.2%,4122,1)41:14.4.7 r41446‘, GI WEbNOJAY„Jp . LY , ,2A,: , IB,49, "vririoir o:s•lfasing ordered.ibr our Job 011iae : an additional variety of , Furioy,:Xypea,,Ornamentu; sm., _we -aro prepared to ' ikinda of printing, such as prcu lars, Blanks, COrds, Bsm; in the moat showii stVe, and prices as law' annoy other Eamblishinent. , "Jvs, have nine Dentinal' (hobbled for doing pamphisf Our Wanda are reqbasted to give us a Cad. Cutcp Jurriensclinspar.—An alarming report, toaeliad h'erelbri. Saturday morning. of the sudden and severo illness of the'venerable, ChiefJUstice Gibson, at Sunbury; Pa. Later. intelligence WO are glad to 84; entourages the hope . of hie %poody: reenyery : . .zils attack . vt , as something of, the ohOlciraotaer. ' OUR BAIL 'community will bo grtitified to learn that arrangements have now been completed by tTte CuMber; land Valley 441 'Road Company, for the relaying of their roa4through its snare line, with a substantial T'retl. The work will be shortly coMmottear and will be finished in time to donned with the rork and Cuinbar- - land road. The work on this road isprogross lag fitiely.,And the cdnirectors are , certain of having it completed within the legally-proscri bed tiMo. •`Tltts' atilt open new 'era of pros perity to 'our flourishing yule) . 1341T11,3 !—Those who desire the 10x oryor a •FUTII this warm weather,—fOr it is a luxury as• wall as an inestimable benefit to lmalth—will be glad to• hear that, Mej. Jour; MCCART:!ZEY has reuently proitided bathing ae cominodations fur the public, at his house-in Lust street, along the Lotart Spring. The Major deserves public thanks for his enterprise, and we trust will receive a libatal pationtige. ENCAMPMENT. --The Carlisle Cadets, Capt. llAderson,left hero on Monday after noon, for Doubling Gap Springs, in the neigh __b„arliond of which they will - go into enCamp , meta f a.' several days.Tlie7SliiAtenehurg Eadois, Newvillo Artillery, and pandisburg . lnihntryovero oxpeeted to join. thim in the Encampment. Wo wish thorn 'a good time. 1)01 , 11LING GAP SPRINGS.—ThiS new or romantic watering place wo nro glad lo lean is crowded with visitors, all of whom arc di:lig/iced with the place and entertain• ultra. - 7 , •MoNs. Abatis, the celebrated Nl,vgielan has boon astonishing, amusing and 1 - ixzliog the town during the last two evenings, and will continug3tis exhibitions this sad to morrow evenings. r,CF"DONT ITIIIKE !—What's tbfl mat te±• with this stupid town clock of ours again (I..,7•lneigestion, Weak Nerves, Tp‘vness Spirits,"&c—Wright'e Indian Vegetable Pills are Mninra-1, and therefore a certain cure for nll blunts Of nervolis diseases, because they completely cleanse the stomach and - bowels of 11 hose bilious and corrupt humors which not only - paralyze and weaken the di gestive organs, but are the cause of weak tierces, low spirits &c. Wrigt.t's Indian 'Vegetable Pills are aloe a direct. purifier' of the bloodiand—thosefore not only impart health and cheerfulness to the mind - but also give new Ilfe and vigor to the body. Beware of countetfolti of all kinds I Some are' coated with sugar ; others are made to tesumble In outward appearance the original medicine. Retnembei,. the original end only' genetne Indian Vegetable Pills have the signature of Wm. Wright written With u pen on the top In het Of each hoc. - The gnnuitie for sale by 'CHARLES Principal Office and General Depot, lOU Ilscc street Philadelphia.° Stop your Cough—il leads to Convonzkon Tuoarramea COMPOUND Prirsur or Tan and Wood Naplita, is the moat certain anti effectual ranted' iiilnown for the cure ci all complaints"iii the Threat and Lunge, obstinate Cnughd, chronic sore throat, bronchitis, astlima - paln in the side and breast. tight itais ream phle nt. linarartness; 'whooping cough, the crony, Etc Mite it a trial and you will acknowledge, it has no ennui. . This medicine is prepared only by A ntr hey and nirkann, nt l;. corner of Mil and spruce street, Philadelphia. bald by role Agent for Carlisle• ttarr&iNVIIMBANDINNNMNIMNININNUNNIMININMIXID:eIMIIIO -4 1Litn 11 Tnticet~. PIMA L.).A.P111,k, July 25. 18111 There was . a quiet market for flour to-day, and linyeris mune forward slowly. Safes - were only about 500 bbls ut 81,75 for standard brands, fresh inspected, and 4%62 for old stock. Rye Moor Is stonily with it small demand at *3 per barrel Corn Meal— No change A small sale of Penna was made nt Wheat.—The supply and demand continue ' We are advised of sales of, bush Els only *sir old, rode at 100 c and,l7oo butipt Imo white In two or throe ' at 112 c Corteteittitinsi'meitly;Wlth''smitll Sales at 00 cis for good yollow.and.s7asfle' fur 'mixed lots. DI ID, At Birmingham, Huntingdon county, on the 10th inst. of inflammatory diarrlima, after a short illness, SAbIUEL. LEVIS; Esq. -of Delaware county: Mr. L. was attached to the engineer department of the Pa. Rau RoadVoespaity, and had given great promise of future euilnence In the profession he had selected.— ills strict attention to hit duties, amiable and correct deportment, and ncial disposition, bud endeared hint to' all of his associates, who deeply regret his Irrepa rable lose. 'Two years since ho Jett Dickinson Col lege, fell of hope, hiving graduated in • that old and respectable institution. carrying otr_ the prize of the Bret honor . ofhls class. r_On }110,28L11 alt. In MarilllBllUrg, Vs. Mrs. CATllA ii3r,lll,4.l*,tri., consort qf SIISSD Martin, fennel ly of Garlisle aged about 54 yeuri, 'Aisslgitools” Stile. • • expesn, to pnblin'ailo on the Ist, day ,111...oft,Septuoiber next,. new • . • Mick Souse:.. ! I ! ! ';` ,7 ' Ili- AND Ticit, iiitiiated In the town -• 7efPrainliild;Ciiintiotlandebnnty,' -`- o4oiningg ,loin of hi& Miller, liAt4Priason And others, cerpor of Wood and w ..,Po ' dsosaion givon on the : lst. of , Aptil‘ nO.tr, at which time the purchase money. will . • . to commence at 2 , o'clock of 'Midday, Witert.terrne - elliitlaivill - he made knrsim - byr-t f•-' , :•••".'-' 1 : 4 - 1, ' • of ' , Redd. '" "18' le.fq "•' - • • v - It;POIiffiROF4,SSOR ow • omP AprpMOTHEit's' , CQRDIAL-,-ra aova r ip Ih s tv l l l / !!! il g.:. ltgpj4 Cectifi ante, r Fum . John .4'•"' • April 18' '4 8. ". e • ".. • 1 severely . o f fri 'lonia was included the bowelOlifacifagina.fifihylfrtabdiivto'= }f your tnyaluable.niedioirie.' rlis od~otu upon •-•tratkAid the' .4:ta#olu'OPßO.•;l/1 tiniaBinte pp ia!il't• , . ' fit Ore. • if, 1.4,! ;11-1 . \ .ll. A ,oT pp I[fTIO Will be x 1506 tll ex_ - 1( - 0 1 1{pc Lakliqlatiffek:94tensistlva• 0881 ro the' ;1111,t14p f t , ' o6l ' °f",,.` ll ' 9 ' °I;tOA r N - P ''.:11111/YAh1849160 " " ''f#llliNfiliFtiOliilig'.. ..te.4 1 4. ~,,,L, ,,mi..„ „Lard Oilperdir ly ' , 0 1 lir_okiO4;,Jcio Wiplendid *data, VUMIXO ' tottiof 'Me t love/by i, :!.1, I , , • 4titif ';'4i: 3 )64.:; . Z‘!'1 . ..04 PLRIPT,T;. ,,, \\ '.''.:..:,•::-,==..', , •,,,,',..',`,:-,:-..''' ''', '•12:.,'.'":::"•:',:?::...7;'::':.'.7.1:.'