands of
the heck were grbatly enlarged, and her limbs much a ellen. After suffering.ovet a
year, and finding no relief from the remedies used, th '..1.116611 - 6 attacked one leg, and
-belOwthoknen-suppuratecL_llerphysicietrAdtsed irShOuld be laid o r rni which was
--dalle.-12111.-witheld-itnY.Mtnanent benefit. In this situatio_. - mut were
induced to use SANDS' Sarsaparilla. The first bottle prokluced a decided and fever.
able effect, relieving her more than any prescription she had, ever taken ; and before
she had used six bottles, to the astonishment and delight of her friends, she found her
health quite.restored. It is now over a year since the cure 'was effected, and her
health remains good, showing the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the system.
Our noighbors'are all knowing to those foots, and think Sams' Sarsaparilla a great '
blessing to the ago. Yours with respect,' JUMUS PIKE.
Carlisle by-S. ELLIOTT, sole A gent.
Sold in
,3nsurance eompatlitti.
Fire Insurance. Equitable Life Insurance, 'Annuity
rpti.E. ALLt.N Asn. LI- eIINNSLIOROUGII and - Trust - Company: - - -- - -. 1
Mutual Fire insurance' Company, of Cunt- .
berland county, incorporated bytin net of Assent. O FFICE 74 Walnut street, 'Phiadelphin.—
bly, is now fully organized and in operntion, un - B LIF Capital 8250,000.—Charter ,perpetual.—'
der the management of the following commis. I Make Insurance on lives at their office in Phila.
doners ' viz: . , . , delphia, and ut their Agencies ,throughout the
Cht.iltaymen, Jacob Shelly, Wm. R. Gorgas„l States, at the lowest rates of prentium.
Lewis Hyor : „„plirk.tiun Titzet. Hobert Starrett, * Rates for insuring at $lOO on a single Life,
Henry Logan,' Michael Cocltlin, Benjamin H, Age. For 1 year. For 2 years. ;4iLlfe ,
Musser, Levi Mcrkcl, Jacob Kirk, Sarni. Prow. 20 81 ' ! 91 . GO
ell, sr, and Meleitoir Brownian, who respectfully 30 99.,, 1,30 . 1,04
call the attention of citizens of Cumberland and 441 1,29 1,64 2,07
York counties to the advantages which the coin. 50 1,86 ' 2,07 3,94
pany hold out. 53 3,48 2,97 6 03
The rates of insurance are as low and favorable EXAMPLE.—A person aged 30 years next birth
as .any company of the kind in the State. Per-' day, by paying the company 95 cents would se
sons wishing tg become members are invited to : cure to lit lamily,or heirs $101) should ho die in
make application to the agents of the company, lone year; or for $9,90 he secures to tkcja„slo9o;
who are Willing to wait upon-them at any time, orfor $l3 nnnuaily for seven years he , secures
, ..JACOB SIIELLY, President to them $lOOO should he die in seven years; or
11 ENRY•LOGA N, V. Pres't, for $20,40 paid annually during life, he becures
Lrov.ts liven
_Secretary $lOOO to be paid when he dies. The insurer
MICHAEL COCI:LIN, TreaStlrCr . ' securing his own bonus, by the difference in
AGENTS—Rudolph Martin, New Cumberland' amount of premiums from those charged by
ether offices. For $49.50 the heirs would re-
R• 'l'itzeiAllen; Hartnon,:aingstown; Henry Zeuring„Shire- ceive 85000 should he die in one year.
mnnstown ; Simon Oyster, Wornayekkirg ; -11 o• Forms of application and all particulars may
bert,Moore, Charles Bell, Carlisle. , 0 had at the office of FRED'S. WATTS, ]sci,
Agents for York County—Jacob Kirk,gOlie- 'arlisle, Pa.;
kw ~,
ral agent; John Sherrick, John Bankid, J. Bow-
J. W. LAGEIOR N, Pres 't
man, Peter Wli
olford. ° . .G. i METT, See r y. . ,
Agents for Ilarriiffiurg—Houser & Lochman. Ftitn'ir. WATTS, Att'y.
feb 9 , Dr. D. N. MAIION, Medical Examiner.
The Girard Life Insurance Annuity
and Trust company : of Philadel
Officc No. 159 Chestnut Sind, Capital $3OO.
000. ''hurler Perpetual.
