Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 08, 1849, Image 3

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** - 41g6ai; "it.7A'';v7:f..,.
- 41,
W . p.pri.E,sDA.V . ;Atiurusr .8,4 49
.••• 16:hatifils -t 'Oita or
• sooreyears - Of,sobieriatiterha the q leraltl;*dill
e dshort t :te, as
e watt Ass, a• eta, e or-l e a
we are great 11 , in_netitl.of money. An,:ciitporttr
oily hegira - it Ht the stone time•for ADVANCE
pAvatiara by all w ho.trisli to • avail themaelveal
. rOticed terms—sl,so,A
licception of Gen: , Taylor 1
„ ~, : ', A irangements are shandy • actively in. pro;
, Tress to give the ?i,'Srd'ilent a Brilliant reception
•in "arliple. Tho, very autiourrcement of. his
• • Coming has stirred the heart of the community
with bigh:"Mithindatun, and Monday next am
be one of ” the liveliest days,
And gaßier, the biggest crowd, that our ancient
borough has ;eon tot some limo. Tho
s Aleht of the United §tatestito Hero of ?Buena
Vista, whose fame is immortal—is fully enti
tled to these tokens of public regard.'
Who is titeroihnt does not want to see Gen.
ZACHARY TA111.011! Whose heart swells ant
• with pride at the temembrance of Buena Vista
and, its thrilling story, so glorious to AMerican
arms; and feels not a dosiro to behold tiro
ro'of that momorabio day s =whoso'famo MIS hot,
only his own country but the civilized world ?
Come forth, then, merry maidens and cnthusi
, cede young men--stalwart manhood and hoit
ry agd—all'parties and every` oiler
, your heart-worm salu s tations of welcome to the
•illustrious old soldier and Executivo of the
Republic Let the welkin resound wibli•gruot.
!Inge as he approaches, and his steps be °Aleut.
dad by admiring throng,s of his countrymen,
'manifesting their grateful sense of his valuable
. ' services to the nation. Gen. Taylor is a man
of the People, and will he delighted to s all
. of all parties. We repeat pm invitation our
citizens through the coeaty v ceme_a d. co—
Goy. Tmon!
CA - lir-14:E P. (3.—Vie noticed last week
Ca. Hendi3l's resignation or our-borough Post
Office - Mr, Bttrrtnury D. WUNDORLICII has since
o been appointqd his successor, by tho P. M
- ***General, and will enter-upon the duties' in a
row days. Mr Wunderlieh's app,Sintment is re
. of:hoed with Warm expresSions of satisfaction.
He Is a young and active 'working Whig,' and
is admitted to possess the qualifictitions neces
sary to an efficient discliargo of the duties. Our
Post Office hes been admirably kept fur the
last eight years, the inOttmbyn having won
the good opinions of all parties, and Mr. Wun----
derlich we know assumes the responsible pose
with the deterinination to merit byt official at
/ention and courtesy, an equal degree of pub
lic approbation. The office we un c'erstand will
be removed to a more'central !opener' on High
THE FAST DAY.--Friday last, the day
of humiliation and prayer recommended by
President Taylor, we are glad to say was oh
served with great propri t our borough.—
All business seemed to be susieirled, the
cbureliiis were filled with (heir usual assem
blages, and the Streets were u quiet and Sab
bath-like aspect. We can rather fope, then
believe, that nil were actuated by-a. genuine
devotional feeling who united in this °beery
anee„ but the spectacle nevertheless gave evi
'donee ot Ilea/thrill moral feeling in the cion•
triunity. Let us (rust that the oblervence of
the day may net lie without lastinzrod effects.
AT IT AGAIN !—We hear that Capt
Sanderson, our retiring Post Master, hos pur
chased' the Lancaster Intelligeneer establish
----anent; upon the editorial charge - of which Ito
. will soon. enter. We really wished a bet
ter fate than that for our friend the Captain.—
H Av can he stand the five thousand Whig Ma
' jorities with which the noisy throats of jubilant
.•federalists" will din his ears on the night of
every 'second' Tuesday of October? It's a
„lonely duty and a dreary prospect, certainly,
that a locoleco editor has in Lancaster. We
offectionatel3 coal/nem! our friend, the Cap.
Lain, to the tender mercies" of the 'legions of
the Old Guard,' whom after all he will find to
be very good people in their way, but truly re
morseless and unrelenting 'progressiVes' in
rolling up Whig "majorities . ! But we hope
•ho will tog. used to' that peculiar characteris
tic of Lancaster, while wo wish him prd . sperity
now UM/lion:
" Daouour ! —Oh, for a copious, drench
ing, soak ing ruin, to slake the thirst of the
parched earth and withering fields!
The .oldest inhabitant' gets conThunded when
he trios to remember the time of the last good
5 rain, so long has the drought continued, and
'rieep•atd'fervent are the daily prayers expres-
Ailed by desponding farmers that
•'"Times wandering cisterns attic sky
, , WOW by winds ahem,"
%I/Old stand feet for awhile end distil upon the
dry and - dusty corgi their Iruitful showers.-
We hear the' opinion expressed almost goner
ally by our farmerd•that the corn crap is fere-
Oleviibly ruined by the dryness of the season.
The earlier crops however have made good, the
NIAGARA 8110WER. BATH.—The show-
er.bnth under this name, advertised in our pa-
Larrabee, of Baltimore, is . , a very
'complete article. We know from , the use of
..1 3# 4 , 1 4,itposseases every advantage claimed '' - by' the inventor. No pure.ltaser of it
could fail to be pleased with it. We can
::44..?illially,eemntend it to 41te public notice,—
Zliiiitath. had received a premium, as vvilibo
"aeet4 from the Franklin Institute, at Ph iladel
a.distinetien which nothing but superior
seerif:etiiid 'have elicited. See thrradvertisp
meat on our fourth. page.
, .
"'S l ` •.• AT TIIE . BARRACKS. --Tip on
*(ijuirfiyeitterafty . • ivp learn ',that khoro were
:; . :tigiAnuiicod'in' our hcen
.' f 'initnevoi a - Unction , eftVern
1 1.11/." i
n ague t as held o nilte
',.,..JaiLiapt. an the Itody or 4oint fEettry . 9;:eater, a
.''(.native or 'Geetirianci;hilfoll't 'itioF!(4 years grage.
iLa: effects' or .heat
• Gad—near Witite4itli
titliv. it:11(144 stranger anti. heti. only..
beeli Ei:iiw — O‘eliititi ; flila Ere 11:.!aotn I t
:.r.SII thin notice . ,
elide,rehuitiv6a;tiiiikap'44ot4aa . qi c i mils d i ,i g, ,..,,
0.. 4.:umbeiliqpd
) 1 15 (4 ,, i fi ,1 9014 0 ,17Nc0?r••;
At.'1144 " • r
the nOW. A,11.-gramer.-Kr."
enter-Veto Tres Mar littty
'of North Atldeoeftvd , %„:1:‘1 , 1
. 141Siiti'4:11iJibliAhViiit 0141, itt;il.l?9'o;!orYtEln"!l;,i,
to 1a.„5,.4,01ttt. flot!!‘ttpl;.;;; , !,;, , ,!It1 1 ;;''y ,
clt .. "1119..0 .m e-, tifcifpbtkheTsEittellilrt Onhroutaf
to Apo the'2erflhif;.,'W,Ehe VpPIONFAIi..A4nn t`tintilt
Abni • „
. „.
Dgpa t tett thiti'lite_.. - 0)4 4-11. .
HENRIr /RAtau>:A Aljol4oeetinganll unly , eon
of Thontior,,chilOogilfli:3f?,,Whitg"ilii 1 ,, aged
nfßeihiaied g 1 "daja. Ile ail reiiiiiebeil
ffrelit!elei'wee . e.coller.ltimA
riv thlithatiVirskiiri and Whie!, 4 ol
• • • July ge; 049: `'••• .
at Montour Iron iVorke;
IBeit3Astist sow of
Thomas Chambers, Esq., in his ROth year, after an
'lllness of but ajfew days,.
The deCbtlPell was a, youth. ofitncoirinion prp%,
of rare exvilentl3'ormoral and mental cha ttel
flia'zealoup citta - tif hle parents, and.fils own assi
duity, he was 'ileeplOinlitted in all the practical sck
ences of the 'day, espeidalli . jhemistry, analysis of
ores and all that relates te.tlfo mantiNc ure of iron.
commenced at these
warkrire'iiast`eitensive in America.) II career of
asef n lness ;-.lle're.tlinfirstriiilroad iron in America
had been Tadw="iiinl hale his Scientific knowledge
would„htrie been appliecr to a business which he
lovellwilit all the passion of youth. Ills mind had
all the vigour of manhood; and his unusual opportu
nities of lorercourse with men of business had given
him all the exPeriunee of age; ilia great energy'or
character made him competent for any emergency
nod his well prepared education enabled tinkt energy
to act.with skill• Ills moral character was a rare
exhibitkamf ',Weer that seldom Illustrate the path
of youth. — ll,ossessed of forting powers of discrimi
nation and well grounded In the distinction of vice
and virtue, such Was the sweetness of Ills disposi
tion that he never spoke ill of those whose charac
ters might well have called forth. the Indignatlon -or
an ingenuous youth. Ardent in character, be yet had
escaped many of,the errors of yhuth.