•:':‘: at„,". ti att.. , .4 1 1 • . ' ; ' 013131.10,J5114440 - 7- -t; , .: :• _ rIFIHE -,4 llll6 Siino!:V.'4 l teiiiitais be ,:gisigi • ji, irrii.Aiiiot49ix.'Weqt.;•HempaeldN), littnettssir-Mi%;Ponniyliarile.iodfforincit-- ~ .;iy.of siAerilpyingi.Ovrkelliti. Ott utbdi'leridreo., dsermeedg ',All 'eon at pahlio :sale the 'real' estate orsaidifelletised, on;the 29th, 30th And' 31attdaYe of Adgust neat, o",pitte4 0 1 ° b il "Y, , ing placei;•ta *it :- . - • . ••;," ' OnYV / E6NESDAY.; Auguit 29Vihsthe puli=. lie Ifouid.sl_Jotiephi3leek„ in the'Berough of, MeehaniesErirg„Curdbetland county, two Iota; of - ground in said borotigh, whereon,ie erect 4.- • • ! ed a one% and - , a half story ~ ', - 5 Eni STONV. and BRIMDW,E,L. • ..,, 1 ;! till )' LING liOthalil, -'lllxnelt4rind .!•1:2_0••!„•_;.•:. Bake honed, Frame Stable. a . . well of ora tor and pump therein, 'and a number of fruit trees thereon-, t'ronting 'Main street on' the Sout „adjoining Dayid pocky on the'East, and (web Rubly on the, West. Persons desired f ) examining the •ibove property, w ill' please - call- upon Joseph Bleak, innkeeper, near the same. ' • 1 On THURSDAY, A ugust'3o.-at the publio house of Henry Snyder, in the village of Lan disburg, Tyrone township, Perry bodnty, 29 Acres and 4 X'erehes and allowance, adjoining lands ofTeteiSheafTer add others, and•within Landisburg. The improvements are a two glary LOG DWELLING ROUSE; new Frame Burn and other otft.buildings, a well of :water , near the_ house. and, a number .. of fruit trees. • Sheaffer4i4un passes infront df the house, which is at_present oceupied'by • William Blanc. At the same time and place will. be Sold lifilores neat measnre of CEIEtt NUT SPROUT MOUNTAW: LAND; aboai. half a mile, from the: ehoira r Ojoinitik plod of' the heirs of Francis:Matterson, "refer Sheardr and others, near' Wagdner's•lifil..-4, Persons desirous Of exainirtingile above Per: rjr county property, will please caliper' Wm. Blanc residing thereon. And , on ..FRIDAY; Anglia ,alst, on tho premises that VALUABLE FARM, situated in Silverspring . trrnship,•Cdtriborlinid Cohnty, near T. 8., Oryson's Alill;about flogestoW . n. about 4 nciictfrona Mechanics-. burg.!. miktWom 'Harrisburg % anda mile froin Caa Halo, on the road leadVng from T. B. Bry son's Mill to Lathl'a Gap, adjoining the Con 7 odogninet Creek, land of - aenjamin Eberly and others, containing • ------156,4cr . e5-and_43_Perches, - neat measure, Mod laid ofF in ton fields:— About 20. or 25 Acres thereof is HEAVY TIMBER LAND: — The iniiirinenients4tre , a - TWaSTORY LOG, :AND rBl4l W EATHE 8410 AftD E D ~ • DWELLING HOWSE, Si it; ; - 32 feet, a large Stone Swissor Barn, 90 by 80 feet, with a cellar. Corit.„Crib and Wagon Shed, attached, Stone Spring House overpover failing water, Smoke house and other `out buildings; two Orchards .of choice fruil trees.. There is running water Most of the fields, and.the fences are in food order. The premises are well supplied with fine Locust trees. This farm is considered one of the surest and best fur all kinds of grain in said county. , It is convenient to mills, schools and churches, and will be sold together or in two parts to suit purchasers. Terms each on the first of April neat, when possession wilt be given for the whele.'of the -rea testate of.said_Aceased, rersons desirous of viewing the above farm previous to the day of sale,•,oll please call on Abraham Rennrt, s the-tenant thereon and examine for themselves. A further description is deemed unnecessary. Pale to commence at 2 o'ohiek on each day in the afternoon, when stlandanee will en and conditions of sale made known by the undersigned executors of said deceased. Persons having claims against .the above estate are requested to present . them . to the undersigned on either oh the above named days JACOB NEWCOMER, Monroe township, Cumberland co, ANDREW METZGER, • , East Rempfield tp.; Lancaster co. July 11—ts. FARO' FOR SALE. N THURSDAY, the 2d of AUGUST o next, the subscribers will expose to public sale.on the premises, in Frankford- township, Cumberland c6untY; ,the farm lately - or , cupied by Daniel Cayman, deceased, situate in said roWnship, on -the—road -leading from Mount Rock to Landisburg„, about three miles distant from the line of .I.lwr Cumberland Val.' Icy Rail Road, containing 130 ACRES of good land, all under cultivation but about twenty acres cewoodland, and in good - order with good fences. About twenty acres of it is fine mea dow.. There is a running stream through the . . place. Tile improvemmts area rwo Story 1) WELLING HOUSE, Log Barn and othef , necessary out houses. Also, a - well of never-failing water at the door, and an orchard-covering three acres,. with every variety of choice fruit.. ,The place is, in evarY [ respeo-Aut r excellen!...tarm. P 0960881011 will be .givap In.:Alae. fall if desired. Persons desiring to see it do so by calling on Abra ham-Gayman, living near Alter's or Frean's Mill. Sale to commence at 2 &sleek, P. M., when attendance will be given and terms made known by, ABRAHAM GA YMAN. JONAS GAYMAN, Executors. 3ulV49te ;Assigneesliip Accatlnt THE account of William Crawford. Ml signee of John S. Wilson, having been presented to the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland County, said Conn appointed the first day •of the Allow Term 4349, loe-the final confirmation of saiti account—and call on 'west's aonaeraad to appear and•show cause why the same 'salt not be confirmed and al lowed by said Court. • S.F. LAMBERTON,-Prooth'y Sply 11=dt. Carlisle Sulphur Springs. • -; • THE Proprietor. respectfully in,. forins.his friends and the public gen,. orally that he is preparetbto.accome=. l ( • date comfortably a largembmber of visitors and,boarders.. The - Emrittge are• frier and-a half miles nortlt.of Carlisle Cumberland. county, Pa. •in .hialthy, and romantio-placer-.Hot and cold-Barna, m_.good order, and every attention may be raft .upon. Good, Hacks are always in readiness enda. l Et ry or:Hilton`erLiyo.Stableh ti:),convey visite* to the Springs. jtme•2o-75t • Building Lots, - • I WILL-offer- for-sole, Off :be inado -ressonabio, Four flutimxNp.,LOTsi I* Pitt internam]. Five LOTS, situnfed 0,0 noYala street 49 this borough. are 'slasttlikill a part of, the town which is rapidly filling:4; and whorkproperty.is inereneing ih!vilite; 'lf not sold before 'T.UFADAY, the, 21. s t -of 'Aug. , tioxt , they will on,thit dit'y be exposed ,to public sale, on,, ,the piomisett' - Indisputable titles will be • ivi iJune'' ,11.3HN :'A'7•I3I.I.MILIQH.;•4? • A CAVECIIr;t",;.i• iortHE -15UBLIN;qAP.- , W,H '''PXl 481' AIN •ilpated . in Cuadierl eaaar" , CY? Pd.. ittsa piaturaque ,portion, ot. the „inatta. tfen,• , eightlyage;net•th•of , lskpwAljer, battlecent: ly beenitfittitd • up, .vlth . dent. -and colingto,diatfit buildhige. subscriber ..havitig4pro l / 4 4ded himaelf-,with good :Cooks vid, r waite'Ta,,r,tiePos by, close end. perdenal'!uttOt*i.;Se hie„Wouso, Aid itieitetesta be;ible 11-Nriur4yldfoi•hlateauti t a, 9all:' JiPe" 9 . l , , uccics alwpyCreadtrut pepot,on thaapttlyal pas; element tu, apriuga. .4 A. 136colidlltand.PliOioSOrtigei, 7 „ lAi ;SU' tiND:;OIiNTA flk ItAiN CP, %yet' 70060*, ' I littisr*ilt bp 'laid liaty'..ablyip; ijlpOltpit,fpr • • n. It has a Witt qunlity,,All,tppe;•anck ~handsontp"-pieee of-furniture. 7( Any: . person, ; Irsh il lK''* l) telitVtii t uni.yabtain' ation by•intutriniCatllqp orrice.. ; 1 ~ I .:‘, ii , ': , -,.. Druidism A l ituthiol;' :'':, 1 ':,`.'