Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 08, 1849, Image 2

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to o itoir
tvz—Ast , ,-- 3",lNt%7mMt
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“Old ttimingr
-•- •
, •
p err rf
_ .
,(Kr..W,o,fire,enthorizeil,to t artnounce -that
Ven. ZACHARY. TAY4o 3 l:::President of
the United:Btates,.'accompanled.,bn several
members of his Cabinet, aoceGev. JOHNSTON,
of Pa., will pass through Carlisle, on their
way to Western Perinsyivania, l oßMonday;
the 13th of August. We "announce with
great pleaeure the visit of the President, bet
lieving that 'Ole citizens of, Cumberland
county generally will be glid,cf. an.opportu
silty to take by cordial Welcome
the republican. • Chief,,Magisirate . .:.our;
country, and to reeeile him into their midst
with such deniOnstiatiOna of respect, as
arealike 101 high office, and to Am
world-wide. faine'!ef the
.Hero of Buena
Vista, who "never snrrendered":in the •dar--
kest hours of War, and under . _whoso com
mand American troops.never les.a battle I .
-Taylor, it is expected, will arrive at
an early" hour' in , the morning, and - remain in
Carlisle several hours: Arrangements are
being made by our °Wiens to reoeiv the
President wittr due honors on his arrival
and the people of Cumberland county
dre oortiallq invited to ye present
,on the
ocenttion": -
A meeting of Tour oitizemr — was—held—last
evening in pursuance of a call from . the
Chief Burgess, to make arrangements for
'the proper reception of Gen. Taylor. The fol
' lowing oflicem_were appointed :
Prcsiderit.—Col. WM. IRVINE.
Vice Presidents.—Capt. Geo. Ege, .Wrp.
Gould, Gen. Foulke,. Gen. Armor, Col. A.
Noble, A. Roberts, J. K. Boyer.
Seeretaries.— m. M. Porter, W. H. Miller,
E. Beatty, J. B. Bretton.
The object of the meeting was then stated
by Wm : M. Peinrose, Es-q: _
bit' motion of Dr. John J. Myers, that a
Committee of twenty-flie be appointed to
_ make the proper arrangements for the re
ception of Gen. Taylor, the motion being put
to the house and carried, the following gen-
tlemen were then appointed to constitute
lard Committee: • •
Jacob Rheerri, Chas. Ogilby.
Hugh Gaulliighe Thos. B. Thomson,
Richard Pi - uker, -- David Martin,
Dr. J. J. Myers, John Mell,
Adam Holliday, Col. McFeely,.
Maj. E. M. Biddle, Wm. Reilley,
Capt. John Goodyear, J. Brown Parker - ,
E. Beatty, W. B. Parkinson,
Wm. H. Trout, John.H. Weaver,
Wm. M. Porter, Joseph W. Patton,
M. G. Ego, W. M. Penrose,
Henry Saxtop, James R. Smith
On motion said Committee, was instructed
to make all necessary preparations for the
reception of Gen.
.Taylor, and to , re
port such artangeinentlf* at an adjourned
meeting to be belq• Thu Evening at the
Coore Mose.
THE PESSIDENTAL ,Toua.- , —General
Taylor, as we learit, accompanied by the
Secretary of War and the gallant. Col.
will leave WaishinOn on Thursday the 9th
inst., and proceed by way ol Baltimore to
' York', in this State. Thence )19 will go to
Lancaster, and . a ft erwards to 'Harrisburg,
where' he is expected to arrive on Saturday
next, the 11th. From Harrisburg,
.in coin
.pany with Governor. Johasoa, be s will pan
over the midland and• western counties,
pausing at Carlisle,. Qbambersburg, and es-.
pecially at Bedford Springs, and reach Pitts-
burg on the 18th. .Alter spending a day or
two in
.our great Westere.emparium, he will
visit some ol the liorditerncounties ol Penn
sylvania, aqd thencuoresainto New. York,
and advance for the ,Fast. On his return he
will stop in Philad Lie
finni . Cir.nyn4On.oionTy Clay and
son it. gai:iki4,a on the Stet , ult.and
14 thr°°g4,..P
-nd?t!M-44.9.4e s
enthnsialitipally reoltyud by„ largo ttavarnhia ,
'es of people.. Effm,l6siv,
„em i trtitdll . ,to detain
him at vitritiusithiau; Ite inv ariably &-
dined all' pub Mr. Clay, as
we; WWII' frorn . thirpoxingroli'Obirervoi, is or.'
Lie way,to:Neigilbryßl4.:l4herii prOpc):
sea iniutnta . faxt% naturn
to Kentucky* Sapii)Mberliiinit:'
; WHlca NcIiONAT;NG,CoNnwrioN.--We
. „ ,
.are r,eglieste,dlit!Sitateltitst.the;Whig Comity
a ,Coran3jllee kno - ttplied Saturday, the iBth
:,j fel Augu sti, lot *4st:election of ; Delegjtes, , auS
. Wednesday, the'22d of`ngust, to be meat- ,
• ing of the-County Convention, to nominate
r-4 itelteil 4he,tegtiltir'eall will - belmhlished,
4 . ' lioicrtteii. l.o l'w fl'l'''3"r-P,l'tt, r. ~ i ,.. of
htll , rl* • , ~glad. I, d '
RPPoir ~1 INN , t 9. 49)C Y 4, 91'
' 11_ li;ltlii ifß(lli AY,9IhiPWRP/PAPA'AIr.,, , 4•„) , v, :
,i.s.*l..lo,l?°,;Makßiluir; in 4 1 ,1,1ditorol ,i.fini,9l,
,145: ,Posen aPP o l9foa l Pif 159g1f9.044 1 0A 1 -Tk r '
• 'Adtip iii'duc2a. Auditor's—dile& it WesititiqJ
to,lpsief:,; , ,,t ~t,71 1 ,1 .lubtio.f nA r• -.7,y...4 4 ,,
•- . l • ''''iiliiiViii` l 44 , lV4‘ igiLl'iViii Ircgiii`il'Orit i ,
. :.AialVecitaiiiiis , AfitesttCiisAiiii-'bi'fmtilqi+
`.l 4 4 l 4l' 6 o'l l dielikPA4Oniitnitillidti z•idi'l C011..'
cigre,, , :-bilthe Mittit44l„tike,(lllldPdhstriuq#
4 ,11f,1P.P,13P}Mi.,,-,id,i1iA4491.305iM,4144P,0, tWAR4iI.
'i going , if) .I ,o PFitare'"Pir2l-2,r,'Artiitii. w . -,t46,:
_... ~,,,,: , imo.e,Tfip', ls oo .4 o, 9! l , 4returns 'from:4lle'
itgoiiitt*ioelliarlif,WeitniiAelii 4 fliottoll'64fi k i
4 -IYalli*Allitiefilifal3,l6,4_bbrlliciigiiailil
iili4ei" , ideptitlitetf." '" . 4 "' I'v; s ' 9 °'°
, '''.: tr , ,44;vid f ;'4...4 p, ~t:,;4 ;141 41 IP)' , 4
NtRAZMAOIVec a9 /lii n fqq B
t l: ' r ileif 41' '! , ''” 9 ! I iMMSPT/N ti ramo
lor ,
44 A <1 1 1 , ,,..1 . 7 4 i V , l ~, : i k , '" ) .",t ^^" , " -- h , • , '; , , , r!, , , 1
L'' 'l'
' fk - fik 4 31,117W 0 ,74 , :,10.1
;Al" , ' ',
,y ' 'tor -, , „.• ,v. , 7 ".,,,, ~., ,' ,
, ..` ',','‘ :,'? ~ ~, - ,1 001*! ' 1.