Death gave him but ;n few:days notice, yet he
seemed prepared for the,etimutonl, and met it with
the calmness of resignatlon,—knew on wbittn
;mist rely in this crisis of,nainra,—expressed in his
Saviour, with all the ardour of youth, the firm confi
dence of age,—called to him his parents and sister's,
eats to.each a farewell.klits, bidding each farewell— .
stretching forth his hands to heaven offered up a,
prayer to the great Spirit:And took his flight to a bet
ter world. eionrates, with a Calmness that has ren
dered the scene imnfortal, laid idown the little that
was left to lilin,of helium- existence. Hero ti youth
In the bloom and vigotfr of life, with brilliant pros
•tec,is before hint on the threshold of existence, with
'mum MI try te s, - e 1m-
IY resigns Manacle to - the will of God. It warn noble
sight, but a sad ,illustration of the vitally of human
Ilfe= - of the"shadowy nature Of ihe beet laid plans—
of the_brightest.expectations—ofthe-proudest hones
t!ie life was short, !aphis path was Illuminated by
the brightest and noblest virtues, and presents a !ilea
c! btu only for youth, but: far the ripenebs' ami ex
perience of age.
"In the cold, moist °atilt we lald him When the for
est was hi leaf.
And we wept that ohe so lovely, should have had a
life so hrlef_'•
neat (Estate.
SHE • 1% ° 1 &- HALES.
BYvir ue of ndry writs of Venditioni
Exponas at t Levert Facies issued out of
the Cou:t of Uointnen Pleas of Cumberland
couuty, and to me directed, I will" , c.tmose the
•following.fteal Estate .tolPiib!ic Sale, at' the
Court House A in the Borough of Carlisle, on
SATURDAY; the 18th day of August. 1819,
at 10 o'clock, A M.
tit: Lot of Ground, situate in West.
.Pennsbora' township, containing ONE
ACRE, trine or less, bounded by the road
leading in Newville• it the So 11, East by road
to Diller's Mill, an We by ---- Ziegler
having thereon er Two ory BRICK
House and Frame Stable.. Seize ed taken
in execution , tinlre pro-erty of David eon.'
Also, A L.L. of Ground, §ituttte 1 the
same. township, containing TWO ACRES,
more or less, adjoining lauds of John II \VA
law and John Fishburn, having thereon erected
a Two Story Frame HOUSE and Kitchen.—
Seized and taken in execution as the property
'nf John Lippert.
Also, A Tract of Land, situate in S.
Middleton township, known as the Carlisle Iron
1 Works, conilining 10,000 ACRES, more or
lass, having thereon erected a large Brick Mam ,
Aron BO 4...J..i.E,rk . Forgo . and . Furnace, a new
Merchant nu, with four pair running stones,
three large Bunk•Barns ' find necessary Tenant
Houses, Chhl Rouses,,, Carpenter and Black•
smith Shop, Stabling, &c. Seized and taken
in execution as the property of Michael Ego,
deceased. And all to he sold' by me,
-- Sheritra - Ofee, - Carlisle;- - • - •
July 25, 1849. '
I. I , 4'o *4=9 LLI) In Oil tzsilreir 4
- - - -
Hj_yAVING determined t 6 tomove to the west
A will sell the following described Farms
at public sale.
No I—ls situate in• West Pennsber'no town-
ship, Cumberland county, Pu., 63 miles west
from Carlisle. 13 miles west from the turnpike
at John Paul's, and I mile from the Alt erten
Drpot, on the Rail Road. It consists of 125
ACRES of excellent litnestoile land, ono hun
dred of which is clfared and in a good state of
cultivation, the balance covered with lineyoung
timber. ' Tho improvements aro a good two
' Story Brick Farm HOUSE, and a
. 2 . - -; ; •," . large Frame Barn, these buildings
;;• ; s:e new, having been erected with.
as a . in the last eighteen months. There
.-- - - is q 20,0 d well of excellent water,
with pump coMnient to the House. There
is also easOtecesittii4o_unt Rock Spring, Ills-
Ittprirtne rialriiile. ~.
This Farm is located in the centre of one of
the best portions of this county, convenient to
Mills, Schools, and churches.. Thus rendering
it ono of the most desirable Patine in the town
ship. This Farm I will sell by public outcry
on the premises on FRIDAY the 21st of Sep•
timber, 1899. :
No 2—ls situate in :Dickinrion township Gi
mtles south west (font Ce.tlidlo, 2 miles east
from the Stone Tavern, mid on the Yellow
Breeches Creek It consists of 125 ACRES of
first rate Limostrine Land in a high state of
cultivation There is Miami Acres_ of good na.
t ural meadow' The improvements .
are - n large Double S T 0 N V - 'L
..44: 1 .
'HOUSE, a f.ood Frame Barn fri „t
Corn Cribs, Wagon . Shed, Car. :,414 tip
tinge Rouse, Spring House,
Them is one of the best springs it the comity,:
rises within--re few yards-of the- This
.possesses all the admantages desirable in a'
Farm, being comtanient to the "Great Drove
Road," where the Farmer can • always find a
good market'fer toe prodiictions of the Furm—
I will also O'er this Farm at' public sale on
SATURDAY the 22d of September, 1849.
Terms made known - on the day of sale Titles
indisputable For hurt her particulars enquire of
the sulttsrlber residing on the lest, mentioned
- .
Valuable Farm at Private Sale.
subscriber contemplating a removal to
the. West, offers at private sale his valuble
FARM, situated, two .miles 'west. of Carlisle,.
Cumberland county, containing 208 tierce of first
rate limestone land, inn good state of cultivation,
adjoining *rids- with the Poor Souse Farm,
Rutz 's' and,others.. On the premises is u large
two story' , • '
eleven rooms in pll, six.below
i n 1,, and live above i besides ;ri large hill
_ running through .11w middle of ~ t he
.honse; walls nf the levier story ate hung,
wit h.ppper. - ..Attached tothe main building
small STONE SOUSE With widern and,kitch;:,
en, !Atone carridge ‘'house stande e near, .the
.main -building. ...There nu); foari Cellars' hi
two', under the :dwelling • house; one . itudeetlie
'smug ',stone' house, and, tine under' the 'carriage
house, - A cistern 30 feet- deep. wh_lr a pump, in
le.,,Atands deer. ;T,hertids also
largo DANK EARN;with', wagon sheds
and'corn cribs,„Und•toeieut , lniildings... Near
the lionse;,is :Et:.tipritig,•,.44' ; excellent limestone
witer,Nrhich" Peeps through .the c hartit . ypirdr:-
R'heiti is hlso a•good:AtipleOrbliardi,ennti?in'Pg
hbottii:lo6 'frees, thy , Oft Which' a'ref fine
ihriving,..a peach iiroliardinrittrather choice' _ fruit ,
trees are abouTtliefltouse.Y . •Convenient, to, the,
'bath is•a;+Twe ,Stery 1101/SEt;
i ivlth''omi l ieridTkitehert;'CiticUldleklor.a
teriant lidastihnid bechpihd
farm,, igititit aereesoitiCilfeMbidh3
it excellent timber !Midi ...This:tract would'm,tilfe,
lgoodtitttMll:ftirMlifeblfzklfe4liairdij lal,
t le, rienOuttrciftiliksQ(o;q‘h`e-ebeVir, WWI -
I , lapltheirqsiderice.'ef
now:•.4lreled '4n : . reatkinuble AcrithPqeghtti' rl l
,Or..thelp urchase : money may temPirolli
'desired:. „Further Oescrilitliiklit dee e
necessurf,,!aliih4mratnier'ls ti
the subscritier. fesidi ;fie' Cali
see' for lihnealf..cliVc . c , „ •'.
r ;. • ' 1 % 4 0 Ora ;l Ntifb ,
. . _
, JlO 9r.,in.ipOrt,td* ,
-1 41 1 *
nurohaso;l4iniy . gablyit.b
rep in No - Tenn. 'Or one,.yeer4ol4,o4oo,&;:w4.'fi
Any person yiellidg TerinioliriAld.il4
by eollibg on IThilip Shfimfonnirh.'iliSiclininn, the,
Calm, : or the, riubberibor,et:Pleinltold4torieit' : ol
t J~
9 1 44'21049: , %. .444 ,• „ 1 :
, , • • •
0 1'
ea fl a r- °
... '' l "titlatit , •SAT.:E"Or,: , . • i • .`•;*
VALVABLWRE4k,:ps i tit, .