CONTINUE to midi.° Insurance's on Lives
on the most favourable terms, receive and
execute Trusts, and receive Deposith on Inte
The Capital being paid up and invested, to
gether with, accumulated premium fund. affords
. 4 Fanner ay:entry to the Mewed. The pro.
(Mum may be paid in yearly, hull yearly, ur
'quarterly. payments.
The Company add a BONUS at stated pe
riods to the insurances. for life. Thin
plan o
insurance is'theemosi aptiroved br, antiis more
generally in tme', than any other in Great Bri
tain; (Where the, subject is -best:understood by
the peoulm'end 'where they have,) ad the• 10ng.,.
est-experienee,las (Operas from the fact; that
,out of 117 Life Insurance Companies there,. of
'fall kinds, 87 tiro on this plan.
The-first BONUS aaa appropriated in Do.
;camber, 1841. (mourning to It) per cent. on. th,o,
,suns insured under, the' ldetkpolices; to 81 per
:cont., 7} per cent':;A:e','Siti;, on othere;.in
portion to the CM() of stnuding, ranging- an n,&,.
/ tilde)) of $101; •$87;58;
't31,000, originally insMpd, which is an *rage ,
i'of More than s,o . per cent oniho ritemiutno
,and'without, increasing : the annual'
I the . - Clara
by .tik
. . .
pi•Al ion of PIO:Rt./NUS will . 'icon
ollowiug OZlimploo croon.tho , Lifo, hitt:
ogidiui ofl)}ii,qpniporiyohutr: ,
' .';''''' ' .':
Benue ' Amount of PnlioY .
:•'l . i.' v - ,-Siim Banu" o r-
payable - at'
ralc'' 'lnsured 'Addition B onus
n ,
r y'it decease.
j: • .:....:. -.--, 2.
.....,,' !- • 0113,P •'' ' .. ~, ,,r.
. - SIOOU , OO ~ ..,,.
1 ‘n"
''' • e 4 "" '''' .2 750'00 ',`
j, Nc!., 1 ; • 0 in o
.. 50:00
A "ot ,l ~;:. '..t., 6 40.00 . :'; -, 4:4 110 : 60 0 0,',:: ! ,,
2;00.a :;.- A.,17; Ki) ';,, i 5,4374 X) `4::,.,1f
•' 7 P‘" ..'-
• rg 4friti
iphleto •
lind fur
ea',t , groils
to tho'
• B 1
7 a 4 / I gl
Irk -
:optnining 'lho tabto, biz nitca;• .
i t
,of . thee euhject i.' for leof PP'
IthOr inkormati* otiiii tad .a'
s t :iit: pciroort :or WkW leir4 a (1:
WRIC II ARDEfo Prolikititit.f,t
!!•,..tAkT'll'?',,,..-il.-', .- ~,-,,,,,,,.0,1
„.. „ j ., 7,41
y ont o \ ey
Tds;„bykiii'e Vitlll)46ll6lll:o.6l4ifill'i
prepared ;to. deli vi•!!').,CrA•l.l;• .011'1'iiia, a (let
ec oh 200i,`
nistant,m their •dbilut,;-'lllii)otibterkc,DrifiOhlti,bi.:;,
p eit i ns yl v h n i, to
Caq4llo• 11117,11e5. frovre 01dtkfiii??i6iektl
'l4oingtriook, A S
Lumpi; iokon; di.4.Scrcfoifiao,,:;,..,gll:l!fittii.`eortpl !
•qi i. 11
t.;more soroptiou ,
14iine 'lltertiirtl-.'inix co 1 , • .' • ..• 75
April9,-„ I tn. . ;•.• f reacu r or. • •
THEPropri9torshave spent much time •
in - bringing this prepar ion of 134asapantrai '
to its present state of perfe ion and the experitince
of fourteen years has furniihed the most ample op
portunity to study, ifitheir varietal farms, the diseases for which- it
is recommended, and to !adapt it exactly to their relief and cure. Pa
who wish a n x 41.1.4 0000 Medicine are invited to give it a trial, and satisfy
themselves of its superiority, and the invainable property it possesses of assisting
and curing disease. The bottle has been enlarged to hold ONE QUART, and in its
present improved lorm may safely claim to be 'the save and cueLvErr Medicine of
the ago. Its progress to the fame it has attained may be traced by a long line, of facts
and cures, that stand as landmarks and beacons for the invalid, pointing the way to
the haven erffe - alit - .
. .