''''Z':"6'll,,' ',,;'''''',4',"':ii,t.kiiiiiit'Okl47ll*o'o9.i,L
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:^ ' ' : r''''.'. l 't'' , ' - ,',',. `.,,.; ' 4.,,i;`-w` fali t gi•:t,i2CV :' ,', ,',I ,
Looofoc,oltim at its Old Tiricks.:-
Dl= Qr ,TIDE,'
4 The .Nortir Americali iiskiiiinetolifti;
:4tartling defalcations „ hive 'ruceritli
oornti~kaigiii,Torlhilko - Aii , eiNdi '0;20
'these aiiik A 664iiriliiiithadliiifililiernaell
to ! ; Ifftv months_ lciltfor,
and thtqldefAlpUtiou4o.titon been didbO
'eredAhe ,dandeti o
Would have chill : tett the responbibility upo
Gen. Taylor's office holder's, or have
mended why they hadvot been rcimoved.
Thesd disclosures of corruption and peciliel
tton upon the part of,the prolegees of the late
prehension shit anxiety furlong the friends of
stein and prompt inquiry among the officials,
whtt, littAairrip,l6Yod 41 . ipii..liositions to cal.,
umniato ate ?resident, and' to misrepresent
tlir •
le Obis - cif' lira Cabinet. -
There, can be na confidence, no safety,no
rOianoe,. while. the , subordinate places-in
iyashinstiort and elsewhere are crowded with
men who, having access to all the private
papers of Government, are ready to pervert
them to political purposes, or, who, charged
with the safe-looping of the public moneys,.
are, capable of mal.appropriotion. While
fhialhof persons:are permitted to hold
'office, the corruptions of 'the last AdthinistraT
dons - will .be -etrictly,corieealed_or_c_oveyerl_
Lup;_and wben discovered at 'a future day,
Ithey will be 'charged, to the account' of those
who are not only guiltless of the'criminality,
• .
but were lulled into a - fatat security by a
false for-bearance 19 their vorst enemies.,
There is but one prbtection, and that is to
surrounll the Administration with faithful and
competent functionaries, who have sufficient
ability to conduct the public service with
and ethr ad suffir' -rit7
rigor am._ money an. i - ci - eni - integnty
o challenge the Bonfidence ol the country.
- It is time that a new set of books were
opened, that the people should understand
the state of lice accounts between them and
Bleb. paid servants, and that the catalogue of
- Lccoloctr—defaulters-should-be
publio andignatiolf. - ' The indications, up to
this time, seem to warrant the opinion, that
the system of rebbery,pas been as whole
sale under Mr. Polk, as it was under the for
mer Locoloco reigns of Jackson and Van
Buren; whlrine Treasury was plundered of
millions, and when MI. *penury, com
promised with not - mous peculators. and re
nominated them to office,.on the ground
that,being already gorged,il they were remo
ved,-the -Treasury might be_subjeete'd to act
ditional loss. • _
A just and iiiseerning publics , will now
readily understand why it is that the Loco
loco press, led on by the Union, which is
well infoimed of the.true condition of-things,
daily announces what .they call
tion;" it will•comprehend the motive which
tvould save those plupderms from - their just
doom; it will know how far to credit the
protestations, of theirdefenders, and it will
measure, to - each and all of them, that which
they most dread—a•verdict of strict justice.
It is the blood of such martyrs as Moore
nd -§cott• and. Collins. and-Denby, that make
the seed of the Locoloco church.
No You DON'T 1 .-44 i correspondent of
the last 'Democrat' urges"' .. itomination of
,;terl. - Egerby the - locoloco'cotintY - Cor:
vention, as a candidate for the Legislature, to
which we certainly have no objection, boil
when he goes on to say that the nomination
of Mr. Ege would "secure a majority for die
(locofoco) ticket in Monroe townshipiv we
feel constrained to tell him in plain and flat
footed terms that he Nes—under a mistake,
of course! % hat, the locofoco ticket secure
a majority in Monroe?—gallant, glorious,
progressive little Monroe, where the Whig
majority has gone up from 45 to 110 in the
last three years!—the bare assertion is e
nough to make the blood boil with indigna
tion. It is well this correspondent is un
known or the Rough end Reidy boys of
Monroe would "Lynch him" certain I Oh,
no, Mesateurs of the locofoco county Don
'nenninutir Mr. Ego if .you choose,
but don't be green enough to expect a ma
jority for either him or your ticket in the
Whig Banner Township of Monroe!
.11(r.We undertake to say that the
Volunteer's shirr about Mr. Feran and 4r . . 1
Meredith iv. wholly untrue, And for this
reason. The, office to which Feran was pro
moted wis anew one, in anew depaitment—
°resoled by the, last Congress. • To.eay that he
'possessed peculiar
,qualitiei- -for iti.growing
out ,of experience; is, . ari,,absurdity. As for
xi*.:lll , sr ,oyt fc? , wh9 could
PC.T I Ot,IY! 4,4.4! 4kflt PRFAIit business '? -.derri•
red by Mr. dieredithi and that: uurnerligtely
OW, having thus Waged Mr. Meredith he
Tfo cliiphimspd from office—does our ,neigh.
bor /witty prpect ! any wily. to believe such
stiff - '
The,V,elenteer's , assumption . that the
wheels ; of i govenunent -would be, brought to
I rtstand,ll, :a lt .i the,,, , 9alente4l'!,locolOco,clerks
W.er9 rOtiyeds, only.latighabl, ,We ahould
„lilt!, to see the smerituent stony rate:
'`This tiiilsotti.—Thi.:.!-F.'4i . iilelly#l, - ii' n'
and °Om'. loco Joe° papers : seeriti,io bie . . alit'
muob.apriyud , about ,Dil r pall's prompt 0.-meet
.-meet of ihe State luterest. .7',h9 North7 t irui ,
)i:4 s'' "4;1z41.' ' t4"4;' 4 1 , 0 , , 4 4 , 11 k :4,4, ~,,,,. ,
rrap; !pc• 11 1 .,p1YE1,. #.lp,ats F ialitt y .
iiittl'iiiiia; ciiiilii Aelpi(ro'ciPiati-p iiiips. of
ty, :It ti..t ,t ,1 , 4 - 14 o..tet t-, vttt , -..,, , Ptt0 ,
i,lq i., a ll ogi the Litto9o6s, :Lebow- the (Red T .
l'%/?:/ 13 ,, tP , •Tt/T . M3 111, 1 ,1.1,454.1v ,, At0mbY1AV
,the.ettiCkiobbiag brokeragc r e,',Viliiiihi;heia.
oi3i'Othdkrentlis%i'alt'.; ti'itililio,iiti g id,iiii'6kete'Al
iiiiiiiitifeii;.fiel'ilTe6eTaiiie f liii:Nwiiiiii. , .