4 - 14..Poretiltne - d:'iii'l,4;;oo,,of'siiiii Ofin• the
'I 'Oeplittlisr , COhrt Ar.CiimbOlan'd ( "ofintY,cli...
'routed to the , subs.wiler,,AdMiniateitt ll..,6fJacob
Ashman, iliAl'il., late,df West'Penislit t p tOwn
ship,.,Cumberland county, lie Will lifiqcs Public
,Sala:on th "trerniiieS, oil SATUR I/2 t, the;'Bth.
,day.,rof..SEl , 'LIMBER next, at 12 Wei-lock; Nl
the following esCribed property, lain Ire estate
- of said deceit i t; to wit;-‘, A. Tract ofo,Landisit- '
tuitetiii West VennaboiliAiiivnship .Cu berland
county,. containing I.II'ACIICB niAll I l Perches
strict measure ) , about 10 Aires of. whicl firthriv- :
ing timber, botindettby Wilds of - Natluu Woods,
ileajitniin Shitk,John 'Bricker nod °filters. The
Mime tract is of,the,, heat quality of limestone
land and in , it high st a te of cultivation. The
kirnprovtMents consist of a largo two •
, .11, . Story STONY. 'I.IOUSH, wilt 'back
mi , .baddin g , wash house, a large alul
dig ~.: :: convenient Stone 11 tilk . nium, with
-_,......._---..-:-.. Carriage Noise, %%Owned, corn
crib, and. all other necessary out:. linildings.—
The improvements are ell in good inipair and
the fencing on the hirmilitgood.order, There is .
also a never-f dlimt well of excellent linter on
the place ,and a good orchard of gra ftOti fruit..
The abuse property lies about two mile - emit of
Newville and within three.quartera of a mile of
_the Cumberland Valley Bail Ron& • :
Also, at the same time and place a small tract
of land, also the property of said decedent, sit=
uhte in Vrankford township; about 4 Miles from
the first mentioned tract ouljohdoglandatif Wm.
Alter, Abraham Guymon, and Others, and ly.
„ing within one-eighth mile of the .Conatlogui
net Creek, eoniaining.abotit 19 ACRES, five of
which are good meadow land, andllie balance
covered with good timber. . • .
The terms of sale arc as follows, viz-4 , ive
per cent of the purchase Motley to be paid on
the conilikiation of the tali;. One-third of tie
whole to remain is the land, the interest cit
which to be'paid to the widow during her life,
and the , pripipal at- her death-- orthe Vesidue
one-half to be paid on the first of APIA 1850,
and the other halt .on the 1 8 t of April 1851.
Any person wishing. to view the above pro
perty preuions to the sale Can do so by . calling
on Adam Lehman living on the first described
tract, or on the ,subscriber, residing In West
Peinisboro' township. . -
jy2sts Adm'r of Jnoob Lehman, deed. -
KI - Lnneasier Uniou publish till Bak and send
bill to this office. •
MITE undersigned ,exec ors of •Joscru
121:Nsweeitsa, late of Wes liempfield tp.,
Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and former
ly of Silverspring.township,Cuntherland co.,
deceased, will soli at public sale the real
estate of said deceased, en the 29th, 30th and
31st days of August next, and at the follow
ing places, to--wit- -
On WEDNESDAY, August 29, nt tile pubs
tic house of Joseph Black, in the Borough of
Mechanicsbnrg — , -- Cittnberland county - , two lots
of ground in said borough, whereoll is erect
ed a one and a. half std ry
-I.i LING HOUSq, Wash' and
, ;2 4,1 n - ,e.;.t.;:i{,t - i.- Bake house, Frame Stable, a
well of:water and pump therein,
and a number of fruit trees thereon, fronting
Main street on the South, adjoining David
Rocky on ttrif East, and Jacob Rubly on the
West. Persons desire is of examining 'tiro
above property, will please call upon Joseph
Black, innkeeper, near the same.
On THURSDAY, August 30, at the public
house of Henry Snyder, in the village.of Lan
disburg, Tyrone township;-Perry county, 29
Acres and 4 Perches ttnd ullowanemadloining
lands of Peter Shaeffer and others, and within
IA miles of Landisburg. The improiements
are a two story LOG DWELLING HOU.E,
new Frame
_Barn, and other out-buildings, a
well of water near the' brink, arid a -nuMbir
of fruit trees. Sheaffet's run passes in front
of the house, Wile!' is at presant occupfed by
William Blanc; At the seine time anCplace
ivip be sold 10 Acres neat measure of CHES
half a mita from the above, adjoining lands
of the heirs of Francis Patterson, Peter
Sheeffer and others, near tWegohdrht
Persons desirous of examining the above Per
ry county property, will pliase call upon Wm.
Blane resit:Ng. thereon.
And on FRIDAY, August 31st, on the
premises that VALUABLE FARM, situated
in Silvervpring township, Cumberland county,
near - T. B.' Bryann'irillill;blienit front
llogestown, about rI miles from keehanics
burg,9 milefroin Harrisburg, and 9 mile from
lisle; on the road leading from T. B. Bry
oon's Mill to Lamb's Gap, adjoining the Con
odogulnet Crook, land' of Benjamin Eberly
and others, containing
156 Acres and 43 Perches,
neat measure, and laid off in ton 'fields.—
About 20 or 25 Acres thereof is HEAVY
TIMBERLAND. The improvements aro a
. ° EX DIVELLINti HOUSE, 28 by
I; o
32 feet, a large Stone Swisscr
Burn; 40 by 80 feet, with a cellar, Corn Crib
and iVag, Shed attached, Stone Spring
Housd%fir never failing water, Smoke house
and other out-buildings; two Orchards of
choice fruit trees. There is running water in
most of the fields, and the fences aro iii good
ordey.- The premises aro woll supplied with
fine Locust trees.
This farm is 'considerod ono of the surest
and, bast for all kinds of grain in said county.
Ibis convenient to mills, schools and churches,
and will be sold together or in two parts to suit
Terms cash on the first of April next, when
possession will be given for the whole el the
real estate of said -oceased. Persons dedirous
of viewing the above farm previous to the day
of sale, will please call on Abraham Renart;
the tenant thereon and examine for themselves.
A further 'description is deemed unnecessary.
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock on each day
in the afternoon, when attendance will be giv
en and conditions of sale made known by the
undersigned executors of said deceased.
Persons Inodug o_l4i me against_the above_
estate are requested to present them to k tliff
undersigned on either ni the above named days
Monroe township, Cumberland ea;
East Hompfield tp., Lancaster co.' .
, July ll—ts.
Valuable Farrel for Sale.
TE subscriber intending to-remove to the
West, offers at private sale the following de
sirable Farm', situated in Hampden township.,
Cumberland county, one mile North. West .
of Shiremanstown, near the Trindle - road, con- .)
taining 103 Ames, nine of which is good timber, ' 1
and the balance in the highest state ofoultivation 'l
i ~.„.... and well fenced... The improve• 7 .: ,
~.olit manta are a good Two Stor '.
y, - . z D - y •
Goods ;and. Goperies. • '.
-r' RouGil•CAsT LOG 110 . 11 SE, -
friends and the publiestihat ho has rem°.
G. C.9tMONY desires' lo Inform "liis
„,..' ,--:',..,,, with. a Kitchen attached in it ; Stone i s 1" •
ved , to the stand .on.Northl s latiever street lately
Bank Barn,. Waggon 'Shed and Corn dries,..end. sr occupied by Chart Barnitz.!,aridl next door to,
a ' Tailant House, and a
of never fading.