• The following is from col. S. G. Taylor, a sientleman of high standing and extensive
acquaintance in the Southern sitates, and lately appointed Consul to New Granada: .
litils'srs. A. II: &D. SAND ' S:— ' New York, lemuary-7 i 1848.
G csvmxiasm,—having usecf, and witnessed the effeets of your excellent preparation
of Sarsaparilla on different parsons in various parts of the Southern-country, viz:,
Virginia, Louisiana, Texas, and Mexico, I feel much pleasure in stating the high
opinion entertained of its groat medicinal value. In iny.own case it acted almost
like a charm, removing speedily the enervated state of the system, and exciting, in
the most agreeable manner, a tonic and invigorating influence. a
Your Sarsaparilla is highly approved and extensively used by the 11. States army
in Mexico, and my cousin, O'EN.,,ZitCIIAILY TAYLOR, has for the past eve years
been in the habit of usingit, and rem mends the same ; he and myself adopted the
article nt the same time, end it Is now onsidered an almost indispensable requisite
1 1
in the In conclusion I would sa that the better ills known the more highly
it wit bo prized, and I trust that its hea th-restoring virtues will make it generally
kno i throughout the length and breadth of our widely-extended country.
Yours very respectfully, S. G. TAYLOR,
U. S. Consul to New Granada.
Extract from it letter received train Mr. N. W. Harris, a gentleman well knbwn in
Louisa county, Va. :—" 1 have cured a negro boy of. mine with your Sarsaparilla,
who was attacked with Sumfula, and of a scrofulous family.' Yours truly
" Predcricks Hall, Va., July 17, 1848." "N; ARMS."
The following testimony from Rev. John Grigg, late, Rector of the Church of the
Crucifixion in this eityimommends itself to the attention of the afflicted. Numerous
certificates of cures of various diseases effected by this medicine are almost daily
• Messrs. SANDS :—A member of my family has taken four valuable Sarsaparilla for
a severe scrofulous affection, dec, with the most L beneficial effect resulting from its
use. • It givesme very great pleasure to record my testimony in behalf of its virtue
and efficacy, hoping that others may be induced to make a trial of It.
New York, May 10, 1848. • JOHN GRIGG,
Mehsre. A. B. gr. D. SANDS:—
Gswrtemerr—Feelings of gratitude induce me to make a public aCknoWiedgment
of the bene fi t I have ' derived from the use of your Sarsaparilla. I have for several
years been afflicted with scrofulods swellings in my head, which at times would
gather and discharge at my throat, nose, and ears and at others would break out in
different. parts of my face and head. These continued until my throat, face, and
head Wore almost One complete sore and for a long time I was so hoarse that it was
with the utmost difficultyrthat Imould speak above a whisper. During this time I had
several attacks of pleurisy and other diseases. I consult& different physicians, and
tried various remedies, but received no benefit until I commenced using your Sarsa
parilla. lam now well ; the sores are all healed, and I attribute the result entirely
to the effects of-your valuable medicine.
Yours, with respect and gratitude, PHERE CAHOON.
Tieing personally acquainted with the person above named, I believe her statement
to be correct. JAMBS-rd. D. CARR, Justice of the Peace.
Sold also by Druggists generally_ throughout the United States and Canadas.
Price el per Bottle; six Bottles (or $3.
.. -f~ia.;,E'
CURE",:9E r
o ii" • •
i ttiii , q l ! 4 : 4 l4 , •
, • Ow. P.
.CO N li mp • lap - '
r g litM•t CeAfp,.._94l. r"
. 1:01r8 OF
4k. E•
Nonnicli, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1847.
Tke Franklin FLre 'neural= e Corn
pang of philadelphia. •
OFFICE, No. 1631 Chesnut Street, near Fift
moot. _ _ _ _
Charles N. Bancker George W. Richards
Thomas Hart Mordecai'D. Lewis .