-.,,,,„,, , ..-1.,„.,,,, , „pc„.,-.ft..4, ,, .. „ ,
Tee Araneferoofunde pot co 4, the : ptap? A
4ii!kiiiViVie: 7 .e;cl34l`gii,'.atiriliier, it; tfui 4 aVille - ,
..01 htothosew :00itee. ttia4 as . 6
'rFiTiraii 3 Oiligliiiiiiitiljllt‘ . iiiiiWiii4l4 , ffi
YtiVdiiiiiC "!c.;4-t`A°.::".,M...1d3t.0-.6-tn.,..tdt-t d :
~ :t i 1, : ; :t , ..,.;,,....:. .t : / d
n t, : ,tttl. t t.t, t 4 i a . 1 . , .., 1 :, , ,,:t..t '.., , :fXixtro4l9l'i'Ark;:lll4.iiiriOdri f.toffitiOt',a•
49,P10,0141!fk4b.10P,08.0sarfer,Ohlrf;4hti of
.P4 5 1 1 :15 4 - 4144/ I )9eil;t 9 .i s ley e juKih i ' ,3l i is,
Slii , it" etik..t,' B..tAVIUS' if tlif.gine,"4 ; Ibis
Ydelt ift ' lttif t :*.ii 9 Ptitillitalatilitalit
W .
11 .00!iikti.o r tli. 1 0Slati).'' 61 " 041 .0 : 1 .1 4 'r r
to...i4iiiiiiietii igAtm - Trrr - rtr ,--- ;if.titi'r• . I 'rni'.:l
1 ' Clgir 'e'% 1 1 '. P/gi)tr!l::.';.;:,lPP:PffiAly ,
ft,,i,i i t.neTol O'''' AO ,lt , licifeo.4,4".ollF4Vtit i i
l i
VW/NVIO "I' - ''"‘ 01Y- 1 00if 0160 '
ti .. .. .., - . -t, . ..„.. ,t , At ...: P .rt• ,t. • 1.
„ 1 14,61i$Ehi t Ai ~,,.. , Or
• Mif*,981,9 , 0 1 .41A,f,ij ;
OPS4i4 VlZMF i g+losoi4e4o9
~.o,:lt it f l iWV4 i, 6.l ; . •Yil:gr• lii , gilit`'Agi#l,l4 t
' , ;"1::: .( i , !C4 1,:k ., -." :'' ~ ;-'4'; ' '..; , 'i'''.':-;,', , ' . :',. ' ..:::::.4;-;:r.,:•,7:.:',•4;
lKore;TA . o . .tbeo atide:Admittedi;
.44 7--4 6 4 a, lintlinibf 3 o l l l .oloo lll l. l ttrit.birElP
.a leooksidpiPer, aids.%
I liiitiatitilifande by the :SuPerintentlanta
giioivititia the Public Works, eifieOsif
Apl,lhp,loll9wmg . paragraph . .'
f l .oWitiiii a law whickprohibile
,4pMifilefulllnt or supervisor from liikitike ; FeJ .
apy man for Amoney bettire , it
;,....pattlittl is made tile duty of .this,CiMel l •
`'c'9Mrriiiisionert3 to dismiss any #riOto;:.Wbfi:'
trkky:Sitolate this law, upon reeeiiiiig.lsitisz;
or/evidence of the ;Tact. Yet, notviitlf
standing this positive law, it has been, in,
mattrinstritamer - OPENLY , ;'DISItEdARD,'
~ This Or:rialto° has,.beeni-produetise of
' most I'AtIPABLE, :FRAC
— '4 4, l6w;reailer of ,whatever party , you may
be,. says the Readiag .19uratili bear% mid&
that a laeofocto paper..mblishea:thabove, ,
that the.offieers whP ',openly disregard' the
utary.provision in "the law , referred to, are
LoColecii, and the majority„ot the Canal
;Corrimissiontirs,'to,whom_they are respeii
..sible, are LoOolocoa also. Do -IA the re
, veateu_slatetnents of--wrong-doing- on the
• ~p pblia works, that from
"time to tiote leak
out through the. locotoco -papers, look' as if
• there were gross rottenness, .corruption and
.'foul play, not only to the : opookiaborers,' but
the tax-payera of the ComMonwealth •
learn troth the Waidiingtonliepublic that the
,batch of clerks discharged from the tend
trOffi est:Weekarid Wriiiiidlb - iintriat42alg*
misytal there has been .such and
gndshing of teeth against President Taylor,
in' the Union and other, opposition prints,
were All of them subscribers to a hind for
sending'on illegal voters to' Pennsylvania,
Aurtrig_the _ tate, Presidentiiii, election 'Lhe_
Republic has the names of these secret foes
to our liberties, and the sums severally, sub-_
scribed by'theinlt to senilsuch miscreants
packing - biOtproscriptiiiii7TlVen — fet the work
proceed se rapidly is possible.
IDLE PLANS.— The result of the
•"gamtnering'? of leading ,locolocos at the
'Bedford - Springs, is said be the lollotv
ing plan otfuture_operations.. The influence
of Messis. Buchanan and Cameron is to be
throvA - in favor of Colonel Bigler, of Clear
field, as the next candidate for Governor.
Judge. Black, who Was a prominent aspirant
tot the nomination last fall, is to waives
claims until 1851, when he is to succeed
Mr. Sturgeon in the Senate. ThNitorylur
ther goes that Mr. Buchanan's claims are
again to be urged for the Presidental nomi.
Many locofoco edit Ors persist in misrebre
semind and misquoting General Taylor, by
attributing to him the expression—"l have
no friends to reward!" The quotation is
false and a frond upon the public - ,antralthough
repeatedly corrected by the ‘Vilig venni, the
Loeolocos persist in perpetrating the false
hood. The noble sentiment used by the old
'Hero, in his letter to Captain Allison, and
which has been thus basely garbled - by the
Locofoco press, is as follows:
"I have no private purposes to accomplish
—no party projects to build up—rio enemies'i
to punish—nothing to serve but my country.
DiSPIcOPORTIONATE;••r i rhe Washington
Republic says, notwithstanding all the de
clamations and denunciations about prosbrip
• -lion, with : which. the •publ in-has -been-- drug
ged, it has tieen informed, and believes, that
there aro ten Loco Foco.os to one Whig in
the•various public offices in the country !
The most rigorous interpretation of the anti
proscriptive doctrine would, at least, assign
to the predominant party an equal share of
• the offices.