'waif:l , ; with a pump' in it. Also an Orclibrd pr.,,. ,
i lis dotermined . to.sell goodi MOO* es anylther;
choice &hit. - will be offered or, '....Haverstick'il Drug and Book Store„ whore' he
catablfelitnent in'Carlislesorin the c0unty, , ,,,,,.,,Hic
sale on the mostrdasonable terms. For tardie r..:
information please call , en the unders s _igned ng
, 1 satin; 'cachniere. merino and silk lrestingis!Me-.-
. th i i h e th rm ,•
s, •,,,,,,..,.IBAAC .N.EIDTC; :.:.1 stobk.coneists of 'Cloths;rCassimeres t Satinetts;
1 rin'oes; \Alpachits; Mous' de Laines,Caelintlieth'
In't/IS,: li140:•" '', ', , ..,t, , ' :.i...,-,. „I ' • . ,
i French - worked nellare, kid gloymii,aftfcingen,•
' e atm' pe ''"fldiveis • . thread'.: laces, We.' ?TICK,,
io' ''.44B4ignee9.4f-. S i g:l-fe. '.7
1 ,::: : -' , I l INGll 6' at 61 Ms:calicoes 3 , th'6l'ete;_iierYckeap
471., Saturday the 29th dar.b.soolunTher tie*t'':',.... nius gi ly hosiery,,Berlig, and.cliahmero,gleypi2;
ur I will.. Aar rit. on the_premiarne. ,4.,forge'ciaarirtmentof BONNET,,gtspppi.o,
the -Farm', npw ocCupied-hy Samkel Bear,t"
situate in, Westpenneborotigh townehlp, Ount,: -. .v.rf o r e d, striped and figured s OsAls9.lll9,9lp,S .s.
borland eouncy, , 3 milescWiist of-Carlisla,—.:-!tt,QUEENSwAßEi,,Ok.'llB.'!";9,lAr..:kee,
mile from ,Plainfield, bOunded by ~the , Conedoli i: oir,;.SPices ,of till4,ltindos . .tokacco, s .flar t a t ,
1 - 4 1;:very loVV,Satin plain` aticr,figured_Mentml„piti s in_„ ,
,oreelt,Samitolleart'J'..Signieor;Snifik, r . ofbekestY. Ulna anti iiil"l4.l"ll"itill?2;cagecilead'e-?
,Aandsothare s Perainiria.lso Fres; more or,iiiesa,-.fl,st*it Angother.,,w44, tr T 1 97!.,w ; , ; ~ . .• [nor
.g6Od:.L , 3l,6sTarrE • 1,4. N,D, • T s liere itt, a i, Giy,c , Arjr,p t collil , :‘,4:',l. ,,, ,ri .-::%,: ,• .' .• - ' '. 1
geed .:...all4. „K, g1;- ; 20 acres , r, , acres . of ~1v,9Q,4.,:,,,, ~ ,:„:,,,, . ,,,, ; ,,,,, ., , NOXCW, i , ,- .„i ; '-j -, ,;'-'',
jf l l,l4,3nObniPlie9iop , linuor, s fenee. Thu 1111- 1 ~
'..„." i, part .' ii6hkpietetoftimexiktummetween
,sntikero a. 1 .i .. .e- ~. .."--,'-u-,,-.;--
k v! .„ s s • ~,,,': ' 'Stop* ' , unveil 111 4 .014;1 ' k$4l l .l ; T: .''
i or, 4, , ,iii thiii-dittsidiesolved by-, 1
is 4 ioirt'sh''''.l-deleigiig, !rtignil: under tho,firm.of
f --" ... , 'Steno Bank. Barn; Corn Crilrand t- 7! :,§',:` tiii&woaWrinf.All. - Set.leinen‘s tri , sr bes, made
j , iWagdrOlied; with•alh the,neees7..T.'fiviril,;ithlakKAY,7 Vgool,'" , at .this did Sttlild,',by:whoin 1 1
•;;.':-.'-. ,; -0" Barr out: buildinga..Ther t kli bhr., 'ihifibijoi l 'ip i e, will" Olt No:eontitteti , - ' ,. .rc'::':i
, 4 i A 6r,i a i,i, 'fruit, end It noVeriniVt. i.p.r.::fAr%1.,,,,,,,;.2,4).?,37.f).4.;4g1g., ir,,..-
A pf sif Iwo' pe.6.t . 0...4.0r • .., A'l2l.e.:c.i,(Ogitt,ai, 't,,, , ; , ;;C-::Jcw , -W •e- - '
:41014villjto.vol4lin-Ayliolo or ~,,,,.... , i
estate '5
A.7-THE undeielgned ofrers'fOr sahrtheTellowing
`proper t y
.v.lz t---TW..o:fACßßSlef , land situ.
ate In North Middleton tovinship, ! Cinnberland
bounty, on lhe.•roadAtiatling , from' Carlisle'to
'Meohaniesbtik, iibinit- , feur! rolled. Card of. Gar!..
lisle, ear t i Reichard's Tavern, keying :thereon
-erected Two:Story • F' , lt AM E
• ;;*;Ili 'and Kitchen,' nearly new, With..cel
as ler under 'the freint',lipuse,'tosether
with a Waken: Maher and Black.
smith Shop, Stable. Wash House and other out
houses.' Also: a wells of excellent water with
f a pump near the - titter: There are alki - ribout
30 or 35 choice fruit-trees en-said inemises,—,
Any person wishingito view: , said p=flopprty .
call on the subscriber.noir liying.on said prein
acts. Terms of sale will be made to suit pur
chasers. If the above property,is not sold by
the first' of October be rtlntcd for. the
term'of one year. JACOB RpINWALT.
• magi '452m
I WILL expose' to public sale on the let any
of September next. s now' , .
Brick Uouse
;4).:. : t AND-LOT, situated in the-town
ufPlainfield,Curnberland county,
't adjoining lots of Jno. Miller,
Thus. Greason, and others, corner of Wood sod
Locust st. Possession given on the Ist of
April next, at which time the puribase motley
will ho -required.
Sale' to' commence at. 2 o'clock of said day,
when terms of sale wilt ho enede'knewn by \
-• TITO. dugASON,
Assignee oED. Recd.
July 18,1849.
Building Lots For Sale.
- I WILL offer for sale, on forme which Ibe
made reasonable, Four 131.111.:DIN DT%
on Pitt street and Five LOTS - situat on Mirth
street in this borough. They are tuated in a
part of the town which is rapidly ling up, and
where property is increasing in value. If not
sold before TUESDAY, the 21st of Aug. next,
they will on that day be expoted to•publie sale'
on the premises. Indisputable titles will--be
jenefi ~lOHN. A .H.UIVIRICH,_.
1004111 IA 0 11Zi OFA FD 01,1k/471
. FOR SALE.. .
HE subscriber has in contemplation to
7Fdinove to the Wee - r., °Hers for sale - 11w
- arm-on-which- her now* -- resider - situate - partlr
. 1r
in Mifflin and Frankford townships , Cumber
land county, Pa., 'within three miles of the
florid of Deauville and the Cumberland Valley
Rail Road. Containing_ about 200 ACRES of
patented land -of first quality gravel arLo_i•slate,
about 170 Acres are clear and well set with.
clover, a considerable portion of it htte been
limed. It is, under good fence and generally
set with locust stakes. The improvements are
. I s
_. t.1 ..1., a Double LOG HOUSE, and
.,,,,„?.„'M ; 11 , Kitchen with :stories , a large
flili' • ille., Frame Barn, with two threshi
.t '
- 1 -2.:-PI 4 , ' - -;:5, fl oors, Corn Crib, and - -Wagon
Shed,complete Brick Smoke and Waal house,
with water rising in the Wash house, dnd a
Tentint house . and Stable. There is a never'
tailing stream of water running past the im
provements. There aro two orchards ono of
which is young and grafted 'fruit: The above
Farm is well calculated for raising either grain
or stuck. There is running water in' all the
fields except two. ,Tho Fll4l/1 will suit to be
divixted; and will be sold in lots to'sult pur
I will also sell two pieces of timber land
situate in Mifflin township, one of which is
patented. Persons wishing information will
please caltupon tho subscriber.
jy25'49 if •JAMES *KENNEDY. ,
Selling - off at Cost,
THE subscriber is now selling his entire
stock of - Dry Goods at cost for cash. Persons
wishing to lay out thEIT. caslipto an advantage
will please Call and examine my_stock, as I
have a largo and gerierlTWEidfiment of dry
goods which I am desirous of selling for cash.
II is impossible to enumepte all the goods
but I have a full assortment of Cloths, Casii
mars, Tweeds, Summer Drillings, Ginglipms,
Calicoes, and DresraOodif fonailies; ergo car
pets. Gloves, Hosiery, &c. Purchasers are in•
vited to call at the 800 Hiva in North Hanover
street and examine for themselves.
jy4 S A COYlpil
Elegant New Goods.
AGI,EI" New York
'UV article Of the day, and which, no business
man should he without.
An elegant assortment of fine Cutlery, in•
eluding Razors, Pen Knives, Scissors of Life
best English and A mepiaah Many facture.
A lake variety of oraamental Window Blinds
and kire Screens of every style and at low pri
!quoins' Instrnmehts, such as Violins, Accer.
doons, Fltites, Fifes, Flageolets, Tuning -Forks
with Violin strings, bridges. at all prices.
A large variety of Baskets, travelling bags,
Whips, canes, door meta, Brushes of all kinds.
at every price.