„, k .. rtkixteattNiiiSly oft.theaeousiel, '0.444' I n Mi . : terakfOr sale, consisting of Whitewash, Sivocit*. ing;;lforubbin6 , Paintive,'Clolli;lithasong',:anio, reith and4Nall,y Flesh and„ . Gfalffingt,Vlgshicsii,n rept,i , ,erietyi; ail '.of flabiah,oire.at tiniAcO v iti9r, ply and will ' be sold at the losvestastlem a it_44iA Julie% ' ' Il'Et 4 4 l •l'PA".c. 4 i.'") . • rtntspititi ~PPI 4 tI E - 4 ‘l # 4ooCble 'v Pr, Rawlins ~ , P rog •Iftdflia, 'V' cie:4W 1104):; 1)111” [NE anl)"l44loaPtit,*:tiik?to6,:#ookrflih. 1, 80 4 1 . 1 . 111.0 ,t e .i . Ao . t i li TellEufli ow. Pit poydo e rate,tiy,•,, 4i.., t ar L 0, ,T,', '.. MEE im.tocto -, hotio, • • ' VOA, It#eitis t • LI .?Serlit's Late Infittlry.:T4tleit:-..w, , :i irrLipt'Lgneh!a:NaratiVtLef-an',Exbechuott , ifertifel?ead`Sea4—PSealOnble ' ) r 7,...t)hileeophy of ..RelidjOn, An'EartiesvMhtiatrA hO.TA).lamen. ''Tfire'liitsiltlifenzines-25 cre, each Valerie—A•Tale Captain Marrynt.. ;t Grat'ejs ) Thidley 4 i or Arivild'atiSkrat6o`. ; • PlaiwandZitney Note Peperi.,with envelope. Motto:Wafera and Settle, , - Actordanntklvery • Pictorial .Cslirier and Iretner - :Jonathan, for the 4th the Mnin Street.: `„ (je27 Selling 0fr7a1.:00..5,!,; THE subscriber is,now solliiigg. , his .entire stock of Dry Goods at . Cott fortttielf . , .IPersons, wishing to lay Out their citsh - `to ixft.advantage will please call, and examine a*. stock as I have a large and . general - assortment. or<dry goods which I am desirous of selling for cue!): fl is impossible to enumerate' ttlirthe geode -bliftbirivii-r-fullessortintottzofGlotbsuCatiel— mars, Tweeds, li:thiamin. Drillings,, Ginghams, Calicoes, and Preis Goods forl,adies, also car- , pets. Gloves, Hosiery, ' &c. Purehasers ,are tq vited to . call at the 800 Hive in 'North Hanovei .street atid.estuntne for theiheelies. • jy4,. " • S - A COYLE„ • Elegant New . Goods , 1)11TA - GLEY'S NSW Yeik Gold Pens, thebsst •CD "article of the'dny, and which do business trutn.should be without.. . , I • -. . . . An elegant assortment, r or Cutlery, in cluding aznri,'Pee Knfres, Seissoie. of tile beat. E R iti/..iab and American ManuCaeture. A. large varlaryef ornahiental.Wmilow Blinds; And tire Ocreoriti,(ir banrratjdp anirtit pri- Ces. • . . . . Musiael instrnmehts, such as Violins, Accor.l pifes,,Flageolets with Violiti stritigtt„liridgeti..&c:ol all prices. A large variety of-13nskete, travelling bags, Whips canes, door mats .Brushes of all kinds, at 'every price: '• - • '• • Hayite'6'Ma, is Adornantine Powder, a iloWl article for Razor •Strops 7 warranted superior to anylliipgArt use, for setting a keen smooth edge 'to razors, &C. 25'cui. a box. Combs, Soaps, Perfumes, Extracts, Dyes , for the hair, a rich and heoutiftalassortment from. the •celebrated manufactorick 'of Roussel, .Tulos Hanel and others. • /. • Tooth Srusliee,Taoth omit() Arid Powder, Nail Brushes, Hairand Hat Brushes ; -with- an. innumerable variety:of Yancy sad useful arti. 'cles.of 411 kinds and' prices, lately opened .and fur-sulo-urilri-ClCe*Drug-tmd-B-ouk-Stere-of— ju2n W HAVERSTICK. New aa~d Oheap Spring _Gooder. • AT THE NEW- STORE, ~ CIORNER: of ,Hanoverend Louther Streets, NIL) opposite Liipnard'u Old. Stand, Ctirlisle;— The undersigned respectfully inform them friends and the publie-- that they hate just re turned from Philadelphia with n large end well selected asiortment of new SPRING GOODS purchased et the very lowest prices, and which they are determined to sell at smell profits.— Among them may be found Cloths, Cassimeres Vestings, Tweeds, Pantnloon _Stuffs in great variety, best American and India Nankeens.— Also, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, consisting in part of Silks, Bereges, Silk, Tissues,. Alpe chits, &c., STRAW AND BRAID BON NETS,- a fine lot, Palm Leaf. Hats, Ribbon and Lade Goods. An elegant assortment of Calicoes and fine Chintzes, suitable for the ap :preaching season, •at our usual low prices-.- Cheeks;l3rillings, Linens end the issudl variety of bleached end unbleached muslins. BOOTS AND SHOES—a well selected assortment of men's, women's and childreb's r good and handsome. GROCERIES—in ell their varie ty, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Pekin Company!s celebrated TEAS, &c. All the above ~goods have been purchased right, and will be sold low Please give us a call. March 28 s D POWELL & CO. 3XEMIXOV4,L. Dry Goods and Groceries. OefQ. CARMONY desires 4i inform his • friends and the public that he has remo• • d to the stand on North Hanover street lately occupied by Chas Barnitz. end next door to . Haverstick's Drpe, aud Book Store, where he is datorrniend in .eit ood. WI low an any- other establishment in Carl i sle or-in the county. His stock consists of Cloths, Cassimeres t Satinetbri satin, oaehmere„ merino and silk Vastings ; Me. rinoes, Alpachas, Mous do Lathes, ,Cachmeres, French worked collars. kid gloves, silk fringes, gimps, flowets, thread laces, &c. TICK. ING,S at 61 ; ets, calicoes 3 to 6+ eta, yeyheap rinislinsiliosiery • rllertin - end Cachrrrere . over, A largo assortment of BONNET RIB ONS, very low,eatm plain and figured Mantua , plain, bared, stripotriind figured Also GROCERIES and QUEENS WA BE, such as Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Spices of till kinds, tobacco, segara, crockery, glass and nut:woman), rice, chocolate, starch, together with numerous other articles— Give him a call, lePr . Refresh' Drinks. llousqp,vs 'MINERAL WAT E R.- - - Sparkling sna'bright In iin 'liquid light, and not only sparkling and bright—but for. its (favor it is hard to beau ASSIGNEEIS SALE OF " ITALTIA.BLE REAL ESTATE,',..,2 , "tx7ILL, be sold at Public• Sale re the Conti' IV Hot We. in',.the Borough of Carlisle ion TH.U.R.SDAY,, the 20sh ,o 1 SEPTEMBER'. rtext,, the following .described property, to wits No. I---MILI , SHAT and.FAJLlttf contain ingfibout 200 ACRES of • first rate black slate land; situated in Frankford' township shoe three Miles west of Carlisle, on the Conodogu net. Creek. This, tract is•welfim- • . • proved, having thereon. erected a • , MANS lON 1 - I,O,PS'E, Bank (IM • part', Corn Crib, 'together'. trm with a,Clover Mlll, Sow-Millond, plaster 'Ali% and three Tenant Houses. This properly he sold in one or two tracts to suit purchasers. 1 No. 24,-Alcoul`7o4loßES.Limesinetithit, situated op theWalnui„Bottom Road, ahont , atio.half mile ; west cf L Tke.linprove. tnents aro'4S.AltN an a well' of hder O. 3:—.The'orte Undivided half of about 70 • l> Of the ahoee.trabt,r Thci'improvements area STONE HOHSE;:, the lower storrof , a , Bars, c. t• -.. fr-Abottt-•85 - ',ACREH. of tXsitnealtma 4 Land,. sours ted t oh.,th.fl„iWaltp+i,lllip!Nri . Road,,. nb9ut miles. west o f Carnsie., ere ie ;a Barn and ' ell of - Water on this traet. Nic."s! -- = - 4ihtiot .5 ACRES . ?t -PER C 11E:4 ' of CheatnuCTimber, nearthe road leading iron) CarlieletoTOttyribilegitthout-10 miles frpm• ir No. :0,1,-4AbddCs.,..rtiCßES' and 27 , Perchisi.of i. , „„ItI,FrAIIOW,..I',AND;.' near ,H O ll,. in the, Borough •of ' ..f...,ViAletagbere.ten huilding : for ; = Borough ' . : o APAIPA I TAP 9 If9 /0. _ 94: 4 , 4 1 0 . Nes.l."A!STONE''ittiti3E o 4lr.