WORSE.—The importation Of Ofy Goods, at
the Port of New York alone for the week
ending on Saturday evening last, amounted
to the enormous sum 'of 'Onp:, -- 0111/59,e Six
Hundred and Forty-Eight Thousand Five Hun
dred and. Nincty•Four Dollars, being an in
creak, over the former week of one million
eight thousand dollars, and mote than double
the importations of the corresponding week
last year. So we go. Those who desire to
perpetuate this 'glorious'' British system
sho'uld by all means vote lot' 'Gamble and
the Tariff of 46." •
The assertion of-the ChaMbers
-b,urg Valley Spirit, that Messls. Burns (loco.
foco) and Powers (whig) alwanacted to.
!gather,. politically, in the Canal 'Board, •is
simply, ridiculous. ft• is only bne of the
shifte which loccifoco papers'' are alivays
ready to mon to, to escape from responsibil
ity..That,all the offloars•on the public works
s have beent/ticsfocis, during Mr. Power's
term, surßoiently shows how little hana he'
Thad in their appointment: • Yini 'oriel' play
(len that string, Mr. Spirit. ."L
•.SiNatmaly Conzotesisesp—ltllB, a sin
gular Orcumatattee, that :the perpetrators or
allegeAporfietrators of .three domidides ithat
.have. occurred in Philadelphia ,dnrinuthe
,past fiye years, should ham fallen,. victirns,
to ; the inniikrge *hich hns.been tiostroying 5
many.pectplo in, alt our large cities' this sumo.
:nor. A week oi, Imo, ago° Joseph Dover,
~ r , . who. killed Abrahot Reid ingensigton, arid,
:fled frota4ustiee' died of, ; the e ,epidemic, in
.---C4, l , ( gPPltiii4 9 tl . l4l. o fiiCerliiof , i)l o,l aw'had '
• iraoked'hifiii 0ut..,:, Laat 'Nveelr o Jebn .Freedly •
o, : pp#!rio3p . ,- who yes so,strongly,euspeo:i.
.1. 6 4. ( 4,_•1 13u !d0 rin g ho ,WhO , and recently ac .:
€ i goitediiiged ~iil:PhLderic.' The. death. el ~Cail.
•'?f‘PlPl)4!l3,Ye:4l,l,()l.llgorded, :,, ,, i,.,, , ,,i,;,,,.. - -
Asouivior. Casi:—Grent eicitarn e fi e
;' PrevaililO , New'Orfeari, , knbedib(ii. of t Li
!eabcinetion. of :lii man from :Cuba' who hail '&0 ;
) ,r,do ; tliiitt,tiity on 'acooutiv , Of.liolititfill.oftenObii:_.
a It' fsalleged• that:the Cuban Cifirtatlyiitlsii,
*.Orleans: abetted in abdiOttingq.ithff•slitgi!,fve
o-itio putting Winonboard:l?, iiiiiitil iii!bif eal.l
'kried 'btleic.';‘jo l Quka"' lo * t imiir4V l 4 6l . ('l'llii
Consul denies: it: the, 9 xeitement• 'sve/ :
atilr”kiiJiThPi t 9 !d ”u
. 114Yhafew ,o?ps 0
~ . c .
t .I TRNTftPFt , II ttl: , .•1,,, I.vt t , t:11,111ti!ret; 0 : .
ji.:7liit:#l6titatfliefit liiiiiiiidiliinAliii sf:
I' iii); , ,t*i 4 1h6 i
rev 'tor i"i f ftiViitlid4olt
`r rail riaa'ts itiiifiiil i fel46%l.4iWklitid
liglif l tine'Vki 4 ' behtibgeiMiil, l ftfi
) ,
-, . , w - ,
,:iiis,r,eiltidth,risi.VlNl44ttllffl94,4iikilift.tji ,
441. 1 dMg. t 10C1N0R0 5. 7 .1 4 3 . 1i , i 30.01 0 , 410 0,,,P( 4 )ff + 1 1 '
, . .. .
'?''''''''-: : ',.,f' . '''. ,. ',.e:': . :-.:, r .. 5 1 1 ,y;, - ';i:' ,: ;;ii ! ,:f;.• ,- ;:,,:',.!i
The slearnthip' Cambria Capt. Shanifon,,
irreilitPatilallfax at .3 o'clock-on Thursday
,mort ing, and bringa-Beiopean news seven
Thiyelater4, , .,The - Pliplere''M raging in many •
Sae;parts,.'ot.,England .ii deaths had occurred
idAti.nden Week': Paths.
*Pima's' tribe, 'prorogued on' the 9th.
Minna theiCkangemen and
Cal&lic:s.—oa ; thel?th' yeV serious riot
iook"pleeiC - lietWeeri a party of armed
Otangemen and Catholics, near Castle Wil
iirthe 'contitf af The'Oraiiii-'
men were celebrating the rlarlit ,being.:the
`anti Orsary ,of the :battle.of Angliran). at
Vtillymore,and, being on their. march home,
whilstpassing a .defile aailed,Dollefe Brae,
'Mind 'their path waylaid.
- PAS the - passages and surrounding '
were occupied by an immense number of
Roman Catholics, provided with forks and.
'fire-arms , who plainly conlemplated r a gene
ralAnasiacre. The Protestants, aided by a
em 1f party of police ,and military, stood _
Upon their defence, and succeeded at last in
lowing their. way through the pass, after a
'short 'struggle, in which forty or fifty persims
nre Paid - to - have been - killed-or wounded on
both' sides, much the 'greater proportion, be
ing of the Roman Catholic party; thirty
eight Ribbon men had been taken, prisoner
on Friday. Two Medical gentlemen drove
through the country round abbilt the scene
of the contest, with theview PI administer
ing relief to those who were wounded, but
They wererefused admittancchteverk house
where they called. - - •
' - ± ,-- FirAMr.- - =- - Tfre Legislative Assembly is to - '
be Prorosuedfrom the 15th of August to the
15th of bomber.
.The ' National announces that PriEce.Ca
nino, the son of Ltrien Bonaparte, - and
President of the Romap ConstiMent Assem
bly, had, been arrested at Orleans; by order
of the Government, on his road ham Mar
-seilles-to Pans: it-is said that having a claim
against his (rosin, Louis Napoleon,' in !Mil
ey lent in aid of his election, the Prince ,
dame to - France to demand it-.::the condurci
of his cousin towards Rome having stirred
up hieim.
It is said that the Prince Will nofbe
stined,.but that he will be forced to embark
for-England or America. , - .
The questions openly discussed are about
a Consulate for Life for the Empire—Henry
V. and the CoMpe de Paris.
—By-a-dearee-of-the 16th.inst.,-Gen_Lamo,
riciere has been appointed Envoy and Min-,
ister Plenipotentiary or France to Romg, and
he is said to have left Paris for the head
quarters of the Emperor_of Russia. ,
The .Pope has addressed his autograph
letter to Gen. Oudinot, on the occasion of re
ceiving the keys of the city of Rome. His
holiness congratulates the General on the
triumph of order in Rome; and expresses his
hope that Divine Providence will remove
the difficulties whteh still exist.
, 1111 adds that he does not cease to direct
his prayers to Heaven for the General, the
city, and the French' nation. The letter was
dated Gaeta, July 5. Cardinal Picoli and
Marquis Cachetti arrived in , Rome Irom Ga•
eta on the Bth. The latter is Grand chain
beflajn a the Apostolic Palace:
P reparations are making at Rome, which
,jeads to the belief that Pius IX is expected
to return to the• Quirinal.