Bayne's Magic Adamantine Powder, n .new
article for Razor Strops, warranted superior to
anything in userfor setting .a keen smooth edge
to razors; &c. 9.5 cts. a box.
Combs, Soaps; Perfumes, Extreme, Dyes
for the hair, a rich arid beautiful rursort7
from the celebrated manufactories of Rou el,
Jules Bawd and others.
Tooth Brushes, Tooth paste and . Powder,.
Nail Brushes, Hair and Hat Brushes, with nn
intrumerable •variety of Fancy and useful arti•
cles of all kinds and rfrices, lately opened and
for sale nt the Cheap Drug and Book Store of
New and Cheap Spring Goods,
riortNE%or Hanover arid Louther Streets,
oppositeilleohrird's Old Stand, Carlisle.—
The undersigned respectfu infertu. thei
friends and the public that cy have just re
turned front Philadelphia wi t a largo and well
aolected assortment of now SPRING GOODS
purchased at the very lowest prices, and which
they are deterrained to sell at small profits.—
Among them may be found,Cloths, Chssimeres
Vestings, '!'wends, Pantaloon Stuffs in great
variety, best American arid India Nankeens.—
AIso,,LADIES' DRESS GOODS, eensisting_
- iripsiTrifSilks Iliffeges,' Silk - Tissues, Alps
elms, &c., STRAW - AND BRAID BON
NETS, n fine lot, Palm Leaf Huts, Ribbon
and Lace Goods.'' An elegant assortment of
Calicoes'and fine Chintzes, suitable for the ap. ,
preaching season, at our Renal lowprices—
Cheeks, Dilns Linens and the usual variety
of bleached r aridunbleached muslins. BOOTB
AND SHOES—a well •selected assorinient of
men's, woments- and children's goad and
handsottie. GROCERIES—in all their virile
ty,' Sugar, Coffee, Molasses', Pekin Compariy's
celebrated 'LEAS, &e. All the above goods
have been purchased right, and. will be sold low
Please give us it call. ..
March 28 D POWELL & CO.
ly 18;,1849.:
~ ;*:•:'.., „ Liner!-;Sheetit,igs'i•:&Q.:,,•":',',.
)rirgq:4ol,iaiibimaliviike'has on han'd iii4'iioft=
- t'tnpiq'oroiiidle•Lineti;and'AlOiti'Shi le f blip'
7°.*10 0 ,11 8 .0`-.P04 , vii.C.40;1[4.00.80 , 1 , /fuelin'si
,troiv:Oji 904 pt, 0 AiiiilEviwiiliA xiiiety, tif"tiit''
6i°S ti llOftt ( o4ii*.AO ' frOuselcitipl_nirjt.:i . t i , , ,;ii Ot. , 4 ,
j0111'ze,...*4., t'2.?;',1 . ., , ,t , - • ~. W! HITN ..
~...-.......,,,.....„,.. • .. ... .
Aiisignee's gale,
3 .. 11 al 9 VA Z.
.o, &o.
• ; , • - ' l ' ' 4 ^A - ' • r',l .
Seat 454faii:;,
tiNTCESBAX, the 2d of Hotelier next, On , '
be liCid at Ptiblie'Sale'oti the premises in MOP., n'
roe 'township,,Cemberland Cbutitti,Fri., the fol._ ,
lowing Reid Estate-,late the, property et - Peter;,
Brickbi; deceased:, on. the Forge Road,
east of Siring Forge. • '
N. I,—Eontains 180, ACRES - of first-rate"
'.Limestone Land.,
~ The improvements. area-
large Stone House, Bunk Barn,, Wagon Sheds,
CorW'Crib and, Other out-buildings.
first-rate' Spring 'near' the door, and an orchard .
'of choice
2-Contalning 109 ACRES, Lienesloni
adjoins •- the above. The improvements.
are a one story klou se, a Billpt Barn, end Other
out-buildings, and'a Tenant Houso,and •severclf .{'
springs near. the house. Both Farms are :'fit
high state of cultivation. . •
:N ,
o...l—Containing AO ACRES, adjoining -No. .
2, and One-fourth of a mile south of Churolitown;
- about - teb - Aeres - are-cleareth-the-remailidee-i
covered with fine timber.
No. 4—Contnhi 11 XC'RES, on the south
tilde of Yellow Breeches Creek. The improve
meats are a good Log House and 'Stable, and a
good Spring,and the laud is under good culti
`No. Contains' nlieut TWO ACRES on the
Forge Road, one mile east of Spring Forge.—
:The improvements arc a large two-storj , House,
part gene, Frame Stable; Illacksmitli Shop, and
ether out-houaea, with n first-rate Spring in the
No: 6 , --Contains about THREE ACRES
unimproved land, on des York Road. near
uChutchtown good - I'666'i.
, No. 7—.Alarge and well finished two-story
DICIHS,E and lot cf ground :in Churchtown,
about 40 feet in front and 150 feet In depth.--
Imdiaputable titles will be glien for the above
properties. The above properties shown and
all necessary information wish:
idg to purchase, by calling on either of the
subaoribera, or on John Lutz, I ivinglon lots No.
5. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, when atten.
dance villa given and terms tondo known by
August I—ts
l'aluable Real Estate
O N THURSD.k Y, the, 4111'of October next; the
will expose • public sale on the"
premiseant_Soutluitiddle' to_w_naltiNflusubero_
berland county Pa., th , lately occupied
- JiWili — LiliTnitri; ilccc Ines south of Car-,
lisle and one mil Craighead's Mill,
contatnin about of good limestone
Laud, In R high state of cultivation and under
. . good fence. The.impov.cfnents are a
two story
a large Kitchen, plastered Inside and
outside, a large Log. Data, Wagon Shed, Corn
Cribs, and other necessary out-houses, together
with a well of never failing water near the Om.,
and an orchard with every variety of choice
ruit. Also at the same time and place will be
offered a tract of 20 ACRES of Chesnut Timber,
near the Holly Iron Works, cm the East side of
'the Turnpike. Also, the one undivided h alf of
Eight Acres of Chesnut Timber, abdut 4 miles
from Holly, on the east side of the Gettysburg
road. Also,
On FRIDAY, the sth, of October, next, op
the premises in Monroe township, Cumberland
county, Pa., the Farm late property of Jacob
Lehnian, deceased, on the road leading from
Churchtovin to Middlesex, 2.miles north of
Churclitown, containing 85 ACRES of good
Limestone Land, in a high state of cultivation
and under good fence, about 12 Acres of which
is covered with first-rate timber. The im
provements,are a two story STONE HOUSE,
a one story_Kitchen, a Log Barn, Wagon Shed,
Corn : Crib ,Cider Press nod other necessary out
buildings. AIPO ft neieu.failing well near the
door. There is also tot excellent Orchard ot
choice fruit on the premises. The above Farms
are in even' respect excellent ones.
table titles will be given. Persons wishing to
see the above properties can do so by calling on
Samuel Lehman in South Middleton township,
or on the subscriber in Monroe township. Salo
to commence at I o'eloek, P. Al., on both days
when attendance will be given and terms made
Anguid 1-ts ' Executor.
• dlss gnees Sale.
E Farm on which Abraham Nisley now
lives wil be sold at Public Sale on the
premises, on WEDNESDAY the 19th day of
September next. It is situated in North Mid
'dleton township, on the Conodoguinot Creek
ab. Miles east of_Cerliale,_and..4lo.lll..a
half mile north of the Harrisburg and Cham
borsburg turnpike containing about 121 ACRES
and 140 Perches, more or less. The improve__„
meats consist of a FARM HOUSE, a Pink
13atn, &c.