Tobiaii Wagner ,Adolphe E.•Borie
loath R. Smith Morris Patterson:
'Continue to make insurance pereinal, pr limi
ted, on eyery description of property in town:and
country,, at rates as low ad are consistent with'
security. The company have .reserved' a largo
contingent fund; Which with their capital cud pre
miums, safely invested, afford ample protection'
to the insured..
aiThe , assets of the company ,on January Ist,
1848,,as published agreeably to an act of Assem
bly, were rie follows, viz
. Mortgages $890,558 65 -
Real Zeuite ' 108,513 90
Temporary Loans 1'24,459 00 :
Stocks • . • 51,563. 25';
Cash tin hand and in hands of
- • -; 81.240,097'67'
;Sinee their incerporailita, a period Of , eighteen
yenta, they have ~kinid ,upworde of orts mu.t.tort,
thereby, aflinding evidence erirax a antagee; , . of
ineuraneei.aa , wellt,fte 'the -ability' and" dispositiiin
tci, infect' with 'prom meat, 211 liebilitieer .. .. , i-'' ,, `" ''',,"
~..,,,. CHAIM SIX, SAINKIKE4," - Piee't.' ,,
j o
,pu,fs.,G:tßart tt;.l3esl'it ;, ,q • „ ., -:••:„ - felt'. ,51' , !/ ,
, ,
,t h : e
anbao ribe .,,
i ki la gl
Age l* ntTor the
'ab ove company
inantanceinther;by,niail - or,:'aertonally-will ' be;
proalPoattintled:to: , ' ,'t,-I , VI j),lElErliCtUlt..-t: .1
- -'. , Jr ,I , wrialitartEnt
' ' ", ~. • ,-,r-4 1 , i
---- F ' aiAing
istip aa , d , orw
General ':Co
? , 'Bowlysyliarf, ,
mo;chant;Np. '
__ , ,
14A , ,t_. r 11/!LT/Mu,i ciovers,3odL
tOit din erde i t . o n chnOur42l4 l C:, eloo t forA,
whisk 4,, — 7 - °4141e Water , oho; and
warding PP?"' V a \, ono, Ordeta.for flab
'Peollef,ortttlitt 10 44°41 t suppued ;wt.:in/ay.
Salt,``, lomat, 6 f•c:- 7 c ..... .
a i l l i o ' se„.
'it 1;0'811 en t iige4 ' in '‘ he ' 49v i l 'on li of the',
during n'fin .1 I. Ave ygarth, a cantinas I
Oh Ili. re min d s nn4 ItiO,Ptikho'l°lra."
tronag O. •.-i - 7 1 • i 0 t yr 0,4 t “
r solicitejj% 0 ~
~< g % ,, , ,, , ,,, i
4), i
Refer to - t.t.,,ti. , , i' t y 1, “. 4 t 1 '-,', f+
'tk ~ P&L. ti ntl•Lkt ' t gatziatorg, 1 -I
tit" .I''gn 0 Eu 3 l ii ' ' 1( 44 F, 1 6Ph ' ,, ;:i ,4
,t "i ss ih t i niar 4.,. vaF, % , , ~,, „,, „ 0 ..,
'''' '' Y 94' Aye gm • Carlisle. IN.. cali,.; 1
~.„., c .) ~ Ado
i , t jaho,hcoatown, 1 o.
1 , :teh 4ll 7 l . h'f 4eathlatolbatlts` 4 6 ".
. 9 at Moist' t 1 , '(
Feb. 14-1 Y• ; ' ,
' g(?, v' - ' , l-4,,r.:'-4'.;'0,4•„P
r,-- IMtOittitee.
t A, I
1 pka4l,l4iiiiiitioaltilealiitrOiritinent
lilt rtifkly,o,Rurs SALVE : contains no'
T V, ,141er . diirY..4,1'llo ,following certificate i 5„,
from a .regnlar.,PhYsielani'ofixtanshei prae•
tine in Philadelphia r , .• ~,- V - '
J AbilSEI MoAr.t.nirtht.--Sir : I' hel ot l'orftio
last.t*o•years been in thi3,nelig your
xi )
Ointqpnt in es of Rhi3tlinatism Chilblains,
and in ;Tann- 0 PITIEg, (Scold floods,) find
thus for with. le , hoppieot Milbet. I think.
from the a aliments 1., have mask,' with he
that it richly detiorveo - to bp udoptod,ttikan are
fiche ofevery'day'eaa by the PrOfesaion tit-large
Yours truly, ' S. BELL, .'D. Phila.
. •
' Philadolphia,-De e . 29, 1847.
To James cAllisterDerti. Sir; I take
pismire in malting known 'tei you (her great
benefit I have received.,by,ueing your Vegeta
ble Ointment, or the World's Salve, I had an
ulcer; or running sore, on the ear, of,ra sn y
years' standing; I have applied to several
physicians, but all to no purpose; but by using '
your Ointment 'a few days it was comp)etely
dried tip anti well. I have used it for bu'rns,
fin which I find it an eicellent article; also in
all cases inflamation. En. Tijostr.
certify the above statement is'truo.