The French ere tieing all they can in dis
tributing money freely, to get up a cry in his
favor, tin vain.. -
The Rbman troops who—have—agreed in
the first instance to do duty conjointly
WWI brenefiTare rleav
whole force remaining now amounts to less
than 1000'Inen. Of those, many were an
xious to leave, but gam. Oudinot would not
give his consent.
The Pepe's Engineers having been asked
to ;flake a deenotistration in his lavor, pre
ferred quitting the itetvice39. out of 43 re
eigne& and-all the rank and -file Were dis
-The-sameliassoccuied in . the.artillery,.alL_
the officers having resigned with the excep
tion of three captains and • a sergeant. , The
reason given is, that the French refused to
gibe them any precise guarantee as to the
protection of th s e'xjghts of the •people.
Garanaldi has succeeded in making good
from the French division, who
were put upon a hilse scent, and tie is now
in the mountains of Abbruzzi.
Another account states that Garibaldi is
on the Napolitan frontier, where he ais been
joined by another body of troops, and formed,
A is said, a body of twenty thousand men.
Embassador in Paris received a despatch on
the 19th lust., by courier, announcing that
the Polish General, Bern, had again com
pletely defeated the Russians, under the
command of Lours, in Transflvania, and
that. the laitei had to take relumin Walla
chia, with a small remnant. of his army.
Advises froin Vienna, of the 13th of July,
state t h at Bola and Peeth had surrendered
to the Anstrto.Russian troops, on the 11th
inst l without resistance.
Nothing could be more complete than the
defeat of the united' Russo-Austrian. armies
'under Haynayu. ' He was obliged to fall back
on Raab, where his head quarters ate at
preseut, and which city is filled with wound
ed. He had been obliged to send 3000
wounded tb Presburg.
SANDU ' SiE:It;.OIIiO; •J'uly • SO.—The con
dition of the city is most learhdly heart rend - \
Ironi the effects ot'the cholera. ,:but o f
a population of three thousand, not more
-than severr hundattl • remain, There have
been one hundred deaths wi thin. the latittwo
days. Business is entirely suspended., The
post office, and hotels are ha closed. Many
'physicians are victims to the 'disease.., The
siok.are solleting dreadfully ler the want of
care., The, living are - not only unable to at-.
tend to ilieir*apts, but even to bury_ the,,
`deed: Ncibbdy ten
f9und,te dig, graves
or make Cottle.'' The" markets are entirely
'deserteq : auti t aro pur,inhattitantaare,forced
to, send 10,, cieirniand, l and other plseekon
the tiiiiitolinotrisions and .medical, aegis'
it a Vti
'Asir:4;o%24i 'Aug . ' Information • has
,been received at the Stite'Peinitimitnt which '
it correet,-. ; thipply , involveti%'Mr.-. Clifford, the
,itinerf9p9, - ,tninister atP 1 43105 6 1 of Almost me-1,.
moue , one et hta,tmpt!rtaht c rtutiee,l
itiei4rateetiok 'eV Aiiterioan , Thiel!
'intelligence' ivas received di)! of ttvq'einge,~
And., the. moo: has 'twee% secretly underlining ‘-•
itivasttgati,eo„ Ir,he Ja o ta , ,e;e , . ; thaaer.l-1:
ElftTeri4a.fenc9) l pro ...ItlW yorfeen •at hi
, htivoieerit 'ainite_JnnOi 2
48.CrTtrtirtailentretrAlidftioli of thli rethringi'
U. si,AtiTtyk Rod, Vrititlothege; tvete ' attiacked `'
by the Mexicans,' 'Many • of- 'their; frientla
~W,flf9; t)e.y 4Fiqq;caPtUTed and L •
thrown jilt°, prison. 'yhay haya, arldFeaped
thil!A'ineitetiri P Minieter striawj=tinireijito,
mandiegilibir 'relroiair,;blift boy elate- htch as
Atm ly;Lilistitgard.RL their,lpetitions. They
!her,S l 4lT° II)O; Prettitlent.-.
nity!' : ?pdr?,gclipg,,lt searching
0 - 0 '77 '' ''
rt c
Hari idoouritylproweilltisd.',tige'd tip 8100
ife.geld ;riff ithr,ae setae Of hielgtaitidc't'lt •
ini swaa
yallo gigypi,•*udt!di. , :o 4 iliit' miietoitki
:ti t ittotpit ityitd . „l9tithtiehele.OtishettOttlißou ,„ 4 ;1,
'.••• • ,*kilirkilt9i.4l4 44 11101,t-',U,41-1,,
;::,,1;;;; - :44,1"4, 4 11 4 41tlfaAr*.iti#,tota;. ,
'"• - "As • Well ye
sot • hitcowrkattriny ht•?nAe Jo.thriye Amid.
the sninve,of I;iplentli 040: General Tay
lor should etidderilY'rnake7:iketateli s icarl and
be fitted for thkryesitlenhe--- , ,Tharn,cs Rit
chie, Editor' liquitllci BriOlpber,. in:18401 )
(I.A.a well riiight Sou tiailerteke:to .clift'ke
sailor of a cock; pi.;a sokliiriot abioieois
president of ~An4ro'w Jacicrich.-41ipmarlit %
chic, Editor' Richttipii&R'ricliiiierstn 18213:'
TRUE.--It is stated that Senat.or
ton, in a recent speech in Missouri, ioek on-,
cement to, announce. a descriplion„.stl,, the
Whig party' ..
yo l "Mimi (said he) are people,
on'd , psy laffel,kand. fight. for their idea/try."
Whether he meant it or not; (says con-
temporary) this -is the exact idea that the
democratic leaders have ever entertained of
the Whigs; 'to paitaies and fi tit for iheir
pountry, has been their duty; to shit? in the
publio offices Of that country has been the
peculiar Privilege el 'the democracy. The
moment old Zach stepped in, and%ndeavot;
ed to &meet this doctrine,_ and give an equal
share offices to the proaitcnbed party,
which had previously only paid taxes and
.fought battles, the .democratic press shouted
out , "proscription, butchery, guillotinefs."—
The shouting so far has not effected much.
DRANDRETIPB PILLS—A crlmonlous humors
he cause and only - cause o( all Pain and Distress in
the Body—Pain In the warning given by the nerves
that there are acchnonlous hornets in 'the body. No
man ever bad an affection of the lungs but it arose
from Acrimonious Hunters having settled there. No
inattever,,harLpain In the head of an affection of the
heart, hut it was produced by the presence upon those
parts of Acrimonious Humors. fio with Rheumatism
—it Is the Acrimonious' Humors which have settled
upon the membrane of the muscles. SO with dysen
tery— the Acrimonious Humors have settled upon the
mucus membrane of the bowels, aggravated In most
codes - by the - retention of ford - Fecal - matter In these
linportant organs. There never was pain or distress
In any part erne body (unless it was produced by an
accldent,)that was not occasioned by the presence of
Aerld4lumors. It Is these humors which have to be
expelled, and by,so tieing the pain or distress la sure
to be removed. To do this with certainly the Bean.
nnerm PILLS Must he used. They are as indecent
as bread f yet ail-powerful nettle - removal-of the - cause
of sickness may be taken at any time of day or night
+without alteration in diet or fear of cold. •
Soll - 111 . CarlIelo . at tSCeite per box'by CHARLES
SARNITZ—by_S. cjilberteon, Slilp_pjwabo.rg3 fh_
A. Ereiicroao,_Xixv_CumhorlanWliner,Art
Shiremanstown it. Coyle, Hopiestown
MGT pur Cough—it leads to Culisimptton.