` Litr . AM: thr , Secotid PreihyulnitinVhdrch in - the'Biarte: tilerztot isi4o.faevinon4":l2o' teendorp 7 .11 1 1,',H V . ltl b 4 .Tlailitooye.proporty*ill elnaiwn .necettamy 4 information given to, persons wishing' to PP:01mo; by . calfing sm either offhe subsork, t; 41 1 .41, 0 ,4',4*X0 1 irr n r ilkfti l, r, Tl,iv,l4erma will *he Made kftown"On , ; (d t a t a te t ;s ! , ,ts } , • ,Ir,ltrn' t je27qftia, 411'6,t.islAssigimeti Ueihn4laysti Y 4b(N.P SATURDAY' the ;181 'day elidieyniAt netqa wtkoffer public 444 ..iosnihelPrantitiesi•yhe;WAßlVßnOwtoccapied by' George , tatuate,titi Dickinspn;rtowttehlm , uto befitted 1 eciuhty,. on; the, Pine Reed Iltwo' :mileat!frotiv this,:ll3tone Tevern,:eontaining iacreir pflomb.lantl,mder grtadiekthAvetiott , Ao4, *alitfill94l ori 4,9 l ning'', lol 'div.OciPPla Alletiffef, fi . h7e ll C i)t: all; A lla b t: ? %lr i r e " ck tVk Cl: 'i t i:# l 7l ' ',liitnintnitiit' are ttlgtio t-• I. I 1 ; 1 .'4 P-V •'", ' whit )111 - 'a' 4441 Of iimor • ,There is'a variety:of ettifee - nut, consisting lannitni, - oherriesiOmia'Tilat4/ On the •place.- 1400,t isetaltkVicP et AI :0,0Pok;.•1!"?,1)1!.5.11;g10 Air* len:, atton#Meei *ilk be ' hien by,,the: :170 1 #oBv. 'lAraiMitelMithilArd:juhvopen . eft a dr1;0" ' l 9l.`‘e=italltity , •:lltetocaroni, warranted :fresh • 4Ein %neuine: S.. ( ELI4IfOTITI'. Table ,Oil iffHolinc. eryr" tzilperAp'• dr.oire,lN'et r)ktnek . ;.6 . (tHßE•UO.N.Eltilinstentirsed oat . ?•yealigAlitfdiPTAaltbradi, tor* 1-1 ; 1 ,111 0 pl44111 11 .41*.es4' '"" c';cct MONYER'S FOUNTAIN MEA indeed the "No plus ultra" drink of the sea son, and may ho hod, toge'her with the above named Mineral Water, at the Wholesale and Retail Confectionary of P MONYER, jui,;349 in N. Hanover street. . . Fresh Medicines, I would re.ipectfully.call the attention VT Physicians to a - InTge.assortment of MED ICINES and.CittimiCar.s which I have just receiv ed, and which I will sell tie low if not a li Lews.a.than the same quality can-be punch sed odt of,the city. Call at the Old Stand Ein ti 6 s.,ELLIo TT: Aal TONS Hammeredatid,Rolled•lron. • - ',till 1 ,do. Qest Sheer, Pfister& Spring Slope° 20 boxes 'l9liTl4dtibt received end for.erile Old Cheep Hardware Storo of • . • fob 29 , WRIG}IT' & SAXTONI.' Bombazines,. Exc. .4 great variety of BOrabaainee, Alpteas aehmeres Moue•de Lefties, and other •Dreee bode i -juel received and for sale cheap • G ,Leghorn Hat?). ' : . ritin sueicriViir,luis -just received 11,11' Geatismari:s Legliqrsfinis; stipariar . ; article; at visit row price. Alio:Children? H'atr..Clotli Caps. G I W EA,; 50 7. „ Linen. Sheet age ' Ike.: • dubeiliber el whys len on.hend en Resort. 'Monti:if 'wide Linen and.llluslin , Sheetirigs Table Linerie, illew • Ceee Linens kind IV • fuelinty TOWelin'ge verietrof art , c 1 27 [flOueekeetnity4 , - • AL27, , - • W. HIT.NEIL '91140 1 ritrasoio.' rinlie;s:uhti g rintrik..baslyet;ie.e g i v ed. n' lot of . 1 Sate : 97l'oa re'enspl4 , ol...the Very loiv ' , price; of $1,75 end 02,„Op,,Aveftll deicldetHY, the:cheapest:lot of .Partiecitiever fei „Afeei rigvied Stain l'ure . "tnglitili‘POegole:et;s2,2s",wer.tl49., ” • „. . „ t.lbseFve,l'his,l . • •"- `:' ari3 ntitifitid!th4,B,A..;ployi* . is:thitermiliecti,9'aatrlnteitit'L.Tnratinti'l3aresp, , Lamm Giniltatita, [anon .Tnisua.arnl,Calicoaa of every style, anti quality...without regard to ' goat" r. wanting any, of; rho- above goode, 'will - Sral it to , thair.advantagd,tri inctforrhannielvia. Ounit - 20' 1 - "- • • 'oll*l),"Xtliaoh , l39.ltegetio .11" UST' received a Viinitr , sup,tily.,l,of-Fittitotr 411 , t Bar'egote.,at very aoradatijitro PlaTti ,Illag: 2 111tte, Plaiti"Brbwn;,PatiGrtitip , k Figured'i *Ohl 25 to 81COte:"'ithoditattpeat . troOds, pcipr offorad in . Mao; rt`greaf: variety' :aProttipidesiratlC Aocitite'aral new, gity,le'irtinv.- tniiiige:: at , ritnin-befOro , they;arolit ft t o """ fIiIITEIL , • 4 „ I :AliEltr:iitticifiliitlueti: in '9'6o i9g, and" o 'common' dint foitothildroO;: porudihddg ; 1 49-og.of:.'nottkbovv4l, or or'foeblo coostiokfion. -11 wilt tiw . taind ko,gtvp likgitic,*ith - :pi0 . f,.1 dee.' ia(t~4y. than y'llgsqr,ighinfoong, cte o piT„49)ll,lrii'‘ 4t 0ne,14,:5 fi!. 9 4 ,, risr.,l,opqrtea'- afresh i • lot st t irt; tfie liitAtet Ala Bottqg,4 vociditi s ' ',.C1., i.:i,, 3 , , 7,":"3..iii,.;(7-';'+ z :,:;':, - .,?',: - :,, , ,w , , , ?;: - , , ,f - =.1.1.:.:.,.: -t,'717.--.llttett,::••.•lBotnitis,:. -,-:....• • • - ::. :: _,•._ , ,,,,,,,,.. 3,-.,,ar, J ., ,$, ~ J A :11-14-•.. -•; BE ..' Vailktbilfi l tfrs9:, -.. I,,'''' Yr, Oli.e s rt*.i•t‘ ; : t ille' . . liiHElnilitotibery teiiitieiito.te o "e4l e , ihtte 4 ,-- .11 , Weet;.0,fror,1‘..t pgv.ol.9.o4ol,theMieiring ! ‘ /estrabla prcinertyo.. - w ,, ,,; - ;•.- -.; -,..:,.•• , ,,,: ;; ....•.4,1,-;,,, - - ,T,WffrAlliriOiltfltroirltotSES; ',V ~ sitUtlteltXPloXitt ttireiitt,lPlTti.iPii..#V6l.' ' . 1 2 II g r ean i a B :::ii j arlerirp i rii:=l;\- ip ° ll:il abent ,halkonhetineko;eaet.ei:., , p,r,th'e; 0:: F.. , ...... : . - . I ~:• 'ficii.7l ,,• ••:.4 :P4100,0i inerintl4 'Tof;Orptirtl;:tilljeitny,ls ; the itihOt , e;,weill,ealitOtiteti ,.o . , fdr,a billiding,l4i..: ;. Aliiii,. • a-Two. Steil' §Ttill :11.9)10,g;:,..„ '' . '' '... ; ..',.. iin portit , Hikrio.tO F ' .grat a ti.:;few p : ' , c .:---` ' ' ".. doors nettlice..thci.Parligijitikklkt t and I atijatat!*'.',lhe ---; Ceittectlonary; , • . _ ~'; ' store of Teter •Monfer. - ,Thhli,fire t. - ..,:-...,--_-- ' ' . perry iiii:ineatei:i. lin ; thii„tniatt, beeineeeckart of the boOttib; anti' sivieli tuiepted-for. sillier !fief.- ; ' cam& dr.alik iithei!iiiiiiinestt.', The;front 1;130; mitt hi' hatideoniel fiiiiehati;:tind iti-itielf Med iated for a shop for any kind of hnaleess.--.. There is a lao a :late Two; Stair Bach 4 3 1elidin'g Of Erick, il'aeili , i nay . i ? ,wit,l) . anlexcellerit Cistern, Wash' ouse,' Striae .outiel.and a gond l inable and•Cerriuge house.-4Atatietjr . of-thexhoiceet fruit treee;nali •in good :hearing condition, are also on. the lot: • . , '',., -I , . .. . .. The above preporty Will'be ( ikehl hiw . ? 'eta atii i'varitaaeolie ter ms , tO • 43111 t plitChOSeill, -' ' • . i : .i 4.1..192 at ' ''' ' •• ; 'GEO W!RIIEEN le. . . Sa. ' , I ' . l:Ftn 7 r0., ott .*hich 'Abraham Nisley now lives wit be leid Sale. en the preinises.,on WEDNESDAY ,the 19th day of SePtember next. It itersituatedin Nortb Mid. • dletna.,-thwttehift,;OrEtlitlyQonodoedinet 'Creek- , out three miles dee.t.4tf ,Carlielokand about , a• p if mile north of the Harrisburg. and Chum. b reburgl arnpikecontainin 0114021 it'OR'ES, an 1141)..Pet:e.h es, milt°. or 1Q614.7-The.'insikrove,.. Imp teidittaet t yof a, F4.II:I4',IIOIJSE, ank Bfitn, &c. • " This property wiWbo4heWopy the'enbscri ber,, or by , Abraham NislayOyhojesities on the fprm. The. terms wit Inkrtutdo . .knoWnkt the dayt'of.salp , • z.,..•"?. - Fe`''. • - . - ; • ' - WiVi..;II.4II7;NDERSON., , j027' , 19tal 0 of !B 1 eY: , , • • FOII43ALL • •• , nn HE substribereiscintomplating on a removal. _l_ to the west offers for ,sale the. following property, situated iteCtimberland . .coutity; Pa. No, I. Two east O of lisle.ten the I ; turkpike:road to Harrisburg, eontaming-110 ACRES allin the highebt•stato__of cultivation.: • ,Op the premises is itfitte double I story 'BRICK 4791JSE; 45 by t — art -38-feer,--wi(fra—wing - -extending• . 