This property will be shown by the subieri
ber, or by Abraham Nialey, who resides on the
farm. Tho terms will be made known on the
day or sale by
ja27:49ts A ssigneo of Ab'm. Nialey.
urihr., be sold at Public Sale a' the Court
71 House in the Borough of Carlisle ion
next the following described property, to wit :
Isbib I—MILL SEAT and FARM contain
ing about 200 ACRES of first rate black slate
land, situated iu Frankford township about
three miles west 6f' Cinlisle, on the Conodogu
net Creek. This tract is well iin:
proved, having thereon eremed.a
MANS I 0 1%1 - 0 U.S E, Bank l i p';:
Barn, Corn 'Drib, &Q., together
with a Clover Mill, Saw Mill and
Plaster Mill, and 'three Tenant Houses. This
properly will be sold in one or two tracts to suit
No. 2—About 70 ACRES'Land,
situated on the. Walnut Bottom • Road, about
oue•half mile west 'of Carlisle. The impirove
ments,are a BARN and a well of never failing
No. 3.—Tho one undivided half of "about 70
A C RES of Limestone land, immediately south
of the above met. Tho improvements are a
STONE H'OCBE.,. the lower story of a Barn,
„No. 4.—About 85 ACRES of Limestone
Lank situated on the Walnut Bottom Road,
about ei miles went of Carlisle. There is a
Barn-and - Wellof-Watir-on-thirrtractz-,
"to. s.—About 5 ACRES lel PERCHES
of Chestitt. Timber, near the road leading
from Carlisle to Gettysburg, about IQ miles from
No., 6.—About 5 ACRES and 27 perches of
MEADOW LAND', near Hon
day's Mill, in The Borough of
Carlisle. There is a building for
v rIl a•Distillery with water right and'
- - a BRICK HOUSE, &b . on this
N0:7.--A STONE HOUSE di,LOT'netti
the Second'ProsbyteriatiChurch 'in the,Boro7,
of latarlisle, the, Lot is 90 feet , in :front end 120,
Tho'abOvo'prOPerty will be 'shown and all
necessary information given to persona wishing
to purchase. breallinmoneither of the subset'.
bers; . Kon Mr.'Johwltlaya, living•on the ,Mill
'The ton n e will': be made known • • on the day
je27'49te • Asaignees.of
77— . FART • ,
ON- SATURDAY' the' nt dnv 'of
, ,
'September. mixt, I olfi*‘ at Public sale -
on the premises, the'FARN, now ooCupied
George Wolf,' situ a te' ih 'Dickinson: township,.,.
.CuMberland county, on ' , the Pine , Road , ' two -.
miles from the , 'Stone- Tavern,' containing' 17'.
acres of, good land, under gelid cultivation and .
well fenced, adoining lands of DAM' Sheaffet'
and Frederick' Fisher, AbOutelx 'acres of if ie . ' .
• in fine Chesnut Timber. !rho irrt
'o,rovenaent ate d 2 •
• _ *Menial! Barn,
Thero3e;i4teriety cf choice frifit; 'cOnsititintint
dei.'oberrieN , phoi,Ldie4' , ont the , .place.—
Salo'to commence at, 1. o'clock, - ;.v.',ll7;=.,!iiii7reeldr=
'day:wheri ettendanee bekiven byLthe
seriber'' ,
ACCA have'just.op#ned h:01301
.01, of halkin ..itiireartfe'd
ticid-gneuino:' ELLIOTT:
.. ._ ... ~ .
:-:. '"..' '''r . r 5-;,. ii'..:.;' ,- Tabie,Oft.'ifyir,:?: ,. .i , .. - 2; ~ . ..:, / ,';•:•.i . , .i , 't•
.!.;, :A.: XiOki:Si ". Fetir, fil ii tie tislCi'F,lritokt: SO lad'O il'dtiti' , ..
f,o ciiiii4 ; . ad a '.fiit, - ,;4410.. br '',... : .:;4 . ? ?.. , . , , , J . ::-Vy.".i..!E111t..5.Y::' . .:
.:-/,,D'ff!GOI ~reitgi.l%;l:3!il. r .:, ; .*,-;;,,i5,, ,
I IiST *.iiiii4;il-itiO fcii7 ,, NiltgaVOnlkiZA
11,g..4'1r1i il (IY ; ii!Oe ,NrAV ai if screet• - •-. , , ,
- Yotrtifla?... - ;.::' ',.,'., '..' ~ ', ' '''‘'l- • ?:, ! , : ? ;. ,44 ".` 1 - ~ ..':);',!'
, , i
, , ,
' . NOTICE. ~
AT a mired' Orphans Courtimunt on ties.
- day the - 21th'iliTy or4ril 1849 anti hoiden .at
i Carlisle in and for the county of Cumberland,
.before- the Hon. Fred'k.. Watts,. President
Judge, and4John Stuart and John '•Clendenin,
,' Esquires, Associate :Judgeatlise,othelollovvtig
1 proceedings were had, to wit I '. .- -i , t-•• - .
In the case of the petition of Conrad Clever—
That he, and , hik brother _George Clever. were
the administrators with the will IMtexed 'of
Barnhart, Clever ,their-,tatlterr-amd . that , ; they
settled'. ibeir hdiidinistration ficcount—that . the
Valenci of aecennt 'Was' ptiitUtiver to %he .heirs
and legatees entitled, under the wilLatid, theit
release talLin for the same, inicept "the'enniunt
which...watt ,16 liti'..paid fo his brother Barney,
which was settled in his , brother George's Es.
tate,.who had since.died, and his estate admin
istered neon and settled....q,Wherlispop -24th
Apri1.1849., on motion et Mr., Miller, '; Rule: Oil
tholieits and legatees of. Barnhart Clever, de:"
ceased;,to be . and appear at , the text stated
Orphanii'Courtlo' be held at Carlisle, tin,Teet6;
day the Ilth day-of . `Septe.uther 'nisi. to:allow.
cause; why- , -Contod , Clevetli adaiiniatiater 'of
B a rnh art' C le ver'deeeesed, she Ititot .be liiitehitiV
gad from hisafteil as:adttunistrtifor.. • - , 1, -. ,,,
;• , ;_ c. , , • •;:,-:; -,- IJAXEP•liOFFERI , SheriE. , Y , '
, 1 1 .4 ' tI - et' - -- - ; , ..t. ...i
. . , r,i.ii :.I
state ordsaaa.Shellabarger,leg!d
ETTERS'-Tettautntarrinllielaa, •
enr,Teslantent!dr*lAAc,Slll* GEklate.efiWeat'Pennehio ttvtibi
dated. 4 tinderslgniljr.nie
unbolts, of4said estatea)7..; All Personeffndebted to.
said Estate: ertlrequested to, make. iminediate
paynientiendltlibie Ifiiittiteltifine against the
sameeresenf theitlW hither; a t a .ender
signed deli atithenticated-for aettlement i , „ .
-,.. . •-- JACOB sHELLATJARGEJE.' , i,
, :,C r ,f I i1..7,' •fl, '. ', f4 l ': 'l . '" i'• Mifilin'ltiwnehlii - •
',..,•1•,1i DAVIEE.SHELTABARGEk.,:`'',:
i ---- oi - ,- - ;iwAitiAltesiiktitereAßG,;, ---- i•
iir24atk . ii,(11. , 3 , 4F.;•, - . w ed . , Ni t i l ib b i*, ..i ,
.. • ,
• -
)" 3. '"-Q 00141,,y,01) . 1 gsSvioo,,;' ,
IttehOr4 l 44•B l ;netal ooleOtion-of them
iicleb evorWely.lioF booth added to our•ifit'
t ow Moli`O At • •_ , Ootot
l,ptitoiti,kOt-thit GlycitorY'So"*l
i.".Marc4 /if --J:ll`t NAP
r 1,,;171 i, , ent ray:
lid ab l iifst, l l`u -4 8t opened, it, inia.allyr'3l/41,144Yelphoti
cle fur 11,9T/I°S .imte7,lfq,lNl•ii:TEtmorfalm
t i , •
oal's , u.siii.--..... t ...a ,mi selliong at I
Ilii4lootel0003"°88(14130): 001LBY ' ,
.. ,4 i54 , •/ t',, *;-*',- • 41
41, 1
; ii , ••••••
. . . . • ••.
WarTe,:Prosidlint : Judge:Ofdlin sevortil,
tie,tlrts„ef comipen:Plees.or ,the w coupOpe : , o f
Cunibeland; Porry and Junlada,lip rennaYlo4" ;
a '
' Justice of the„ sere ral , Pen rt of.; pfert
and laintiniir :tind„,'Oineral ", Jail;Deivcry In
'mld 'counties. iird:floii; atiier,t ;anti:John
'Clendenin; , of 4 ( he Court otOyar andi
!iferininer'tind General for, this
trial'of 'Capital and - Other Offehdere;
,in the
said county orCuriibeilimid,by their precepts to
line directed, dtited thei.2th dsky,of_,Jirrii,,lB49;-
- hiiiii ordered thli Coiurt'of Oyer and "Torinliier
and GeneralJall Delivery to be holden at Curl.
Hide un • the 4th Monday' , Of.