Naplita, is tale most certain and effectual rembdy ihat
Is - knosiff for-the attract* all complaints ot the Throat
and Lungs, obstinate Coughs, chronic sore throat,
- bronchitis,-asthmaiaain in the,side nod breast, tight
nessTrom phlegm, hoarseness; whohping cough,lho
croup, &c Give it alrlal and you will acknowledge
It has nn equal..
Tills Invaluable medicine is prepared only by Any.
ney and Dickson. at the N. E. corner of Fifth and
spruce street, Philadelphia. sold by S. ELLIOTT,
sole. Agent forEarlisle.
A BREASTPIN, containing hair, end set
b/t.. round with pearls, was lost in the street
within a few days. past On the back of the
pin were engraved the initials, A. A. Any ono
finding it will he suitably rewarded upon leav
ing it at this office.
attention Battalion:,
TH.E 2d Battalion Cumberland Volunteers
ere hereby ordered to parade on the Centre
Square, on MONDAY the 13th inst, at half
poet 7 o'clock,, A. M., for the purpose of wel
coming the:Chief Magistrate of our country.-
The commanding Officer expects that every
soldier-under his command will' be on parade
on this occasion. By command of
F HUNTER, Maj. Corn. Bat.
J FRANK BARON, Act, Adj't., nueB
- -
YOU are hereby notified to meet - on the
3d Monday of August for the purpose of
diming company officers. The election will
be open from 4 to 6 P.M -
Capt Corn
Big Spring Adamantine Guards.
OU will 'parade at the public house of C.
Mellinker in Stoughstown on 'MONDAY
Thit - 20th of Miguel; - tit -- Itro'clock, -- properly
equipped for drill. By order of the Captain.
augBtppd T C MILLER, jr. 0 S.
13 There will be an election held for Com
pany Officers at the same time tend place.
8 1 1"1 1 33NTION I
YOU arehereby notified to meet, on the 3d
Monday of August for the purpose of elect
ing company officers. J F HUKTER,
a ugl 'Maj. Com. 3d 'Bat.
x 7 -0 ky notified to meet on the gd
MONDAY of August, at the Armory, for
the purpose of electing Company Officers.—
The election will be open from 4 to 6 o'clock,
P. M. _ , J F HUNTER, Capt. Corn.
atlgt . ,
derod to.rtarade_at-tha-Publio House Of Mr
Hoffman, Climb. Hall, on MONDAY, tho 6th
of August next, at 10 o'clocs, A. M., com
pletely equipped for drill. By .order of the
lia"An Election for Commissioned Officers
of Said Company will be held on said day at
said phice. By order of
•augl Capt. SAM. STDART.
.Brigade Inspector's °More.
ORDERS No. I.—Section 16th of the Re.
vised Militia Law of April 17th. 1899. rp.:
quires all the uniformed Coinpanies attached , to
the First Brigade to meet on the thud MON.
DAY of August between the hours of.lo and
6 o'clock, to elect one Captain, one First Lieut.'
and one second Lieutenant, in each company.—
rho Captains of companies shall appoint two
..fficers, or members of the company to hold'said
eliction, fairly and , impartially, and to make a
true and correct return , thereof, and, when said
Eleetion shall hdve clifeed,Atiplicate returns
thereof shall be made outlind Signed 'by said
members, ono,of, which shall be .filed with the
papbre of the compdny, and the other they Shall
cause within ten daysthereof to be delivered to
the undersigned. BAWL. CROP,
nog' •• - Brigade7lnspector.
Va 'roperty for Sale.'
rrHE intbscribOr,intending ' io remoi , e 'to the
•• West; offere ,at ptivato sale the following
~desirable property.
•'" Two two' story
t,. , situate In %North-street; in the borciugh
of Carlisle, just newl, fished of the
gas • :,.. ,
• best mettirial,, and pleasantly located
about half 'A of Orth's
ti vacant let of, groend adjoining : the
''idiCkle;well'calcultited'far a bitildinglot. , ` Also.
.:a;Two Stery. , taTONe HOUSE,,, 1 , 0, r•
irt.,so,th Hanover street, a few, • • -•
- doedinorili Of ihe'-enitisle Bank, • •
and l adjoinitig 'Atm.. , Confectionary -• , ,11
atote of 'Peter Monyer. This pro..
perty•is lodated in thb most busineeitTpart •of
the borough, - .and is ,woll'adapted for either:oer. ,
.cantile or pny,other business. •The frontbase..
'thent is hetidsonitily, finished, andis„ well eaten.
•lated.for ehop • for any ' , kind of bbeineeti.—
' , ,Therole•alselt large, Two Story Back, Building
:'of 'Brick, nearly new, wittion excellent Cistern,
Wash , house, Smoke , •houie,.. and n'gniid• Stable
'and. Cordage , War'. ' :A variety. gf. the choicest
fruit trees, all la gifted hearing cooditiori,, t are
eilacknflhe " `.•.•'! 4 • ;
-The above ill be sold lowitonOd
lux-chimers. , ' 1
Afelection, for thirteen
tual protection Cernpliny,ofDielticiioulownehtp.
Va'aeree-tor'oano"yeiii,)!will be' heldniv,ll4ol4
DAY, the, 3d of September': l loooit'lnt"i!le:
ofllaid, anipany r in pi g hbrunr j.
aulitte 0; MILLER, NdeltY.
'..... 7 ''.'-'''''!::';'::ir':liir4;2 lol 1 11)
.4'i• - •''''i'l)'.k..? , '-'''A i,' .
''',C 'W.ti-ii4g,:ii),*itariiiial iiiiitii3i;iorliA-r:
• ikVlNV:iiiiikiiiiiii.'!iiegk : q Voilliithkii inform=
A . 441, 1 .40Y-i#3. l ?it!'Oir!Ol . :fl':k : C. : ik' ,: ' .o, .1- .'"- ,,, [Pito l . -
ii;o. to.N-94.,:`,
k0.41-11,.91,r0 eH9
~py noTiopfx‘timl
ceeK,o verY le — 3. . w, s
tjalx.l,l 4 •
for is • op (
- • k , .."14
Er wroirc.=-In - ,take-m urantepun•
`lndiaini,; - efwering• some iliree or lour
hmu,dred' . aarAt4:.ty,singillar Itioking' fish, it W.,
said, waiii,reeently caught, •weighing. 1000)
rtouilds, it4eiltk.Ulooe'!;irU!ihtneBoo. , „,,Thi&
pit , 'CatOrial*nder: has - been seen occasion
allyqr several 'yeursi/aiid wart worxbippeil!,
b) this Indians ae fu on© .or two in-!
titaness his fisikship.:Jiail beedlinnwn have
destroyed human beings, and now and then
made a. meal of a chance sheep or bullock
going to the lake to drink.