35 feet back, excellent collars - under the whole, two par/ours' _ with slidinglitirtitions, one up and one down life — Walla of the _lower sitny_are hung with paper. This House was erebted--at great • expense and is uncommonly well finished. It • hal in the, yard a well of good limestone Wider, a brick cistern, an undergroued cave, excellent for milk; &c., togedier.with Smoke, Bake and Ice Houses, a beautiful Brick Barn, built-in . 1847, and also, three•Tenard Houses, one of ml ich is of brick' ' they bare ,plenty of room ' for six (tunnies. ' Also, an excellent young 'OR ' CHARD, stocked. with ft grpat variety of the finest fruit. This propertv is bounded on the south by the fine running Stream Well known as the alert spring, from whence water is brought I up to•llity Mansion House and Barn to the dis tance of 1200 feet; through one-inch copper pipe ; their; pipes can never become choked up since the !whole preemie is carried - on by a sim ple force•pernp, propelled by water-power, and by a small driditional outlay might be carried up intotbe garret ,or to any other part of the house, thus making it valnable.ftir bathing pur poses. These workevere constructed at con siderable expense, have been in successful ope ration for the last five years, and there is power I to raise any amount of water required. This property would be very suitable for st,gehtle num wishing n delightful country residence, vs one of the houses would answer very well for a cropper to occupy, haying a never-failing well at the door; these-buildings are mutually insufed to the nmennt of $4OOO. Further de sciription unnecessary, sa all persona wishing to purchase ore invited to cell and judge for. thedisolves. It may, however be added that for beauty and heal thiness of 'situation, this place is unsurpassed by Wine, or few in' - the imunty or state. No. 2. A short distance from tit/id/owe, con seining 47 ACRES of WOODLAND,. _This will be sold separate or together as may best suit put chasers. , ' No. 3.—Situate-rwo miles south of Carlisle `containing 130 ACRES, twenty acres of which is good timber. and the balance good farming land. The improvements are a , . good STONE HOUSE, double' story, ti new. Rank- Ham-Sprit)! House, &e. One of the 'beet springs'of pure limestone water near the door. This is an ortbellent grazing farm, being•quite handy to 0 good market. A bettersituation to carry on the dairy. business could not be found in the neiglibburbood of Car . lisle. , These propeitleti will' be iillbfed for sale on the irripsy reasonable termsitind ; ibb'',gri3ater part iifitie Purchase money nifty remiin on the land To`r,a term of .yertreif desired.' 'For further intoffiqtion please callon the undersigned iftting• On the first named' tract je27'49ts JACOB HERSTIB Prnat. cr t ' 14COONt,,_fOn Relative trivin An'4ndnterrt of the Constitatteok . . . ' ' ....--• 'N; , . , .• . - I ' • . t , lbyrtlied,"by.the Senefenrid House rifliVi.S. 'tientntives of the Copitriontetalth'of Pei;heylvat do' in - Genera; ifeeerithlY Mit,' Thatch©_. Constitu• tion of the ComMonirealth be amended in the I second 'sectiorr.of ,the fifth article, so that 'lt' 1 - shall - read as-follows: Tho Judges , of. the Su. mime churl, of the Several Court's Of Common ' Pleas, slid of- such other Courts of 'Records as i -arenr shall be established by law; shall beele et, ed , by the qualified electors of the Common., ivoilth "In the ;Mariner following, - to wit: This i Judges of, the Supreme Court, by - We qualified i electors at large. The President Judges of the ; several _Courts of Common Pleas and of eget: I other Courts ofR, ecind,as . are or shall be I 94E:b. fished by law, andiill-other Judges required- to helearried in the - kiw i :by - Abe - ,qiiiitified - electors id:the respective districts over which they,.are' to - preside or act ris Judges.' And the Ant ad.' ete,Judgenef the Courts of Common Pleati . _lo the Anglified elecitOrs of the counties _reap ea tiVely." The 'Judges of ' the &pronto Co art, shall' hold their ,offices' for the ti3rpieri fife um' years, if they shill Bo long behave thinned tree well : (subject to the allotment hereinafter p. ro. Vided -for subsequent . to. the 'first election :) Thd President Judges of the several Courts. of Com Mon Pleat:, and of such ether Courts: -of Record as aro or shall bo established by las:, sad. all-other Judges re:lnked to ho learned an the law, shall hold their offices for the terns 'of ten yeard, if they shall so Idlig behave them-l ettuce well t The Associate Judges of lit o Courts of Cohimon Pleas shall hold - theiruffice's for the term of five yeas if they shall so-lon-g -behave themselves well: all of' whom' slialL b 'e i Commissioned by the GoVernor, but for MO? 1 reasonable - Canso-which-shall- not - be-suffieic grounds of-impaselintent, the Governor She'll remote any,nf !them on the address of twi r thirds of iniCh.branch of the Legislature.. Th o first -election-Shall take place at the genera I election of this Commonwealth next after thi 1 adoption of Ude amendment,. and the commis. Alone ofell the judges who may be then in office shill expire on the first Monday of December following, when the terms of the judges shalt commence. Thpersons who- shall then ho. elected Judges of he Sdpreme Court shall hold-- \ l / 4 their o ffi ce s as ful ws- one of them Ar three ' yenta, one for six years, ono for nine years, on, for twelve years, and one for fifteen years; tile term of each to be decided by lot by the said -judges, as soon after the election as convenient and the result certified by: them to the Gov6r , nor,that the commissions • may be issued in accordance thereto. ' The...judge whose com mission will fired expire shall be li ief Justice during his term, and ,thereafter each judge whose commission shall first expire shall in turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or mere commissions - shall expire - on-the same day, the 'edges holding them shall decide by lot which shall be the Chief Justice. Any vacancies happening by death, resignation, or otherwise, in any of the said courts, shall be filled by atm pointment by the Governor, to continue till the first Monday of December succeeding the next general election. The Jgdges of the SupreMe Co'urt and the Presidents of the several Courts `I - Common Pleas shall, at stated times, receive frir , their .serktices an adeqinite_ dompaosotion, to be fixed by latti, which shall nalic-diminish ed during -their continuance in office, but they ' shall receive no fees ' or-perquisites of office, nor hold any other office of profit tinder this' CemniOnwealtb,nr under the government of the United States, or any other State of this Union. The Judges of the Supreme Court. during their continuance in office shall reside within this Commonwealth, and the other Judges during their continuance in office shall reside within the district or county for which they were respectively elected. ' ' . .1. ' WILLIAM 'F. --- PACRER,'^-- . Speaker of the House of ROpreientativoir. GEO. ' DARSIE, Speaker of the Senate'. . ' IN THE SENATE. March 1, 1849. . Resolved, That this resolutlonpairs.