.44.- GAD M US:
• -No. Ob. Market strool,Philo.
I do certify. than have used life Allister's
o Dealing Vegetable Ointmentafor coldness
o' my feel; also for Rheumatism my limb*
d Corns on my feet, and have been entirely
rclievrd. Believing it to be a good Medicine,
I do not hesitate , to recommend it In the above
complaints. - LEONARD VAILE,
Norris fp. Washington Pa. Aug. 21, 1847.
I certify that I have used cAll ister's all
Healing Vegetable Ointment, or the World's
Salve, fcr a beoling in my wife's breast, wllich
has giVeti her inealculehlti benefit; also on nno
nf my children, for sore eyes, which. give im.
mediate relief. I, therefore, recommend it as
a good medicine. PARKER REED;
Hopewell tp. Washington Co Pa. Aug.2l;'47.
Around thebox are directions for using Mc.
_Aiiisfer's Ointment, for Scrofuta,-.-Liver•C
-plaini,---Eyresipelas,—'l'etter, Chilblain, SerINS.
Head, Sore. eyes, Quincy, Sore throat, Bronchi.
tag, Nervous affections, Paing, Read ache,
Asthma, Dearness ache, Burns, Corns,
I all diseases of the ;kin, Sore Lips, Pimples, ofc.,
Swelling of the Lima, Sores' '
Piles, Cold feet, Croup, Simileor Broken
Breast, 'loath ache, Ague in the face, 4.c.,
i_ll7 MOTHERS and N URSES know its va .
in cases of .•swollen" or Sore ilrenst, they •
would always.apply it. In such cages, if frees
ly used, and according to the directions around
each has it gives relief in a very few hours.
BURNS—It one of the best things in tho
world for IN IS. (See auctions for using
it.) '
PILES—The Sands are yearly cured - by
ibis Ointment. It never fails in Igivhig relief
for the Piles.
CO ^ This Ointment is good for any- part of
the body-or limbs when inflamed. In some
easesit should be applied often.
cAurioN—`No — Ointme n t will be genuine -
unless this name of AMES McALISTER is
written with a pen on every label.
For sale by my agents in all the. principal
cities and towns in the United States.
Sole Proprietor °film above Medicines.
Principal Office REMOVED to 28 N. Tarim ST.
Philadelphia. a.
S. Ellie Wand S. W. Haveratiek. Carlisle
.J. & 1,. i2cigcl , Mecha'oiesburg.
IL W. Singisor, ChurchtowiL
Rhoad & Wherry, Newburg.
Joseph 11. Herron, Newville.
J. M. Lutz, & Gao. W. Bell, Ilarrisbur .
llGStnicriberEFlinVir flist received at - their
'cast High street, opposite Ogiley's Dry Good
Store,la large stock of goods in their line, to
which 'they would call the attention. of purcha
sers, their arrangement in the city besng_goeht_
as lo . eneGTs Them to iirlF:fiteir goods at the
lowest city prices.
Their stock comprises a full assortment of
Locks and Latches of every stile and size;
Ilingeq,b7crews, Botts, and every article used
tar Buildings, Augurs and augur Bitts, chisels,
broad and hand Yates, Katchets,!drawing knives,
planes, and plane . lints, hand, panel, and 'Rip
ping saws, mill, cross-cut and. circular
trace and halter chains, homes, shovels, spades.
end hoes; hay and manure forks. Also, a large
assortment of 'Pocket and Table Cutlery,—
spoons, shovel and tongs, 'Winters and Traye.