RaVilechartl to ewallOiv that—the bullock,
not the story, of course.
The National Comnion School
Convention which was to take place in Ml
adelphia on the• 22d of August, has been
postponed until the 17th of October, on ac
count of the prevalence of the cholera
throughout the country.
Missourt:The election • of a Whig
as "WS. Senator, or the return of Mr. Benton,
it is said will be t h e certain result of the con
test there. .:No anti-Benton locofoco can suc
11ENTowrzo !-4. report has 'reached
Vicksburg, (Miss.) says the §entinel, that
the Hon. Itobert .1. Walker has publicly de Brintoa's course in
favor of Free, Soil.
Icetu 'Abvinctistmcitts.
kNT TUESDAY, the 2d day of October next
kJ will its exposed to Public Sale on the prem
ises', in Mifflin township; about 7 miles north
west of New ville, and 4 miles li•om Newburg,
the farm lately occupied by Wm. Stevenson,
containing 177 ACRES, first-rate slate Land, In
a good state of cultivation, about twenty act'es
of , 'Which is .covered -with thriving timber; a
stream of water runs through the farm', along
which there is an excellent natural meadoW.—
,_ • The improvements are Iwo
star • doublr LOG HOUSE-; Don-
~ ; 41111! ble Log .. l3_myrigen shed, Corn
LI !A , : crib, and Mb& out-buildings, a
- never 'fitiling• spring of water,
spring, house; and no apple orchard,. chiefly
young . fruit. Alimat the .same time and place
will be ofFere4 far,-sale about 24 AL ES of
Timber Land, situated about two miles from
abOve feral 'nay Owl - North - Mountain. 'Tie_
above property will be sold in mirsuance of the
lust Will and Testament of the before-mention
ed decedent, for which there-will-bean—indispu
table title given. Persons wishing to view these
two pi opetiea,gan du no by calling on Mr. S.
Stewart residing ou the farm.,or the subscriber
adjoining it. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on
said day, when attendance will,' be given and
lerms made known by
E:secutor of W m. Stevenson, deed.
August 11-ts
For Sale or Exchange.
TTH Subscriber has a PA (IM in the county
of-Erie, Pa.,which he wishes to sell or.
exchange Mr Re al Estate In Cumberland county.
It eontatos'2o9 ACRES,and 97 perches of land,
of- 'kat rate quality, about one hundred acres of
which are cleared , well fenced and in good cul
tivation, s having .a
4A , ■ II large Bunk Barn thereon erec
..7 I I ted. 'ffie residue'of the land is
,00vered with the finest and most
valuable TIMBER of - all kinds, such as Oak,
Chesnut, Blacicash, Poplar and HemMek. The
hind' is situated within a quarter of a mile of
The Canal which, lends from the town of Erie to
Pittsburg,,and about one Mile and a half from
the Lakes Timber at this place is becoming
very valuable, and on the farm -there is about
109 /sores of the very best quality. The farm
cost me about four thonsand_dollars. ten .years
ago ' when land was selling at a depressed price,
August 8-11 . PRED'K. WATTS.
Private. Sale.
THE subscriber intending to remove to the
West before spring, will , offer at private sale .
the HOUSE: AND LOT'he tow occupies sit•
tinted in North Hanover street, nearly oppo
site_the-residence of_Deorgo,,Ketzger,Bs(b j
said House is a new and bendsomely finished
building, having attached thereto all necessary
out•bildings, cistern, &c. Said lot is fifty-two
feet front and one hundred and seventy feet in
depth, with a ,choice collection of young and
thriving fruit trees.
The undersigned also bogs leave to inform
his old friends and the4mblic in general that he
has removed his sleek of Hats and Caps to his
present residetteerWhere ho still continues to
manufacture and offer for sale at reduced pri
ces, everything in his lino of business. The
subscriber would els° notify all those indebted
to him to call and inn 4e payment, as it is his
design Axe close out his Atock and settle up his
business this fall. PETItTRB LECHLER.
augB3t •
1Yo• 119 Spruce st. below sth,
CONSTANTLY on hand a large assort
ment of superior
Wat;tie, &. Mahogany Furniture,
manufactured in the best manner, of modern
style, and ai moderate prices, embracing
Sofas, Parlor Chbire
Wardrobes, - Rocking Chairs,
Dressing Bureaus, Tote-a-Totos,
French Bedsteads, Centre and Pier Tables
High Post Bedside Wash Stands,
Hut Racks, Secretaries,
extension Tables, &c. &c. •
Every article is made of the best material
and workmanship, and Warranted.
atigBly T & IIENKELS..
1 , •11:1::r All goods bought' at ilia establishment
packed un d er me immediate superintendence u
the proprietors, and Mitirce—of charge to any
liert of the city.
THE subscriber s continues the manufacture
°COASTING'S, at his Foundry in High street
and having now on hand a lull assortment of
Patterns, is prepared to furnish all kinds ot
best style and and at the slimiest tiotice. Ho
has now on hand a large NErinlment of Cast
ings, such as Corn-crushers; Mill Ocarinas and
Gudgeons, Plough animas. Points, Shears end
Cutters.—Wagon_and Coaebiloxas, cellar gratin
Oven Boors, cask Weights, &c. Conking
Ten•plate and Cool Stoves. He also builds
, and repairs.CAßS, Threshing. Ma
chines and Horse•Powdra, with every
other kind of Machinery. nt the slier-
MA notice. Old Iron, 'Braes and copper taken
in exchange for work.o:7lla,vino,,,purchased
all el Keeny & Cot's'Patterns, person§ wishing
to bave thetn will fi,:d them a. my shop. 4
audgmoct • r GARDNER.
• - -Farmers Save Your Money,
VO','lhreti and fear: horses, made entirely of
iron; so 'that OW can leave it in. 'the weather
without •the least 'danger of injury. 'Also;
Tbreshing Machines, Winnowing Mille, Flaws
PRotigh uld-boards„cutters; Points : BC Blibars
coni3tointlY n baba: . You will alive money, by
eallieg;,be re purelineing. elsewhere, - at - the
FoiadrY , East High Street: Carlisle Po..
at4B3rno -. ' OXRDNES..*'
e 2 .
"1111 E, Band 'orSehoel.,:'Direetotti,will meet'
1,- at the houeirofDiehl
hum, town hip, on. , SATU RDA V, ihe '2sth 'of
August nex ,VO'elbek: M. for the
14080 oilers ming' and) 14i--TEACH.