-L-Year 21. Nays 8. Extract from the Journal. SAML. W. PEARSON, Clerk. IN TILE Homo or-Rm., April 2,1849. , Resolved, That this resolution pass.—Yeas 8, Nays 26. Extract from the Journal. WM. JACK, Clerk. , SECRETARY'S OFFICE, Filed April,s„, 1849. A..L, RUSSELL, Dop koc. of The Com'Llt. BACEucTAkVe PENNSYLVANTA. I do certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of the Origitnil Resolution of the General Assembly, entillbd"Resolution re. Wive to'an Amendment of the Constitution,'" ea the !auto romaine on filern. thie office. • - .In testimony 'whereof, I hart 1 . 2 • • .oereento set my hand, and cause( aL, - 10 he,Saied the 004 or the Sec. rotary'sotfice at Ilarrlsburg,this " .r j , '„ eleventh day of Juno, A: D. ono , , - tjapteand ,eight 44 . 00 D ri< to yi.rtino; I • iji,;i I OWNSEND .HAINVS, e!eletary of the Commonwealth:: :• 1 4 JoORNAL OF StelATZ.' • ".', ienesolutioni No. 188, entillo'd Resobitioln relitlpecto an smendaienrcit the - Constitution,' warO'ond. a third tuna.' On'the imosticin;wi the Senate' agree to tbei' reedliglenl" Tiff+ :140 and Nay,s :were taken agreeably to "the Constitotion, and „ieretas -; Fssalltessrs.• Boas, ,Brawlely;\Crabb,, Cunningham, Forsyth, Hogue, Johnspn....Uw. room • Leila, 'Mason, Mantling; Uldh;Richards,Stuller,SaVeryiStrialroBmysiet. Elteireitland Stiner::-21).; 1 V" ‘ • geltiyablessinT.lleit;:trunti,‘l'dotc,Nives;' ;Ilingv.Konigrnachbr, Yottolgat apeDixtyaOr ' • .;;-„ „. .1 , , ' 1 , •/• " " PRNALI 0 ?- , !THICHPUIX 44 : 1 1FP 8 ', * ? r: i; ',., 1 ✓ I.i t .; ‘' Shill the resol u t i on , paesl, , The - yede and' , Iltiii"Jrire•talien- iiireeably to thsipreilitiOf of. :.the -tenth. article 9f 'the Constitution, add it - iii 'l° r° ll ?ri - tqii ;lilt • I —, ; i c :.r.. , • - Ball '' i'., l ',Ys.9l,49tititsrat .bide.oti. j` Sall, David 1 ffenf.:Prahrpladvi fi Pei‘itib ~ # llourp, Drteld M Dele;;,'Phoniaa IC St i l l t lo o i. rffttr l T 4 'illir fir Plehlo,,Ptiitheillel*,.Eliiitt,: ! ,Jostip '..Eiinery, , Dash! ~ G ,P.Shlentaa LWilllaW,-Eranii,,l o h n reelield.tidatauel:,Po:fley,, Joseph -,.W.Plahriri 1499,41`M, .Ptillert-'. hornet, Mioveit Robert tlarripsofii Sherpa - 1P Henasoy, Thiimaiil3-Meit:' ring, JosephiMigg Ins;Chailea littistOdeeph.B. Hower,' litetiert'. , 'Alba,” ' , Hdrriada! P' Laird, Abraham 'Laretriritoni - Jairiels' J 'Units; laincs W . :( ii 3 S; bCoti,,M l ciertlieYo4kiii . rill'Calliiehi , Hilftript'iA'ah M'Litusfigeklait± -Mart 'tfa v , egititd • Miliks%jolit,',„ ' Yerri i.*iltwd , Nj esarto Stewart Peiiicii;l,Jatfiel.,-PeXtert Me9l7 C Pratt. Meese itoith;iPostO,Repley f ; Theodore:' Rimarti £.oarriard, rd. Solleatioverr, SarnutifSelberto l6 hdailieiNahitidart Shivelye Thomas C Steel, Jerentleh7Bilitfilbbs; , Jart 4 , Illtgfman t ' Marshall Svrattztrelder,....iSitholtl Taggart, Mepilii7.4oiiirn JihOail-Th°Tn* Arunah Math*, saiiltier*tilAill(::"Alritirjoi - j :irllooti'!4antel , &rho s ,' ' alidi` Wity , P' Picket , IT' :1F,1 74 ! 8 ',: 1,., , ,1) 14 •,1 I• , V,r, ~ ..,,,•: ',', ILdittTit4Mesittlifitigtot ' Aitie I( : w ; litilhiltil M Ceurinalrt IDerld:lPteitas,:liatirVi*:lEVartai, r , 1 fahatVeitioil, John W 11eintr t as - Mlllit . 019, 7 itli f , g - q ii ffo!gi v ..l ol 44' . f_64iliiiir 1 ' - .lsAtk; Joel mi:libtyvi,ft tV014.1 ... OW Si lit',Ca Ont,', . okri ',St lii ,114 m, . l' '''.. . 4 ' ", 4 ,''''.. . I ' 4 l =,,. -' . • ' ''' ' ' '•161141.4, Eza lipBgi76,- zarainevioilitartlai`ii(iirc:' John , 4 , otioi-kYlf,llliiiirrArpßobarts;:ro ' ~1v..._ k R6.6l),trii',7ohir,iliktitOeheirfaid;':l;;-yll'il die, ~- Smith 'f:4 . ohr. , Efrnyth', J.ehtt ,SoodOfi - 04orge. ;'.Waite Irand:David le,Willisripi. 7 .26. 'l. , ' ,'/' .. . I L.:-. ' o 8 ,tin:qOaattrnivriii determined :in i thoo.ti. 1 fumative.,!:: - -t -. 2ti . ilyr ; :;; .. : 1 . ' ''. ' ' ' ,4',-, 3 '. :r . ;(e.V.: . P.' '... • t . Sao On' ."t. '' . .e . : , ? ' ;?.„. 1 , ,- - • LiftrilaburO, ` arm 4.1,.: , `a149:- .4 , ....:Ptt,lNairpyrAllA, so: I-, , tt i f ;„, 10.;. , ; 1. ~, 't d - I- J-do cOrtifyr that' lite: abova and ; Ifi , '"; , `•• ' 0 ...-foregoing ;-isr.s,' trap:4ol'6.9lloot 1 , ,:,.. (._ ' copy of:thein 4 ; -Yoos' arid iiilsraysr i, o .',' ~,,, ' tatrep.on,tho . ,",Ropolotlim 'relative, .: „ I '4 , . va .to an atitondment oflha.Ccinafirii.' \ , t i oN o, Ao ti l e-aarna appeara op:the : arnirnitlit f o,, !, the two, lioness of the - Gonoritt,..4,Srimblyi, or . this commonwoolth, tor Alia sesiiiO4 1849 . of -, '' •' Miaow; my baud anti the obatilf,tiFtid'Offiao. "',the filtieniii day, ofaiinis,,Orni, thorisind : eight • ' Lundeen and forti!nipli. ':: • : ..' '`, • - . , ' T.OW,SSEItIY HAINES, • ' • ' Secretary ofthtiVrininiSnavealth: ' Notices* PROD/AMMON. :WHEREAS the Honorable FREDERICK. WATTS, President Judge of the several - Courts of Common .Pleas of tho Counties of Ctimiiiriand, Perry and.Juniata, in P'ennsylVa nia, and Justice of the several Courts,ot Oyer and Terminer and General Anil Delivery in said counties. and Thin. John Stuart and John ,elendenin, Judges of the Court of Oyer.and Terminer and 'General Jail Delivery 'for the trial ,of all capital and other offenders, in the said bounty of Cumtkrland,hytheir precepts to me directed , dated the 9th day of Jan., 1849, have ordered the Court : of Oyer.and Terininer ind General Jail Delivery. id lie holden at Car :11810e' the 4th Monday Of August,next,• (being the 2.7 firs day) at 10 o'clock in the fore noon, Co' continue one week. NOTICD- is titer:eft:Fe hereby given, to the .Coronas; Justices of the Peace and Constable, ofthe said county of Cumberland, that they are by the said precept cosureadded to be then and there lis.their proper persons. with their rolls, reconie, inquis i tions, ea xmlniitirins, and.-al . rather remembraneen, to' dothose things which rte their officel appertain to, be done, an d althea "that are bound-by-recognisancesao prosecute TSAI aro or theu shall be iin the Jail of.said • county. are to. bo there to &prosecute the m as shalt be just; A-MRS—ILO 1 7 IPER,_E t heriff. july 11. , an the Court of Common Pleas of Cum berlandCouoty, No. 111 August Tertn,,li34%. Adam Bishop in his Own right, and diem ee of Conrod Bishop and John Ditto and Catha , zits° his wife, lato Catharine Bishop, Ja cob Bishop, Adam Bishop, Span er-a--ird-Susan his wife, late Susan Bishopond Catb arine Bithop„ lietly Bishop, Margaret Bish.•op'and Alfred Bishopoilth notice to their moth er, and , next fiend Hotly Bishop, and Hell y. 'Bishop in her oWn wrong, (the eight parti ea last named being the widow and chil dren of John Bishop deed.) Joseph Bishop, Chri- gopher Bishop, Fred'k. Ctoruligh and Elizi tint!' his • wife, late Elizabeth Bishop, Mar; tarot Bower (widow,) . Abraham Bollinger and .! ifagdalena his wife, late Magdalana-Bis - op, C iatharine Ann Sidle "with notice to her fatho r and next friend' PotenSidle, and • Peter-. Sidle in his bein wrong, Lewis Bollinger, Sam- . uel I Jollinger aad David Bollinger with notice to tb sir roar:tr.