,(being the 27th day):at 10 recloelt: in the for!).
noon, tooontinue onetskek::.l ,, i; •
NOTICE is therefore herebiliven,
Coroner, Jnetices of, the Peace, and Constable;
ofthe Geld county of Cumberiand,thatthe are
by the eeld precept commanded to be then And
there in their proper persons, with their rollsr.
records, inquisitions, .eianiinations, and .all '
°titer renThinbrances, to do those things which
to their offices appertain to be don e, u n d andirn)
thatarebound-by recognizance', to prosecute,
(against the prieoners that then s hell be
in the Jail of said' countykare to be there to
prosecute them as shall be just, • . -
In the Court of-Common Pleag
. • Cumberlamt•estunly
No. 65, Aug: Term, 1849 I Sci. Fa. P A et D
wHEREAB, George Oyster, in the Court
of Common Pleas, to wit--:Of the term
Of Apri1..1845, before Stimu. I Hepburn, Esq.,
and his Assoc iate. Judges of the same Court,
did by consideration of the same Court, reco
ver~ against' John Hoon, late of your County;
yeoman, a certain sum of three - hundred and
fifteen ollar& lawful money OrPennsylvenia,•
debt, as alio. 1.41/, which to the_ said George
Oyster, in said court were likeViati adjudged
for his damages which ho sustained by occasion
of the detention of that Debt, whereof the said
John Hoon is convict, as appears of record, &c.
And, whereas, the said 'John Hoon has since
died, and letters 4f Administration have been'
regularly, issued the 'Register of said county
to Benjamin Mon and Abraham Hoon.
Notice is hereby given to 'Benjamin Hoon '& .
Abraham HiionTivxecutors - ciVjultn floonTdeed
'with- not iee-io-Martflomr(widoW); John - 14mm: '
Henry Hoon,, Benjamin Hoon, Ab'm Hoon,
Polly Blessinaand Julia Ann McDonala, heirs
of J Hoon, deo'd. dim they be and appear before '
our Judges at Carlisle,. at our Court of Com
mon Pleas, there to be held the fourth. -- MON- -
DAY of August next, to show cause if any
they have, why uhe said George. Oyster ought
not to have his said judgment revived, ard why
he ought not to have execution against them fur
his debt and damages aforesaid, according to the
force, form, and effect of the recovery afore
said, if he think - fit. Witness the Hon. Fred' k
Watts, at Carlisle, the 19th day of May, 1849..
Augl'493t JAMES HOFFER, Sh'ff.
In the Court of Common Pleas Or
Cumberland Comty ;
Ann 'Smith, Into Ann McKinney, by her next
friend Philippitleseeremlibt
Thomas Smith,
No. 27 April Term, 1849? Samna sur Di.
vorceo ; 10th April, 1849. On motion of Mr.
Biddle, proof having boon made that the said
Thomas Smith cou d not be found in my baili•
wick :'
Notice is hereby - given to the said Thomas
Smith - to appear on the 27th day of August,
1849, to answer the complaint of said Ann
Smith. JAMES HOFFER, Shlf.
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Cumberland county.
nod -next irienct#enjamin Ebersole,
James Donnelly:
No., 9, November Term, 1848. ' Subpcsna
sur Divorce, 10th April, 1849. On motion of
Mr. Adair procif having been made that the said
James Donnelly °Mild sot be found in my bail.
i wick _- -
24 t ice hereby given te the csid James
Donnelly to appear on the 27th day of August,
1849. to answer the complaint of the said F.liz•
abeth Donnelly ---"• , 4
• July 25. '49, 4t
In the CoUrt of Common Plep of Cum
berihnd County, No. 111 Augue
Term, 1849.
Adam Bishop in his own right,,and alienee
eit,Conrod : Bishop and John Dittd'aid
rine'his wife, late Catharine Bishop ' ,
Jacob Bishop, Adam Bishop; Spang
ler and,Susan' his wife, late Susan Bishop, and
Catharine Bishop, Hetty Bishop, Margaret
Bishop and Alfred Bishop, with notice to their
mother. and next friend nutty Bishop, end
!Jetty Bishop in her own wrong, (the eight
parties lust named being the widow and chil
dren •of John Bishop deed.) Joseph Bishop;
Christopher Bishop, Fred'k. CromUgh and'
Elizabeth his wife, late Elizabeth Bishop,
Margaret Bower (widow,) Abraham Bollinger
and Magdalena his wife, late Magdalena Bish
op, Catharine Ann Sidle with dotice to her
father and next/rim - al Peter Sidle, aid Peter
Sidle in his own wrong, Lewis Bollinger, Sam
,uel Bollinger and David Bollinger with notice
to their father and next friend John Bellinger,
and John Bollinger in his own wrong, and
Daniel Freesinger and Susan his wife, late
Susan Bishop. -
' The Defendants are hereby summoned to
appear at &Court
,of Commoo . ?leaver Cum
berland county on -- Moiiday' the 27th day of
August, 1899, to show causes why `partition
should not he made of a lot of ground, situa
ted in Monroe township, Cumberland County,
containing sores more or less. , •
July 11-6 t
iy's>tH:~ 'L,yx,~t, ~. '. Yr~'ea+il - yar i~,. ,+
.. .
' I VINNALIVir ~, :•;;;T" ---1.7 t '.• ~. .
. .
THE undersigned-Would reepectfulik inform;
the,,,cilisensof Cm:lo4 and e i th'i , sdreounding
64'1111(171MA &Sir" - • -•••— r •
to-.L , -ta 1.,..-, 7 .• ~ 1 qestl . 7 ?,,,,, , ,5,,,
111iNd' pAyS t TO, to• El3,9M' PHIL A DELPHIA, •
, „,„.,... was, dally..ThroAgkproßle,
, .. - !.111---- , - hod call ' btdee and
packages 'ltifetie b l i funt‘Bor -
bridge! s o N ci,i; 270:MATkAti zEtlre a tTollildelphia,
inteodedlenPerlislo i and adjacent: couherh will.
be deliVered,'at'Metiarti.. Jl'dt; D. Rlioad's :Ware
',Sense. , GOodtft for mrpreini r te'Phibidtilithia, is
loft op, Rhoads ylarehomrs,will_.rtihef-,4v4th
-Iffeet-Oitit prompt !itterglerA ; 79,00sfpreipiess
Should' be so - Merited.' ,' - ~ , ~ _
„,,.,.,,c)1 , Thati. l3 oibildkeTd7iiiiiitiriiiest. t ..
.'e r !!`'' ,,, 'J , de D' - 'llhitads,'Ctailitild.' 07 ?
ygjegg, r ,, sayy,freaghts o W, hen °seri 100 ibtri
'6O pyl risr hesijrad.' - rai4age w s;2s4d.sC, cents
i i
idprOpthiien ViEilii4ei'l r"' • . , i'..- ,
'As Ihitrie 'a new enierprise. , exMeetilffor -the .
convenience and. accommodation of: a he;bnizens
of Cumberland "Cejuaty, it, is hop,od it willrneet
with the eneotiilisemenf it' deserves! 4 %1.... ~
-.! ' t , 'STU MIA U Glf da'MOKESSOIT -
j 4tf - • :Proprietors,. Chombersburg
a. 4.BWEnrcy,
Agentfoi• the 01.4.0 f &uthwoith Mdnufaeturing.
Wrifing'..-Pepeor Warehausecislu. 3
ll2inorfa,. . .
100 CASES' ',kir '!.he, above , superior Pa
• Miw 'in' store, find fot sale to the
trade at Ott:ley/Set market Triees, , nonsiating in
Finolhicir Plitt.Enfiert,2o4,ls and Id. lbe.,
• Superfine Mediuntand Demi Writinge, blue
and white. , , . . .• ,
Extra 'sniper and eurierfine Folio Poste, blue
ned - white, plain end , •
Superfine.Comm . orcla Posta, blueurid.White
plain and, ruled. ,
Extra' super Linen"' rote. Papersolain : l and
Superfine and fine Bill 'Papers. long tind":Biotid
Soperfine , and fine Counting House Caps and -
Posts, blue and , s
Extra' super Congrese eaig, and Letiere; plain
and rilled, blue End white:: •1 • • .•' •
Extra super p ongrass .Capea nd , Iretters r gil
Superfine Sermon' Caps and Poste. , ,
Superfine blue' Linen thin Letters.
Extra tipper Bath Posts; blue and White; Plain
and ruled... . :• , • • r•. °-
Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes:
_Superfine-and: fine-Caps-and-Pesterrilled-and— -
'p:airi; blue and white,„yarious qualities and
prices. •
Also, 1000 reams w dte, on_ assorted,Shoe
Papers, Bonnet Boards,. white and " aisOrted
Tiesue,..Tea, WrnPelng,,tEnvelbpivasserreC & '
blue Itliediutus,'Cup Wrappers, Hardware Pa
pers;" &c. .
TUST received and now opening, an. elegant
assortment of STAPLE AND •DRI,SS
GOODS, such as plain and figured' Baines,
Linen luatres of different colours and styles,
Lawns of every style and price, a large assort
ment of Ginghams, cheaper, than ever, cam
brial, bond muslin. a large assortment of Lace
Goods, Ladies and—Gentlemens Kid Gloies.