EltS,.toftekti oherge . 7 of, tlin',Coynntik ',Scheele
in ;iniid , toniiishipi . toi , the 'ensuing-tam; (~;
~ ,i,';:. School ,TigiChoptilNrapted= ,:-. ,
" Ifg , :itckiilCorlitAivol,Diiootore of F4ank_i
1 '.•-,.. ford loWitehiKwialling tcbelnPlQrsEY F‘i s4
,T . 'NC ii pft. S. , :f§r,saitli - diettetil - Avil,;•;tliciet ); at
,Do6key, e•pr6ii liir,fidiAtt tbwneitip,:olt . lbw, lost
,§01.1.4p,/,‘Y;;QC:Al,4stiiii,ioslll); ,fer, the, ex,
priiittottpo ,-oftittiotte, t applyip g ' for eettlfieated,
1 9 s P acl i;i‘ 'PY:itraer or e , Beata; .. t, • it„ ..,• i „
', , ilxo t,. :3,- ~,,, 30 '. ,', WALTA Ov• - • §e:cf.',!/: : 1
' E:Phyripiiioll!kw,e,A9ase4, Sktlooni
"of 1849,11Olioillfeiltii.9'Oeivosliittrrbit!
are ''ficl
4 V.6till'bliritti 0 . 160 P .' l " '
-..• ,
- . ;,-•,'!::':',:''.'.',.‘,.::. l : ''' . ,';''' , '; l' ,. ', -, :;',
••• •,,,•••••• -0 . 1 11 , ”1,7 1 .nnANA -5, •
& co. , s
Ex . hibited . ir th
URDAY, August 184 , 1 Open
from 1 to 4 o'clock to the afternoon. and trom
7tolp in the evening. Anzinsstox .25 cents—
Children under 10 years 123 cents.
Among the mo at conspicuous features of this
exhibition is the sp e cimen of the HIPPOPOT
AMUS ! Captured by Capt. John Tabeeet
th'e ship Good Return, of New Bedford,Mass.'
after a severe and desperate struggle, the' men
barely escaping wih their lives, before they
were able to -dispatch them with their lances.—
The Performing Elephant TIPPOO, who has
caused such abrupt sensation. all coter.Enrope.
will go thrnt g t n fatiety of Perforthances, such
as Waltzing, Balancing. Ringing the Bell,
creeping -on his- fore-legs, walking over his
keeper, nicking him up.'drawing a cork from a
beide, .Sr..c. Me. PIERCE, the Emperof of
BEASTS. lUs performances , ,differ from all
others, not only in the skill and allied - which
he displays in his exercises with the TERRIFIO
.Lldns,TigersAeopards r :Congars,-- --
Panthers,„&c.. •
But in the maichlusaond almost superhinnan
command with which he exacts the obedient
-- oNliese fiercest and most rentorieliss tenants
of the desert, the Tome, and the jungle. Mr.
PIERCE may have many IMITATORS,' but
has tto EQUAL.
The LIST embraces all the finest Living
.Specimens oil WILD ANIMALS! that the
great experience, enterprise, and resources of
the proprietors have Cpahlerttliorrici4tring to
gether in one LARGE AND SPLENDID
COLLECTION, a full description of the Ani
mals contained in the Exhibition, will be found
principal Natoli, preitilous to
the arrival of the company: ,
The Company will give an exhibition at
LAN,DISI3 UR O, on I , llday Aug. - 10,, and also
_at D ILCST 0 W N on Alonday, Aug. 13.
',Yew York Circus!
MENT, by fnr the -most .extensive, and
sustained at a ..greater expense than any oilier
company now in the Unitetr;States, its travel
ing cortege consisting of over 200 persons and
horses, it isvespectiully announced, will ex
hibit in
CARLISLE, on Thesday, the 11th of Avila,
1849,Jer one day only.
By common consent of the 'equestrian and
musical world, hero is congregated the best
brass band, lady equlstrian przneippl eques..
Irian, scene rider, Vaulter' and tight rope don
tors living—Master Hernandez, the At erld's
wonder, accomplishing backwards every.feat ,
ever atumpted forwards; the intent prodigy
Henrietta, a child 9 years of age, will perform
such acts of horsemanship as to amaze all be
holders: G M Eldred, the only; dramatic eques
trian extant ; Mr. Robinson the daring 9 and 6
horse rider; Mt Kincaid, .Mr. Foster, 111 r. Ed
ward, and d host of others, all stare of the first
magnitude, who would singly tits they have
done) create. a sensation in any capital in Eu
DI-Doors open from Ile 5, gii from 7 to 11
o'clock, P. M. Admission 95 c °ls.
The above company will perform in Peters
burg on the 13th, in Neveville on the 150. , 4hd
in Shippensburg on the 16th augl,l6l'9.
sr,LLtNai orr 1
THE subscriber has commenced
his entire stoelt. of DRY GOODS at greatly
reduded price, to make room for a Mtge.:mock
of Fall and Winter Goods. As my assortment
is very large and complete, puiChasets 'will find
it decidedly profitable to cal) and` nest'their
i i
cash at My establialimenr. Call one ad' 011ie-,
curethobest bargains ever had is Cart lie, Malik
goods will be . sold . far below coat; n all t.t'
prices below low water mark.: I have alarge
stock of BOOTS 'AND SHOES on' hand
which I will close out at low figures. Alio'. a
u assortment o • IN Li all prices
and'hist, not least; a prime. or of '6 400E
RIES,,Sugars, Coffees, Tess, Moltisees-Riciiti,_
&c.‘: Fresh and Cheap Beeolleat'lliik Olt)
Stand,•Ensi Main Street. C . OGILB.Y "
aug249. '
'Masts . and. Cigars.
JlY'rreceived` and for' sale whOlettale anon*.
~ tail the best and cheapest •selec.iion' , Ol
• GARS to be found any where
,out of the'cit
The selecticnconsismot • •
GranadefoslN , •
Castellos, „ 4 zi41 ,4
Plantation,, Leon
Principe. • '
Venus and 'Figures ' - ',Molessadera;,.i!itC,44
All.orthaltirst-Culia and Havana TObaeca.
, and put,,up,iii the , peateet,:munner, besides , I,
have excellent:slice and the heat MeteestiAlso •
both plain'and,aiteeteniplottotedticeth'priesslor '
' Cash.. ~Call'and'exaininemeek before 'par. •
;;chasing.' Lwill sell by the , box aelow as-they:,
can be had iii•theinityl4 Haalt fOrgei Ahe place •
"opposite, tho, railroad office. ,
' ,
elchool Teachers:,Wantedi
'TT - lEolloBrd of Sohool4Diraiithii oC , MointO ,
towskihip;-,Wiehipg to , lemployinElGHT; 14 - 3 J.,
CHHRS" district, - will meittAio the
1141114 a John ,Boul, 'in ,0 'fetch kOiciiii . iNOTP!t.
SAMRDArooAtigliiit;'llgiih),lll4 . lhe °AVM;
kiiiiou; of- pereone.pre se nti n irre msblierile
-dates. , By older
Lniozl t ;i-•;-i640HIstoliaitHDT,,.S,tiorYi''
..'s,fraos .. t ß pittotri ',o,4eoaive thelouro
ilikleiorthe'benatd!a' bltiiiitift , Reptetiapali,4
Alver •••fherphy 2 9.111" • they have • been
151,.0 ye:ly. !badly