Hollow ware, Brass and enameled Preserving
Kettles, Iron Furtinces, Cedar Ware, anvils
and vices, Piles and Rasps of evbry kind. Bar
Band and Hoop Iron, Cast, Shear Spring and •
Blister Steel, &c. Also. ,
1 1 10 Boxes \V indiiw Glass.„
100 Kegs Wetherill's Pure White Lead. •
5 Bartels Linseed Oil. t
3 Barrels Sp. 'Turpentine.
200 Kegs CumberlandNatls. ,
Mity9'49 WRIGII I' it'SAXTON
To all wham it may Concern
THANKFUL in the puolie generally for past
favors nsid , their liberal patronage, still con
tinues to carry on the SADDLE, TRUNK,
and HARNESS Making business , at his old
stand itt N answer street, twii doors north of the
Carlisle Bank, at the sign of the Mammoth
Collar. He is now bettor 'prepared than ever to
accommodate his customers, haVing recently
made great alterations in. his establishment, so
as to enable him to keep n much better assort
ment than heretofore, consisting of Spanish,
Dragoon, scoop, tub, quilted and plain SAD
DLES. CA RRIA E 'HA RNESS plated and
cominen ; Farmers' Gears, of all kinds, Trop
yelling Trunks of all descriptions and prices . ,
Velcasee.and Carpet Bags, Bridles, Martingale
Leather, cotton mid worsti.d Fly-nets, and - all
other 'articles in his line—all of which he is de,:
tertnined to sell nt the very, lowest cash priers,
Making and r'epniring Morasses of hair.
.end straw, and all kinds of Upholste•ing will be
punetuallyputtended to.
• ap2s'49ty ' .
. . Ditios t , .DitIIGS t DRUGS,IIpe-:
-. ' ...1' 'JOST ItP:CEINFED, .
~, . ,,,:,, , ,,4 1
raIIYSICIANS,' . Country More Mufti.% and . ; *4
I . parlhirs, are invited to call and exaniirin.,
stock of N'edicinet, Paints, Glass,' Oill,'.,Var,l'.•'S
nishoi, &a: . ,
~.. • ', , -f.P„
,q. C'' • ' RUGS. ' r• /
Patent Medicines,. .herbs and:Extracts, ' .';
- Fine Chemicals, Spicep,.greußd and • elk.,
r ,...... 5i,
Erstrnments, - ' ESeeriees,, -±... ' ~,..T. :
Pure Essen': Oils: PerfumetY, 'dec . ' '; '" .-"
ii,YE,STUFF.9.... , , 40'. ,'';,%
Log and Cam — Vetne . da,...,
- Oil Vitriol'. 1 : ."., •
Life Aim'
35,373 28
„. .
Wo t hod S 'l3 rot hoe'a re.,Lead Itrorne ,
Green and:Yol low, !Paint nod 'Yatniah':Brtnihe!#„i
joppypW,indow.; , Glatra k c•'.l.tinseed ;Oil,iTurpen
tint, Copal and IQoaolityorniah,' and ••Itedimad % P..-
All 'OP which I ` , 1),0 sold ',et,,the very loiresq,
;market pririo,' the' chninting and Hook Store .•
of,: • . • IS:'l,V...ll4,yftslriog,l,i'7,
NovK 29t141548 • • )
. .
AN ,extonsivo"iistiorui*.
Call 'i'and.:exatne thit
lettoro nqb; Hanover, street?. i(
I ,
ti ei!letidid , kesortra eaV ) at'l Ginghorlia.
rattein's Airy ...I tryV,,
iti.:.Nciith tioire otieet. and;,;
i r (ma23l):i' Go!.C.Alt
, 4
Frentith'Outtint7 iiir ~ . 04,,, ,, ,...w ~,,,i i
: . B - Oubsorltitirtiftertitiifi ' b ydrre , burdmer
•,, ' Cloths,ofdifTer . q4ld4;# di Gentlrtnen's
,doale;;lppd •Pantaloons. • •.... ,ck Y % lr 411:11ER-',.'Y
.... ,
ti ' ';' l i i'h i ',; ; lWeiill;.,Witbillklio 1.:,..3r ' , 1 , - - r.' ,
00 t. ol4 l ,so.of4tait,,lnerin n b.w o ni in,
~ .
~, , ZiiiVflor4 Joili:iiiceivitd•oo , l6e,liiiti*'
1-8* , 4 . c 0 i, 1,. -, orth,lfanovermittedt,i4tl;4-0,,,1,-,i
-..., I ,,,,.,..„ Etlieiti v iiiiikii?i ii ii . ~ , 1 ..,..,,,,,:.,,, i ,- 4 1,..„
q , ...., ~ ~ . „ -►,, ~..,,„ A.-;. ~.) R ~.,..
... 1 Ju l , _ 11 , 1.06.vdd iki)d• • fori 00,) 1 0,fr, i i,, Wpt„,ol :
...1. ) 1N4 , pr9t & yony, §t,oro„ , , tatt . l „ . 4kitle,„ ,
'Caliale; .• •• ~•.-..,.•....;`•:;'..' '•' •,t'..' ~.-,;•.' •4L.;-,• . 14 . v
• . •ki , ,, ';', •'.',' - •f," •'.''',"- ' , .: :,, `' , 7 '0, ' '