Lisle and thread gloves. A Large assortment
of spring bonneLltibbons. Also, Hosiery, Tack
and side comb!, steel Beads, Beg end Pains
clasps, slides, ring'? and Silk twist of•everY
lour. A largo assortment of Boya' ,and!Jtolens
Spring and Summer Wear,. alsp, beautiful
prints, fast , colours, Kngliih thintzee, hadd
some pattern4together wake large4siortinent
of bleached . apd brown muslin and'otheegoods.
Purchasere will do well to call and see before
they purchase elsewhere.
apr 4 . •G It CROOKS.'
P. 0 1 110-001°.113 . R?S-
Contectionery;Fruit ,Euml Toy Store;
Courrrity lIIERCHANTSsnd tho pub
tic in general are.--lespeetfully•invited- to
call at - the Old Stend.of the subscriber, (well
known as "Krieg Ringleg Head-Quarters) in
North Hanover street, a few doors north of the •
Bank, and examinow.his -large assortment of
factureirof the. Vest inaterial,,feesh every.dey,
and. warranted not to bo surpassed : by any to
the States, which will .be sold at! reasonable
'prices. He has juin received itlgwemor_
Ttuittrand Nifts: - Vcinglitlng in part of Oft•-
ens,- Bordeaux. and Paper-shelled Almonds,
Filberts, cream -nuts, -pea.nuts, cocoe-nuts,
.which 'will be sold at the lowestrates. He
wculd also invite attention 16 a large lot of
TOYS AND FANCY • GOODS, consisting
tifirilrof - fine laricy - boxes, dolls, aoll-heada,
Furniture in boxes, wooden tea sets, brass and
tin trumpets, bone, basketbnd bell rattles, we
gonsand wheelbarrows, glass end Ching toys,
accordepna, harrneinicans, fancy soap); Hair
t?il;'hait 'Oil, hair and tooth .Iniuslies,.shaving
create and- hundreds of other knielinaks, In
cogneetige with- the - sbove he hog tangier(' a
good assortment pr FA MILY GROCERIES,
coneistirm in pert , of,loaf, lump and ; brown Sn
eers, cage, (ha. pinto, cheese end - crack ers,--
Imperial, Young Hyson end Black Tee. 'Spires
of all kinds, blacking, matches, brushesolksei •
The subscriber rotu'rns Ilia sincere thanks to
the public for the liberal parronnge heretoloren
bestowed on him, and hopes by a desire to,
please, to merit a continuance of the same: jttl2 49 •
P. MONYER.-...
JST received 'a; full _ and complete meek of
Spring and Summr 'Oilods; suitable for.
Gentlemen's wear. Super Brk French and
Fancy Colored Cloths of all deacriptioni.- , 4111'k .
and Fancy Cassimeres of all shades ;.Sod-rnixl
tures, also Cashmeretts, Tweeds and,Craning
ions of all colours and qualities: Viet ingli; Snits
Saline, cashmerespwhite and , Fancy. Marseilles: •
With a large ossortm_ept of „Gloves, cravats,.
Stocks,Liner. and Silk Handrfs, all open , and
ready or inspection at niy , old stand Opposite the
Rail Road Office. • T. tr. SRILES:'
May 2
New apling and Summer. Goods,
J CARMONY.Ias just.
• a large and extensive 1114811nmentiftipiiiig
and Summer to , whlch he insitelethe et..
tention of .ihisifriends find . the - pablis
Andes ho is ,determinedno:'sell gdo'do as`,
low as any other istablishmenAin•Carlialo litlllV2t
the. county. 'flatters' hlmself•thst s ,,hy . , strieto .. "'
attention to busin'een he isiill'p u eeiSe a lihotid
:,..1111PORTANT" I Oar
Twpublicl are'hditittif o'i mit nn
manse. 4 1 00 °it handsoriteat and 4hitipiti::
drt,goildii, ever brought.; to. Ca rlisle 'haittojest
been received o',OlL'Brs . Cheag. Wrtulstale4r
and rietail Store: Astoeleis'vety litiga r tailgr •
Pam detetmined vo
to.cut oditet. the , iieritlottesil.
notch.' have sortie. of 'the ..eheapeata Clothe;'l
th i ss imu fee. Vist inga; 310gwne pr.
tins 'and e alicocia" from , Ze
;Lain MS, , uthd.
Stockinga from 6f, toAd,q. Ifteenet,ribbenatlrditi
,40" to .25. 1 Ptintaldmi stuffs rpm . s , 7 39Asi.tdpait t i
chaa from , 121 , to 6.06';' , ` ." - 1 , 4111
Conte °ilk comp; ell: end 'get
geed! at thaftl',l4ited.,esstaMeinlaireetteatf4,
' '•" - r4 13 0 , 1:' .C.,0 P 914.4 3 W.W.“
s„ country Stdieffe4plied'at eity,p I ett,4„4.
•t`'' '. - lib' Oh': ' t 'Goode - ' 777 ;1'
' : 8 capes i ..-., ,2-".! , •
, .., .ar.,- et f1 , e , ..
4 - if.tie nottoOtt , inisejosrbienieVeived ut the
ky,,fitofe,,tpr thr u hsoribeti ; tieing IbViinone ', .
- -r ' . A n ibis hit i'sn'ol.l , "-
hello aftiva ~,t,tu:
,oPPRff 4 m° g• fie - fi r '4,l' -
ply maf bit fouh a yarety,of LA.l4),Foli 11 E S s .
GOODS; litukti tie ) !swap. Gingh.t4s, ; ,lllpue c de7,,..,
' LainA,VAlphotnisi; ;Linen .I;ustraNcalicowesi,„4,
'haap,s,,,Chsakaphitielitieweiy A tie np! , 'Tkplati t .t
Flannols,, , ,gisehric,,Bookv Bwisit; ape ,I - oho.; '-',, ,
plaid and .stripod.'hfuslinsorerlasgb iiiikily'Ofl - N
IIdEkrs'AIIITB9 3r,s.„WEAII Miseediweishl;:•4
-morettS,TlOtlisl phinatpoies...gastities,tilaiitirk'..
A 4
Gloves;litibboni:' l'aloin. ~ C 4 k lrlptilt, e.A.4P, C'tbii:-:
G'roceneei+acm.;'HO., td r„i tir „ c P,,'llr' l 4,l,frene'ra c.anilii,..-
Ocirapleta assortmehitv v.5e . 1..". 9,1
,Ax ii. ,,,,-
Gqops, which , cannot t fan.' tilittenS 0
,1,. , ,
qualit,f, and Prioet),We iniritelkelPithligfira ,
and ‘socurobargaiethat thophietant),MVSlicliffil;gl
south of roil °Roo; 1 ~.,,
.. ...,,,- , K3' siit:A7l,.ovt'ati'
Imily,s'o -, t • '':'' • —; A.,4f,14(44**T4,,,,t--,
~. ...
= ruisit ~:0 0 t.R ••
.i, l ~ t.A Word to o lfttil i g i te• • ',.. t 4,4..-
• - . 6 11,-- ,ttARB&M3pEMBIOR - stor t i k• § :1 ... 4 - --;
• ''cida:(ll,thu„ken, fr t f i lltOoii. i .th 4 t 4r ., ,' l '. e- .. f : f i:
Z ~',..,,, •4; . Imo: oktql/CNlce 90-opillithrEnyue ,
'.i h '•-• • 444 'N: Hl' , . , Aplital/WaSin4 ~
le i
r • t ' n 3l 6 l.,a*PnYi „ s.444lfieerm
,4 ppylveity4o6l,,;._
. „, ~,„„„.0. 0 01 ClbaAth'i
....kda , • , 0)„44,-,......
tidtSir tr'n'ir, a Pdf.9* -- 7 o jet t ', . ' 4we:: '..
,IP ft tt•ui•Attltt, o 4l , 1114 -.. 14 8 ‘; , i . :i., :;,..
MiiBlo alltrilliV4l4lr liiiiit • '',44'l#
Stvfo ,fla 1 0 . 0,9,a • IN . a ?. 1 3 . '-'442Y4311
iTtnittitotiet;•rsill.itil 'port.
.... r „. I
A , „Asyithoyitautin 1 , i9,offsn, a . 4 , 1 13 , ~, 4,, , t
~,q:01;,,t.A,05:,,,!:,•:. ''-'.
k;, , : , ,, , f , t o n o pli f in ; , ...'., ',g.' . ..;,' ,- ;.1,:;',r;
ITEIT ,reettived at Dr , Rawlins' yrygy.p,14#i5..!:..,,,,,-,
el '.., West 111aie Strict,. curh510.';',...„.,,,..:!•:,.-;4Y-',:-'fL.:M3",
.•;.'-' , .4:,• , '.' .',..'.A.1i••".•',1,;.•:,,,.i.-,,,J,
). I 's