-and next fiend John Bollinger, and John Bollinger in hill own wrong, and Dan ial Freesinger and Susan his wife, late Susi in T Ito Defendants are hereby summoned to apP ear at a Court of Common Pleas of Com bed and county oh Monday the 27th day of Am lust, 1849, to . show cause why partition "shot ild not be made of a lot of ground, situor ted in Monroe township, Cumberland County, 'cant ;aining-19 acres more or less. .__JA4.P.S . IIOFFER, Shoritt NOTICE. A' F a suited Orphans Court began on. Tues.; day the 24th. day of April 1849 and. holden at Carl isle in and for the county of Cumberland, hole re the Hon: Fred'k. Watts, President Jud go, and John Stuart and John Clehdenin, Esq uires, .Associate Judges &c, the followng , woe codings were had, to wit: I it' - the taw elf the petition of-Conrad -Cloven,. The ho and his brother George Clever wore the administrators• with the will annexed of Bar nhart Clover their -father—and that they sett htd their administration account—that the ball race of account was paid over to .the heirs and 'legatees enlitled, under the will, and their role fkaso takan for the same, except the amount win ch was to -bb paid to hie brother, , Barney, wh styli's brother George's E. tat since died, and his estate admin hat trod upon and settled. Whereupoh 24th Al 'tit 1849, on motion of Mr. Miller, Rule on tht t heirs and legatees of Batinhart Clover, do. - ce ased, to be and appear at the next stated 0 rphans CoUrt•to bo hold at Carlisle on Tues. .dt ty the 11th day of September next, to 'show c• lute thy Conrod Clover, administrator of. P :nu - Man Clever deceased, shall not be dischar 'g ed from his office as adatiniturator,•• JAMES HOFFER, Sheriff. July I 1-6 t List of Letters, Remaining in the Post Officeut Isl EW V ILLF. I 'a., on July 2, 1849 ilexander James Purdy James : Bernet Jacob Roush Jacob (2) Brenner George Ruberts.flenry B , Curry Catharine Ruby Samuel Cain James Saiideis L • Clengan George 'l, Smith H' Duke „Jane M , Scott Ann .Douglus Gridet+Naney•miss W • • Ilenii."Lydia Jane MistiSliehler Jacob .llonley fosepit'arlati:.'ShePlel ,Benjamin' • Hoover Elisabeth A Misty", Ha'nriu'JameN • . Turner Nancy , rvinlames Thompson Henry, I ,Mtirkley Joseph Waddle James lllbuch Robert C (2) Williamson John D I HeCain James Wait John M ". Ylounts , Adam or Simon •': L . ' • • • JAMES.W DIsIDR, P.M.. Estate of John 11 Ebright, dee'd• e.TTERS or Administration on-the-Estate Lo of John B. Ebright, Into of Spr i er Spring township, Cainiberland county, deceased, lisve been - granted to, the subscriber residing -in Ilinnipden township. :,All 'persona- indebted to Esiktetwe requested- to make iMintidiate payment, 1111C:008AI hilVillg , olaims to present t hbm ler settlementto , 2 . ::•••• • i,JER.EMIAH •June •r‘ r, .i Administrator. EStatO Of -John' Underwocid dOe'd LET I'FiRS et ' Administration curdle slEstete • oflJohn Underwood, late of .C,arroll tow.u. Ship, ,Y,ork• county, !loe'd,,•haye been grunted, to be ~ aubecriber,, residing' in , Monroe AownelliP. timberland ,county..- persons,-knowing honnielyes indebted toteaid estate arehrequired • kOmake•inimediste,:peyinent, and :thoetrhaying 'plaints to preennt,them foreettlement,to. jo2o4ipa• ; ••, B••N DIVSN. lE6t,attpcof,GeprO n is irationi , de,i,Ute'noit;:: J41,0n gut Estate, Cof.',.Gibutte RuPr.Ey, late or t,o l 4.,Poroo4orOvw,oehipi,Cutribet i ood county. • '4l Ocoee 'id - % have ;PAP pintail to. !Au , attbaatiber t . htt a aame •toteneldp.,,,All, persons 1/ re sid i ng,g 1 1 t at.(' a lir it de c7d7to fiat gelato 'ere, *tamed te'reake lminediato payment and thotle tetni..laipta to,preaent tliitm•fo'vaettlentont to ilY,l l 4o B Pgat4dtte r .rn.. , Juba 136-,ot-pd ' • k'o• i;,z4tiiiiikic PAO . f.d1 41 .. ir .4 ' ' ' • i ETTERS of :Administration,. wiliiiiioiAlt ! C ' atinextl,an the Estate of tasoriai , .Eoaatm:i 1 late qf Frankford"township,k Oumberlandiba. ~ l' did' d. have %Amon ;granted no Vie isubsartbati 6 res iding' im., , thO , Mune' , township.: , lAlf - parkins: '.. jt n ciwinhthemiislikle indebted to said potato are required to make jtamediete payment,' and thee& - - paying claims to 'present theut,te: ,. ..- - , '4 , 1, , ~,,,;.,,,,, .., "..I.' : , /I , ','L:',)i.: ='•u , t . ' 4011 N ideD.O.WELL,' .':- .-',,1nna'20, 4 6r4d:. 7,,-.,.0 ,‘ tr , ;. 1 ?Adillpiikilittlic %' s i i • Z.:"; ,I 010keillith% Look:Mipii i ,..,, f,„, 3. ' . 04 0.14 . 13 pir:.assortiok,kitido' , oFißOLLED, t ',"! : ', f Itpli:jtew meld, that : we: will sell-, at to.: 1 oymi - gattittban twat:hair beetireoldaVeithLs.fo_t so 40i,,jiipp-Auk,,bol,,.t'AlaohWatiLlie.l,,,,;,m',l 8,41)k:,41VA37.01,10,114' 4 " elito . J iitidt,...i , •'''' ' ''' V : f i . ' ' JAG'P,P- , 3 ''.o . ,t-iiot./.i',. f1., -,, ,;; 1, , - , 4•,' ; '' . . , ,7.1 . '' 41:i':.°'.!'' ' 1- '..,' '' ' :;.."'; : 7 ', ' ' ' . ,:: , ', l -.',.. ;,•,' , ' , f'1?1,''',;':"."... 1 ''' '''' ' ..al , AS. ' k; :0,:4;' ,, :;- ,,,,, • • It' , . •--,- Au tit en ototio -- ''.-' . : Iciar..-1-33-zenz — it - it. j'l 4ateliift,, ‘ . THE unfiereigned 'Nerild retiredly Werrel' ,.- -c.r ihueitiiertsr et Carliala , :tihrl , A Il!hrt01/4406%. ji,(l pouptry that their - • -,-......•.,:.;;; - ;,'. ~ , ' .;:` ....,, X OREPS , CARS-TO lii FROM,l;tagiglAnk.., .-ii, .' • ' - ~ ' , • l ii iPage 'daily:4llol*h Carlisle, • , ''''' l ' - • -. arid • all_ibOxiiKkbitlee' tthdtlosl , .. , ' .1.'.7. -- . tilieliaticti left at lll,hosAor," ii ,,,,, bridge'si t Np,,27B 'Market ,stical l .,l 7 ,6 ll t - ifiritothi r , intended jOr:Carliste hid adjacent'cottritry; 4 injc.. , / , bkrdeliVered Int Mears. -.T , '& E. RhaerraXoFe , . ~. House} Goode for express , to. Plultidelralla , .'W.l -up left , at' Ithead'S Warehoueei, *ill , Meet .Wit&T-p-ici meet With prompt attention. .Geodsfor express sheuld he so marked. - ' " --' ' ''' t. ' - • , 'Cluilßorbriddr; 2713 Market eCd. le Agents, J .., & D. , Rhot zio nr ilo e „ ~ , ....,,. r ' ; Petors.-T- 'envy freights when over 100 lliii; ' f.r. `..''' 50 eta per hundred. , Paeltages, 25 'and 30`ceiliteSCIT in.propertion to size :': ' ' ' ''''• ' ' ' '' ' ' Y-''''4. ,, lf Art tine is a. new itnierptiite, expressly.for . 4lo f 4.5 convenience and eccommodetion orfini'olXeirer, I t Of Cumberland county, it' iii Hoped it will Meet ,•'KU with the encouragement it.fdaiervoir. :-!.. , .. . ! ,•,-,) STUMBAUGH & MeKLSSON. , ,•,-f, jy4tf , Proprietors,' C,hamberstiurk - . :i 1 . . . -N. 0. Ip&WEINO .. , , ~, , g ' Agent fur the sale of Sontliworth Maniifaelurir;g" - .`,',:i Co's- Writing ..eapers. Warehouse, No.. 3 - i Minor St., .Philitdelfhia. . . , • - ~ . . .: 100 CASES of the above' superior Pa- • - para now in store, and for aataitoha '''- trade at the lowest market' pikes, consisting in part of- Fine thick Plat Ceps, 12, 14,15 _ and - e it, .. blue and whites' Superfine Medium and.Daini Writtngs, blue , and white. Extra super and superfine.. Petro - Teats; bhte. ', -i and white, plain and ruled. :•••. , ,r• , r . , i Superfine Commercial Posts, y . ue•arido n iliito l , . . ~ , , Plein and ruled.. Extra super Linen Note Popers; plain , and-- l gilt. - • .. • Superfine and fine Bill Papera, long and iftpatV. -, „Soperfine and fine Counting House Caps and' Posts, blue and white; ' ' ,1, ': •-• 1 • Extra super Congress Capri arid Letters, plai n;' aid ruled, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt.' ' y suptirfine7fiermon Caps and Posts.. - . , . ; ...Superfine bhze.„Linen thin Letters. - ' • !; .Extra super Batlirests, blue and while, plain and ruled. . • ''- mbroidered Note Papers and'Envelopes. -- swyeeen_BriaLP_afitAs_t. . •• - ''' -'. i S erfine and fine Capsmnd ITlele, - ruled find -- .....,,S l / 4, p,ll . , blue and white, various, qualities and ' ... . prices. - . • Also, 1000 reams- white and assorted Shoe Papers, I3onnet - Bsnrds, - white -- mid - asspried -- - Tissue, Tea, Wrapping. EnVelope, assorted & blue Mediums, ,Cap Wrappers, Hardware Pa- , .Pere, &c. . _ • .• • ' . fjy4 NEW SPRING. GOODS, ' . •„. , JEST received and now opening, an ,zleksht • assortment of STAPLE AND DRESS . • 'GOODS; such as•plain and figured Bareges, - i - Linen lustros of different-colours and. styles, 'Lawns of every style and price, a large assort ment of Ginghams, cheaper than ever, cam- brie, bond muslin. a large assortment of Lace Goods, Ladies and Gentlemen Kid Gloves, Lisle and thread gloves. A Larne assortment of sPring'bonnet Ribbons, also, nosiery, Tuck. ~i 'and side combs, steel Bendejlag and Pen° .. _, clasps, slides, rings and Silk tWitta of every co lour. A large assortment of Attro3ts' Mai Merit Spring and Summer Wear, also, beautiful prints,• fast colours, English chintzes, hand- ~ some patterns, together with a large assortment of bleached and brown stinging and other goods. • ure cm — W3 wind well to call and see before • they purchase el Where. Thpr 4 ' • 4 G R CROOKS. • Ai'. .111 0 J‘l l ' I° 13 R ) S Confectionery, Fruit .and *Toy . Store, PORTE ILINoVER STREET,' CARLISLE, PA. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and the pub- • . lic in general are respectfully invited to ,call at the Old. Stand of the subscriber, (well known as "Krim Kingles Head-Quarters) fir Noith Hanover street, a few doors north of the Bank, and examine Ms large assortment of CHOICE' CONFECTIONARIES, menu- . 'lectured of the 'best-material, fresh every day, and warranted not to be surpassed by any in the States, which will be sold at, ,reasonable prioth. Ho has just received a large assortment • of Fruits and Nuts, Consisting in -Parte( Olt- - ; ANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS, Pigs; Pre , - ens, Bordeaux and Paper-shelled Almonds, Filberts, cream-nsts, pea.,nuts, cocoh-nuts, &C. which' will he Aoki at t he lowest rates. He Wculd also invite attention to a large lot of-- TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, consisting partly of fine fancy boxes, dolls, doll , headdc' Furniture in boxes, wooden tea sets, brass and tin trumpets, bone, basket and bell rattles, we -gone and wheelbarrowe,glasa_and_China.toys,,, accordeons, harmonicans, fancy soap t, Hair oil,zhair oil, hair- and tooth blushes, shaving cream and hundreds of other knicknacks. In ponnection with the above be ,has on hand a good assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting in part of loaf, lump and bruwn•su ars,coHoe, thot Mate, cheese. and crack ere.— Troperiak7Y.oung,Hyson and Black Tea., Spices of. all, kinds, blacking; matches bruShos, &p. The subscriber returris his Binder . ° thanks id r the public for, the liberal patronage heretofore.. bestowed on bint, and hopes by a desire 'to' Please, to merit a•continuance of the same. • jut2'49 P. MONYER • pritwilif Stemmer Styles, -.UST received a full and complete stock of • O.IV-SPring and Summer Goods,• suitable for Gentlemen'a..vvisor.Super $I k% French, andn Fancy Colored,Glotlia,of, all deseriptions.-411'k. and Fancy GassiMatels all'aliaileti:'endritl ) tures, also Caalimeratts, Tweeds_ aiid Crin ,p milsi tons of allcolciura 'and .qualitieh, reatingsi Sillies Satins, cashmeres. white and Fancy Marseiltes„ With a large assortment of- Glove's, eniVats; Stocks `Liner. and Silk gandk'fa, all open. mile ready lot, inspection at my old stand opposite Rail Road Office.. T. l. sumps.-' May 2, New /bring. and Po. ,opdp, j CARNIONY has 3ust.r OL eceiv, • a largoand'extensivemsortment of Spring., and Summer Goods td hd'inivites the' at- , tendon- of this friends anethe- public generally:! And no , he IS determined to goods ne loan as any other establishment in Carlisle or in, the county. HO, flatters 'himself thatby strict; attention -to business ' .ho 'wilt receive a liberal , . share . of . publio patronage., : 1ap254 IMPOR MT NOTICE THE public ire hereby notified slot an im mense stock el the 'handsomest, tirdL,chtutirat , dry goods ,over brought to :Carlisle ,have 16,a4, beon received at OGlpitrs,c4ap..whovkaio, apa.,Tte tap; Store: , : feck ie;4eiry large and,. catlfgAidaitt ttliyvatylevreir" notch:- hive stimttthe; Cheapain CasehneresiXestinge,•••'Sitt. e ever. -seen4-414ntw. line and caltedee , front 2c -upwards,' Lowns p l?e: Laines„.Gingheatl,' elegant ands very chettpon Eitoeltings front:64; tO 50c. Bennet ,ribbens, f:11;a, • 46 to' 25.. Pantaleon 'stitfra ';frettOilti 25 f taper+, plias' from 121t•to 506; '• • Genii bite,:c'ems and' got/06014 eooda 'at the old• totatit4 oast': Main IstieerP•Capit lisla f_y T Im30);,:trflo:: - .t.:0-.,OGILBY...v.iti--- P 8., Countr,T, toreq , gdpnlietl AttPity Pr1549k,11 litivejuahtion,•,tuneiv,e4 it 0., mere of 'ilia Subporibets,:being old large'atrisarthis spring. *Among Urge ply may be found' a variety of LA.DIPS D R:irs GOODS ,red*h as lawns; Gitighenis ILainas, Alpachas, •Linstesi &lie* '.'sf•ai;4• ll - ;: hespaiCheeko f Muslin very, cheap', Flannalu;;C'ambrier. Book; Swissi and J;• ptaid•and striped' 1:31R T o tdy IVIEN.'AND BOYS' WEAR, Tweeds Tirkrette; a rGluves •Ribbons Table,;C6Versi Clcl s, r iGrocer i etiAmtihardsare :pnd stm, °i eompleto• Ssaorment „N•.riilK*4,"*3 A'r;GO ops; which; cannot ; full 410, OA' and saints batgalne, St t hi e ,4„„,, • south of the • reet' l ofllos• •••• - ; • -,•,• ,77 ~•„••• ilthyr 30 • rd,r ; r. . ;411.,,VIrcird, to itortil4r , men. .::;J<<; 3 i . st -, BARpolvt 3 . 4 B ll3lo * (3 ,p4Tii:iniiis. , if,g , pldixti beot.. - proparetwq,L, -tiled for the cfureO •fitirOdo; 'sus, Cute, 1 13R1JoAr. Urk. ' ' ft Ripgbonovtilpoirhf •lattliedOofrof,Pote 110 pa t , ,dpcq /tfuzlintioulige *Mob $, — l , " 8 4944 1 0 he SPOiondir ayetr 1 40 6 ;71 1 ,4 (gribie Without tt b a t o t . t ' l it rtf r iio474 4 o l lo 4 ; 11 14Nk il ki g5 4-P 4 optisigr i tif a I V 1 4 4 for ; *lid 4Vbialtlie 41 . 11itrAl No.- los if4 o h, 7 • 3000nc.4 ai root ;'Philig4 ;04,;01, Deir,u. A l lls (ll ,il4 1 18 1 64w P# . "p , . 48 • endEii(`)444ll(4 ; V , K'qo.i, 2- 7 1v ,ti :* il*/ , 4 ; , 1 ,. , ~,, .. ,. h. t , 4 ?tir i&ly,.l4l:htLlV .. ._4•001,..-Miet ' ', t 0 matlM44lftpittp.?, . 9.,o4=rwr ~,:, P 4..,, it -- os, #, O . ,t . tf, 'et - -:• 4 ',..... ~....t4ft tx "4 4 .4..i44:- i ~p.1 : ', ; 4; : di ' 41 r , i' • , ',." i 0 , '-' 1,011;4: iP , ' 44 ',"44!" t .• - 4;6 ? ''''["',' ~.:,,7i!,3,k.7"....-2;f- `,V214.1;544.`; -, •': , "_' - E. , •-; - , 7, .:.,'; ; ';',::,. ~Y -,,,, :- '," ' , .,-, V% ,•, :0 ~t ;- . 7?,'.!,,. s till. ' - --: ~. ,~ a iffi ~-,; - „,,,f '!: -. :..:- ~:t kttiMR...1.,,',#...‘%1:,..)..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers